##VIDEO ID:ZAM3Ehgzgvg## I'll call Tor the city council meeting for Monday October 14th 202 for everyone please rise for Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay B call Brian wersan here Kevin kadada here Tim Rood here Cindy fur here and Scott palava here okay tonight it agenda goes through 10 I additions deletions and corrections to the agenda um mayor um like to add to the agenda discussion on um either having a a separate meeting or rescheduling the November 14th city council meeting to a date that would work for uh elected and appointed officials okay any further discussion all those uh and move we approve the agenda with that addition okay second motion by Council personi second my Council blava any further discussion all those in favor I iOS motion carries approval of minutes consider approval of the minutes from the September 14th 2024 special meeting the September 16th 2024 regular meeting and the September 26 2024 regular meeting any additions deletions and corrections to the minutes move to approve the minutes second move by councilman plava second by councilman kadada any further discussion all those in favor I oppos motion carries there are no other carings on to presentation of citizens petitions and comments comments limited to two minutes anyone off the floors now is your opportunity to speak okay there is one item on the consent agenda tonight consider approval of a quote submitted by buo Enterprises LLC in the amount of $2,547 for hauling the spreading biosolids would anybody like that item pull for discussion we approve the consent agenda motion my councilman second second by council person F any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries there is no old business so new business consider approval of excuse me of resolution 2024413044 use application was submitted by Marco papovich who is proposing to purchase and locate his business Advanced exhaust Solutions Incorporated on the 12.63 Acres of the vacant property within the lawn sale Business Park the proposed project will consist of an initial 1 15,600 plus square foot manufacturing office building the project will bring a 100 new jobs to town and help to diversify the tax base uh once the site plan is approved the preliminary and final plot plat will be approved so just one quick correction here Marco did visit us at the Planning and Zoning commission meeting and he is now thinking that it's north north of 120 to 150 uh employees coming uh to londsdale so the planning zoning jumped right into their work uh at on the 30th as far as a site review uh as many as you familiar with the laale business park was constructed in 2013 2014 to be shovel ready for Industrial and Commercial Industrial Development uh grading utilities paav roadway all in place since the development three businesses have constructed within the business park and this includes Minnesota industrial tooling back in 2016 dispatch Trucking in 2018 and then recently scan air filter in 2022 so uh there is new a new address for Outlaw B in the lawnil park Business Park and the address uh for the prop for the that the site plan occurred or was directed at was 1830 Commerce Drive Southeast uh the current legal description as I just said stated out Lot B laale Business Park and then proposed legal description lot one block one laale Business Park fourth edition um then Outlaw B laale bment Park needs to be replotted uh parcel ID Rice County parcel ID 1 1925 41003 and then property size the subject property is proposed to be replotted as lot one block one uh 12.63 Acres um a public hearing will need to be held uh for the legal description and that has been posted already in in the lawn stale news newspaper for the public hearing to be held at the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on October 21st uh the owner applicant the property owner uh would be Marco papovich of advanced exhaust Solutions Incorporated uh the the applicant application was submitted by Marco uh and then the anticipated sale closing would be uh um in the next week or so if the uh City approves uh the site the the site plan uh the engineering company involved is a probe Engineering Company Incorporated uh which also conducted the survey and plot work uh the applicant is requesting a site plan approval to allow a new get this 1 15, 610 squ ft building which would house an office and production space for advanced exhaust Solutions so the building size we just get into some detail here uh 5002 ft by 300 U 3.92 ft uh we're wondering what's a comparable uh building in that area um none this is at least 10 times larger than than any of the existing uh businesses over there um say here 10 times as large 10 times larger mhm nice uh another building in the business park is it's a will be constructed with pre-cast panels uh pavement around the new building by Tous Service uh surface on all sides Road access exit uh three Ingress e egress AIS from Commerce Drive Southeast and then as far as signage goes we're still waiting for that uh exterior materials um 90% pre-cast with foam panels and a few areas of architectural feature and then colors and and gray uh pre-cast so further back in your p in your uh in your in the staff report there's a beautiful rendering of the uh east side front of the uh facility uh in general first floor and the schematics that you have uh there's a office a Lobby Reception Area conference rooms Flex space women's and men's restrooms lactation room break room locker room elevator going to the second floor open Office Workstation and then lab uh then back in the production area which includes the production area stag in area shipping delivery and uh Joel I think you mentioned a 30 ton crane correct instead of the 10 10 ton uh Bridge crane there and then a women's men's restroom office uh second floor Executive offices uh open work office workstations conference rooms women's men's restrooms lactation room food service area elevator mechanical room server room uh Landscaping PL plan has not been provided at this time uh we we uh requested it by o October 30th 2024 lighting plan not provided at this time we've requested it by October 30th 2024 and uh in the rendering there is the imagery of the sign uh propose sign a permit will be needed for that note the sign area is limited to 30% of the building phase uh parking and loading area 180 parking stalls are required uh 220 224 total proposed parking stalls including two accessible spaces are in the plan uh then we broke this down by city code a minimum of one parking stall per employee 100 employees one parking stall per acre outside of storage there four Acres four parking stalls one parking stall per 2,000 square ft so that brings out extra 76 stalls uh there's loading dock doors eight delivery loading uh and shipping doors uh will face South South towards Commerce Drive uh existing condition the subject property currently is vacant land within the lawn sale Business Park development and then it is zoned for commercial industrial district use the use is limited as permitted uses U manufacturing light and then we get into the setbacks our internal review with Mr Ericson the city