and very soft on the inside that's how you know you made the right spay again give it a very good mix and to it we will add some water just making sure we will spread all our rice around [Applause] everything looks nice okay if you ask how much water should I put in the paa very easy Once you saage your right very well with all the other ingredients you put water and you have to hide the rice just like what I have here I don't see the rice at all but don't overwhelm other otherwise it will become a stew or a soup not a p so just enough until you stop seeing the rice so now that we have all our base P ready we are going to pass to the seafood so I have here shrimp that's been cleaned I have calamari cuts and I have the big shrimp or L lustina they call them in Spanish um hole and I also have clamps and muscles as well so I did buy the Clem muscles already cleaned and packaged but you can get them fresh and clean them yourself it just saves something time when you get them ready so I'm going to put the calamari first because they take the longest to cook just like that going to get all the colares and next the shrimps just I'm trying to distribute the shrimp all over our pan you can you can use your hands just like that okay this I will leave until the end the muscle and as you can see the muscle have res released some liquid so I will use it too because it has some really nice taste it has the the ocean taste and the muscle I'm I'm going to use my hand to put the muscle cuz I want it to be nice and round we are not going to mess up with our PA at all maybe that's enough and now we are going to sprinkle some salt on top of everything just like that we will let it cook covered and once it will start bubbling we will reduce the heat to the really lowest and leave it to cook gently and we are almost done welcome back during the break I just added the big prawn and a handful of pee Frozen Pea or fresh pea is fine for the color for the nutritional value and we are over set I just roughly chopped a few Springs of parsley we will just sprinkle it all around and look at this isn't its beautiful piece of art and it's so delicious we will finish by a lemon so I will add it cut it in little slices and and we will use it to decorate just like that and the last touch it's very important a drizzle of a good quality olive oil just like that all set I hope you make it thank you for watching my name is lamam rabbit and this was what's cooking thank you [Music] the [Music] [Music] hello I'm Kayla I'm a student here at bayth University I'm here with my peers Molly Elena and Laura to discuss an issue that we feel must be talked about on campus and that issue is bullying even in adulthood many people think that the second we leave high school that issue kind of goes away but it still takes place in our society even at ra an adult bully is someone who tries to make you feel oppressed belittled and humiliated they do this by personally insulting others publicly shaming them invading their personal space or telling ridiculous jokes that's right Laura according to a survey around 31% of adults have felt that they have been bullied and in another study 10 to 15% have experienced cyber bullying bullying can result in anxiety depression and loss of confidence in sleep but in college especially for residential students you don't have as much of that support anymore since you're so far from home it's hard to escape a bully when they are in one of your classes or even your roommate we're all so young and we're entering a new chapter of Our Lives we should be networking we should be making friends hey Molly do you have any advice for adulter experiencing verbal harassment at their age of course and if you are a victim of bullying do your best to pick and choose your battles if you choose to address the bully directly make eye contact and speak your mind but if you decide to walk away that doesn't make you less than or a coward for removing yourself from a bad situation sometimes it takes more courage to walk away than stay and argue with a person who may not see reason it also takes a lot of courage to step in when you see someone being bullied if you see something question the bully to ship the focus of the conversation or maybe tell a joke to distract those are some good methods to try Kayla but what if someone watching this video just realized that they are an adult bully that's a great question Laura at the end of the day Bullies Are People Too but their behavior is not okay if you have just realized that you've been a perpetrator in a bullying incident you may want to look into some emotional support through friends family and even therapy thankfully we have mental health resources available here at Bay paath University through our counseling centers you can call or email them anytime their information will be shown at the end of this segment I'm glad that bay paath is able to provide us with such a great resource it was great discussing this topic with all of you thanks for watching bayth let's keep our campus safe and sound [Music] welcome brothers and sisters to the faith and mental health Hub a dedicated space for Faith leaders just like you through this Learning Hub you will gain access to an array of resources including expert-led courses informative videos and engaging activities that aim to deepen your understanding of mental health and emotional well-being help you strengthen your own mental health and impact your community of the good according to research completed by the Ad Council about 50% of the population cite having a mental health condition and less than half are engaged in getting helped speaking directly to Faith leaders we realize that pastors youth pastors deacons priests and lay leaders are often the first point of contact for individuals seeking help and we wanted to provide them with the resources and tools they need first to support their own mental health to better support their congregants and communities how are you today and what do we say too blessed to be stressed all right I'm blessed and highly favored however while people may feel blessed they could indeed feel very stressed God reminds us that whatever you can't take AR rest from you are ultimately a slave to you can't pour into other people's up if yours is empty what if God cares more about who you are becoming than what you are accomplishing mental health professionals are healers that God uses to help restore our minds to wholeness together let us break the stigma around mental health and create a space for our congregations to thrive both spiritually and emotionally this Learning Hub is brought to you by the Ad Council Huntsman Mental Health Institute and values [Music] Partnerships more than 3 years ago the co pandemic disrupted daily life and forced us all to adapt to a new reality I recall those early days we were instructed to stay home and shift our whole lives online and while many of us faced challenges like Wi-Fi struggles and crowded households some were digitally disconnected we had people sitting in cars and parking lots to catch a free wireless signal for work for school for healthcare appointments and more Co taught us just how important Broadband access is in Modern Life it has evolved into a vital communication tool and fair rules are needed to ensure equal access for all users and at the FCC we think the way consumers interact with internet service providers should reflect that fundamental fact we're working to bring back net neutrality a principle that ensures an open and fair internet where providers treat all online content and applications equally and without bias here's how we do this the FCC would go back to a system where Broadband is treated like the essential service it is because we all need access to it in the digital age this also gives the FCC the ability to protect the internet in the name of National Security and Public Safety if there's an internet outage in your area the FCC could now have the power to work with companies to help fix it and if Bad actors and foreign adversaries are using our networks for nefarious purposes we would now have additional tools to fight them after we gather feedback from the public the commission will vote on restoring these Protections in early 2024 I truly believe restoring net neutrality will secure access to a fast open and fair internet for all [Music] e countdown Brian uh armen's here so you want to yes PA that you ready to go for us all right we're ready are you ready yeah count down no PR stand by 3 two one good evening welcome to the Wednesday April 17th uh meeting of the Middle School building committee uh we will come to an order uh welcome everybody thanks for coming I know it's a tough week with school break going on so uh we do have a quorum present though so that's great uh first we'll go to approval minutes do I have a motion on approval minutes motion to approve the minutes of April 3rd 2024 we have to leave it open actually sorry so moved is uh there a second second there's a motion and second any discussion no you can leave it open see none I'll call for a vote Chris yes Nicole yes Marty yes Armen yes daveid yes motion uh we don't have bail so motion passes okay now moving on to uh public comments are there any comments from the public here or on the phone okay seeing none we'll move on to Old business we don't have any and then I'll hand it over Adam schedule update perfect thank you uh I don't know D did you the schedule in the presentation yeah so Mar if you want to open the presentation that can be shared as well Chad just uh confirming that you can see that at home the presentation yes I can excellent good all right thank you very much um so yeah I handed out the um the overall schedule that we've been kind of tracking our progress uh that will get us through um to the fall 25 for uh ultimately that vote um but just as an update we are uh currently on schedule today is uh April 17th and we are currently going through the preliminary design program right now um and we have our submission on May 6 to the msba following that submission will be the preferred solution study followed by the PSR which is the preferred schematic report submission uh which will be uh the end of August uh so we're we're moving right along and uh overall we're still on schedule which is great any questions on the overall schedule here the only question I would have is there anybody here or any reason to believe that we aren going to stay on track are there any roadblocks anybody anticipates sees nope awesome cool great then the next slide is kind of is the Milestone schedule that we have here um just going through this I know dor you sent me an email today just in regards to some upcoming meetings that we have so uh we have the meeting on the 17th which will be crossed out next time uh what we had in here Marty I think we talked about April 24th as a a hold date for a possible meeting if we needed it so we can make that decision if we want to keep that meeting or if D you think you need a little bit more time and move it to the first um I think we were planning on the 1 okay so what we'll do is I'll make that change in here from April 24th and I'll put a meeting in here for May 1st Y and then that will be our last meeting before the PDP submission to the msba okay which is the 6th um so I'll make that change for this meeting here that meeting will require a vote of the committee okay so we'll need a quum that day yeah yeah um so our Marty I I'll update this and then send an email just reminding everybody