##VIDEO ID:VcRk_qbQMJs## good evening the November 26 2024 council meeting of the Long Branch city council will now come to order roll call Mr dangler is absent Mr rassis here Mrs whts here Dr vote here Mr Vieira I'm here please stand for the pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation and God indivisible Li for all I will now read the mission statement of the city council The Long Branch mayor and the city council and administration are committed to cultivating an environmental of mutual trust and respect that all that values the diversity of our community we will strive to enhance the quality of life for all who live here by making Long Branch a desirable place in which to live and prosper we will treat all members of the public with respect and expect the same in return certification please I hereby certify that this meeting has been published in the newspaper in accordance with the open public meeting act and posted as required by law thank you I need a motion to approve the minutes of the November 6th 2024 so move second roll call Mr dangler is absent Mr rasses yes Mrs witus yes Dr vote Yes Mr Viera yes motion passed thank you consideration of ordinance public hearing and final consideration this is the first reading of ordinance 22-24 an ordinance designating a handicap parking space at 6 vent Pelt this ordinance was introduced on November 6th 2024 and this designates a handicap Park in space at 6 velt I need a motion to open the public hearing and this or for this oners only Z move second all in favor I if any member of the public has any comments to make on this ordinance only please come to the podium state your name and address clearly for the record you all have five minutes and may only speak once on ordinance 0- [Music] 22-24 see and there's none I need a motion to close so second all in favor I I this is the second reading of ordinance 22-24 I need a motion to adopt on the second and the final reading and advertise according to law so moved second roll call Mr dangler is absent Mr rasis yes Mrs whts yes Dr vote Yes Mr Vieira yes motion passed ordinance for introduction 023 d24 this is the first reading on ordinance 23-24 entitled ordinance amending chapter 181 food establishments retail section 181-188 for a Sidewalk Cafe operations through March 1st through November 30th I need a motion to introduce on the first reading advertise and post according to law and set the public heing forth December 11th 2024 so moved second roll call Mr dangler is absent Mr rasis yes Mrs whtas yes Dr vote Yes Mr Viera yes motion passed ordinance z- 24-24 this is the first reading of ordinance 24-24 entitled an ordinance amending chapter 78 Police Department section 78-1 establishment members summary the purpose of this or is to amend the number of police lieutenants and sergeants for the city of Long Branch I need a motion to introduce the first reading advertise and post according to law and set public hearing for December 11th 2024 so moved second Road call Mr dangler is absent Mr rasses yes Mrs whtas yes Dr vote Yes Mr Vera yes motion passed this is the first reading ordinance 0 25-24 this is the first reading on ordinance 25-24 entitled an ordinance authorizing the conveyance of a proposed per permanent and drainage easement for 316 Fair field Avenue block 65 lot three summary this ordinance authorizes a permanent drainage easement on block 65 lot three I need a motion to introduce on the first reading advertised and post according to law and set the public hearing for December 11th 2024 so moved second rad call Mr dangler is absent Mr rasses yes Mrs whts yes Dr vote Yes Mr Vera yes motion pass public participation for Resolutions and all General comments I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments so moved second all in favor I oppose if there is anyone in the audience that has a comment to make please step to the podium and state your name and address clearly for the record you'll have five minutes and may only speak once my name is Maurice Dean 161 Lincoln Avenue Apartment 2 and I'm here to inquire whether or not um any uh you know the topic of uh establishing a uh Railroad quiet Zone in elberon has ever been brought up uh before the city um if it has been then maybe someone could just tell me you know what the outcome was if it hasn't then I'll come here and state my case not that I not that I I don't know of one okay so um could you raise the mic just a little bit sure thank you so um elberon as you know was in the South End of Long Branch and there's a railway station there and um as is required by law um 40 times a day uh the train has to blast its horn a minimum of 90 DB a maximum of 110 DB um two long one short one long and um I just want everybody body to know that the effects of that can be U devastating this document here which is just exerpts is the general health effects of Transportation noise which was um written by the Federal Railroad Administration and US Department of Transportation from June 2000 of two and the document is the Federal Railroad Administration sponsored preparation of this report to support a rulle making process about the use of locomotive horns and the accompanying environmental impact statement this document