like to call to order the um regular session the L pacan Township meeting July 3rd 2024 we have a moment of prayer please pledge [Music] allegiance to the United States of America to the republ which stand One Nation God indivisible and jce for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by indicating the time and place of the meeting in accordance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1990 correction 1975 by advertising a notice in a Star Ledger The Express Times Warren County Zone and by posting a copy on the bulletin board in the municipal building roll call death please yes councilman delaro councilman Marinelli here councilman M here council president here mayor R here um Mr Ley will you summarize the executive session please uh sure mayor uh we went into executive session to discuss a attorney client privilege matter dealing with the EMS update uh we also discussed a Personnel matter dealing with municipal clerk and we discussed a pending litigation matter dealing with a tax appeal for cicf no official action was taken copies of these minutes will be available such time as the count that determines there is no harm to the public interest they're going to take action on number two yeah um and then if the council is so inclined we need a motion to increase the clerk salary by $10,000 for assuming additional duties I'll make the motion second councilman Marinelli yes councilman mqu yes council president fedo yes May right yes and then also mayor if the council's so inclined we need a motion to authorize the settlement with C the cicf tax Appeal on the terms discussed in executive we need a motion yeah yes I'll make that motion second Council marelli yes coun yes Council pres yes yes okay I guess we swear in Terry bishy is our Deputy municipal clerk some hold the Bible okay so you're going to raise your right hand and you're going to repeat after me I Terry bishy I Terry bishy do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constition tion of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of Deputy municipal clerk all the duties of the office of the Deputy municipal clerk according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me gun so help me gun you're welcome thank you congratulations [Music] all right and also like to um welcome Patty uh Setta our new Administrative Assistant who works in the clerk's office also very happy to have you board thank you okay under old business minutes approve the executive and regular session minutes for the June 5th 2024 meeting could have a motion in second please motion second roll call please yes uh councilman Marinelli yes councilman CL yes council president poo yes mayor R yes number two ordinance number 24-11 second reading and public hearing on the bond ordinance providing a appropriation of $932,500 for various capital improvements in and by the township of lakan and authorizing the issuance of 87,7 in bonds and notes for financing financing part of the appropriation I need to have a motion and a second to hold a public hearing motion second all in favor I I all right comments from the public seeing none motion second to close the public hearing motion second all in favor and I need a motion to second to adopt ordinance make a motion second and roll call please yes councilman Marinelli yes Council mqu yes counc preso yes may yes number three ordinance number 24-12 second reading and public hearing of bond ordinance providing appropriation of $17 million for the improvements of the L pacan Park in and by the township of L pacan and authorizing the issuance of$ 16,150 th000 in bonds and notes for financing financing part of the appropriation before we hold the public hearing a lot of people here um might not know the history of what we've been doing some people um are a little confused so I want to read a little bit of stuff and a little history before we open it up and it might help for the questions back in 1960 a group of Township residents formed a lakan recreation committee they formulated a plan to acquire land build a pool Fieldhouse playing fields and sports as well as a pavilion this committee continued to operate the Park complex until 1999 when they approached the township about handing over the complex to the township to continue the operations at that time mayor steinhardt the council at that time entered into agreement to transfer the property at 0 to the town in 2006 the first renovation was take undertaken to build the quad softball and baseball fields soccer fields basketball courts and walking trails along the parking room for a future buildt of concession stand and bathroom facilities the township operated the park until Co pandemic would shut down most of the operations in 2020 once the pandemic was over the pool was not operable and no longer met code requirements along many other issues The Pavilion is in need of renovation as well as the Fieldhouse maintenance of the parks Trails parking lots buildings and payment of utilities a cost already borne by taxpayers of the township the program that operate there today are many sports offered for the children through the Le pacan Athletic Association and events run by the township Council hired an a park planner in 2022 provide a master plan for what the new park would look like on What the residents wanted to see numerous meetings were held Zoom for most and surveys were taken the people spoke and data was collected plans have been designed based on what the residents wanted to see and are now complete the cost estimate is 17 million the township Al has provided a sound financial plan for the payment of the park over time by retiring old debt paying off other obligations that will be used to pay down the park development cost over the next 20 years or so over the years there's been a lot of misinformation circulated about the park facilities in their operations and costs the township has 20 years of data collected on the revenue and expense side of operating the pool and renting the Pavilion and Fields when planning the rebuild of the facilities the plan was to have buildings operation will year round and provide party rentals at all the facilities and the development programs and events much like what is taking place at the shrin building over and the forks Community Center over in Pennsylvania these programs will pay for themselves for example Zumba aquaz Zumba yoga summer camp after school events programs programs for seniors Pilates pickle ball lessons and movies just to name a few the EMS building if acquired will house a 100 EMS and possibly other squads that might want to work in our area there is space for a senior program and much more there's also ample parking to set the other parking areas inside the complex so that's a little history on the area um it's not going to take 18 years to build and it's you know we have we have everything set up and in a real good shape so at that point I'm going to open up um public comment so I could have a motion in a second to open up public hearing motion second all in favor I comments from public Mr Bruce Paul Bruce 11 hwi wrote like many low power residents my concern is the impact this pool will have on property taxes I stand before you tonight before you vote on ordinance 2412 authorizing appropriation of 17,1 16,1 15,000 raised from bonds and notes with pertinent questions on this decision that affects every low Pat resident I've been attending Council meetings for 3 years now and when the subject of whether the pool should be replaced first came up in Council meetings our previous mayor Mr mangui and our current councilman Mr velaro not here tonight spoke with concern about whether rebuilding this pool was a wise decision May maguchi spoke about how the township differs from the time this pool was built in 1967 he stated that since then many people now have their own backyard pools and many residents of lat now live in clustered town home developments that have pools his feelings seemed to be that the attraction of a town pool had significantly lessened from when it was built and thus posed a financial uncertainty due to lack of Resident support I couldn't locate census data for lat 19 for 1970 but in 2000 lat was reported to have 5880 residents as of 2022 that was reported to be 9421 a 60% increase Council B belc Caro had stated that the number of family memberships at the time that the pool closed were only roughly 60 that would be 60 families from a reported 3,987 households roughly only 1 and a half% of households supporting the pool councilman B Caro seemed to indicate like mayam and Gucci That rebuilding the pool might not be such a sound decision on more than one occasion we have been told that rebuilding this pool would not result in tax increases but when then asked if tax increases would be necessary to maintain this rebul pool