##VIDEO ID:gInyqBcBUCA## but it's a discussion I'm not voting possibility of action on drainage when people start breaking window well the thing last f [Music] sugar oh my God that's so funny are we ready you sign and start okay October 1st Council regular meeting will now come to order if we could stand for of Allegiance please of United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all as I'm sure everybody's aware last week we um lost mayor Pinto um the mayor of Royal Palm Beach who had always been someone that our community have worked with closely over the years so if we could just have a moment of silence in memory of Mayor p and if we have a call council member Shore pres council member danowski here council member manilia absent send me a message you would okay vice mayor Herzog here mayor k Town manager ramilia here Town attorney tvia here Public Works director Gant present and before we start our regular meeting sorry before we start our regular meeting and look at the agenda this is the community discussion part of the evening B do we have any comments Mr mcnicholas hello sorry thank you hi Mary mcnicholas um 12845 Raymond Drive um wanted to thank Mr Galant and his staff of course he just left but um an Administration we have just recently gotten fome fulam Road Canal mode if you will do you call the banks mode cleaned up maintained it looks the best that it has ever looked since we've been here in this community and I thank you all so much for that because there were trees that been it was mowed before but I don't know if there were you know problems with it before anything but you know in essence there were trees that were over our vehicles you know in height so we really appreciate it we can now enjoy the wildlife and everything else that's surrounding us and that's why we're here um I would like to know if there's any chance that while we're doing it we could also maybe clean up some of the trash it looks like some have has maybe been cleaned up or else it's transition during the sling if you will um but that would be really really helpful and thank you so much for that um also as far as I know coastal's on your agenda but I just wanted to just say that as far as the vegetative pickup and everything that you all have done we were very very fortunate to be able to get our cleanup and everything done this week so we really appreciate it too thank you Missi I put everything book I put all that in book already Val anybody else Missi Cassie sui um I just wanted to bring it to your attention I um was looking at some Code Enforcement cases that we had for the year of 2024 and I had sent out an email a couple weeks ago about some trying to get some clarification from the town on some code cases um but what I what I found was I remember when we were talking about code enfor ment and it's been drilled in our head that it has to be come from a complaint from somebody and I noticed that there was a lot of proactive code enforcement for really small ply things when I drive around this community we see glaring violations staring at us and those seem not to get done or they wait for a complaint yet we have small things like weeds and grass or I can't remember all of them but they were a lot of proactive ones from the town so if our town staff can turn in some complaints why can't they turn in all complaints so maybe we need to look at what actually they're allowed to turn in maybe they're not allowed to turn in stuff that's flagrant health and safety violations I'm not sure the other issue is I emailed all of you about some neighbors that had a code complaint and um one of them was for offense and I read the ordinance and the and it was some trees growing over the fence and I don't want to get too much in the specifics but it didn't seem to fit the ordinance so I went out and looked at the fence and I took pictures and I think I emailed it to everybody I'm not sure but I didn't see any any issue with it and it was on PR it was between two private Neighbors on private land not across any RightWay not across any roadway not across any easement and the branches weren't over and I thought you know disputes between two Neighbors was more of a civil type of thing so I was concerned about that that we might be overreaching especially when we have when we when we all know the certain things that we drive around town and see so maybe um I'd like to ask you guys maybe in a future agenda or you guys can look into uh what actually our role is they're they're doing a good job I listen to them at the magistrate and they are doing a good job but I was concerned with the proactive the number of proactive as compared to the reactive which a complaint came in and then this one complaint off of uh a minor Street between two neighbors I didn't see how that even fit into wasting our town resources so I just wanted to bring that to your attention without getting specifics without code being here would you like to address this or would you feel no I'll be happy to address it first of all council is not supposed to get engaged in code cases and so while we can listen to the comments and take them for their um merit with regard to the Civil issue between the two properties it was a complaint made to us and we did say it's between the two property owners and the one property owner cut down their trees um we try not to be in the middle of two Property Owners but I think that you all know that many Property Owners put us in between property owners and we do our very best to remind them that it's a civil issue the other thing is is that there are some very old complaints in the system from when we had um a code officer with an outside company and he did go and site grass and the whatnot but that is not the level of Code Enforcement that we currently do um and then finally council did tell us to be proactive on life health safety and we try to do that in addition on the site plan amendments and any kind of develop development order requirements we are actually trying to methodically go through those and be proactive to make sure that the trees have been up for a year and that the other matters in the development orders approved by the council have been stuck to so that and I believe that you'll want us to be proactive on the RVs that we can see which we are sending out a mailer to everyone to explain how the RVs work we um have also done an FAQ for for the website and have redesigned the forms for that um later on tonight you're going to hear that we have some open houses where we're going to hopefully get some more Community engagement and explain the rules to people including that one whole morning will be for Building and code you know any kind of questions and stuff that people do have so we can always get better um no question about that we always want to get better no question about that um and one of the things we're going to talk about tonight will probably lessen a number of our code violations because a lot of the violations we were doing were for fdas not being done and the related unpermitted activities um so I think that we've got a couple of Solutions in front of you tonight that we can get some of the code violations resolved with by changing the way that we process fdaas and also one of the other items on tonight's agenda has to do with nuisance Abate min assessments um and or voluntary assessments for communities or individual property owners that um have urgent repairs needed most of those are in the subdivision neighborhoods the pro the properties that are less than 5 Acres the properties that were laid out as subdivisions with ditches canals and swes I'm sorry ditches and swes um and um the road sloping that's how the drainage was handled in those so we have a lot of fixing to do as I think you know so we have a couple items on the agenda tonight that will help us um maybe not be so proactive but have better ways for property owners to react thank you you're welcome Val are there any other comments we're all done okay so we still have 20 minutes to our regular meeting do we uh recess this meeting and we can walk around the room for 20 minutes can we can we roll right into it or we can't because it starts at 6:30 and people might miss it you should be able to roll right in right yeah I think you can roll right in can we think we can okay yeah that being said I'm Gonna Roll right into the regular meeting I think we just got a new comment oh we did we might is this for this or is this a public comment for the sure no for later it's for later thank you okay so let's uh look at additions deletions or modifications to the agenda I have a couple okay first um item number 11 which is a first reading of the um Town's ordinance relative to adequacy of drainage facilities we would like to move number 11 up to number six so we're talking about drainage at the same time after six or after after five so number 11 becomes six after five number 11 is the first reading following up on the presentation that we had from our Engineers with regard to simplified forms in the FDA okay okay and then um further what we wanted to do is hand out some materials that we did not have at the time of publication so I'm just going to show you what is sitting at your desk um one is a revised legislative schedule which is in the new item number seven the other item that goes in item number seven is your agenda schedule the big schedule that shows what our agenda is planed to be between now and January and we show when items are recurring and when they come back in the last column on that page we also have um for the public works update we have two memos that you need to look at one is the discussion of the timeline for the review and completion of the fiscal year capital projects and the other is the actual detailed report of what's been going on and it does include our storm activities of last week and finally I handed you all out a letter that I sent to the TPA today as well as the schedule of the workshops for the TPA um okobi is unfunded in Vision 2050 and the staff comments say that it is not warranted and they would not put it in as a recommendation for funding so we were thankful to whoever made that happen and most especially the TPA for doing it so those are the changes I hope you would move item number 11 to under number five is number six okay Robert I saw you yeah motion to approve agenda moving item 11 to after item five and then inserting the revised uh up updated items in number seven and eight provided okay all in favor was there second second oh I'm sorry second I heard Marge second seconded by Marge for SP zero thank you okay um we now have the consent agenda anybody have any item two item two what um to pull please you want to pull item two yep okay motion to approve consent item one one second we're gonna move item two to where item 11 once was okay for the record uh council member ramelia is here Mania manilia sorry we did a community we did and done with and the consensus was to move along motion to approve appr consent one second all in favor I passes five to zero okay presentation resilient Florida update item number oh two but we're moving two to 11 right yeah so that doesn't work um I'm sorry item number three I'm so sorry I misspoke item number three the resilient Florida presentation it's Randy right one okay thank you sir here you can use M what you done to the agenda item number two is now Qui going to the very end okay item number 11 will be heard after item number five yeah we can't hear you I don't see anything picking up on the TV like the close caption I don't know whether that means the mics aren't working or what but good evening we are here myself Randy Wy and Kevin Van AR it's still not working it's still not okay the people in the back are shaking their heads that they can't hear him so that's why I'm commenting talk loud all right good evening that's good my name is Randy wpy and I'm here with my colleague Kevin Van Armen from kesars and Associates we're happy to present to you an update for the resilient Florida vulnerability assessment for the town of lock statue grow giving you a big picture background the purpose of this assessment is to evaluate the impacts of storm water design events to the town both current and potential future storm events this is a comprehensive program that lasts a little over a year from start to finish we began the project earlier this year with our data acquisition it includes meeting with the steering committee as well as public Outreach meetings in order to pick up a lot of the information in the town get a better understanding from some of the residents of the town we'll talk about that in in just a moment continuing with an impact analysis a hydraulic model to analyze the system as well as an exposure analysis to determine what are the flooding potential flooding impacts some of the things we're going to be looking for and evaluating are critical assets within the town schools hospitals any infrastructure that is that is deemed as a critical asset for this town we have the forestry Center uh Town public works okay so the project started off with data acquisition we utilized light our information to to Really build the model and analyze the system this overall graphic you see is is it's information that was flown by Palm Beach County and I believe 2019 we were able to use this to sort of evaluate the different elevations throughout the town you're going to see little bitty boundaries blue boundaries we use that elevation to help determine where subbasin should be throughout the town and helping us uh build this model there's a lot of components with this and an added benefit for this project that the town will receive and that is a comprehensive GIS database for the town for every piece of data that we collected we collected this data in combination with engenuity group surveying all of the canals and all of the drainage culs that tie into or are within your your storm water drainage system each each node or Point within this uh diagram represents one of those covers and in there there is data that is stored inside that GIS database um some of the information's a little bit more orous than others but you're essentially going to get your invert information geometry what is this asset that you have in the town um we are in the process of working with Town staff of supplementing this information to make sure that each component is going to have a date it was reviewed by Town staff the condition of the assessment or the excuse me of that asset so it can be utilized as a means for Capital Improvements also for routine inspections and cleaning of the systems Randy what's yellow and red what's the difference I can't read the okay so that's just the topography so what you see actually in blue in in blue in the map represents a water body so that's any uh Lake you see the in the topographic portion of that it's the yellow the red so the yellow and the red the red is just higher elevation so you're your buildings presumably are in those red areas and those yellows are just in between so what is the type of map that they call that Kevin okay so it's it's just a thank you it's just a hillshade so it's going to just pick any color spectrum and it's going to have and uh yeah the Legends are obviously hard to see all the way up at the top where where it's located so also magnifying glass hard to read as well very true very true we we'll we'll make sure we uh make these Legends a little bit larger and not just part of the PDF be great yes yes these are are all PDFs that are going to be um included within the overall report for this project so we're again it analyzes the system as a whole but also each subbasin within the town just to see how the uh the Basin interacts with each other during a storm event discharge through a culvert maybe over Overland flow onto the adjacent property into the canal so it's an interactive model with