##VIDEO ID:XZVxaybY_Ls## good evening everyone hi all right I'm going to read the statement of compliance with the Sunshine Law this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act and adquate notice of this meeting has been provided as required by law specifically the annual notice was emailed to the West SX trib and the Star Ledger on January 2nd 2024 and the 48h hour notice was emailed to the West essics Tribune and the Star Ledger on December 11th 2024 the agenda and resolutions for the meeting are available on www. Livingston nj.org certain portions of this meeting may be closed for the public for the purpose of personnel Andor other matters as outlined in the Sunshine Law decisions made Andor discussed in closed session will be known to the public at a later time notice to members of the governing body and town ship staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used solely for the purposes of Township business and any Communications are subject to the open public records act to the extent possible this evening's Township of Livingston council meeting will be live streamed via Facebook at www.fb.com Livingston townshipnj questions or comments will be accepted by emailing live comments Livingston nj.org by 4 pm on the day of the meeting each speaker should follow the rules of order in Livingston code section 2-15 uh Carolyn roll call please thank you mayor council member bubani here via pres kleene here Deputy Mayor mehard here mayor Anthony here uh if we could stand for a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Liberty Justice for All okay uh Eileen Fishman I don't believe is here for the Essex County updates um okay next we have the proclamations and presentations for tonight first one up is the national charity League NCL and the young men service league ymsl and I see some were brought cookies up here which are uh reindeers and uh chocolate chips and is this uh NCL brought this up we'll share with the council up here thank you very much I really appreciate it um NCL you may have and I'm glad you got guys wear your shirts tonight because NCL is a group that um is in town uh in fact Sally you founded it in town and um we're going to have you come up here and just say a few words uh NCL is something that you may have seen we may have seen because we're at a lot of events they've been at they've helped uh Livingston neighbors helping neighbors uh rker Hill Art Park Livingston first aid Squad shiv's Third Eye Community at Livingston cuso activ activities such as clean up and decorating Community block party the veteran social the YMCA bike event and wrapping Christmas gifts the police party uh the St filamina Parish uh with events such as Car Wash barbecue uh making cards wrapping presents uh youth appreciation week they I know they REM they on when I was sworn in his Mar last year uh you guys did the food and served the food for the township annual rorg and Ed they'll be doing it again this year this great volunteer group um they also Shadow the Adaptive Recreation uh coordinator in the summertime Livingston's uh they do the annual Fourth of July celebration and they help Nick santonelli who we all I call St Nick and uh bringing helping bring food and cookies to Newark and helping organize the pantry so you have seen them before uh they started and Sally maybe you could uh fill us in when you started in Livingston and uh I believe the first in New Jersey is you founded a group that's now a hundred years old uh that started in California and you just have the best uh the best young uh adults I I know Jen Walker Karin people who have had experience with uh your group um you know not in a bad way you know not they don't have to babysit is basically what they were saying is that you're the kids are tremendous and they do a great job and their hearts in the right place and I know the charity events with this group is always very uh well vetted uh of what you're you're doing I know there's different gradations and uh I see uh my wife here the first lady here uh who has has been with the group uh since the beginning and I know you two uh work hard together and I know um Lori in that respect uh always kind of you know being married to me know with what's going on in town and where help is needed and Sally you and and and the young adults do are always there I mean I know you put things out and you get eight 10 20 you know responses of I'll help and uh I think that's what our Town's about I always think we have the best volunteer town in the state maybe the country and we just have you in here today um and we wanted to just give you a citation for what you've done over the past year the past three years years maybe uh raise public awareness of what your group does in case other people want to join and same thing uh with Connie for the young men service League the ymsl the Livingston chapter I know you do tremendous work as well if you want to come up and say a few words about what uh the young men are doing um I know I know both of these are mother daughter and mother uh son so I would be excluded of this whole thing so uh but you you uh I think I was was I the only boy invited to the tea the NC oh no no Ed came you were in the building but I I came to the tea I came to the tea and had a lovely time last year as well so I was I I I I I think it was year before you were you or 22 right no yeah no I came last year I think it was not that's the P I came last