administrator myself uh went through all the required setbacks and I'm confirming that set packs have met requirements uh as far as this Falls right into the comprehensive plan for the city of Lawnsdale uh as far as a commercial industrial district the business park was constructed to to increase city tax base provide livable wage employment opportunities and accommodate business businesses interested in locating in lawdale uh with the need to construct a building and become operational in a short time period so uh the planning con Planning and Zoning commission uh reviewed this uh the site plan and the land use application as soon as possible uh the internal team is moving as quickly as possible also uh to move this uh to meet the uh the wants of the uh a or of the of the project uh so as utilities and Grading storm water and drainage surface drainage will be directed away from the new building site drains site drains towards the South uh curb lines and storm sewer will be direct direct storm water from the paved areas to eight new catch basins to be installed to the city storm water system and then a storm line will run from loading dock ramp and empty to the South uh water this 6in Water Service uh to lot one block one sanitary sanitary 6 in [Music] also that was terrible and then as far as going through your pamp or through the attachments here of course we have the resolution but just as you I want to make sure that everyone knows that the new 1830 Commerce Drive Southeast is at uh remaining 12.63 remaining uh 12.63 Acres of the business park coming into town on the south side of the road uh along uh with the actual site is the land use application Marco dropped this off uh he paid the fees and srow immediately and then we get into site plan application was turned in and then we get into their uh plans and specifications as you can see uh in your packet or on your um iPad as far as impervious coverage goes so the maximum impervious coverage is 75% and they're right at a little just north to 74% so it's maximum utilization of that area uh detail of the uh parking spot or uh parking stalls or or parking lot and then as far as we're looking at this the parking uh the parking lots on the east side of the property uh okay facing Dollar General uh loading docks West Side yes on the west side thank you council member on the west side uh loading docks on the south side and then as you can see there's binus there's about four acres of binus on the South Side extending to the east side uh further along in the packet uh you're going to see the the three uh Ingress egress uh entranceways to the property and then the actual rendering the color rendering absolutely stunning which just beautiful and this would be facing the East Side the parking lot west west side it's hot in here the west side of the parking lot uh the the south side with the loading dock door uh the the renderings for the north east west and south side and then internal uh layout as far as the production area front uh offices uh first floor second floor uh certificate of [Music] survey then we jump into the engineer uh notes which uh been working with John here John has been our leite contact here um coordinating uh our contact working on the as project so after the internal review uh c internal City Review after the Planning and Zoning uh commission review and then uh council member kadada uh you sit on the uh you serve on the Planning and Zoning Commission you want to add anything uh to the review um not to the review just there was a couple things with the uh landscape plan and the lighting plan and that's basically um kind of a pass or fail you know you either have enough trees or you don't so um we thought that was uh being able to give them a little variance up until you know the 30th of October to get that in they can keep everything else rolling so it did pass at the planning and Z do you have a construction estimate construction cost estimate do do we know what that is or not yet uh we have not been provided any cost estimate based off of the plans of the packet no on one of the drawings it was showing on the south east corner there's like a diagonal line across there I can't tell what that is uh it's a basically inl catch all the the drainage that parking lot drains the South Southeast there I couldn't read the writing do matter how much I blew it up that is correct thank you so when you said now they're estimating 120 to 150 is that just for the one building because I know there's yes consideration for the okay so so they're talking 50% increase for both ually okay well so 150,000 Square construction cost now roughly it's a pretty big number 33 million Holy Ghost that's more than a lot of [Laughter] houses yeah I think it'll be a great you know another great building coming to town ask for anything nicer than that well I just you know and I was going to say this later but I just want to thank the staff and the city council you know obviously we sat in meetings with Maro and and U the Builder and and um just did a great job recruiting and sett him on the property I know he's looked at other communities matter of fact he actually had property in another community of which he uh pulled out of and and moved to Lawnsdale so it's took a lot of work and and uh great great partnership on both sides and so it's really quite a Co for lawdale and I don't know if anybody appreciates the impact that this will have in a community but it's it's going to be remarkable that's for sure so welcome addition question for you Corey before we move too far um in the fee schedule the concept plan that um there's a $225,000 escrow is that has that been has that been paid or there's a there's a note here na so I'm not sure if that means right so a concept plan would be um a developer came to town and did a 100 lot subdivision okay so this is not applicable to his got it okay that's fine just want to make sure I understood what it was okay you know and one that's you know that's kind of a good point one thing to note is that um Upon Our negotiations um there was no discounts given no tax abatements which is really quite unique in today's uh today's world because a lot of businesses they go to these towns they go to the state they want tax inform financing and tax abatement all that kind of stuff so it's really just another another added bonus for for the sale of this property so with that any other questions on the site plan anybody concerns pnz had no concerns nope pnz passed there so once this happens then we move to closing and then are they do they have an anticipated start date ground breaking uh I have not as soon as possible okay knowing them I would be as soon as possible and I reach out to the owner as far as uling a a ground breaking or something pretty big deal yeah it's a very big deal actually it's a big deal for the region really give me some dates that in times that for them me 120 150 high paying jobs in in a community of this area is pretty it's quite an accomplishment did he have any sort of estimate on what's he got existing versus net new jobs with this project just out of curiosity I want to say that was at like 75 right