##VIDEO ID:jttsKcxxOf0## meeting is being conducted in compliance with the open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by advertisement in the Cap May star and wave on the township website and post it on the bulletin boards of Township H we request anyone wishing to address Council please wait for the mayor to recognize you please state your name and address for the record and please remember all comments must be kept to three minutes or less thank you please stand for pledge of L moment of silence I pledge the United States of America the stand na God indivisible withy andice for all roll call please council member Conrad here council member Kum here council member Roy Deputy Mayor Perry here mayor Sipple here okay now we get through that we'll get to the fun stuff now want to ask uh Aces mle please come up to the uh table to be recognized and Council please join me and the [Music] manager far all right thank you for coming out today we have a certificate to recognized honor H mechanical okay for the recognition of being named business of the Year by the lower Township Chamber of Commerce lower Township is grateful for your service and contribution to our community and wish you many years of continued success on this Dave November 18 November 2024 Frank simple mayor why are you laughing at me like I but uh I want to I really want to congratulate them because they started their business off like I think these two folks were here Ryan and chance and they've grown a lot over the years but we know the true boss is on this side of the aisle okay but again we want to thank you for uh everything you do for the township I know you go out of your way to take care of people sometimes they don't have all the money you go out there you work with them and we really uh thank you appreciate that so Ryan chance Heather okay and let's get a picture taken here you go all right thank you [Applause] okay okay help too many hands now a you can hang out if you want to hang out tonight okay you're welcome to leave if you want to leave but uh okay next we're going to have the HPC come up here and do some presentations on some houses in the lower Township I'm waiting for the picture okay the first house that we're honoring tonight is the William Tomlin Eldridge house at 1077 Seashore Road the right section of the house which is the door and the two windows to the right um was built about 1820 by John Stites who owned three tracks of land in that area it's south of the canal just north of West Cap May um and totaling 54 Acres there William to eldrid purchased the house in 1841 and is responsible for the addition to the north which are the windows to the left of the door and he redid the door at the time Eldridge appears in the 1850 census as a pilot or ship captain and in later census he also appears as a Delaware Bay pilot we present this plaque to Sarah and Justin IR for their continued preservation of the William Tomlin Eldridge house and Sarah and Justin could not be with us us tonight so I'll make sure they get that our second house is the captain William eldrid house at 901 Seashore this house was also built about 1820 um and Nancy just told me tonight that William El Captain William Eldridge is the uncle of William Tomlin Eldridge from the first house small County it was also built about 1820 and is typical of a colonial farmhouse in early Cap May County it was home to five generations of eldes and it had was vacant for 10 years before being purchased by the current owners in 1999 for the next 20 years they worked to restore the original features of the house removing many modern improvements such as acoustical ceiling tiles and wall toall carpet today the interior and exterior have been restored to the original features and it is now the everything lovely farm this plaque is presented to Nancy geyser and her late husband Joe for the restoration and preservation of the Captain William eldrid house all our next house is the George HTH house at 7:31 seore Road this was built Circa 1850 by George hildr modeled after a southern plan plation house George hildr was a prominent local citizen a sea captain the owner of the Columbia hotel in Cap May and a businessman in the Grain and oyster Industries he built this home as a wedding present for his bride Sarah May warl who was from the south and she was homesick so the hildr family owned the house until 1842 the restoration was begun in 1842 by Mrs J low and continue to present this plaque is presented to Annie and Dr Joe Salvatore for their continued restoration and preservation of the George HTH house [Applause] yeah they're nice AR our next house is called Logan's Lodge and this is a 1097 um Seashore Road it backwards okay it's the next picture that one that one um this home along with the similar one next to it were originally built Circa 1860 and located on Seashore Road just south of the Cape May Canal they were moved here in 1952 10 years after the completion of the canal it is an excellent example of the modest homes built in the 1800s including the cedar Shake exterior this plaque is presented to Tammy Grove for the preservation of Logan's Lodge [Applause] this house at 1099 Seashore Road um along with the house we just did um were originally built in the 1860s and located on Seashore Road South of the canal after um it is an excellent example of vernacular 1800's Farmhouse that you could find all over Kate May County during the time including this house has its natural wood siding on it this plaque is presented to and caram meliga for the Pres preservation of the country house [Applause] and this last house is the artist's house it's located at 713 Seashore road we call it the artist house because it was the home of noted local artist Mary federi and it's an example of an 1870 vernacular Victorian architecture Farmhouse it's located within the seashore Road historic district and shares its Style with the neighboring houses built in the same period this plaque has presented to Mary's son Dan federi who also could not be with us tonight we get him a clap though [Applause] right yes before I I come down the well I I mentioned the HPC it's the historic preservation committee and Parry leads that group and they're here tonight all the members I'm going to thank you for you doing the township history is so important sometime we kind of forget about history until you remind us so I want to thank you what you do uh in the township and then actually the HPC had a uh a Veterans Day ceremony at the bethl Civil War Cemetery and I went over there at 10:00 on Veterans Day and you had a very nice ceremony uh if you have never been to the Civil War uh Cemetery of Tabernacle Road it's it's a nice place to uh visit and again the HPC they they spend a lot of time and do a lot of work over there