##VIDEO ID:92GGgIEolRM## e e h good okay is this is this on good evening everyone uh Welcome to our second five on five thank you Justin you could put that on the microphone have you it's our first Applause of the year I think thank thank thank you oh yeah uh this is our second five on five I believe our first one was March 27th of this year um we're happy to host this one and I will uh well let's do the call to order first um Caroline you want to do the Town Council first or yeah what's wrong with this thing are they all like this hold on test test testing yeah testing this is what happened when Andy's not [Laughter] here yeah want try testing nothing yeah because I wanted I wanted to hear while you did it yeah nothing better better now should we grab testing oh I'm so loud hear you on Facebook all right hello and the living tell him to turn his mic on it's working it's working turn your mic on now hello ah all right now that needs an applaud that needs an applaud you want me to reread it uh you want to do the pledge okay uh can we all stand for um the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all yeah okay great thank you Jared okay we still need a roll call Caroline uh roll call and T oh I'm on um roll call for the township Council uh uh council member bani here V pres kleene here Deputy Mayor Mard here and mayor Anthony here miss Arnette pres Mrs Charles president Mr Cohen here Mrs gong here and Mrs kemka here okay we're up to the uh worksh Workshop items uh the first one is the update on development projects I believe that's for Barry Lewis to give us an update is that working okay um as the uh Community is aware in over the last several years as part of the ongoing affordable housing litigation the council part of the settlement uh was required to Zone a number of properties um for housing um and recognizing that that has the uh potential to have you know meaningful impact on the board of ed uh we continue to work with the Board of Ed um provide them we have developed a spreadsheet that contains all the projects uh that were zoned as part of that settlement uh it's constantly updated to show where they are whether they've gotten planning board approval whether building permits have been issued if they're under construction when the projected uh certificate occupancy is um we also and some may recall from a meeting a while back um took the ruers ruter did a study um a pretty comprehensive study of of a lot of developments in the state to try and give you an idea how to project the number of school-aged children to come out of a partic any particular development um so we've applied those standards um we've also done some real world study of some of the projects in Livingston found that we uh seem to run a little bit ahead of that ruter study so we have kind of a factor for that um at present um the totality of all the projects that have been approved using the ruter numbers uh projects about 280 kids uh that's over roughly probably a 10year buildout and spread across 12 grades um the currently there are three that are under construction one on oakner um one down um at the corner of Northfield and South Livingston Avenue uh and one is just completing over behind Ambulatory Care Center uh we will continue to do that as far as the fourth round we're working very closely with our planner and our Township attorney to evaluate our obligations under the fourth round uh the good news is the number came in a little lower than we originally anticipated and we also as a result of our settlement in the third round have excess credits that will account for a number of those units um as with the third round and the fourth round we will continue to try uh to the greatest degree possible to Zone for one and two bedroom uh and smaller units try and uh limit the number of school AG children uh again and we will continue uh to have a very open dialogue uh with the schools so they can plan appropriately and anticipate when these developments will come on online thank you Barry um can you just talk about a little bit of um for the third round how many units were there and how many credit credits are we expecting to go go into the fourth round yeah so the total um under the settlement agreement total units I did it hold on a second uh well I have the to I have that done by the school children school age children so the projection was 286 it's roughly um a th000 units uh of which 20% were affordable housing units um the we came out of the settlement agreement with approximately 130 excess credits uh which our we don't know the exact number and we're working with our planner but it's going to be in the mid 400s for the fourth round uh so the 130 excess credits will come off the top of that um leaving 300 give or take um for the fourth round uh and and again those are affordable units now frequently the developments at a 20% that means five times that number total number of units um we are again going to try and maximize the credits that we can get um and one of the projects that we have uh recently approved has um special needs housing which obviously doesn't have an impact on the school but gives us a credit you also get a full bonus credit so for each unit of special needs affordable housing you get an additional bonus credit um we're also going to maximize the use of 55 and over uh units which obviously will not have an impact on the school as well so we are we are making every effort to try and control the number of uh any any potential school kids coming out of these units as we did in the third round with the fourth round as well I just want to add if I may the uh statutorily um you know the you know the uck provides that 30% of the low and Moder income units must be two-bedroom and 20% of the low Moder income must be three-bedroom units so the township has no discretion when it comes to the affordable housing units and and the bedroom distribution we only have um some discretion when it comes to the market rate units and like our Township manager said we do all we could do to limit the market rate in the bedrooms but when it comes to the affordables part of the requirements are that they're two and three bedrooms because part of the affordability and part of the goal is to bring more kids low moderate income residents to um with children school systems just just as a followup I think to both Mr caner and Mr Lewis is when it comes to the affordable side correct me if I'm wrong but how Barry said that when we when we have um the apartments for the uh special for the adults with special needs that actually then will downt take our number of two and three bedrooms on the affordable side as well which is what we also can do to we um ask the developers to do that and also helps us lowering the two and three bedrooms that were statutorily mandated to to provide um so two questions the F the first one is c can you just remind me the factor you upped the ruer study by um I mean it's sort of anecdotal what I did was I I did the Rucker study but then recognizing I think the ruers is across the state stands to reason uh at least speculating that the more desirable your school system probably the more likely you may generate more school kids so we looked at the existing at the Hillside Club Park View a number of the single family neighborhoods and and they actually built and occupied and it looked like the and and the Board of Ed was cooperative and provided us with a number of school age children coming from those addresses uh no personal information just raw numbers of students looks like it's roughly a 60% markup over the ruer number so has a particular number then you multiply that by 1.6.6 1.6 thank you um H have we looked at our existing 55 and olders to for certainty that there are no students coming from them and we make a blanket statement that I mean and I get that it would be limited um but I I think to say none in today's environment feels just you know a bit of a stretch uh well legally uh they're not permitted to have anyone under 18 living in them that's you know whether somebody is or not maybe that's something that we should collaborate with the board to cross check those addresses of our 55 and over and have you make sure nobody's coming out of those because legally uh they're deed restricted they're not supposed to have any kids coming out them I conc with our tent manager I mean we should you should have an address of if you have an address of of a student who resides in 55 and older then they shouldn't be allowed to attend I mean they they're not allowed to legally be residents within the 55 and they wouldn't qualify for schooling it would just be like if they were out of town that like saying can we can are we sure that there's no out of town students coming to Livingston bardad and putting false addresses or where or putting address in they don't live I mean we can't we possibly don't know all the if someone's committing a fraud we're probably unaware of it yeah I just think for the purpose of completeness and hopefully that's a zero and then it's a non-issue just one question Mr Lewis about the timing you mentioned a 10-year period is that for all