that you know it be great if we can get everybody in attendance at least for that meeting okay uh and that covers our schedule update any questions about the schedule okay next agenda this is you uh yeah so well on the agenda we have yeah the draft of the educational program so I'll pass out a hard copy to folks I also put it in the uh in the meeting folder for you um I'd say it's about 75 maybe 75 80% done um what we had done as a admin team is created a shared Dock and um I had the administrative team just dump in some raw data and I've spent some time this week um crafting it into an educational plan and so for everybody watching at home this is our effort to capture and describe our existing program uh the schedule the administrative structure the teaching methodology uh some description of each of the disciplines is included uh we also have um information on Counseling Services special education programming uh you'll notice that actually we still need to complete the special education uh programming information at the end but we're far along with the plan um our administrators we also spent some time uh incorporating some ideas that could shape the future design of a future school so um I expect that we'll have this uh wrapped up by the end of next next week and it will be fully available for uh the committee's building committee's consideration at your May 1st meeting uh question for our jwa partners here does the if I understand it correctly the some of the the product of the visioning work gets incorporated into this or is it sent separately is it is it combined as a single document as a report the visioning has is is a separate document um and I'd say often there's a a narrative within the PDP report that uh and more so in the next report the uh PSR that attempts to um be sure or communicate about the visioning and the Ed plan in terms of spatial impact so there's sort of three legs of this stool and we're we're part of that we will try and put some information into this report um that kind of communicates between those two things okay so we may get in touch with you and and talk about this as we're going and be sure that we're using the same words yeah yeah nothing I think you know a lot of what is in here captures some of the conversations we've been having over the last few years relating to some of the deficiencies and limitations and constraints of our existing buildings but it is also uh aspirational and describes some of the you know some of the features of a a newly designed building that would support existing um directions so um if anyone on the building committee or from jwa or ters has any feedback for us uh let us know it's still a work in progress but um thankful to the administrators that worked hard on on pulling a lot of information together for this plan [Applause] so great thank you questions see none move on Dory you guys want to take us through the space Summers yeah sure if you could go to the next slide so uh we have a lot of slides that will help to talk this through before we get into the space summaries the in this round what we're presenting uh to the community really but also uh to the msba are the options that are being explored uh and in the next meeting you will be voting to continue on some of those options or not continue them on so how as a committee can you make some of those decisions without also thinking a little bit about what the reimbursement is for the project so before we get into the uh the options and the space summary and the intricate details of that wanted to step back and just be sure everyone is clear and understands the msba grant program financially and what impact that has um so as everyone knows the grant program is not an entitlement program program the mba's goal here is to assist communities in funding the core educational goals of their Community um so that means that the construction of renovation addition or new construction projects will get some portion of those funding uh met um but there's quite complicated rules that determine that so first you know that Long Meadow has a base reimbursement rate of 50.57 and that rate is determined by three socioeconomic factors on top of of a base rate that everyone gets plus some optional incentive points that can improve your rate so you start here at 50.57 those optional incentive points that don't have to be determined yet but that are available to you are um 2% for maintenance practices 3% for a decision you may make to opt in on the specialized energy code and 1% for choosing uh to achieve um seven lead indoor air quality points basically an enhanced indoor Air Quality Systems so that means that the MSB is kind of privileging those lead requirements and encouraging you to to prioritize them um so that could adjust the rate up as much as 6% um so moving forward that rate just to be very clear about to how that's impacting things if you could go forward um so the msba is not applying that rate of across the entire cost of the project instead that is applied only to um the eligible square footage at a rate of $550 $50 per square foot so construction costs are quite a bit higher than that they could be you know anywhere between 700 and $1,000 a square foot um but the reimbursement cap that the msba has of what their reimbursing is $550 per square foot um so the other caps that exists are are uh site work which is reimbursed at $55 per square foot there's a Furniture allowance um Then There Are Rules modular classrooms are not reimbursed moving costs are not reimbursed um underground storage tank removal and um asbestos containing material floor tile is ineligible for reimbursement legal fees are ineligible and then design and OPM fees are capped so all of these things and you see there's a lot of different factors are all part of the decision making you know when the msba is ultimately providing that Grant so you just want to be sure that that's understood before we get into the specifics that there's a you know it's it's not quite many communities actually wait years to get into the project and then find out ah you know the rules are really complicated yes can I ask a followup on that sure um when you're saying the construction reimbursement limit 550 per square feet so say we get all of the other things and we're at 56% would it be 5 6% of $550 yes so if you go to the next slide thank you as an example this is sort of an example so District wants to design 136,00 gross square foot school but 20,000 square feet of that is deemed ineligible for reimbursement so that means that the msba won't even look at that 20,000 square fet of the remainder that is eligible then the the grant starts mathematics that are applied to what's considered eligible so what's eligible and ineligible square footage is a really really important part of the process and that's why I bring this up um so U the eligible amount is then multiplied by the community's local reimbursement rate and that $550 per square foot um so that's how you come to the grant amount um which is is less than 50% of the cost obviously um so going forward from here if that makes sense again I tried not to bit be too specific yet because we we don't know where we are but just to give you a general sense of how that Grant it's still significant contributing Financial uh part of the project uh but it's important to look ahead and understand the decisions you make about square footage will ultimately affect the grant decision the thing that is challenging is that while we know a lot about what the msba will view as eligible or ineligible um the msba won't formally acknowledge that until uh schematic design so quite far down the road but we have a lot of experience and we'll talk about some of the decisions that you might make and give you a lot of input if there's specific questions about specific decisions we'll go to the msba and really encourage them to give us an advanced judgment essentially but uh after a while you know okay so moving forward can we actually move yeah sure go ahead start here okay um so on the green the maintenance practices the energy code Eric do in your experience do those usually pay for themselves or not that's a great question I often think about that like is it's it better just to give up the 1% and not go lead like um or does that add more I just oh so so I will also tell you that the green incentive points program has recently changed okay so it used to be 5% was what you could get and the the the the base um that you were starting from was very different but because the the state's trying to get to that 20 240 goal 2050 230 depending on where you are it seems on climate the the the program has changed to strongly incentivize um more commitment to an all El electric school which is why they're giving you 3% for that opin specialized energy code which is so we're all at stretch code here optin is a choice to be a a all electric um Net Zero ready school doesn't mean you're Net Zero but it means that if you added all the PB or the geothermal then you might be very close to it um that's essentially what it means um the lead um so that one it's a little tricky question as to whether 3% meets that cost you'd really have to do um a lot of math to figured out because it's going to depend on the scale of your systems and your energy loads um but over time because you're also looking at it over say a 30 or 50y year payoff period yes it I'm sure it pays off over the long term in the short term that can be a little trickier you'd have to really look at that um the indoor air quality points just to say that as a whole we already lean heavily towards that I would say 1% of the project is not necessarily um uh less than the cost of that um and that has to do with the um frame L the new energy and Mechanical Code requires a level of efficiency of your um ventilation systems that's already leading you there so that's a combination of various um lead elements because you get some selection uh it's just narrowing how many points you can choose not to get you know you you really have to be very careful but we kind of lean that way often anyway so we don't think it's impossible to get that 1% and we do think it's worth it generally yes have a question are the socioeconomic factors B storable data or is this something that will change as we get closer to the project it could change yes um and actually that determination the final reimbursement rate would be determined on um you guys might know schematic design schematic design a project project budget agreement when you sign the project budget agreement right so that in our case that would be like next march oober is it October that we have it at the conclusion of at the conclusion they'll be they'll be taking a look at that and evaluating that with the um budget document that's called a 31 that has all the line items for the budget and at that point in time they'll they will go through that scrutinize that make adjustments to it as they feel necessary and then lock in a an actual agreement with the district on that on that budget amount as what is eligible what is ineligible what will be the district's portion what will be the grant portion and that and they'll revisit the um so that's based on a on a formula that only some obscure Boston you know mathematician can truly calculate um uh and that so it's between March and June is when that 31 evaluation process and and there have been times where there's severe escalation that takes place and they will revisit that of you know those caps that they have and extend the $550 um dollar per or $550 per square foot and maybe move move that up to $600 or something like that but you can't you can't go to the bank on that right and and I wouldn't expect that likely they did just raise it to 550 right and it historically they would raise it maybe every 3 years yes um and if inflation stays stable they would not be looking to raise it but it is a reality the only other thing I'd say is is that the 2% for maintenance practices is a sliding scale it's not a hard 2% that they will make an evaluation of how well you've maintained your facilities um typically you're you're you're close to 2% but you're not exactly 2% so don't don't put that one in in in the bank category either yet so the uh so just to be clear the the project scope and budget agreement it's probably around this time next year that we're going to be inching towards that probably yes right correct and just as a followup not not that we can know now but is it to be expected that our reimbursement rate would stay around that have you seen large changes in other projects that you've done or I have not no no they pretty much you know taken those metrics and put it together and said okay this is where you are um with all these caveats that we have in here that are going to you know take away from that pretty much eligible versus ineligible items within the project um site costs they only reimburse up to 8% of the the cost of the project for site work after and 8% for site work is not a lot you know it it it typically is a lot higher than that so that's typically the big number that comes out is um any kind of sight Improvement that have to take place for utilities and drainage and things like that and I think you're talking about the socioeconomic factors right so that's um I guess poverty income um uh you know uh they're all that type of metric that don't change very quickly in a community that's why that number doesn't shift by Mak more than a couple yeah I think long meow was hovering at that 50% number back when the high school was built right we right around there yeah and again I um I know this feels like a crash course in this um we will revisit it um as necessary to help people understand it and when you have Community forums we'll visit it again because people will not understand it so this is all just just a a bit of an early all the points are assessed based on or are against assessed eligible square footage is that basically the the basis for the formula so the 50% plus whatever points we add onto that that's all against what against the eligible yes yes so yes um I got a question here you kind of alluded to it on on the site work what is included in site work uh in terms of the um so anything off of the building essentially yeah but like 5 outside of the building is is categorized as site work basically so like when we did here like we put a huge pile of dirt out front and then that became a field is that considered site okay yeah all right so that that could include turf field parking um hard Scapes uh all those types of elements greatting so if we don't do turf field and I'm kind of like thinking like the community concept and like if we were to do a nice field instead of I ideally turfield would be great but sure CPA can't be used for sur Fields I was is there a way to like coordinate with CPA because they have money to do site work it is possible now this is another recent change in the msba that third party funding can be accepted into the project when you did the high school that was not the case Okay part of why they've implemented that is because of the um the push for all electric schools so that now opens up Avenues of federal funding that it did not use to that's that's why we bring up geothermal because there's funding at the federal level that isn't competitive that's guaranteed for certain types of Investments so and it used to be the msba wouldn't didn't want to manage you know how you coordinate what goes to whom um but they've changed that and as a result things like CPA money also become possible um it can become complicated but they can become possible and again you know 8% of site is not often a lot this is a middle school which usually doesn't have as much site expectation as a high school for sure so it's better um but it it's not like within that it's just the amount over 8% so often people are discussing you can you can extend beyond that it's just you're going to get that so if the community opts for certain things it's just project costs that are yeah I was just for me more I was concerned what the operational definition of site work was so we can try and consider some of those outside sources if they do become available and you'll see when we go through the options I I was thinking about some of those ideas as well and I think there are going to be other questions and we can always get more information if you need we'll be doing drafts and remember the term 31 because the form is is called the 31 it it'll be a line item very transparent um budget you know of all the the um components of the building and and the project and you'll be able to see clearly when you look at this document um what the msba is considering ineligible versus what is eligible so you'll be seeing drafts of that as we move along in the design process that you you can make some decisions as to okay do we have to reduce square footage or do we have to not do something that we thought we wanted to do to try and you know increase um the grant amount and and reduce our exposure to what the the taxpayers have to pick up any other questions thank you okay so moving forward one more so um as we get into the space summaries it's also helpful to get a quick assessment because that last line in that last slide talked about educational guidelines for spaces so the state does publish and it's in the uh uh Mass General law the um anticipated sizes that are uh appropriate for new construction for um K12 based on age um so this diagram is showing you uh at Glenbrook to today's standards of classroom sizes and space sizes what is under those guidelines and what's over those guidelines um at the at the middle school level so for a 345 student school um but for Middle School in general so these are all Middle School applicable so this is showing you that the second floor classrooms are predominantly throughout the school undersized compared to today's guidelines the science labs are woefully undersized cafeteria is somewhat undersized band is under sized stages but not significantly so um um maker space is if it's a teaching space rather than just a pull out space um other spaces that are in red are generous so a general takeaway here is that it's the overall of Glenn Brook is it's actually engross quite in line with what a single school today would be but in specifics it's it's it's um more classrooms that are smaller and logically we used to teach in a rose cells and bells kind of a way now we're looking towards more inclusive models more flexible um types of activities in the classroom and that's why classrooms are expected to be larger um if you go to the next slide uh this is uh again another sketch of Williams showing you the same information at Williams the um individual classrooms are also the majority of them are smaller than current state guidelines um and then larger in some of those older vocational spaces that were used used to be doing something else uh and uh those are quite very generous so you feel that um in the school already I think uh and then you have the modulars that's a little bit of a different situation but this this helps you to see um the differences uh between the two schools and how they kind of align with current guidelines do you know off the top of your head the what the square footage is of those standard yellow classrooms at Williams and what the square footage allowance yeah so the allowance is $850 to 950 for typical classroom um and the that top bar is most of those are 780s okay right about 100 a little more than 100 square fet under sized yeah in general and based on our conversations in the district and the district's priorities towards inclusion um we've been looking at the space summaries of a proposed new school at 900 um so not at the top but but on the higher side rather than the Lower Side um for classrooms for flexibility okay so moving forward um you have in front of you um what we have are different variations of this the first one that you see in the hard copy is for a new 6 665 student schools so this is a Consolidated Middle School it says Glen Brook but it would be the same at Williams or Glenbrook at the moment because D can I draw everybody's attention because the thing that took me a little while to get was at the very bottom in the footer of each spreadsheet it will say what model is being evaluated that's sort of and for this one we're looking at new but new anywhere new 665 665 being number of students um and this is based on preliminary conversations thus far so it's not not a final but it allows us to have something to take and price now and give you a general idea of cost on the left hand side in that left column says existing conditions this is Glen Brook's existing spaces um and then in the middle under new construction are the proposed spaces and then in the right you see the um very far right you see um 90027 Etc that's what the msba based on your enrollment of 665 would generally start as their expectation and then between the two the variation is the difference between what we're presenting and what the msba is looking at and the important number is when you see variation to msba in dark blue you see a zero at uh core academic that means that I've found a way to balance what you want with what the msba provides as a reimbursement so in this category there's no ineligible square footage shown if you wanted to to the program and add more than that um 3 34410 then we'd be entering into the ineligible and it's done by that when we evaluate it with the msba so it's kind of a helpful way to think about it um so uh based on the schools it's it's also confusing because classrooms can appear in different categories general core General academic classrooms we're looking at at 26 classrooms of 900 students that aligns with the decis discussion we had with the district leader ship and principles going through doing some assessment of um six seventh and eth grade here um and I I won't go through each and everything you'll see some things uh uh shown as zero so you would typically get for a Consolidated School not only the 26 core classrooms but also some small group rooms that would be available at square footage near the core academic areas to serve um Project based learning or other uses you would get four seventh and eighth grade science classrooms um a prep two prep um two prep rooms per pair of classrooms science classrooms one chemistry um storage room and then we're proposing two sixth grade science classrooms that are a little bit smaller um than the seventh and eighth grade and I I just want to make sure everybody's before we get into like everybody's caught up on the form because it is just I want to make sure everybody's before it takes a little while to kind of get your head around what you're looking at so yeah just like you said and I had a problem with this yesterday was the yellowest stuff that is like we could add in there right but we would be on the hook for it no no no it's not that you'd be on the hook again well not all of it but some of it like the auditorium is in yellow