##VIDEO ID:EJg1nyWLiVM## much more than just viewing it it's truly a sensory experience and whether you are in totality or not you can participate in citizen science do you plan on enjoying the solar eclipse if you are then NASA wants you to become a citizen scientist citizen science projects call upon members of the public to volunteer in the scientific process citizen scientists address real world problems in ways that may include formulating research questions conducting scientific experiments collecting and analyzing data making new discoveries and solving complex problems these projects are collaborations between trained scientists and interested members of the public so if you think science is fun then observing the solar eclipse is just one of the many ways to get involved with NASA science by participating in these upcoming eclipse-based projects you can help NASA researchers collect valuable data so some of the projects happening during the 2024 solar eclipse include Eclipse Mega Movie if you have a DSLR camera and a tripod you can join other citizen scientists to record Dynamics in the Solar Corona during the total eclipse keep in mind it's never safe for you or your camera to look directly at the sun if you decide to work on this project NASA will give you instructions on how to protect your eyes and your camera from sun damage be sure to visit NASA's website for more information don't have the correct equipment or maybe you're not in the path of totality don't worry you can help analyze the images after the eclipse eclipse soundscapes people have different reactions to viewing eclipses and animals do too if you're in the path of totality and you'll be surrounded by animals NASA wants you to listen for and record those soundscapes will the bird stop singing will crickets start chirping Eclipse soundscapes will revisit an eclipse study from almost a hundred years ago that showed that animals and insects are affected by solar eclipses NASA is looking for people like you to collaborate with them citizen scientists have helped make thousands of important scientific discoveries be sure to visit NASA's eclipses and citizens science website to learn more an impending Eclipse will be across the entire country country the eclipse will land in Mexico and cross the entire United States leaving millions in Wonder and awe are you close to the path of totality how much of the eclipse will you be able to see how long will totality last where you are when does it start cuz you don't want to miss it where will you be [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we wanted to use Shadows to tell the story about the Eclipse which is all about a huge Shadow if you would like to make your own shadow puppet stories here here's how you can try this at home Shadows are really interesting on the International Space Station the temperature can change 400° between light and Shadow Shadows are how we experience eclipses and they can be a lot of fun to play with we're going to make a shadow puppet theater you will need a few simple supplies a cardboard box thin cardboard like a cereal box or card stock Trace paper an xacto knife scissors a hole punch Brads tape a template for your puppets or you can draw your own long skinny sticks and a light source decide what kind of puppet you want to make we've decided to make a dog using the cereal box we're going to draw our design and cut out the puppet pieces next tape sticks to the back of your puppet to put the puppet together punch holes and put Brads where the joints are this will allow the puppets to move to make your Puppet Theater measure the size of your tracing paper and cut a hole in the cardboard box that can be covered by paper ask an adult for help if you need to our tracing paper is 11x 14 in and we've decided to cut an 8X 10 in hole next tape your tracing paper over the hole in your cardboard box place a light source behind your puppet theer you can use a flashlight desk light or even a bright window put your puppet between the light source and the tracing paper to make your shadow puppet come alive put your puppet close to the tracing paper then pull it away to see how the Shadows change use the sticks to make it move once your theater and puppets are created you can experiment with different designs try telling a story with your puppets and look at how the light and shadows interact some folks write poetry some sing songs and others make art Alma Thomas was often inspired by the space program and in 1970 she may have witnessed a total solar eclipse later she produced Eclipse as one of her space paintings the eclipse is from her series space paintings which includes at least 15 Works covering topics from rocket launch to sunsets Thomas found her source of inspiration in daily life and although we cannot confirm that Thomas saw it a total solar eclipse was visible in the United States on March 7th 1970 Thomas's bright colors and bold circular patterns give a dynamic tone appropriate for the fleeing drama of a total solar eclipse and the emanating light of the solar Corona whether you paint draw or take pictures here are some ways that you can make your own Eclipse art [Music] [Applause] [Music] e [Music] [Applause] [Music] beyond the awe and wonder of an eclipse do you know what it is a great excuse to wear awesome glasses not only that but it's also a lot of fun here are a few fun ways to view the eclipse [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the second total solar eclipse to pass across