good evening everyone this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required by law specifically the rised annual notice was emailed to the West S6 Tribune and the Star Ledger on February 28 2023 the agenda and resolutions for the meeting are available on www. Livingston certain portions of this meeting may be closed to the public for the purposes of personnel and or other matters as outlined in the Sunshine Law decisions made and or discussed in closed session will be made known to the public at a later time time notice to the members of the uh gen uh governing body and Township staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used solely for the purposes of Township business and any Communications are subject to the open public records act to the extent possible this evening's Township of Livingston meeting will be live streamed via Facebook at Livingston Township NJ questions or comments emailed to live comments Livingston by 4M on the day of the meeting um will be taken uh each speaker should be should follow the rules in order of Livingston code section 2-15 um Madame Clerk or or I'm sorry Liz roll call please mayor before the roll call may I ask for an exception sure can we allow the cell phone usage for livees events tonight I don't of of of course thank you you need a reenactment go ahead reenact it mayor can we have an exemption tonight to go live is at some part absolutely okay thank absolutely turns green Madame clerk uh I'm sorry Liz roll call uh council member uh minart is absent council member Klein here boli here Deputy Mayor Anthony here mayor Vieira present uh now if everybody can uh please rise for a moment of silence Follow by Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands One Nation God indivisible withy and justice for all I guess councilwoman boli is really excited for for today so not so we see eileene Fishman in the uh the gallery Eileen welcome Eileen is the representative for representing ESS County Executive Joseph D venzo Council um we have always a lot of things going on uh some of the prettiest things are happening at the zoo because we have our holiday lights spectacular and that will last through the 31st of December um but we are it will be closed the 24th and 25th of December um we have a series of Environmental Center Winter events and uh those are on the website Essex County website we have um holiday um tours of Kips Castle which are from Thurs Thurs to Sunday from 12: to 4: in December and um we have a a vaccine for children uh on December 12th at wat sessing Park uh Community Center uh from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. and that's four vaccines for children um let's see which ones uh all childhood vaccines including the covid-19 vaccine in addition to that uh we have a food drive on December 2 1st which will take place at the Cody Arena uh that's usually from about 9:00 to 11: that that happens and um that's it for us except to say happy holidays everyone um on behalf of the county exac and myself happy Hanukkah happy Quanza Merry Christmas three kings we can't forget three kings um every holiday happy season thank you and Eileen uh thank the county executive he does just a marvelous job all around the the county and even uh if you haven't been to turtleback zoo the light show is fantastic it is very special always um in addition to that you know if there are any storms or any issues just feel free to call or text me great thank you very much so at this part of the agenda we're on proclamations and presentations I'm going to go out out of order a little bit and um tonight we have a again you know what deputy mayor when you're mayor next year can we have the first thing about getting rid of this word citation like that word I do not you know this I I I I made I made this scary word it's a scary word so I'm not giving anybody a ticket but uh we call them citations but they're they're almost like recognitions um and honors but uh we have a citation um uh tonight for Sterling properties um and I'm going to read it and then I'm going to uh present we're all going to go down there and present it so it says the mayor and Township of Livingston council members are pleased to honor Sterling properties on their 30th anniversary in Livingston and their success as a contributor in the tri-state area and the township including the Legends Canoe Brook the canly as well as Belair the fairways and the point in partnership with perran Associates congratulations on your 30th anniversary and success and it's signed by the mayor and the entire to uh Town Council Members and we just want to say thank you and congratulations to Sterling properties and we have two and why don't we go and we're going to go down and then you could say a couple words too great you want you could say a couple words first and then we'll come down uh Stephen Catz my partner Wayne zerman Uh were principles of strolling and uh we're proud to celebrate our 30th year uh in town um we started in a a small uh one room office at 600 South Livingston next to neros we were there 20 years we moved 10 years ago to 50 East Mount Pleasant Avenue and I said to Mr Lewis earlier I would um Venture that it's um if not the nicest uh one of the nicest Office Buildings um in town we're very proud of it it's our home we're expanding uh now and uh just been a pleasure both living in town working in town and uh working with uh the township uh the council the planning board board of adjustment and all