Robert lindman is very concerned he hasn't seen the new truck yet okay can you hear me I think we're ready to go 10 seconds you got that little the bottom little meeting starting shortly oh we there you go okay welcome good night every good night good even everybody um mayor Pia is excused tonight so I'm presiding for him Megan can you read the uh statement of presiding compliance with the open public meetings Act of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting specifically the time date and public call and information were included in the meeting that was electronically sent to the Echo satol and moris Daily Record and posted on the township website the agenda and public handouts for this meeting can be viewed online at www. Longhill a public comment period will be held in the order is listed on the meeting agenda I'll rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I FL flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Megan can you please take the role comman dorsy here comman Ray is absent tonight commit valza present Deputy Mayor lavender here and mayor Pia is absent thank okay thank you um so uh you know first let's start off with um some presentations first I'd like to say uh you know we had hoped to have um Tim sty and Elizabeth jitt here to talk about the uh watch Young Hills Regional High School budget unfortunately uh due to an illness uh we're going to have to push that off um from this meeting I guess to the next meeting but um we'll uh we'll see how that pans out but um at this time uh Kyle mid thel from New Jersey American water is going to come up and give us an update Kyle was here a few months back um and we've asked him to come in periodically to just give um give us update on the work that's going on in town Kyle the floor is yours please speak into the microphone um thank you for coming tonight thank you thank you for having me um you looking forward to providing some additional updates on some of the projects I spoke about as well as some new ones uh so uh the first one is our operations building uh that building has been under renovation for uh quite some time we had our final inspections actually just the in the last few weeks and our furniture is being delivered in April so we're looking forward to moving into that facility in April we're currently operating out of trailers there and temporary facilities so that'll be a big step forward and that includes a brand new laboratory uh so that's installed functional and uh the team's really looking forward to getting getting in there and taking our uh comp purpose of that laboratory water testing uh yes yes it's compliance testing for our wastewater treatment process to make sure we're compliant uh adjacent to that is the new Vector truck uh storage building so that building's again been under construction for quite some time very happy and pleased uh at the progress that we've made uh again with that project we are looking to also receive furniture delivery in April and move in those inspections final inspections for the CFO are scheduled uh for for the coming weeks so that's an excellent step and we'll we'll eventually close that project out um punch list items are ongoing but we expect them to be done shortly as well and uh again looking forward to moving in there uh the next project that is ongoing is the pump stations specifically Clover Hill and Marist toown Road um they're progressing we had a little bit of a delay due to some procurement challenges some things that just took a a long lead items to get uh but we have Reed re them they've been installed they were primarily uh controls related plc's um they're installed and we will be commissioning them and we're looking to put the new pumps and the new system online in April um from there again there'll be some closeout items but it'll be great to get those Systems off of a bypass situation and onto the permanent new pumping system so that'll be a big step forward for both of those stations that will be in April new generator uh you know new controls pumps valves the entire station um cleaning and lining I spoke about that uh we had a 2023 project that's now complete uh it's it's it's done we're moving on to 2024 uh We've identified many areas that we're going to look to do some cleaning and lining so we go through clean the pipe and we actually install a liner within it to stop water from infiltrating into the pipe um we've seen great success so far and we we plan to continue that uh year in year out every year we'll have a program had a very positive and successful meeting with the njde just earlier this week um initially there was some ambiguity about the permitting process what we'd have to do there uh but they were able to clarify that and and we came to an agreement on how to proceed so we're now in the process of drafting up the permit applications those will be going in shortly and we anticipate to do that work later this year if there are any issues with the permits just taking time you know questions back and forth we do have other areas identified as as potential backup areas because it's important that we continue that program every year so um we've we've developed that uh we're looking forward to executing 24 and then we'll do the same 25 and Beyond um a project that is just starting up that's been planned for quite some time is the upgrade of our filter uh filter system and filter treatment building um design was done last year we we secured a contractor contracts were put in place and we're actually looking to have that contractor mobilized in April uh that's a pretty extensive project it's a complete replacement of all the filters a lot of the filter perces uh valves piping controls building upgrades as well as some repairs to our clarifier tanks themselves that is uh going to start again in April they're actually going to be on site and that's going to be concluded substantially by the end of the