##VIDEO ID:fTzVcrlimbE## we'll get you the second period thank [Laughter] you is it like could P the last two minutes anyway well they got Stu doing that we're gon to have a heart attack at our house it won't be me that was pretty good I like fought all the way back and then it's like why can't you just drive down the field like that in the second and third quarter yeah good Lord what did he say 70% of the games are the last quarter or the last last the Vikings seem to first drive we Unstoppable and then we forget till the end till the end till the end ready all right here we go call to order the city council meeting for Monday December 23rd 2024 everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay roll call Brian rers here Kevin kadada here Tim rud here C here and Scott pal here okay tonight's agenda goes through 10 C is there any additions deletions or corrections to the agenda move to approve the agenda present my councilman palava second by councilman kadada any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries approval of minutes consider approval of the minutes from the December 12 2024 regular meeting in additions deletions or corrections to the minutes make a motion to approve the minutes motion my Council Mada second my Council personi any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries no public hearings on to presentation of citizens petitions and comments comments limited to two minutes so if you're not on the agenda now your opportunity to speak okay three items on the consent agenda the monthly and additional bills the treasury report and the board and commission minutes would anybody like any of those items pulled for discussion move to approve the consent agenda motion my councilman palava second second my council person f any further discussion all those in favor I opposed carries there is no old business on to new business consider approval to make a conditional job offered to Brian musell as Public Works employee at grade grade 8 step 3 2674 an hour Mr all right thank you mayor and members of the council uh with the retirement of Charlie Peters in November uh staff received approval to advertise the open position uh it was advertised on the league of Minnesota cities and the city's website as well as social media Outlets uh we received a total of nine applications uh the HR committee and the Public Works director conducted interviews uh for the applicants on December 11th uh based off of um musil's experience and Equipment operation and maintenance um willingness to learn dependability and interview the HR committee and Public Works director are recommending a conditional job offer made to uh Brian muel um pending Council approval and the conditional job offer uh and satisfactory passing to the background check we're anticipating the start date as early as June 6th um if not the the following week June or June July or or January any other [Laughter] JS uh the fiscal impact this is a budgeted position in in 25 um based off of the way that this position is budgeted you're at 25% Park Streets Water and Sewer Alternatives would be to not make the conditional job offer make it to another applicant um read vertise the position or not to fild a position and then um included with the council's packet is the um applicants application material uh uh interviewed well and I think we got a good candidate so I'll make a motion for conditional job offer motion mman Pala second thank my councilman normer any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries consider approval to issue a cig cigarette license to Casey's General Store number 2398 Lonzo food and fuel Marketplace Inc and MC Tunes Fine Foods for 2020 Mr eron all right thank you mayor members of the council in addition to the the three that were just listed um I did follow up on Friday with Dollar General and they did um get their application to me today that was um provided on on the table uh in November staff sent ct102 forms which is license license application to sell retail sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products to um Dollar General Casey's macun and lale food and fuel Marketplace um since writing of this memo all have um submitted their applications um I guess as far as one of the uh applicants lawdale food and fuel Marketplace um we did receive information from or a notification from the Department of Revenue that um that they did have some properties seized as Contraband um I followed up with them they got a hold of me today and said that um the property was seized without any appeal or anything um so that's the extent of of what they do um and this is just kind of an excerpt from excerpt from the letter that I received um with the exception of that um staff's not aware of any other um violations of State Statute or or city code um fiscal impact of the city is is minimal cigarette license annually has a $100 fee with it um Alternatives um for Casey's and munes and Dollar General would be none they meet the the requirements and I'm not aware of any reason to deny their application and if if so chosen I suppose the council could motion to deny the um license submitted by lawdale food and fuel Marketplace um I did meet with a representative uh for them last was on Monday or Friday and um they they paid the fee submitted the application and uh we went over the the letter that um they would have received back in August when when this inspection and seizure was done so I think we're on the same page of uh just follow the rules so unless there's any questions staff would recommend approval of the four requested cigarette licenses for 25 at lonvale food and F I mean that's been through Court that's been through all everything so yeah and speaking with the Department of Revenue today um they were uh they have to provide a time where they can appeal it or contest it and get back the or prove that they um had invoices from I don't know sanctioned uh entity that they purchased them from um they did not do anything so they they forfeited the the contract