all right good evening everyone it's 701 I'd like to call together the May 30th 2024 school committee meeting if you would please rise and join me the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible lice thank you very much uh this evening we have a consent agenda posted which is just the minutes from our 16 2024 meeting as well as oath bills and payroll motion to accept motion to accept motion made by v i second second by Janine all those in favor ni keep saying I I and we have a quorum present Stacey's online but here that passes uh this is first opportunity for interested citizens so if there's anyone before us that would like to speak in front of the school committee either in the room or on Zoom as your first chance there be a second chance at the end of the meeting hearing none we will move on to our recognition portion of the evening uh superintendent clenchy uh if you would please give us some updates and some recognition thank you I'm missing our student Representatives all right I know we have a lot of exciting activities happening in our district this time of year I'm sure our families are uh out three or four days a week at least and uh appreciate your support it's always nice to uh celebrate our students or with our students during this time of year uh last week we put out a press release uh in regard to the uh seal of biliteracy we have we have 13 High School seniors that are in this uh distinction and uh it's not an easy thing to accomplish so congratulations to those 13 students uh we had a middle school play on May 18 luck Hudson in the 12th Street gang very well done and uh again thanks to everybody that's involved in making this production it's a lot of work and a lot of time commitment for uh the theater directors and our students our high school held its financial literacy fair on May 21st this is something that we've wanted to do for many years I think it's our third year and this is an invaluable opportunity for our seniors to to really get an opportunity to learn about what their next journey is going to be like so focus is on you know here's here's your job how much you're GNA earn how are you going to make this paycheck last so that you have a place to live and you have food on your table and if you need Transportation how do you how do you get to work yeah so it was really interesting to to be part of that uh at the end of it they they really did have a better understanding of of how much it costs to to rent an apartment to put food on your table and to have a car it's always kind of uh humorous to a certain degree because I was standing beside a young man who had rented a BMW and I think that was the first thing that he did and I just thought I'm going to come back and talk to him about half an hour after he's made his rounds and uh needless to say his BMW disappeared pretty quickly when he figured out he had to pay rent and uh put food on his table Etc and but it was really cool because they a lot of them wanted their own apartment and they realized that price of apartment in this day and age they' have to have room baits and and so how much Furniture do they need how much does it cost so they had to to combine together and figure out how they're going to set up this apartment Etc something that we're going to continue to do every year and uh I can't speak enough to the the need for our students to have a good understanding of financial literacy going beyond what does it cost to live financial investments you know how do you set up an account how do you apply for a student loan what are the interest rates what do they actually mean and it was interesting because you know interest rates unless you go through it and you you have a personal experience with an interest rate it doesn't have a lot of meaning but know one student I remember well I could I could make this mortgage payment but he's calculating it without 8% interest and then when the uh the bank uh representative was there she started talking about well what about this 8% interest that you have to pay every year on your loan so again I I think it's a wonderful thing for our students to experience we had our uh 2024 LPS stem challenge uh can do golf special thanks to Heidi McGregor and Julie lard we had over a thousand students participate in the competition this year which is just incredible I mean that's a a high volume of projects and uh from what I can tell everybody was was uh really uh motivated passionate about uh building their their uh Golf Course or or a particular hole on a golf course so again these are these are great opportunities for for students to develop higher thinking skills and actually use ktic learning as well so again very pleased that we do this every year we had a middle school band concert on May 22nd we had a learn long-term sub in a music program at the middle school and I was just so impressed that she was able to forge ahead and offer a band concert it's not easy coming into a job in the mid year and and not having to work with the students but the con was great and and you could tell she was a very gifted musician as well she did a number with them and played the flute and uh very accomplished our High School uh seniors they had send off and a senior breakfast and the annual parade which was uh very well done I must say no uh no concerns at all and and all of our schools and all our students are just so excited to see the kids drive by in their cars so it's a it's a tradition that we've done for many years and uh I hope it continues to be done for for many more years years congratulations to our graduates tomorrow night is a big event uh at Alumni field at 5:30 we will be sending our seniors off so to speak and they'll be officially graduated by probably 6:30 uh terrific tray of the Year award Leah bco is with us this evening and very proud of Leah and the kitchen staff they they snag the uh top award for uh the best food tray in the state which is a huge accomplishment so special thanks to to Leah the staff I have to tell you that the food that that we uh see in our kitchens is is it's restaurant quality food they try different things our kids are eating more vegetables they're trying vegetables that sometimes I haven't even heard of the vegetable before and they prepare them in a way they do Friday testing all the time and and it's just nice to see the transition that's happened over the few years that Leah has been with us uh our salad bars are are well used used when I eat at cafeteria you have to get to the salad bar pretty fast or there's not going to be much less so it's just really nice to see our students eating and if you I'm sure are are in touch with the news what's going what's happening in the state food insecurity is is on the rise and significantly on the rise in our state so being able to provide free lunches to our students is huge making sure that they they they're well fed and ready to learn it's so important so you know special thanks to our our politicians and the state for pushing uh pushing hard to make that happen because we weren't sure whether it was going to happen uh it has made a tremendous difference in our lives for our students so special thanks to everybody involved in making that happen we uh just finished a retirement reception prior to our meeting tonight and we were able to honor Cheryl Temple principal of Russell Street School Sue Peno our elll teacher who's been with us for many years as well and Sarah Dorman the the Middle School adjust counselors so I wish them well in their future endeavors and uh we're going to miss them they've had a huge impact on our district and they chose our district they stayed with us for many many years we're really grateful for that so again best luck in their retirement another two weeks uh it's going to become a reality and I think that's it great well done thank you thank you we'll move on to our presentation portion of the evening we've got seven scheduled before this evening um the first is the PTA update so Rebecca Lewis will give a presentation on the pta's accomplishment are in the 2324 school year welcome perfect move ahead thank you uh so this year we had A5 members of those 24 are staff and 91 were family members um this is somewhat down since the pandemic we've seen a continued decline in membership unfortunately so we are continuing to try to raise awareness and ask that the leaders of the schools also help support that effort um I do want to say Michelle in particular who does an amazing job and really um encourages her staff and uh talks about PTA but we see a lot of drop off as kids move up in the grades and so hoping to encourage more families to continue to support our efforts this year we gave as we have for the past few years two scholarships to graduating seniors from high school Ruby Haider and Amy Morana were the recipients this year have our scholarships and was announced by Dr Harrington at the war night so each well when I used to do this I haven't done it since the pandemic but um we would go through and just share with you some of the things that we support from the PTA um of course many people are familiar with the Shaker Lane activities including our Springfest um and this uh some of the more recent activities that they have expanded to which have included doing a virtual dance party kids get some glow sticks and a DJ which is also um an activity at Russell Street school now but also the virtual Story Time where some of the teachers choose their favorite books and we to students in get packets of Coco and things like that um in addition we help support along the field trips um particularly to reduce costs to families and also uh providing memberships of scholarships for families might otherwise not be able to participate in some of these activities so doing things like yearbooks or for Springfest being able to provide tickets so we can participate in games and food the ALS o do try to support uh a lot our staff and show them our appreciation for them so let see here we do help stock the lounge at the Shaker Lane school as well as do our spring teacher appreciation lunch which we do for all of the schools and I didn't forget to mention um from the general fund we also do share um in our appreciation of our bus drivers and our central office staff and provide them with lunch and for the teach appreciation next slide for Russell Street we also um do try to support some of the experiences that students have like high touch Hightech High-Tech high touch uh as well as some of the potato Hill poetry sessions comes and does the workshops we support a lot of those they also every year at both um actually it's now Sherling Russell Street Middle School we help organize a book fair and with the proceeds that we made from that we try to help the teachers either the Librarians or um the middle school classroom teachers to um replenish their book stock so and see we actually donated over 170 books uh to the Russell Street classrooms of Library this year uh and list