##VIDEO ID:5oiEqUoN3IQ## all right on this Thursday January 9th 2025 we'll call to order this meeting you could all please stay and if you're able say the pledge pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right roll call Brian here Miller here Tom ber here James Wasa here and Scott palava here we got approval of the agenda uh motion to approve the agenda is presented all right second motion by council member pava second by council member wor kerson all in favor I I all oppos all right motion carries we got approval of the minutes which is none so we'll move to public hearings ordinance 202- 329 the 2025 fees schedule an ordinance amending city ordinance 20 25- 324 the 2024 fee schedule does anybody wish to speak all right see none anybody want a motion or motion for would you like to would you like to open the public hearing yeah oh sorry well motion to open the public hearing forgot first R I'll make a motion to open the public hearing all right motion by council member krie Miller second second by council member werson so now we'll open up the public hearing so if you want to say anything about that uh ordinance 2025 d329 now is your time to speak all right would you like to have the city administrator present the yeah we do material if you want to present it now that'd be great uh so since the city establishes its fees by ordinance um [Music] uh no because if people are going to talk we need to have that available get back on track here sorry about that uh so um to start again since the city establishes its fees by ordinance uh a public hearing is required if any changes are are made uh staff's reviewed the uh 24 uh fee schedule and proposes the following changes for for 25 um as far as Landry fees staff's not proposing any any changes and that would be uh applications for uh conditional use permits variances plats things like that uh water and sewer fees um no no proposed changes in the um the whack and Sack fees which is the the Water Act water access connection and Sewer access connection those are the fees that are paid on a building permit with a new home uh to help offset the the cost of of the water and sewer treatment plants and then no changes in the the cost of a water meter or mxus um staff's not proposing any changes in um water rates or the reconnection fee no proposed changes in the sewer rate um or the the sewer adjustment um rates and then or how that process plays out uh no changes to the finance charges uh trunk sewer and water fees again um nothing's no changes are proposed at this time um we have been having conversations with developers here recently and um do expect something to to happen or at least uh preliminary discussions and they're going to want to know what uh fees are so these fees have not been raised since the the mid 2000s um just going back um inflation's went up 67 a little over 67% since then so um if the council would like us to re-evaluate these fees uh we certainly can um Joel could you explain what the trunks sewer and water fees are opposed to the regular sewer and water those are paid uh by developers and put into the the Development Fund and those fees then those fees are then used by the city um to uh provide uh increased capacity say a developer um you know is required to put an 8 in water man in but we want a 12 in to go through and service the next um development um those fees could be used for that or just in general um the city providing uh trunk water sewer to to the new areas of town thank you I'm not proposing any changes to the civil defense siren fee or uh fees with or development fees for signs within subdivisions no proposed changes to park dedication or building permits and and in this consistent through throughout the the Departments but increasing staff time from $75 per hour to 79 to account for uh 2025 of wage increases not proposing any changes to liquor license fees U miscellaneous fees and permits um last year I think it was midy year we um adopted a a canvas ordinance which required a permit and uh application fee at that time um was Zero um staff's proposing an a fee of $100 to to cover our costs and then uh in discussions with uh the Public Works director uh we've never had anyone rent the ice rink um nor do we rent it out the only organizations that do um our hockey associations um so we proposing to to remove that office fees again the staff time from 75 to to 79 and that's just the uh wage increase um that that staff received uh Public Safety fees again um $75 an hour to $84 an hour um that's consistent with the average increase for police officer wages uh equipment fees uh the utility inspection um we used to charge a utility or weed to require a utility inspection on every home that sold um it initiate what initiated that was uh inflow and infiltration inii into the city sanitary sewer system uh back in the 7s when the uh City went from septic to uh a sewer system there wasn't enough flow so floor drains uh were connected to the sanitary sewer well that's clean water and it's expensive to treat water so um over the years we required we we required this inspection so then if there was that cross connection uh before it sold or negotiated through the sale buy or sell whoever paid for it uh would then be responsible to eliminate that connction and put a sum pump in um we don't do those inspections anymore um but if someone does want us to do it uh we're proposing uh increasing the fee from 97 to 150 uh I'm not aware that we have um except on new houses um I'm not aware that we have done any in the last year uh attorney fees well as as of the timing of this memo I did not receive them I did receive today the proposed increase from 95 for uh paralal legal assistant and law clerk rate uh increase of $5 from 95 to 100 uh General legal work uh increase of $5 from 180 an hour to 185 uh and then when it comes to development uh 130 an hour and then for the City attorney 200 to 400 an hour and those are uh pass through costs that are built back to uh development in the past developments paid for itself and that's something that um U that the council is going to have to discuss um because every time that we talk to a developer uh every single one of them has asked um for City assistance so that's a policy decision that that you guys are going to have to make um if we are going to you know whether it's a tiff or reduced fees or you know again development pays for itself engineering fees uh are proposed on uh wsb's proposed increases um there was a correction made to the construction Observer from uh 110 to 143 to 117 to 152 not uh 1152 uh again in administration 122 to 129 uh consistent with the the increase that staff received uh again the purpose of the the city's fee schedule is to establish fees and rates for the purpose of reimbursing itself U for expenses incurred uh the proposed 2025 fee schedule establishes those fees and rates at a level so that that can happen Alternatives would be to not conduct the public hearing which we already are um or you know not discuss any of the changes or all of the proposed fees for 25 and then included with uh staff's report is the public hearing notice uh Redline version of the proposed 2025 fee schedule and then uh wsb's 2025 rate schedule if the council has any questions be happy to answer them Joel on the cannaboid uh application is that the same rate as the tobacco license yes okay so Joel also a question on that so on the the cannaboid um so there's different levels of retailers within the city um you know for example we've got people that want to sell you know the the Vapes and the the Edibles gummies all that kind of stuff versus you know some of our our um restaurant establishments that are just selling THC beverages so would it be the same rate for both uh that's what is perols correct okay okay I kind of think I wonder if it's worth considering or having a discussion about you know if there's a different level of product that's being sold you know thinking maybe a lower fee if the bars and restaurants are just selling as as a small portion of their their sales the Beverages and not Edibles gummies Vapes something like that you know I I just something to consider something to think about I've had some people reach out and ask about that and I wasn't really sure so that's why I ask the question is it one flat raid for everybody but you know we've got different volumes of product we've got different types of product um you know it's not a a primary source of of the business whereas in some cases it's more of a primary source of business this um so I I I would be open to a discussion about that and consider hearing what the rest of the council thinks about that kind of having a tiered fee on the cannaboid product I I I guess I'd ask I don't know Joel or um Jason even the um the permit side of it uh on the I know that there's some background and whatnot with the tobacco side of it now this is not regulated or controlled by the state in any way shape or form whereas the tobacco they have to be licensed are they supposed to be licensed with the state okay all right so but my point being is beyond that I mean what what do the two what do the permits look like uh for for requirements I mean other than license uh they're all the same and then um at the bottom of page one it's just uh products to be sold uh infused beverages Edibles um or vape okay so it's virtually the same same amount of staff time and checking and everything else correct okay and it would be the same cost if they check all three boxes for you know if they're going to sell all three of them versus if you're only going to sell one correct yes yeah the fee is supposed to cover the city cost so You' have staff time review in the application um you know doing the staff reports to recommend it and then