band and that's the extent of uh I don't the punishment or outcome from the state so if they get one of like another violation like that mid year and a month I mean can their license just be pulled at that point it could yes is that something that's done by the city or is that uh it would be done by the correct by the city because we're the ones that actually issue the right the cigarette license but we we would be notified that there would be a violation so we could act correct okay I definitely think if there's going to be another incident down there you know that would definitely need to be pulled at that time I'll make a motion to approve the applicants for the tobacco licensees I'll second that MO councilman pava second by councilman kada any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries presentation of plaques to the mayor and council members Kevin kadada and Cindy Mr Eric all right uh thank you mayor members of the council uh well the terms will be coming to an end here for mayor Roode who was um took office in ' 04 council member Kevin kadad who also um was elected and um took the seat of Council in 04 and um Cindy fear was elected in ' 07 and was sworn in in January of '08 um terms will be ending January 6th um the list is long um of accomplishments that that have been completed over the that that 10e um just went back to um 2004 um when mayor Ruden council member kadada um took office um facing uh seven lawsuits um some of the things that were implemented were're meeting with the mayor a rotating council member mayor Mondays um and out of all out of all the accomplishments um what what really stands out to me is is the commitment to the city um time away from family and the um the number of meetings that that you guys missed I can probably uh count on one hand um how many meetings the three you have missed over that that term uh some of the things that um facility wise um City Hall parking lot um live streaming we got audio here um did have a remodel from the large conference room to uh two offices when we were looking at bringing stuff in house um here recently updating the website U Mass notification uh and then the purchase of the lonvale clinic for the future um City Hall um back then there wasn't The Villages of lawdale there wasn't a lawdale public library um that came about with connections from uh mayor Roode and then um former council member Fritz duban at the time with uh Pat Vincent the CEO and um getting the property owner a developer the um anticipated manager of the facility um obviously the city on board to make that project happen uh Railway liquor um now rail 19 that was city-owned I believe that was constructed in 85 I think right around there um we sold it to Terry and Mary L Bast year in in 07 um we funded the construction of the current lawdale liquor uh off sale establishment uh 7500 Square ft and that was a bigst of Fred brelan from Fred's IGA um locating to to the city um and know when I started here and at the time that that we were um meeting with Freds um that back pad was level but that South pad closer to Highway 19 was being surcharged because of the soils um so that's come a long way even from from from then now with the um the liquor store snap Subway uh the bank the the car wash that that went online here a few months ago uh the liquor stores donated or contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to projects um since it's been established and the water tower Public Safety Equipment Park improvements um when the clinic was purchased there was a transfer of funds from from from the liquor fund uh Community days and then many other nonprofit organizations that they've helped throughout the years uh the fire department um back when at least I attended my first fireboard meeting um there was a Reliance substantially on gambling and we worked with the townships to say hey this this shouldn't be used for operating this should be used for Stuff above and beyond what the budget can't sustain or help offset so um at that time we worked with the the townships to increase everyone's contribution uh based off of the capital Improvement plan that that we created for for the uh the fire department uh and then here most recently uh updating the the agreements and changing the formula for um for Budget year 2026 uh some of the uh equipment that's been updated um the scbas the air compressor turnout gear hose um trucks we've replaced pump trucks tanks tank trucks um purchased a ladder truck uh the rescue squad uh here recently increased the roster from 27 to 30 and then just some improvements that are are just made at at the staff level and budgeted we had some heat and pressure washer um painted the exterior of the building um and then as I said with City Hall parking lot and just then general maintenance uh as far as staff um hired quality and dedicated staff um hired everyone at City Hall um that works there everyone in public works uh except for the liquor manager Lynette Mo everyone at at the liquor store um and then with the exception of Officer Franklin everyone at at the PD and then all firefighters um that have joined the the the team since 2021 I'm sorry to be 2001 um for the water department um funded the um construction of the the the water treatment plant um that was kind of a a requirement of the state or we would have had to blend our wells um due to contaminants that we currently remove from there construction of two new wells for that are connected to the the water treatment plant currently um underway or in progress is the rehab of the booster station at the JC Park which provides water pressure to the um Northwest of Northwest side of town uh just you know Street reconstruction projects water main Services fire hydrants uh painted the water tower several interior cleanings uh as far as the sewer the sewer fund or Sewer Department um finished up completion of the wastewater treatment plant in ' 04 and the um New Mech lawsuit one of the the seven that the city was was facing um prior to the mechanical