##VIDEO ID:05I6k0xFIt8## good evening the January 88th 2025 council meeting of the of the Long Branch city council will now come to order rot call Mr dangler here Mr rassis here Mrs witus is absent Dr vode is absent Mr Vieira I'm here please stand for a pledge of allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation and the God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I will now read the mission statement of the city council The Long Branch mayor city council and administrations are committed to cultivating an environment of mutual trust and respect that the values of diversity of our community we will strive to enhance the quality of for all who live here by making Long Branch a desirable place which to live and prosper we will treat all members of the public with respect and respect the same in return I hereby certified that this meeting has been published in the newspaper in accordance with the open public meeting act and posted as required by law thank you I need a motion to approve the minutes of December 23 2024 so move second roll call Mr dangler yes Mr rasses yes Mrs whtas is absent Dr vote is absent Mr Vieira yes motion passed consideration of ordinance and public hearing and final consideration there's none ordinance for introductions ordinance 0 1-25 this is the first reading of ordinance 0 1-25 entitled an ordinance authorizing the purchase of 209 Westwood Avenue block 198 lot one and 228 Morris Avenue block 203 lot one once the city of Long Branch has obtained tithe to this two properties authorizing the conveyance of 209 Westwood Avenue block 198 Lot 1 and 228 Morris Avenue block 203 lot one to the New Jersey Transit Corporation in order to improve the Long Branch Train Station pursuant to the city of Long Branch memorandum an understanding with the New Jersey Transit Corporation summary this ordinance allows the city purchase of two properties near the Long Branch Train Station and once the title is obtained by the city the city should convey the two properties to the New Jersey Transit Corporation as stated in r and the New Jersey Transit facilitate the construction of the Long Branch station pedestrian tunnel which has been awarded a total of $21.1 million in federal and state grant funding I need a motion to introduce for the first reading and advertise and post according to law and set the public hearing for January 22nd 2025 so move second rad call Mr dangler yes Mr rassos yes Mrs witus is absent Dr vode is absent Mr Vieira yes motion passed public participation for Resolutions and all General comments I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments so move second all in favor I oppose if there's anyone in the audience that has a comment to make please step to the podium and state your name and address clearly for the recording you will have five minutes and may only speak once questing one minute notification Vincent leor 33 Ocean terce Long Branch tonight's agenda resolution six authorizing appointment of City auditor for 78,000 and then resolution 8 a temporary budget appropriating $2,475 to the city auditor unless this Council has been completely financially deemed incompetent what we've witnessed in the past year from the flaws of the city auditor particularly with the Redevelopment of grean of Village 3 which required audits to sub substantiate the 30-year tax abatement and the city auditor completely missed it thereby allowing 30-year tax abatements to continue at perer Village 3 unjustified and all we've gotten to date from Pier Village 3 are projections not audits there are a multitude of Other M aiting items by the city auditor most recently rent checks for vacant firehouses I'm requesting a no vote on resolution six and resolution 8 it's about time the corrupt pay to play palong gravy train comes to an end Mr rown at the last council meeting concerning ordinance 26 under questioning concerning the city's Animal control officer you stated quote I think she was terminated is that correct end quote to which the administrator said to you quote she's not terminated yet suspended without pay end quote there you go Mr Ron you then continued to say quote she's under indictment end quote Mr Ron contrary to the way you and Long Branch government operate this country has a Federal Constitution that provides protection to individuals particularly the referenced Animal control officer from the tyrannical words you stated at the last council meeting the federal Constitution's Fifth Amendment provides for our citizens including that Animal control officer quote innocent until proven guilty end quote That's the Law Mr Ron you stated quote she's under indictment end quote no Mr Ron she's not under indictment your presumptive statement just adds to the premeditated conspirational Ploy against the full-time Animal control officer which is very troubling indeed she's going to come out of this very well and the city's going to come out on the losing end don't missort civil Mr rown require us you stated at the last council meeting concerning the rent check matter want involving various fire companies quote statutorily were allowed to a subsidy to a volunteer Fire Organization end quote correct Mr Ron whether title 40 section 40 colum 52 or section 48-4 D68 or section 40 colon 238.9 nowhere does it state in items listed anything remotely close to subsidizing quote rent checks to fire companies for vacant or unused firehouses nowhere Mr Ron you further stated that the rent check quote is coded in the city budget as a lease one minute notification but it's a yearly subsidy to the volunteer organizations in the city end quote sheet 15 C of the current appropriation of the city budget of 2024 States not leas but quote Firehouse rental $2,100 under the city audit the current fund regulatory basis for year end and 123123 it reads quote Firehouse rental $ 32100 end quote and once again Mr Anon you stated all of them if you ask for every firee house I'll give you the same answer end quote that's incorrect Mr Ron not all the fire companies give rent checks only the six listed in resolution 284 and you may continue Mr Aon to bully and threaten people with lawsuits I can assure you five minutes your colloquy at the last Council meetings gave the feds a good laugh junk government thank you Mr leor anyone else it's not worth it I need a motion to close the public participation of portion of this meeting so move second all in favor I opposed I will now ask Madame clerk if there are any changes to the list of the resolutions no changes have been made we can take a list of resolutions a consider [Applause] agenda need a motion motion second both call Mr dangler yes Mr Rus yes Mrs whtas is absent Dr vote is absent Mr Vieira yes motion passed applications I need a motion to approve the list of applications renew of various taxi cab owners license for the year of 2025 and approval of the transit of the taxi Medallion number 38 from Henry Adin to Joel aquar Panetta so move second roll call Mr dangler yes Mr rasses yes Mrs whtas is absent Dr vote is absent Mr Vieira yes motion passed Miss laneous V for the good of the order councilman dangler thank you uh Martin Luther King Guild of Long Branch will be holding their annual events starting on Friday January uh 18th Second Baptist Church that is where we have have our Martin Luther King dinner tickets are $15 you could eat in or take out on Sunday January 19th the March as Al always will begin at the mon Luther King monument on lantic Avenue at 2:00 and we will march to Second Baptist Church 93 Liberty Street and the program will start at uh 3:00 at 3 p.m. Reverend Leslie Deo from Trinity am church across the street from Second Baptist uh she will be the keynote speaker we will also on Monday ask for Martin Luther King's birthday have our annual uh program brief program outside by the monument and um Mammoth University chief of police and homegrown uh from Long Branch Milton Mars will be the keynote speaker delivering the message on that day and also uh Milton is the uh first African-American uh chief of police for Mammoth University um so if please uh if you can make it and if it's not too cold for you please come out and keep in mind that Martin Luther King Guild of Long Branch is um 56 years old we are the oldest Martin Luther King Guild the state of New Jersey we the first ones formed um shortly after Dr King pass thank you stay warm and God bless you thank you councilman dang councilman rasses like to thank everyone for coming out this evening um it's pretty cold out there so please stay warm and stay safe thank you thank you councilman Rus mayor palom thank you everyone for coming this evening and I just want to wish you all a happy and healthy uh New Year to you and your families thank you thank you councilman palone I mean mayor palone and I also want to thank you the thank you for coming out and having a smile out there for us and I don't have much to say today so I'm want to say good night I need a motion to adjourn all in favor oppose