##VIDEO ID:QRdOlQlfLhQ## clean okay yeah to keep that for the funeral okay noted yeah remember that yeah look pretty good of him he's very crafty yeah he's a good guy M does his wife still live on the she's on the farm I think okay I'll call to order the city council meeting for Monday January 6 2025 everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay roll call Ran here Kevin kadada here Tim rud here Cindy fur here and Scott palava here okay tonight's agenda goes through 10 f is there any additions deletions or corrections to the agenda move to approve the agenda is presented motion my councilman palava second second by council person F any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries approval of minutes consider approval of the minutes from the December 23rd 202 24 regular meeting any additions deletions or corrections to the minutes and we approve the minutes motion by councilman Kata second second my councilman M any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries there are no public hearings on to presentation of citizens petitions and comments comments limited to two minutes so if you're not on the agenda now there your opportunity to speak okay there's nothing on the consent agenda there is nothing on the old business um before we get to the first line I just uh I know a lot of you is maybe the first meeting You' came to and and some have been here a long time but I just want to express my uh my appreciation and gratitude for uh the city council the staff we've had over the years uh Joel and Joyce and Tammy and you guys have just did an awesome job Cory Ben Baker um Joel of course the Public Works guy lyette Jason I mean we just have a terrific staff in place here and and uh I just can't be more proud of what what you guys have accomplished um I do want to thank the the past City Council Members too I mean all the way back to Dave dolls and blae Smith and avelyn duban and Steve churny and Joe lden frit stond um I don't am I missing somebody in there but you guys have all done a great job and the city has accomplished a lot of things in the last 21 years and uh just want to make sure you feel appreciated and you get to get a shout out from uh from me because I do appreciate all uh all everybody's work we don't always agree but we sure got a lot done in like I said the last 21 years so with that we'll move on to the new business swearing in of recently elected officials uh mayel tomberg and city council member elect James vpa and city council member elect Ki Miller okay we got the seats warmed up there for you so we'll get out of your way he how are you so the city held a general election uh November 5th of 04 at which time Tom ber was elected mayor and James was SAA and K Miller were uh elected as council members uh Berg was elected to a two-year term and BFA and Miller were elected to the four-year terms uh the oath of office has to be administered prior to the officers taking any action uh associated with the office which they were elected to um I guess at this time we'll do the swearing in Tommy want to be first sure okay you stand there or you want to I go SPO coffee on my [Laughter] leg just raise your right hand repeat after me I state your name Tom do solemnly swear do swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution St the constitution of the state of Minnesota the constitution of the state of Minnesota and that I will Faithfully discharge that I will Faithfully dist the office the duties of the office of Mayor the duties of office of Mayor in the city of Lonsdale the city of lale to the best of my judgment and ability to the best of my judgment and ability all right congratulations [Applause] he got first yeah all right um James if you raise your hand repeat after me I jamesa I James do solemnly swear solemly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United St the constitution of the state of Minnesota the constition of the state of Minnesota and that I will Faithfully discharge and that I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office of city council the duties of the office of City Council in the city to the best of my judgment and ability to the best of Jud and ability all right [Applause] congratulations right just want to raise your hand for me I K Miller I Miller you solemnly swear swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state Minnesota the constitution of the state of Minnesota and that I will Faithfully discharge and that I will Faithfully discharge the duties of the office the duties of City Council of City Council in the city of lale City to the best of my judgment and ability to the best of my [Applause] judul yeah I just to deal with it if you have to go you can take off can we always get those notorized and the often I what I want been want at home [Music] than you very much [Music] I don't answer pretty call for all right all right so I want to thank all the residents family friends for showing up tonight um without any of you we wouldn't be up here tonight so thank you to all of you we really appreciate it so the next order of business is to consider approval of resolution 2025-the Ericson uh so this is the annual resolution um which according to State Statute needs to be adopted within 30 days of the new fiscal year uh if not done within the first 30 days the city treasurer um can select no more than four official depositories for City funds uh the following are proposed as official depositories for 25 uh Fran Bank and Trust of Lonsdale First National Bank of Lee Center Premier Bank of Northfield and then um 4M and 4m plus fund MB IIA these are the same as what were approved in in 24 uh in addition um the city administrator treasur authorized to designate depositories and make investments in compliance with State Statute 118a uh 01 to 118 a06 and um the city's established investment policy uh with rates increasing over the last several years staff has and will continue invest to invest funds to receive the highest and best return um Alternatives would be to select different or additional depositories for City funds and Investments uh or reject certain proposed depositories for uh the city funds and Investments and then included with the staff report is the proposed resolution uh applicable State statutes and then the city's investment policy I'll make a motion to approve resolution 20251 motion by council member Waris Gerson second second by council member palava all in favor I I I all oppose all right motion carries on to uh letter C consider approval of resolution 2025-the official newspaper Joel Ericson uh Minnesota State Statute 412. 