##VIDEO ID:5j1pYbgeaoo## uh good evening everyone this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act in adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required by law specifically the annual notice was emailed to the West essic Tribune and the Star Ledger on January 2nd 2024 the agenda and resolutions for the meeting are available on www. Livingston nj.org certain portions of this meeting may be closed to the public for the purpose of personnel Andor other matters as outlined in the Sunshine Law decisions made Andor discussed in closed session will be made known to the public at a later time notice to members of the governing body and Township staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be solely used for the purposes of Township business and any Communications are subject to the open public records act to the extent possible this evening's Township of Livingston council meeting will be live streamed via Facebook at www.fb.com Livingston townshipnj questions or comments will be ex also be accepted by emailing live comment Livingston nj.org by 4M on the day of the meeting each speaker should follow the rules of order in Livingston code section 2-5 uh roll call please car thank you mayor council member BB Tani here theara present kleene here Deputy Mayor mhart here mayor Anthony here uh if we could all stand for the pledge uh moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance I heard the kids loud and clear nice job there uh Essex County update no okay if anyone's here for ordinance 24- 2024 approving an application for longterm tax exemption and authorizing the execution of a financial agreement with 45 Partners urban renewal LLC that is being uh pulled from tonight's agenda um we're also we're also bumping the second hearing right on the salary yeah we are also um uh carrying the is carrying the right may I think you need a motion to table to table the salary ordinance yeah you can take that motion now if you like try take it now the motion sure okay is there a motion I'll make the motion okay second second all right uh you need a roll call May yep roll call council member Pani yes I have uh asked for some information and we just got that so I wanted to just make sure we think through thank you yes yes Klein yes Deputy Mayor mhart yes mayor Anthony yes uh when's that carry and it will be tabled to the next meeting which is Monday September 23rd 9 23d and this will be your notice for that hearing there'll be no further notice of the hearing if you're here tonight for that hearing it'll be adjourned to that date great thank you and that is ordinance 23- 2024 okay I did not see Essex County in the house are right we are up to the proclamations and presentations we have first the national uh voter registration day uh power up the vote this is uh in conjunction the um ncjw uh National Council of Jewish Women and the League of Women Voters of Livingston so we have uh Lori here and Amy you want to come up and speak about how important uh yeah you know what you want me to read it so everyone gets a background I think that's a good idea does everyone have this any want to read a paragraph we could just did we get it is it one of the things we got okay uh Michael you want to start how many I'll do I'll do the first do two because I think there's 10 one two three four six seven whereas the right to vote vote serves as the foundation of our nation and the right to vote freely fairly and to have our vote counted is sacred to being an American and whereas each year in the United States millions of eligible voters are unable to vote due to missing a registration deadline or because their registration was not updated after a name change or moving or because of confusion around the registration process and okay uh whereas right now the right to vote is being suppressed and subverted in this country by attempts to restrict Americans access to the ballot which is rolling back decades of voting rights progress and whereas National voter registration day was created in 2012 as a nonpartisan rally for the nation to promote voter registration and since that time more than 5 million citizens have registered to vote on the annual holiday including a record-breaking 1.5 million in 2020 alone whereas on Tuesday September 19th 2023 thousands of Partners ranging from local libraries and college campuses to National nonprofits Fortune 500 companies Silicon Valley Tech John s and more will join forces for a single day of celebrating democracy and voting public that makes it possible and I'll just read my portion but before that Amy and Lori what an amazing work that is and this is such an apt thing to do uh democracy survives and lives with this kind of grass grassroot efforts so appreciate for all that you do um I'm going to continue reading uh whereas a coordinated Nationwide Civic effort in traditional media online and face-to-face voter engagement in communities across the country will drive unparallel awareness of vot registration opportunities to Millions who may not otherwise register and whereas September 17th vot National vote registration day is the best chance to get hundreds of thousands of individuals registered to vote as United States shifts into fullon 2024 election mode and whereas the offices of the President and Vice President of the United States all seats of the United States House of Representatives and 34 seats of the United States Senate are on the ballot on November 5 2024 as are certain New Jersey County and Municipal seats and therefore it is resolved that I Al Anthony mayor of Livingston County of Essex state of New Jersey do Proclaim September 17th 2024 as National voter registration day and affirm the Township's commitment to holding free and fair elections and urge all citizens to register to vote so it's a very important vote and we're going to hear more right now is it on can you hear me oh it's on okay all right um good evening everyone first we just want to thank the Town Council and the mayor for this Proclamation okay um it's become a tradition in Livingston that we honor National voter registration day and really can't think of a more important day um I will speak briefly and then I'm going to pass it off to Amy who is a co-president of the League of Women Voters and living my name is Lorie Khan and I am the co-chair of get out the vote at National Council of Jewish Women in Essex County on September 17th it's a Tuesday um next Tuesday at Temple Benet Abraham and Livingston we'll be having a power up the vote event it starts at 11 o'clock in the morning and it runs until 2 o'clock it's like a drop in you can come for 15 minutes you can come during your lunch hour you can come for all hours um and it's going to be um we're going to be doing many things first of all we're going to be writing 3600 hopefully postard cards from four different Grassroots organizations from um reclaim our vote from um rack Rack New Jersey will become um collaborating with one PA for all writing postcards to Pennsylvania we'll be writing Postcards From the Civic Center which is a youth oriented group aimed to getting the vote out in Pennsylvania and we are also writing with um planed Parenthood action fund of New Jersey to send postcards to people in low turnout areas low voteout turnout areas we'll also have the League of Women Voters there with voter information Amy you can talk more about that we'll also have somebody from the county signing people up to be poll workers we will have um a QR code that you can link that you can click on to find out if you have a college student and they go to school outside of New Jersey what are the voting laws in that particular state every state in the entire country has different voting laws so if your child Goes to School in Michigan or Ohio or Nevada those rules are different than they are in New Jersey so you can click on a link to see what your particular State's rules are um we will have actions that you can click on for same day voter registration to advance the John R Lewis voting at Advance John R Lewis voting advancement act in New Jersey and a host of activities we'll also have speakers we'll have a speaker from the um YWCA Helen AR shantu we will have um somebody from the League of Women Voters of New Jersey and we'll have an attorney from the New Jersey Institute of social justice come and speak so it's a jam-pack day but really the main the main event is writing postcards and this is Co coinciding with national voter registration day and we couldn't think of a more appropriate way to honor this day so we hope that everybody could come I have Flyers if anybody wants to take one it has a QR code you can link to that and you can register and we're around if you have any questions about voting um but again it's our most important civic responsibility to get out and vote so