we would speci educ stuff have to weigh I got it to zero so it's good it yellow just means that it wasn't in the mba's predictable path right um but it's that number per category that matters except for you know special it but yeah like for special education if we proposed stuff dese could add that to it right right now um if you go to the next slide um I I think I've kind of got some summary so we don't have to go through each and every um um so this is going to compare the different options and and we can kind of go through it so what I've done is I've Consolidated it by category by by grouping because that is how it's evaluated um and um it might be best to start uh um if you look to the far right where it says difference to a new 665 so in core academic we would be right on Target in special education we're higher but that's anticipated by all districts special education is unique in that every district has a unique set of needs based on their population so those needs you put into your your request and it goes to desie for approval and if desie approves it all of the square footage is eligible for reimbursement um they may question some of it um but generally it falls a different path in the rest of the building um art and music in your District um we see it as quite High and the reason is in this version we have included um uh three uh music classrooms essentially a band chorus in a music classroom with keyboard and we've included um an auditorium space and and some miscellaneous spaces now again the msba will look first at what you're doing if you look on the msba spreadsheet they assume that most districts are actually only um having half their students in uh a music or art class twice a week you already exceed that so they will look at that and Grant you some of that square footage as eligible um so it's also somewhat different um than the other um the next category is vocational technology that's where we've placed the steam so in the msba world they want you to have steam classes they offer it either under core academic or vocational we've placed it under vocational and evened that out and we easily meet your needs and goals um physical education is a tricky one um the presumption is a 6,000 sqt gymnasium but you also are given space for two lock Lo ER rooms locker rooms are less needed these days um and less desired so there would be we've included some changing space and put some towards the the the gymnasium but given that you have and this is what I'd like to discuss tonight um the 6000 assumes a junior high sized basketball court and no bleacher space and districts that are thinking of it as a community space would typically ask for a high school siiz court and and space for bleachers not a huge not like the high school but somewhat similar so I've bumped it up to a 7,000 ft Court um as a purpose of you know for for purpose of discussion um the combination gives you gets you 1,000 over um the eligible which means that's the district is paying 100% for the 1,000 and there was no way the msba would um offer to help you on that one CU that that's not a priority for them so both of those cords are in use over the every weekend during the the winter by the parks and re department for basketball and Glenbrook I know is at least 8 through one and Williams is whatever they have for Williams and then they rent them out too for for space so losing one of those courts is going to be a big deal I mean you know it probably can't be helped but I'm just like just from a M do we need the bleachers on it yeah we're probably going to need the bleachers on it for the the uses that it's at you know games are on Saturday the existing square footage is around 11,000 am I right um so the existing gymnasium square footage yeah I guess let's talk Apple uh yeah the gym itself is 725 at uh Glenbrook and um 56 uh 5600 at uh sorry 7,255 at Glenbrook and um 5,625 at Williams and then you have the locker rooms around them which are in both schools under used not used but for the gymnasium itself the reimbursable 6,000 you're saying comparing that to the existing conditions at Glenbrook have sough 7,000 yeah and you're propos you're suggesting that maybe we consider 7,000 yeah yeah and the difference is Glenbrook um is 7,000 long so the recommendation is go to a high school size Court um and put the width so that you have people sitting on the side rather than at the end um so yeah that was a thought and again just based on what I've heard and the reason I'm asking about it is because these numbers are the numbers we would bring back with rough cost ideas you know Miss Glenbrook on on the short side do they run we run so in the morning it's the younger kids so we're running three Courts at a time from like 8 to 10: and then after that it goes to the single large Court middle of course like it's a couple years back for me but yeah yeah my kids all did it so yeah it's the same process another another space to uh note is that under special education we included um a 2,000 foot alt PE space um which is pretty typical for a school over a certain size um based on the population of students you have you also want to be sure that there's a variety of PE options so typically that is placed right near the gymnasium and it becomes essentially another teaching space that's accessible um so uh a PE teacher can can see students in a variety of spaces so that's helpful how many square feet would a uh sort of Elementary school-sized gymnasium B if that I'm thinking about that for that adaptive PE space how far off of an elementary size Court would we be with that adaptive PE space you could comfortably get a half siize um court but not a you know can get a basketball in you could um there ways to use that in a you'd have to almost double that adaptive PE space to get like an elementary cour in there it's closer to 4,000 I'd have to look exactly but just something to consider I mean yeah you know you know talk to people from the talk to yeah because the other course I don't think they were using Center or blueberry or on the weekend so no they would use it for practice yeah um but not for right so moving on from there um the media center of a new school would be um larger than which slide you want right here larger than what you currently have uh in either school um and would not come with any ineligible square footage requirements um the dining and food service that's a CAF and kitchen um would also be uh larger to accommodate uh the school um and has no ineligibles I can see it U medical seems fine some schools at looking at a school of this size may say a second nurse but I think you're under the number that would require that um Administration we did add just one 26 foot space uh and it's just actually adding to the number of um secretarial staff admin staff in the front Des desk area to be sure that it it comfortably supports I believe it's two two people out there instead of one um and then custodial maintenance um it was suggested that we include a 385t um athletic storage space that that exists currently at Glenbrook and is heavily used Again by the community programs so to be sure that you have a dedicated Rim just for those those storage needs um and that obviously is beyond the um uh existing so that would be ineligible for reimbursement so you can tell we already have some handle on that information and uh again you can't look at that number of 13,000 and say it's all ineligible because um two large categories are definitely going to be explored with the nsba and desie if you go to the next slide I'll talk a little bit more here so um this comparison also shows you what a code upgrade does um code upgrade just takes exactly what you have and fixes everything around it we're going to go through that in more detail in a second um and you can see how that compares to a new 345 school so if you were looking to build a new school it shows you what you would be getting relative to Glen Brook currently and it's interesting to see that what it helps you to see that Glenbrook as it exists doesn't have adequate special education space even if you just go with the minimum uh that the msba would have calculated it's it's underserved and that you're experiencing um it also shows you where you're much heavier in art and music than the msba anticipates nowadays and again districts obviously have art and music programs but the msba you know doesn't see as much of it and doesn't contribute as as generously to it um uh and you happen to be quite generous in in V Space um and in PE compared to those standards for a new single school um otherwise not not terribly far off um in the right side we compare um the existing Williams ad Renault option Glenbrook ad Renault and new for 665 um and you'll see you can kind of skip the upper numbers and just focus on the bottom numbers there 134 34,100 versus 135 versus 137 and the difference is and we'll go through each of these what we've done is we've looked at what would we keep of Williams as a concept for an Rena what would we keep from Glenbrook and when you keep things you have to sort of accept the the realities that they give so at Williams you're accepting a smaller Auditorium so that your total becomes less um and with Glen Brook there's some things that are compromised the music program would be compromized over what you want so so that's why it's less um and then the new is um is really going for what your educational plan is asking for and again this can shift based on other decisions you make but we're starting at this point just generic ly with these spaces and then we'll design to those spaces that's a lot any questions before we go on what we're going to do is walk through the the individual um options and talk about you know the The Matrix and how you might decide further um can I qualify it just based on conversations we've had this is the first opportunity for us to review it it's almost something that you have to take home and sort of look at in solitude really and you know Mark it up and ask some questions and you do it's it's also something that I think you know part of the way this ends up being structured now is we do the PDP process you don't necessar you know at some point you want to bring it to the community too on some of these issues that are maybe a hard call for you to make the community may feel strongly about something uh that we haven't talked about either in sight or in the program and and it's good to give you the opportunity to vet that with the community as well so so and now we just say I know we're going to go through that Matrix but just for the voting members of the the committee on The Matrix we're not going to go through the Matrix like line by line but Dory did a great job of like putting the weights out there and putting using all the input she's got from everybody to do it what I would say we should probably concentrate on and this is just discuss discussion is I think we should concentrate on if you don't agree with a weight like make that know like if if you think a five should be a four or four should be a three let's concentrate on that more than the entire document as a whole because I think the framework is there already let's if you need to make changes I think that's where we should put our efforts great U okay next slide um this was really just a summary of what I just explained in terms of the the new 665 so everyone could be really clear on on how that relates um and uh you know it reiterates what I said you know so uh of the things I didn't speak about so in special