of the development projects that are on the spreadsheet that you shared or is it limited to the ones that are are currently approved no so so on the spreadsheet that we shared which are all the Our obligation under the settlement is to Simply provide the opportunity to Zone projects to provide the opportunity we're not required to ensure that they actually get built uh um it it's sort of a an estimate as to how long it would take to build out that covers a 10year period of compliance the fourth round has prospectively going forward 10 years so some of those any future zoning on to meet our fourth round can some of it be delayed um what what I'm saying is based on when we signed the settlement to where there's three of them that are actually in construction now recognizing and knowing when they're going to get seed and then when they get to full occupancy a number of them um have the zoning in place but haven't even come to the planning board um so and and some we we have no um we have not been approached uh to suggest that anyone's actually looking to develop those properties at this time so it's it's not guaranteed that it's 10 year but that's our our best estimate over what the duration of having all these projects if if all of them some of them we have reason to believe may never get built uh which might be a good thing as well um just one more question about the affordable housing in over 55 so from the over 55 we do still have the 20% affordable housing units in there right which that's correct which will feed the schools no the the they're 55 you have to be over 55 and low and moderate income so there's still no school kids there there's an option under the federal fair housing act uh where you can permit a percentage uh of of non- AG restricted in a development none of our currently occupied 55 and overs uh are allowing anybody under under the age of 18 so the affordable housing units are affordable units for 55 and over people yeah so there is one at least one here that says that planning board it's under planning board approval which will have 20% under 55 so we do that that was done yeah excuse me that was done that one on um on um East Mount pleas East Mount Pleasant that was done as a request uh at one of the uh local houses local houses of worships uh because it's very close within walking distance um and so we they requested 20% to be under 55 and we do assume that uh members who will be part of that house of worship probably will not be using the school system they'll be going to um private schools s I just wanted to remind I just want to remind everybody here in the audience and people who are watching on Facebook that all of these discussions that we're talking about on the fair share housing uh units it's not something that This Town Council um you know was you know really we didn't want all you know we want we all agree about we all need fair share but it's also part of a fair share for our numbers as well these were numbers that came to us uh by our legislatives legislators in Trenton New Jersey uh through not only here in Livingston but throughout the entire state of New Jersey and so this is what we are cooperating with and going forward with not that we came out and seek that these numbers ourselves so hope I hope I speak for everybody here on the council or on that so are no more questions on the development project so we're going to move forward to an update on school enrollment good evening on the last day of uh the school year in June 2024 our enrollment was 6473 students um this is something we track monthly so in midt 2024 we had an enrollment of 6,339 which is a decrease of about 140 students and that mainly comes from the kindergarten class which is uh smaller than the class preceding it and the class that graduated in mid October our enrollment was 3,368 an increase of 30 students over the previous month 6, 6,000 3 388 sorry about that um this year's kindergarten class is 340 students about 100 less than I I said in a class of 2024 um but we'll we can see uh variations in the classes so this year's kindergarten class is 340 this year's first grade is 454 second grade is 403 third grade is 54 4 fourth grade is 455 and fifth grade is 490 and our classes in 6 through2 range between 497 and 543 so while this uh class is smaller it's it's one data point and we'll need some time to see if this um is a trend um we will be engaging uh a demographer um based on the information the town has provided with the um the high density housing that's uh planning to come in uh my experience with demographic studies um there's a whole bunch of variables that go into it um even though um they look at 5 years generally speaking in my experience it's a point time um that's what we have right now things can change um within the the five years that they give us projections um I was I found it interesting and I brought this up at um you know when we were discussing uh that I was speaking to a realtor um uh this past week who told me and I'm I don't remember the exact numbers when I'm in ballpark here that it used to be that in Livingston you'd have 150 houses per month that were turning over so there was lot of opportunity for new kids to come into the school system and now that number is around 40 and that was over I think a dozen years or something I mean it's really uh because of the way the housing market and high interest rates and um there's not a lot of product that's uh that's being built in in town you know we have these new developments coming on board but when you aside from those new developments coming on board it really seems like um that maybe this decreased size of the kindergarten class might be like uh representative of the fact that there's less housing stock turning over and I'm wondering if that's going to continue in the future I I really can't comment on that you know if that um low housing stock is is a one-year Trend or a several year Trend you know again we'll have to look at that and and see what history tells us so based on the numbers based on the numbers can we is there anything that that indicates that it was a covid blip from a few years ago where the numbers went up or is it too early to to say that it was a CO blip or what is it really that you know I mean you've done this for many many years now in other um districts is there any feel that you know what why these numbers are like they are these children uh in kindergarten were born before Co so I don't think we'll see a covid decline or bump until a year or two okay and and the co the numbers of the kids who moved in during is there are there numbers that show during the covid years what ages what age groups I'm sorry what grades I should say were affected the most with increases during the covid years I don't have that information so I just have one question um none of these right now take into account any of the buildings that have gone in right correct so the Thousand unit have not been contributing to this number yet not yet okay the the process for expanding schools is long so once you have a plan and present it to the the public um and then get a a past um referendum um districts don't expend funds or that much funds into the planning of it so if expansion is is needed it's going to take um a year maybe longer to develop the plans for those expansions and then you have the bidding process and then you have the construction phase um which is uh can be longer than the um uh development of the drawings so you're really looking at 3 to four years from when we say go if everything goes well just I'll just mention um I don't have my internet's not working in here but um I believe our number our student enrollment numbers went down during covid um we had some families that withdrew their um their students out into private schools so that was something that we did see during that time okay that's really interesting thank you that's great because you know I just don't have no it's it's I think all this is really kind of interesting because from the council perspective we sat up here the last few years during uh the fair share discussions that went on and the approval is that again we didn't have much of a choice to say yes or no know on based on what was coming out of Trenton and heard how overcrowded the schools have been have been and were so that's why I was kind of interesting to see interesting to hear some of this now based on all the all the information that we heard as a council from a lot of the the parents that were up there not from not from the Board of Ed side but from the parents side yeah I think it's important to remember so prior to covid we were on an upward trend of students we were growing yes and Janice is correct during that one year of 2020 we went down because we students pull out however in the year subsequent prior to this school year that Trend shifted and shifted upward right so the rate of growth in the schools did change in the postco when we had a significant number of folks moving out and a significant number of folks moving in this is one data point in this current school year right and comparing June to October is not really the right