##VIDEO ID:0_UjL4sUZ_8## e e e Scott Estes Katie mclennen in the annual election held on November 5th 2024 the following individual was elected to serve on the board of education for a one-year time Crystal Mark congratulations we're now going to do the swearing in of new board memb numbers um if we come down to the front we'll do you one at a time if you bring down your yes your little there's a little she yeah there's one sheet there that you have to read this sheet uh yep that's it oh this one now it's a big one one okay yeah oh God I'm I will support States conratulations I Danielle do swear that I will support the of the United States and of the state of newey I will bear true faith and Al the en governments established in the United States and St of help I do swear that I possess Theif prescribed by law for the office of member of a Bo of education and that I will Faithfully partially andly perform all the duties of that according to the best of my ability so help me congratulations that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will to the and to the government esta in the United States St the of people iar iif for of and we will now do roll call Mrs Butler here Mrs Daly here Mr Foster here Mr Groff here Dr Mah here Mrs mclennon here miss Nyquist here Mrs case here I also want to mention Mr estevez's paperwork is not come through yet so he will be sworn in at a later date that welcome we will now have nominations for the president Kim Cas second third are there any other nominations can I have a motion to close nominations motion to close they have a second on second that roll call Mrs Butler yes Mrs Daly yes Mr Foster yes Mr grof yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclennon yes Mrs Nyquist yes Mrs case yes I do think you congratulations prove yourself yeah thank you okay thank you everybody happy New Year moving to uh the next item um we are in the election of the board vice president um can I have any nominations I nominate an Butler second any other nominations okay motion to close the nominations so moved second roll call Mrs Butler yes Mrs daily yes Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclenon yes M Nyquist yes Mrs case yes congratulations okay keeping it going uh Communications um I just know we had one email I don't know Mr Alexis if you just want to report on it sure sure sure uh we the board received an email asking about um when the 2025 26 Calendar would be approved Mrs case and I each responded um and as you know the it's on the agenda we pointed out that it was available on Friday afternoon on the website thank you um board committee and liaison reports uh we'll start with Karen okay uh finance committee did not me per se but we uh all the bills were checked and the transfers Etc so everything is okay to be approved anything other else that has to be reported will be done by Robin during her report on December 11th there was a meeting of the at Services Commission I guess two things um I know we'll be approving it at the next meeting which is this Wednesday they have their new rates of service for the coming year and the rates of increase go from zero mostly 0 1.9 and two but there are one or two the rates that go to 3 or 4% unfortunately um also it was a discussion about the consideration that some certain buses that transport students you know the smaller Siz buses that the drivers do not need a commercial driver's licenses however there have been no guidelines or uh even a skeletal potential contract to deal with vendors Etc so in light of not having good guidance so and to check uh I guess to to protect themselves liability wise they're uh the ESC is only sticking with CDL Drivers okay uh we had a governance meeting and um what we did with that is uh we actually got together a list of the individuals and groups that are going to get a direct invite to the planning sessions and George is going to continue to highlight um the the sessions and the times Etc in the emails and the appropriate blasts that go out to the school Community um I I sent subsequently I sent a note and hope it got to all the previous committee chairs um uh governance did review their responsibilities as posted on the website there'll be a final review come the next meeting but it really is important for all the Committees to just look at them because you know we found out we saw one or two things that weren't relevant to us and just to get them cleaned up uh the role of the committee chair you see we did have a first reading there were some comments they were Incorporated uh then there are some additional comments so it's not on for a second reading this time the new governance committee will be reviewing it and then it'll be on for the next one uh two quick things there's going to be a new self-evaluation tool this year and uh it'll be available sometime in January uh Charlene will let me know when and the governance committee is actually going to look at it prior to release and use by the board just so we get a feel for what it is it's supposed to be simplified and easier to understand um okay now a question came up and uh to get some guidance on terms of contact with uh administrators and I'll just use basically our guidance comes from George you know our first Contact has been with George and based on his what he provides Us in terms of you know we can move ahead or an individual on the board or a committee chair can move ahead to speak with an administrator for example uh in particular let's say go agenda item uh developing an agenda for a committee meeting it really is going to be put together by George and the appropriate administrator who's representative on the committee and then sent out and if the anyone on the committee or the committee chair's comments they have they should come back through George Etc um the two committees that will operate a little bit differently are policy