please make sure that you're registered if you're not sure you can go to um nj.gov and you can see if you're registered and um if not please register right away or an early early um vote by mail ballot um or come on actual general election day November 5th okay okay um the League of Women Voters has been serving the community for more than 60 years we have grown in membership 190% since 2020 from 19 members to 57 members today we are your community partner in voter education and registration and have been nonpartisan since 1920 uh I learned something new today that I want to share with you on August 28th every school leader in the state got a letter stating that it is educational law that the school must provide every 17 and 18yar old with the opportunity to register prior to October 15th uh a group called energizing young voters is working with the league to partner in working with schools to accomplish this goal School leaders must provide information to our Department of State on the number of students registered one thing we are particularly proud of is that we have a league in our high school that was started four years ago uh our co-president uh R zappin is um from Livingston high school she is the co-president of the student League at the high school thank you Rya um other leagues in the state are quite envious that we have a high school leag uh the students are planning to have a voter registration event to accomplish exactly that and we are look forward to assisting our young people and the entire Community this election season you want to get yes she asked if we get a picture okay yes so League people this work thank you so much for all you do I mean you're rock stars and School level so it's so important to power up the vote um keep going doing what you're doing I you know we all elected officials we know how important it is to to vote we need to get that word out there to register to vote um and as a student of um government at The Graduate and postgraduate I know I guess uniquely how much people have fought for the ability and the right to vote Yes for for in our country's history and before so thank you for all your okay thank you so much Mar can I just make one more comment because you're talking about the kids as well the other program that which we started uh this past primary day and I know uh the clerk's office is looking forward to working again this year is having the high school kids Manning the polls as well which is a really wonderful program for high school kids to be able to see and to be able to help and to participate uh and we appreciate all of the high school kids who did it uh on primary day and who will be doing it again uh this year I know we've been in touch with the Board of Education and there's a that's being coordinated through our clerk's office for that as well so while it's while it's not voting it's also helping the process to vote I just wanted to recognize that as well so thank you very much for both of you as well okay thank you okay yeah we're gonna have a a photo oh how do I put this e [Applause] your e okay the next is the Livingston high school robotics team all right so we have a citation uh here and may will someone come up and talk about um yes good all right so I'll read this first and then we'll we'll come up and we'll get a picture Okay so this is a citation from the mayor and the township council members that we are pleased to sorry pleased to congratulate the first Lego League robotics team piano fores okay 2023-2024 Regional Champions TW 2023-2024 New Jersey state Runners up champions 2023-2024 first Lego League western edge open International competition quote on thepot Challenge end of quote runner up award we thank them for the pride they bring to our community by exemplifying the team core values of gracious professionalism and teamwork and their achievements as yeah all right as as demonstrated when they consistently excelled in all aspects of the robotics competitions robot game Innovation Challenge robot design and core values and outperformed most of their competitors another proud achievement of the team is the patent allowance they received from the USPTO application I could read it number 18632 324 for their invention P quote piano Genie end of quote which is an AI enabled LED based piano learning device to help enthusiasts to learn and master their piano skills we can and we congratulate does everyone have this we'll just read a name each or uh everyone have oh they're they're passing okay so I hope I don't butcher these um asme barve Kamaya satone sub saada boor m manaivi mana mana manavi Raja and Nishka bonsal uh congratulations everyone and we so mayor if I can just ask a question what what grade are you ladies in we're in nth grade you're in ninth grade okay are you guys doing High School Robotics are you on a team so we have formed this te ourselves are you going to try to create it keep a your team going forward in high school or you going to join existing teams are not sure yet we're not sure maybe okay yeah I think I think you might have a speech prepared maybe uh can I can I maybe take another crack at all the names yeah yes okay thank you thank you mayor yeah this this kids have worked really hard not every day we get uh you know a patent winner in house you know that has competed and really won so many great things so here they are uh so again just reiterating what may have said we congratulate ASI barve can you raise your hand please there you go ASI uh kimaya saton all right uh uh subd Boer there you go Mana rajendra there you go and Nishka bansel all right better thank you Kon great um does you want to speak about yeah you want I coach you yeah up I yeah Adam is this okay here we go TR do you want to speak are you speaking okay so I coached her in softball but obviously you you know I just did excelled in robotics which I didn't teach you and thank God I didn't teach you so do you want to speak uh yeah we'll be going around actually so hello my name is asmi my name is manosi my name is Shada my name is Nishka and my name is kimaya and and we are the piano fores so last year we competed in the first Lego League robotics tournament and the theme was Art and music in the beginning it was more about familiarizing ourselves with the world of Robotics and bridging our passion with piano of piano in order to create some an amazing project the day of our regional competition arrived and we were amazed to see all the other teams their robots and their passion projects they had created we were at the end of the day we were awarded the Champions Award and our journey wasn't over yet after seeing what had happened at our regionals competition we were even more motivated to do better at our states competition there was around a 3E time period And I remember we would meet every single day for multiple hours no matter how much homework or other activities that we had because we wanted to put in as much hard work and dedication as we could on the actual day of the state's competition itself um it was a little intimidating because there were a lot of other teams compared to the Regionals one but we knew no matter what happened we would still be we would not leave disappointed because we had learned a lot from the entire experience and process itself fast forward to the award ceremony we had ended up winning a Runners up Champions Award which was a very big deal and we were all extremely excited but we knew that there was still more so uh this was it the big day the moment that we've all been waiting for it was finally time for the piano fores to Showcase their talent to the world yes literally the world because this was the F International Championship where countries from all over the world incl including Mexico China Brazil Germany and Japan and of course the 50 states came together it sounds pretty daunting I know and that's basically how we felt the moment that we had stepped off that plane and onto the beachy grounds of California however we quickly overcame that suppressing feeling and figured out a plan for what we had to do our goal was to win something something that that truly showcased us as winners when the on the spot CH challenge which was where we along with uh two other completely random teams had to create a complet new Rob ball on a completely new setup in Matt was introduced we knew that we had to shine so being the piano fores we did we were able to lead three teams to success and even became the runners up in the on the spot Challenge and all of us felt absolutely thrilled when we walked up to that stage and claimed our trophy which is right here during the on the spot Mission specifically we learned the importance of teamwork and Leadership and how crucial they were for our success this cooperation was not only NE necessary with other teams but also within