##VIDEO ID:T9EC3_N3nNI## meeting to order please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting of the Long Hill Township Board of Education was given as required by the open public meeting acts as follows notice was sent to the echo Sentinel and daily record on September 18th 2023 notices were posted on the bulletin board in the first floor entrance hall of the School District administration building Gillette New Jersey notices were filed with the Township Clerk and notices were mailed to all persons who have requested individual notice pursuant to the open public meetings act roll call please Mrs Butler here Mrs Daly here Mr Foster here Mr Groff here Dr Mah here Mrs McCannon Miss Nyquist here miss rubo Mrs case here okay I think we're going to go to the presentation I'll have Mr Alexis terrific thank you Mrs case so we have our annual presentation on the 2024 Statewide assessments and the Hib report um I want to invite and thank you for being here uh this evening this is our administrative leadership team who will be um uh giving the presentation presentation will be on the website tomorrow but let me begin so Jack could you could can we get the uh presentation up on the screen screen uh for our audience at home and I'm just going to give a not so brief introduction um to the presentation we could just go to that first slide because I'm going to begin with the uh the district goals uh we're we're invested in these four goals and have districtwide support we have the full support of our Board of Education and we're confid uh conf confident that these concentrated interdependent efforts will yield improvements in student Achievement First we've placed a sustained focus on data analysis as a way to assess individual student performance and to identify patterns that can inform instruction for Content areas and grade levels second we're committed to raising student attendance for the month of September we maintained a district attendance rate of just above 97% we were slightly below that Benchmark at the middle school and we need some help from students and families going forward we also noticed a dip in attendance at each school on Friday following the holiday last week we're rolling out the new attendance web page and we encourage you to take a look at the data for September and the available resources the bottom line is that we want all of our students with us and engaged in learning every day but let me clarify that this doesn't mean we want you to send your children to school when they're sick but we do want our students healthy and in school students learn best when they are in school and actively learning so this is a good time for me to remind everyone out there that though we have two days of professional development on Monday and Tuesday for our teachers next week school is in session on Wednesday Thursday and Friday and we expect to see everyone likewise the njaa convention during the first week of November is coming up we are trying something new and we'll have full full days of instruction at Central Middle School on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of that week while the elementary schools follow a halfday schedule and hold their annual parent teacher conferences we want and expect to see all of our students when school is open that first week of November I want to thank our entire staff and our families for making our back to school night such a success we had excellent attendance at each school and our teachers did a great job of warm embracing our families our next family engagement webinar is on October 17 uh Dr Jones just sent out a message about an opportunity to learn about your child's I ready results and what you can do to support your child at home and last our goal number four is our supporting our qack process and that process is underway we've been attending online meetings with the county office we we have our final session tomorrow and our district qac committee is meeting this week the self- evaluation that we're required to submit before November 15th will be on the agenda next month and as for the Statewide assessments last spring overall the results are mixed we saw progress in certain grade levels some real progress disappointing performance and others and a good deal of consistency we're providing a large amount of data on this presentation and outlining our planned interventions which are all aligned with our district goals and a more sustained focus on data analysis and how it can improve student learning so please I'll ask the board members to please hold your questions until the end of the presentation and I'll invite the administrative leadership team to come forward thank you [Music] okay thank you good evening everybody good evening for our audience at home who may not be aware of the New Jersey student learning assessments it is a Statewide assessment that measures students progress towards the New Jersey student learning standards for ELA which is English language arts mathematics and science for ELA they focus on close reading synthesis of ideas understanding the meanings of words and context writing effectively when analyzing sources mathematics focuses on applying the skills and Concepts understanding multi-step problems that require abstract reasoning often in the context of real world problems science assessments focus on applying the scientific Concepts in the areas of Earth space life and physical science and through this assessment students are able to demonstrate their acquired skills and knowledge by answering select response and constructive response items I just wanted to show a breakdown of the students in each grade level that were tested for ELA math and for science only in grade five and 8 algebra and geometry and if you see a difference let's say for instance grade three 93 for ELA oh no for grade four 87 for ELA and 86 for math that means a student was probably absent for the assessment and the makeup assessments so here are our numbers okay I'm going to pass it along to Mrs Dawson good evening everyone good evening so just a brief uh overview of the grades 3 through five scores um you could see it's broken down by grade level and then where the students fell based on level 1 2 3 four and five levels four and five are considered passing level three as a matter of fact when I look at a lot of the students in level three they have may have only missed that level four by a few points so I just want to clarify while it it does look like a lot of students or a percentage there it could just be a question that they didn't didn't get correct so um when we drill down on data those are the things that we kind of look at the last two columns will show you passing level four and five from 2023 and then uh 2024 and then the diagonal colors are obviously that cohort um so when you're looking at Ela I could just give the example in third grade from 2023 54.1% were in that four and five the following year it was 65% on the reverse side fourth grade kind of went down just a little bit and um you know when we look at data we might see a short or small um number percentage number and it's not going to alarm us too much a student may have moved out another student in one student can impact that percentage um but what we get concerned is when it gets a little bit over that like 8 to 10% differenti differential so um one of the things that we're looking at is with our plc's um we're doing grade level data plc's and with I ready now and really getting a better understanding is kind of looking at that and how it's matching up or correlating with njsla because it ultimately comes down to your standards and the curriculum and then the second co uh table is just the New Jersey percentages which obviously we've done better than New Jersey that's typical of long hill but we want to keep um really directing our instruction not just challenging the top learners but working in small skilled groups in the classroom and that's what our data is going to let us drill down to do okay are you I think good evening everyone good evening and let me move this forward okay so continuing right where Miss Dawson left off so that was three to five and then this is 6 to8 so as you can see in where the pink is that's going to be levels four and five so if you look straight down that column you'll see how sixth seventh and eighth grade scored 72% passing at a level four and five and sixth 73% and 7th and 72 so we're kind of hovering right in that range um most of the grade levels uh you can see like from three to five up so we are making some some good gains there the colors that match are the same cohort of students from the prior year so you get to see where they finished from last year to the next year okay so that's overall again sh dovetailing right off what she shared if you look at level three we're always focused in using multiple measures so this is one snapshot the njsla but we're using our I ready data we're really trying to drill down and see where those students deficiencies are these are the overall percentages which are very good we take a look at to see like these are good useful I mean like very good in in a useful way but then we want to look more at the standards based to see which areas our teachers can improve their instruction on to then help those students okay and similar uh to the right is the New Jersey data uh overall for four and five is all the way to the right you can see what the four and five percentages are in comparison okay your next y thanks thank you okay we also think it's important to show our subgroups in each grade level so this is a slide that shows grades 3 through eight and the different subgroups are listed on here and these percentages are the levels four and five so we also use this to show teachers