your professionals over the these years it's really just been wonderful and we look forward to the next 30 thank you may I Council mine um you know I know uh Stephen for a very long time uh very close uh and and loving family friend of uh of my family and and Wayne We of course Anno each other for many years also and I think that said not only do you have business in town but you have very deep roots in town and and raised kids in this town and um you know you're part of Livingston and uh uh we thank you for all the time and effort and care that you've uh given this community and it's a pleasure to honor you thank you again I I I too want to congratulate you and um as uh councilman Klein said the The Roots Run very deep and uh we're just so proud of you and uh congratulations again thank you very much so we're going to come down oh good that's now what the world has been waiting for so so um we are so honored tonight to to recognize um Heidi and Blum not BL not not bloom Blum I actually I can't wait to see that shirt I want to be the first one to buy that shirt it's not bloom it's Blum so but at least I at least I was able to give you a saying so I I leave you with my saying hope you hopefully you'll make some money off of it so but uh tonight we we have a proclamation and uh we're going to start that Proclamation with uh Deputy Mayor all right whereas Heidi Blum AKA Livingston's very own food Zar produces live as segments on ltown Lowdown a Livingston Social Media Group to Spotlight local restaurants and their Cuisine she is also the creator of a podcast entitled behind the counter which shares the backstory of restaurant tours and whereas Heidi initiated these segments during the covid-19 pandemic to encourage the community to support different venues and is often seen holding an item like a bagel a glass of wine tereso Chopsticks or other miscellaneous items like a colander as her microphone and who's next whereas where as Heidi also highlights Livingston small businesses as she is passionate about the Livingston community and will always support a business any way that she can and whereas Heidi is a longtime Livingston resident and graduate of Livingston high school and the University of Hartford and whereas Heidi and her wife Michelle Share three children Matthew AKA Kush Drew and and Dylan and in her Spare Time enjoys personal training playing golf often with the twin of mine uh and spending time at the beach in Ocean Grove and whereas the mayor and Council congratulate Heidi on her livh and podcast contributions in support of the small business and owners and the community of Livingston thanks for her for her dedication to the township and now therefore be it resolved I Michael M viira the mayor of the township of Livingston County of Essex state of New Jersey and the township council do hereby Proclaim DEC December 11th 2023 as Heidi Blum in the to hiding congratulations but sit back there for a couple minutes cuz I know that I'm sure the council want wants to say a couple of things and I know ne's going to uh I asked neie to say a couple of things but you know what Heidi I spoke to you we saw I saw you and your family at the cuso display uh over the weekend and I told you the first time I saw it was your first episode actually and the first thing I thought is oh man CO's really getting to people now they're talking into food and I and I remember because it was a snowy day out and I think you may have been doing it in front of your house and I was like oh just these poor people but you know what let me just tell you what you've done for for Livingston's restaurants is amazing uh especially during covid and you know what I know and I told you a story I knew one particular restaurant that um survived because of covid and it was because you advertise their their their business too you know this business was going to go out they they weren't doing good but when Co came and nobody could eat in the restaurants um you got out there you got on the street and this person's takeout business ended up skyrocketing to the point where once we were able to go and the community was able to go and sit outside and and eat their food the the customers came back because they had a they had a taste of of his takeout food and they wanted uh they wanted some more of it um and you know there's a lot of restaurants and you know what you know you don't go to the restaurants no more they call you I'm sure they do I I know you know Ro just had their food tasting and we made sure that uh Heidi Blum was on the the list and to make sure but congratulations again this is well well well deserved Stephanie mayor do you want to have anything I Echo everything the mayor just said and Heidi uh I guess what I have unique from from what Michael said is I um the Alle is on to the bid the business improvement district and what you've done and now I'll get back to what Michael's saying what you've done for our restaurants is amazing um you know the bid is established and promotes our our businesses in town but everything you do is is social media and the way you do it and you're just phenomenal the way you you you get the word out on these restaurants that really you know you're right have uh helped them survive and actually you know also helped uh promote them and and flourish so thank you so much for all you do thank you c m i I would just say Echo everything I said but I I think what makes you stand out is the the humor and the sweetness with which you