##VIDEO ID:yUIOC5Ifxlw## okay okay I'll call to of the city council meeting for Thursday December 12th 2024 everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the FL flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all okay roll call Brian rers here Kevin kada here Tim Roode here Cindy F here and Scott palava here okay tonight's agenda those through 10 H additions deletions or corrections to the agenda will we approve the agenda motion by councilman Canada second second by council person fa any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries approval of minutes consider approval of the minutes from the November 25th 2024 regular meeting additions delions Corrections move to approve the minutes as present motion my councilman palava second second my council person faor any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries there are no public hearings presentation of citizens petition at comments comments limited to two minutes so if you're not on the agenda now is your time to speak okay there's two items on the consent agenda the consent approval of the 2025 Good Neighbor recycling program organizations and consider approval to schedule a public hearing on January 9th 2025 at 7:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter on proposed ordinance 2025-the schedule an ordinance amending ordinance 2024 d324 2024 fee schedule would anybody like either excuse me either one of those items pulled for discussion I move we oh go ahead I move we approve the consent agenda one second then motion by council person in faor second by Council M kadada any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries there is no old business on to new business consider approval of change order number one in the amount of $562 79 requested by metcon for the city hall remodel project Mr are you handling that or Dana here uh I guess thank you mayor members of the council um as part of the the city hall remodel project um we've been requested by metcon for change order what this pertains to is um modifications to the roof curb to accept the new rooftop unit that we are are putting in there uh it includes additional duct demol uh demolition new duct work for the connection to the roof curb and a new plenum curb um du duct for the specified roof curb and then um general contractor overhead um yeah I was under the impression that WTH was going to be here today um I'll have to follow up to see why they're not um but basically it was a combination of the design what was there and what was bid um this has been reviewed by our architect and recommended for for approval well we need to put the the new heat in there so I think this is our only option this is what we need to do I move we approve change order number one motion my Council kada second second my councilman pava any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries discussion and public comment on the proposed final 2025 budget and property tax levy Mr X right thank you mayor and members of the council um this is uh a required agenda item um we used to have a truth and tax or we used to be required to have a truth and Taxation hearing um that was changed to um putting a discussion in public comment on the proposed uh budget and property tax levy um so I believe we started the budget process in June uh we had seven meetings between then and September uh we disc discuss the the budget property tax levy uh facility needs and then short and long-term goals uh the city council needs to adopt and certify his 25 a final property tax levy to Rice County the Department of Revenue no later than December 30th of this year um and I'll just review some of the the information that or the Departments and some of the information that we went over uh included with the packet is the um property tax levy impact and um rate spreadsheet um the spreadsheets based on the the preliminary property tax levy approved by the council 3,461 um which results in a tax rate of 52.66 um we've tracked certain properties um and then um as the next year comes on we drop the oldest year off so between 2019 and proposed 25 the city's tax rate has went down almost 10% 9.93% and what that does for the Residential Properties that we're tracking the impact um ranges from a a dedu a reduction of $8.7 to an increase of 95.71% um but when when you see you know a decrease of 877 that property didn't go up as much in value as the house that um increased 9596 and then um for businesses tracked the tax impact ranges from increase of 250 to um just over uh $1900 for the uh businesses that that we track over that same time period 2019 to 2025 um their property taxes have actually decreased um $321 71 to an increase of just under, 1500 um so those are three businesses that that we track um on our spreadsheet of of varying value um from a couple hundred thousand to several million dollars in value as far as wages and benefits uh non-union wages I proposed to increase 5.5% that's a 2% uh cost of living adjustment and a 3 and half% wage increase uh for comparison the uh union wages for the the police officers the average increase is 12.5% uh health insurance rates uh obviously been incorporated into the budget um premiums have increased anywhere from U 13.5% to almost 15.5% uh the increased expense to the city is just under $62,000 um and we've got a compensation study currently underway uh with potential implementation in uh 2025 city council is uh basically the same as prior years uh the revenues accounted for in the administration tax levy uh wages based on the most recent ordinance and then attendance at uh the newly elected officials