comparator we have to look at June of 24 to June of 25 to see how many more students we gain over the school year because if you were to look at se member October of of of 23 you might see we might potentially be more in line with where we are and so I think I think what's important to remember is the schools were growing the population was growing yes we had a one-ear downward but that then the trend shifted upward and let's also remember while it is down at this hour where we end the school year is really the important comparator versus where we ended the prior school year so um and we obviously gained a number of students just in the first month of the school year so I just want to make sure that we're all aligned on how we're looking at the data um mayor if I may uh yeah sure I just want to I just want to add that um it went up that the fourth round did add some criteria if you lack um sewage and water that that could be a criteria to limit your affordable housing but school capacity is still not a CR IIA and the council still has to build affordable housing um it's a requirement of the statute it's a law towns that have fought that obligation have not won um they haven't been successful um and school capacity is no is not a Criterion in the fourth round and it wasn't a criteria in the third round so it's unfortunate and I think the legislators got it wrong um because they look at our sewer capacity and they look at our water capacity because obviously you don't have enough sewer you don't have enough water you can't bring residents in but I think it they should have looked at also the school system and it's unfortunate that they didn't um Dr fishbine is there any um patterns you you notice because like Seth Mr Cen had said it looks like it went up 50 in the first month and if that averaged out it would be uh by June it would be well above last June is there any um typical data that it does it does it really happen in that first month October and maybe then there's another influx like during um the holiday break because it was down about 134 but quickly was down to only 85 between June and October and with that looking at past patterns is it is it reasonable to think this June like uh Seth was saying may very well be above last June yeah the uh we we districts tend to grow especially districts that house their uh third and fourth third and four year olds special ed programs so those children age in at Birth at their birth date not at you know the October 1 date of enrollment so we'll tend to grow in those areas as kids Ag and qualify for those uh programs yeah I had three kids in the pride program that started a staggered uh you know start date y through the year yeah based on the birthday right uh any other yeah just one thing mayor uh so Dr Fishman one quick question about the enrollment we of a number of uh elementary students in different schools and I know balancing happens uh depending on the area or depending on the facility and availability can you address and maybe this is the third agenda item which is a long-term facility but in burn at hill we do see some temporary areas that is required outside of school versus other elementary schools not and I do do get some of the questions out there saying you know if we see numbers going down how are we seeing this in comparison to to having to build something temporary outside of the school right so like like I said I think um you know the kindergarten number going down is is one data point so I wouldn't start making predictions off of that we do have uh temporary facilities um which are very nice at at two of our elementary schools um and that was due to uh space issues so it's mostly balancing basically yes it is balancing the the district also has a policy what they they call soft borders so if we see an area um based on the the board's guidel lines for class size um new families that move in um may not go to their neighborhood school um because of the um class size issues in in that particular school and we make every attempt to place them in a school that's uh close to their home mayor um I I thought councilman Klein brought up a very good uh point uh and I'm wondering whether or not U any studies can go further with that uh meaning that if there's not houses for sale or not a lot of houses for sale that may mean that there won't be any more students coming in is there any way of of um having some sort of reports or having the people who are are um taking educated guesses on our enrollment look into that because that clearly makes a lot of sense if a house is not for sale you know most likely no new student is going or coming out mhm so that is part of the uh demographers job to look at that um and and they won't just look at this one year they'll look at uh that that data point over time so if uh 2024 is the year that only 40 houses are in in um available to be sold they'll also look at at years in the past and make predictions based on that if I just some on that I mean I I don't know that there's anything in the recent past that's comparable only because you know a lot of people in town are sitting on mortgage rates that are below 3% and as soon as you move you lose your mortgage right so you're kind of locked in by your by your your good luck and getting such a low mortgage and that's kind of what's paralyzed um the uh the housing market and it's I don't think there's been a recent comparable um situation in terms of you know the mortgage rates being so low and then running to so high so fast I mean I I just I'm not sure that there's a historical comparison to make for that so you know maybe they have a way of estimating it but it'll be tough that's why I'm not doing it someone else [Laughter] will Dr fishbine is there anything else you wanted to address about the process for establishing a long facilities um Jessica um the business administrator and I are new to the district so we spent uh uh the past few months touring the schools uh with our facilities manager and meeting with the principles um uh we uh received the in process and proposed high density housing uh spreadsh with the town and we will share that with the uh demographer and I'm sure um that that person will be in touch um with the uh Town manager and planner um so we've also been reviewing the long range facility plan that was developed um with community members and administrators and the board uh last year and starting to hold discussions with the uh facility and finance committee of the board um so uh we're we're uh currently reaching out for a a demographer to do the study um we'll also be looking um at the plan um and uh when we decide on uh a plan of action we'll definitely be sharing this with the uh long range facility committee members who were on the that that group last year and with the community um the plan is to have a a a final plan and possible facility referendum um uh within two years any questions yeah I do um May I'll go with one question councilman bani so uh I'll make a couple of statements and then I want to understand you know and description of the process that you described Dr um we talked about the list of development plans that went through it has timelines estimation yeah some of them may not get built but some do and if they have there is a timeline about it uh estimated right and then we have the continuous increase or decrease depending on what all numbers we discussed about so there is a fair amount of uh estimation process that can be done what I want to know is in this long range facilities plan uh which seems to be if I understood you right is 2 years out uh are we expecting nothing coming in from now until 2 years or is that baked in uh how do we risk mitigated that's my first question meaning in terms of what we have today what is going to happen in certain amount of time based on the development list of development projects and how you see that long range facilities is getting built and how what's the process about it timing uh of course finances and estimation if you can help understand that if I could just ask to clarifying when you say nothing coming in no what I heard was two years I thought is that is that a correct understanding that two years it's going to take to build the plan and sort of Put It In Motion within within two years and when I say put in motion then you have to present it to the community in the form of a a voting uh referendum and um that referendum then has to pass and um when it passes then the um the detailed um drawings have to be done which which takes you know as I said a year to maybe 18 months then you go through the bidding process and then you do construction so you're really years out um before a student would be sitting in a seat in a new uh part of build which is exactly where I'm coming from is that if the initial process is 2 years and then you go out and start working on it right which is the execution part of it and in the meantime we have this development plans which has been in in books I think in the whole of last year was all of the all of the projects coming in and the projections were happening um are we in the initial part of that process are we