because um we're really talking about differentiating instruction for all Learners and this is a helpful tool when we have grade level meetings at the K5 and then team meetings in the 68 okay now Mrs Dawson will discuss grades three through five math hello I'm not going to repeat what I just said about language arts it's the same same idea and principal um but we do look at the differences so if in fourth grade in 2023 70% were in that range that number dipped enough to have a concern as to why so um in our plc's our data plc's we've created these data charts um they're pretty pretty of intense with I ready scores njsla um for reading like FMP scores everything is on there that we can look and I can meet with whether it's a grade level team an individual teacher looking at where students are how they're scoring on the early benchmarks they did and those conversations we've already started were really um more involved than we ever were before so recognizing like that I said you know few percentage points you're not going to be overly concerned but when it drops enough then we have to say what occurred at that grade level or you know with that particular cohort um the one thing is the students do take a different test each year it's not like you're taking the fourth grade test and it mirrors again in fifth grade it's obviously the standards for that grade level so that's something we're really looking at okay and continuing on to middle school so that's 3 to five middle school math we can see the same format not to reiterate but you have the same cohorts are the same colors levels uh four and five are all the way to the right on on the Long Hill table so we're all hovering in about the same percentage there at about approximately 45 46% some areas sixth grade had growth others dipped a little bit and others kind of maintained or growed uh at a at a smaller pace so that's something that we're really really focused on on improving what I look at when I see this table as well too is we have a huge portion at level three if you look at all the percentages in 67th and eighth grade we have almost a quarter in every grade level or greater right on that borderline that we're really focusing and our teachers are really focusing on they know exactly who those students are which is very good based on this data and the I ready data so that is a huge Focus for this year right in I mean in the beginning of September we already identifi those students which is helpful for our teachers and then again to the right in this table format you could see our comparison to the state I will remind everybody eighth grade we're going to go over geometry and Algebra 1 are not included in the eighth grade data so that's a whole different slide which we'll review next thank you and here are the subgroups for math for grades 3 through 8 same format as Ela and again only showing levels four and five oh I should have said before an aster means it it's here but under 10 students were represented for that category and here is algebra and geometry am am I doing this I can do this I don't mind so this is algebra and geometry so students we might have students just from a course level that take Algebra 1 as a seventh grader very few but some do take it as a seventh grader and a portion of our eighth grade students who who uh meet the requirements for that course so in this you'll see we're at 95% which is which is really really well it's a smaller cohort of students but they're performing well and then geometry we had um let's see 100 yeah basically 100% of either a four or five past which is which is really great and we're really proud of those students working very hard in comparison to the State numbers remember students might sit for these courses at different grade levels so just to share that information is important thank you oh Mr veral these are the evidence statements um we did have a table here upon reviewing um it is not for public so he's just going to highlight the evidence statements for Math and Ela okay I'm back sorry about that I forgot I had the next slide so I just wanted to share a little bit about these tables as Dr Jones said they're not for publication but the tables that I'm referencing here provide a very good window for both the math and language arts teachers it takes basically in X and Y AIS and shows our teachers and us how we performed on each standard that's more tangible information that we can look at we can review our curriculum and we can say okay we were really strong in these areas other areas we were in need of a little bit of improvement it also gives us a comparison as the whole percentages did it gives us a comparison of how we performed on each standard in comparison to the state which is very very helpful as well too so basically we're going to be reviewing these I'm going to be going over these with the Central Middle School math and language arts teachers at the upcoming PD day we looked at that data in the beginning of the year and the I ready data now we're going to drill down and look at the evidence table uh table statements and again we're going to look at the areas of strength and weakness they're going to go back and look at their pacing guide see what areas need more attention and where we can scaffold more of those skills and make adjustments to refine our instruction so ultimately we can get a better product and instruct the students um to support their learning so that's something that we hope to do in our upcoming PD days okay thank you okay here are our science scores for grades five and eight in the the second column to um the last for long hill we show the percentage of passing of levels three and four for 2023 as compared to 2024 and then again compared to the state of New Jersey for 2024 so while we did um score higher than the state we still have some work to do in the area of science for grades five and 8 and then this is broken down into the subgroups for levels three and four okay we thought it would be useful information because at several meetings we'll talk about how did our students perform prior to the pandemic and instead of or in addition to comparing how they scored from 2023 to 2024 we took a look at the 2019 scores and this is a breakdown of ela grades 3 through 8 the first chart you'll see is from 2019 only um it's for each level and then in bold it it's levels four and five and then to the right is how we performed in 2024 so as Mr Alexis said in the beginning there are some successes with grade levels while there are also some areas that we are focusing on that we will discuss further on in the presentation okay we also have the same information formatted the same for math grades 3 through 8 first slide is 2019 second slide is 2024 algebra and geometry also on this slide and then here's the same format for science for three and four passing both 2019 as compared to 2024 okay at this time I'm going to pass it over to Mrs cologne in addition to the njsla every year the district also participates in two other state assessments the D namic learning Maps is what replaces the njsla for our students with our most significant intellectual disabilities um and they do test and also language arts math and science at the same grade levels because our student size that takes that test is under 10 those those scores are not reported um all of our um students that are multilingual Learners are assessed yearly with the access test which looks at um listening speaking reading and writing and where they fall in the Continuum of the different levels of English acquisition so there are six levels that um the state of New Jersey has identified a student coming into the country for the first time most likely enter as an entering L English language learner and then they progress through the six different stages we actually did go through all six stages what the characteristics of each stage are and then um helpful information on how to meet their needs in the class room with the staff at the professional development day in August which was really helpful so this is our K to5 population um and the percentage of students at each grade level and where they measured the one number that should we should note is kindergarten 67% were really at still at the entering level and part of the reason for that is we had quite a few students that were brand new to The District in like March and April and they were required to take the test in May so they were brand new to the country within like two months of them taking this test um our students do progress through the different levels rather quickly um they need a 4.5 which is between the expanding and bridging levels of language to be eligible to to exit the um multilingual language program um this is the same um the same layout for grade 6 seven and 8 we have a much smaller population at grade six six seven and 8 most of the time our kids come in at a younger grade level and usually test out of elll by the time they get up to the middle school we had 39 total students in our ESL program for the 2324 school year and 11 of them or 28.2% did exit the program at the end of last school year and the exit criteria is a 4.5 and passing review of their academic performance to be sure that they are able to um exit out of the ESL program they are monitored for two years past that point so we do they continue to take the access test and we look at those scores each year after they come back um to assure that they continue to make progress in their English language acquisition once um they have exited the [Music] program one of the struggles with um families that English is not their first language is engaging them within School schools because they come to the buildings where most people speak a totally different language um so not only