League of Minnesota City's training uh Administration revenues consist of property tax levy licenses LGA uh Investments a real small amount of vet Memorial pavers and then Insurance dividend uh we do account like I just said for the expense for the city council um wages uh we are looking at or have added a fifth full-timer the last time that we had five full-timers at City Hall was 2009 uh touched based on the compensation study uh technology replacement and then Professional Services uh financial reporting service contracts mosquito control um we're looking at migrating from a server uh onsite to Cloud store storage and then um website Mass notification we pay for 60% of the audit and then attendance at the the leag conference Planning and Zoning their revenues essentially consist of uh property tax levy and building permit fees uh you know and every department is pretty consistent with prior years there's um not a lot of thrills or certainly no fluff in the budget uh tenance that conference vehicle repairs um it our city code online um engineering for projects that are ongoing and then subscriptions for our building permit software data link and uh Gis for the police department uh revenues uh consist of the property tax levy LGA or local government Aid uh police Aid uh fines fines and forfeitures and then reimbursements uh wages benefits are based off of um the approved pay scale and the the labor agreement uh Professional Services would be uh payments to our membership to the drug task force uh kind office equipment copier it and then licenses for uh software programs attorney includes uh some civil uh but the vast majority is Criminal we contract with the Rice County Attorney's Office so we have that those expenses accounted for uh uniforms $1,000 per officer uh looking at replacing uh a vest and then uh bringing on a new officer we set funds aside each year for uh vehicle replacement for the squad so when we need to purchase them we can pay cash over uh 20,000 for the next three years to replace a squad in in 27 and then Capital outlay Equipment um the the police chief applied for an armor Grant through the state of Minnesota for uh encrypted radios uh since the last council meeting we were notified that our Grant application was approved in the amount of $40,000 so that reduced uh that expense for for 25 and then uh looking at replacing the uh computer for evidence uh Public Safety Aid uh there's still 34,000 remaining um and that is being used to balance the department budget Economic Development uh proposing a property tax levy of $50,000 attendance at the chamber annual dinner uh marketing would be um social media and then um with AES no longer come into town um allocated some funds for marketing for the business park and Commerce Drive uh gifts donations just general the chamber and uh Smith uh our small cities development program Grant uh we were awarded $31,250 for 15 projects between 25 and $6,000 uh we have uh five property evaluations completed or in progress so we're uh a third of the way there for filling the projects uh the library revenue is the property tax levy funding from Rice County and then uh user fees and donations the city's minimum uh effort of uh maintenance of effort is $74,800 and um again that's the city's minimum required to to the library and that is based off of 90% of the 2011 State Certified Aid uh similar to uh other departments um Cofe or cleaning um celco uh which is our Regional Library Consortium and then uh our monthly payment to The Villages of Lonsdale which um we pay proportionate to the amount of square footage that we use uh relative to the whole building dues and subscriptions Zoom the Minnesota Library Association uh archive social and then just collection um subscriptions and then uh working with the library director Capital outlay um those funds are budgeted to increase uh materials in the The Collection uh all of our debt service funds have been accounted for The Debt Service portion of our Levy is $741,000 um excuse me uh the city remodel project Debt Service will need to be accounted for in 26 our 8125 and 2126 uh principal and interest payments are being paid with the city's Equity contribution um that was transferred to US Bank Trust here uh last week uh that amount was 192,000 and then uh over the life of the The Debt Service for the project the annual Debt Service payments range between 190,000 and2 70,000 uh Parks uh revenues property tax levy um we're the pay agent for the Londale snow Wizards uh Trail Grant um donations again local government Aid Park fees uh franchise fees cell tower rent uh which is about $50,000 and then uh a transfer from londsdale liquor excuse me training education would be safe assure and that's across all departments um that's our so we're ocean compliant and then the shade tree course uh repairs and maintenance is just general field paint and then uh tennis court net landscaping materials um we're continuing to um cut down and replace the ash trees do to um Emerald Ash boore looking at topping off the playground mulch next year and then welcome signs and Main Street flowers Professional Services it service contracts uh tree removal um if not done in house and then um grind un remov the brush pile at the compost site rentals will be the porta potties at all our parks and any equip equipment that uh that we need that we uh currently don't have Trails repairs I'm not looking at doing a a large Trail Improvement project next year just repairs will be done inhouse as far as uh Capital outlay Equipment replacing the Teeter Totter at the JC Park um we're continuing adding benches