##VIDEO ID:mTnAtNd5luU## the September 25th 2024 council meeting of the Long Branch city council will now come to order Road call Mr dangler is absent Dr vote here Mrs witus here Dr Sy is absent Mr Vieira I'm here let's all please stand for pledge allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible in liberty and justice for all I will now read the admission statement of the city council The Long Branch mayor city council and administrations are committed to cultivating an environment of mutual trust and respect the all values the diversity of our community we will strive to enhance the quality of life for all who live here by making long French desirable place in which to live and prosper we will treat all members of the public with respect and expect the same in return I hereby certify that this meeting has been published in the newspaper in accordance with the open public meeting act and posted as required by law thank you we'll now have the presentation by the Hispanic herriage month presented by The Long Branch public schools good evening city council mayor I'd like to present you to uh Mrs Haiti Castillo and our colleagues to who she happens to be the bilingual uh supervisor for grades K through 8 and our children have a special presentation for you this evening just a few moments come on down Miss Casio if you wouldn't mind and introduce the children thank you consel for having us tonight come over this side ladies this you're going to read on this microphone we have a proclamation to share with you tonight I hope you enjoy whereas each year the United States serves National Hispanic Heritage Month by celebrating the culture Heritage and countless contribution of those whose ancestors were indigenous to North America as well as those who came from Spain Mexico the Caribbean Central America and South America and whereas as a Latino population in the United States is currently the third largest world wide exceeding the size of the population in every Latino America and Caribbean country upset Mexico and Brazil and the B of the centus stat the Hispanic population living in the continental United States at 62.1 million Mak Hispanics Americans almost 18% of the total population of the United States and the largest Russia ofic minority group in the United State and whereas the Hispanic Heritage Month began in 1968 under the President Johnson and was extended by the president region in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting September 15th and ending October 15 to cover the various anniversary dates of the independence for the Latino American countries of Costa Rica es Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Mexico and Chile and whereas Hispanic Heritage Month encourage us to reflect on the legacy of Hispanic people who have influenced our nation history and serve today as leaders in all aspects in our national life from the Supreme Court and Halls of Congress to boardrooms and Main Streets across all the United States and those who serve all branches of the Armed Force and have fought bravely in every war in the history of the United States and for as we recognize the Deep commitment to family and community and enduring we and enduring work ethic and perseverance to succeed and contribute to society and honor the many ways that his panics have enraged the fabric of our society while also eradicating ourself to address the lack of equal access to opportunity that many still faces now there be it be resolved by The seing Counselor of the city of L branch that they would hardly recognize the celebration of the Hispanic Heritage Month and urges the people of the United States and L Branch to observe the Hispanic Heritage Month with appreciate programs activities that celebrate the conations of the Latinos to the United States thank you beautiful thank and here we present Kevin I don't know if I can move the microphone down here Kevin you want to come on your's address the audience on this there you go you want to ince yourself first good evening everybody my name is Kevin I'm 9 years old and I'm going to sing a song for you guys I hope you guys love it [Music] fore [Music] speee [Music] foree speee [Music] [Music] spee [Music] [Music] foreign foree [Music] [Music] [Music] P for thee [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow thank you beautiful thank you yeah great job we will now have the recognition of Jean hashen please come on up good to see [Music] hi good evening uh it's a tough act to follow um I first off with all the guards here uh and with Jean I just want to say thank you uh for all you've done over the years I see some younger guards and some older guards and uh as a beach goer all my life I just really appreciate everything that you did and do um and Jean thank you for everything 48 years you've been on the beach if I'm not mistaken correct so uh that's great um I wanted to say something just on a personal note um and that is my we for those who don't know Long Branch had a has a shared service agreement with with deal and with Ocean Township and uh my son was a a rookie I don't know Jean if you even knew who he was but he he he was a uh rookie 16-year-old rookie this year and uh and I would ask him like how'd your day go especially when the training and he would say well you know Mr hessen's very tough I like okay and uh but but you know I could see that he appreciated and it was challenging and I must say that you know look he's only 16 so what do I know but he was really so proud uh to be a lifeguard and what I saw in him and I don't want to make this about him because it's about you but what I saw him is an increase in in confidence he was a quiet kid um uh he um responsible uh leadership uh but most of all I think he understood the responsibility of the job and all of those things were were attributed to you really um and uh you know it's for whatever he does or whatever any of you do after lifeguarding or continue lifeguarding you know it's like a life lesson and again I just want to thank you for that because I think that's why he is what he is thank you thank you J thank you again all right this certificate is presented to Jean hon Dr Jean hon for all their dedication leadership and service to the city of Long Branch and the Beach Community since 1976 we thank you for your