and park complex mayor manuchi said yes taxes would go up to maintain it Mr Mayor can you explain why Council feels there are enough families willing to support this pool what Revenue projections if any are the basis for that feeling how many members are projected at what membership fees and given that the maintenance of this pool park will raise taxes can you explain how the council arrived at that determination that taxes will be raised and how much of a tax increases for cast it let me answer all right we had a survey okay we had Park planner number one we spent $60,000 how was you were you at the zoom meetings when we had the zoom meetings yes sir did you do the survey I told the survey you did well we had about I'm going to Quick answer um 732 people took the survey okay have you visited lat Park in the last 12 months 658 said yes okay which County Parks have you been which County Parks have you been to L pacan Park red 90% okay we have almost what do we have now ask N 9 10,000 people all right people are 700 people said they wanted this pool well 658 all right we're going to listen to the people what are we going to do for our just because people some people have pools or some um developments have pools what about the people who don't a lot of people aren't given free pools a lot of people don't have condos that pool they have regular homes they're trying to throw they want their kids to have somewhere to do listening to Mr Mooney he says that we're we can handle it without making taxes go up we're already paying everything to run the park now we pay insurance we upkeep with new buildings and stuff that it would be a lot easier to keep doing um that we're doing now with the old buildings I think we could do it the board thinks we can do it so and the maintenance sir we're doing the maintenance now yes but I understood from Mr May mayor mangi that that he said there was yes I know but that's what he planed decided and we think that it can be done it'll be less for us to do it won't have to do as much okay to to to follow up now on the thing that I'm addressing I answered you if you would have talked a lot less we could have got more answers well I mean I understand this is his second hearing and these are all pertinent questions sir so I'm I'm continuing to raise what you rebut what you said which is that uh 700 families out of roughly 9,000 residents you so you survey about 8% uh you got answers from about 8% of the population well we'll see what the rest of the night well Sir Mr Mayor manuchi had recommended before he uh uh before he stepped down that we have a non-binding referendum on the November ballot that suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a survey I submit to you sir that if instead of only getting responses from 700 you might have gotten more of a response how you put it out on the ballot as suggested we keep wasting time families want the park we can't keep playing games wait for a year you do it you wait for another year people want the swim team want to come back they want want to do it now right 700 how many people on here don't want it very few let's see by the end of the night let's he who's for and who not all right thank you I appreciate you talking who Mr [Music] John Kon 38 Jade Lane so prior to the voting on going into debt for $17 million I feel that the tax pay pacon deserve to know the following one the council has represented that because some bonds are being paid off there will be no tax increases associated with borrowing $17 million which has always been stated in pretty vague terms when discussed at the June 15th 2022 special council meeting the CFO stated that bonds that were originally 5.6 million were being paid off in 2027 and that the money could go towards the park specifically how could paying off the 5.6 million offset the borrowing of $17 million to the point where it won't raise our taxes I'd like just go through these questions and then you can answer if you'd like uh there was number two there was a discussion during the March 26 2024 special council meeting regarding the 5% down payment required for the park and CFO stated we'll just have to increase taxes uh for the down payment um if the CFO states taxes will need to be raised for the 5% down payment how does this jive with the council's position that taxes won't increase to pay for the park three according to the park master plan the pool in park will cost more than $18 million and will take 15 to 18 years to complete was this information provided to the L pakong taxpayers during the park meetings or was was the simp public simply told in vague terms that the park can be built without raising taxes four as mayor manuchi stated multiple times that the Park and Pool could be built without raising taxes but taxes will definitely increase in order to maintain and staff the park during a previous council meeting Beth talked about an office for the park manager the office space for something like six to eight lifeguards so prior to going into debt for $17 million what will the tax increase be to maintain and staff the park and five as mayor monguchi argued against the pool stating that because of declining membership the pool had lost money for years during the June 15 2022 special council meeting L belaro also argued against the pool noting the pool would benefit about 60 families according to the park master plan the pool portion of the park is going to cost us $9.6 million does the council truly feel that it's worth going $9.6 million into debt for the benefit of 60 families so to be clear I'm not against having a nice park in a pool what I am against is the council taken on massive debt on a taxpayer's behalf for something that is not needed but only nice to have hopefully the council can answer uh these questions honestly and thoroughly but if not you owe it to the people you represent to vote no until such time honest and thorough answers can be provided so you I going let Mr money and and C CFO you made a comment about the CFO saying about increasing the budget that was to increase the the capital Improvement fund so we could have enough money for the down payment which that occurred in 2023 because we have to put this was from this was from the special meeting this month uh back in March of this year right so that's what we did last year actually to come up with most of the down payment for that but you said in March of this year M we'll just have to increase taxes I I just watched the video today right but that might have been having to do with the fire truck no no it was specifically for the down payment of the port I actually recorded it I can play it for you if you like well I know that the 20 in 2023 we raised that money in the capital Improvement fund but 2024 you said we sure we're just going to have to increase taxes that's I'm just it was it's on video if I may if if that was said I I don't I wasn't available at that meeting um what we did last year in the 2023 budget was we utilize more Surplus more fund balance that the town had on hand to bring into the budget to increase the capital Improvement fund so that we did not increase taxes last year solely for the purpose of raising the capital Improvement fund which is the down payment that comes up you know that's the difference between the 17 million and the 16 1225 that you're going to borrow uh back in March of 2023 we were tasked with uh doing projections at different intervals one was at 15 million one was at 18 million and one was at 20 million uh over a 20-year period and a 25-year period based upon Bond Council suggestion of the useful life of the building the useful life of the building has come in at 17.3 years so the projection is a little bit off but theoretically you are raising within your budget on an annual basis $1.7 million to pay down your existing Debt Service by the time these bonds would hit and you'd be paying them back those bonds that you have now you have 500,000 of Serial bonds which is permanent debt that has a structured annual payoff and you also have Bond anticipation notes for roughly $4 million which are for the roads and various equipment if you stay stay on track of where you are now and add no other existing debt that's the key you'll be able to pay this $ 16.1 million off using the $1.7 million that you put in the budget annually as it is right that money will not go away that'll stay in the budget but instead of paying the existing debt down now that goes towards paying off Park months and it's a blend of Municipal debt of Municipal tax and open space tax because this is also an Open Space Project currently you're using $200,000 a year from open space to pay you down your existing bonds so nothing's going to change as far as where the money's being raised or what taxes the money's being raised in it can be done and the you