##VIDEO ID:hzkPLS5bX_0## all have your christm tree up yet okay ready I'll call T of the city council meeting for Monday November 25th 2024 everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God okay roll call Brian wersan here Kevin kadada is absent Tim Roode here Cindy F here and Scott palava okay tonight's agenda goes through 10K is there additions deletions or corrections to the agenda move to approve the agenda is presented motion my councilman palava second second my Council any further discussion all those in favor I oppos motion carries approval of minutes consider approval of the minutes from the November 7th 2024 special meeting and the November 14th 2024 regular meeting in additions deletions and corrections to the minutes move to approve the minutes as presented motion by council person feor second my councilman pava any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries no public hearings on to presentation of citizens petitions and comments comments limited than two minutes so if you're not on the agenda know your opportunity to speak okay on to the consent agenda there's four items the monthly and additional bills the treasures report Board of commission minutes consider approval of LG 240b application to conduct excluded bingo submitted by the Lions International Lonzo Club to conduct four bingo events in 2025 would anybody like any of those items pulled for discussion move to approve the consent agenda motion my council person F second second by councilman pava any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries there is no old business on to new business presentation of it a West Central Sanitation Good Neighbor recycling program check to the lale Friends of the library for recycling James H welcome sir welcome and our library director Margret Moran welcome Marie your check here for thank you very much we will use it for our summer reading program we give free books to every kid who signs up so this is very helpful appreciate it thank you for being a good part of our community we we enjoy it yeah great great job thank you very much again the amount was $495 15 for recycling 33.01042 uh friends of the library uh they recycled 30 a little over 33 uh uh 33 tons of cardboard and paper as you see James as you see James H was just here uh presenting the check um and the check was in the amount of $495 15 uh the lawn sale area food shelf or current or the current good neighbors uh team and since the West uh Central Sanitation took over in the second quarter 2020 a total of 6312 tons of material have been recycled resulting in 9,472 being no donated to local nonprofits here in town nice I'm glad I asked well you're right on the ball good job thank you thanks again for very very good program for our community discuss the city's classification and compensation study um I'm we do not have a person or we do all right correct yep um so I got a um a call from uh Tessa Melvin she is uh the consultant with David donon and Associates who is um doing our classification study and um she was unable to to attend tonight but I wanted to keep this rolling so um I will um give her a call here real quick I'll throw my cell phone up on the desk and uh you guys can I we'll still have the presentation and then she'll go through it and then we can answer or she she'll be able to answer any any questions that that you guys have hey Tessa this is jool to City of lawdale how are you good how are you good thanks um I'm just gonna get you on speaker phone and uh we'll go from here can you hear me yes I can can you hear me yeah so I got you at the table um with the council and the presentation I can slide it over and we'll get rolling okay perfect sorry again that I'm okay that's okay tonight I am going to just talk about the classification and compensation study um the second slide um is the agenda and I'm just gonna kind of go through a little bit about who we are DDA um discuss the project goope um present kind of your current process next steps and then answer questions so you have questions along the way just ask them um I just kind of want to lay out the process and then talk about specifically like some decision points on the third slide um just a little background about David drown Associates we've been around for 20 years David was a civil engineer by trade and then doing tip districting and um sella bonds and about seven years ago we included Human Resources our clients came to us and said we need help um started with executive Recruitment and orc studies and kind of expanded to Staffing studies class in comp and um recruitment on the fourth side you'll just see a little bit of background I lead the classic comp area I have 15 years of City and County government experience since I was a former administrator in Maple plane assistant 2 in shw and I also work at Dakota County on the fifth slide is kind of the why do you do this study so sometimes it's because there are gradual changes in duties perform meaning some jobs kind of morph into different things organizational relationships and responsibilities change but right now a big part of what is foring organizations to do this is really to address Recruitment and Retention problems with the labor shortage increase of wages and then the last piece is statutory compliance every three years city has to do a pay Equity report and that report basically says here are the positions we have here's how many male and female positions and here's how we pay those any questions so far no no okay perfect okay I just classication and compensation so classification when I talk about that that is the classification of the job so pay Equity requires points and really only looks at the internal Equity of jobs so only what the city your Compensation Plan is then buil off of where do you want to be to the market um your job description and then policies and procedures of how you want to pay so that is all determined by the council kind of where do I want to be to the market how do I want to pay who's our Benchmark those are kind of the council decisions the classification of jobs is really the pay Equity every city has to do and if you fail to do it you could lose local government Aid so for this project we we priced out different services do a full class and compensation study so we go from the beginning to the end of the study including re reviewing the job descriptions writing them evaluating them to get um pay Equity points looking at the market amending your pay grid establishing compensation system implementation and cost of that so on the eth slide you'll see project scope we started out with employee kickoff meeting where we talked about the position question so all employees will get their current jobs and this position analysis question which helps me understand their job inale and when I look at the market what is really to then we will rewrite the job and then employees will get it back with their supervisor for an appeal process the council will then approve the jobs in any appeals we'll finish the market analysis classify them for pay equity and go a second appeal process to say based on the job description and internal Equity did we miss anything it can't just want more money and has to be related to the job description and then finally we'll work with the council to decide cost implementation pay philosophy of where they want to be and the final report all right on the next slide you'll see current market kind of what's going on are we as like most are we you know what should we anticipate so there is definitely an increase in early retirements um increasing career changes so people just leaving the public sector um with that when there's an opening there is definitely we're seeing the impacts of the labor shortage less people are applying and of those less are even qualified um increase from work from home options have made it difficult to recruit for some entities and anything that either in training certification or education is even more hard to fill the entry level um I would say kind of pushed the positions in the public sector to be at that $20 an hour mark or more um and we' really focused on that kind of in 23 and 24 the last thing that we're seeing now is um legislation used to have that if the governor makes x amount no Public Service it Mak more had an exemption so very few cities did that so now you're definitely seeing both wages go up for City County administrators and Leadership position any questions so far no no and everyone still awake okay sorry I know it's a lot I just try to give you a background so you kind of understand I always say what we're trying to do is really make sure your jobs are classified correctly with pay Equity make sure that you're meeting flsa guidelines making sure that the council decides that payy so we can pay competitively looking at policies and procedures of compensation and making sure that we create a system that makes sense to administer and to keep I'm not doing a staffing study to tell you what you need need or restructuring the city it's not designed to cut cost or