reviews select current and past research on the effect of Transportation noise on physiological and psychological health of both people and Wildlife um included in the table of contents are psychological iCal effects including annoyance speech interference um effects of noise on performance interference with recreational activities and the physiological effects are hearing impairment and loss sleep disturbance muscular effects of noise cardiovascular effects of noise mental health effects of noise and there's also a part on on the effects of wildlife but I'm going to read you um the exerpts from the cardiovascular uh effects of noise um it's funny that we talking about it we listening to it yeah and it'll be it's um quite quite remarkable noise may have both temporary and permanent impacts on physiological functions of people that's the World Health Organization in 2000 research has correlated exposure to envir environmental noise with physiological changes in blood pressure sleep digestion and other Related Disorders prolonged exposure may cause more serious cardiovascular and hormonal responses including increases in heart rate and peripheral vascular resistance changes in blood pressure blood viscosity and blood lipids and shifts in electrolyte balance susceptible individuals may develop permanent effects such as coronary heart disease the overall conclusion is that cardiovascular effects are associated with long-term exposure to daily equivalent sound levels greater than 65 DB mind you the train horn is a minimum of 90 DB now obviously if you're two blocks away it's not the same as if you're right next to the train but but there are businesses right on um uh right adjacent to the railway these exposures have been implicated in development and exacerbation of a variety of health problems ranging from hypertension to psychosis more research into the long-term effects of noise is required before unequivocal guidelines can be established noise particularly Transportation noise is not believed to be a direct cause of Mental Illness but it is assumed that it accelerates and intensifies the development of latent mental disorder that's also World Health Organization 2000 studies on the adverse effects of Transportation noise on Mental Health include uh symptoms such as Ang five minutes thank you I'll come back next time finish thank you thank you sir you've been talking to the our business business administrator I talked to um Charlie shirle yeah I we'll have him call you he'll be back a mon we'll have him call you again that' be great do you have a Amanda do you have his well he has your number they've been emailing I've been communicating okay so I'll on Monday all right thank you requesting one minute notification Vincent leaport 33 Ocean Terrace Long Branch Mr Martin resolution 280 an emergency Ward to Midwest military equipment for replacement high water vehicle Mr Martin can you define the emergency that Long Branch is encountering right now to bypass a bid and just cut a check for this $997,000 approximately current vehicle failed I can't can you speak louder please the current vehicle is failed and in case there is an emergency we will have nothing to support I want to ARR resc you all right 48 colon 11-6 cited in this resolution requires components the nature of the emergency the time of the occurrence and the need for invoking this section in this resolution you cite hurricane Halen which occurred in southeast United States what is the emergency in Long Branch again we had no hurricane here we have no massive Devastation here if the vehicle had failed why didn't we put it out for bid to replace it we certainly must have had enough time the resolution is citing hurricane Helen in southeastern United States do you have an answer Mr Martin I do not you did not not I'm objecting to this resolution and requesting a no vote I've never seen anything like this in this city never a $97,000 check approximately 97,000 being cut for replacement vehicle in a non-emergency situation in this city would you like me to respond Mr leor you have no credibility and standing to respond thank you council president Vieira you introduced ordinance 24 concerning the police department why is Council taking away a Sergeant's position reducing 15 to 14 and adding a Lieutenant's position from 7 to 8 Mr Vier the answer do you want me to answer it council president yeah you could answer I'm more than happy I don't answer his questions yeah the the purpose of this port is that um we have a retirement in our Professional Services Division and the remaining officer in that division is a sergeant and we believe it should be um it should be a uh and he that Sergeant is about to be promoted to Lieutenant without a Lieutenant's position in the Professional Services Division he would be transferred to patrol and thus we would lose both of our current staff in the Professional Services Division who are highly trained and are who are in the middle of a number of Investigations so we deemed appropriate to reduce that Sergeant's position to create another Lieutenant's position so we could fill the patrol is there a financial differential there is there is a difference between sergeant and Lieutenant I think it's 12 