know the models that we've done have proven that uh but it's a matter of it's also a matter of your interest rate when we did the projection we projected interest to be 4.25% now as you know inflation has gone through the roof and we could see another tax increase a tax rate increase from the FED if that happens interest rates could go up and there could be a potential interest issue that you're going to have to deal with uh you know Bond Council has told us we we had an issue recently where it went for 4.1% right so that's lower than what we were projecting so in in that case we would do better than what the projections we're showing but everything that we've seen in our projection show that if you keep that $11.7 million in your budget on an annual basis not only will you pay off the existing debt that you have but you'll also be able to pay off this debt for the pool without increasing taxes again if the interest rate goes up or if you go out and you authorize more debt that could factor in an increase taxes but as it stands now where you're at that debt that's falling off will be used to pay off this thatb we're authorizing extra debt all the time it seems here well and and the 17 million is the total doesn't mean I have a we're not going to borrow against that until we need it which you're talking next year or the year and we won't borrow 17 million well the park according to the master plan is going to cost 18 to be stages sure but it's still dead it's you're still spending the money is whether it's in stages or not I mean if you take out a car years it's you're still paying off the you know you're still going to have to pay for it right but if you're borrowing $5 million at a clip then you're paying interest on $5 million in that first year not $16 million in that first year I understand but you're still borrowing that much you're still borrowing that money thank you thank you anyone else yes sir Anthony pergal 50 Kyle Drive um there's a lot of talk here about 17-year debt 15year debt um I can't believe for one second that we're not going to have something come up that we need right away another fire truck a first aid Squad a building roof whatever so there's going to be additional debt which is going to incur uh higher taxes for all of us my question to you is very simply is this if people voted on the pool why are we spending money for an entire Park complex is it an All or Nothing deal or can it be uh they voted on the park not just the pool with the whole thing okay um I personally don't think the entire uh project is necessary if we want to go with the pool let's go with the pool um I I just I just don't see it there's a couple issues like with the baseball quad Fields when they're putting they're put in wrong the water goes back towards the home plates and it's all wrong back there the there's there's we have to do stuff to get like uh refreshment stands stuff that where they can make money and so where the where the athletic association can make money and where we can rent and then all helps pay the bills okay but you know what I mean well being that there's so much confusion and there's so much animosity about spending the money how about if we have uh um another special meeting where we have something to get the people within the community together instead of pushing them we did we had how many meetings did we have you know uh we had uh at least two uh public meetings and they were by Zoom so everybody could par everybody that's a problem though well no that's what people wanted and then we took a lot of surveys and they were open for months the surveys that's how the people were able to uh hard get people to come out it's hard to you thank you for your time sir thank you sir yes Maran hi my name is Dennis Drake six byon Drive I just heard everyone here I'm I'm the swim coach so I'm going to be Pro pool um and but just I want to make a couple of big points um one the pool is part of the park in fact it's the Crown Jewel of the park uh you know the Pool opened up in fact the swim team's been around since 1969 the year of the Pool opened uh since that time we've had a 120 kids to 160 kids every single year use the pool use was being on the swim team um talking about 60 families there's 60 lowack families but the pool survived on more than just 60 families there's a There Was You Know hundreds of dollars every day coming in on Daily Gate fees there's other people that other businesses or myself included who might rent the pool uh and use it for other things and on top of that um there's lifeguard classes there CPR classes first aid classes triath leades train train there Navy Marine crew to train there I know so CU I train them when they use the pool when they're getting ready to go to the navian Marines there's numerous senior and and Aquatic uh adult aquatic classes such as aquaz Zumba aqua yoga there's a summer camp there the kids in the summer camp there's at least a hundred of them they're not you know they're not maybe they're not pay maybe they're not paying a 60 family membership um but they use those 100 or so kids including that's in addition to the other 120 on the swim team use the uh use the pool um see Boy Scouts used the pool for having all their swimming requirements done there the other thing is too the pool is part of the park we're not doing this allart I I think it makes no sense to do something alart are we going to have a separate vote on soccer fields I mean NE there's only 40 families in L Pac that use the soccer fields are we going to have a separate vote on the football field we're going to separate vote on the on the on the walking Track because maybe I go to Lad Park I only see two people at a time actually walking around the park at least when I go so maybe that's not worth it the whole point is anytime that you're going to invest something in a in a community Center there's always going to be a minority of people that use it but it's a community center it's worth it the other thing is too the pool survived because of all the outside support that we got this is a rare opportunity it's one of the few times it's one of the few resources where you will have hundreds of people from Alpha from Green from Harmony from fburg they come and they pay us right they're willing to put their finances to support our community centers I mean that doesn't happen to anything else you can think of any other community resource that we have and you will not find like if we went to Alpha and said to the population of alpha we to Harmony hey guys can you give us like you know $30,000 a year of of your taxpayer money to support our pool they'd say no but if we just open up the pool to to those people to join they'll join a lot of our budget a lot of supported that was uh from outside support so the pool is and the park itself because of where we're located is a Community Regional Center that we actually get the greatest benefit from in L pacon see here um something else too the 16 million that's not all from the pool that's the again to to uh for the for the entire park and in terms of the pool Budget on most years the pool broke even or made a little bit of money I know so because the several times that I I did the um asked Beth for the for the numbers I think the last year the pool was open it made $112,000 uh so the pool doesn't consistently lose money but in terms of it but in terms of its like base operating budget um of like the life cards that has to hire the managers have to hire the pool itself covers its own costs so if the pool made about $120,000 in order to run it every year it cost about $10 $120,000 so the pool isn't losing money every year it's a great community resource that both seniors and youth uh and everybody in between use uses and it actually acts as a regional center and really highlights the pong and we actually have other communities supporting our pool so I actually I have one question what is the um how out of 16 million how much is the pool do we know that I don't have I don't have because what's that that's what you said but that's not what I heard previously it's in the master because one of the things to to consider is you can't just leave the pool laying there like that right if you're going to have to remove all that cement all that plumbing all that every if you it probably cost about 3 to four million to totally clear out that all the environmental hazards on it it right two According To maruchi That All right so but the point is 2.2 and we get nothing but grass or we pay 9 million and we get a community resource center right a community center to everybody that is well worth it so uh you know I'm in favor of us Sports I'm in favor of a community center I'm in favor of Lup pacan I you know to me that's all worth it especially considering it's not like we're increasing debt we're not