##VIDEO ID:1sw1NKW5fWM## okay it looks like we have everyone out of the waiting room uh I just want to welcome you to our parent information session I'm George Alexis the superintendent and Dr Jones is here with us this evening to go over uh the I ready diagnostic the first diagnostic um and tell you a little bit about ways you can support your child at home and the ways you can understand the reports and some of the other features that I ready makes available to families we're doing these parent information webinars um this year it's something new uh we had one at the beginning before school started on uh the new school lunch program and on the changes to Transportation uh with Mrs Bower and uh Lori Jones did one also on supporting your child in a new school year both of those presentations SL webinars are on our website um this one will is being recorded and will be on the website uh tonight so that you can always go back and review it and you can also spread the word in case um you one of your friends reaches out to you and asks about uh the session so again thank you very much uh for being here and I'm going to turn it over to Dr Jones okay thank you good evening parents and thank you for attending this session will be um a session to help you understand the I ready diagnostic one which Gillette students finished and that information will be posted in the parent portal by tomorrow after school hours I'm going to also send out a letter so if there are any Gillette families on here now this will make a lot more sense after tomorrow afternoon with um your child's report so we entered we began this initiative last year and this year um based on learning some more information on how we can better use I ready and how we can better train our staff we have a lot of professional development that has been lined up this year we spent the last two days in I ready training with the staff so I'm very happy to discuss with you this evening on what the diagnostic one looks like what is its purpose and then how you can help support your child at home okay so what is the diagnostic assessment this is a score that identifies students strengths and weaknesses it helps inform instruction and it's a students personalized learning path which I will talk about later on in this presentation that's called my path and this is the Diagnostics is what forms the my path so the first question that your child will see um when he or she logs in to the first diagnostic is based on his or her chronological grade level and as your child proceeds through the test items become either more or less challenging depending on how each question is answered this test is really designed to find exactly the level in which your child is performing both by domain which could be phonics phonological awareness comprehension geometry numbers and and operations and what subskill level so for instance short as sound um for phonics and it really guides the teachers into personalizing instruction for the students so the time and duration of I ready we administer the I Ready's three the Diagnostics three times a year for grades one through eight it is the first two weeks of school for kindergarten it's the first four to six weeks of school it's an untimed test it takes approximately 50 minutes in grades K and one and 90 minutes in grades 2 through eight so I ready recommends that we split up the test into at least two sections per subject because they already has um provided research that it show students are likely to do their best if they're not doing everything at once and this is exactly how we set it up here in Long Hill okay what does I diagnostic for reading assess it assesses the following areas known as different domains so phonological awareness which is really the sound and structure of words phonics which is the relationship between um written language the sound of language letters groups of letters and syllables high frequency words as a lot of you know from our programs those are the trick words uh the heart words or um our site words vocabulary and then comprehension which is divided into two parts literature and informational text so students in kindergarten only the tests for Diagnostic are read out loud grades 1 and8 they have to read on their own and any student who speaks um the language of Spanish will have access to the these Assessments in the language of Spanish oops for math we assess the following domains numbers and operations which is a mathematical statement that combines numbers and operations measurement and data algebra and algebraic thinking and then geometry so what happens after the students take the first Diagnostic and this actually happens for each of the three Diagnostics I ready will support your child whether he or she is below on grade level or above grade level here she will be assigned to online instruction known as my path and my path is something separate than what teachers assign to students so when your child logs in to I ready here she will automatically go to where it says lessons and it's already up on the screen and this is the my path so the my path is designed to start instruction exactly where the students how they left off and how they scored in the diagnostics for both reading and math and the teachers also have the capability of assigning lessons based on where they feel the students may may need to be challenged or where there where they feel the students may need additional assistance and when your child logs in you'll see another box on the left hand side that says teacher assigned we are um requiring our district to for grades 2 through eight to do to have students take 40 minutes of the reading and 40 minutes of the math sections per week grades K and one until the first um marking the first trimester is over we are having them complete 40 minutes total so 20 minutes in reading and