plant that we have it was a pond system and we had to let that property sit for a year and once that was done then um the Eda and Council um planted that property up there and extended Industrial Park Drive out and utilities and then that was what allowed um rnl Woodcraft at the time now Minnesota mware conf fixure shirs pizza The Vape place um Minnesota milare work um expansion building now um Mini Storage Midwest cryogenics us office furniture at at one time um taking the recommendation of Staff we removed a lift station basically on the south side of Highway 19 at at 8th Avenue and ran gravity to our main lift station and then just like the water fund just any sewer improvements that you know crack wise sags in the pipe um that needed to be replaced at at that time um you know people don't see that stuff on a day-to-day basis um but you know we had Advisory Board interviews today and just hearing the the the wonderful comments that that were said about our our Park system um I guess when I started here at the end of 04 there was two parks JC and Singing Hills I know the tennis court was there and that was a park maybe PRI to the JC Park y um but the welcome signs um they they turned out great baser Park um up on 10th Avenue Northeast reac Nature Preserve which has the archery range the fishing pier our compost site Cina Park also known as a zipline Park um playground equipment we just um Public Works um constructed a a disc golf course there this summer um the nature walking trails in that area area uh dog park that you know started with a donation um from L Laura doir um and um the the company that she worked for um providing a $5,000 donation for fencing um since then a water feature a pavilion uh shka Park um when I came here it was just hey we need fil bring it [Laughter] there um so that that area was built up um houses our state our skate park now uh there's a 300 foot ball field um playground equipment a beautiful Pavilion uh the trka trka park which would include the soccer fields um you know with the demand increasing on those they were housed at um the rayan park and it just got to be too much so then that spurred the impetus for a regulation soccer field and a bunch of uh I don't even know what they are you for you 12 Fields now uh the the ice rink the warming house The Pavilion um pickle ball in the ice rink uh at one time there was a our our tree farm was there um Irrigation in the the uh the soccer field uh one of the first projects that that we worked on when I got here was the elementary school new prr referendum and that failed and I think two weeks later it was TCU or Montgomery Lonsdale at the time um so we had to partner with developers to extend utilities um essentially over the course of a summer and we met their deadline um had to pull Water and Sewer about almost a mile so that may have been one of the most interesting meetings I was ever at talk about that at a different time but is quite accomplishment I don't know if you could do that today the cross and property owners and the slew and developers and yeah uh you know since then it started out as a K4 um I believe there's been three editions since then it's currently k6 um we partnered with them on Trails the nature area the observation deck um the with the Lions and the DNR and the school and staff for Arbor Day that was the the go-to place uh JC Park probably our flag ship Park um everyone's probably most familiar with that um but the ground equipment the the field maintenance that we've done over the years um the um the volunteer work that we got from uh people in the trades the JC's to uh con and staff to construct the warming house uh field lights um both those fields are are lit um new fencing scoreboard coming in in in 25 uh the Lions Park just east of here on Highway 19 um rebuilt The Pavilion uh a uh accessible sidewalk um our famous Christmas tree and star made the fox9 news story uh and then we removed the wellhouse that was that was there uh Veterans Memorial on on North Main uh the main street plaza and Fountain uh the memorial and the mayor sandbox um that was just a vacant lot and uh a residential property on the corner uh DRS field installed irrigation The Hardscape project that was done last last summer and finished here this fall fencing tree removal uh We've resurfaced the tennis courts uh rayan Park and that might have been one of the first Parks I think that that we we began with when um we started our construction of the park system uh playground ball field and at the time like I said previously soccer until um participation got so much that we had to to relocate it um maintenance at the 3r Landmark school and then um Trails throughout the city and approximately know 12 miles of paved gravel grass and sidewalks um which essentially link the the entire city um streets we've uh updated and added needed equipment uh trucks a jedar plow trucks mowers uh implementation of a capital Improvement plan uh if my count was right 10 Street utility reconstruction projects uh curb and gutter water M um sanitary storm sewer and then Street reconstruction and then um last year construction of the the storage building at at the public Workshop as far as the police department um increased the number of officers added admin staff uh increased coverage to 247 um new equipment squads um probably the most noticeable um here recently is the the new facility that that was constructed uh residential development uh in 2000 I think the population was less than 2000 so about 04 was about two 2,000 um currently we're plus or minus 5,000 uh between 2000 and 2010 we were the 11th fastest growing city in the state and um we added 10 new developments since then uh the business park um we've got um TMI scan air filter um dispatch Trucking dispatch dogs the garage condos Willow Creek Commons which would be kind of Highway 19 and 15th Avenue Dollar General um previously the clinic future city hall the car and Pet Wash uh the police facility and then uh a purchase agreement with with quick trip the Rolling