good evening okay and Welcome to our National Honor Society senior reception my name is Danielle Bearden and I'm the adviser to the National Honor Society at lilon high school it is wonderful to have so many people here this evening to celebrate the achievements of our members each person has played a vital role in helping our students make it to the last term of yet another successful school year the constitution of the National Honor Society states the purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship to stimulate a desire to render service to promote leadership and to develop character in the students of secondary schools as members of the National Honor Society these students have not only met the rigorous standards for admin admission but have stayed committed to those standards throughout their membership as we will hear shortly this group of students dedicates a great deal of their time to helping others I have been honored to work with them and get to know the students better this year I am excited to celebrate the achievements of our national H Society members this evening I would like to invite Amy Morana up um our president to lead us in the pledge I pledge to uphold the high purposes of the National Honor Society to which I have been selected I to uphold the high purposes of the national H Society to I have been selected I will be true to the principles for which it stands I will be true to the principles for which it stands I will be loyal to my school I will be loyal to my school and I will M maintain and encourage high standards of scholarship leadership service and character and I will maintain and encourage High standards of scholarship leadership service and character thank you um tonight I have the pleasure of introducing someone very dear to all of us miss Susan Harvey she spent 20 years teaching at this school and six years as a co-advisor for NHS for the students who learned from her and the seniors who were advised by her she continues to be a role model with her kind-hearted nature and candid manner we are so F that she could come here tonight as our guest speaker as a final goodbye to our class so without further Ado please welcome up Miss Harvey hello cherubs thank you so much for honoring me with the opportunity to speak with you this evening my dear seniors in the next few weeks you are going to to hear a great deal about what you have to look forward to in college in the military in the workforce wherever you land after graduation so tonight I thought I might touch a little bit on history kelse please um and the choices that we make and how those choices shape our future so as you all know people make choices and say make history okay recently I was reminded of something that a former LHS student and NHS member Jess Carter I don't know that any of you remember her do you remember Jess okay well I know Dr Harrington does she said we often fail to realize the way we treat the past affects the trajectory of our future so recently I came across a list of things to do in order to live to 100 some of you may do that but I happen to know it is not what you have on your mind right now right however keeping in mind Jessica's words I thought there were a few things on this list we might cover tonight one believe in your own potential two do what you love I returned to college in my late 40s with the idea that I wanted to become a teacher from the time I was 50 until last June when I turned 70 I did just that some people thought I was a little crazy to jump from a career in medical administration to teaching and honestly they may have been right as I had no idea what I was getting into or how hard the job would be I also didn't know how rewarding it would be but I believed I could make a different in the lives of some young people and I have loved teaching more than any job I have ever had and I have been working since 16 that's a while I am very glad I made that choice even though I didn't know how it was going to turn out number three be stay true to your principles and four be kind I know you've all heard that here some time ago I also made the choice to help others in need to the best of my ability knowing that just because I have some material wealth and the gift of a good education I am no better than any other human being I am truly grateful for all I have all of you in this room tonight have made a difference in the lives of people through your community service and just being who you are you made the choice to help others regardless of whether or not you knew those individuals and continuing to help others will enrich your lives and Those whom you help I know that I will do this and I know you will to five never stop reading six keep asking questions anyone who was ever in my classroom knows that I love books and reading it took some doing to get rid of the over 500 books in that room books are portal to other worlds interesting people and new ideas I was blessed with parents and a family who cherished books encouraged reading and lifelong learning your 10th grade research papers were okay we're an entry into the world of reading and asking questions and questions often be get more questions those questions may lead you on a path that will change your life my questions and subsequent investigation of slavery in New England in the town where my ancestors settled in 1635 led me to new places and new people and a richer life than I ever imagined just today I was in Newburyport and I had the most amazing and unusual experience of taking part in laying gravestones on the graves of formerly enslaved people in that town it was a moving experience and it's something I never would have been a part of if I hadn't kept reading and asking questions choose to read everyone should have a library card do I have a show of hands here you in the back come on and don't please please don't take for truth everything you see in print ask questions and remember to find multiple sources to get those facts seven cherish your friendships friendships you have made throughout your life at school may very well last your entire lives and I hope for your sake they do those people know you better than anyone else and love you quirks and all they are a part of your history I have a dear friend whom I have known since I was three she still calls me by my family childhood nickname no one else does they're all gone I also have friends from high school and college with whom I am still very close and they make a large they make up a large part of my history I made the choice to stay connected to those dear people despite moving several times countries everything changing careers having children gaining a whole new extended family while I grew up with written letters and landl lines you have emails and texts there's no excuse please don't lose this important part of your history number eight learn from your elders I wish that I had made the choice to spend more time with my grandparents particularly my maternal grandmother who lived to 101 her name was Hazel blanch Goodrich tuck okay it's quite a moniker she was the ninth of 10 children born to a a homemaker and a fine woodworking Carpenter in the middle of Michigan and when she was born her brother said to her all the flowers in the world and they had to name you after a nut okay she was born in 1893 and she was a 1915 graduate of the University of Michigan she was there the first time the fight song was played anybody of M fan here am I the only one really jeez okay she was an English teacher before she met me and married my grandfather who became the principal of the largest Technical High School in Ohio the stories I am now uncovering through archives and letters about her her life her family of origin make me want to bring her back and sit and talk and talk and talk what she did teach me when she was alive and what I have ever strived to attain was to always see the best in everyone she really worked at this we tend