to keep it nice and uh uh worthy for people to come through so again thank you for what you did yes we'll come down we get a group picture if you don't mind and before we do that I do want to thank doc Salvador an Salvador because every time I have a chance to thank you I have to thank you because all the work you do at the co Spring Village the museum at the airport and everything else you do we can't thank you for enough in lower toown just so thank you do [Applause] any come up and your [Music] out around really see [Music] [Applause] I also tonight all to be would do you want me to sign it sign thank you per you didn't go to Catholic school did you good history yeah yeah I don't know we first yeah you're right than for Sig thank you now thank you for your patience thank you now yeah yes we're getting ready to continue with the meeting you do not have to stay here for the meeting if you don't want if you want to stay please feel welcome yes uh if you do want to leave we'll wait a minute or two for you exit the building if you want to stay you're more than welcome to stay all right all right thank you now thanks for coming out your your house are beautiful than you thank [Applause] you thank you guys thank you so appoval from the county to the street but to make sure Doc's okay walking wise that's all that's see go out long we good okay [Music] okay we'll mve down to cend agenda anybody on councel want to comment on cend agenda no comment no comments anybody from the public want to comment on the send agenda I see nobody here so we'll close the public portion approval of the minutes November 4 2024 resolutions 2024 355 through 2024 375 and ordinance 20 2418 this is the salary and benefit ordinance for the township Bel lower this is the first reading of the ordinance the second reading in public hearing has been scheduled for December 16th thank you is there a motion move forward make a motion second council member Conrad yes council member yes Deputy Mayor Perry yes mayor Sipple yes ordinance number 20245 an ordinance amending chapter 90 Police Department article three off-duty Police Services um in order to modify the compensation rates from private persons and entities for extra Duty details for police related matters this is the second reading and public hearing of this ordinance this ordinance has been posted published and made available to the public thank you any Council comments no I think we should review this more often though this one ordinance I agree uh anybody from the public want a comment close the public portion I'll make a motion to move forward with this I'll second council member Conrad yes council member Coons yes Deputy Mayor Parry yes mayor yes engineer report Mr Hansen thank you mayor uh this evening I will be presenting the engineers report on behalf of De Blasian Associates giving an overview of all the capital projects currently underway within new Township the first capital project is the rotary Community Park Renovations this project uh has been be is going to be complete in two stages so stage one is obviously complete and open to the public stage two required a lot of permits to get done our office has received permit approval for all the permits that we need um we're well underway for the design of phase two um we are just received news from the township that there is an additional Grant available for phase two so we'll be working with the township to seek that Grant and after we get the results on that we'll be able to go out to public bid and that should hopefully fund the majority of phase two the bay outfall extension project that proposed work includes designs and permits to extend 15 Bayside outfalls and improved drainage uh the permit plans for this project have been submitted to the njd and the Army corpse of Engineers um we've been informed by the njde that they should they're expecting to approve the perits by November 26 um so the end of this month we will be Expediting the design um of these of five of these outfalls to get these out to public bid as as soon as possible and get those those five outfalls built the 2024 NJ do Municipal aid program reconstruction of Ridgewood Avenue the proposed work for this project includes the milling and Paving of Ridgewood Avenue from bash road to the Western end of Ridgewood Avenue this project area has been surveyed the Project's been base mapped and the project is in the design phase our office we've pretty much completed the design plans however the township elected to apply for an additional grant for this project on top of the one that has already been received the Township's received a $200,000 Grant for this project for municipal Aid or they've elected to apply for local Aid a local aid grant which was available in 2024 and we're still awaiting the results on that so we're unable to go out to public bid on that project until we get the results but hopefully once we get granted the um or get news on the Grant application we'll be able to go out to public bid for that project Capital project number four the 2023 stormwater GIS mapping Services the proposed work includes updating the existing lower Township Master drainage plan to include all storm waterer infrastructure improvements to date uh we've received a $25,000 Grant um of which 15,000 has already been awarded to the township and will be awarded an additional 10,000 upon completion of that project uh we've been working with lower Township Public Works on that project and that project's been going well that's actually do at the end of 2025 so we've just kind of been um chipping away at that project to be to submit it to the NJ dap and satisfy that uh permanent requirement the Francis Avenue storm sewer evaluation so the proposed work includes connecting the existing storm water system on Francis Avenue to the existing Pump Station on Ohio Avenue to alleviate flooding on Francis Avenue that project was um declared an emergency by the down ship and was awarded to Fred M Shone construction so that project has been complete all the storm water piping's been installed uh that the drainage system is working and the storm and the pump station is pumping out water um from Francis Avenue from that pump station and the streets were paved L week and the contractor is working on Final punch list items so we should be wrapped up that project 100% pretty soon the David Douglas Senor Memorial Park renovation the proposed work includes reconstruction expansion of the existing parking lot the relocation and redesign of the existing Memorial new site amenities new decorative foot path along the C May canal and an observation deck the township has been pursuing a k May County open space grant for this project we went through the preliminary application process in which um the open space board