eliminate position or reasons for increased pay it's really just for us to make sure job descriptions are up to date so supervisors can evaluate them um performance expectations are set also to help with Recruitment and Retention and then just kind of looking at your wage GD and help with future budgeting on the next slide you'll see kind of and I always say these are where the council makes those decisions something to think about is we start with the project orientation just collecting budgets and stuff like that um where we'll talk a little bit tonight is discussing the compensation philosophy or pay philosophy kind of where do you want to be to the market um generally you know Market average means you're right in the middle of your benchmark textbook would say if you'rein of that you're good I would say with the labor market the way it is enti trying to% above Market slightly above where they are but just to kind of be more competive definitely not at the top some organizations rank it so out of 10 benchmarks we want to be the fifth or we want to be the fourth um and we can do that looking at communication strategies Jo and I have kind of talked about we were there for an employee meeting maybe having a working committee that can help um communicate something um the organizations I'll talk about benchmarks in a little bit and you will approve those benchmarks or add to it or delete um we did do a kickoff presentation for staff and then like I said I feel like our process is a little bit different than most because employees will literally see their current job a new job description and then they have two times to appeal so I really stress the transparency and the communication with employees and supervisors um then we'll complete that market analysis and kind of determine where are you today and where do you want to go and how fast you want to get there the final is those job classifications recalibrating your pay GD talking about costing and then deciding on implementation cost and when to implement so the next one is we spend a lot of time on these job descri I think it's important because it really does help with the pay Equity but more importantly it clear expectations um for the employee and for the supervisor so on the slide 13 is really the concern with benchmarks well this is kind of who do you think you look like and who you act like some cities act different during the day than they do at night because the people coming and going um entities that may surround you might bechar other indicators that make sense to identify your uniqueness might be tax capacity population revenu expenditures others when we do benmar we do it a little bit different we'll have Benchmark communities and then I have Spotlight communities those are cities or counties that are much larger um but they touch you or we can't really ignore them but instead of in the market like as an average we separate them out so we Spotlight them but we're not going to include them in the market average because they would do the number so much it helps identify really what their Trends are so I would give the example of C will use Rochester as a spotlight they're never going to be Rochester but at least it helps them understand where their entry level pay is manag and in so for the counil the ones that we prepared and we did talk with um the staff about the CI so the cities are B can El New Market L Heights Montgomery Northfield Pine islanda Anda and you can see here we use um the office of the state auditor information say it's probably about a year and a half old because once you report they go through it and then they kind of publish it so it'll list kind of the population General government as the employees they have in their government if they have police how many if they have streets how many the tax capacity property tax um and then we've identified a couple um faod Heights and Northfield to potentially be Spotlight this is really you all to should what does that we met they so I guess this is where the council has to decide you know what what communities are we satisfied with those is are there some or one missing not included or should we not include one of those and swap it out with another well I think you have to have some type of a South Metro City whether it's Shaka or Prior Lake or Lakeville I agree that's I mean that's really our competition I would say yeah I would I mean if we're talking I like the example of of Rochester you know you're never going to be Rochester but you're close enough where and and in my mind that just went right to Lakeville right you know I think Lakeville is probably one that I think I agree you know I mean Mota Heights I I could I could see replacing Mota Heights with a Lakeville or prior you know Prior Lake I wouldn't mind seeing a Prior Lake something like that in here Prior Lake Savage something like that because if you if you just go by the numbers you look at like lur to Lonsdale I mean we're we're very comparable for a lot of different things in there but we're two totally different markets you know because of uh you know we don't we don't have school you know we don't have this big school presence here but then we also are much closer to the metro area too so absolutely yeah our yeah I mean if they were closer to maybe Mano that might change it but not you know I mean I you know yeah the sewer I could see Canon Falls same situation you know they're not really the middle of nowhere yeah we're right on the edge because we have a population that commutes to the city right for work and you know I mean that's that's what we're looking at here um there's actually a number of residents that work for like pror lake or sh well and vice versa I think you know with especially with now AES coming into town we're going to see people commute into Lawnsdale they're not going to come from the sewer they're going to come from the South Metro is it would it be practical to include um the places like if we look at the last four or five six employees that left our employment where did they go to would it be would would that be a practical addition to to include those communities where they went if they're not already on this list yeah you could talk La attor People based on what they do all day long is that within the first people are going to first four years maybe because of money but after that it's maybe more on bigger things like lifestyle I want to be closer to someone I want to live somewhere money doesn't matter but you definitely could if you have mysh that's definitely can look at and I mean that that that's a great point for example our city planner was here a long time and he left just to be in his hometown it wasn't it wasn't money necessarily it was you know he didn't want to commute and he lives there like in Jaz so you're exactly right it's not it's not always money you know yeah but then we have the couple it would usually be money driven but you know people sometimes want to move away from the Metro they want to be closer to family orever and you're located know I I mean I would guess that the vast majority of our population probably works in the South Metro or in the Metro I would think yeah and that's changed and that's definitely changed since Co I mean I used to commute to St Paul so it's not unrealistic to to commute into the city but again you know that's that's changed with Co of course and I think the answer your question I think you know like ran said I think we should tar get Lake Fire Lake and you know maybe take out window Heights like you said sure and are you yeah Lakeville definitely would be a spotlight in my mind Prior Lake right Sav arear orot Savage I could see potentially being in the average you know because it's in that neighborhood it's an interesting growth story that I think you know could be similar to ours I mean yeah right L was probably the spotlight and fire Savage is The Benchmark yeah I would agree with that yeah I mean Savage just thinking of savage I I mean growing up in Burnsville Burnsville was the big city and Savage was the smaller one and just got to be a big city too you know I think we kind of have that similar situation with Northfield here right then people moved to Savage because they didn't want to live in Burnsville because taxes went up and all that stuff too so that became their regulation and that's kind of what we become as yep yeah so I think Savage I mean even though population is much greater than where I think we're going to be in the next 10 years necessarily but the potential is is this the similar situation with Burnsville Savage that Dynamic sure okay so I replacing height and in L Spotlight and then just addage en to thear right correct is that correct right did we want to Shaka or not well I if you got Play Savage it's probably okay that's probably good I guess I'm thinking of the last the last two police officers that left where they ended up you know doing look to that we you know we're Our concern is strong on the on all our employees but the police has been our Focus where are they going to you