similarly some of the teach the teacher and staff appreciation that we've done in addition to providing food and just some nice back to school gifts we try to give them um some ongoing support by doing things like holiday teacher appreciation gifts just making sure that staff aren't left off so classroom teachers often get uh presents from their students but a lot of the other sport staff don't necessarily so we try to help um support that effort then we go to the middle school so middle school things definitely drop off a lot uh in terms of the funding that we have available but we do try to really um continue to offer them opportunities both uh to support the teachers and their classrooms having materials as well as just keeping up Spirits um and this year we also have a um cultural coordinator on the PTA which has been really nice and she helped us organize a dwali enrichment program this year which was done at both Russa Street and the middle school and co-s supported by the little um cultural Council so that is really nice for kids finally the high school um again try to help support um a range of activities both academic and uh just supporting moral for students and teachers so we do provide food for a number of different activities including Mast snacks um it's ice cream treats for the 11th grade that we were doing after the seniors have left this year um H we also bought some fors to recognize students who had done more than 100 hours of community service during their time at the high school so we want to be able to recognize that um and also we had this year we had two Facing History speakers that we um supported and having come in to talk about their own um history dealing with um Prejudice and and deal with the consequences of that so that is um our presentation for this year and I'd like to also just uh thank you all for your support from the schools and from the families as well for supporting the PTA excellent thank you very much back any questions for BEC PTA in general well I just want to thank you for all that you're doing it's it's so much you know to support the students and the teachers and you I picked up that you do um fundraising through the book fair but how where where else all the money for all of these many things that you're providing for the so we used to do a lot of fundraising activities so we would have people buy we'd do Binger night at Russell Street and people have to buy the cards and things like that um we really do rely on the annual appeals that we do now um PARTA because everybody hates having to sell stuff and it's hard to get people to just give time to do fundraisers so we do rely very heavily on those encourage people to give to them uh to as much as they can we really every year all of our schools have a goal to have as many families contribute even if it's $2 or five dollar um because we really do turn that back around to you know and we don't do anything else with it other than support the schools well you you make a big difference I I was a teacher in another District but I remember that feeling of the the PTA always having my back like I was worried about a student not being able to go on a field trip or providing the bus for the field trip or what you know it it felt like it was an equity move you know make sure that everybody could participate so I'm very grateful for your efforts and also I just want to say we really also want to make sure that teachers aren't paying for things out of pocket you know so we have done in the past um also at some of the luns we give away it seems silly but pencils and Post-it notes and things like that where otherwise they might be purchasing themselves thanks for bringing us up to date how long have you been involved in the PTI involved in the PTA my oldest is in nth grade and I got involved in he's in kindergarten good great I'm also the treasurer so they're never gonna let me go over thank you for all right next up we have the CPAC annual update uh presented by little Public Schools CPAC interim leadership team Alison McCarthy kley and Rebecca Craven hello hello I have a new pamphlet that we created this year so I'll pass them out for you you're welcome you're welcome thank you Rebecca Carrie and I are the interum team we're just kind of starting CPAC back up so um we met before the school year started and we decided we were going to kind of take it slow and do a few things this year and try to build up our connections with parents and our email and our social media and all those things so so um we created our new pamphlet and we established a CPAC email through the Litton public schools and we've been rebuilding our email list we have a lot of people on there who have graduates and they're not even in the school system anymore so we're working on that um in October we had our first event which was an info night with a woman um from the Federation of children um with special needs her name is lesie lesie she's wonderful and very knowledgeable she came out to the high school and we had a few parents come we had um Lynn was there and student services team was there and we kind of had some engaging discussions about events we can have things we can do to bring parents in and families get them involved in December Lynn and the students service team led a question and answer session for parents this was at the fire station which was a nice spot to have a meeting and we collected questions beforehand so that ly snow and the other um student services team like Ally and um who else was Mike and J could go through those questions beforehand and and be prepared for what was asked with them and it was great we had a good turnout handful so that was pretty good and then we'll let um okay so in January Lynn um and her team student services team came and presented the new IEP form um which was super helpful and um they gave us a comprehensive overview of what the IEP looks like um the new IEP will be starting in the fall of 2024 and then in February we did coffee and conversation discussion um led by Lyn snow about the new I form so people if they come up with questions from the January meeting could come and ask them um we wanted to offer the same informational session but at a different time of the day so it was a nice change to our loal evening um and as part of our Mass pack membership we required to host basic rights a one basic rights Workshop so we had that in April um we chose to offer the basic rights evaluation and eligibility workshop and that is offered um virtually and um the last thing is this Sunday we're having a meet and greet for families at Shaker Lane playground and we just hope this is a chance during the day for everyone to bring all their kids and socialize and get to know other special ed families um and then for next year we're just hoping to you know continue to brainstorm ways to get more families involved and also hopefully hold [Music] elections great thank you so much questions or comments from the school committee members superintendent keni thank you for your intern leadership really and it sounds like a very um Community approach and informative and so really looking forward to this is beautiful and really looking forward to seeing it continue with us thank you thank you so much for agreeing to be the interim board greatly appreciated I know Miss Snow is is thrilled to to have all three of you working with her and it's really important that we have a CPAC in our community and and you know Lynn you know has an opportunity to to work with uh the board and and through extension of of the board's connections uh you know make sure that we have opportunity to work with families who may be struggling so thank you for everything that you do and uh we hope to see you back again thank you thank you right um next Food Service Kelly kind of stole some Thunder here but the Food Service update try I know you can help yourself uh so Leah please join us you're going to give an update on the LPS Food Services thank you for having me thank you for coming back thank you so yeah I'm just going to give an update of what we've been up to the last three years in the nutrition services um let to start this sh um so I kind of came up with a mission the overall um view of the program um so it's fuel learning support healthy habits and offer fresh food as you can see um so the thought here is that if students are wellfed if they have a nutritional meal every day um they're going to go into class and they're going to be attentive and you know hopefully the absence is decrease things like that and they're going to be ready to learn um we want to support healthy habits so that students get exposure to these kinds of foods that they might not um normally have exposure to so now they're getting exposure to them and as they grow um they'll keep making those good choices so that's the hope and also offer fresh so we are looking around we get a lot of our produce from farms um local farms in the area um we like to get our food as fresh as possible um we get some of our meat um our Burgers come from a local Farm um and most recently we had hack um from a local Farm towards Boston at Red's bestest which was delicious so on that note um if you can see our little picture with our terrific tray uh um we won the terrific tray competition so thank you to everyone who voted for us and it's really an honor to get a little town like us um to get that tray so um the focus is on H Farm Fresh food so we are so happy to have secured the win and um that's the acting commissioner um brussell Johnson and um the office of food nutrition Rob leson giving that trophy over so that was great um so yeah I talked about local ingredients I like taking pictures of food if you can't tell so these are just some of the partners we've worked with this year um the Wester food Hub Boston food Hub uh Spring Brook Farm right down the road we should be getting their asparagus next week so get ready um Fair viw Orchard we get our apples from little leaf lettuce is delicious um red bestest fish as I mentioned and our Walden meat um and the little picture next to the local ingredients are fiddle heads which was one of our trays our Friday trays um so a lot of kids haven't tried this before a lot of my staff haven't tried this before so that was definitely a new uh vegetable that we got to try that was a lot of fun and the kids appreciate the newness of it all um so you know when we have new food when we have unprocessed food it comes with training um you need a lot of training because you get get these boxes of heavy food and they're just raw and you don't know what to do with it so um we've done a lot of training these last three years um all of my staff is currently serve safe certified which is just it's great um we can trust them to cook safe food which if it's not safe who cares what it looks like so it's safe food um the John stalker Institute is over in Framingham and they've come and done um knife skills training um they've done some