um any compliance checks currently the state's not issuing any licensing yet correct we haven't gotten to that point from the state as far as I know correct uh for the cannaboids um we do have a list um that Cory pulled from the state's website um and we have 1 two three four five six seven PE seven businesses uh as of 12324 registered with the state in longale correct okay okay yeah because I know they've been very behind and I think I just saw article yesterday that another cannabis Zar resigned from the state so they can't keep anybody in leadership so is it the the actual flower product that's behind where this because I I believe the stuff now is all synthetic it's all correct the flower that's behind Okay think we're still open for public right if public wants to speak at this point yeah the public absolutely I kind of have a I don't know I have a thought about our onsale liquor fees and you know with the legion that had issues and they're going to have issues coming up again and and uh with smoke having issues you know I I kind of would like to know kind of a further understanding of how we got to the onsale liquor fee just being a flat out $2,000 I believe it's um State Statute I'd have to verify that okay so that's the Benchmark it's 2,000 okay I believe it's based off of what class City you are and and what you what you're allowed to charge sure well since it looks like nobody wants to speak I'll go ahead and make a motion to close the public hearing all right motion by council member noris Gerson second second by council member blava any further discussion all right all in favor I all opposed motion carries presentation of Citizen petitions and comments comments limited to two minutes so if you aren't on the agenda now is your time to speak um with that uh Ben Fon was invited tonight to kind of lead us into an invocation so Ben if you wouldd like to come up certain thank you mayor and Council uh let's just bow our heads for a moment as we pray father we thank you for this new Council we thank you for the city and its leadership ask for your hand of wisdom and understanding father and ask for a great uh future and prosperity for our city of lale father would you just have your hand upon them Lord we pray in Jesus name amen amen thank you may thank you thank you all right anybody else okay moving on to the approval of the consent agenda these items of the consent agenda are considered routine and noncontroversial in order to be acted upon the city council in a single motion there will be no discussion on these items unless the council member or citizen so request in which the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered to new business it looks like we don't have anything on the consent agenda so we'll go on to Old business which is consider approval of the city's request of proposals for the city's residential refuse collection transportation and Disposal agreement jool Arison all right um well as we discussed uh ear earlier this week um regarding the garbage or contract in the city of lawdale our current contract expires um May March 31st of this year uh based out of the discussion held at the uh January 6th council meeting the council desired to go out for proposals um included in in with staff's report is the the proposed RFP and bidding documents a quick summary of the RFP includes General instructions just some general background project descript number of customers describes the curbside recycling definition of of households uh number of each size cart that um West Central currently builds out uh Christmas tree collection kind of some of the um brush collection yard waste collection composting uh White good collections we do have a a fee set that West Central will come and pick up um they call them white goods but you know stoves refrigerators couches microwaves ovens things like that uh special events the spring cleanup and then the recycling program for uh Youth and Civic organizations uh the collection schedule is proposed to remain the same um but we would consider uh collection of the entire town on a single day um I guess preferably Thursday the council has a a different date in mind but uh free service to the city facilities and Community Days um The Collection equipment uh collection operation handling the complaints uh compliance with state federal and local ordinances uh term of the contract uh proposed April 1st of 25 through March 31st of 29 uh termination of the contract can be done by either party with 180 days written notice um indemnification and hold harmless requirements uh insurance requirements performance bond uh protection of work property person and then the The Collection process uh the proposed timeline is approved uh the RFP tonight uh it'll be sent to uh proposed vendors um early next week proposals will be due the 31st be considered um at the February I think it's the 13th meeting uh delivery of carts if it is a new uh contractor on no later than March 24th with the contract beginning uh April 1st and ending again March 31st there is no fiscal impact to the city uh as long as the the service to the city remains free we're not responsible for collecting uh any payments remitting them to the contractor uh and residents will be build 100% for for the service I guess that's kind of a a quick summary of of the RFP you guys have any questions we happy to answer them um and I'm not sure if we want to uh obtain quotes for branches and leaves um grass clippings things like that or just have it so if residents do want that um that service can be paid for and provided by whoever the vendor is and then um as far as the the fee do we want to includ a um a a fuel search charge or just say put down your rates for the year uh for each size cart and and just leave it at that have we been charging a fuel sarch charge already uh not that I'm aware of no yeah I didn't no I think when they did that that was a just you know another way just to you know not have to increase rates or come back to the city and say hey diesel fuel went from $4 to who knows what it's going to be and you it could go down or just you know the volatility of it over the last 8 10 years yeah I think it just if we open that door it gives them an opportunity to to come back to Residents outside of the contract and say oh we gotta hit you with a fuel sarch charge I I think it's if we can nail them down to this is this is our rate this is our contract I think it's better for everybody rather than was was there at one point uh and I don't remember if it was in this contract or it was another contract there was something built some verbiage that if there was uh a major increase to fuel costs like if they hit a certain milestone or whatever there could be uh it could be looked at for an an increase for the following year or something like that may that might have been on a different contract it could have been a different one but typically the the diesel fuel you go by the um EPA and they've on their website they've got the you know what it is and you know where you're at and they show the graph and everything we would just use that and if it hit a certain you know price per gallon then um the fuel search charge would be be added onto that onto the bill and this is for a fiveyear yes and what is do we have a list of the uh vendors that we would be uh reaching out to uh I would send them to the same ones that we we did last time okay and um yeah when someone's called me I've put it in a file and we send them a an RFP as well okay it would probably probably get sent to six contractors providers I'll make a motion to approve the RFP to be sent out to potential vendors motion by council member m so do we want the fuel search charge on there no I don't think so do you no I I wouldn't I would want to S charge personally no either I'll second with to that with no sir charge all right second by council member palava any further discussion all right all in favor I I all opposed motion carries on to new business consider approval of ordinance 2025 329 and ordinance amending city ordinance 20 25- 329 the 2024 fee scheduled juel Ericson well we held the public hearing here just a few minutes ago we went through it um did not receive any written or verbal comments prior to or at the public hearing um I guess now would be the time for the council to discuss the fees and determine what they wanted them set at and go from there i' kind of like to open up a discussion so then that way we can kind of address it um I wouldn't be afraid of sending out our Engineering Services in City Attorney Services of forbid either so if we want to discuss that yeah there was discussion on because we're currently out of contract on both of them are we well they they uh they continue to to roll over okay we're in agreement with them until we're not okay so I know and the um over the past uh I know last uh last year was discussed that uh we were like to you know it would be a responsible thing to look at options yeah yeah I believe there was yeah I I recall that too Scott that um the coun the previous Council was pretty much in agreement that it makes sense to to put out a bid to see you know I mean we we don't know what's out there unless we ask great yep and I think right now is a good time to to do it so so how does that affect the um the the rate uh if you know the fee schedule right now because we have to either adopt it for the upcoming year or uh my recommendation would be would be to um adopt the fees because we're still going to have engineering work until up until that time correct until there's a decision made on the and there's no RP process there's no statutory rule that says we can't in two months reopen this discussion and re-evaluate the fees correct yeah it's Professional Service correct yeah okay