[Music] I'd like to call the January 17 2024 Township of pacon special meeting to order please bow your heads for a moment of Silent prayer both Allegiance United States of America to the Republic for which it stands One Nation indivisible and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided indicating the time and place of the meeting in accordance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 by advertising a notice in the Star Ledger and The Express Times Warren County Zone and by posting a copy on the bulletin board in municipal building um Attorney K would you please summarize the executive session please now this uh evening's executive session consisted of the process of appointing a replacement for the vacant uh Council seat oh I'm sorry for the vacant Council seat uh as a result of the mayor assuming the position of mayor uh that is what we call for lack of a better term a temporary appointment in other words the POR uh the council votes tonight to fill that seat and I'll give you the process in a moment that person would serve until the general election in November of 2024 of course that person could run for the uh the unexpired term which would be one year uh left after that so the appointment is from now until the election November when uh whoever wins that seat is certified by the county clerk that person would be sworn into at that time the process of filling this vacancy is pursuant to state law it's whatever the uh person who vacated the uh seat whatever party that person was a member of in this case Republican party then the uh Republican committee would recommend up to three names of persons to replace that person the council would then have the right to select from one of those three names my understanding is that three names were provided by the County Republican committee the council uh interviewed two of those people tonight and could consider making a motion to appoint one of those people to fill the on uh the one year the term from now until the election in November and by the way that person could run for that spot or is not obligated to uh you know run for that spot in the general election but may do that may I move to appoint Scott Marinelli to fill the council VY we hear a second I'll second that a roll call yes uh councilman delaro yes councilman McQuade yes council president PLO yes yes okay so uh Mr Marell is going to be at this point it could be sworn in and can take a place in the council stand here and face the audience want to raise your right hand and repeat after me I Scott Marinelli I Scott Marinelli do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of ma Jersy I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I will bear true faith and the allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the government established in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly conform all the duties of the office of counsilman all the duties of the office of councilman according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability to help me help me congratulations take your seat all right Scott welcome aboard um real quick Scott's been a member of this community for his entire life he knows everything he knows the street he knows how things run police chief for how many years scottt police chief 16 and um I mean we welcome AB board so may I'll call the roll then yep councilman here councilman mcade here councilman Marinelli here council president PLO here mayor R here okay public comment on agenda items only anyone Don Donna Schneider 26 meow view um I have a couple of questions um the uh the appointment is under personnel and executive how does that how is that Personnel um rather than attorney client privilege why would it be under Personnel it's under Personnel because we're appointing the same as if we appoint a member a person to the DPW it's an appointment of of a council person all right it's not attorney client privilege it's payment of personnel okay and by the way specifically we have the right to re to uh interview candidates for this position in executive session I know yeah I know that it doesn't say you can or you can't it's up to your discretion that's correct right so you chose to do it in executive session right um yes I understand that but the employee thing just kind of uh doesn't make any sense because an employee um that's not the definition of an employee um but that's okay um the next is um the EXA uh for uh the minutes this is the first time I've seen it in the in the um number of years I've come back that you're approving executive session minutes it always says regular session that's not true I always approve executive and it says it every on every it does says on everyone okay we're we're required to keep minutes of the executive sessions and the council votes on those and they're not to be released unless the council votes to release I understand that I have not seen it say executive and regular session on the agenda so I was just okay wondering if that was something new um yeah that's it thank you anyone else public comment for agenda items only JY Judy lift Tac 47 Kyle Drive number three um authorize engineer to apply for recreation Improvement Grant what is the recreation Improvement Grant does that have anything to do with the park that we're applying for that we're looking to um renovate I know we haven't discussed that yet actually I haven't discussed that with uh the There's an opportunity for a recreation Grant which is due on February 27 and uh we going to give authorization to the engineer to apply for that if we can and yes it would be towards the park okay great project great thank you okay anyone else not moving on to business new business all right number one minutes approved December 6 2023 executive and regular session minutes can I have a motion in a second please motion second roll call yes