##VIDEO ID:byeB10k5rjE## good evening everyone uh sorry about the delay we just uh got caught up in the conference meeting so I apologize um all right so one second this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings act and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required by law specifically the annual notice was emailed to the West S6 Tribune and the Star Ledger on January 2nd 2024 the agenda and resolutions for the meeting are available on www. Livingston nj.org certain portions of this meeting may be closed to the public for the purpose of personnel Andor other matters as outlined in the Sunshine Law decisions made Andor discussed in closed session will be made known to the public at a later time notice to members of the governing body and Township staff any use of electronic devices during this meeting shall be used solely for the purposes of Township business and any Communications are subject to the open public records act to the extent possible this evenings Township of Livingston council meeting will be live streamed via Facebook at www.fb .c Livingston Township NJ questions or comments will be accepted by emailing live comments Livingston new jersey. org by 4M on the day of the meeting each speaker should follow the rules of order in Livingston code section 2-5 uh roll call Liz council member bhutani I'm here Viera present kleene here Deputy Mayor mhart here mayor Anthony here uh can we all please stand for a moment of silence and then the Pledge of Allegiance States of America the stand na indivisible okay for the Essex County update we have our own Michael Vieira making an announcement thank you uh Miss fisherman could not be here today but she did want me to uh mention to uh the viewing public that tomorrow uh is the essis County Senior Wellness fair at uh Cody Arena beginning at 10: a.m. um it's a senior event and um it's a great event and there' be uh a lot of people so uh if you're available come on out thank you thank you Michael okay our first uh presentation is uh Namaste Heritage India celebration of democracy and diversity uh Andy do we have a PowerPoint to go with this too oh there it is fantastic and uh we have microphone here this was so terrific last year and we did it before the flag raising and I used all your facts and figures in my speech last year so this year I had to wing it um so thank you for coming out do you have the microphone there hello thank you every everyone here thank you mayor deputy mayor council members Deputy clerk Jared and manager everyone here thank you thank you so much for allowing the opportunity to Namaste Heritage kids to present um their research their study of the country where their ancestors have hailed from they're very proud to Showcase what they have learned um and thank you to the audience for allowing us to do that this is second year in a row and we hope to continue this going forward if the township allows us to do so good evening everyone Namaste it's a pleasure to be here today as we explore a fascinating and vibrant Nation India our topic highlights the remarkable journey of a country that thrives on its unity and diversity today these kids will help us dive into what makes India a beacon of democracy and cultural richness from left to right Yana Nikita Krish Sonia Richa Priyanka samay surj and arov India gained its independence from the British in 1947 India's first constitution was written by Dr BR R edar who had a deep knowledge of law social justice and equality not to should I read from the beginning India gained its independence from the British in 1947 India's first constitution was written by Dr BR edar who had a deep knowledge of law social justice and equality the Constitution came into effect on January 26 1950 the day is also known as Republic Day in India India continued with a parliamentary system of government similar to that of England as a sovereign socialist secular and Democratic country India offers fundamental rights of equality speech and deligent to all its citizens India has two houses of Parliament the first house is made up of direct representatives of the people and the second one represents the states and union territories gender elections are run every 5 years which determine the new government with the Prime Minister as the head of government the president and the vice president are elected indirectly and they largely have symbolic roles India is the world's largest democracy functioning at a level that is unparalleled since independence from the British in 1947 all elections of India saw peaceful transition of power people are trusting the process and the outcome with 968 million eligible voters India allows for all voices to be to be represented in election if you look at the slide India has over 2,700 political parties representing diverse sections of the society so the elections are held in phases for over 2 months in 2024 640 million people voted that's larger than All European countries population combined the election cycle took 15 million election workers and 1 million polling stations to execute this election was unprecedented in human history and its scale its efficiency and its Effectiveness the outcome was free and fair acceptable to all parties how do you measure effectiveness of a democracy there are several wellestablished factors and criteria as you see them on the slides the world can measure India using the datadriven and fair assessment free of propaganda to fully realize those ethos underlying all that is India for thousands of years Indians believe in the idea that the world is one family there is harmony happiness and well-being built in that one belief we will focus on few of the fundamentals the first and second were covered in the previous slides I would like to start talking about minority rights and celebration of diversity what are minority rights how do we Define a framework to evaluate if any country is meeting the CR criteria for minority protection as you will see in the upcoming presentations that India is shining on that end let's examine the details the national commission for minorities act 1992 recognizes six religious communities as minorities based on population Muslims comprise the largest minority in India all 72 sect of the Muslim Community as well as all sects of other Fates live in harmony together India is the birthplace of four theocentric religions that stand on the concept that the world is one family Hinduism Buddhism Sikhism and jism Hinduism is the majority religion in India Jews came as refugees to India 2,000 years ago the first Christians also arrived around the same time Muslims entered about 1,000 years ago parses also known as zor austrians fled persecution and found home in India 1300 years ago all all religions are recognized and respected in government institutions and in schools the second category of minorities are linguistic minorities India is unique in a way that every state has its own State language food customs and clothes India operates like a Federation of States people see the richness in linguistic diversity I was astonished to learn that there are 447 spoken languages across the country Hindi is the official language along with English being a common language used for business Academia and law linguistic minorities are defined as a group of people whose first language or mother tongue is not the state language there are laws supporting and protecting linguistic minorities and all minorities in general some of these are article 29 article 30 article 347 article 350a and article 350b Indian people take pride in accepting and respecting minorities India's democracy continues to thrive ensuring growth and population wealth and free speech for all including its religious minorities since gaining independence in 1947 India's population has quadrupled majority Hindu population followed the trend but declined in 6% next highest minority Muslim population Grew sixfold From 35 million to 200 million and also increased in percentage by 6% similarly the Buddhist population has expanded from less than 1 million to 9 million other minority communities while maintaining relatively stable percentages have also grown in absolute numbers even though the parsy community has seen a decrease in numbers due to migration lower birth rates and Interfaith marriages they remain one of the most affluent and peaceful groups in India Paris has made enormous contributions to India's progress one of the most iconic examples is ranata a proud and patriotic Pary who owns Global conglomerates like India's Airline Air India Dodge hotels and Tata consultancy Services India's Constitution provides a strong framework to protect the rights of minorities with a focus on equality religious freedom and cultural preservation key constitutional