right we're Shifting the expiring debt thank you thank you sir appreciate your Maran [Music] Maran cble 1315 Bel Road I've lived there since 1969 and I've always enjoyed my proximity to the park I remember when my kids used to go up to the pool every day um I don't have full knowledge of all the numbers and the spending that you're talking about but if I remember correctly like you said that the pool and a lot of that property was given to the township right so I wonder how much the the debt would be I mean how much will the property be worth once the improvements are made I mean that's got to be a big number it's going to help the homes in the area also yeah and if I agree with the gentleman who was just up here what happens if we don't do anything I mean there won't be any Community Center no I mean that's kind of sad you're giving nothing to the residents if we do nothing and it's not fair no that's my point I think I don't think you can sit by and not do anything do me a favor quiet back thank you Maran anyone else please yes Judy [Music] J do the tactile drive my statement this evening um is solely my opinion and not that of any other organization tonight I have a few uh questions I hope the council will take the time to answer this evening I'm not against a beautiful park for our community but I have a strong opposition to spend spending $17 million on a park without a public vote what happened to that proposal to have this project put up for vote that would give us a true analysis of who is in favor and not in favor of this project while I understand the importance of recreational facilities for a community it comes down to wants and needs like any sound budget should have I believe that the allocation of such a large sum of money to this project is not justified especially considering the current needs of our town and the current Park usage this is a want not a need and during these Economic Times we need to be very weary of the debt that we take on there are more pressing issues such as a fire truck that will cost us millions of dollars why are we using a bond to pay for a park when we need a fire Tru why go into more debt for both we also have pressing public safety issues and the education of our children that require immediate attention and funding our resources must be used in a way that benefits the entire community and addresses the most urgent needs despite what you are told we do not need a luxury pool park in a pool with both a competition lap section and a lazy river for our property values there are many wealthy communities in this area that do not have a 17 million doll Park and Pool furthermore before making such a decision the taxpayers should know how much it will actually costs to run and maintain the park not just open-ended answers of we already do it this has a direct tax impact this is not a tax-free project like it has been proposed what are those projected costs going to be do what are they going to be we should have those numbers what will the cost of membership be do we know what that is going to be will the pool be a true community pool or will there be eight of out of state Town me and out of town memberships swim teams from various areas and camps that were welcome in the past that made our pool more of a business than a community place for our community to be why did the old pool lose all the membership in the end because it was a business not just a community space we should not be increasing our taxes to build a Regional Community Center additionally why aren't we using all the money this town is breaking in from all the warehouses we're forced to live with we should be using our resources on public safety education and infrastructure all things we need and all citizens will benefit from not just a small group of seasonal pool membership holders out of state camps and members in the end the town should look around at the many local parks in the surrounding areas that are beautiful and they don't have the luxury of having a pool on a taxpayer's back I urge This Town Council to cons reconsider this project gather all Financial facts consider a townwide vote and explore more costeffective Alternatives that will provide recreational opportunities for our residents without placing such a heavy Financial Bur burden on our town thank you for considering my concerns thank you anyone else Don Donna Donna Schneider 26 Meadow View um I had a statement but I just have more questions instead of saying a statement um you said about 8% of the people responded to the survey correct 753 we have 9,000 residents so that's roughly like 8% right um so 8% of the people responded um and then you said just earlier well let's see how tonight goes um I don't see 8 thou 8,400 people in the audience to determine a vote that would say um the majority of the people want the pool so uh you know that's a big one um you know you guys have said Miss mayor maguchi said the pool does not make money and um whatever was said here despite that it's true the pool does not make money that's not the most important thing but it is an important thing um you know we have warehouses because Mr belcaro said people can't afford to live in low pakong who said he would build warehouses everywhere if he could because people can't afford to live here anymore yet now we have a $17 million Park and Pool project it just doesn't make any sense if people can't afford to live here how are they going to deal with the burden of this because we already know the taxes will go up you have no reserves did you hear any comment that it will be a burden on anybody from the CFO or auditor it will be a burden it says you I what do you because taxes go up because it was just determined and excuse me I don't need your sarcasm well you're you're telling me you're giving me you're giving me your opinion that's all it is Mr Mooney just said that the taxes will go up if you have any more debt which you probably will have you probably will which means your taxes will go up so what if it goes up 2 cents we look what you we've been doing with this town okay we already have a fire truck in the works everything's going well with it okay okay and by next year everything will be done but everything will never nothing else will break we have regulations we have to follow we can't just say okay guess what here's 2.8 million for a fire truck here's this for we have to follow rules I don't know where you get your information you're out there telling people that what you're saying here is not true yes it is no it's not you know the pool made no money yes I do I did I I did I had it you had it yeah and are you saying Mr maguchi is a liar because he said the pool made no money I I'm talking you're making a statement for that's right because the former before you made the same statement and you sat there and said nothing you didn't say how do you know Mr mangi I have no idea right but then so then don't say I don't have any idea but you're telling people what the truth is you're saying yes because Mr maguchi said yes your taxes will go up to maintain the pool that was a definite he said that was a definite your taxes will go up to maintain the pool not to not to build it to maintain it well it's on the video so you go watch it it's on the video you can go watch it I watched a lot I watched I watched January uh 2017 I thought was fabulous Yeah well yeah yeah I remember that uh yeah also uh one more thing you have sidewalks in disrepair you've got roads in disrepair this place is a disaster you're infastructure we had more roads in sidewalks been fixed than anybody has this Council in the last how many years who fix the sidewalks the town we got grants yeah we're getting paid for so it doesn't cost the taxpayer the the the sidewalks for the residents that they have to walk on in their developments you're telling me that the town pays for those no we're talking no that's their own sidewalk exactly but you planted the trees pay for resent sidewalks yeah because you guys planted the trees you're Engineers you hired planted those trees there say we did that was done 20 years ago it doesn't matter when it was done you are the council representing it and those trees were not planted by our residents well we're talking about the pool in the park right now yeah but we're also talking about the money I got to agree that was it was crazy but can't control that but you can control it if you didn't spend $17 million on a Park and pool and you could just do it for less money so thank you thank you anyone else please no else seeing none like to have a motion second to close the public one more thing oh wait a minute oh yeah it's been out the thing that it was going to take 18 years to build this park and I don't know where they're getting this from designs it once they break ground what's it roughly going