so yeah I think so the process would be the same as far as the RFP where staff would prepare what the RFP would look like we approve it put it out you know so we'd have similar to what we just looked at with the with the refu service um and I think you know definitely something to to put on for the next council meeting agenda is let's take a look at an RFP for both for legal and for Engineering Services in the meantime we have to look at is this the fee schedule I mean some of this we don't have control over right we we don't have control over the attorneys fees we don't have control over the engineering fees those you know I mean we can say no but we're we're going to char we don't have service yeah so so by the time we get uh you know we do rfps and everything else we're a couple months into it so we'll be looking at y spring and at that point we can we'd be looking at uh what what our budget's going to look like for 26 because that's when we start we're starting that process yeah right so would make sense to uh to do that y I agree so we'll agree to the fee schedule with future agenda item being to move forward with the biding process yeah I am curious though as I brought up during the the um public hearing I I'm curious what people's thoughts are on a a tiered um fee schedule on the cannaboid products just I you know it's something that I've been approached about with with those particular products how it impacts different businesses differently as you know in terms of what types of products and what volume of products um you know we have businesses that that's a almost a primary um base of their their um business and then there's others where it's a very small base of their business based on the types of products they carry so I'm curious to hear what other people think about that if we wanted to consider maybe a tiered where it's $100 for you know multiple and if it's only one type of product maybe a lower fee um I don't know what are your thoughts honestly I I haven't done a whole lot of research on it um but I mean I I do see where you're coming from and that's kind of why I asked about the liquor license too was cuz if we could even reduce that you know yeah I mean but then also what I'm saying is is like I'm trying to picture it in my head how you'd have it and I I would definitely entertain that you know more of an in-depth conversation about it is this something that has to go through planning no no we can we can correct modify as and I like I said I just don't know enough because it doesn't seem like the state has came out with enough to make me you know yeah and I mean more informed there's that there's that issue too I mean I I think this is canb cannaboid in general is going to be a topic of conversation for some time and things are going to change and they're probably going to change multiple times within any given year yeah until the state figures out what they're going to do um you know they they passed the law they pushed it through they had no infrastructure in place and they kind of kicked it all down to the counties and and the cities to say here's the thing figure F out but also we're not issuing licenses for some of the stuff yet and then you've got retailers you've got producers you've got a lot of people on the business side that are frustrated because they've spent money they've invested in a business and then the state's moving the bar constantly I you know I've seen article after article after article about how the state is okay we're going to do it this time you know here's the date this is when we're start issuing licenses and oh psych we're not going to do it anymore and then they changed the rules of of who's on top of the list to get them um you know the confusion around the whole industry is difficult for businesses and you know there's I mean but it's but any business is like that I mean it's not and not just that I mean the new junk fees law has created nothing but headache for people that that have to invoice things uh you know you have to itemize things well does that become a fee here and there I mean there's you know um well I mean we can we can say the same thing about the the recycling business I mean yeah there there's there's a lot of but yeah but what I'm saying is it makes it difficult for us as as a city council or you know we could talk about this at a a county level as well because I mean you know rice County's got different rules in place for municipalities versus outside of the municipalities I mean there's so much confusion around all of this and it's like like my question for you Brian is um what's your idea um I mean for a three tier for a three tier oh I don't I don't think there needs to be a three- tier I would I I I would say maybe a two-tier where you've got one fee for multiple products multiple product types and another fee for if you're only doing a single product type so say if so say if we just do THC drinks okay because that's common in restaurants What would put that well I mean even as a liquor store I I guess that's the question you know I me one do we collectively have an appetite for that or is this just something that I mean and and if I'm alone in it that's fine I'm okay with that I've always been okay with that I'm just trying to gauge what everyone else thinks I mean is it is it worth it I mean it's not a huge fee right we're not talking about a big fee you know you you bring up liquor store and the or I'm sorry the the liquor license feed where I see that that's different is the liquor license is going to be the same from business a to business B so you know everybody's got a liquor license they're all selling all sale liquor you know it's going to be beer it's going to be wine it's going to be whatever you know it's we don't have edible liquor you know we don't have Vaped liquor I mean I maybe there is I don't know but um hey New Market yeah no I mean yeah I mean yes you can vaporize it but anyway it's not it's not a consumable product whereas within the cannaboid world we have all these different product types and there's the businesses have the the businesses that I see retailing these products there's businesses that are built primarily around that product and there's businesses that have it as a residual product that they're offering like our liquor store for example you know I mean yes we're seeing a lot of increase in our sales we're seeing increase in the interest in it but I don't no I mean I guess I haven't I haven't spoken with Andrew I haven't spoken with Jason Lori I I believe they they carry them at at real 19 I'm not 100% sure but you know I don't know what level of their sales those products are in the broader picture and that's why I'm wondering at least in the short term is it worth considering a 50 or $75 fee if you're only selling the beverages as a residual product versus $100 for the the business that's a much higher volume 50 you know multiple different product types that's that's kind of what I'm AR I get the worm fuzzies with that totally cool but we're not doing this for what the what they're selling what they're not selling this is to cover the cost of to the city for the work that's done so we're effectively subsidizing you know if somebody doesn't want to sell it we're saying well your your license is cheaper because you don't want to do it so you know the taxpayers are then covering that that cost sure but I I would also argue that the the the businesses selling the beverages the bars and restaurants have already met some of that threshold through the fee they pay for their liquor license because that liquor license also covers some of that cost of that investigation and that background checking and and making sure that the licensing is there so so I would assume and and then we should reduce the the the tobacco license then too if there's anybody that's selling alcohol and tobacco because that would that would be the same thing I mean I mean I'm just making that point you know what that's a valid point and I I guess if we're going to be you know what's good for the goose is good for the gander and I I'd be happy to entertain that as as a a discussion as well you know um you know and I guess I guess it might be a question for Jason for for the chief to say you know does is there overlap in our background checking between liquor and the THC or the cannaboid products there's not there's not okay well and then I get the tiered and I agree with that but then with the compliance checks so then you have to make sure that if you you have a $50 permit for one product we just need to make sure that somebody is checking to make sure are they only selling the one product you know what I say so that's added uh time or possible expense that's and that's a fair point absolutely the state does come around for the marijuana and the last time I talked to him that day alone had confiscated 30 lbs of product not own is pounds wow we actually um monsale liquor um they stopped um we got our license or we we didn't have a license we registered with the state because you needed to register yep and we wer we didn't have the product yet and they were already down um now are they checking us out do they charge us for those compliance checks no no okay so that's a state cost correct so the compliance check unless you know our police force is doing it that's that's not our cost so but what about the city making sure that the permit that was issued is being used in the correct way well that's where that's where we would have to start doing our compliance checks not that not saying that we're not doing them but yeah that's why but but the state you know State compliance checks we we're not paying for those so that fee wouldn't have to be considered towards the state checks and I'm I I'm not making a motion