##VIDEO ID:Jl-CltxmCVw## just ready there okay I'll call door to the city council meeting for Thursday September 26 2024 everyone please stand for the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay roll call Brian wersan here Kevin kadada here Tim Roode here Cindy F here and Scott Pavo here okay tonight's agenda goes through 10 G is there any additions deletions or corrections to the agenda Mo you approve the agenda second motion by councilman palava second by councilman kadada any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries there are no minutes no public hearings presentation of citizens petitions and comments comments limited to two minutes so now is your opportunity to speak good evening Mr mayor council members my name is Lee piy my address is 260 Hawaii Street Southeast I have been employed with the public works department for 4 and A2 Years also been a member of Bonzo fire and rescue for almost 10 both of these jobs have allowed me to work in and serve the community that my wife and I bought our first home in in 2010 and the community we decided to raise our three girls in when I was offered a position in the public works department I could not have been more excited or eager to work for my hometown that makes me coming up here tonight to be the voice of the non-un departments for the city the last thing I ever thought I would leave would have to do lately there's been a lot of discussion about employee retention employee turnover employee turnover is natural our sector of employment is usually on the lower end of the spectrum compared to other Industries since I've been hired three employees have left the public works one due to retirement one due to resignation and one who left for higher wages and more advancement opportunities with the neighboring City retirements are inevitable and should be looked at as a badge of honor by the city that that that employee was retained long enough to retire from here Employees leaving for neighboring cities with better wages and advancement opportunities I where the council can make changes to not only retain these employees but to recruit new and qualified employees we saw in July in the last council meeting that wage increases were implemented to ensure employee retention and to steal employees from other cities and to not be stolen from we all know and are friends with people who are employed at other cities that have higher wages clearly clearly Define step systems to more swiftly move through their pay scale the top of their pay scale and for me this promotes goal or a goal orientated work environment where the incentive is to stay in conclusion I'm asking the council to use the same philosophy they did when they think about the city hall staff public work staff liquor store staff Library staff where we don't want to be stolen from we want to steal from other cities workforces and I just ask that you make Lono a place where people are waiting for a job to open up thank youbody else good evening Mr mayor council welcome my name is Scott dubang for those who don't know me I live at 603 Second Avenue Northwest here in town I'm speaking more or less on behalf of uh all the city people that work for the city of La so we got a great crew just awesome crew um it's important to keep good workers and I've seen that throughout the years uh that you have really good work workers that uh do their job they come every day they're not late just fabulous I've been working for the city for almost 25 years in the 25 years I've seen uh 13 people that have quit working for the city um I've only been experienced in 25 years one one Public Works person that has retired when I was interviewed for my job they asked me how I would be a good fit for the city and uh my what I had said was um I'm dedicated to this town I lived here all my life and and I'm dedicated to the city um this is a place where I want to retire and I'm still going to keep that goal um I'm not leaving uh I just I it costs people it costs the city a lot of money to have uh retraining staff and I would just love to see what we got is as far the Public Public Works and all the other departments um we got a great crew we got the 18 and uh I'd hate to see anybody go so with that being said you got me here whether you want want it or not uh I don't bark up a tree a whole lot but uh I I love the people that we work with and uh that's the way I want to keep it thank you thank you than you anybody else um I I I will just add um and I actually just had an interview with the newspaper this later this afternoon and I think C to tell you that my comments were what a great City we have great department heads great employees um the longevity of the town is remarkable a lot of our employees I think a little bit of this kind of got started on Facebook which is unfortunate um but I I think you'll see every meeting our city council thanks uh Public Works director dornfeld and I'm sure he passes on to you for what a great job you do from everything to you know the patching the clean storm s the snow plowing everything and and you know we we've tried pretty hard not only monetarily but um to to get you know provide new equipment to put up new buildings all this kind of stuff um but one thing just so everybody's aware so now it's in the budget tonight but we are going to have a comparable War study done after the first of the year and comparable worth uh for you that are not familiar with that basically it's a study of the wages in the comparable cities around different areas and all those kind of things and it's in all facets of departments so for example you know you weigh a a police officer to a public works director to a librarian to a city you know administrator City uh treasur all those kind of things so what the goal here is to make sure everybody is paid a fair wage a comparable wage and uh um obviously we we love all the employees like I say we tell you guys that all the time and and I I I I hope you don't feel that you know this started now I except with the police wages and it's kind of transcendent to you know Citywide but I can assure you everybody on this this D here is is wants the best for our employees uh we want you to certainly feel welcome I I think you know a morale is a big thing not everything is just money um and that's part of why we built a new police station for example um and that's why we're in the process of building a new city hall you know it it's things that provide morale a nice place