always have number four no idea the long bran city council meeting will now come to order roll call Mr Vieira I'm here Dr vote here Mrs whtas here Dr Su is absent Mr dangler here please stand for congratulations to the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all the LA Branch mayor and Council excuse me La Branch mayor city council and administration of commit to cultivating an environment of mutual trust and respect that values the diversity of our community we will strive to enhance the quality of life for all who live here by making long r a desirable place in which to live and prosper we will treat all members with all members of the public with respect and expect the same in return Madam clerk I hereby certifi that this meeting has been published in the newspaper in accordance with the open public meeting act and posted as requ required by law thank you before we have the presentation and we have a a moment of silence for um Mike CH please thank you thank you presentation Greek American Heritage Month presented by Long Branch public schools hi good evening my name is Marissa alexopulos I am one of the English teachers at Long Branch High School and I'm also the adviser of poetry club tonight I have one of my 11th grade students and club members eduarda Silva here who's going to be reading a proclamation for Greek Heritage Month as well as a poem by a prolific Greek pet thank you proclaiming March two 2024 as Greek American Heritage Month whereas the 2010 census identified more than 1.3 million people of Greek ancestry in the United States and whereas Greek Americans remain proud of their Heritage by passing their traditions and loyalty to the United States onto new generations of Greek Americans and and Greek Americans and whereas Greek Independence Day is a national holiday that commemorates the start of the Greek war of independence in in 1821 and is celebrated annually in Greece on March 25th and whereas in 1821 the Greek commander-in Chief P Petro maalis a founder of the modern Greek State remark to citizens of the United States that it is in your land that Liberty has fixed her Abode in imitating you we shall imitate our ancestors and be thought worthy of them as we succeeded in resembling you and whereas throughout the 20th century Greece was one of the only three nations to Ally with the United States in every major International conflict and to this day the Greek Nation remains a reliable Strate strategic partner and steadfast Ally Ally of the of United States and whereas Greek Americans continue to demonstrate loyalty to the United States and the ideals of the our founding fathers now therefore be it resolved by the mayor and City Council of the city of Long Branch that they hereby designate the month of March TW 2024 as Greek American Heritage Month in the city of Long Branch thank you thank you this is a poem by CP cavafy called in the same space the setting of houses cafes the neighborhood that I've seen and watch walked three years on end I created you while I was happy while I was sad with so many incidents so many details and for me the whole of you has been transformed into feeling thank you thank you thank you thank you reading and approval previous minutes ready a motion to approve the minutes of the March 13th 2024 meeting some moved second we call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs whtas abstain Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes consideration of ordinance public hearing and final consideration the capital a capital ordinance providing for the construction of the Broadway Broadway extension of the the city of Long Branch the county of M state of New Jersey appropriating 3 3, 249,000 to pay for the cost there thereof which the amount will be funded by the City by excuse me by New Jersey Broadway preservation fund Grant received or expected to be received by the city the ordinance was introduced on March 13th 2024 and the purpose of the capital ordinance is to appropriate $3,249 th000 received or expected to be received from a grant provided by the New Jersey Board War preservation fund to pay for the construction of the broad Boardwalk I'm say Broadway Board Walk extension city of Rome a motion to open the public hearing for this ordinance second favor I opposed so move if anyone from the public has has a comment to make please on this ordinance only please come to the podium state your name cly for the you will have five minutes only speak one requesting one minute notification Vincent laort 33 Ocean Terrace Long Branch I find resolution 61 at the last council meeting for the application lacking an exhibit a the application and now tonight we're appropriating the money we called DCA State DCA last week and asked them for the application to which they responded the city is supposed to supply it to you it's been a process since October 31st of 2023 so much for transparency so nobody knows the exact cut and breakout but you're appropriating money tonight Mr Martin in the application it states this was in resolution 61 concerning the boardwalk Pres reservation Grant Exhibit C general terms item six special Grant condition conditions for high-risk grantees for subrecipients A1 has a history of unsatisfactory performance Mr Martin would you conclude that the amount of federal state and local money spent on three peers in preliminary engineering designs without any fruition would be a history of unsatisfactory performance