then 20 minutes in math and then after the first trimester we're going to re-evaluate prior to the diagnostic to your child will also have access to the teacher-led instruction and as I said this is where teachers can look at how your how your child uh scored on the Diagnostics what areas they did well what areas they need work on it takes you to the actual questions that the students were asked so the teacher can assign lessons based on the exact skill that your child needs assistance with or again as I said needs to be challenged so um I ready if you're let's say in third grade you have and you have the capability of scoring up to fourth or fifth grade the lessons are designed to meet that level okay and the same as if you're in third grade and you're scoring at a second grade or a first grade um it's designed for that now the first diagnostic as I said in the beginning um children are tested on information that has not been taught to them yet so if you have a seventh grade student the first diagnos IC is all of the seventh grade skills for the year and then I gets a reading of what your child knows and what here she needs to work on and then it's the the Diagnostics and from the my path are um they change as often as your children are on I ready completing their my path it changes it's very fluid so one day your child might have a more difficult and challenging lesson based on how he or she performed the day before and it might be the opposite but it's very fluid and it's very um differentiated based on the targeted instruction that your child um needs I ready also has a built-in progress monitoring capability that will help keep your child's teacher up to date on his or her progress throughout the program there are reports that we have been training the teachers on that show the teachers how to pull up a usage report for students to see how much how many minutes students are spending at school how many minutes students are spending at home and if they're focusing on one question too long or if they're focusing on one lesson at a time so it's a lot of great information that teachers have access to this year that we're really utilizing specifically in our small group instruction okay the results overview the scores in indicate your proficiency levels so let's say your child scores a score of a 439 um you will see in the parent portal and this is the next bullet a very detailed report on skills and areas in Need for approvement so when you log in under the documents and you can pull up the parent report it's at least two pages long and it breaks down the levels that your child scored in um whether it's midlevel or um if it's green then there are there are really five levels in I ready to somewhat mirror the New Jersey student learning assessments the first two green levels were on and above grade level the yellow color is approaching the grade level so they're almost there they're understanding at least 50% of the content that they need to master and then the two red levels are one or two years below grade level at that point and based on the five levels I ready provides a summary of each area in order to assign their my path for each student so when you log into the portal and I did try to pull up um a sample but in order for me to do that I had to black out students names and I just didn't want to single out any student in the district just for purposes of this evening but if anybody has any questions on how to read the report once you're in the system please feel free to email me and I can walk you through it either over the phone or I can set up an individual Google meet and guide you through it that way also on this on the family report it provides a link for you to click and go to the um I ready Family Central page and there is a lot of information and resources and articles that really help help you on understand I ready um it explains how students are not expected to perform at or above grade level right in the beginning because it as I said it it test the students on that year that they haven't even learned any of the content yet so um if anybody has not been on to the I ready Central especially the family portion I would strongly suggest to go on there there's a lot of great information on there okay we what we are doing as a district uh training teachers in and also um utilizing this through I is the I diagnostic growth monitoring so the growth monitoring portion is des is designed to assess the students progress their growth in reading and math and what we have in the district are these four points it's an assessment schedule so as I said it's three times a year um it's in the beginning of the year we have it set up in the middle of the year at the end of January beginning of February and throughout these months it's not just we take the diagnostic and then we'll wait to see how the students perform with the next one there are plenty of um assessments that teachers use that are not part of I ready but that are part of our curricular programs that are geared toward the state standards um we also have other assignments through I that we can assign to students to help them grow and that can be changed on a daily basis so teachers can assign different lessons based on a certain area and then after another week change it up and that's where the teacher assigned lessons play a big part in this assessment schedule so the beginning the middle and the end of the school year um typically is supposed to measure the growth and the proficiency of the standards and the domains for the students at their grade level the individual path is the my path and that's based on the results that students receive personalized learning paths that are tailored to their specific needs and that's what I said before about the my path and how it can change um it can change on a daily basis based on how this based on