here in Long Hill but across the state of New Jersey there's been a big push to figure out ways to engage these families and make them feel welcome in our school and want to come to school to partner with us thanks to the um Long Hill Education Foundation we they did purchase new devices for us this year called translate live we've put them to use a few times already which was exciting it is a device that we can have a one-on-one conversation with a parent or we also can use it in broadcast mode so at Gillette and Central um back to school nights this year we it was available I'm not sure how many people used it in the bigger presentation but we definitely used it at Gillette in the um in um Miss Anderson's presentation with her class we also have um translation translators available through um the language line phone service which is a a very direct um a phone service where we can call and have a person that speaks multitude of languages on the phone within seconds um which is available in hundreds of languages and it's amazing um so they help us with phone calls to parents and they also help us translate meetings um throughout the year and we use that across all of our any of our students General Ed special ed any type of meetings that we're having we are starting to um translate all School Communications eblasts alerts letters that go home we are translating them into their home language um the district website has automatic translation they can pick their language on the website and it translates it the same thing with Google Classroom um we are using I ready the Spanish version of I ready for any level one student so students that had have yet to progress to level two you are able to take I ready in Spanish and for the first time this year we are creating a bilingual advisory committee and we are planning a multilingual learner parent meeting which the translation device will be used for so any of them can access the um the um meeting in their native language the nice thing about the translation device it not only picks the they canot only pick the language they can also pick the country that they're from so it actually it's the dialect that they're used to and I'm not sure who's next I think we're back to Dr Jones thanks thank you okay so I've highlighted some highlights from our data that we used for the New Jersey student learning assessments we did see an increase in proficiency levels which are levels four and five in grades three and six for ELA from 2023 through up to 2024 we also had an increase in proficiency levels in grades 3 6 and 8 for math from the school year of 2023 and last school year 100% of our geometry students met or exceeded expectations 95% of our algebra students met or exceeded expectations we did have five perfect scores which was really awesome to see we had an overall increase with vocabulary and numbers and operations which was also um I was very happy to see that because we focused our after school classes on those two domains there were four domains total two of them we saw an increase um in vocab numbers and operations so that was good and the cohort growth for grades uh we did see cohort growth for grades 46 and s in ela and grade seven in math and what this means is the different colors that were shown before so 2023 grades three showed Improvement in 2024 grade 4 and the same for 2024 6th graders they showed an improvement from when they were in fifth grade in 2023 so that was growth for ELA in those three grade levels and then in grade seven for math so while we like to celebrate our highlights we also are determined to uh Rectify our areas for growth we've noticed a disparity between girls and boys Ela scores across all grade levels we did notice a decrease in math from 2023 to 2024 from grades 4 to 5 from grades 5 to six and from grades 7 to 8 so that was the cohorts that we showed when compared to our 2019 data our scores in ela Math and Science are still lower than they are now for the most part it wasn't every grade level but it was enough to to categorize it as an overall and comprehension and geometry which were the other two areas that we focused on the after school classes we still have room for growth there specifically in comprehension it's divided up into two c categories it's comprehension overall which is literature and informational text we did better in literature but we did not do as good as we should have in informational text and then geometry it was really analyzing two and three dimensional shapes across all grade levels some of our intervention strategies that we have already implemented for this school year and some are continuation of last year we are hosting at Central School our informal walkthroughs with the sending districts and the high school focusing on math and Ela this year so instead of us going up to the high school with the sending districts to walk and look at the different classrooms they're going to be doing that at Central this year which will help us with um strategies and best practices from the sing districts and the high school we are continuing with conquer mathematics professional development and for those at home who may not know what this is it's a series of workshops that are focused really on the math content and pedagogy we provide opportunities for teachers to unpack the standards regardless of the curricular resources that you have they deepen their understanding of the concepts and skills and work on what the students need to master per grade level We are continuing collaboration with wung Hills Regional High School for tutoring opportunities for students and tomorrow we have I believe 18 students from Wong Hills High School that are coming to Gillette to start our Intervention Program at K And1 so we're looking forward to that teachers are going to use small group instruction to teller the students levels so for those at home who may not know what um what this means small group instruction it's teachers organizing their students into smaller groups based on their needs based based on their ability levels based on their learning styles this approach allows teachers to provide personalized and targeted support and instruction ensuring that students are engaged and challenged as appropriately it Fosters a more effective learning environment for students where they can progress at their own pace they can receive immediate feedback and benefit from Collaborative Learning from peers that are at similar levels as they are we're also promoting age appropriate academic goal setting and tracking by students tracking of progress by students directly teachers are going to be encouraging students at various grade levels to set specific and achievable academic goals that are suitable for their age and their developmental level so each School the way they are facilitating this is different based on the ages of the students we're continuing with I ready Diagnostic and learning plan for grades K through 8 to assess each student skills and tailor instruction to address individual needs and inform class instruction we have had professional development so far we have another one coming up next week and we have arranged a lot of our data meetings in each of the schools to focus around the Diagnostics and Where Do We Go From Here We also are addressing at each grade level um how we are monitor monitoring the students meeting their target growth in I ready okay additional interventions we are creating open lines of communication with parents about their child's progress and ways they can help at home as Mr Alexa said I will have another parent information session October 17 at 7 p.m. that will focus just on diagnostic 1 and um how to understand it how to read the report everything through Genesis um how important it is to be engaged and how you can support at home and what does the information actually mean this year I prepared an I ready manual um with the support of the administrative team just to have consistency amongst all grade levels this was mirrored with our professional development on the first two days back at school with all teachers so that there's common language and common expectations in the district we have a districtwide commitment of 45 minutes of ir practice per week for both Ela and math as well as suggested one lesson per day from children at home for both Ela and math as stated before um we have several professional development sessions we have seven total for administrators and teachers scheduled this year just in ir and what to do with all of the data and it's spaced out I think very evenly in between Diagnostics in the middle of the Year where we have so much information are we seeing the growth that we want we have data sheets for teachers based on I ready that we're looking on as a weekly basis to make to see the usage report that's also a session on that at our upcoming professional development we will be we will have grade level at the K5 and team meetings at the 68 consisting of using the data that we receive to inform our teaching strategies and ident identifying areas needing Improvement and for the audience at home this um this is when teachers come together in their grade level which includes General Ed special education interventionists and um sometimes child study team members it's um it's really comprised of the teaching staff for each grade level um they analyze our student performance so as Mr vello said before that's where we dive deeper into the evidence statements at grades 3 through 8 for K through2 we look at I ready we look at f&p we look at the benchmark assessments for mathematics and our writing prompts and we discussed collaboratively how to enhance our teaching practice to reach all of the students at each grade level and we are implementing the multi-tiered