the United States in the last s years in 2017 a total solar eclipse cross the country and I got a chance to be in the path of totality for that Eclipse one of my producers and an astronomy educator from the museum went to Kansas City Missouri the school where I used to teach was smack dab in the middle of totality I got a chance to host the show from there with friends and colleagues I had seen eclipses before but not from totality before totality we battled a storm literally holding down tents just before the eclipse started the clouds went away and we were able to see the beginning of the eclipse as the moon slowly covered the sun it began to get darker and darker we watched with our glasses looked at projections of the eclipse and waited for the big moment when totality started someone shouted that you could take off your glasses and we saw Bailey's beads where the Hills and Valleys of the Moon allow some light to get through just at the moment of totality one of my friends took this picture of me during totality when I saw it the first time I was surprised at how dark it was when the sun was completely covered I was completely taken off guard by how emotional The Experience would be it was amazing and words just left me I say all of this to encourage you that if you have an opportunity to go to totality you should go if you're at 99% and can drive a few miles to make it into the path of totality do it experiencing totality is something that you will never forget and until you get a chance to experience it nothing else Compares Beth back to you thanks Marty if you're a teacher in the United States chances are in the coming weeks you'll be discussing the eclipse and we've got you covered our teacher tips document helps connect the eclipse to National learning standards includes links to a bunch of great classroom activities and more additional resources getting ready for the eclipse is important but what about after the eclipse how do you process with your students what they experienced what is the historical context what did it mean to them and was their experience different from the person standing next to them be sure to check out our full post Eclipse discussion guide the countdown is on the eclipse is heading your way we hope this episode has helped you prepare for the eclipse and we hope that you have a great view of the eclipse and get to experience it safely no matter where you are if you like this episode be sure to follow steman 30 on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to the National airon Space Museum's YouTube channel clear skies [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] a e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for for for for for for for that for for that I for I is for for I that e that for for all for yeah yeah okay great oh yeah yeah yep [Music] how are you John good Mark how are you hanging in there what you guys all set um yes we are all set well actually actually before we start we do need to adjourn from oh yeah yeah okay wej executive session Recon Open Session second yes yes yes yes now I think we're ready okay stand by right five four 3 2 1 Welcome to the November 4th 2024 meeting of the long let select board this is Select board chair vene hovy I'll be confirming that all members and persons anticipate on the agenda are present and can hear me Members when I call your name please respond in the affirmative Dan Zoro yes Andrew lamb yes Mark gold here staff want to call your name please respond in the affirmative Mike barbier here this open meeting of the long meow select board is convened in person and Via Zoom webinar as posted on the agenda and Town's website identifying how the public may join there is no chat or Q&A function all the materials for this meeting are available on the agenda posted on longm ma.gov the public is encouraged to follow along using the posted agenda unless I note otherwise this meeting will feature resident comment for residents attending the meeting in person please raise your hand when we get to the comment section of the meeting and I will call on you to approach the microphone for residents participating in the meeting via Zoom webinar format please use the raise hand icon at the bottom of the screen the meeting moderator will Pro promote you to panelist unmute you and give you permission to speak if you join the webinar by phone dial star9 to raise your hand and star 6 to mute unmute residents who wish to speak will identify their names and addresses only each individual is afforded 3 minutes for comments please note that this meeting is being recorded and that some attendees are participating by video conference please remember to mute your phone or computer when you are not speaking if anyone in attendance is recording this meeting please announce yourself now okay uh we will now begin with the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all all right uh we will be begin with select board announcements sorry give me a second here computer's slow um the election is set for tomorrow Tuesday November 5th 2024 polls will be open thank you uh from 7:00 a.m. to 800 p.m. at the Long Meadow Community House for additional information and resources please visit Long Meadow ma.gov elections the fall special town meeting is set for Tuesday November 12th at 7:00 p.m. at the long meow High School GYN the warrant was published on October 25th and a copy of the warrant can be found at long meow ma.gov toown meeting the Long Meadow fall leaf program has