our own team where we made bonds over the course of our 10-month journey we became closer and worked well while also enjoying the time we spent together this helped us break through barriers and make progress while getting to know one another better during our journey as a result we were able to make the most out of every experience we had in all three competitions the championship was a very valuable experience for all of us so um as mentioned before we have received a patent for our product is called Piano Genie and it's basically an AI based um learning device for piano students to to help Master their skills um so on behalf of our entire team we really want to express our sincere gratitude and thanks to Mr Mayor Anthony and the township Council of Livingston and our special thanks to council member Mr kaan bani for encouraging us and giving us this visibility also as well we wanted to thank our parents and coaches because without their guidance and support we would not be here right now as well as our siblings who have given us unwavering support throughout the entire time so um again we would like to thank all of you once again so thank you so much thank you so much for the kind words yes you want say something sorry I will not take more than two minutes uh uh my name is Costo bam kima's dad and I am I'm one of the parent coaches along with the other parents I just wanted to acknowledge a few names here to uh to begin with Livingston Board of Education parul kka who guided us uh we also want to thank uh Livingston Heritage uh the Heritage Middle School uh for being flexible when the team wanted to travel to California for their International assignment and uh uh the principal was really flexible in allowing them to miss those schools for a few few days also uh special thanks to to the other teams there there were other other robotics teams from Livingston who also competed in the same competition and when they got to know that this team was advancing to the uh to the later stages uh we received a lot of support uh so thank you uh to all those parents all the other teams from Livingston as well thank you to the Livingston robotics Club thank you to the lacd for giving them an opportunity to showcase their product uh and last but not the least thank you to the council for recognizing them and very special thanks to Mr uh Mr kaan bhuptani kaan you've always been there at the Forefront uh supporting the community be it rain or shine be it any event and kitan is always there to show his support no matter what so thank you again we are really grateful thank you so much so very well said I appreciate it and thank you to the parents uh I know what you must go through as a as a dad myself um but you you're you're terrific um we're so glad to have you thank you for Thanking us for having you in it's our pleasure we're thrilled to have you here and hear about your accomplishments and like the plaque says we're so uh we have such pride in what you're doing um it's amazing so um yeah maybe we could get a a picture um for uh yeah the tribute yeah uh yeah is easier I make oh you want to come down oh K wants to come down all right problem e [Applause] for e I appr she thank you kton for saving me on all right uh the next item is um oh um let's see AJ is GNA come in next time Caroline for the environmental app uh sustain ay which is very interesting um so on the 23rd okay next up is the approval minutes motion to approve the minutes of the August 26 regular conference as well as the same dates Clos session meetings will note that uh council member kin uh abstains from this as he wasn't uh here that day I'll second it okay all in favor yes okay any opposed no okay like to make a motion to open the meeting to public con comment on agenda items only I'll second it okay all in favor all in favor yes okay any oppos no all right hi Justin hi Mr mayor uh Justin alert 56 Amhurst Place uh just a few things one with the salary ordinance who is mentioned that we received some M materials just before the meeting will those materials be released to the public or should we uh submit an opra request please what's happened it's just the previous I think those materials haven't been distributed yet so depending on what is distributed and not distributed if it's subject to opra certainly will be made available to the public if it's not subject Oprah will list the exam I'm not exactly sure what's going to be what materials is going to be submitted and how they're going to be transmitted okay um point two resolution 24217 on the consent agenda also involving 45 Partners is that also removed from the agenda please I don't have that on the revised it was added earlier today which one Mr aler 24-27 it was added earlier today the name of it auth agreement designating 45 Partners urban renewal LLC is developer and authorizing execution of a Redevelopment that was pulled that was also pulled yes there was actually three agendas that was in the second and and with respect to the one that was pulled uh 24224 how is it that in backtack weeks the ordinance was put up but not the actual app appliation instead the uh uh developer agreement was put up but the actual application was not included in the packet and had to be opra how did we get in this position yeah um we did not get until 3 o'cl this afternoon the clerk's Department uh thank you very much Mr Mayor thank you CH all right all right so we uh the salary ordinance that is off the introduction we still have uh Carolyn 26-2 2024 okay yes mayor ordinance 26-2 I want to close hold on hold on you got to have a motion to close motion to close uh yeah exactly okay you can make it motion to close the public comment yeah motion to close public comment second second all in favor anyos no okay thank you Michael all right so Carolyn 26- 2024 ordinance 26-22 24o priation of 7,50,000''. town which um has been a long time coming and a very well-deserved um building for them they are as everybody will know that I've said before the backbone of this operation they are there in all sorts of weather they're out there performing uh in um stuff between a snowplowing and tree removals and field lining and no matter if it's 110 degrees or if it's 10 below they're out there working for this town and uh if you see them around you should just say thank you for all the work that they do so this is a well-deserved um building that's going to be coming up in the next year 18 months or so and I look forward to approving it when it does come around I'll absolutely second that I'll absolutely second that what Deputy Mayor said uh the DPW building as we pass by you know various facilities that DPW uses uh it really needs a work from our side it really needs uh a new facility we have a tons of equipment and they are the ones as Deputy Mayor said serves a lot of our basic needs when you enjoy uh you know outdoor events when you enjoy the festivities at the Gazebo at the different fields they are right behind it uh and I think this facility will really create a good environment where we not only safegard our equipment but also give the Personnel who are behind this uh excellent operation uh a home uh which they'll be proud of as well as as as well we do thank you mayor just uh I'm going to Echo uh Deputy Mayor mhart uhu you know what anything that gets done in this community when in regards to events has the Fingerprints of our DPW and uh you know a lot of the success of these events uh are truly because of uh many of the uh the men and women of the uh Department of Public Works here in Livingston and you know what the community really deserves as well as our our DPW um staff a uh a new um DPW um site and um you know I can't wait to see it get built I guess it's probably going to take a year a year and a half but um I'm glad that we are starting this process finally thank you mayor I just chime in for one second I I just wanted this dovetails um you know creating a new DPW um really goes hand inand with the new um repor a problem functionality that we're having on our website now uh we have uh we just learned a little bit about it in uh in our previous meeting in the other room that we've had over 300 reports that have come in for problems uh and they uh the system is able to send those uh problems to the specific departments so that people residents in town can have better communication uh and uh follow up and and uh and the workers here can keep better control of of what problems are occurring and how best to fix them and so uh this is all going to go hand inand with uh the new system that we're developing to help really give the best customer service we can to the community great thank you and yeah anyone who knows me and been on been on Council for a little while now the DPW is this is long awaited thank you deputy mayor for saying that the um we have the