year um we're hoping everything will be wrapped up by then but uh you know we'll definitely have that new system online in the fall winter time frame um so again that will help help our our treatment and help us remain compliant uh we are also installing a skada system so that's a supervisory control and data acquisition system um so they're common in a lot of Industries that'll give us the ability to to monitor uh remotely not only the plant but some of the list stations we're going to bring them online as as we can uh we have to do some upgrades in order to do that but that will continue as we move forward um not only is it monitoring it also includes alarming and some control as well so all in the effort to make sure that we remain compliant we stay ahead of issues before they become a problem and alert us to potential future problems um again to improve uh improve the resiliency there uh the clarifier walkway is a project that we completed the design last year I think I I gave that update at my last uh presentation here that was done in the November December time frame since then we've we've put it out to bid we've selected a contractor and we've executed those those contract documents so we will be moving forward with that uh we're in the process of going through submittals uh we haven't received a schedule from the contractor yet uh but we will receive that soon but that's something we'll definitely Target uh to get done in the summer time frame uh barring any procurement challenges there uh so looking forward to that one next is the Sledge tank cover uh very similar we finished that finished up that design the end of last year uh that went out to bid we actually waiting on the bids they'll be back uh Friday of this week we're going to get those bids we'll review them and then we plan to execute that contract sometime this year and and get that project started that will be started this year um it may may spill into 2025 uh but that depends a little bit on the contractor schedule procurement and and uh the rest of the project um ulent that we use in the treatment process and uh we had insalled two tanks and we identified that a third would really be beneficial um because of we need because of the additional resiliency having that Reserve chemical storage you know during storm events or unforeseen situations it gives us a lot of a lot of extra ability to to treat water uh the waste water flowing in so uh that tank was actually delivered last year we have since executed a contract to install that tank and make some additional upgrades to the system so we're in the process of getting that scheduled and anticipate that to be done in the next few months as well outside of the building because the packleather was to be a spill a hose was to break something was to happen it potentially could leak um not that it's a very harmful or dangerous chemical we we it's part of our standard that any chemical delivery has containment so we actually completed a design to to develop a permanent containment area for that delivery um that design is 90% we're doing the final reviews actually as we speak once that's done we'll be implementing that project and putting that permanent containment there to prevent any sort of uh discharge of the environment um we also recently just placed the order to replace and add some additional smart manhole covers so these are essentially they replace an existing manhole cover that you see in the street you drive over them all the time uh sometimes a little bit of a bump in the road but uh we are replacing those uh with smart covers some of them strategically they provide information on the water level within that manhole so it's a very very good way to get an early indication of a backup or if you're having a surge within the system it gives us again that warning we can start to track and identify problem areas number one number two it gives us the ability to get out there and attack and address the issue uh before it impacts residents so anything we can do to further that we're working on um so those are on order again they're probably a few months out they're they're not really readily available they're not extremely common it's a more advanced technology but a good one that we want to implement here uh the last project that I want to give an update on is the expansion of the uh existing sanitary sewer system so um I had identified that that we have two separate projects going and and kind of categorized the expansion into into different groups so we have we have two group we have three groups the first two category one and two are within the existing New Jersey DP sanitary sewer service area that's part of the water quality management plan um we've received the draft report for that uh we just got it we're just we're just starting to review it now and and go back and forth with our engineer to review and address uh comments that we have uh we do anticipate the third category which is the areas outside of the existing permitted sanitary sewer area um those are a bit more challenging because there's some more permitting involved that's why it was a separate uh review and study by the engineer we expect to get that in the coming weeks that's following right behind uh the first report so once we get that again we'll do the same type of review and and comment there um once we do that and and get some additional information from the engineer make sure we're happy with it uh we're going to develop an internal working group and we plan to to start that group in May that's going to be that's going to be an effort to start getting our ducks in a row to prioritize schedule and better understand which areas can be expanded to uh when those expansions will take place and and how they'll take place um as part of that with our group you know we've invited uh some some of the Town committee as well as some others from the town to participate in that uh