Provisions include equality before the law from article 14 and anti-discrimination laws that protect minorities from unfair treatment cultural and educational rights from articles 29 and 30 ensure minorities can conserve their languages and administer their own schools preserving their distinct identities religious freedom from articles 25 through 28 guarantee the right to practice and propagate any religion and linguistic Rights Article 350a Safeguard the use of minority languages and education these efforts have led to Greater political representation the preservation of cultural diversity and educational autonomy for minorities contributing to India's inclusive democracy in India there's several programs specifically designed to support minority communities so that they have the resources and Facilities to succeed and Thrive and India has many successful minority icons in sports Bollywood music businesses legal medicine and particularly in politics including positions such as the president vice president and others and and all of that's possible with the support of the Constitution and the government of India which has the largest effort in promoting education wealth women's protection and free healthcare for minorities there's also significant quotas reserved for minorities in government and education and also a state sponsored institutions like the national com commission for minorities which play a key role in safeguarding the rights of minorities and addressing their concerns and the wa Act of 1995 allows the Muslim Community to claim properties making the WF board the third largest landowner of India after the Army and railroads the data shows the plurality of India freedom of religion and Harmony of the people and is reflected in the most extensive research and Survey ever done by the Pew research Pew research team conducted face-to-face interviews of 29,999 people in India representing all demographic levels throughout the country Indian people live in harmony and respect each other's way of life 90% of the people across the board feel free to practice their religion this number is higher than in most other nations respecting and protecting diversity has been in the DNA of Indian people for thousands of years the quote reflects the Traditions values and way of life for Indian people creating an ethos that brings out the best in them thank you for the opportunity to present the story of India focusing on its great democracy and exemplary diversity on behalf of my team good night and Namaste that was terrific is that it photo yeah yeah thank you so much here you want to get a photo up here or uh yeah follow terrific job again uh amazing I learned more again this year um I I actually thought it was very telling that 640 million people voted in scorching heat we just had a uh uh power up the vote uh last week and how important it is to vote in a democracy and that's the largest democracy so that that hit me this year as well as uh every everything else so great job kids I'll got it yeah yeah think think thank you terrific job awesome job clap clap yeah yeah all right let's go great hey if I can if I can just add a couple of couple of comments here mayor uh yeah nine kids and so many topics you guys covered so many of them as mayor said 640 million people voting it's no no small thing it's uh largest democracy on the planet Earth 2764 political parties that's amazing and six religions official religions that's that's some staggering numbers I'm going to just go through all the kids' names and I think some of those quotes came from Nikita's reading I was quoting down Yana Nikita Kish Sonia Richa prianka samay surj and arov great job and to the vision to the V Visionary herself I mean f you put this together Namaste Heritage and that's how it's all started it's good to have kids the Next Generation learning for where their ancestors come from it's it's outstanding so great job and keep it up thank you great job okay uh next we have the Veterans of Foreign Wars uh 125th anniversary uh hello gentlemen thank you for waiting sorry about that um thank you so much for your service uh I was uh messaging with Brian Brian's under the weather tonight I I believe yeah he uh but was that he he he always mentions about I think there's 11 different uh events we we but we commemorate every year and and um just from the bottom of our hearts thank you for everything you make everything possible our country Our Town owes you a great measure of gratitude we know Freedom isn't free and thank you for coming out tonight we have a we have a proclamation that we're going to read and then maybe we could get a photo and if anyone wants to speak be my guest we have uh two microphones here so uh so we'll start Michael you want to start us off whereas Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States VFW was founded in 1899 by a small group of veterans whom returned from campaigns in Cuba and in the Philippines banded together to create a veterans organization that would Advocate on behalf of all veterans and whereas whereas the VFW is a nonprofit veteran service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active guard and Reserve forces and whereas the vfw's mission is to Foster camaraderie among the United States Veterans of overseas conflicts to serve our veterans the military and our communities and to Advocate on behalf of all veterans and whereas since it's its Inception the VFW has been instrumental in the establishments of the Veterans Administration the national cemeter system and the creation of every National Veterans Memorial and and whereas the VFW has played a vital role in virtually every significant piece of veterans legislation passed in the 20th and 21st century including the honoring our pacted act the most significant expansions of veterans benefits in history and whereas the vfw's 125th anniversary is being observed on September 29th 2024 this statee shall officially be known as VFW day and now therefore let it be resolved that I Al Anthony mayor of the township of Livingston do hereby Proclaim September 29th as VFW day in honor of the vfw's inval Val contributions to the veteran community in Livingston and around the world we hereby stand with the VFW to ensure veterans are respected for their service always receive their earned entitlements and are recognized for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country so we'll present you with [Applause] this for mayor thank you as always you guys go out of your app May one more time you want to hear it again one more time all right Al you're getting too many uh hits here uh mayor thank you very much council members thank you again always supporting us always coming out to our events uh that does make a difference uh the VFW model is we remember the dead by helping the living so uh we appreciate uh whatever you can do for us and always have um so also U to our folks uh out in the audience uh please keep in mind that we have service members uh um In Harm's Way uh a lot of our New Jersey National Guard members are in either Syria or Iraq so please keep them in your prayers again thank you very much [Applause] she better okay next up we have AJ for the sustain AI environmental app and yeah come on up these they have to turn that on if we turned it off again and uh tell us about this great app that you created uh not on now hello there you go all right thank you Mr and thank you Mr Mayor for allowing me to present today of course yeah oh yeah yeah uh hello everyone I'm ARA a student at LHS and I'm very passionate about the environment today I'm excited to intro to saify a oneclick app that that Bridges the gap between potential volunteers and the attendance needs of various environmental organizations sustain IFI displays the states impactful environmental opportunities from volunteer projects to internships All In place suif simplifies the process of finding and engaging with over 400 organizations sinifi was made because I noticed a big gap between volunteerism and the visibility of organizations across the state when I was searching for environmental organizations to volunteer at a few summers ago I found it challenging to to discover opportunities that align with both my schedule and my location Guided by both Mrs Cy the AP environmental science teacher at LHS and Mr Alexander from the SS County Environmental Center iify to bridge that divide and make it easier for people to find and to participate in impactful environmental action so here are some features for sustain ify first the platform is designed with Simplicity and efficiency in mind our c our calendar feature allows people to stay organized and keep track of upcoming events deadlines and opportunities um who can choose to display all available events or just the ones that