##VIDEO ID:gDU-RBJNEHQ## you good evening the December 11th 2024 council meeting of the Long Branch city council will now come to order roll call Mr dangler here Mr rassis here Mrs whtas here Dr vot here Mr Vieira I'm here let please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance work anyway I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible in liberty and justice for all I will now read the mission statement of the city council The Long Branch mayor city council and administration are committed to cultivating an environmental of mutual trust and respect our values the diversity of our community we will strive to enhance the quality of life for all who live here by making Lawn branch a desirable place in which to live and prosper we will treat all members of the public with respect and expect the same in return certification clerk I hearby certifi that this meeting has been published in the newspaper in accordance with the open public meeting act and posted as required by law presentation we have the presentation for Green Team an environmental Commission so I'm just gonna I just wanted to say so we're here we're here tonight to honor um The Lawn branch environmental uh commission and the Green Team and last month Lawn branch received uh the coveted silver certification certification by sustainable Jersey we were all down in Atlantic City and certified municipalities are national leaders in addressing environmental Su sustainability uh Long Branch was one of only 28 certified silver communities out of 486 participating uh cities in the state um they also received the prestigious sustainable Jersey collaboration award which was one of only a handful that were given out throughout the State uh for its restoration uh work of Jackson woods so um everyone in both of these organizations and rich is here as well along with Nan um work so hard this year and they've accomplished so much more than um than what I just mentioned here tonight but I'd like to mention a few of the other things that they do really quickly so they've updated the environmental resource inventory for the city's master plan they've worked with businesses on green initiatives created additional City Recycling projects focused on our city tree canopy and plantings and partnered with well prom book Watershed Association for projects like Ross Lake and elbron Ross Island and nearby uh rain Gardens throughout the city uh offered events and programs to educate our community throughout the city at the Art Center Senior Center and so much more and um through Partnerships With Friends of Jackson Woods uh and Mammoth conservation Foundation they've transformed really uh Jackson Woods into a fantastic beautiful um 11 acre space uh for Passive Recreation so congratulations to everyone for your hard work and commitment to an environmentally friendly City and council president um Vieira is going to read the proclamation yes all right you going to receive the both environmental or you going to do both all right I'll present this for the environmental commission first for the hard work obtaining a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation to improve biking and pedestrian family and access in the city receiving the Grant from the New Jersey Department Environmental Protection to research and access the city's tree inventory and for revitalization the beautifi of Jackson Woods congratulations to on your outstanding work in the city of this year thank you so that's something environmental okay thank you this is for the green team for your tireless work with the city employees partner organizations and community members to promote and improve sustainability in Long Branch resulting in the Pres teachers silver certification from sustainable Jersey as well as establishing a green business recognition program which currently has seven registered businesses congratulations for your outstanding work for the city of the long R this year thank you thank you very and thanks for everybody for the Green Team and environment for all you do thank you thank you all [Applause] I need a motion to approve the minutes of the November 26 20124 so moved second Mr dangler Mr rasses yes Mrs whts yes Dr vote yes Mr Vieira yes motion passed consideration of ordinance public hearing and final consideration ordinance 023 d24 an ordinance amending chapter 181 food establishments retail section 181-186 2024 and amends the dates for Sidewalk Cafe operations on March 1st through November 30th I need a motion to open the public hearing for this ordinance only so move second if anyone all in favor I I if any member of the public has any comments to make on this ordinance only please come to the podium stay your name and address clearly for the record you'll have five minutes and may only speak once on 23-24 see there's none I need a motion to close move second all in favor I this is the second reading of ordinance 23-24 I need a motion to adopt a second and final reading and advertise according to law so moved second roll call Mr dangler yes Mr rasses yes Mrs whts yes Dr vote Yes Mr Vieira yes ordinance 0- 24-24 ordinance amending chapter 78 Police Department section 78-1 establishment members this ordinance was introduced on November 26 2024 and amend the number of police lieutenants and sergeants for the city of Long Branch I need a motion to open the public hearing and this ordinance only so move second all in favor if any member of the public has a comments to make on this orance only please come to the podium and state your name and address clearly for the record you'll have five minutes and may only speak once on ordinance 24-24 request one minute notification Vincent leapor 33 Ocean terus Long Branch Mr Ron yes sir some clarification from your comments about the introduction of this ordinance at the last council meeting are the duties of the new lieutenant the same as that of the sergeant in other words will the duties remain the same of this individual in the Professional Services Division generally I believe that's correct is that correct director yeah I believe that's correct Mr Mr Le that's correct the individual going into the captain's position upon vacancy due to retirement does that individual have the experience to qualify for the Professional Services Division yes or no I I I don't know but the director may know there's no correct no the the head will be a lieutenant Mr leor there's an individual that's going to replacing a retiring Captain correct correct is that individual qualified in the Professional Services no they will not be assigned there he will not be assigned no the lieutenant will be the