to work every day modern technology modern equipment um you know the new snowplow truck you know we we try really hard to uh provide for our our U our people and you know there's so many good things going on on in this in this community like like was telling in the newspaper there just and you'll see tonight we got a brand new $20 million Factory coming to lawn stale which is going to provide 100 to maybe 150 jobs that are are high wage jobs while the the tax impact the tax revenue for something like that is tremendous um so that you know so that'll give us an opportunity to have more money to uh to provide the things we're trying to accomplish and yet be cognizant of the taxpayers you know I'm sure you guys have heard it too you know people don't like to pay taxes and and they want to see things for the tax dollars and so we've tried really hard to to accomplish all that you know to to pay enough and to buy equipment and get cognizant of of the taxpayer that's why you know that we we've tried so hard on the housing the recruitment of businesses all those kind of things um but let me assure you 100% I'm sure I can speak for the city council once the comparable with studies is complete um and every Bud's categorized properly paid properly um your wages will be reflected on that if if Public Works is underpaid we're going to have to make sure you're paid correctly and I mean that that's the promise for me even though I'm I'm not going to be I'm sure Scott and Cindy and Brian will we'll uh make sure that happens but again I just you know on behalf of all of us we we can't thank you any more than than all the great work you do for our community Mr Mayor if I could add I just want to make it clear that the comparable worth study was uh in the budget process before anything happened with the police wages uh discussion right uh this was something that we talked about for several years and we had to make sure that we were in a position not only to pay for the study but then to actually use the data uh properly otherwise it does no good to do the study and not not act on it so that was our plan the leading up to this so it's not like we're being reactive we have been proactive I hope you I hope you do realize that all right thank you okay well thank thank you all for coming tonight hopefully that can answers your questions and uh like I say you know like like I say I say again tell newspaper how proud I am of our community and you know we all pulled together we got a just a beautiful Community here if you look at you know all parts of the world we're pretty blessed to be to be here in lale so anyway on to the consent agenda there is uh five items tonight the monthly and additional bills the treasures report Bard and commission minutes consider approval to reschedule the October 10th 2024 city council meeting to Monday October 14th 2024 at 6 p.m. and consider approval of a Minnesota lawful gambling LG 240b application to conduct excluded Bingo submitted by the sons of the American Legion Squadron 586 would anybody like any of those items p for discussion and will we approve the consent agenda motion by councilman kadada second second by councilman palava any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries there is no old business on to new business consider approval of application for payment number two the final in the amount of $7,499 188 to MW black topping LLC for the 202 23 Trail Improvement project Shabani bison city engineer thank you Mr Mayor members of the council uh this project involved Trail improvements at trenda Park uh with the addition of drain tile 8th Avenue between fig Street and Ash Street and then 15th Avenue um behind the homes uh between Connecticut Drive Southeast and dear dear View Street Southeast uh MW uh black black to Black topping completed the work in June 2023 with repaving those Trails um and then this year they completed um the final punch list items which included some crack filling um segments of the trail along with um some restoration or reating of some patchy areas so that um was completed and accepted and they recently then sub submitted their final paperwork um which includes the IC 134 forms lean waivers consent to shity along with that 2-year maintenance bond which would extend from tonight's meeting for two years if the council does move forward to approve with this so the recommendation is to make final payment to M&W black topping in the amount of $7,499 188 that is the 5% retainage that was held on the contract until uh the punch list items were completed and we received the final paperwork so the original contract amount at the time of a ward was about 207,000 the final contract amount is about 150,000 um this is a reduction due to less drain tile work needed at trenda Park and then um we had accounted for any subgrade corrections or soil Corrections which were not needed with the project and then there were some additional erosion control and other minor items so the project did come under the bid amount and again we would recommend Council release the final payment to MW M&W black top in the amount of $7,499 188 all the punch list items are yep everything is done complete and will we approve the final payment in the amount of $7,499 to MW black motion by Council Mada second second by counc person F any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries consider approval of application for payment number two the final and the amount of $585 785 cents to William Mueller and Suns Inc for the 2024 Mill and overlay project Shani thank you Mr Mayor members of the council so this is the um Mill and overlay project that occurred in July of this year um in the areas of Area 3 different segments along fourth and fifth and Ash um and then on ler lale Court Northwest um this project was a full width 2in millon overlay um and as I said um this was completed in July um William Mueller and Suns um there really weren't any punch list items we did do a walk through um it should be noted that Public Works is planning on sealing um with the payment rejuvenator um newly paved streets the recommendation is after 2 to three years this is kind of inl of a typical chip seal um and so again this project was reviewed and approved by City staff the contractor then did complete the same final paperwork the warranty Bond would extend 2 years from um tonight's council meeting if the council does move forward to approve it and then the the final payment amount is $5 5,857 185 which