Ridge Marketplace uh Fred's m canun like I said previously the liquor store Subway snap um First National Bank of Lee Center and wy's car wash uh the lale business park again um impetus with the wastewater treatment plant going from mechan or from pwn system excuse me to Mechanical rnl Woodcraft Minnesota mill work and fixture shks Pizza the um Blue Eagle Vape juice now Minnesota Mill Works um Lansdale Mini Storage Midwest cryogenics us office furniture um none of these were here when when you guys took office the original Industrial Park um infill Lots the Pet Stop bet Clinic um Cindy's building Al's Drift Shop mindak uh for a Time the Food Shelf was housed and that was where rnl Woodcraft uh formerly was uh and then some of the businesses on Main Street Highway 19 um longsdale Hardware um Russ and Deb bought it from uh Dean and Lori duban the dance studio something for all pet Perfect Grooming um karate um five-star embroidery now has three businesses in it American family uh first crack autog glass on on 19 uh Insurance scatter cat deli R Revival uh the feed mill had an expansion project uh something tasty bam Boutique Touch of Minnesota uh Ricky by Bailey um you know most of these businesses weren't here um some of them even a couple years ago uh grants we've received almost $3.7 million in Grants since then um two small cities development program grants uh grant for the business park linking the lawdale trail project uh we received a grant for from the DNR for the trka park warming house the vest Memorial the fishing pier um throughout the years's Rice County ship grants and then um the water department staff has been successful in getting grants um for improving water quality um removing believe it was wellhouse 2 at Lions Park to uh to make way for improvements there uh initiated the conversation with residents to create the lawdale Community Foundation uh which is separate from the city and um is operational and provides grants to u local nonprofit organizations uh prior to their current terms uh mayor Roode um served on the Planning Commission and city council um HR committee police and fire board um uh donations to the park system use of equipment by staff um the cleaner Park site and uh Trail grading trka Park grading Main Street Plaza land donation the fountain donation um didn't always come back full [Laughter] but came back at least came back uh Kevin kadada served on the parkboard the Planning Commission liquor committee uh facility task force uh facility project task force um you know donations to projects the welcome signs um the Vets Memorial equipment um concrete anything that augers um you the the concrete buggy for the um uh disc golf course here recently uh Cindy fur um prior to the council was on the Eda um served on the library board liquor committee Department liaison um donations to the library and Public Works uh if I missed something I apologize um there was a lot of things that happened since um since 2004 um and like I said it's gu been a lot for the community uh people may not recognize it today but your your impact will be felt for a long long time so thank you thank you couple couple things I I would would like to add to that which I thought were some of the some of the cool accomplishments and I don't if recall this kind of brought the community together but we had that fight with M out about the traffic light and Highway 19 in Main Street and there's actually a petition in I think Sandy SM us on they act had brought the community together M it was no no no and then all of a sudden you know you can pay for build it what what about the The Crossing by the liquor store for years menot said no and we we pushed and pushed and push and we got that Crossing you know and some of these accomplishments too um it had to do with the Partnerships with private and uh and public you know for example uh you touch on the utility going to the school there I mean they had the referendum pass and you your mile away you have no sewer in the water you have to cross all these properties with slew and and all those kind of things and and to to finle all those deals was pretty pretty impressive um you know the Lonzo Clinic you know that was a big accomplishment recruiting that because we had to go you know meet with the city and and with the hospital board and it took a lot of uh a lot of negotiating to to accomplish that um another thing you know I don't know if people appreciate that what that vets memorial has become um even before you came to town it used to be that old building the old hardore it was falling down we tore it down and and then uh even when we started that vets memorial process I remember as you know there's a lot of naysayers you know even even Legion was a little reluctant at the time and it just turned out to be just terrific just to bring the bring the whole Community together and uh there's so much of a list of accomplishments and I I think U you know as you talked with some of your interviews with advisor Bo I mean people just love the parks in town and just just you know how how do you think got to be like that it took a vision it took a lot of deals and and I don't think people even to this day appreciate that the developers paid for a lot of the construction of it you know the lights of the JC Park and and all those kind of things were not born by the taxpayer I mean the maintenances of course but the construction was was built on donations and and other other uh people's dollars you know but I I think the the thing and I'm sure you guys probably agree with me I I think probably our biggest accomplishment was staff that we hired I mean Joel has been here since we started um Tammy of course has just done a terrific job Lynette while she worked for the city as a bartender we promoted her to the manager of course um Jason the police chief I mean youve just you know I remember the day we appointed you the chief I mean it just it's remarkable Ben Baker um you know dornfeld I mean you know how many years here and making you Public