to notice differences on first meetings to set ourselves apart what if we looked for new unique and amazing things instead how much richer our lives would be make the choice to listen to your elders to their histories their wisdom because the choices they made and the choices made by their parents and generations before them allowed you to be here tonight this is your history and finally nine keep moving 10 stay determined and 11 think positively I may or may not make it to 100 but recently I G have given some thought to the choices I have made throughout my 71 years regret is a crazy thing okay it results in a great deal of negative energy that instead could be used in positive ways we can't change the choices we have already made we might apologize we might try to make amends but what has happened has happened when I was in hang on when I was in my 20s I wished I had made a few different choices such as staying in college when I first went at 18 I didn't despite not knowing what I wanted to do with my life but if I had done that there is a very good chance I would not be here tonight any one of the choices I have already made have landed me here where I wanted to be you have already made an impact on the history of this school the town and The Wider World throughout your leadership and all of your good works you made the choice to do these things from here on you will have some big choices to make choose carefully listen to your gut and if your choice turns out not to lead to a place you desire don't regret that choice you have learned something pick yourself up and keep moving forward set your goals and your moral compass and keep moving stay determined had I not done those things I would not have been a teacher at LHS for 20 years and I would not have the privilege to know all of you and to love all of you treat your history carefully as Jess says your future depends on it and please stay in touch I want to know about the choices you make your education your careers your life Partners your good works everything thank you [Applause] thank you so much Miss Harvey for coming back and doing this with us we all appreciate it um we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our four officers and tremendous work they have done this year please stand and be recognized for your hard worked dedication and enthusiasm president Amy Morana vice president Maggie Berlinger secretary Emma Platz and our Treasurer Lisa Hood who couldn't be with us tonight because she has exciting things on the horizons um but thank you so much for everything um and here is a brief recap that they want to share of everything we accomplished this [Applause] year good evening everyone I'm Emma Platz the secretary of the Littleton High School chapter of the National Honor Society my fellow officers and I would like to thank Miss Bearden and miss Harvey for their remarks tonight and we also want to congratulate all of our NHS members for a very successful year our chapter raised over $1,300 during the chapter wide scavenger hunt these profits went towards Rise Against hunger an organization aiming to end food insecurity worldwide our committees had a multitude of accomplishments as well the mural committee designed and painted a beautiful Memorial portrait of Millie McGovern in the ticket booth at alumni fields and they're also working on a tree mural in the library in the children's room which is soon to be completed Deb's bed committee raised over $2,500 to host a bed build where 40 beds were made for local Kids in Need over the course of the year they participated in five bed builds at the local nonprofit making hundreds of more beds craft committee made and donated over 50 hat scarves and gloves to the LEL Transitional center and over 20 blankets to the L Humane Society tutoring committee spent 50 hours tutoring kids in an array of subjects at the Littleton Public Schools and the library and babysitting committee aided the library with the fall and Spring Book Sales they also hosted a very successful children's book drive for the raising a Reader Program in Boston tiger Tech saved the school $155,000 by repairing over 50 damaged Chromebooks throughout the year and they also continued their program with the Council on Aging in which they provided digital training and support for the elderly our Healthcare committee sold shirts at the holiday bazaar and raised $524 for Griffin shoemakers fight for cancer additionally they held the LHS annual blood drive which attracted over 30 donors I'm now going to hand this over to Maggie to finish our list of achievements [Applause] hello I'm Maggie bringer and I'm the vice president of our chapter in addition to everything Emma spoke about the environmental committee had several held several cleanups after boys and girls sports games as well as two cleanups at the C at Castle in the trees dignity matters committee raised $300 at the holiday bazaar and used it to buy pads and tampons these products were given to a warehouse in Wayland for dignity matters to distribute to people in need of these products the charity committee did a whole lot this year through numerous bake sales Outreach and fundraisers with local businesses they raised $4,200 for Rise Against hunger with this money they sponsored a food packaging event with Rise Against hunger where they helped package 18,000 meals for families in need through Polar Plunge they raised $2,225 for the Massachusetts Special Olympics lastly they coordinated a schoolwide drive for Loaves and Fishes and collected donations from every meeting we had in total they collected and delivered 1,000 lb of food with such an array of accomplishments it's hard not to proud of this organization this year could not have been successful without your dedication and hard work thank you for all the long hours you spent planning and coordinating events working vake sales making our CL Our Town clean and beautiful helping our citizens and fundraising for nonprofit organizations your time and effort in NHS had a profound impact in and outside of our community and is not unrecognized but most of all I want to thank you for caring enough to do these great things you have been a great group to work with and I hope next year is even more successful than this year thank you again for your heart hard [Music] [Applause] work okay the officers of the executive board have been selected for next year please stand when you are called they are Ava Regan [Music] president Finn canning vice [Music] president Amelia Taylor Secret and Rael Rodriguez for treasurer thank you I look forward to working with these news officers next year and seeing what we are able to accomplish this year we are going to continue the tradition of having the junior members introduce the senior classmates this is done alphabetically for the most part uh seniors I ask that you come forward to stand with your Junior classmate when you are introduced I we will begin with we had to change things up a little bit so hold on at this time I would like to have Michael schuen please come up and then hopefully you know each other just a little bit tonight I have the pleasure of running a speech for my brother Ben who has had had and continues to have such a positive impact on my life Ben is the kindest person that I know consistently putting the needs and wellbe of others before his own demonstrating his undeniable selflessness Ben has always supported me whether that be celebrating my athletic and academic accomplishments giving me valuable advice or even helping me gang up on on the older sister growing up Ben and I bonded over our love for sports we've played in the same teams together for as long as I can remember he's never made a competition between the two of us I have loved having Ben as my teammate as he's been a social comfort for me especially in the baseball field with I pitch a perfect game I up 10 runs and I Ben all by my side after every inning as the older brother that