slightly trying to catch up I mean I'm just trying to understand that no uh the board and and uh Committee of community members spent the entire last year um on a long range facility plan and that plan has uh different options uh that can that could happen um and what what the what we have to do is to make sure um the options that we pick are options that will fulfill the uh space and educational needs of all the students yeah no fully appreciate that no 100% my the concern that I'm hearing and not to be laor much but I just want to make sure the point is getting right across is that Community has heard and we all have heard we all have seen these projects going through through the pipeline for over an year now and we are in the process how are we sort of describing the whole process the plan and say we are just about to start is that the correct statement first of all the that we are just about to start the planning process we are in the initial phases of planning process we are deep into it 2 years later we have a a draft I mean that's the kind of more substantive statements I'm looking for yeah a as I said you know they spent uh the district spent the last year coming up with with multiple options of how we can uh meet the needs of our our students um and now we're going through those options um to to make to I guess toss some out um that that aren't viable and to make sure that we're making the right decisions um So based on on on these reports um you know the uh the planning reports for high density housing now we have it and we can provide it to a DE demographer to make further estimates thank you can I just follow up in your estimate when do you think this would go to the voters two years two years okay yeah Dr fish you were clear with the two years referendum but got a lot of work to do in those two years right yes to know what goes on that referendum okay yes thanks Dr F I sat on that uh was there I think there was about nine different options on that long range facilities I mean there was a lot to look at there right okay uh next we're up to uh update on transfer of Mammoth cord Barry uh yes so um for the benefit of the public and anyone watching that may not be I'll just briefly uh Monmouth court is was a school-owned building uh it's roughly sort of in the area the North West quadrant of South Livingston Avenue and Northfield Avenue kind of right behind the Sweet Basil uh shopping center uh it was a school-owned building was operated a school many years ago at some point the school uh didn't need it uh the town apparently had a need for it the school conveyed the building to the town for a dollar um and the township has since owned it uh and now more recently with some of the school space demands and growing enrollments inquiry was made um over the years the school then uh took occupancy the second floor and there's been ongoing discussions about the school retaking um not only occupancy But ultimately ownership of the the whole building again um the council has expressed willingness to consider under that the school board um has uh agreed that we we'll work together to provide alternative locations um for some uh the recreation activities that are housed there uh perhaps at other school locations one of the challenges was that the mammoth Court the entirety of the property was listed on the Township's Recreation open space inventory with Green Acres which precluded us from conveying it and also put certain restrictions on it uh initially we were um feared that we would have to go through What's called the diversion process which is fairly timec consuming also going to require us to offset any acreage that we want to take off the Rossy with other acreage um fortunately over the summer we were able to work with Green Acres convince them that the school building part of it not the two baseball fields but the building part of it should have never been on the Rossi because it's always been occupied for non- Green Acres approved uses so we got permission from uh Green Acres that uh we can subdivide the building and the parking lot and stuff associated with the school building um and they will adjust our Rossy and take it off the Rossi without having to go through diversion uh the township awarded a contract to a surveyor because survey was necessary come up with a meets and Bounds description in order to execute a deed to convey it uh the field workor for the survey has been completed um spoke to our Township engineer uh they expect the final uh map within the next week or so uh we'll then shoot that down to Green Acres assume you know get their their sign off that that works and then we would be in a position at that point uh if the council were so inclined to convey uh mmed Court back to the board of ed Mr Lewis just one question about that do do you anticipate in this process any obstacles in the transfer of that building because one of the things that I think will help us at least in small small part with the space constraints in Livingston Public Schools is U being able to plan for the use of that space for going forward during the course of the school day yeah no as I indicated what I thought was the biggest potential sort of legal logistical challenge was this whole Ross SE Green Acres issues uh we've got it in writing from Green Acres that they will amend our Rossi without having to go through diversion and we will uh take that um survey that's being completed and as soon as Green Acre signs off on it we'll do a minor subdivision probably do a courtesy review by the planning board it'll become its own separate partiel block and lot uh and then all it would be up to the mayor and counsel who would have to authorize the conveyance of the property but legally I don't see any obstacles thank so it would be fair to assume that we would be on time for the for the district to take potential ownership of the building for the start of the 25 26 school year uh yeah I would certainly think that you're talking about next July 1 give or take yeah I I don't see that as an obstacle and if there were any reason I'm sure that mayor and counsel if the decision was already made there you could take occupancy of it in any case but I I think certainly we could be in a position to have the conveyance done before then right just to be clear on this they don't have to physically own the building to be able to use the building right I mean the council I think if I can I don't know if I think I'm speaking for all of us all want the Board of Ed to Avail themselves of the building uh you know with you know according to an agreement and um even if you're not physically owning the building if it's something that the town needs for best use you know it's certainly something that we would want to help with we we currently use it as a Alternative High School right but that's that's the point it's not going to it shouldn't change yeah I think the interesting estimate would be whether we need any modifications right to that facility in order to really use it to to set point I mean if what is ready to use means I mean if that needs additional work we should estimate that in I think that's the best part and the purpose the purpose of the question is is simply for our planning the odds are there will be no change in its use for the 25 26 school year of the current second floor but as we continue into the work on the long range facilities planning ownership of that building will matter for potential modification to the first floor right and any you so that's why I asked the question because as Dr fishbine laid out that would be within our consideration timeline um the the next item is the Livingston Public Schools bus depot yes um years ago the district considered locating all School Bus vehicles in one location um there was a plan drawn up to uh put it behind the uh central office um uh those plans weren't realized um uh but we are reconsidering uh the use of that property um to to have all our buses in one location now they're um parked throughout the the town um uh one thing that we've uh changed in in the plan and and talked um to um in in planning for this is to do a road out to the community center so that the buses wouldn't go out onto Fox coft um into those neighborhoods and they'd um exit through the community center um and uh and go out that way and I think this would be better um for Fox Croft D um drive and that that neighborhood um uh so we we plan to re-engage the engineer who who looked at um the initial op option to um see what they can come up with um for the option with the road out to the community center um we really must have a secure location for our vehicles so they're not scattered um all over town um and that um uh we have control over the location a quick question mayor um so one one quick question Dr Fishman right here um one is uh it's two-part question rather uh one is we do where do we park right now where do we where our buses are I think I see them in the Northland poool Area I see them in Heritage do we have multiple locations how do we they're they're at Heritage they're at the pool they're at the community center and anywhere else yeah yeah I