again represents the 5% release of retainage that we hold prior prior to punch list and final documentation being provided um the original contract amount was about 139,000 the final contract amount was about 117,000 so it did come under the bit amount and that is due to uh there was not a need to do a full depth pavement uh removal and replacement um some of the pavement areas were pretty thin and so we weren't sure or I guess some of the pavement areas we weren't sure once they milled it if it there would still be structural integrity uh to it in order to pave in which case we would had to do a full depth removal that did not need to be done so that is why the um final amount is under the bid amount so again we would recommend that uh the council approve final payment to William Mueller and suns in the amount of 585785 motion by Council P thank my councilman wmer any further discussion all those in favor I oppose motion carries so from what I understand the project turned out pretty nice over there considering it did um I don't know if they've all surfaced back to you guys but received multiple comments about how nice it is and the improvements um in Area 3 as well as lawdale Court um so residents seem to be to be happy everything from curbing to Black topping um it was really a great Improvement for our city I got a lady in area three that gave me a thank you so when she's happy I'm happy good good deal all right consider approval to make a conditional job offered to Gabriel trout as full-time police officer at Step 2 3680 an hour Jason Schmidt's chief of police welcome Chief thank you mayor members of the council uh the L police department has been advertising for the past year to fill a vacant full-time police officer position also with the recent resignation of Officer Cody Brotherton we now had two vacant positions uh within a within a few days I received four applications for the position of a police officer interviews were scheduled and held on September 18th 2024 with all four applicants being interviewed by the Human Resource Board officer Todd Frank Franklin and I applicant Gabriel trout interviewed very well and felt he would be a great fit for the city of lale in the lale police department and was selected for one of the positions so it would be my recommendation to give Gabriel trout a conditional employment offer as a full-time police officer for the city of lale on conditions that Gabriel trout successfully passes the background investigation psychological evaluation and a physical motion by councilman second councilman Canada any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries consider approval to make a conditional job offered to Alexander Colby as part-time police officer at step 13591 an hour Jason schmidtz thank you mayor members of the council um well with a recent vacant openings for the full-time police officer position and uh also with officer Cody Brotherton um we now have two vacant positions um received four applications interviews were scheduled and held on September 18th 2024 with all for being interviewed by the Human Resource Board officer Todd Frankin and I applicant Alexander clob also interviewed very well and felt he would be a great fit for the city of Lil and the Lil police department and was selected for a part-time position as the only wanted part-time Alexander currently works as a full-time police officer for another city and is dedicated to continuing that employment so with that it would be my recommendation to give Alexander clob a conditional employment offer as a part-time police officer for the city of Lille on the conditions that griel griel Alexander clob success successfully passes the background investigation psychological evaluation and physical so my C second my coun person fear any F discussion do we intend to intervie candidates or are we still considering people for a fulltime position so are we looking at the parttime replacing one of the full times no we are currently um going to be backgrounding the third which at the next council meeting for the for a full-time position okay so at that time I'll be bringing it back or that other one back got okay so we do fill another fulltime position yes typically I like to do the background investigations before the conditional job offer but since the next meeting isn't until October 14th I don't want to wait that long because we have to do a conditional job offer before we can do um the psychological and physical or medical that makes sense and I think as you mentioned um there's some great interviews especially that this part-time he's a he did a really nice job so yeah you don't want to come over fulltime he's which is which is good to see I mean he's very dedicated to department but he lives in towns so you never know right so what do we do we have like a plan for that night how is that work with full J two jobs can be a challenge especially law enforcement yeah and the great thing about it is since he's currently working full-time in law enforcement that kind of makes it a little bit easier staying up on um just the different Trends in law enforcement yeah um but I mean he'll help with the covering vacation time um he he did also state that he has a fixed schedule with his current Target oh okay so he he knows what what you say six months um six months how what his schedule is right now okay that's helpful thank you all those in favor I I oppos motion carries thank you for your work Chief thank you thank you consider approval of a revised job description for position of part time with cor Mr right thank you mayor members of the council um with uh staff being authorized to advertise for a position at the last council meeting and then the next agenda item is um resignation of an employee um met with the liquor store manager to review the job description and essentially the uh employment standards currently the minimum standard is uh you have to be 21 to work at the liquor store um I think we maybe had one summer where we had um someone younger than that work there but um the the schedule that needs to be done it's well the schedule that need be filled I think it's uh Wednesday night Thursday nights and then then three weekends a month so that was a little too much for we felt for one position so uh increase the applicant pool I we're recommending that at the minimum age be 19 so that's where the the majority of the changes were uh as far as any responsibilities that didn't change and then just summon