you sign up to whether it's a beach cleanup or an internship starting the next semester everything is very organized and easy to manage sorry next is our map feature with over 200 organizations plotted across New Jersey this allows people to visually explore all available opportunities when it comes to signing up for activity sustain ify keeps it simple the event page displays important information about the time day location along with the brief description provided by the organization a simple tab takes you D directly to the signup page in just a short amount of time cifi has to over 500 down hes and connects people who had more than 400 environmental organizations I'm proud to share that cifi maintains a perfect five star core with people praising our design and the meaningful con connections that we have made through the platform attendance at events hosted by our organizations have increased as a result we have been featured in various media Outlets over social media the the the the newspaper and even a podcast um looking forward and we have some big plans for sustain toy we are continuously expanding our database to include more opportunities and organizations and we also plan to implement a service outward tracker and system to to gamify volunteering in order to boost awareness and participation ready to make a ready to to make a ready to make a difference download say I thank you so [Applause] much yeah yeah AJ AJ we'll have some questions yeah yeah um you got your microphone okay question yeah I got a couple first of all just to give you some Fe I think this is fantastic um I'm really proud that like your Livingston product in the sense that you you know that you're coming out of our schools and that you're creating a great product also so it just really I think it speaks to um the families that live here and the students and schools and all the rest of it and and to you as a as a person this is wonderful what a huge impact you can have by creating a system like this right way that you can scale up environmentalism right um so one of the things I would say first of all I love the gamification I think that's really key to like getting people like involved and excited about it but I think it's also important to figure out how you can make money on this so it's sustainable like in other words like you should there should be some kind of AD space or some because if you can make some money on this it's not going to go away and if this is something that touches a lot of people so you should start to try to incorporate that not so much for gross commercialism but actually because it will allow this to perpetuate if there's some money coming in then you can have the administrators that you want you can have you know I don't have to tell you this I'm sure you thought it all through considering how much you've thought this through already but I I just I you know I'm saying this because I want to see this succeed and uh I'm sure having on the council is just uh you know very excited that someone from Livingston is able to make this kind of contribution to uh to environmentalism uhuh yeah so of course so it takes a lot of money to to like maintain this app and we are playing to as you said like maintain like an ad space but that's going to be in the future right now but yeah it's great any other questions yeah actually a couple of comments and a question so we knew I mean as soon as you said oh this is the app and I I knew that we all love it because you know the idea of it uh as consumer and cl said Livingston product is something to be really proud of so kudos to you congratulations lot of work I'm sure has gone in I know n and I spoke about this initially and then you and I spoke about it and dad and I spoke about it as well your dad uh and it ended up being uh a great product I I saw several screens of it as well myself question for you AJ is that um when you when it comes to data keeping data updated how do you see this like you know is is it going to be always current is it social sort of gathering is people are feeding the system the event data or are the agencies you said about 200 agencies so how does that work to make it current keep it current so at the moment so what we do is that we have a three Monon cycle where after every three months then we go back and we check and make sure that all the events are in order and we go back to our organizations and we talk to them and then we add like like and then we add Life Life future events and then every future event has been accounted for for the next five for the for the for the for the next five months or so great thank you of course thank you so much great and AJ we you and I had spoke so if it's something you want to volunteer you it's um it's by geography right something close by you yes that is one way yes that's way or by calend as well calendar as well and when we were discussing uh is it by topics too like let's say you're into cleaning up Rivers you know something I did I used to do the rock away the bake and I don't know why but anyway it was if if I wanted to go que and wasn't uh was okay to go drive can I find that I mean I would just so by topic um so if you click on the event description then then it's going to tell you like what the event is about and what topics it is like it's connected with um but like at the moment we don't have a filteration system by topic but I think that's a very nice idea that we are going to like Implement in the future yeah okay great and such um environmental Expo different types of topics but that's great because most people do want to see what's what's near them right and they want to volunteer and that's that's the best one to to start off with yeah right it's terrific congratulations one other question if I can um just tell us about yourself what year are you in school how do you find time to do this so I'm a senior at LHS and this has been a product so I started this in in May of the 10th 10th grade so it's been like a year and a half um and it's been a struggle because I'm not like an AB myself so it took a so so it actually so it went through about 16 like fil years by like the app store and then the 16th like like version was the one that was successfully uploaded 16 times you had to you had to do I mean talk about stiiven right I mean that is really awesome that it took you it almost makes the story better than you did it 16 times being persistent but yeah no thank you AJ you're you're an inspiration and uh it it's a it's a pleasure to to know you and uh and you're nisha's friend too right yeah yeah yes get yes we want to get a picture with you all right it's okay with you thank you so much all right for AJ AJ I've seen him since childhood you know I've seen him going into a young Gooding boy um good to know that you made such a wonder I think within 3 months 500 plus that he INSP me whatever and always thank so much take picture con e here you go e I okay great we are now up to um approval of minutes I'll take a make a motion to approve the minutes of September 9th 2024 regular conference and the September 9th 2024 close a second uh any all of them favor I I any opposed no okay make a motion to open the meeting for public comments on agenda items only second all favor I any oppos no okay we are now open for public comment on agenda items only make a motion to close a meeting mayor there was there was a LIF comment that came in today um they had asked that it be read during the uh agenda item section however I reviewed uh the minutes and I don't believe it's it is relevant to the agenda so we'll be read during the um second public portion comment great thank you chair so I like to make a motion to close the public comments on agenda items only okay second all in favor any opposed no all right we are now to Liz we're up to the final hearing on the first ordinance salary salary ordinance yeah ordinance 23 motion open the public hearing I'll make a motion I'll make a motion Oh I thought you're making it I'll second who made the motion I made the motion okay oh okay than hi hold on did you take a did you take a voice V take a Voice vote there we go um Mr Mayor Justin aler 56 am first place will the Justin wait one second I'm sorry and we'll start it again did we take a Voice vote on this uh to open it up we had a a motion second everyone in favor I any oppos okay sorry just uh will the township manager be uh making a presentation on this ordinance if so I'd like to table my time Barry any answer questions he's here to answer questions okay my understanding was I mean this was on the schedule and then it was on the schedule again uh the councilman asked for certain information uh to give guidance as to whether the numbers were acceptable the councilman actually received a piece of information