as a matter of law no uh I asked Mr Martin what you asked a legal question so you got a legal answer it's a financial question no the city blew a lot of money a lot Mr Martin do you have an answer I agree with the Mr rown I agree it's a legal out the American Rescue act the boardwalk preservation Grant quote to ensure that the boardwalk preservation fund addresses the most pressing needs along the shore funding was prioritized to shore municipalities experiencing financial distress by ranking projects in Municipal distress measure order end quote Mr Martin is Long Branch a municipality and distress I think it says that there they are ranked in Municipal dist stress order so we submitted an application to the state they that's a question maybe you should ask them they applied the criteria and they awarded us the $3.2 million no the answer is here that we qualified for it the state DCA told me the answer is here on the application which has not been provided to the public then they just didn't want to answer your question no there's no transparency from the Mr Martin no from this government Mr Martin is there going to be any local matching grants to this 3.3 million from DCA from the federal state or local taxpayers as well yes or no at this point in time I'm not aware of it at this point in time you're not aware of it but you can't rule it out can you no no not Ru it out all right what's troubling on this peer proposal is how little the roughly 3.3 million will produce professional fees Mr Martin is that usual 20% not always 20% but it's an average average 20% so that's 660,000 one minute notification leaving 2, 640,000 before Labor and materials by mandatory organized labor the costs of which would be $45 % 1,1 188,000 leaving 1, 452,000 or 55% for the materials to construct the 500 Pier a 500t pier that Ocean Grove built for 1.4 million total now I got problems with this for reasons said at the last council meeting and for reasons said tonight the lack of transparency they're cutting open and appropriating money the people have no idea of the breakout that was put in the application before the DCA I'm requesting a no vote until transparency starts taking place in this government no I need a motion to close the public portion so moved second all in favor oppos so move this is second and final reading of ordinance 07 24 need a motion to adopt a second and final reading and advertise according to law Ro Hall excuse me so move so moved second second roll call Mr Vieira yes Dr vote Yes Mrs whts yes Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes public portion for all resolution General comment any motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments so moved second all in favor I iOS any anyone a has a comment to make please step to the podium your name and address clearly for the record may have five will have five minutes and may only speak once requesting one minute notification Vincent laort 33 Ocean turist Long Branch resolution 69 designated developer to be Iron Holdings Isaiah Nester of such Incorporated this LLC on September 1st 2023 one is hard pressed to find neer's building and performance experience excuse me Mr Lort um only interrupt you because we are pulling it you may pull it but I'm going to make I'm making a statement on it this evening I just want to let you know that one is hard pressed to find n ness's building and performance experience nessa's partner ABY neum as well the notice of settlement for the sale of the church lot was November 15 2023 these dates imply the scheming of the sale of this lot was during 2023 ion Holdings has the appearance of a front or a flipper brokering for another developer capable of Performing that project the legal representation behind this scheme is further troubling the lack of transparency on both the part of the arch dasis of Trenton star the SE church and the City of Long Branch on this matter has been disgusting proposed will be a 4 12-story high-end luxury townhouse on that lot congregants of Star of the Sea church now living and being a predominantly workingclass Parish will exit the front of the church and see a wall of high-end luxury Town Homes compliment of the arch dases of Trenton the arch dasis of Trenton has no conscience none whatsoever on this matter as for the congregants of Star of the Sea Christ the King Parish and from that matter the arch dases of Trenton that object to this sale in addition to letting your voices be heard to the church hierarchy you should be ceasing all contributions and boycotting collections until such time the church has a reality check and reverses its course being that some members of this governing body are members of Christ the King Parish it is expected their recal from voting on this resolution when it does come before these meetings so as to avoid conflicts of interest social media for the most part when learning of this church Lot sale compliment of the Watchdogs was profoundly against it a commenter Sheila Marcus said it best quote referring to Long Branch it's over done even if they stopped today Long Branch is gone forever unbelievable these are true words of wisdom Mich Sheila Marcus you are correct Long Branch is a planning mess just drive around it long branches are planning catastrophe becoming a high density Urban ghetto furthermore the church lot townhouse development if occurring will further aggrevate what many refer to as quote the Walling of the ocean front quote