speed scratch cooking training with our team um and these things are just so great because they Foster teamwork across the districts um they get the staff all on the same page um and we've also looked um recently we've been doing a lot of culturally relevant dishes um and that's kind of been the goal the last three years um to incorporate more um cultural relevant dishes to um families so that has been something we're looking forward to looking forward to so here has cultural offerings um so we're looking for um inclusion in the lunchroom we want all of our students to feel involved we want them to look at something and say you know I've had that at home um I had a parent email me when we did the um Chinese New Year and she said you know that's that meant so much to my daughter because she you know we do this at home and for her to be a see it in the lunchroom and say to her friends hey this is what we do um it was really special to her and that's that's why we do what we do right um so for the families who might not have experience with these kinds of foods like I sure didn't when I was that age um so they get some exposure to um cultural dishes um when I was in school if I was you know in second grade I never had cha Masala um but now these kids have so um we continue to look into expanding our our offerings yeah pets yes all the above um and then fress off the press so this is um very new information and um technically we won't know until tomorrow but I got the okay to tell everybody um we've gotten another award from the USDA so this is a national award um and it's if you want to go to the next slide so it's through the USDA it's called The Innovation in the cultural diversity of School meals recognition award um so it's it's about what we're talking about the um recognition that our staff is doing these great things and um we're looking to make everyone feel included um so we will be getting this award tomorrow um and I was actually invited to speak at the school nutrition association annual nutrition conference in Boston this July um so that'll be a great opportunity be able to you know share what Littleton is doing share what the staff has been working so hard to do um yeah and and it's just a great opportunity so I'll send that out when it comes officially but you're the first to know yeah and just quickly we talked about the taste test we have try Friday try day um and these are new things that some kids haven't tried um dragon fruit avocados things like that um we are doing plan this Friday we had a little taste demo today so they're pretty good not bad so it's definitely you know trying to get kids to try new things and um we do stickers because kids love stickers and they get to try things say to their friends hey did you see that um and then hopefully take some of it home with them not physically but you know mentally like oh look what I tried at school today like we tried this let's go pick it up at the grocery store so that's the whole idea of continuing it as they grow older um and then we talk about sustainability um because with free School meals you know more kids are eating there's always a concern you know look at all this food are they really eating it what a waste um but they are really eating it um and we have a couple things in place that um I like to think minimize the impacts um so we are composting at all of our school kitchens um the older School schools are composting in the cafeteria um but when we do our prep work we're composting everything we can um we have a self- serve produce bar in three of the four schools um not Shaker Lane at this point just because they're so young um but so you think oh that's more food why is that saving waste you know but when students can pick the foods that they want to try they're less likely to waste it so you know if they're getting something they know they like or that looks good they're less likely to throw it away so that's the thought um we have reusable trays reusable silverwares at most of our schools um we're trying to you know we're always thinking about our carbon footprint and getting local ingredients um so they're not coming from California things like that they're coming right down the street um so we also have our share tables and fridges for foods that kids aren't going to eat um that aren't opened yet so they can put in the share basket the share Frid um and another kid could come grab it if they're still hungry and we are piloting a stainless steel tray program um at the high school so the thought there is um we're always looking to move away from Plastics with the bpas and all that good stuff so um if it works out great we'll um bring it to the rest of the schools right now it's just a pilot program but they are pretty you can see it with the old for there yeah and then participation you know um meals are free they have been free since I started here um in 2021 and um you think you know okay it's free whatever everyone's eating but these are the past three years every October um it's gone up every single year you know participation is just going up and up every single year and I mean we hope to just get it up until there's no more students that we can feed but we'll do it we can um so yeah this is it's what we're here for it's what the students the staff works so hard for so it's great to see that um participation keeps going up and then my last slide um it's a in memory of Miss Alice shimel and she was our cafeteria manager over at Russell Street um so I just wanted to dedicate this to her and also um you know she worked here 30 years so I just want to say um it's what we should all strive for you know the commitment to the students you know but they was when we had um school lunch hero day um a lot of the little pictures over there um students wrote in how Miss Alice was their school lunch hero and how she always cared for them and if they were hungry she always gave them you know what they needed so um just dedicated to Alice um and and Miss Temple um gave us the Shimmel Shack she did that for us which I thought was so nice so that's my presentation sure we got some food a hot top questions and comments just wow um I have emailed you a bunch of times as you know because I'm one of those parents that is so appreciative of meatless Mondays of the local fruits and vegetables of things like Chan Masala that my kids eat at home that they can share with their friends um it's incredible that you're going to present to places like that is really just such an honor for Littleton and for you and um a recognition of the work you're doing I share the menus with my friends in other towns and back home in California and they can't believe that this is our school lunch menu so just amazing amazing amazing work I'm so glad that you're here that you have chosen our town to be in and that we're lucky to benefit from all us thank you appreciate great and and thank you for your continuing efforts to drive towards sustainability both in what kids are eating and down to the reusable trays that's that has been a hot issue in schools for a long time so I'm I'm glad that you found a solution to that I I hope your stainless steel tray initiative works out um I was wondering how you got on the radar with the USDA for the cultural diversity of schools M did you did uh did you have have to apply for so yeah there it's uh application based um I applied a few months ago and I kind of forgot about it I never really thought about it again um and then they reached out just the other day um and said hey secretly you're going to win but um but we want you to come talk in Boston so you know we're letting you know now and I said well I have school committee and you're not going to tell me yet so can I tell them day um so I got the okay so yeah it was application based um I submitted our recipes um our parent Outreach you know I'm pretty big on social media I take a lot of pictures my food so um I sent kind of all that in and they said wow this is great you know I really want to see this so yeah I'm excited to go let them know what we're doing here and all the hard work of the staff really oh well a welld deserved honor so so grateful and that and so glad that you're using local food it's great for the farmers it's great for the kids thank you can I oh sorry you no I was just GNA say I feel like we're gonna lose you to a university that you know um and like the pictures are beautiful and I feel like they should be served on China and not even these the stainless steel trays but um don't give her any ideas it's worth it's are beautiful um I'm so glad you're applying for these the recognition because it's so welld deserved the programs fabulous top to bottom the staff's wonderful I love the social media and um to have our students have an opportunity that for like just an awesome meal in the middle of the day um just provides tremendous value so thank you for everything you do thank you my idea was just going to be I think a PTA person has left too but they ever wanted to do like a fundraiser where you did like a cooking event class with families and because you're making such amazing snack ideas for parents too or lunch or dinner ideas I would definitely pay and sign up for that can go yeah veggies you know how to cut them things like that because you know always know Community it's a wonder we did that years and years and it was was really fun that's a good idea I wanted to ask the board um these a boards are so exciting um do we already have a mechanism to let like cator El and and Congress woman Jan know what's happening in their in their District or is it okay if I reach out to them and can I get some more you know more information like hey in littleon because they they represent us and I think I think our Senators and Congress people should know what's happening I think you're on that subcommittee government Oh I thought that was the town I'll get your I'd love to maybe talk to you on email a little bit before I put together something and send it out um because I just um think that that you know this little town should be known this wonderful stuff yes great IDE thank you awesome nice job thanks right um next up is Lyn update on the I uh IEP implementation that's hard to follow yeah and I will say Leah is fully responsible for I mean I've worked in so many school districts and never have I left my office at central office to go to a school to get a school lunch the first school district I've ever done that and I like look for and then I get sad when I'm like oh I missed the the lunch window so and thank you for introducing me to fiddleheads so um the first thing I'm going to do is just kind of briefly give you an overview of highlights from the IEP implementation things that we've done and and I want to say I'm reporting out but um the work is done by Ally and Mike and J who couldn't be here tonight but I really want to um commend them for all of their efforts with getting this rolled out because this was an really an enormous