year and I served tea and had some nice cookies and saw the awards and the speeches and all that so I was to be there yes and here's cookies again and thank you Ed and Ed yes Ed uh and I were very impressed with uh the great work you do one thing and Sally I don't know if the list uh had Summerfest but I remember seeing you guys doing a lot of work in Summerfest it was there no it was not thank you Summerfest you guys were there right I saw you guys amazing awesome job see it doesn't doesn't go away it it remains in the memory yeah thank you Kon yes this is a a rudimentary list you could talk about more and uh I'll come down um let me just read you a citation that we have for you uh and this is the national charity League NCL North New Jersey chapter and founder uh Sally who helped create a motherdaughter philanthropic organization that makes positive change by serving communities together and helping those in need within the township of Livingston and surrounding communities NCL Fosters the mother daughter relationship through an ongoing commitment to philanthropy culture and Leadership their vision is to connect Hearts hands and Minds so that every Community thrives thank you for all you do so I'll give you this thank you very much and let's see anyone want cookies Sean's gonna is this on I like to thank everyone for giving us the opportunity to serve the living in Township community the north Jersey chapter is is what Al just mentioned is the dedication to fostering the bond between the mother and daughter relationship through the ongoing commitments to the philanthropies and cultures and Leadership our vision is to connect our hands hearts and Minds to ensure everyday Community thrives and also would like to give a special thank to Lori who's um who's been by my psychic who's been helping us get all these great philanthropy activities in town to help us because of Al thank you like Gloria will call me and say hey Sally we got this can we put this on a calendar we say sure we'll get the girls um so thank you so much for the talent and thank you Lori so much for being my sidekick too for all this and helping us drive through the town thank you so much great thank you Sally do you want to you want to come want to take a photo Al together with the uh the plaque and guys want stand back here down yeah that's fine hold on wow this is great we have a large group and this is only this is only there's a lot more there's a lot more so probably on a0 and we're full seven times two 140 capacity like 2028 isth grade is full full so if you want to join nth grade can I join wow wow and about 140 girls yes in Livingston amazing and only I think thank you Andy just girls 140 students and then also with moms no with the moms I think it's about 77 yeah but we're capped so no one could come yeah yeah like we had to get in on the ground floor we never been in and start started 202 no in Livingston I think thank you Andy it's for um April 20121 okay so in three years uh 70 and as Sean point and 70 uh uh moms that's amazing and you're everywhere and that does say Nash NCL in there all right all right okay thank you oh yeah he'd like to learn so these valet soon as he got home Val like he's been here for few years for we okay than right okay Connie you want you want to come up and we'll we'll we'll talk about okay so next one the young men service League again uh another great group uh that focuses on moms and sons which is awesome yeah yeah come on I I'm just going to read this one it just says founder Connie uh Bree for bring up we we thank you for bringing mothers and sons together in service of those in Need for our communities embracing the full spectrum of humanity and responding to the needs of the Community Partners which enables mothers and daughters to build stronger connections learn and develop a legacy of leadership and compassion thank you for all you do uh here here's the microphone right there if you just want to sure okay first of all I just want to say thank you for this recognition and um it's actually uh mothers and sons not mothers and daughters but um young men service league is just that it's uh an org a national National Organization um of mothers and high school their High School sons that uh serve their communities and learn leadership skills as they run their chapters um and uh just so happens that Sally uh and I were starting both of these chapters at the same at the same time and um we would reach out to each other and bounce things off each other um as we took that journey of starting the chapters but um yeah moms and high school sons and we do uh Community Service uh with um some you know some events with Livingston neighbors helping neighbors and other outside communities so neighbors helping neighbors and yeah you do a lot of outside town we do and but pillar care is pillar care in Livingston pillar cares in Livingston so we do we do weekly events with them actually so yeah David bishop or um the uh high school or the Elementary uh Elementary yeah On's on old and ones on right with yes his name's Tyler anyway every week y yeah so the same hours no yeah we're the organizations are run a little bit differently um in uh ymsl the boys have to meet a minimum of 20 hours per year 20 volunteer hours and also um three out of five of the or is it yeah three out of five meetings so they also you know they run their own meetings and learn leadership skills so yeah they have