hardest working DPW uh employees in the state they make us look up here they make us look terrific they are involved I think maybe Kate someone said maybe Michael that they do have their uh fingerprint on everything we were at the the doggy dip yesterday they were there we do a flag raising they're there not only just you know uh shoveling streets and and trees and everything else in town they really are a big part of what we we're not the Board of Ed they're a big part of what we can get done up here and the workers deserve everyone knows where the old kind of uh wornout building is on on South Livingston a here we're going to get them a a state-of-the-art facility over on Industrial Parkway and the proper home that they deserve so that they're they're a great group uh of uh employees and um I'm really happy about this so thank you roll call council member bani yes Viera yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor Mard yes mayor Anthony yes and mayor the public hearing on this ordinance will be uh the next meeting September 23rd 23rd thank you Carol okay next is the consent agenda for Resolutions all matters listed with an asri are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders um does anyone want any removed or we could read these all at once good thanks Michael Sean good okay good Kon okay okay Carol thanks um resolution 24-25 safe and secure Grant resolution 24-26 authorizing the mayor and Clerk to execute a federal aid agreement with the NJ do resolution 24-27 authorizing the execution of the developers agreement 39 West Northfield Road resolution 24-28 authorizing the award of a contract to jessco Inc resolution 24-29 authorizing the award of a contract to Winter Ford resolution 24- 210 authorizing a six-month extension of existing contract with Sher property Services Inc resolution 24-21 authorizing the sale of surplus property resolution 24-22 authorizing disposition of surplus resolution 24213 authorizing the award of a contract to GPI resolution 24-24 revising resolution 24152 authorizing preliminary investigation Livingston Mall resolution 24-25 1 59 NJ do Highway plan Highway planning and construction 20.25 resolution 24-26 chapter 159 fiscal year 2025 safe and secure communities resolution 24-27 authorizing the agreement with the state of NJ DP of uh Green Acres Program and resolution 24-28 amended liquor license renewal motion Move Motion to move second okay council member bubani yes via yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor mhart yes mayor Anthony yes like to make a motion to open the meeting to the public portion on any subject I'll second it okay well any oppos no okay all fa y he Jean wait till the other meeting I try to be patient but it's hard when I first came to the clerk's office didn't get a response for a few weeks so then I met with the deputy mayor haven't heard anything and then I made another uh appointment and met with the mayor M um all I want to know is when you're going to address an issue and can I be involved something is very wrong with the town when you drag your feet not getting back to me and what happened tonight was another example of this uh I'm not a I'm a SE super super senior and I didn't really expect to be here this late um I really think that the few minutes it would have taken to do this in conference should have been done so I'm as a as a long-term resident of Livingston I've I've been living here six 64 years I really resent uh being kind of shoved off this way and I'd like to know what your plans are for my issue and how you plan to include me do you know the issue no okay you see that's how wonderfully you communicate with one another um I uh have been participating in uh a protest in front of town hall on Mondays there is a group that comes from out of town and they're they're not um what I would consider loyal Americans they don't have an American flag H but regardless of who they are other towns have a u system that you have to ask for permission to have a protest and my issue was that we should do the same thing and since there are five policemen out there and also their time Etc cost money and I'm paying taxes if you're a resident of Livingston and you ask for permission for to have a protest you should be granted without fee but if you're from outside the town and you come and you want to protest then you have to to pay a fee for it uh I didn't think it was a huge U request and I thought it was one the town would uh welcome but I haven't heard from anybody about any discussion or anything it's not not nice so what do you have to save for yourselves well Gan um you had brought this to my attention two weeks ago uh when we had a meeting over here here Barry I I think we were going to look into the costs of the protests on our police department whether it's not so much overtime but it may be taking them uh our police officers away from other duties and that was directly what uh Jean had mentioned um the other issue was about uh charging or for a rally um from for Out of Towners and you you we we're currently looking into that Jean we you uh we would have been going through this in conference we were about to go back into conference when we're done okay just remember something that two weeks ago I spoke with you two weeks prior to that I spoke with the deputy mayor and prior to that I came to the to the township clerk's office so it isn't I mean this is if I weren't persistent it would be washed down the drain it's not a good feeling for a citizen to feel they want to do something that's legitimate to help the town and that is washed aside unless I don't know for what reason but I feel I'm being ignored okay you're not being ignored and it's not being washed aside um I think Barry and we already discussed it and I think we're looking into everything you brought up so none is being none is being dismissed none is being washed away it just may take a little bit I um Barry is this and Jean just um recall when you originally went to the clerk's office clerk forwarded those concerns to me I did email you on July 29th to try to address all your different questions gave you my opinion that some of the things you requested um although regardless whether I agree with them or don't agree with them there are constitutional concerns um I know you raised issues of whether anyone demonstrating we could require them to carry the American flag I did not believe that that legally if they car a foreign flag do they also have to carry and again as I I in my email I did address I think every suggestion you had in there and and a number of them I did acknowledge that we're looking into we're continuing we're working closely with the uh Township attorney um there are certainly constitutional constraints uh people have a First Amendment right uh and there's a lot of case law to look through to determine and establish a policy when you can or can't charge somebody uh to to exercise their First Amendment right um so we we are certainly not taking it lightly when you say their first amendment right that's not a First Amendment right to to uh to have a space in Livingston and protest it is it is that the public sidewalk is deemed to be a public forum and I the attorney I'm sure can confirm but no it is it is a constitutional right to and it certainly you don't have to have an American flag I mean the Supreme Court has said you could burn American flag and protest have to carry an American flag to protest that's another issue which I plan to go to the BFW and ask them to because I thought you start first on the local level then you go to the state and then you go Federal these issues have already been decided by the United States Supreme Court they were decided by a five to four vote in the late 80s and I believe that these are different times and there's a different interpretation now and if it comes up again I'm convinced that you would not be able to Des I appreciate that I appreciate that opinion but this Council has to file the current law of of United States I I recognize that but I also recognize that people have to exert themselves to try may I think the time to try to issue it now thanks will I be will I be uh we're still working on it and I will keep you posted I've got your email address thanks Jean great thank you jam thank you hi good evening mayor Al Alon uh council members Township managers everyone my name is Laura Tamayo I'm part of the lcdi committee organizing Sasson Hispanic heritage celebration here in town I'm here to invite the entire Community to join us this Sunday September 15 to celebrate the start of the Hispanic Heritage Month with the festival call saon the event will be by the gbo area it starts at 11:00 a.m. until 3: p.m. there will be live performances from many different Latin Community countries food dance in musicians and educational activities