a half% council president Vieira has a replacement been hired for the advertised Animal Control vacancy yes or no yes yes it has Mr leor you don't look like council president Vieira this is a council meeting council president Vieira when did the individuals start performing that position Mr I don't know where you understand I told you I'm not going to answer any question Mr Vieira but you're taking a paycheck from the taxpayers aren't you Mr Vieira this is a comic question not a question we're in a mission statement does it say it's a comment I'll read it for you no I'll read it I read the mission statement and you read it all right you don't know how to read it Mr Vieira why isn't there a resolution appearing at the last council meeting or tonight's to State the hire of the new Animal control officer 30 seconds well the reason there isn't a resolution is because we don't do resolutions to hire employees Mr leaport we never do so you either want answers to your questions or you want when the individuals start employment with the city nobody has the answer is the individual former SPCA employee yes or no why is the indidual making more per hour than the former 9-year veteran Animal control officer of the city of 5 minutes this is the kind of accountability we have pure junk government anyone else I need a motion to close a public participation portion of this meeting so moved second all in favor I oppose I will now ask Madame clerk if there is any changes to the list of the resolutions no changes have been made we could take a list of the resolutions and consent agenda so moved second roll call Mr dangler is absent Mr rassis yes Mrs whts yes Dr vote Yes Mr Vera yes motion passed thank you applications there is a none miscellaneous business for the good of the order councilman then was not not here councilman rases just close your yeah just like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and uh stay safe councilwoman with us um I too would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for coming this evening to our meeting and uh to everyone who's watching and uh that's it thank you councilwoman V thank you council president um I before wishing everybody Happy Thanksgiving um let me also do a shout out to um our environmental commission and our green team that uh were recognized um this year again for recertification of uh sustainable Jersey at the silver level and also for the collaboration award for their work with Jackson Woods um park it was U very it's it's a prestigious award and it was wonderful to see these um hardworking committee members be recognized so kudos to all of them and Happy Thanksgiving to everybody thank you mayor palone thank you council president uh I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving to to you and and your families I have a couple announcements to make so we're we're um with the upcoming holiday season we're excited about the uh cocacola holiday Caravan is coming to Lawn branch next Sunday on December 8th from 1: to 4:00 at our new Senior Center um the Caravan makes stops all across the United States uh they're coming here because obviously you know many of you know that we have the historic Coca-Cola sign um in the new Senior Center so uh they're coming here to Long Branch uh with Santa there'll be free samples uh photos for everyone and a winter wonderland the event is free and uh from the pictures we've seen it's a it's a pretty exciting event so again that's next Sunday December I'm sorry not this Sunday the following Sunday December 8th from 1: to 4: all our welcome is a free event um we also have a full list of holiday events for 2024 this includes the tree lighting at Pier Village this Sunday at 4:00 followed by the tree lighting at City Hall on December 7th at 5: and we'll also be having a Hanukkah celebration at the senior center at 5 on December 20th for these events and and many others check out our website uh and our social media and uh finally we're also going to have a small business resource Fair on December 4th from 2: to 4:00 p.m. at the senior center this event is free and they'll have many resources for local businesses what what we're excited about is that we have a lot of state agencies uh that that help local businesses and provide grants and and services and resources and uh they'll all be Under One Roof at the senior center um so uh if you're a small business owner please um please think about attending that uh again have a have a great Thanksgiving and thank you for being here thank you mayor palom and I also want to Echo what council women vks said about the Green Team and environmental a great job for the suain sustainable award they got it's tremendous that they do a great job with always with the city and with the Jackson Woods I go there frequently it's a beautiful job they're doing there and I wasn't s out a big shout out to the Long Branch boys soccer team for making the sectional Champions there they started out a little rocky but they came out strong so big shout out to the boys soccer team the varsity team and with that I want to everybody enjoy their Thanksgiving and good night need a motion to I need a motion to adjourn some moved second all in favor I oppos thank you good night all