education this is based on five large classrooms three sensory rooms attached so three sensory rooms are attached to three of the specific um special education sub separate rooms three resource rooms five small group rooms a speech room a social emotional learning space um that PE space and a special education specific conference room um and then in art you know again noting how it's different in and two two art classrooms a band room a music room a chorus room and then at the moment Auditorium is there because the msba carries the stage in dining um because they assume a cafetorium option it just doesn't show up in that area but we've kind of anticipated that there a question about that how are the Acoustics in a cafeteria you have to work really hard I mean it's I mean is that like a design element when you're doing it yeah yeah yeah very much so okay so you know for instance if you've seen n long meta the design there the cafeteria is in the middle of the school you know there's lots of different wall and ceiling um treatments that we use to provide both the very cafeterias are louder because of the floor because you have a really hard durable floor um and you have a lot of people in it uh doing a lot of noisy things and you have the kitchen bleeding into it so it's the bleed and the hard surface and you have to just put a lot more effort into the other elements to quiet it down um so the um steam program two large steam rooms in a maker space um that consolidates what you have um and then uh phit is that high school size quart with four rows of bleachers um and then um admin um is aligned and that's about it the one thing I will note this is a minor nerdy thing is that um the grossing Factor we were talking about how grossing in these older schools was often 1.35 grossing is um the chases the but it's also the wall thickness it's the extraneous elements some of the core elements vertical elements um and it's actually getting really the grossing is getting harder because the envelope is getting fatter so as we put more insulation the wall thickness gets thicker um but we generally as the msba expects to to see a grossing factor of 1.5 or less if you go over 1.5 then anything you're over is not is not eligible for reimbursement but we do not go over for we're very careful about that okay um so these are the things that I mentioned that I think are important for us just to touch on because I need to communicate to the cost estimator that these are things we want included or not um size of sixth grade science rooms we currently are showing as 1,00 so less than the seventh and eighth grade classrooms because they don't have hoods they don't have as much technology to them um they could go smaller that's this is very much a a district choice to make and Marty and I have talked about it so we're holding it at 1,200 at the moment but um let me know within the next couple hours if you want to change it Marty um uh inclusion of more complete special education program spaces that those are all shown currently I think there's been some discussion in the district about about the special education programs um the size of the music rooms um you know feels appropriate um uh and is in guidelines reflects that I know the band teacher wants a bigger band room but it's very large so I think it it seems doable uh inclusion of the auditorium um we've included it based on the Glenbrook size space um and then the size of the state that the msba anticipates so that's actually a little bit bigger than the stage at Glenbrook but the same size as the audience area so you get an allowance for the stage mhm incorporated into a into that into a cafetorium oratorium yeah but so the the um ineligible piece of this would be the actual almost the seating part of it right is that exactly yeah yeah um when it comes to cafetorium another interesting question District sometimes poses what how many um servings they would provide so it's a bit of a math challenge you might want to double check that but three seatings is assumed in the number that you see there if that's not how you would like to run the dining program then you would want more square footage but three is standard assumption yeah I think that's what we're planning as three okay so can I ask if the um msba accounts for the idea of a cafetorium MH um and they therefore give allowance towards a stage do they also give any kind of allowance towards any of the acoustic building that would need to happen to support a cafetorium option that could then be relocated towards because you do a lot of the same things in the auditorium no essentially they are by virtue of the the $550 per square foot so it's a cost of the construction of the school um so that's kind of how it happens but they don't they don't get to the level of determining any of the materials within it and we don't want them to become Architects because that would make everybody's job harder but so they they leave that to us to decide and they do that that does become a factor in the cost of the project obviously in that you know uh the the level of detailing like right now when the cost estimator is looking at it they're going to look at other public schools on average and say okay this is the current average and that's let's start from there when we go through the design process you can um you can lean in or out on that and and ask for some things that might be nicer or you might aim for you know painted um block and hard finishes the one thing that is tricky to remember is that this is a lead certified school and lead certification comes with acoustic requirements and daylighting requirements so we can't barebones the project um because it doesn't serve an educational value if you do so that's changed over the last 20 years and lead certification is a good thing but it definitely increases the material cost of schools and it impacts things like a cafetorium okay so we're trying to save money and we don't include the auditorium but we expand the cafetorium stage space m is that possible expand the space they offer 1600 ft for the state stage is that enough for a full Orchestra I don't know yeah it is it's plenty I think it's pretty good I think the um the well you do have big Orchestra so we should double check that um the cafeteria itself that's where I think we'd have to look back at that and see how that compares because your cafeteria is designed to do other things so it's not like it's all available for seating um you know it's largely an open space um but I guess kind of like I thinking like the high school cafeteria how it kind of like Enders into other open spaces so you could have standing room only around the sides whatever else I don't know I'm just right I'm just making sure we understand where we can right potentially I mean I would want an AR but you know yeah right so the actually the cafeteria size is 4,988 square ft and that's pretty aligned with the size of that Auditorium space that we're talking about too so roughly it's it's similar um the seventh and eighth grade the size of the seventh and eighth grade science rooms is at 1440 Square ft right will the msba not build smaller than that correct that's it they're there're yes that's one of the areas where they're extremely tight yeah that's their minimum um so additional things for review here the inclusion of the athletic storage I'm assuming that's okay um and then the last is for the cost estimate um you know based on having not had time yet to get into those issues with you we do think we need to get information from the cost estim on both a geothermal system as well as an air source heat pump option which are the two options you'll explore so we'll be sure that those are there unless you have some reason to choose not to at this point okay anybody have any questions about any of those seven or comments I guess you'll get into the numbers about gross amounts or total values not until the next meeting so that's the thing so I'm asking you if I should price it as 7,000 foot gymnasium when we come back and you see that you could say uh you know that that extra thousand is is is um is too much let's take it out so it's not like you're committ here but I think if nobody has any objections I'll take what I've placed in here and and take that as the basis for this round of cost information and these will be included as price adjustments in the uh summary that we get next Mee yes yes so you'll be able to see that and you'll see it on a per square foot basis and um and it's not until the following one that we start getting into the cost per space they're using general rules of thumb here but yeah okay so then what happens moving forward from here here Marty yeah uh again one more um so go back one slide so this is where we were last time remember we um we ruled out the 345 um at Renault and new construction and Williams new construction for 345 um so from here what we want to do is have the committee start to think about how they're going to make a decision about these um so we've put together this Matrix that Armand was talking about um that helps you to think about that and and it's just a draft and we can adjust it so moving forward uh here's a comparison of all of them and we're going to go through each individually so if you're blind you're struggling to see that we we'll we'll see if we can work on it and make it a little bit easier for you I do have hard copies of this oh you do great yeah that might be helpful for folks um and um I hope there're exact numbers I I put there I um it's it's what you had said um it's the last it might it might you might look at the numbers I'm not sure if I've gradually tweaked it so why don't you hit the next um next one next one we'll come back to this at the end so what I'm going to do is talk about the advantages and disadvantages and and and what went into our thinking about the Matrix for each of these options that are under review still so with the code upgrade it's important and a lot of why I'm I'm putting so much detail into this is to be sure that other people can see it later who we're not in the room um so a code upgrade um really in it's meant to bring the whole building up to today's code it's not that you are obligated to do that today it's a comparative number and it kind of allows you to understand if we did nothing we have all these outstanding obligations on this school these these essentially liabilities so we have issues where our science labs are not appropriate where our plumbing is not up to current code where our energy envelope is not up to code and if we start to do something here we're going to it's going to trigger an obligation to bring it up to code so all of those triggers piled up and if you were to try and take the building and bring it up to today's standards completely without doing anything educationally useful that's the cost that we're trying to approve so it includes removal of hazardous materials the full replacement of your mechanical systems lighting and electrical systems to meet current codes installation of an elevator to meet accessibility requirements um removal of old piping and plumbing to provide um uh new systems to replace obsolete systems and meet current code requirements um um in this building and in Williams because of the age of the building bringing in the ventilation you need to meet current code is only possible by bringing it in at the ceiling level which means that your ceiling Heights are lowered so it assumes new ceilings and new light fixtures um which is good because most of