a part in the chapter just like the mom does because you know um the moms are on the board running the Committees and in fact Sally happens to be uh this year's president for the ymsl chapter so she's got her hands in both MERS yeah yeah thank you thank you very much yeah that's beautiful thanks awesome thank you so thank thank you per thank you very much congratulations okay than thank you thanks again thanks Sally see you to all right next we are up to where there you are uh mayor wellness program Jessica Kelly now I've had the pleasure of working with with Jessica actually you do most of the work and I help where I can um Jessica and you want to explain the grant when you come up here yeah great so um let me read this Proclamation and um but just just personally just working with you has been such a pleasure um you know this stuff inside and out um you've you've actually I won't steal the I mean you've set us up for something good in 2025 which you could announce uh and let me just read this uh but that has that in here do you want to do you want to explain it first I'll read the proclamation yeah why don't you come on up and explain what the mayor's Wellness campaign is and how we're set up and the grant we received uh for the future and the mic is all right so um just to introduce myself my name is Jessica I am the health educator for Livingston Health Department as well as our Township um so I just want to give a brief overview of what the mayor's Wellness campaign actually is um so the campaign is led by the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute in conjunction with the New Jersey state League of municipalities the campaign is another way for Mayors as well as our council members to be and Community leaders to be more involved in the health and wellness programs that we offer um during during out um throughout the year during um our community um The Campaign began in 2006 and it's open to any municipality within the state of New Jersey to to um be a part of the campaign currently there is over 400 municipalities that participate and Livingston is now currently going to be one of those municipalities um we did sign up in 2024 and we are going to sign up again in 2025 where we will be um implementing some of our new health and wellness initiatives through the campaign um joining the campaign we have access to various toolkits um so these toolkits will help us um and implementing more health and wellness programs within the community we also will have opportunities for Grants and also lots of connections with local other Health Partners throughout the state of New Jersey um we do offer currently a lot of Health and Wellness programs within the Livingston Community um these programs are not offered just through our local Health Department but they're also offered um through many wonderful organizations within the community and by joining the mayor's Wellness campaign we are just looking to expand on what we do and offer some new health and wellness initiatives um so by joining the campaign we will be like I said offering some new health and wellness programs with a couple of focus areas for the year of 2025 um so right now our Focus areas we are going to be selecting three Community Health needs um that we identified through various assessments um so one of those is going to be mental health we've also selected physical activity and we are still currently in the process of determining what our third Focus area will be for 2025 um throughout the year we''ll be offering like I said various initiatives to address these three Focus areas and also at the Year's End in 20125 we will have the opportunity to designate Livingston as a healthy Town through the campaign um so I'm going to be working very hard with our mayor to get us that designation um I think we do have a really great chance of being named a healthy Town um and also just to um talk a little bit about our grant that we received um so as part of the mayor's Wellness campaign we have access to various grants and funding resources um so I was able to apply for a grant for 2025 um this grant is awarded um through the campaign and it's funded by Walmart um so we were very fortunate to receive this grant for 2025 um so this grant will allow ow us to expand our mental health programming um so the grant will fund any mental health initiatives initiatives that address substance use prevention stigma and partner violence or domestic violence um 47 municipalities throughout the state of New Jersey did apply for this Grant and Livingston was chosen as one of 11 municipalities to receive the grant funding um so for this 2025 um we are planning to utilize the funds that we receive from this grant in a variety of ways um so we're definitely seeking to expand as many and offer as many mental health programs and initiatives through our grant as we possibly can um so one of those would be Mental Health First Aid training um so this training will be provided um for Township employees as well as Community residents um who are more likely to encounter somebody who could be experiencing a mental health crisis um so the mental health first aid training will provide them with some basic training on how to address anybody or assist them with any type of Mental Health crisis or possibly if they're experiencing a substance use um disorder or anything like that or could also be for any Mental Health Challenge um about four million