for everyone you we hope to see you all to celebrate together our Rich Heritage thank you so much thank you yes I think everyone here is pl we all have that uh do you have extras to leave for yeah I have everyone here we have yeah may may just say something yeah of course we play so did you um also uh get the flag from Lori there is a flag uh that was made for um Hispanic month uh that um that we have the town has um and I will tell you that that flag there's only two of them that are actually made each one of those were hand sewn East Orange has one and Livingston has one um I know because I asked the person to make it for Livingston so if you don't have the flag um talk to Lori that's Barry's um secretary and they can get the flag for you is he just as a so is the flag ra is 11 o'clock is the time when the official speech I just want to know what time it's 11:00 right here in front of town hall okay thank you much is that the flag you're going to raise or you going to raise another one that's the flag that yeah it rained last year right yeah it rained last year right yes and we did at the community center yeah well it's for should be good weather Sunday right oh Beau all right so then then we you've been checking yeah ladies thank you for your reference on this we really appreciate it lighting candles thank yeah thank you for all your efforts on what you're doing for this uh putting it together I know it's a lot of hard work but it should be a fun joyous uh Sunday right thank you thank you everyone that has supported us oh yeah we looking for see we'll see you we are really looking forward to it and thank you for all the effort but the after flag raising there's a March right towards kazeo from a March yes we um I have the schedule yes we have a March the children will uh march with the flags of all the countries um and they're going to start here and end in the gaso area where everything is going to start so then after that we have the Zumba who remember the Zumba me last year sumba and then we're gonna have um Ecuadorian dances Peruvian dances different uh Puerto Rican dancers we have um musician we have pinata for the kids and then all the tables will uh represent their different countries and they have educational activities for the children we're going to have um food trucks and restaurants also thank thank you for allowing us to use the stage and the tent for all the families to eat and um yeah thank you so much for all you those tables where you learn about the different countries are fascina yeah com back that is correct and I think and I think all those flags that you're going to be is coming from East Orange miam Torres that is corre great job in uh in East Orange with that project yes um we raised um enough money and we have that little extra money to buy we want to buy our own flags that stay here in Livingston we don't have to go to E orange and borrow talk talk to Miriam she can she could hook you up with with everything like that thank you thank you appreciate thank you so much thank you thank you both of you thank you appreciate it all right hi Alison want to talk about the uh enviral art is that okay yeah name and address oh Allison bis 15 forestry in Livingston member of the LC yeah I'm um a member of the Livingston environmental commission and hi I feel weird having my back to you guys um I just in the spirit of communication that you guys were talking about earlier one of the um aspirations of the environmental commission is also to convey educational uh messaging around environmental issues and uh we have two uh Livingston high school students who are part of our um committee and they are part of the green team at the high school also and they've really driven forward a desire to launch a mural competition based around an environmental theme so we're really excited to have a launch of that competition on the 19th that's a Thursday Thursday the 19th at the library including speakers who will speak to um three Ambitions of the project which would be um the power of art as a message Communicator about issues that we care about so a transformative power of art um the environmental issues themselves like how students would work to identify what those would be um and then also how they would actually go about doing that project so the whole idea is that it's not just uh leading towards one mural but the students actually build a portfolio an understanding of um those environmental issues in a deeper way and also how they would approach um actually making that kind of art at scale and how they understand how to communicate through that kind of project so it's um I guess a competition with one aim but many different events along the way which will expose the students to kind of an educational experience as we go through that um so I want just to let people know that the laun launch for that would be on the 19th and um you know what time just yeah 6:15 615 65 if you want refesh start 630 always got to have a I mean you can eat some snacks and then 6:30 yeah okay yeah I'm coming for the yeah and they'll be there'll be three speakers there Dan Fenelon who will he's a public artist who's um uh done murals in South Orange and he's going to be the mentor for the students and then um also Ralph Andre who started um an app that looks at um tracking art across the world and it's currently the largest database of any urban street art in the world so there's different perspectives and then Doug Jay will also speak from the high school he's a sustainability teacher there and the leader of the high school Green Team um about the environmental issues and we'll have some sort of engaging projects whilst they're there as well so uh on a personal note as well I just have to say as an engineer uh and a female it's very nice to see five women representing what you're doing and um I think you mentioned like breaking boundaries and I hope you keep that in your heart and keep doing that as you go forward with whatever you do in the future so that was inspiring for me mayor thank you any question would you be able to get all that information to our clerk so she could put on our calendars yeah and actually the the the neatest way is um there's a website yeah yeah if you would want me to website wasn't in the Tribune but the date and time uh and library was yeah and I can send that but L EC Enviro like the beginning of environmental art art um.com and that has all of the events and all of the uh background and how so Stu it's for students but anyone can come to the launch and just enjoy understanding a little bit more about those issues and then the students themselves can enter yes great I have a quick question for you uh what else are you doing to advertise this this is sounds outstanding very detailed program I I'm sure a lot of people can benefit out of this agree of course what we're going to do is what as you know as council member VI said and clerk's office we will be doing lot of from our side what else are you doing to to publicize this sounds fantastic ceron and uh Ana RTI RI sorry um they're the organizers and I'm their co-organizer if you like their supporter and um they're going they have produced a social media and promotion plan so they're using a lot of social media within the school um the library and then we've identified different partners within the township and then Partners through people we know with um who are presenters you know and sort of a wider environment um that we can use to to explain um like social media Instagram posts so we'd like to produce some videos and then we'd like to promote not only the information about the projects but use it as a dis spur debate about different environmental issues as we go through so the sort of um kind of three posts of information if you like there's actually the logistics of the project there's environmental topics that we'd like to discuss and talk about and then also um how messaging has been used through ART to really communicate these issues because there's a lot of organizations already doing this what can we learn from them how successful is it so sort of just a drive conversation around those issues awesome thank you yeah if you want to see that plan I can also send you that oh absolutely I think I know Ana she's a high school student right yes they're both Rising seniors and they're phenomenal yeah they're fantastic it was Chloe actually who who graduated out who came up with the original proposal she should be acknowledged and I think we're very lucky to have those high school students now a Duke I believe right yeah yeah yeah so she put in a lot of hard work and unfortunately she isn't now here but we're keeping her in the loop hope see carrying on for her and ala thank you so much um and thank you the council we expanded um the LEC to include students last year um which