approach this this this work that you love to do um the feel goodness that you put into the work we all feel it when we're when we're experiencing you know your output um I think uh not only have an emphasis on encouraging use of the businesses but you also pay such um tribute to the charities in town and you work so hard on behalf of Charities to try to do some good with with you know with the fun that you're having uh you try to do good with it and you part of the connective tissue of this town um people like you and and you know you use neie is right there also and and what she's built um you know as part of ltown and you're becom such a wonderful part of ltown um has become part of you know one of these things that makes livings in a special place that we can all say you know why do we love this town and it's you guys have a lot to do with with what we love about this town and and thank you so much for everything you've done thank you councilwoman so Heidi I get very excited when your videos come on as you can tell from tonight in a world where there's so much negativity you can look to Heidi Blum to give you a little bit of positivity in your day whether it's a restaurant whether it's your support of Israel and rallying those restaurants so that we can be able to donate to those that are needy I think Sean stole that for me I was thinking about that that it you know you do work with the restaurants but they also work with you so that we can provide a little something to our community when it is in need and you are one of the first people to come out and call it out and say we need your help so here's what we're going to do I tried to get some Heidi Blum chocolate bars today and I was unsuccessful I was unsuccessful to get some chocolate bars today um but we will be looking out for them we want to thank you for all that you do for our town and you know this is the reason why neighbors want to be adopted by us because of you and thank you so much for that thank you so Heidi Heidi I I know you call her boss but I think she's more of a friend and uh I actually asked neie to to say a couple words uh today so that is my boss she's my [Music] zarena oh should I should I face her you could the camera if you want it's a better angle hi everyone okay okay so now they'll see me reading this is like our phone calls okay um so your Town Council meetings will never be the same after tonight okay thank you mayor Vieira and Our Town Council for inviting me to introduce Heidi Blum or as the world has come to know her lown's own food Zar and Heidi and I met as parents at Bernard Hill Elementary what few people know is that Heidi was actually a member of ltown from the very first day I created the group in a little bit of um a fit a hiff I don't know something and uh the original name of the group was something crazy long and unworkable like Livingston parents for open discourse and communication or something very naive and um heidy saw me that night at school we had a school event and you're like I love the group it's great the name is terrible we need to change it and so you know that she would do that so that night we were on the phone and we were brainstorming and we came up with the name ltown Lowdown so a few people know that story that's very important um fast forward four years and we are in the midst of covid and hiy Son Matthew was working at Calabria and um Calabria like some of the other local restaurants were starting to share daily family menus which was a really great way to provide affordable meals for our family during a difficult time and also to keep the restaurants open and Heidi started to share those menus and then started to share menus of other restaurants and then started to share a lot more than even I did on ltown during covid and um I think that a lot of people really look forward to those posts every day because I I can speak for myself I was very single tired of cooking three to four times a day and it was nice to have the reprieve of a healthy and affordable meal and to know that we were helping to keep our restaurants open um So eventually I said can you just come and help me and a star was born and you became AAR that's that's clever that's more clever than like okay okay this is why she gets paid the big bucks okay so an AAR was born um and for the past four years you have literally worked every single day with Daily Posts communicating with the restaurants and the community but what most people don't know is you spend many hours off of ltown communicating with all the restaurant tours making sure that they're thriving and doing well and I know that sometimes you call me and you take their story so personally and you say we got to help this person and we try to brainstorm and you take it all so personally it's so important to you and we see that love that you have started to develop or you have developed over these past four years for these for these people and we see that with your podcast where you show you share the stories behind the counter of what makes these restaurants hick and what you really done is you've built bu a bridge and a connection between the food that we eat and the people who make it for us and through you we learn their stories we learn about their family and we get to support local businesses and their employees but also what you've done is you've really enhanced the quality of this town and in turn the restaurants have donated back to our community Through Your fundraising efforts