know and they're not changing they're not changing their profession they are staying in police work when there's there's not like a limit on the number of cities that we have yeah so I mean okay so you're going to get a better average if you have more true enough I think so I don't see a problem with having additional well you know but and I'm good with that but to her point though most of those officers that left were were within that shorttime window right they don't they'd only been here a short time and I me some offic went to fawell to race County for example City OFW D this actually I wouldn't be opposed to saying take the sewer out and replace that with Dundas dundis is is a unique one because it's really a suburb nor it kind of is like that they they don't have much of anything else you know they're kind of riding on the coils I mean you would like a sewer Canon fall something that's similar size different or Pine Island that that could probably I don't know think that does much I I don't I'm okay with leaving it yeah because I I don't I what I've read with dunda stuff there's just there's I don't think that there's enough Dynamic interest in I I think we we want to leave with sewer I think okay no right we I heard that well I mean you got PR l savage if you think those are close enough then then basically the southern pretty much yeah right are you okay with that yeah I think we'll be good likeit so we're adding Prayer Lake Savage leville for the spotlight okay perfect all right that will help I know we we use Lakeville a lot in our community development reports for yeah comparison so yeah Eda has been kind of focused on that South Metro so it makes sense okay that's good good to know um did thear because [Music] [Music] atast again this will not be your final report but I want to show you because sometimes say I don't know how bad we are depend I just wanted to are next philosoph how people you want to be to the market know internality looking ature at number com issues between direct kind of well I think you know we have a different philosophy but I think In fairness with we have a quite a change over with the new city council there'll be a new mayor and two new council members and they may have a different philosophy than we have Granton Brian will still be here of course and Scott but so I I think we should I don't think we should handcuff ourselves to prohibit their input I think we just we want to set the table for them and then uh when they're in office they can you know do their job or whatever lay out their Vision I guess is what I'm trying to say I I just think it in fairness to them I I don't want to commit to something and you know they have different theories different ideas and then they say well no we're kind of stuck here so I I I think it it's good to to set the table for them but I I think ultimately we should let them have uh as much UT like at least that's my because otherwise it it could just make a mess of everything right you know delay the process and right right if we carve it in stone right now right we just want to set the tape I'm like I say it's good that you gave us benchmarks and and some information to to work with but but um you know we're only whatever six week away from the new city council we might as well let them have their their say on things you know part of what you will coming up areic how do you look at the job so I would people when you look at a job description it's really as if you're hiring for tomorrow after everyone so needed for the Nots to thean for exle when I was a city administrat I had a that's not Reid for it I also in I was just gonna say Joel Joel can you do that JB [Laughter] wel I just like because I look atuc experience decisions thata on the organization accountability problem solving relationship uh we're losing you you got real quiet barely no no did your speaker turn maybe it went off a speaker phone speaker there we go back on speaker there we go okay okay I'm on thetion that ofci thaty continue kind of working with that actually to get some implementation numbers too so when we meet maybe then they have everything in front of them to make right scatter R you get certain comment if you like yeah I mean it makes sense I I I I agree that you know if we make the decision now they're like well we would have done it differently and then it's just could would have should have now we should let them yeah especially if that's the group that's charged with implementation of it right you know cuz then then it's it's right this is what we decided this is where it's going this is what we came up with rather than this is the well it's their fault sorry guys you know I mean it it it almost feels like kicking the can down the road by doing it now as opposed to waiting and we're only matter weeks anyway you push this out too long no I mean right now it's data collection yeah so we're it's not we're not wasting any time this no stuff is still going to we're going to know what the median is and you know we can make it actually probably a better informed decision seeing that data anyway okay sure I mean how far you're I was just going to say how far are you out from I mean you're probably what a month or two from having all the data and stuff or how fast is this oh no we actually I mean we had all the data for the communi that I listed yeah I mean you can certainly lay that out I I think ultimately the decisions will be you know it can be certainly the first regular meeting in January at the minimum the last meeting but I I think that's really when the ultimate decisions would be and other considerations I too many your w% think s we can come come final information right I I guess yeah my point I don't want you do too much work and then you would have to redo stuff I mean it's fine to to lay out the parameters I agree with that um but but but again I don't want to you know I certainly don't want to handcuff the new city council I w't let them I'd like to have them have the time to do their own due diligence and research and and those kind of things um like I you we certainly can can you know help them along and set the table here but really it's you know they're they're the new Council and it's their their vision and that's you know that's who people voted for and I think we should let them you know do their job and and make the decisions you know for the okay that's fine too I mean Joel and I we can kind of get everything else going with the job descriptions and and then it hard that's fine right I I I think that's a better play yes right okay I do have one question um do you guys have questions for me yeah I've got I've got one um on slide 21 y You've Got The Benchmark average is 8 to 10 years to get to maximum pay what is there a way to tell or estimate for our current situation what the average is to get to maximum pay our pay scale is 14 steps okay so is that one step is a year okay so about 14 years I mean I know you've adjusted the we can actually run a combo ratio that will say of service based on where they are and that's kind of a nice ratio to do to see when you the like you have does that help those people or does it kind of make a character that they can't catch so we can run a too Rao real ni a illustrate exactly where people are today and basically where they should be based on tenure and see if it correlate okay thank you yeah you're welcome any other questions I know this is a lot of information I would say it's great um that councils are committed to doing this um and I just want to make sure that I can be as helpful with the process so it doesn't seem as painful right I think you you've laid out a pretty good uh pretty good scenario already I mean I like the idea of the Cities you mentioned you know the spotlight The Benchmark and the other ones and and I think that's a good good foundation you know for for making a decision I I after hear after hearing the explanation everything I find it less daunting I was kind of thinking this was going to be a far more uh you know a much bigger Endeavor than was and I feel a lot better about it the visuals really help I mean showing that I lo I looked at it but I didn't have the narration to to match so it was it was just a lot of data there yeah it's not it's not what I expected and it's it's it's much easier to understand what we're talking about with this the the market analysis slide really helps okay anything else with anybody no I think that's okay very good explanation of it yeah perfect all right well thank you all for your time and I will and'll going ahead great thank you thank you so much have a good one thanks Tesla you too bye byee thanks sunglasses at home yeah okay did you have anything else to add on that item Joel uh no I just need to confirm with a couple employees if they want to be on the the working committee otherwise uh f it along okay awesome good good okay consider approval of resolution in 202 24-48 a resolution approving the city's draft Wellhead protection plan and authorizing it to be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Health