has always had to deal with me whether he liked it or not so even after I chased him around the house with a bat after I blamed him for breaking the rarer window which is definitely My Fault by the way Ben always took the blame more times than he should have he's always been the bigger person no matter how much I pissed him off so thank you for that I hook up to Ben I'm more always think possibly we know Ben is a compassionate leader who encourages and uplifts others which is shown through his role as the captain of both the varsity soccer and baseball teams his positive attitude and Conant words of encouragement help not only better his teammates Al helped lead his team to success but it's also had a huge role in the community we served its first non-parent T-ball coordinator for 3 years heing his knowledge of baseball Ben Serv that a role M for the younger members of our community and live by example not only myself but future coordinators to come Ben will attend wake Force University next year in North Carolina Ben will be studying biochemistry with hope to becom an Asal biologist for NASA I am so excited to see the amazing things that Ben will do as a demon Deacon and Beyond I aspire to be the man that Ben is becoming I'm so proud to call him my brother thank you for guiding me for the past 17 years and wish you the best of luck in the years to come thank you [Applause] he's also a good dancer oh no not the vgin no I'd like to welcome Macy for her speech [Applause] [Music] good evening everyone and thank you for coming tonight to celebrate the seniors of NHS I have the pleasure of presenting a speech for Ellie mancer who has been a great friend of mine throughout my high school and middle school years there are so many things that I could say about Ellie so I'm going to start with bragging Ellie plans to attend the University of Hartford next year to study exercise science and then go on to achieve her doctorate in physical therapy Ellie I know you'll be a great physical therapist and will do great things in your career Ellie strives in our communication with others and her big heart both of which I know will take her her far in life closing her chapter here at LHS Ellie has been greatly influ influenced by NHS in the acts of community service along with her character LHS and NHS will forever have a place in Ellie's heart and she will continue to take those values everywhere she goes Ellie and I became friends through Middle School basketball which then led to basketball here at LHS Ellie was the manager during her sophomore and Junior years for LHS girls basketball due to injury but this past season Ellie was finally able to play sports are very important to Ellie them being her most memorable moments here at LHS as most of you know Ellie is also the goalie for LHS girls soccer where she was a team captain and never fails to make everyone laugh and work hard Ellie was also part of the LHS girls softball team up until her sophomore year in which during that year she was a part of three runs to the final four for soccer basketball and softball it is certain to say that Ellie will be missed at LHS and NHS but we are so thankful for the times we have had together Ellie you are going to do amazing things wherever you end up and I'm so excited to see what your future [Music] holds I now invite rean to [Applause] speake I have the pleasure of giving a speech te for Nadia she is an accomplished student and will be attending the University of Connecticut and majoring in Communications with an interest in public relations she's also interested in going abroad to study in college to get new experiences and learn in other ways traveling is not something new to her as she took a trip to Europe with the school in 2022 where she told me she had lots of fun exploring England France and Germany and did many new things including climbing the Eiffel Tower her comfort with travel will help her later in life where she plans to work in the public relations department of relief organization she isn't set on anything currently but is interested in Doctors Without Borders in UNICEF I know these and any organizations dedicated to helping people would love Nadia and her commitment to service and Community Improvement another activity Nadia is dedicated to is figure skating I was very impressed when she told me this because I have always been in awe of figure skaters and their talent she's been skating for N9 years and is currently a competitive skater who displays her talent in competitions and shows figure skating is something she hopes to continue in college on a club team I admire her passion and dedication to the sport especially one that requires so much determination and perseverance she connected service into her passion of figure skating as well through volunteering for learn to skate sessions at her skating rank in the National Honor Society she has also completed a variety of community service this was Nadia's first year in NHS but since being inducted she has done many things she enjoyed helping with bed bed builds as well as emailing businesses to fundraise on top of this she is helped out by baking for many bake sales Nadia told me it was hard to pick her favorite class at LHS but she decided on Facing History this was a course she took this year and through it she was able to look at current and Global events with a new and different perspective another one of her favorite classes was yearbook where she enjoyed taking photos as well as helping format the yearbook and being creative by WR and captions we will miss Nadia in NHS next year but I'm sure she will do great things at Yukon as well in whatever she chooses to pursue after [Music] I welcome Emma [Applause] next good evening and thank you for all and thank you all for coming to this special night tonight I am honored to speak about a very special member of our NHS Society Lily ducet Lily has been a standout member of our school Community excelling in both academics and Athletics she has recently committed to play soccer at RIT in college and I know the second Lily steps on that field she will make an amazing impact while attending RIT she plans to study Neuroscience this is a testament to her dedication hard work both on and off the field one of Lily's favorite teachers is Miss Elmore who she admires for being understanding helpful and always going the extra mile for her students her favorite class is forensics where she can apply her analytical skills and passion for science Lily has been playing soccer for an impressive 14 years her favorite High School memory is making it to the final four in both Junior and Senior year a testament to her skill and determination Lily embodies all the core values of NHS demonstrating Excellence leadership service and character in everything she does NHS has a Val has been a valuable learning experience for her allowing her to grow as a student and a leader she is the perfect role model for me and many others and many others always always willing to help and listen during soccer games showing her support and encouragement Lily and I have grown up playing soccer together and boy have I learned a lot from her as a player and a person Lily is incredibly driven and never gives up always striving for greatness both on and off the field she is absolutely amazing at soccer and a and a true talent that inspires me and those around her I am proud proud to call Lily toet a fellow member of NHS and a true friend congratulations on all your accomplishments Lily and the best of luck in your college career thank you I now invite Emily fredman to [Applause] speak I've known Emma my whole life which is why I'm so honored to be writing her senior speech she will be attending RPI and will be majoring in materials engineering with a minor in computer science where she wants to make a difference in the environment and pursue what she's passionate about one of her favorite classes this year was organic chemistry