good evening I like to call good evening I'd like to call the long bran city council meeting to order roll call Mr Vieira I'm here Dr vote here Mrs witus here Dr is absent Mr dangler here we please stand pledge allegiance plge to the flag United States of America stands one nation under God indivisible liy Justice allice for the LA Branch mayor city council and the administration are committed to cultivating an environment of mutual trust and respected and respect that values the diversity of our community we will strive to enhance the quality of life for all who live here by making Long Branch a desirable place in which to live and prosper we will treat all members of the public with respect and expect the same in return Madam clerk I hereby certify that this meeting has been published in the newspaper in accordance with the open public meetings act and posted as required by law thank you of holiday presentation mayor just to turn this a little bit good evening everyone and um I want to thank all those who participated in the 2023 City Lawn branch holiday decorating contest and uh three winners were chosen by the committee we'd like to present them with their $150 Ace Hardware gift cards um and thank you all for displaying your holiday spirit in Lawn branch and congratulations and council president dangler will take it from here and we have a certificate in the award all of these certificates read the same so I'll read just just the one city of Long Branch certificate of recognition this certificate is present presented to Melissa and James Johnson for exhibiting outstanding festive spirit and spreading the joy spreading joy in the city of Long Branch for 2020 2023 holiday decoration contest presented on the 14th day of February 2024 signed by mayor palone and myself m Lissa and James Johnson all [Applause] right and thank you thank you congratulations thank you very much thank you thank you Nola Manti Jr thank you and congratulations uh TMA [Applause] Vasquez all right congratulations thank you so much thank you all thank you thank you reading and approval of the previous minutes I need a motion to approve the minutes from the January 24th 2024 meeting some move second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs whts yes Dr s is absent Mr dangler abstain consideration of ordinance public hearing and final consideration 0-24 ordinance the city of Long Branch count County of mamath state of New Jersey adopting certain amendments to Broadway Gateway Redevelopment plan as adopted by section 345-1131 2024 and a amends the Broadway Gateway development plan designs standards and permits single family homes as a per committed use I need a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only some moved second second all in favor I I opposed so mve if any member of the public has a comment to make on this ordinance only please come to the podium state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak Once on This ordinance Vincent leaport 33 Ocean turus Long Branch requesting one minute notification the ordinance has permitted use gross covered area of a dwelling unit is 800 square ft single family residential the building envelope is an R4 area yard and bulk requirements family residential on district for the record Mr R known is this amendment to accommodate freestanding single family structures or attach single family Town Home Development or both no just single family uh detached single family homes detached 800 square foot it's quite small what is the necessity for single family structures that brought about the objective to amend the Broadway Gateway Redevelopment Zone Mr Ron we we actually had an applicant who wanted to uh build a single family res resident and we residents and we realized that the way the plan was written it was encouraging people to take down single family residents and build multif family housing and we thought that that wasn't something that we wanted to um uh encourage that we that we were okay with people developing them as single family lots well the Broadway Gateway has different sectors for different uses there's commercial interests there's residential interests where are the single family homes going what they'd be permitted uses in all of the zone so there that there isn't any specific place it's just in that zone all right you had an applicant come and you want to accommodate the applicant and now there's no specific area Whit I'm sorry I I was just going to ask Mr I didn't recall I was just asking Mr um Mr Shirley on it's on whitmar Whitmer and are you certain that part of Whitmer is in the beachfront gate Broadway Gateway Redevelopment Zone yeah and just to accommodate you have no other reasons as to why you're accommodating this individual that's what prompted it and it and it made sense to the city because we don't want to be in a situation where we're necessarily encouraging people to tear down single family houses and build multiple family houses we thought that it's not it is not a a an improper um outcome in in that zone for single family houses to be built Mr Ron if so in what you're saying why couldn't you just do a continuing use for that sector of the Broadway Gateway Redevelopment Zone where the sectors of a mix of multi and single families exist I don't know what you mean by do continuing