system of support which is mtss for grades K through 8 this is a framework for giving targeted support to struggling students we are focusing sign significantly with small group instruction this year which will tie in very nicely with our district goals and with all of the work that we're doing through I ready and our professional development so everything is really coming together nicely with our plan of professional development this year for the staff okay I will turn the last few slides over to miss backer and then we will open it up for questions good evening so we're going to talk a little bit about culture climate and social emot learning and how that impacts a student's overall academic performance so social emotional learning also known as seal is a framework that helps students develop skills to manage their emotions build relationships and achieve their goals academic and otherwise seal has an impact on students Behavioral Health and is correlated to their academic performance and seal is an important component in the complete education of our students so in connection with our social emotional learning we have our harassment intimidation and bullying law and every year we have to complete a self assessment where we use a rubric created by the state and we assess the effectiveness of our HIV procedures our trainings and our programs and the report also reflects our commitment to creating and sustaining a positive culture and climate as a means for presenting preventing and reducing any incidents of Hib in our schools so all three of our schools have exceeded the requirements in all of the core elements and received a score of 77 out of a possible 78 the only area that we received a score of meeting the requirements was in the area of professional development for all of our members of the school climate team so we will certainly try to offer some more opportunities for them this upcoming year and then just to talk a little bit about how we support a positive culture and climate we have our general counseling program which consists of individual and group counseling lunch bunches and social skills we have our choose love social emotional learning program throughout all three of our schools and that includes various monthly activities programs and lessons that relate to the social emotional Learning and Development of our students we have the week of respect which kicked off today with blue outb in peace in our schools week and Red Ribbon Week and during all these three weeks there will be activities related to the themes of the week with a respect with a focus on being respectful kind citizens who support learning relationships with their peers and respecting our community and making healthy choices we have monthly character education lessons School climate team meetings tiger team assemblies at Gillette and Millington where the entire School gathers together in assembly that relates to seal initiatives and reviews components of the character Ed curriculum that the students are currently focusing on during that time period we also have digital citizenship that is taught throughout all three of our schools in the form of assemblies presentations and follow-up activities and I will give it back to Dr Jones for questions thank you at this time we can open up for any questions from the Board of Ed members does anybody have any questions Karen well uh the foreign language you know English Second Language Learners yes when a child comes in in kindergarten is it do they progress faster than let's say if the child starts at a later grade I mean I'm just curious um I think that's hard to answer um I can say what I think and then turn it over so for case screening we also um test for that as well and and if um and then we pass on the information to Mrs Anderson um just from what I've seen at Gillette purposes I think it depends on when they come in during the school year if it's either K or first grade if it's in March if it's in October and if they have been through another school system in the country first they progress a little bit um quicker from what I've seen as opposed to coming from another country and and learning everything brand new research does show that the younger they are when they move here they do progress through the um stages of language development quicker obviously for a little p a little guy you know when they're coming in at five or six there's a lot less history there's a lot less um you there's a lot less language that they need there's a lot less social language that they need and they do tend to progress a lot quicker than some of our older kids um some of it's on top of just life experience some some of it's emotional um you know why the families have come here some of our older kids are not super happy about being here at first it takes a little bit longer to acclimate to the culture um so yeah research does show that they do move through the language stages when they are younger um many of our kindergarteners actually the ones who were with us all last year actually tested out of the program by the end of the year okay other questions I have a few Tom go got a minute I'm noticing that uh the results of these of this testing although there may have been improvements to co cohorts um well in Blunt terms uh they stink okay math 35% of the of the respondents or the the students failed they got a one two or three not a four or five uh when we get to grade 6 through eight 75% I'm sorry 55% fail does anybody think that's good any parents at home watching do you think that's good let's let's move on to science I think we see similar responses Science grades uh five five and eight 55 and 72% failure um that's not good not good when we look at math results from 2019 to 2024 5 years so yeah you can call Co in there we've gone down terribly we got our we got our um increases your tax increases every year your 2% Max you got them grades have gone down kids are responding worse not better not better for the more money they're not doing as well the kids in this town deserve to do well including the newcomers every every grade down down down down down there are some aberration to that but for the most part and when you talk about geometry wow we got 100% seven kids are not statistically valid the same thing goes for algebra it's a very low number to to come and say we're doing well is it's it's horrendous here we we're looking at the same thing here for 2024 science results 59 57.9 and 72.5% fail they failed this testing this dat testing nobody came up no it wasn't a teacher had a bad day it was a bad test they fell against uh themselves which is Tom do you have a question yes what are we going to do to make it better I didn't hear anything I heard some things that were good but I didn't hear I didn't hear enough I we talked about grades three and three and six that that that they're increased in proficiency but it was a decrease for four five seven and eight increase of proficiency for 3 six and eight a decrease for four five and seven so don't say well we're great over here but don't look over there because they're they're in trouble but that's okay it doesn't work that way uh 35% fail in grades three and six for ELA 50% fail 368 math uh I can go on and I might what is the action plan what I'd like to see too is if we could get this information from uh watchel watch on Hills Regional uh I'd like to see us in comparison to the other sending districts cuz perhaps we're all in the same conundrum and we're okay and and and my anger here is is not well founded but perhaps perhaps it's we're not as good as we think we are and certainly with with these numbers nobody should be proud I'm not yeah Tom Tom just I'll respond to that yeah I believe that what you heard tonight was really just a balanced presentation of the data I mean I don't think anyone's hiding from the fact that there are certain cohorts that um decreased in their scoring or that uh certain performance grade levels were not where we want them to be I I don't know that any of them are really where we want them to be but I don't think anyone's hiding anything and I think really um this is about laying out what we're doing that's a little bit different than in the past to make sure that the kids are performing at a higher level I think you just got to be careful with throwing around the percentages and using the term failure because it's not really how this test is designed and when you look at the context of how these numbers compare with not just the state level we should be above the state level we always are above the state level pretty much um there are exceptions uh in the past but when you look at the um local scores the National scores uh everyone's struggling with the post-pandemic you know uh decline um I can't open a newsletter without reading something about that uh everywhere you know on a daily basis so my point is it's not where we want the scores to be but I think if we focus on learning and we take this approach that we're analyzing data and using that data to inform instruction to help students and we use the I ready tool to help move everyone forward in a sustained systemic way you'll see improvements um every District in the state of New Jersey is required to report the numbers so we don't have to ask watch Young Hills for the numbers uh every uh administrative team will be doing a presentation before November 7th I believe uh and then they'll be posting those things on those reports on the websites give we can get a better idea thank you thank you George to give you some background when we got these similar results last fall I questioned them and I was thought Tom you don't understand we have to test in the spring and then you'll understand these numbers came out in the spring and I said these