people have already received this Mental Health First Aid training and this program actually began in Australia in 2001 and it's now a international program and is currently being offered in the US and about one in five people experience a mental health challenge each year so we're very um happy and fortunate to be able to offer this first aid training another initiative that we will be implementing through the grant is a variety of mental health workshops um these workshops will be offered in conjunction with the Jewish Family Service of Metro West um so they're going to be offered for parents um and we're going to Target different children of different age groups through these workshops um and they will be addressing various mental health topics that children might encounter also we seek to um Target our homebound residents um through this grant um so our rec department is going to be expanding and reaching out to homebound residents or some of our residents that have a little bit trouble getting to programs in person um so they're going to be able to bring programs to them in the home so we'll be able to provide them with materials um as well as Zoom platforms um so they can participate at home in some of our wonderful Recreation programs and also we are very fortunate that we can also fund the arrive alive DUI simulator um so this is going to be offered in conjunction with our police department and Livingston Public Schools um so it's going to give the sophomore the entire sophomore Class A handon experience to feel what it's like to be under the the influence of alcohol or a substance and drive a car um they will not actually the car actually will not be moving um so they do not need a license um but it does make it feel like it is really moving um and any additional funds that we have left over through our grant will go towards brochures or other materials um we do participate in the Township in a lot of events um so we'll be handing out materials at those events that address various mental health topics and like I said we are very fortunate and very happy to um receive this funding that helps support our campaign and I want to thank our mayor Al Anthony for um getting me signed up in this campaign um encouraging us to participate in this um as well as our other council members that may be assisting with our initiatives that we are offering and also we do have a committee that meets is going to be meeting regularly so I'd like to thank all of our committee members for their hard work and um for serving on our committee to help make all these initiatives through our grant as well as our campaign happen thank you so much Jessica you're welcome that was terrific uh and I I I'm so glad we're in this campaign and all the hard work you've done um this Proclamation says whereas the mayor's Wellness campaign is a Statewide Community Health Initiative that provides assistance to community leaders to help improve the Health and Welfare of their communities and make New Jersey towns healthier places to live work play and age and whereas by joining the campaign Livingston will now have access to tools and resources to promote and and thanks to you to promote health and wellness grant opportunities connection to local partners and the opportunity to be designated as a quote healthy town by the end of 2025 and whereas Livingston received the first ever mayor's Wellness campaign Grant on November 19th 2024 and and was one of just 11 newers Community is chosen to receive the grant funding out of 47 municipalities that applied and whereas this grant will allow Livingston to provide mental health initiatives within the community including programs such as mental health first aid mental health workshops programs for homebound residence and DUI uh and a DUI uh simulator and whereas Jessica Kelly Health educator for the Livingston health department will be leading a committee of representatives from organizations within the Township in conjunction with the mayor to offer a variety of Health wellness program Services through the campaign to increase what's offered currently and whereas Jessica Kelly deserves thanks and praise for her dedication and commitment in securing the mayor's Wellness grant for our community now therefore be it resolved that I Al Anthony mayor of the township of Livingston do hereby honor Jessica Kelly along with the council for your accomplishments for to our community and the township of Livingston so congratulations thank you and I'll I'll come down there and we'll get a work your photo off okay sorry goe go ahead I'd like to uh make a motion to approve the minutes pending Corrections of the December 9th 2024 regular and conference meeting meetings as well as December 9th 2024 close session meetings I'll second that okay uh all in favor any opposed no like I'd like to make a motion to open the meeting for public comments on agenda items only second that great thank you Michael any oppos no okay good all right hey Justin hi Mr Mayor uh Justin Albert 56 amher place um resolution 24277 increasing deferred local school district tax can we please pull that from the uh consent agenda for a discussion not really sure what that is about or what the implications are resolution 24279 authoring authorizing an award a contract to um Acuity um there was a brief discussion in the back room about what that is um not sure if this replaces a contract with pza Associates if pza is