continuing use in the Broadway Gateway Redevelopment zone for that residential sector if you mean why couldn't we grandfather in existing single family homes is that what you're saying well if it's already uh multi and single use it could have just been continued use in the Broadway Gateway except under under you know a basic tenant of land use law if somebody wanted to tear down that and rebuild it then they would need a use variance this is the the the proper way to do it is this it's not to require the the the zone to be veloped through use variances this is just the better practice you're relieving an individual from going before the board no no they if if necessarily they they still have to go before the board they just won't need a variant yes the answer is if your question is are we relieving them of having to go get a use variance we absolutely are because we believe we shouldn't discourage people from building single family homes there and and you don't believe you're treading your position is you're not treading on spot zoning to accommodate this individual no because we we changed it's not for one it's not for one parcel is for the entire minute warning change the entire Zone we just made it a permitted use in that entire uh Redevelopment plan so then it's not limited to this individual no absolutely not no it's for any any place in the zone we just thought that it was a good idea you thought it was a good idea yes sir has there been any single family development scheduled for Chandler Maps prop at the end of Broadway owns Channel maps at the parking lot yeah $25 million RB Kushner is that still in effect the 25 I don't know I don't believe so which one Chan M been spent $25 million R Char Maps down 20 reduced to 20 and that was a boardwalk and no no the the point of it is that Chandler Maps is a city owned l Broadway you just don't know what you're doing I'm requesting a no vote on this uh to accommodate an individual on Whitmer is one thing not to take the position it can be anywhere within the Broadway Gateway Zone it's too vague I'm requesting a no vote do you want I need a mo motion to to close so moved second all in favor second hi hi so move this is the second reading of ordinance 0-24 and in a motion to adopt the second reading second and final reading and advertise according to law so moved second okay roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs witus yes Dr s's absent Mr dangler yes ordinance 0324 and ordinance amending chapter 345 zoning by amending sections of 345-4230 and and adds tractor trailers under subsections 34542 C 4 B parking areas and residential districts as Vehicles proh prohibited regardless of the weight classification I need a motion to open the public portion of this ordinance move second second all in favor I I opposed I so moveed if there any member of the public that has a comment to make on this ordinance only please come to the podium state your name and address clearly for the records you will have 5 minutes and may only speak once on ordinance 03- 24 Robert Russo property owner here in Long Branch um I have a question on this um is this going to apply unilaterally through uh the uh new District sir could you raise the mic just a little bit thank you yes is this ordinance for commercial vehicles is going to apply only in residential zones or is this all through the uh areas I mean there's your restriction we have I have people that uh rent um sections from me that have um tractor trailers parked uh off Ocean Boulevard is this going to be affected in that area well at 305 all right is it a res is it residentially zoned uh no it's uh commercial industrial then then this ordinance wouldn't affect resal this is just for residential so this ordinance wouldn't affect that and what about on the Long Branch Avenue site it affect it there it would affect it there right CU that's residential there it would affect it only on the street parking or in a residential driveway because my I have residential adjoining the commercial property there's not enough room there in the commercial in the residential to get a trative trailer in there so that's not an issue but they do have pickup trucks and you said any commercial vehicle so if the if the pickup truck is registered as a commercial vehicle which they can be um they they would be restricted we only added tractor trailer to the ordinance they currently are restricted because it said any commercial vehicles yeah they currently are restricted this this ordinance isn't doing that this ordinance is just adding tractor trailers because it was a kind of a technical correction because we wanted to make sure that they were covered also but the commercially registered vehicles are already prohibited from parking in in the residential zones is that for overnight parking only or for uh daytime parking cuz you have M with rubber and I think it's from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. 