the necessary knowledge skills and abilities otherwise the the impetus for the the recommended change was to lower the age from 21 to to 19 unless the council has any questions staff would recommend approval of the revised job description Mo motion my council person F second my councilman Wen any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries consider approval to accept uh brania ean's letter of resignation as part-time Li cour authorized staff to advertise for the position Mr all right thank you mayor as I said uh the last agenda item um Brit has submitted letter of resignation affected October 9th uh you can see the schedule there uh Tuesdays and Thursdays or Tuesdays Wednesdays every other Thursday um one position has one Saturday month the other one has every other Saturday um the the hope is well one to fill um the Brits position but then also to fill um the position that we currently have advertised and uh reduce the amount of overtime that's that's being paid at the liquor store right now um hopefully with the two positions getting filled uh we don't have any uh double shifts or certainly any scheduled double shifts um you know someone calls in sick or there's a last minute change or something like that that could happen but um certainly the goal is to reduce the amount of overtime um that is spent at at the liquor store unless sta or unless the council has any questions uh staff would uh recommend to accept uh Brit eckland's letter res authorized staff to advertise the the positions listed below motion my counc second my C palava any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries consider approval of resolution 202 24-40 a resolution setting the fiscal year 2025 preliminary budget and property tax ly Mr thank you mayor members of the council uh the city held seven meetings on the city's preliminary 2025 budget property tax levy uh we also discussed facility needs and short and long-term goals uh we need to adopt and certify our 2025 property tax levy and certify it to Rice County and the Department of Revenue uh no later than September 30th um of this year the first part of the staff report talks about the property tax levy uh throughout the the course of the establishing the budget there were four options that were laid out um the council early on selected option three as a goal for um the tax levy tax rate and then U provide a direction to staff on how to uh formulate the the budget in proposed uh projects uh at that last meeting the council uh agreed to set the tax rate at 53.00 um so what that would do is that would uh increase the levy to 3,100 15 3,400 uh the tax rate would be 53 uh the tax levy would increase uh just under 6% compared to this year um the tax rate would propose to uh also increase uh by 0.9% uh compared to this year um but since 2019 it's decreased a little over 9% um there's another example in here showing a a balanced budget um with with no Surplus that would be a levy of 3 , 24590 and a tax rate of 50835969533 uh 10.85 and 18.73% uh health insurance rates have been incorporated into the budget um based off of the plan that is um selected by the employee um those premiums are increasing 13.41% to 15.37% and then that additional expense to the city is just under 62,000 uh highlighting some some key components of of each department um city council based off of wages are based off of ordinance 2021 306 uh anticipating attendance at the league of Minnesota City's newly elected officials conference which is typically end of March beginning of February uh as far as Administration revenues we property tax L we have licenses local government Aid interest on our investments we do have vet Memorial papers which are um a minimal uh Revenue in then Insurance dividends uh wages proposing five full-time employees was talked about earlier uh compensation study uh implementation of that would be based on uh available funding uh potentially a special election uh replacement of a laptop Professional Services would be mosquito control we've got numerous financial reporting requirements to to comply with uh service contracts uh we're looking to migrate to the cloud for storage uh versus replacing a server here at City Hall a website Mass notification pay 60% of the audit attendance at the leag conference Planning and Zoning uh revenues would be property taxes uh the majority of Revenue is building permits and local government Aid as far as expenses we get vehicle repairs uh Professional Services uh it uh city code online engineering uh General and Highway 19 du and subscriptions would be uh I work for our building permit software and then uh data link with wsd and G uh police property tax levy LGA um police Aid fines and forfeitures and refunds of reimbursements and uh Public Safety Aid using the remaining balance of that uh wages and benefits um a lot of these Professional Services are consistent throughout the Departments right it service agreements uh the police department um a little bit longer list drug task force any uh Service uh or any connection fees that we have to pay to other agencies databases uh attorney consists of both criminal and civil I've got uniforms compliant with the barting agreement beginning to fund to replace a squad in 2027 and then uh as we talked about at previous meetings Capital outlay uh the main thing is the go purchasing the encrypted radios Chief Schmitz has applied for a believe it's an armor Grant to cover that cost um if not funded we're looking at just under 20,000 for 25 and 26 and that would uh bring us up to the funding required to purchase those encrypted radios uh Eda 38,000 for the property tax levy other big uh thing for the last couple years and going forward is marketing we've also had a small cities program Grant out there uh 15 projects U so far we have four properties that have met the the requirements for the program so they are getting inspected by our building inspector um and then one of the property owners is being contacted here shortly to do the lead based paint assessment which is is required for any houses uh pre 1978 so if any residents um are interested in applying for um our small cities Grant it's for housing rehab we still have 11 openings and each project is up to $25,000 so um Windows roof siding um health safety access things like that are all all qualifying uh projects and then earlier this year the Eva transferred 50,000 from the Eva fund and created a revolving Loan Fund so that those funds are are separate