the system it pretty much compiles uh just a number of calculations and the model will we'll do all the math for you at the any given time giving you the best idea that you can model on a a design event design storm events are a set duration of rainfall excuse me a set amount of rainfall over a specific duration and in this case we're going to be looking at the 100 year event and a 2070 event with an increase in in [Music] rainfall okay looking ahead we're planning on having a public Outreach meeting that's going to be in October we're going to split this into two meetings giving the public the opportunity to come on a Thursday evening October 17th or on a Saturday morning October 19th we are looking for input from the public as far far as any information that could be helpful history of uh flooding events we're looking for critical assets things that they may consider can can you be a little bit more specific about what you're looking at from the public because I think that's a little vague I mean flooding events I think but critical assets what do you mean like does somebody have storage facility on their property or what what exactly are you looking for so through the steering committee the first steering committee uh certain assets were identified and considered as potential critical assets with the town one of those was the Public Services building town center the forestry Center the hospital and as much as Palms West is not part of the town they are adjacent to the to your drainage system and at one part we're a part of it yes yes they are they are part of the system so facilities like that were looked at as potential critical assets area within the town that if flood waters were to rise things that we are concerned with that we want to make sure protected part of this study will evaluate those areas a little bit closely a little closer and to determine if any necessary improvements may be warranted to alleviate future flooding thank you no thank you thank you okay there will be a number of benefits for this uh for this tool for the town excuse me a number of benefits that this tool will bring the town we mentioned a couple in its in its ability to help monitor the condition of your system Capital Improvement planning having a good understanding that I have 13 culverts are in poor condition and that way Richard can start budgeting and looking ahead of when those may need to be replaced into canal canal improvements do we have the opportunity to maybe narrow a canal section along a-road a little bit to facilitate um roadway safety improvements so you'll be able to evaluate those one of the key items that we're hoping to utilize this for is hermitting updates with South Florida Water Management District the flood plane is a big concern obviously there was a workshop here with Town Council not too long ago centered mostly around that there are other municipalities that have used a tool like this to help establish guidelines permited with South Florida that are a little bit more standard and um not just standard but um more of a fair share use for instance Indian Trail improvement district they created their own impoundments and they utilized that to offset compensating storage for residential projects the Village of Wellington used this model evaluated their system in a established a what they consider a fair share every project every uh site would have to provide x amount of Acres of lake or storage at a certain elevation so there are opportunities for that in addition to mpds compliance the town as the town operates more and more storm water management facilities keeping up to date with pollution control with um FTE as far as they may be designating the town at some point point for an mpds permit for a town uh we're also concerned with the latest regulations coming in with South Florida Water Management District when it comes to water quality treatment as of July 1st I think it was July 1st it might have been June 30th of this year they've updated the regulations that came actually from the state of Florida nutrient removal is what is going to be used as the measure for projects moving forward it used to be a Quant itative volumetric comparison provide a one inch of treatment over your site and now it is a nutrient removal so as that regulation comes about it's something that we need to be able to Monitor and keep up with the gis database of the system will assist with that as well as the surface water modeling okay okay as mentioned before this is going to be utilized in assisting with your Capital Improvements and budgeting it could also be utilized for potential rate assessments you might be able to determine the benefit of the overall storm water management system for certain areas of the Town possibly even say north of okach chobi Boulevard versus South because there are some thoughts to reestablish the Weirs that were there at one point in time and trying to keep water north of okachobee for irrigation purposes okay right this time like to open it up for any questions let me see if I have any public comment and then I'll let Council ask questions yes Miss Nina Corning Nina coring 2834 e Ro give me a paper bag because I need a breath here I don't know am I owed to ask him any questions because I would really like to know what page 17 where he is putting into private land into agricultural land he's putting Canal storage stage storage and drainage basins into agricultural land into private land that's high and dry where on Earth is Cesar is coming from even drawing something like this up may my heart's beating so hard right now you have no idea and if I have to call a lawyer I will so that's what I'm going to tell you here right now and that's all I'm going to tell you because I'm not going to help you to figure out how to screw all the residents over thank you Cil May interject for a moment you may Mr Berney this isn't something that you drew this is what's actually there is it not no correct no it's not there please please speak to the microphone and explain what this map is so the map depicts the existing elevations of the Topography of the land as acquired by Palm Beach County they do an area on the wrong map it's not the one I was talking about and that isn't correct page 17 on the bottom here it says 17 yeah yes it's the node diagram okay all right so this map is yes it's a node diagram and it also delineates larger scale basins so this is going to include all of the covers that were found connecting to the actual Canal system you might see a node in this in the center of that overall Basin in that area you may have 20 10 lock depending on the size all draining towards a similar area and connecting to the canal system at any one point for instance off a North Road those lots are coupled together because they don't all have individual covers to the canal or if they do have individual culs they're counted and they're they're put together in one specific node or one Basin because to analyze this and divide all the properties into the 400 properties that we have in the town is not part of the scope of the project and it's not necessary in order to evaluate the flooding impacts on a 100-year event so there may be something that appears a little bit misleading on this diagram but this diagram represents just general basins based on that to uh topographic information where drainage boundaries can travel from one property to another it is not set up to say that property a is providing the storage for for property so what you're saying is you drew them in anywhere willy-nilly whether or not there's an fpnl underground box or if it's high and dry or whatever you just drew them randomly anywhere is what you're saying no that is not then you are wrong well let's take a look excuse me excuse me let's take a look at page 15 because fa page 15 of the Basin map has the same information that's on page 17 you'll see those nodes on this page they're just not highlighted in pink so all that he and his firm are saying in these Maps is this is the way the system connects to itself and on the Note page he talks about whe what type of drainage it is so this is a higher level as opposed to specific property flow of water no in the basins and I'm trying to do it in simple plain English I'm not an engineer unfortunately you're drawing these nods and these things right into the high red areas my dear he's not drawing them anywhere he's putting them in where they are based on their surveys they actually surveyed two firms went out and surveyed they split the town into two pieces and one firm took everything north of okobi the other firm took everything south of okobe so these are based on did north of okobe what firm was that jars and Associates okay they're wrong okay well if you would be so kind we'll bring in the other engineering firm and we'll go look at where you think it's incorrect and we'll make sure that we're correct Miss sish Virginia Standish North Road one we now have our rural designation I I would remind staff and councel to seek any protection that rural designation allows you from this nutrient uh requirement as being a rural designated Community to please have South bordera Water Management District provide you with proof that the water you are bringing in from their canals are not contaminated with nutrients before we get penalized for anything if they want you to be have a certain certain nutrient level and you are bringing in water from their system they need to prove to you that their water is nutrient at the same level they're expecting of you I think there'll be a big oops discussion as I know of many communities that don't want water from South Florida Water Management District and we'll let their legs go low before they accept any order coming in two I find this whole drainage discussion interesting um I think back of the days when someone reminded me of what was called the gentleman's oh Gentleman's Agreement where water could drain properly um into canals um um so I have to wonder when you say this is existing information how much of it came from legal survey information because right now I'm going through something where there's like there's no legal proof this was this or this was was that so I'm hoping in this information of these surveys there's some legal documentation to back it up thank you might I say something yes with regard to water quality um I believe that our lobbyist has released the current um laws that became effective today um and I will share those with you if you do not have them second of all we currently rely on South Florida water management for all the water quality testing that's done out here we do absolutely none of our own and I believe that um that is now going to be imposed on us to do some of our own we have um been discussed ing how we can go about this and also what kind of funding is available to us under the rural infrastructure fund um in your Capital item which we will discuss later this evening we have made application for those funds and we will continue to see what we need to do relative to water quality we certainly don't want to take any dirty water because it's a hard enough job to go from 0 to 360 you know um and on the legal I would defer that over to our engineers and I think that we will follow up with regard to the surveys and any existing information we currently have and also if anybody at the public input session doesn't feel comfortable with their item or anybody else who wants to reach out to me we can certainly sit down and visit the accuracy with regard to they were shown on the map that's what public input is for thank you any more public comment no mayor okay Laura I think you were first thank you Randy forgive me for not knowing how to string this together but how does the resilient Florida plan assessment project hold hands and compliment rural them rules and rs versus The cban Gutter rules that seem to have been a hindrance to our community so the resilient Florida program actually is not looking into is it you need to be louder all right the world U excuse me the resilient Florida program does not design a difference between a rural community versus a subdivision type Community the model is set up based on the characteristics of this town so there are components to determine what the impervious perious nature of the property is the soil conditions that are in this town so it's uh utilizing information that is specific to the town of lahache grow as far as the resiliency and the storm events that it's looking for it is looking for essentially increase in rainfall amounts that is being projected to occur in 2070 so it's again it's not looking at the difference between a rural community versus a a urban community so our system that we have is we would essentially be testing and evaluating how our system holds up with increase in runoff so your talking about the overall effectiveness of our system from personal selles and ditches to drainage boxes to canals to swes to whatever it does not this model does not get into the personal aspects of each individual drainage system throughout the town it is a comprehensive what is happening at this moment this snapshot in time at this moment but mostly within the canals it's going to evaluate discharge coming into those canals but this project does not include going into private property and to evaluating what what uh storm water attenuation systems may or may not be within private property looking at any control structures they may or may not have we're focused on the discharge again this is looking at 100-year plus floods at that point in time water quality treatment is usually gone most people are discharging at full capacity and uh the storage water is going to seek the the uh path of least resistance in the lowest lying areas for the non-engineer what is this thing you call a node a node is just a uh it it represents an item in the map so as far as and it's a good point I should have explained what this is so in order to set up the model we have to have rainfall coming in we have to establish a basin a basin is just an area of land with certain characteristics that will assign a curve number and acreage to it and then we have to assign that Bas into a node so a node is just a connection and a placeholder that that node will be connected to another node whether the next node is in the canal via a link a link would be a segment of canal or a pipe or a Overland flow wear that allows storm water runoff to move from one node to the next in this scenario with the town you have several nodes along each of your canals as water Cascades its way down to Southern Boulevard through those canals to the collecting canal and primarily to the c-51 through the D the D structures I'm going to take that home as we're looking at capillaries arteries and veins in our circulatory system that is correct all right that is not engineer Randy come on yeah right thank you thank you very much yeah I just want to clarify the state is doing this everywhere the C rise is it's here it's not it's coming it's here you know Miami they're building a lot of uh walls and stuff to try to combat it so the state is giving every City Grants to determine how does your area react on an increase and rainfall that's the resiliency how resilient is it how flexible is it and what's the critical structure if you get to a certain point in rainfall how does it affect critical infrastructure your pumps your hospitals things that people need to carry out their day-to-day operations so it every town is eligible for it whether every single town did it or is doing it I don't know but uh question on the I'm glad you brought the nodes because can you do compensating storage on a different property if you want to develop property a and you also own property B can you utilize your compensating storage on property B okay um that's not really related to this analysis but I can tell you South