just to help better coordinate and execute that work um you know in the best interest of the town and in a good partnership there um so we're looking to start those groups in May looking forward to those they'll really they'll really start to get the ball rolling with that expansion um that does Fall and dovetail into some of the other projects they already mentioned uh they all they all need to be executed concurrently to to allow that additional flow to come into the plant and be treated in a compliant way um so we are seeing some good progress there we are on schedule uh with with the report as as we hoped we got it this month for category one and two and again we anticipate the additional report in the coming week or two good all right um so let me play back a little bit of what I heard and then I'll ask Matt and Vic if they have any questions um so let's see so there's there's facility upgrades that are in Flight that you talk aled about um there is uh some activities that are going to improve the resiliency of the overall system which would be monitoring both in the pump stations and in the manholes uh that's something that we never had before uh in terms of monitoring if there's adverse situations that had to be addressed um the filtering thing is huge because that affects water quality um which is badly needed um so thank you for that um you're doing work uh to improve uh uh resistance against infiltration from storm water as well as the movement of the water with these Pump Station upgrades um and uh you know on top of that there's environmental controls that you're building into the facility to make sure that we have resiliency there in case of Storms and anything like that to protect us environmentally and then lastly the expansion is proceeding um on schedule and we're going to have some uh group sessions in May uh to kindy of figure out some of the path forward on that so everything this just sounds like you know red green blue this is green all systems go right so this sounds you know fantastic Vic uh Matt do you have any questions yeah I just have a couple what's the purpose of the groups again the groups is to coordinate that expansion so that's going to include um running new sanitary SE remains down streets we we don't want oh so not the expansion at the plan talk about the expansion no this is within the system itself so we want to coordinate with other scheduled upgrades throughout the town um Paving events things like that just to make it as uh as tolerable as possible I talked to guy about that earlier that it's probably going to be you know guy myself Randy Joe um Al it's not civilians basically no okay no well you know when we get to the point where we have to engage yeah but um you know there's there's work we need to do ahead of time to make sure that we're not stepping on other projects that are going on in town construction projects right you'd be perfectly aware of that right then that which dve tells I'm going ask question about Paving because people have been asking about Northfield Road that's the one by Millington school okay you have any idea when that's get repaved are you done working on that that would that's not New Jersey American Water it's not well it was New Jersey American water on the water side not on the on a sanitary seore side but we are in design with Boswell engineering for that to go out the bid um we'll I'll probably uh find out next week uh as to the status where we're at with that and the other question I have it's not for me it's for people that ask I I see it and I sure that Randy sees it more is with the expansion itself not of the system of the plant itself because there's a bunch of shovel ready projects that they want to know when they can start that's that's the I know you might not be able to answer right now but is there a general idea yeah that that's what we're working towards and that's what these reports will help us understand um you know they've they've done system analysis and you know they've done all the surveying work I'm sure a lot of folks have seen them around town we did all survey to understand where we can reasonably expand to would that be a gravity main do we need pump stations do we need easements do we need no I'm not talking about that expansion I'm talking about the expansion at the plan for capacity purposes because there are project say for example there's one by chento there might be a couple other on Long Valley Road or on Main Street in Sterling that want to get started but they can't they don't want to start building until they know they can hook up to the source system sure when will the band be lifted that's that's the question that's better question thank you no very good question yeah what we're working on now with the filters will will impact that um I don't know if that will be necessarily the end point for when we can open up that type of expansion of flow coming in because that's what we're talking about um I could take that back and and work the engineers to better understand how that impacts our perfect because I know Jack gets that a lot and Randy does from the different developers or Property Owners because they want to get moving on these projects and we have a lot of eyesores in town that need to get cleaned up sure and a lot not your fault but a lot of people in town don't understand that they can't do the project until they can hook up to the source system sure so one Falls in with each other but thank you yep I I think there's an anticipated like deadline on that one though it be done by 2025 but we're hoping to see maybe it done little quicker sure I'll take it back we see what we can do and uh you know see where we are see what these projects how they'll impact it and uh and provide some additional updates there awesome all right Kyle thank you very much Kyle thank you you got thank you and U you know for those who are watching at home or maybe you're