and um as you always say they support us and we support them so over the past four years you've helped raise tens of thousand thousands of dollars for variety of local charities including pride month living to neighbors helping neighbors our schools shiv's third eye mental health awareness Fair Annie Tober and of course most recently emergency aid in Israel so your work has just gone Global really you're a global figure but on a on a very very personal level it's like a weird gig that we have managing a Facebook group it's kind of important it's weird right it's kind of important it's kind of still Facebook so it's a little silly but there are really important things that we have to deal with and complicated issues that we have to deal with and I just wanted to thank you in front of everyone for being my sounding board my voice the reason my therapist my my Rabbi on my priest everything all together um there are difficult times and I'm glad that I get to do it with you and with Stu we have a lot of fun together together and we have a lot of stories so one day maybe you guys want to take us out for a drink and we can uh tell you yeah you can imagine you can imagine but really congratulations on this very very World Des serve recognition for you and Michelle and your kids and excited to see what you continue to do for this [Applause] town so so Heidi we're going to come down but if you want to say a couple words now you don't have to but I'm sure that that I don't even know that I don't know that I need the microphone well we need the microphone for go oh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on you want Heidi do you want my gav I'm gonna go live okay hold on give at home if not do you want to get you want my gavl there we go right we're ready hello ltown this is Heidi Plum your ltown foods are speaking to you in a gavel baby you want to know why because they just proclaimed today as foods are dead let's hear it be afraid be afraid be very afraid I want to I I'm going to speak now but I'm live now but the community can hear it and I'm still going to speak into my gavl but I want to thank uh the Town Council very much for this honor this is like above I could cry above and beyond like anything I could ever I mean my friends know how much I love Livingston and this is like I thought the Hall of Fame was something I was going to try to get into but to have my own day is even is even better so this is just awesome and my friends and my family who have sort of watched this journey unfold and I I I have to say like and I'm saying this so honestly I never knew from when I spoke on my driveway that very first snow day into a banana that this is what this was going to be and I literally from the bottom this is the most natural job thank you my boss NE most natural job gig moment of my life that I've ever felt it really just comes from the heart it's so I don't even think about it because it just comes so the Israel thing just came with me sitting on the couch saying this is oh here's a good idea and I I email my Restaurant Group and within five minutes they all say in and to do foods are week this week with the chocolate bars I mean it's very cool to have my own chocolate bar I mean who else can say that but it really like it I I mean it's just such a gift I mean this town is amazing and I I'm not kidding when I say we are stronger when we are together and when we work together and things are positive even when things are negative and we work together we really can make some magic happen and I think um I I can't believe I'm the one that sort of makes that happen through talking into maybe a gavl but it's really amazing so thank you to my friends and family thank you to the Town Council thank you to all of you in ltown because honestly I say it to neie without neie without you guys there would be no food Zar and you guys support it and you indulge me and the people out on the street who stopped me and are excited to see me it's really amazing and it makes me happier honestly than it makes you guys so thank you so much thank you so we're going to come down and uh and give uh Heidi her Proclamation if anybody wants to come up and join the picture you're more than welcomed for everyone Mike's good though he's one shot sry one shot [Music] MK [Music] [Music] are than [Music] con s okay we're going to continue on the uh with the agenda uh we're at the community development block grant hearing so tonight on our agenda um we need to hold um the 2024 essis County Community Development Block Grant application hearing so Russ before we open this hearing can you explain what uh Community Development block grant uh hearing is and uh the benefits to the to the Livingston Community uh yes uh the Community Development block grant program is actually a federal program it's administered through the uh Department of Housing and Urban Development um in order to be eligible to apply for Grants you have to be a Municipality of over 50,000 population so in ess6 County only four towns qualify for going direct to HUD the other 18 are part of a Consortium where the Essex County actually makes the application to HUD and then we in turn the towns in turn make an app application to the county for a portion of their entitlement funds that they're granted it's a low and moderate income program so um we're somewhat Limited in what we can apply for anymore basically it's barrier free or Ada type of improvements um some of the things we've gotten in the