and governance because they're more directly um related to the board the board operation itself so the committee chair will work with George directly to develop the agenda again getting feedback from the committee you know once it's out um and to to make things I guess well to provide us with better tracking and better information all minutes and agendas uh for committees should go out go out through George that's it and then this way Liz can keep track of it could be in our board folder and we have a good record of everything so that's all there is folks and depending I don't know when the next governance meeting will be I have a feeling you will be in the no soon um okay um any questions for Karen yeah we're just get your hair done looks nice does look great God thank you very I appreciate everybody's kind words I really do New Year New You am I how R am I I get no thank you very very much I got some very nice compl from you guys I appreciate it okay Daniel um okay so as uh for the Comm Community Relations Committee we uh decided to forego the December meeting we're going to reconvene in January once we figure out who the chair is um and we'll be you know touching the face with GE in regarding to the agenda items um and then as for the PTO liaison uh looks like they okay so January 16th there will be a fundraiser at Panera Bread coming up uh so please come out that day and help support them um also on the 31st January 31st there's going to be the talent show um there will also be merchandise there for sale so that will help them out um with fundraising then in the future there will be the Harlem Wizards so please get your tickets now because they always sell out um and then future looking more forward there will be a glow another glow dance which is super exciting yeah um and then the next meeting uh for the PTO it looks like uh the executive board meeting will be at 6 pm at the L Hill Township Public Library on January 22nd and then there will be a social hour on January 29th at 6:15 at the Millington school and then right afterward would be the general meeting at 700 p.m. at Millington that's all okay um any questions for Danielle no okay great Crystal nothing to report this month okay and nothing to report all righty Tom nothing to report this month y January nothing to rep okay Katie hi um nothing to report in regards to Billings and grounds um and for the lill Ed Foundation our uh winter Force classes begin tomorrow tomorrow um at uh Gillette and Millington and we have um our upcoming meeting on January 20th it's virtual and it's at 800m okay thank you um I my only question would be about transition reports for chairs did everybody submit those Karen or no that's I I apologize I didn't bring that up remind everybody they're really important because when a new chair comes onto the committee at least they have something to work with and they can really start working right away versus trying to figure out what they should be doing so it's very important so if you could all make an effort to do that and again it can be uh brought in through would you rather have it through the governance or through you George or what just send it to George yeah George okay yeah that was gonna be my question because when I I touched faceb keep to find out when if I was going to submit one because I didn't know if I was going to be a chair again for the same committee and why would I submit a summary to myself so for posterity number one so that just because and then because you just never know what is going to happen we don't know who's going to be the chairs I promise you once you start to fill it out it's not as hard as you think it is I think it sounds like more tedious than it is once you put in a couple of those minutes and you kind of look at like what you did it'll be easy to fill out the other things and what Karen does at least with governance um she shares it with everybody and says like what do you guys think so then you can have your committee members weigh in and take a little bit of the burden off of you but just try to take I I I bet you it won't take you more than 25 minutes if you sat down to do it so just do those uh guys and get those into George because um the next committees for 2025 could be meeting in the next like two to three weeks right so we just want to have those and just lock them up okay um superintendent report okay thank you good evening everyone happy New Year uh first congratulations to Danielle Katie Crystal and Scott on their election to the board I wish all of you the best and thank you for your service uh but given that it's Schoolboard recognition month let me also thank all of you for serving as excellent role models for our students thank you for your continued Service as a followup to last week's heating issue at milington school psng was able to repair the flow valve under the road last Thursday afternoon the heat was restored and we were able to resume school on Friday morning uh the 2025 26 Calendar is on the agenda uh as a reminder the calendar is substantially similar to this year's but we moved one professional development day from October to August so there are three days of PD before Labor Day we also reduce the emergency closing days to three from four which allows us to keep schools closed on January 2nd and um end the year the third week of June on the topic of Calendars our former student 8th grade student uh Central School ASA Chang will enjoy the honor of having her artwork included in the 2025 New Jersey Division of fire safety calendar congratulations to ASA and her art teachers Mrs Dunn and Mrs con I'm pleased to report that later this month we will begin our after school math tutoring program and I thank our teachers for supporting our efforts uh the approval of the teachers teaching those courses and tutoring uh in math after school is on the agenda also uh also on the agenda