begun Long Meadow clear leaf bags are on sale at Big Y and the curbside collection will occur on Saturday November 9th Saturday November 23rd and Saturday December 7th the drop off areas in The Meadows off of West Road is open 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7 days a week through December 8th uh a recycle center pass is required for additional information about the leaf program please visit Long Meadow ma.gov Leaf program the community preservation committee via the town clerk's office will accept project proposals through November 12th for possible consideration and vote at the 2025 annual town meeting for additional information about the CPC process and to fill out an application please visit long meow ma.gov Civic alerts the town of Long Meadow municipal offices will be closed on Monday November 11th in observance of Veterans Day please join us on the on Monday the 11th for a Veterans Day ceremony at the memorial um on the Long Meadow Town green at 8:00 a.m. followed by Veterans Day breakfast at 9:00 a.m. at the Long Meadow Adult Center all right we will now move on to resident comments is anyone here to make a resident comment anybody online NOP no okay all right then we will proceed to board and committee interviews we've got a few interviews today we will begin with John skyp uh looking for reappointment to the capital planning committee and Mr Skye if you just start with your name address and let us know why you're seeking reappointment all right John sky7 cry lane Long Meadow so I've been with the uh Capital planning committee for now at least six years I find it um of course challenging interesting I've lived here since uh the early 1980s and I've watched the the town grow change and with those changes there are certainly needs and so forth and this gives me an opportunity to um put in my views and comments and so forth hopefully for better results great thank you so much uh any questions from the board Mark John thank you for your your work on the capital planning committee I guess my question is you know you you've been on the committee long enough to to see through New Town manager and other few through things I'm looking for any input you may have on how things might be become more effective or efficient if we made some changes any thoughts that is a a lengthy the answer to that question this can be quite lengthy um you you've got uh 15 seconds um I I I don't have any comments that can be comp it into just 15 seconds I I think it's worthwhile though for you to you and maybe others on the capital planning committee to talk to the select board about it because I know we've had discussions along with the town manager of things we can do to make that process more efficient that's fine yeah thanks great anything else all right thank you so much for joining us Mr sky and we'll uh vote on your appointment at our next meeting thank great thank you uh next we have William Welch uh interviewing for the community preservation Commission Mr Welch your name address why you're seeking appointment sure thank you uh William Welch 25 medbrook Road um I'm seeking appointment to the CBC because I find it an interesting committee it kind of serves at the crossroads and a number of different projects uh given you know it serves as a funding source um and having previously serve two terms on the finance committee I'm somewhat familiar with its role and what it does and it's you know just been something I have found interesting great thank you uh any questions from the board from Mr Welch I'm going to ask Mr Welsh thank you also for replying I'm going to ask you the same questions I asked Mr Skye about the process I know Community preservation has some uh uniqueness and and and autonomy in the in the process but given the relationship between funding sometimes between Community preservation Capital planning and other groups is any thoughts you may want to or be able to share with us um I mean just from my experience with Finance um I think it would be helpful I think with many of the Committees just to ensure that even before decisions get made that there is a continuous loop of communication with others I think sometimes U there can be decisions made that you know sort of surprise people and I think it's important just that you maintain some level of communication with others to to ensure awareness of things coming down the road thank you great thank you anything else just quick yeah um I I had thought you had applied for the audit committee was I was that somebody else no he originally when he applied for multiple committees the audit committee was checked off as one of them we had reached out um saying that there's been an opening so the vacancy on the community preservation committee is new this is somebody who had a term that was going to expire in 2026 I believe so it's filling a vacant term that somebody actually just resigned within the last I don't know month of so this would be the priority uh this committee yes gotcha yeah great thank you for your willingness to serve on in many capacity we all appreciate it yeah I want to say the same yeah thank you for putting your name forward for this I think based on all of your experience and you know especially some of the work that you've done with the fields um this is that you'll be a good fit here so thank you for do yeah um okay nothing else uh thank you and we'll vote on your appointment at our next meeting great thank you um Council on Aging board directors we have Teresa yesu thank you