900 p.m. to 5:00 A.M y okay so it's just for the evening okay thank you thank you thank you sir I mean just to be clear sir the the ordinance that's in place Remains the Same we're just adding the words tractor and trailers to it correct I need a motion to close so move second all in favor I I oppos motion carries this is the second second reading of ordinance 03- 24 I need a motion to adopt on the second and final reading and adverti according to a law so moved second roll call Mr via yes Dr vote Yes Mrs Wiis yes Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes ordinance 04- 24 in ordinance uh amending chapter 244 parking lots and and meters attachment One schedule a metered Park metered parking area of the code of City of Long Branch this ordinance was introduced on January 24th 2024 and amends chapter 244 parking parking lots and meters the code the city of Long Branch making various changes to schedule a metered parking area including revising the meter parking for for Madison Avenue Second Avenue and including Long Branch Avenue and Cooper Avenue schedule a I need a motion no I need a motion to revise the ordinance 0424 by removing Madison Avenue entire length from section one chapter 244 parking lots and meters attachment One schedule a meter parking area so moved second R call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs Wiis yes Dr s's absent Mr dangler yes I need a motion to open the the public hearing on this ordinance as revised so moved second all in favor I oppos so move if any member of the public has a comment to make on this ordinance only please come to the mic state your name and address clearly for the record you we'll have 5 minutes and we speak on this ordinance 0424 Vincent laort 33 oan terus Long Branch requesting one minute notification if needed all right in the ordinance Madison Avenue entire length Southside what is the clarification this evening now on Madison Avenue that's taken out that provision is taken out of the ordinance correct yes yeah that's taken out of the ordinance Madison Avenue remains as it was last season correct except for the five spaces up by the boardwalk from McKinley to Ocean Avenue or to from McKinley to the boardwalk Mr Shirley why the exception of the five Spaces by the boardwalk it really was part of the original parking lot we just never included it so up when you pull up Madison Avenue to the left those five spots they're now metered also just those spots all right also on here Cooper Avenue from McKinley Street to Old Ocean Avenue both sides North and South yeah that's McKinley to the boardwalk which I would like Mr Charley to answer the question please the administrator responsible for this sure Mr leor there's only parking on one side there that's on the side um where the pr Beach Club is correct there are like five or six individual spots there it's just for those spots what is the purpose of that for to make the metered parking everything if you go up down the beach front everything east of that area except for what we're correcting we're always metered we're just making a uniform okay keep it those comments in mind Mr Shirley in this ordinance Long Branch Avenue between Cooper and Broadway north and south 9 to 7 $2 an hour Monday through Thursday $3 an hour Friday Saturday Sunday holidays this isn't close to the boardwalk prominade why what is the reason for Long Branch Avenue Long Branch Avenue was it was a recommendation by the officer in charge of our meters we brought it to council and they thought it was a good idea based on where people are parking based upon where people are parking for the beach I understand your answer if Council decided this this was really low of council one block west of ocean Bullard you're talking at least two full city blocks back from the prominade in the ocean where became a place for people to park so they wouldn't be held hostage to the prices at perer Village for parking so that they could access the beach that's why people were forced to find a way on Long Branch Avenue and now you're going to take away that from them that's really low Council really low one can park a car for Less in Atlantic City to Source the casino than parking on the streets and Long Branch to access the beach and you don't have to walk from Long Branch Avenue to the prominade in Atlantic City to get to a casino no with the man this is a no vote it's discriminatory it's now becoming discriminatory no no rest of these are any any motion to close move second all in favor I I I opposed this is the second reading of ordinance 04- 24 I need a motion to adopt the second and final reading and advertise excuse me the final reading and revise and advertise according to law roll call excuse me I need a motion move second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs W us yes Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes ordinance 0524 an ordinance authorizing the sale of one property on Cottage Place known as block 148 Lot 10 this ordinance was introduced on January 24th 2024 and authorizes the city of Long Branch to sell vac vacant property I need a motion to open a public hearing on this ordinance only second all in favor I I I oppos so moved any member of the public has a comment to make on this ordinance please come to the mic come to the podium state your name and address clearly for the record you will have 5 minutes and may only speak once on ordinance 0524 vincon laort 33 Ocean terce Long Branch requesting one minute notification if needed all these years why didn't the city just decide to install a sidewalk there where it's needed they own the property why didn't they install the sidewalk is he talking