to be to build this park roughly sure uh thank you uh yeah the anticipated you know once we have design completed schematic plans have been completed um and once we receive final authorization from the council we're expecting you know once the final designs are completed the project is Bid And awarded we're expecting a two-year construction schedule for the project so I don't know where these people are putting this on the internet for 18 years ex that's in the master plan that's in the park master plan you ought to take a look at it I can give you a copy of no I don't need it sir you might be doing more work on it maybe adding things to the park maybe they're going to do things but the park that they're going to build once they break ground roughly two years or the intention is two years I think the initial uh Park master plan had outlined the improvements being phased over a longer period of time um so I I don't believe that's the approach of this council is to phase it over a very extended period as was presented originally in that Master Plan there was a five phase five was delayed for the playground is that not the case now sir that it's all going to be done in one phase no I think that's the second phase that will be the second phase but the uh the township has received the grant for the playground as well um so those funds need to be expended within two years as part of the grant agreement with the New Jersey uh DCA so that will be you know that has to be implemented as part of this phase of the work otherwise the $100,000 that was just under $100,000 that was received will be lost so we can't delay that work and again just my opinion I'm going on 61 I lived in this town for 55 years I've coached in this town I worked in this town all my life as as a police officer in the chief I'd rather have the kids someplace to go on that park in that pool than hanging out in the streets or getting in trouble do you want to be peber where they hang out the streets where they got to worry about the cars and everything else or do you want to give them someplace safe to be you can't tell me that none of need have been up there during the fall or spring during any type of sport and see how crowded that Park is I coach football there it's amazing soccer you must have 500 kids playing out there probably some of your kids and yet here you are complaining about it I agree it's a big number it is but you know what that's what it takes to build it and again that's just my opinion anybody else want to say anything before we close comment yeah yeah as a council our ultimate goal is to serve Le pacon to the benefit of all of its residents I believe the new pool and the park Innovation will help us achieve our goal as we appr previously mentioned putting in the new pool and renovating the park will bring no additional costs to the taxpayers well what it will bring is opportunities for all residents interests at a recent Recreation meeting I was asked about activities for seniors I explained that right now we do not really have the facilities to provide such activities but with the new pool park Innovation activity will be available for seniors as well as many other interest groups in town I know residents have concerns about costs once the new pool and park Renovations are complete first we have money in our budget for some of these costs further I believe that these new opportunities and activities that will become available will help offset these costs as I often say Recreation is not just for kids and is not just for sports the pool and park should be for the enjoyment to all of the Paco that's why I believe the best way to achieve our goal is to proceed with the new pool and Park renovation thank you mayor I grew up in Philipsburg moved here in 1993 been here for 33 years um the uh Park and the pool was the focal point of this town for many many years throughout my whole life actually when I was a young boy I used to come to this park as opposed to my own Park in thsb this is the focal point and just like the mayor said and we re we rely on our financial people to tell us what our best course of action to be is and they've given us very good Sound Advice I'm an advocate of the park I'm going to vote for this park including the pool I'm going to Echo the sentiment of the mayor and and um our financial people as well as Mr Drake who said it eloquently there's no better way that it could be said by Mr Drake it's the reason why we should have this pool that's all I have to say did you have come yes uh how long come on to Mike state your name please L St 110 south6 Street how long did it take to construct the existing playing fields and walking trail I don't know I know the contractor did it Bob verman yeah he did it okay it was over two years MH all right so I think your construction estimate of two years to complete everything is way off base I don't see it being done for four years you can't work in the wintertime you got mud everything else who knows what contingencies will come up so two years now I don't see it happen I've been in construction all my life I built many communities it's not going to happen still far from 18 isn't it excuse me still far C from 18 years AG isn't it I never said anything about 18 I I could care less about that but I'm just saying let's be a little bit more accurate do you like people expecting this to be done in 2 years it's not but you're right there's contingency you can't clean the weather you can't a lot of things let be honest don't they're saying that it it can't be two years there might be consider two four years but that's not our fault that's the weather but don't say it's going to be done in two years could it's not two years from tonight it's two years from breaking ground cor right I understand that I don't see it done being done in two years and these people that you're saying that are going to expect it it's wrong thank you thank you all right one more quick thing I got an email last night um from a gentleman who asked to have his voice or for his um voice heard so mayor Wright I am I am unable to attend the meeting tomorrow but would like to voice my support for the project I've always believed that if you are not investing any town it's slowly dying while nobody likes your taxes to go up I believe the cost of a bond on our taxes will be well worth the investment for many years to come thank you for your vision and desire to make L Pac on Township a place people will want to invest and move to and that was from Mr Terry Lawler from the township anyone else any other comments now I'd like to have a motion and a second to close the public hearing motion second all favor I a motion and second to adopt the ordinance I'll make that motion second councilman Marinelli yes councilman mcqu yes council president poo yes mayor yes ordinance number 24-13 second reading and public hearing to amend chapter 199 of the code of Township of laac on the titled of storm water management to reflect the amendments to new yor storm water management rules njac 7-8 adopt adopted July 177 2023 have a motion in a second to hold public hearing motion I'll second that all in favor I comments from the public none heard I Motion in second to close the public hearing motion second all in favor and a motion and second to adopt this ordinance motion second roll call vote please counc Marinelli yes counc yes counc president yes may right yes new business ordinance number 24-14 first reading to amend Revis supplement chapter 227 section 20a Vehicles over designated gross vehicle weight rating excluded from certain County streets to include additional County Roads I have a motion in a second to approve that motion second roll call please yes councilman Marinelli yes Council yes counc president yes they right yes ordinance 24-15 first reading to amend and supplement section 173-191 information to be given to all tenants required the landlords to provide hard copies of um all notices pertain to lease to tenants and create section 173 19.2 entitled property management companies imposing the requirements of chapter onto property management companies retained by landlords have a motion and a second please motion second roll call vote Council Marinelli yes counc yes president yes may yes uh ordance number 24-16 first reading to establish chapter 41 entitled personal policy and practices to create sectional 41-01 entitled anti-nepotism policy I get a motion in a second please motion second roll call vote councilman Marinelli yes Council mcqu yes council president yes may yes consent agenda one through three anybody have any problems with that if not can I have a motion and second please motion second roll call vote councilman marinell yes Council yes yes yes Council reports which nothing additional got no yes I'd like to thank the DPW for putting up the