1831 requires city council to designate an official paper uh newspaper at the first meeting of the year uh for publication of ordinances and any other such matters um so desire by the council or mandated by by State Statute uh based on State Statute the city's required to First designate an official uh newspaper based on its location um if there's a qualified newspaper with their offices of issuance located in the city they must be CH chosen first second priority is that of maintaining a secondary office in town um there are none in in londsdale and the third priority is that of General circulation the Lonsdale Area News Review is delivered to each household in londsdale um the Montgomery messenger is not delivered uh to the minimum of 75% of the households in lawdale to um be considered for the city's official newspaper uh there aren't as I said there are no uh qualified newspapers with the known office uh of issuance or secondary office in the city um or any that qualify for the 75% circulated as designated with the exception of the the laale area News Review uh included with the staff report is a proposed resolution and then again applicable State statutes to um designate designating an official newspaper and uh selection criteria make a motion to approve the official newspaper okay motion by council member palava I'll second the motion second by council member Miller all in favor I I all opposed all right motion carries um so consider approval of resolution 2025-the five um I'm trying to find this here but uh I'm gonna go right off my head here yeah should be two papers yep thank you Cur it's page 32 on the PDF too so we uh thanks uh so we ended up getting a whole lot of applications in for these advisory boards and to every everybody that applied and uh went through the interview process thank you and thank you to Joel and Corey for being with me the whole entire time um it was so much fun hearing from residents and business owners about uh issues that mattered to them what they love about Londale what they could see better or what they could add to it so uh I appreciate everyone's time doing this so I'm going to go for Park and wreck and creation uh advisory and that's going to be Charlie pessel for a four-year term and Dana nickel for a one-year uh that was filling a vacancy Planning and Zoning I have Mike conu for a three-year term Tim KES for a two-year term which was another vacancy uh Economic Development Authority I have Robert Jack amini for a six-year term Evelyn duban for a six-year term and happy birthday Evelyn you're welcome and happy birthday Joanne Ericson too um and then for a library board I have Gina Kramer Kramer for a three-year term camer sorry camer okay and then Tyler borgan for a three-year term as well um for DEA on Ki I have you on Park and wreck Jamie I have you for Planning and Zoning as ex officio along with Joel uh Eda Brian Scott Library you got that one as well Brian so no real change there um for departments I have lale liquor being Brian and car park and wreck is Ki Street Department is Jamie and Scott don't hate me for saying this but you are kind of an icon now for water and sewer so I put you back as water responsibility for that uh myself I'm going to do a police department fire department as well as HR committee along with Joel and also Brian so I got one more left to do and I want to kind of do this as a shout out real quick um Brian you haven't received the credit that you actually deserve I went to the library board I went to the liquor board I try to get Brian off of them so I can kind of spread it out between all the other council members and they said no they wanted to keep you uh they don't mind anybody you know helping out but uh they really had posit things to say to you about you and the last year you've done a lot of work for him so it it has not gone unnoticed so thank you for that I want you to be my mayor Pro Tim so thank you appreciate it other than that uh that's all I have for advisory and liaison so I'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion to approve motion by council member Miller second second council member all in favor I all opposed all right motion passes um discuss attendance at the Londale Area Chamber of Commerce annual dinner Joel Ericson uh all right we receed notice notification from the chamber that their annual dinner is being held uh Tuesday January 28th uh 5:30 at the Revival on Maine in Montgomery and um the city is a member of the chamber and just wanted to see if you guys um would like to attend or are planning on attending and then um if you have any what meal you would like or any dietary issues um I can get everything registered and get a check cut for for Shana so so I guess you can let me know now or you can let me know after the meeting and just yeah I think it's a great event um I went last year for the first time really enjoyed it um it's a good opportunity to meet the business owners there's a lot of them that you know we won't interact with on a daily basis but getting the chance to to meet with them and talk with them in a social setting like that you really learn a lot about who's in town what they're doing just the unknown businesses the the behind the- scenes businesses we don't see it's a great event tonight I think I I highly encourage everybody to go get the opportunity you know citizens as well it's a it's a great event um you know check it out chamber does a good job with this one so yeah definitely think hopefully we can all make it i i t plan on attending yeah I do too I can make it all right well yeah I just need to know what what news you want and any any other uh issues okay all right sounds good I don't think we need to take any action sure discuss the city's