Shani bison thank you Mr Mayor members of the council I'm going to give you a highlevel overview of this draft Wellhead protection plan part one because it is pretty technical it involved um a subc consultant doing the groundwater modeling which was a majority of the effort here to complete this plan so just some background back in 2020 the Minnesota Department of Health contacted the city to prepare a Wellhead protection plan there wasn't one that was prepared previously typically they're um good for every 10 years um and then there was a gap in time where they they hadn't um followed through with the city so then it in December of 2023 um staff met with the Department of Health after they contacted staff and went through the scope um to complete the wallhead protection plan along with the schedule and that schedule is in your packet it's pretty detailed in terms of the different steps for part one and two basically part one that the council authorized back in April um is to be completed by June of next year um and then part two would start after that to be completed at the end of 20 uh 26 so basically the goal of the plan is to um do an analysis of the city's Municipal Wells that um pump uh for public water supply to um look at that and to prevent any human cause contaminants from entering those public um Wells and that um involves you know just protecting your water supply from adverse health effects associated with groundwater contamination so um part one like I mentioned involved looking at your two Wells wall four and five uh adjacent to Trisa Park and looking at the geology of um the Bedrock those walls pump water out of um looking at the vol volume that is being pumped out and then putting that into this geological model to then um determine your well head protection area and that area um basically is around your well Wells or well field and it identifies How likely a contaminant would enter into the groundwater and impact those Wells so once that um area is kind of modeled then a dsma or a drinking water supply management area is identified and if you look on the last figure in your packet it's figure nine um the wallhead protection area is that uh red bubbled area basically surrounding WS four and five and then the the dsma is the boundary um that is set along roadways or section Corners to kind of just easier delineate um that protection area and then along with this um study uh the vulnerability is also looked at so that is what is the likelihood that a well um based on the geology and your pumping um is at risk for human cause contamination and so that looks at um chemistry data um geologic sensitivity so more of that technical piece of it it also um and so what was identified was um so the two Wells four and five are um generate um are pumped out the mount Simon sandstone aquafer and they are 874 and 856 ft deep so these are obviously very deep Wells um but the layers above that are um other almost permeable um layers like um clay and shell and So based on that if there's contaminants at the surface level they're not really get going to get down into your public um water supply while because they're stopping that water from basically going um down gradient so as a result of that um the vulnerability of your public um water supply Wells are as are as identified as being low vulnerability so some cities have moderate or high and so that means they're more at risk for contaminants entering the ground water so that's good for Lonsdale that you do have low vulnerability Wells and I think that was known previously but um this uh groundwater model just uh solidifies that with the data so um the other part of of the study had some recommendations and that just included um completing some more sampling for nitrogen compounds and Trum in WS 3 through 5 and then also sampling for chloride and bromide and it's my understanding that's an indicator of impacts with Road salts and then I will note that well well 3 wasn't included in this since that's a emergency supply wall for the city so it's not a public uh drinking water supply well so um with that that that's again a high level summary of part one um the next steps we would like Council if you have any questions feel free to ask the next step um would be to S finalize the plan and then submit it to the Department of Health they have already looked at the groundwater model and the data so they have um approved you know thus far preparing this plan and um and so the thought or according to the schedule the plan would be submitted um early next year and then they would take a few months to review it the Department of Health and then a public informational meeting would be held um in June or before that in 2025 to officially approve part one and then after that part two um there would be a scoping meeting and part two more has to do with the land use um so if um there's a development within that drinking water supply management area are there um certain um restrictions or requirements that would be needed um I don't think that would be the case since you have low vulnerability um areas in your dsma um but in some cities that I've worked with that have moderate or high thing um practices like limiting um storm water infiltration in those areas because you could get potential contaminants um into your water supply is an example or limiting certain uses like gas stations or fuel tanks but um we don't see that as an issue for londsdale but again that would be addressed with part two um and so again that's just a high level summary do you have any questions actually want take those I think I maybe we covered this before the casing on those on four and five they give us three dimensions I'm trying to remember why that was 30 by 24 by 18 how does that work uh as the well goes down the casing size changes okay okay at the surface it is the biggest okay with the potential of of housing be in the essentially the north area of where the from where the wells are is that does that play into anything or do we have to be cautious as far as what we put there um I I don't believe so um the study you know looks at the volume of water that's being pumped and then projects um I believe based on future development um you know what's required but I I'm not sure that you're and me pumping more water with development um so I don't see that that's a consideration okay thank you I think maybe to help you um clear that one up is on um it's page 30 it's kind of it shows Wells four and five with green blue and black lines 30 okay so that is the model of when our wells are on okay um the reason why it is less between the two is because they are in a sense stealing from each other okay if that's where you were headed with that I mean uh council member here I think your um water main system is set up for development so um I don't think development is a impact in terms of what the model has shown for volume pumped um related to the Wells and how they're functioning and the um risks of potential contamination okay think your question was more more on the location of it yes okay being that we're going to be just and it's just going to be side of soccer field basically right you know just past the the black Fringe area of on picture on number 30 the housing will be just you know to the north of that generally generally residential construction doesn't affect any of that cuz we're we're going down 6 to 8 ft we're not going down 800 right right all right I think it was a gas station or industrial or something hazardous materials that be different well and and when we run and Joe you probably could answer this like when we our Wastewater runoff um the way that runs it's not going to come anywhere near close to impacting the well because it whatever runoff path we create it's again we're not going down 800 feet with it no so that that's the the biggest thing here is the depth of our wells y that is what is creating the safety barrier I mean we have think six geological formations before we get down to our drinking water um in our conversations you know we we are essentially drinking I think dinosaur water was the that's how old the water is that we're drinking um our wastewaters outfall does I mean it's in the vicinity but it's it's going to flow more in a Southeastern Le manner right um but again you know that's compliance with our facility and um there's there's no impact um to add to that um so the Department of Health did send City letter in 2020 saying that we needed to update our Wellhead protection plan along with hundreds of other cities we got pushed to the bottom of the pile for the sense that our our vulnerability is so low and the Department of Health made that clear when we were doing this that nobody's in violation this wasn't anything that staff did to delay the process or anything it was all in the Department of Health we worked along with them to to come up with the new schedule and they've been absolutely fantastic to work with as far as getting everything done helping us out with the steps of what where to go and what to do so you've