I just wanted to have the discussion at this point because what I'm kind of getting the feedback I'm getting my interpretation of the feedback is we want to just keep it simple have one flat fee and that's okay that's okay I just wanted to kind of see what the appetite was around it and there's I've learned some things tonight I you know um you know there's no overlap okay that's new information for me so that's why we have the discussion MH I agree I I mean for me personally Brian it's I got kind of get more into this whole cannabis talk and really wrap my mind around it and so I'm I'm learning just as much as everyone else is on this conversation but and all this is is just the low dose it's not the flower right with all the uncertainties I mean this is clearly defined low dose is it what 5 m milligrams or whatever well technically so this is all very clear in State statue what we're talking about tonight yeah the the Delta whatever synthetic product yeah exactly we're basically looking at on sale versus offsale in the marijuana when you're at smoke or rail 19 if you're consuming it there that's on sale right food and fuels off sale and they're going to sell a lot more than smoke or real 19 most likely so it wouldn't be a bad idea to do a two stero deal on sale versus off sale and marijuana so I think so then we we base it off of sales and they have to show us their numbers or how would we determine that yeah I I think really what it comes down to is if if we wanted to look at a tiered structure clearly we have a lot to discuss I think we need we need to to to do more we need to educate more ourselves on on all this and and maybe look at that that's a great question do we look at sales volume do we look at sales volume in relation to everything else you know how do we do our compliance checks to make sure they're only one product or whatever we set the Threshold at so I I I think it's it's worth at some point having a a broader conversation um in the future so I I would would ask that maybe down the road we we look at this again um as a conversation um because clearly we're gonna have to re evaluate these fees before the end of the year if we're going out to bid potentially for our services so at this point I'll make the motion to uh accept the fee schedule what's the resolution number on here ordinance 2025 d329 yes I'll make that motion uh at this time all right motion by council member wormers second second by council member pava any further discussion see and none all in favor I all opposed all right motion consider approval of change order number two in the amount of $ 23962 cents relating to the City Hall remodel project Dana bleach check from WTH do you want to take this Joel yeah um I did receive an email from um our architect Dana leich that he was unable to to attend tonight um so the proposed change order uh in the amount of $2,396 125 uh is uh we were provided a deduct on the current fire alarm contract amount um and then the additional cost from our current provider which is custom alarm um the the the cost difference between um so when we purchased the clinic um we they had custom alarm so we renewed with them for a 5-year contract and then when the bid went out the fire alarm protection was was bid so then when it was brought to my attention that it was going to be an another contract like well I already have a five-year contract you know we're almost four remaining um we're going to stick with who we have so then they reached out to uh custom alarm and they were you know just under $2,400 more expensive but with that said uh the way that our contract reads is that um the early termination fee we're basically responsible to pay for the full fiveyear term so um I'm not aware of any issues with with the service provided by custom alarm um and would recommend that that we stick with them uh since we're are currently under contract with them so that that's the that's the reason for the the increase so what's our what would be the the cost if we had let's just hypothetically say for the fiveyear term is that is that it's it's basically a wash okay so we're paying it either way exactly and this is just less intrusive staying this way yeah make a motion to prove that I have motion by council member P I'll second it second by council member Miller all in favor I all oppose all right motion goes uh consider approval to accept Mike jer's letter of retirement from the lville fire department Joe pumper fire chief evening City counil good evening Mr Mayor uh so I have uh um Mike yet there's letter of resignation I'm sorry retirement letter of retirement um first I'd just like to acknowledge 30 years of dedication uh served um to the city of Lille Lille or to the city of lale and the fire department um action that requested is we recognize and accept the retirement of uh fire firefighter Mike geter effective on 12:00 pm on Wednesday December 4th 2024 um the justification or background of this is firefighter M Yer has proudly served the city of lville uh fire department for an impressive 30 years since joining on December 1st 1994 uh Mike has deit Dem demonstrated unwavering dedication to the department and the community attending his first department meeting on December 6th 1994 um over the course of his years over the course of his career Mike has responded to thousands of emergency calls participated in hundreds of training sessions and meetings and had held various leadership roles including assistant chief for eight years and fire chief for 12 years um Mike has consistently consistently exemp ex excuse me stum on that one um Ed early uh showing professionalism teamwork and commitment to Excellence earning the respect and admiration of his peers and Community uh Beyond his technical expertise Mike has uh fored meaningful relationships with the Department uh creating a legacy of uh camaraderie and mentorship uh Mike has decided to retire effectively again like like I said before noon DEC 4th Paving the way for new generation of firefighters to continue the mission of uh servicing and protecting the community um the impact of uh Mike's retirement will be there be another vacancy within the roster um I don't really see any alternatives but accepting his his uh retirement and uh uh the attachment I have is is uh Mike's uh retirement letter you have any questions as much as I would like to say no we won't accept my retir I'm saving that for Josh I'll make I'll make the motion um I I told Mike many times that I I don't want to accept his retirement but unfortunately I don't think we have an option in this one all we can do is say thank you for the years of service and Leadership that he's provided even when he wasn't in a leadership role mhm it was uh I guess I'll call it he was the dad figure yes or one of them so yeah I don't think there's a there's a a guy on the on the force or or an individual on the force that wouldn't have great positive things to say about Mike so I hope that Mike still keeps up his recruiting yeah he's always trying to recruit so that's true that's true so I'll move to accept the the retirement of Mike yet sir sadly motion mik com wor Excursion second second by jammie faia council member of theia any further discussion I just want to also say thank you for your service Mike just watching all in favor all opposed motion carries all right Joel consider approval to accept Dean duan's letter of retirement from the lale fire department yep again uh like to acknowledge Dean 32 years of dedicated service to the Lonzo fire department and Community um the action requested here is recognize and accept the retirement of firefighter Dean duban um the background and justification is firefighter Dean duban has announced his retirement from lonville fire department effective December 3rd 2024 after nearly 32 years of dedicated service throughout his distinguished career Dean has Faithfully served the citizens of Lonzo fire district with honor and commitment in his retirement letter Dean reflected on on the privilege of serving the community and expressed gratitude for the friendship he has built both within the department and throughout the community uh Dean's professionalism camarad and steadfast dedication have left lasting impact on the department his contributions will be uh remembered fondly and his presence will be greatly missed um again the impact of accepting this will be another vacancy amongst the roster the fire department um the department will begin transitioning responsibilities um and then and then start planning on Recruitment and reassignment to F fill the vacancy I don't have any other Alternatives and the attachment is Dean's letter res letter retirement Just Like Mike I mean Dean has been a a huge asset to our community um not just the fire department uh Dean is a police officer for a neighboring Department uh and he's also I don't many people don't know they he and his wife are ex-wife used to own the hardware storing town uh before uh um R Russ yes thank you before they purchased it so you know he's he's been you know very much an integral part of the community so with that I reluctantly accept uh Dean Dubai's letter of retirement all right motion by council member bla second second by Council just to to add on I mean 32 years find somebody today who spends 32 years yeah with an organization it's it's a rare thing nowadays it's not like it screws up your home life screws up your personal life everything else yeah just living living on a waiting for a tone you said public service was that's all you did with public service it's a lifestyle it's not a job y yeah so there thank you is not enough for these guys I mean for that amount of time three decades of your life in service as a volunteer on top of everything else you do I think you can't you