the Ocean Boulevard Canyon of walls and quote the Boulevard tunnel again poor planning the Church of the sale with this lot is inexcusable tax exempt land into perpetuity that accepts spill over parking from the City Senior Center 1 minute notification when events take place star the sea arch dases of Trent there's a complete lack of sense of business logic and innovativeness if you are unable to generate Revenue off a land that has this proximity to the ocean no Mr Martin at the last council meeting I asked you about Charles Kushner and the audits from perer Village Three you stated when I asked the you got the phone number quote my research is failing me miserably I don't Mr Martin it's been two weeks has your research done any progress in finding Charles kushner's phone number I understand he was in town today and I developed a couple good leads you developed a couple of good leads Charles kushner's a convicted felon our Police Department doesn't have him 5 minutes on a tear right now to know where he is and what his phone number is Mr Martin did you consult with the police department of this city I to get Charles Kushner I believe he was pardon so he doesn't have to register with our Police Department that's crazy he was a registered convicted felon he doesn't have to register with our Police Department convicted felons don't register with police departments that's just not the law so our police department has no concept of convicted felons in the city of course not so Mr Martin let's hope in two weeks you're able to apprehend Charles Kushner and help him find his wallet to get a CPA to produce the audits that are due for Pure Village junk government any motion to close the public portion of the meeting second all in favor I opposed Madam CL any changes to the list of resolutions resolution 6924 has been removed thank you we can take the list of resolutions as a consent agenda without R 6924 so move second roll call Mr Vera yes Dr vote Yes Mrs whtas yes Dr s is absent Mr dangler yes yes applications we have none miscellaneous business for good reorder coun Vier good evening I'd like to thank the student that came out read the greeker month did a great job with the poem also like to have a nice thank everybody for coming out tonight because it's a nice audience the scouts out here thanks for coming out and spending some time with us it's always appreciated with that good night counc vote thank you council president I repeat what uh councilman Vieira said I'm wonderful to have you here to come back again often to all of our our Scouts our students always make us proud um also tonight um the council had the pleasure of an excellent presentation by our Green Team and our environmental commission uh the amount of work that they do for the city is uh extraordinary so congratulations congrat congratulations to them on an excellent presentation and also many thanks for all the work that they do for us and with that I hope to see you in two weeks thank you WT I too would like to thank everyone for coming this evening and um also to comment on the the environmental commission's presentation this evening they work very very hard for us and we'd like to thank them and for everyone who's here this evening I see our police officers and farming in the back thank you for coming and um have a great Easter thank you mayor pal thanks to council president Boy Scouts thank you very much and your leaders for being here this evening appreciate you being here uh Happy Easter and happy Passover and holiday to everyone I have just two quick announcements about some upcoming events that we're having at the Art Center uh the long the uh Art Center will have an upcycled theme exhibit uh in celebration of Earth Day the artist reception is at April 11th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. but that exhibit will be open for um all of most of next month it'll feature artwork made from recycled materials and um in May on May 4th The Long Branch disability resource fair is back this year we're making it an annual event that will be at Third Avenue in Broadway from 12: to 3: join us for a day of Community Resources games barbecue arts and crafts and live music this event is completely free and done in partnership with motions here in um here in Long brand so again thank you and have a great holiday thank you I'd like to thank everyone for coming out of course like everyone else and the Boy Scouts thank you for being here paying attention and even apping speaker um and with Easter coming since we have young people in the audience enjoy all jelly beans and catberry eggs that you can tell Mom I have a good night motion to close toj motion to adjourn second second all in favor iOS good night all right have a second for you now --------- good evening I'd like to call the March 27 2024 city council Workshop agenda meeting to order roll call please Mr viea I'm here Dr V here Mrs Wht here Dr s is absent Mr dangler here I hereby certifi that this meeting has been published in the newspaper in accordance with the open public meeting act and posted as required by law first item on the agenda Green Team environmental commission presentation hi well thank you very much for having us here tonight I'm n Simon for anybody who doesn't know me and Faith tilean um I'm the Green Team head and Faus the EC chair um really appreciate uh your time tonight uh I want to start uh I know I sent out a pread a little bit of accomplishments