[Music] my excellent Megan would you please read the statement of presiding officer in compliance with the open public meetings Act of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting specifically the time date and public call and information were included in the meeting that was electronically sent to the echo settin all and posted on the township website the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www.l Hill J duck up a public comment period will be held in the order it is listed on the meeting agenda thank you Megan please everybody rise and join me in a pledge of allegiance i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all please take rooll committee man dorsy committe man ray present committe man verza present Deputy Mayor lavender here mayor Pia present uh first on the agenda is ordinance first reading [Music] 533-2496 to require that all um people present at a meeting go through the metal detector and have their bag searched but if not mandatory but it allows them and the police department check with the prosecutor's office and they suggested we pass an ordinance allowing that by way of example the township committee would if there's a MAG how do you say that word mag mag metal detector there's a metal detector at the door I can say that uh the township committee would in fact every member of theard or the to committee also has to go through the same just as the public does correct okay uh looking for a motion so moved second committe dorsy Yes committe Man Ray yes committee man verza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes mayor pgia yes ordinance 53-24 this is second reading so we will have a a public comment period this evening uh this is a salary and wage ordinance we added two positions uh public safety director and executive assistant to the public safety director any comments questions from the Committee hearing none I'll open it to the public seeing none present uh Megan is there anybody online if anybody on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone mayor okay so we'll close the public hearing looking for a motion to approve ordinance 53-24 second reading so moved second commit man dorsy yes committee man Ry committe bza yes may Deputy Mayor lavender yes mayor Pia yes ordinance second reading 531-2400 ordinance does two things it authorizes the uh creates the position of Civilian public safety director which is really the administrative head of the police department he's not a chief he doesn't have law enforcement powers and it also makes the director of Public Safety the appropriate Authority which is a term used in state law concerning police departments and who they report to who adopts the the uh the regulations uh Robert F Rano in his report uh said that the township committee was in an inappropriate appropriate Authority um so that those are the two main things that dis ordinance does thank you Jack so members of the township committee if you have comments or questions seeing none I'll open up the uh public hearing on this ordinance only ordinance 531-2400 good evening good evening Charles Renning with Millington I sent an email on Saturday January 27th to the mayor and Deputy Mayor let me read from that I've read the report the lill Township Police Department assessment two times I went back and reread the lill Township Police Department risk assessment from MRI that being said I've not seen the analysis of the three Alternatives identified in the lill Township Police Department assessment without a recommendation on the best option for the lill township taxpayer nor any financial analysis by the author those options are remain independent joint meeting and three shared services on January 27th in an email I requested your financial analysis of these three options and your conclusions for reaching your decision and the best benefit to the Long Hill taxpayer and saving the Long Hill Township taxpayer dollars in my 40 years as a professional Consulting partner with one of the largest Professional Services firm in the world with some of my clients being the New York City Fire Department the New York City Police Department and the Phoenix far Department I said I'm especially looking forward to your analysis of these presented options I might add that most of my professional Consulting experience surrounding shared services has resulted in a successful financial analysis of utilizing the shared services option in all cases so I'd like to see since you didn't respond to my email what is the financial analysis of these three options that were presented in the report by Mr ferano yeah Deputy Mayor lav would you mind responding so first off um option number one is the status quo option and um the other two options are not deterministic at this time because there isn't enough data on those in terms of information coming from the outside other towns with which to cooperate those options were presented simply as that as options and when we hire the right executive to come in and run things we'll find out which way we need to go but the one thing that is clear is we're pursuing op option one is a prerequisite to any other of the other two options that's why they're called options so there's no financial analysis based on your decision is that correct it's premature to have a financial analysis at this time there weren't any in the report on Monday January 29th I sent a second email to the mayor and deputy mayor I'll just read the opening paragraph please find attached an article of the Ava availability of 7.5 million for shared services grant funding by the state of New Jersey in this article that I attached for you it's through the local efficiency achievement program called leap and it was administered by the will be administered by the division local government services this a quote from Governor Murphy quote helping our communities and New Jersey residents achieve savings through shared services is a primary goal of the Murphy Administration in this department 1922 up until 1922 Harding was part of this Township I see no reason why you should not have pursued as was in the report a shared services option between the police department of Harding and the police department of loal Township looking at the best interests of the taxpayer in terms of dollars and safety I recommend to you tonight since I've seen no Financial analysis other than we're going to hire a director top out at 235 of Public Safety and assistant at 190 that doesn't appear to be cost effective to the taxpayer so what I'm recommending you tonight is that you defer a decision on this ordinance and look at the 7.5 million that's available free of charge to Opportunities like like this to look at shared services you mentioned at last meeting number of you touted your fiscal responsibility being so great based on what I'm hearing tonight and unresponsiveness to my emails I don't get that feeling and at the last meeting a resident was concerned about trust and she couldn't trust you did you wrap up this is a public comment question she couldn't trust you I recommend if you want to build that trust you defer this decision use this Su of the 7.5 million and get the best option for the Long Hill Township taxpayer thank you for your time and your fiscal responsibilities uh just one comment you don't have to stay up if you don't want to we're very familiar with the uh shared services program at the state level Nick Platt and Jordan Glatt are the Zars I know them very well once from i' had you've spoken for 10 minutes now okay I'm sorry I know them very well I've spoken to the governor about the shared services as far as Harding were well aware where they are situated and when they left part of being long guil Township conversations regarding Harding are confidential um I don't know if you want to add anything to that no just other than the fact that we need to hire the person that's going to come in and help us run this and the other options are very interesting options and you know we're not that far apart from where you what where you're thinking so thank you that's fair okay we're still in public comment on this ordinance pamelo Jin Millington and going through Mr fero's report like Mr rtz I read the entire report having also um reviewed the MRI report uh and if it's helpful I can refer to some um questions as far as pages on page 11 there's a comparison of overtime expenditures and I'm wondering why it was overtime was so low in 2022 and if this is reproducible so I'd like to see expansion from Mr ferano on why overtime decrease to uh 7,324 in the police department in 2022 versus the preceding years of uh 2015 to 2021 of exceeding $50,000 that's Comm mendable so maybe he could expand on that and just uh let's keep it where it is and not have it go up the way it was prior to 2022 hey Pam um yeah it's interesting that you keed in on that because I do remember this coming up in the conversations with Bob but I don't remember the answer so if if if you want to send guy and I an email happy to get you an answer but I wish I had the detail that's fine I can do that um page 19 this is probably just clerical um it is just clerical but the the title online item 24 is annual written officer