and picnic tables and then at a recent council meeting the scoreboard for uh field one at JC Park was was approved and then capol structure is Public Works is kind of revamping the uh JC Park concession stand and and bathrooms and then we partner with TCU for a a summer wck program at the elementary school here in town uh the next couple are uh Enterprise funds uh those revenues consist of water sales uh specific to the water park Department water department uh water access connection fee would be uh the fee paid for new homes that are is collected on the building permit and goes to pay the debt service on the Water Treatment Plant Safe Water fee Investments refunds and reimbursements uh meter sales and then late fees training and education uh safest sh or and then uh continuing education for staff to uh keep up on their uh license and certificates repairs and maintenance is general and and we budget for three watermain braks a year Professional Services would be goer locates with uh goer one uh rpz testing Bank fees copy or it engineering uh we're continuing with uh updating our wellth protection plan with phase two uh water tower sighting study uh which is based off of the uh comp plan that we did uh here end of last year I think for the water department and then any data link updates dues and subscriptions would be Civic system software which is our accounting system meter reading software and then uh irrigation backflow testing software and then any Debt Service would be the water portion for any uh Street and utility reconstruction projects sewer uh revenues would be the sac which is the the sewer side of the the connection fee we're basing those off of 10 homes uh interest refunds and reimbursements for insurance claims uh sewer sales uh which we've based off of historical and um year-to date 24 weate fees average about 2 and a half% of sales uh same training as water safe assure continuing education credits for the staff's license licenses and certificates uh repairs and maintenance would be just general and then manhole ceiling uh Street Maintenance uh would be adjusting and patching around the manholes Professional Services bu solids it and then we're televising a third of our uh storm sewer system uh annually and then any service contracts that we have dues and subscriptions would be any software service subscriptions Capital outlay looking at replacing a Ras pump that that needs to be replaced and then like the water fund any Debt Service um that's specific to sewer improvements on our uh Street and utility Improvement projects as far as lawdale liquor uh really honing in on our gross margin percentage uh as we talk about weekly at staff at the staff level monthly hitting that goal is extremely important Professional Services is it service contracts as far as repairs we're looking at uh removing and replacing that front sidewalk in curbing gutter uh settling kind of in the the left of of the front door there so that needs to be uh taken care of we are anticipating association fees increasing uh Ash Street is and those parking lots are are privately owned so there hasn't been much if any maintenance done over the years so um that day is coming where we're going to have that expense uh rod and Bridge uh is part of the general fund um or Reliance on property tax levy local government Aid uh snow removal refunds and reimbursements uh based off of information from the state we should be receiving a little over 83,000 uh in small cities assistance for for Street Maintenance as far as Mill and overlays I'll be talking about this later in the agenda we're uh recommending milling and overlaying portions of Industrial Drive Southeast bir Street Northeast uh 4th Avenue Northeast um there was um 2011 $21,500 budgeted preliminarily um with some adjustments that that I made last week due to things that were uh approved this year um was able to bump that up a little bit to 21145 uh manhole repair just uh General patching crackville crosswalks just the typical annual maintenance that that's done uh Professional Services it service contracts um Emerald dashboard tree removal for Capital outl Equipment we're looking at purchasing a uh paint striper um one of the changes made was that Brian buddy was budgeted for 25 that was approved uh to be purchased um at the last meeting this month and then uh more sidewalk replacement uh in front of the public Workshop there the fire department uh budget was approved back in February uh we do that so the uh townships can approve the budget at their annual meeting which is held in March I know it's a pretty quick overview of the budget there wasn't uh uh besides any decisions that were made here at the last couple Council meetings as far as like I said the Brian buddy uh scoreboard truck uh everything remained the same uh as was recommended and approved uh in September for our preliminary budget and property tax levy we're not approv in the the resolution uh at this uh line item but by approving it you are approving the 25 budget property tax levy setting the levy at 3 m6411 15 and then uh directing the city administrator to certify a copy of the levy to uh Rice County uh obviously all decisions pertaining to the city's budget have a fiscal impact uh Alternatives would be to not approve the proposed resolution uh with that said um it does need to be approved by and certified by December 30th or our 25 Levy will remain at the 24 level uh and then included with my staff report is the proposed resolution the line item budget and uh as I said earlier the property tax levy and impact uh spreadsheet okay thank you sir is there any