no littering signs on Striker Road and cleaning up the branches that fell from storms around town and also uh Community day is going to be August 24th with a rain date of August 31st it's all for now M thank you okay that's it all right uh same thing DPW did a great job and continue to do a great job with all the trees and uh limbs we have down um they've been doing a great job with that um couple things there a lot of people calling me lately um a lot of small business and stuff want to come into the town um and trying to get people to come in and have meetings with us but um we'll see how that goes uh fire truck like I said we're on track get a 23 million fire truck a ladder truck um it's high on our priority and um with information we got tonight and stuff like that from our CFO we look forward to moving on with that um I also had a call from the per um solar field that want to come in and and possibly do some solar work in the area I don't know how I feel about that but um that's on the Horizon so that's about all I have I don't think there's anything else um can I get a report from the engineer yes thank you Mr Mayor um in the council probably saw that we had the resolution to authorize a Grant application to the Department of Transportation for the strikker road uh improvements project phase one um and that Grant application was filed last week with the Department of Transportation the local Aid division um and that work is proposed to improve uh Striker Road from the Harmony Township Line Belleview Road intersection to James Avenue as that'll be the first phase of the strikers Road Improvement project and the improvements there will include sidewalks curb ramps drainage repairs milling and Paving along the roadway uh we've been very successful obtaining grants from the dot for work uh and along that same line uh you know we're hoping to hear back uh continue the the road work in town um typically we we receive Grant notice award notices uh prior to Thanksgiving you know late October early November uh so we're looking forward to that uh to continue the road improvements in town um current project was completed uh in the last few weeks the Belleview Road improvements it was phase two um and that work has now been completed we're awaiting results of the ngj do inspection for that so we can file uh for reimbursement uh for the construction cost of that project and then uh most recently the Jade Lane improvements uh for the drainage sidewalk and manle repairs have been completed and currently coordinating with the contractor for the milling and Paving of those roadways we don't have a final schedule for that work but we will provide notice to all residents on the roadway as well as to Beth uh so that you can provide notice when they're going to be milling and Paving that um portion of actually it's all of Jade Lane essentially from Stonehenge the entire length of of Jade Lane will be milled and paved in the coming weeks hopefully in the next month or two will be completed um I believe that's all I have right now unless Mr Mary have any other questions or members of the council okay good um police chief's not here Scott you have anything for Police Department um fire chief [Music] mayor council good evening for the month of June the fire department responded to 20 incidents uh average response time was about 8 minutes with a duration of 41 minutes on scene for the year we've responded to 116 calls uh up two calls from last year was 114 for the same uh time frame uh average response time of 6 minutes in uh average uh incident duration of 31 minutes further I'd like to report that I got notification at the end of last week uh at beginning part of the year I met with uh Insurance Services offices ISO uh they help with uh insurance premiums with insurance companies uh they come in and review our fire suppression um capabilities and they do a review the last time it was done was back in 2015 when I was Chief uh they came in early part of the springtime reviewed our capabilities I got notification end of last week we improved our uh rating classification from a six uh 6X to a 55x so hopefully we should uh help that should help the residents of the town with their insurance carriers in premiums uh insurance companies look at that rating and sometimes lowers their premiums in their rats so there's always room for improvement which we always strive for and we take their recommendations and uh go from there so happy to report that thanks yep appreciate it EMS Sean okay good evening jentan um for the month of June the pburg emergency Squad ran 463 calls of which L Pac on Township was 105 or about 22.7% of the June call volume year to date up till about 12:00 today We've ran 273 calls of which low pakong was 713 about 26% of our call volume which is how many percentage 26 26 four 26.4 thank you that's about average all right thank you thank you Brian do you have anything anything with all the stuff that's been going on for all the storms and stuff you need to you weren't here but we we were thanking you for all the hard work you guys did you thank you guys yeah we're bringing the stuff out all right um please bring it out end it we' like to move on to other things all right uh for the last two weeks that's pretty much what we've been doing we had massive I mean you name it we got it all right so please don't don't cut um branches that it's not what it's for it's for emergencies only all right um cost of people doing that all right um that's abusing the system that they gave you all right so please be faithful to what they're offering you all right um and then we're going to move on to other things all right and sweep the road do the storm drains um you know do some things in the park and all that stuff so thanks br and motion second to approve the department reports motion second roll call vote Council Marinelli yes counc yes president yes may yes Improvement of bills everybody take a look at I a motion in a second please motion I'll second it all call Vote Yes councilman Marinelli yes councilman yesil presid yes yes Public public comment anybody win 110 South 6 Street other next to the Kei City Diner for 43 years on February 7th I went before Council to petition them to have the dumpsters moved from the East end of the building to the west end of the building and I was assured that was going to be done well I went to the planning board meeting last week and fought again to have them moved I don't know they they the planning board chairman whoever he is he says I don't know what to do what kind of answer is that I mean that's crazy anyway the recent Heat Wave we had I should have invited Council and the mayor over to come to for the delightful smell of those dumpsters you guys would have really enjoyed it I mean it's so nice you can't even open a window or hang laundry out or whatever even go out in your yard and this is going to continue it appears that Double J the owners of the diner can do whatever they want and they don't care so I would like to know why I was assured on February 7th that the dumpsters would be moved to the west end of the building and now they're not I'd like an answer well first I believe that from that meeting was the vacating the paper Street which we did not do and at I was at the plan the dumpsters well I know yeah but that's I know the owners of key city they're improving that situation there's more frequent pickups and they're in closing dumpsters and he also said it was not practical you safety of the people it's not practical for the safety of employees of key City the way they would have to remove the dumers what we moved to the west side it was going to be safety of the employees was important no there's no sa walking down steps it's not safe it was not safe for them he he gave his explanation okay he also said that like I said before he's improving the situation more frequent pickups he do even more if it's still a problem and he's a closing at the February 7th meeting Greg one of the owners of the diner was here he could have made the necessary rangements inside to cut a door at the uh ground floor level not the basement level to put the dumpsters on the West End I brought that up at the meeting again there's a freezer in there when they installed it they got 30 in between that and the wall they can cut a door on the west end of the building and put the dumpsters there they won't have to put a fence up nothing well I'm assuming the planning board approved this loc right so if there's a problem and if it smell whatever nuisance I think you got to call the Board of Health because the the council can't tell them to change the dumpsters from one side of the building to the other well I was assured that was was going to happen well I don't know who assured you with that but the mayor the council doesn't have the power