how the students are doing so I say the more practice that a child has on I ready the more growth that you will see and the more progress that um we will see in um in every student growth indicators are the assessments the Diagnostics will measure various skills as I said on the slide prior what each um domain assesses provide us insights into the areas of strength and the areas that need Improvement and then we are spending a lot of time this year on data reports so teachers receive detailed reports on a weekly basis that show growth Trends skill Mastery and recommendations for instruction so growth Trends are if let's say a first grade teacher because I'm I'm thinking of a grade level meeting that we just had a first grade teacher pulls up her class and how the students performed overall as a class and then clicks on each domain and each area that's assessed you can actually see a grid of growth Trends how the students performed from the diagnostic how they're performing using their my path are they mastering any skills is there a skill or skills that the whole class is doing poorly on well then that's where the teacher modifies and differentiates um her instruction you have to retach a lesson or you have to teach it a different way because the students weren't able to grasp that concept so it's a really great measure if students are understanding and mastering the skills that we are expecting them to um learn and master throughout each grade level and then recommendations for instruction which is based on what I said differentiating their instruction either to reteach a skill that students may have missed or to provide challenging assignments for students who have mastered that skill and need additional activities and um difficult difficult assignments to really challenge them and help them Reach their potential I see chats at the bottom I'm going to answer everything at the end so if you do have any questions you can please put them into the chat and I will answer them at the end of this okay how you can support your child during this phase of the growth monitoring um encouraging a positive mindset what we find is um our teachers are excited about I there's a lot of buying with the program this year that come that have come along with the training and showing the teachers all of the data that they have and now what do we do with it and how can we Implement changes and um patterns into our classroom and different routines for the students in these subjects so we also ask that you encourage a positive mindset at home when children come home and say they were on I ready even with my own Sons one of them is on it now sometimes it's I'll get an rooll or sometimes it's oh we're doing I ready again change that mindset explain to your child that this is just going to help them become a better reader a better writer um better at math skills and really add and enhance what they're able to learn and then what they're able to show for their learning down the road so help your child approach the diagnostic with a positive attitude and emphasize they can't fail so in order to pass a lesson in I ready and this isn't just a Long Hill number this is an I ready number they have to and it it may not sound High a student has to receive a 67% or above now to me right 67 I think back in the day well that's a d how is that really passing but the way that the tests are set up this is considered mastering that subject to then move on to that not subject that lesson to then move on to the next category so explaining to your child this is just going to help you learn this is something additional how you have in the classroom you go to centers you have your flexible seating you go to math stations this is just another way for you to learn and that it's not a test that you can fail which is great the the kids can try as best as they can and then they just move on another point is reviewing the previous results so what I have done with with my own sons and what the teachers have done with their students in their small groups is discussing their past diagnostic scores and I think it's a great idea to do at home well the first diagnostic you receive this let's see if you grew or let's see if you went down and let's talk about why and what we can do at home to help you increase your scores and increase what you need to learn this can help the students see how they've improved and what type of areas they need to further focus on practicing skills this is just like anything the more you practice writing a bike the better you'll become so the more that that a student at home and at school practices these skills in their indivi individual learning path which is titled my path provides them the opportunity to practice skills your child may need to work on and the more that they do this the stronger that they will become in these domains checking progress together so every week um and and because my my two sons are in middle school I sometimes don't receive any information from the schools about I ready so I'll go on and I'll check their progress and I go in through their clever and I look at their scores and I see how are they doing and I celebrate what they do well and then we talk about goals for the next assessment either you did wonderful with this or you need a lot of work on this so what do we need to do at home in order to help you progress so it's great because then it shows Buy in from you as the parent and it shows accountability for the student regardless of their age that Mom and Dad or another adult at home is going to be asking and checking and helping communicating with the teachers so staying connected with the teachers to understand how you can better support your child at home based on the results of the diagnostic and based on what you see your child working on in the my path and then the last is what I said