for joining us just if you can begin with your name address and why you're seeking appointment Teresa yes 167 Homestead Boulevard Long Massachusetts and um I'm seeking in a position for the uh Senior Center board of directors I was on the uh board previous viously and had to leave the board because there were conflicts but I'm a retired medical social worker primarily working with the elderly so um I feel I was you know thrilled that the senior center has been built in you go in there now it's buzzing with activity I think that's was yeah I was there during that time very proud of the senior Senate great thank you um any questions from the board that was easy than yeah thank you so much for applying and for joining us tonight and we'll vote on your appointment our next meeting thank you um and then we have Bob AEL for the historical commission good evening um Bob able I live at 165 Converse in the um Converse Street School nice historic building here in town and I'm applying for the historic commission I'm a board member on the um Historic Society right now and have been introduced to I've seen some of you actually at open houses and um I'm really interested actually in kind of um interfacing and and working with the youth in town I think that because of the witness Stone project there's some interest now in the school system around history and I think there's a real opportunity to kind of um get more interest uh particularly with youth um in town and and kind of foster that and move it forward so um I have a personal interest long term in history I was I'm part still part of the um Springfield historic um group and owned the historic home so um kind of just part of who I am great thank you any questions from the board well I'll say as the uh liais on to the historical commission I know that um we've been trying to get this position filled so thank you so much uh for putting your name forward um really appreciate it sounds like you'd be a great fit so thank you and uh we'll uh vote on your appointment our next meeting thank you great thank you so much Mr Able all right select board comments does anybody have a comment that they'd like to make I think it would be um I I know you all of us are joined uh in uh recognizing and appreciation for the takawa the um delegation that came to visit our town and our schools and I want to express appreciation for all of the families that hosted and specific teachers like Lori Schneider Eric Howard Paul dunkerly and Arthur thian who also helped arrange it so I think we all agree this is a very important uh cultural exchange that we hope will continue great thank you anyone else Mark just a question were we going to do appointments we got a oh yeah yeah yeah skip that but yeah but no I don't have any comments D okay um just for me only comment is last week uh we had a another playground opening at Wolf Swamp and just want to thank the folks over at Wolf Swamp for a great ceremony and getting three playgrounds done in one year is just not something that you see happen in town so this is a really big undertaking and a lot of people to thank and just you know this is something that we should really be proud of and we'll look forward to maybe a year or two for the Bliss Park Bliss Park uh playground opening um and then just going back to board app point ments um I will entertain any motions on the appointments I'll make a motion that we appoint Steve gilding to Steve gelling to uh fill a a three-year vacancy on the council and aging board directors to expire 630 27 and uh appoint irn pers to fill a three-year vacancy on the recycling commission that expires 6:30 2027 second okay any further discussion all right all those in favor great all right so we will'll skip the time managers support um Wai for Lyn to come back um then we have three different sets of meeting minutes any any comments or motions no uh I'll make a motion I I had actually sent uh M they're minor typos so I don't think they're worth going going through them but uh I'll I'll make a motion that we accept the draft minutes of the September 16th 2024 uh select board meeting second any further discussion all right all those in favor okay I'll make a motion that we uh approve the minutes of the September 24th special select board meeting second any further discussion all right all those in favor okay now I'll make a motion that we approve the draft minute meetings of the October 7th 2024 regular select board meeting second any further discussion all those in favor great and then do we have Erica on yes okay perfect so we'll move over to new business and our quarterly investment report hi Erica can you hear us good evening I can hear you can you hear me yep we can hear you thank you so much for joining us um and I'll turn it over to you to talk about our quarterly investment report great thank you um I'm attending tonight to submit my quarterly report on the status of the town's cash and investment for the period ending September 30th 2024 um as for the investment policy the town held no long-term Investments That exceeded the the 5year limmit the individual Bank balances were under the $20 million balance provision all banks receiv received the highest safety rating of Green from be bank and all accounts are fully insured and secured the first quarter of fiscal year 2025 has seen very stable interest rates with only small decreases that resulted from the FED dropping the interest rates in September um this treasure and assistant treasure we continue to monitor