Florida Water Management District does allow that if you're within the same Basin they consider does the town allow us yes or no I I don't see why not compensating storage is in storage the reason I ask is that would have a slight impact on your node right if you take it you you elevate one section in one node and you lower another one it has a little bit it it it would have a little it's minimal correct the main thing was just do we allow it I don't know if anybody's ever done it yet but uh it came to my attention somebody was having a hard time and uh the the thought came up well you know like you say I doesn't impound and that's compensating for a lot of development throughout their territory and they're saying hey we're going to store our water here and obviously we don't do that but if somebody does own multiple properties and uh the the option could possibly be there where hey I'm going to dig a big lake on this property and I'm going to raise this one up we have seen that done before throughout the c-51 Bas and in other areas thank um so we're all in the same boat and it's sinking okay so um unfortunately uh for the past five years until January of 2024 we were following the FEMA direction of our previous um what's the word [Music] um manager yeah you could call him that so his answer to building on site plans was to fill in our historic ditches and put in burms historic ditches these historic ditches some of them have been there a hundred years okay so now we have to correct this because For the first time in a long time people on the north end of town are finding that they are holding water why because for the F past five years we've been listening to one person nobody's been coming in going hey something's wrong with this picture we're all flooding now and now we have to make the correction all right we're all in this together this isn't me me me I I I okay we're all in it together regarding water storage and water movement okay so we have no choice and I understand that there's old plats old Maps but some of those aren't correct anymore because remember we had somebody for the past five years filling in what was historic so I am not an engineer the only people that I know that I need to get my information from are the people we hire to look over this town and try to assist us in this water storage and water movement and water retention on our own properties so I do not think there's anything nefarious here Nina if you think there's something wrong please get with Francine about your specific issue but we're all in this together this is part of the Town moving forward we have so many people coming and taking the vegetation off the vacant land now to build this is affecting all of us every one of us and it's going to keep happening as long as we have five 10 20 acres that H are full of Brazilian peppers and vegetation so people are clearing them they're bringing in fill and they have to abide by water storage so this is just part of the Town moving forward Mark I can't see if your lights on under that book there is it no okay thank you Randy for your presentation um moving forward we just have to have the next public input correct and then another steering meeting and then we'll come back with hopefully being able to put in for some grants yes that is that is the plan and also we will provide the uh PDFs that were part of this presentation to the town perhaps those can be put on the website and something that residents can look at and zoom in and be able to get a better idea of what some of that information is yeah well I think unless you come up with a much better explanation of what these things are than was given here tonight on your PDFs you're going to have a lot of unhappy people that think you you're citing drainage that isn't really there or um cutting their properties apart you know what I mean there needs to be a much more detailed Legend and explanation with it particularly before you Mass disseminate the information because otherwise you're going to have a lot of upset people like you sawood thank you very much I'm sorry Miss Herzog has something else she wants to say yeah um with these maps that you have in here uh I I think that it's a waste of your paper because you can't see anything I I would hope that you know if you have a public meeting that you would have at least three by five or something you know so that we can tell what's where and why thank you thank you all right moving on to item number four Valerie would you like to read the um title for us please yes mayor consideration of approval on resolution number 202 2474 a resolution of the Town Council of the town of lahache Gro Florida authorizing the Fifth Amendment to solid waste and recycling collection Services agreement with Coastal waste and recycling of Palm Beach County LLC providing for an effective date this item is for the sole purpose of increasing the franchise fee from 25% to 30% on Commercial we also added in a change in the state law with regard to having the contractor attest to that they do not participate in human trafficking okay any public comment on this item no okay any Council comment on this item can I have a I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024-the to the agreement with Coastal waste and recycling of Palm Beach County LLC second all in favor I opposed okay moving on to item number five this is uh item number five was brought to to the council um in May along with the Brazilian Florida and the discussion of the FDA and FEMA initially and um staff and our attorney were tasked to go back and um try to simplify the language section 46 is in the town's code with no adjustments it was put into the town's code when the district became dependent upon the town and we did a codification of the special district legislative powers so what we have in section 46 is already there this is to clean up what's in section 46 and also based on some of the things that we have learned um in terms of trying to manage some of the drainage issues that have come up um we have suggested some changes in here that will allow us to affect C sharing more expeditiously and to address nuisance repairs that are life health safety um you know promptly so without further Ado um Mr Curts is going to walk you through Section 46 just generally giving you the intro on how we got here yeah the um the lock atue water control district is a 298 District you just speak in the mic it is a 298 district and that refers to chapter 298 of Florida Statutes um as such it was from its original creation there were the special acts um that modified its powers over the years and when you merged the town and the district together you did codify those special acts so you you've got the power of chapter 298 which is the primary source of Authority for the district then you have the uh special acts which have been codified as um chapter 46 and because you have codified it and because it's a dependent District you have the ability to modify chapter 46 so long as it's compliant with uh the 298 uh legislation um so what we're attempting to do here is to uh clarify some some powers and put in some procedures that will assist in the operations of the the district when you look at a 298 District what you expect is that anytime anybody is going to connect to the works of the district and the works of the district would be um your canals and the other things that you heard about from uh Randy as to how you manage and convey water whenever somebody is um going to be hooking up to that you would expect that there would be a permit that was required from the lock ahache water control districts in order to to do so and that's how um uh all your drainage when you're connecting into um our canals you would have anticipated that there was a um permit and as a part of that permit those folks were supposed to maintain uh the um the Improvement that they made so that it didn't impede the um flow of water into our canals and the um drainage system could work appropriately uh what you have in here is a couple of changes first of all there's a definition that defines what we mean by adversely impacts um and that's adversely impacting um The Works of the district it means having a negative effect on um or restricting the normal conveyance of water increasing flooding erosion or erosion or sedimentation increasing the cost of Public Services or other negative effect as determined by the reasonable discretion of the district that that term is now defined um as I just read to you so that the district can go out and make a determination as to whether something um because of lack of Maintenance or um an obstruction has caused a problem in uh the connection to the um works of the district or um actually damages the works of the district itself so in order to correct those situations the district always had the the power to go in and enforce and the process was to come to The District board now what we are suggesting and what this um ordinance does is it sets up a situation for nuisance situations in which the district um acting through the town and we clarify um in here that they're acting through the town um would give somebody notice give them time to correct the nuisance and if they um don't agree with that they can go in front of the the special magistrate um and the work can be corrected and you get into um a situation in which they property is uh lean through that process so it's a streamlining of of that process there's also uh another section that clarifies that um people can be voluntarily assessed um there is going to be times when people cannot necessarily afford the Improvement immediately so you can subject yourself to a Voluntary Assessment and pay that off over over time likewise groups of folks can come in and petition for a Voluntary Assessment and it streamlines that process um so that's the that's the purpose of uh the primary purpose of these modifications um and if you've got questions be happy to answer them before we go any further I need to H have a weighin from you and a weighin from Glenn on something um as most of you know I was formerly the chair of the water Control District and um I got into I'm sure Laura will remember this because I know she was part of this discussion too I got into many of a very heated debate with both Steve Yohi and Mary VOR about things that needed to be done in the drainage selles and um and throughout town and I was told repeatedly by both of them that you cannot expend go ahead go ahead laa I was you can expend public funds on private property told it over and over and over again and it really put a a real damper into um solving a lot of the issues that we had in town because um we couldn't do that so now what I hear you telling me is that we can through the 298 which was what was functioning before actually do that can you tell me where this disconnect is both of you I'd like to hear because Mary VOR absolutely back Steve up 100% and Steve absolutely beat us up on it repeatedly so I with without without hearing directly from them and the and the circumstances anything what well what I would what I would what I would suggest and what I believe um that 98 districts have the authority to do is when there is a public benefit um to take taking that action you can take that action and so in this circumstance what we're talking about is the flow of water um to the the public conveyance and if there is something that is impeding that um then you can take corrective action um and as far as the assessment you have to remember that um the assessment would be on the on the private land owner um through either a nuisance type assessment or Voluntary Assessment kind of like the projects where they put the C Mr Mendon and his group of neighbors got together and did a special assessment for their um something like that cing for the yeah they they actually created a unit of development they created a unit of development they did so actual whole neighborhoods get to get could get together and create like maybe that we're in here last the last meeting saying that they were having drainage issues whole neighborhoods could get in and do a unit of development and perhaps C share the total solution of that development okay but that's totally legal Len we Jeff and I in full agreement on this yeah I mean you can do this again it's got to be a public purpose there got to be a public benefit and as you said there's usually an assessment associated with this that private land own is paying perhaps overtime so and is cost sharing another possibility cost sharing Works in tandem with this it doesn't work separate from this thank you I'm sorry for interrupting but I felt like I had to get that we're really trying to get you to where you want to go I mean that's the goal I think as we were in the past but we were shut down every time we tried to so thank you we got a few questions and I want to get it on the record what the answers to those questions are if you don't mind um I was going to call for public comment as soon as are you done Jeff are you done with your presentation okay so let's do a public comment and then we can answer Miss sui can I read manisha's first since I already pulled his up I was just going to answer those questions would you like me to answer those questions first I'll read them and answer them okay she'll read and answer manisha's questions first if you'd like would you you want to stay there while she does so we had a the first question was how does the town decide what percent of drainage or culbert repair expense is borned by the town or the property owner in the last meeting I heard the town was going to share 50/50 cost and hence justification for funds set aside in the fiscal year 25 budget and then I also heard the town may be paying 100% cost towards such emergencies or certain special cases who makes the decisions what are the clear guidelines to avoid the appearance of any personal bias towards any particular resident where is the budget for it can everyone in the town apply for 5050 or 100 do we have enough budget great question we put aside $150,000 in a community Relief Fund that would be matching funds we have a 2017 policy on how 5050 works for um canals and drainage it does require a group of people to come together and agree that they would like to have a Voluntary Assessment we do have provision in there for up to 100% for instance if somebody wanted to get something done faster than the town could do it you could certainly go with a higher cost percentage if we didn't have the funding but generally speaking we wouldn't be doing an assessment unless it was for a specific cost that we knew of for instance I'll give you an example let's say all the people on Casey Road decided that they wanted to have they wanted to restore their swells with a drainage ditch in them and let's say each one of those properties needed $3,000 to put the drainage ditch back and I'm making this all up it's not real okay what we would do is we would go ahead probably and ask for a RightWay permit from the contractor and we would look at the design to make sure it was within the town's guidelines of how drainage swells and so on would have to be put in and they could either pay the contractor directly when the work was done or if they couldn't pay the contractor they could ask us to do a Voluntary Assessment for them for the whole amount or if we felt there was public benefit we would bring it forward to council and look at whether we would do 5050 anytime that we have shared costs we've had to bring it forward to the council and to do an assessment program it would have to come through the Council so there would be justification for the amount being assessed and you can hear what I'm saying it's situational because it's based on the cost and the benefit if there's a public benefit we can pick up a piece and and correct me if I'm wrong Richard there's there's a number of