past are some of the buses that we have that are accessible um I think the last project we did we put we did the doors over at the police station made them automatic doors versus um you know just regular handicap access stores so and last year we were funded for sensory trailer for uh some special needs persons that maybe are affected by sounds and things that need a quiet place when they're at events so so Russ just uh for the uh everybody's information this is hearing one of two we have to have two hearings we required to have two local public hearings okay um so if anybody wishes to speak just sign in at this sign sign up there yep so uh so we're going to have a public hearing right now so uh may have a motion to open a public hearing it's been moved may have a second second second uh all in favor opposed so the public hearing for the esss County Community Development Block Grant application is now opened there is a three minute uh time limit per person so if anybody would like to come up to the microphone uh from the audience uh we just need to uh have your name for the record for the seeing none um okay second all in favor opposed um and I do not believe um Jared that we do not need a uh a a roll call correct no matter thank you second public hearing will be December 18th at the next meeting okay great um so right now we're at the approval of minutes pending any corrections um we have the regular and conference meeting minutes uh from November 27 7 2023 and we have the Clos session minutes from November 27 2023 may have a motion to approve the minutes pending any corrections I'll make that motion it's been moved may have a second second all in favor all in favor I okay oppos none thank you um let's see where we are on the agenda so at this time we are now opening for um uh agenda items only so there is a four minute time limit per person so if you have any uh comments you can come up to the microphone please give give your name for the record you have four minutes seeing none may I have a motion oh uh Madame clerk is there anything um uh public comments come in for agenda items only no Mr Mayor thank you um hearing no more comments may have a motion to close the public portion motion to close it's a move may have a second all in favor I oppos None okay um the passage of ordinances tonight there are no ordinances for second reading and there's no ordinance for introduction so that brings us to the consent agenda and on the consent agenda all matters listed with an asct are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved in one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of general orders I believe um 27 Liz which one was uh we pulled one tonight which one was that 257 257 so um so resolution 257 was was pulled uh Madam clerk can you please read all resolutions on the consent agenda by title and resolution number resolution 23- 254 elmac prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse resolution 23- 255 authoriz authorizing approval of change order number one with sub Urban Consulting Engineers Incorporated resolution 23- 256 the 2023 budget appropriation transfers resolution 23- 258 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget chapter 159 gr fund resolution 23- 259 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget chapter 159 elmac Grant 2023 to 2024 or resolution 23- 260 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget chapter 159 elmac Grant 2022 to 2023 resolution 23- 261 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget chapter9 elmac dmhas Grant 2023 to 2025 resolution 23- 262 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget chapter 159 local Recreation Improvement Grant year 2 resolution 23- 263 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget chapter 159 roid 2023 resolution 23- 264 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget chapter 159 opioid settlement thank you Deputy clerk do any members of the council wish to have any items removed from the consent agenda for separate discussion and voting so may I have a motion to approve all the resolutions on the consent agenda it's been moved may have a second it's been second and all in uh uh Madam uh Deputy clerk roll call please council member kleene yes boli yes Deputy Mayor Anthony yes mayor Vieira yes thank you very much um so at this point we're at the public portion on any subject so may have a motion uh to open the public portion on any subject no it's been moved may have a second all in favor opposed so the meeting is now opened on any subject with a three-minute time limit uh if you come up to the microphone may we please have your name for the record hi Justin hi Mr Mayor is this on yes it's on Justin aler 56 Amhurst place um understand that there's going to be a vacancy on the council could you walk us through the process of filling that vacancy and how members of the public could be come involved in the process uh Mr Albert the the T will be putting a statement out uh shortly on the process and procedures but we're going to be following the state statute um which provides um the details I mean essentially within 15 days of the vacancy um Livingston Democratic committee has to provide three names to the council you're the vice chair of that committee the council I am the vice chair yes the council then has 30 days um to either uh select one of those members from the list or return that list back to the county committee um will that deliberation be done in public uh this