watching this later on video if you have any questions on this please send an email to Randy bar administrator lill is that right yes and uh you know we'll we'll be happy to get an answer back to you that way all right thanks appreciate it thank you guys thank you all right moving right along um that brings us to consent agenda resolution so first off would anybody like to pull a resolution to discuss or abstain from Matt B nope nope you're good okay uh can I have a motion to approve resolutions 24097 through 24-13 so moved second committee man dorsy yes committe man verza yes Deputy Mayor lavender yes okay moving right along liaison reports um um so let's see Vic let's start down with you all right up are we ready oh wow all right the recreation report is as follows we are busy getting this year's dog days of summer concert series locked in and rocking the recreation advisory committee made their selection of six bands to this year's concert series our selections include a big band Orchestra a mtown band a country music band and much much more we welcome back forf flight Rock to our National Night Out festivities which will be held Tuesday August 6th mark your calendars now as now as soon as all of the other bands are locked in with dates we will post the schedule on the website we're also making plans for this year's Memorial Day parade and observance to be held Monday May 27th Memorial Day morning the recreation advisory committee is always accepting new members looking to volunteer in the community come have some fun with us contact the Parks and Recreation Department for more information and registration for summer camps in the Sterling lake is scheduled to open on April 1st no fooling it's got to be my delivery you're you're right keep slide number two we're hopping into spring here in Recreation download your free activity packet from the website or stop by Recreation and pick up a packet while you're there be sure to stop by Recreation and take a guess on how many jelly beans are in the jar winner will be announced at our annual spring egg hunt don't miss out on this sweet deal get worse I'm trying all right slides number four five and six I'm sorry four five six and seven mark your calendars for our annual spring egg hunt this Saturday March 30th caner Park 10: a.m. sharp rain and snow date March 30th egg hunt for children eight and under Penning zoo and pony rides also light Refreshments there's also an adult egg hunt sponsored by our Long Hill Chamber of Commerce this is a free event bring your egg hunting baskets and don't forget a very special guest will be with long ears and a fluffy tail will be there to greet the kids please take advantage of this great photo opportunity new this year spring field hockey game schedule designed to keep our full field hockey players in shape to continue in the fall hurry and register by 329 onu on community pass and the fee is $40 per player don't miss this opportunity to take Red Cross glasses before we pause our class schedules for the summer Red Cross first aid class will be held Thursday evening on 4 11 and Red Cross CPR AED class will be held on Friday evening May 10th register now on community pass class sizes are limited and upon successful completion participants will receive a certificate good for two years the cost is $32 per parti participant all right moving right along to slide number 10 spring yoga classes uh just announced beginning April 8th register on community pass classes are almost full so don't delay looking for a summer job we have lots of opportunities in the recreation department please check out all of the information on the website and apply online by April 1st and last but not least don't forget Recreation opens on community pass on April 1st for Sterling lake summer W camp and the little explorers camp and that concludes my Recreation update thank you everybody I I figured out what you need you need background music for that I need something so next time bring it a repeating tune like a loop and play it it's got to be like Jeopardy music you good done all right um Matt yes uh from the fire department we got exciting news I know you were there on Friday the new truck the engine the new engine was delivered um I know that they according to Chief Gallow they should be getting in service in the next month or so so out once the other the rescue truck and the ladder coming when the next month or soil oh y all right so good news the ladder truck is being delivered hopefully next week to Millington fire which will be exciting and uh the rescue truck that Sterling has on order should be here by September so everything in service hopefully by November and they have the fire department had 61 calls this year we only what we I don't think we're 90 days into the year already so that's a pretty high rate of call so thank you all the men and women that are getting out there and answering these calls and that's it from the fire department so thank you everybody okay and uh so I'll take it next um shade tree commission I was at the shade tree uh meeting on Monday uh a couple things um The Challenge Grant uh is open now so uh we'll be taking up to 20 applications to have the opportunity to buy uh trees and these would be t belows or service berries this year uh I believe they're up to 2 and a half inch diameter $250 tree it's a great deal we have up to 20 of them um and you can go to our website um and uh or I'm sorry not the website you go to our clerk right the clerk's office has you go to the clerk's office to do your application uh which are due applications are due by April 15th and um when we'll be be announcing who has the right to buy those shortly after that it's um first come first serve so we take the first 20 applications anybody after that will be put on a wait list um in case we have to do refunds of any sort okay got it all right so you'll know right then when you go in that you have