okay so he's looking to double his Workforce with this project nice so those are net new jobs right then you know their welders and Fabrication all that good stuff I'm sure there's some office in there too yeah yeah I've known Marco for a long time it's he's come a long way in in five years I'll say that I move we approve resolution 2024 d41 Council Mada second my council person any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries again I just want to thank everybody for uh their work on this uh on this business recruitment on to consider approval of ordinance 202 24- 328 at ordinance amending city code chapter 13.07 fences Cory hin IA thank you Mr Mayor and Council uh the Planning and Zoning commission has been working on uh the fences uh city code 15371 over multiple meetings uh Planning and Zoning has conducted a very a thorough review of this city code and what's been great about this review is that we're making it um easier to interpret uh for the public and also for uh internal use um so the public hearing was held um public was here hearing was held on August 19th and then it continued through September 30th uh there was a 10-day public hearing notification was advertised in laale area review uh back in July July 30th uh to officially update the city code city and then uh the city council must approve ordinance 2024 328 amending and code uh fenses that's the final process for tonight as far as what we've crafted or what we've made better is that um we updated and changed some just minor content changes to simplify the city code internally and externally uh like I stated earlier clarification of the application requirements and site inspections meaning it is now upfront that yes you have to identify your property stakes and schedule and schedule the uh review or the schedule the staking inspection up front uh removal of uh removal of out ofate uh requirement and encroachment agreements the city does not require them uh removal of boundary fence chapter the chapter was very was repetitive and confusing I increase the public sidewalk or Trail setback uh from 2 feet to 3 feet which uh uh the public direct Public Works director was uh gave us his uh uh insight and recommendation to uh to increase that setback uh just for maintenance plowing and just a little bit more space to carry on our our uh seasonal operations uh defining the type of fence and removal temporary access and then removal of the the removal of the city does not enforce neighborhood covenants rest there wasn't a whole lot of changes like I said just a lot of cleaning up of grammar um make a little bit more user friendly um the corner lot the double Frontage that was kind of a you know a question I think we tried answering as best we could um and I think Cory he had two two permits come in during this process for those kind of lots um but I think we have it all addressed in here pretty pretty well so it's very user friendly now for everybody staff included yeah f is can be controversial can't my gosh that's for sure it's kind of you know they're they're nice but you know then you got to try to maintain the other side and you we had all kinds of discussion on it right do we have any um existing properties that are impacted by the change from two feet to three feet uh Mr Mayor uh council member uh former excurtion no this this would go into effect um after the consider or approval tonight so there would be no impact to any existing properties I'm sorry I guess to clarify do we have people that are with would I mean I I'm assuming that means they're grandfathered in and if they are within that two feet so we're not going back and having anybody right no yeah I figured that I guess another foot off the trail or public yeah so this would be any new uh fence construction so just out of curiosity of the properties that have fencing now within that two foot distance is that is there do we have a lot of properties that that have that situation right now um there's a there's a bunch of on 8th Avenue Northeast going all the way down um if you're heading north and to be on the west side of the road there's a whole row of fences um there's some out in Willow Creek and then there's some in Rolling Ridge yeah there's but that's not I mean as of right now it's not a um hindrance on on your guys in your work or anything it really depends on the winter it's going to get easier is what I'm hearing yeah was a big hindrance okay you know I get I just I'm just kind of curious as to you know what percentage of existing do we have where you know how come he gets it and I don't you know there's always that that question well and along that actually would ask so I mean say for example we had you know three house three homes in a row two of them are at the two foot Mark the one in the middle decides he wants to put a fence in do we have the authority or provision to allow that otherwise you look you've got two of them at 2 foot you got one at three it would be at 3T thick propos ordinance well like I said we've had it a meeting since August had the public hearings on it and did pass planning zoning do we get a lot of a lot of people show up for the public hearing no no Mr mayor council we we do not receive any public I move we approve ordinance 2024 d328 motion by councilman kada second second my councilman palava any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries consider approval of resolution 202442 a resolution accepting a bid for the city hall remind project Dana H welcome sir Mr Mayor city council we bid the project we bid our new city hall project last week and uh while my estimate was 1.2 million we had a range of 12 bids that ranged from 1.3 million to 1, 32,000 uh metcon construction was a low bidder at 1, 32,000 with an alternate add of 20,000 uh giving their overall bid at 1, 152,000 uh they were the low bidder with both the base bid and with the alternate added uh my recommendation is to proceed with mecon construction uh as a general contractor for your project okay I assume all the bids are comparable in all respects everybody a responsive bid y absolutely I called mean had a conversation with their uh one of their Executives I can't recall his name at this time but had a conversation with him and they are comfortable with their bid and they would they're looking forward to proceeding with this project a lot of times I I like to have that I like to have that conversation and and on occasion they pull their bids back they might have missed a decimal point and and they want to pull them back but they had they reviewed their bids and and were very comfortable with it and were happy with the outcome so one spot with the decimal on this project would be a problem yeah um I I would recommend going forward that we proceed with a contingency of at least 10% about $100,000 when we open up buildings even newer buildings like this we still find surprises in the walls where maybe Plumbing or gas lines were run not where they had said so there'll be some changes uh potentially we don't know the impact yet of the Hurricanes to uh construction materials um while this is a smaller project it may have a smaller impact