Deborah okay you're good of Deborah okay B in 40 years in prison good evening the April April 10th 2024 council meeting with long brand city city council will now come to order roll call Mr Vieira I'm here Dr vote here Mrs witus is absent Dr s is absent Mr dangler here can we please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance the pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy justice for all could we please have a moment of silence for Carl Jennings and the Jennings family um Mr Jennings was an employee for the city of Lone Branch for 28 years and he uh passed on last week thank you Madame clerk I hereby certify that this meeting has been published in the open public meeting act and posted as required by law uh I all right I'm I'm sorry I skipped a a portion the Miss mission statement for city council The Long Branch City The Long Branch mayor city council and administration are committed to cultivating an environment of mutual trust and respect respects the values of the the values the diversity of our community we will strive to enhance the quality of life for all those who live here by making Lawn branch a desirable place in which to live and prosper we will treat all members of the public with respect and expect the same and return thank you I need a motion for the uh approval of the minutes from the March 27th meeting so moved second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs witus is absent Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes consideration of ordinance and public hearings and final considerations we have none that's correct yeah no public he ordinance for introductions 0824 this this is the first reading of ordinance 8-24 entitled the calendar year 2024 ordinance to to exceed the Municipal budget appropriation limits and and to establish a a cap Bank njsa 4A 4- 45.4 this ordinance is in is to establish a cap Bank njsa 4A 4- 45.1 exec provides that in the preparation of the of it annual budget the municipality shall limit the any increases in said budget to 2.5 unless 2.5% unless by ordinance to increase it up to 3.5% over the previous years's final Appropriations subject to certain exceptions njsa 40a 4- 455a provides that the municipality May when authorized by ordinance appropriate the difference between the amount of its actual final appropriation and the 3.5% percentage rate as an exception to its final appropri Appropriations in either of the next two succeeding years this ordinance will allow the uh the appropriation increase above the 2.5% I need a motion to introduce on the first reading advertised posted according to law and set for public hearing on May 8th 2024 so moved second roll call Mr viea yes Dr vote Yes Mrs whtas is absent Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes public portion and resolution for all General comments I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments so move second all in favor I oppos if anyone in the audience has a comment to make please step to the podium and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once this is not a comment about what you said it's anything it's open right Alice Kesler Long Branch Avenue I was just made aware uh today that it is National Library week and I think it's important for the public to let the mayor and the council know how its residents feel about the library when I walk around town I'm going to different places around town the building that I enjoy walking into most is the Long Branch free public library and I've never felt happier and wealthier than when I leave that library with three books under my arm and a couple of videos because I know all the pleasure it's going to bring me thanks to the leadership and the guidance of our amazing director Tanya Garcia the entire state of New Jersey has come to recognize the greatness of Long Branch and its respect effect for the free public library we're even recognized because of again thanks to Tanya Garcia and a staff that supports her that were recognized in Washington DC so they really help put give Long Branch great stature uh in our country I believe and now our we're going to have a new modern changing expanding uh building that's going to really be a wow and the programs that are being offered by the way are constantly evolving and modernizing no one's dragging their feet at the Long Branch public library I have in my hand you know a bunch of things that the kids have said about the library why they love it they love it because it's a free place to go to when there's nothing else to do they love the staff that staff's kindness and that the library uh Mary Lou dech says the Li library is the window to the world um they they all say very many many good things about the library but as a resident I do want you to know that I thank the mayor and the councel for its constant support of the library the library is the pillar of our community and the stronger we keep the Long Branch free public library the stronger our city will be and will remain and lastly I do want to say happy birthday to Tanya Garcia thank you thank you ince yourself stay name state your name to them not to me turn around start all right you start hello my name is Elijah wer I live in 17 University and I'm here to talk about the rain Garden for red for Red Oak strive we talk about planting and cleaning up as a rose Island Park and the part of um the rain Garden is the slow some rain off or no runoff the details can be found in the environmental commission and Green Team website okay my name is Jan T son keep going tell them what you're a member of I'm a member of the Elks and we need more Scouts from kindergarten to age 18 and we also need more members of the antlers from AG 12 to 21 thank you good evening my name is Lester Burnley I am a adviser for the antlers I'm a scout master for the scouts you have both a pack and a troop here you actually have two troops you got a girl troop and a boy troop and I'm also a voting member of the MTH County veterans senior citizens and disability counsel so I wear manyi hats which is why I don't have a uniform on today um you just heard from a an antler and a scout we have a vibrant program here in Long Branch we have youth week coming up the first week of May we will be doing several programs we wish to publicize um the elk program is pretty vital it's a major source of community support and community activities for youngsters all the activities that the that the Elks do are for free so they do a hoop shoot they do a soccer shoot they do scholarships