councilman delaro yes councilman McQuade yes councilman Marinelli I obain council president poo yes mayor R yes all right like to have a discussion with the fireman from delw Park regarding an upcoming purchase of the fire truck Jim come up [Music] if you would just state your name and Mr Olson's name yes uh Jim Marinelli uh captain and president of Del Park fire company and uh with me also is the assistant chief of Delware park Martin olon um so good evening Council we're bringing up today um everyone is aware of um looking into the replacement of our 20-year-old uh ladder truck that is uh run out of delare park Fire Company um this apparatus as we know is a 2004 it is now 20 years old um it has served the township um all of those years in um many many ways um so first of all I just want to pass to the councilman I have copies of information that has been provided to us in reference to the truck itself yeah uh yeah [Music] thank um so in this packet that has been provided to each of you on the first page it is um a letter of uh quotation from our sales uh rep which is Eric travina out of fire and safety um they're a sales uh they're the salespeople for Pierce uh fire apparatus and they are out of South planfield um in the letter just kind of quotes uh the price of the the apparatus um being $2,132 68771 uh this price is good until April 30th 2024 and then it kind of goes into uh details about um payments and stuff with that the second part inside of this packet is a drawing reference of um the apparatus we were looking to replace the current uh ladder truck WID um it is a 100 foot ladder Tower um manufactured by Pierce Fire Apparatus out of apple Appleton Wisconsin um and then the last part in it is just the packet this is the option list and this includes everything that goes into the build of a fire apparatus uh there is 504 things that go into Building A Fire Apparatus um and then this is just the individual description of each piece being everything you could possibly think of that would go into a vehicle is brought in this packet um so that's that's that for the new apparatus being brought up itself um like I said we're going to we're trying to replace the 20-year-old apparatus that um as you all know we have had multiple issues with throughout the last couple years um being mechanical electrical um really anything you could think of um has started to become an issue with with the fire apparatus that we are currently running um it this just in this past year it has been went out of service five or four different times uh for different issues and uh fixes that have needed to be done to the truck for it to be able to be operated SA safely uh for the township of a pacon um does anyone have any questions about the packet that no this this truck was involved in a motor vehicle accident yes yes so this the apparatus that we are currently using was involved in a motor vehicle accident um it was uh T-boned while responding to an incident uh in Overlook um during that accident the vehicle that uh ran into the truck hit directly in The Battery area of the uh 2004 apparatus and doing that it exploded the batteries and has kind of caused many electrical issues that we are now seeing more and more evident throughout the years since the accident um we were told that it surged the whole electrical system in the truck um and that's kind of what we're we're coming into seeing more and more issues with electrical and multiple other things that we can explain if needed how about the frame was that damag and stuff at the same time or uh frame was not damaged they told us the frame was good uh the cab was damaged uh the door was replaced and then the cab corner of the door had to be kind of reconstructed um from that accent and if we were the truck safe we ordered it today how many how long would it take to get it so right now from um from what I heard yesterday that I talked to I was able to talk to Eric yesterday uh from fire and safety right now it is approximately 36 to 40 months for an apparatus to be built um 36 is on the the good end um I mean he says it can always come in before that um but that's really the minimum they're giving is is 36 months right now um so that's why we're also coming to you right we are bringing up this this 20-y old piece apparatus right now it would take 36 to 40 months from now just to be able to receive a new apparatus so being able to keep this truck working and being able to be operated for the township um for these next three years the more we wait the more the more the truck right ages and what about a um like a refurbishment is that so A refurbishment is is a possibility of the truck um they are not accepting refurbishments right now because of just the right now it's taking them 36 to 40 months to be able to build a new truck so they are looking into refurbishments but they are trying to the companies themselves are trying to avoid refurbishments as much as possible just because they are so behind that being able to because to refurbish a truck um parts of the truck they would have to stop the line that is being manufactured now bring in molds of apparatus from 2004 so if like e right now it's an E1 apparatus E1 would have to take molds out of Supply from a 2004 apparatus and be able to that's what happened during the accident they had to take a mold out stop the line of production insert a mold for door of a 2004 apparatus to be able to reproduce that um so they're just so far behind um it is a possibility um I mean the price is anywhere from yeah it it would be um any you still have a 20-year-old vehle yeah and then at the end of the day you're not changing the you're not changing the motor you're not changing every piece of electrical in the truck with that it's kind of just redoing the ladder itself self the pump rebuilding what's there at the end of the day you're still left with