uh we'll watch that uh if there's any requests for additional services or additional material cost um schedule going forward uh pending your approval uh we'll be negotiating or not negotiating we'll be writing our contracts this week uh through the 18th with the pre-construction meeting scheduled for next week Tuesday hasn't been scheduled yet until you approve the construction um and Then star construction would be mobilization for two weeks and then star construction on November 4th with an estimated 6month completion for construction substantial completion on April 1st and 100% completion on May 1st of 25 so you said you said your your's estimate was 1.2 million so they're whatever that's got to be what 12% anyway under under estimate something like that yeah yeah roughly yeah yeah you right it was a good bidder's market so that alternate that's for the windows right on the South Side that's right yeah we bid this just just perfectly any two months later it would have been higher a couple months earlier I don't think we would have had quite the enthusiasm so we hit this just perfect so in in a roundabout sort of way that uh that HVAC snafu or that issue with the HVAC kind of got washed out we were almost I had estimated $800,000 for General construction and 400,000 for mechanical and electrical modifications to the rooftop so you know we're at about well right in the middle right 800 about a million dollar so M yeah very close I'll make a motion to accept the bid yes uh resolution 202442 accepting the bid for the city hall model project with metcom construction for both the base and the alternate motion by councilman palava second second by council person fa any further discussion all those in favor I motion carries great thank you you thank you I think we're do some rough numbers the purchase of this building with the remodel is was it like 1.2 or 1.5 million under new construction cost it was a pretty substantial number um yeah I got to have a meeting call on in here so let's see well if you go with the recommendation of a $100,000 contingency you're add basically 1.35 million for the remodel right and then just under 3.2 for total project cost right yeah that's really good okay wait one400 aare foot for new construction I would assume that type of so you said with the contingency what was that number one point that should be uh just under 3.2 million right but you for the remodel you said with the 1 1, 3548 gotta okay okay thank you sir on to consider approval of proposal submitted by David down Associates Inc in the amount of $2,650 for job classification and compensation Services Mr all right thank you mayor and members of the council um as we were budgeting uh priorities for 2025 um discussion on a a compensation study was held and um going through those discussions and other things wages were a were Hot Topic so it was included um in the the 2025 budget uh solicited proposals from two firms David Dron Associates and ABDO um both of the the proposals included uh they were consistent included all the same items uh daveid dronin Associates was $2,650 for for all the items and then uh $1,150 if job descriptions were were not included the timing in speaking with them is they can start on this as soon as they're given the okay um I know I received this proposal a few weeks back I think they had talked about St at beginning of of October so if you had a couple weeks um for their schedule should be wrapped up in January of 25 uh it is full classification compensation study um me we have job descriptions for all positions um I think they're still current but um dated just by when they were approved some probably over 10 years ago uh right evaluate to job descriptions um like I said most job descriptions are are old but accurate um this would be a good time for the council to determine uh classification of employees as well whether um they qualify as exempt which would be a salary position or not exempt which would be an hourly position uh the compensation study would confirm the labor market um the council would have to identify the comparable communities that you want to be uh rated against uh then the council um then they provided me a list of of communities but I would recommend that uh when they're here I'm kind of getting the the philosophy of how the council wants to proceed again like we talked before you want to be at 95% 100 105% of Market that's all discussion that has to be held um early on in in the project and then they will base their um either amended or establish a new Compensation Plan recommendation for US based off of off of where the council wants to be uh based on the data collected I would provide recommendations for an Inay scale to be competitive with the Benchmark Community selected and then they would uh provide an outline which would provide transition options or next steps and then they would calculate the implementation cost for up to two Alternatives both uh organizations recommended are included in their an annual maintenance fee um where instead of doing a fullblown compensation study every you know five seven eight years um they would do uh evaluate a third of the city each year to kind of keep it keep it rolling in in up to date uh you know they'd update the market analysis of wages with Benchmark communities selected or suggest any changes to the pay scale plan as necessary to remain competitive uh complete and submit the pay Equity report every three years and then input the compensation information into the league salary system the full cost of their proposal again was $1,650 ABDO submitted the same proposal the amount of 22,500 not including job descriptions uh reduced to 14,800 uh their timing would begin in January of 25 and be completed end of April beginning of May 25 uh again same thing review uh analyze data provided by the city U meet with the city Department leadership discuss expectation goals outcomes a comprehensive job description review in the $22,000 proposal uh develop a list of comparable organizations based on population geography service provided then obviously which ones the city want wanted included in there uh complete the full wage compensation market analysis uh they would solicit benefit information as well um paid time off health insurance things like that uh and then U include recommendations for maintaining marketable pay scales for into future years uh they complet the classification compensation system development and compliance testing and then the final documents in the report uh would be comprehensive project findings their recommendations a description of overall methodology used data analysis and then uh the uh implementation estimated costs based off of their recommendations uh items to be considered by the council timing of the project implementation uh the level of competitiveness with comparable cities as I said we want to where do we want to be compared to the market uh number of steps in the pay scale obviously this will be all talked about dur during this but uh the trend seems to be less steps to get to the max with a longevity after you know two four or six years once you hit the top of the pay scale