are not good well you don't understand well I understand numbers pretty well to see that when you're approaching what we're looking for that's a three and if you've made it that's a four so either either either you're on the boat or you're not on the boat and too many kids are not on the boat and I'm glad that we're I was very glad in the last meeting or the meeting before where we uh we uh provided the funding for teachers to go and get more education that was a that was a great thing and I and I lauded it then and if we could do more of those projects and I think I read that um that's that's a good move forward yeah and I'm sure with you on it you'll keep your eye on the ball we got this other questions can I ask a contextual question so when um are the when is this test administered so it's a little bit different than I ready right so I is done three times a year when is this test administered this test is administered in the spring the spring okay so it's in May got it there's a window that the state puts out at the beginning of every school year and then we set it up amongst our schools that work got it so it's in May and when you think when you look at kind of the level ones and you look at kind of the full student right because some people excel in math over you know Ela and things like that how do these compare to our promotion rates to the next grade level what do you mean the promotion what do you mean right so are we holding kids back right oh that's um well so when you look at students who score in the nlaa in level one I went through every student they're most of them have an IEP with a significant learning disability there may be a few entering elll students in that frame so it's really hard to look at that when you're looking at percentage because some of the students they're making progress within their IEP goals sure but we have to still test them on that so um and most of the students in level two I would say are also IEP El students some in our basic skill intervention programs um but some they they still may be making progress with like I ready it's just the score in the njsla so I hope I clarified that yep okay all right thank you also to add on to that for the promotion piece um so as Mr via said before this is just one measurement that one measure that we use in collaboration with I and all the other you know the FMP and um benchmark assessments but we look at this data in June and then again in early September and for those students that did not perform well on I ready and the New Jersey student learning assessments or for the younger students that maybe had basic skills in construction the year before or came in on a kindergarten um Readiness for the screening a little bit lower than the class we start with the interventions by mid October so there is modifications for students as opposed to just you know promoting them because of social promotion or to the next grade level got it what is our um hold back rate if that's the right way to say that I don't it's rare that we hold students back got it okay when my son was in second grade his one of his classmates got held back that's going back 30 something years okay so so not very common take that out of the data equation not very common and then I have one other question on the the Hib um slide you said um 77 out of 78 is there a benchmark for the state um in terms of like what I think we scor pretty high does that answer your question well I I could tell we score pretty high 77 out of 78 but what do do most districts at like a 65 or something just kind of um I'm not really honestly sure you could um like the njsla scores it's required that it's reported on the websites so I don't really want to answer for other school districts um they don't provide a benchmark like the other in the it's the same it's the same rubric that every school has to use every district has to use I guess my question they don't they don't gauge it Justin like they do with you know the njsla you'll see scores that are all over the place um Mid to low 70s sometimes in the 60s uh I don't think you see too many below that okay thank you okay Danielle I have a question for the um the math curriculum that we're using right how when did what is it called is it called big idea yes and and how long have we been using this math we have been using it at the middle school for20 six years no it's it's a bit longer and the and the ele Elementary for four years right so for four so for the past four years so we we have that I mean we can see um maybe we need to look at that so in year five is when we do our um when we go through the reeval evaluation for the textbooks and the programs that we use um unless they you can do it after 3 years um if there's significant reason to do that uh we are looking at several different subjects this year um with some of the data that we have but we can definitely take a look at that I'm because I just remember when it I remember when it happened and um I remember a lot of Buzz um that it was it was too wordy it was way too wordy and I just feel like every year it just it it keeps coming back with the same type of um anecdotal feedback sure so the board has supported sending some teachers to conquer math um the woman who runs it she's phenomenal Big Ideas is one of the programs that she she has promoted that hits on the standards what's need is the teachers have come back and really reframed how they're teaching some of those skills and standards and even the mapping so that's going into our drilling down with data too so um My Hope Is we're going to get all of that a little bit more aligned right okay any other questions no I want to thank you guys for coming uh data is always very tricky to present there's it's there's a lot of it's a moving Target really at the end of the day so I want to thank you guys for all um coming tonight and giving us such a great presentation and um we will work with Mr Alexis to give you the support that you need uh to reach our goals so thank you okay thank you thank Youk you thank you okay um Communications okay we we've received a few emails from families about issues this is over the last uh couple of weeks about millington's after CARE program and uh we contacted alphabest and they've acknowledged the unacceptable service in this one um at the one after school uh service at Millington and explain that the Staffing shortage that they experiences experiencing is the underlying cause they've assured us the issues will be rectified with new staff uh assigned to Millington school then we actually saw a uh a positive development this afternoon uh there with the new the new staff members who will be in charge there uh we also the board also received an email sharing a concern about a leave situation at Millington that email was forwarded to me by a board member and I've discussed it with principal Dawson and I responded to the parent on behalf of the board thank you okay uh board committee and Lees on reports um start with Karen okay Morris County Ed Services Commission I turned to the last meeting it was virtual big things that came out of it is that that bill was signed and now that Central School building does belong to Morris County ID Services they purchased it from the state for a dollar uh the other thing was at that meeting we had a presentation on their transportation services which is Mega part of where they make their money and the one interesting thing and this has been year over year and I mentioned because the deals with Morris County they saw an increase in the they provide transportation to Junior and senior high school students who attend Morris County Community College have that program and this year again there was an increase in the number of students transported so I mean which is I think very interesting because this it's actually con able that a child can graduate from high school with an associates degree at the same time so it's an in it's a very interesting program um governance met excuse me and uh high on the list it was uh dealing with uh responses from the board retreat unfortunately we got six responses so it was a split and it was a split vote so uh we made some decisions on our own excuse me I apologize um we looked at the calendar and um what we're going to aim for is in June we have a a board meeting and then going to have a second meeting and that second meeting is not going to be a board meeting but it is only going to be discussing the CSA evaluation the with with George self- evaluation and our goals and may go from like 5:30 to 8:30 but it's only going to be that it's not going to have involve a meeting and um then I guess one of the things we thought was a tradeoff is that and Robin will be addressing this and we're going to only have one meeting in March associated with uh budget information versus two this year because of timing and all so maybe like I said balance it out a little bit okay strategic planning Charlene joined us for this part of the call because she went over uh the the service that we enlisted from uh New Jersey school boards and uh it's generally a three session situation and we discussed a lot of stuff about making sure that we have uh the venue as well as the timing so that as many of our stakeholders as possible could be could be participate so the things that were were talked about were like not only having it every Tuesday because somebody might have something on Tuesdays so then we'll go maybe Tuesday Wednesday and then another day we might have one you know two in person and one virtual session so that if a person can't make all three or only two I mean they can they might have a better chance of at least participating in one of the sessions and any input at any level is still valuable uh we're looking to definitely have it