about Cottage places to protect the tree right you you want me to answer mror or not no the administrator okay that's fine somebody else came you want there was a tree preservation issue there the one that we were dealing with a tree preservation issue how did the curb cut if there's a tree preservation issue how did the curb cut get across the city property I I don't know that we don't know that so we can't put a sidewalk there because of a tree issue but the curb cut can go there because of the tree issue I realize this is well prior to you Mr Shirley that I do understand I have questions to this ordinance where is the city's title for what it's selling here I'm not sure I understand what you're saying the title to the land it's not attached to the ordinance oh we never attached the deed to these ordinances ever Mr no where is the appraisal to provide the reasons for the $1,000 determined by gag you said you said title that was the first question okay now you answered it we don't provide it the appraisals are never attached to the ordinance they're available if you want to get them but they're not they've they're never attached to the ordinance how did the appraisal become attached to 105 Long Branch Avenue don't know the inconsistency is mindboggling most basic to this ordinance is the survey where is the survey to this ordinance there there is no survey and it's not most basic to the ordinance in all due respect you would not get a $5,000 survey on a $1,000 piece of property that's ridiculous excuse me the survey is basic for the meats and Bounds because the configuration of this property the slim parcel of property it was reconfigured because of Ocean Boulevard coming through it's left over we could still have other uses for this a sidewalk whatever I'd like to know the determination for $1,000 who came up with the $1,000 figure was done by an appraisal you know the answer no I don't know the answer because as you stated the appraisal is not connected to the ordinance it's not attached unlike 105 long brand avue at the last council meeting where you had gagliano's appraisal attached it refers to gagano in the ordinance therefore the appraisal was done what do you mean you're not going to spend $5,000 for $1,000 the ordinance States the appraisal was done by gagano sure but Mr leapor you keep jumping between things you talking about straight on you were you were no because you you never go straight on you always zigzag talking about the survey and then you were talking about the title then you're talking about the appraisal and pretend what's important and what's not important and I sorry I can't half the time figure out what your questions are well well that's understandable okay the ordinance has no title ordinance has no appraisal like 105 Long Branch Avenue city property at the last council meeting ordinance ordinance has no survey you have no reason for an explanation although you refer to gagano in the ordinance as to why a $1,000 is labeled so therefore I'm requesting a no vote this is I'm glad the council didn't go into the banking business this country would have more banking failures than it does now this is ridiculous no I need a motion to close so moved second all in favor I I opposed so moved this is the second reading of ordinance 0524 I need a motion to adopt the second and final reading and advertised according to law so moved second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs Wiis yes Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes ordinance for introduction 06- 24 this is the first reading of ordinance 0624 entitled ordinance designating no parking at any time east side of Westwood Avenue starting at the northeast corner Apex of Westwood Avenue and Willow Avenue ending 191 north thereof this ordinance prohibits parking at all times east east side of Westwood Avenue starting at the North Northeast Corners Apex of Westwood Avenue and Willow Avenue ending 191 north I need a motion to introduce the first reading adverti posted according to law LA and set for public hearing February 28th 24 second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs wits yes Dr Su is absent uh Mr dangler yes public portion and resolution and all General comments I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments second all in favor I opposed I so moved if there's anyone in the audience that has a comment to make please step to the podium state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once Vincent laor 33 Ocean terrist Long Branch requesting one minute notification Mr dangler as head of this Council when does this Council if not already commence the process of ensuring charges are filed against the mammed County SPCA for criminal conduct for failing to follow through on a case of animal abuse that resulted in the debt of an 11-month-old dog and subsequently Mr dangler when does the council intend by measure to render the mammoth County SPCA contract Nolan void because of this criminal incident I don't have that answer sir you don't have that answer are you aware of the fatality that occurred on Lafayette Street in the Long Branch of an 11-month old dog I believe was brought to this to this Council several meetings ago I believe it was it was brought to your attention several meetings ago and you haven't acted