still involved it would seem to me that if we're building all this constru uh affordable housing that it would be really wise to keep the knowledge with respect to the laws and regulations about that inhouse here in Livingston and have someone uh governing that contract as well I I don't know whether this replaces pza or not but if this has anything to do with uh the actual rental of those facilities we ought to bring that back into Livingston so we could keep that institutional knowledge here um so welcome you to pull that from the consent agenda for further discussion lastly resolution 24281 contract for purchase of emergency communication consoles this was also discussed in the back room and uh obviously seems necessary uh significant concern though because in the resolution it says whereas Motorola has Solutions has provided the attached quote for the needed upgrades and of course once again the attachment is not attached and if we're going to be doing these public hearings and you want public input it would be supremely wise to include the attachments for the public to look at it if the public can't look at it then we can't input um so thank you on that matter and while I have two minutes welcome a conversation on 277 and 279 great thank Barry can you um on yeah deferred School tax so everyone know so uh this uh relates to the fact that the school operates on a fiscal year from July 1st to June 30th whereas we Bill and collect taxes on a calendar year so this happens every year and happens in every school district in the state essentially they we pass their Levy their Levy and their budget is based on their year so we split up and technically what we're collecting for them we defer the second to the first six months of this year's taxes if that makes any sense but so we make money on the float no because we don't we only collect it at the quarterly you know okay when taxes are due all right and uh 279 acity are replacing pan Associates as our affordable housing um in terms of bringing in house we do have a municipal housing liaison who does I think the majority of the day-to-day work that's why this contract doesn't exceed 15,000 but um it's very specialized understanding all the regulations and rules and um we found that this is the right mix to to hire a professional firm to to provide assistance and input to our Municipal housing lays on who is a town employee okay and and any reason why the attachment wasn't attached in 281 I'm not sure I don't know you want sure thank you yeah I don't know why it would have not shown we all have our packets we got it and and it was emailed out wasn't it emailed it was emailed on the public doesn't have it on the packets downloaded this uh a couple hours ago and it wasn't included thank you Mr Mayor thank motion to close public comment second second um all in favor any opposed okay okay we are up to the passage of ordinances we have uh one final hearing heing uh carollyn this is ordinance 32- 2024 amending and supplementing chapter 68 of the Township Code by expanding the public areas wherein residents may walk their dogs open a public comment second okay uh we are now open for do I need a roll call for that I all in favor a voice yes and uh any opposed no okay hi Mr Mayor Justin nower 56 Place uh just want to rise to speak in favor of this we should be a dog Community it's great to be a dog Community realize that we are already in many ways a dog Community people bring their dogs out to the fields uh to enjoy a game and whatnot I know when this was passed we were talking about uh allowing access on the outside of the oval but we ought to look at how people are actually using your dogs uh using the fields with their dogs and uh become an proog Community if you go out to Boulder Colorado the dogs are treated like people we could certainly do that here um and we should be very liberal with our application of how we uh authorize dogs in our public space again everyone in this community is pretty much responsible for their dog we wouldn't expect uh dogs with a vicious propensity or owners of dogs with the vicious propensity to bring those dogs out into the public uh the way other dogs may come out but but this is a very forward thinking thing and as we are building a uh greater stronger Livingston Community this is a uh great addition so thank you and thank you to councilman Klein for pushing this thank you yeah great thank you Justin may I give this back yeah sure oh you can keep it you want to keep it you can keep it okay great thank you moot motion to close public comment on this ordinance second second all in favor I okay any oppos no all right motion to move ordinance 32-22 24 I'll second okay have discussion any discussion yeah yeah so mean I'll thank councilman Klein for bringing this to our attention just one second I just want to talk about is that this is only for um the public area that is around the oval so just as a reminder the school properties which are which are not controlled by this Council I believe still uh do not permit dogs on the school property so just a reminder to the uh public that it's only for the oval ERA this is for a discussion for uh councilman so there there were there were a couple of different versions of ordinance that we did discuss but the way I what we settled on was that we would be able to approve additions to dog friendly areas by resolution and so I don't think this this ordinance does not necessarily