this governing body has no Authority as to what the Democratic uh committee does I can't speak to what the Democratic commit will be doing you sit on both people sit on both This Town Council it be appropriate for me to speak on how a public how a political party would is going to handle its procedures from this days has the nominee already been pre- selected by the chairwoman not that I know of no it wasn't guaranteed to the member of Livingston Democratic Club no no okay uh will you do your best to hold an open process will you keep us surprise of what happens in the Democratic committee I believe uh we will be issuing a statement on the uh how the process will go do you have to recuse yourself from one or the other uh no I don't uh it's up to me whether I do or not but no I don't all right thank you very much Mr thank you Justin anybody else uh name for the record uh yes uh Mark first name markat hi mark5 long take a drive in Livingston lower the microphone thank you sorry about this I I didn't realize I'm too short for a normal microphone okay so basically I don't have any special request where I live opposite uh my driver there is a telephone pole utility pole I like uh street light to be installed there if if possible I mean to be fair it's not just for my driver it's a school Street Longacre drive so people walk at night it would definitely benefit now uh again to be fair to um to the south of it about uh 20 M there's another pole with the with the Light street light so it would be close and to the north of it it's maybe 60 m i mean long distance between so I mean it's not essential but uh you know if you decline to do it that's fine but I was thinking extra light would provide more safety definitely not not and if you install LED lights or some high efficiency light would not be a large electric bill to to the township I'm sure so so Barry uh the council or or the town does not put the lights on we actually have to get in touch with psj uh yeah given your address I assume you're in the PNG territory not JCP so the the utility actually owns the PO and installs the lights we just get built for the electricity uh we can certainly make the request they look into it they go in and they they measure the light from different fixtures and I'm sorry what was your address again okay it's 35 Long Acre Drive but Long Acre there little bit more specific information the street from you huh there's a poll right across street from okay hold on hold on the utility poll number is 629 965 29 you saved us that that that makes it a little bit easier for us right no I I have the information it's okay it's not essential if you so at the at the conclusion of the meeting I I would like you to get in touch uh with Adam Adam would you just exchange information so we have uh Mark's phone number so then we can I wrote the whole thing here I mean I was here uh to be fair uh Monday before the election because I work in a in a library on the election right and I submitted to the township manager office but I didn't have any feedback so I uh I submitt here I mean it's not it's not essential also on the way here I notice a big dip in the road uh talking about Route 10 uh by sherbrook Parkway near the uh Town Center the sh I mean again it's not a sing Hall but uh would be nice to fill it in I mean uh we'll take a look I mean I submitted the report okay I didn't know that but I learned I submitt the report to New Jersey State Highway Improvement so the I mean it's a little inconvenient to just go down a little bum so we we will definitely try and reach out to psng because you are in the pscg area right again it's not essential because there is a light but especially during summertime there's a canopy of trees okay so it's a big shade and and also the street gets wider on one side and uh narrow on the other side so the this is where the Long Acre changes Direction a little bit so I was thinking more light is is okay it's not just for my benefit it's okay okay it's fine so right so I wrote a little blur here thank you and um yes yes okay thank um thank you very much apprciate okay thank is there anyone else uh in the public that would like to give say anything um I seeing none um Deputy clerk is there any written comments yes go ahead yes go ahead okay uh there's one comment um to the council at your last meeting the mayor this is from I'm sorry Paul boxer um at your last meeting the mayor accused me of allowing a resident to share the address of another Resident in a Facebook group The accusation was angry mean-spirited and came across as a very clear attempt to defame and smear me in the eyes of the community where I lived with my family for the last 10 years as it turns out the accusation was false the online comment and question was shared on the town's Facebook profile during the live stream of one of your meetings the mayor must have known this given that he possessed a screenshot of the comment at the time he made the accusation but he made the accusation anyway the mayor owes me a public apology he should provide that apology now so that all watching in person and online can hear it and so that it will be recorded for posterity sign Dr Paul boxer thank you Liz uh may have a motion to close the public portion on any subject second all in favor opposed okay thank you at this point we are on to uh reports from Township officials again I always want to thank uh Andy m uh who does our av and recording for this evening thank you again Andy um very