performance evaluations but the context after that actually includes the officers the sergeants and the lieutenants so my recommendation would be to change the title to just read annual written performance evaluations since it includes more than just the officers it also has the sergeants and and the lieutenants in the uh in the discussion below that um on page 31 there's a comparison of Motor Vehicle crashes uh covid year 2020 compared with year 2021 I'm not sure why those years were chosen since we know that there was a lot of aaren sees in 2020 with it being a quote covid year would have liked to have seen a comparison of preco to postco um motor vehicle crashes for a more um meaningful data comparison um I'm not sure I understand you on that um the years this is on page 31 Mr ferano he Compares covid year 2020 with the next year 2021 for Motor Vehicles crashes and it looks like a substantial increase however when you compare it to 2019 which was preco and more quote normal to 2022 which was post that there's not that huge increase it it's a little misleading when you look at it yeah I understand it's a spreadsheet and the percentage looks like it's bigger move than it is you really have to look at total crash as the absolute number and and several years yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm with you um on pages 25 and 27 uh appreciated that there's a lot of example charts what um I thought would be helpful to have would be uh some chart with comparison of response times there is on page 58 um where it says quote calls for service are answered in a timely manner would like to see that Quantified what's a timely manner so you have a way to compare um if indeed that turns out to be something that that's going to be monitored here out yeah and and that that might run into a statistic that the police wouldn't want to have out response time yeah seriously don't you think it's reported all the time in New York City in in terms of actual response times yeah I mean they compare it to their Staffing and okay then I'm corrected but I would Def and I would look into mine further too that was my understanding um and maybe you could just put it in a more nebulous fashion of improved versus is a challenge yeah yeah you quantitative instead of qualitative I have you yep that's a possibility um finally on page 58 paragraph number three it starts with the delivery of police services provided by The Long Hill Township Police Department is excellent um I am in full agreement with uh improvements challenges however you want to phrase it that are needed in developing goals and objectives and and the achievements versus the challenges in a consistent structured performance evaluation system system with performance Improvement plan um a timely data correction uh collection reports uh better communication and staff meetings and and things of that nature um and it is in my opinion if we have a proven experienced qualified chief of police I I did not see clear evidence and I have compared the um the job descriptions if you will of the chief of police and the public safety director uh the need for an undetermined amount of time to employ a public safety director at the salary stated previously if however we had a paid fire department a paid EMS Ambulance Service uh paid uh well we do have a PO paid part-time OEM in addition to having the police department report to this public safety director that would be a whole different situation but we do not have a paid fire department or ambulance EMS um an alternative I see to having a um public safety director hired and which to me seems like more administrative and executive and shares the first five job description responsibilities with the chief of police the chief of police now seems to be much more a day-to-day operations responsibilities versus the more administrative and executive which would be under the um the domain of the public safety director so to things that I um ask you to to consider are one if this chief of police is going to be day-to-day operations that you reconsider the salary it certainly um is not as administrative or executive so shouldn't command the same salary as when those responsibilities were more under the chief of police the next and final statement that I want to make is in the um resp responsibilities for the public safety director Point number three where it reads the public safety director Shall Serve for a ter a term established by the township committee at the time of appointment I'm not um unfamiliar with such an arrangement I worked in a corporation where anyone who was hired at a director level or above uh had a paid Mentor had a paid facilitator for the term of one year the first year of their employment rather than to leave this open-ended um I feel that adequate consideration should be given to a one-year term and then let's reassess where we are after we have if you want to start the the clock running one you have a chief of police hired give them one year goals objectives challenges achievements all that in collaboration working with the public safety director do we still need someone and an administrative assistant for that person at that salary after one year's time of getting a a chief of police operational and hopefully assuming more administrative and executive responsibilities do you have any questions for me no thank you for your comments thank you m Karen list and I'm in Millington excuse me and I'm speaking here as a private citizen um many of the comments that I was going to make were made by the previous speaker uh the big one is um in comparison of the responsibilities like she said and under the situation that's set up I don't see who would want to be a chief of police in Long Hill because you don't you don't you wouldn't be acting as a chief of police uh I would re I would like to say maybe we hire a retired chief of police to be an interim like you hired an interim uh administrator and do a very deep search for a good chief of police if if we don't have somebody that we can promote from within um I would rather see the money spent in that way I've did a little bit of research and and in some of the cities like uh it was pointed out that other cities that have lower much lower salary for the same title that people have a lot of uh help and a lot of people under them that they do actually um between Jersey City Hoboken excuse me and Patterson the span of control of the director of Public Safety was between five and nine our span of of control is one no actually two you can count the administrative assistant but he only has two also with that span of control those individuals that report to the public safety person have a number of employees under them the bottom line is they really all report to that director of Public Safety in terms of org General organizational structure I mean um I can't think of one I should say viable company that would have this one to two ratio at especially at the salary that's there I would also like to ask and and re get reassured that all of the members of the police department were queried about what they see as being needed for them to be I guess better for them not only to be better individually but to be better as a department and get their input as to what is really needed um in terms of shared services I'll just say and uh a group that I'm with we have a couple of shared services arrangements with other towns that are working so well it really it almost put you on a high how well it's working I mean that's all I can say and um lastly the last time I was here I got up second time at the end you were gracious enough to allow me to get up even though you said it was late however it was very unfortunate that um you know in the comments that I made while I was still here and actually talking um several people turned to each other you got up and you talked and I thought it was very unprofessional and very disrespectful well the other organization you you you referenced uh I think we all know what you're referring to the the walkill school board public comment I think we just allowed you to speak longer than the entire public comment period at the school board right 15 minutes I believe is the school board public comment three minutes per five people speak if the sixth person wants to speak they cannot speak we've never cut you off you're beyond three minutes now well I have to say this yes we do say that in the opening remarks however only when we had like 50 people at a meeting that all wanted to comment maybe preco four years four or five years ago did we restrict it to three minutes each we do not res really restrict the public you answer questions during public comment uh that's not appropriate at the meeting that's not the guideline for how the meeting is Ed if the president decides that a question can be answered she'll refer it to the person that can whether it be the ba a Comm will they answer it in the public session excuse me will they answer the question during public comment depending on what the question is and depending on if the information is available and if the person or the information is available the person and the person who can answer it is available thank