a resolution authorizing the submission of a qac equivalency waiver okay qac student performance calculations in the instruction and program domain are changing next school year essentially the state is modifying the formula for measuring performance by weighing the science score less and the student Ela and math growth measures more they are making this new formula available to the district undergoing qac this year but an equivalency waiver needs to be board approved and submitted to the county by February 1st the county superintendent drafted the waiver application and we revised it for our use the equivalency waiver was discussed with the cusac committee and the association's leadership the application was shared with the board and posted publicly with the agenda which remains on the district website we invite public comment this evening to give a little bit more context the state is not sharing our official performance scores with us until January 15th we calculated our scores based on both formulas in the qac manual and have determined that the new formula yields a slightly higher score so we plan to submit the waiver it would have been better of course if we had the official scores um before being forced to make a decision but I'm confident this step is in the best interest of the district uh let's see last the uniform State memorandum of agreement between education and law enforcement officials is on the agenda this is the annual approval and I have to say again that I'm so pleased with the assistance we received from The Long Hill Police and that's it for me I'll turn it over to Robin thank you for your attention Okay business administrators report um first thing I want to mention is that with flu season upon us we've asked buildings and grounds in Mark and DKI um to go around with the electri Strat electrostatic sprayer again and they're doing all heavily touched surfaces they're trying to do the surfaces two or three times a week to try to keep the fluid Bay in our schools that um uh you'll notice on resolution number 44 that we've added the uncommon thread um as over $44,000 you approved the contract last month this is because we needed one to1 Aid fulltime we advertised we're still advertising and we were not able to find one so uncommon thread was able to supply and aid for us so that has been added to the agenda um we also added bayata Home Health Care Services of Morris Plains as a providers of nursing staffing because we're having trouble finding substitute nurses to go on trips in just a substitute for our nurse and we do need a sub nurse so we've added them to to the agenda uh so that if we can't find a substitute nurse on our list we do have someplace else to get a nurse that um number 4 six is is one um about the rod Grant if you all remember we went out to bid on the rod Grant the bids came back they were $270,000 over budget so we rejecting all the bids and we are rebidding it the bids will come in again on January 22nd um and we'll see where we go from there so hopefully we'll get some good bids and that's the business administrator report okay yeah I mean all you know just out there like what if that happens again I mean so we have to just keep going out no we don't that so we'll do that another time um we are also at this point looking at our safe contract ADV venders and that we're going to see if we can go from there if we don't get it but B bidding is really the way we're we have to try first yeah okay okay so we only we going to do try twice we try twice okay yeah thank you any other questions is that delay to start or um minorly I it just came back so it's not it's not so bad that we were disappointed though the um the architect was really stunned at how how high they came in that so keep our fingers crossed any other questions okay thank you okay uh any comments from the public on agenda items no okay okay the next item uh is a resolution from the school board uh School SCH boards the recognition month I think we should read it out loud because I'm sure you know not everybody's looking at the agenda um so maybe we can just kind of go CLA by Clause I'll just kind of help facilitate um Karen can you start with the first whereas sure whereas the New Jersey school boards Association has declared January 2025 to be school board recognition month a time when all residents can acknowledge the contributions made by our local school board members and Daniel whereas the lill township board of education is one of 581 local school boards in New Jersey which sets policies and overseas operations for public school districts and whereas the longh Hill Township Board of Education Embraces the goal of high quality education for all New Jersey public school students and whereas New Jersey's local school board helps determine the educational goals for approximately 1.4 million children in Pre kindergarten through 12th grade and whereas New Jersey's 5,000 local school board members who receive no re remuneration thanks for that sorry for their services act as advocates for public school students as they work with administrators teachers and parents for the betterment of P public education and whereas School Board strive to provide the resources necessary to meet the needs of all students including those with special needs and whereas Boards of Education provide accountability to the public they communicate the needs of the school district to the public and they convey to school administrators The public's expectation for the school and back to you Karen oh whereas New Jersey can take pride in its schools which rank among the nation's best in key achievement indicators such as the national assessment of educational progress scores and the preparation for college through advanced placement offerings and sat assessments now therefore be it resolved that the Longhill Township Board of Education does hereby recognize