head of the Professional Services is that correct the lieutenant will be in professional service you have a captain there yes but the captain is qualified to be captain of the Civil Service correct is the captain qualified to be in the Professional Services Division yes he is Mr rown do any of these changes occurring in ordinance 24 this evening have anything to do or being brought about because of the current personal matters within the city's Police Department no Mr Reno can you confirm that 20% of the Personnel in the city's Police Department are appearing on the city's disciplinary list or have left their jobs because of disciplinary measures I I would not know that and we don't comment on personel matters in any event you won't comment on the matter so again none of the changes in this ordinance this evening are affecting the 20% disciplinary measures of the city's Police Department those two things are the number of people who are under discipline and this ordinance are unrelated the people involved in the Professional Services Division interact with the 20% of the police Department that's facing disciplinary measure is that correct I would imagine that the people who are in Professional Services interact with some of them some of them are a result of um IIA investigations or criminal investigations that are done by the prosecutor's office I have no further questions see there's no one else I need a move to motion to close motion to close second all in favor I I this is the second reading of ordinance 24-24 I need a motion to adopt on the second and the final reading on advertise according to law so moved second roll call Mr dangler yes Mr rases yes Mrs whts yes Dr vote Yes Mr Vieira yes motion passed thank you orance 025 d24 an ordinance authorizing and conveyance of a proposed per per minut drainage easement for 316 Fairfield Avenue black 65 lot 3 this ordinance was introduced on November 26 2024 and authorizes permanent drainage easan on block 65 lot 3 I need a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so move second all in favor if any member of the public has any comments to make on this ordinance only please come to the podium stay your name name and address clearly for the record you'll have 5 minutes and may only speak once on ordinance 25-24 see there's none I need a motion to close motion to close second all in favor all this is the second reading of ordinance 25-24 I need a motion to adopt on the second and the final reading and advertise according to law so moved second roll call Mr dangler yes Mr Rus yes Mrs witus yes Dr vote Yes Mr Vera yes motion passed ordinance for introduction orance 0 26-24 this is the first reading ordinance 26-24 entitled an ordinance amending an ordinance establishing titles setting salaries for the certain employees of the city of Long Branch for the year 2024 summary this ordinance amends the ordinance establishing titles and setting salaries for certain city employees for the year 2024 I need a motion to introduce on a first reading advertise and post according to law and set the public hearing for December 26 2024 so moved second roll call Mr dangler yes Mr rasses yes Mrs Wiis yes Dr vote Yes Mr Vera yes motion passed public anticipation resolutions and general comments I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments so move second all in favor I oppose if there's anyone in the audience that has a comment to make please step to the podium and stay your name and address clearly for the record you'll have five minutes and may only speak once requesting one minute notification Vincent laort 33 Ocean terce Long Branch for the record Mr rown at the last council meeting November 26 you stated in response to my question about a resolution of hire for an animal control officer quote we don't do resolutions to hire employees we never did end quote Mr n for the record at that very same meeting on November 26th resolution 277 concer the hiring of special police officers class one with 10 names listed as hes and resolution 278 concerned the hiring of special police officers Class 2 with 16 names listed as highes Mr Reon I've been coming to these meetings since 2005 resolutions do occur on the hiring of employees with 288 tonight resolution concerning the SPCA contract there should be no $115,000 per year SPCA contract if the SPCA wants to hold shelter Services over the city's head the city had the more costeffective option for the taxpayers of going with a per DM basis agreement with the SPCA notwithstanding the fact that document conduct towards employees and animals of the SPCA this past year have been horrific there exist a blazing conflict of the SPCA with this city being that an SPCA Hilo officer brought criminal charges through the mohhamed County prosecutor's office against two city employees a police officer and a health department official those charges are still outstanding as baseless as they are on this alone there should be no contract with the SPCA just a few years ago when Deborah Nagel as animal control officer and a detective Dave house they both had everything under control in this city as far as animal cases and animal abuse they were 100% effective in the handling of those matters I'm going to repeat that figure 100% the court records are right across the street and they prove it council president Viera in addition to 288 resolution SPCA contract in addition to the new hire of the animal control officer are there currently two police officers now in Hilo training for animal control yes or no Mr Le want me to read the mission statement again if anyone in public has a comment to make please St the Mr are you going to answer the question yes or no no you take a paycheck and you don't answer questions what are you doing here just what are you doing here I was elected here what I was elected here I'm going to do my job for and you have no accountability to the people that elected you I don't answer questions that people don't well you don't answer quite why don't you get out you see the door if you don't want to be accountable you see the door take a hike Mr rown since he's not competent to answer the question is the city actively training two police officers for Hilo training for animal control yes or no I don't know you don't know I'm the the director of law I don't do training council president Vieira in item number seven of the SPCA contract what is the intention of the council with the wording that an impounded dog or cat shall be put up for adoption or humanely disposed of at the sole and exclusive discretion of the M cspca after a 7-Day holding period one minute notification Mr Vieira