residential refuse collection transportation and Disposal agreement Joel ER all right so this is coming up our contract with West Central Sanitation was a five-year agreement uh began April 1st of uh 2020 and is ending here March 31st of of 25 um so I guess the council have to provide us Direction on you know how how you guys want to proceed in soliciting those uh the the for that service if it's um going off for bids like we have in the past um I did reach out to West Central Sanitation they want to continue providing the service here um and would also entertain um just sitting down with uh staff and and the council and working on an agreement another option would be would be to allow uh provide three licenses and let residents choose from those three providers um if we would get those licenses filled um it's on I wanted to get it on the the agenda today to to start talking about it obviously we got a meeting on Thursday where it's an agenda item as well um but wanted to get you guys' thoughts and kind of direction if there's any um changes that you wanted if it was through the RFP or if you wanted to negotiate directly with with West Central we could do that as well but wanted to start having that conversation because it's going to be the turnaround is going to be be pretty quick the question I would have just to start with if if we did go for three licenses uh traditionally the whoever the hauler is provides service to the city how do we go as far as the city uh facilities and whatnot if there's three licenses how would I would say under that you're probably at that point um or just the contingency of the license or we be paying okay and then for the recycling bins like the cardboard bins would we have to decide on one particular company then would we get bids for that or how would that work if we did the three um I you know I guess you know we would put that in like it is in the RFB and I guess my recommendation would be to go with the one that provides the best return to our nonprofit organizations because actually we don't we don't there is no charge to the city for that that is provided by 100% by the waste hauler um so they collect it and then they pay they they pay the nonprofit there's no uh there's no money coming to them for it at all so that's kind of a volunteer type thing uh originally waste management was the company that brought it here uh back in about 2008 I think is what it was um and we we that was their idea when we went to West Central they introduced their program were the first community that they've done it in because they didn't have that in place so they've been doing a completely Pro B so you know that's the thing that you know we're going to have to take into consideration is if if we do start parsing things out and there's going to be a cost that's a cost to the the city you know the taxpayers that comes off the about the general fund so yeah and it's a net it's a net new cost because as of right now because West Central it's part of the contract they provide services for the city facilities at no charge correct includes all the parks public facilities Community Day uh hauling and the uh Green Team so I don't think there's any anything else on there and then we also do the the is it the spring clean up clean up that's that's part of that also yeah so I guess the question is what's what's the route that people are interested in I think I think it's not a bad idea to to get bids you know it's it's always a good idea to see what's out there um so I mean I I'm in favor of getting bids I don't know if we necessarily want to issue multiple licenses with you know all this other stuff right because now that complicates things and potentially adds additional cost onto the city which isn't budgeted for so that's that's a new new cost to the to the city um you know and then the whole cardboard recycling piece is a whole another monster to try and figure out well then you also have the like the logistical aspects of it you've got if you got three haulers there's no guarantee they're going to be on the same days right so then you've got people putting out cans uh at you know various times um so ultimately if you had three haulers in one street you got cans out there three days a week um um then uh the the other thing about that is you got you got to look at the infrastructure uh these the garbage trucks are not they're actually overloading they're they're too they're too heavy for a residential streets they're special you know we we give them a a permit to operate on the residential streets because the streets aren't made to handle that heavy traffic as is we got two school districts running school buses on these streets too which are you know they're they're heavy so we got to look at the long-term cost of what's it going to take to maintain our streets and our roads what's that uh what's that what's that going to look like in 5 10 years 20 years 30 years whatever so those are just some of the things that that's that is the reasoning for the in the past why we've elected to stay with one hallway Joel can we can we um I don't know changed the length of the contract does it have to be a 5year no okay so with a tight turn around if we go and solicit bids you know we're not going to you know we can change yeah what do we what do we normally do is it is it it's five years I mean as as far as like um timeline to get bids what do we usually go is it is there is there a statutory number that we have to got the timeline laid out right here in the yeah from 2020 right when they were last I might have put that might have put that in the January 9th packet but this was turned around with one meeting a month in 2020 yeah so I'm not worried about meeting the timeline right yeah because we got till the end of March correct you know carts need to be carts need to be delivered um as proposed that they' be delivered if there's a change by March 24th yeah so I mean I realistically I think the first day of service is April 3D at Thursday yeah realistically even if we didn't make a decision till the beginning of February we'd still have plenty of time to turn around if there was a new provider yep so I remember I remember