the barebones of a 20-year-old apparatus Jim what happens to the old truck if we were to get a new truck so um right now so I have discussed with fire and safety if we you we are able to trade in so just like a vehicle you would have we could trade in the apparatus right now the tradein on our truck is approximately $100,000 so that's that's what we would get for tradein on that being a 20-year-old apparatus already but they do accept trade-ins they have used firet truck companies just like a used car lot would be that would come in and evaluate your vehicle evaluate your apparatus and kind of go from there when did the accident to the truck happen uh 2009 and it happened that uh on a US 22 and 519 intersection Jim does this have its own tank or does that resupply like the um no so this this truck the truck we have now has a 500 gon water tank the truck we are looking at now has a 300 gon water tank so in the scheme of things 200 gallons really isn't isn't too much of a difference between uh what it is least um is it when you have 100 foot yes so right now we have a 100 foot straight stick apparatus which is a little different if you uh would look at the drawing provided uh this is a 100t called ladder Tower meaning it has a bucket at the end of the ladder um this is helpful more for the rescue type areas which we are seeing could become possible more and more throughout the township um recently at Autumn Ridge having the uh for story 55 and older uh the three story Care Centers uh more and more building being produced where higher elevation um and being able to reach them and make a rescue if happen to be out out the window much easily and safer utilizing a tower instead of a straight stick else anybody have anything um you have anything or you want to add um and then one last thing so one I was able to talk to Eric today also um there is a possibility that they they release periodically stock units that are put into production by Pierce themselves um if the people looking to purchase the apparatus have their their payments or um in a row have kind of organized what they would like to do have ability to move forward there is the possibility to be able to get on one of these stock units that are put into the production periodically and that would cut down um production time from 36 months down to possibly a year um or less it depends how far in production they are um so I spoke I spoke with Eric today he said it is a possibility he goes um it just based on what you and the council come with kind of moving forward to be able to do that but he said once you would have something in plan in a plan place we could U move forward looking into that which would you know help us be able to replace the apparatus that we are trying to limp along in a much um faster window than waiting the 36 to 40 months it could bring it down to possibly one year is there a difference in price from Custom to stock uh no so the the stock units they they release them early enough in the stages where you can you can still you You Can't customize what cab you have and what motor is in it but you can still customize mounting the cabinets in the truck the pump panel of the truck if you possibly have to um and then everything else about the truck so they kind of try to get them out there and then with how long uh trucks are being T take to built now um they kind of people jump on them fast so they're not on the stock line very long to be able to get production so far but uh pricing pricing is within the same give or take a little bit depending what is put onto the stock unit based on the cab or the pump uh panel and engine that's put in with it you on you want to add anything about oh no uh this has to be publicly bid uh so the price quote that we got is based off the hdac and Source wall Cooperative purchasing agreement in New Jersey oh okay so you're buying it under oh I see this is through a uh already a like a state bid or something like yes correct okay got you didn't didn't I didn't know that based upon using it's the uh because the NJ State contract is no longer available for Pierce Fire Apparatus um public beds user typically uh increase the price about 5% this quotation is based on using either the hgac or Source wealth guapa New Jersey state contract is no longer available for Pierce fire operators so I don't understand they're saying it's not available uh just the New Jersey state contract is no longer available you would it is purchased under it's purchased under the under the hgac or Source wall Cooperative which is what we used the last okay I'm not familiar with it and and if it's something that we can avoid public bid obviously that's yes uh that's we want to do um and uh that um are there other in this Source are there other fire companies that work through that source that offer other um you know Vehicles so the last truck that we bought was a E1 as well through the hgac back in uh 2014 so E1 the current manufacturer that we have the ladder truck through now uses the AAC as well Pierce uses it the reason why we chose a pierce apparatus is due to the um restrictions that we have at the station length length of the apparatus uh angle departure out of the pad the Pierce fits what we need to make work within the township okay um well yeah these are details will work out obviously the council has to look at this to see if they want to move forward and how they're going to finance it through some bonding or something yeah good anything else all right I would suggest maybe we get a uh team together sit down and talk about it and stuff what do you what do you think best yeah you can appoint a committee committee to to continue you know I mean anybody want to be on that for fir I mean I'll be on somebody else should be on me with me and we can beet with I'll be on right so myself and Scott get with the fire department and get something