at the very first uh parent session in August and it's extremely important and that's creating that study routine at home so when a student has a test coming up you help your child you quiz your child at home your help your child maybe make flashcards for vocab tests maybe help them go on to um blets at um on Google classroom or different um quizlets to help them prepare this is the same thing I ready you can do the same thing with your child encouraging them to practice sessions reinforcing the skills by quizzing them and creating that that good routine at home so that I ready just becomes a part of their after school activities it's part of their homework it may not be written down in a planner it may not be posted in Genesis but when you establish that routine at home with your children it becomes their routine so by engaging with the growth monitoring process providing the support at home I really feel you can help your child Thrive with their journey through I with their journey through our curricular programs and um their journey through their educational path oops okay and then lastly just supporting and a lot of this may sound similar um supporting your child at home with I in general creating that study space and it's very much very similar to creating that works that routine that works space at home make it a quiet area I know sometimes at home there's no quiet it's preparing for dinner doing homework running to sports running to after school activities but trying to really designate that quiet comfortable area for your child to work for their homework for studying for quizzes any projects and I ready and try to make it as free from distractions as possible uh the second point is setting a schedule so establishing that consistent routine for I ready lessons that will also help your child know okay it's time to focus and now we're going to practice are learning monitoring their progress talked a little bit about this on the slide before regular check-ins with your child celebrating their achievements and discussing areas that they might need help and it's okay if it's okay if they don't do well the first time it doesn't mean they're not going to do well overall so they just redo a lesson they just retake that lesson and then they keep going so I think that's also important to let your child know at home okay you didn't do well on this one it's all right let's try one tomorrow and um I think that helps with Este Steam and um I think it helps with really getting excited to to come home and participate in the I ready my path and see what you can do engaging in discussions is another important point in order to support your child at home with I ready so after they complete a lesson before they close their iPad and say I'm done ask them what they learned it reinforces that you're interested in what they're learning and you're able to tell did they rush through it a lot of times um and it's not a lot of students but there are a handful in grade levels that rush through the Diagnostics and yes we have the capability of assigning another diagnostic to your child when we see that little red flag that comes up on R end to show that a student rushed but the issue with that is the my path is still set on the first diagnostic so we stress to the students when they're taking the diagnostic and when they're on their my path at school and when they're home don't rush it's not a competition you have it's not timed you can take 20 minutes you can take 40 it's up to how your child um is comfortable how here or she is feeling with their Readiness skills for whatever skill and domain that they're working on encourage perseverance this is this is also very important in my professional and personal opinion just reminding them it's okay to struggle you may not have learned this yet or you may have only learned it once or it may just be a review encourage them to keep trying and I use that bike analogy at home you practice riding a bike you're going to become a pro at it it's the same thing here you're going to practice those skills of the reading and the math and you're going to become a pro at it and everything that you do every little bit will help them improve their skills um the additional resources there are so many additional resources on the Family Central page for I ready so if your child is struggling with a topic or if your child really likes a topic and just wants more more but he or she has already moved on you can pull supplemental materials or activities that can reinforce their learning so again a wonderful resource for families now limiting time screen um screen time you don't want them to only only look at I ready at home for reading so that might be a day where you do you're have your child do a quick lesson and then let's say it's not it was a 10-minute lesson because they did a great job you don't have to keep them on and have them do another lesson so that you're oh you have to spend more time on I ready put a book in their hand put a magazine um have them play an educational game a board game or um Hands-On experiences it there has to be a nice balance um especially you know years years ago coming out of the pandemic we don't want them staring at the screens all the time so we do want that balance that we provide in our classrooms also provided at home again communicating with the teachers is very important staying in touch with your child's teacher to understand the progress and any areas that need Improvement um being patient and supportive showing patience and providing encouragement um sometimes that that's a lot and it goes a long way with your child it goes a long way in school a positive attitude definitely motivates kids in school and out of school on the field um in an art class um everywhere it's it there's kids really do well when they are spoken to with kindness and they're