to do that's got to be done by the at the planning board level they approved it and they approved the dumpster where it is I'm assuming well the planning board's worthless I mean the guy the guy there he says I don't know what to do what kind of answer is that you're in charge of the planning board well if there's a smell and St called zoning guy right and have him come out the hell the zoning guy Bo of Health okay the zoning guy is worthless I mean come on he's a joke I would if you have a smell and some that call the health department and Lodge a complaint and then we'll move from there planning board controls that I can't say you know you got to do this so but the paper what you were worried about more than anything was the paper street that you build on that you didn't want vacated that was why you're here I'm in the process of reverse possession I don't know this fine that way I can own it okay it paper Street will go half to one side and half to the other that's way his there I don't want to get into because he's represented by Council but his Council submitted the survey that said the road was vacated so it was vacated it was vacated but it wasn't it was abandoned no no no your surveyor the survey that your surveyor did says vacated so he got information somewhere that said that that road was vacated so they wouldn't just put that on the survey it says vacated so I wrote to your well I don't want again you're represented by Council it's I don't understand why this is an issue because the survey done I don't know how many 20 years ago says that the road was vacated so I I don't understand where the issue is but I guess I'm going to find out well my Council will work it out but thank you thank you sir anyone else yes ma'am Joanie poock 221 South 6 Street and um I'm here representing the people of 6 Street about the speeding okay I was here two years ago nothing's ever happened you could put a put speed the Miss sign but they're not going to pay attention to it so I'm thinking how every when we come down Cromwell the other streets you have a stop sign right maybe if you put a stop sign at every block it'll slow down it's ridiculous I got landscaper speeding up the street you got Amazon people um people in the morning speeding down the road I mean there's kids there's animals it's ridiculous so I'm thinking maybe if we put a stop sign at every now did come out there and run radar for a couple weeks or something they try to sit there I think they did all right but they're back to the same thing yeah it's here I'll have him pass it on to the Chief and uh put get some more enforcement out there for you cuz there's even a stop sign when you come out of the old baker on Brian Nixon's property you don't even have to pay for one take that stop sign out M put it this way going up because it's the traffic that's going up into that development which I thought was not supposed to be originally it was only supposed to be in from First Street but then they opened up Sixth Street oh for Delaware Crossing yeah okay just I don't think putting stop signes up as easy as it sounds don't have to go through njdc even though they count even though they town roads it depends on where they terminate like if they terminate on like County or whatever I think that's an adom question you know you have to it's got to meet certain criteria yeah we would have to review each intersection and confirm what the jurisdiction would be for placing stock signs but I understand concern I it's it's not a matter we go B right I that's just a suggest we're trying to trying to look for a solution to get slow down because it's rid we're walking on the street they don't even slow down yeah it's crazy yeah well we'll tell Chief and maybe some enforcement they see they see a car there all the time they'll slow down maybe all right CU I know I'm not let us know let the chief know Co you know okay and then real quick like you said the zoning guy the zoning officer and the animal control how come they don't return our phone calls I don't know we will uh what do you call the zoning guy for my neighbor with the shrubs no because every time I go to prune the shrubs they come out and say which I know I have the right to do if it's coming over onto my property and they're like it's a Private Hedge it's a hedge these things must be 20 25t tall so all the stuff is leaning over so when it gets about this far from the top of my vehicle I cut it but I shouldn't have to take care of somebody else's property if you give Beth your address oh you have it we will make sure to and all right thank you all right ma'am anyone else Donna John John go John [Music] I would like to thank councilor for bringing forth um the ordinance 24:15 for first reading about the information to be given to tenants in hard copies and Etc whatever else is in that ordinance I really am glad that you've taken a step towards that direction I would also like to mention that the um scheduled uh um rent loving board meeting for rent control Apartments is uh on July 18th 2023 that's a Thursday the third Thursday of the month and I'd also like to read this the Constitution of the United States of America we the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union establish justice ensure domestic tranquility provide for the common defense promote the general welfare and secure blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain the state establish this constitution for the United States of America I hope everybody has a good Fourth of July than you [Music] Donna Schneider 26 meow view I just want to say um welcome to congratulations to Terry and Patty for securing some jobs that's really nice they're both very nice ladies um do you have uh any plans to put solar on any one of your buildings I never talked about right there is solar that exists on the bath house building now oh and and I'm sure that'll be a consideration as we move through our processes okay MH um and uh oh lo behold solar back where where is the solar looking to be I don't know where they're going so they just said they're they want to talk to you about solar okay and you have no idea where okay um I also want to um just say last month at the meeting um you had a copy of something on your desk there and you said it was pages and pages and pages and pages that Mr Bruce sent you um I saw the email he sent you was to paragraphs there were no other Pages talking about but Mr Bruce sent me yeah there were no pages and Pages it was two it was two paragraphs pages and pages when it I saw the email you saw from who him okay when it printed out all his stuff and everything that he downloaded and everything from the site it was pages and Pages well I didn't see that cuz I open the same email um and I didn't get pages and pages but you also said that he said some really nasty things about you and I also read that same email and there were no nasty things in there about no no no no no no you see once again you're saying stuff that isn't true what am I say tape it was what was sent in the video okay that's what I said no you said he said Mr sent me anything bad I said that he sent me and he played the video that Mr C shared with everybody yes and put out about how corrupt and everything that was yes no you said he called you and this Council horrible names you said Mr Bruce in his email called the video yes I did and I and I said yes um I just what what happened there was uncalled for I don't need a sarcasm I'm trying to say a point okay if you don't like it then just don't say anything I do say a lot of points but I'm not up here yelling at you I'm telling you I'm telling you how I feel if you don't like it then just you don't need to come back with a NY comment so um I just think it was uncalled for and the you he didn't send you anything that you said a lot of SLE what you think excuse me I'll lose a lot of sleep over what you think yeah same same have a nice day yeah you too [Music] mhm yes Sor cha uh I'm actually here in my official capacity as commissioner in your Lea on and so far my track record I've been going around and visiting towns really great I picked the best meetings to come to although it could be worse when I was up in nton there was an active shooter so hopefully that won't happen um I do have a few things to go over one I need to first of all thank you and chief Garcia and Beth for everything that you did to start the ball rolling on all of the gross vehicle weight rating changes you made to your ordinances you guys were the first ones to do it and it has the um everybody around the county is doing this as you may have noticed as you're driving down 519 the uh the signs are now up with the truck limits that the county has imposed and as you are well aware when you come off of 80 on Exit 12 into hope you go into hope they have no Police Department