the services of local school board members throughout New Jersey As We join communities Statewide in observing January 2025 a school board recognition month and be it further resolved that the Longhill Township Board of Education urges all New Jersey citizens to work with their local school boards of education and the public school staff to the advancement of our children's education thank you can I have a motion to adopt so moved second four any questions okay roll call Mrs Butler yes Mrs Dy yes Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mcclanan yes Mrs Nyquist yes Mrs case yes okay next uh resolutions for reorganization it's going to be items number two through 29 Karen will you move those in so moved second pick any questions Mrs yep Mrs Butler yes Mrs daily yes Mr fost yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclenon yes M Nyquist yes Mrs case yes okay next is the adoption of the New Jersey school boards Association board member code of ethics um item number 30 I I think we should also read this end to the record um I can start with just the resolve that the Long Hill Township Board of Education upon the recommendation of the superintendent adopts and agrees to abide by the New Jersey school boards Association board member code of ethics as set forth in njsa 18a col 12- 24.1 the code of ethics we'll start with Karen again I will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought about only through legal and ethical procedures Daniel I will make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of CH children and will seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability race Creed sex or social standing I will confine my board action to policym planning and appraisal and I will help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted those who will be affected by them I will carry out my responsibility not to administer the schools but together with my fellow board members to see that they are well-run I'll do one I will recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education and will make no personal promises nor take any private action they may compromise the board I will refuse to Sur render my independent judgment to special interest or partisan political groups or to use the schools for personal gain or for the gain of friends I will hold confidential all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters I will provide accurate information and in concert with my fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspiration of the community for its school I will vote to appoint the best qualified Personnel available after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer Karen I will support and protect School Personnel in proper performance of their duties Daniel I will refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and will act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution all right motion to adopt so moved second could pick probably anybody I'll pick okay roll call yes Mrs Butler yes Mrs Dy yes Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclennon yes M nist yes Mrs Cas yes you'll find that there's um aign assign sheets for you on these um in your packet at the end if we could just pass them all to me hand okay um okay resolutions uh under the regular order of business uh minutes number 31 Daniel will you move those in minutes 31 uh so move second any questions roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs daily yes Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclenon yes M nist yes case yes um financials crystal remov in items number 32 through 47 so moved second any questions roll call Mrs Butler yes this daily yes Mr Foster yes Mr grof yes Dr Mar yes Mrs mlon does this go to 41 I'm confused yes through 47 okay I need to abstain from 41 please okay yes M Nyquist yes M case yes okay Personnel an will you move in numbers 48 through 62 so moved second any questions I'm sorry who's who was first on that oh I moved it you moved I second okay I'm sorry any questions okay roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs Dy yes Mr Foster yes Mr goov yes Dr Mah yes this nanet yes nist yes yes okay um Tom will you move in curriculum number 63 so moved second any questions roll call Mrs Butler yes Mrs daily yes Mrs Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes Mrs mclenon yes M Mist yes Mrs case yes all right um Jesse move will you move in policy number 64 and 65 so moved second any questions yes okay on um policy the 51457 gender identity and expression um it comes complete with uh definitions uh one of which is cisgender which I personally find offensive um I was wondering if that could be stricken or that is by state code and also it includes um following organizations Provide support to transgender individuals that's all well and good but I don't know that that is if it gerine to a policy and if that should not be in some other Avenue for for the people who need it um Justin do you have any comments on behalf of the policy committee uh we made I'll U look to Crystal for we made no changes from previous years and this is the exact same as was approved by last year that's correct and um so there were no changes made it's the same policy that we moved in Prior and um it is it is mandated and per code so the we can't we cannot stri cisgender other questions can I just continue and what about this additional information that's also part of the policy what are you referring to Tom I'm sorry right right after yes those the crost references and then here's this following information it's just it's just information it has nothing to do with the policy itself it's titles and topics and all kinds of things and that's great but I don't see that any other policies for anybody else who needs any kind of help I don't see anything for crippled children I don't see for anything anywhere else for anybody