in addition to Cola uh my staff's recommendation is to except the proposal submitted by David Dron Associates for the full compensation anal 650 uh and then annually be $4,200 for maintenance um I think Mike obviously we need to do that I think we've talked about in the past we want to make sure that everybody's been is being paid fairly um my I guess my question is with the election of the new city council they may have different views on compensation than we do so before this preliminary discussion I mean I I we certainly can authorize it but my point is we can have this city council uh lay out what we're thinking or we going to have wait till after the first of the year and let the new city council lay out their Vision you have thoughts on that uh my recommendation is to get it done I mean it's been a Hot Topic and we've had staff speak at meetings and just to sit and wait three months I don't know that's the the best option I understand where you're you're coming from philosophy wise um but I think regardless of of who's elected they want quality employees no I no yeah and obviously we want that I I guess they may have a different bar on the percentage the ratio of you know paid to average you know some may went higher some lower but if you think I mean it's really it's up to you guys how how do you feel do you want to take it on ourselves or I would say we should we need to get it going so I agree yeah I think we should you know this is one of those things you know we have we have candidates talking about that they want to make sure that the you know staff is being compensated fairly well the it's it's already going to be rolling out so they'll be able to get on board with that okay yeah I mean looking at the Timeline here um it looks like it would be completed around middle of December so that gives us at least gives us the data and then you know you know first of the year is probably really good time to start looking at implementation anyway so you know we'll know who who's going to be involved because the election will be over I think you know we can decide at that point do we wait until after you know the new term starts and or or not but you know I mean there's there's been a lot of talk about this this study um I know the the staff in the city are are anxious to see what we do with this sure um so I think you know we we should jump on it and get at least start getting the data let's let's pick a Target um so are we able to specify like two ranges or would that incur additional cost or you know like if we said what would 100% be and what would 110% be um just to kind of have some options coming back in the report or do they just say pick one and we'll we'll Target it that no I think one if not both said that they would provide um cost implementation for two Alternatives okay I mean you know I can extrapolate a little bit I your benchmark is going to be 100% I imagine you want to know what in the middle and then if you feel you know we can figure that out but you're right I mean it's either way as long as we provide it you figure it out right you know do we want to be 5% above going to be 10 you know well I guess ultimately would be our decision anyway I mean yeah I mean we're we're just getting information right so I would rather say let's let's pick you know what's median right and then let's pick a high number and then you know that at least gives us what we're looking at and you know we can right we can make decisions within that range but I mean I would like to look at a high number to say you know because I mean we it was brought up at at another council meeting I think it was last time they said you know we want to be the one stealing not stolen from right well if we want to steal we're going to have to we're going to have to shoot high and we don't know what that number is till we ask for it till we ask for it right okay so for today it's just a matter of accepting the uh proposal I'll make a motion to accept the proposal for David Drone Associates for 12650 for the classification of compensation I'll second that motion by councilman palava second by councilman R any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries consider approval of a job description for position of full-time accounting technician Mr Eric thank you mayor members of the council uh as part of this budget process uh funds were allocated for uh a part-time uh office assistant at City Hall to assist with utility billing finance payroll permits general office duties uh because we implemented a new accounting software um that wasn't done um earlier in the year just because we needed to have a solid understanding of our staff needed to have a solid understanding of the software before we brought uh additional staff on board um I'm confident that we've got a solid understanding of our payroll utility billing and accounting software um at the same time Cammy was working on the city audit that's been completed since then as well um so at this time we're um recommending that the job description be be revised um to account for the tasks that are expected of of this position um I guess just just real briefly a lot of it is with the exception of uh water and sewer billing um assist or they're responsible for all aspects of water sewer billing greet residents at the front desk and then assist other staff with ap uh the audit process payroll reporting uh completed in the absence of the accounting technician to um building permits just keep an eye on I work for flat Fe permits that are um a rero right they pay I'm not even sure what it is 140 or 180 boom it's out the door there's no plan review there's no supplemental information needed they're always paid um when they're applied for so they can issue those uh enter liquor sport daily receipts and then um in speaking with the fire chief he's looking for some assistance day-to-day office wise so uh worked with him to include some general office duties for the the fire department as well uh basically we took the the current accounting Tech position and fit it to made it fit to to this position so um unless there's any questions staff would recommend that the um job description for accounting tech one be approved is this something oh goe is this something that um the the time spent with the fire department would we build to the fire department then correct yep um I want to say it's 15% in 25 it won't be included in in the budget until uh six because we're a year ahead all right and will be approve the job description motion my councel second my council person fear any further discussion all those in favor I oppose motion carries consider uh consider approval to authorize staff to advertise for for the position of County technician one at grade 8 Step 2 2533 an hour Mr ER all right thank you mayor members of the council uh with the job description for this position just being approved uh staff is recommending that staff be authorized to advertise the position for County Tech at grade one I'm sorry grade 8 step two uh 2533 an hour um to follow up on the previous question um kind of we'll say City Hall 5% for administration um planning parks and streets