thank you so great idea uh I'll give us a pat on the back but yeah you've worked uh a lot with those students last year's this year's and um I think when we did it I was always saying a lot of the new ideas are the kids and all that and thank you for fostering their ideas and and getting something like this off the ground yeah I think it's great and and just to say um you know it's one thing to say you support the ideas of students but to actually hear them and then show the actions possible that you know you can have an idea and then see it reflected in your town I think is really important you know so you're a real Alison you're a doer too you you took those ideas I'm from York that's how it goes thank you very much that's right you even encourag me you don't have to be necessarily an artist you could be on a team that's doing it yeah so I my daughter was interested in that because she's probably got my artistic de so by that he means fantastic you're right I think everyone's an artist you know it's not all still life you know art can be many things so I really believe I truly believe that um but also uh yeah you can be as part of a team so if you feel uh if you're a reluctant artist shall we say then you can work with somebody who maybe is more confident but you can share your ideas and you can collaborate and come up with something greater than the some of its parts so there's no limit to that really the students can take that um and do whatever they would like you know so collaboration obviously pays off so yeah we encourage that as well whatever people feel comfortable with yeah great great thanks so much Al for coming in thank you y thanks uh anyone else for public comment I think there's a I think there's a l motion to close public comment I think there's a comment we have to read something we we do have one thanks no thanks um I have to read into the record a comment that came in today from stepen gilberg Baker Road he says recent open public records requests have revealed that a new tour claim notice is been filed by Sergeant Kevin meany which in my opinion raises significant questions about how our town is handling its Human Resources legal Affairs and financial matters could you please tell the residents of the the full nature of Sergeant millenia's latest complaint if one in fact exists and name all the potential defendants that have been put on notice is that subject of litigation I mean if the mayor and Council might respond um I I read the live comment it's interesting in that the Tor notice was not uh produced in Oprah um so it's that's kind of a false premise I'm not sure how Mr gilberg was made aware of it I will say that the township continues uh to deny each and every allegation um this is the most transparent money grab attempt uh I've seen um aligning um our Police Department who this Council uh supports and is doing a great job um our firm has investigated uh the allegations and believe them all to be false um and the only thing I will say is it's laughable that the new torch claim notice puts damages at $32 million just showing you how ridiculous the claim is and what a transparent uh attempt this is to money grab and extort money from the township uh in the worst way possible um by maligning of good people good officers our chief of police our counsel our to Township manager um and to think that putting a $32 million demand is going to scare this Council um into settling or doing something like that is just ridiculous um so I have nothing further unless the council has any further questions great thank you so much Shar uh any other public comment on anything close public comment second all right all in favor I I any opposed no all right we are now up to report of Township officials and council members um and you s going first you want me to start down here no no all right there you go take it away in I just wanted to let you know that the tax bills went out already to the residence and it's lower than the estimated so I think people will be happy wow okay that's always a pleasant surprise right we aim to please thank you thank you that's awesome news no updates at this time thanks nothing tonight thank you R nothing tonight mayor thank you okay great thanks Russ Jared I nothing further mayor thank you great thank you Carolyn I just want to add to deputy mayor uh Minard's comment from earlier the clerk's office did indeed meet with uh the high school today and with national voter registration day on the agenda we are going to again join forces to have student pole workers work with us again and we're very thrilled and excited that that opportunity is going to exist it was terrific last time for the primary um any details with uh some uh younger adults in the audience or anyone could do it or well we are limited number because of Mostly because of the training not how many we can train at a time um so we you have to be at least 16 um and uh if you're younger than 18 you need working papers the training is unpaid but it's a we uh everybody commented from the primary election what a great Synergy it was between the adults poll workers and the younger pole workers um they both benefited in a different way and they had a great time and every response was 100% positive yes yeah I heard the same thing we uh and Michael we we heard from a lot of people walking the polls Sean it was a A+ uh review for the uh the the younger people helping out so that was a great uh initiative and I'm glad it's going to take place for the general because it's a presidential election and there may be a lot of people coming out so that's good all right uh let's see council member Tony sure thank you mayor I think I'm going to start with uh calling somebody out here who has a birthday today hey Daniel happy buday I I think the um the most Junior council member has to sing you have happy birthday there you go see that's that's that's what they call there's a there's a label to it right in the colleges no but happy birthday Daniel happy birthday Daniel um so then a couple of things uh speaking of uh Milestones I think uh came to know about third anniversary three years completion of head sella it's an outstanding service in town um I saw a note from Josh comr and what an amazing service that is so congratulations to that uh that group for their dedication service and really giving back to the community um one uh outside of town uh incident I want to bring up here and then underscore what it means to us um recently in South Jersey we lost uh a couple of uh NHL players they were bikers and they were riding their bikes on the streets and they were hit by um what appears to be um a motorist who is uh who is under the influence um and then contrast that with what we saw on the opening day at the schools uh you know I I visited a couple of schools and the the parents and you know the the kids uh everybody came out nice discipline uh I think it it it says a lot about us as a community but also it means that we need to do more uh there are a couple of resolutions you saw in the in the agenda how it's relevant all of this work that we do here is relevant to our day-to-day lives in town um you know the grants that we you saw here as well as what we're going to do with vision zero and all of that um these are all underscoring the facts that we need to make our streets safer every day as much as possible and continue to work towards that um couple of notes to close out on um happy Ganesh fets Festival to everybody celebrating and uh Peruan as well um and bike Livingston is on 9222 that is September 22nd at the Y and I think lots of kids look forward to that event so do join do register it's going to be a fantastic event and of course the saizon you know so that that's something we always look for and uh and great work there and I look forward to to attending that um one final item to underscore on uh which I think cman client already touched on uh the application is called gov alert so if you download that application gov alert uh you really have at your fingertips the service request that you can put into the township so whether it's a Deb tree removal whether it's a clogged uh you know drain outside your house or what have you there are so many services listed in those options just pick one and locate it where your your phone is there it gives you exact GP PS locations a lot of good service there so do use that uh this is more of a public service announcement that absolutely download use it uh and inform the Departments uh we have internal mechanism that picks up the service requests and gets assigned so good thing to do there um pretty much that's all mayor thank you thank you Kane Michael I I think Kon I think this is the first time we really don't duplicate anything going so um except with the ex of happy birthday Janelle really wish you Happy Birthday