voted for us to submit a final application um it received a lot of positive feedback we've also been working with the Douglas family on the memorial Consulting with them and we've prepared renderings which has received a lot of good feedback our office has submitted final plans and a construction cost estimate to the township and that's going to be utilized by lower Township for the final application and we were're aiming to get that in in the next couple weeks and be able to present to the open space board um at which time they can hopefully recommend it to be approved by the K County Commissioners the lower Township Public Works building design the proposed work includes a new Public Works Administration Building Associated utilities new site layout including the elimination of the Southern entrance to improve traffic flow and safety around the site um we prepared a concept design for this um which that concept design is now being finalized and turned into construction documents which um we'll be seeking to go out to public bid soon um we've started prepare final design we've been working with Architects and MPS on that and that project's coming along nicely the cor and lane roadway resurfacing the pro proposed includes resurfacing cor and lane from wlson road to the southern end of Corson Lane uh the project was awarded to South state in the amount of $163,000 $685 um so this project is set to commence this week they're set to be out there milling and Paving on Wednesday and it should approximately take two to three days to complete so they'll be complete within their contract time and the project should be wrapped up 100% by Thanksgiving the homes Avenue gorm Avenue Scott Avenue storm sewer and roadway Improvement project the proposed work includes replacing the storm sewer and homes storm sewer from homes Avenue to the Hughes Avenue and Scott Avenue intersection resurfacing the roadway and the installation of concrete curbs and sidewalks in various area so our uh office has surveyed and base mapped this area and we've been uh in discussion with the ltmua about seeking potentially seeking a grant which could help the Township in the roadway improvements so uh once we get through that hurdle we'll have some more clarity on how to best approach the design and construction of that project the lower Township municipal pool building evaluation the proposed work for this this project included evaluating the current municipal pool building for ada8 compliance to apply for a 2024 njdca small cities Grant to replace the building uh the township received notification from the njdca that a $400,000 Grant has been allocated for this project the 2025 NJ do Municipal aid program reconstruction of Beach Avenue the proposed work for this project includes the million Paving of Beach Avenue from Spruce Avenue to Maryland Avenue and the update on this is that the township was notified by the NJ do last week that a grant in the amount of $158,900 has been allocated for this project so now our office can move into um surveying and designing this this project to be completed in uh hopefully early 2025 the Town Bank Ada projects the proposed work includes adding 10 Ada ramps in the town bank section of North K May to improve pedestrian access to the Delaware Bay Beach Drive the project has been surveyed based map design and the project went out for bid November 13th 2024 uh the bid opening for this project is scheduled for November 27th at which point we'll be able to um go out for award the contract hopefully award the contract and go into construction we have a 30-day construction timeline so we're pushing to get that project done as soon as possible and that wraps up my report but I'm happy to answer any questions any questions for Mr Anon glad to hear about the alall pipes we've been long time waiting and I believe we'll get the most important ones done first so good job y thank you yeah yeah Mr an the uh Public Works building what's the projected completion date for that project do we have one probably later next year I'm we're looking at probably six to eight month construction time um we're hopefully going out to bid you know in January that's kind of our goal um and the 2025 you saying yeah okay I I saw um the renderings you were speaking of Davis Douglas Park he's he's a cousin of mine he was U his his wife was my first cousin so his his son was is Dave also Junior uh he was showing me the renderings and and uh I I give my positive feedback to it as well yeah we're very excited about that project very nice get that underway y yeah all right thank you thank you okay public comments anybody from the public want to come up and comment on anything no I see none we'll move to council comments I'll go first I do have a couple things I want to kind of throw a couple things out there from emergency management office we're at that time of year again our Worman Center in Lower Town seore Community Church on seure on seure road Irma um Worman Center provides overnight location for at risk individuals over the winter months when the temperature drops below 32° uh we share this warming center with Middle Township so every other month we'll have possession and we'll run it on Lower Township responsibilities October December February and April Middle Township has the other months um just a reminder we have two shelters identified in lower Township the recreation department and the milman center December 3rd Tuesday is tree lightting ceremony at 7 p.m it's also where we honor our veterans December 14th is our Christmas parade it's on Saturday starts at 6: pm and I would wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving and that's all I have turned over to Deputy Mayor um I'd like to congratulate mayor Sipple and councilman kums on their election thank you I know it was a tough election for you guys this year but uh now I'm glad to see that Council staying basically uh Right On Target and congratulations gentlemen thank you best of luck anything else Happy Thanksgiving okay councilman all I have is Happy Thanksgiving as well thank you councilman Conrad Happy Thanksgiving and a special I want to give thanks to all the employees of the township for the wonderful work they've done all year and every year I've been on councel it's been we look at all the projects we're getting done and it's all because of employees how many years has that been now thank you your business move down to the Clos session resolution number 2024 376 a resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public in accordance with provisions of the New Jersey open public meetings act njsd 104-112 this is attorney client privilege I'll make a motion to approve this resolution second council member Conrad yes council member yes Deputy Mayor Perry mayor Sipple yes 5 31