it and should they bring a check with them yes okay all right so first come first serve first 20 applications first 20 trees 20 trees 20 trees and how many trees can you purchase up to two each correct okay two per household thank you uh and then the next thing um there's going to be some work going on uh shade tree gets a budget every year they're looking on planting uh some additional trees in Sterling I think this year here they'll be reaching out to residents on pic Avenue uh for trees to be planted in the RightWay um and uh you know so if you live on pic Avenue in Sterling uh you may be hearing from some members of the uh shade tree commission that they might be looking for your permission to put a tree on your in front of your property on the RightWay at no cost to you so um keep a heads up on that uh and that's what I have for recreation administrator's report Recreation did I say that shade tree you was you were so gun ho with the background music I did I Heard It In My Head okay uh we'll start with the public works monthly report um public works over the last month has has put out 20 tons of asphalt to be used to fix potholes and black top curving uh They removed four trees inhouse removed 11 trees by outside contractors the first quarter sweeping street sweeping has been complet they also did a couple sections of repair on of the sidewalk on meow View Road flowers were uh planted on Main Avenue uh all throughout the where the uh planting um bins were or well are uh caner Park they did spring cleanup flowers and mulch uh in the park as well as Town Hall where they trimmed all the bushes and so for and also in caner park uh Sterling lake they did spring clean up mulching and preparation for the fishing derby um year to date they have done I'm sorry they've done 375 basins uh that's storm water basins cleaned out of 1300 since January of this year uh mulch sales begin April 1st uh also the public works is going to be starting opening on Saturdays from 8 from from uh 8 10 to no is it is 8 to 12 I'm sorry 8 to 12 on April 6 for uh brush uh branches and uh recycling materials uh that is uh on our website so look at our website to uh see what kind of materials you can bring on what day uh we also have the veteran banners uh if people want to get a better veteran Banner put up it the application is on our website for another couple weeks they can also call the administrator's office at extension 200 um we have the mobile Department of Motor Vehicle what is it called These Days Motor Vehicle Commission MVC MVC uh coming on April 10th from 10: to 2: in the parking lot um this is uh something that the library has worked with the um Department of um Motor Vehicle Commission think they had the appointment still um so it's going to be in our parking lot you can just show up but you can also make appointments when you go online click on the Long Hill Township location uh services that they will be offering is uh getting a real ID registration renewal and duplicate title uh one last thing uh Deputy Mayor and and for the committee and for the public uh we have been in discussions with Harding Township with regards to our shared services for uh police uh Consulting um over the next two months we're going to be liquidating that shared services we have the new uh public safety director on board and in uh conjunction with discussions with him or or or our mayor and yourself the deputy mayor and uh Harding Township um we decided that it was uh the best in the best interest of both towns uh to liquidate the shared service for the time being um not closing out any possibilities for shared services in the future but just this shared service where um you know we have the uh person in place to move it forward so another words we we we've got Mike peoples in to help execute the plan that Mr ferano created for us and we're now going to terminate that contract and I think that contract was what 48,000 a year correct and so if we cancel that in May we're saving more than half of the dispersements on that contract okay fine thank you and when's that going to happen uh it it's looking with the 30-day Clause it's about mid miday okay thank you so a little bit more than half but just about half all right um anything else that's all I have okay do we have any discussion items any old or new business um I have one announcement um I don't know if folks remember this but back in January we requested nominations for uh a scholarship competition this is the future Municipal leaders scholarship competition um sponsored by the New Jersey League of municipalities and um I'm happy to say that we have one nomination that we're sending on to the Nel njlm Sophia squado congratulations you have been uh selected by the township committee uh to compete for this scholarship and uh all the best of luck for it to you um Megan do we know when they're GNA actually announce the winners of that I might say the the timeline is on the um yeah I can't see I don't have my glasses tonight but um April 1 I think uh April 1 is when we send it yep um oh May 3rd announcement of three winners and 15 Statewide finalists and semi-finalists and the league will send uh any certifications to the Mayors correct so um Sophia if you're out there congratulations uh hope you win um and U you know best of luck on your college career any other announcements may I have one announcement um I I mentioned that the public parks that was out in uh the lake uh getting ready for the fishing derby which will be held on April 20th so for those uh that want to attend uh that will be on April 20th um is that is that do you know if that's on the PBA website or it's on the PBA website social PBA social media and their uh PBA social media and their uh Instagram account I think have a Facebook page okay so anybody interested go there and find out the information thank you okay um if there are no other announcements then at this point I will open