um I want to uh thank and congratulate the uh Livingston Kanas club and the uh Livingston kns of Columbus this past Saturday they did a food drive for Livingston neighbors helping neighbors um if you did not H uh if you were not able to get over there and uh you do have something to donate there is a 24hour uh 7-Day a week food box in the lobby of our Police Department Livingston neighbors helping neighbors is always in need of uh of non- perishable foods paper items uh toiletries and everything so if you can donate to them please donate to them um their uh their shells are running a little bit bare so if if you could do something do something um I know uh councilman Klein I missed you but uh councilman I mean uh mayor Anthony and I uh um were at the doggy um doggy dip and I want to congratulate our uh our wreck department but you know what mayor when your dog doesn't want to go in the water I tortured that dog tortured that dog you know Al brings him into the AL brings him into the water the dog runs out of the water runs out of the gate to get away from Al brings him back puts him back into the water and now everybody's blocking the gate so the dog can't get out but uh it it's a great event and uh may I think this is about the fifth year yeah that that they've had it and 2019 you and I went when it was at the other pool you were May at the time and I think it was the first time that they've had it it it was it was great so congratulations to Jen Walker and that entire Rec Department um last month or last meeting I should say uh Council McLean you weren't uh there but I had mentioned um the meeting that we were supposed to have with uh the state DOT um and we were putting together a proposal with um Barry um and uh and um engineering to talk about sidewalks um on Route 10 and I had mentioned that uh they had sent us a letter um saying that yeah they were going to put sidewalks from the living in circle to oakner Parkway on Westbound and uh of course you you came right away and you said well what no I'm sorry uh yeah it was best bound and then of course you came in you said what about Eastbound and uh I think you actually even uh you were faster on typing than you asked them well what about eastbound happy to report uh we report that uh eastbound will also be included in the sidewalks from the rout 10 uh Circle all the way up to oakner Parkway so uh that was a great thing um the last thing I want to uh do is and mayor be patient with me for this there is an uh an article in the West ess6 Tribune on August 29th and I want to read it and this has nothing to do with with our judge it has nothing to do with Livingston's prosecutors it has nothing to do with our Public Defenders this is all outside of of their control but let me just read the the article 23-year-old Ania Taylor of nework was charged on January 7 2023 with shoplifting 1,7 $38.50 worth of clothing and jewelry from Macy's in the Livingston Mall she was also charged with conspiracy to commit shoplifting and with the Looting for failing to stop her car when police attempted to pull her over with her with lights and Sirens activated in addition she was charged with 14 motor vehicle violations failure to fa failure to exhibit a driver's license registration and insurance card failure to observe a traffic signal careless driving reckless driving unsafe Lane change failure to Signal a turn failure to yield to a RightWay to an emergency vehicle disregarding a stop sign delaying traffic obstructing traffic tailgating improper display of license plates the County prosecutor in R the County prosecutor in reviewing the case downgraded the shoplifting charge to a disorderly person's grade and downgraded the conspiracy and alluding charges to two charges of disorderly contact conduct in municipal court on the criminal charge the two disorderly conduct charges were dismissed as part of a plea agreement and the shoplifting charge was amended to creating a disturbance Taylor Taylor pleaded guilty to that charge and was fined $250 plus $33 in court court cost under motor vehicle charges the failure to exhibit a driver's license Reg registration insurance card charges were dismissed although Taylor had to pay $33 in court costs for each dismissal she pled to the guilty to the following Failure to observe a traffic signal and careless driving being fined $107 plus $33 in core costs for each and obstructing traffic and improper display of license plates being F $57 plus $33 in court cost for each the other motor vehicle charges were all dismissed this is happening day in and day out with shoplifters especially at the mall they're coming up they're stealing and they're getting off scotf free because the prosecutor down in Nork doesn't want to press charges and when they don't press charges it's going to keep on happening and our judge and our prosecutor and our Defenders they have their hands tied because the prosecutor down in Nork doesn't want to do anything and yes these aren't murders but you know what it's robbery and something needs to be done and until something is done with with the county prosec computer this is going to continue and these these charges are just going to be like candy to these people so um I just wanted to read that when I saw it in in the 29th uh August 29th Edition I just shook my head and I had to make a copy of it because I knew that the next meeting I wanted to say something about it thank you Council call thank you mayor um thank you for going through that I think it really um councilman ver makes a really important point um I think that we've all can be really proud about um how much crime has dropped in this in this uh municipality at some of the categories of crime when our our chief was here a couple meetings ago and some of the categories of crime the ones that we most worried about are down 75% so Livingston is getting safer and this council is giving the tools to the our Police Department who does an excellent job so that they can keep doing an excellent job um the um I will get to something a little bit less heavy with the doggy dip um I it really was a really great time and uh I posted about it on uh Facebook on my personal page uh and I had just so many people chimed in and and reacted and said that um you know that that they wish they had come and that um they always forget to do it but they really want to do it next year um I think there were probably about 40 dogs running around and certainly my dog had a great time so uh chip we'll see you we we'll bring chip next year also um also uh I uh Michael touched on uh the sidewalks on Route 10 so this is something I I'm really proud of this um we had initial discussions about uh the redoing the circle with the state so the state has had plans now to redo the Livingston Circle and the first meeting by what was it like four years ago it was it was during covid and it was about four years ago I think I was mayor then and um the uh or three years ago and um there was the plan in place and the first thing looking at the plans I said was we have to have sidewalks around the around the circle because people really need to be able to walk the circle really is a divider in this town it doesn't help unite the town so people can get to whichever stores they want to use and and um and and be able to uh use uh you know across different neighborhoods so um we did get notice that um you know the plan was always to include sidewalks uh around the circle you know at least from that date uh and then we found out that we're going to be getting sidewalks on both sides of Route 10 which is really important because there is Development coming on Route 10 we're all aware of that um and uh the development is going to allow a lot of the people who are living in that area to not have to get in their car every time uh they want to go somewhere it's going to allow for walking it's going to be less pollution it's going to be um Greener living where people can just walk to the the store down the street instead of having to uh create uh pollution and noise and traffic um and this is going to make life better in that area so I'm really excited about that I think you know the issue of sidewalks is cyclical like about three years ago there was you know a barn storm around here about about sidewalks right I mean there were certain people will start saying right I mean there were people really get hot about sidewalks and it comes every few years well you know no one's um been asking about it the last couple years but we're still working on it so you know we keep our eye on the ball and we and we work to make this town as good of place as we can uh also syls is having a cornhole League that this council is going to be a team we want all comers to come uh so if you have an organization in town or a group of friends and you want to take on the council we