##VIDEO ID:CGG6u1JLUmY## wishing to address Council please wait for the mayor to recognize you please state your name and address for the record and please remember all comments must be kept to three minutes or less oh thank you please stand for pledge of lead a moment of silence pledge Alle to the flag of the United States of America to the repblic for stands one nation indice please be seated roll call please council member Conrad here council member kums here council member Roy here Deputy Mayor Perry here mayor Sipple here so tonight we have a few things on the uh work session the first item of business is a presentation to the local VF 5343 from villis uh there two flags were flown overseas and sent back to us presented the VFW and I just want to thank the VFW person myself and all members of council I'm sure feel the same way but if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be taking care of the veterans in the town L would do today okay so uh they've mailed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of package overseas all troops deployed and I want to thank him for that at this time I ask uh councilman kums and rest of council to come down and Comm mayor Howard Quarter Master Tom sippa please come up to receive the certificates hello hello hello hear me yep all right so I'm just going to read these for you operation inherent resolve so that all shall know this flag was flown in the face of the enemy illuminated in the dark by the light of justice and bears witness to the removal of terrorist forces threatening the freedom of the United States of America and the Free World flown on the 26th day of October 2018 over the Skies of Iraq and Syria on board a US Navy P3 Orion in support of operation inherent resolve it is presented with great pride and honor to Lieutenant Charles buddy Lois post 5343 [Applause] VFW say this from 2018 so I'm guessing the ship broke down that'd be tow back to court okay but anyway never too late to get it and I want to thank the commander of the Court shop here for everything they okay more in honor of VFW Post 5343 this United States flag was flown in support of operation inherent resolve on the 29th day of June 2024 on the flag pole over the base operating support integrator B bosi of herbal Airbase Iraq this Flag represents the resolve of the United States armed forces and their continued efforts to defeat terrorism around the globe this is kind of special because my son brought this back from Iraq he was deed for a while so he brought it back not too long ago [Applause] [Music] thank you Mr Mayor uh I like like to thank you Mr Mayor for the presentation it was great and Council thank you very much uh as everybody knows the local VFW we sit here we get named Nam of troops that are deployed overseas we make sure they get put on our care package list and everything I'm putting it out like I do every time I'm up here which isn't often because I'm not a great speaker but um y know if you know anybody who's deployed please get their name their mailing address to us and we'll take care of them uh currently you there's eight of our members that are deployed uh well actually seven because your boy came home and the rest some of the other ones will be home soon uh after that we'll only have one actually active duty Marine their deployment has been extended they are sitting off the coast of Israel right now with a with a marine Mew so uh keep them all overseas in your Pairs and hope they all come home safe one second I why the uh vfw's up here Commander Howard I want to thank those folks VFW here also today um but we have a Veterans Day Parade coming up and they're a big part of it okay so it's it's always a Saturday for Veterans Day so it's November 99th 11:00 a.m. start to the vill's firehouse and comes down the town hall so again November 9th 11:00 a.m. uh from the Villas fire department down to town hall so I hope you guys can make it there thank you okay this time we'll move into the public hearing it's renewal of liquor license 0505 D31 d024 d001 son be Sportsman Club six Sunset Boulevard lower Township at this time I'd like to read two letters abbreviated letters into the record uh we do have a letter from the uh D fish and wildlife dat of September 19 2024 um basically they had a uh request into the ABC that is officient Wildlife to uh review the license uh issuance from the lower Township since then they've actually resented their request and right now they're asking to wait determination of the eviction appeal currently being briefed to the Superior Court appell division so they did pull that back we're still required to have a hearing we have a letter from Gillian Schwarz dated October 1st 2024 uh requesting hearing a renew the L so that's why we here tonight as I move through this list here I ask Mrs bolasco can you please read the requirements of a club license the requirements for a club license are they must be a Bonafide Club of 60 members or more they must operate solely for the benevolent charitable fraternal social religious recreational athletic or similar purposes not for personal gain and must hold nonprofit status they must have also been an active operation for at least three continuous years immediately prior to the submission of its application for a license also must have been in possession and use of a clubhouse for at least three continuous years immediately prior to the submission of its application for a license great thank you does the club meet these requirements yes they do okay anybody from the state here today wanted to come to the microphone to address councel I see nobody from the state does a sportsman club wish to address Council any member yes sir can you some microphone please and state your name for the record good evening uh mayor and Council my name is Chris Gillan Schwarz I'm an attorney uh representing the Sunset Beach Sportsman's Club and Mr Mayor I don't I don't want to blabber the point I this is probably my third appearance before mayor and councel on this um we meet the conditions for reissuance but because the state has caused this hearing now I think the fourth time um on this I I want wanted to give mayor and councel an idea of where the club is situated in this we're currently in L litigation um that's something that I think myself and U your solicitor are comfortable being we're comfortable being in court I was there just an hour ago but that's not where this club wants to be they want to be in a position of continuing to contribute to the community as they have since the 1970s um and even earlier uh the club has been there since the 50s and with a broad range of community uh and charitable measures uh Toys for Tots things like that this is a group of people uh from wide ranges of Life different backgrounds uh veterans Tradesmen lawyers uh and and it's it's and Men Women it's it represents you know complete pie slice of America and I I think what the what I'd like to see the state do is is recognize that when you just like if you or I were to buy a piece of property in a neighborhood um it's not just about you you become a neighbor to those people around you and that's no less the case when the state chooses to buy a piece of property down here they become a neighbor to lower Township to Kate May to West Kate May Kate May point and all the residents and people that live down here and it's even more important for the government to recognize is that our Municipal leaders do that on a regular basis because when things go wrong with a County Road or a state road they're coming to this meeting and they'll tell you they'll send you an email at 400 am so you guys are on the front lines of that just like the city council was in Kate May and the other municipalities the state needs to feel that a little bit more and they're not here and I I think there might be an opportunity for that and I'm