you okay I guess I don't understand why I was asked about that but that's all right any other member of the public would like to speak good evening Joe far Andino 623 Chestnut Street sorry for coming in late um I really don't know what this is about but going on what was discussed last session as far as the need for another layer of government in our small town is that what I'm allowed to speak on right now not okay when I discussed with other people about uh this public safety director it seems like the MRI report created the pathway to another layer of government that this small town of ours really doesn't need so in my humble opinion if everybody on this deis did their job there would be no need to have another layer of government especially after I found out that some of the people here who have been appointed do not have all of the qualifications that they were appointed for Mr Randy bar that's who I'm speaking of okay I don't mean to be insulting that's not my point I'm just saying that you you took the place of Mrs Malo who had the alphabet sup title of pqf or whatever it was and and I would like to know why you were appointed to have this job when you do not you do not have H qualifications later on down the road what qualifications are we referring to this is this oh that's why I asked I'm sorry I apologize it has nothing to do with the ordinance I forgive me pleas I didn't realize that's where you were going all right so that we'll wait for public comments at the end okay very well thank you very much that's fair you did say you didn't know what we were talking about I that's what I started thank you no problem Joe sorry about that that's F uh any other member of the public in the courtroom seeing none Megan at home Maran n's raising her hand good evening everyone can you hear me yes yes yes okay yes okay I just have a couple of comments would you mind stating your name and I I'm sorry for cutting you off would you mind stating your name and address please sure it's uh Maran nunin 110 laana Boulevard in Gillette okay uh I just want to make reference there's a couple points um that I noted um previously and also upon um my fellow residents um going up to speak first of all with regards to a public safety director in terms of shared services this level is not equivalent to any other level of shared services it's an at risk level in my opinion okay uh and I'm just going to now try to explain what I just stated for everyone who has F been following or has not been following uh Warren Township or neighbor their Police Department was recently taken over by Somerset County and by the prosecutor's office okay so the question is in my own opinion this is where I am pointing at if we make a decision with regards to shared services with other townships we could be putting ourselves at risk because we don't know the nuances with reference to what occurred in Warren um if you read the echo yes I did read that article Maran the echo basically outlines what occurred okay um and it's it it's still under investigation but personally I I could not I cannot see this being part of shared services that that's my humble opinion right now you know we're we're at risk by aligning with other townships that are under investigation now this seems to be apparently what is going on Statewide um and that that to me is very critical um and the last thing is you know when we're talking about another layer of governments within the municipal ality um the way things tend to be going do we really want to position ourselves where Morris County could take us over okay and you know with all the new rules and regulations coming out the need for a public safety director is mandated in my humble opinion again um it seems like the way the workings of our State Legislature is going currently um they may be looking for all I know the way things are going uh possibly to take over our police departments now that could be very speculative but you know when you have your state controller counting on social media with a video a broadcast of one of the police officers in Warren Township okay that's an issue and that's all I have to say thank you Maran thank you very much any other anybody else online I should say anybody else on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone mayor thank you uh so the public portion is now closed and I am looking for a motion on second reading for 532 d24 ordinance concerning Township committee oh no I apologize I jumped ahead there now didn't I 531 531 5 31-24 an ordinance creating the position of director of Public Safety so moved second m comman dorsy yes committee man Ry recused committeeman valza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes mayor Pia yes okay now we're up to ordinance 532 d24 second reading again an ordinance concerning Township committee committee leaon in supplementing and amending chapter two of the Township Code entitled Administration essentially this is eliminating Township Liaisons for uh Township departments uh paid departments uh so the Departments will now report directly to our administrator Randy bar any questions comments from the township committee and the police department I'm sorry I was going to say the police department will report to the appropriate Authority correct so so just to refine your wording on that it's not that they didn't report to Randy before but it removes the ambiguity of a Lia on being on equal footing with Randy thank you I'm man can only serve one master okay I don't know what that voice it sounds like the voice of God there for a second uh so any comments Beyond uh Mr lavender correcting my English no your English stance be corrected but your diction is perfect all right so uh at this point I'd like to open up uh public hearing on ordinance 532 d24 so just the ordinance that uh we just described which was what an or well the ordinance concerning to Township leaon but won you have this director of Public Safety no no no we're beyond that this no but I'm saying once you have that there's no need for liaison no now on it goes to point point of order let's do this in order please I'm sorry all right so public comment I see a gentleman coming to the mic Charles renit Millington I sent you all an email on Thursday January 25th about this ordinance let me reiterate what I recommended to you in case you didn't have the opportunity to read my email one I recommend adding written monthly leaon reports under section one paragraph 2-2 4B number two I recommend in the same paragraph the liaison will attend all I emphasize all board commission or committee meetings my rationale for both these recommendations are to eventually get to the Avenue I know we said we don't like to follow other towns at the last meeting we said we're Long Hill we're different but I think some of our other towns have this worked now what I would like to see is that when we produce the agendas we also produce these written liaison reports so the residents of this town can read it in advance and come in here prepared for an intelligent discussion the second thing is about attending all meetings I realize that it's pressing times but it's an opportunity for you to interact with all the boards and the Committees and the advisory committees I think that's important realizing you might not be able to make them all but let's stress as a a goal and objective to try to make all the meetings so you can better understand some of the issues that are going on and just not getting a written report hopefully you'll make these changes tonight I didn't get any response from my email on January 25th thank you for your time thank you Mr rtz uh any other members of the public here in the courtroom for public comment on this ordinance seeing none Megan anybody at home anybody on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone mayor thank you Megan seeing none I'm looking for a motion for ordinance 53224 second reading ordinance concerning Township committee aaon and supplementing amending chapter two of the Township Code entitled Administration so moved second committe man dorsy yes committe man ray yes committee man verza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes mayor Pia yes thank you Megan uh consent agenda that's number four uh so that's 24- 057 24- 073 any uh resolutions that a member of the committee would like to pull or I know abstain uh or recuse I guess yeah yeah I'm going to recused myself mayor from 2466 069 070 and 073 might be easier to Bingo the ones thato okay any any other uh recusals or to be pulled for further comment or questions all right so looking for a motion 24- 057 to- 073 with the recusals uh by Brendan as stated so moved second committe man dorsy yes committe man ray Yes committe Man valza yes deputy mayor lavender yes mayor bch yes okay uh so liaison reports Vic you look like you're just go seems It's primed four is yours he's like a coil spring over here all right happy Valentine's Day everybody the rec report for February 14th is as follows the recreation advisory committee will meet again on February 20th among the items we are working on pickle ball court play and rules for reserving the court selection of bands for the 2024 dog days of summer