areas I know that I went and looked at one a couple of weeks ago with you that qual like for lack of a better term calling them subdivision areas were this would be a very logical way to address it like unless you address it this way it's it's pretty much like throwing paint at the wall to address it on an individual basis it really does need to be addressed more systematically like this yeah there needs to be a systematic approach to this as I my later on in my um which is expensive my my update I mentioned it there's 106 subdivision roads in this town and I would say the majority of them need I mean there's roads in this town that have zero drainage whatsoever and we get calls from residents complaining about my yard is flooding I'm like like your entire Road has zero drainage you have a road that was put in with 12 houses on it and there is not a single Pond swail Culvert nothing I mean and those neighborhoods would literally need an you know swes installed Culver's installed they don't even have a connection to our system like so yeah some of them are like Casey Road just need to be yeah we've already the town's already spent 60 Grand on removing Australian pines and and remediating portions of that Swale we're in the process of doing them we just have to do things systematically we can't jump all over the town and do a piece here piece there a piece here a piece there we have to do we're on 161st right now we're remediating that Swale when we're done there we want to go someplace yeah we're doing the road project right now that is our primary focus because of Staffing thank you so the goal on that is that when we're doing a road project we try to fix the drainage when we're not doing a road project then anybody any group of people can come in and follow the rules that were set in 2017 for cost sharing and the cost sharing allows anywhere from 5050 all the way to 100 and we can always modify this because it was adopted by resolution and it works in tandem with the idea of either a nuisance or a volunteer assessment thank you all right now the second question was fine we were questions how many questions there's three okay the second question is how does this policy impact our fiscal year 2025 budget reserves what are the implications to our cash flow if the water district and hence the town takes on the responsibility to do emergency or owner neglected repairs and then charges the cost to owner via assessment where is the budget item for this well this question is also answered we have $150,000 for Community relief with regard to nuisance abatement if the person doesn't agree with the nuisance abatement they have to go through the special magistrate and so we have a process here that doesn't have us out of pocket because when you go to the magistrate then the cost stays with the property and we can do an assessment for nuisance I'm oversimplifying but again caseby casee basis we're not out of pocket it's a collectible item on a Voluntary Assessment we would come before Council and get the assessment program approved and we would follow the rules that we currently have and if it is for something large like a subdivision capital projects plan it'll be in next year's capital projects plan and the way we would go and do that is we would say to council maybe we need to create a unit you mentioned earlier before a group of neighborhoods create a group of neighbors created a unit we could likewise create a unit and that would be how we could budget if you will the project to fix in the future the quote lack of better term subdivision capital projects and it would be and it would be part of the budget process million tomor fixing have the time the Manpower no not at all we're only going to spend what we budgeted which is the one 50 and it has to come before Council before we spend and then the third question is who in what circumstances decide that a particular Culvert needs imminent repair or replacement I'm going to stop before I finish the rest of it I'm going to say that last week we had a pretty significant storm event before that we had several weeks of significant rain events we can see where we have failed culverts and where we have Road wash outs those ones are pretty obvious to anyone but I would say that as we've discussed before in Council meetings our Public Works director is responsible for that and of course when people call in and tell us we look at all those too so that's who and what circumstances generally decide unless we have done an assessment like we did through the resilient Florida some of our CTS um are full of sediment and siltation and for us to clean them out those CTS might collapse so we have been taking them slowly through the budget process wherever we see the biggest problem we bring it through and I think we have something along the lines of six coverts in the current year Capital plan so that's how we look at the coverts individually and as a whole on the large um if the property owner cannot afford to replace the CT that is why we put the voluntary in here Andor the nuisance because if it's one person we can do it as nuisance life health safety with life health safety our rules for nuisance lets it happen rather quickly so that's how the property owner can afford to pay for it through a longer term assessment as opposed to ponying up the cash right now in the proposed policy will there be a lean or collection put on the owner currently the town has the ability to do a nuisance assessment and put a lean on the property owner currently the town has that it was adopted by ordinance a number of years ago this clarifies the way that we do it under Section 46 of our code I just had a paved Road put on eoad and the road paving stopped just short of my property so all this road drainage water is now dumped in front of my property and now it becomes my responsibility to maintain and pay for the cul and take on these costs I believe when we do road projects in the way that we have handled it in all of our past we have asked people to give us drainage easements and we have replaced CTS once they have given us drainage easements because as Mr Kurt said before we can connect the Works to the works and when you connect a Swale to a canal or drainage you're connecting the works to the works and if we're going under a road we're connecting the works to the works so I think we would approach that the same as we've approached the rest of our drainage but I would ask Richard and Mr CTS to go ahead and put a bow on all my answers if I missed anything there's not really anything for any of our committees to look at with regard to this because that was the next concern relative to the zoning committee this doesn't have anything to do with zoning and in terms of fact committee we already have the existing ordinances in place but there's not any immediate financial impact to ascertain the impact of except to look at the cost po cost recovery policy from 2017 so that's my opinion and hopefully the answer to this question okay okay I'm just going to read the statements and thank you Francine because would never got all those questions answered um considering the mag this is from Manish considering the magnitude and complexity of this changed ordinance and the covert ordinance I'm surprised that there's no input review was invited from relevant committees nor were any public workshops held in advance and then he asked the questions which Francine answered thank you I understand the drainage is critical to the life safety and wellbeing of the town just looking at devastating pictures of the recent flood and destruction from Hurricane helina but this does not mean taking shortcuts to push all these major changes please let zoning or faac or any relevant committee do some analysis along with you get citizen input via workshops before making such important decisions I also noticed a vendor being hired to do resiliency study and perhaps we can also learn some best practices used by other towns even if we reach the same conclusion as proposed in the new policy after all these efforts it will be worth it because it will be the collective will of the Town residents please don't push the change without a proper due process and well considering important implications Manish Su could you want me to do mine now yes ma'am hold on wait let me pull it up just so everyone remembers we are modifying the language of our existing code we're not this is a an ongoing process it's an ongoing process and we started this conversation this year in May okay Cassie sui this is my comments um I sent you all emails because it's probably going to be too much to bring in there's a lot in here some of my concerns I'm very concerned with the added language in this covert ordinance below I had listed some of my concerns that I sent to you um one of my concerns was on page 35 the definition adversely impacts I have an issue with this added definition adversely impacts what is it FEMA defin it has negative effects like loss destruction or modification we however use the term including but not limited to which refers to items that are not exclusive and I gave an example the alphabet includes but is not limited to the letters a b and c which means that there could be other letters in addition to those three listed in terms of government rules using that included but not limited to there will be Financial burdens attached and I cringe at that term being used in government ordinances is because we have to guess that it refers to things that aren't on the following list and that they may not be listed and they're included so I'm really concerned about that it needs to be removed the other one was restricting the noral conveyance of water increasing flood erosion in or sediment increasing the cost of public services and other negative effect as determined in the reasonable discretion of the district the last part of the sentence I think is ambiguous needs to be more clarified I have a problem with at the discretion especially with the history of this Town um some of the other things I found it doesn't address um culverts and um items that have been in for years maybe um there's been CS that were done many many years ago under those standards at 36 Ines or 48 Ines and now I don't know what the standard is 60 in so they could be technically adversely affecting even though they're still properly functioning but they're not to today's standards so maybe those need to be added in as well so I was was concerned about that I was also concerned about page 36 number 2C drainage Works adding quote and or repairs including replacement um basically it it includes adverse impacts again so there you're drawing in limited but not limited too so it's not exclusive to what's defined it's kind of leaving it wide open so I'm concerned about some of the language that was my biggest co concern I have an issue with in leaving the interpretation up to our district on a lot of the things and using vague language so I think we need to go back and carefully put in language that's clear and concise and not vague um page 42 number six abatement costs um I had an issue with that whole thing um based on the interpretation I have an issue with the nuisance abatement um a lot of it's very vague so when you're going through this I would suggest that we make things very clear very concise and I did include all that in my email would someone please share the email Emil with me so we can I'll thank you that'd be great thank you Miss sui any more public comment I'm Sorry Miss sish before Miss sish can we just address the item about the standards because it has to do with resilient Florida okay okay I was trying to get all the public comment and then let Council question come but but go ahead I mean if we stop for every public comment and address every public comment that's I won't do this again then I just wanted to not have another senior moment go ahead with regard to the culverts and any other infrastructure that was placed long ago prior to the year 2000 when we adopted the original Basin study of the 72 versus 96 inch Culvert because that was done in the year 2000 I asked kesars to please identify wherever they could what was replaced after that point in time so we could focus on the ones that were older than the current standard so and additionally when someone comes in and they're developing um a property around okobi you know north of okobi is one thing south of okobi is another and so we've been evaluating um the culverts as they are going in on the individual properties so just wanted to answer that I'm sorry who was next Miss SSH I'm sorry if I'm making having you start and stop there Virginia Standish North Road um as we all know if you live in a community the entire Community whether you're next to a canal or not benefits from good drainage so okobi Boulevard benefits from good drainage whether they're next to Canal or not um my comment has three points to it one there's some properties that can uh some drainage issues that can probably be handled very easily based on this new format you're coming up with and I can think of a a perfect example of a small row of uh what you would call Subdivision houses that had a Swale a deep Swale behind their back of their properties and then the owner right next to the canal says oh no filling everything in the rest of you can flood and then we you who have served for years were on the Seesaw of no you can't go there so that's why I bring up the point of we go to the Seesaw of the current staff only because we've all lived it now this staff seems to be trying to give us the legal language to solve this so there's an easy way some of these properties that have the existing swell where the owner next to the canal filled in that dirt go knock on that door that that should be a lowcost project that would be the first one we talk about all the drainage easements and I've said this over and over in your surveys in this town there are I don't care who won't shake me in this town there are existing drainage easements on surveys you don't get the whole drainage easement along the property line no problem check their survey go back to 1967 check the doc public records there may be a strain spot where you can put in that drainage grate instead of making it hard on yourself stop banging your heads against the wall and look at what you have to work with I think I've been saying that for the beginning of time with this drainage discussion but I'll repeat it like a broken record all right the next thing is the third item and it's an item of confusion for me on page 38 section 46-3 what is a convey of water the flow yes I'm just asking you what is the conveyance of water and then we have Property Owners fighting with each other saying new Property Owners no you can't flow through here anymore there was no legal Ingress or egress so in your clarification of this document and and Public Works deals with us daily staff deals with us daily but in your clarification of this language maybe there's something you can do to address this because right now it boils down to well my deed says this my deed doesn't say this I don't know if you can Trump that or not I don't know what the legality of it is but it is a huge problem in this town thank you Miss Standish anybody else B Miss mcnicholas Mary mcnicholas 12845 Raymond dve I I appreciate staff going through all of this I know it might be different for you all at this point but it it actually took care of three of my questions and comments so thank you for addressing the cost share and a bunch of other things I've we've lived here my husband and I have lived here for 20 years at least and I cannot emphasize enough what Virginia stannish said before me is and you all said about the water Control District as well this is an age-old problem as far as I'm concerned I remember having these same conversations in the other building I I commend you all for