public comment okay otherwise if there's no further discussion we go on on to consider approval of resolution 20245 a resolution setting the fiscal year 2025 final City budget and final property tax levy all right thank you mayor members of the council um you know as I just said we went over the the final budget and property tax levy uh the next step is to approve the the resolution officially adopting that uh by approving the budget or I'm sorry the resolution um approving the 25 budget and then um setting the levy at 3,641 15 um as I said the last agenda item uh of that our debt service portion is 7415 uh 50,000 for economic development and then the uh remaining balance 2,272 650 uh would be dedicated to um the general fund and then uh the library Parks Road Bridge and fire unless there's any questions I would recommend approval of resolution 202 24-50 Joel is um scan air filter are they is 2025 their first year to pay full tax or are they still paying um land rate land only uh let's see when did they move in earlier this year yeah they were like right at the first of the year or so let's see so they would have got valued in in April for 25 so I would say yes they were they their construction was completed so they should be taxed at 100% okay is the next agenda item in the 25 budget yes that's a current coming it's a current plan the um I don't have an agenda wages salary the wages yes wages are based off of uh what was discussed at right the budget meting budget meetings correct yes and I move we approve resolution 2024 D50 motion my councilman Canada second thank my council person uh councilman palava any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion carries so again I just want to give a big thank you to the city council I know we sat through a lot of meetings and and um went through a lot of items the department heads did a good job I think it's a you know it's a really good budget I mean we're pretty we're pretty efficient I think uh Elon and the other guy they can they probably take a lesson right now we are we're pretty we're on a pretty tight ship here and I just again I want to thank all you for for the meetings and the time and apartment heads did a good job on to consider approval resolution 202 24- 51 a resolution approving the salary and wage plan for 2025 Mr eron all right thank you mayor members of the council um this was discussed during the um the budget process for 25 uh as I said earlier wage increases for non-union employees uh is 5 and a half% 2% cost of living so the whole pay scale uh keep you know it's in theory supposed to keep up with inflation uh and then a step increase of three and a half uh the police officers are on a separate contract their uh increase is an average of 12.5 I'm just looking at the Midwest region CPI increase 2.6 um October 24 over 23 3.1% for all items less food and energy and at least what I saw Here recently it's forecasted uh inflation a slightly decrease over the coming year um this would need to be approved um regardless of what happens with the compensation study um which is currently underway um and that'll have to be be dealt with uh in in 25 the fiscal impact to the city uh wages are uh 2,130 th000 and then Associated benefits P Social Security FICA another 322 uh for grand total wages of 2, 453,000 uh Alternatives would be to not approve the proposed resolution and determine another calculation for wages I think we got that you know this down and we'll see where it's going but we got to have a starting point so I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 51 motion my councilman palava second second my Council favor any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed motion Carri consider approval to schedule a special meeting on Monday January 6th 2025 at 700 p.m. all right thank you mayor members of the council uh with the uh recent election in in November uh per state statute 42.2 subdivision 2 uh terms for uh elected off uh officials or officers shall commence on the first Monday in January following the election at which the officers are chosen uh all officers Chosen and qualified shall hold such office until their successors qualified um I have confirmed with the uh incoming council members that the six does work for them uh the fisical impact would be the cost of non-exempt employees attending the meeting uh Alternatives um you know first day statute term start on the first Monday um so there aren't any other Alternatives um this is when the swearing in of uh the new officials will will take place and will be approved the Monday January 6th 2025 at 7.m my counc kada second my councilman palava any further discussion all those in favor I opposed motion carries consider approval to make a conditional job offered to Kelly Webb for the position of a county technician one at grade8 Step 2 2583 an hour Mr thank you mayor members of the council um well as I said earlier during the budget process the last time that there was five full-time staff at City Hall was 2009 uh the POS position's main responsibilities will be uh Utility Billing but then also uh assisting other staff at City Hall and then also the the fire department uh the position was advertised on the cities the league of Minnesota City's website and then social media we had 10 10 applicants um that were received reviewed uh three were interviewed by the HR committee and the the city treasurer uh web exceeds the minimum requirements for the position She interviewed well and seems to be a good fit uh she's motivated has a can can do attitude um is progress focused and understands that organization customer service