concert series policy update Recreation committee membership requirements also just before this meeting tonight the recreation department held a Valentine's Day special virtual Bingo and supposedly that was a lot of Hardy fun I I can never land those but I slide two given that everyone was home from school yesterday did you create any special snow sculptures and enter our contest by going on to community pass and uploading a photo of your creation deadline to enter is March 15th prizes for our judges favorite sculptures and it is a free entry register now for our community CPR AED Red Cross class February 28th 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. $32 per person register are on community pass and the class size is limited we just started another session of six classes of yoga with Aubrey rer Eline this session will go through March 25th and will'll follow it and and we will follow it up with another spring session of yoga more information is available on the website classes are held at the old Millington schoolhouse we're getting ready for spring and Recreation be sure to visit the website and download our free spring activity packet the packet contains puzzles activities coloring pages Crest and much more fun all right mark your calendars now for our annual spring egg hunt Saturday March 23rd from 10:00 a.m. sharp at caner Park rain snow date will be March 30th the egg hunt for Long Hill children ages 8 and under petting zoo pony rides and the Chamber of Commerce adult egg hunt and to wrap it up the recreation advisory committee is always looking for new members if you are interested please contact the rec recck department and that concludes my liaz and report again Happy Valentine's Day everybody thank you you're welcome Brendon yeah that's that's a tough act follow probably just yeah I'll just I'll just give a quick update on apologize sorry should I know you should have turned exactly turned to Matt um no just a quick update uh on the uh passing of the the Baton of uh leadership there at the at the uh planning board um Don Richardson uh was elected chairman as you as you know uh mayor you were you were you were there to see it and um Tom Jones is vice chair so uh you know we thank Dennis for I think three years of uh leadership uh as a chairman he did a he did a stellar job but uh um and and and Dawn is going to do the exact same so that's my report for Pb thank thank you Brendan Matt yes all right fire department has 37 calls to date which is almost one a day so they're very busy which is which is good good thing nothing bad has happened um so at at starting this week one member from Millington and one from Sterling each started fire one so we'll have two more hopefully in what a couple months fully fully functioning firemen or women for that matter and two members of Sterling and one from Millington recently started firefighter 2 which in advanced class and I think that trains for leadership position as well Brendan yep that's right so that that's another good thing we got going on over there um the one of the new fire engines from Sterling I believe it's the pumper truck should arrive in mid to late March so that should be out and run in a month or so um and most importantly the venison dinner March 9th 6 o'clock Al six o'clock venison dinner get your tickets early because it's a big event it sells out quickly so see any firemen or fir women uh check their website or Facebook page will get you in contact how to buy tickets but it's excellent and it's a good time so please buy your tickets uh next uh the senior center swore a new officers about a week and a half ago so congratulations to the new officers at the senior center there was a very good turn at almost every table was full and then uh special thanks to the PBA officer Gess is back there and read the newspaper looks like he organized the race but it was his partner detective nne but uh the PBA did an excellent job I think almost every member of the department was there helping out in some capacity had excellent turnout I knew people that ran it our faren Fox from the DPW was there running it and also our municipal prosecutor Lisa Thompson came to run it um the turn out how many 440 Runners yeah approximately 440 Runners and considering it was February that's pretty good so they want to make this an annual event I think this public supported it and uh hopefully we do another one next year and we get nice weather again so great job by the PBA and thank you to all the runners that came out and made the day enjoyable thank you thank you Matt Scott nothing here thank you so just a couple of quick updates we have we spoke a couple of meetings back about what is called uh wda worda uh it's the Water Resources development Act of uh was passed in December 22 signed by President Biden early in 23 it was $7.5 Million that was uh allocated to Long Hill Township there's been some questions as to what it can be used for we're still uh discussing what that can be uh but we're starting to narrow it down Randy's going to reach out uh through the our engineer uh to the Army Corps uh and if we have to tweak the original application a little bit we will uh but I wanted to give a very brief update there I know it's still vague but we're getting closer to getting a definitive answer uh one thing this is based on the conversation you had with iiz I had an extensive conversation yesterday with uh uh Congressman K's uh staff um and they're going to work with us to to Really pin down what we can use that money for one thing I I've refrained from commenting in public about but uh based on events over the last couple of weeks I I I don't know that I want to hold my tongue anymore what has happened nationally uh to our law enforcement uh men and women is a disgrace and I want to make it exceedingly clear here in public tonight we support the Long Hill Township police men and women uh we want to empower them I think we do uh and support them in any way we can uh to help them uh execute their sworn Duty uh to protect the residents of lill Township and to protect themselves um the police department here in Long Hill they have signs you've seen them around town there's been a sign on my lawn since March of 202 uh long time nearly four nearly four years the signs are free you can pick them up at the police department or if you see a police officer you see them here tonight uh you can mention uh they will drop off that sign that are free uh they are willing to accept a donation to The PBA uh if you're so inclined but either way I think they'd be happy to give you that sign and I want to thank we have two officers here tonight thank you for the job you do please thank your colleagues and this ends this ends at least in walkill Township you only think when I was younger my father said there were only there's only one thing you say to a police officer yes sir or yes ma'am that's all you said say and thank you anybody abuses an officer in this town that will not be accepted all right um sorry Randy that's okay back to you um I got a a report from the DPW DPW uh is continuing on pothole repairs along Long Hill Road they've repaired uh quite a bit of potholes um during this winter season they're continuing with uh dead tree removal uh it's fit in between their other duties uh during the winter months um they've been continuing with the catch Bas and inl Inlet inspections and cleaning and have done repairs to the old schoolhouse styrofoam shared services has been a great processed material once a week sometimes two it's been a great recycling program we've had uh other towns get involved with with our recycling program and it's been a very good success um Al Gallow wanted to acknowledge the great work the guys did yesterday on the Storm uh we got about 8 inches of snow and the team got done with the roads in Township properties and sidewalks by 5:30 I want to thank Al for his leadership and the guys in public works as all of you know that would this storm was was not good storm to shovel it was it was a wet snow very heavy um it it takes a toll on equipment and and and the guys backs and everything else so uh thank you Al um we appreciate you guys getting out there and and getting everything done and to be done by 5:30 p.m. um that was excellent I I I know the snow stopped uh sometime earlier than that uh but it was a a great work um I'd like to also reiterate go in this next comment I want to thank the L Hill Police for helping with parked cars on roadways it is not permissible to park cars on the roadways during snow covered roads it's a bur it's a Township ordinance and um please do not it it it causes problems for snow plowing delays the snowplowing operations um and you can get ticketed and towed so do not par on the roads when it is a slow mention um that's all I have for uh Public Works um as far as finance and and administration we're working on the 2024 Municipal budget and capital budgets um and and moving forward with that we should probably have an introduction of the budget uh sometime in March that's all I have mayor thank you Randy uh we have one item number seven on your agenda uh to for discussion items special events mobile food trucks Jack I don't