getting this done and coming up with some good solutions to do this I think that there are going to be maybe a few words and things that need to be changed I don't have a problem with the adversely impa adverse impacts adversely impacts because quite frankly that's what's happening it you know if somebody's preventing or flooding me that's exactly what's happening this whole thing about filling in the sailes we have new people in this community newer than I am in this community and they like filling in swales sadly uh that is not how this gravity this water is supposed to move gravity flow wise um if there's Simple Solutions to do this that's great the previously permit or accepted culverts need to be addressed to see if they actually were put in correctly because there's not a chance that my covert that's this in diameter is going to keep flowing to the east through something that's this big and not cleaned out so if you all can do this and I cannot thank the attorneys enough for the their interpretation on this because this is an age- old problem we need the help this is the only thing that's going to help this young lady that's leaving right here miss Harding you heard her and other people crying very very upset about flooding and things before for the past couple weeks or couple meetings this needs to be addressed you all need to keep going on this and get this done so I appreciate it very much thank you anybody else about uh Miss Corning Nina coring 2834 e wrot so um just not to be so repetitive tonight kudos to Cassie and kudos to Virginia um I do find the language to be a quite a bit overbearing remember you are also dumping your water from the roads onto people's properties in the past a lot of the road material ended up in those culverts and has stuffed them now you want to go and have the property owner pay to clean those things that were allowed to flow in from you're not okay then I'm glad that is not the case in reference to nuisance abatement if somebody can't afford it they're certainly not going to be able to afford it once you do that so if you really do want to help help somebody who has an issue pay it all at once it's not the way to go and put him into Nuance of Batman and add other fees to it um so you know we are paying the $200 an acre you back then made sure that the water Control District became dependent so you had access to those $200 an acre um I do sympathize with everyone that has experienced having properties build up the property and then have received all the drainage from the other property and it's happened to many of us um I also appreciate the fact that that that Virginia brought up that you have old drainage ways there were interconnecting between the properties and those are being filled up or grown in or you know I had a neighbor that was throwing in her shavings in there at one point in time um and you know those ways of saying that we now have to have a burm all around our properties the ways that we have historically drained are actually being kept from us being able to drain as we have historically drained and one of the other big issues that we've had in the past when we had a real event or flood event was that Royal Beach Boulevard through the dog park pumped back into the Natural Area and the Natural Area dumped all of the water out on North Road and e Road Canal then you had the issue and this is back to the county that the CTS underneath okobi are not large enough for the water to flow through so you know it's it's to me there's still a lot of conflicting items in all of this langu which um I think there's a lot of blame put always on the residents but it is it is being allowed to be done and and flooded through through other means by when you put a house up and you're you're now flooding your neighbor or you're dumping into the ditch or you're you know your manure bin suddenly is on top of what was a a and now it has a pipe yay big I mean all these things have happened and you can't be blaming the person afterwards that's actually the victim and that's happened quite often and I don't see this entirely fixing it so I think it still needs to go back to the drawing board and get some more fixing thank you for your comment Miss hering Jane Harding 3479 D wrote first of all I want to thank everybody CU they did step up to the plate and help me it was a very disastrous moment and I really do appreciate I appreciate all your hard work has to be very difficult trying to please everybody but you can my problem with the language in this is being a neoy to this subject it what I read it as they can impose things on the neighbor how are we protected as as a resident with these impositions of oh we say that this is wrong and that is wrong and you need to this and that belongs to you and this belongs to us where's my protection how do I know that that's right when I read through this whole thing I mean I understand it needs to be fixed I'm all for it I'm all for getting everything fixed but I want the language to be a little bit clearer as to what exactly my role will be well not exactly but where's my protection I mean if I'm sorry I don't know your name but if you say you need to Culvert here you have to give me 50% I mean maybe I'm being too simplistic but I'm just a regular person and this is how I'm reading it so I think it needs to be a little more defined and there has to be not only for the town to be able to pay for it and get the residents help but there has to be protection it's like I just feel like oh you can come and you're going to say oh that's broken and the state's 40 years old but it's on your property so now we need $5,000 I mean I can't afford an assessment I can I'll do everything I can to help to Abate any issues but as long as it's completely and totally proven necessary that's what my fear is thank you thank you for your comment all right I think Phyllis was first then Laura I'm really confused because I'm hearing don't raise my taxes don't raise my assessment don't assess me my neighbors are flooding me and and I need stuff on my property because I'm flooding but I can't pay for it so you understand that raising taxes to have this town be able to support itself and fix its in infrastructure is is where you're not going to get hit with the assessment because then the town can take care of everybody townwide I mean you can't have it both ways you can't say don't raise my taxes and then we need we need we need we need because this town has neglected as I we have no Weirs we can't stop the water excuse me Nina I don't I hear anybody say raise tax you have you been coming to all the meetings no nobody's saying raise taxes everybody's saying don't raise taxes but how do you think we can fix things for people that can't afford assessments and not do a 5050 it's called taxes which is spread throughout the community to fix everything but we can't raise taxes right you guys don't want you made it clear you didn't want the taxes is raised not not a bit so it's very confusing because you guys want a lot of stuff but how are you GNA get that stuff if we we can't fix anything so first of all we need to fix our infrastructure we need to fix our wear we need to make sure our canals don't fail we need to clear our coverts we have a covert on collecting canal and F Road we're about to have how many tons of horse meat coming through that Culver over that Culver I am very concerned about that Culver because town has made it quite clear that covert is rotted out how do we fix that that's an expensive one all right so you guys and the word you when things are go bad it's you guess what y'all voted for us it's us it's we it's we it's not you you voted for this you have the opportunity to come here unfortunately I was late this morning tonight because the meetings used to be at seven okay and then I for one was one of the people that wanted Community input because that was something I always felt was missing when I was sitting out there St let her finish her comment and we made it earlier okay to come in at 6:30 that is your voice so you do it now it's at six o'clock I'm not happy about that because it's difficult for me to get here I work at 9 to five to six to seven job all right but it's up to you guys to pay attention to the people you elect thank you Laura we're done thank you all right hopefully these are easy um whether the assessment is voluntary or nuisance it stays with the property correct okay [Music] um so there's a culvert under a road and it's been there forever and it's been functioning great and it connects somebody's property to a canal and a vendor damages it who pays for it vendor promise yeah okay well what let me just that what about the fact that that's a loaded question hold on a second I've been complaining for years that my cul's been smashed in by the mowers going by and nobody's ever fixed that so let's be careful with our answers to those types of questions goe but we're not a vendor she said a vendor but we've been fixing the stuff that we break we have we trying so so to so to clarify try there's a lot so to clarify Laura's comment currently I'm still working on this I think I've mentioned this the last couple of months the town does not participate in the sunshine 811 system because of a lot of it's because of the cost and they will not Define our lines better so we're we they come out so but I you you decide you want to put a new cver in yourself you can do it yourself anybody can call 811 um you don't have to be a contractor a resident actually it's it's state law it says if you dig more than an inch below the surface you are required by law to call 811 and if you hit a utility or even caught you could like there's fines jail time I think death penalty if you do it enough I don't know but um I mean the state takes it serious iously you dig more than literally an inch and it's the actual person digging the hole that's required to call it's not um you know Francine wants to dig a wants to put a new fence in I'm putting the fence in and Francine calls 811 no I have to call 811 so yes the vendors call 811 they have to ticket numbers the problem is is we are not a participating agency with that system so what happens in in the event of fpnl um now FPL is working with the town because they're trying to just be good you know good neighbors or whatever although it's taking them forever to do anything but that's just fpnl that's normal that's not we're not an exception to their rules but if FPL calls goes and calls 811 and they notify 811 takes and says okay it's in the town of lock statue Groves within the town of lock statue Groves we have Florida P light AT&T Comcast Palm Beach County Florida Public Utilities and those are the only utilities that are located in there so they send those tickets out to those agencies most of which use um a third party vendor to do all of their locates for them palach County water utilities still does their own they come out and locate all the utilities vendor comes out and starts boring all their holes they blow through one of our colberts or a landowner's cobbert because that cobbert was not located they have no fiscal respon or legal responsibility to fix it replace it repair it or do anything to it because it was not located so if a if like with fpnl now like I said FPL is working with us and they're supposed to we actually have a meeting supposed to have a meeting with them next week um to go over all the Cs also some of the other issues in the town because we also have issues where there handholes are all collapsing because they put non-road rated handholes in and people are driving over the covers driving through the right into the boxes now these are the they're like tan if you go if you go down a road you'll see where our cones are where we have put cones around them to keep people from driving into them but um yeah so that's we're have actually we're going to be the next couple of weeks on North Road replacing a Culver that FPL hit because technically FPL could tell us no we're not replacing any of them because you never located them and legally we would have to locate them for in order for them to take respons responsibility for hitting them now I think in the end they are going to help us pay for them or whatever but until then until I can solidify something with their system because what wind up happening is we would wind up getting tickets for things like Southern Boulevard Royal palmach Boulevard whne explain further the reason that we're not a part of it is because there's a cost for every ticket pulled right and there's a certain mile radius so then we would be responsible for tickets being pulled in other municipalities that surround us and it could wind up being very expensive so that's why we can't just join as join we have to find a creative way to join yeah because like companies like FPL it doesn't matter they're everywhere but I mean when I worked across the street I handle all the tickets and you know like when they were widening Southern Boulevard I would have 150 to 200 tickets a week that I we would literally just say no conflicts no conflicts no conflicts no conflict but we still have to pay for it okay Laura were you done or did you have more three more easy ones okay um broken record listen up so we're going to rewrite standards for Section 46 we're going to think about using the nouns and verbs from the FEMA rural section not the FEMA curb and gutter section right y'all are looking at me like I'm a martian this section has absolutely nothing to do with FEMA how can or not do have any how how does this discussion on drainage not connect to female what am I missing because the next item that we move from number 11 to number six is concurrency and that's where you see all the drainage this is the powers of the special district in section 46 and article 130 is the way that drainage is reviewed and that is where you'll see that we've made some changes that lower the bar if you will and this is so in the next section I'll say it again okay two more questions that's okay justy your question um so I I actually had a neighbor ask me this like two or three weeks ago so property a and property B have a historic ditch between them and you know over time it has filled in and there's grass clippings and there's leaves and there ho-ha and whatever so can neighbor a take his back ho clean out his ditch and take his sediment and put it somewhere else on his property I think so yeah I I don't yeah okay I mean that that just seems logical right neighbor B had that kusas in it oh nice I mean that's that's considered maintenance now if neighbor a decided to take a two foot ditch and dig it six foot deep and then take the fill from there and put it somewhere else that might be a different story well or put bodies in it whatever I get it okay us as a sh cemetery whatever okay there will be I just want to answer one of the questions I'm not I'm not gonna be funny about it I'm just gonna answer it because everybody keeps bringing up the issue of historical drainage section 130 or article 130 is where we address the historical drainage on page 105 number8 the owner developer shall either reestablish the required historical drainage infrastructure or demonstrate that an alternative equivalent drainage system is provided I'm not going to go through the long story on it but the other thing that we're doing in 130 allows a certain amount of fill and so therefore as long as you're managing on your own property that's you know your responsibility to maintain your your drainage was that your third one lur uh that was actually my fourth and my fifth just walked out the door so no worries moving so to try to sum this up this is what I'm hearing I'm hearing that people want us to do something about this drainage sit situation townwide they want to do it so that individual residents don't have any responsibility for their personal drainage and it seems like