during the previous meeting that piece of information was not open to public disclosure uh according to an Oprah request there were no requests for information from the council to the uh Office of the Town manager and there were no um additional documents we don't have enough information to really make a decision here uh two meetings ago we had discussed uh you you know getting an idea of the parameters and how much the raises are and uh over what currently exists um and to compare different jobs and and different titles there's just really no information here we have no idea this there's going to be a big retroactive salary payment we have no idea how much it is um and it would be nice to have a conversation here and a back and forth but there's nothing to go on we just have a list of numbers and and nothing to move forward with so where do we go from here so if I could uh first as it relates to your Oprah request uh the response was there were no documents because the request for additional information were made verbally at a meeting uh which was a public meeting but I requested the documents where are the docum no but you said that the you your oper request was for the council request and I there wasn't a document because he made the request at a public meeting requested the documents that they have been a memoranda provided to the council uh which initially are uh considered consultative and deliberative uh once if if and when the council takes action those documents will become available and and we wouldn't it be wise for the public to see what the council is considering so the public can participate in the process isn't that the point well the the point is there are certainly things that the council are privy to the document that were provided uh were intended to to respond they provided information about the historic practic Mr Mayor how is the public supposed to advise you how are they supposed to come here and give you any input on this ordinance without any information just I my understanding was one councilman wanted additional information and I believe he's prepared to vote on it tonight okay but where is that information for the public to see this public hearing Justin the what the information's available to the public uh includes the salary ordinance the document that you said was given at the last meeting was the prior salary ordinance which I said at the time that I just sent you the 2020 salary ordinance which is a public record it's on our website okay both both let me finish both ordinances show the salary ranges for the employees okay the if certainly if you as an interested member of the public want to look at those various positions go study ordinance from other towns offer your thoughts or opinion on whether you think Mr Mayor would you be willing to table this so we can do that I mean you have two numbers here minimum maximum we have no idea what the percentage raises are we have no idea what it's based on this is this is the third meeting now there's no public information this is a public meeting Justin I think everyone up here is prepared to vote on it has enough information to vote on it okay but the public cannot inform you on any of that information because we have not seen any of this this undermines the very purpose of this you might as well do this in close session Mr Mayor thank you for your time thank you motion to close public comment second uh all in favor I I any opposed like to move the like to move the ordinance I'll second it okay um roll call yeah roll call on this council member bani uh sorry are we doing roll call on what the salary order so can I can I make a couple of comments before before so we'll take back the roll call is there any do any do any council members have any comments before we take the roll call yeah I do okay so I'll make a couple of comments uh I think the the important part was to review what we had four years ago or how number of years ago which Barry mentioned this was a public record and that's the that's the reference we had and that's the reference wanted to check it out compare what we had the minimum maximum range and what we have in front of us right now both of these are public records um doing the simple math and if let's take I'm going to address it to uh to whoever is watching and and being here as well as a couple of comments that Justin you made uh doing the simple math of the living wages and all of that if we consider all you know all of these components um and it's a simple math again you know these are public publicly available information that was a public record the previous ordinance and that has a table this one as you rightly said it's minimum maximum that one Al was minimum maximum uh I think there are couple of items I would I would like to say here uh we have a fantastic uh Town Services we are we are consistently being commanded for lot of good work that the township employees do uh and I know that's not the point the point is numbers but at the same time we also see that there is a good structure in place and that's one of those conversations I personally had to try and find out uh where we stand from the previous to the new um we have some good backups as well coming up and in terms of making it sure that we have a fallback plan on our organization structure uh there are some good good uh pieces of information to car out again from the public information uh so that's what was was was the deliberation throughout the process and I think that is important to note here uh so just want to made those comments may I just make a comment also um I would just Chim thank you Kon for for your comments um I would also say that um you know when when uh and this is all part and parcel of the um of our budget process in general um that um an and um and uh Adam and Barry and Russ uh are always very careful with the town dollars um uh almost every year that I've been on the council um and I think every year since Barry's been here that uh any raise in uh taxes has actually been by percentage lower uh than inflation which means that we are in real dollars shrinking the budget each year um and yet we're still providing uh the uh terrific um terrific uh services to the town that the town expects I also wanted to point out and I think that Barry in one of his memos to us uh made a point and I was um I think it's a really important point to emphasize is uh succession planning um that having strong number twos and and and making sure that they're uh compensated uh to so that they understand that they're valued uh in different departments because you know you never know when the top person is going to uh step aside and you need to make sure that uh this town is going to be in a good place in the long run and I just I think that kind of planning and preparation just really speaks to good man managerial skills and I thank you for that mayor may I say something of course um the residents of of Livingston put five people on this Das to work for them and to make some decisions that we need to do that we think is right for this town and quite frankly this has been pulled I believe two or three times already and if it was something that the town really really thought that it was wrong of us to do this chamber would be packed tonight and and I'm I'm speaking Justin Justin I'm speaking and tonight this CH chamber is not packed but also we sit up here meeting after meeting and we talk about how good our employees are how much work they do for this town and they do and and that's what makes Livingston great and these people that are part of this you know what the people the employees that that are in the union they're not part of this okay however the People Who oversee those people the supervisors they get no CH chance this is their chance for to get a uh a raise and I have no and I just I'm speaking and I have no problem tonight voting for this because Livingston is a great town and these people our employees work very very very hard Mr aler out of order Mr aler out of order Mr aler out of order counselor did we close the uh do we close the uh the public comment section on this thank you there'll be a second public comment portion very shortly yes I'll just if you don't mind I'll just this is I just not gonna these are ranges Justin certainly we can all debate whether the lower level is a living wage as he like to say that having been said uh everybody that works here at the salary they're getting is here voluntarily it's not indentured servants we don't make people work for less than wages they're willing to accept if you have broader objections with the economy that that's that's something beyond our control but there's there's more than adequate information yeah are there any further comments from I'll just wanted to oh sure you know