know if you wanted to give a brief uh update from where we were at the last meeting yes mayor both of these ordinances Were Meant to engender discussion because they haven't been seen or discussed by the T committee before uh the first one is to regulate food trucks uh I tried to make the substance of this ordinance uh reflect the discussion that was had at the T committee with the owner of the uh the brewery um in response to Mr Vera's recommendation I made it three nights a week um now I I put certain restrictions in there and you'll see I highlighted them um in the ordinance as I say the entire thing needs to be discussed uh and marked up I know that uh that Megan and Randy have gone through it and marked it up U same is true with the special event ordinance part of the rationale for that is to make it reflect current practice uh the the other ordinance was around a long time and uh it really wasn't followed so we tried to I tried to clarify the definition of special event and made it more something that would require police and fire presence or first aid presence uh rather than the old definition which really didn't make a whole lot of sense um so that's the background on them there's some overlap because you know we can allow uh food trucks at special events and not make them subject to the same restrictions as the General Food Truck ordinance thank you Jack any questions from the committee com I just have one question Jackson on page under it is on which ordinance oh the the food Ordinance one okay the whereas a temporary food it's on the I guess the third page it says um e they're not allowed to be within 200 feet of a brick and mortar retail food establishment yeah well that's why I highlighted that oh no I have no problem with that can you make it that it's open at the time because good good point if somebody's closed it doesn't matter for example like milington Station Cafe they close I think at 3 o'cl right or say technically could be there and just not open it could be closed for a certain amount of time so right all right understood Jack going off those lines um the the one that we're approving um C main food Lobster in the Sterling Fine Wines parking lot are they not allowed to do that because TI taies there TI taii and obagel oel would be in there and they'd be operating I mean this provision doesn't have to be in here I I threw in as much as I could thinking you know you could revise it or delete it or you know add other things as I say it was meant to engender discussion I see that oh yeah I mean I mean for the Public's uh knowledge this conversation started because the brewery uh in my opinion very correctly wanted to have uh food access for their patrons it certainly not to compete with the Millington Cafe if the Millington Cafe were to remain open into the evening it um I don't think the uh the request for the food trucks thank you would have come before this committee so we're not trying to compete with open food establishments good point um so anyway that's that's the context what if the food establishment was okay with the truck being there I was just going to suggest that without the consent without the consent of right blah blah blah if that food establishment is open right not if it's closed does matter not their option but if it's open with their consent so a couple couple thoughts that um I had looking through this page two letter B um it it calls for a license uh for a maximum of 90 days um being that there's inspections being uh done on these on these trucks uh would it make sense to have a one-year license um and the next C is uh outlining the fee of $100 I mean if you're making a one-year license you can adjust the fee accordingly uh but for for 90 days I I think think um you know three months is all of our licens are done on a yearly basis we have the tree companies on a yearly basis so it kind of makes sense to to have it on a yearly basis this way uh you know it's it's not an undue burden of keeping try to keep track of all the trucks with every 90 days to uh do do a renewal um also I I'll go through my comments if you don't mind can I make a comment on that sure um and how how about if you make a co-terminus with the end of the year correct calend year that's a good idea yep within the calendar year yeah that would work perfectly so if you get it in June it's for six months or months right got it so down on uh 47.4 um and it and it prohibits uh in the no I'm sorry it's permitted in these non-residential zones now question going through this what if I'm a resident and I decide to have a food truck or um a company I have used in the past is Dave's Backyard Barbecue come to a h come to my house and do a a barbecue or something like that it can we add something where it you know if it's it can be utilized in a residential Zone if it's a private party or something to that effect we could add that to section four 7.5 exemptions so it' be like a block party could be a block party could be just an individual backyard party I I know you know depending on the size of your your property you know backyard Pro uh property may not be viable but absolutely Deputy Mayor a block party where you know people don't want a barbecue or something they could bring in a truck or something uh but that would be under a special events permit uh for the block parties because they're probably going to be utilizing um closing of Road and and so forth so um but but yeah like a private party on on private property and and are there restrictions how often they can do that yeah certainly certainly and what do you think would be a reasonable limitation on those types I I mean I don't think we want to discourage somebody who like the the the scream truck that goes to residences for private parties I don't think we're not talking about limiting that are we no no they're part of the exemption got it so we vendors are exempt okay cool basically you don't want an Airbnb having a d famous every weekend exactly exactly got it uh you know maybe a couple times a year I don't know three four whatever you know somewhere between two and four um most people I I would think would only have a barbecue once that would require a food truck or something like that or maybe twice I don't know two times a year without Township committee approval if you want to have it more I think four should cover it no yeah seasonally four every three months and for the public we're not passing anything tonight this is just discuss there will be a first reading there will be a second reading my immediate reaction is I I don't know about that we you know we're going down a a bit of a rabbit hole we started out with a food truck for a brewery and now we've got food trucks well remember this is going to address food trucks yeah I know not food trucks for a specific and once we allow for the brewery we can't arbitrarily deny everywhere else we're trying to you know Megan and I sat down and we went through this today trying to figure out um you know it's difficult to figure out every kind of instance that could ever happen but we're trying to tighten it up and so that's why ordinances get amended as time goes right right so um the I page which I uh page three letter I got it um talks about uh establishments shall out obstruct or interfere with uh free flow of vehicle pedestrian traffic now we do have a um sidewalk ordinance that I'll I'll tie this in with letter P on on page four where we're prohibiting certain things of chairs umbrellas grills generators extension cords tents popups Flags so forth no furniture or tables now for we had um one instance where a pizza truck came in and they it wasn't I guess the best way to explain it was more of a trailer not a not a truck and it wasn't an inside trailer so the pizza oven you you addressed it from the outside they had tables set up not only to serve the public their pizzas but obviously for protection so nobody got close enough to the pizza oven um you know I I I think we don't want to discourage that on the other hand they should not impede the uh um flow of pedestrian or traffic U likewise wouldn't that fall under like a special event license now well food trailers are are discussed here so the tables aren't for people sitting at or anything they're just they're just if you will blockades to keep people away from I I don't think I don't think people would prohibit that Randy because it says shall be placed outside or attached any sign light pole tree or similar object it doesn't seem to prohibit U table fold down table it comes off the truck or the trail or whatever it wouldn't come off it it'd be a it'd be an actual table set up against against the like a if you figure if you look think about it a U-shaped three tables set up so to keep people away from uh the the area where they're where they're cooking um again something you know to throw out there and we could we could uh discuss it um Val print the letter L I guess U I'm I guess I'm not I'm not envisioning this right says no lighting shall be provided except that localized lighting may be used on or in the temporary mobile uh retail so I I get that so what if there's like colorful lights that are on the on the truck that they light up is