been working on this for a long time I remember this coming up last year yes I think it's I think the first meeting was like December of 23 yeah okay so we're looking for approval or denial the well protection plan looks like everybody's done their job and something we need to have so I'll make a motion to approve the resolution 202 2448 for the city's draft well heeld protection plan second motion by councilman palava second by council person fear any further discussion I just you know I know you guys like I said you've worked on this for a long time so you know I I trust our our staff on this one and I know you've been working on it hard long and for us to try and even think that we can poke holes in this at this point is is naive at best so good work Joe thank you all those in favor I I oppos motion carries consider approval of resolution 202 24- 49 a resolution accepting a donation from the American Legion Post 586 for the Lonzo Public Library Mr Ericson all right thank you mayor and members of the council uh with it was last week the the legion dropped off um two checks totaling $750 um in donations to the city to be used by the the Lonsdale Library uh State statue 465.16 need to uh accept the the donation by resolution one you're accepting the donation but then also uh agreeing to to dedicate the funds to the library which is what the donation was for uh the fiscal impact would be $750 in additional a revenue excuse me or equipment to the library fund uh alter altern Alternatives excuse me would be not to approve the proposed resolution and not accept the donation and then included with the staff reports proposed resolution and state statute uh 4 65.4 unless there's any questions staff would recommend approval of resolution 2024 d49 so moved motion my councilman Ken second second my council person Fe any further discussion thank you to the legion for the donation exactly all those in favor I I motion carries consider approval of char Peter's letter of retirement from the position of Public Works employee Mr J thank you mayor members of the council uh Mr Peter submitted his resignation earlier this month on November 5th with an effective date of uh November 29th uh he was hired by the city in October of 18 uh he's been a hard worker a mentor sounding board and uh definitely a valued member of our staff uh we wish him nothing but the best in his retirement uh in anticipation of his uh resignation we've already recommended and received approval to advertise the position I believe um I'm going through those applications right now I believe we have um eight applicants that have um submitted their or have shown interest in in the position uh anticipate uh hopefully bringing it to the council December 12th with a uh a recommendation for a conditional job offer uh the fiscal impact if any would be overtime that's required to be worked by their staff until the positions filled Alternatives would be none um Mr Peters has has resigned and then included with the staff report is uh Mr Peter's letter of resignation I guess unless there's any questions staff would uh recommend approval to accept Charlie Peters letter of resignation so Move Motion council person fava second second council person favor any further discussion although Charlie's a good guy great employee new absolutely fantastic yeah he's been he's been a key member of our crew really since day one um you just don't stumble upon guys with that experience and leadership ability and knowledge of such a vast amount of fields um he gets along with everybody and he will be greatly missed Friday is his last day so right with that good guy all those in favor I I opposed motion carries consider approval of a quote submitted by a Electronics in the Inc in the amount of $ 6,684 for electronics model ba- 2518 scoreboard for JC Parkfield number one thank you mayor members of the council uh earlier this fall I met with uh uh TC um athletic director and was informed that because we didn't have a scoreboard here in lawdale the girls uh the TCU girls varsity softball team could not play uh here in Lonsdale because of a a title 9 claim I asked if we install the scoreboard if they would continue to play games here I was told yes um with that said um TCU did provide a couple options for um SC scoreboards uh we use that information um to come up with our recommendation of the uh ba 2518 um we were told that that would would meet their needs and uh also meet the needs of the other organizations that that use the uh JC Park fields uh the options that are presented are option one uh total of 18840 uh that includes um them installing the the scoreboard the drilling and pouring the footings installing the the I beams uh building permit and shipping uh and that also includes estimated about $3,300 in an electrical option two uh is what is being recommended tonight uh $ 6,684 that includes the scoreboard installation of the scoreboard itself training and shipping uh does not include uh electrical estimated at 3300 that is um staff trenching in the wire and then um we would have an electrician make the the final connections estimating footings at 2,000 and steel at 2,000 as well uh total project cost just under 14,1 13984 uh compared to option one it's a savings of about just under $5,000 which is basically um the the the installation amount um on option one um we actually the Public Works director has uh reached out to uh some organizations that that play there we've got some uh commitments from from them from the Lawnsdale Aces and then also uh TCU I don't have a a dollar amount but has uh said that they will commit funds to to the project as well items to be considered um I suppose is as far as the scoreboard the color that we want um TCU didn't have a preference green is kind of the the standard um kind of go-to there's options on the the color of the scoreboard the uh color of the lettering and then the balls and Strikes outs and numbers come in uh amber white and red so I just took a couple screenshots of um seemed like the consensus at least at the staff level was to go just with the standard um green white and Amber colors I did one with the green and all white and then just did one as as close as I could get with the the TCU colors right I I think the First Choice you selected as the most common right as the most most visible I would agree with that it's kind of universal and just right good this a nice nice ad it's nice to have the TC girls play here though any High School events are great yep absolutely did they say how are they going to play here one year five years not no time commitment um they like it here I know that yeah like um what I was told is the 80 doesn't want to make this decision again while he's here so okay however long that is that's okay I get it but for a girls park it's the nicest park in the in the commun we purchased the the temporary fence with it right um going be updating the concession stand in the bathrooms here winter spring so and just the public works the maintenance you do on it prepping for games stuff like that probably 10 years ago we added that drain tile and kind of regraded the The Outfield and right um I know there was some discussion when we first started talking about advertising you know selling some sponsorship around the scoreboard that kind of stuff um is that still something that could potentially be on the table I don't know if it's something we pitched to them is hey your booster club can work on that piece if they want to or whatever uh yeah it actually could uh we're actually um the the I beams that we uh are recommending are three feet taller so that the advertising panel could be added after the fact okay um it certainly could be purchased on day one too I mean what was it like $900 to $1,500 I think was the the cost the spread there depending on if you went the two or three foot one okay yeah I I know the one in uh we sponsored Webster there I think it was like 10 grand to have your name you know fix we better at that tonight then well if you were in Webster Joel I would do that cuz my point is you can get the whole thing basically covered oh for sure absolutely you well and there's going to be maintenance you know over time you know we can set aside funds for long-term maintenance I mean light bulbs burn out or is this all LED uh it is Led cor right y right so when they do burn out it's going to be more expensive offset the electric bill with the with the sponsorship right right um it included in the in the proposal is um we'll have to add a controller TCU wants a council that'll be dedicated to to this field right uh otherwise sta just recommending that they download the the the datonics app right and can just can do it that way just right from their phone or right sure tablet iPad whatever long way from the old DRS Park who was the old guy that that did that all the time um I going think of was name but I already fell off there one time or something it's possible but uh yeah that's uh Long Way long time ago I think it's a great idea yeah it's great to have the girls play here absolutely