hope you had a chance to look at that um not going to really recap everything I want to just start by highlighting a couple of accomplishments we're particularly proud of um one is we've got the bike and pedestrian plan um together for the city uh another one is that we recently completed really had of the press tree inventory as well as um a tree canopy study of the city and uh finally we we um have uh launched a green business recognition program which I think has been pretty well received we have now three businesses that we've recognized and two more uh that are coming up one I believe tomorrow afternoon and uh another one as soon as we get it scheduled so very excited um and I want to thank everybody in the room who's really helped us um put those programs together um a couple of other highlights one is we uh last year we had an Arbor Day event at the cultural center Arts and Cultural Center and we're planning to do that again this year in April um and they're a great partner to work with and we really hope to take this and move on to more community outreach on environmental initiatives this year uh and we are again applying for our sustainable Jersey C certification uh which is currently at the silver status and we are hopeful that we will be able to retain that this year so so thanks again for everybody's support so what I would like to focus on is which um is really the uh requests that we have where we think we could use um Council support so with no further Ado um we have six and hopefully we have time to at least touch on each one um and the first is we have a we have a tree preservation ordinance today um right now it applies only to development projects but what we would really like to do is get the tree preservation plan which is asked for um added to the Planning and Zoning development checklist and this is something that we had a conversation with Laura about and she supported um but we were hoping to get your support as well um it just would make it a lot easier for the planners um we could speak to that to uh to get the information specifically as tree preservation plan because right now the information comes and it's kind of all over the place and you got to kind of look around to see did they do it did they not do it do you want us to respond to these as they come up a yeah if you have any questions why wouldn't we do that I guess is I don't know the implications and everything but why why wouldn't we do that is there a downside you can think of I don't know we got to figure out what's the precaution areas you know what's what's involved what's what what does affect the homeowner we got to you know there's a lot of things involved in that you can't just come to new application and do it and uh you got people like in a small lot or a zoning lot doesn't comply with that and You' be hurting the resident that's been for 40 50 years you I mean this stuff that we got to take a look at it's the question whether or if if you have a tree ve if you have an ordinance requirement for a tree preservation plan if it should be something that is required to be submitted at the time you follow planning or zoning development so I'm assuming that um if you're talking about just a tree on a single family lot um and they need to get a per whe whether or not they need to get a permit to remove a tree that's got nothing to do with this I just assume that this is only those C is that what it is this is only a develop this is specific right this is this ordinance applies to Major development only and it's requirement that the tree preservation plan be submitted with the application but since the ordinance is still relatively new lots of times we're playing catchup I sit on the planning board and many times I'm asking the developers during their presentation you know where is the tree preservation plan they provide it after the fact really should be provided up front I think that's the intent of the ordinance and having it own the checklist we just ensure that that does occur the checklist is Administrative yeah we can talk about it then talk to Eric thanks so so what would be the next step just we we'll talk about it yeah just gets administratively gets added to the checklist okay but what does that mean like in a in a uh in a practical sense then n or Rich like in other words let's say somebody building a new house and they have property what what do they need to do so you know this is major development John so not going to apply to them um but the the checklist U is the mechanism by which Laura deems an application to be complete if all the items from the checklist are accounted for so that's the idea of putting this on the checklist so that um application but not move forward to the planning board unless they have the tree reservation plan accounted for move on so somewhat similarly we have a bip destrian plan came out of our study and what we'd like to do is get it adopted as part of the master plan and again this is to ensure that it's considered when we're making implementation decisions um and and also is important because you don't get sustainable Jersey points unless it's connected to the master plan it's it's to prevent it from getting kind of put on the side and just ignore it um so there is an there is um if this is on the agenda for the planning board in April to incorporate it into the master plan so at this point I think it's really a question of you know indicating to the