the meeting to the public uh if any folks in the courtroom um would like to make remarks or statements per uh pertaining to any matter uh please limit them to three minutes uh the mic is yours anybody here come on up state your name address Al gal 273 Merc Street uh I just want to uh come up and and thank the committee for the fire trucks we're excited as a fire company but the main reason I want to thank Randy bar for his help through this process uh I think between him and our salesman myself uh process went smooth but I just want to acknowledge Randy for his help on on this process going through purchase orders change orders and just want to thank them on behalf of stone and Fire Company well thank you and thanks for having us over there there it was fun to be a part of the uh celebration if it were thanks good job thank you Chief and I I apologize that I couldn't make it I had unfortunately a doctor's appointment where some things take priority okay thank you all right so if there's no other uh comments in the courtroom let's go online Megan anybody online with their hand raised Maryann would like to speak sure hi um when you're online please state your name and address yes hi it's Maran in want and Lana Boulevard and Gillette hi Maryann how are you doing good how's everyone good okay I'm sorry um I couldn't get into the meeting um it was a bit late uh this is just regarding resolution 21- 268 um I noticed there doesn't appear to be a quorum tonight with reference to voting on this um so my I have a couple of questions I sent Randy um an email and CC to all the township committee members um just a couple questions and this this is more in terms of um current procedures um and I'll just I'll itemize my questions okay um number one who is our current qpa a um what is the current salary what are the current procedures regarding a second uh authorization of payments not withstanding an emergency and then the one thing I did note as well is that um in that resolution it stipulated the CFO um and then the township administrat but currently our CFO equals our Township administrator just wondering if I'm missing something Randy you um I think you collected some information do you want to answer Maryann sure I I Maryann I think you're you're confusing a couple different um mixing a couple different things the resolution you're referring to 21268 that's a 2021 resolution where the committee um named the mayor and then deputy mayor uh of determining what constitutes an emergency purchase the if you're referring to the resolution tonight which there is a quorum here and they did vote on that resolution that is naming we taking the township committee out of that emergency determination and and making it the chief finance officer and if the chief Finance offic is not available the uh uh Township administrator and the chief finance officer obviously would work with the township administrator and the qpa in determining any uh emergency processes um the QP current qpa is Nancy malul uh she was appointed uh under resolution 21291 and that was done in November uh 10 of 2021 um she was uh named at that point uh for $5,000 um her current salary is $7500 um and um she she is still a qpa u the qpa is is not a um it's an employee position she's a part-time employee with the township okay uh Randy just one more question um in the resolution this is where another bit of my confusion I I know I co-mingled two issues at once but um please bear with me if I'm wrong you are our Township administrator currently as well as our um CFO is that correct that is correct okay so when I read that resolution it it in name if I look to that resolution if there was an emergency the default would be to you twice well would fall to the chief finance officer if if I'm not available would fall to the um administrator and and uh quite honestly I would be highly um it would be highly unlikely that I wasn't available during a emergency unless I was out of the country um at that point um you know the the mayor would be notified the clerk would be notified and and you know we could still be in contact uh but uh that's that's how the um resolution read uh doesn't mean that the chief finance officer is and the administrator will always be the same person it's two distinct positions but currently it's it's you yourself correct correct okay um and then lastly you know my comment in that email was with reference to um Can Can we fund another Township employee for this certification the qpa certification uh we we have a current employee uh for longal Township with that certification she is the she is a qpa I'm sorry and that being Nancy malul okay okay um you know I'm sorry I have a background uh before your time when I started with the big eight so you know I'm I'm a person in terms of uh following um controls and procedures so uh you know this is what's leading into my questions because initially uh seemingly it you know the qpa they in terms of the township administrator on a top level not in emergency circumstances there were no checks and balances with reference to someone else signing off um is this still true I'm not sure I'm not sure what your question is you so you you don't think that there's a check and balance between a qpa and myself it it's not a question of you Andy it's it's okay my question is what is our current procedure is there is there a check and balance between the township administrator in terms of funds Etc and is there a second review then by Nancy or not no the it's only emergency purchases uh and that is delegated by this resolution to the CFO and then to the administrator then the qpa in that order but it's just first person in line will make that determination of course it's by the township committee after the fact I I do understand it's for emergency services but and I'm going back you know did this was always a question of mind and again Randy it's nothing against you but um