the fixtures are fluorescent so brings that ceiling down which is changes your your teaching space um addition of this this is somewhat new because of the mass stretch code require are now very stringent they measure the heat that's lost through the envelope um and you now have to insulate on the exterior to meet current code so it's addition of insulation and new cladding to the exterior of the building um it's installation of a generator to serve your electrical needs if you go electric and we kind of assumed in these ad Rena options that they're being treated the same um and then sight improvements just to meet accessibility so less cost in sight um possibly um site lighting which is low um and then uh and then because glennbrook has no separation between the hallways and the classrooms in many areas um it seems odd that you would not also try and Achieve acoustic standards even though there's no building code requirement so we included in our um narrative um doors and walls on the classroom just seems like a number we should okay next um so then this this is the Matrix we're talking about so we we created these these different factors based on our conversation with you and we provided weight towards it and then for each um option we're placing a score and that determines a weighted score so the base code repair does not meet your strategic Vision at all so it's a zero um uh it doesn't meet your educational space needs at all it doesn't meet um it's not Equitable right because now you know you've improved one school physically but not the other so it doesn't mean your Equity goal um it um it would require phasing because to do this work you'd have to remove the students from the school and do it so it gets a zero on phasing it gets um it's hard to write these in a way that they all end up positives not negatives um it if if you had to move students out it would require use of modulars which is an a cost to you that's just out the door so it's a zero on that um it uh it does get a little bit of money from the msba potentially as a renovation they do support renovation so it's not not eligible so we gave it a little bit of something there um includes adequate parking and queuing actually I think it might so we might want to change that right bobb's Bobby but everybody I forgot to introduce Bobby Bobby's here to keep track of this because I knew we'd change this in fact you can even open it if you want Bobby and change it directly in the in the in our alive spreadsheet um so we would change parking and queuing um includes useful outdoor recreational space it doesn't change it at all so presumably the fields are still there um um optimally located to reduce traffic impacts it's not optimally located based on your conversation but it's it's generally working and then because it it doesn't really I guess you could argue it achieves low use energy use intensity so we could improve that as well I guess um it's not the best idea for an envelope because you're still compromised you can't do the slab again you have no Insulation at the slab um so there's there's reasons why an existing building is always going to be less optimal um for today's codes um and then optimal daylight in classrooms it's not well organized for daylighting as a school um and then flexibility and expansion potential yes that would be true so that's how we came to the score um and we what I think is helpful is if I can either go through all of them and you can think about how that waiting works or uh to your point we can talk about the waiting and see does this reflect the waiting you all think is appropriate um these factors and did we miss any yeah so um reduces District uh long-term operating costs is zero and I guess that's relative to the other options that we're discussing right but could you explain how we arve to zero or yeah could you talk about the logic of how you arrive to a zero score um um right it it was my thinking was relative to new construction where you're um optimizing so now you would still have two buildings and you're still supporting those two buildings so that was the primary driver so it's the two building aspect that really us okay and admittedly I think both strategic Vision operating costs and Ed space needs and vision are and the equity all tilt towards a consolidation so that's something where if if you you think differently then you know we would want to alter that but that that's why all the Consolidated end up higher because they all um meet that bar will we or when will we have that assessment of operating costs you um quite a ways down the road so I mean we have to use our best knowledge of it but the logic of it is that um and often on oper there's different operating costs there's the operation of having you know M uh multiple teachers teaching that you may not need or different teaching spaces right so you have two band rooms and you know that that's an oper in thing so when you take the two schools and stack them together you've got a lot of square footage more than you need that you're taking care of over time maintenance wise so that's the logic of consolidation is you'd have less overall facility to care for um so that's that's an operating cost and then the staff and management of it but I also think as an architect about the difference between um a new building where we've designed such that we have no thermal bridging and we have new windows and we have ly laid slab um and mechanical systems that aren't compromised by having to meet an existing condition those should have better operating um than than a renovated system and certainly better than the existing yeah and when I raised my question I was thinking about that discussion that we're going to have down the road of you know what do you mean we're doing a bring up to code investment and it doesn't do anything that the benefit our our cost as a town but when you when you bring in the point that it's looking at the two School together it's pretty obvious then that you know the total Improvement in operating costs I'm not thinking operating cost sorry I'm thinking more about utility costs than I'm thinking about you know operation you know pure School operations yeah um so I get it and I guess anything we could do to message that element M the the total cost to the town not just the Glenbrook cost to the town would be a really powerful statement curve right taking selection so it could be some marginal small marginal modest benefit to our operating costs if we went with the code upgrade to Glenbrook yes yeah so in terms of utility bills ongoing maintenance and it wouldn't hurt at all for us to just indicate that here I think we we should do that yeah and I think we should do that probably across the the renovations any other questions on this I guess I'd say it might be worth a one but know game in my I'm only one person Z one is fine it's logic there yeah and the logic oh thank you the only question I had dor and it just hit me was the safety Factor H cuz I know that was one of the big things driving parents in this town is safety and this like this does nothing to for safety right doors and walls yeah I guess said doors I mean but they already have an eress down in where you'd be building the walls like upstairs is where you're trapped and though though it's also I mean so there's a lot of different way of looking at safety so when I think about Glenbrook you have a lot more doors out of the building and that's a safety factor in both directions right it's also a lot of doors into the building um so I would say that's a there's a lot of safety issues there in the code upgrade you're right we can't touch them really or we're not really we would assume safety upgrades um and frankly I kind of think our code assumptions would be that again I think of code AS standards in codes a little bit because you know the state police want you to have a vestibule that's properly organized I'm sure they've noted that you know so that might be something that is considered an upgrade such that they would all end up with some of that adjustment in place okay um so I'm not sure how they would differ between them unless you can think of ways in which these options are more or less dangerous I'm thinking like on Glenbrook itself like yeah there's doors on the the sixth grade level but on the seventh and eighth grade level there's two ways in I mean the front door and the back door by the the ball fields and there's no other escape from from that if if you're in the hallway does the msba provide guidelines or standards for safety or is that just kind of built into the design El it's um the msba does not um but they do require that there be a safety a security consultant so we have a security consultant Good Harbor Tech Mark okay um and they'll come in and talk about that and understand your system and you know they're they were the first to deliver their report already they're always the first they're incredibly organized and uh and they they do a great job and and typically they'll they'll come we'll bring them in to talk about seped you know um so security through environmental design standards there are different standards to talk about they do a really great job I think of of looking at it holistically yeah um anything else I think that's okay um so ad Reno Glenn Brook um we had to think on your behalf about how to offer a realistic adrenal option that made some sense so because again of that issue that if you bring ventilation into a building that has low ceilings you're just lowering them further um and that then becomes unuseful space or very un uncomfortable classrooms you have a 9ft ceiling height if you're lowering it to you know further then you're you're just getting an 8T ceiling height for an 800t classroom is is really awkward um so what we proposed is keeping the art swing and the auditorium and then replacing the rest of the building with new um so that's the ad Rena square footage that would keep 32,000 Square ft roughly um add in 100,000 and again you can look in the spreadsheet and see exactly which spaces we're keeping and which we would take away and which we would replace um and then you you are stuck in that position operating with that location um uh and it has it's not impossible to imagine the scenario you would you would come at the same level to a a first floor and then add a second floor above uh and the gym would remain at the same level as the current gym um but these things would be new so that was the General premise here um it saves um let's see uh it it otherwise is very similar to the code upgrade in the Renault portion it would bring all of that up to date it would add actually cafeteria space to the cafeteria which I must not have replaced Bobby dutifully created that for me thank you and then I forgot to change the slide but you'd add some cafeteria space to make the cafeteria and kitchen larger and replace work work do a little bit of work in there so you have some adjustments that you can make and then new um and we obviously haven't designed the new this is just kind of a conceptual idea um the downsides of the ad Rena at Glenbrook it requires that students be removed from the school for the duration of construction which means the district would have to relocate them and I would guess to Williams middle school and probably add modulars to to support the students through the construction window and again modulars are not reimbursed um and the cost of moving is not reimbursed um so those are on the district and I put this here so that we get