everybody else said so eloquently before me but I'll just ditto everybody they said and honestly what I've been saying for the last 10 years is this is what we are put up here to do to not to think about just the here and now but for the future of the five and 10 15 years down the road and we have talk about assistant and deputies this is what we do to make sure that they're here down the road and this is exactly what our job is so this is a this ordinance should be passed and I look forward to voting on this great thank you Deputy Mayor right roll call and just just one other thing as well is just to Second uh what Deputy Mayor said there is enough information for us to really make an assessment uh and and it was it was reved and it was analyzed no all right roll call vote council member bani yes Vieira yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor mhart yes mayor Anthony yes all right uh Liz we're up to the uh second ordinance tonight Madam clerk you please read ordinance 25224 by title ordinance of the township of Livingston amending the official zoning map of the township of Livingston amending sections 17-3 terms defined 17- 94.1 off street parking and loading provisions and 170 to 108 B1 General business district of the code of the township of Livingston and adding a new section 17088 DOD conditional uses clashes to the Township Code motion open public comment and second I'll second good all in favor yes any oppos no okay the hearing is now open for 25-20 24 motion to close public comment on this agenda on this resolution okay second no you need you I I like to move the I like to move it there a second second is there any discussion in Council and just so you know everybody's voted not only to um that's all okay there any comments from the plane board okay roll call vote council member Tani yes Viera yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor mehard yes mayor Anthony yes okay next we're up to ordinance 26- 2024 uh Bond ordinance providing an appropriation of $750,000 for the design and construction of a public works Facility by and for the township of Livingston in the county of Essex New Jersey and authorizing the issuance of 6, 700,000 in bonds or notes of the township for financing part of the appropriation I'll make a motion open to public hearing second all in favor yes okay any oppos no okay so the uh public hearing is now open for the second reading final hearing uh of 26- 2024 I'll make a motion to close the public hearing second any comments no yeah um all in favor yes any oppos okay like to move the ordinance second second yes second all right anyone yes K discussion are we starting discussion yeah I think this is one of those uh Milestone ordinances I would I would think a longtime resident of the town I have been hearing DPW for probably the longest time um I think we have uh moved to a good direction in previous years as well but this is where we secure uh what it's what is is required to really build this uh facility a to give a brand new very very good facility for our fantastic DPW Department B to really clean out what we have on Livingston Avenue and another threee piece of property near the high school um and consolidate Under One Roof I think this is this is a very good win um as we look forward to great thanks councilman anything else the uh want to say anything I would just say a long time coming I think everyone on here would say that and uh it's a it's I'm really um personally happy to be making this vote um and uh yeah and and uh helping move this forward in a in a big way um long overdue and uh we always say this that the um our DPW workers deserve a great place to work and I think that this gives it to them okay good all right yeah I agree I agree with everyone else uh and I echo my fellow councilman a long time coming our DPW workers are the best and it's something that we've wanted to do for a long time for them um to give them a new home get the existing one that's uh passed its prime there on South Livingston a off of South Livingston a we I think most of us don't believe it doesn't belong on South Livingston a and we acquire the uh property on Industrial Park way a few years ago and we think that's a more suitable home for our DPW and a and a state-of-the-art facility at least a newer one right and we yes and we're going to be able to do something better with that property something more appropriate and a rable on south of Livingston yeah so um okay roll call council member bani yes Vieira yes kleene yes Deputy Mayor mehard yes mayor Anthony yes okay we are now up to the consent agenda for Resolutions all matters listed with an aster are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the council and will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the governing body so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda as part of the general orders uh Liz uh does anyone want to remove any of these okay we're reading them together okay great resolution 24- 222 approving the assignment of the Laboratory Testing Services contract to Pace Analytical Services LLC resolution 24223 authorizing approval of change order number one with tnm Associates like to move the I like to move the resolutions second okay roll call on that discussion anyone have a discussion no discussions no we have we had to remove it for the discussion Edward roll call vote uh council member bani yes viea yes Klein yes Deputy Mayor mhart mayor Anthony yes I'd like to open the meeting now to the public portion of any on any any subject second I'll second it okay all in favor seeing none none opposed thank you hi Justin hi Mr Mayor Justin aler 56 am HST place a few things from the uh back room conference meeting they're just worth this discussing one we do so much important business back there we really ought to install cameras and microphon so the public can see the good works that this Council does in that back room it would be a great idea two the mall you went into a private section with session with respect to the mall I hope that when you're in the private sessions with respect to them Mall the township attorney is leading you to look at the leverage points that you have so we can gain responsible control over development of the mall property three we hired a part-time code enforcement person hopefully that person will not go out and antagonize local businesses that have a little flag up when every other spot in town has a big old for rent sign up if anything let's take down the forent signs but you know local businesses that are putting up a little sign or a little flag so they attract business that's a good thing that's something we should be ensuring three uh um we should be supporting three uh or four depending on how you're counting uh we discussed in the back room cutting uh checks to the fire department and the first aid department and a semi-private other first aid uh company um I don't think the public really knows too much about this program welcome the town manager to publish something about this program how much it works how much money we've committed what kind of stiens we're giving um it would be interesting to know additionally with respect to the Performing Arts Center this Council perform promised a Performing Arts Center to the uh Arts people six years ago uh at that time we were discussing behind the senior center uh and now we're discussing the wreck building on the oval a Performing Art Center create Mr Mayor a Performing Art Center creates real value we'd want to put this in one of our new revised commercial districts so people who are coming out to a show are also going out to a restaurant or a bar afterwards before afterwards that's a leverageable opportunity you don't want it on the park you want it anchoring a commercial District lastly there was a complaint in the back room about what was published in the paper about the 212s uh and what it was submitted by the uh School Board well those two on twos are private meetings without minutes and uh it's an end run around the 505 five on FES welcome the next five on five which I believe is on November 11th but those two on tws if you want control have a public meeting stop doing private meetings take minutes put it on notice so people can attend you are here to serve us we're here to participate thank you very much Mr Mayor great thank you Justin all right anyone else public comment motion to close public there's two lift comments we have comments thank you though Micha okay um live comment uh from Gary Johnson uh New Brunswick New Jersey I want this well let's I'll go here allow me to reintroduce myself my name is retired Livingston Police Officer Gary Johnson residents may remember me as the tall African-American cop who directed traffic outside of shopright Mr and Mr caner certainly