planning board because I think it's their call right Rich um yeah it's the plan board has the plan they've seen it there's an open public meeting in April where we'll accept comments from the from the public as well and the planing board will vote on whether or not to adopt it but I think the planing board also wants to make sure that if they do adopt it that the the council supports it as well what's a high visibility crosswalk how does that differ from instead of the standard crosswalk they they're larger and they either go diagonal you just the crosswalks two lines and it goes across the diagonal are up and down that's how they usually it's horizontal those big wide horizontal lines you can't miss them where the two little so so that was really the next thing is there are some very I think simple and straightforward things that could potentially be done and hopefully lowc cost items um so we'd like to see if we could get some of those incorporated into the the road maintenance plans in the coming so there's always a major road and then side roads so let's use uh Long Branch and avano right so if you were crossing and going from the school and going across and just crossing it would just be two lines but if you were coming across Long Ranch a it'd be a high Vis one because that's the they need more time to know and stuff so just so I don't ask this question all the time what would be the next step with this I mean will all the recommendations be um we have to talk about them they all I mean there's a cost obviously there's a cost everything we meaning who the you the council and then you tell me what you need to be traffic yeah this type of stuff that like if we if we do it we got to start write it's easy to write into bids like what we did you know with the bike path and putting the shs in you know it just changes okay instead of doing the regular we're going to do high Vis everywhere okay you know but we got to talk to our traffic people too because they may you know say that okay four in a single intersection depending on where it is is just too much M so we have to talk to them you got to consider too that a lot of most lot of got cting cting roads that we got involved there and just like the one we just redid the one on West End that's a brick papers you're not going to put you're not going to paint in white you know what I mean so things that conc things got to be discussed yeah I mean you know maybe Long rench Avenue would work they won't work on Cedar Avenue you got brick papers there they're not going to paint the brick white you know what I mean same thing on beer Village over there noan Avenue and that's a county road yeah can you know we're not supposed to be painting the G know they supposed to be do yeah and and you know my question was just a procedural thing how do we make sure these things don't get lost lost in the sauce we discussing in executive session okay good thanks moving on um third item is uh a tree a tree planting and maintenance plan um program actually and this really came out of the tree inventory which um I know I around it's pretty lengthy but um they did a tree canopy study and one of the things they did see is that in the last decade we've lost about 10% of our tree canopy in this town and that that means public and private lands right but they also did an inventory of the street trees didn't get to all of them 25 200 spots and a good chunk of those ended up being planting locations so we actually have like specific Street locations where we could potentially plant trees so the recommendation out of this was really to put together an ongoing you know maintenance program um and this is something we didn't necessarily expect to deide here tonight but we wanted to tee it up again this is hot of the press fresh um there are some things that citizens can do in terms of like if you plant a tree a young tree watering weeding muling um pruning and we and the tree committee which is a subset of the EC right now would be happy to partner with the town on creating such a program um so uh I guess my question is is there a way that we could maybe have a follow-up conversation about does a does um a local community or nearby have um a maintenance program that you know of um I haven't looked at that okay I'm sorry we could look into that yeah be curious how it works and what the Yeah I mean the daav tree Resource Group that did our tree inventory recommended a budget for this town particularly and broke it out between planting and maintenance so it's a big number but it's also a big asset for our town so that's why we wanted to talk to you and see if we could get some visibility into budg for trees so but I mean we can do some research on what other towns do in terms of planting and maintenance budget wise um and how they operationalize it as well mayor is the question is there do other towns have programs where they where they have homeowners maintain trees is that the question or whoever is doing it or some if there's a only reason I say mean interrupt is is that there are obviously other towns that have either exat Tre commissions or um as part of their Public Works budget Street Maintenance but those are just that's a question of how much money that's not a program right that's just a budget budget line item I I just submitted there's another community that either does it via a group DPW a private entity that they budget and bring in or a combination I haven't heard