I will give you additional information of a program they have coming up in June which is free it's bowling and tennis and our emphasis here is that we need more Scouts we need more antlers the antlers are from 12 to 21 the Scouts both boys and girls Cub Scouts start at kindergarten to 10 years old 11 to 18 for the troop activities um we've worked in collaboration with the library we've also done a chess tournament and we'll probably doing another one in May with the library we had a nice turnout we had like 13 youngsters playing chess and good another 11 adults or so in attendance that use as warm-ups for the youngsters we participated with soup kitchens 7th Avenue Garden Jackson Woods Arbor Day Ross Island Park as you heard one of the things that we're looking forward to was working with the rain Garden for Ross Island Park at Oak West um Oak Drive and also working with Jackson woods again we have I talked to Kat Kathy Buchanan trying to set up a date that we're going to work over there again and in the future we're looking to do and participate with the Heritage Trail in Long Branch we've already hiked part of the Heritage Trail in Long Branch and working with the whale Pond Association I understand that we need interpreters so I'm working with the young people to be those interpreters for the trolley tour I think they're now looking at doing that in the fall and uh that's all I have right now I look forward to working with you very shortly so we can get youth week underway May 1st to May 7th thank Youk thank [Applause] you questing one minute notification Vincent laort 33 oan terce Long Branch Council director of Public Safety brownon as director of Public Safety for both the police and the fire departments this Council and the director have any information that a city employee who is a member of both the Long Branch and West Long Branch fire departments allegedly executed the forging of fire training certificates yes or no has this matter been brought to the attention of the appropriate State authorities Council we're not going to make any comment I'm asking the council now Council you represent the people has the matter been brought to the attention of the appropriate State authorities once again we don't publicly discuss Personnel matters Mr Martin is the city aware of the Insurance liability it would incur by having untrained fire Personnel at the scene of a fire I'm going to go with Mr Ren and not discuss personel matters in the public forum this is not a personal matter this is pretty much a straight question so you want to know if they're aware if untrained Personnel fire is an issue a liability to the city I I don't think Mr Martin is the person to answer a question with regards to liability and I'm certainly not going to answer it in public well that's your opinion he's the Chief Financial Officer yeah but he has nothing to do with the city's liability the Civil liability in a lawsuit in a lawsuit it gets budgeted if it's over 500,000 and Mr Martin has to take care of that budget by that definition Mr Martin would be an expert in everything that happens in the city government it's not his role you know Mr L know for somebody who's not a resident of Long Branch you sure like to shoot things in other directions has the city taken any action against the employee allegedly responsible for this action action like indefinite layoff pending further investigation and potential charges yes or no same answer we going to keep rolling out the questions and I'm going to keep giving this is Major I'm I'm pretty good at that go ahead what is the number of individuals involved that were going to be issued or were issued false training fire certificates number of individuals Council council president if you'd like me to keep answering the same answer every time let me know if not we can just let Mr leapor read his questions Mr REO okay yes sir City should be concerned the residents of this city the potential of fire person with forged training certificates and having no official training are showing up at fires talk about junk government the palone government has a signature on junk government Council director brownon how many police officers are currently suspended from the Long Branch Police Department as I said before we're not going to discuss person matter we're not going to discuss person one minute notification those answers are unacceptable Mr Martin at the last council meeting you stated you had leads to get the phone number of Charles Kushner to produce the peer Village phase 3 audits have you been successful over the past two weeks I have not but I did uh consult with the police department at your suggestion for his phone number and they don't uh they don't have it either they don't have it either what a police department what a police department poor performance by the police department Mr Martin I had an Oprah in that was du today for the 2023 audits of Charles Kushner for peer Village phase three the four urban renewal entities it wasn't answered Mr Martin Charles kusher has not produced the audits for the years's 2021 and the years's 2022 do you have in your possession the audits for year 2023 no no when do you intend to get three years worth of audits from Charles Kushner when you find his phone number I don't know when he's going to produce them junk government the signature by John palone on this city is horrific it's junk government five minutes this is the regular public comment right it's not about the library stuff right it's the regular one yes sir okay is there a timer I can see where okay well I don't see it but anyway okay so uh Ernest moli I was born in Mammoth Memorial Hospital it was called in November 1st 1948 and my family uh two generations actually three uh raised in Long Branch people so so here I am uh so probably one of the best animal control uh people in Long Branch history uh it it is frightening what Deborah Nagel is going through uh I don't think the public knows that uh the Long Branch Police have arrested her charged her with felonies she facing 40 years in prison they've arrested a female officer uh named uh Dana page also facing uh 40e and felonies yeah what are you going to cut me off so the reason I'm here is because tomorrow was supposed to be the first tree pre-trial conference in Freehold in Superior Court right with Nagel is represented by a uh I think an an no by by omara and and I think Paige is represented by an srar and the former uh Long Branch right so the thing is this person especially uh um de