remember what the township did to me in my career when my wife was terminally ill with cancer I'm writing to clear up some misinformation that was spread at the last council meeting and in the West Essex Tribune the Tribune reported that spammers are sending in Oprah requests I can assure you that any Oprah request sent by Gary Johnson was requested by me a very real person Mr caner also claimed that a Kevin meany Tor claim had not been made known through Oprah this is also not true one of my Oprah requests confirmed melany has yet another claim against the town my friends at LPD are keeping me updated on all of the horrible things being done to meany I wanted to learn about the new defendants how many of you who are running this meeting are now involved I also wanted more information about a Tor claim filed by yet another wronged Livingston Police Sergeant Dave kimch see the trend here Gary Johnson Dave kimch and now Kevin meany what is happening to meany is not an isolated incident when is the township going to say enough as enough and finally clean up the police department in closing Mr Cantor if all of melan's claims are false as you stated then maybe you can tell everyone listening why three of the defendants are no longer represented by you and were forced to hire new attorneys can Mr Kor or anyone here tonight representing his Law Firm answer why this is Barry mayor Anthony anyone um the second comment Dave kimak Grimsley Tennessee this is my second attempt at having an emailed comment read at a meeting my first one was denied which outlined how a vindictive and retaliatory Chief maruts used his position to purposely interfere with my earned time payouts and forthcoming retirement from the Livingston Police Department I did not bother to follow up with another comment which was obviously the intent of the clerk administrator to not read my initial comment however today I am concerned about Livingston Township's intent to prevent Oprah requests I am not surprised to hear that the township has taken it upon themselves to pervert the intended use of the new Oprah law signed by your governor in an attempt to hide the questionable acts of the township your attorney Mr caner has called these Oprah requests spam and used that as a basis for threatening someone who has made numerous requests I must use my own experiences with the Township's Oprah Cal to argue that many requests are not spam in fact it took me three separate and similarly wed opr requests to finally pry out some of my requested information from the township regarding the police department's Facebook page these requests were about who was blocking users and removing posts that were critical of Chief maruts and his lack of leadership ability not only were those actions taken by the officers involved reprehensible they are illegal under the 1983 Civil Rights Act prior to these recent requests I was also forced to use Oprah to have my pension figures sent to the state of New Jersey for processing and for my final earned time pay as the township was intentionally slow walking this information in an attempt to punish me for retiring is that the type of spam Mr Cantor is talking about is that the type of spam that will require ridiculously fees in order to force the township act appropriately after 24 years as an employee of the Livingston Police Department I am disgusted with the way things are being handled in this town great that's all mayor that's it all right uh mayor if I if I may of course chair thank you um so in response to uh Mr Johnson's um comments tonight um I want to be careful because um as the township is aware and it's a matter of public record and it's openable document uh Mr Johnson entered into a settlement agreement with the Township in 2019 uh which provides a non- dispar a reciprocal non-disparagement Clause um and I believe that Mr Johnson's comments tonight likely violated that Clause so I'll be going to close next meeting to discuss whether Township wants to take any action relative through those obligations in that breach by Mr Johnson um and just looking at his comments um he states that Mr Lewis and Mr caner Mr caner remember what the township did to him um that's false um I wasn't I was not the township attorney at that time um I want to go into what he talks about spammers and this is what I think um you know is important to the residents um the last two meetings and Conference um there were some comments about how high the legal fees are related to Oprah and it was in the context of that in which I said that there's a lot of spammers and we need to invoke the new laws to protect ourselves I wasn't referring uh to Mr Johnson what I was referring to um we get opah requests from somebody called Harry nuts and we also get Opa requests from someone called Louis the dishwasher those are the spammers in which I was referring to and there's some other ones with ridiculous names and they think it's a joke and it's not a joke because um to the second op requesters comments we respond to all Oprah requests um we don't we take them each seriously we follow the law um as it relates to the special service charge and the uh torch claim notice um we reviewed the torch claim notice myself Mr Lewis um our Madam Clerk and we determined that it need to be redacted and it's several pages long it would take several hours to review and redact some information that shouldn't be made out to the public so we did put a special service charge in it so the residents of Livingston um aren't going to be responsible to for that cost of that op request and we're certainly allowed to do that um a question as to why we need lawyers if all the allegations are false I mean that question has a false premise if the allegations were true we wouldn't need lawyers because our chief and our ad and our tent manager would deal with the problems the the problem is the allegations are false and the Court's just not going to take our word for it we actually have to go to court and we have to defend ourselves against these false allegations um so the reason why these are harassing and and these claims are completely false so we need lawyers to defend against these frivolous claims um I would also like to say you know the Tribune had an article um last week in which I was quoted and I'm often quoted in the Tribune and I have to say this quote was probably the most attention I've received um since I've been Township attorney and every residue who came up to me and I am a resident in town and I'm around town had the same comment and it what you know obviously Mr Lewis but it was focus on our chief of police and our Police Department General and what a good job they do and what a good person Gary is and how lucky we are to have Gary and everybody knows him by his first name and the fact that this complaint is maligning the chief everybody knows that these claims are false and everybody knows how lucky we are as a Township to have it and it was really kind of comforting to me to see how many residents came up and said I get it now Gary's a good person and these claims are obviously false um additionally and I haven't really gotten into this um those of you have read the complaint it's very offensive to me as a Jewish resident of this town and I think the Jewish members of this Council and the council in general that they put an anti-Semitism tone to it and tried to make our Police Department out to be something it's not this Council would take those claims very seriously um we have a former president of a temple here um again we have another Jewish council member and our mayor and and the council member and Council M they're very supportive of the Jewish Community if any of those claims had any Tru to them and of course our Township manager and our chief they would have been investigating they would handled promptly and swiftly they're just not true and it's attempt at gaslighting and I think this Council this governing body is sick of the gaslighting including the multiple opal requests these public comments and after my last comment at public meeting another torch claim notice came out that I somehow maligned or put Sergeant meany in a false light I didn't I've never said anything about Sergeant meany personally all I have is discussed is our legal position about the complaint and the investigation that we've done and I can assure you that the allegations are false and this is nothing more than a money grab and again I pointed out the $32 million which sergeant melany is now seeking he doesn't throw touchdowns from New York Jets he's he's he's a sergeant whose claim at best is a few months of pay which we deny completely that's not $32 million um it's laughable it's jok and the sad thing is and what these comments come into are the legal fees that's why we