motivated and celebrate their successes so recognize and celebrate their milestones and improvements no matter how big or how small and I truly feel that actively engaging with your child through the I ready experience you can help Foster that positive learning environment at home like we are fostering it in our classrooms on a daily basis okay um I'm going to go into the chat now and answer some questions but again if um anybody has any questions about their child in particular scores um you can definitely reach out to me I can uh via email or phone calls um I'm at your let school and we can walk through the diagnostic we can walk through the my path and um now I feel like I know I already like the back of my hand so I can answer um questions and I can I can provide assistance to you as well okay so in the chat um trouble Johnny and cover why the district is using this is it being heavily pushed this year even for kindergartners I'm not clear okay so the district is using this for um a few reasons the first reason is we are uni we are utilizing I ready as a universal screener which is a requirement of the state um to replace linkit that we did have because this is a much more comprehensive program with a lot of information that we can receive for the students we have a district goal this year a continuation of a district goal really honing in on small group instruction and I ready fits perfectly with small group instruction providing resources to teachers based on the exact strategy and the exact skill that a teacher can sit with a small group um regardless of the age even up to eth graders and work on the skills and work on the strategies that the students need to work on so kindergarten yes we are also using it for kindergarten um the the benefit in general for kindergarten all the way up to eth grade is what what I feel is the way that we are able to teach after receiving this information so it's very individualized for the students it provides the teachers and the parents and students the areas they perform very well and the areas that they need assistance with and then based on that our teaching our instruction is modified it's differentiated it's modified and then we can follow it and monitor it so on a weekly basis we're looking at data sheets we're looking at strategy groups skill groups usage reports there's a lot of information that comes with the program and it's really benefiting what we're able to provide to our students in the classrooms now kindergarten um we have a shared schedule with our iPads so we rotate with the teachers so that there is opportunity every week in order for the students to go onto I ready during Center time during guided reading time small um shared group instruction time um so yes even our youngest ones and I was actually in every I ready diagnostic session with Gillette just for their ages showing them how to log in and after a few times for the reading one and the math one they Dr I know how to do this you don't have to help me okay so it's also teaching them computer skills which is part of the curriculum and really having an ownness of um their own work and how they're performing I hope that answers your question okay are there instructions on how to access the scores I've been on the portal and there's nothing related um yes so I can I can resend um whoever that parent is if you want to email me directly and I can resend you the um instruction sheet I do think it is on the website um but I will check and if it's not I will send it out again so when you go into the parent portal if you go click on your child if you go to the documents tab it's right underneath there you'll see it it's a it's in red underlined it says I ready reading and then I ready math and you can click on it and it takes you to a PDF of how your child scored and it's a minimum of two pages and um it gives you everything that you need okay how much time do you recommend each student to spend at home um I recommend one lesson for reading and one lesson for math for night that's what I would say okay and that's regardless of their grade level because the grade how your child is performing is based on what they're ready for so if if it's 10 minutes and you think it's too quick it's not it's it's what the child needed to do that night um but what I would do especially in the beginning is be in the same vicinity as your as your child make sure he or she isn't rushing or they're not distracted with something else and just clicking because you want it to be meaningful otherwise um you know otherwise there's there's not a point to doing it so we want everything that we're doing to have meaning for the students and to help them improve so that's my recommendation um One Reading lesson and one math math lesson per night okay what direct instruction is being replaced by I during the school day nothing is being replaced we added um time to their math blocks so we're not replacing anything um we just added time to the teachers math block and um for for Gillette students it's part of the Math Center um time um for the older grade levels it's just part of their block of time and then the periods up at Central so it was just added to we didn't extend the periods that's not what I'm saying but when we sat with the teachers and went over the lesson planning um and we had an I ready coach come in for training we sat with schedules and we worked on how to embed it into our existing programs so that we're not taking away from anything else okay um more a comment than a question not a fan of this for young kids I want my child taught by an educated professional not a computer app I think it can be great for snow days sick days concerned with the excessive replacement okay um understand your concern um as I said before we were not just putting a computer in front of the CH the children there is a good balance