designate any specific area just yet but it does allow us to have conversations and move forward and uh listen I the the reason you know that I personally thought this was a good idea was because we've all been out people do bring their dogs out to public areas even if technically um you know it's not specified in ordinance that that's allowed uh but the dogs bring joy to everybody and and the kids come running around to say hi to these beautiful dogs and these friendly Doodles everywhere and all the other kinds of dogs and um it just makes for a happier place with uh better neighbors CU when someone's meeting a dog you stop and you say hello and uh it just part of I think uh a fabric of social glue it's almost the antithesis of uh social media and being on screens and uh I think that Livingston should try to make um this town as dog friendly as possible and uh this is a good step in that direction thank back you mayor yeah mayor I'd like to uh to to join Council mcin and say thank you for bringing this uh you know we are a dog friendly Town there's no doubt about that and uh even with today's Ada uh rules and regulations with service dogs you know we wouldn't be able to to kick them off of our property anyway but you know what those people who did bring dogs you know we didn't bring we didn't kick them off the property uh we let them um let them stay so you know this is a great addition to our town with uh with now a law on the books allowing uh um residents to bring their uh their dogs uh um and enjoy uh our our oval and our properties so thank you yep I want to thank you thank you Sean uh the um it is and thank you for the clarification this allows us to designate dog friendly areas by resolution in the future uh without going through the whole ordinance process and I think uh that's a step in the right direction to uh for a fellow dog lover as well and I think chip and Frankie have met each other I know I was smooching with drip the first time you also have dog ey like you know um pet pets and the in the history of your family right you put you own a family business with uh right 37 years 37 years yeah for people out in TV Land my dad owned a pet store for 37 years I worked there uh here and there I put away inventory and stuff like that but we've always been dog lovers we've always we were big on shelter's uh miniature College Shin sheep dogs and um yeah my uh my dad went into that after accounting he loved dogs so much he went into the pet store uh business but um yeah uh wait Michael did you want I just say one more thing is that um my wife Gabby will will love this uh this new ordinance because I've told her you cannot bring our dog to to any Livingston property and I've actually forbid her I says it's against the law and I cannot be caught breaking the law and uh but uh now once uh we got this approved I I think my wife will also be happy I'm sure and uh maybe my dog can meet yours uh mayor they've never met uh and by the way my dog my dog actually likes water mine's a Portuguese Water Dog M mine will actually go into the water you've seen the Antics with my dog a doggy dip on a semer Noble we're going to uh move forward and try to get some resolution done to just actually now create you know space that designates where dogs are going to be allowed and and this will be an ongoing discussion in the community and uh we want to hear from people if there are areas where it makes sense to do this that we're not thinking of please let us know yep I think it's great for the community um okay we are roll call oh roll call council member bani happily Yesa yes Klein yes Deputy Mayor Reinhard yes mayor Anthony yes now we are up to the consent agenda for Resolutions the matters listed with an aster are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so request in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders uh is anyone need anything removed here no okay Carolyn all together resolution 24- 277 increasing deferred local school district tax resolution 24- 278 authorizing the award of a contract to M McDonald LLC for past phase C resolution 24279 authorizing the award of a contract to QD Consulting Services LLC resolution 24-28 authorizing approval of change order number two with topology NJ LLC and lastly resolution 24281 awarding contract for purchase and installation of emergency communication consoles services and equipment to Motorola great anyone I'll make a motion to approve all the resolutions present the agenda okay all right any council member yep b t yes Viera yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor Reinhardt yes mayor Anthony yes like to make a motion to open the meeting the public portion on any subject all right second all in favor yes any POS no hi Mr Mayor Justin Alpert 56 Amhurst place um on behalf of the entire community of Livingston and is a founding member of the Livingston mayor Al Anthony appreciation society and supper club and of course as a uh fellow Sagittarius uh congratulations on a uh Good Year and uh thank you for leading us through this year and um thank you that's all yeah thank you sir That's all folks all right thank you Justin and thanks for all your comments throughout the year I appreciate it um any Ena no uh motion to close a public portion right second all right all in favor yes yes any oppos no okay so we are going back into com no wait what are we oh these things all right sorry Michael I'm moving along all