they want us to also make sure that individual residents have concern for their neighbors as they're making changes or doing drainage so these are all kind of like like everything's very contraindicated that's being said so it's very difficult but I think that um you know I think this is one of those difficult situations where we just have to press on a little bit kind of like we did with the RV ordinance it's not maybe perfect but it's something to start with but the most important thing that I'm hearing as far as feedback from citizens is that people are looking to make sure that the rights of the individual property owners are preserved um and so if you could take a look at the and and the other thing I'm hearing which is you know I don't know when this is going to go away if ever but um and and I started this with this item with the historic you know going back historically to the lack of distrust and misinformation um and and it's just um or maybe not misinformation but different interpretations of the same information how's that I won't call it misinformation but I think that um changing this language that we have to press forward with this and but changing this language to move forward if you could find some way Jeff to put in here ways to address concerns about you know this this whole thing about well who makes the decision well who makes the decision is our Public Works director but unfortunately there's so much distrust of our Public Works director not based on our current public Works director but wait based on our previous Public Works director and perhaps the one before that but at least the the immediate previous one um you know maybe something along the lines of that two people like like Richard and somebody else has to make that I don't I don't know what the answer is I don't have the solution but if you could take a look at the language if you could see if there's some way that you can soften or um delineate the what what what people are concerned about is you're going to come in and say like okay like me I have a I don't know what it is 8 inch 6 inch Craig was here he'd know he was looking at it the other day because he was doing something with the neighbor's Culvert I have a very small two very small coverts my house was built my property was developed in like 72 76 I have two very small covers out front of my house okay if you were to come in and tell me tomorrow that I had to put in two 20inch coverts at the cost of $30,000 a piece you know that's that's not okay and I think that's what people are looking to not have happened so I don't know how you can fix that but with within the proposed ordinance there is a process um that people can go through if they disagree with the contention that you're creating a nuisance and it has to be replaced you do have the opportunity to go in front of the magistrate and what's the cost of that to you m nothing nothing you know uh depending on you know whether you want to hire somebody to present the case for you that can get into it but there's no cost for you to um to go to the magistrate magistrate May determination as to whether or not um they concur or don't concur with the evaluation of the the town um and then you have the right to contest that mayor I think one of the things that may be a missing step here is that you don't have to go to the magistrate if you agree that you want us to go ahead and repair it for you but if we said we you needed those 20 in culverts you have a choice to get the repair done yourself and those repairs have to match our standards so nobody can actually tell you something has to be done that's outside of our stand standard so there is a whole process here and in fact I think we will be bringing back some more updated design criteria um so there are a lot of legs on this stool you know I think everybody you know everybody gets In the Heat of the Moment and says things and whatever whether they mean them or don't mean them I'm not going to make a judgment on that but you know I think that everybody who is concerned about this town which is all of us understands that this is that that we're all connected Ed you know the drainage from the very North End is connected to the drainage on the very south end and and that we all have to play the game we all have to play our part and do our part in um fixing it but I think people are just looking to protect themselves a little bit Glendy are you coming are you thinking of something that might know what what I want to reassure is this ordinance offers a lot more due process protections for the residents than you had before yeah so we didn't take anything away we added protections we added more notice procedures protections time to comply time to appeal you didn't have that before so residents are more protected with this than they were before this is passed I don't know how the misinformation or wrong information got out there because this is actually trying to protect the residents and give them some more due process than they had previously okay so there there's one other thing Jeff okay 298 requires your District engineer to provide you with a report that tells you about the benefit or that it is necessary so if Richard is designated as the district engineer then he has to make that report before we proceed so you can't you can't actually come up with an assessment unless you have a basis for it yeah and maybe I should have made this clear if you dis if you disagree you can go to the special Magistrate can um have your views aired and then um have the opportunity to to challenge that if you disagree with decision again if you agree with the decision but it's an affordability issue that's where you can come in on the Voluntary Assessment and say let's make this not a $110,000 item but can we do it you know $1,000 a year something along those lines okay well based on the feedback that I got tonight that that I've heard here tonight I'm thinking that a lot of this needs to be clarified somehow that the language in this needs to be clarified somehow to to make people understand maybe another one of my famous lists Jeff I know you love my list remember remember where we're at remember where we're at right where a discussion this is discussion this is where we're talking about it and where people are already commenting on a potential ordinance first reading will come uh forward for from what I've heard tonight and we'll go over it I don't need know that the language needs to be modified we will clarify the process in explaining it perfect okay Mar you had a question yes um where in this uh does it say that if the resident buys the material that um is recommended by I guess it would be the water control uh District uh supervisor um that the district would put the pipe in for them that was the process before that is not in here this only tracks the powers of the district dependent on the town so it takes the abilities in Florida Statutes 298 and clarifies it in section 46 of our code if the town wishes to do something like that we can build a policy that does that but that has not been happening for a long time so if you buy the materials you can get a RightWay permit and you can have a contractor put a covert in or if you give us an easement then you don't buy the materials at all we go ahead and install the covert if if somehow that was economically advantageous to you um it could probably be work work it out um uh in in that situation all right are you done yes Robert you had a question yeah just two comments and I don't remember seeing this in other ordinances and resolutions where you include including but not limited to and it shows up twice where did that come from who's whose phras is I've never seen it on any other document where it broadens it up and it's on page 35 and Page 42 twice it does but are not limited to it I I don't think that language should be in there personally again we could always revise that the point of it is to what the purpose of it is to give you the ability and the options to do a little more because nobody can think of every single um eventuality that might happen and it's not uncommon to see to say such as you could say such as I'm thinking more of in the US Constitution there's a clause called the elasa Clause the necessary improper clause and so it's the same that's where the language came from by the way right it's the same kind of concept I mean the the Constitution use words necessary and proper this says including but not limited to it's all the same concept that you are the governing body including but not limited to is what's sounding nefarious to our residents as well as to our council members so we're asking that you change it to something like such as and again it can be worked out on a caseby Case basis we're talking about a specific situation here in the town if you can't narrow it down then shame on you whoever is developing this language and feels they need to put in the clause and anything else that we can't come up with right now okay because this is specific this is specific about water control drainage assessments culs that thing so I think I think there's plenty of time to get specific on this particular type of document that's my opinion we'll do robt you done yes thank you Laura to the definition of yeah sorry um it je Jeff how can somebody go to the magistrate and not incur costs there's administrative cost there's some kind of town There's No C what I meant is there's no cost for an application and if you are uh if you win your case there's no cost assessed against you okay you have an investment if you lose and it's $234 50 is there an engineer at the magistrate bring one which costs money right yeah so I so I I'm going to use you for an example so now you've got to replace your two sixin culverts with 220 so here here you come to the magistrate with your report Town says I have to I don't think I have to is the magistrate qualified to say yeah no you don't or yeah you do the magistrate is going to be hearing from our engineer um and our folks and it's gonna be the resident versus an engineer who's well it it depends I I I would bet on Richard to lose a lot so so I have an easy I have an easy answer to this so let's say you your 8 inch Culvert in front of your house collapses creating a adverse impact to the neighborhood we not talking about this is not what people are not are concerned about okay you're talking about collapsing and ever what I'm hearing that people are concerned about is that you are going to randomly come along and say that 8 inch covert is no longer any good you now have to put a 20-inch covert in because this is our standard that's what I'm hearing people say is that is that is not what the town is going to I I have a lot better things to do what you have in here and that's where the concern is but no I mean the only time the only time that we will be requiring people to change their CTS is if the colberts fail or providing there I think that is in there it's in there I believe it is in put in it is in there but now going back to Laura's statement so I can finish my thought real quick is you know if let's say the call whatever condition causes that culbert have to be replaced and now we say no now you got to put an 18inch culbert in and you're like well I don't want to put an 18inch culbert in if you replace the roof on your house the Florida building code State you have to do certain things now 30 years ago you didn't have to do that but now you do think anybody has a problem putting it in up to the standards moving forward okay but I think the problem what I heard correct me if I'm wrong but what I heard is people are concerned that you're going to come along and say that something that's been in Laura said the words exactly and has been functioning just fine for the last 15 years or 20 years or 50 years or however long that you're going to just randomly come along again this goes back to the distrust of staff that hopefully we can do away with but it it's there it's the big you know elephant in the room um that that you're going to just randomly come along at some point and say you have to replace that perfectly functioning covert so put some language in that says you don't have to do that but it it's not it's not just when the Culvert fails if the if it is not you're saying the opposite no I'm not saying the opposite I'm I'm just if if it has been maintained in such a fashion that um the cover's not failing but it's blocked well that's failed that would be failed that would be failed not working okay you're thinking failed means it's not necessarily it's not necessary that you would have to replace it you might have to just the action might be to clean it out um so there I don't want us to try to write an ordinance that says in this in this exact circumstance it there you the trust is built in because you have to go to a special magistrate if you really disagree and you're going to say look look how well that Culver's working maybe you don't have you don't need an engineer you've got a video of the Culvert working you know there are things that you can you can do um but you have to give the staff some flexibility and you know for us to to say wait failure includes not maintaining it that's one of the things that that's out there con with that you know I don't think anybody has a problem with that that is not what people what I'm hearing that people are concerned about yeah but but that is a failure that is a failure I I don't hear anybody being concerned about that what I hear but that's what that's what has to be established is that that um there the circumstance associated with your particular Culvert is adversely impacting meaning it's stopping the flow whatever it happens to be um and the engineer is going to have to say this is what's going on we're making a you know I think most cases um it's it's just like speeding tickets folks um people go in and they they recognize for the most part that they were speeding if they can get a tech if there's a technicality that they can get off on fine if there is forgiveness that's great but most of the people understand um when the circumstance is such that uh they were in violation that's going to be most of your cases and it and for those that are not somebody's going to be able to they have an Avenue to demonstrate that it's not okay all right I think we beat this dog um so I think we're asking for some tweaks is that is that what that's what I hear is direction from Council for you guys to make some legal tweaks some language tweaks to try to make everybody a little bit more comfortable with it recognizing fully that you are never going to make everybody 100% we're gonna try to explain it better but I think um it's coming back I think it's scheduled to come back um at your November meeting for first reading and that'll be the first time that it's we're moving to number 11 thank you Jeff thank you Richard 11 is an item that you have well would you like read the title first reading so I'll defer to Valerie on this one approval of ordinance number 20244 on first reading an ordinance of the Town Council of the town of lahi gr Florida amending section 13-35 adequacy of drainage facilities of article 130 concurrency reviews of part five development review procedures and requirements of the unified land devel velopment code to update standards for drainage systems providing for a conflict severability codification and an effective date um this item is one that you have had lots of discussion on in one format or another um it uh came about uh because of residents concerns there was presentation by Engineers on several occasions um some at Great length in general with the subject and then this ordinance um is at least the beginning um not necessarily the end but at least the beginning of some revisions uh to our concurrency review and the big thing that they are doing here is they are lowering the standard