can't actually 65 658 we're online it's beautiful okay welcome this is uh June 20th and we are at the Littleton Town Offices room 103 this is the zoning board of appeals uh 37 Shad Street Littleton Mass we are having a live meeting but I think we're televised if anyone wants to watch it we don't have any applications before the board tonight but we have a little tiny bit of administrative board business to do so hopefully it'll be a short meeting the first thing on the agenda is to congratulate our alternate Daryl Baker who was elected to the planning board and uh I presume has given his notice and so we will miss him but I hope that he'll do wonderful things on the planning board and the second piece of business is that our alternate uh Kitty o' Conor has given us uh notice that she is not going to renew her membership or her position for next year but promises to come back and will let us shame her into coming back as soon as her uh schedule permits so we will miss you but we won't forget you and we want you around no nor I you okay and then we have uh two matters before the board one is three matters one is to review the minutes and has anybody read and reviewed them I must say I did review them early on because um she was having trouble following so most of my changes are Incorporated I was amazed at how long they were yeah there was a lot that went on that was a lot that G and I I she got it all but I think it was important for her to identify the people who had concerns and what the concerns were the uh follow up to the incident that we had is that the woman uh had uh two additional episodes in the ambulance on the way to the hospital but was uh was grateful for the what what they call good compressions because um Jonathan who administered them was a medic in the service and so he knew exactly how to do them to do them right so the uh Hospital commented and she was doing well the last I heard no broken ribs what happened to oh a woman in the in the gallery suffered a heart attack while here and a neighbor a neighbor to the uh place we look at just you won't see it on TV they cut it yeah but yeah and we get to called 911 and luckily Jonathan Jonathan on our board was a medic in the Army and then there was a person in the audience who was a a retired fireman from B Burlington it was actually the presenter yeah applicant was retired and between the two of them they took care of her oh excellent so I have a problem problem with this I'm not an interested was not an interested a butter I was an interested towns member that's fine so I want to change that to towns show me where cuz I sent it back to her in an email and then she just fixes it uh page whatever four I didn't get that for can you do yours and give it to me yeah I ran out of paper okay everybody else and hi John has anyone reviewed the minutes I have anybody have any other changes okay we do have a compliment of four so the four the five members who are sitting will vote um we everybody was here right uh yeah so okay that's so I'll take a motion to approve the minutes as amended by Cheryl so move and second I'll second it can't say I'm a butter that was um John Field moving and John SU second uh to approve the minutes as amended all those in favor I change is on page okay we have before us a uh request by Town Council and town clerk for us to adopt a code of conduct it was sent to me uh and I'll give you the background and I think I mentioned at at last meeting there was some contention at the planning board level and it got uh name calling an ugly on the record it's not the first time that's happened at the planning board correct so it was brought to the attention of Town Council and Town Council reminded all of us myself included that in uh I believe 201 12 or something very long ago they had adopted a code of conduct for all boards but it's been so long nobody remembered it and no one had seen it so it was circulated around again and I had no problem with it myself but um and I mentioned to our meeting last time that we should abide by it um then it was recirculated by uh town clerk crory with some changes and in a Word document format so all of the boards could input anything they wanted to include or exclude from this code of conduct and again I personally think it's it's Common Sense be be polite to the applicant be polite to the people in the audience let everyone have and each other let everyone be heard and there's no name calling and other than that it's pretty standard stuff so what I'd like to ask for is a motion to adopt it as our code of conduct without any OB without any change I don't think we need to improve on it I'll make a motion and second please no second so Cheryl moves and John Field seconds he beat you you did I I don't know about we go back to the tape and look at it okay all those in favor I I opposed none okay that motion is passed unanimously sure it has a lot so in essence Sherry this is the one from 2012 or whatever ancient history and then it's just been resurrected it was revised slightly I didn't go word by word but it says the same thing I think the one thing I saw that was added that wasn't in 2012 is treat each other kindly I think it you know if said you're representatives of the town of Littleton but it didn't specifically say treat each other polite and politely in courteously and I think now it does and oh the other thing it said is accept differences of opinion as building blocks and it's okay to have a difference of opinion then you put it to a vote and you have to live with the majority role yeah okay and at least there's some teeth here in terms of enforcement a little bit a little bit Yeah y as much as one might be able to against other elected boards and then the last thing we have in front of us is it's the annual time to um vote for accounts uh who can sign for the accounts payable bills the only accounts payable bill that ever comes up is monthly they send me the newspaper publication bill it is paid for by the applicant so it's not like this board has to approve it or say it's the wrong on the mount and I just doc you sign it and send it back but it occurred to me that I think I'm the only one on it we should probably vote president uh excuse me chairman Vice chair and secretary so if any of us are out of town the other can sign it don't you think makes sense but not all together either one of us alone any of us yeah any of us alone is that all right with everybody sure that's typical organizational okay I'll make that motion what's that I said that's typical organizational yeah um authorization for but they need our vote it's going to go to her in the minutes are you seconding it I can sir okay let that you second as your important act tonight all those in favor I opposed okay motion passes now I'll entertain a motion to uh we have no we didn't receive any mail I guess go home no we're going to we're going to appreciate first for a minute I was asking please do are you're looking you're looking for emotion to steady and reasonable and well researched you when you speak it's always worth listening to we will miss you as I said I will miss you too and I will see what uh what the future brings I'm not adverse to circling back it's just the coinc as I explained to Sher The Coincidence of of it popping up at the very last minute and things going on just coincided enough it was like let me just step back for a moment but I yeah I I I agree with the concept that it would be nicer to hear earlier than a week before the meeting that we have for meeting we had it a month in advance we did if you didn't receive your mail you should check with our admin to see what when I got this all this paperwork that came about a week and a half notice that were having a m these things came about a month ago yeah but we assume the third Thursday and I thirdd Thursday but yeah you know we know we've had so few meetings lately but nonetheless Kathleen you will be missed as I said your voice was always reasonable well thought out and well researched and attended thank you and we will reach out to you periodically and say there's not a whole lot of business come back or there's a ton of business come back one way or another sure okay and we're going to miss Daryl he was of course we are but Daryl will still have making major decisions in the Planning and Zoning Arena so trickle down to us yeah it's probably good he's on the planning board because he always came up with the good challenges and so on he came up with good challenges and he researched everything so I think he will be a nice he will be an Excell educated addition to the planning he'll be an excellent Edition so would Jonathan Vance he would have been an excellent addition also both were very good candidates but at least we keep close the meeting so move to close second second okay all those in favor I I I you can turn us off this is the shortest meeting on record yes it is and