sometime I would say in the what oh specifically um like by mid-February because Charlene alerted us to her retirement and she said you know try not to go P March 1st and it would be great to have somebody who is very familiar with us and you know knows the whole ball game uh big part of it is going to be working with public relations for uh getting the word out so that people will get involved and or want to come and to identify the the special stakeholders that we want one of the things Charlene mentioned was that they had this little video on one of the districts that she was dealing with so we have a little thought came up when somebody signs on to the website we have one of those little quick CPS and it would be George or Kim maybe a teacher maybe even a student that you know that 30 second clip about the Stu the strategic planning session so that you know we just keep keeping it out there in the Forefront and that it really has to start probably you know in November to kind of get the ball rolling because you have a lot of holidays so you got to keep things going um we did not get to talk about the committee responsibilities excuse me you know to go through them like I wanted just wanted to remind everybody at our next board meeting uh Charlene is joining us and it's uh starting at 5:30 and because it's very important about the strategic planning the first half hour she's going to go over with us the strategic planning uh program and maybe some other discussions that we've had with her about it and then the next hour and a half is to review of committee goals so um we'll talk about this the governance but I know we kind of did at Lucy goosey last time so maybe we could try to formalize it and and I'm not saying a big presentation but like one sheet of paper that the committee can make available to the board members and not talk about like what you do at your meeting when you read out your meeting minutes but specifically items that are were identified that we progress toward the goal that your committee identified but we can go on with that forever we have a meeting on the um presentation George Kim and I are scheduled for Wednesday and we might be looking to change our governance meeting from next week to Wednesday if at all possible and you can work with that in George second mention that okay Finance it's not going to be as as uh how should I say this as enjoyable as the other one so okay uh Personnel G issue is still there for Food Service AIDS but they they persisted I got an aid hired for central school and there's an agenda item for the approval uh sanitation cert certification came through the big one is the Department of Agriculture and the way it was described to me is like you know it's you know like when our normal Board of Health comes around like take it up another level or two in it's a very very major review but everything seems to be going very well and in order for that in terms of free and reduce lunch U numbers as of uh October 2nd there were 92 students that were eligible or families El or students eligible that's marked identified as 10.7% of the population which uh is over the number that we need so that next year we be looking at a breakfast program however the key number I guess we have to identify with is October 15th that's what they use for even identifying our state aid so that's that's a big enroll number we got to watch for food update there are changes going on Con stly and continuously uh based on feedback that is coming in and based on Robin's sampling of every meal that goes across across the counter so uh I guess part of our goal is to evaluate you know the effectiveness and you know and assess it but it's still in a little bit of a state of flux in terms of operationally it's going all right in terms of that particular dealing with and working with the food has to be dealt with and some of the queries have been made is why can't we utilize more of the local establishments in town it has to be known remember this is a federally regulated school lunch program I mean there are strict guidelines regarding you know proteins and starches and fruits and uh portion control and all I mean it's uh we were I guess very fortunate somehow to get the pizza in there but it we can't there's not any other leniency that we can that's feasible to get especially we're working with you know working with the vendor one question uh under the Reagan Administration tomato was a vegetable tomato ketchup does that still apply I have no idea no it doesn't it doesn't I have no idea okay uh Transportation subscription but subscription busting numbers 80 students for a total of 67,2 dollar and it represents about a $10,000 increase over what was budgeted so that was it the milling and Paving schedule for Northfield you know is still a lucid moving Target so there's nothing to talk about that Hudson Way students 20 of our students have expressed interest in Mandarin however you don't know how many are going to show up right now the charge that's negotiated with them for their San students is $2,400 per student now that'll be adjusted by um the uh payment for uh if they can or if they do join extracurricular activities and adjusted for the Mandarin teacher so we're working from that excuse me okay um Robin had put about a wellness uh program interest survey the teachers there was there was a pretty good response and then 10 on 10:15 there's going to be a professional development session about workman's compensation with the nurses and business staff the session will also be led by the uh District's Managed Care Organization they're going to have a a professional Day schedule for biometric screening and a wellness fitness session uh the audit was complete uh we did it we did Banner you know Banner well very literally cents I mean three Minor Adjustments literally sents she said there was one for three cents and one for 38 cents and another one I forgot but literally cents for three small adjustments um I was hoping to I only made a small note about the direct install agreements which really deal with the rod grants and was more building and grounds and I was going to lead that over to um Katie to do um and maybe I'll just lead it over to you when you when you talk okay uh RFP for special services Staffing uh we have two sumers set Hill students that required AIDS one required a one to one Aid and one required a part-time Aid and there was advertising done to no avail so an RFP had to go out to you know for an outside you know P like a purchasing and they got two Personnel the purchase for the one to onea this will all go into the tuition that's charged we're not paying for that now the part-time Aid obviously part of it that Aid will be charged to the student the other part time of the aid we will be using it'll be slightly more expensive than normal but as I mentioned regular advertising in the openings did not have a response at all uh grants um from the American you know New Jersey American Water a bot a bottle filling station for $2,500 from Millington now there was a question as to whether we fit the category because you had to be one of the uh uh you know charitable organizations but Robin appealed under exceptions to public tritya charity status may occur on a limited basis mainly because our facility is open to the general public I mean there's a lot of things that go on with the the camp and the the the games that are played Etc so we'll see how that works and through an association that George belongs to uh applying for or I don't even know I don't know if you got it yet yeah it's um for some flexible Furniture I know it's for but did we get it oh no no we haven't submitted it yet okay so it's for flexible Furniture that'll be used in Millington a regionalization I'm sorry I apologize for uh regionalization study uh myriads mounds of information has been requested on governance and law demograph demography education and programs finance and operations uh Dr Jones is working on it as well as the business office they're tackling it little by little you're going to see there are resolutions for final reports dealing with Essa nonpublic completion idea um there was another records day announced or a shredding day announced in town taking advantage of it um there are six boxes that will be shredded all approved by the auditor and last year if you recall wung had a problem they had to get their kids to a sporting event and their driver was not available and their bus was broken so they came to us and loaned it to them you're going to see a resolution to formalize that kind of a thing again should it happen and it's kind of nice to have this give and take back and forth between the you know our our neighbor and district and all the bills are reviewed and are in order that's the story thank you Karen any questions okay Danielle um I don't have an update for the community relations committee we're going to be meeting on October 9th at 4 p.m. um so so uh I'll move on to the PTO update which um they had their first glow party at Gillette school which is pi exciting I attended with my my child and um I saw Justin there and it was a lot of fun it was a huge success uh the PTO uh said that more more students and and their parents showed up than had anticipated so it was it was awesome um and they'll be doing more things for Millington and Central moving forward so and also I just want to remind people that uh there are many different fundraisers happening so they're doing the the pasta fundraiser they're doing the spirit blankets fundraiser and they have Spirit Weare available um at their website all year long now so feel free to go to lill PTO uh. membership tool kit.com and um that's it for me thank you uh any questions for Daniel I just have a question somebody like me it's