think and there relatively evenly distributed between Northlands and the parking lot uh significant number behind the community center in the very rear of the property and then on Heritage those are the three locations thank you and the second part of the question is I've seen other towns where uh outside parking facilities are used meaning there are lots that are used outside of town nearby um which kind of you know centralize all of the buses while the town works on you know Township Boe whoever right works on the actual plan to build a Depot if you will I mean that's that's part of our agenda is that something that was ever considered to sort of you know reduce some pains because some of the for example uh Northland pool pretty dense area we have a lot of PE lot of folks you know residences around it there could be other areas other challenges with Heritage where you know for all logistical reasons may have residents having some difficulty as well so I just want to know is there a temporary plan was thought about till we finalize or find out the solution well I I think what we have right now is is a temporary plan until we can find a place where we can uh secure all our our bus vehicles um in one location um you know the you know the construction is is challenging but it's not overwhelming it's something that that can be done and was planned to be done right outside the town centralized location was not considered as a temporary plan outside the township other towns do that outside of Township you know there's some open Lots you know a lot of school districts use that away from us but that's like something you could rent I'm not solutioning here but I'm just asking for I'm unaware of of districts who have a fleet okay who Park them outside of their town or off their their school we take it offline I'll show may be um like a private vendor who does that that's what I was think but but not a a school yeah we owner buses correct Dr fish fish yeah I've seen uh I don't know if it was Kev Conor where it's a right private one and what councilman Bon is saying they could go there for the night ownership the difference is the district owns the I mean ownership of buses really doesn't uh play but again we can dat it offline I'll I'll show you some of the examples that I saw and we can see okay thank you the um the staff is also employed by the district as well right yes okay so it has nothing to do with a private contractor the employees or the equipment or the the vehicles any um I'll call it overage of of routes that we can't handle ourselves we do Outsource that but those buses are in a private company in their bus depot okay thank you yes so so just one comment on something that Dr fishbine said and and would certainly ask for and hope for um the Township's cooperation is Dr fishbine mentioned the desire for a connectivity from a potential new lot through the community center that obviously would require your approvals um I think it's an this is an important project this is probably a very long overdue project for this community the fact that our buses have been in par in multiple space places as well as you know aren't parked in probably the most secure of places either by securing that connectivity through the community center we could also mitigate some of the concerns that the neighboring neighbors around the Heritage Property would have and obviously heritages given its traffic flow especially in the mornings and the afternoons would be a really difficult spot for all of our buses to maneuver through and so would certainly welcome and appreciate any cooperation as we you know continue to think through this this project yeah know I I I I appreciate that absolutely I I agree with you I think reducing the traffic on residential streets foxcraft and Hillside Avenue certainly makes a lot of sense as soon as the plan and not can speak for rest of the council I think as soon as we see a plan I'm sure there's something that we can we can definitely see through we have a vision zero we have lot of fundamentals in place to really study the assess and assess the traffic flow as well appreciate it it I'm sorry would the idea be for the buses to leave that way but not come back that way correct because coming back that way would interfere with a lot of the dayare after they drop off let's say they're morning I know we're we're just spitballing here I totally get that the bottom line is the is it needs to be explored but it needs to be explored with the hope of cooperation that that is a possibility okay right is there an estimated number of buses that we own or you own 30 plus yes 30 30 plus bus okay thank you yes and set to your point um I I I think I speak for the council there is cooperation um that was brought up the other day when the Two on Two and someone who who lives in the area and has uh neighbors I I think it is a long overdue right Seth is that what you said by a bus depot and of course we're willing to um you know think it through as far as um yeah one way in through the administration building and out through the community center if it lines up and if it's possible and all that so I think we only just started present uh on R 2 on2 right we started talking about that option we we've talked about that as one possibility okay yes what I'm just out of curiosity and um for explanation I I mean I think it makes a lot of sense to avoid going through the neighborhoods but what about um and this may just be that because traffic is coming in at the same time but why can't buses leave through foxcraft as opposed to going through the neighborhood behind behind I think we can well direct that to you know because if it's coming if it's coming through the community center then it's just coming out on the hillside but we already have a road that comes out on the hillside which is Fox crof so I'm just curious why is that not a viable option to just use foxc on the way out instead of going to the to the you know to Windgate and all the ones in the back because I think um some coming out of uh some buses coming out of uh Heritage uh go into the the community if they have to get to that side of town this way it forces them outside of um I just don't or Northfield Windward so so when I see those buses in those in those areas right now with leaves that were just removed it's it's you know it's it's very tight um I'm sure we can discuss more just it seems like if everything's coming out through the community center then you're not going to get to that side of 10 anyway you're still coming out to Hillside so um that's that's what and they'll have to they'll have to go a different way all right well we obviously we have to work on it but yeah it's a it's an idea that we were willing to explore um and see if it it logistically the Ingress egress all all works out and you know there's a lot of car traffic there as well so um I I know that was the first I had heard of it and I think the council is willing to cooperate work with you and see what the options are right okay thanks but I do have a question uh for the time being the buses that are over in uh Northland are they staying at Northland or are they being moved out they're staying they're staying I I just think that and we can I know there's going to be discussions before the springtime but I know during the springtime on weekends I think we had a discussion at the end of I think during last year that on the weekends at Northland during starting in May when baseball and softball season starts and Tennis seasons in high high gear and uh pickle ball sorry and uh pickle ball and Cricket the the cricket pitch is being used as well that's when there's really a backlog so maybe there's a way that we can talk about it I know we have some time before the warm weather will hit again unfortunately but um we can talk about that maybe just on weekends we could find that the north the buses aren't parked at Northlands for Fridays because that's really the week again that we that's the issues we have but I know we have some time to talk about that in the future and which is where I was I was heading with my earlier point is that doesn't matter who owns the buses of course we own the buses but there are places where where an outside lot can be nearby can be considered and house our bus is there uh that can be rented the bus bus ownership does not change uh but it's just the parking area which is outside and away from the choke up points as Deputy Mayor described I mean we all hear all of that and I think we communicate each other I think between board and and Council but I think that's the kind of solutioning maybe we need to to take a look till we reach the permanent solution I think the security of the buses is is critical um that we we know where all our buses are um close close by to the district yeah of course so so I think when buses have had to be moved um because of activity during the weekend um we we have responded and have moved them so I think when issues arise the township should contact the district and they can work on changing where the buses are located but the the purpose of exploring a permanent home for the buses is primarily