and problem solving are essential uh for efficient operations uh in speaking with her we're looking at an anticipated start date of January 2nd of 25 uh and then because of that the proposed wage is based off of the the 25 pay scale uh funds were budgeted actually for a part-time position in 24 but switching over to our new accounting system and the audit at the same time uh I just felt that we had to get a a solid grasp of of that system before we brought someone else on board uh this position was budgeted for full-time in 25 uh including uh wages payroll taxes and benefits um then there's a breakdown of how the positions budgeted uh since the main responsibility is water and sewer uh billing 60% will be paid for by Enterprise funds or non-property tax levy the Alternatives would be to not make the conditional job offer to web and re advertise the position uh or don't fill the position and then included with the staff report uh is her application uh materials for the fire portion of the job position is that necessarily billing or is that payroll aspects or what is that fire that need that you have to help um well payroll um would be done by another staff okay but just um yeah it could be billing just day-to-day kind of office stuff um you know those positions are you know above and beyond their full-time job and managing the department uh and speaking with the fire chief uh there there is a need for assistance okay I just was curious what what that would you know mean Beyond payroll there's there's that much paperwork that yeah okay I'll make a motion to approve a conditional job offic offer to Kelly web motion by councilman palava second Council nor further discussion all those in favor I I oppos motion consider approval of resolution 202 24- 52 a resolution approving the 2025 milon overlay project plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids Shabani bison thank you Mr Mayor members of the council um so at the October 8th meeting Council authorized preparation of plans and specifications for um a proposed Mill and overlay of three sections in the city um that Joel had mentioned earlier in the budget process um Fourth Avenue between fig and Birch um and that's Fourth Avenue Northeast and then bir Street Northeast East between 8th and 9th and then a section of industrial uh drive just west of 4th Avenue Southeast and so these segments were selected based on the payment condition index and also um primarily staff's recommendation due to the existing conditions of the roadway along with um the repairs that have been done in the past or that are anticipated so we did take some pavement cores for um those segments of the roadways which tell us the depth of pavement and then um the thicknesses of the layers of pavement to identify um you know the Integrity or strength of the pavement as an indication of the depth and So based on that we are recommending for um Birch and 4th Avenue to do an inch and a half M and overlay um so that's to maintain the remaining depth of the pavement um Integrity in some sections on Fourth there was as little of a inch of payment on the base and so we don't want to have too thin of a layer um when they do Mill and overlay um just to to maintain that integrity and so that we're not ending up with a thin layer of pavement after they Mill and having to scrape it off and um not have a um good I guess surface to do the overlay so that the inch and a half millon overlay on Birch and 4th is recommended and then a 2 and A4 inch millon overlay on Industrial Drive again based on the pavement core that was taken also that road got a little bit thicker pavement section has more traffic and so um completing a little bit thicker Mill and overlay um we're hoping we'll we'll extend the life of that roadway and again these are just based on five cores that were taken hopefully they're representative of those different segments of pavement um and then as as far as the um the plans are included in your packet and then as far as the bid quantities we did include some contingencies where um about 10% of the roadways might H need a full um pavement removal and replacement just um we won't know until the the roadways are melt but that just provides a contingency and then also as I mentioned on Fourth Avenue there was some thinner pavement so we did account for more than that 10% or more of a section of that area having a a full depth removal on replacement so there is uh some contingency with our quantities and I guess we'll see what the bids are to kind of see how that all shakes out with pricing so we would propose to um bid this on January 21st and do the uh two week advertisement and then bring it back to council at your meeting on January 30th with the bid results and then it uh we would anti at the project would be complete um by July 1st so you know typical duration is a week or two um once we have that you know schedule confirmed and if the council Awards it we would send notices to Residents as has been done in the past so um funding for the project in your packet identifies 21,500 Joel just mentioned that that's been adjusted to to 24,500 um our estimate Falls in line with the budget which includes the those contingencies that I talked about with the full depth pavement removal um so again by um we're uh requesting Council to approve the plans and specs and authorize ad for bid um I think January is a good time to bid these projects um last year we bid it in May and and got several bids as well I think eight or nine so um this just gives us early year start and um you know we think pricing should be competitive um we're not seeing