task I've been this is my wrapping up my 26th year working in in public schools and this is a big a big thing for us having a new iup form um it hasn't been updated in over 22 years so anyway throughout the year um throughout the 22 23 and 23 24 school year um the student services administrative team attended all of the desie fed's meetings and participated in Statewide discussions regarding the new IEP implementation plan and shared feedback and input regarding the new format um that's the program about so that's my next one I don't have slides for this this just a couple highlights um the new IEP implementation was a standing item on our student services administrative teams weekly meeting we meet each Friday um from 9: to 11: um and that was just a standing thing that we were always kind of discussing um what the next step was developing our implementation plan and so we did develop a year-long plan for providing professional development opportunities for staff to learn about the new I format and content the special administrators engaged in crosswalk training sessions with Frontline which is the soft platform that the district uses and will continue to use throughout the spring um so in October we conducted a review of randomly selected Littleton IEPs to identify potential target areas for additional professional development and training in November we did cross District PD lash learns um and that was on November 7th with our presenter Dr Margaret Reid who um provided us with a full day PD where we immersed ourselves into learning about the new IEP format the training included small group breakout sessions comparing the current format to the new format practice sessions using the new format to develop IEPs and cross District sharing of ideas and planning for the next school year implementation in January the district offered individual coaching sessions to special education Liaisons sessions focused on the current IEP development practices and understanding and how to adapt to the new IEP format new sections and the updated sections of the new IEP were reviewed as well we also we also hosted an optional virtual coaching sessions coaching session on the new IEP with um uh Bloom who has done our IEP development training um and so we did two sessions of that so alen has provided our district wide professional development to staff on I development and we did extend that invite out to um to other districts too so we could have some cross District collaboration we sent out an interest interest survey to special education teachers and related service staff to solicit their interest in participating in a train the trainers IET Navigators program where they will be receiving um a sien um to assist their colleagues in using the new program during the 2425 school year um and that's supported by the 274 Grant which is a a program Improvement grant that all districts received um to provide staff with these stiens and then in February we continued to offer the individual coaching sessions March we off offered our second optional virtual coaching session on the new IEP in April we conducted a mock IEP reevaluation meeting with the leadership team and we recorded the meeting to disseminate to staff so they could view it and use it as a resource for what a meeting would look like and how it would flow because that was the thing all of these technical changes are easy to kind of learn about but there's adaptive changes with the way the meeting will flow and so we really wanted to give staff an opportunity to kind of see what it would look like and what it would feel like so we all took on different roles and um I was a parent and Ally your role was um special ed teacher I was OT and and what we did was we had a team chair from another District who volunteered her time to come um and take the meeting because they were an early adopter District so they ran the meeting as if it was um a new IEP format meeting um and it was great so we identified some nice areas where we can kind of Target efficiency so that IEP meetings can um flow smoother and and also cover all of the things that we need to be able to cover um and so then in April we continued the planning for the IEP Navigators train the trainers and we've defined expectations and responsibilities and then throughout may we conducted did a PD session with the school psychologist regarding the Adaptive changes to their role at the IEP meetings using the new IEP format because the school psychologist role will shift a little bit it will be definitely interwoven throughout the whole meeting where now um the evaluators will traditionally kind of report out their findings and then um they may contribute periodically but everything is really driven by the results of the evaluation so that will they will definitely take more of a a spotlighted role in in the meeting so we did a PD session about that and so then in may we also disseminated information to staff regarding the new IP Navigators and then we um identified the people who were going to be um our Navigators for the next year so we do have nine Navigators who are going to help at each of the schools so we have two at each of the schools three of the high school so it will be Carrie Fowler Christina berrett Katie linan Crystal Hutchins Moren McMahon Brianna Mayo Jan fudo Melissa Bon and Katie Johnson so we're very thankful to them for wanting to take on this this additional responsibility and so they have a kickoff meeting that has been scheduled and um they had an one hour remote meeting and then what they're going to be doing throughout the summer is conducting some um self-paced workshops in advance of their August meeting which will guide help guide the IEP Navigators through the new proposed IEP process and forms that are currently um being part being developed by desie and so um these workshops have been developed by current early adopters from districts who already piloted the new form so it really be um helpful um and then they'll be assisting and supporting their colleagues throughout the next school year with questions kind of on the ground in the NBA a building based resource U regarding using frontline's new IEP format the new form and also navigating our software platform which even even now with the current form can be can be tricky navigating the all of the the um the components of our software platform there's a lot of fields there's a lot of screens there's a lot of navigating in and out so um coming up we have a full day PD with alen Bloom um we have it split into two days half of the special ed stack will come on June 3D the other half will come on June 6 and um the training is focused on implementation implementation of the new IEP and then throughout the summer the new IEP Navigators and the special leadership team will participate in the self P workshops um that are um provided by accept collaborat and so there'll be a lot more updates coming coming soon in the next year as well do have any questions about sounds like such a a great way to calibrate you know even if there wasn't a new IEP form I mean what an opportunity to take advantage of all these resources to get everybody trained at the same time and communicating about the same thing and I think it's um so what proportion of of changes would you say have have taken place since the old IEP oh gosh it was a so the regulations haven't changed but but as far as just the technical changes to the form um there's been a lot a lot of changes so I mean it's a whole new a whole new form a whole new format and the technical changes are really going to um are are going to trigger a lot of adaptive changes so just the way we approach an IEP meeting is really now going to focus and be led by student voice even at a very young age because right now you know kids that are ages 14 and op participate but really age three and up five and up we're going to start really incorporating student voice and and have it be driven by interest preference understanding who they are as a learner and as a student as and as an individual and be wrapping the IP around with them so that's an exciting U um change to the form for sure but then the Adaptive change is how we have the dialogue and the conversation it is really going to be driven in a different way too which is exciting do all of the existing IPS need to reformatted and do we just do that over over time so each time every IEP is annualized so each meeting going forward starting in September we will be using the new form okay and so um that's what our transition will be so there's no expectation that we have to do like a data transfer from the old form to the new form but we will be um populating that the forms it so it's going to be a little bit of a lift at the beginning um but then going forward will be nice I mean the the format of the form um is is much nicer I I think and what I also like one of the other things that I think is great is it really focuses on a couple of the parts of the IEP that aren't as emphasized that they should be which is the non-participation justification you really need to have a a very thoughtful conversation about why we are removing a child from their least restrictive environment and their general education setting um so that really is is a kind of a at the Forefront now good it's exciting yeah a lot of work but excited okay so uh Shi do any have more questions no we should be good there right I'll start with that one yeah okay so Shi gears now you can bring up the the slides and I'm just going to summarize the results of the program evaluation that we conducted during the 23 24 school year and I'll certainly also be happy to answer any questions you have at the end um so the district has now completed year two of our three-year plan for evaluating the LPS special education programs so this year's evaluation it was of the lab and Pace programs then it was conducted by Sharon ther and went the pruner um so Sharon works with districts to condu conduct evaluations of District special education programs and services she provides technical assistance to districts to support um the Deb Department of Ed tier Focus monitoring process pertaining to special education and civil rights um she also provides training on special education topics such as IP writing eligibility measur goals and objectives transition early intervening teams federal and state regulations and parental rights so should get a wealth of knowledge so in addition to doing what the Tas for with the program evaluation she also did assist us um with doing a a record review for us and looking at a sample of Student Records to to look at areas that we could also Target um and so prior to that work Wendy worked as an educational specialist for the Department of Ed and she conducted audits of school districts to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations um so this program evaluation this threee plan that we've that we're in the midst of um does satisfy the Desi requirement for the