I'm not going to get into the technicalities can as I can't speak to the technicalities um but uh it where you go from uh 100 years to 25 years um that's a an easier standard to meet when you go from 25 years to 10 years that's an easier standard to meet um and so with respect to the standards that um one has to to meet they have been um reduced um that's the big impact of this there is an acknowledgement here um about um having in um section six on uh on page 105 of um referring to historical uh distri historical drainage swes um and encouraging their use thank you and um there is the provision uh that the manager mentioned with respect to um requiring reestablishing required uh historical drainage in those areas within unrecorded plats where we've got unrecorded plats um so this is an ordinance that is being brought forward on first reading um and it is uh an attempt to help folks out there and lessen the standards slightly um attached to it but not necessarily a part of it um is there are uh there's a notification for minor fill activity this is a form that one would fill out doesn't cost um the resident anything um and it uh gives you for uh the ability to bring in um fill at a certain level to your property um so you would recall that there were three applications this was one of them the other two applications were for sand ring maintenance and for minor structural improvements this is the only form that had changes that's why this is the only form that's back in front of you yeah we will implement the sand ring maintenance and the minor Improvement as they were brought forward meaning they will not have to do fdas anymore and and but that's not specifically within this it's not in the ordinance but it is the result in the actual effect of the ordinance it doesn't have to be in the ordinance it's how we've changed our procedure because we've gone to a lower standard we shouldn't have put any forms in here either well it's true does anybody have any comments on this public any public comments I have one question we had talked about um Francine you and I had talked about and I had talked about I had some call calls from a couple of people in the community that I thought was a good idea was the um one of the forms that's not here um was instead of having a what was it 400 square feet or 500 what I can't remember there was so many square feet as standard for the the non-impact building right but what um there was a suggestion that you know that kind of what was it 500 that that size of a building on less than an acre or let's say two acres has a large impact whereas opposed to on 10 acres it doesn't but that maybe that be tied into a square footage kind of a yeah we can do that of a standard as opposed to you know so that there would be yeah more allowed like you could put in a larger pole barn on 10 acres than you could on one acre on two not one acre because that would be Homestead it but on two acres that we talked about putting a square footage limitation as opposed to I mean I mean based on amount of Acres owned does that make sense I'll do that okay yeah yeah some kind of a ratio based on that with a maximum of that much so so that it it seems a little bit more improvements we'll just have a scale sliding scale Improvement but some kind of a sliding scale based on the size of the accurate cultural Endeavor okay all right I'm sorry um public comments Miss Cory Nina Corning 2834 e Road now thank you for recognizing historic drainage um I think you're still missing that we're not all just horse people and even horses if if you don't keep them in your stable all day long and only let them out on a little Paddock for two hours they're take scent baths so does cattle there are people that plow their fields you've got herds of cattle running through Gates it does things you've got floats on on on troughs that fail or get damaged and over night it's flooded and flooded and flooded and wash the Dirt away those are things that you have to fix just like you have to when your bull breaks your your your fence and just stuck his head through and went and pop it goes you got to go and fix that thing and you got to fix it today when you're running egg when you're running a farm you can't mess around you're not changing anything you're putting it back back you're not adding elevation you're just functioning that's what this allows for no it doesn't because you shouldn't be filling out paperwork for town when you're just keeping the same level that you've had before now when you have other people who come in with load and lo and I have t tons of pictures of this in from the past load and load and they take out trees and they build up the whole Farm well they don't even have Bonafide egg and later on they come in and say oh yeah this was all like this that's a different story it is a different story this allows you Nina to bring in and store fill for Farm repairs and things like that for no cost you just have to fill out this form and say I'm bringing in two loads of a fill and I'm gonna store it in my back and what are you GNA do come and inspect it for me to do an elevation no nope I that's what this allows for this allows for refilling pastures we use similar examples to you chicken scratching out dirt out of things that need to be filled this allows for you with let's say five acres to get up to four loads of four truckloads of fill in a year for free and just fill this out on the honor System and say I'm bringing in four Lids of fill I'm GNA put two of them down right away in my pack my whatever my stalls to Reed my stalls are in my chicken coops or in my field and what is it four loads per 20 acres four loads per five acres four loads per four loads for five acres per five acres is there there's actually a chart in the back you're allowed to bring based on I didn't see the chart yeah it's based on that and it's free and it's just and it's to allow could charge a to do this because it's against statute and the reason for filling out the form is to allow code enforcement to know who is breaking the rules like you're saying and who isn't so when they have this form they say oh yeah well Road and Kane is bringing in this load of fill that she said she's bringing in and she's storing it on the back of her property she's told us she's doing it which I by the way did call Francine before I did even before this form existed she's storing it there and she uses that to fill in her agricultural enterprise we don't need to go on that if somebody calls her if we see it from the road we see her mountain of sand back there oh 13729 I'm making up another number I don't even know if that exists we do need to go on that one there's nothing here that says that they're doing how you're dealing with nurseries that are putting things in pots and might need more than four loads per five acres active nurseries where it's just being potted and brought out I think potting soil counts I don't potting sell is not part of it it's specifically operation has a Bonafide EG exemption right so you're saying this is for people that have a home farm that are I'm not even saying that I'm simply and I'm not saying anything we are we are saying that you can't change the Topography of your land significantly with Phil and that's why he was mentioning one inch that's the standard the one inch but that's one inch AC it is it's one inch across the whole property and we're not going to that level of measurement unless you're building a new home that's what we're trying to do we're trying to get out of the detailed permitting that we have previously had to do and any bringing a fill on the property under our current rules May generate a flood plane development application which is a far more detailed process than is needed for being a farmer and having fill on your property right so and if you have a particular Bonafide a exemption for something that involves Phill that's also a different story We're Not Gonna you know get involved with that but you know right actually allows that yeah and it it it's something that's been really kind of egging me on for a long long time because you've got to function right and you can't come and basically feel like where you have to run in the kitchen go Mommy may I have it's not a cookie may I have dinner you know this is what I'm doing it costs you nothing it's just to make sure that you that you don't get they don't come out for calls they don't need to come out for that's all it's about okay La did you a question um yeah just curious why it says on the top not within the flood plane because the whole town is within the flood the flood plane is the area of the town that is below the base flood elevation the flood plane is the areas of the town that are below the base flood elevation which is 176 so if you have if you're bringing in the fill to fill in the flood plane meaning that you're going to raise your property we don't want you to do that because we need to go ahead and you have to compensate for this you have to compensate for the water I mean it's so I thinking of an example of oh I don't know somebody who's a 10 acre and half of their 10 acres is AE and the other half is X so they're going to bring in their filth but they're going to use it on the section that's not in the flood plane but but you know someone's going to be like oh hey you're you're you're in the flood plane you can't do that how how are we dealing with that I mean essentially we're have to use the honor System we don't have the staff to go chasing people down and figure out where their flood plane is and stuff like that um that's why it says you know on the application not within the flood plane you can't because for example we had a guy we had a resident who brought in like four loads of dirt and he's like oh I'm just filling in my driveway oh okay just filling in Pooles you know just filling in my where my horses were and stuff we drive out there and look and this dude put a path right through the CPUs trees like clear as he's like oh I'm just trying to get my tractor in to remove the malucas I'm like no you can't do that like he literally went there and just went right through the the middle of his of his Wetland a literal Wetland and so that's you know why we need to that's what you know the the the intent is obviously to maintain your property um but not to fill in you know low low Ling area so your property doesn't FL because what happens is if you fill in that low-lying area that water's got that water that used to sit there has to go somewhere and more than likely if you have my luck it'll go into your yard into your neighbor's yard that's where I wind up because it's got to go somewhere thank you Robert yeah I could see having the caveat it has to be stored outside the flood plane but when my cows and horses dig holes they they don't care whether they're the they don't care if the flood plane or not they still need to fill those holes so I know what I know what you're saying you know you don't want to get somebody cart plun to start bumping it up an inch a year next you know they're six inches six years later they're at 18 instead of 176 right well they got it's I mean you want to fill this out you want to be honest but when I fill this out I'm going to say yeah I'm bringing in four loads for remain of my property but I will be putting some of it in the flood plane because that's where part of the maintenance needs to occur you know and as long as you don't change the elevation more than an inch you're fine but I I just think yeah and I understand you know not within the same whoa right there big bold letters not within flood plane you're just not raising the topography in like so one the reason for this was because in 2017 we joined the FEMA flood plane program okay and unfortunately it seems like nobody really knew what to do with it how to do it and what to tell residents so we were winging it with the staff we had so the reason for this is we need FEMA because they reimburse us for Hurricane damages and all those kind of things we have to appease FEMA to let them know that we are paying attention to their rules and this is a way of the Town saying yes we're monitoring what is going on here FEMA because if FEMA Cuts us out then we are in trouble and we don't want to be audited by FEMA all right so this is just a process to protect our ad community and so we can't and fill in the holes that our horses make I'm sorry I think the language has to be fixed I'm glad Laura reminded me because that was part of what I was going to bring up and I totally forgot it when I was standing up well this is what this is about and it's necessary and maybe the language isn't exactly perfect but nothing that is written here is in stone so if we have a difficulty with it up the road we can tweak it but we it's like we're a brand new town doing all new stuff but we have to accommodate FEMA to a point and we we don't want them thinking we're not doing what we're supposed to do okay we already had people comment on this well well it went into further discussion so she did submit it at the appropriate time okay let's do three minutes Miss sui no more we're going back Cassie sui so I just have a couple points um number six was um it talks about um filling in and draining on your properties I had a conversation with our engineers and that was one of the issues that came up so and I said that has to be addressed at the Town level so I'm glad to see that so you're not flooding your neighbors the question I have is when you're on a large par parcel land we'll say 20 acres and you're bu building a house pad that's what 2,000 square ft how is 2,000 ft going to run off of 20 acres and flood your neighbors so we have to think about the size of the properties as well the other question I had is if if property is outside the special flood Hazard District as identified by FEMA and it's in an X zone it's not regulated by FEMA flood plane regulations so if it's not regulated by FEMA flood plane Reg ations and it's a Bonafide egg it's thusly not regulated by building permits if people put in buildings or they bring in fill for their barns outside of identified FEMA special had Hazard flood planes which are AE zones blue zones whatever so we need to be careful that whatever rule we put in there we do not hurt our Bonafide egg South Florida Water Management in their Florida administrative codes recognizes Florida egg and there is an exemption from their environmental resource permit that the people can't apply for and if you have 40 acres and you build your home a 4,000 10,000 foot home and they recognize that the 90% of your property is Bonafide EG they will give you an exemption for the entire property for following any of their administrative environmental resource codes so we need to understand that as well they recognize it we need to recognize it nobody would want to come in and build a 10,000 foot house and flood their the example I gave was the 80 acres you know was you know so the other one um I have a neighbor who's a firefighter on your any of your uh paperwork that is public records has to be turned over to public records what protections has the town put in place for these people that might have confidential record protections like my neighbor is a firefighter so we need to make sure that the paper work protects those people as well and that's it thank you confidential to public records has to be applied for before it is provided thank you pH did you have something else to say can I have a motion to approve this I will make a motion to approve ordinance 2024-25 to zero okay we're back to that was first reading correct so okay we're back to number six everybody we're flipping all over the place okay Val I think this is you right yes mayor uh so before you um is the discussion on Town Council priorities the first item is the review of the legislative calendar uh which looks like this an update was provided