with Mr Gillan where they would talk about and I quote the moon caffeine and rainbows some of my favorite memories with Emma are going to the Tower Hill botanical gardens each year to see the Christmas lights making up dances in her basement to perform to her parents and last minute plans to grabb a sweet treat at 8:00 when one of us is having a bad night even a couple weekends ago when I called her to help me put on a particularly confusing necklace and she said I'll be over in 20 minutes I'm just watching the F1 race later to find out that someone she does not like one and decided to come over earlier because she was too angry to watch the post race celebrations an honorable mention would be the summer of 2022 when we would drive around the culdesac in Percy her car before she got her license listening to Lana deay and thinking that we were so cool every day I am more and more proud of my best friend she studies furiously and goes above and beyond and everything she's a part of not to mention her incredible academic accomplishments and she has completed over for well over 100 hours of community service much of which comes from the Lowel Humane Society where she goes every Saturday morning to help take care of the shelter cats almost every weekend I receive a picture of a new cat one of my favorites being a white cat named cream cheese we even made an elaborate plan in which we would adopt cream cheese and when her parents said no we decided we would ask her older sister Laura to go with us to help adopt him when she came home to visit uh it is safe to say cream cheese did not come home with us that day I'm so grateful for you every day and I don't know what I would do without you I'm so excited to explore New York with you this summer and I'm even more excited to see the differences you'll create in this world I have full confidence that you'll do amazing [Applause] things all right Dylan Kaplan [Music] [Applause] it is with great pleasure that I stand before you today to share a few words about Avery a remarkable individual who has left a lasting impact on our high school Community I remember coming into School freshman year and seeing Avery and her friends dressed up in iconic outfits and gorgeous and unique jewelry that anyone who knows Avery sees her wear almost every day and wishing I had her style I looked up to her so much so there was no need to convince me to join film club when I found out she was starting it as Avery prepares to embark on the next chapter of her journey at UMass Amherst she will be missed not only for her amazing film club games but the energy she emanates I have no doubt she will do anything but excel at the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences in her time at LHS Avery has also formed a special bond with Miss mcook between two classes together and weekly advisory meetings Avery has had the opportunity to develop a close relationship which has given her guidance and support that have been instrumental in her High School Journey Aver's involvement in NHS has been a source of fulfillment and connection to the little to her Littleton Community engaging in meaningful community service projects has not only allowed her to give back but also fostered a sense of belonging and purpose within our school as we celebrate everyone's achievements tonight I hope you take a moment to appreciate Avery because without her I wouldn't have had anyone to go to the boy Genius concert with all jokes aside Avery is one of the kindest people I've ever met she's an attentive listener and can make anyone laugh her Charisma amazes me and I know future will be filled with Endless Possibilities congratulations Avery and best of wishes for the adventure that lies [Applause] ahead um I would like to invite Thomas Kenny [Applause] to H I've known Spencer for a long time from what I remember we first met many years ago at a summer camp called Camp to hadwan now I know a lot has changed since then but Spencer still shares the same good qualities that I remember namely his hardworking attitude incredible intelligence and charismatic personality and all of these traits are reflected in his performance in school track and the way he interacts with the people around him as of right now Spencer will attend Wake Forest University in the fall he is planning on majoring in business which connects well with the committee he ran this year school Communications in this committee he worked with struggling students and tuted them on various subjects to help them improve their grades but while Spencer spent lots of time in academics and school clubs he still found a way to make time his favorite sport track Spencer was a captain in both indoor and outdoor track meaning he was one of five people selected out of all 70 boys Runners on the team now some might think that being selected Captain would be pretty great you just in most sports you would simply be an exemplary player where you just have to follow the rules and make good decisions but track is not that easy on track you have to organize the lineup communicate with the coaches supervise the athletes and even find time to recognize a beast of the meat or an outstanding player but Spencer did this and more he also organized track Central which is the website where all our personal records and meet scores are listed and he recorded the scores for all our meets in real time he really did it all and for all the work he put in I am proud to have called him my track captain and classmate we all look forward to what you accomplish in your future Spencer and we wish you good [Applause] luck all right I would like to welcome Savannah lies to the [Applause] stand tonight I have the pleasure of talking about Samra I first got to know Samra last year in Jalen's fashion class aka the best class both of us have ever taken and I just loved her constant positive energy and fun she helped me a lot to deal with school stress and give me many wise words when I was making plans for junior year Samra you are an incredibly hardworking person and I know that un H will be so happy to have you in their nursing program I hope that you get amazing opportunities to reach all of your goals especially traveling and meeting people all around the world I know for a fact that you'll be missing here LHS by the students faculty especially Miss Rio and Miss Kar and our members of NHS even though you only arrived in Littleton freshman year the impact that you've made on your friends in NHS in our community is incredible and I am so happy that I was able to become friends with you last year I hope that you get the opportunity to come back and visit occasionally to see your friends or your guinea pigs which I feel have priority get a Mo's bowl and continue interacting with our community this is the the beginning of a new chapter of your life will you definitely get out of your comfort zone but I know that you are so ready for that and have an amazing time in college thank you for all of your um contributions to this community and have so much fun in [Applause] college I would like to invite Isabelle mccy to the stage today I'll be speaking about one of the most impactful and inspiring people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting if you guess that I'm talking about Maggie Berlinger you'd be correct Maggie is first and foremost a leader for being co-president of student council to one of our band Librarians to an officer in the middle sex County good sheeper sheep Club to vice president of NHS she's been a helpful organized supportive leader throughout her high school years who's dedicated an awe inspiring amount of time and energy to NHS and community service I honestly don't know how we'll be able to pick up the slack when she graduates Maggie is also a multifaceted student she earned the Seal of biliteracy in Spanish and is very passionate about history and band she especially enjoyed history classes such as APUSH where she did what