huge increases in um labor or oil costs or things like that just what we're from what we're hearing from our um suppliers or contacts in that regard for this type of work so with that I'll take any questions and um Joe has been involved quite a bit with this as well um but again we would um recommend to approve plans inspects and authorize ad forbid any comments Joe um as Shabani said the areas were selected um based on the PCI which were really taking a close look at all the roads that are under 70 um these areas I mean they're there's plenty of areas to choose from but these areas were selected um just I mean it's it it was it's an obvious selection in my mind kind of a no-brainer these are the areas that are falling apart um in talking with Shabani and Nate back here about these thicknesses going from 2 in to inch and a half and two and A4 Ines um this this year when Public Works M off roads adjacent to these sections um we experienced exactly what they're talking about when we set our mill on the skid loer to 2 in um we were we were taken that two Ines off but we were left with just a tiny patch which it wasn't bonded to the base layer at all so it all had to come out anyways um they feel strongly that to leaving that extra half inch will help Bond our new pavement to the old makes sense I move we approve res ution 2024 d52 councilman kada second Council any further discussion all those in favor I motion carries consider approval of revisions to the city's snow plowing policy Mr thank you mayor and members of the council uh during the review of the snow plowing policy this year um staff has made some minor changes to clarify the snow emergency parking lot at the trka ice rink and not the soccer field um the soccer field is used as snow storage um and as a first priority in snow pling operations um historically staff has notified snow emergencies via Channel 4 5 9 and 11 also um K and kdhl both am and FM um these portals used for television are are designed for school closing notifications every year when I call to verify our passwords and logins and everything I'm reminded of that by these news stations um and so with that with the recent addition of our Mass notification system um we have a a banner on our website and a city Facebook page staff is recommending using only these new tools for snow emergency notification um the last change pertains to mailbox damage replacement um The Proposal is to offer residents $50 um to replace the mailbox with a standard mailbox um and replace the 4x4 post if it if it is needed um with standard as always when they are hit we provide a temporary mailbox um so that we can replace them on or around May 1st as soon as the Frost gets out of the ground uh there is no little to no fiscal impact typically notifying these TV stations took about a half an hour to an hour of Staff time um and the alternative would be to leave the city snow emergency notification process the same as it has been while adding the website Mass notifications and Facebook attached is the proposal of the redline snow plowing policy uh if you guys have any questions I would be happy to answer do you uh on your mailbox do you go out and check like the ones that are out of compliance and the ones that are in I know in the past you have done that in the past we have done it um with tape measures we're getting to the point where street sweeping operations it's kind of a two for one thing um if the if the sweeper coming by and then the mailbox is in the way it makes the list M um in talking with other staff and Joel um it it is in the ordinance that the mailbox has to be in good repair it it is just it's easier sometimes to just if we hit it they they argue there's this or that we just put it up y right do you think that um in changing this can we are you anticipating maybe putting a story in the paper now there's that many people that read the paper but there still are so that because not everybody follows Facebook etc etc as a it's a another option social media or Internet does not they don't always do that I certainly can I would take the recommendation of the city council of what you guys would like me to do um I'm I'm not opposed to leaving the radio stations in there it's it's the TV that kind of gives me a lot of Kickback I think it'd be good to leave the you like kche I think a lot of local people the K check and stuff like that I would say least I suppose I listen to KL too is that just a phone call or an email it's just an email to Tom gessinger I would say that's simple enough to do that yeah yeah that frees up your time right yeah yeah I think the radio is probably good I mean there's a lot of people that even though we have a website they'll go to a media website first and if it's just on the list that'd be good good to go thank you we need a motion yeah we need a motion right so would the motion then be the revisions that per Red Line yeah revisions per red line with the exception of including the radio station notifications yes I'll make that motion C I'll second second coun any further discussion all those in favor I I I opposed motion carries that includes the planned agenda on to Department reports Mr dorfield anything else yes thank you mayor members of the council um we are happy to say all the staff is happy to say that both ice rings are up and running and skateable um and talking with neighboring communities and just friends and family different um we're one of the first so um the guys take a lot of pride in that and the ice is fantastic uh valve turning was completed um we started cleaning up out the JC concession stand I'm just