in initiatives during your leadership in the MTH County chapter of the United States of life saving Association and for establishing the Long Branch ocean rescue lifeguard Academy which has trained over 250 lifeguards since 2011 2011 we wish you the very best upon your retirement and the rest assure that your legacy will continue to inspire and protect for years to come presented this the 25th day of September 2024 thank you thank you I I just want to say thanks to all the people over the years that helped me with the academy Bill kiss Rick Stimson uh Brian gleon Lance Marsh uh Danny everybody it takes a village to train a lifeguard and uh I can't thank you enough thank you very much thank you reading of approval of of the previous minutes I need a motion to approve the minutes of September 11 2024 so moved second Road call please Mr dangler is absent vote Yes Mrs whtas yes Dr Sy is absent Mr dangler Mr Vier I'm sorry yes motion passed consideration of ordinance public hearing and final consideration ordinance 0-1 17-24 ordinance amending chapter 45 fire department section 45-3 officers powers and duties and 45-45 Fighters uniform fire division ufd this order was introduced on September 11th 2024 and amends chapter 45 fire department section 45-3 and 45-4 to update the titles to the command officers for the uniform fire division we need a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved second second before the public hearing comes I'm going to ask L rayon to do an explanation on this ordinance uh council president I just wanted um just for the Public's benefit and to um reiterate something that I said before this ordinance was introduced this is an ordinance that was comp a companion to the approval of the um collective bargaining agreement with the uniform fire officers we are we are merely changing the titles um from uh lieutenants to captains and captains to Battalion to battalion chief there's one battalion chief um we don't change the um or order of authority within the uh ordinance at all it's just merely that title change and it was to make the ordinance consistent with what the collective bargaining agreement will now read it doesn't affect the um relationship between the volunteers and the paid fire division at all uh so it's just merely a uh a literally a title change um and by the way in the contract um as we talked about last time when the contract was approved there isn't an increase in Pay As a result of these change in titles or just merely a change in literally literally just a change in the title thank you Mr REO you're welcome if any member of the public has any comments to make on this ordinance only please come to the podium state your name and address and clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak Once on This ordinance [Music] 1724 is anybody in the public have a comment to make since there's none I need a motion to close so moved second all in favor I I this this is the second reading forance 17-24 I need a motion to adopt on a second and the final reading and advertise according to law so moved second roll call Mr dangler is absent Dr vote Yes Mrs whtas yes Dr s is absent Mr Vieira yes motion passed ordinance for introduction there's none public participation and resolutions in all General cont Ms I need a motion to open the public portion of the meeting for all comments Some Mo second all in favor I fose if there's anyone in the audience that has a comment to make please step to the podium and state your name and address clearly for the record you will have five minutes and may only speak once vincon laort 33 o terce Long Branch requesting one minute notification council president Viera you appear to thank the fire officials at most every council meeting for their attendance it leads want to take a position that you are familiar what is occurring in the fire department that being said with the just recent ordinance adopted by this Council 1724 concerning positions in the fire department there are questions in addition to Mr Ron's explanation of how this relates to volunteer firefighters which brings about this question Mr Vieira why were the volunteer firefighters not afforded the opportunity to do training on the two houses used for fire training behind mammit University Police Headquarters Mr Vieira who is responsible for that banning of the training of the volunteers at those two facilities um Mr laort I have to tell you that um when I mentioned the public portion is the comic portion if we will want to answer your questions we will at the end this is your you can do your comments if you want to so you take a paycheck and you show up at a meeting and you promote transparency but you don't answer questions this is a comment portion I want an answer to this question or the next council meeting I'm going to fill this room up with volunteer firefighters Mr Vieira you could do what you have to do Mr leor this is a common por well every one of them is watching you right now tonight okay I'm not I'm not I'm not doing and I'll invite them to come here to address you in response to the controversial matters involving the mammoth County SPCA over the past few months at the September 12th 2024 meeting of of the mammoth County Commissioners attorney Fitzgerald attorney to the Commissioners read the following statement quote recently a change in the law has transferred the law enforcement functions from the SPCA back to the mammoth County prosecutor's office it is the county commissioner's understanding that the SPCA may enter into an agreement to provide services to the prosecutor's office director accordingly the county shared services agreement with the SPCA will be terminated end quote that statement renders the SPCA without law enforcement ability many of us knew all along the illegalities by the then spca's Humane law enforcement Division and bringing unfounded charges against the city police officer and a City Health Department official resulting in indefinite layoffs the then Humane law enforcement division failed to bring charges against the owner and for that matter the SPCA itself involving the dog fatality to which the two city employees were dispatched too the county commissioner's response to the matters surrounding the SPCA is a beginning a lot more work needs to be done both administratively