when this happened in 2020 I mean they they literally came out in one day and dropped off cans and uh Waste Management just picked up the cans when they did their collection I mean literally the truck was right behind the garbage truck they would pick up the can and empty it then the truck was there to pick up the the containers and haul them away I mean these these companies this is what they do they they know what they're doing they know how to turn these things around this is what they do um but like I said I think we we'd I think we'd be kind of cutting off our nose despite our face to not solicit beds yeah you know I mean um you know and and who knows maybe West Central comes back with the with the lowest bid we don't know but I mean without seeing what the others have and just looking at one we don't know you know I mean we're we're a growing Community I mean we've grown I'm sure quite a bit since 2020 you know in the last five years so it's it's got to be an attractive uh opportunity for somebody to say hey I I want to take a look at this so um do we need a motion to to go out to B uh no I just was wanted to get this out there so if there was some changes that needed to be made or a different direction than than What's um I guess recommended by staff I would want to know that so it could be prepared and presented on Thursday so largely we're all focused on getting bids but the question the question is do we want to get uh think do we want to get bids for one contract or you want are looking at doing three personally well if you were to issue three licenses you wouldn't go off for bid you would establish you establish the requirements for the license and then they would apply for them and then residents have the selection of one of three companies the city's not involved in um negotiating pricing or or anything that would only be if we're an exclusive we have an exclusive hauler okay disc the the bid aspect that that's that's the time sensitive we have to do our rfps and have to get those I mean yeah and I think even if we do go out to bid we still have the option to look at the bids and say these prices don't seem right we're just going to issue licenses so that way at least we know what all of our options are that's option isn't as time sens yeah and I mean it gives us the opportunity to get some bids in discuss them publicly and then people can come to a meeting and and share input I mean there's always the opportunity for public input at every meeting so you know encourage people to come and visit us like tonight yeah yeah staff's recommending to go for bids so if that's the direction nothing needs to be done tonight okay with that right yep all right so um let's go ahead and do other business uh department and Council reports Joe dorenfeld thank you mayor and members of the council um first off congratulations mayor Berg council member Miller and vka um for Public Works the end of 2023 beginning of 20124 the city was issued a chlorides variance um part of our Wastewater progr um and this chloride variance is that we have to meet a chloride reduction plan so that is due in February um Jordan has been working diligently on that um first steps include educating the public giving some testing parameters in place um just just things like that getting some things on the website um recently a Homeland Security chemical inventory was completed um after 911 Homeland security requires that all chemical storage of over 500 lb be reported to the federal government so that's all taken care of just things uh end of the year things from 24 um for the Department of Health we have our water reports that are due um there's they're called the empir and ewater um I've been working on getting a back backflow testing program in place the Department of Health is requiring that all commercial buildings with rpz be tested annually and it's also required that all vacuum breakers on residential homes that have irrigation systems be tested annually so just trying to wrap our heads around um that program we've been working on the JC concession stand remodel uh we have an annual compost report that is in the works right now we've been doing a lot of maintenance on vehicles and Equipment um with the cold weather we've you know oil changes greasing wheel bearings all kinds of things like that tomorrow Jordan and myself are heading to oana Public Works um Rural Water is holding a lead and copper rule information session um the there's been quite a few changes in the last year about our lead and copper rules and our testing procedures and parameters um just to make sure we keep up on all that um end of this week once the temperatures swing up it's going to be time to take the Christmas decorations down um as you guys have noticed the new lights on the tree are super bright and look awesome um guys have really been working on the ice rinks it's been from zero to skating three times now this year so it's uh it's been a lot of overnights a lot of shift changes so Props to the guys um we get a lot of feedback from other communities that you know we're the only skat ice in the area which the guys take a lot of pride in and then tomorrow is a big day for Public Works um the new selected hire Brian musel is starting tomorrow so that'll be his first day on board that's all I got for you guys Joe I had a question um I saw today they were U doing an inspection or some kind of service on Central Street where we had the gasoline infiltration yes um so the company that drilled the test well came back one of their BS came back with some concrete in and made them verify that they did not hit our storm sewer structure okay so I do not have the report on that yet if they hit it or not um if they did you know obviously they would be responsible for repairing it um you know all of our infrastructure is important but that's a low volume one that they would have hit it's just east of the of the building it's not the main one on Highway 19 so okay um once I Reed the report if they did hit it they'll they'll just re fix it that's something they can probably fix yeah there there's options to fix it from the inside of the pipe obviously right now you know if we