interest rates and move funds to the appropriate accounts that will optimize Investments with the best return the opep pension Reserve investment fund experienced a gain in quarterly interest the quarter ended with a net increase of approximately $359,000 and the September 30th balance in the fund is approximately 8.3 million also noteworthy during the first quarter the town earned a total of approximately $942,000 in interest the Treasurers Office will continue to seek the best possible interest rates in diversifi funds appropriately to maximize investment potential while being in compliance with massachusett state laws and regulations we will also continue to closely monitor all accounts to ensure the safety and security of all investment great thank you so much Erica um do we have any questions from the board go ahead Mark yeah Erica thanks for for doing this so are have any of our banks or investment you know firms told us of expected changes in interest rates I'm thinking in terms of you know we we wanted might want to lock in money in a long for longer terms if we can if the interest rates are going down is there any any comment about that at all yes I'm actually glad you brought that up so we have a CD for the stabilization funds that just came up for maturity um and I will definitely include this again on the next quarterly report um but reaching out to all the banks to try and find the best rate I did find that there was pretty significant drop an interest rate um but was able to secure a rate with People's Bank um I don't have it in front of me but it was uh just under 5% so it was another year term I tried to get the highest rate possible for around a year so we could lock them in for a longer period of time at those rates knowing that they are going to drop again thank you great thank you keep up the good work anything else all right great thank you so much for joining us Erica thank you have a great night everyone yep you too all right and then we've got the senior and Veteran volunteer batement program I believe we've got Mr leaden on with us to talk about it yes hi good evening good evening thank you for joining us um I will turn it over to you to talk about the batement program sure so we put together the application for 2025 for the real estate tax abatement program we're looking forward to having the program once again um conducted through the senior center i' been very successful over the years last year we upped the number of applicants up to 30 so I'm expecting to have probably another um full lineup of volunteers to participate throughout Town departments coming up in the um in the new year great thank you and how many folks uh took advantage of this this past year last year we hit the maximum of third3 okay were there any folks that we had to turn away um we had a couple people that were not able to finish the program and then um but we had uh a number of veterans and seniors that were able to participate okay great and you know it seems like every year more and more people are trying to um you know take advantage of this program do you see 30 as still a good number or do you recommend changing that number I think 30 for right now is really good I think over the past year uh past years we were around 20 then we were up to 25 and then last year we hit 30 and I think that that's been a really good number we were able to use a lot of volunteers at the center and we were also able to utilize a lot of the volunteers um in some other Town departments too so I think as of right now 30 is probably a really good number okay great thank you yeah I mean I think this is a great program and obviously any type of relief we can give our seniors or veterans um I want to be in support of it so um so so thank you uh you know for all of your work as part of this program as well any questions from the board I think we need a motion to accept the to adopt the baitman program for 20 fiscal year 20125 so I'll make that motion yeah any any questions before we make motions or anything for Mr leaden no okay go second any further discussion okay all those in favor all right great thank you so much for joining us okay thanks for having me have a good night you too you too all right so I think we are at the end here but we skipped the town manager report I can read it off if you want or if you want to whatever for you yeah I I can read it off okay okay so um the first item on Lyn's time report was the msba approval of feasibility study for the middle school and um police to report that the board of Massachusetts school building authority has voted to approve the town of Long Meadow as part of its invitation for feasibility study to proceed into schematic design to consolidate the student population of the existing Glenbrook middle school and Williams Middle School to construct a new facility serving grades 6 through eight on the site of the existing Williams Middle School this is another milestone in the process next up the town in conjunction with its owners uh project manager and designer will submit a schedule to the msba which includes the work plan to complete all of the required documentation for presentation to the mba's board of directors at a future board meeting the date of the town meeting at which the proposed project will be considered and the anticipated design and construction schedule this will be done with an anticipated vote in the fall of 2025 seeking Community approval for this proposed project the next item is the msba accelerated repair