right uh Adam right we did to report we're up to reports of Township officials I don't have any reports at this time Rumor Has may be asked uh yeah nothing okay uh just a couple um one uh thank you to the council and I think the community um our utility engineer Nathan kiroff or engineer Janette Hardy Rocko maruchi one of the resolutions we had is Phase B of our posos treatment uh just for the benefit of the public the first phase and you may have seen construction underway including the road being all dug up on across from Harrison school and running down Livingston and down Congressional uh that's all part of the first phase which will uh provide posos treatment for a number of our wells this phase B is three more of the wells um in addition One update as the public is probably aware we joined a class action law suit from which we expect to get significant proceeds we got an update from the attorney uh that hopefully they will begin Distributing funds in the first quarter of 2025 uh so we're getting that much closer to having all our wells remediated and and getting our water uh quality uh completely free of these uh chemicals um second on behalf of the uh the police department and the dispatchers thank the council for approving the uh Motorola contract it's uh much needed and obviously critical infrastructure for for our First Responders um would uh again just wish the entire Community happy holidays whatever holiday everyone celebrates I hope it's safe and joyous and a lot of family time and then finally uh a happy birthday wish tomorrow to our own assistant Township manager Adam larner Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Adam wait another Sagittarian no wow all right Justin l i saw GRE bells and sagarian what a group um okay thank you Barry uh Russ uh just that we're working on an ADA project uh under Community Development to submit an application for the community center to maybe do some improvements to the accessible doors awesome thanks Russ um Barry the pest uh you said 2020 when do we expect everything to be online and well I will and I should have mentioned that um actually was speaking with councilman Klein earlier uh I'm going to get an updated timeline uh from Nathan and Janette with our contractors uh and and we will uh I I think put something together to put not only on the website social media but then perhaps even have a presentation at council meeting in January outlining exactly which Wells are going to go online and when we expect completion so that that' be important for the public to know okay fantastic all right uh R let's see uh Julie no report the night mayor okay great Caren nothing for me thank you but happy Birthday Adam yeah all right um let's see uh Kayton thank you may yeah I'll start with that happy Birthday Adam uh uh yeah I think first I would like to just give a big shout out to DPW Town looks clean uh leaves have been picked up roads are all clean you know really did a good job uh I know a lot of people uh really took that advantage of the last pickup and they did run through very nicely on the streets and I could see pretty clean streets out there back again we have the whole street back to us um and uh a big opening I think that was a little little open up right I think that was something that was really Le yeah that was that's the I thought that's what I said but Le right that's um opened up it's uh it's amazing to see uh the long awaited opening uh but yes happy holidays to everyone celebrating I know a lot of parties are already happening and Council has been attending many of these volunteer organizations but uh to everyone happy holidays and enjoy the time off thank you m great thanks k um Michael what do you go thank you mayor um just a couple of things I had the honor um uh on Sunday attending along with you mayor uh a sewa event uh and that again was also with the young volunteers you know it was wonderful to see you know especially uh today with the um the two organizations the uh the national charity league and the young men's uh service League how young they're learning to become volunteers that that's so wonderful um because this this is a town of volunteers and it's it's really nice to see young people beginning their their volunteerism because you know what as they learn young as they mature and get older in life they're going to continue volunteering for whatever town they live in whether it's Livingston or or wherever they live so uh it's great that these organizations do exist um I also want to uh to thank um and recognize all the cuso elves who have um put a wonderful display over at our um gazebo area with the cuso display um just want to thank them just want to mention a couple things today which is Wednesday um there were supposed to be uh um hot chocolate with a police officer but because of the rain uh it was canceled it will be tomorrow night um that will be um uh hot chocolate with the police officer I believe that starts at 6 o'clock or 6:30 uh look on the website for that um December 20 I'm sorry tonight was supposed to be 5:30 it's not the same time it could be the same time I had 5:30 tonight but I figured it was raining and it was can it was canceled so and they're making it for tomorrow so let's assume it's the same time 5:30 tomorrow um the 21st which is Saturday is the First Responders um K so um they're bringing Santa in and they have I believe train rides hay rides and and a lot of um good