kind of trying to prepare for any surprises that are going to happen once that project gets rolling um and prep for the scoreboard installation um tomorrow um Holly our Facebook coordinator I'm doing a video about snow plowing presenting a point of view for the snowplow driver um the city's procedures and policies and then just some typical safety things for residents uh the brine maker has been delivered so um knock on wood um we might get to use it on Saturday we we'll see I did come in on Monday morning and try it out um it's it's impressive how effective the salt is with brine added to it um got a couple phone calls into smsc to get the brush pile removed after that was approved last meeting we conducted interviews yesterday they were all strong candidates and I just want to say thank you to Scott palava and Shan at the chamber the frosty Fest turned out awesome once again the tree lit so that was a quick tree Li you know I will say that so that was the last one out there I was like where did everybody go I just turned around I was God yeah that's all I got all right thank you sir thank you Shani anything else I just have one update for the booster station rehab project uh we did hear from the the contractor today and there is uh a continued delay on the electrical panel they're now estimating mid January so we are looking at probably a February start date um some of the the pumps and the tank are um have been delivered to their shop and there's some other equipment that will be delivered this month but um once we get a firm date from them we will review the schedule um with Joe and Joel and then um go through all the details and then send a letter to Residents um in terms of just them experience low experiencing low pressure for the duration of the project okay thank you thank you for all your work Mr J uh few things here uh meeting with the Community Development planner and police chief on off street parking uh the City Hall remodel project is moving along um it's all gutted they are um they cut the floor open to cap uh water lines that they aren't needed anymore to install new ones uh look they're looking at starting um construction of the walls next week uh the three new windows that were added on the South Side are end so that project is is is moving along audit work started um on Tuesday or Monday I believe it was um so they're already here uh give a quick presentation at TCU on public administration and kind of city government earlier in the week uh showed the old PD to an interested party so we'll see what what happens there uh touched base on the Public Works interviews Eda has a lunch and learn on Tuesday at noon and then um reviewing the compensation study position uh analysis question Jers that will be used to um update our job descriptions thank you sir thank good for all you work thank you councilman um last week liquor store committee met um just talked about planning for 2025 targets goals um budget talk about the the sidewalk that was one of the things that was brought up in there um yeah other than that not too much other than uh your basic goal setting thank you pretty much sticking on target with what we've been doing year-over Year good good thank you Mada parks and planning zoning meet on Monday the 16th parks at 5:30 planning zoning is at 6:45 and again thank you for the great sheets of ice that uh Public Works has been absolutely good thank you sir council person the Eda will be meeting next week and um Public Works have been having their roof redone on the building I think they're getting close if we hope so it's tough we're trying to Wrangle those sheets in the wind absolutely yeah so it's noisy inside too I bet well as Joel said uh you know guess thanks to Public Works and City cooperation for Frosty Fest it was a great great turnout for a cold day but uh was good to see so many people out and uh yeah yeah it's pretty cool the uh especially downtown of Main Street you know the horse rides or the carriage rides and all that kind of stuff was really really good job the chamber does a lot of good things for our community so big shout out to them um there was a letter here on the table that I guess I could share I suppose it been under the public comment but uh Dr a Joel as you remodel the clinic here's an idea to consider have a room set up to hold 100 to 150 people to rent out for Holiday birthday baby shower Etc it could be set up like The Rustic farmer Revival on Maine in Montgomery the Depot in new pra please share with the council thank you for reading so there that's to that note what is the what the current plan for the council chambers what was the capacity 50 that was a 50 okay correct and then um just a little bit on the interviews you know remarkably we had some really good candidates for uh especially for public works but for the counting Tech too but um I I think the selection will be pretty satisfied with uh there's probably any of the three that we could have probably hired I guess actually so that's that's really good and it seems like they they fall within our pay scale so that that's good and I think that' be a welcome addition and and again big shout out to Charlie he's going on to the county commissioner right that's a next gig so yeah good good for him so with all that I just want to thank everybody for the work and again I want to thank the city council for the work on the budget I know some of those means get long and dry and and uh got it accomplished that's all I have motion my councilman Kata second my councilman palava any further discussion all those in favor I I oppose motion carries submitting to sure