he I'll entertain emotion we approve the quote submitted by aim Electronics with option two motion by council person fur second second by councilman palava any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries thank you thank you consider approval of a quote submitted by smsc Organics recycling facility in the lumpsum amount of $99,000 to grind and remove the brush pile at the compost site Mr dornfeld thank you mayor members of the council staff has received a quote from smsc Organics recycling facility to grind and remove the brush pile at the comple site they've been our contractor for since 21 2223 and they've done a great job um we recommend hiring smsc to grind the brush Quil at the combos site this work includes mobilization grinding and Hauling of the brush pile but does not include hauling the compound post from the yard waste pile um listed below are some prices from previous years um it's been just kind of slowly creeping up as as time goes on um as staff contacted Davy tree and rockard landscapes for bids they respectfully declined um it's more of a a dollar threshold that they need to get to come down here um the brush pile was ground in February of 2024 so this will be an additional grinding for 2024 um this project was not budgeted for but it can be funded with money budgeted for tree removal that we save by cutting down um a bunch of ash trees inhouse um another benefit of getting it in the fall is um we had talked about when we put the camera up um to try to save multiple grindings by any means possible um I would like to get the grinding back to the fall instead of of the spring we avoid mud and road restrictions um attached is the quote from smsc if there's any other questions I'd be happy to answer otherwise staff recommends hiring smsc Organics recycling to grind and remove our compost wood pile so moved who to my council person F second and my councilman palava and a further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion Carri is that security camera working yet or not yeah we're having some issues with the cell phone service so they're working on um a different card and some booster something for the cell phone it it works but it it'll kind of chop out at times so yeah I'm sure you'll get it yeah consider approval of a code submitted by Harry Brown to LLC in the amount of $47,552 for a 2025 GMC 3500 regular cab 4x4 truck Mr dornfeld thank you mayor and members of the council staff has identified the need to replace our 2004 F250 a more reliable pickup is needed for tasks such as Towing pulling crack fill equipment Towing the tar wagon hauling a water tank for watering trees and probably most importantly duties that require highway travel out of the city um for these tasks staff recommends upsizing to one ton pickup to better handle these payloads staff received quotes for three pickups all with as similar equipment between the brands as possible um the pricing for the pickups the GMC came in at $ 47,52 the Ford F350 came in at $ 48,49 and the ram came in at $48,750 staff has also explored the idea of installing a vpl on the front of this truck um this plow would greatly increase the efficiency of plowing parking lots alleys and other miscellaneous areas such as dead ends and culdesac all of the pickups that were bid were equipped with a snowplow prep package to allow handling of a V plow or any plow for that matter um staff recommends purchasing the GMC 3500 4x4 regular cab pickup this will temporary temporarily bring our vehicle Fleet to seven Public Works vehicles or one for every employee upon arrival of the new GMC 3500 staff would advertise the 2004 F250 for sale um two alternatives are to purchase the Ford which is available immediately or purchase the ram which is 90 days out um the purchase of the new pickup was budgeted for in 2024 with 27,500 from rhen bridge and 27,500 from Parks um attached are the quotes for all three pickups um the choice was the GMC um not only because of price um with the amount of equipment or possibility of equipment going in the back of this truck um I feel that the aluminum box just isn't as sturdy and able to handle as the GMC's box um and I I just I really think it's a a a better truck to put it lightly so um staff recommends purchasing the GMC regular cab 3500 pickup from Harry Browns family automotive and if there are any questions I'd be happy to answer the V pl we have for Gator that wouldn't is that too small for that one yeah that that is like a I think a six foot PL okay I couldn't remember and um when it's V it's fantastic um when you're ramming into snow piles the way of truck Pils for parking lots and things like that it's it's very light duty for those tasks and this one's 90 days out this GMC is 90 days out okay um one thing I should add to the ram is the only one on state contract the Ford and the GMC are both copies of the state contract but not the state contract for truck availability the GMC comes with a vehicle or we we would have to agree to a vehicle Fleet Service account with GMC and all that says is that's what gives us the pricing for the GMC if you look at the quote it's like 54,000 for that truck without that fleet vehicle contract the terms of the contract literally mean we have to keep the truck for one year to fulfill the needs of the of that contract I'll make the motion motion my councilman second my council person here any further discussion it's needed the older one's 20 years old it's a good upgrade thank you very much Far Cry from GI Joe well and this this will help was good exactly it's not the same if we use it for plowing too I I mean we're going to take some of the wear and tear off of the big plow trucks right that's the yeah it's potentially it's so much actually going to save on on the parking lots and things of that nature um it's just more Nimble it's easier it's more efficient probably save some time for you guys too save some time for us as well um you know when we're when we're going out priority areas getting the uh snow emergency parking lots fire hall police station um um Alleyways you know it used to be I could get in the skid loader and I could hit the police station on my way to City Hall on my way to the fire hall which kind of spread out now yeah a little more so it it it will speed things up quite a bit yeah all those in favor ition consider approval of a quote submitted by Christ Steel in the amount of 2 $536 for a back rack lights and a toolbox Mr norfeld thank you mayor members of the council well with the purchase of the GMC 3500 staff recommends installing accessories to make the pickup adapt to City needs the accessories proposed are a back rack a beacon or strobe light um rear flood lights and a toolbox the back rack serves as a mounting pillar for the strobe and flood lights it also allows staff to carry objects longer than the box without damaging the cab and it protects the rear window in the truck um the toolbox proposed is a saddle box style which sits across the front of the Box um this allows more room in the Box for hauling larger items or wider items and also allows the possibility for equipment in the back such as like a salt sander salt brine um mosquito spray I mean just there's a bunch of things that we could possibly put in the in the back of that truck um the flood lights will be able to be turned on with a button that is on the dash and they also come on automatically when the truck is put in Reverse um staff recommends purchasing the accessories from chry steel Truck Equipment um all of these um accessories proposed are on the state contract pricing uh the alternative is to not purchase these accessories um the fiscal impact with the budget for this truck um 27,500 from rad and Bridge and 27,500 from Parks and the price of the pickup being 47,52 it leaves a balance of $748 to fund the purchase of these accessories there's any questions I would be happy to ask does chry deal install yes this is all a done deal this is all a done deal yep and it's a product they have on hand they have it on hand okay so you can coordinate it when the truck comes and just goes over there and it's outfitted okay yep I assume nothing on the existing truck will transfer over I don't think it has anything doesn't have anything fire the only thing I can really the only thing I could think of is if there's a a toolbox in the bed or something we we do have an old toolbox that was on the truck it's in such bad repair we we took it off it's just in storage now okay um it can be put on if we need to use it for something but um talking with the guys you know the the the box that goes across the back is just more user friendly the GMC has a step in the side of the box to be able to get at things and this our tool boxes are all in the one side of our truck and it's just loading and unloading things we would that's that's the one we would prefer yeah no I'm just not trying to go cheap just making sure make a motion to approve that motion by councilman pava second by councilman worr any for the discussion all those in favor I I motion carries consider