you go next to White they have no Police Department you go to Harmony they have no Police Department then you get to lat you guys are the the front line so I just want to thank you because I know you have been doing your your police department has been doing a fantastic job out there as now we start the state police as you know have been out in force in in the areas that don't have police um and have been educating people on the new weight restrictions and if you do run into any issues if uh Chief Garcia has any issues just have him uh reach out to our administrator because that's what we've been doing I'm also here to tell you about the bicentennial of the county and also the semiquincentennial of the country so the county has officially joined Revolution New Jersey so we're now officially involved in the preparations for the 250th birthday of the country so we'll be doing a lot of things but more importantly our Bicentennial events are starting July 13th with a concert in radlock park then we're going to have a Gala on November 20th which is uh the actual date that the legislature signed us into existence then when we get into 2025 we have a parade planned we have a big celebration and some other things because the original freeholders of Warren County first met for the first time in May of 1825 so that's why it's 2025 is 200 years we are seeking participation from the counties I mean from the towns within the counties and I know we have Community Day every year so what we're doing we haven't you know gotten the specifics yet we want to try to help everybody do a little something extra ra next year so um I'll be in contact with you to see if there's something that we can do and again um I know there's a lot of history here I was here when we did the 150th we were just on the radio today um with our historian our County historian there's a lot of history here too for the revolution so there's going to be a lot of activity and I think as much as we can find that's going on in lat so I'm probably going to bug Beth because I know she's got a lot of archives just to see what we have out there and we have some surprises along the way that I can't tell you about yet I also just wanted to let you know and every all the residents the county has a lot of services we're here if you need help like you said Board of Health that's us people have an issue they need to call the County Board of Health if you run into any issues and the Lis on for le pack on um as far as you know that we have the we have our task force where we give out grants the county gives out grants for open space projects and historical projects it might be worth you looking into to see if there's something you can incorporate for the park in there so um I'm not sure when the deadline is for that but if you just reach out to Corey tney he can give you some information oh okay cool for your small businesses Jason and I did some switching I now have the EAC there are a couple businesses in town I'd like to visit with you I'll be reaching out but if you have any if they have any questions we'd love to help you get new businesses in here and I just wanted to finish with one thing that is more low path specific not me as a commissioner a few years ago I think it was before you were even council president we had talked about doing the hometown hero banners around town and a couple of people have reached out to me they're interested in helping that I mean if you have the support to do that I do have some people who would like help to do that and I think it would be a nice thing since we're coming up like I said on the 200th birthday of the county and the 20050 a birthday of the country great thank you right thank you very much anyone else oh yes har wter 325 South Third Street I'd like to thank Lori and gy with their work hard work here at alaca thank you thank you sir anyone else Mr cers [Music] John keton 38 Jade Lan since you mentioned my name Bill last month Bill R went on a tiate against a private citizen who dared ask him to clarify the questional questionable hiring of an Al a town mayor as purchasing agent and to reinstate a meting agenda item that would allow more transparency in Le pacon Council but Wright had removed Bill Wright made false accusations against the citizen and when respectful attempt was made to correct his false claims he threatened to have the person removed from the meeting at the end of his rant Ray Illustrated his typical contempt for the people he's been elected to represent by muttering idiots on a hot mic R said the video posted on next door to which the citizens respond citizen responded to was full of lies and at the filbur mayor Ry pza was fully qualified for the position because Wright had worked with him at the Bridge Commission and he knew about as he eloquently put it all the purchasing stuff pza did there consider this according to the ecode this position requires a qualified purchasing agent certification which Randy does not possess under certain conditions a person can serve as a temporary purchasing agent for a period of time while they work towards the certification but Randy is not currently qualified and the hiring was not noted as conditional according to Wright the job posting for this position was posted on a Le pakong website on March 11th with a deadline for application submitt on of March 29th just 11 days during his rant he talked about how the pakong first looks for personnel within the township than at a county level can he truly find the best or even a qualified person in just 11 days one has to wonder how reny pazza stumbled upon a post uh job posting in another town especially since according to a Lehigh Valley live article he hadn't considered leaving the Bridge Commission before seeing job posting the job was post this job was posted uh and filled more than a month prior to the council actually creating the job on May first the job posting did not state the requirement for a qpa certification nor the need to pursue a qpa if the applicant doesn't possess one States a four-year college degree is required but doesn't say that the degree what the degree must be in and doesn't even ask for a resume just a cover letter and salary requirements it's no wonder so many people are questioning the hiring of this out of town mayor for a position which he doesn't possess the required certification especially since it seems to be based on Bill Wright having worked with him and knowing about all the purchasing stuff he did at the Bridge Commission thank you anyone else yes Judy Judy Li tactile drive my statements this evening are solely my opinions and not those of any other organization during the June 5th council meeting I was appalled to hear Mr Wright and Mr Lavery verbally accost a Township citizen during his tie raade Mr Wright inappropriately AC accuses Mr Bryce um of posting a video when Mr Bryce tries to clarify the inaccurate statement Mr Wright begins yelling and threatening to have them removed the theatrics by Mr Wright and the outright lies regarding Mr Bruce's email need to be clarified at no time did Mr Bryce say anyone on the council was a terrible P person nor did he say the council was corrupt Mr R sarcasm and disrespect towards citizens of the town is dishonorable using this position while sitting at the C table to direct inappropriate comments toward a citizen is behavior un Unbecoming of a mayor Our Town deserves better than that Mr Wright's interpretation and comprehension of the email are wrong his statements as mayor were wrong and to be stricken from the record with a public apology to Mr Bryce furthermore Mr ly was out of line in his comments during his TI toward Mr Bryce where Mr Bryce at all times remained respect isn't his name Bruce Excuse me yes his name is I'm sorry yes Mr Bruce I'm referring to him as Mr Bruce it's my respect toward him thank you he at all times remain respectful Bruce or Bob Bruce I wasn't sure respectful even when he was being inappropriate yelled at by by a professional hired by Mr lvery let me say that again no no no Mr L was hired by the counsel we hired okay well you're still unprofessional and you should be reprimand I'm not going to get into a petty unprofessional discussion with you you what he sent out A V A V video he reced for his unprofessional coun meeting did and he knows he did it this is not the first time member during meetings exactly what you did what exactly did I do that you were vile video forwarded a vile video yes all right can I finish my comment no you're done thank you I can't finish my com I I have no no again tonight our Council has demonstrated themselves in an unprofessional manner their tone and and sarcasm is unacceptable this time like to make they should reflect and come back and conduct themselves in a professional manner you got some ner wow some ner wow