but I I do understand um your point here okay if the what if the my path for your child doesn't sync in with what they're learning in the classroom I've seen this with my first grader the I already learning path and math is very different okay six lessons so far the chain value okay so it probably will not sink in what they're learning in the classroom so I ready is not is designed to meet the standards the math New Jersey student learning standards it doesn't necessarily meet our Big Ideas Math program and that's okay because by the time the students go through the standards we are going to teach this in the format and how our curricular programs are laid out we did some curriculum work over the summer there's always the curriculum documents are there are resources okay that's not um that's not our end all of of what we're teaching our children with we're following the standards and our programs are just the resources that we use so we have to revise and remap our curriculum all the time based on what we what we're teaching the students um what the standards look like and how our programs are aligned so for instance a few years ago we had to edit our entire Ela program because Foundations at the K3 level was not matching up with what we were are teaching as far as the letter order so this is nothing different um than what we've already been doing with our curricular programs and some of our district benchmark assessments um and you might see that it the my path is easy as as the comment here very basic um classroom learning is more advanced and that's just based off of how your child performed on the diagnostic so it might seem it might seem like your child already knows this concept but they're receiving extra work through the my path to get better on on this subject so it really follows how your child did and that's why it's very individualized um I hope that answers and six lessons so far and and so okay so this comment is you've seen your child um complete six lessons so far this year but it doesn't seem like the my path has changed or gotten harder um it probably has but it may just not be noticeable um for you or maybe for your child but it does change as the in as the students progress um I don't really know how you can tell if it changed or not but um it's automated in the system so it will progress as your child progresses okay is the district expecting younger students to do I ready at home will they be providing Tech technology to do this um we we are asking for the younger students to do this at home and because it is a web-based program um you don't need an app you don't need um you know if you have a device at home you can even do it on a cell phone I'm not telling you to buy your young children cell phones but I'm saying it's very accessible um you can get this program through the library computers so um if there is a family though that is having um difficulty you can please reach out to me separately and um I can see if there is something that can be done but this is It's accessible with any device so it doesn't have to be a school issued Chromebook or an iPad it can be anything you have at home a desktop a cell phone um or as I said um it could be it can be available in the library as well any type of Technology device because it is web based okay um okay daughters in second grade took the first diagnostic I asked her how it went she said in the math section they have multiplication and it hasn't been taught so she had to guess yes that is that's the dynamic of the first diagnostic so they when I went to a training on it they said that the students at least 50% % of the questions asked the students will most likely not know the answers to and this is how it's designed to create that path for them for what they will be learning um this is how linkit was set up for us also where you're tested on that Year's standards and have not been taught yet which sounds a little silly but it's extremely common for a lot of the um assessments that are used in in many districts in New Jersey so yes guessing on the answers is very common okay have they looked into addressing what why parental controls need to be shut off on an iPad to do I ready um I don't know the answer to that but I can try to find that out um parental controls need to be shut off um I'm not sure I don't want to guess and say the wrong thing um let me just write that down down so that I can let me just write that down and I will uh find a way to um parental controls Lor do you want me to chime in on that actually oh perfect yes yeah uh I ready uh is is a platform that has um that various applications have URLs that need to be accessible on a specific device for a user to access that platform so there are certain URLs that might be blocked by your parental controls um I think that is the reason it's not a parental control specific reason it's just a access to specific websites on the internet so if there are looser settings you can set on the parental controls you can try triing them down instead of disabling them entirely um but that is the reason that it's inaccessible sometimes okay thank you that was on Mr hartnet he is our director of Technology thanks okay okay what other formative assessments are being used to drive small group instruction outside of I ready we have um our Dibbles assessments at K3 we have our font and panel assessments at the k6 level we have our we have our I ready we have heger phonics um at the K1 level and we have uh writing prompts that we're using across the district and we also have many assessments that take place with our readers Writers Workshop program that um could be formal or formal that are used throughout the year okay so it's really a combination okay where is all this info posted I've got no communication on this my child has missed weeks of doing this at home um all of this is