for the security of the buses um so I think we should allow the district to explore that and uh come back when there there are some solutions M and and that would include uh something large enough for all 30 or so buses so we res this problem of them being all scattered throughout the town yes okay uh next is the update on crosswalk and sidewalk grants for safety uh Barry we received a lot of good news on that this year yeah yeah we um two things um a couple years ago we applied for and were awarded uh what's called the safe roots to school grant our application was to uh replace all of the sidewalk from um South Livingston Avenue on Northfield from South Livingston Avenue all the way to the circle both sides all new concrete sidewalks um going the full length of of Northfield on both sides as well as going down Hillside from uh Northfield to Fox Croft which currently doesn't have it um because that's Federal funding it's a bit of a process uh we were also awarded additional funding for the design component of it so all in it's about 700 almost $800,000 in funding um the design company uh we awarded the contract to GPI they're working with the state the goal is to have um those plans all completed and approved and out to bid um shortly after the beginning of the year with construction to be next year ideally I think optimally um during the summer uh to minimize the impact on schools and people using the existing sidewalks so um that one is moving along a little slower than we'd like but that's because you've got the federal government and the state government involved um we also uh recently submitted a uh Grant um under what's called The Safe Streets for all program uh it's Federal funding by the uh Department of Transportation um the purpose it's a planning Grant to uh provide funding to allow us to develop what's called a vision zero plan uh which is a comprehensive analysis of the entire town uh pedestrian safety bicycling safety car safety come up with recommendations in a plan um which can include additional uh bike Lanes sherrow um crosswalks lighted crosswalks uh activated uh stop crosswalks um particularly in some of the school zones uh that we've looked at so um we we think we put together good Grant application um we right now it says they're going to be announced in November so we're into November they haven't announced they didn't pin down the date but we're anxiously awaiting the award um and and hopefully if we're uh get good news on that we'll move forward quickly with doing an RFP to to get the consultant on board and get that process going so I I I think U both of those will have a tremendous impact uh and once we're under construction on this uh round on the original one I was talking about the safe roots to school we'll be eligible to apply for another round they do this every year but you can't uh have one open and until you've started it you can't apply for another one so hopefully by next year's round we'll be in a position to apply for another one to to look for another uh key section of town are are there other areas Mr Lewis where you're looking at um putting in either lights or um or stop signs well I think that's what yeah ideally um certainly I think we're aware of and gotten some recommendations from the our Traffic Division but uh part of hopefully if we get this uh Vision zero Grant to develop the vision zero plan and um that that's a planning Grant to hire a a consulting firm that is experts in this and allow them um there's definitely been consideration uh we there was a crosswalk uh by Winwood on Northfield which um we wind up having to actually man with a police officer every day during school let off and drop off because of how dangerous that is for kids to cross um it's certainly been brought up by the council and and by the Board of Ed this my mic or someone else's um that that that might be an area that'd be appropriate for uh one of these activated you know you you've probably seen them where the pedestrian will push a push a button flashing lights stopped the traffic stops you cross uh there you know that again we have police officer and crossing guards there only during specified hours there's after school activity there's a lot of other reasons and quite frankly even just non student pedestrians any of these improvements uh would be beneficial so we're we're certainly looking at all any and all but uh hopefully we're going to get good news on the Grant and let the uh the experts kind of guide that process the extensive safe Street to school I'm sorry uh extensive safe Street to school is part of it right bar uh that's the full study and uh you know the safe Street to school is part of vision zero yeah Vis the vision zero plan the funding would come under this it's called Safe Streets for all it's a comprehensive safety plan to cover pedestrians bicyclists uh the interaction between bicycles and pedestrians and and Automobiles um it's it's a very comprehensive plan I've actually looked at a couple of the plans developed um by other communities and and and I think it would serve us very well and help us make the right decisions as to where to put those types of improvements I mean at this point in this in this same conversation I would like to quote a a very successful um initiative that happened in a collaboration with uh Board of Education Township had in school district I mean and actually the principal um a lot of the administration from your uh from your office Dr fish and Barry the uh Town manager's office police we had an issue in the last five and five of saf Street to or safety of kids around Harrison school I mean that's that's a glowing example of how how when everybody works together uh I was talking to some of the residents and the problem was really nicely resolved and where the parents were were were happy about it I think that's fantastic I think till we get to the larger goal the end goal I think these are the initiatives that will help just want to comment on that no I'd like to thank you know the town the chief uh came out uh with his people to look at it and definitely uh Dan Garcia the principal and um the committee the uh Town put together to look at this and and come up with Solutions um it uh really seemed to work and um the way I can tell is I haven't received any phone calls about it and can you just describe a little bit what you did in in that area well really they they put in uh signage repainted some of the uh the no u-turn areas or no parking areas um and and just made it uh really visible uh for everyone and also did some uh I'll call it education where the police were present and reminded people to uh pay attention to the signage and the and the um the lines that they painted yep um Mr Lewis um I know you talked about the Windwood the Windwood and uh Northfield Crossing is that a County Road uh Northfield is a County Road um the county generally is is cooperative um they more more often than not we just ask their permission to put an improvement in uh they generally give the permission but they won't pay for the Improvement so when they pay for that because they've got so many communities and so many demands and limited funds so uh but they've been a good partner and they generally certainly when it relates to traffic and pedestrian safety have always been pretty open-minded so I would be optimistic that if ultimately there's a recommendation and a plan for an improvement there that the county would give us permission so have you considered a non-binding resolution asking to look at the traffic there because sometimes I think if you would do that um they will come out and do the traffic study and we could certainly uh reach out I was kind of hoping to see if we get this Grant and then that would be part of the overall analysis but um given that the you know obviously the sensitivity of that particular location I can certainly reach out to uh uh the County engineer and and we have a very good relationship with them and see if they can come out and start that process so yeah so the County Commissioners actually might be able to step in if we were willing to pass like a non-binding resolution saying that this is a problem okay we can definitely look into that and maybe jointly with the Board of Ed thank you okay thank you oh just before we move on to the next one uh Dr fish I do want to uh say that was really a nice collaboration on the uh what we call The Pedestrian Traffic Safety Committee kind of an ad hoc committee and I just want to give you a shout out uh paru a shout out um let's see a few other people we had officer Dan uh Donna majori was on it uh Chief maruts uh Lieutenant Nicholas Collins Sergeant Carl mcamera Captain Joseph de Andrea uh we did have principal Daniel Garcia was involved Kon and and uh myself from the Town Council subject matter expert Dan Cuchi and then we had residents uh Hannah and Joe Vieira Sarah Klein Rachel Tobin and uh Barry Lewis and Adam larner so that was we did that was an issue back in March um and uh we had uh some people come in and talk about it and you know these five on fives uh we work well together so I'm going to be the one plugging both