have multiple lawyers all these op requests generate more legal fees which is costs put on to the residents so I'm here today to say that you know these things are false and we take all op requests seriously and we do have spam op requests and I wasn't referring to Mr Johnson um when I said we have spam up requests we do and we deal with them every day and our clerk's office does every day I'm happy to take any further questions from this Council if they have any mayor I I have a question sure so you know for for Jimmy walnuts Harry nuts the dishwasher guy uh concerned Livingston residents uh United Livingston and anybody else who who throws an alias uh name in there we actually have to by law work on their op request even though these people don't have the guts to give us their real name or address we have to spend money and time especially our clerk's office to go through this even if their names are Jimmy Walnut Harry nuts uh dishwasher guy uh concerned Livingston residen United Livingston and other alenes is that correct a and we do and we don't ignore them even though we believe them to be spam if we can identify a single person who's doing this and think it's harassing but we do I've seen emails going out to Mr walnuts uh we treat him very seriously and we take time and if it's a complex over request request it it costs this Township money when we have those kinds of requests um I know that you said that uh there are some instances where you have to redact and you you there's appropriate charge um when it's spam are we charging people who are who are Anonymous and then how are they paying for it so so the law requires that they pay the money up front but again we don't even though we know the anonymous people aren't going to come out and write us a check we still respond to rope requests we don't put charges on unless they're unless they're deserving um but to if it is anonymous we respond to them we say this is a service charge it's based on our estimate of X number of hours I actually put in each letter that I would do it at a reduced fee to the to the resident I don't charge the full fee we put a reduced fee in and we say this is the amount if you want to come in and pay it we'll do the opal request and it's regardless of it's a real person or a spammer so we've never had anyone we've never had any one who was Anonymous come out and pay but they're certainly able to but but you did the work for those Anonymous ones so if anytime there's Anonymous request we respond yes 100% and again the issue with the torch claim notice is there's some um there's some information that that we believe as a Township we can't release without it being redacted pursuant to the applicable uh Oprah laws I'll just just to comment Char your comments two weeks ago and tonight were spoton so thank you very much you know you you represent this Council and this community very well and uh all of us are very appreciative of everything that you do so thank you thank you thaty mayor anyone else uh and Jared thank you I Echo the deputy mayor thank you well said uhst second okay all in favor I any opposed no all right we are up to the reports of Township officials uh and council members and anything ordinance the whole town has been waiting to see what you're going to do um they work really hard the entire town I mean we have our Union people who are so thankful for you passing their Union contracts but this been a lot to all of us and I just want to thank you for your comments as well thank you Ann and thank you for everyone having patience with that um and thank you for everyone involved in drafting it and voting on it um Adam no comments at this time okay Barry uh thank you mayor um one I I join uh our CFO in in thanking you for the comments and the recognition of the great work that the employees do uh too just and I had mentioned it at a previous meeting perhaps Mr Albert didn't hear it um but within not only this Year's budget but every budget since I've been here the cost of living increases across the board people have been either two or a maximum of 3% and we all certainly know that the cost of living and inflation in a number of those years was significantly higher than 3% uh so to that extent the the employees sort of took one for the team um obviously there are certain employees who by virtue of uh Merit taking additional certifications additional license get adjustments Beyond Cola but the across the board cola's been two or 3% in my tenure and the six years um and uh couple other quick ones I certainly uh unfortunately didn't get a chance while they're here but join everyone's thanks of the Vets uh would like to recognize and thank our own uh Deputy clerk Liz Peterson who's filling in for our clerk who's on a well-deserved vacation and I would point out that Li Liz is one of those uh succession planning people because Liz is a fully licensed registered municipal clerk as well as Carolyn so thank you for uh spending your evening with us I'm sure you've enjoyed it and would love to come back uh quick update just for the Public's benefit because we did have the ordinance and a couple other things relative to the DPW just from a timeline perspective we are moving forward we've had a lot of interest in the uh design build process we're doing we'll be qualifying uh by law it has to be at least two and no more than six firms to go to the next step where they submit proposals we anticipate receiving those proposals that deadline it'll be uh third week in October there will be interviews and the expectation is to award a contract uh at the meeting on October 28th uh and then breaking ground later this year so that's exciting and and welld deserved for the DPW um also another comment I think Mr Alpert made and just to to make sure that the public is aware on the St lari uh the council did appoint and and hire and retain uh tnm Associates to uh do a feasibility study uh part of that is a broad public Outreach that will be forthcoming so you you mentioned that it will include online surveys a number of community Town Hall meetings uh that will be advertised publicized video recorded to get input from the community as to what they so that process is coming so just be patient we're not just going to do things in the dark um and that was it for me thank you awesome thank you Barry uh Russ not tonight uh mayor thank you okay great thanks and Liz nothing May great job nothing all right thanks for being here tonight uh all right Kon sure thank you mayor oh Jared Jared nothing for the May I'm Sor thank you I almost felt like there was good statement before I felt like you you went already I'm sorry uh okay Kate thank you mayor and and again I I'll I'll Echo what mayor and Deputy Mayor said Thank You Jared that was that was uh good and clear um one comment before I go through some some some good feelings this last two weeks uh I'm sure all of us most of us had um none of these decisions we make here are just out of thin air at least I can speak for myself analysis of data trying to find out what it is behind what are we saying yes to it's an important business and and I I want to underscore that that none of these decisions are made lightly uh I see I I'll EO what what I and just said uh and we all said it here in different ways when you see um when you go to a senior center meeting 7:00 in the night the uh the director of recreational Services was not supposed to be there her her time was done way done two hours prior I still see her why because she wanted to talk about the senior services for to the seniors who are standing there who are attending an event why I asked I mean why and she said this is important I mean they these Town employees they feel they say that this is my family this is extended family now again we're talking about numbers but we also talking about human here HR is a big part of selary conversations I think we all know that so I just want to make sure none of these decisions we make here are done without analysis um on to the beautiful part of it um couple of uh weeks passed and some great have great events I think so Sean I'm I'm hoping I'm I saying it right was colorful beautiful loved it uh and we had uh enir art the other day um kids came in in the library I think Justin you mentioned about uh murals and they were talking about that and we had some good open space and the walls that we're going to use that um 9 911 remembrance that was a beautiful ceremony I'm sorry to my fellow council members I might go through the list so so please bear with me um check some more uh the the group of veterans they were here and that ceremony I think um May May and me we attended that it was during the day a week day prisoners of war and missing in action veterans I mean war heroes that was so moving I learned