hopeful that there is so just so you know that the club is doing their part they don't want to be in court they want to be invisible like they were for the first 50 years of this organization and go back to that um so we have sent a proposal to them to resolve everything um and it includes a broad range of public benefits and we think it would be a benefit to the township to the residents and to the club to continue that way I'm not going to go into detail about that but I want the township to know that we're not sitting waiting for something to happen to us we're we're trying to be proactive to get this out of your hair and hopefully not waste any more of the Township's M uh time and but we're here because we have to be here we're hoping that that's not going to be the case but we will continue to fight until that's not the case so I thank you for your consideration I thank you for your um reasonable approach to this over the years and we respectfully request renewal of the license thank you right thank you anybody else want to address cancel hi good evening my name is Emily kather uh as Chris said we've been here for several years years four years ago I addressed you as the youngest member of the club now I'm proud to address you as the first female president of the club um we as Chris said represent all facets of this community and we'd like to continue doing that as we have for the past 75 years for the next 75 and many more we thank Council uh for all you've done to support the club for the years so far and we respectfully request that you grant our renewal of the liquor license so that we can continue to support the community to thrive as a club and to pursue a settlement with the state as Chris alluded to thank you thank you anybody else want to address Council okay we'll close that public portion we move on I'll ask the Mr bolasco or sisser you have any comments or any put mayor the only comment I have is that you know you heard from our uh our standin clerk you heard from Mr Gillan Schwarz here tonight the club meets all three of the criteria in order to receive the renewal of a club liquer license the issue of occupancy and use has been in conflict or contest for the last several years that's working its way through the Appel Division and when and until that's resolved we're still in the status quo we've been in for the last 70 years I would say or however long the club's been in existence uh so the club does meet that criteria at this juncture they are an exclusive possession of that Clubhouse and we should let the Appel Division and the court system work through those specific issues and the parties can obviously uh attempt to resolve the matter while that's pending but the courts will render render render a final determination which may or may not be appealed further depending upon how it's ultimately decided right thank you there any Council comments on this at all they're a part of the community that's one thing I do know oh okay I do have something I'm going to read into the record here for the past four years the New Jersey D and Fish and Wildlife have asked the township not to renew the license of the Sportsman Club located lower Township again this puts lower Township in an awkward position we're required to work with the d d on many projects along with the approval of permits the director of Fish and Wildlife which is division of the D lives in lower Township he's been a longtime resident has even volunteered to serve one of our boards in the past he has a job to manage the fishing Wildlife not just in lower Township but the entire state of New Jersey I do believe he feels the objection to liquor laac is warranted on the other hand we have a sportsman club that's been here for many years they do multiple events they spread happiness and love not just in lower Township but all the surrounding communities I find it very difficult not to support a club that serves our community so well been there for so many years and never had a complaint or any issues we have stated in the past that this objection of the license does not belong at a public meeting but in front of a judge with that being said I make a motion to approve the liquor license of the swissman club is there a second I second a motion you want to read the resolution to the into the record Amy resolution number 2024-the the renewal of liquor license number 0 55-31 d024 d001 okay we have two motions can we do a roll call please council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Perry yes mayor Sipple yes that concludes our hearing for the Sportsman Club if you guys want to adjourn to meeting thank you uh oh I didn't want to do it but I had to come up didn't didn't want to do it Joe take care I have to give you who's the bad influence which side over here I thought it was you no I'm sorry yes sir you're always back here the way out okay we'll move on to the Cent agenda anybody on councel have any comments on consent agenda no com no comment no comment anybody from the public want to comment on the consent agenda unclos the public portion Mr Bolas can you read the minutes and resolutions in ag the record please approval of minutes from the October 7th 2024 meeting and resolution number 20243 337 through resolution number 202 24-34 thank you is there a motion to move forward with this motion second council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Perry yes mayor Sipple yes okay we move down to the regular agenda can you read the ordinance please ordinance number 202 24-15 an ordinance amending chapter 90 police department at article 3 off-duty Police Services in order to modify compensation rates from private persons and entities for extra Duty details for police related matters this is the first reading of ordinance 2024-25 second council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Perry yes Mary SLE yes okay this time we open up to the public and make from the public want to comment to Council on any subject okay thank you now now close the public portion we'll move the council comments and U we'll start with councilman Conrad first real quick I know he's going to make the announcement hauna Trails this week this Friday Saturday Saturday sorry they always do a good job I want to thank all the volunteers for that beforehand because I know what they put into that because I see them out there the trucks working on it now thank you Council mums I just want to say that the Halloween's coming up so make sure you're you know being safe out on the roads with on the Halloween night and also uh I won't be here for the next meeting so make sure you get out and vote Roger that councilman Roy nothing further to add okay Deputy Mayor Perry no comment I have a couple announcements I'll touch base with Council MC Conrad said Lower Town should point the trails on Saturday October 26 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. trick- or treat again October 31st it's from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. lower Township I already mentioned it once but with the veter day parade Saturday November 9th at 11:00 a. starts at vill's fire department heads South to town hall and don't forget to vote on Election Day November 5th and that's all I have if we can move down read the resolution for close session Mr bolasco resolution number 202 24- 341 a resolution providing for a meeting non-op to the public in accordance with provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings Act njsa 10 4-12 attorney client privilege I make a motion to approve that second council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Perry yes mayor zipple yes I just want to add one more item and I want to thank Mrs bolasco for stepping in our Tasha Clerk and DEP Clerk's been out of work for a while she's been holding fourth down and doing a great job so thank you Amy thank you okay session m