going all right very all all right thank you all thank you guys for coming [Music] in okay number three authorize engineer to apply for a recreational Improvement Grant due due February 27 2024 I need a motion in a second a motion second roll [Music] call councilman delaro councilman M yes Council Marinelli obstain council president PLO yes mayor R yes number four approved partial reduction on bond held on Samson septic and Excavating LLC pursuant to Engineers recommendation letter dated January 12th 2024 in Motion in a second please motion I'll second that roll call uh councilman qu yes councilman Marinelli council president yes right I'm yes got to bring that up mayor's oh planning board okay no that's resolution you're going to add that okay you don't need a resolution but if they have a resolution okay number five resolution authorized refund or S sore overpayment for Block 85 lot 11 in the amount of $45 in motion second please motion second roll call councilman McQuade yes councilman Marinelli obain council president PLO yes mayor R yes number six resolution governing body appointment of William Vine to Zoning Board of adjustment motion a second please motion second roll call please councilman McQuade yes councilman Marinelli council president F yes mayor right yes we added a number seven for mayor's appointment of Anita Koy to the planning board I need a motion and second please motion second roll call please councilman mcqu yes councilman Marinelli obain council president yes right yes okay approval of payment of bills you guys take a look at it by the way just for the record her appointment is for what type of position to the plan uh I have a full full position full member a full member okay just just one of set that for the record thank you right need a motion second for approval of bills motion second roll call please yes councilman McQuade yes councilman Marinelli obain council president poo yes mayor R yes public comment [Music] Bob Bruce 11 hwit wrote my public comment is to inquire of the mayor the council and any others on the day is what updates if any they have on the two Strikers Road properties that as a result of citizens appearing before the selected body were deemed potentially not in the compliance with their side agreements or had agreed as a result of conversation with a Police Department to strengthen their efforts to deter ongoing traffic violations engineer sturb had admirably investigated the ks site when I had brought evidence to this Council of US mail trucks utilizing that site for parking police chief Garcia had admirably approached responsible parties at the Richie Warehouse Chief garciaa had reported that Richie was going to upgrade their signage at their truck exit on on to Strikers and was also going to erect an additional guard shack as a further deterrent so my public comment is to one inquire again on the status of KS two advise Council that Richie has not updated their signage nor erected a guardhouse in effect lying to our police department and snubbing their noses at this Council and lastly three I ask that this Council take similar investigative steps with regards to the US mail trucks that are like they have been at K&S and still are apparently parking at the asphalt plant uh I have not entered upon that property as I had at K&S to provide you with photographic proof but it is a widely witnessed occurrence to routinely see 10 roads that's the name on a truck the recognized US mail carrier exiting left from the Richie warehouse and then turning onto the ASO Plant Road so please address those three things one knns two Richie and three looking into whether mail trucks are allowed to park legally at the ASO plant that's it I'll sit down and await whatever you response thank you very much thank you anyone else public comment 110 sou 6 Street I'd like to um on December meeting um adopt resolution hold executive session attorney client privilege vacation Alleyway request I'd like an update on that is that moving forward what is the uh council's position on it well right now sir it's public comment only and attorney's working on that so we'll get soon as we come up with some information we'll let you know okay okay thank you anyone else public comment only Judy Judy the tech Kyle Drive um I was uh sitting and taking notes of the presentation of our brave firemen appreciate their service I hope um that the truck that we are looking to possibly purchase would be sufficient enough to um help with the warehouses that we now have built in our community I hope that's taken into consideration if we need a bigger better truck then we need a bigger better truck um I also hope that since one of our warehouses falls under the pilot program where this Council um uses the taxes at their discretion that um the warehouse income that we get I'm going to call that income um the taxes that we get from the warehouses help to pay for the fire equipment that our um Brave firemen need so that they can um continue to protect this community again we brought the warehouses here we need to make sure that our um firefighters are safe so I hope we're using Warehouse money to pay for that um if you appoint a committee I hope that it's above board unlike the warehouse committee that we can't seem to have minutes or appointments for um that's it thank you thank you anyone else n Donna Schneider 26 meop um I just want to also say um I in the past I had some uh differences with uh purchasing of Fire Equipment but in this circumstance and with what's coming to our area what we already have in our area um I really hope that this Council grants them what they need um if we can spend 18 million on a park we can definitely spend the money for these guys so thank you thank you okay anyone else all right seeing none motion for adment motion second okay inor all in favor thank you for coming out thanks for coming