what has you mainly disposed mean do you understand the American language council president Vieira what do you think probably not all right then probably not cuz you can't seem to Fathom the thinking to answer questions mhm that's correct glad you agree glad you agree attorney r on again since council president Vieira has lacked the ability to answer questions what does humanly disposed mean of an Animal by the SPCA in this contract I'm not sure that I know but it it deals with not just an it doesn't deal with animals it deals with stray abandoned and unlicensed dogs or cats so nobody knows you enter into an agreement nobody knows I'm requesting a no vote on resolution 288 this contract by the way on the matter involved police officer and the Animal control officer we had a major development today with the SPCA the timing of this contract couldn't be worse thank you anyone [Applause] else see is not no one else I need a motion to close a public participation portion of this meeting so move second all in favor I oppose I want to ask madame cler if there is any changes to the list of the resolutions no changes have been made thank you we can take a list of list of resolutions that cons agenda so moved second rad call Mr dangler yes M Mr Ros yes Mrs witus yes Dr vot yes Mr Vieira yes motion passed all right Miss of applications I need a mo a motion to approve the list of applications renewal of various taxi cab owners license for the year 2025 so move second rad call Mr dangler yes Mr rasses yes Mrs witus yes Dr vot yes Mr Vieira yes motion passed thank you Miss laneus for business of the good of the order councilman dangler yes I'd just like to thank everyone for coming out and uh get home safe thank you councilman danger councilman rasses I'd like to congratulate the Green Team and our environmental commission for their achievements also like to thank everyone for coming out this evening thank you Council morasses councilwoman with us I too would like to thank Nan for all your work and the commission and all your achievements and thank you and Rich as well thank you for all you do and with that thank you everyone for coming out this evening be safe thank you councilwoman wit us councilwoman vog so you know what I'm going to say the same congratulations to um both of you um for the Green Team and the environmental commission and for the whole committee um for all the work that you do tirelessly and continuously um you make Long Branch proud and you make Long Branch beautiful so um our our sincere thanks to um to all of you um I also want to do um a shout out to um we had a very good meeting today um for the alliance which uh is a new effort um that the city is undertaking um it uh all has to do with addressing the uh opioid um situation and um working primarily with our youth from in in terms of prevention and um it's a it's a wonderful team that they have um working and I just want to do a shout out to all of their efforts and one other shout out to um you may have um noticed uh there's a an online newspaper tap into um tap into is uh you know a is really specialized for each municipality um so there's a tap into for Long Branch um that recently went under new management and I just want to do a shout out to uh the new person who's running it who has really focused uh articles specifically on Long Branch in a very congratulatory way so um kudos to them and um we won't be seeing you again until after Christmas and Hanukkah so a wonderful holiday wishes 23rd 23rd 23rd well I'll take that back I will take that back and pass it on to uh back to our president thank you Council mayor palone thanks council president um I just have a couple holiday events that I'd like to mention also thank you all for for being here this evening so Holiday Beach badges are on sale right now until January 31st uh there's a significant savings for seasonal badges purchased by the 31st they're sold at the rec office as well as the tax office here at City Hall please call Recreation with any uh questions our student holiday art show is currently being displayed at the Lawn branch Arts and Cultural Center that's up at Broad branchport and Broadway uh if you can stop by before uh it's it's on until January 1st uh we also have a holiday decorating contest going on right now for residences uh and business categories that on our website La branch. org for more information so it's not too late to u to uh enter that uh contest um this is something that we're doing that's new we're having a holiday craft fair with local businesses and photos with Santa it's going to be centered around the uh fire and history museum that's this Saturday from 2 to 400 p.m. located at 46 Atlantic Avenue which is on the corner of ocean Bel bouevard and Atlantic it's the new fire red fire Museum and finally uh our Hanukkah celebration and manur lighting will be held on December 30th that's a Sunday 5:00 at the new Senior Center 842nd Avenue join us for Refreshments music and activities and again thank you again for being here and have a great week thank you mayor palone I have a uh just uh council president I just want to note something for the record we introduced ordinance 0 26-24 uh and it was incorrectly stated that the next meeting the public hearing would be on December 26 2024 that would be December 23rd 2024 and we have enough time to do advertising right yes y just for the record thank you I also want to thank everyone for coming out tonight it's nice to have the audience and um I want to some want to Echo with the fellow councilman on the Green Team and environmental team and I want to touch a little bit when don't answer Mr Lor's questions because I was raised from a large family and if there's no respect you can't give respect to us up there he doesn't have to reserve this back um um you should have respect for the the people that sit up here uh we go out of our ways he says we making a paycheck uh yes we do get paid but it just covers ours our expenses uh we're not going to go go any further with that so I I will not re answer any of his questions uh you know respect is needed it to be given back and if he needs these questions really answered we have a council questions with the council every the first Wednesday of every month so he can come in he's welcome and I'll be there answering his question if you want to with our Administration and our lawyer and all this stuff or whoever he wants he just wants to come out here and make a name for himself and um with that I want to say good night and thanks for coming I need a motion to close so move to Second all in favor I oppose thank you good night okay okay okay