that cost information for you um the site would be improved approved um parking and queuing would have to be revised to support this larger load the district estimates eight buses would have to serve this site um plus the parent larger parent uh queue uh the renovation would be less than optimal compared to the new on the envelope but U but it would be improved um it would meet the the current requirements for a renovation addition in the building code which are High um and then the the constraints of renovation and existing sighting would compromise the solar orientation so you can see ideally we would have classrooms facing a different way so not the best daylighting but feasible um the constraints would also limit our ability to reconfigure educationally so to support the way the school is talking about it in a new well you obviously can't do that so if we wanted to integrate uh project learning in stem spaces in the heart of the school well they're down on the Arts wig it's not the end of the world but um but there are changes um the location is less than Central that's been the area of concern that you've raised quite frequently um it does have the potential to earn additional reimbursement because the msba will give you extra uh up to it depends on how much square footage but they they will reimburse I believe it it can be as much as 2% but it would not be in this case because you're not renovating enough in the school so they would tell you at some point how much additional points they would give you yeah uh just since we're on that topic I'm looking at the the line for maximizing Grant potential is it my understanding that because of that additional reimbursement that would equate to a higher weighted score for the ad Rovers is the new it it's calculated in yes okay so if you go to the next slide at that point um uh uh there's something here for msba Grant yes so we gave more for that we gave four um as you would want to give more scoring for maximize msba Grant potential the news do not get four because of that difference so is that I guess I guess I'm know I'm a finance guy so I think about it in terms of numbers how much of that Grant potential is that in terms of costs like is that a significant amount or is that I mean 1 to 2% for me doesn't sound like a lot but I guess if we're talking hundreds of millions of dollars you know that is a significant portion so that's what I'm trying to understand right um the reason why they give more is actually that you would think Renovations are less than new construction but not necessarily um uh and they have higher unforeseen conditions so you start to do the work and you find problems so they give you that extra um to provide added padding for the challenges of a renovation um that are not always easy to olate until you get into the work um does it does it make up for those challenges it's sort of a bit of a crapshoot you know sometimes that there won't be those unforeseen conditions um or challenges and sometimes there will be um so I would not personally think in in your condition that's a strong motivator unless you really like the schools as a whole cuz you're not going to get get a lot of reimbursement out of it so I guess and this might be a question you can't answer and this is more at just msba but what why do they want to offer more incentive for renovations versus new I would think that it would be the opposite whereas you would see more funding for new schools because they're up to code in terms of energy in terms terms of safety I guess that that's what I'm wondering um I think that it's also important to know that the msba makes their policy decisions super slowly so I'd say 10 years ago there was a lot of talk about renovation being the next good thing and everybody I I strongly supported the msba encouraging people to do Renovations because from a climate standpoint there's a lot of carbon in these buildings right these buildings already exist and they and uh we've done beautiful renovations of buildings that are 19th century buildings that had large ceiling space and really really worked the new energy code has radically changed everyone's attitude about renovation somewhat detrimentally I think the code discourages renovation unintentionally and I think it they might adjust that at some point in the future but the msba hasn't changed their thinking about that yet um and that's simply because they haven't had time to really absorb what this is meaning um they may you saw the way they've started to encourage more electrification and support that that demonstrates that they are thinking that way um and that's that's a separate issue but I I think that the renovation there are good reasons to support reusing schools where we can um and they can be made safe sometimes so I think they're just trying to not have people um in a cursory way get rid of schools if they can avoid it thank you got any no I agree with that 100% that that it used to be let if we could save part of the building we don't have to build bring a new and the energy code kind of you know put a kabash on that whole thinking because now you have to bring the existing up to the energy code which is you know in the exterior walls and and elsewhere in the building and just um is counter counteractive counterintuitive right now to do that where it used to be yeah you could save some money so we gave you msba gave you more money because you could save some money um so on uh sorry going back just to cover some of the point thinking here and and again open to your changes on this so we because the Adrena 665 does consolidate to the 665 and that's a goal for you all that we did give that um uh Four Points we didn't give it five simply because the existing configuration does challenge your ability to organize the school as you may want um it doesn't centralize the school as you've talked about but you know generally this seems logical um it does because we improve the operating envelope and consolidate you know we gave three points there um the space needs same thing not all the way because it's not not the um kind of new organization um it brings everybody to one school so we assume five for Equity um does not require phasing it would require phasing so I think we should increase oh that's why it's a zero yeah it's I'm sorry negative thinking is really hard for me um it and again modulars would be necessary um but you get some additional support for the project um because it's a Renault um parking and queuing there's some uh challenges there so the question is because it's a Renault the footprint stays the same so there's not much to do the parking lot to expanded right that's my concern okay we're locked um there is more parking there currently for 345 school but I think for 665 I think we start to hit some issues yeah I agree um um energy use again you have some compromise in the envelope um uh and uh that would be impacting the eui um daylight in classroom is definitely not as ideal as if the classrooms uh you know receive light from the North and South um flexibility and expansion potential seem reasonable because you have the whole Field behind you still um any adjustments anyone wants to make or on the waiting or okay next try and get through the last one here so this really kind of is the last one in a way we'll go through the others as well um so this is just assuming um a new school uh at Glenbrook so you're eliminating the existing entirely and therefore you have the functionality that you're able to do of meeting your educational goals can hold on one second we're going to lose a quorum at 7:45 okay so I'm just is there anything we need to vote on tonight that you I don't think so okay then if that H we'll just adjourn at 745 and then we'll continue as just an informational meeting cool all right so let me know if you need me to stop no no keep going no we're good thanks um um the the challenge here is again um that you would have to move students out in order to do it so you again still have the modular cost and the demolition costs um also um the cost of demolition the of Glenbrook would be included if you consolidate to the site and then also want to demo Williams that is not a cost you can include so it's only the on-site demol costs that are calculated and included um otherwise you know some other issues here so I think you'll see I try and repeat that to make that clear um Bobby you want to go I'm sorry um we're going have that problem anyways whatever site we choose if we went the other site's going to go to the town to decide what to do with later right right you have a sense of which one would be more challenging to demolish from a demo standpoint no Demo's demo is generally my thinking I don't have nothing jumps out I think nothing jumps out is one being more secure than the other yeah yeah um okay and then this gets a higher overall scoring simply because you have the flexibility of building new so in some categories we're we're higher um msba Grant potential um uh we have a three that not sure if that Jes yeah we had four for quick question for Marty so what I guess some point do we have to look at what space we have like Elementary like if we had to do something for two years could we keep sixth grade at the elementary schools and then cuz I know that the population has declined so you kept you know people extra year at one of the three elementary schools and then I'd say I'd say probably too early but I just think we need to start thinking about instead of just modular like can we think my my first pass through is that would be a challenge is Will swamp for sure um Center isn't ideal to integrate another grade level just with the design and you know you'd need you would need you know an additional for 350 kids you're going to need an additional 10 or 12 classrooms or more really more than that when you talk about special education programming so okay I can't imagine we could we could do some rough preliminary calculations on that but it's not 300 kids it's like well right because the what is sixth grade now 100 and yeah you talking relocating a single school so just sixth grade I'm just saying grade the elementary school and about stud so it's like 10 classroom still okay plus plus specialized spes sorry that's helpful for me actually can I ask would we need I mean for this option a new one at Glenbrook or a new one at Williams um do we really need to cons I mean how much of the time would genuinely be impactful on the spaces where we currently have students Glen would be Glenbrook would be the entire Glenbrook would be the entire time because so much of it is involved in the newer piece because we're moving the auditorium over to there could it be the only other way you could have done it and and the design team really strongly did not want to do this is you could build in the field right if you built in the field then you could leave the school there at Williams you could do that but here the field is low and and and it it circulation to the field is is a much more complicated thing and and the land you're left with is a point so it's not useful to you in the same way okay so that's why we've chosen this option it definitely is why new 665 Glenbrook is less advantageous than Williams Because you can phase it at Williams better where is it here okay thank youe just just to comment that the uh the hard copies we have here don't align with yeah he printed those earlier yeah yeah they're off of a slightly different and again topic is is zero here and it's think a four on yeah and that's