who needs it so I'm wondering why this is part of the policy why is it different than any other policy so Tom I don't I don't have in front of me exactly what you're referring to so I can't I can't speak to that um but if it's a but if it is a if it is a resource list then um the resource list is provided by the New Jersey Department of Education but must it be included in the policy it could be this policy is we took this from a model policy from school boards so I would I wouldn't advise changing it in any way okay any other questions okay uh roll call Mrs Butler yes Mrs Dy yes Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes excuse me amended uh yes to all but the policy I just me I just mentioned 51 45.7 I'm sorry give me the number again 50 51 45.7 Mrs McCannon yes M Nyquist yes Mrs case yes okay Katie will you move in other numbers 66 to 70 so moved second that was Crystal on the second any questions okay roll call Mrs Butler yes Mrs daily yes Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes Mrs McCannon yes nist yes this case yes okay thank you uh any items for discussion any unfinished business I don't know whether would be items for discussion but I just uh we we passed those resolutions dealing with the code of ethics and the pledge so I just encourage everybody to just review it so we're going to really try to work towards really doing everything on there so it's not easy it's hard but if we can really get it all together it would be great um the other thing is uh what's really important is as soon as the new chairs and the new committees can get together as soon as you could decide on your yearly schedule schedule uh that would be of great benefit to everybody so I just put that on your agenda so to speak thank you that's all okay thank you any other unfinished business uh new business okay and I apologize for not mentioning this sooner but um January um was newly named um Muslim American um awareness am month um it's a brand new statute never been recognized before so I think Muslim awareness mod um I think that's kind of since it's brand new um as a board as a board member I'd like to just acknowledge it to the community thank you thank you uh any other thoughts I'll just tack on a little bit to what Karen said about the Committees so I'm going to send out a form you guys probably remember from most from last year it's going to ask you like what your preferences are what committees have you served on would you like to be a chair what are your preferred times of meeting we kind of take those into consideration and we look at you know I look at everybody's request you know there's a lot of committees and not a lot of board members so you know hopefully just take it with the with um you know you're really serving the community so think about it that way I know not everybody's going to get like their top choices um I do try to um move people around a little bit so that there's different levels of exposure Ure to all the different topics but we also have certain expertise areas and like I have to have people who have that knowledge and expertise uh in certain area so um I will do my very best and know that you know next year's always another year and we can kind of go from there um so I will send that out tonight and ask that you guys fill it out uh maybe by like if you could do it by Wednesday a pretty quick turnaround just so we could keep it keep the momentum going okay any comments from the public I'm going to read this at this point the Board of Education welcomes comments from any member of the public on any topic please note that as per board policy number 1120 a total of 15 minutes is allocated for public comments at any single board meeting in order to provide residents the opportunity to comment individual speakers are limited to 3 minutes each at any particular board meeting the board May extend these time limits at its discretion any questions should be directed to the board president and depending upon the nature and complexity of the question it may or may not be answered during the meeting by the administration if so the response would occur after this public portion of the meeting has concluded everyone has the freedom to speak but please be advised that anything said in public may have legal ramifications and there is no protection regarding statements made by the public please state your name and address before you begin I'm Lauren Franklin I'm president of the Long Hill Township Education Association I've been a staff member here for 27 years um I was call coming tonight because I wanted to talk about the adding of a preschool class that we're planning to do I know it was talked about at the last meeting um the preschool adding another preschool class um is adding another class sigil at school so I came to ask tonight what is the plan from the board going forward we're adding another class you have to think about you let school it's about a 10 PB box that we already have 15 pounds in and now we're putting 20 pounds in different perspective to think about we basically have three almost three grade levels there which is about 40 students less than you have at Central School think about the size of those buildings what is your plan for the art teacher and the counselor that already share a room and the speech teacher that we already have flying around the building that doesn't have a place to go so now we're just going to displace more people so I'm just questioning what is the plan is it trailers are we redoing the board office and rented a house I've got a million ideas okay that if if that is it but I think their plan needs to be I've been here 27 years and when we got to this point before there was a referendum forth if we needed space maybe we need to restructure but there are answers out there but we need a plan rather than just shoving more pounds into the small box so I'm hoping