of us right now that have worked out well and you're right I did I have not received uh any calls since that committee came up with those Solutions as well so thank you sorry I'll start again uh we're asking the uh Town Council to um do an ordinance to reserve some parking for staff um by Livingston high school it's really as you face the school there's uh on the left side in the circle there's about four or five spots there um and then up on Madonna drop um further up past where the buses drop uh kids off um uh to have some uh designated parking for staff um it's it appears to be around 20 spots which would really help the high school just to confir just to confirm Dr I think we talked about in the two on two these spots are currently parking spots right now and while we're just ask is just to change a designation of who can park there we're not adding new spots um or we're not changing any parts correct the high school um has uh parking passes decals um that they provide for the staff and they would be used um um and then we do an ed an educational program for students to say that uh that they're no longer available for them I I think that's certainly reasonable but uh Barry when um when we had discussed this previously there was I had mentioned to you that where there was the um the master plan for the Memorial Park and there was that different configuration for spots around the oval that created a lot more spots obviously parking's always at a premium around the school area I don't recall from the plan if there was construction needed to widen the oval in order to create more spots or but essentially it was a backend on a diagonal and uh the develop you know the people who had put the plan together for us um you know showed that it would create a lot more spots it would take a little bit of you know people have to get used to the new traffic pattern so to speak uh but it was a way of getting a lot of spots uh in that area and um I just think we should just check into that and see if we think that that maybe that's low hanging fruit to kind of um help with the parking problem around the high school okay okay uh we are now open seeing that we covered all seven we're open need a motion um Jared we need a motion or no just do we need a motion do I have a motion to go into I'm happy to make a motion second second all in favor any opposed all right so we approve the public comment are you okay with it okay uh we are now open for a public comment mayor three minutes we need we need to well I mean r needs to know he's three minutes thanks thanks shair I was going to do the average but they're three also oh uh hello Rob sto I live in Heritage uh next to the board of ed building so I'm obviously very interested in the parking uh situation that you described and just um so you know I've lived in town since 20 2002 and I've been dealing with the buses ever since so it's not a new problem uh the pro the the plan that you mentioned resurrecting came up in 2017 was actually shot down by all the residents in our area so I represent everyone on Winwood Fox crof Westgate Colonial Etc we actually I think we're dubbed Crystal Hill we're waiting for the mayor to rat R make that uh official um the neighborhood um I think the concern at the time was not just the traffic which I think last time the um Mr Gian ficaro I think is his name he said it would be about 120 extra bus trips a day in and out of Winwood in the areas and also that and this is his quote on a windy in a windy day the homes in the area will smell fumes so that won't change even if you were to have the buses go out in a different uh area um it's also and I wrote in my notes here that in 2013 the township first discussed a new DPW uh place to house all the township Vehicles which would have been a perfect location to put buses outside the residential area with all the things that buses would need um and apparently that's not uh you know that's not going forward although I see the new DPW site is being built so concern that that you know was an opportunity that was missed uh you mentioned other alternative locations at the time we had suggested reaching out out to the mall I've see all sorts of you know util utility vehicles parked there at random times um leasing space there's also Vehicles underneath the power lines on Eisenhower so I do feel like there's been other opportunities to look at places outside the residential areas as was suggested um and you know none of that had come through and then obviously the most um concerning part is there was a bus stol in last year so we know that the buses have to be secured um so we're sort of concerned that you know this has been ongoing um and the last thing is and you mentioned some ideas about maybe having buses you know go through an alternate route which I think could be something to discuss with the residents I would be concerned that nothing stays in the Heritage lot there's also sheds there there's Vehicles parked there there's trailers permanent trailers that are parked um so we would want some assurances that nothing were to stay there and then that the buses would go out the other way and potentially out the other way on uh Fox crop as well so thank you hi Mr Mayor Madame President Justin Al 56 Amur place um what a disaster the Murphy Administration has been the Democrats have been in absolute power and the localities have had no power as they watch Democrat insiders profit off of imposed affordable housing mandate uh there's been some momentum for the Republicans to gain some ground and hopefully next year we can switch the uh drum flacket over to Republicans this community needs to plan for Healthy Growth we need to pick a rate of growth a healthy rate of growth it should probably be somewhere between two and a half and 3% per anom and that way if you have 10,000 households you know that you need to grow at a rate of you know 250 hous holds per year whatever it's going to be if you can if this side and this side can agree on a proper rate of growth you can then began planning for proper growth and of course that's going to be a constant if that rate of growth is a constant over the course of time you can then look at the cash flows associated with Healthy Growth and work on turning those to come back into the community and start realizing some real savings there there has to be a master plan that makes plan uh Mak sense to a healthy growing Community we did not have that at the beginning of the third round uh as a matter of fact most of that work was done behind closed doors uh the fourth round looks like it's more of the same we can do better uh next point the two on tws the two on tws are an end run around five on fives the Town Council was quite surprised to read in the paper the uh minutes from a two on two meeting of course people who wed minutes of these two on two meetings have understood that they weren't being held the two on tws do not engage the public uh these five on fives are a proper Forum we should have more of these less of those two on tws uh soft borders have plagued this house this community for decades now it is a symptom of unhealthy growth if we're planning for Healthy Growth we should need less buses and we should be planning for Healthy Communities where more kids can take walk to school on the side sidewalks uh be very careful if mayor FIP gets into drumthwacket because he's going to destroy local public education with County based magnet schools and uh lastly the buses you know we built a uh RV storage facility in the warehouse District the warehouse district is being used for all kinds of silly silly uses the warehouse District should be for the benefit of the community and that would be a wonderful place to park our buses thank you very much Mr Mayor thank you very much Madam president thank you Justin Hi how are you Boris gr 7 North Drive um I have more of a list of questions I don't know if this probably isn't the right Forum but um so when we were speaking about uh the uh external uh units built in Bernard Hill I wasn't really clear on the reason for that if we have the soft border option is it just to keep kids as close as to where their neighborhood schools as possible so I'd like some clarity on that um do do we have as a matter of BOE policy a target class size per like Elementary Middle High School and what is the allowance over that particularly in elementary where before we kick in the soft border we have to move kids from their neighborhood schools out um do we have anywhere online what percentage of capacity we are in each of the schools within our uh School District um the so I honestly don't follow all of the meetings but um is there any information online again about the long range facility committee who the members are how it functions because that's sounds like something interesting that first time I've heard of um in terms of um the time frame of potential buildout it's really at least four years before any real work is done meanwhile the developments of housing many of which are going to be done in the next few in the next few years because the ones behind Kushner are quite way quite way in the ones on