zero would be correct correct yeah um okay so go moving on to the next one I think it's really important for I mean I'm sure there's like hundreds of people watching this at home but just to understand as we go through these like these are the considerations we have for the different site plots like there is a lot of logic and thinking going behind all of these things and like that one is key like building it down the fields you know why are we building it down on the fields because of the S plot you know why aren't we going to build new then if we build new there then we have to put everybody in trailers for a couple years like we're understanding that there is a lot of thinking going into this yeah so Adrena Williams um because the goal would be to keep the cafeteria in Auditorium that was where we made the the cut um and it the actual shape of new would be very could be anything could be this could be very different this is what we showed during the um interview actually so we just sort of kept that concept because it was a concept we' thought through um and this is helpful just because as you see when I take it to the estimator they're going to give us one number for the renovation area which is 26914 and a different number for new so that's largely what we're trying to get at here um but this has the program goals that you see in the space summary um again the big Deltas here are that um again cost of modular um and relocating students to Glenbrook so that this work can occur um and then uh they would participate in the demolition of Williams but not of Glen Brook so I have to correct that I apologize I'll correct that um uh what else is unique here this was a harder one because from a renovation standpoint it's a smaller Auditorium so your your total is less and the spaces that are saved are not particularly the cafeteria is the more solid of the two cafeterias I think in some ways or larger um there isn't a lot and you're locking the school into the end of the site so there are other challenges here um uh and parking and circulation are a challenge in the school already but theoretically you could reorganize all of that um you can go to the next slide I think um would we correct the note on the correct the note make that Glenn Brook yes um scoring wise just similar to the ad Rena um uh of Glenn Brook um it it it does a better job of meeting strategic Vision operating costs educational goals and Equity um than the code upgrade um but you still have phasing in modular um you still get some Grant potential because you're doing some renovation um and uh we assume we can improve um parking and queuing but there are challenges um useful outdoor recreational space it depends on your definition but we gave you know two of three points on that um and then uh traffic is you know generally a concern um and then again the envelope isn't quite as perfect because you have some compromises by virtue of the um orientation of classrooms in the existing building um so um next one um new 665 Williams here you have the advantage that you have the phasing you can keep students in Williams while you're building the new um so that's an advantage it's it's difficult but it's possible right you know have a tight site um and people complain for two years and then hopefully everything gets better um so that's the big Delta here um the site does allow for um the playing fields it allows for the geothermal both sites really would allow potential EV for the geothermal and we'll explore that more further you don't have those compromises of a renovation at all in terms of the teaching space you can Orient your classrooms well get a whole new envelope um to the building and it's Central so for that reason this does have advantages as we see it next slide when you're ready Marty yeah um s the correct the way the score on the which one the score on the does not require phasing if the if the the score is it's a POS gotcha gotcha okay yeah it's all it's you know headaches believe me um um so Russell's the interesting one so we got this on we just took the same new 665 and placed it on the Russell site um um and uh there it's not an out of the box I mean it's not an idea that I would discourage you thinking about I um we'll go to the next slide actually don't you go hit the next slide because if we put up Sor one more um there you go this is just to give you an overview it's a little easier because you know the other sites so that's that size building right across the street from where we are um and it it leaves space for the recreational to some degree obviously there we're not showing the parking areas yet and we will do that in the next phase um if any of these projects um or schemes are carried forward um but the the the negatives there are that you know the msba wouldn't participate in the cost of doing new fields at Williams so that was one of the thinking is oh you could just move the fields to Williams that you're taking out so you do lose fields to the high school and you'd have to pay for those on your own if you're replacing them at Williams and the msba would not support you the cost of demoing Williams or Glenbrook so you have two schools to deal with those are the negatives traffic would be a negative potentially and obviously we haven't had a chance the school being out we couldn't investigate that the positives are that there are a collocation allows you to share some of all this parking right you have a lot of empty space in your parking lot sometimes maybe you don't need as much parking here I don't know that's what we have to explore further so it's it feels tight and maybe a challenge but maybe you don't need an auditorium if you're here because you have an auditorium at the high school you know maybe the gym being a high school gym allows your JV a second gym near the high school so I think this is something you would have to discuss further um uh and that's our input on this I mean this is just some thinking we I don't think we can assess it as well as you can so we are going to cost out the way if you tell me to yes so right now yes because we don't have Quorum it's assumed that we're going to price this one we have a quorum I guess my question is do we want to take a vote on whether we want to keep this in okay we don't need to take a vote it's already in do we want to keep it in I I think we kind of want to do I kind of want to so I I think you know sorry good no I was just going to say I I kind of raised it the last meeting just to keep it on the the agenda so we have a review of it I don't have a strong feeling for this one you know and and I I understand the traffic concerns I mean that alone I think could take this off the table I think you the point about the demolition now of two buildings that don't get included that's a huge Point considered that itself could could take this off the table also yeah um that and then just the use of the fields if there's no reimbursement to rebuild the fields that we're taking away and the two schools I don't I don't I like this idea I don't think it's going to get a lot of support I I would argue the Same by the time we take in both of those factors and I just every time I look at this I picture drop off thick up time and it makes my head explode a little um and I just see a lot a lot of possibilities for kids to end up in unsafe traffic conditions whether they're the ones driving out of the high school or the little people who are walking out of schools I once I those three things in I'm not sure it's worth the financial cost for you to price it out knowing that I can't I don't I don't know that I see it as very viable for those reasons and I'd add in I'm not sure the close location results and any real realistic opportunities to share space or Services you know I don't think it means that you don't need an auditorium I don't think it means you need less parking certainly plenty of times when we're maxed parking at all of these schools so yeah and and I think the idea of a a campus where there's three levels of school located is is really compelling but I don't think this creates a campus no it's more like clustered together than a campus field would be you go down a long driveway and in this big open field back here there are multiple that could may be this is more like smack in the center of everything they're just also happen to be three schools when I suggested it that's I was thinking like you know that road would no longer be there those fields would no longer be there and then becomes different but I agree with you so if there's a motion to not price this one out I'm good with it I I would move that we drop this from consideration second there a second motion second a forther discussion that being said chisa um yes Co yes Mary yes Armen yes David yes 5 passed okay you can take that one out thank you I get to your next option yes go to the next option before corn breaks this is Turner we do not recommend continuing this one so we did look at it a little bit harder and the main reason reasons are the wetlands um and the fact that it's a a Municipal Park which means that its deed restrictions are a little bit more complicated and and uncertain so it will take a little bit more legal effort to even vet the site as a possibility um and given the amount of open space available there really isn't the space um for uh what you need to do um because the wetlands inhibit it there used be a restaurant out there come on yeah move but I will visit it soon and Hike is there motion yeah motion to to take Turner Field out of consideration that's a motion is there a second second any discussion so no I'll go backwards as I do yes arm yes Marty yes Nicole yes gri yes okay motion passes so Turner is off great can you go the next slide so uh what we'll I think that's really good to have done anyway because now you can also we next time we show this publicly we'll show Russell off the page as well so people at least will understand that you you did talk about other options and the msba will know that too and that's a good thing um so that's where we stand at the moment and um uh it isn't necessary to you could choose to to take more off if you want but it isn't necessary to do so at this point we'll bring back cost information that'll be useful to considering further is there anything else anybody would think we don't need to cost out I mean the one that the only one that gets me is the ad Rena 665 Glenbrook where everybody has to be moved out of the school like I just don't know how feasible that is but except the costing information would be pretty interesting okay I'm good with that all right any other discussion for me that's it I will just we have a a leadership meeting um a visioning session and I want to touch Bas with you Marty on that just for exact times um but that's coming up next week Y and then um when we come back uh we'll take all this information we went through with you give it to the cost estimator tomorrow and uh give them to two weeks and then we'll be back on May 1st with that cost information and we'll show you the outline of the PDP report which covers all of this and uh we need your vote to approve that submitt to the msba so our next meeting will be on the 1st Marty will filter documents out as he gets those documents okay um I think that's it any other questions concerns updates thank you this is awesome thank you very all right it there z a motion to adjourn motion to there a motion second yes Armen yes party yes so yes yes there we go we are Jour thank you everybody T in on e