things for children so that's on Saturday uh on December 26th is the Hanukkah lighting that's at 5 o'clock so the first responder start at 6:30 on the 26 the the Hanukkah lighting starts at um at 5:00 um again I just want to wish everybody um happy holidays here in Livingston and anywhere and again Happy Birthday Adam thank you um so just a couple points I don't want to be too repetitive um but um I had uh gotten a very nice invitation from abash uh gangal who was part of that siwa um group um I had uh spent some time with him he's we've worked it out so that we are in the same uh pick it up Livingston uh Entourage when we've been doing those last few years and uh he uh wanted to invite me to um help celebrate his volunteers and that was very sweet of him and I was sorry that I couldn't make it I'm had a little health issue uh doing okay now though um the um both things that was both sorry um and then also um no and uh I wanted to uh also say thanks so much to the cusa Welles the display looks incredible this year and wish everyone very happy holidays thank you Sean appreciate it Ed thank you I'll just to real quick um 100% thank you to the DPW they always do a great job no matter what season it is especially this season do a great job the kuso elves always do a great job as well so we thank all their volunteers um I sat uh on the planning board this past year my last meeting was last night just want to thank everybody on that planning board it's a very very important group dedicated group and they put in some long hour so it was really nice to be part of it this year um I can't help but you know notice and point out that I think it's symbolic that Christmas and Hanukkah start on the same day this year so I think it's just kind of a nice way to uh have the holidays this year it's never has been that way in a long time so wish everybody a very merry Christmas and a happy Hanukkah uh Adam happy birthday and uh last but certainly not least um a big thank you to Mayor Anthony for leading us this year in a wonderful year and very much appreciate all the things uh that you did this year and the sacrifices uh your family time and all that that you put in as well so congratulations on a great year great thank you thank you Ed I don't know if anyone noticed my wife ran out of here because the last two times I made it Lori Anthony day and she does not uh like the spotlight but she was uh here with a very great group tonight and um ran out to go pick up our daughter um happy holidays everyone um from all of us up here and I do want to thank the count Council and Barry and Ros and Adam and and Julie more than Jared and uh and Carolyn bills are so good tonight terrific job tonight for uh yeah a very enjoyable year um it's been terrific and and uh you know it's fun stuff up here and I always I always like when um I think someone once asked me what's one of your favorite things is when we do those presentations and proclamations and we get to meet some of the best of the best in the town that volunteer and give up their time to make our us a a better town all the time and I think we're we always get better and better um thank you Kon the uh the leadle was a it was an event um that was uh 7 in the morning 7 yeah first people were in line at 4:30 people were in line at 4:30 hundreds of people I there was a giveaway right for the first person yeah first that's right and and it was same amount one was 100 I think first may have been 100 there was G there was giveaways for the first group and it a great addition to the town we're glad it's finally um open uh we did have the joy do ribbon cutting which is a great facility out on uh region um for autistic adults and um providing work experience real life work experience where they have like 40 different stations there and um they'll contract with other uh big bigger companies to do the work out of that location um if Punam is out there I did make the Livingston Symphony Orchestra um which was awesome it was really good uh Christmas uh and um Hanukkah tunes and everything uh was held at the Heritage uh and thank you Michael the sea I I think it's SAA that that onewa yeah it looks like sewa but SAA and abash uh that was really nice uh they gave their annual Awards uh end of the Year Awards and to see all these kids just like we saw tonight um as Ed always says it makes you feel good about the future um of our of our town of our country um so I think that and DPW shout out I check with Barry Barry the the those beautiful snowflakes that are around town dpw's responsible and Lorie patino helped uh with that whole process give her shout people may have noticed uh we got a refreshing all our street holiday decorations both new banners and and the light up snowflakes the older ones had served us well but they were all falling apart and uh so big shout out to my assistant Lorie patino who kind of did the Yen's work on that uh and certainly recognizing the the committee that had handled it in the past and uh and yeah Public Works will maintain them and I think they look great so they do thank you and I think K you said the DP everyone said DPW shout out to them and finally the uh the kuso elves that's just a uh a centerpiece of uh town here it's it's gorgeous over there and thanks to all the elves who put in the time um so any anyway we are going to go not to the back room back to the conference room and finish our conference meeting thank you thank you every