professional and uh and and everything um Barry anything uh the number of items for closed session so okay um Russ anything Adam anything nothing at this time our um our CFO an coochie anything nothing at this time um our Deputy clerk uh in place of Carolyn tonight uh mzuka who's our clerk but anything Liz nothing thank you thank you um Township attorney Jared caner and Jared um and we are going into close session uh after today's meeting after tonight's meeting can you just uh let everybody know um the topics what we're going into for uh thank you mayor uh Mr Lewis um I don't I don't think I had anything on for close tonight if you could describe what we have on for close tonight Barry uh use your uh put your microphone on please uh Monmouth Court contract negotiations uh possible property aition contract negotiations uh volunteers Personnel exception uh Livingston Mall attorney client privilege and water litigation attorney client privilege okay thank you um so at this point we're at Council comments uh council member strong Klein do you have anything nothing for tonight thanks mayor councilwoman boli I want to wish the residents who are celebrating a very happy Hanukkah and I'd like to thank all those who put together the Kusa display for an outstanding another outstanding year um bringing us together in the community um I would also like the there was a new business that opened in town I can't remember the woman's oh it was it was a new Physical Therapy yep it was um BV B Physical Therapy V Physical Therapy we had a great um ribbon cutting there and I'd like to welcome her to our Livingston Community as a new business than thank you great thank you um Deputy Mayor an Anthony anything just happy Hanukah everyone and uh I'm sure you're going to mention cuso I definitely will I I you see my ears grow because I'm an L then I'll uh I'll leave it to you for I'll yield my time for you to talk about kuso um no and that and and as councilwoman boli all the businesses in town we've been uh having again I mentioned before a member of the bid a lot of ribbon codings um Michael's kept the scissors sharp there and uh I welcome all the businesses to town thanks everyone thank you Deputy Mayor and uh I too want to uh wish those who are celebrating a happy Hanukkah I do know that the manora lighting uh was cancelled Sunday uh because of the weather it is uh rescheduled for tomorrow uh and that's Tuesday December 12th um just we have to I'm going to try and put up uh the times because there's a second manura lighting at the Town Center um and I think they're conflicting with one another almost with the uh the same exact time I think one is at 6:00 and one may be at at 6:30 but uh I will ask the township uh Adam if you can make sure that the township puts it on but there's supposed to be two manura lightings tomorrow and uh I'm trying to work it out where they're not at the same exact time but one will be at the cuso display and the other one will be at uh at Town Center um still talking about the kuso display I do want to thank all the volunteers um for the holiday display um and uh all of the elves um who volunteer they've been welcoming guests since it's opened and um it really has you know I think this year has been the most people that they've seen so far and they worked very hard this weekend uh making sure that the rain and wind uh did little to no damage um on all of the characters so and this coming Saturday December 16th the LA CD will hold their annual uh event at the kuso display with a visit from Santa Claus from 4:30 to 6:30 a second event that night a little after that is um uh will take place with the kale horses and wagons a petting zoo on Saturday and um our Livingston first aid and and um fire department will be sponsoring children's crafts and Santa will arrive on a uh a fire truck so uh please if you haven't seen the kamuo display it really is magnificent this year so we are going back into closed executive session our next meeting is Monday December 18th so uh Deputy clerk can you please read the resolution to go into executive session uh resolution to go into closed session whereas the open public meetings act PL 1979 75 chapter 231 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the township council is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist and whereas the township Council wishes to discuss under attorney client privilege litigation oh and do I need to read the list of the items I may not have gotten them all I'm sorry um Mammoth Court I know Barry said contract negotiations um property acquisition contract negotiations property acquisition contract negotiations volunteers Personnel volunteers Personnel Livingston Mall attorney client privilege okay Livingston Mall attorney client privilege and water litigation attorney client privileg water litigation attorney client privilege uh now whereas minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of the above no longer requires confidentiality the minutes can be made public now therefore be it resolved by the township Council of the township of Livingston that the public be excluded from this meeting thank you lives may have a motion to move in to close session may have a second any discuss any discussion M uh Deputy clerk can you please call the role uh council members boli yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor Anthony yes mayor Vieira yes so thank you and good night and next meeting is uh December 18th thank you very much