five water and sewer the majority of the responsibility 60% uh fire 15 and then liquor five um so over half of the expenses for this position are paid through the Enterprise funds uh the remaining bounds be funded with user fees building permits and um property taxes um it should be noted that the last time we had full timer that City Hall was 2009 so um this will greatly help staff um stay on task get things done timely and um reduce overtime um there currently are five there's more than that but uh five similar positions posted on the League's website and those pay ranges are from uh 2738 to 3432 an hour funds were budgeted uh in 24 for this part-time position and then full-time for 25 um participating between wages and benefits Associated payroll taxes a little over $80,000 to be the cost of this position there's any questions stff would recommend um being given the authority to advertise the accounting tech one position grade that to so by councilman pava second second by council person F any for the discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries you know you did touch on one thing and I appreciate all your work and uh Tammy's work over the course of the last like you say it's been what 15 years since we had a fifth person here and I know you've had a lot of 60-hour weeks a lot of Saturdays Sundays I know Tammy's to has been putting a lot of nights and things like that so I just want to make sure uh you understand how appreciative we are of all your work and and a good job you done oh thank you for the team effort so appreciate it consider approval of an engineering proposal submitted by WSB in the hourly not to exceed amount of $ 33,39 for the 2025 Mill and overlay project Mr uh thank you mayor and members of the council um um is part again part of the 2025 budget process we've allocated just over $200,000 for uh Mill and overlay um specific specifically for this this type of Street Maintenance that would be um we'd also have funding for uh General patching crack fill things like this but this would be like what we saw over the years but you know most recently this year in July I believe it was across the street third fourth Ash or fourth fth Ash I believe um so large say large scale but um much larger than just staff renting a edge Mill and and Paving they do a great job but this will be more of contractors coming in with Mainline pavers and adjusting mans casting things like that uh based off of the city's uh cap or the pavement condition index map um that we started a couple years ago we're recommending sections of Fourth Avenue Northeast uh Birch Street Northeast and Industrial Drive Southeast um be considered for Mill and overlays in 25 um since it wasn't included in the in the budget we staff reached out to WSB to request a proposal for Engineering Services uh those would include the final design uh which would be uh Topo survey uh cores uh the construction documents and then bidding and construction Administration and observation um would essentially be everything after um the bids awarded so contract development precon pay requests um notification letters updating or daify information and then obviously construction observation quality control material testing is also included um the proposed timeline would be for the plans to be completed by and approved at the December 23rd city council meeting uh getting back on schedule so we can bid it in January to hopefully capitalize on bidding the project early in the year and then uh construction sometime June July the hourly not to exceed fee uh 33394 um is consistent with prior years costs um it is hourly not to exceed so it would not be any any higher than this once with any questions staff would uh recommend accepting the proposal submitted by WSB for the 2025 Mill and overlay project so motion my cman Kad second second my cman palava any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries consider approval to make a conditional job offer to Haley van havin as fulltime police officer at step 13591 an hour Jason Schmidt's chief of police welcome sir thank you mayor members of the council um just to start off the staff report I did misspell their last name it should be Ln and not i n so you need new glasses or harder to say so how do you say it I think it's uh van hu van H film maybe leave the hell in there yeah well I'll fit in right with those check names but anyways the lon police department has been advertising for the past year to fill a vacant full-time police officer position and then we had a recent resignation of Officer Cody Brotherton so now we have two vacant positions we received four applications for the position of a police officer interviews were scheduled and held on September 18th 2024 with all four applicants being interviewed by the Human Resource Board officer with Franklin and I applicant Haley van huelin interviewed very well and felt uh she would be a great pit for the city of Lonzo and Lonzo police department and was selected for one of the full-time positions so with that it would be my recommendation to give Haley van huband a conditional employment offer as a full-time police officer for the city of Lille on conditions that she successfully passes a background investigation psychological evaluation and physical so with that if there's any questions know as you mentioned She interviewed very well you know I agree with that and certainly appreciate you and Todd and Scott and Joel good job I I think it's great we've got now we we'll have three uh new officers that are experienced so just giving them the use to work here they're they're familiar with we're still working on the backgrounds on two of them we finished with hers so with uh the approval tonight her psychological and physical will be set up this week and if everything was to go well with that she would uh start November 4th great so good I'll make a motion to approve a conditional job offer to Haley V there we go fulltime police officer motion by councilman palava second take my council person fear any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries thanks Jason thanks again for all Youk consider approval of application for payment number two the final in the amount of$ 4,23 $223 57 to Tim's Trucking ink for the M Street water main extension project Shabani bison city engineer thank you Mr Mayor members of the council um staff is uh requesting final payment be made to Tim's Trucking um in the amount of $4 4,223 57 this is for the M Street water main extension project um along Fourth Avenue in M Street to complete that uh Missing water main piece to make make it a loop system to provide uh improved water quality and reduced maintenance um City staff has received positive feedback from residents in the area um saying that the water has um had improved quality um as a result of the project the project occurred uh July 8th to the 17th um and at this time the contractor has submitted all the final paperwork um identified in the packet also provided the two-year maintenance Bond um and then part of couple of the Yards that were uh impacted were SED and so um there's a 30-day sod maintenance period with that so at