sent out by the schools um it has been sent out by the schools on the weekly eblasts um it's been in parent communication um memos from myself from the district communication that goes out on the the Friday flyer um it's okay if your child has missed weeks because um you know it's it's not a rush and he or she can start you know tomorrow um or start tonight if it's not too late depending on the age of your child so it's okay and um even if you haven't done it at home we've been doing it in the classrooms so um it's never too late to start and and um you can start and um if you're a Gillette parent I'm sending out a memo tomorrow on um how you can access it what it means it'll be a little similar to this um demonstration but a little bit more detailed when you pull up your child's report um kindergarten yes so um my September think 29th eblast that went out was saying that the next two weeks kindergarten and uh students will be taking this so they just finished last week um it takes a few days to upload into the system which is why we're going to um have everything ready for tomorrow okay the app doesn't work if parental controls are set to 12 and up um okay so maybe it's not the website okay so hopefully that helps helps answer some questions um math formative assessments we have our benchmark assessments through our big Ideas program we have uh and we have our I ready assessments and then based on um the chapters in each of the big ideas of the programs for the grade level there are chapter tests and reviews that we use as well for math okay I think that is everything in the chat um I think Jes I'm listening to some of these questions maybe it would it would probably be great if we could create almost like a Q&A page on the on on our new website and perhaps uh add some resources from I with like the sample reports and what they look like and just give everyone sure a better sense of of how all this works um as Dr Jones mentioned you know this is a tool to help us one um provide more data on how our students are progressing um towards the standards but it's also um a tool for us to make sure we're meeting the kids where they are uh we look at this as a really good uh Aid in personalizing instruction uh we don't want to replace um you know the inperson instruction at all that's not the goal uh but we have um we have recommend recommendations from already based on Research they've done over the years and uh they say that 45 minutes of practice per week in each subject uh is really The Sweet Spot in terms of helping kids advance and helping them learn and grow um so we're using it for those larger purposes um and you know the last year we initiated this but we weren't able to uh provide that kind of practice time or the kind of sustained consistent uh districtwide uh commitment to it uh but this year we're we're on that track and we look forward to um having the support at home because we do think we're confident this is going to help our kids uh learn and grow become better readers and stronger problem solvers um over time and you know we recommend that you know the children practice at home even the younger kids uh it's not necessarily required at the middle school level you're going to hear more probably directly from the teachers that you know they um that the kids need to complete this work whether it's during guide or other opportunities during the day but if not at home so you'll probably see more of that at home um so that's that's where we're going with this uh this year and I'll turn it back to Dr Jones Okay um how long does the typical lesson take each night at home with reading a math lesson so that really depends on the grade level um it's a shorter amount of time as the students are younger so I would say the younger grades maybe 10 15 minutes and the older grades maybe 20 25 minutes um so that that's what but it really depends on on your child um another one isn't I ready my path purely an assessment not instructional so if they're doing poorly so no so the assessment is the diagnostic and the my path is instructional so the my path and it's it's really designed as literally the path to the instructional activities that your child um needs based on how he or she scored on the diagnostic so it's a little bit different than um than the Diagnostics it's actually um trying to think of an example so let's say okay let's say your child is taking a spelling test and um he gets 10 out of 20 words incorrect so then their teacher will retach those 10 words right this is similar to a diagnostic so your child takes the diagnostic depending on how many he or she scores correct and incorrect then the my path um level of instruction is assigned to them I don't know if that helps a little but um so the and the teachers the teachers do see the answers um in addition to the scores as a class not individual okay um I don't see a my paath app okay so you're not going to see a my path app when you log into clever and when you go to I ready it won't say my path it will say teacher assign lessons and then it will say lessons for your child right in the middle of the screen that is the my path okay but it's just lessons that are in the middle of the screen your child clicks it and then it takes he or she to that instructional piece and I believe Dr Jones the the I ready scores the first diagnostic scores will be uh shared at the parent teacher conferences right it'll be reviewed with the yes the K5 K4 students yes least yeah okay okay well thank you thank you very much thank you Mr Alexis oh thank you for saying it was informative good like said I know I ready now like the back of my hand so anybody who wants to reach out for individual questions um I am calling one pent tomorrow as we private chatted um just please reach out to me thank you all for your time this evening okay thank you good night good night