project for the Center School roof mba's board of directors voted to invite the town of Long Meadow into the accelerated repair program to collaborate with the msba in conducting a schematic design study at the center Elementary School for a potential roof replacement project Article 2 at the upcoming fall special town meeting converts previously approved Capital Improvement Project funding for a partial roof replacement at Center School to be used toward funding the schematic design study the msba accelerated repair project will include all phas of the Center School roof uh Long Meadow was awarded its first ever Mass Works infrastructure Grant in the amount of $285,000 which will fund essential intersection and roadway design improvements from the Redfern Drive William Street intersection to the intersection of William Street Bliss court and Bliss Road the eligibility for this grant opportunity was made possible due to the zone change of the church parcel and the upcoming Redevelopment of said parcel this funding is vital for enhancing traffic circulation and pedestrian safety in a bustling area that serves as a hub for local Commerce and community activities this stretch is one of the busiest in Long Meadow with three major shopping plazas converging in the vicinity and significant traffic volume this area is known for congestion and safety concerns particularly during peak hours such as school drop off and pickup at long meta High School the proposed improvements will align with the town's complete streets policy and include the addition of dedicated turn Lanes ada8 compliant sidewalks and ramps compliant traffic signals enhanced pedestrian Crossings and bicycle Lanes these upgrades will create a more accessible and safe environment for both motorists and pedestrians encouraging foot traffic and promoting local businesses Additionally the project will address existing storm water management issues that have plagued the area particularly during Heavy Rain events the town storm water system is currently unable to handle the flow resulting in localized flooding that impacts properties and roadways increasing the capacity of the system is essential for supporting new developments such as the upom Town shops project which aims to transform a long vacant parcel into a vibrant shopping plaza Community engagement will be critical component of this project the town plans to host workshops and meetings to gather input from residents ensuring that voices are heard in the design process the town has successfully conducted similar community outreach efforts in recent months and aims to continue this collaborative Spirit moving forward uh the next item is the Bay Path Wildcats volleyball team uh Lynn was excited to share some record-breaking information from long meow's very own bayth University Wildcats volleyball team on Friday October 25th bayth University defeated the mount Holio college volleyball team 3 to1 giving the wild cats their first ever victory in nine meetings against the Lions the win against M Julio was the team's 13th win of the Season which tied the program for most wins in a season this lined the team up for a game on Wednesday October 30th to be a record-breaking game what makes this even more impressive is that the Wildcats home court is none other than the Long Meadow Adult Center gymnasium the wild cat won their game on October 30th 2024 in the adult center gym and broke the University's record way to go wildcats games at the adult center are open to the public and highlight a great partnership between the town and the university and uh the last item concerns the Greenwood Center municipal offices this is a reminder worth repeating town hall and Community House offices have relocated to Greenwood Center 231 Maple Road the town clerk's office will remain at Town Hall until December 2024 voting for the presidential election will take place at The Community House the mail dropbox for property taxes utility bills and vote by mail ballots will remain at town hall for the time being the consolidation of municipal offices at Greenwood Center is still a work in progress and there are punch list punch list items that need to be completed please be patient with offices while they settle in and get used to their new workspaces we look forward to welcoming all members of the public at a formal open house at Greenwood Center in December details will be announced soon obviously Lynn's not here to answer question questions about the report but anybody have any comments yeah goad Mark I don't know if everybody else has had a chance to go down to Greenwood Center but they really did a good job there yeah think good job reading that of course L can you repeat that actually Den I I know the the meeting is ending which is great really it must be Josh's fault but but I I think it's worth repeating to people who have not already voted that they should or voted early or voted by mail that they should go vote tomorrow polls are open at 7:00 a.m. I think they open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 8 p.m. yep yeah and thank you uh Mark says thank you to all the poll workers I mean we've been voting early um for weeks or days now I mean so they been thank you to all the volunteers and all their work that they've been doing as well yeah absolutely it's been a big undertaking um anything else uh any comments about correspondence okay all right motion to adjourn second any further discussion all those in favor all right thank you everyone thank you