anner are you know probably going to be done within one to two years is the plan for the influx that's going to happen there because obviously we're not going to build that fast um what is the plan for the mon facility like how will the Boe use it um you know definitely a good option because we have it already done but what what exactly is it going to be um where can we find as as citizens of the town the list of the high density developments that are already under construction ones that have been filed right because then we can see what growth is going to be um and the last thing is the I'm curious as to the real and since security is one of the Paramount issues of consolidating the buses into one area but it seems like there's going to be a lot of work and money in building to secure it in one one location is there not uh an option to instead secure the three locations where they are which is potentially more efficient where if they're spread out throughout the town you're not having everything come from one location going all the way across town and have the resources kind of closer to where they are needed those are my points thank you hi Lisa takuda 10 North Drive I just had two questions so this should be shorter one is you said so I was writing notes um 280 kids was the projection over 10 years um from the current buildings that are have been approved right um but you also said there's a 60% variation from our what data we have for our local things so is it really 280 that we should be using as our estimate or is it 280 time 1.6 which is more like 450 is yeah if you took the the the 286 is based on the ruer study so if if we are using sort of that anecdotal market up by 60% then presumbly that number could be as high as whatever 286 times 1.6 is yeah so I mean I I think that might be a better number to quote because continue to quote the Ruckers numbers if we don't believe them or at least put a range around it saying you know it could would might be a better way to and my my other question was so I'm following the numbers two years out before we have a plan then you said three to four years after that with all the other steps so we're looking at six years possible before anybody gets to sit in something that we've built are we panicked about that or is that like oh okay that's all right because of where we're at that was my question that's it thank you I started working in the Livingston School dist come to the micl there you go thank you thanks Justin I started working in Livingston School District in uh 1969 in VAR capacities pardon me name and address please Elliot Loy and I do not live in town I live in Roxbury I've been working on the Livingston School District since uh 1969 and this year for the first time I am not an employee my comments which are going to be brief do not reflect on anybody in Livingston I was told by the athletic director not to say I'm representing the school there was an editorial in the Tribune last week about extracurricular activities which greatly bothered me Livingston guidelines policy 2430 co-curricular activity States the Board of Education would not allow students who reside in the district and who are not enrolled in the public school to participate in co-curricular activities uh that was established I believe in 2016 by the state and now and now uh it's up to the Local District well we in Livingston have this idea that we don't want people participating in co-curricular activities Athletics anything like that if they're not enrolled into school and I think that's very big I really do we have special programs for non-academic students students with learning disabilities but we don't want to highlight our outstanding scholar athletes now it used to be that we did not have a rotating schedule and now every day is a different schedule it used to be that these scholar athletes musicians uh actors actresses athletes they would get out of school early they'd get out by 12:00 and go to their special training and now we do not allow that and I don't understand why why we can have special programs for nonacademic students but are outstanding scholar athletes and uh co-curricular activ activities are not allowed to participate and I think it's time that we look at it and maybe change this policy thank you than you very thank you Elliot hello Dennis stuffy benon Road um the first thing I didn't come here for this but I heard mention of uh buses and then like fumes from buses I didn't hear any mention of consideration of electric buses so I don't know just an idea the thing I did come here tonight for was um I Heard mention of Safe Streets and vision zero uh we've been send in on about incidents of what looks like dangerous reckless driving by high school students you know going to and from the high school so uh you know we have speeding passing on the left when that's an oncoming Lane uh aggressive driving somebody's trying to pull pull out of their driveway and the students will actually speed up and beep to tell the person you know stay in your driveway until I'm passed um so I just wanted to know is this being discussed with I guess the Board of Ed the high school Etc uh we also had recently we had kids doing wheelies and speeding on the electric bikes so a neighbor went to the police about that and I think that should kind of be like the last resort you don't want the you know police giving them a record although they said for this household that was a known issue you know they they know who they are so anyway if you want to open up a dialogue about that come around to you know win check uh what else Salem Concord Village Bennington Road all of those places come around talk to some of the neighbors and then I'm sure it must be happening the other side of the high school as well because you know if the kids are are speeding on our side it's not like the training and you know you can only do it over here you know it's going to be like let me put my foot down over here as well so just to you know talk to people about that all right thanks thank [Music] you yeah I just want to I just want to make one comment at least about something that took place this past week which started actually as a result of the five on five that we had in March we had mentioned about um um the elections that just took place and you know the crowd that was expecting at the poll on the day of and we asked the the Board of Ed to reach out to um high school kids to participate uh during the election process and over the summer I um I had a correspondence with Dr fishbine and um it really took off from there and I just wanted to thank the Board of Education um for all their help in getting all those kids involved think they had a great day and while we're all here I think we all owe a big thank you the whole town knows a big thank you to our uh town clerk Ken mizuka who's here as well and her whole staff for the great job that was done on Election Day um I don't think there were any I don't think I don't think we heard any issues any there was no negative comments at all and I know part of that was due to having the high school kids there as well helping so I think that was a great great collaboration between these two bodies so thank you I would just add one quick note to what uh Ed just said um the high school students that I spoke to who were working on the polls couldn't believe they were getting paid they were so excited to volunteer to do it so it was just you know it was it ended up being uh a really special experience for a lot of them and and the fact that they made money on it they it was a shock so it was you know very happy for them and speaking of they got paid pizza and Carolyn Carolyn uh went out of her way and shopped for them they all got a tote bag a drawring tote bag that I believe said pole workers rock on LHS pole workers Rock LHS pole workers Rock and green with the the proper callor um so yes thank you Carolyn and thank you uh everyone on my left side here the district that uh helped out on that collaboration it was great that the the students got rave reviews not only from the people sitting next to the adults sitting next to them but from people voting as well yeah I would like to add one one one example to that 100% agree with what Deputy May mayor said and SE Sean said as well U one of the example was a kid Was preparing for appearing in the test same evening and the person that kid worked since 55 a.m dedicated worker all the way till the end and then appeared in the exam I mean that's that's applauds I mean that's really a good good amount of work that happened with the kids and amazing for the LHS kids awesome job and may I add um because we have a diversified student population the fact that we have a diversified student poorer joining us this year they actually help raise the awareness of the Diversified population about voting about the whole election so for that cudos to the students and the parents and all the Town Council and School District thank you all done um any other public comment we now want I motion to to adjourn so moved second all in favor this I okay any post no okay thanks thank you everyone for coming out