so when um businesses that are looking to uh purchase equipment uh property a building we know how much we have a dedicated fund uh specifically for that the library property taxes we do receive I think 28 or $29,000 in funding from Rice County uh user fees and donations the city's minimum requirement to contribute to the library is uh just over $74,000 and that is provided to us from the Department of uh education uh Professional Services consistent with other dep departments this is where we pay for our proportionate share of expenses to The Villages of Lonsdale um cell call Regional Library System uh and then cleaning as well dues and subscriptions uh Zoom uh MLA which is the Minnesota Library Association uh archive social we'll have to add um our our social media account to that but they essentially um archive any social media posts um so there's an issue with um data practices requests um we will actually be able to to retain all of that so if a post got deleted we would we would have that uh Capital Outlet I believe there's $115,000 budgeted to uh increase materials in the the colle ction Debt Service all of The Debt Service funds have been accounted for U The Debt Service portion of our Levy regardless of which one is selected is 7415 uh in 2026 the city will have to account for the city hall remodel project Debt Service um depending on which option is selected by the council and then as was discussed at previous meetings they are not being funded at um 105% and that is because they majority of them have fund balances which is due to the prepayment of special assessments so we're drawing that down so that when those funds that last Bond payment is made that fund balance is zero versus levying that and then there's a a surplus at the end uh Parks uh property tax levy we get a grant from the state for the snow Wizards again local government Aid Park fees this is where we dedicate our franchise fees and our cell tower rent to and they're also proposing a transfer from lawdale liquor we got training and education um repairs and maintenance Landscaping with the emerald ashbo we got tree replacement a playground mulch um is budgeted to top all of the the parks off um and then also the welcome signs and Main Street flowers you have um it service contracts tree removal and then grinding of the compost par removal of the compost site at or of the brush pile excuse me at the compost site rentals will be the porta potties at all of the parks and then any equipment that we we may need to rent uh any Trail repairs for next year I proposed to be in house and then Capital outlay um replace some equipment at JC Park um each year we add benches and picnic tables to our inventory if some are d DED or get destroyed and they're they're replaced and then the main capital outl project for next year is remodeling the JC Park bathrooms and concession stand uh water and sewer and the next three liquor are not um funded with the property tax levy um but consist of water sales whack fees uh Safe Water fee interest refunds and reimbursements meter sales and late fees uh again Public Works throughout the four departments is is pretty consistent with their their training and education uh repairs and maintenance would be General and then any watermate brakes that we have uh we need to have uh our rpz tested uh we we pay for locates uh Bank fees copy or it engineering uh will'll be working on our Wellhead protection plan the water tower um sighting study and then any data link updates uh do some subscriptions would be um what we have to pay for um Civic systems our software subscription and then also uh to census for our uh meter reader and then uh irrigation backflow testing software subscription this is uh something that we're being told is going to be uh looked at by the state closer than it has been in the years so we'll have to um get some type of a a program in place um and that's essentially um private irrigation systems have to be tested on an annual basis and provide that report to the city sewer uh very similar to the water fund um obviously the the main Revenue would be sales uh or water sales based off of the sewer rates uh refunds and reimbursements insurance claims weight fees for both Water and Sewer have been tracking historically about 2 and a half% of sales uh same training and education a repairs and maintenance a general manhole ceiling we're also looking at um continuing uh adjusting the the manholes and patching around them um I would say that that's what's being done over the last couple years is much better solution than than what we have done in the past Professional Services we have our biosolids uh hauling an application it and then um about 5 years ago I believe we implemented sewer televising and then uh any service contracts that we have Capital outlay uh the big thing is replace the RAS pump at the uh sewer plant and then debt service accounts for um the sewer portion of any Street reconstruction projects that pertain to to sewer the liquor uh fund as we all know gross margin percentage is is important and that's a goal that we we look at well weekly but certainly monthly uh it service contracts building repairs and maintenance uh we're proposing replace the sidewalk in front of the store and then there'll probably be some curb and gutter that will need to be replaced as well uh anticipating association fees increasing um for maintenance there hasn't been much maintenance done in the the parking lots or Ash Street which in that area is a private road and then uh proposing $25,000 transfer to Parks uh Road and Bridge uh property taxes LGA we get some you know Stow removal that's kind of minimal refunds and reimbursements uh receed confirmation that we will be receiving small cities assistance for streets that's over $83,000 so um that helped um for the ability of the accounts to consider a lower tax levy Mill and overlays we're proposing sections of Industrial Drive Southeast birke Street Northeast and then fourth and fifth Northeast um similar maintenance to to Prior years manhole repair General patching crackville crosswalks uh my Professional Services uh the most or the largest expense is just going to be that Emerald dashboard tree removal and that's going to be going on for a number of years until um till they're all cut down and we're working towards uh replacing trees um actually at some parts earlier than we're removing the trees so they get a few years of additional growth on them capital outlay