what is our current procedure you know is there a second review for under emergency purchases not emergency just regular for normal everyday purchases yeah I I mean yes there there is we if you lost your minds and wanted to write a check out to yourself for 200,000 where's the control that's not going to happen because we do have controls in uh there is there is a person here that's the assistant to the CFO so the department uh the department would put in a requisition the department head would would review that requisition given an approval then it comes to me I will I would do that approval the assistant to the CFO um who will Who will then take that approval and make a purchase order out of it one once the purchase order comes in the department head reviews all the paperwork attached to that purchase order signs off that they received the purchase uh the items or the services it goes back to the CFO it uh then gets approve approved by the assistant to the CFO and gets put on to put on a um Bill list for the township committee to approve uh on a monthly basis the assistant CFO does not do the reconciliation of the check register um I do that uh based because she's uh um preparing the checks so there are checks and balances due as is reviewed every year by the Auditors in fact uh they're actually scheduled to come in on April 15 to do the 2023 audit okay Ry thank you very much um no problem what what you had just stated was never ever stipulated um you know in terms of uh controls and procedures and um understand clarified it understand thank you thank you Maryann anybody else out on Zoom Megan Joe fandino would like to speak okay Joe please state your name and address for the audience Joe please state your name and address for the audience uh Joe far 623 [Music] Street Hey Joe hold on one second we have a terrible [Music] Echo Hey Joe you have to shut your TV off heye you have to shut your TV off okay is that better testing one two3 okay is that no it's not testing two3 no it's not no no it's not is your TV off or do you have um do you have a couple of different microphones on hello that's good think that's good yes all right you're solid go ahead pleas state your name and address again Joe farino 623 Chestnut Street Sterling um question one was about the gentleman from American M if I recall correctly before American Mor purchased the water treatment facility we had paid a million dollar for the relining of the store home drains and then the contractor came back for another half a million dollars because he wasn't able to do the work is that correct I we'd have to go research that I mean I I I don't know how to answer your question not all the not all the storm drains are lined that's right we did some I Andi work but now njw is finishing up the job right okay well I I I was concerned because my was that we gave the guy a million dollars he bid the contract for a million then he came back for another half a million and it was awarded to him meanwhile he wasn't the lowest bidder that was my concern back then the other thing I'm concerned with now hold on hold on second be the lowest bidder what's that he had to be the lowest bidder yeah yeah so he had to be the lowest bidder so you saying he wasn't the lowest bidder well the reason why he wasn't was he bit a million and then because could not do the work for the million dollars that he bid he came back for a supplemental which was another half a million so the person that bid 1.2 was actually the lowest bidder we paid it 1.5 I I Joe I remember when you were talking this is a few this before the pandemic right man everything is yesterday to me my memory I'm just looking at it because it seems like we're paying for the same thing over and over again we're not well we're not paying for this New Jersey American is doing it but I remember I remember you came up to the microphone a few years back and I you said the exact same thing we gave the job to the lowest bidder and then he kind of did a bait and switch and said he couldn't do it and asked for more money so in theory he wasn't the lowest bidder I know I understand what you're saying okay so I don't remember where in to that was but I understand what you're saying this leads to my new question okay if Randy's the administrator what is his annual salary as administrator what is his annual salary as Chief fin Financial Officer the annual salary that lill Township pays me as administrator is zero the annual uh salary that they pay me as a CFO I believe is $1,050 and we were paying Nancy Mal how much I don't 7500 I thought it was close to I don't know 84,4 th000 something like that as an administrator her position as Town Administrator and uh qualified purchasing agent somewhere around that fee 184 185 no I don't believe it was that high at all but uh if you want uh send me send me an email tomorrow and I can uh get get back to you with the correct numbers was definitely under I'm sorry Randy I'm a caveman I don't do email computer any of that stuff just memory pieces of paper and pencil all right thank you very much thanks joeing gentlemen and Megan bye bye anybody else online Megan if anybody else on Zoom would like to make a public comment please raise your hand now I don't see anyone mayor okay I'm going to close public comment um just a couple of uh comments I think uh town hall is going to be closed this Friday for Good Friday is that true yes that is true so um to everybody in the public um have a blessed Easter weekend Good Friday uh it's a Time For Peace reflection and uh Goodwill and humility mul sale Boy Scout mulch sale still going oh and also the Boy Scout mulch sale so um Boy Scouts are selling mulch uh you'll see some announcements on uh social media for that but um everybody have a great uh great weekend thank you can I have a motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor I I I would have had a see for another 15 20 [Music] minutes e e