few others would dare to do and created a super meta lhp on the history of other lhps and music related classes like applied music where she's learning to play the trumpet in addition to her other her other instrument the flute aush had a profound impact on Maggie because the class helped her decide that she wants to continue working in a history related field she enjoyed band because it allowed her to spend time with friends and was in a class she could look forward to most days for the four years that she's taken band Additionally the band was directly responsible for her core High School memory when she saw Miss Barry in the line for the Cali River Rapids ride at Animal Kingdom on Tuesday February 21st 2022 at approximately 4 p.m. sadly Maggie's time at LHS is almost up but she's moving on to bigger and better things she's planning to attend Welsley college and earn a history degree with a possible minor in peace and Justice studies so that she can hopefully work either in an archival setting or with a nonprofit simultaneously she'll be continuing her path as a track star Varsity athlete Maggie's presence in the high school will be sorely missed but I know that we all can't wait to see how she'll continue to be a force of positivity and change wherever she goes I'd like to invite Brady morv up [Applause] [Music] an nod meta can be described as friendly loyal dependable and hardworking an inspiring example of a student athlete and classmate he has left an indelible mark on the National Honor Society in Litton High School Anan has committ committed to attend UMass Amherst in the fall he has aspirations of majoring and finance additionally studying psychology and pre-law the strong leadership skill skill set anad acquired during this time his time in NHS will serve him well as he continues his trajectory and contributions at UMass amher anan's Endeavors and accomplishments exemplify what it means to Be an Effective leader and exemplary student he also demonstrates this through his participation in indoor and outdoor track and field and soccer as well notably one of anan's most memorable and worthwhile class um at LHS was AP US History with Mr miskinnis and his most memorable experience was doing debates in APUSH an od's determination and venerable work demonstrated at LHS over the last four years provide him a solid foundation for success in his NE next chapter and will take him far in his career Pursuits and life's journey it is clear and on your future is bright [Applause] I'd like to invite Michelle meduso um to the I have the pleasure of speaking about Jasmine Casey this fall Jasmine will be attending Gordon College where she is planning to major in education with a minor in either math or history and is planning to become a teacher with her kindness patience positive spirit and caring nature I have no doubt that Jasmine will be an incredible teacher she has a true passion for Learning and one of her favorite parts of high school has been the interesting classes she has gotten to take and the amazing teacher she has gotten to know outside of the classroom Jasmine has been a part of the cross country and track and field teams since her sophomore year with the incredible support from her family coaches and teammates Jasmine has grown to love the sport and plans to continue to run for the cross country and track team at Gordon College one of her most cherished moments in high school was when she got to go to South Africa with her family where she brought back a beautiful dress that she wore to her Junior Prom she leaves LHS grateful for all the close friendship she has made Jasmine's Journey at LHS has been full of kindness curiosity and determination qualities that would un that will undoubtedly Propel her towards a bright future at Gordon College and in all her Endeavors Beyond [Music] um now I invite [Applause] tavisha I'm honored I'm honored to present to you Ella who exemplifies the very essence of dedication and Leadership from my experience knowing Ella I've seen her insatable curiosity for life and learning and the many passions that drive her towards success she had made she has made a lasting impact through NHS and other POS other positions at LHS on her peers and the community to begin with Ella has been a member of the student council for 4 years she has been uh swimming competitively since she was eight and even the captain of the LHS swim team uh partnered with Brownfield Ella is dedicated to every goal she sets every interest she pursues and every role she takes on approaching each with passion one of her one of her many roles is leading along with her two Amazing Friends Ella and Cat and raising over $6,000 for rising in sunger and Polar Plunge at LHS Ella has made lifelong connections with friends and teachers who have who have empowered her and motivated her along the way among them is Miss Berlinger and along them is Miss Berlinger who um has provided Ella with unwavering support encouragement and belief she also shared fond memories she cre created in pre-calculus with Ella and cat as well as well as the joy of sharing laughs with Miss Rego to her miss rioo and miss Berlinger are more like mentors and than teachers and she deeply values the moments spent in those classes I'm honored to announce that Ella will be furthering her education at North Carolina State University pursuing a degree in biology I'm so proud of you Ella and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors congratulations on entering the wolf back at NC State I would I would like to in invite Nathan [Applause] Filman in case you are unfamiliar this is Arya pel proud member of the Wilton High School NHS as a co-head of The Craft committee she organized drives for the L Transitional center an emergency homeless shelter for those in need Arya takes pride in her work and in the efforts of her volunteering on the community while in school one of her favorite teachers was Miss mcook for arya's sophomore English class Ari is a creative person and the freedom provided in that class made it her favorite her other favorite teacher is Miss karna who is a fantastic math teacher as well as as the class of 2024 advisor alongside Miss mcook beyond the humanities Arya was interested in Dr fen's anatomy and physiology class for the experience of dissections Arya is taking the skills she learned in anatomy and using her creativity in order to become a biomedical engineer engineering major at tus University Arya and the class of 2024 certainly had an interesting freshman year at Littleton High being in the midst of Co was not a great welcome nonetheless she managed to find a bright spot in the mass breaks throughout the freshman and sophomore year coming into my position in the NHS was daunting however Arya was welcoming and gave me the confidence I needed to take on my responsibilities and for that I'm grateful good uh thank you Arya and good luck at toughs I'd like to welcome Katie hello everyone yep all right is that good why I'm just going to do this hello everyone thank you for being here tonight I have been honored this is not mine hold up hold up I'm so sorry we need her to the end okay that makes sense yes thank yes this is it okay and all right thank you everyone for being here I am writing my I wrote my speech for Catherine Catherine or cat the name many of you know her by will go out of her way to make you feel accepted Catherine is a supportive person and she has reached out to me many times such as when she invited me to chat with her and her friends cat played field hockey basketball and softball throughout her seasons in her high school years she became a captain for these teams in her senior year I will miss having such a talented friendly teammate and person in our school throughout National Honor Society cat raised significant funds for Rise Against hunger Special Olympics and American Cancer society and has led food drives for Loaves and Fishes also in the humanitarian Club