can't say thank you enough so yeah all right well all in favor I all opposed motion carries consider approval of Joshua Diaz letter of resignation from the lale fire department Joe pumper uh thank you um action requested is the motion to accept the resignation of firefighter Josh Diaz effective December 31st 2024 uh the background justification is firefighter Josh Diaz who joined Lonzo fire department September 1 of 2020 has submitted his formal notice of resignation uh Josh cited uh demanding work hours difficulty um meeting the required call minimum and the need for more family time as reasons for his decision his last day his last day of employment would be December 31st 2024 uh Josh Josh has been a Valu member of the department for over four years um we think of him or we thank him for his dedication professionalism um his willingness to assist with smooth transition demonstrates its commitment to the department and its colleagues um the impact is uh department will began planning again Recruitment and reassignment of of staffing needs following Josh's departure um Alternatives I don't have any um this was Josh's uh request again his decision because of again family uh and work um not not being able to have enough life or enough time in between those hours to do to fulfill the commitment for the fire department um I also did include the letter of resignation for Josh D on a short time on the department I've heard nothing good things about him and seen him in Action a number of times and thought he did a fantastic job hate to see him go but move to approve his letter of resignation all right motion by council member plav second second by council member Cur Miller and you know I reached out to Josh and I told him you know whenever you want to come back you know it's there for you so y um definitely same with all these other guys Mike and Dean if they want to come back and be that'll be a hard but all right all in favor I all right all opposed all right motion carries consider approval of a bid submitted by Ryan Bower in the amount of $1,000 for a high Press air compressor Joe Bumper thank you um again uh or should say again we're tasked with uh removal of of old equipment um and uh guing principle here is efficiently efficiently managing the the department departmental Resources by selling outdated and unreliable equipment um the action requested is the motion to approve the sale of the Lonzo Fire's 30-year-old High Press air compressor and supporting equipment to Ryan B for $1,000 uh the background and justification Lonzo fire department owns a 30-year-old High Press air compressor that is no longer dependable and will soon be considered obsolete um um to repurpose uh this outdated asset and the compressor would would post excuse me purpose the re to repurpose this outdated asset the compressor was posted for sale on Minnesota Fire's only website from April 7th 2024 through May 31st 2024 listed as willing to take best offer uh during that listing period we received two inquiries both requesting specifications for the compress with no formal offers made um at that time uh in November 2024 Ryan bow uh firefighter with firebowl fire department had who had seen the listing early verbally expressed interest in purchasing the compressor uh he confirmed that it it that it was still available and offered $1,000 for the compressor and its supporting equipment this represents the only formal bed received for the equipment given the compressor age limited functionability and lack of other offers um our staff recommends approving the sale to Ryan B um fiscal impact of the sale the sale of the compressor will generate $1,000 in revenue for the Department which can be allocated uh towards current and future equipment needs Alternatives is to reject the offer retain the compressor uh though is unlikely to find other buyers given its aging condition um two we could continue to marketing the compressor and hopes of receiving a higher offer and the attachments is which is in my hand here is a check for $1,000 if the city so moves to accept it in our current High Press compressor how long have we had that uh less than a well just about a year all year one year all a year okay what did that run uh if I remember I $56,000 yeah good so it's a drop in the bucket but it definitely would help offset that what's the life expectancy of the new one 30 years okay that's that's what we shoot for B the the amount of hours we put on it and then again with the the timeline of it um they start become uh obsolete in in this case this this older one that we're considering for sale um there was a v bu that could no longer get be purchased so it would never meet meet its designated um high pressure anymore so that's the problem so even even as it's as it sales it's stated it's a 5,000 psi compressor well it can only ever achieve 4500 because of the limited valves that are in so no longer making it useful for us that's why again and we budgeted for a new air compressor so the 30-year turnover was budgeted for at that time I'll make a motion to approve ,000 motion by council member Miller second second by cons M palava any further discussion now do you clear up some space in the fire hall yes that's to be honest I mean hey to get anything out of it right after 30 years the more space you have the faster it fills up yeah yeah here's here's the piece that'll fill it hopefully fill its position um we need vote all right all in favor all opposed motion carries consider approval of a quote submitted by fire safety USA and the not to exceed Mount of $49512 for a hose tester and fittings Joe Bumper so uh uh guiding principle on this is to streamline our homes testing process having the ability to perform host testing without being on a schedule to return the host tester and what what I'm talking about there is uh previously we've always borrowed um a host tester from a different fire department um so then we're always under the gun to make sure we got it done within their time period um the again you like you said motion to approve or the requested action is to is a motion to approve the submitted um amount um uh I'll give you the introduction and the background justification the the main objective is to ensure that all H hoses are NFPA meet NFPA standard 1962 standards for inspection care and testing which which will significantly reduce the risk of equipment failure during firefighting operations the acquisition of this equipment will eliminate the need to borrow from neighboring departments thus enhancing our departments uh autonomy flexibility and operational efficiency expected outcomes uh we'd have increased testing uh frequency we aim to test hoses more than once a year so basically we' be doing all year um just going from truck to truck versus versus doing a a one long session of them all I guess in a uh short period of time um which would ensuring that all equipment is up is always up to standard they provide us with operational Flex flexibility which with our own host tester we will be able to conduct testing on our own timeline avoiding delays and scheduling conflicts improved uh Community safety by by uh regular testing our hoses will reduce the likelihood of equipment failure during emergency responses protecting both firefighters and the public um these outcomes would contribute to more uh prepared and reliable Department ensuring that we can provide the best possible service to Our Community Financial impact so the funding for this quote would come from the fire budget um and be replenished by the Taylor Family Farms Foundation Grant um and a pledge of $2,500 we have received from the Alonzo uh fireman's relief assult Association uh 501c3 for C4 I'm sorry um that's the Lonzo fire department's uh gambling entity or from the relief Association so basically we have we able to purchase this through a grant that uh the fire department had had uh tried to get uh and they they wanted a matching contribution so that's why we got the the pledge of $500 from the relief Association Alternatives um we can continue to request to use new pregs host tester um two we could seek our professional service to perform host testing which is about the same cost as the host tester per session um number three you can purchase a new new hose tester every two or purchase new holes every two years um that is the standard of which it needs to be are required to be tested um or to number four to not prefer host testing running the risk of O NFPA violations um the attachments that you have is a quote from uh fire safety USA uh you should have the Grant application and the grant acceptance letter what is the expected operational life of something like that post tester uh it's it's basically a I don't know what it fills the volume it fills the volume of the holes when you cap on both ends and then it's a pressure washer that's the picture is kind of hard to see so that's right yeah so it's basically I think it's a 2,000 psi pressure washer that's governed down to operate within I think our our test limits are 450 for some holes and 200 for the other so you can see if you're having a a pressure pump that's capable of 2,000 PSI and now you're running it at 450 the life expectancy of it should be 30 years plus okay I would imagine it would corod before it will fail because of the the scale that you're using it using it under capacity and you got a spot now for for and I mean I I was pretty excited to get the grants so to not to utilize any tax funding or tax tax money for this also so I pretty confident that our uh fire district um would really appreciate anything there's potential for long-term savings here too right because we're not buying new hoses because we're testing them and confirming that they're still good so we don't need to replace