that is that would that be uh prohibited or would that be acceptable because it's an attach it's it's on the truck itself could that be for menu illumination though considered for that this was um do we want lighted well and and again I I'm just yeah I'm just like for instance like a green a green LED lighting to attract people right okay I get the lighting if you will for a menu board for safety of of the of um patrons and also obviously safety of them cooking inside uh but we have seen trucks uh when we when we Google this stuff with different lighting on the outside to kind of kind of more like marketing to ATT track people um you know if that's if if we're looking at that prohibiting that then they just can't turn that on you know it's that's but I just wanted to throw that out I think that would be more relevant to uh food trucks on the side of the highway you know I think what yeah I I agree I agree but you know we have we have seen a food truck at the uh oakflower that had colorful lighting if you will do we want that I'm not saying yes or no I'm just I'm not saying I'm just bringing it out I just ask you a question I mean it wouldn't be such a bad thing right I mean they're they're only there for a show time and yeah within certain hours and they're they're they're kind of going again now Emma what do we call that know allow Christmas Place in essence that's what it almost look like but again they're not they're not um they're not setting it up on the walkway on the sidewalk or anything else it's attached to the truck decorative lights attached to the truck that's kind of yeah that's what it would be okay thanks so M with temporary mobile uh retail food establishments shall not display any signs I don't know how the committee felt about a sandwich board type of sign obviously you don't you don't want to have them put it out in the um middle of the sidewalk but next to the truck um a lot of these trucks do have those those type of signs uh whether they use it as a menu board or or um name of it and and a phone number or something like that um again I'm not recommending or not recommending I'm just I'm just throwing it out there I don't see an issue with a sandwich sign as long as it doesn't trff as long as it doesn't impede foot traffic yeah yep now I think you have that covered in the other area so so one sandwich Bo is that I think that should be fine um or um it's uh food establish shall maintain a 10-ft separation distance from any combustible uh object including other vehicles so if you're on the street and a car is parked behind or in front of the food truck or we saying they cannot park there now that we have to Cone off a um a spot behind the truck and a spot in front of the truck and propan gas on the truck so that's that's um and I I again I'm not um emphasizing one way or the other I I get the the I get the idea behind it the let me go back and and I'm sorry let me go back to G on page three temporary mobile food uh retail food establishment shall maintain a 20 foot separation from any building on site um so if you're in a if you're in a private parking lot and you want to park next to the building there's no windows you know it's a just a concrete wall uh you you is there a reason why they have to be at least 20 feet away from that building is it Phil is it the same philosophy for propane and the that type of safety concern um I I don't know 20 ft is not very no it's not it's not I I agree with you does that work though where the brewery is I mean is the is the truck going to be closer than 20 feet well they've been parking in the par they've been parking in the street the street right in front of the build yeah and I think that's closer than 20 feet no I would from the from the curb to the to the door front door oh yeah it's closer than 20 feet that's that that's not you think so yeah it 20 ft is not very far no it's not let's say for instance let's say for instance if if we're right I had this argument today so and it's and it's 10 to 15 ft CU that that that establishment is a little close to the sidewalk if I in my mind's eye Brandon are you familiar with what I'm talking about the it's I think it's a little close do do we do we need to be that specific can we be a little bit vague and say a safe distance from combustibles or something officer goes and tell you gotve off it's not a reasonable distance it could be arbitrary I'd rather have 10t if you want to Mike oh I'm sorry I'd rather have 10t you know than just I think T might be more reasonable because again I if if the food trucks parked right out in front of the brewery and that's only 10 feet from the so from you know from the from the curb yep then we're defeating the purpose yeah and I don't think anyone's going to go out with a tap measure but but 10 10 ft is that I'm sorry Megan other than Megan so I had the trip obviously pay more attention yeah cuz or you have the 10 foot from any combustible right so maybe you can collapse those into two those those two articles into one yeah for buildings and the last one last comment I have is under exemption with uh a for ice cream vendors yes um would that include shaved ice trucks Italian ice trucks or or something similar to that that um I mean it's technically not ice cream but philosophy and how about and similar vendors type vendors how about just simply say frozen confection vendors okay what do you do you read a thesaurus before you come to the Mee I do Rosen convection convection V is that do that does that include soft serf soft syrup definitely C that it that's all comments I have for your consideration okay I will I will bring a second draft to the next meeting we can talk about it further see where we go from there I'm talking into the mic thank you Jack all right so next one is the special event yep same idea as I said this one was meant in part to clarify what a special event is and to reflect current practices current long-term practices that weren't consistent with the ordinance that we have in place now so Jack where where did you make the CH the ma the most major changes in this one well you know what i' I've got everything I can tell you because I've got to track changes under the definition of special event that that's all new and here it's open to the general public or is a private event with more than and I didn't have a number anticipated attendees uh will generate a parking or traffic flow situation uh requires the expenditure of Municipal Resources by DPW Police Department or fire department and it's proposed to take place at a municipal Parker or facility and again I put exceeding a number of of of attendees U and also requires Township committee uh for um those special events as defined in Parks or other uh Township properties and it exempts Township events so the idea was we don't care if they have you have a family reunion with 25 people you know at a park uh but if you have 100 it's going to require traffic direction by the police department and things like that then you should have to get a permit in discussion with Randy we also talked about adding the block party to the definition of a special event sure question on that um do we rent the Pavilion at caner there are field rentals there yes they would have to reserve that and let's say you had 50 people at a family reunion and that and they go through the process of renting it from the wre Department do we want to the fact that they went through that process with the rec department could that exempt them from having to also do a special event permit to see would seem a little bit redundant there was a similar event last year because I don't I don't know if Lisa does require insurance for uh an event like that um so we did have one neighborhood Beacon I believe that was a special event that we issued uh rental for the Pavilion last year um and Lisa had them do a special event permit she did all right and again I think we should insert number of people again if you're having 15 people it's not really a special event should should we add something Megan about if you reserve if you reserve a facility with recck Department I don't have to get involved sure no no no no I mean that that then you have to get a special event permit if there's more than a certain number of people you know you can only use the Pavilion or things like that with permission of the rec department or Rec maybe consult with Lisa before okay I'll I'll talk with her and see what she thinks again this is not going to be ready insurance is required by the way according to Lisa we just made a comment insurance is required okay the next changes are that the the current ordinance requires permits from all for all concessionaires and the town hasn't done that in many years so all I required in this draft was the names and addresses of all concession errors and insurance certificates from them as opposed to they having to go through the application process which the current ordinance requires yeah that that makes I mean that seems to make sense Jack right because you're adding a hardle there that we haven't really been and keep to lot it's a lot of work yeah yeah yeah but I I do think we should have CER Certificate of Insurance from them are they're