on it yet it resulted in the relieving of two employees from the city I mean remind the council the main focus of this is the fatality of a dog animal abuse by the mammoth County SPCA on Monday evening yet another adjournment of 907 ocean LLC concerning their continued lack of compliance for two and a half years now to provide a title search to 907 Ocean Avenue independent of the state easen dating back to the 1930s there also exists grants of easements on 907 Ocean Avenue back to the 1870s through the 1890s it is with demand of this Council that at the April 8th zoning board meeting 907 ocean LLC produce a 160-year title search we forget Council we fought this once before and we won the access groups for the beach will be fighting this again and we're prepared to go to court to win again to maintain that easement for Access across 907 Ocean Avenue you've gotten fair warning Mr R as you have continued to defer the peer Village Three audits matter to the Redevelopment Council McManaman Scotland and Balman could you please tell us since the last council meeting has the City established contact with the Redevelopment Council so as to determine the reasons as for one why they have not followed through on Pier Village 3 Financial agreement compliance issues two why they have failed to properly draft and execute the required assignment and assumption agreements as was clearly anticipated in the financial agreement and three as well as demand outstanding CPA audit compliance the answer Mr Ron I have not spoken to Redevelopment Council in the last two weeks in the last three weeks you have not spoken to the Redevelopment Council has anybody in the administration spoken to the read Development Council McManaman at from the last council meeting over the last three weeks nobody Council this is disgusting it truly is disgusting thanks for burning the taxpayers of this city Mr Martin at the last council meeting I asked quote can you explain why you haven't contacted Charles Kushner directly end quote one minute warning this concerning the Audits and you responded quote no I cannot explain end quote Mr Martin over the last 3 weeks have you found the opportunity to contact Charles Kushner directly yes or no I don't have the direct number you don't have the direct number nobody in this city has the direct number to Charles Kushner a developer in the city that answer and the conduct of the council tonight has insulted the people of this city it's completely disgusting again Council you exemplify junk government I need a motion to close the public portion of the meeting move second all in favor I opposed I Madame clerk are there any changes to the list of resolutions no changes were made we can take the list of resolutions as a Content agenda you have a motion sub moov second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs witus yes Dr s's absent Mr dangler yes applications and appointments the following members of the LA Branch fire department Jonathan yman so moved second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs wits yes Dr C's absent Mr dangler yes mellan for the good of the order councilman Viera thank you council president I want to congratulate all the winners for their creation and I want to thank everybody out for coming out tonight thank you good night councilwoman vote thank you council president um my uh thanks also and congratulations um to our winners and quite simply I wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day thank you Council wit us hi good evening everyone um I'd like to remind everyone that the hometown hero Banners are now on sale and if you go on our website you'll see them that they're available and um I'd also like to thank everyone for coming this evening and Happy Valentine's Day to everyone thank you mayor palone thank you council president I'd like to thank everybody for coming this evening also I want to let you know you could uh join us tomorrow morning uh for coffee and pastries with the mayor and Council uh that's tomorrow morning between 8 and 9:30 at the Arts and Cultural Center up on Broadway and branchport Avenue uh will'll be displaying different city projects and City officials will be on site to answer uh any questions you have about the city or those uh projects or anything you might be interested in discussing with us uh also on February 22nd at 6pm we'll be having artist reception for our Black History Month exhibit join us for food live ENT entainment fashion spoken word and more that's also at the cultural center between 600 and 8:00 on the 22nd that's next week and uh go to the our website lawn branch. org for upcoming information about our uh annual Easter egg hunt for the kids and free pictures uh with the Easter Bunny also at the uh Arts and Cultural Center that's usually a big hit uh with the kids again thank you all for coming and have a great week thank you uh also congratulations to the winners it nice to see different people wiers the holiday decoration uh contest Happy Valentine's Day to everyone please uh get home safe wear your masks when when you're in big CR so you can be safe and enjoy the rest of the uh winter have a good good evening and oh sorry before I say have a good evening I think I need a motion to close so move second all in favor I now have a good evening should