tiered Focus monitoring um for special education standard sc56 which is spe evaluating special education programs and services so next year um will be the last of this kind of three-year cycle and we'll be looking at inclusion our inclusion Services next year um and Wendy and Sharon will be conducting that evaluation so just to give you a brief overview staff were provided with a questionnaire to fill out before the observations and interviews took place so prior to that in addition to multiple email called evaluators met um twice with the student services leadership team to really kind of map out this this project and and plan we were provided with interview guides observation forms and record review forms they were reviewed improved they're very floral and comprehensive we were very pleased with the experience that we had this year so um there was also onsite visits that were planned and took place during the month months of January and interviews also took place with administrators teachers and support staff so the questionnaire that was sent out it solicited information about each program their understanding of the program's entrance and exit criteria the curricul ises what's going well and what can be improved um not every person who filled out the form was interviewed but rather variety of special Educators and related service providers across the sectum and the continu Continuum of the district so in addition as I said individual student records were reviewed to determine how closely aligned the IEPs were to the program descriptions and so um to the next slide some of the commendations the evaluator shared um they were pleased to see the level of programming that Littleton offers and that there was good thought and vision for continuous strands of programming across the school buildings for um lab and pace and so also when speaking with the interview interviewees the evaluators reported that staff were engaged committed honest and open they were all acknowledged that the professional development that the district was providing pertaining to special education um and they stated that they benefit from it and and that it should be continued special Educators and related service providers all indicated that they want to be part of the continuous Improvement in the programs the evaluators noted that the physical spaces that house programs were environment that were conducive to learning and that the staff working in those programs created an environment where students needs were met it was upbeat and trusting the needs of the students requiring greater therapeutic support is something that was identified by staff as a need and there have already been initiatives in process um in response to that and so with regard to recommendations specific entrance and and exit criteria for the programs was something that staff indicated would be useful how however the evaluator shared that since it can almost limit the decision-making a team can make the evaluators recommended that this should be framed more in keeping with student profiles and indicators of success and keep this more generalized rather than adopting um very specific criteria the statement um that's found on the in the secondary PACE program brochure the evaluator suggested that we develop something similar or use this one for all of our program brochures which is one of the projects we'll be working on this summer um so including a statement that this program just deson seeks to provide a general overview of the program however the decision as to which aspects of the program are appropriate or students is determined by each student's I um the evaluators provided some suggestions from other districts for use in updated lab program description with teacher and staff input this is a t a task we can accomplish together and then um in coll collaboration and opportunities for program aligned staff to meet in District work together to further cement the strand of services and student profiles across the building is also recommended as well as strengthening the transition process from one school building to the next so we can accomplish this by continuing to Pro provide staff from each school program time to work with the sending and receiving school and provide more structure to these meetings to better support student transition so while these meetings do occur in conversations that are had I think um one of the recommendations is to build more systems and structure so that there's consistent kind of questions being asked and answered at each of those Transitions okay so um further recommendations were to look at our therapeutic and behavioral supports and dedicated spaces throughout the district so even prior to the evaluation further developing the therapeutic and behavior supports have already been an area of focus the district has the benefit of a a full-time psychologist school counselor and a full-time bcba at Shaker Lane as well as a bcda that's shared uh between Russell Street and the middle school and as well we also have a behavior technician each of the schools and we receive additional support from a third bcba on a contractual basis to support the needs of the high school in our 18 to 22 uh transition program so another priority area going forward will be to focus on streamlining data collection as it relates to behavior of thute needs and monitoring and Building Systems to establish um and build economies of scale so as it relates to data collection so this will be a priority for the bcbas going into the next school year they've already begun to invest time in exploring platforms that be used with the support of our technology department but we are being very thoughtful about this in order to ensure that we're building a system that's sustainable and is userfriendly and and can be accessed by teachers and and um bcbas alike so they're also responsible for continuously training and supporting the special Educators and related service providers um and so finally we always take this safety of students seriously and this is the most important thing that that we do our best to guarantee so we've had conversations about looking at if classroom locations or offices need to be moved for the sake of additional space or to maximize um access to supports and services um we've looked at um a change in classroom interior design and layout and we'll be continuing to have those conversations and we've had those conversations throughout the year with with the principles too so a review of classroom space will also occur to ensure that any non-essential Furniture equipment or materials are going to be removed um and in order to be sure as a district that we're maximizing and looking for efficiency in our service provision the special administrators are recommended to have more involvement and voice in master scheduling which is also a recommendation that has has already been implemented given the the potential fiscal impacts that Master schedules can have on the delivery of special education services in a small district with it staff excuse me um anybody want to go first my so I I'm glad we're doing this I think it's wonderful that we're in year two I'm kind of looking forward to the year three um um I was wondering if did this did this come to us in the form of a a report like no so what um what they provide is slides and so they have a very kind of aluminous slides that go through um like quotes and things from every there's probably like 5050 or 60 slides slides and then what I took was these are their slides so I selected the accommodations recommendations kind of the the meat of to summarize their their findings okay yeah all right um I think it's just like the the layout of It kind of confused me a little bit because it's you know obviously combinations we do we do a nice job and then there's like a lot of bullet points for recommendation so it's like oh are these are these areas of weakness are these things that we need to yeah and that's what I wanted to focus on is like the recommendations the actionable items that they're giving us because the commendations that we know that we do a lot of of things corre it was nice to hear those things and thank you so much but you know what the whole purpose of a program evaluation is to look at all right well what can we do going forward what can we do differently and look at our programs that you know we've invested a lot in in getting them to where they are but how can we take them to that LEL and I appreciate that so that's with no like disrespect like that's the whole point of this right to move to move forward so um I'm glad that there were things for us to consider and things for us to look forward I was if there was a report i' would love to you know love a copy of it love to look it over but it's yeah they don't provide yeah they don't provide a report what they really and we talked about that because we received a report when we did um the the year before and this I like because this is actual like usable like this is really we can take these these are very tangible recommendations and move for it was nice that some of the recommendations were like oh yeah we you know we've already identified that that's something that we're working on the therapeutic spaces was a big one that they called out and that's great because now at this point we have we have the bridge program which is a therapeutic space at the high school we'll be building out a similar space at the middle school we received a great Grant from the Kimble Foundation to be able to to execute that at Russell Street which will be this summer happening and this school year we've done that at at Shaker Lan good I was just going to say it sounds like a lot of the recommendations and what you were talking about are sort of process and systems based but if there's anything I think it'll come more in the year three that requires any budget impact or support from school committee or ratios or things like that to definitely just keep us upgrated it doesn't sound like it's as of now so far for sure and and what happens to like so this is this is the district's responsibility to do our own kind of problem program evaluation and and do um kind of a self audit but then what what comes is our folks monitoring which is a very you know thorough and comprehensive audit of of our programs from the Department of Ed and so that's where we they go through and evaluate all of the the different criteria and make sure that we're you know compliant P load sizes ratios all of those things aspect of physical physical structure and space and the delivery of services so we are looking forward to the inclusion Services component um because that's something that we have you know everything is is um scaffolded so we been working on um as far as our own priorities with regard to inclusion is providing more inclusion more push in and and utilizing um the benefit of all of the udl training that we've been doing to creating classroom environments