she helped communities and charities in Need by giving her time to Service events cat really enjoyed Miss elmore's class because she was an outgoing teacher who made cat feel welcome cat took AP biology with Miss Berlinger and along with the time she put into the class she thoughtfully baked cupcakes for the class Catherine plans to attend Providence College in the fall to study biology and will maybe minor in Psychology cat I hope you have many great opportunities in college and get to do fun experiements like you did in organic chemistry with Mr Gillan thank you for being such a positive role model and I'm so glad that I have gotten to play softball with you throughout the years and then um I also wrote one for Victoria McCoy who cannot be here today but I hope I'm glad that you're here to hear this speech Victoria is a dedicated student and athlete and a kind person I was lucky to have been a teammate of hers and feel grateful that she checked in on me various times in and out of school I will miss hearing her jokes throughout her High School Seasons Victoria played field hockey basketball and softball she served as a captain and leader for these teams during her senior year outside of school Victoria put her basketball Knowledge and Skills into helping coach younger players on a competitive basketball team in National Honor Society Victoria has helped support children in Need by building beds for them through Deb's beds formerly known as sleep in Heavenly peace and has raised money to donate menal products for children and adults in need through dignity matters in school facing history and classes with Miss Elmore um Victoria had Victoria's favorites were were um classes with Miss Elmore and Miss Kern was a friendly and funny teacher whom Victoria enjoyed hanging out with Victoria plans to continue her studies at Howard University where she will major in math and do Roc Victoria I hope you have a great experience there and can become a Marine cor Marine corpse officer in the future I appreciate when you gave me rides to from practice and thank you for the advice and conversations throughout the seasons let's where we okay at this time I'd like to invite Remy to come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up I've been honored to speak and congrat conate call rastella on her achievements in the Realms of scholarship service leadership and character conveyed throughout the National Honor Society cie's been a part of the healthcare committee since her junior year and has since ran the committee Healthcare committee's main goal is to raise money for a number of widespread causes this year Cali and her team raised money for Griffin Shoemaker cancel canceler battle at the holiday bazaar along with this they ran a blood drive with over 40 Don people donating Call's particip I ated in soccer her freshman sophomore and junior year of high school two of those year years being on Varsity although I didn't have the privilege to get to know her personally one advantage of a small town is that I got to know her through my older sister Ava Callie's a caring academically driven and an all-around good person Callie's very good humored and sociable and with that being said she's formed some very good friendships on and off the field Callie's committed to Sacred Hearts University um for division one Equestrian Team continuing her academic and athletic career in the fall she plans to major in criminal justice with a minor in Psychology and a goal to pursue a career in criminal profiling with the kind of person Cali is there's no doubt she will succeed in her four years at secet heart best of luck to you and I wish you the best um I'd like to welcome Finley [Applause] closer um my senior is Emily bilti a dedicated dancer and student who will be moving on to Westfield State University where she will continue to do incredible things Emily has been dancing at Spotlight Dance Academy for 16 years and competit and competing in dance competitions for 11 years her favorite class she has ever taken um here was US History to honors with Miss Harvey she says it helped um her expand her knowledge and that the research paper helped to grow helped her grow as a writer she also enjoyed the class um environment and the film days with popcorn and V Goods her most memorable High School memory was when the helicopter came to the school and and the things she will miss most is the small community of LHS she has made close connections with the teachers and staff um especially over the past 2 years and for that she will miss them greatly em Emily bti will no doubt go on to do wonderful things and before I go I just want to um share some things that teachers wanted to let her know before she um started on her new adventure um Miss Beringer says Emily your positive attitude um is infectious your love for learning um both academically and in dance shines through with all you do I wish you all the best as you step out of LHS and have um no doubt that you will make an amazing difference in the lives of your students in the years to come Miss Kern says Emily um was in my statistics class um this year we had a a lot of fun she sat with a nice group of her friends we would sometimes exchange some stories and got a little off track but it was okay because we got a lot of work done also she earned very high marks um in her course because she is highly intelligent um extremely motivated and hardworking I know that she is going to be an amazing Elementary School teacher someday I can see her in front of a class of little people already and I know that they are going to love her I will miss El Emily and the crew in a mod they are all very um grounded and levelheaded there were many times that I ask them for advice or their opinion lol they already had a good suggestions or Solutions I had I hope they all stay in touch and come back and visit I want to get updates next year on how life is going after LHS they can send me an email Miss M miss m Mr mkin says I can say she was a hard worker very bright and always um prepared for class she was always an active participant in the class um discussions Miss Kern says Emily is incredibly kind and helpful she always has a positive attitude and makes the classroom a great learning environment Miss be says I have loved seeing Emily grow as a school at school and at Spotlight Dance Academy she is a role model in my daughter at the studio and makes her feel so special every time she sees her I know she will do amazing things and make a great teacher um and um though it was a bit late Mr Gillan says when I think of Emily I think of her helping to organize and run the board game club and I think of NeverEnding games of Monopoly that we started on Mental Health Day in May and would finish by about Thanksgiving of the following year I also love that she got to work with my son Joe at Shaker Lane Emily was so helpful and so positive and I wish her the best of luck in the future she's going to do great it's pretty clear that you are a well-loved individual by friends and staff and everyone who knows you you can do incredible things just remember that you um that you um that as you continue we are cheering you [Applause] [Music] on let me see who is it Jack okay I invite Jack Redmond this is Jazelle Kieran she's an example for what an NHS member should be gelle takes her academics seriously and she's going to continue to pursue them at American University America is where she'll major in sociology and eventually plans to take on the challenge of practicing law Gizelle credits NHS and LHS for helping her prepare for college and Life After College she enjoyed the many memories that she made serving her community while helping organizations such as Rise Against hunger and also playing key roles in drives that are necessary for helping the community jelle has also had some great memories at LHS outside of the service portion of her life she's very fond of the time when she and other