a new paint striper and then a salt brine tank uh our new plow truck has the containers on the side for pre-treatment and then also another sidewalk um in front of the Public Works building is proposed to be replaced fire this budget is approved um well was approved in February of 23 uh the reason for that is so that the townships can Levy it in March for the following year that's a a pretty quick summary of of what we've talked about over the last uh seven meetings by uh approving the resolution uh the council is acknowledging that uh Debt Service funds are not funded at 105% due to existing fund balances uh scheduling an agenda item on the December 12th city council agenda to discuss and receive input on the proposed 2025 budget and property tax levy uh the required contact information directing any questions to to or directing the city administrator to certify the levy to Rice County and then I guess based off of what's included in the packet uh proposing a levy increase of between or either 1.62 or 5.94% and then the rest of the staff report is just um short and long-term goals that that have kind of been a carryover from I think we started that portion in 2022 so and then also the the tax impact and then the three attachments but uh the whole line item budget well thank you for all your work at certain city council for all the uh work you've done in the budget I just got two quick questions obviously the one that a lot of people are here for tonight is just to reiterate that the uh comple War study to wage and benefit competitiv competitiveness of lonzel to other similar size cities is included in the budget so we'll be working on that and and I'm sure uh upon that completion you know like like we said um we'll make sure that our people are paid correctly and competitive to the uh rest of the rest of the area yeah I was say I already received two proposals um I have a question on one of them so I do anticipate bringing that to the next council meeting for approval how long does it take to do that St um about three months could possibly implement it like in January uh possibly certainly in January you know and it depends that comes out you know obviously you got a factor and everything from the library oh yeah it's it's Department wide right right I assume some are probably above some are below and to find the outage well it also looks at you know Insurance time off things like that so and we we have to pick our Target too we have to say we want to Target do we want to be in the 110 105% I'm assuming we're not we want to be in 80 or 90 but yeah you want to be you want to be competitive you want to be we have to pick our parameters right correct cuz then that's what the uh implementation would be based off of so my the only other question I had did you run a a scenario at a tax rate of 5.1 or 51 rather I think you the only the only reason I asked this is because you have the pickle ball cord in there at 200 here says 245,000 okay go ahead I'm sorry I was just going to say if we're going to build a pickable court great but it doesn't sound like we're going to of support for so we should give that money back to the taxpayers and we shouldn't be holding money dedicated to so what does that how does that affect the tax rate is it is that's what the 51 I thought was um all right what we got here so at the last budget meeting the pickle ball court was was removed so that's what brought um and then that was removed and then the uh small cities assistance was added we had some adjustments in expenses and other revenues so at the last meeting I believe the the Surplus was about 225,000 so then the council chose 23 and then for the for the 51.5 right um that provides with this an additional $440,000 over the break even budget what would the tax rate on uh 51.5 for the L but um so talk about tax rate of 50 increase decrease uh a decrease of 2% and I think we we talked about um so the new a building under construction if they start this year when does that go on the tax roles I suppose as that won't go on until well it should go incremental based off of what what is completed out there but to get to to full to full valuation probably won't be till 27 because we're always setting the values in April so is that based on let's say they're and they're year they're a year behind Okay so if they're 75% complete then would be the following year so if they're let's say they're at 15 million and then so the that balance would go on the following tax what you're saying correct if we close this year would we see something though from them next year right uh they probably get a pass for next year because the values have have already been at a minimum it would be whatever imp well at a Max it' be whatever improvements are out there anything next year for start correct lot lot value to start and the way it's the way it's moving I wouldn't be surprised if it builds two five years you know that's so and we've decided what to do with the proceeds I think you said you got that dedicated yeah it would be dedicated to the the business part funding and offset that that balance right so yeah that that's that was my only concern I you know I don't think we should be collecting for a pickle ball court that's not going to happen right third option again well the 515 is a 40 40,000 over right balance that's not well that's what he just prepared right right it's possible but I think the point is we have to decide tonight right the 50.83 f is in here yeah and you don't want to go to the fit that's 20 the 50 that's B bu 2 515 I would say it gives you 40,000 extra oh somebody wants to build a pickle ball court I've tried somebody must play pickle ball so anyway are you good with that I'm good with okay guys yes okay motion by Council by coun mcada any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries again I want to thank you for all your work I know these budget me dur the course of the summer get get pretty dry but um you know for for those of you that are watching I mean we spent a lot of effort on expenditures and revenue and and um that's why it's really important to recruit business like in our business park and the tax impact of scan filter TMI are so great that just helps so much the ton of our size um and then also with U lus Homes is going to be build in a subdivision next spring they're going to start that's going to be down on the South Main there trisco property and also there's a the developer on the north side of town too is