just not going to be happy yep um Jack I know that this has been discussed before but the 60 days um I figured it we could go down to at least 30 what what that's at the beginning isn't it uh 4- 6.2 notification of a proposed special event 30 days 6.2 yeah that that's no change in the current I got it 30 days y any other suggested changes Megan or Randy or C committee U we discussed um under the second page under Section 6 d as a dog um Within 30 days after the conclusion of the special event the sponsored event shall provide the township administrator with an accounting of the of the event specifying the gross now received the administrative costs and the amounts donated to qualified Township organizations um to my knowledge this has not been done at least for at least for six years um I don't know if we should eliminate that or or um making sure that these um these uh events are because this is for somebody asking for a waiver um for the payment of police coverage right yeah that's exactly what it's for um T to you all uh you know I don't know how else we would verify you mean verify that the that they gave the money that they gave the money that they didn't have to pay the police for their time right right I mean other than one of these establishments just provid in a letter right right might be the that without being too specific well that suffice I mean it doesn't require a form formal accounting per se it just says an accounting specifying the gross amount administrative costs of the amounts donated of course that's only we should probably clarify that make it clear that those maybe we should move it down to 465a M that requirement Randy because really that's what it's for yeah is the exemption from having to pay pay the police move that that whole all four all four of those under that paragraph Yes yeah all all of six really right and under under the police coverage um just just um process-wise for if the if the sponsor is not exempt it must deposit with the Township Clerk and escort deposit equal to 120% of the police department's estimate um I would uh change it to um if you will Council something to the effect that uh F the outside police duty procedures of the police department okay because they uh they right now we have an outside company doing that that they they would contact and so or if it should happen a change where they collected inhouse at the police department um it'll cover anything for the the current policies for the outside police duty do we require an escro deposit the comp the escro company will will uh determine that and I think you could even pay them with credit card and so forth yeah so um we're just taking that equal to 120% just say in accordance with Police Department of procedures or right any other suggestions under 4- 65a let number two um the the names of Civic charitable oh yes and service organizations can we just end it there and delete everything that's there because right now um I don't know what force is um but some of these organizations may not exist or new organizations may come about did Force change its name Matt did Force change his name we at the Long Hill Education Foundation yeah that's what I I thought but wouldn't that be under education and Affiliated groups as well yes yeah right so we can take out it's it's up to you all but the T committee is the one that came up with this list whenever like the Girl Scouts and boy scouts yeah yeah I mean I think it makes sense to as Randy suggested just to take take it all out and and and the sentence after charitable and service organizations yeah okay yeah they're going to have to provide a a uh uh the tax exempt yeah right this is all in there now that's so we'll take it out can I make can I make a suggestion sure small work it's confusing right this this is confusing if you're going to run a special event and I get it because we have to protect ourselves what would be interesting to see along with this that we're working on is what a sample form would look like that's a good idea for the public right because I think if you look at that and you start seeing all the stuff we're putting in here some of these things are going to maybe get washed out right and for instance like all these um all these um um organizations right could be referenced on the form and that could be a separate note that we update at a later point but the idea would be to make this simple right yeah I agree because if you see what the form looks like before we actually pass this we you know we're just like creating this Tangled mess mhm then that'll that'll help us figure out what ought to be on this page okay and actually Jack do you foresee any changes to the form we use at the moment based on this Meg shaking your head yes is that right yeah I don't like that form oh you don't like it okay so making him up with a new form for the next meeting that's that's like an awesome idea like maybe you could design the form yeah for what you see here and tell us if it's Haywire okay I will come back with simplified versions of both uh ordinances and we can talk about it further both of them sound good great thank you Jack okay thank you all right old the new business seeing none uh just a couple of announcements uh the league of municipalities has a scholarship for High School juniors and seniors to apply uh the application is on the website I believe with a letter from uh me as mayor uh there are $3,000 scholarships available Statewide Long Hill Township uh high school students have performed well and very well in fact recently in Statewide uh campaigns so the scholarship aims to advance Virtues Of elected and volunteer positions in municipal government while raising awareness of local government in general if you want any additional information Megan is available uh and as I stated the description of the program and the letter are on the township website again it is called the Lewis Bay scholarship on Sunday February 18th there is a new store opening at the Speedy Mort that's 1277 Valley Road the business is globo g l o b o Party Shop uh the grand opening is at 2:00 Sunday February 18th so that's this Sunday and Matt could you repeat uh the venison dinner details March 9th venison dinner Sterling Firehouse 6: PM start get there early the food is great and you can purchase a ticket from any member of the fire department uh they have signs up in a bunch of different establishments in town for contact information you can check their website Andor Facebook thank you mattt you're welcome uh that any other announcements from somebody else okay the meeting is now open to the public remarks and statements pertaining to any matter uh please limit your comments or remarks to three minutes Joe farino 623 Chestnut Street I do believe that anybody who showed up here tonight showed up to voice their complaints about this wasteful another layer of government as far as this safety whatever you call it the safety administrator director whatever it's funny that the MRI report laid the found the foundation for this new layer of government that this town does not need that if if everybody that sits on his board had done the job that they were elected for we wouldn't need a a a a public safety director or anything else now I want to thank you also by frustrating aggravating me going over stuff about food carts and whatnot that I couldn't care less about especially the part about the food cart not being near anything combustible last I heard food carts carry propane that's combustible so if you wore down the clock the real issue this evening as far as I'm concerned is this wasteful director's position which I am totally against which I'm sure the board here the Town Council will make sure happens because that's beneficial to the Town Council not the people that live in this town Jig Is up fellas and Megan we know exactly what's going on explain what's going on Joe political patronage that's what's going on you're laying the foundation to recruit people for your political agenda that I I saw this back in New York that's all it is Megan let me know when three minutes is up yeah no my I'm up already like don't worry thank you hello hi Neil hello uh this is a little bit different uh from me uh but I'm with Joe all the way on that uh on the larger uh concept of the uh big issue uh tonight um I'm going to and yes it's it's it seems we are going to have uh a u uh public safety director uh and I'm just going toh comment on the name itself the term the title uh I think it uh fails I think it's not accurate um it's it can be easily changed I think um everybody's reporting to the director and uh Public Safety doesn't seem to be an accurate descriptor um in fact Public Safety has some bad uh overtones to it we're not there we're far far away from it but they are Eastern European zones and even uh one or two countries in the Far Eastern end of Asia we don't want to go there you know a little bad things begin with baby steps we don't need this term why don't you go for it why don't you call this position uh police commissioner or Police director everybody's reporting to him um that's about all I uh thought I would uh uh say here at the end and I don't want to exceed my three uh