so there's longterm savings unrealized yes yeah so I mean with with this I mean I over the past several years I seem to recall I mean we've kind of got you guys uh set up pretty good with the the the extractor you know the for the turnout gear you know lot of that stuff is there anything besides the the big red shiny equipment that you're looking at uh um coming up we we do have a list of you know of things that we are trying to pursue without uh increasing the budget so other items for uh future grant opportunities um I know this year uh there is budgeted money for a off-road vehicle side by side or four-wheeler however you want look at UTV I believe is what we're looking for um plus a trailer of some sort however uh um through funding or through through the the funding that we have and also uh application for a couple different grants one Grant in particular um that we hope we can achieve our goal and and exceed it so that's that's the goal with that um I believe that was that was that's the main topic for 2025 as of right now okay yeah that's I mean there's always little things we can but I I just know was we were trying to get that so we weren't riant on other people's equipment or or patching stuff up and trying to make it work yep okay I'll make a motion to approve the uh quote uh for fire safety USA for the 49 5161 not to exceed all right motion my council member Flava I'll second second by council member mil any further discussion all right all in favor I I all oppose motion carries thank you Joel thank you very much thank you consider approval of resolution 20254 a resolution accepting a donation of $100 by meor prize Financial for the purchase of fire department equipment Joel Arison uh all right the next three items pertain to um donations provided to the city um this one uh specific is in the amount of $100 from a maror prize Financial um per uh State Statute um cities can accept um donations um by resolution and um part of the resolution has to be that you're accepting the donation and that agreeing to dedicate the funds to the the intended use or purpose of the donation in this case it's the the fire fund uh the impact to the fire fund would be an additional $100 funding and then included with uh the staff report is the the proposed resolution and then uh State Statute 4654 motion to accept the donation I motion by council member second second by council member pal all in favor I I all oppos motion carries consider approval of resolution 20255 a resolution accepting a of $2,000 by Crane Creek asphalt for the purchase of fire department equipment Jo all right again um the statute 46504 allows the the city to accept donation for the use and benefit of its residents um in this case it's a $2,000 donation by Crane Creek to the fire department uh by approving the proposed resolution uh the council is accepting the donation and agreeing to dedicate the funds to the the fire fund and then obviously the f Act is an additional $2,000 in funding for the fire department I'll make a I was just going to make a motion to accept the donation to the fire all right motion by council member Miller I'll second it second by council member blava any further discussion all right all in favor I I uh all opposed motion carries consider approval of resolution 20 20 25-06 a resolution accepting a donation of $2,000 by francen Bank and Trust for the city's uh SCP housing Rehabilitation grant program your ERS uh again uh State Statute 4654 allows cities to accept donations for the benefit um in use of their benefit to their residents uh in this case France Bank and Trust is donated $2,000 to the city's uh small cities development program Grant um little um backstory uh the Eda applied for and received a $431,500 their donations to load to moderate income uh people and this is specifically what this housing rehab Grant is for there's income limits that have to be met um so this meets their requirements and then will be used uh by by the city to uh either offset some of our cost lead based paint um which is part of the um each Project's dollar month there's a kind of a ceiling limit and then you know um any lead based paint uh be what assessments clearances if they're required would would reduce that amount so this will help um offset some of the city's costs um or in other projects um get above that $25,000 in in in improvements Again by accepting the uh by approving the proposed resolution the city council uh is accepting the the 2 $2,000 donation by francon Bank and Trust uh and dedicating to the city's uh small cities development program Grant Fun Some Mo motion by council member vava second it second by council member Miller any further discussion all in favor I all oppose motion carries consider enter sorry consider entering closed session to discuss an offer to purchase 115 Alabama Street Southwest Joel eron all right um so so I did receive an offer um whatever it's dated um uh December 31st um by from a party that I showed the old pd2 uh several times here uh recently um it is um was provided to to the city council and um basically um however the council chooses to proceed um whether it's just uh we go to close session and talk about negotiations or discuss some openly um essentially what the city council needs to decide is um you know what the minimum price they're willing to accept for the um the building and property how the costs uh to be incurred will be shared or not shared portion of well it needs to be reson it's currently public facilities so it'll have to be reson in this case to uh residential um and then since it was has been a city own lot for for decades um part of the building is located in the right of way so the the property line should be adjusted so that the structure is completely on private property and not in in the city right of way um so I guess at this point I'll let the council decide how how you want to proceed and and and go from there I'm going to open it up for complete discussion um one is is I'll say this I don't necessarily care for the offer that was presented for the work that you know we kind of have to do um as far as a Clos session goes if we look into counter offering you know that would would be kind of the place to do it um my thought is is it's going to be a lot of work to uh make this kind of happen no matter what the future bid might be so you know anybody else wants to mention anything I think we should move to a closed session to discuss it um having dealt with several property purchases and sales um it's it's it's a different environment because it unlike any any other uh transaction when you're doing real estate the two parties you know you you have you have the buyer and the seller and they have their own team you know whatever working for them in this case the buyer has the ability to EAS drop if you will and I'm not saying it in a bad way but you know sometimes we got to figure out what what our rationale is for doing things and and I think it's I think it's in everybody's best interest to handle it you know handle it that way just like you would any other real estate transaction yeah I I agree um I think we should go into close session to discuss um another to to point I agree with Scott on on your points there but um the buyer may not want to be publicly known at this point so in in in um respect to that you know we can talk about it um you know uh yeah it's a real estate transaction I think we should go to close session discuss it discuss it uh what we want to do what we don't want to do and then go from there okay so with that would we do that this evening yet i' be happy my recommendation absolutely we you need a motion for that right well so first of all to go to close session um before closing the meeting the council must State on the record the specific grounds for closing the meeting describe the subject to be discussed and identify the particular property uh that is subject of the meeting so um State Statute allows uh the city council to go into Clos session to develop or consider offers or counter offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property um describe the the subject to be discussed and identify the particular property so the city received an offer and the council seems to desired to go into close session to discuss um the offer and potentially consider counter offer for the property located at 115 Alabama Street Southwest Lonsdale Minnesota um the property or I'm sorry the meeting must be recorded and the property identified on the recording uh the recording must be preserved for 8 years and must must be made available to the public after all property discuss that the meeting has been purchased or sold or after the public body has abandoned the purchase of the sale list of the council members and all other persons present at the closed meeting must be made available to the public after the Clos session and then the actual purchase or sale of the property must be conducted at an open meeting and the purchase or sale price is then public data so with that would we I I'm just throwing this out uh do we want to cover other business and then go into the closed session that way we could wrap up for the public or do we want to Recon I know we have I guess we have to reconvene afterwards but yeah but the the gallery you know unless we were to go upstairs the gallery will be empty so MH all right do you have a recommendation Joel um I mean if you want to go my office that's that's fine okay yeah I'm I'm fine with whatever with the continuing and then coming back to it for the close session I'll make a motion to go into close session uh in the administrator's office all right motion by Council M I'll second it second by council member Miller any further discussion all right all in favor I all right all opposed