has in calls the city hall so I think uh that too may be in the near future so the one on North also so my point is um with all these added revenues we certainly should be able to uh you know pay our people where they need to be and uh I you know I can't stress enough and and I'm sure Joel will tested that we tell you guys thank you every council meeting and good job and and all those kind of things and it's not just Public Works I mean I think the police of course and administration I know if Britney and tamy get enough thank yous or not I know Britney gets a few of the phone call she told me that today so at least there's some of us that appreciate all your work so thank you all for for all so with that said that concludes the planned agenda on to uh Department importance Mr dorfel thank you mayor and members of the council um last 10 days since we met last um we've been doing tree removals of dead ash trees around town mostly at parks um preparing for removing the remaining black top behind the Grand Center at the DRS Park so if you drive by and notice um it's quite a change so got to pick some trees out to fill in the voids back of where they were um there was two sets of two Public Work employees um in consecutive days that went to line tracing school and then the next day was a hydrant repair school um positive feedback on both um we've been working on Sterling number three um replacing some leaf springs um air dryers things of that nature um I just want to make the council aware um the trucks you know they're they're in good good condition and good working condition but um with Sterlings no longer being manufactured parts are getting very difficult to get um as far as the cat Motors in them that part is fine it's everything around those trucks did somebody take them over or they just cease to cease to they stopped making them uh don't call me on this but I believe they stopped manufacturing them in 2009 okay Sterling Trucks really yeah there's no more Sterling so but the western western quick now right it's yeah I think they went to Western Star so um I'm not trying to sound alarms that we need to go buy three new trucks tomorrow but I'm just throwing it out there that it's it's getting to be it's getting a challenge 400,000 a throw yeah we three tomorrow just two better tell Marco to get at it here probably won't get until 2035 um you know getting the street sweeper tuned up getting ready for the fall sweeping um we've had the ladder truck big boy out the last two days taking down the old Christmas lights getting we're not going to put them up tomorrow but um just getting them down while the weather's nice um in prep preparation for Christmas um preparing for biosolids um soil samples are in biosolid samples are in on my way home today I noticed that the Schmid's farm that b started combining the beans so that process will be uh in the very near future um and then lastly I would just really I would like to commend uh my staff for getting up and talking to you guys I know it's very important for them to stay in Lonsdale work in Lonsdale they really love this community they love their jobs um and it's important for them to know that you guys are hearing it from them instead of social media and rumors around town so I really commend you guys and thank you uh so with that said uh that's all that's that's all I got for you guys you know I would agree with that 100% the social media is just you know we spend so much time U correcting rumors and defending what we're doing all this kind of stuff it's it's great to great to have you guys come to council me I you know I was I was telling cold there was back in the old days when people just come up and chew you out at least you know where they stand so yeah it's it's it's really hard to try and you can't you can't respond on social media because then you get the mob mentality or you know especially with the with the fake accounts that's kind of become a big thing now or people that don't live in town it's just uh but we'll get through it but I just to reiterate I'm sure I can speak on behalf of the council we all appreciate your work and certainly want to keep you here for for uh until like uh like Scott said until you retire so good good deal thank you thank you Shabani um so maybe you've noticed the trail project started last Friday and they did a great job um building up the trail on Ash Street Northeast and then 8th Avenue Southwest they're built up with gravel um so that went well they are planning on doing the concrete work for The Pedestrian ramps on Monday and then Paving the following Monday the 7th so depending on subcontractor schedules that is the plan and then restoration um after that so that project has been going well and quickly um the booster station we just got the electrical um submitt so we're reviewing that and um they should be starting in October here and again once we know when the booster station will be offline we'll send a letter out to Residents about that blood pressure timeline the Wellhead protection plan the um Brown waterer modeling consultant has completed a draft of the model and met with Department of Health to review that so they are now preparing the um maps of the drinking water surface management area and drafting that report to review a staff and then um just reviewing the AES um civil plans and plat um that's going to Planning Commission next Monday and then just assisting staff with any questions or needs that they have uh I had something on the trail project there was a complaint uh about uh working hours um somebody said that there was a construction taking place uh equipment out there as early as 5:30 this morning um on Ash Street so I don't know I I think I read maybe that was from another adjacent site garbage trucks or something okay all right I I I didn't know the details I just they said you know when when are they supposed to be actually 7: a.m. was the earliest but I don't know about any other any other CM lava I guess I am not aware of them starting early um I have not heard it I have not seen that complaint but I will comment on um bkj landscaping that's who's doing the trail um from what I've what I've witnessed and heard um they're following Direction they're respecting residents they are keeping their job site clean um they they've been fantastic to work with so far they are the contractor that did the skate park um I'm not saying the claim is false I'm just yeah I don't know either way a lot of doubt it