Works director has been just a great accomplishment for the City I mean so I think it's it's the staff and and I hope that the next Council appreciates that that you know you Jo the council to be the vision you're not here to dayto day you're not here to micromanage you know tell everybody what to do you're here just to lay out the vision of what you want your town to be you know and um with that I mean I think we're just truly blast and the council members over the years you know with Dave dos and and bla and Evelyn and Fred and Jord lden you know the one thing everybody really cared about the city still does today I mean I can I I mean I still love being the mayor I'm sure you guys at the council too I just it's been been so awesome and um you know and it's time for change I'm sure you people think we we've been in here long enough for time for new blood which is which is fine you know probably all think of that you know but but if you look back at at the accomplishments of this city I mean it's too bad we didn't have a before and after videos I on paper just doesn't do it justice it just and just you know reac the nature preserve the pond the fishing and all that kind of stuff just been been remarkable but like I said we couldn't have done it without the teamwork without the staff without all just been terrific so really says thank you to the staff and the residents for giving us the opportunity to to be on the state Council it's really good all right time for the hardware now is it like a gold Rox yeah Rolex 20 years it should be a Rolex right the golden parachute or what yeah yeah got a couple nice stand up together hold them one last for people dark they'll just take Stacy or yeah it's these were only s b we couldn't get everything on there but nice very nice yes cool you want to do it together sure sure it is a team effort very nice thank you sir just one together then we'll doid like Jo you want to get in no no one individual yes [Laughter] canva is our friend now it looks even better with Scott all right now we're going to take the picture one two have a photo bomb get out the way too [Laughter] much just don't have thank you thank you all right well thank you Joel for putting this presentation together really good job you're welcome you deserve it yeah thank you all right well that concludes the planned agenda anything else from staff and don't don't burst the mood here Joel then nothing um I guess we could we could add to the list of your guys' accomplishments all night long one thing I would like to add to it um that I was a part part of as far as important things for the city Kevin you're a big part Tim you're a huge part of the lale Youth Baseball Association just just bringing that all together it's a very big part of our city and it still is today so I think that's that's amazing um as far as Public Works goes U we've helped the library fix some lights and some ballasts and some furnace filters uh liquor store we've been reusing some of the sinks and cabinets that we took out of there put some in the liquor store um today I received a very nice thank you card from the TCU Hockey Association where all the kids signed it I'm Thanking us for having such awesome ice this year so that meant a lot to the guys uh we've got some water treatment plant maintenance and then obviously the snow plow operations and then just once again congratulations and thank you guys for everything you've done for our city thank you Joe you know it's kind of cool you touched on that baseball thing when I coached and Joe was on and we went to the the state tournament that year and and I think uh what did I figure out of the 16 guys I think more than half live in londsdale even now I mean Joel or you know but like um who Eric flei and Joel flei and Danny and Jesse and Mike Mike jerck yeah yeah yeah that was really or Tony jerck I mean yeah that was a lot of fun I still I think I texted you a picture there a while ago but really cool and uh yeah it seemed like the first time the guys we played Rosemont I think when we clinch or qualify they thought we were some Hillbillies or whatever and uh yeah it was pretty cool to beat him though right play division yeah good job thanks for the memory on that so thank you anything else yeah on the engineering side of things the 2025 millon overlay project will be bidding with bids opening on January 21st um and then we will provide results for consideration at the January 30th meeting um additionally just want to thank uh the council members for uh their commitment to Lonsdale in the improving this uh community's infrastructure and you know WSB has been a part of um all that and we're very grateful for that so thank you for your service thank you thank you sir Mr Ericson U just want to say thank you guys again and what I learned from you is invaluable I just I just do want to add and I don't think Joel gets enough recognition or credit for that but of that $3.6 million grants um I think you probably got the vast majority of them especially with the business part for like 1 whatever5 million basically got by yourself I you and Ben Baker of course I want to thank you for all your work thank you good job Mr Corey uh thank you Mr uh mayor council members I like everybody else tonight some major kudos to you guys and for your commitment and time time and dedication uh to this great city um all of you guys have been wonderful to work with topnotch professional so thank you thank you you thank you thank you thank you thanks thanks you're doing a good job here sir thank you for all your work wor uh just adding on thank you guys I know it's been a short time but I've had a real pleasure working with all three of you so um yeah you're you're going to be missed um don't be strangers I think I added out at the Eda to uh some of the departing members don't be strangers so appreciate it um beyond that Library board met uh this week uh um great turnout for story time over 23 people a couple weeks ago they they're determining their cap now based on attendance so