motion carries we're now in close session um yeah I'll just make copies real quick then than for e e for for he e e you're e e e for e e e really e for e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e not I'm sorry know they call we e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e e e for Andrew Andrew it was I was talking to him it's it's oh okay yeah all right so we're okay all right so we so make a motion to reopen the public meeting okay second motion by council member pava second by council member werson any further discussion all in favor I all opposed motion carries to open up the closed session what we just what we did upstairs was we discussed a counter offer for 115 Alabama Street Southwest so I [Applause] will do so we need to make a mo I'll make a motion to uh give Joel the uh Authority no we don't need to no we we did it up there make is um upon acceptance of the offer okay okay so we can go right into this next one yep so discuss scheduling city council work sessions um Joel you could take that or I can uh yeah it doesn't matter um basically the new Council um you know policies directive goals objectives um somehow um hopefully sooner than later um can be you know relay to staff um like I said earlier we're meeting with developers and we need to get direction from the Council on how we negotiate with them in the past development has paid for itself um every developer that we have um talk to is saying that um doesn't happen without City assistance that that's just one example um you know um what type of uh ordinances um you know are a priority of of the council uh philosophy on uh Cod and blight enforcement um developments what do we want single family multif family again City assistance um Open Space Trail incorporation um and really just communicating with um you know I guess at this point staff and advisory boards we're going to be um you know working on a packet for the Eda meetings next week um you know so it' be nice to to hear from the council what uh Economic Development uh goals and objectives priorities are so we can as the Eda and staff work towards them so um yeah however you guys want to do that an open meeting have a work session uh you know regular work sessions you know I don't want to call it a retreat but you know is it a Saturday morning from 9:00 to noon and it's you know staff in the council you know that would be more kind of a general one I think the work sessions are more of an ongoing um item to informally discuss things yeah and I I definitely think the works sessions are going to be really important for all of us council members The Advisory Board and it's not ran like a normal council meeting it's just we break down kind of what we need to be focusing on so uh I would kind of like to see if we have any availability to start these come February um I think that's enough notice to even get it to the advisory boards and then um kind of just start working on uh a lot of items you know are you thinking like one a month for right now one a month yeah um and ideally you know when I first brought this up I kind of wanted to get away from a council meeting in the beginning of the month to just replacing it with the work session and then really let the advisory boards the next meeting they have to really kick it off good and then we finalize with a council meeting but I would rather just throw another work session in with two ccil meetings remaining a month so we can go through some of these items we got the garbage that we have to discuss we have you know this deal that we have to discuss more items so that's kind of where I'm at um and again it's it I would plan for a couple hours not just you know one or two it's going to be a lot of people just really having a conversation and a discussion yeah I mean I I think to try and do a work session with all the advisory boards in one work session or everyone like having every Advisory board come to every work session once a month I think that might be a little difficult just because that's a lot of people to coordinate um I I I I see what you're saying I see a value in in having some work sessions um but maybe you know pick a couple for one and then the next one you know so kind of because the advisory boards are going to be doing their organization here in January so if we kick off in February say okay you know Eda and planning you know those are the first ones and then March it's Parks because we're getting towards where parks are going to be more active you know Li or something like that kind of doing it in phases as opposed to try to get all of them in in one I think it it's I I appreciate that it would be great if we could do it I just think it's going to be logistically difficult to make sure we can get everybody well you you have to assume that these that these Advisory Board volunteers want to undertake another meeting for several hours well and and the staff time too you know we got to consider that too yeah I mean I I want to say quarterly I mean if the council did it every month but an Advisory Board um you know if they they cycled through so they weren't meeting all the time you know it would might be one for one month the next for the next month something like that so you can focus on that department or whatever I you know for a portion of it I'm just throwing throwing stuff at the wall whoever you know chairs it too you know be oh yeah yeah it doesn't have to be but but also you know that's that's a lot of for us even you know mentally that's a lot of pivoting in one meeting you know where we go from all right we're going to we're going to just hammer on parks for an hour and then we have to completely reset and now we're going to start talking Eda you know that's that's a lot to to digest in one meeting um you know and even like me yes I've got a year in but even for me that's a lot to it to digest you know especially for boards that I don't sit on you know now I've got to digest all that and then pivot to the next one I think I think taking it in smaller chunks will be more effective and I think we're going to get more benefit out of that than trying to get it all done in one one big meeting um because whoever's last is going to get the short end rush through because we're going to be tired we're going to be okay we've got a lot of information and stuff in the middle is going to get forgotten because you're just crammed you know fire drinking from a fire hose is hard you know it's it's not something that produces the best results um and it's very easy to get off subject or off task sure you know while you while you might change lanes for a moment for an example suddenly you're not even on the same Highway anymore because we we almost started that upstairs so yeah it's yeah exactly just the six of us um yeah no I I do agree that I think you know I think I I I see at the beginning absolutely you know it's good for all of us to get on the same page we we've got a lot of goal setting to do you know I mean it's it's there there was a vision with the old Council for a long time because they had a long time to establish it um not to say that that whole vision is gone and out the window but we don't know because we've we' never had the the conversation to say what are goals you know what are your goals what are my goals what are are they the same as as what we had you know six months ago we don't know because we haven't had the conversation um but there are important ones right like you know Eda Joel you made a good point you know we we should probably figure out what we want to do as early as possible with Eda for economic development so we don't spin our wheels for 3 four months and have a plan for economic development you know Planning and Zoning do we do we have a vision for um you know ordinances specific ordinances specific areas of ordinances the sooner we can get on those the better I think those two areas would be the the the place to start right away in February and then we can step into parks and library and March maybe you know and then you know those sorts of things I think Tak it in bite-sized pieces will be much more fruitful and monthly I'm I'm good with monthly if we do one a month I'm I'm good with that personally I see eventually we don't have to do it monthly I don't I don't see this as a long-term every month sort of thing I think we're going to get to a point where we're all on the same page we know what's going on our boards know what are going what's going on and then we do move to maybe a quarterly thing and my recommendation would be at the first to establish the top five priorities of the council for 25 um you know and then get into into the boards okay because really I you guys are the ones that set the priorities the vision for the city and then it staff implements it along with the advisory boards you know so that'll give us the direction as staff to then work with the boards to to start working towards that sure and that's the way that I had seen it was yeah you know all of us campaigned all of us heard from residents and you know employees everything and now it's time for us to pass it on and say hey these are our priorities let's get the right people focused on those priorities set that standard and then let them do their job so that's kind of where that whole mentality came from for the work sessions which I think is valuable and then you don't let City staff advisory boards do their thing and then of course you know we can consider quarterly and then just progress you I think the goal is to get to quarterly so you start out with more and then get to quarterly eventually right yeah absolutely um yeah I mean that's that's a good point thank you Joel to you know we sit down and get on the same page or maybe not on the same page but at least we know where