classmates went on a trip to Italy the trip was led by the school Latin teacher Miss Kelly this was the first time the jelle was on her own and it was the first time out of the country Gizelle was able to gain a sense of Independence and self-reliance while also being able to learn about and enjoy the new culture that she was immersed in jelle also had some great experiences from La that were inside the US jelle competed in soccer and the fall as well as several years of indoor and outdoor track she made some great connections and many friends through her years competing in LHS Athletics Gizelle is a leader that she is today because the lesson she was able to learn while competing in athletics I wish jelle the best as she continues her journey through academics and life down in Washington DC congratulations um where's uh next I would like to welcome aan [Applause] good evening everyone for my junior senior pairing I had the pleasure to receive Josie Josie is an incredible person and a wonderful member of both our high school community and our National Honors Society chapter where she strives to give her time and help whenever and wherever she can I first met Josie during my sophomore year when we sat next to each other in Miss Kern's Algebra 2 class she was always so kind and would never hesitate hesitate to help me when I was confused sitting next toosie I learned a lot about her love for music specifically Jazz fast forward to our first National Honor Society meeting where I was so excited to find out we were paired together working together in National Honor Society this year allowed me to learn even more about her through National Honor Society experience Josie was able to step outside her comfort zone and help her community through her work in helping out at the bed builds and as one of the mural committee heads some of her favorite classes at LHS include Miss Kelly's Latin classes Miss man's Facing History Class and many of the music courses all which feel like family to her these classes have given her too many amazing memories to even choose a favorite after graduating from LHS Josie will be attending the heart school at the University of Hartford to pursue a career in jazz studies and will have the opportunity to connect with musicians and professors from across the country both LHS and NHS will greatly Miss Josie as she closes this chapter and continues on to the next chapter of her life best of luck Josie we'll miss you [Applause] next I would like to welcome Owen [Applause] REI I became good friends with Abby over the summer of 2023 when she ended up convincing me to be in the play MC Beth and I'm very thankful that she did in the time during the two drama shows I saw some of her best qualities shine firstly she's a very hard worker she did all the costume and promotional art for MC Beth while still balancing AP classes NHS being on the drama eboard and performing in the shows not only that but I knew she could always be counted on if you needed to feel better she seemed to just always be happy to be wherever she was and she never hesitated to give us something to laugh about as she begins her college life at WPI I know she will excel whether it be mechanical engineering theater or art not only has she done so much for the drama program through ART eboard membership acting and costume design but she's also made the town much better with the beautiful mural she painted for Millie McGovern and the one she is currently painting for the Ruben Library Abby as your last year of high school comes to an end I want to thank you for the wonderful memories you've created for me and countless others and I wish you the best of luck in whatever you choose to do in the [Applause] [Music] future next I'd like to invite Raquel [Applause] Rodriguez I have the pleasure of writing the speech for Amy Morana when I think of Amy Morana the words that IM immediately come to mind are dedicated passionate and caring embodying those characteristics day after day has made Amy a person I look up to in many areas in my life whether it be academically or in extracurriculars she is such a kind heart and a willingness to help others through any opportunity presented clearly notable through her contributions working with Deb's beds through this committee she discovered just how hard work just how much hard work and time can posit positively impact people in our Compu in our community even with the simple bed apart from the bed builds Amy worked on endless hours to help NHS run as smoothly as possible as the president and the success of this past year clearly demonstrates the efficiency of her leadership outside of LHS she's been granted the opportunity to attend UMass ammer this fall where she will be where she will be pursuing a degree in biology where she hopes to eventually work in microbiology her passion for this field she recalls can be pinned down to miss berlinger's AP bio class where Miss berlinger's kind-hearted nature and Devotion to biology ignited her interest marking not only a momentous moment in her education but a memorable one to look back on Amy although I will miss running with you during the endless distance workouts I hope you break a leg or an ankle in college and thank you for all youve done in our [Applause] community and although Sydney is not here I also had the pleasure of writing Her speech since day one of joining NHS Sydney has been an incredible addition to the community and Littleton as a whole her dedication towards the local dignity matters organization raising money for menstrual products has directly impacted thousands of people's lives right here in Massachusetts apart from being a leader in NHS she was the 2024 class president since since sophomore year taking on the tedious work of fundraising organizing prom and the senior trip to displaying her ambition to make LHS a fun environment even though s Sydney recognizes that at first she did not like how small our community was she is now grateful looking back as it created a stronger Bond within our chapter during this fall she will also be attending UMass amoris where she will be studying the complex field of nursing one I know I personally could never do and she hopes to be an ER nurse or work in labor delivery someday some of her favorite memories from high school were Mr M skin' A push class and although it was stressful and difficult at times she appreciate she appreciates how much how it made her a better student having Miss Kern as an adviser and teacher was also one of her favorites and I can personally attest to that as half our stats class this year consisted of her and miss keran yapping about their lives we will miss you this next year Sydney and I think I speak for everyone I say that we wish you your that we wish you luck on the next chapter your of your [Applause] life now I invite soan satv to talk about [Applause] Lisa if you do not know this is Lisa or at least we can pretend Lisa has always stood out for her to dedicate ation passion and kindness as she prepares to embark on a new chapter at UC Irvine where she will be pursuing a double major in political science and drama it is clear that her time here at LHS has left an impact on her and in turn she has also left her impact on LHS one of the highlights of Lisa's High School experience was her favorite CL class APUSH amongst the fun atmosphere that Mr mkin created it was here that she gained the knowledge on how to learn and think critically about the world around her but beyond academics what has truly made Lisa's High School experience Unforgettable is the opportunity to see all of her classmates grow and evolve over the years she has been through so much with everyone and even if everyone isn't close friends friends she feels like she has developed a deep connection as a grade and a school Community one of the things that has brought Lisa the most Joy during her time here has been her involvement in drama being a part of this community