of one by a group or a private but obviously there lots that have dpws yeah a lot do DPW I mean from the shade tree conference that's what we've learned the city with h what they'll do is they'll get a homeowner to maybe maintain a tree that's planted in front of their property I mean that's Orin I just had a tree planted in our complex and we're watering it you know Street tree but um you know that's it was a private thing but uh that's the kind of thing that we could do is if we could get funding to plant trees um we could the help of the homeowner to water them because they need a lot of water and you know yeah so that it's simple stuff like that um but we would you know be interested in maybe having an organized you know effort with DPW to manage the street tree population to make sure that we don't lose any more tree I don't know I don't know how we proceed here good question continue the conversation at some point so you want us have a meeting with council members and administration is that what you're asking yeah I just I'm not sure I haven't had to proceed so U maybe a followup with the followup walk through the specifics of the the recommendation in terms of budget and where the tree plantings are recommended because I think as I recall right a lot of the areas where we've lost canopy or never had canopy are in underserved areas in the community so really areas that we should focus on and try to understand what we can do to help most of the DAV tree recommendation for planting of trees is in environmental justice areas which completely lack tree cover and you know that is a glaring uh problem with Long Branch so told us that he would help us fund some of the tree planting in the environmental justice areas with his block if we get Jake says yeah you said Jake yes yeah are these trees planted along the sidewalk is that what you're talking about so is there a problem with eventually the sidewalks lifting up because of the roots of the tree it depends on what kind of trees so when we worked with Davy tree they told us the kinds of trees that would not do that and they're smaller they're underneath the telephone wires and electric so um they definitely had that in mind oh okay so who needs to be a part of that discussion that maybe somebody from DPW U maybe Jay because he's been starting to work with us ms4 permits with him and trying to help get community involved there and maybe Mr Martin could help us too still H yeah honestly it's I I'm not what you're sure what your expectation is but you're here to do a presentation I don't think that the end of each item you can say well what are we going to do now so why don't you I think you probably should go through it and then you know Council will discuss all of the things that your items and then we'll have a have an action plan because I don't think we can react that who you know who's going to be at a meeting and yeah what their roles are um so we talked earlier about the tree preservation coordinates that exist today and as we mentioned it only applies to development um well we've learned that the new ms4 permit which we have to renew this year requires a tree preservation ordinance that does apply to individual properties so your point earlier John that actually we do need a process that applies to individual homeowners and when they choose to remove and replace a tree and why is it tied to the ms4 permit because trees contribute to storm water management they suck up a lot of water and it's it's important to have trees in the community and people don't often understand that and they just take them down because whatever and a creates problems so that's why D is saying tree preservation ordinance is required for your ms4 permit and we actually Faith sent them our ordinance and they say not good enough so we do need to do you have that review letter yes okay if that that would be helpful if you yeah okay so um you know we can start working with Jims because he's responsible for the ms4 permit um or him and Stan um in terms of coming up with something that would be would suffice we have a model to EP ordinance and we have our current one we're going to take you know do some analysis and I guess we just need to know where to go with that after we get some proposed changes so I could just move on yeah um this one is pretty straightforward um faith has worked many for a while with recers um in their Water Resources program they have given us this design for a garden on Red Oaks Drive with public property um faith has been working with the homeowners around the area to build local support um and we are we think it would be great put in this rain Garden because it really will help with stormw management and we can use it as a demonstration project to educate the community on the benefits of stormw management um what we would need to do this is basically support and about $2,000 worth of materials is the EC is applying for grants for the plants and if not we're going to we're willing to put BC budget toward it um Stan has said do the excavation work if it's supported um and he actually gets at the score points that he needs by doing this yeah three points three points and faith and the team that does all the gardening over in Russ Lake would maintain the garden to keep it Weed Free which is one of the reasons that sometimes people are resistant to rain Gardens is in the early days they need a lot of you know weeding to make sure they're they're