##VIDEO ID:d1FtvdA36Ss## okay this meeting is being conducted in compliance with the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by advertisement in the Kate May star and wave on the township website and posted on the bulletin board in township hall we request anyone wishing to address Council please wait for the mayor to recognize you please state your name and address for the record and please remember all comments must be kept to 3 minutes or less okay okay thank you please stand for pledge allegiance a moment of silence I pledge alance to United States of America to the of it stands one nation godice roll call please council member Conrad here council member kums here council member Roy here Deputy Mayor Perry here mayor Sipple here okay we'll move down to the work session we have a proclamation reading to record this Proclamation is National epilepsy Awareness Month whereas the township of Council of the township of low recognizes the national Epsy awareness month from November to create awareness of epilepsy and whereas epilepsy is a brain disorder characterized by recurrent and unprovoked seizures that can affect anyone at any age and any time and whereas epilepsy affects around 50 million people worldwide and whereas The Color Purple is associated with epilepsy because Lavender is interntional flower osy and whereas lower towns to recognize the significant to recognize November as National epilepsy awareness month now therefore be resolved that the township of lower hereby proclaims November is epilepsy Awareness Month in lower Township and carage residents to spread understanding education and compassion in order to raise awareness to the disorder signed this fourth day of November 2024 Frank Sipple mayor okay this time we'll move to Cent agenda anybody from Council want to comment on the Cent agenda no no comment okay anybody from the public want to comment on the consent agenda only okay we'll close the public portion of that approval of minutes from October 21st 2024 resolutions 2024 342 through resolution 2024 353 ordinance number 202 24-16 and ordinance amending chapter 3 administration of government article 6 office of of the township manager Department subsection 3-21 Township manager of the code of the township of lower to formally establish the duties and obligations of the position of Deputy manager this is the first reading of ordinance 20246 the second reading of public hearing will be scheduled for December 2nd 2024 an ordinance 20247 salary and benefit ordinance for the township of lower this is the first reading of ordinance 20247 the second reading and public hearing will be scheduled for December 2nd 2024 okay I'm going to make a motion that we table 20247 to the next meeting I think there's still some changes that has to be made to that ordinance all second and motion council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Pur yes mayor Sipple yes now we need a motion to approve those other V resolution to include ORD 2024 that6 I'll make the motion I'll second council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Purry yes mayor Sipple yes move down the regular agenda want to read that resolution please resolution 2012 24- 354 a resolution ratifying the memorandum of agreement between lower Township and the lower Township supervisors Union is there any comments from Council on this resolution no comment no comments anybody from the public want to comment on this resolution I'll close the public portion here is there motion to move forward with this I'll make the motion second council member Conrad yes council member kums yes council member Roy yes Deputy Mayor Purry yes mayor Sipple yes okay this time we're going to move down to public comments anybody from the public wanted to come to the podium to uh comment anything to councel at this time I guess it's just me Perry T 397 Corson lean in Irma and chair of the lower Township historic preservation commission um first of all I would like to invite all of you we are having a um ceremony at the Union bethl uh veterans C uh cemetery on Veterans Day at 10:00 so any member of the government who would like to attend and give a few comments um we would like to see you there um my second part of comments is um I know last fall a year ago um we were going to go into the um Foster house and do some interior work but we had to wait for a report on the lead paint and asbestos that could possibly be in there um and then that was supposed to take place from what I understood in January in the meantime you got a grant to do interior work and we haven't seen anything started and we are regularly being accosted on the street by members of the public asking members of the commission what's going on with The Foster House um and first of all we're not responsible for the Foster Health it's not ours it's yours um we do have members of the commission that occasionally when they're driving by if they see trash we'll pull in and pick up trash but we don't cut the grass we don't pick up the branches and none of us have access to the inside of the house um to clean it or dust it or anything so um we would somehow like to make that clear that it's not ours um and also get an update on what's going on with the Grant and the work that's supposed to be being done on the interior and I'd also at the same time like to make clear that we have nothing to do with the Fishing Creek School either uh that was a joint project between the township and the friends of the Fishing Creek School which was a nonprofit and I don't know that they are still functional um but we don't have access to that either um and we don't plan um programs or projects or events in there either because it's not ours again it's yours so um but we would you know we'd appreciate being kind of kept in the loop since people seem to think that we're responsible for the Foster house for some reason um so if we could you know just be updated as to what's going on that would really be helpful and we'd appreciate that okay thank you uh and we did receive a grant but I think it was back in September was it Mr Ley the end of September end of September so we're still working through that process so it's relatively kind of new that we just got this money into the township yes we're aware that the township has ownership of those two locations and I will give a compliment to public works so they went down there did a really good job when it was kind of get overgrown there so they did it looks nice right now I want to thank the your Association HPC also for the work you do in the township so thank you um anybody else want to come up to the podium at dress Council by anything okay we'll close the public portion and we'll do some Council comments and we'll start with Council M Conrad you want to comment anything real quick I want to give a shout out to the rec department and all the volunteers for the Haunted Trails they did a wonderful job um I think this year was better than any others I'm not going to get into voting Because by the time anyone listens to this the election's been over so we'll go from there thank you Council mums yeah just to my all right thank you councilman Roy I would Echo the comments previously given and uh nothing further to add okay Deputy Mayor Perry okay I just have two things one is the um the veterans parade it's our annual veterans parade this Saturday November 9th starts 11:00 a.m. travels from the vill fire department South and Bas road to Township H uh so if you can come out and support that'd be greatly appreciate it um it's been a great parade for last half dozen years or so um again it's a Saturday 11:00 a.m. uh from the village fire department down to Township Paul and again as councilman comrad said everybody else to election day is tomorrow so please get out and vote Mr La did you have anything you want to add did you or not I just I was going to elaborate on that Grant a bit I know that Michael cifani had us and um gave us a punch list of things that we will probably cover under that Grant uh parry and I have a list here of things that we're probably going to address moving forward and I I'll give you a shout and let you know once I speak to him what we'll prioritize there and it does include those out buildings in the back too with that grant that we have I think it's $150 ,000 we got for that Grant I actually have the um Michael califa's work plan for the interior and Joan berky who's an architectural historian her plan for the uh adaptive use after it's finished inside so I have copies of those too so um you know if we could we can kind of work together moving forward we'd be happy to do that okay and I and I Judy just reminded me to tell you that the thing at the cemetery is on actual Veterans Day Monday the 11th yeah thank you we also VFW 11 A.M yes the uh thank you the VFW has their moral day service at 11:00 a.m. on Veterans Day so I mean the time is pretty good for us so I think I'll see us at 10 o'clock on Veterans Day give us time get to BFW so thank you for uh inviting us that's all I have is there a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor all thank you for coming out