approval of a quote submitted by Christ stealing the amount of $1,337 for a Boss vxt plow Mr thank you and mayor thank you mayor and members of the council um again with the with the onton pickup staff recommends purchasing the boss vxt vlow um for it efficiency is key when it comes to snow operations and having a plow and a pickup will certainly make Public Works more efficient with snow plowing um time spent on first priority alleys and parking lots will be reduced on a typical snowfall public works deploys three single axle plow trucks one payloader for the mainline streets a John Deere Gator um and a 1585 blower and a skid loader for the sidewalks alleys Trails parking lots and ice rinks having a plow and a pickup would allow a staff to complete for first priority snow operations faster in turn which speeds up the time it takes for Alley's parking lots um creating a much more efficient operation chry steel Truck Equipment quoted two different vpls a vxt and a v dxt the only difference is the v dxt um the whole trips and The Cutting Edge trips um that plow is not recommended if you're doing any gravel they they want The Cutting Edge to be fixed if you're doing gravel um so staff recommends purchasing the vxt plow from chry steel Truck Equipment um the V plow is on state contract pricing um we have two Alternatives um we could purchase the b dxt or do not purchase the to plow at all for this pickup uh the fiscal impact is the purchase of a new plow was not budgeted however this plow could be funded with the $10,000 that was budgeted for replacing the Box on the 2004 F250 and leftover funds from the pickup after purchasing the new pickup and accessories $ 4,944 would remain in budgeted funds um staff did consider this bed replacement for the 2004 quite extensively and it's just it's every time we get in that truck there's there's something else that happens and that's why the recommendation is to get this new pickup and once once it is in our hands to sell that 2004 um attached is a quote from chry steel Truck Equipment um this quote is with it installed as well um if there's any other questions be happy to answer if you were going to be PL gravel would you be using the shoes on it Ian or yeah so the the reason why the the dxt or the Dual trip edges is the spring plowing they said it it really trips a lot um but there there are shoes the nice thing about the boss is there's three shoes there's one in the v as well um that's one thing we've noticed on the gator on that smaller plow the V points the wear faster than the outside edges so that's a bonus with the boss um as far as gravel you know we we have the dog park we have our Public Works facility Colorado Street Northwest and then all the park parking lots so in Spring they get they get soft so having the shoes on it would keep that from tearing up as opposed to if we were using a you're using a skid or whatever you're just putting yeah now for for now like the the bigger parking lots trena Memorial um dog park compost site um we've been using the payloader the the idea here is for this plow on this pickup is that a guy can be taking those parking lots out allowing the payloader to focus on the church and call the sacks and just call the sacks take just as long as any of the routes that we have all by themselves so um I've talked with numerous cities about called the sacks and how their how their operations go and they all have pickups to to do their lots and their cue sacks I think our payloader is probably really efficient just with this turning radius in the culd thex but just the the efficiency for being able to take I mean almost 10 foot swats of snow in the parking lots and put them where you want it um I think it would be a great addition for our Fleet I'll make the motion second second my cons person any further discussion all those in favor I carries how many hours are the load oh boy a 2012 I'd have to say 5,000 is something in there it's in very good shape and we we had a new engine put in it under warranty so um just I don't know the council remembers like when we got that loader after the lease return and we had one in between because John Deere switched their right um their four-wheel drive system um so we John Deere did quite a bit to get that lader back to our original 544 J or something like that um other than some minor pain flaking the it's in fantastic shape good good okay consider approval of a quote submitted by chry Steel in the amount of 9,236 for the Genesis salt bran buddy Mr Don thank you mayor members of the council uh the city has added a new international plow truck to the fleet and this truck is equipped with a brine system that treats our salt sand to help it stick to the street better and improve the melting performance of the salt sand uh currently the city does not have the necessary equipment to make salt brine staff has researched many options um from purchasing salt brine from mot to making our own homemade apparatus to make the Brine and purchasing the equipment to make the salt brine I've talked with Rice County talked with other cities and everyone says it is recommended to purchase the equipment that makes a salt brine the most important part of making salt brine is to get the salinity concentration to 23.3% um deviating from this percentage can cause settling of the salt in your tanks and more importantly it can cause our um Street surfaces to actually freeze faster if not made properly PR steel Truck Equipment has a brine maker that's a great fit for the city of londsdale is the Genesis brine buddy is a small unit that will fit inside of our maintenance shop if plugs into 110 volt outlet and is capable of making up to 1,000 gallons of Sal brine in 1 hour having this equipment inside eliminates the need for a salt storage shed um by using just regular softener salt in bags um it has a has a hopper you just load it up and push a button um some features are again it's compact enough to fit in our shop it plugs into a 110 outlet it has a manifold system which it allows the brine to be pumped directly into the truck or into a a storage tank that that could sit outside um the automatic salinity salinity meter ensuring the right concentration of su Prine and the Sal brine is made with softener salts which can be stored in bags um that that's a big benefit to me um just with the the contract process with Cargill you know if you you order a 100 tons you have to purchase 80 tons of that or you're paying them to store that salt so it's kind of a it's kind of a guessing game but so like winters like last year you know you're going have to haul that salt to Long sale or you're going to be paying for it to sit and do nothing in Savage and a winter like two years ago you don't have enough um just checking with different retailers there's there's no limit on on the softener salt you know we want a pallet we just buy a pallet and to me that's a that's a a good piece of mind um staff recommends purchasing this Genesis brine buddy from the chry steel Truck Equipment this salt brine maker is on state contract pricing um the purchase of this Brian buddy was budgeted for in 2025 but not budgeted for in 2024 price deal equipment has offered an option to sign the purchase agreement now and pay in 20 5 which would cost an additional $250 for the city um to receive the salt bran Genesis buddy in 2024 um I think to save $250 um staff is going to recommend to purchase the salt brine buddy in 2025 uh the the key feature here is to get the approval to buy it so we can get our name on the list these are a these are a hot item um but the alternatives are to purchase it in 25 um or we can sign the purchase agreement for additional $250 we can get it now and pay for it in January or do not purchase the brine buddy again staff recommends using option one um I have a attached the quote from chry steel truck equipment and a few photos of the brine buddy um I did do research on the units that mot has um Rice County buys their all brand from mot and so therefore mind they they didn't want to entertain any more offers of that um those are big giant salt brine makers um north of $50,000 and we're talking they're making a th000 gallons every 10 minutes um if we had our full Fleet of trucks equipped the same as our truck our new truck with the Sal salt brine buddy this would easily um handle if our whole fleet was set up the way our new truck is um there's any questions I'd be happy to answer how much was budgeted for the 25 uh $10,000 10,000 so this 9236 does not include the 250 it does not okay no so if we buy it in 25 say we say you know we're going to buy it January 1 pull the trigger what's delivery look like January 2 oh they have okay so they have it on hand they have it on hand it's just it's the reason for approval tonight again is to is to just get our name on one of those units so you're you're you're okay with rolling the dice for December on this I was going to say well so what do we Mo but but we're in the Dark Ages for a month so the the reason for the recommendation I mean it's $250 for 4 weeks of the