something about what significant significance it is to have an empty chair and they that was a symbol right there completely set with a wine glass and salt and everything uh that was moving um International Day of Peace I think some of some of us were there and the the the prayer that was beautiful uh and the fun and happening event of bike Livingston oh my God 500 register uh members were there I know coun Sean Klein was there V cons V was there mayor was there and I were there we were just having fun that that that day uh and on the same day we had battles for Progress that was done by rotary and 36 bikes were collected eight sewing machines one of the moving part again there was I saw somebody drive up from Bergen County with a truck four bikes in there and some of our residents were attending that with the the tools in their hand unplugging disassembling the bikes I mean that's Community I love that um and I think think uh I know there are few other things I'm I'm sure my fellow counil members wants to go through but one one I I would love to say is about welcome to Livingston and that one was was real real happening place at Sena Center the other day new residents got to you know got a chance to speak to them uh other than all of that I mean Big L club uh celebrations uh wonderful wonderful uh last two weeks all around uh couple of quick call outs for next ones um obviously looking forward to the two walks around the oval uh one on 28th of September other one is on October 6th uh one is for steps of Life other one is for breast cancer awareness uh I can wait for the community block party uh movies campouts fantastic um and before I close I wish um uh very happy holidays to our uh Jewish community and wish the happy navaratri to the Hindu community and Yankees are playoff bound so I can't wait for that Mets you too well Mets too come on they did good on over the weekend I went to the one loss out of the four games no I know I know but Yankees fan right I got Mets fans okay uh who's next uh Michael I thought councilman bhani was going to leave a couple of things for us um very exhaustive list yeah so he got a lot of last next time he goes last next time mayor there's not going to be anything left for you oh forget it but um yeah again I just want to stress the uh this week is um is is youth appreciation week There's Something uh every single day happening um Saturday there's the the the movie and the bonfire that there's going to be at the the oval uh check the um the website for for times this Sunday is the community block party and um as well as other events starting at 1:00 to 4:30 um that's going to be a great thing uh we also have not only our Police Department we have the um we have our um Volunteer Fire Department open house at the same time at the at the oval um I'm not sure if the schedule was in the Tribune um but uh I'm I think it's on the we it definitely is on the website just checking there it's chock full of stuff this week one thing that uh councilman bhani did not or did leave me with was um um just mark on your calendars for those who are interested uh Livingston Rotary Club their annual and uh very popular food tasting event uh will be uh on Monday November 4th um there's going to be a um an ad in this week's West S6 Tribune which actually gets uh mailed to the entire town free of charge so there's a lot of information in the West Essex Tribune and there's information about ticket sales uh or there will be information on ticket sales for the um the food tasting event in the West Essex Tribune this week I I plug Mike thank you that's all I have that's all that Council bani left me yeah it's do doing sorry Council Klein that was on purpose Council rier that was good thanks Sean uh a couple things that we already touched on but bike Livingston was a great time and uh thanks to everyone at thew and and everyone else who was involved in organizing that uh it really was you know it's really there was a Four Mile route and a s mile route and 11 Mile route and uh um it's just great to see all the enthusiasm around that event every year another great tradition in in town um also the welcome to Livingston I know that uh Council bani mentioned that I think it just shows uh the Open Arms that Livingston has for new residents um every uh major organization in town is there to to introduce themselves to to to communities uh to people that are new to the community uh to say what they can do and and and how they can participate and I think it just shows what kind of town we live in um on youth appreciation week I just want to give a shout out to Alan carpus who I saw at uh bike Livingston um this is Allan's baby for many many years in his team um and it's just great to see him he's uh his enthusiasm is not waned and this town just a better place for having Alan carpus uh still caring about Livingston uh so I wanted to thank him for that and then the last thing I want to do is give a hats off to uh uh Town resident Nicholas Cony okay Nick is a junior at Yale uh he is the he has just been promoted to the uh starting kicker and he just had his first uh college football game against Holy Cross and he went up to Holy Cross and he had five extra points and he made a 40 yard field goal in lousy weather so it was a real thrill for his parents Lori and John and for all of us who knew him growing up uh really exciting and uh this is just going to be a really fun season to watch uh Yale play football and root for Nick so uh go yell thank you mayor all right yeah great that's great all right so I'm not going to repeat all the activities but uh I go I go away for one weekend and I guess I missed a lot so I apologize I wasn't there but a few other things I lik add uh first of all um actually today is a shout out birthday to our foods are Heidi Blum so we wish Heidi a very happy birthday today um and a couple other um we the veterans were here and so I just have to stop and personally think about my own dad who was a veteran during World War II he went through the battle of the Bold show I just I always get a little choked up when we have these as well um and also what uh councilman bhani said um the week after next we celebrate Russia sh so we wish every I wish everybody who's celebrating latova a healthy and a Happy New Year in between rashash Shana and yum kipur comes October 7th um which most people know to be a one of those days in life that people always remember where you where you were on October 7th and so um we just can't help but just think for a minute about the hostages who hopefully are still alive some of them and uh the war and so we certainly hope there'll be peace to that region at some point and uh and then also after that we'll be yumy po so I wish everybody an easy fast because I think our next meeting is not till the 16th I believe I think it's uh the 14th yeah which is after both the holidays so I just want to make sure that I I do say all those as well so thank you very much great thank you thank you Ed yeah happy holidays uh easy fast and well in reverse order sh uh shanat Tovar uh for the Jewish holidays um real quick I think almost everything was mentioned did anyone mention the Italian flag raising on uh October 14th uh at 6 PM right before our next meeting uh and I think I mean just the 9911 every everyone who was involved with that was beautiful we did have two ribbon cuttings we had Forever Young and State Farm thank you I think Michael you were at both of them with me actually Kate and too um the we had them in a few weeks ago uh young Jinn who's a Livingston resident she was playing the peepa in that Chinese music uh musicians mid- Autumn Festival concert which was beautiful uh Kon you were with me on that different instruments some I had never heard before so it was really a learning experience and and a really nice um concert I thank everyone uh I stopped by I think Kate and you may have stopped by the power up the vote uh at Temple Benet Abraham and thank them for hosting that uh just great we were talking about voting here tonight um the kickoff for the Environ art was was a great crowd and they had three speakers there that are going to help uh the kids the young adults with that uh with the mural and everything and it's a whole learning experience I thank Ali barmis for that uh the peace rally was great bik Livingston was great uh the camp out is yeah it's the Saturday night for uh youth appreciation week and the movies right the same the Saturday um and the community block party instead of the night out um that'll be on the 29th I and with a hot air ballon I believe that starts at one o'clock and um I think that's that's it all right that's a wrap um anyone else no good all right thank you everyone motion tojn motion to adjourn second thanks thank you good night everyone