this board can come up with something because three years ago there was a group that walked around and decided we couldn't add a class in 2021 to Gillette school so now three years later nothing's changed but we can still add the class in a place where we couldn't fit it before so I'm here to speak for the teachers that are being displaced out of rooms and have nowhere to go go to teach because we need to add another class so is it a referendum are we going up on Gillette you get us a trailer Senior Center lots of ideas hopefully you have some for us thank you okay Ann will you move us into executive session oh do you have another oh I'm sorry um can you just state your name uh and address before you begin sure my name is Christina malion I live in Sterling on Railroad venue um my requ my my questions are um similar to Mrs Franklin so I was on that committee that met 3 years ago um my vested interest is that I have three very small young children in the district my youngest being in first grade um so uh to Echo what Mrs Franklin said our previous findings were just that we we toured all three District uh all three schools in the district um we met with all the principes we spoke with staff in all three buildings and we were really trying to think outside of the box um so um I don't know where those minutes from that committee went but I know that Mrs cologne also sat on it with us um and she um she she I feel like documented a lot of it so maybe they exist somewhere but um in regards to that there was limited space in all three schools um we looked at where the boards housed we looked at restructuring the the senior center we looked at the cost of adding a classroom in both supplies facilities such as bathrooms sinks um the handwashing stations which are as you know know State mandated um and the structure and the Staffing of both teacher and support staff which is something the district already struggles with um the loss to the Primary students of first uh and second graders that are State mandated uh and kindergarten on on the loss of a cart or music moving from classroom to classroom the lack of interaction the goal of the board if I'm not mistaken is to increase attendance at school and as we know children learn so differently and the loss of the ability to have the manipulatives and the items needed to be more successful as an artist or as a future um um pianist or the exposure starts now so um and as a former educator myself who specializes in Early Education I think that we're seeing more and more time in a seat right we're given 30 minutes of outdoor recess that doesn't include the children's commute time Inn out right we're taking more and more more they're they're the I ready is starting younger we're seeing more times on the screen so um I think especially in that early childhood realm in Gillette school to be taking things from the first graders and the kindergarteners such as art and music and shoving them in classrooms with the children who need support services and the speech teacher who doesn't have the ability to have a site wall or her um items needed his or her items needed for the success of all the students that the pop that the district serves um I think that that's also um important to mention we looked at the grant there's a grant through the state of New Jersey which allowed for um basically renting space from centers that had empty space that would allow us to house you know house in their uh uh local preschools if you will um which have all the manipulatives in the space and the square footage necessary for this age group um and that was during the P that was coming out of the pandemic this this committee which I believe Danielle U Mrs Daly was on sorry um and Katie uh we we we worked together and you know um it was different coming out of the pandemic people were still keeping their little ones home so uh we worked with a lot of child care facilities in the area and there was a lot more space we're not seeing that trending anymore of course because people have returned to work and things so um I just wasn't sure before there was any formal decisions and and selfishly um in a few years I will have a kindergarten and hopefully a potential prek 3er and I don't want my kindergartner to suffer for the sake of a spot from my pre3 care I'm going to be right there um and I don't want my daughter to not have the same experience my son is having at Gillette School currently due to trying to fit another class now of course I understand that children test in the child study team we have to provide services as they're needed at the element uh Early Childhood level um and the legality of all of that and thereby we need we need we need General ed students as well which is a term I hate um and but but we need we need the the plan in the Continuum so I just was hoping that the board was um open to the idea of possibly exploring another committee which included parents from the community to hear our concerns directly um like I said selfishly I'll have a kindergarten in jillette school and potentially a prek 3er and I'm a licensed teacher I need of a job um wow if we could all be on the same calendar what a miracle that would be um but any anyway um so those were the concerns and I didn't I I worked so hard on that committee and I know we were heard so well um and I hope that if before a definitive decision is made we look at all angles for the best opportunities for all of our kids which is really why you're all sitting these chairs thank you so much thank you thank you very much okay um Ann will you move us into executive session the board will enter into a private executive session to discuss confidential student matters subject to attorney client privilege action may be taken following the executive session uh second motion second okay all in favor I any opposed extensions okay make sure you give Robin your