will take you down so registration closed I'm sorry to interrupt that as the captain as then or as as the captain of this team as a did not know registration Captain because nobody else volunteered there was a meeting actually tomorrow night at there's a meeting tomorrow night at 6:30 which we will get our schedules I believe and I will make sure that uh that will pass them out to the rest of uh to This Crew up here that of course will win I think someone needs to be in charge of shirts that's the only thing I'm going to say about fair I will say this um if if uh if you have signed up um you should be afraid to play us that's all I'm going say all right um besides that um this Wednesday on a more somber note is our 911 ceremony which this town has done every year which is a beautiful and meaningful event I would encourage everybody uh to come and join us it's at 6:30 at the at the oval um it it is a special event and there's not a lot of places that do this anymore but I think it just really gives you perspective and helps you reflect and appreciate the life that we all get to have um it's it's uh it's it's something worth coming to especially if you haven't been here before been doing it now um for for for 23 years and um if you haven't come before you should come it's always crowded uh and it's always heartfelt so that's at 6:30 on the oval uh and then I also would just plug again I love this environmental mural um activity that that it's going to happen and I think uh it sounds like a great activity for lots of kids to get out there and be artistic and also have an important message uh alternative energy which I know Justin appreciates um and uh and and all the things that you can do when talking about the environment how important it is it's just the it's the you know the air we breathe and the water that we that we drink and so um and it's the world we live in uh and then uh Sasson okay I'm just going to plug that one more time because we appreciate you guys are here to talk about it um it was such a great event last year with so much liveliness and and going to the different tables was just it really was fun to go walk around that room and so um we're excited to have it again so um thank you it's going to be outside it's even better no rain this time hopefully right make it extra so I think that's all I have today man thank you thanks thanks Sean and yeah I'll try to be quick try not to repeat a lot but Danielle first happy birthday as well um and I know you said about the taxes just to remind everybody that when they see their tax bills um as we talked about at Barry's budget presentation a few weeks ago um 62 cents I believe was it 61 62 cents was the Board of Education number 19 cents was the county of essex's number and 19 cents represents uh the number that we spend here of every dollar for all the services and activities and everything that we provide including the police including keeping the streets clean so uh again you know I know we talked about a few weeks ago but kudos to everything that you do an and Barry to keeping our attacks the municipal side the second lowest I believe it was Barry the second lowest in the county so just a shout out again one more time for that um I also want to um talk about hatal I just want to commend also I said that same email I I helped Josh a couple years ago and I'm very proud of the work that they've done to bring it in here um 911 I was going to bring it up as well it's 23 years ago uh that was unbelievable it's before some of your lifetime which is really know that I was thinking about it before your lifetime girls and I would encourage everybody from this town to come it's really one of these beautiful services and I'm really proud that as Sean said that this is we're one of the few towns that still has a um Town ceremony I know the county has one I think at 8:00 in the morning uh by the highw uh as well but uh we're one of the few that have the town as well um and finally uh two other things uh the past few weeks unfortunately uh six hostages uh in Israel uh were killed in Gaza and I just want to um express my condolences to all their families and we wish all the hostages uh to come home safe and sound um and finally um girls I say this every time we get a presentation like this but especially to all of you and to your families I'm always encouraged about how the world will turn out after listening to what you all had to say and what you've all done so thank you all I thank the parents coach I thank you for the wonderful words that you said as well and to all your thanks um you know I think all of us owe you a big Deb of gratitude um to appreciate all the work that you're doing and to make sure that our world will continue as it is so thank you once again thank great thank you Deputy Mayor and I'll start with the robotics Club the fact that you're here uh and still attentive and it shows your dedication um I know you're in the front row maybe hard to leave or no no no but thank you parents thank you for all you do um Ed you said it really well the the future is so bright uh thanks to what you're doing um and I'm just always amazed I'm just always amazed at uh the the the younger people in our town uh how prideful we are uh and and how just going forward as as you know someone a little older and with four kids and and it's it's amazing right a little older a lot older uh oh happy Ganesh everyone now that I've been insulted by my uh my fellow couns no happy GES no um anyway so thank you so much for coming out tonight and telling us uh what what you've done and and thank you Council for acknowledging it in the proclamation um the uh doggy dip was fantastic my dog I he doesn't like to swim so he and it's now been five years I've tried to get him to swim and he uh he's a Shelty just not a lab or anything that really likes the water but Sean you were probably better to your dog than I was to to my mine yesterday um Sean thanks for mentioning uh the the crime raid into our cap uh our chief Marsh shoots yeah the stallen cars was actually down 8 85% which is just amazing aming um the job our police force is doing uh Barry and and everyone involved thanks for the uh it kind of went a little under the radar the the Green Acres funding of $1.7 million that we're getting uh for open space I know it's important to everyone on referendums it always passes overwhelmingly we have the 20 acres track uh lari stamman um and we're having actually a committee and a consultant on what to do there if you know where the lari farm is on Northfield and strawman is up um by the Trinity Church we're starting to look into what the possible uses of that and the money is is terrific uh for everyone in your staff that that achieved that uh $1.7 million and actually it's now up to about four right $4.45 million total it's amazing um real quick uh 911 we do have that 6:30 on on the 11th it is a beautiful ceremony thank you for everyone who puts that together every year um and that was great the tax bill are we did we go to number one or we're still number two behind was it North Coldwell we're number one we got to get the big finger we're the lowest uh in the county or second lowest yeah no it's it's great work great work and and and Barry and Adam and Russ and everyone uh let's see the sidewalks the sidewalks uh again Barry thank you for that uh and and our Council for I think it was in 2020 we were awarded that money so we have sidewalks from uh Northfield at South Livingston all the way to the circle on both sides I live in fact over there if anyone's ever seen some of the condition of the sidewalks that's going to be a a big welcome uh welcome change to the town and to Fox Gruff yes downhills side to Fox Gruff thank you yep and uh again thank you for the DPW uh finally long awaited project I think we had four site visits and 12 between 12 and 20 applications were pulled uh to finally get that underway over on Industrial Parkway so um I think that's it we all kind of May can I covered all yes one couple of quick things I just want to acknowledge councilman client counc V's work on the ngd grand uh on on that on Route 10 yes thank you yeah and I think that was something as as I joined the council I kept on hearing you know how how diligent that work was so that's that's good great grant money coming into the town of course kids outstanding work and Kudos again and what we heard as well the proclamation about uh voter registration can't stress enough you know how democracy important democracy is and voting is an important part of it so just want to plug that in great thank you I think that that's it right everyone good we're going to go back into and continue our conference session uh right now so thank you everyone for coming out appreciate it all that for the work should we re open the meeting should reopen the meeting