looking nice agree to make it look nice so we are looking for hopefully your support I think this is a we think this is a really good thing uh and faith has do you have the pictures yes I gave everyone we walked around the neighborhood yesterday we we didn't give those out we won't give them out until we get approval but what we did find out was out of 19 houses 15 of them had their storm drains going going directly into the driveway which means that the water just comes gushing down the driveway and goes right into the stream into the lake without any filtering of all the sediment and the pollutants that are in that storm water so if we can get all the people to change their storm drains and if we can put the rain Garden in the rain Garden will manage 30,000 gallons of water and if we change all the drain pipes that'll be 25,000 gallons of water for every hour of a 1 in rainstorm so that is a huge amount of water that will be helping not rush into the lake and then I think we can see a difference on the corner of Eleanor and Van Court where it's always floods I don't think that will happen anymore well we hope it'll a lot lower than it is now it would be a good measurement for the demonstration project Faith you're talking about the U at the top of Red Oak Drive right where there's all those there's vacant land there I I mean I don't know if anybody's familiar with I just used to know a few people on that street but it's a very good idea because uh that you know there's like houses on both sides going up to the U and then it's vacon and I know that I've asked stand a couple times in the past because it gets all clean overgrown and everything and once a year he'll typically go in there and a guys will just clean it out so you're saying if a rain Garden's there that won't happen and then it helps with all this stuff right yes and we'll keep it looking nice yeah stands good with it yes that this stuff the last item and this is really more just kind of a you know if you're looking Charlie and others um if anybody sees any other grants besides the one that Jake thinks he can come up with for tree planting or um continuing our tree inventory because we didn't get to all the trees um and I thought 2 200 we'd have plenty but since they in trees and planting locations you know it went fast so um but we did Cover the majority of the city and we did cover all the envir Justice areas so um anyway that's and that's what we're going to be doing at AR day we're going to have one of the graphics that they gave us with um the priority planting areas which wind up to be the environmental justice areas too and we're going to have people look at the map and see if they could find their house and then they could sign up and tell us what kind of tree they would like in front of their house so it'll we're trying to get a lot of enus and and we want to do a lot more community outreach in terms of trees their benefits and you know maybe symposiums in different parts of town we have these cool little places the new Senior Center maybe the firehouse I don't know Center you know try to you know get people excited and interested that's it right I had two quick questions so the the bronze status when we got that back that was for three years initially yeah it it lasts for three years Ricky and I decided we we got silver in 2022 we decided to apply again this year just so that we don't have to wait till last minute so I'm sorry so we we didn't want to wait till the last minute so our status would would go into next year we just wanted to reup and we'll be good for another three years oh another three years yeah we just decided not to wait okay and then this is just sidebar uh the Green Team can you always add to that because we have a few people who ask about like the environmental commission which I know is filled up but yeah we can always add te yes it's just volunteers send them our way we'll definitely use them thank you very much for having us very nice report thank you thanks for all you do by the way really feels good thanks for all your support see you later man than bye okay old business have any old business good you know what I just want to mention um I think a really good meeting that happened this week um and it was a followup to the think tank as a matter of fact with uh Lindsay and Michael um and it was with Mammoth ax in terms of you know Lindsay had kind of set the um at that uh Think Tank meeting of identifying social problems that you people want to have addressed and um Mammoth ax is a countywide um collaborative of public it's a public private uh collaborative of social service agencies that have committees specifically to address homelessness Transportation food insecurity youth positive um development all the sorts of issues that might come up um from the think tank so um I had arranged for Lindsay and and Michael to meet with mam um with the representatives of M was a really good meeting so it's just a good resource to help our think Tech move forward so I think everybody was encouraged from that from that meeting so just an update new business of the regular meeting agenda need a motion toos the public portion of the meeting second all in favor I oppos Mo second session I need a motion to adopt resolution r 65-24 resol the city of long for going to Executive session to discuss the following attorney P privilege administrator update ADR Shirley all in favor oppos Charlie I was going to ask you