have to dig or if they had to dig they they obviously could but it's not ideal okay all right thank you thanks Joel thank you Shani thank you Mr Mayor members of the council uh congratulations and looking for forward to working with you all um just a couple updates uh we have a a binus melan overlay project that will be going out for bid shortly here and we will um present those bid results to you at the January 30th meeting that project um consists of three um small segments of um areas that have been deteriorated on Birch Street Northeast 4th Avenue Northeast and IND Industrial Drive um and then um the the booster station uh rehab project which involves um replacing all the pumps and electrical um and other components um that booster station provides High Press water to the um Northwest area of the city that project was bid and awarded last summer and we are working with the contractor PM companies to finalize a schedule when they're going to get all the equipment um and there's still some delays with that but we'll provide you some more updates um when that project gets going along with notifications to Residents since they will have low pressure during that time and then lastly the other um item that's more recent is the Wellhead protection plan that was presented to the Council back in November um and that has been submitted to the Department of Health for their review um and we should be hearing back in a couple months but um that is a plan to evaluate and protect um contaminates from entering the city's water supply system that's all I had thank you jel uh well we've got working on end ofie reports beginning ofie reports uh uploading the 25 budget um Kelly web our accounting Tech started on last Thursday so um she's at the ground running with utility billing um entering payments and then um we'll be sending out bills here yet this week uh liquor committee tomorrow council meeting on Thursday um and then an update on the city hall project um the interior is gutted the floor is patched back in they had to to um run some water lines and then cap some other water lines and basically every room had a had a sink in it for exam rooms and everything uh steel studs are going up electrical and uh this week the structural steel is being set for the partition wall in the the fux base or the the council chambers so some things that we'll have to decide here pretty quick um outside signage what do we want so I've got some options to to present for that um get your guys' thoughts on what type of signage you want if you want some type of a reader board or just a city hall sign um but now would be the time to to make those decisions and then as far as um tablets you guys want tablets or we can we can talk about I see most of you guys brought your laptop I know not me I'm old school I have a that's what you said so but it was good see you used Apple versus Android and so Apple that's what I have to use any I'm I'm fine with mine I'm fine with I can use my own it's fine I mean I don't see a need for additional technology expenses oh the ones that were yeah the ones that we have I think are the council had they're recycled to those used if anybody wants those are available people want okay okay thank you Joel uh Corey uh Mr Mayor and Council uh again congratulations welcome aboard uh been working with the city administrator on the uh big speed property uh development uh Northeast of town uh the owners or Builders lot group uh we've been we've had a meeting with them recently and we've been funneling um the city code information engineering uh to that group uh it's just a start um but the city is like I said sending information over uh to uh the owners of the Bigby property uh I've been working on uh code enforcement um uh issues and um just a heads up uh to the new uh committee chairs uh the park board will be meeting on January 27th at 5:30 p.m and planning and zoning will be right afterwards at 6:45 here in the chambers again congratulations thank you thank you Cory all right Council reports uh Brian um nothing really report um as Joel mentioned uh Liquor Board is tomorrow so 6 o'clock at we're doing it here right correct yeah it'll be here normally it's at the liquor store but it'll be here tomorrow um and then next week on Wednesday it'll be Library board meeting so we'll have more well we'll have some on on Thursday I guess to report sure congratulations thank you thank you all right Scott what do you got uh Eda will be meeting on the 16th uh I wasn't aware of any changes to the schedule there okay um and just uh as to the chamber upcoming uh the dinner um this this year's entertainment if you're familiar with Kayan radio they do the uh initials game we have a representative from uh Kayan coming down to actually do the initials game so that is the uh that's the entertainment for the evening um with the opportunity to win a uh or uh bid on a uh Power Trip experience so if you'd like to go visit the kayfan Morning Show on a uh Friday morning you can bid for that so I have the golden ticket and you get to you get to go meet the whole group up there so that's uh that's coming up here end of the month so get your uh get your reservation in cool thanks scat thank you upcoming meetings are January 9th at 700 p.m. January 30th at 700 p.m. February 13th at 700 p.m. so before we adjourn I just want to say thanks again to everybody and thanks for being here and thanks for everyone that applied for these Advisory Board positions and uh please attend them um they are the heart of the council's decisions that's how you really learn kind of what's going on behind the scenes and um we've all discussed this before is trying to get it live streamed so it's easier for people to make these events and these medience and try to see what's going on within the city so uh other than that I again thank you so much so unless anybody else has anything else to say I just want to say thank you as well thank you to my family and all of Lonsdale for supporting us we appreciate it make a motion to adour all right motion by council member Bava second second by council member for mersion all in favor I all opposed all right potion carries oh I don't have a g