uh I don't want to exceed my three uh minutes so U thank you very much yeah thank you it's good to see you again Charles renz Millington I agree with my colleagues I want to stay under three minutes so I got maybe three comments and one question keep the question last we've been without a police chief for 16 months why do we rush into a decision for a public safety director without pursuing the other options two joint meeting or three shared services just a comment think about it I agree mayor with your comments tonight about supporting our Police Department I think it's critical and that that that they shouldn't be under some of the stress that's happened in New York City and the harm that being said when I read the police report I was astounded that since 2016 no lieutenant in the police department has had a performance review including the last 16 months where this committee had the two lieutenants or one Lieutenant both lieutenants reporting to you 2016 we went through two police Chiefs in the township committee we're so supportive of the police department but then we don't give them a performance review what could be more important to their careers that's eight years astounded we spent more time tonight in the last two meetings on food trucks then we did discussing the police report if you would have had discussions tonight on the second reading of the ordinances in your open discussion like you had with the food trucks we would have loved that but we got blindsided by it didn't get get the report till 24th or 25th then it was black and white I couldn't read the charts so where are the priorities I am totally totally confused on your priorities here's the question we've had a magnetometer most of the last Township committee meetings do we have a serious threat that is still outstanding in the municipal complex and or the township as a whole that's the question I don't think we're going to discuss Public Safety if there's a if we put a mager or I should say a metal detector out there uh there's a reason so we're under a terrorist watch you know the federal government the federal government comes down with those coded structures and you're not going to tell us to be clear that's not what I said pamel oans Millington and um I just want to repeat what Randy said I want to shout out to the DPW I was at caner Park before noon today it was blacktop I did not expect that I really thought I would be dodging um period or sections covered with ice so uh amazing job and they they need to be commended for that absolutely one announcement you did Miss which I found out from my next door neighbor is that if you didn't get your girl scout cookies yet they're going to be selling them again on February 24th between 9: and noon at the Duncan D Donuts um the food truck discussion uh please if we don't have a first reading if we're sitting in the audience and we have nothing to compare to what you're talking about do it in your executive session we just sat there not knowing anything that you were referring to for over 20 minutes and yet when we get up here we are held to three so when it's something that we can't refer to I know it's on the agenda discussion of special events and mobile food trucks but you're referring to drafts of ordinances uh that we have no idea what you're talking about so please could you move it to your private your executive sessions we can't discuss that in private maybe we could have been a little shorter up here I'll I'll concede why can't you discuss it in private because it doesn't fall under anything that uh well I'll let it yeah we can only discuss personal matters pending litigation but is that in writing somewhere that our CL can explain so can you amend that that if you have a discussion uh but why do then save it to the end and have public discussion and then have a discussion if anybody wants a public comment so we can go home while you come up with your first draft that's a good suggestion we could make the drafts available before uh coming even though it's a discussion item and it's not a an ordinance um I don't think there any harm in releasing the no as long as everyone understands the draft did not so I mean I think that would satisfy what you're suggesting if you had the draft you would have had right something to refer to the only thing I cared about with the food trucks was that you didn't get rid of good humor and Mr Softy so you know I just want to make sure that those are safe those are some of my fondest childhood memories I'm sorry if I exceed three minutes but that's emotional to me so you know once I know that's that's safe I'm good with whatever you do with food trucks you can rest assured thank you a checker speech on Mr Softy uh okay Karen Nikas from Millington I just want to clarify something I was a little taken back by being queried on procedures at a at a session of a group that I'm with and I just wanted to clarify that no matter whether a question comes up the session uh or it re is received in writing or even a phone call into per into inter uh involved parties all inquiries are responded to all inquiries either in writing or by a phone call by the appropriate person I just wanted to but not in public I didn't say that I think you did just say that no I didn't I said all inquiries whether they come up in the in the session verbally somebody comes up and makes a comment or it's received in writing by different parties in the group or receive a phone call into respective parties all inquiries are responded to now whether at a particular meeting it could be responded to at that time because of what's requested maybe there's need needs data to be collected maybe they have to consult somebody uh in the organization that has more expertise in the area but that inquiry will be responded to either in writing or by a phone call all inquiries are require or respond to but again in the public meeting if a question is asked will it be answered if I come to a Schoolboard meeting and I ask a question will my question be responded to in public at that meeting at depending on what you ask there are some simple questions that can be answered there are some I'm Simple Man it would be a simple question come to a board meeting and ask a question as a member of the public I will well aren't you our leaon I said I will attend as a member of the public and I will ask my questions okay very good if you ask a question that can be responded to at the meeting by the people that are there my question that I ask I will like responded to in that public meeting as we have done all night tonight if the person is there and the data is there or the information is there to be able to answer the question it will be responded to if that's not available would have to be responded to later I can't imagine with a superintendent and a ba present they wouldn't have a response that any question the public would ask but that's okay they ask for a lot of data it won't it's G to have to come after collecting the data they don't come in with volumes of data in front of them and even that that would have to be looked at and to identify exactly what the person was asking what kind of data would require that type of research like what type of questions some people might ask a financial question or number of students doing this number of students doing that you know the number of students in the KA uh District 800 and I think it's 61 okay so that's not a no no that's what I'm saying it depends on what's asked it's not all right but okay anyway go ahead no that's it thank you thank you any other questions comments anybody at home uh Dennis sand would like to talk sand mington speak up Dennis please hello that's better during the discussion on food trucks I think I heard a dis side discussion that the food truck would be allowed only if it did not conflict with an open food service within 200 ft that was actually open at the time and then someone mentioned Millington Cafe was closed by the time the Brew Pub opened is all that correct and property owner yeah with consent be okay in addition to in addition to um Property Owners consent so like the one in um uh Sterling Fine Wines if the property owners agreed to having a food truck there they'd be able to operate is what was discussed okay the re the reason I am bringing this up is to remind you that there is a Chinese restaurant only 100 ft away from the Brew Pub and it is open until 9 10 o'clock at night something like that and so you should you should keep that in mind we're at the early stages Dennis say again we're at the early stages of discussing this ordinance and coming up with the uh the details yeah maybe the 200 ft is uh excessive maybe getting the permission uh gives an adjacent restaurant owner the ability to uh restrict what you're trying to do uh I would have brought this up during the discussion except there was no public discussion but it's important to remember that there's more restaurants in downtown Millington than simply the cafe thank you Dennis my pleasure any others Megan if anybody else on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone mayor thank you looking for a motion to adjourn so move Happy Valentine's Day everyone thank you