that are universally designed it's important to note that these are relatively new programs in our district so we we are at the building stages still so this report was instrumental in helping us determine what our next steps are aome good it's been a busy several months for you busy and exciting yes when you really get to reflect back and like yeah wow past 480 days have been busy well thanks for all you do sure so you're going to stay LS guys say the best for last for you you're busy me tonight all right so LPS bullying plan is up next yeah and I did provide I I know it was linked in the um in the agenda but I just printed copies in case you want to reference it because I'm just going to highlight just a couple of the the changes that are proposed awesome thank you no no no presentation so just to give a quick overview so um The Bullying plan needs to be developed in cons ation with teachers School staff um professional support Personnel School volunteers administrators Community Representatives um local law enforcement agencies students parents and and Guardians so each of the the principles um have provided opportunities to engage in this process with stakeholders um through meeting with their their building their school leadership teams um and so in addition to that the consultation includes notice and a public comment period And so this evening we at that step in this process um the fact faculty and staff at each School are to be trained annually on the plan uh components of the plan applicable to the school by the school principle or their designate to ensure that the relevant sections of the plan relating to the duties of facult and staff are included um and then we post the plan on the website and each School principal is responsible for the implementation and oversight of the plan at their school um so just a couple a couple changes that I want to call out so on pages three and four we have um the current the current definition of cyber bullying says it's defined as bullying through the use of technology or electronic devices such as telephone cell phones computers and the internet it includes but it's not limited to email instant messages text messages and internet postings so in the past couple years um there has definitely been an increase in in cyber bullying and so the the definition has very much been expanded and so now the the definition of cyber building is defined as bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication which shall be include which shall include but shall not be limited to any transfer of signs signals writing images sounds data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in full or in part by a wire radio electromagnetic photo electronic or photo Optical System including but not limited to electronic mail internet communications instant messages or simil Communications cyber building shall also include the creation of a web page or blog in which the Creator assumes the identity of another person um it should also include the distribution of of um by communication to more than one person or the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons distribution or posting creates any of more of the conditions enumerated um that are inclusive of the definition of bullying so that's probably the biggest change that you'll see is there's a much more robust definition of cyber bullying um and then on page nine the um the section will Now cover both allegations by a student or staff member it didn't reflect um allegations by a staff member previously so that will be that's another ch um so and then on page 11 there is a uh the the paragraph that says upon the principal or Desy determining that bullying or retaliation was CCT the school will use a range of responses um that balance the need for accountability with the need to to teach appropriate behavior there's an additional sentence we'll be adding that says this may include counseling or referral to appropriate services for perpetrators and victims and for appropriate family members of those students so that's an addition um there's another paragraph that um talks about discipline procedures and then at the end of that paragraph we're adding um if the principal or design determines that a student knowingly made a false allegation of bullying or retali that student may be subject to disciplinary action and the section that this the sentence that will be added will or the phrase to that sense including but not limited to potential suspension from school um and then finally on that page when the principal or designate design has determined that bullying or retaliation has occurred within a reasonable period of time following the determination and The Ordering of remedial in or disciplinary action the principal contact the target to determine whether or not there has been a recurrence of the prohibited cond and whether additional supportive measures are needed so the addition there is just the first phrase of that sentence when the principal or designate has determined that bullying or retaliation has occurred um we do need to make sure that we are circling back to that Target to ensure that there has not been any retaliation and then finally um it's the relationship to other laws has been updated to reflect um the current laws and so there's just a another paragraph there that you'll see that has um expanded and and really it talks about protected classes race gender disability addressed through another procedure um and also it says that the alleged conduct should be addressed in a manner consistent with the district's procedure for example discrimination or harassment of Rance procedure applicable to the allegations so for instance sometimes like there might be voting might be alleged but it might also be uh civil rights that we need to look at or title n to look at it under under those um and follow those procedures questions for l so comprehensive wow yeah a comprehensive plan I mean it's we update it every couple years yeah I would appreciate the work that goes into having a process really laid out because this is so prud that having something to to and like there are steps we take yes that's huge how was our 23 24 year for bullying I mean it's it's something that's always going to be there right like oh yeah I mean we're dealing with with children that are but I mean was it like on a trend like did we have a year that was I would have to look at our data but I will say just an I do know know that we had um we had more substantiated um accounts of bullying than than last year I mean we're still very low near zero rates for sure there's a lot of social conflicts that end up having to get navigated the principles are are handling a lot of that um or they're doing investigations and finding that it doesn't rise to meet the criteria or standard of bullying that being said it's social conflict and that there's still may be outcomes or or Consequences or disciplinary action that needs to come out of it even if it doesn't necessarily meet the criteria for bulll is it is is the trend more that it's social media based and not in person hallway type bullying yep and it's the trend also that it's the earlier that children have access to electronic devices the quicker they get in trouble I mean there a factor for sure yeah yeah and we are finding probably more another one of the trends is that we're hearing or we're we're we're kind of receiving the Fallout of something that maybe have has happened that's outside the scope of the school or happened after school but it's impacting yeah they bring it they bring it into the school building with them right the problems follow Y and so while while it doesn't you know it's it's outside of a school or School sponsored so it's not bullying but there's also it it could be creating a hostile environment which then we might be looking at it under civil rights even though it's not necessarily bullying there still could be disciplinary disciplinary measures that need to be taken to respond to it because a student is is outside of school cre creating or engaging in in in conduct that then creates a hostile environment in the school for students Stacy she still Stacy you there um hold on one second we can hear you um no I just you can hear me okay um I was just wondering what kind of or if any statistics you could share um with the school committee on those levels of increases in bullying and kind of the severity of it I can in the fall I mean all of the principles have to report um to desie all of their data by the end of the school year so all of that will be entered into um will be entered into depy and and it's publicly available information but then we have the exact number so I certainly can provide that that data as soon as all it's all entered at this end of the school year no I appreciate that go ahead no it's okay I know there's it's the con is a little shoddy I do have in my notes that I had asked last year what kind like if we could get statistics and that they were available on Desi but I you know I do you guys are doing so much um I think to be proactive about it it would be really helpful for us to have at least a little bit of the um numers and statistics that we're seeing from year to year just to make sure that what we're doing is is effective and is and is working to kind of decrease um the level of bullying that that we're seeing um that's that's just kind of like the only notes that I had from last year's presentation so but I do appreciate all I know I know you guys are being really proactive about it and we can certainly make a note to provide the 2324 school year date at the beginning of the next school year it be saying you can have it for the next meeting there was one but yeah we don't have to have a bullying meeting if nothing's on fire but maybe we could get that on an agenda for early yeah do a SL with the district data start the year off great um you good Stacy yes I'm good thank you yes I I think yeah if at some point of course we don't want to start the year off with that but I think if it's something that we don't let fall um to the Wayside I think it's just something that's that would be good for us just just to have so we have that data abely yeah if that's the first time we have the data where we when we reconvene let's get that on first or second meeting sure and uh again again it's a topic that everyone every district has to deal with so dealing with it doesn't make a bad thing but we with all the work that goes into it I think Stacy's point is we'd like to see um how it's paying off and just like the the IEP updates and the recommendations like what what do we need to do differently if we're noticing that um things are changing you you know things change every day in terms of technology so I'm good with that you guys good all right thanks L we'll let you rest thank you whole year for tonight all right so next up is the uh postsecondary plans for the class of 2024 presented by superintendent clenchy so I'm sure