debor Nagel Deb Nagel is famous in Mammoth and Ocean County for her work she's loved by everyone one of the most dedicated people ever to step in this city and the only two cities in in in Mammoth County asbery and Long Branch and be willing to go into the most dangerous criminal scenes with fighting dogs and animals and criminals and try and help people and help animals and now she should be arrested fired fired lose her pension right she's a mother she's got three kids she's got grandkids her family's devastated right the the they they can't afford the the powerful lawyers needed to fight this city you have everything you got Melanie Falco and the mammoth County prosecutor with end how much time do I have left 2 minutes 2 minutes with endless money right and and then of course if you think about what Asbury and Long Branch did to get thepca to take the contracts away from Long Branch and Asbury is frightening is frightening the process that went on and and I don't mean to raise my voice but I'll tell you one thing the way you got those contracts in favor of Ross leitra to take over Mammoth County right to take over Long Branch in Asbury has not been investigated but it should be investigated over and over and over and then not to mention how much time people like myself get calls from victims here crying please come up you have to help us you're the only one that'll go and say in public what's going on well I'll tell you in public what's going on you have any idea what's going on in that SPCA building in Eaton toown with uniform female officers sexually abused wind up in sexual videos right by commanders ex prosecutors ex police Chiefs right and Commissioners right who who by the way are subject to divorce proceedings why because somebody came up with a film showing this Ross Las Citra in uh some kind of sex activity with a uniform dog catcher female and now the wife is suing but why are the divorce records sealed you know why cuz you had an election and who's involved in all this look at this oh he's got a whisper on the side and can I tell you something for the mayor in this city and and the and the uh uh uh and and and Frank palone to allow Deborah Nagel I'm going to give you all the names to allow Deborah Nagel to allow Dana page to allow doctor fedon remember the the dog catcher doctor in there that also L sister did something with all right and then we got how about Barbara lvll that's I think the one that was in the sex video all right and then how about uh Michael Powell 5 minutes that's my time can I get an extra 10 minutes no sir thank you no 5 minutes thank you sir not even five minutes 3 [Applause] minutes uh we're in the public portion now director so I don't know it's the council president I just sorry I didn't yes I just I just want to clarify that the Long Branch Police Department uh has not arrested or brought charges criminal charges against uh Debbie Nagel or Dana page as was as was said by the previous person thank you sir any motion to close the public portion so move second all in favor I I opposed so move Madam clerk are any changes to the list of resolutions no changes have been made then we can take the list of resolutions as a consent agenda so moved second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs whtas is absent Dr Su is absent Mr dangler yes applications we have none miscellaneous business for the good of the order councilman Vieira yes good evening thanks for coming Chief thanks for being here um first I want to send my condolence out to Carl jannings family very respected men in La Branch did a lot for the city here and my condolence are with the family also I want to thank the the bo counil coming out tonight and the handlers are coming out and lest doing a great job with the kids and thank you for you do and with that I say i' like to say good night council woman vote thank you council president I also want to just share blessings and prayers for Carl Jennings family uh his contribution to the city was important um and in this moment where I'm sure there's a lot of pain just our thoughts uh our thoughts are with him and and with the family um also Lester I love seeing the kids um you you're doing a great job I know we're going to see more of you and we're going to have a chance to work with you and and the scouts on governance week so um we look forward to those conversations and we look forward to the kids being up here uh for for some of our meetings um and also thanks to Alice for um making us aware of the fact that it's National Library um week what as as Alice was saying our library our library Direct ctor our library staff all are so well respected with the with the amazing work that they do and the prospect of having our new wonderful library is um just really thrilling so um thanks to all that they do and uh anticipation for our wonderful um new library with that I wish you all a good night and we'll see you in two weeks mayor palone thank you council president just a couple announcements with some upcoming events uh the Long Branch Arts Center will have an upcycled theme exhibit in celebration of Earth Day the artist reception is actually tomorrow night from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. the exhibit will feature uh artwork from uh recycled materials that are quite large and quite impressive so if you can stop by tomorrow that would be uh that would be great uh the city of laor branch is bringing back for the third year our youth internship program this is open to alarm Branch high school and college students to apply go to La Branch or uh or call 732 92320 42 um we're also hiring for summer 2024 lifeguard and ticket taker positions please reach out to Recreation for more information there at 73257246884 year uh on May 4th from 12: to 3:00 p.m. at Third Avenue in Broadway join us for a day of Community Resources games barbecue arts and crafts and live music this event is completely free and is uh done in partnership with motions thank you for being here this evening and have a great week thank thank you uh to the antlers and the uh Boy Scouts um thank you for the coming tonight and please let the both young men know that um the more you come to the mic the more relaxed you'll be and uh it just it hits everyone every every now and then you just get a little nervous but they did a fine job and thank you very much um with that being said um I wish you all a good evening um safe evening and now I need a motion to adjourn so mov second all in favor I I close good night did all right