that's good um may have noticed on Facebook uh the library is now checking out board games so there's Buzz around town I've heard people talking about that so that's exciting and the library will be hosting board game nights um specifically trying to get the the adult demographic in for those board game nights the first one will be on January 28th nice nice good good program thank you for all your work sir thank you councilman kadada parks and planning and zoning met last Monday uh Parks we went over the chapter 7 comp plan um we updated and kind of recapped we've been up to the last 10 to 15 years um there was a lot of lot of things that we went through that we were able to cross off the you on the comp plan that just like we went through tonight it's it's amazing when you look back to 2010 even you know the big difference in 10 15 years um so that that was U basically all the parks um planning zoning we discussed parking pads and off-road parking um we scheduled a public hearing for later in January um just a couple things to piggyback on the thank yous um thank you to public works for for the mainly the parks um I know we've uh as a park board have thrown some curve balls to you guys um you might have thought we were crazy when we we knew you guys could do it you did it you come to the projects and you never really backed out you just said all right let's figure out how to get it done appreciate that um our Park system would not look the same unless you guys step up like you did so thank you espe whole C with the skate park yes they just quite a yep that skate park what are we into that I mean 50 Grand I mean that doesn't happen cost 250 right right right so thank you for that Joel um thank you for everything you've been uh a great help with with everything we got questions we bounce them off you you don't know the question you find out it's been great I appreciate it and thank you Cory it's been a short time and I thank you for everything that you've helped us through and thank all of us up here thank you guys thank council person car well the Eda met last week on the 19th um we had an update on our small cities development Grant we've got a couple more persons who applied and we'll be promoting that again in the spring um we do have more openings or availability for it so if if there's a project that people need in their homes you know um contact City Hall so you can get the information that you need and um also then our social media marketing with westre has been going well so we're real pleased with that and thank you to all the staff we couldn't do as good a job if we didn't have you guys so and I reiterate all the others excellent staff it's been an honor to serve thank you thank you well uh as the Eda was covered I guess I just speaking on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce I want to say thank you to uh your support uh we've kind of you know while we're two different entities I think we worked very well together in uh growth for the community as a whole um I've learned a lot from you guys over the the 15 years now for me um and I'm honestly I'm honored that to have been part of your team so I will continue to move forward working off of uh continuing with your vision because I think we were're uh we're very consistent in in uh uh very like-minded in a lot of these things so want to continue that thank you know thank you thank you you know that the town still has a lot of potential I mean I mean if you look at our infrastructure you know we got SE water to basically the perimeter of the entire town the even the business park has got potential to grow from where it's at um I I I think I I did talk to another uh company that owns a factory and they have some interest in in lawel too so I I think it's just a matter of time before that um last lot get solder again I did actually talked to Marco a little bit too uh this last week and and uh you know the amount of the loan I think was a little overwhelming I said uh you know maybe you want to look at lease in the building you know and maybe come back and you know the deal's still there if you ever have interest and I'm sure the new city council will will uh will listen to to what you have to say but U there there like I said there's so much potential here it's it's unbelievable we can be anything we want to be here um couple more thank you I you know I didn't want toit shanon I thought she's done a terrific job as a chamber probably the best chamber director around yes um especially some of those uh things through Co there she had a lot of the business Assistance programs a lot of mailers all all those kind of things and and um I do want to give it a big shout out to Ginger I'll be on there Monday on the radio show but he's been a big support of lonzel is was good enough to put to put me or put us on the radio once a month over over the last many years so that um that uh I'll give him a big shout out to on Monday and then uh I do want to give Kevin a big thank you for all your work I mean you've been the deputy mayor for 21 years or whatever it is and and uh you've just done a great job um you know I I I don't know if if you know I kind of get a little more of the you know out there the recognition whatever but you've done a really good job a deputy mayor the planning zoning chair the the parkw chair you involved in everything and uh just want to appreciate or want you to uh understand that we appreciate your donations your time your effort and all those kind kind of efforts you you've done for the city really done a really good job thank you so with that unless anybody else has anything else other than a Merry Christmas and uh you know I might uh I might be able to buy uh beverages tonight if anybody wants I don't know if I can say that the council meee but I just said but anyway Merry Christmas Merry Christmas move we adjourn watch my councilman kada second second council person here any further discussion all those in favor I motion carries this meeting is adur just one though one at a time