everybody it doesn't mean you have to be in agreeance but everybody has to understand what what what the subject yeah the subject is at hand the vision the vision we have to develop the vision open up the conversation you know so so are you do you have um a date in mind that you're proposing for the first one um I got to look at this calendar um kind of look at uh I don't know mid-February you know because we'll start with the console meeting um and those are open to the public right yeah oh yeah it's basically a meeting no no formal action can be taken gotcha you you do not so it still requires the same legal notice 10day notice or whatever uh we continue to um yeah post I mean if there's a quum of the council which is three days notice three days Okay and like I said it's not ran like a council meeting you very much just you know you'll have a time frame where you open it up to the public and then have them yeah I mean pretty much I'm assuming we continue to live stream them right yep yep we do that so this is just a kind of formal discussion and I mean I would consider sometime middle of February well the 13th is our regular meeting the 27th would be our regular meeting um just for what it's worth I'm uh out of the state the week from the 17th to the 21st so not that it all pivots on that but so maybe earlier in that week of February first week or well or the the first week of February if we wanted to separate it by week I have a lot of meetings the yeah it' be consistent like mhm yeah churched I just pick I'm just kid I mean I mean like Joel had said I mean we can even do like a Saturday in the morning or afternoon whatever it is and so the trick is getting the first one you get the first one in place yeah I mean if we want to do it on a on a evening I mean Thursdays are are good um I I know over the years I i' I've earmarked Thursdays because it's just you know I've you know second and last whatever I just and I think at one point budgets were always on on Monday yeah yeah that always created a challenge for me because my mentoring program is Monday nights so I end up having to you know fill in have somebody fill in for me but uh you know but whatever that's just that's just one as set dat for that that yeah we just have yeah that's just how it worked out this this past year yeah yeah it didn't work too Welling oh that's yeah that's right they always be planning and zoning and Parks me on Monday oh yeah yeah I would say first Thursday of the month I yeah I mean does that work for you Jamie should work just got to remember that we've got that deal on the 7th at oh yeah well oh you got your training don't you yeah I was looking at January hey you guys are going with the sth and 8th yeah sth and well you can't stay up late sth and 8th isn't it's a Frid Saturday so if we're talking Thursday that's the sixth yep and what what time would we start um five five that's what I'm say four I mean 3:30 I you know what we on THS we laugh but I mean I can appreciate where you guys are coming from I mean for staff and and especially you know as we start working with other staff you know I mean the chief's always here you know we've this this at the same time you're talking advis you know having you know people from The Advisory Board yes we have two new members on each Advisory Board mhm now so I mean I think it's going to be good for them too yeah I mean you can't go too early because you don't want to force people to the commuter time but what I'm saying that's six or seven who cares or staff but you know obviously well but if you're if you're anticipating a 2hour session every time I we're two hours in tonight right my recommendation would be at least for the first one invite advise your boards if they want to come just to listen yeah but I I think staff needs Direction on what to do so my priority would be the councel and department heads good yeah that's I think I think six is you know does that work for you Jamie I have to take off work early but I can maybe manage it being it's a little more informal I mean how early I mean what time do you work till 6:45 oh okay okay yeah what it is okay s we just have to manage time appropriately so would this end up being on um February 6 yeah will this end up being on it on the next council meeting to approve on the agenda it can be yeah we can have discussion on you know topics that you guys want to discuss Okay so on the 30th we'll we'll have that on the agenda 700 p.m. so we can we can make any motion we want as a body a motion is always in order when it's made so just because so so we could make a motion tonight to set a meeting on the 6 at 700 p.m. okay to set the agenda for that meeting we can discuss that at the next meeting but we can set there's nothing saying we can't set it tonight the only thing I was getting at was throwing the approval for this on the agenda so if you're saying you want a motion for it approve it then we don't have to worry about it yeah I mean I guess we can I just would like to add another discussion on the 30th so then that way we can discuss our priorities yeah CU we need the topics and then that'll allow time staff time to research info and I don't think it really matters if if a motion is made night or not if it's the six that 7 o'clock that's when it's going to be sent out but but you certainly can yeah I mean I just I guess I I I mean at least giving the heads up so the department heads now know that hey we're going to have this meeting you know more details to follow but I mean you know if we wait till the 30th to spring it on them we're giving them two weeks now as as opposed to one week just to say hey there's going to be a meeting you know I think that's a courtesy we we can expect okay so so I'll make a motion to set a meeting for February 6th um at 7 p.m. February a work session work with with department heads February 6 all right motion by council member wor Miss Gerson second second by council member palava any further discussion all in favor I I all opposed motion carries on to other business department and Council reports you all right um well not much of an update since we've been on Monday um but um I guess just a quick update on the the city hall project um electrical work hbac Plumbing um she going up um they got the structural beam in place got all Shing in the structural beam in place and welded um see that the um inspections for that are are going to be done here in the next couple days um but otherwise yeah that project is is um was moving along do we have an anticipated moving date I can't remember what that was was that may substantial completion is May May okay thank you Corey uh thank you Mr Mayor and councel uh since Monday I've been updating the website with uh contact information uh updating uh the uh mayor um council members uh contact information the appointed Advisory board members um so that's been uh that task has been completed and it's up to date on our website I think put um yep thank you yeah thank you Cory hey I got a question who picked green and orange for colors on the Facebook do you know uh they were just consistent with the um The Branding that we have for the lawdale okay Oh you mean the video slides more the videos the slideshows and videos with the segment entry that that's just um would be Holly yeah was I was expecting some Titan Pride you know Titan blue Titan blue all right how about you Brian uh liquor storm met on Tuesday trying to remember what day of the week it is now uh we met Tuesday afternoon um basically uh discussed goals uh start talking goals for 2025 uh with it being the first meeting of the year um you know the numbers have been pretty consistent year-over-year um up up in uh grow sales from 24 um some nice things uh staff over there's done a great job of uh getting some big stuff knocked off um so this year should be pretty uh light as far as big expenditures at the liquor store um so they're looking for new carts this year there's probably going to be some sidewalk maybe some uh parking lot work that needs to be done but it's all pretty pretty basic maintenance stuff this year so it should be a good year to uh refill some coffers and um you know look at bigger projects down the road again the staff's doing a great job so shout out to the the liquor store staff as usual uh one of the the things that really stood out to me was Lynette said I still get people to this day that come in all the time and they say wow this place must be brand new it looks it looks so new in here and she's like no this 2007 we built it so you know they do a good job keeping that place looking sharp and it's noticed it's noticed by the community so shout out to them yeah thank you Brian how about you krie I was at that same meeting so I give a shout out shout out to the liquor store staff for doing a great job uh Jamie finding and Zoning hasn't met yet and I'm guessing that the street department might be out plowing and sanding right now yeah I saw a little earlier all right thank you how about you Scott um Eda next Thursday haven't had any uh anything beyond that at this point okay thank you our upcoming our upcoming meetings are Janu AR 30th 2024 at 700 p.m. January 13th 2025 at 7:00 p.m. February 27th 2025 at 7 p.m. so this one should be 2025 it's 2024 oh no no it's it's listed incorrectly it says January 30th 2024 yeah yep all right also also Now The Works February February 6 February 62 the 2025 and at 700 p.m. is going to be our very first work session so excited about that so other than that there's anybody else have anything they want to mention or talk about before we adjourn motion to adjourn all right motion by council member for misers second second by council member pava all in favor I all opposed all right we are now adjourned thank you everybody thank you