this time uh the contractor has completed all the work and we would recommend payment again that's 4,223 57 which represents the 5% retainage that was held um the original contract amount was $72,400 15 so about 5,000 more and that is due to the additional water main that needed to be removed on Fourth um since it was kind of unknown where it terminated um and then for some additional soing quantity as well um and so again with that we would recommend final payment to Tim's Trucking cman second my coun kada any further discussion all those in favor I I oppos motion carries yeah that project turn out very well that really nice over there good all right the added item is to consider moving the November 14th city council meeting Mr Ericson uh thank you mayor members of the council um been requested to see if we could reschedule the November 14th meeting to a date that would work for um elected and appointed officials that need to attend I I would say that um regardless we're gonna may just want to keep that in addition to a meeting because uh we have to have a meeting to canas the election results between the 3 and the 10th day so unless it would would work on one of those days um basically we're looking from that Friday what the 8th I believe to the 16th or I'm sorry the 15th of when when we have to meet the campas the election results what's the reason for moving this one actually I'm I'm G to be out of town week got if I guess if I have to miss I have to miss have we gone from Monday to Friday the 11th to the 15th yeah so that you Joel you're saying the the 8th is the earliest we can do the canvasing correct looks like that would have to be it then that's a Friday I mean Friday yeah that's be Friday dear Hunty that ANW oh yeah it is yes that's no there's no way ailable I mean if you can't you can't I don't want to impose on anybody you know it's what can we do the seventh or is that that's too too soon okay okay okay we can have a meeting to address anything else C when the results is what three minutes yeah doesn't matter me yeah like I said I don't want to impose on you guys whatever whatever works you have other items we could do it on the 18th I suppose you we you have to have a second meeting then only only conflict I would see I believe the 13th is the library board meeting that would be the only conflict I see within that week it' have to be the 18th like I say otherwise if you know it's only my what third and fourth meeting I'm missing 21 years on the 18th I'd be going to yeah now why don't why don't we just leave it we can do the seventh but that wouldn't work for canvasing right right you have to have I mean either way I'm fine with them I the only like like I said the only thing I see within that range is the 13th is the library board I like we want to overlap on that could we do the seventh for the regular for the meeting then the 14th yeah the canvas that's fine me yep or not yep okay work for everybody else like I said I don't want to impose but if we can make it work make it yeah it's fine with me can we go do we can we go six instead of sure then I can then I can fit two Mees in one shot time management she said yeah well thank you appreciate that everyone so I move we add a November 7th meeting 6m motion by Council Mada second my Council just to amend it for the record then we would keep the 14th for canvasing only just so it's on the record I guess correct okay any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries that concludes the let's see what do we got here I guess there's a J in the back okay consider approval to schedule a public hearing for November 14th 2024 at 7 p.m or shortly thereafter to consider assessment of delinquent accounts so would you move that to the 7th or leave that on the 14th could do it the we could do it November 11th can you do it on a holiday is that is that all right to do that Veterans Day um I'm sorry I meant 117 the 7 okay yeah okay we just okay so we're doing it at 600 PM though correct correct okay yeah I think talking with staff maybe three accounts between water and sewer tall weeds and grass but this an annual thing that we got to do that's pretty good compared to 18 years ago whatever whatever was or 14 years ago monthly and shut offs that was pretty wild there for a while and often times when it comes up that it's going to be going to assessment they end up and get it done right right okay so this would be to move it to the seventh not the 14th correct y Council kada second my councilman Wen any further discussion all those in favor I I I opposed motion carries that concludes the planned agenda on to other business department reports Mr dornfeld thank you mayor and members of the council last week Public Works um cut down six rather large ash trees at trena Memorial field and poured 13 yards of concrete behind the grand stand we got the stumps all ground down everything's back to restored it turned out awesome it really did turn out good um we started hydr flushing today and trying desperately as we can to keep up with the flowing water with the leaves so we're kind of sweeping and flushing at the same time um biosolids is scheduled for next Wednesday um when we so next week um we will be renting the part of the bio sols we always get Al bu's air compressor for our digestor to stir up everything on the bottom of the digestor floor we're going to utilize that to blow out parks and irrigation at the same time um just some dog park Fen has repaired we got a leaking curb stop in town we're going to fix on Thursday um um and then we we utilized bkj Landscaping they dug up a a fire hydrant directly across from our shop that we were able to fix for 300 and something dollars so that was that was um pretty good uh we had a public works meeting last Tuesday um yeah other than that it's fall it's kind of the busy time of year everything is kind of set for us right now get it done and what was the issue with that hydrant I saw you so um um it's just those hot soils again and for whatever reason this one picked the bolts like it didn't pick any of the other metal to I I just was curious I remember that there was a truck that hit that just a couple of years ago yeah there's been probably okay two for sure I okay well I just I just didn't know if that would be something that you know if it was as a result of the damage if we know it could have gone after the insurance on that no it was literally you could take the B and just bend them right in half so it didn't leak when it was closed but as soon as you get water in there those flanges want to separate some Flex when all the when all the subdivisions started we we change those bolts to the bolts because the same thing yeah all stainless steel is what we use now right right so it's uh really incredible when you dig something up and you look it you know it's not that old and for how much corrosion that soil okay sir thank you for all your work appreciate it shab um so our Trail project on Ash Street Northeast and 8th Avenue Southwest is complete with Paving it turned out great um couple uh concrete ped ramps installed as well the contractor has backfilled and top soiled the areas