community has allowed her to express her creativity and share her love of performing with everyone I can personally say that from seeing Lisa perform over the last 3 years she never ceases to amaze us her Talent is uncanny but even offstage she brings with her a humble and kind attitude everyone in theater has always looked up to Lisa as she has always been super organized and willing to help others and through this she has left her mark on the drama program here and I know everyone will miss her terribly this said we look forward to seeing all the wonderful things you will accomplish As you move onto this new chapter in your life I'd like to welcome Amelia [Applause] Taylor it is my pleasure today to talk to you about buvana now when I first met bvana I was understandably nervous and scared seeing as she was an upper classman there was absolutely no way that I could talk to her but once we engaged in conversation I actually felt comfortable and my fear fully subsided I find that I found that she is a genuinely fun and interesting person every time I talk to her we always relate about something or talk about an event that happened and of course she just absolutely shares my own fondness for Mr M Guinness's APUSH class she does exceedingly well in school and subsequently to No One surprise love Miss Kern stats class because well it's Miss Kern but more importantly what I admire about buvana is her drive to try new things and that is exactly why she actually joined theater you did an amazing job by the way um I love the play this year anyways many people don't have that ability either because they are too scared or nervous or they don't want to feel uncomfortable but that is why buvan is such a determined individual because she is willing to break that boundary to do something that no one would normally do and talking about something one wouldn't normally do or at least something that I wouldn't do because I almost failed the class buvana is going to UMass amher to study chemistry and eventually she hopes biochemistry on top of that she loves teaching and that is reflected in the time she has put into tutoring others buvana you're an amazing individual and we will really miss you next year thank you for your contributions to the NHS chapter the number of bed builds that you have attended and the times where we have both complained about the track struggle I wish you luck in your future you we going to do great work no matter what you [Applause] do got you I welcome olivy Valley uh to speak for jinda I have the pleasure of giving this speech for jinda jinda is a very motivated and dedicated student who found her love for learning about the human body during High School her two favorite classes were forensic science with Mrs Berlinger and Anatomy with Mrs fery she will be going to Quinnipiac University majoring in exercise sciences and plans to become a physical therapist she has always been very motivated to leave the Earth in a better way than she found it this has been proven through being a committee head of the environmental committee here in National Honor Society she has set up town cleanups at various locations such as Castle on the trees and Alumni field her contribution has impacted everyone in the town of Littleton and is helping to make a change in this world I have known jinda for over 10 years of my life and I've always known her to be a very Lively and energetic person she will never pass up the chance to have a fun night with her friends my first memory of her was years ago when I saw her on the dance stage at her dance recital I remember standing in the wings of the stage while she was performing and I was thinking that I'd never seen someone who could leap as high as she could ever since then I looked up to her not only as a dancer but simply as a person too you have motivated me and many others to become better versions of ourselves I hope you always remember the change that you made to Liv in high school and those around you I truly wish you the best in college and Beyond I can't wait to see everything that you accomplish I would now like to welcome Finn [Applause] I'm incredibly honored to talk about Ella gey tonight during her four years at LHS Ella was extremely involved in both NHS and the school softball team in NHS Ella was part of the charity committee where she managed to raise over $4,000 for the organization Rise Against hunger and the money was used to package over 18,000 meals for people in need all around the world Ella also raised over $2,000 for Polar plum which went to the Massachusetts Special Olympics and helped provide the local food pantry loves and fishes with many non- perishable Goods every month Ella was also extremely involved on the LJ's Varsity softball team participating all four years and becoming captain during her senior year she played as a pitcher and helped her team win the central Massachusetts tournament during her freshman year I remember playing softball with Ella in sixth grade and being in awe what a good pitcher she was she definitely helped her team win games on more than one occasion Ella's favorite classes were AP STS with Miss Kern and AP biology with Miss Berlinger showing her Devotion to the St field and her excitement for any class related to science or math Ella plans to pursue nursing at the University of South Carolina in the fall and knows she is going to do amazing there I have no doubt that Ella will be an amazing nurse in the future and I'm excited to see what she accomplishes as she moves on to a new chapter in her [Applause] life we'd like to invite Harish Ganesh to the [Applause] podium oh all right who's prepared yes all right good evening everyone thanks for being here um this is my senior this is jwai Kang if you're unfamiliar um I think based on my experiences with jwai I describe him as somewhat of a modern-day renaissance man he's someone who can do anything if he puts his mind to it I remember I first talked to Jay during AP stats and I never asked him questions about AP stats I'd always ask him about AP economics but he would always be happy to help me he never hesitated to answer and explain any concept I didn't understand especially the Foreign Exchange Market um I had to see Jay outside of stats every Friday at our National Honor Society committee tiger Tech when we met to fix Chromebooks and Jay always blew me away with his knowledge in computer hardware and how to fix it outside of these activities Jay ran track he played soccer and he was a member of the high school quiz show show where he was an MVP on top of all of this he was also a national champion in debate when he missed many AP stats classes to go to North Carolina and compete ask Jay what his favorite classes are and he'll give you a wide range from a push to chemistry to Stats at the end of the day though his best memories were just spent enjoying time with his friends I think his commitment to and his achievement in such a wide variety of activities is a testament to his biggest strength versatility as Jay attends Amherst College in the fall deciding between majoring in political science or statistics and possibly going into law or politics wherever he goes I know Jay's versatility will serve him well and lead him to accomplish many great things in the years to come all righty all right well we would like to thank the entire National Honor Society for their work and dedication to not only the society but to the school and Community as well thank you to Dr Harrington and Miss Chrissy Gilmore for all their support this year and to all the custodial staff for providing us the space for our celebration thank you all to the faculty and the staff who have dedicated their time and energy to these students a big thank you to your friends and family that are the foundations of your student success thank you so much for joining us to celebrate all these students please enjoy the rest of your evening and have lots of snacks [Applause]