same manner that we've done forever that's what I mean yeah we have rbn in the pump on the truck right now we can make it four more weeks so going back a step do you you have 4,900 $44 that is not spent equipping a truck correct the pickup yes yes so you could take that 4944 and put it onto the salt brine thing right the brine buddy this doesn't go in the truck this is I know this sits in sits in sits on on the floor in the garage m i I mean essentially I guess we could um we did we did budget for this purchase in 25 right are you saying use the leftover funds to offset why would we not just buy it now and have it for when in the next week when it turns really poor we have it to put on if the council's willing I mean that that is that not I see what you're saying we we we had that that 4944 and get the other 4600 difference oh we don't even need to go that far I mean the the 10 grand that's budgeted for it's still even with the 250 it's still below the budget for 25 yeah so I mean I guess I mean I I I I can appreciate the sentiment of let's save the 250 bucks if we don't have to but we're still below budget with the 250 in there and it gets it you know if if it if it gets you something that can save time you know let's say it snows on Christmas Eve and it's saving two hours and gets people home on Christmas eve two hours earlier I think two 50 is worth it for your guys okay and we also have the brine equipment on the gator too the sprayer that we have for the Gator is capable of spray I thought we talked about that yeah so it's not just the the new plow truck we could do that but I know you said it's hard on the equipment it's it's hard on it but it is um it is capable of doing it the pump on that sprayer is a stainless steel pump um same not the same pump but the same style as what's on the maker itself so C making a motion to that effect well looking further we aren't going to have the truck for 90 days well get do it'll be used on the old one or on the brand new one not on the truck I got I got to keep my vehic I got to keep my vehicle com from CH steal doesn't me it's going on that truck yes yeah keep my keep them separate yes I would make that motion second it motion my C person second Council r c any further discussion all those in favor I I car thank you there you go thank you very much you've done a lot of homework on it thank you you done a lot of homework on it um just you know it's a it's a new technology for the city um trying to make the most of the equipment that we have on our new Fleet um and Brian is um it's really the future so equip our Fleet with this capability it's it's going to be it's going to be great and you have to move a bunch of stuff in the shop to make space for it so we can get it in here tomorrow we're we're [Laughter] ready that concludes the planned agenda on to Department reports anything else for Mr dornfeld yeah um so I received our Wastewater annual compliance summary um um big props to our lead Wastewater and water operator Jordan um no missing late or violations in that report this year again so that's good news um speaking of all this equipment we got to use our new truck for the first time was it last Wednesday I believe um you know that that truck is like riding around in a Lincoln Town Car it is absolutely clearly we paid too much forev um just just how smooth it is and the seat and the technology and the Creature Comforts that that truck has so again thank you for that that piece of equipment it's it it's awesome um we've been prepping for Frosty fest tomorrow I've got a meeting with shanana and um council person or councilman pava um to go over the how to turn on the tree um we planted six trees at the JC Park and two trees at trenda Park to replace the ash trees that we had cut down uh we're turning valves and then I worked with ryce County and IMS to get the uh check valve repaired on 10th Avenue Northwest from the project last summer it sprung a leak and then probably the biggest thing that we've been doing is cross training getting ready for Charlie's retirement um getting all the guys up to speed on sewer Waters locates um just kind of trying to give them all a day in Charlie's shoes so that it is not a mad scramble on Monday morning so again um I just you know congratulations to Charlie for his retirement um he's been he's been absolutely fantastic I know like I said I've been a coworker of his and now I'm Public Works director and he's fantastic in all in all aspects so he he will be very very much missed thanks for all your work and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone there you go to you too Shani thank you Mr Mayor members of the council um we are finalizing the plans for the 2025 millon overlay project and plan to bring that to council at the next meeting um for approval to then bid it in January and um we will know in December on the schedule for the booster station rehab project to start um early next year so we'll communicate that to the council and residents when we have that schedule solidified um and then just working on as builts for current project and projects and getting that into the gis or data system for staff use that's it Mr Eric uh thank you mayor um working on um we held interviews for the accounting Tech position last week so working on that um working on reviewing the applications we got for the public works employee we have our employee lunch in everyone should have got an email on that next Thursday the 12th at or the 4th excuse me at noon uh we received our Department of Health plumbing permit for the city hall remodel project um they are working on the demo cutting the floor um for the plumbing everywhere that uh water line came up through they had to cut out a 3X3 chunk of the concrete to cap it and they'll repour that but they had to wait tell that uh permit got approv from the Department of Health so that was nice to see that this morning yeah and Happy Thanksgiving everybody you work I thought you on vacation this week company man thank you Mr Cory uh thank you Mr Mayor and council members I'm currently working on a department wide social media uh policy um processed uh some paper donations for Vets Memorial Park um working on some city code violations and uh last week sent out the first invite uh for the December 17th uh lunch and learn that the Eda is uh sponsoring thank you thanks for all your work sir thank you that's my normous kir um Library met last Wednesday so it was fun to see that the roads were deced after the meeting to get home less treacherous going home and it was going to the meeting but um lot going on to the library so December 10th there's a cookie decorating class at 6:30 um and there's a new weekly um thing that the library is going to start doing conversation and coffee every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. and a just doing more community outreach at the library um so that's open to anybody um coffee will be provided uh te as well Margaret did say there was te um Halloween party was a big hit 135 attendees um had an author uh come in um the granddaughter of Wilhelm who was a chemist from Minnesota who uh enriched uranium for the atomic bomb in World War II so she wrote a book about that and then lots of um grant money so we got a celco grant the American Legion donations um the uh friends or the uh recycling all that money is going to be going towards um special collections that's the thing that uh the library starting now special collections one of the things we're starting with is games so games for all ages adults kids um and there's been some donations of actual physical games from other organizations as well so the library is doing a lot and a lot of that uh is coming through donation so marg's done a good job of getting getting those connections made yeah well thank you for all your work sir good job person the Eda met last week uh we discussed our um our work with Facebook and our social media account and um also Lonsdale will be the Eda will be sponsoring um the horse drawn one of the sponsors of the HSE drawn Wagon at Frosty Fest so we have that coming up and then as Cory mentioned the lunch and learn on the 17th are you going to show for the ver of the carriage no I will be having dinner at that time that is kind of cool though to see D you know did a very nice nice program councilman palava uh I've got nothing other than the frosty Fest the tree lighting uh it'll be Frosty it's going to be uh we're looking at about a at that time probably about 10 degre so it'll be a a far cry from last year right that's right I don't have too much either he touched on some of the things going on in the community um the tax tement came up I think a lot of people should have seen tax decreases on the city portion of their tax bills so so everybody going to thank you for that or anybody say good job city council or I didn't just thought I'd bring it up with that Happy Thanksgiving motion to adjourn motion by council person F second second by councilman pava any further discussion all those in favor I I oppos motion Carri this meeting to J