adjacent to the trail and they will be dormant seating um this week or next week now that the temperatures have dropped and so we will monitor that next year to make sure the grass um is established before we make final payment which would be next year but all in all it turned out to be a good project and uh contractor was very efficient in their uh work methods and then the other update I have is on the booster station uh rehab um we're working with the contractor they had some delays on um ordering the electrical control panel um and they had looked at other uh vendors and today um they let me know they can get a panel sooner than later so we are hoping they will start at the end of October and be complete at the end of December as per our contract um and we will be working with them on um minimizing the downtime um for the booster St as well so that it can keep operating um as long as it can during the rehab thank you thank you for all your work Mr Rex uh well I guess in addition to the items that we went over tonight the city treasurer and myself met with um our auditor to kind of you know go over the 24 audit um process and know we can do differently in five um Cory and I toured the Clover Leaf development in chasa with a local developer and and the city um to get some ideas on mixed housing or life cycle housing um was a project that was done 20 years ago and actually looks looks pretty nice um so I guess whever that goes I'm not sure get the developer but but just saying there's a chance right uh see uh we also met with Builders lock group they own the Bixby property on uh their timeline for development and uh what we're Desiring and then also um to see what we can do about fixing that drainage issue in in that area uh showed the old PD twice uh last week um meeting with vendors on here over the next couple weeks Furniture vendors for the city hall project uh we' got a fireboard meeting next Tuesday uh to go over the contracts and um purchase of a a pump truck and then just uh assisting staff as necessary thank you thank you for all your work Mr Mr Corey uh Mr Mayor and council members uh want to report in that uh last week uh Evelyn Devon and I had election judges for the city of Lonsdale conducted the uh general election healthc Care Facility voting at the villages we had a pretty nice turnout uh council member F uh we did miss you um they do it without you good we we did have to do it without U without the council member this time um we have things uh wrapping up the schedule for the general election for the election judges and then on Thursday morning at the Eda been working with Holly from Westra marketing to present the November and December city of lawdale marketing calendars thank you you're busy man thank you sir um Library had their grand reopening that was great great turnout um kids love the kids area they love that kids area in the new library so they did a great job uh kudos to margarit and the staff on all of that um liquor store will be conducting interviews for the open positions later this week thank you sir thank you for all your work councilman kadada planning zoning at a SE a special meeting September 30th uh the AES was on their site plan and fencing ordinance and we have another Planning and Zoning meeting and a Parks meeting coming up this 21st next Monday thank you sir that you do for me thank you for your work councilman council person F the Eda will be meeting on Thursday so we'll have an update at the next meeting okay thank you councilman plava only thing on Eda uh you know they talk uh Cory covered the uh the Westra marketing I mean our Facebook page is live right now so uh not a ton of information on there but lale has Londale has social media oh my gosh now it'll just be the facts right no room just facts this is this is all facts so they will be providing the information and there there's a schedule for posts and whatnot it's not just reactive it's it's it's s very uh planned out right okay thank you for all your work um I don't have too much other that I I do want to talk a little bit there's article in the paper obviously about some of the accomplishments that um that we've done over the last 21 years um I'm actually going to write more of a thank you column when I get time but um I I think the biggest thing um it's it's the teamwork that we've all accomplished over the years I mean if you look back since 2004 to where we are today I think the people that have moved here would have no concept of what uh what the times were um back then you know obviously um Joel and Jason and and some of you guys uh have been here forever they have done a really good job um I I think some of the names that you know we could I mean we could write a book on on all the all the very good things that have done in this town but U you know Ben Baker for example was here a long time did a great job Joyce kazic um did a great job uh prior to prior to Tammy um there's just been so many great employees in our community and and those that have lived here a long time I sure can uh can comprehend uh of what's transcended over the years um one thing I I do feel it's important to thank the entire city council I mean it's been really a team effort I don't know if the article really reflected that truly but um you know all the way back to you know Dave dos and Evelyn duban and and um uh you know Fritz and uh to the current Council we have I mean you guys are really you're you're all in and I want to give a special thanks to Kevin kadada I mean he's been the deputy mayor for 21 years um he's chairman of the planning zoning chairman of the parks um his has went Way Beyond what uh is expected of a of a city council member so I just want to thank you for for all your work you've uh really really done an awesome job and I think most importantly what what people um probably forget is the cards that were dealt to us I mean the city from Financial aspect has always been in terrific terrific shape we've always can you know had good reserves and this goes all the way back to Fritz Turk and and Bob Novak and and Alber cutter and Jim ver the mirrors before me and and um so I I guess you could almost say we had a little bit of a head start just because we've uh um had had you know money to work with over the years and um you know they they're uh you know they were conservative and and kept taxes in line and and uh you know we had uh some issues to to kind of finesse when we first got elected but um um you know I don't know if people really you know respect or comprehend the history of this community and a lot of communities and it takes a lot of good people to uh to commit time and effort and and uh it uh it it's more than just uh you know coming to a council meeting and saying what you think you know so I just you know I'm I'm really proud to be the mayor I still love being the mayor and I just want to want to thank all of you and again special thanks to Kevin for for all your work thank you that's all I have for tonight move to a journ motion by councilman palava second second my council person fer any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries this meeting is adjourned