you can go to the party Karen yes I got to say the pictures look great it really did it but I can't order I mean it's like I have to be a member of the PTO oh that's a good question yeah that is I'll find out I'll or you could text me and I can order it for you if you well yeah but still it's good for Community yeah yeah for the community to be able to just purchase a long Spirit yeah where yeah I'll ask yeah that's a good question those pajama pants are cozy I don't know if they're still there from a previous year they do have them still Yes um Crystal do you have anything um nothing to report this month but um I did want to say and Echo the week of that it is the week of respect as was mentioned um by the administrative team and in doing so for the week of respect um I think it's important for all of us to remember that we have this assessment and um this is a snapshot of our students but the data on our students is that they are whole people um and who are working very hard and I'm just very proud of the teachers and the administration for using that data both about the students and this data that was presented this evening to make sure that they're learning and um welcoming um in the best way so thank you for that thank you and I want to thank Crystal will be serving on the CAC committee uh on behalf of the board so I want to thank her for that an um I have a few updates um I'm going to start with the watch on Hills shared services and regionalization advisory committee meeting summer and that was just the title um we met on September 30th um the report I have is a report that's given to all the s sending districts and the participating Municipal uh governing boards as well uh so here we go the Watchung Hill shared services and regionalization advisory committee met on Monday September 30th with representation from both school district and Municipal uh governing boards and the Rowan School regionalization Institute study team uh one topic was Data analysis the group received a report from the rsri study team about progress in acquiring the necessary data from various parties they have been and continue to be in the process of collecting State data for each district and have requested additional data from each district the goals to complete data acquisition by early November uh two was culture and climate surveys a discussion ensued regarding the New Jersey school climate Improvement survey developed by Ruckers University as a source of information for the study wung Hills Regional will be reporting its survey results in October wung burough is starting the survey and we uh Long Hill are reviewing it uh as a possibility for the district the information from these surveys will be critical in helping the rsri study team understand what additional information may be needed that's not covered by the surveys topic three was Community engagement The Advisory Group spent a significant portion of the meeting discussing the various strategies and timing for Community engagement the following is a timeline for sequencing of communication um the timeline May adjust as goes on I'm October a district PTO leadership meeting where the rsri study team will work with the districts to coordinate a Roundtable discussion with each District's executive leadership of the PTO and PT in November post election um newsletter articles a community summary outlining the shared services and regionalization study process and progress will be released and distributed through all district and Municipal communication channels uh there will be an editorial meeting um scheduled with local editors to review the study's process and progress uh in December we will have a key education stakeholder meetings I say we but I mean the rsri study team uh which will mean a district with educational leaders and eth and nth grade teachers to glean more information that might not be readily extrapolated from the data collected I.E for district professionals to help fill in the gaps for the data from the state uh and districts may not include for consideration uh oh data that the state and the districts may not include for consideration as part of the study and this is building towards January a community Town Hall which will be a first in-person town hall to bring community members together for a discussion regarding the shared service regionalization study and review of the process remaining to complete the project uh the fourth topic of discussion was the demographic studies uh the SSR advisor committee discussed the process for acquiring demographic studies for each Community there was additional discussion regarding the impact of the new round of affordable housing requirements to be released in 2025 it's clear from the discussion that this will not have any bearing on the study given that the potential impact of the new requirements will not come to fruition for another decade if at all uh number five topic was the study priority review the SSR advisory committee reviewed the priorities for shared Serv service analysis the priorities are special education transportation and curriculum alignment there was discussion regarding models for investigating curriculum alignment including a model used by Northern Valley Regional and their sending districts this model utilized a shared utilizes a shared curriculum Center that coordinates the vertic a ver vertical curriculum alignment across all districts and coordinates all faculty and staff professional learning The rsri Institute study team te will be investigating this model for consideration and finally the timeline the goal is for the SSR advisory committee and the rsri study team to produce uh and for the districts to accept a thorough well organized detailed and easily accessible document for all stakeholders the goal is that the report um for the report is towards the end of the second quarter of 2025 May June but it may be adjusted this deadline to ensure the best possible study report is prepared and presented for for all of the communities uh the SSR Advisory Group will reconvene later this year as the Rowan School regionalization Institute study team makes additional progress so that was the the meeting um and again a a a great Gathering actually representatives from each uh of the sending districts the high school and the township committees as well from each of the sending districts okay we also had a student achievement uh committee uh curriculum and committee meeting on October 2nd last week um and the the bulk of the conversation we've already reviewed in the presentation um I did want to just stay for the board that um what we've seen today it it this is the main focus of what the student um curriculum the student achievement and curriculum committee works on you know not just the the state testing scores but all of the data and information as it comes across uh the district's desk and as we're working on it and we cycle back to questions I took notes on what we were speaking about today um our committee's first goal is the district's first goal uh and aligned with it and I'll just read it I know we know it but the the work of the committee is to raise academic performance by deepening student understanding through inquiry based strategies personalized learning and a critical and creative problem solving um we are looking at the data and I think um what Mr Alexis said it's a balanced look at the data there are areas where we are improving and we are seeing the hard work of the district come to fruition and there are areas where we see that there's continued Focus needed and those those are the conversations we have uh I want to encourage everyone to reach out to me via email if you have any questions for our meetings or future meetings we are planning on meeting on October 29th which will be the week prior to our next board meeting um another part of our uh meeting on Wednesday was that we had the pleasure of meeting with the um three staff members who had done curriculum revision over the summer uh so we had Mrs bird from the uh talk about the fifth grade social studies we had Mrs uh NAD beeli uh who was our new steam teacher uh at the Middle School uh and spoke about uh the wonderful um programs and and activities she had written into that curriculum and we had Miss Pierce who is a first grade teacher at Gillette who updated us on changes to the ELA and social studies um at first grade and I just wanted to point out even in that conversation how we're reaching back to District goals and conversations because uh when we were speaking with Mrs bird Mrs bird Mr Alexis and Dr Jones were talking about something called mini dbqs right which are the document-based inquiry questions where students look at primary source documents on historical information and that type of addition into the curriculum which is something that they're they're looking into uh grades 58 is working on the skill of informational text which is one of the areas we're seeing in the testing today come out and and you know it's just there there are small pieces I think in everything that our teachers do and that they work on in improving that build to create you know the larger picture of our Student Success uh it exciting I I oddly like the conversation of many dbqs um and primary source documents but we will leave my report there okay thank you Ann uh any questions for an okay Tom nothing to report this month okay Justin uh just briefly for on behalf of Miss ruelo for the policy committee um couple things here in 3435 and 36 deleted two policies some no changes to some others uh but we are meeting on 108 at 8:00 P.M to keep powering through our politics okay um I will say uh any questions for jus okay we were when we were at the Morris County School boards association meeting last uh last week right