just happened to be that somebody asked me and I I I would find out because that's that's all I got I know at six there's no lights there in okay all right so maybe it was something or something okay you have to get up at 5:30 go check it out that's not going to happen all right thank you thank you very Mr Ericson uh well uh Cory and I have a field trip to chasa to meet with the city there and a developer um kind of life cycle housing and kind of different different uses or or different styles of maybe starter homes you know move down to the you know block down the street to a a step up home and down to a different street to a slab on grade or whatever to see how that looks 20 years later we had the pre-bid meeting for the city hall remodel project we had um 40 contractors there uh 20 of them were were gc's so um if we got half of them to fit on the project we should get some some some great pricing uh we met uh was it yesterday I believe uh virtually with a builder that's interested in constructing multif family housing in lawdale so they're going to come to town and um you know we showed them what or explained to them what what Lots were available or land I guess yes so they're going to come to town and see what works for them and decide if they want to pursue um their project here in Lawnsdale um also had a conversation with uh the property owner on the west side of town um the Bigby property um about what their plan is for their property and then also to see if we can figure out some way to improve drainage in that area so we have that when you get that figured out let me know something going on since uh World War II I think what I was told uh attended a multi-chamber meeting today um regarding the state uh paid family medical leave a couple grand openings um this weekend tomorrow and Saturday um touch base with the liquor store manager on if we have any applications for the liquor store clerk and then next week we have a meeting with our auditor to kind of make sure on the same page and what our expectations are for the the audit that'll be starting here pretty shortly I'm sure cammy's got it under control she does thank you sir thank you for all your work Mr Cory uh Mr Mayor and city council members uh besides Joel's uh task that he's been completing and scheduling um I need to mention that Joel and I have been working 100% on the uh Advanced exhaust Solutions Incorporated land use and site plan application 2024 D1 submitted by Marco uh we're in a good place at this time um I want to add just a beautiful facility um and then uh as Shabani stated that it will be the uh review will be moved to the special uh or to the Planning and Zoning special meeting this coming Monday night at 6:45 and then today I attended a um uh head judge head election judge with council member fear at uh at the Rice County elections Department thank you thank you for all your have to make sure City Hall matches as Marco's building it's a it's a beautiful building is it nice people are going to be amazed it's just a gateway to lawdale amazing thank you thank you for while you work and getting that through I think when the closing is what uh couple mid October or something yeah one of the conditions is um s plan approval kind of City approvals um so once that happens we can close and then they can start moving dirt yeah I they're going to try and start this fall here that's their plan correct yep good good well thank you for Expediting how's been War skiren uh tomorrow 4 to 6 Library Grand reopen so come on check it out um I anticipate a good turnout for that um since we had 49 I believe people volunteer to help restock the shelves I would assume oh my gosh 49 people show up to help restock the shelves the liary that's very cool yeah so that should be that should be a fun event so hopefully everybody can come attend that so again 4 to 6 tomorrow Library grand grand reopening thank you thank you for all you're working answer councilman kada Cory said planing zoning meets on Monday for AES at 6:45 and Parks I haven't had any meetings since our last meeting I'll think that at our next meeting thank you sir council person Fe the Eda met last Thursday we went um discussed our September 17th lunch of learn which was um succession and retirement so how to plan to retire or you know succeed sell or pass your business on and it was quite well attended so that was great and then we we um update on the small cities grant program which there's have been um there are four applicants in the works and then also working on our marketing and about October 1st we will have a Facebook page that will be managed by Westra and just the facts on it right we hope so thank thank you thank for councilman U sendy covered the U uh Eda I guess uh big thing you know was the police interviews you know we we have you know four uh great candidates you know we had a lot of you know a lot of good experience and everything so I was uh and you know I did ask that question uh you know why why were they applying now and literally it just boiled down to timing it had nothing to do with anything other than in their lives it was all just a timing FR it just coincidence that it happened when it did thank you for sitting on that meeting for your work um just a couple things since we're passing out kumbayas here tonight I do want to thank uh shann at the chamber she has done just a great job in our community and and if you see her on make sure you thank her and give her an ad Bo I mean everything from these ribbon cuttings to Community Days to you know I remember even during Co she was sending out some uh some things with laws and rules and stuff like that so she's done a great job um all our organizations the Lions you know the legion even even the parishes you know they've all all really done good and then lastly I want to give another big shout out to the advisory boards you know you don't see them too often but a lot of them have been on there a long time on the Park Board the planning zoning board Eda um all really are valuable assets to our community you know they go through some of the steps and kind of lay out the vision make recommendations to the city council so just want to uh thank them all for that and and then uh K chick on Monday so if you want to listen to some hot air about 9 o' just dial in you'll hear Ginger you know that's all I get motion by councilman kada second second by council person fear any further discussion all those in favor I motion carries ger