you've had a chance to look at package we have 122 students graduating tomorrow night and uh 49 of them are going to colleges and universities outside of Massachusetts which is kind of interesting and there's I haven't been able to identify a trend over the years it really depends on the grades and their links to universities sometimes they uh want to explore universities that their parents went to Etc but it's you know it's kind of a nice balance uh we have four students I believe that are entering the workforce one is kind of taking a gap here entering the workforce as well and uh we're seeing more of that in uh districts or Across the Nation with graduates they're taking some time some thoughtful time before they they jump into into college for the cost of college that may not be a bad thing if they're not sure what they're going to explore so when you look at the the variety of universities uh very impressive and we have going up to uh Eastern Canada as well every we have a few that Venture up to Canada to to exucutive at the University so just very proud of the graduates so this is a all of our classes are special this this class is really special too and uh this class uh if I was to characterize them they're they're passionate about U equity and um you know making sure that that they do their part and having everybody feel welcome and support so huge Advocates of that are facing history class had some of them were at previous school committee meeting and and you can tell when they were here they're just passionate about making a difference excited for for them and confident that there will be uh going on to do some great things any questions about will that be announced at graduation where their what their postgraduate plans are no no graduation a long as it is this is a great list it is very impressive yeah Terri I know I'd love to add up the tuition I'd love to add up the tuition on this I mean that's exciting it's a huge difference samur is the winner huh yeah still still is yeah yeah well let see kids exploring middle sex Community as well that's a great opportunity for students to start out College without racking up all that money it's exactly yeah you can you can get some great credit there and transfer it pro secret we have a partnership with middle sex col do en Roman at the high school and so many of our our seniors have already had two college courses before they they Venture off on their own so I'm a firm believer I think we all are as as leaders in our district that if we can uh have as many students as possible experience a college course prior to graduation there's a far greater chance that they're going to graduate on cycle as well which is huge when you look at the cost of one year university and it was interesting at the college literacy fair that they talked about earlier students got profiles with what the requirements were for that job and some chose to advance that for instance if they had a job that only required a bachelor they said well I want to get a master's and that immediately affected what their school repayment amounts were so they would oh well maybe I'll wait on that and see if the see if the company I work for pay for some of that so and really got their their financial juices fling as far as education level so it's pretty interesting yeah tuition reimbursement is a great deal it is we have had a few students uh in the past graduate with a high school diploma in an associates degree from M College really cool thanks for this information interesting what's the Montana State University is there connection there that's like a could be an athletic scholarship connection Jackson or musical scholarship but I don't know if T has know one for music I could be wrong yeah great schools looks like everyone's got a good path ahead of them well this is a testament to the hard work of the guidance counselors at the high school too for sure they really um guide students through the process of applying to college and figuring out their path and uh this is a test to their work oh for sure yeah and they they do a lot uh helping them fill out applications helping them wrri letters Etc we have our Engish Department also taking time to to uh give them advice from their writing letters for ERS for University so we developed a nice process to so what' you say about a third of the class is going out of state yes off exploring good all right um Financial update yep reports on the screen in the packet um as I reported uh the last time we were in good Financial shape for the rest of the year um not going to run out of money to pay the bills so that's good uh we have had some savings uh some small Savings in some areas of the budget um again as I reported that is allowing us to continue with some um Capital Improvement projects within the schools um we had so that those projects are be going to be a combination of both some Town funding and then we have to supplement that with some school funding because the prices have increased uh since that funding was but we are able to move forward on that so um we're in good shape through the end of the year um no concerns uh in that regard so glad to answer questions and the end of the year was June 30th June 30th correct so we we're carrying 51 for another that right correct but again of some salar that's about million Advanced then paid out afterwards correct so that's about a million seven yeah um we still have I think this is reflective of uh still three normal pay Cycles payrolls that are that are not reflected in here yet so we still have to pay those out uh we have some um um still working us since sped tuition bills through the end of the year and things like that so yeah it'll all be gone but we're not short of money we're not short of um we're able to meet all of our obligations for the year so that's always good yeah and then if I could also take this opportunity just to remind people and let me guess uh bu registration so um I always take the opportunity to ask people to register um so that's open until June 20 uh we ask everybody to register please register for the bus uh I know Stacy's listening and we did St take Stacy's uh comments to heart we did Implement some changes to our registration process uh where um you should be receiving an email confirmation once that registration is completed uh and you should also receive an email um email communication if you've started the registration but didn't complete it um there was a lot of confusion over the last couple years as we're developing this program um so we think that um is a nice enhancement to that system so please go register for for your students for the bus for next year um it it it helps us a lot um as soon as uh June 28th hits we send that data off to the bus company we start developing bus routes and bus lists for next year um so the sooner we get those to them the faster we uh get that done so just wanted to make that up there good I successfully registered my children because I got the confirmation email you know you know what I wasn't able to do though on that same line was register for uh Middle School sports so the email came out register but don't pay and that might be for the high school too but I couldn't figure out how to register without paying because when you clicked the link it brought you to for sports for sports uh that's a different process so we'll have to look at that so but it well I'm just sharing so this can go back to Mike yeah interesting um it brought you to the website to pay but you weren't you were just supposed to register and so with M because you're supposed to just register and pay it also could have been user error like I fully acknowledge that I might have been doing um perhaps others were too if I was having the issue and then I couldn't even find Middle School on the drop down if even if I wanted to pay um I don't know I'll look at it again reach out to me and let me know because I'd like but the those are actually two different systems so the bus registration system is a little different than the sports registration system but um it all goes to the same pay Link at the end of it which is UN and that's where his that's why it looked familiar because I had registered for bus tried to register for sports and it was bringing me to the same place something something might not be right here okay thank you for us to yep I can forward you the email um I'll set there I am unless you have additional questions for me no is it a concern that we're at 103% already on Transportation no um we U anticipated it so um it's built [Music] in yes it is we we knew we were going into this budget year without appropriating all increas we're all covered and as a reminder some of those Transportation costs will be coming out of school choice as well to cover that but um yeah okay thanks can I just share can you guys hear me sorry St do you have that I didn't mean to cut you off me yes no it's okay I just wanted to say um give my appreciation appreciation to Steve for taking uh some of the comments that I had made last year I've already had some parents say that they have some Peace of Mind knowing that like everything's all confirmed for them um because I know we sometimes sign up for things and don't have a confirmation but this is one of those big ones where you can kind of have a panic attack on like wait am I going to be all set for the bus so appreciate you taking my input on that and acting on it thank you great that was a great recommendation Stacy so thank you for that as well good all right so one item in new business signature authorizations uh accounts payable payroll this was a request of the Town um now that elections have Tak yeah it was kind of shuffling papers I you read the motion so normally we would need three school committee members to approve the payroll warrants and their accounts payable warrants um school committee has the option that they want to take uh elect one member to be representative you can do that but it requires a vote so that's what this is about tonight okay if you don't do it then three of you will have to come up or and sign warrants or do it online we do it online now but very common practice to does he make one individual in fact in 25 years I've been a superintendent I don't think I've never had more than one individual signing well this sounds very very much like that subcommittee assignment of oats and payroll yeah I believe it is one that's how we operate and then this just formalizes the process and puts it in our minutes correct and the town has to have that in order to show State Auditors and things like that that we're following the right process yeah so this puts it in the minutes in their preferred format for that audit right good yeah so un anybody unless there's any discussion on it um do yeah doing the doc sign it's actually pretty easy yeah all right well I move that um that Justin McCarthy be the school committee representative to approve and sign all School accounts p payable and