uh last week your policy work was mentioned from Charlie Peterson as like the model for how to go through policies and so that was pretty exciting I didn't know I guess Melissa shared her spreadsheet with New Jersey school boards and they use it I mean it's like we should have licensed it told had additional Revenue sources absolutely we could have made a fortune check but that was um that was nice and then also the mention and Karen I think mentioned this before but we did attend uh the Morris County School boards association meeting myself uh Danielle Mr Alexis Miss buer uh last week uh highlighting the board certification there were a couple of other school boards that got that but that really is um uh like a certification of all the work that the board is putting in with different um I don't want to say courses but training that we are doing and ours was above and beyond right what you needed to be to be certified and so we did get a little bit of like ooh when Charlene announced actually how many credits we had versus how many we needed um so we will continue to do that because I know that's one of the board's ongoing uh priorities can I just say like we've always maintained our Master board status and in fact we've achieved and I can't remember but I think it's very few out of there's 600 and something districts yes and I think there's only 57 in New Jersey that have Carol E Lawrence and we're one of them we have that certification what this did um is actually Charlene says that they're thinking about this somebody if a board maintains it for 10 years have a 10year plaque if they maintain for 50 have a 15 this is just a form of of like you know re actnow right the certification that's there it's not that we didn't have it and we went for it we maintained it just so that people are aware of that thank you okay um superintendence report okay thank you yes and let me Begin by congratulating all of our board members uh on maintaining the board certification um we did have a nice evening last Wednesday uh we heard a lot we saw other school districts Charlene said very kind remarks and and honored our board uh and that was great to be part of on the subject of school boards Karen mentioned that Karen Kim and I are looking forward to presenting our governance seminar at the annual Statewide njsba Workshop in Atlantic City in two weeks and as for the agenda you'll see uh the biannual ssds report this is one uh for January 1 2024 through June 30th 2024 and as I've said in the past we're very fortunate to have so few incidents even so sometimes the state required coding system can be misleading and we have uh you'll see that tonight on the uh board agenda where we have a few violence entries at Millington the nature of these incidents are not caused for concern it's just a required reporting uh and the way U incidents are are required to be coded the Hudson Way shared services agreement also mentioned this evening is on the agenda the Afterschool Mandarin program is scheduled to begin this month uh the six Hudson Way students in our sixth grade science class are doing well and enjoying their time at Central under Personnel you'll see that Kathy dovi has submitted her retirement she has been serving the district for 21 years she has been an excellent teacher a dedicated advocate for children and a great teammate during her long tenure in Long Hill last you will see a resolution authorizing the submission of the annual security statement of assurance I want to recognize the police first aid fire and Public Safety officials for their help with our annual review of our Safety and Security plan and that's it for me this evening thank you thank you any questions okay uh business administrator report okay well Karen pretty much covered almost everything under the finance agenda um a couple of things that we do want to go over the direct install agreements that we've been talking about there's another round coming up so I passed on this last round because this last round only had Central in it central is our icing on the cake I have to make sure that Millington can be done first so they can do Central and Millington I Believe come the December round so let's get budget numbers for those to make sure that we're not passing on what's needed to go for the the more um the more uh Central One um uh the uh budget calendar the uh calendar that is on the agenda showing the dates um we went through that we changed it as Karen mentioned to have just a March meeting and what we decided is once the governor releases the figures in February I will then do the presentation that you all are used to SC that way I can release the presentation so that you all can view the presentation ask any questions and then we'll just do our one March meeting as opposed to having two March meetings just a week apart um and I think that'll work and that'll give us an opportunity to discuss anything that's ongoing and actually give me an opportunity once we get the governor's numbers to make sure that we have a good final budget so I think that'll work um then the other thing there is just that you'll notice a little change on the agenda we used to have everything saying by the recommendation of the superintendent and the business administrator and our County Superintendent mentioned in a CAC meeting that it really should just be the superintendent that all the questions should go to the superintendent I am recommending to the superintendent was then recommending to the board so that's just a matter of having uh the correct um uh flow on the agenda so there's just that change is there anything else that I can talk to anybody about or explain just one thing I want to emphasize in uh even though it's only going to be one session that you see identifying associated with the the budget the board is going to have time you know weeks yes to look at the budget and review it it's just a question of of the meeting why double up I she can do the presentation and giving you the information we don't need a special meeting a copy of the budget and a copy of the presentation and then view it on your T take time digest ask questions that so that we all feel good about it okay lunch today was delicious it's I the Mondays I was going to ask about that the Mondays very nice what' you have today toor and string beans I'm jealous better than M yeah it was it was fine it was good I heard the kids like the Egg McMuffin on Friday I heard that was good I also had a really nice meeting with all of our lunch shads and our food service people on Friday um and we just went through the program what's working what's not working they need help cutting the pizza for pizza day they couldn't do that fast enough um so that was a little thing but the kids enjoyed the a house's Pizza um they gave told me what the kids really like to keep on menu and what you know is not working that we'll take off in November and then we have um the department of uh agriculture coming on the 18th so that's our big they review all our records They review all our applications they review they walk through our cafeteras making sure we have all the correct cert certifications that the menus are hung up and then they watch to see how we actually serve to make sure that we are doing it correctly and that everything is getting out so that should be the next CLE and we should be good great so good okay um any comments from the public on agenda items okay resolutions uh Karen will you move in the minutes items number one so moved second Daniel any questions roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs daily yes Mr Foster yes Mr Groot Dr Mah yes Miss Nyquist yes Mrs case yes Danielle will you move in financials numbers 2 through 16 so moved second any questions roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs Daly yes Mr Foster yes Mr Groff yes Dr Mah yes Mrs nist yes and Miss case yes uh Crystal will you move in Special Services numbers 17 through 20 so moved second any questions roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs Daly yes Mr Foster yes Mr grov yes Dr Mah yes Miss Nyquist yes Mrs case yes uh an will you move in Personnel items number 21 through 32 so moved second any questions um I just wanted to take a moment to say that uh Miss doeski who I will call Mrs d uh will be deeply missed um I I just list words that come to mind when I think of her and I have kind warm knowledgeable diligent caring effective highly skilled um Mrs D is the type of teacher who quite frankly I think takes as much time to to assist parents in their learning and helping the students as she did with her students uh she's a wonderful asset to our community um so I just wanted to take a moment to to tell her congratulations as she moves on Beyond us thank you thank you very much an okay okay roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs Daly yes Mr Foster yes Mr Groff yes Dr Mah yes Mrs Nyquist yes and Mrs case yes uh Tom will you move in curriculum number 33 so moved second any questions fun field trips roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs Daly yes Mr Foster yes Mr Groff yes Dr Mah yes M Nyquist yes Mrs case yes Justin will you move in policy numbers 34 through 36 so moved second any questions roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs Daly yes Mr Foster yes Mr Groff yes Dr Mah yes Mrs Nyquist yes Mrs case yes I'm going back to Karen Karen will you move in other number 37 through 41 so move second any questions okay roll call please Mrs Butler yes Mrs d yes Mr Foster yes Mr gr yes Dr Mah yes M Nyquist yes M case yes okay thank you um any items for discussion any unfinished business any new business okay any comments from the public okay can I have a motion to adjourn some moved second all in favor I extensions opposition okay great