and legally to clean house at the SPCA without question likewise this city will be terminating any contract with the SPCA you've had too many warnings and too many failures another question council president Vieira on September 12th 2024 the State Health Department Ser notice notification to the mammoth County SPCA that it cannot fully close down the facility for two weeks for deep cleaning the state ordered it to be open un Limited hours council president Vieira why did the city's Health Department as a party to this City's contract with the SPCA failed to monitor the hygiene of that facility where animals from Long Branch were transported in health the answer Mr Vieira I'll give you the answer by now when you write your notes don't write any questions for me cuz I'm not going to answer any of your questions you're a very ignorant individual Mr VI and your ignorance and arrogance is being seen throughout city law you're going to have to look at me for the next year uh I got news for you you are Mr non-transparent that's what you are you are the failure of the palone team in transparency because you are non-transparent all right I respect motor of junk government Viera and you exemplify junk government anyone else thank you I need a motion to close some moved second council president sure just to CL can I clarify real quick sure so just you know the houses that uh came down the volunteer chief chief bud and Captain no now Chief Griffin um both coordinated that together and both had equal opportunities as a matter of fact a bunch of volunteers are going tomorrow and I know they were invited today so they did have opportunity to go and and chief bud can set it up anytime he wants to take a crew down there right thanks thanks I know I ask Madame clerk if there is any uh changes to the list of resolutions no changes have been made we could take a list of resolutions and consider agenda so moved second phot call Mr dangler is absent Dr vote Yes Mrs witus yes Dr Stell is absent Mr Vieira yes motion passed applications is none miscellaneous business for the good of the order Council women councilwoman vote thank you council president so aren't our students amazing they you just can't help but be so proud of them as they are so proud of their Heritage and so happy to be representing their Heritage in front of us it's just I I love it love it um let me um bring your attention to resolution [Music] 233-242 our city and that is entering into um an agreement for um arrive together which as our director explained and director please if I omit anything or don't get it right please correct me um is um for our police officer and a trained mental health professional to arrive together for certain calls because so many times uh what comes in as a police call can really be a mental health uh situation or something better handled by uh or I shouldn't say better handled more appropriately handled by a social worker so the fact that we are entering into this agreement I think is just a tremendous um asset for our Police Department tremendous of tremendous value for uh for our city I don't know if you want to add any comments to it I I agree 100% uh Long Branch has been one of the early adopters uh of this program and uh we think that it'll uh definitely lead to um as it the program is designed uh police having other options uh when they receive these types of calls and the calls being handled uh by appropriate mental health officials and we should see a reduction in the number of calls or repetitive calls that the officers have to constantly respond to so it allow uh more police officers to be available for other services wonderful thank you you okay nope I want to have one more thing president and that is congratulations to uh our Green Team and our environmental Council for all the sorry environmental commission for all the work that they do because Long Ranch has again been awarded a civil silver level certification uh for a sustainable Jersey they're very um hardworking dedicated group um and um they they do Long Branch proud with the work that they do thank you thank you council president councilwoman with us uh yes I'd like to thank everyone for coming this evening and um the students were amazing and uh we're grateful to the LA brge board of education for participating in our meetings each month and I'd like to also congratulate um Dr hashen for all the years that he's served our city and we truly you know appreciate him and he will be missed and thank you for everyone for coming tonight thank you thank you mayor palom thank you council president I just had a couple announcements I wanted to make thank you to everyone who um made the Uptown Broadway Festival a success it was our first year and we look forward to continuing this event uh every year in the future uh I wanted to just remind everybody that Long Branch day is this Saturday at September 28th from 1 to 4 p.m. right here um between City Hall and the library join us for food kid activities music and local vendors and also um Halloween is back at Jackson Woods for the annual event Jacko Lantern Woods it's free includes trick-or-treating food and activities for children uh this event is October 26th from 2: to 4:00 p.m. and I just wanted to add that we're adding to the fund by opening up the um uh fire and history Museum just down the road so we're going to have some activities and some treats for the kids there as well so anybody who hasn't seen the museum it's an opportunity to stop in uh we're going to have some interesting things to do there as well have a good week thank you all for being here thank you and I also want to thank the Board of Education and Mrs Castillo for the bringing out the students they were wonderful and they were amazing is right and I also want to congratulate um thank Mr hashen Dr hashen for for all this service for the city of La Branch for a lot of years and um want a big shout out to the life guards our here because they do an amazing job with the city this year with the lifeguards I know they they've been at work even last week I think they saved somebody on the ocean there and uh a big shout out to them because they did an amazing job so with that I want to say good night and thank you for coming I like a motion to close so moved second all in favor I I POS thank you