payroll warrants for the remaining FY 24 year and the fy2 school year motion made by ly second seconded by boo all those in favor indicate by saying I I I cares unanimously thank you for that great thank you very much uh this is a second opportunity for interested citizens hold back our last meeting of the year school year hearing none we'll move through our subcommittee reports Stacy informed me that there is not uh a pmbc specific um update but we usually piggyback that with the Shaker Lane building update sure Kelly you've got an update for us there I do uh things are happening rather quickly and I sent out a plan today visioning programming work plan for you to uh reference as we uh start the adventure so to speak June and July or actually PCT and uh but what I wanted to say to you uh we do have designated groups so we have District leadership team Vision working group uh educational Forum there's kind of three categories but if you would like to attend anything just let let me know you're welcome at any of the meetings the I want to make sure that that you're uh you participate at a level that uh you too you say good night to Daddy so it's uh it's kind of action packed I don't want to go through the whole thing since you already have it but on Monday I was surpr surprised it supposed to be later date a number of us will be touring three schools new schools say Smith Elementary in daners and then Branch Ames in houon take a little trip take a look at uh the new schools and take a look at the configuration and how plan for Education programming as well as Energy Efficiency so I'm kind of excited to to be at the point where we can start this process where you going Dan ver where else Westwoods e okay the E and nor do that down down 495 down south then D up North so it's a lot of driving seem like a lot of driving hope it'll be worth yes I apologize if this has been covered um has there been a decision made regarding building versus versus renovation this we're in the feasibility stage of of the project now and that uh is what they're going to determine okay but in order for them to determine that they they need to take a look at our educational plan and and and our vision for for sh and so there's a lot of information that needs to be gathered they are going to have engineers in the school we've already started they're going to take a look at every aspect of Shan school and determine whether or not it's uh feasible for renovation or or an addition so that's really what what we're what they're going to do for us and then make a recommendation for us at the end of this process so next town meeting correct me if I'm wrong because there's so many dates uh we probably 25 right we probably have to go hopefully we'll be ready to go out for uh and ask for a certain dollar amount to to move forward with whatever they recommend so our project is for about 48% subsidized by the state but we're going to the rest of the money is going to have to come from taxpayers so next town meeting uh in Spring 2025 we hope to be ready to uh ask for a of money so that we could move forward with that project not the fall town meeting sorry spring sorry I'm like in November you going to ask people for money really okay no that's good the PTA was just gonna cover that yeah yeah no I um I I would be interested in socializing that ask as well and and talking about how we let the town know what's coming up at the town meeting we uh are establishing a website and I also have a video that we're almost finalizing that that looks at the process that we're going to send to the community put on the website have LC TV show it as well there are just a couple of things we're still trying to tweak with it before we release it there's many many hands at the table when you make one of these videos want to make sure that we're we're not um saying something we shouldn't be saying at this point in times Board of slackman finance committee finance committee and it's it's just you have to make sure that you have a lot of eyes on what you're doing because we're doing this to be proactive we don't want to end up being reactive as a result of of saying something when people aren't ready to hear so right we also can't get ahead of what msba is allowing us to do and release as far as what the plans are so we have to follow their prescribed guideline as well sorry to sound so kind of I had just moved into town in the last round of school building it was a lot was that Russell Street or high SCH when when I moved in there was Shaker Lane there was Russell Street and then the high school was where the middle school was high school y so that was about 19 or 20 years ago yeah and we we deal with a lot of people we have an OPM we have a design architect and an msba and you they they all are communicating with each other and there's accountability mechanisms for each of those entities it's kind of interesting to manuver through that all of the things that we have to do and I'm glad sit with anybody and kind of walk them through what we've done and what we think the steps are going forward if you we can do that it's Nami as the town yeah we're working superintendent said we're we're working on some um some some educational videos that will help um clarify that what that process is we're we're very cognizant of the need to bring the town along with us yes during the process that's our that's our intent just I mean you know when the the library just got built yeah my daughter was one of the high schoolers who they took out and and took to schools and plan on that yes she's turning 30 so that's how long that took I'm just just to just to let you know about the like time and building things and getting money for projects yeah I mean this this kind of project I mean until we get accepted into the program you can't do anything and we accepting two years ago so you know within a two-e period Roby out the feasibility things so we we've we've done well but U now we're finally at the phase where we need to go out and and start uh informing people about what's happening so we're we're ready for that and our design architect that's part of their job that's why we hired them as well and our OPM is also responsible for doing that so we're we're going to work with them to make sure that anything I can do to help I oh I appreciate that yeah sure we have Stacy with social media which will help as well Stacey St I did well yes I I did actually I just I just wanted to say just being a part of the building committee I've been so impressed with how much all of the administrators have really focused on making sure that the community is involved as much as possible um they're really Kelly and Michelle OPM the designers are really digging deep on how to really Network within the community so that we have the input we need so that we get the structure that we want um and so that we get kind of the votes that we need to get this building done because this kind of funding doesn't come around very often with the msba and for my understanding if we don't get this voted through with the town um then we kind of get to the back of the go to the back of the line again um so you guys have done a really good job just making sure that we are getting everybody's input um so for school committee members it's definitely going to be on our shoulders to make sure that we're reaching out with any networks that we have um to make sure that everybody that we know within the parenting Community um know that there's ways to get involved um and contribute to the decision-making process so just throwing that out there too it's a big it's a really big responsibility it takes a community effort um and these guys so far have done a really great job of making sure that that's on the Forefront of everyone's mind so appreciate that thank you st uh budget subcommittee has no report this evening um policy subcommittee the one we were going to present we're gonna gon hold yes um before we adjourn we'll we do we we have our summer work Retreat dates plan it's on or we do I put TV because sometimes it changes so I just didn't want that can we send that date out again to the school committee we have two days we only do usually just do one day sorry Thursday Friday right are we just doing one day like we last um but it's usually afternoon yes 3 afternoon we usually start at 3:30 :' for some reason I have it on August 15th so that must have gone out no it's August 15th August 15th the intent is to get through um all of the material in that one day and then the event that we had spill over we could use the next day but last couple years we haven't had to do that um I was just thinking about this this is just like brainstorming for conversation like I was thinking maybe it would be nice to have a school committee meeting maybe even before the school year starts because we have our Retreat and we have like a lot of great conversation discussion about goals and things like that um and then when the school year starts we're kind of like you know we get the oh like this is the reopening of the schools like we hit the ground running we don't have an opportunity as a as a committee to kind of bring those ideas forward and talk about goals of the committee for the current school year like we we have a lot of great conversations The Retreat and then we sort of switch gears and we're um I don't know just throwing that out there would it be like to process the retreat correct and also make also make it a pmer meeting yeah where it's like hey these you know what are what are our goals for the year so like having a retreat on the 15th and a meeting on the 29th like to I don't know when it would need to be um School oh never mind our first school committee meeting isn't [Music] until anybody have that dat or maybe we just make that part of the first AG first agenda for some reason I thought there was like that we didn't meet until like school was in for three weeks and then we finally met because you're you wouldn't be ready with presentations from staff that soon in the year so it would be more maybe we could use that time from we could use them too sure all right but at the retreat we'll kind of map out the agenda for the year yeah we do that think we've got a near past first meting in September 12 12 so the students will have been at school for like three weeks before we meet why don't we talk about a more through treat glad you GES the date so won't do you have the dates of all the school committee meetings for next year um okay we'll get those too because they're we have them they run a packet a couple weeks ago okay I said you I sh okay yeah okay yeah I'll go dig in the phone and get it I didn't I'm just getting it's a lot to take a lot problem get there any is there any other business before the school committee this evening thank you yes fast buy really fast all right uh ask for motion to adjourn motion tojn motion made by V second second by Lane all those in favor to get it by saying I I we have a journ