um and placed at your seat um the legislative calendar includes the Palm Beach County legislative delegation meetings the Florida legislative session schedule the Palm Beach County days of advocacy the Florida League of cities policy committee meetings um please take special note at the palmach county days which are uh March 4th and March 5th let me know if you plan on attending so we can make those accommodations for you Additionally the 2025 Florida Lega City's legislative action days are uh March 24th through the 26th and again let me know if you'll be attending those so I can make those arrangements um at the end of this week vice mayor Herzog mayor Kaine Public Works director gon and the town clerk assistant um Sammy Brown will be attending the legislative policy advocacy um meetings the next item before you okay hold on a second I just want to while while we're discussing this um that legislative advocacy meeting is for the Florida League of cities I just want be clear on that okay um and then this other is for is with our with Mr book with our lobbyist the first thing you were talking about in Tallahassee so I am planning on being in Tallahassee if the if other council members want to write this down from the 1 uh from the 21st of January through the 24th of January from the fourth and 5th of March and the 24th to the 26th of March so um I invite everyone to join me and Mr book and RA in Tallahassee because I do believe that a united front is uh is impactful so again January 21st through 24th March 4th through 5th and March 24th through 26 so any or all of that that any of the four of you can join me um in tell hassy with I would be thrilled to have you you have a budget for all this is a lot of people going a lot of places well there the the legislative meetings is the cost of the gas to drive up and back oh it's not a hotel it's not overnight I don't know if anyone's staying overnight talking four people going up um October that again in November October November November then December is a two-day staying at the Hilton then no they're all one night Robert I'm just looking it says the fifth and the sixth they're all one night December yeah they're all one night this is how we've done it in the past and I'll pay for my own hotel row we're talking something different we're talking a lot more days is so all I'm saying is what's our budget because I don't remember increasing the budget for this and if we need to then that's something we need to look at sooner than later we'll take a look at it I think we did put enough money in the budget for it I do I do believe we did it hasn't historically been used yeah if it's something that we need to um limit then we'll limit but I don't think everybody will go um just think it would be nice if as many of us as possible I know in the past when I've participated we've gone up as a group and um you know it made a difference um so anyhow I'm sorry go ahead with no thank you so again just if you're interested in going please let me know so that we can um make sure that we are within our budget um please note that this schedule is subject to change as it will be coordinated with our town lobbyists and aligned with the council's priorities additionally due to the 2024 um being an election year the palom county legislative delegation hearings and workshops will not be posted until after Tuesday November 5th 2024 and there is currently no tentative schedule set and the league of cities Robert we the people that are going have all been appointed to committees so that's why they're going anyhow I wouldn't going just for Grims I'm going because I was appointed correct but I was appointed to a committee so okay go ahead okay the next bullet is review of the item agend the agenda items schedule that's this large spreadsheet that was on your seat today this item the spreadsheet is a list of agenda items that will be forthcoming um from now until well through December 2025 um please not again this is a working document it's subject to change without notice um but we are trying to plan ahead and forecast um you know the our workload on um future agendas so this is this this is the worksheet format of the memo that I used to put into the agenda we have actually scheduled out the whole year through December this only shows through January of 2025 and it makes note of some of the recurring items um you'll see we have almost 150 items that have to come through um based on the current schedules of first and second readings and discussions that seems to be a little bit High um unless we are going to start making some use of the consent agenda um and I think in past meetings we've been told to try to put as many things on consent as we can so I think that we need to try to get um give some thought to that so we can try to get some um you know focused effort on how we structure the agenda um and of course if there's something that's a priority to you that you don't see on here we need to get it on here um because one of the things that we've been doing for the last several months is whenever there's direction from the consensus at the deis we've been putting things on and trying to get them done and I think we've done pretty well but I think that we would all benefit from a little bit more of a you know schedule of the items as opposed to you know jamming a lot of items on the agenda and not allowing enough time to talk about them can I ask a question what day is the March election or Alexa oh March 11th my birthday 11th Lucky Dog okay right you get to be downtown right was there any action you wanted to take on this Earth just to raise our level of awareness basically and let us take a look at this and see if there's something that we find particularly offensive or that would be good yeah okay let us come to the next meeting or send Val an email if G this is missing or G yeah absolutely care about birds but natural bird day and I do care about Birds by the way but I just just want to make sure okay but like you said too if there's items that are not on there that are priority to you um I would encourage you to email me um or if You' like to set up a meeting um with the town manager and I we know we can discuss those things and how um we're going to plan to move forward with what your priorities are thankk you anybody else have any questions no all right moving forward a review of annual special events okay so um do you want me to read the resolution I wait I do want to say something please go right ahead um the chili cook off's been a bust for the past couple of years because it's super hot during the time and I just would think we need to remove that we have a solution oh that where is that I don't know it says to be determined coming that's what we're doing right now we're talking about it yeah all right go ahead F okay so since you brought that up is that something that you want to go ahead and remove off the schedule what I was thinking is to combine Founders Day and Veterans Day since they're at the beginning of November both of them and maybe have the chili cook off at that event and some kind of barbecue or something like here at the Town Hall around the town hall and kind of combine all into one event event so do founders day Veterans Day since the Parade's been kind of a bust for the last couple of years um do founders day and Veterans Day barbecue you can you guys can compete with your chilies I personally don't make chili but you guys canete Mark has made it for me every year we've done it so okay I can participate is not fair did you win phis I made she wanted no I won the first time in maryan won with her corn chili the second time was actually very good so I'd like to make a proposal of combining those one thing November it'll be cool so we don't have to worry about the heat we don't have to worry about a budget for both veterans and Founders we can do it all at once and maybe have some boo around here use the park a little bit kind of make it a nice sound yeah maybe invite some of our um local you know uh folks that sell things in our town they could have a whatever you guys put together just something something nice no we're not gonna make it nice okay okay so with those changes gonna suest with that if everybody we have a consensus for that okay with that great idea how soon this being October 1st better get moving better day being November 11th better get moving because you got to get something advertised in the next two weeks plus you've got government week coming up and you got a whole bunch of stuff on your plate for that so and qualifying is around the corner too huh qualifying and you've got qualifying when does that I don't have the dates on the top of my head qualifying doesn't happen till the end of November beginning of December I don't think so I think it's more like the second Tuesday is it okay I thought well whatever um okay so do you want to make a motion to approve that resolution with those Chang yes I would love to have somebody make that motion no it's actually not it says November it says it doesn't say anything about qualifying am I looking at the wrong thing well we're looking at 202 2467 is that what you're looking at oh okay I did have a question of what what is in section two you've got the Loa had you go scholarship amount $1,000 you haven't we haven't given a scholarship for the last two years what is that is that something that's in the budget I don't remember that's a budgeted number or is that money that's left over from something or is that what what is that can somebody tell me what that is p 63 I'm on page 63 I think that needs to be deleted I think it does too yeah just found $1,000 yay and then um you have a whole bunch of dates on page two of three page 64 I believe you have a whole bunch of dates that need to be from 2024 to 2025 right like sunshine day wouldn't that be 2025 okay so I think you've got a lot of dates that need to be shifted forward the Florida city government week will be this year yeah yeah that would be 2024 but that's not in August it's October that was the thing before and I guess the national civility today would be for next year so that won't be 2025 so the family fund day chili cook off and the Veterans Day and the founders day are all being done together on November 11th what's November 11th it's a Monday it's a Monday it's a Sunday it's a Monday it's it's usually a Monday veteran Veterans Day is usually a Monday okay so with that change the couple of scrier changes taking out the scholarship anybody else have anything else everybody still okay with giving the school $500 so we do veter Day celebration on the weekend on no we're gonna do it on a Monday no that's not a time to do a barbecue and try to have people from the town show a lot of folks have off it's a day off it's Veterans Day everybody else is doing their Veterans Day ceremonies that so you want to do it on the Sunday well just we always did it not on Veterans Day so we could get the fire department and some of the other how do you feel about that Francine is going to have the big County on Saturday on the 10th that's Sunday so I guess we're the ninth yeah Saturday the 9th yeah you think people will do three days worth of Veterans Day stuff okay Saturday and the 9th it is it's okay with me everybody okay with Saturday and the 9th sure okay and in the parade whether the town sponsors it or not people can still parade yeah to the event you know if they choose yeah the town's not going to put a any financing correct for the parade yeah yeah we didn't in the past I don't think we've ever paid for may just yeah it was just the yeah escort okay so Saturday the night I'll work with pbsl and fire rescue for okay so with those changes can I have a motion with those changes what hold on bu where's the number on the yeah motion to approve resolution 20 2467 second and combining family fund day Veterans Day and Foundation Founders Day November Saturday November 9th removing the thousand and scholarship and correcting the script news errors and correcting script news eror second phis all in favor opposed none opposed moving on to uh annual proclamations Val so as I understand it um in the past you guys haven't had a history of approving proclamations um what we did is kind of look to see what proclamations are out there that kind of fit our municipality um a lot of them are kind of focused on you know Municipal Clerk's week or you know building week or whatever those things right and then other things within the community so we put that list together for your review um in consideration of approval you know we can remove items we can do away with all of it but basically in essence you would be approving this annual list and then that month we would present a Proclamation during our presentation of the agenda P we're on does anybody want to make a motion to you have question well I just just a comment so the gist of the workload commitment is you print a proclamation that's in the agenda and it's just on the consent agenda it's make sure we're not doing a bunch of extra work for staff for this you know other than a a simple hit a button and change the title of the Proclamation right once we have you remember I get I get like daily will you do a proclamation that will you do it for that so if we had a set list it might be easier because then doing some down yeah well but they can just shoot them out we already have our Proclamation list we'll consider you for next year pen I'll make sure now what adding a lot of burd to staff to do this that's pretty no we'll create the templates and then we can use them you know year over year thank okay phis well I think Arbor Day you mentioned Arbor Day we need to put that on there because it is with Amber and our ad right it's there with yeah there's a grant that we specifically have to do something for so as far yeah so as far as events we need to give out seedlings or do something like Wellington does um on Arbor Day for for a grant to show a history of that so okay anybody want to make a motion to approve this I'll make a motion to approve uh resolution 2024 is it- 68 okay a second think Laura won that one all in favor oppos none opposed uh last oh last one uh government week schedule okay if you would turn to page 70 uh so again I understand that you guys have not particip ated in um city government week this occurs between October 21st and 27th um staff is proposing um celebrating it this year and this is kind of the tenative schedule that we came up with um it's not set in stone we would definitely have to reach out to um people within the community uh to see if they'd be able to participate um to make this come to fruition but we wanted to bring it you know before you for your consideration and direction if uh this is something that you would like to to do this year I I have something to say please go right ahead I think this may be too short notice on top of the Founders Day stuff so what what is this about you want like the residents to come in during work hours and mingle with the staff and you guys could talk to them and explain what your jobs are well one of the things that we keep hearing is is that there's um the bay elephant in the room of the community not trusting the staff in order to you know build trust you need to have communication and build that Rapport um I know that I've been able to Foster some of those relationships you know just in my interactions with Miss suuchi and other people in the community but um those times are limited because we are doing so many things you know dayto day right you think you could pull this off if you tell me to do it I will make it happen if you next year we can wait till next year this is just something that we're proposing it is not something that um I'm forcing down your throats it's just you know it was presented we're giving you the option um if you want to do it we will make it happen well here's the thing I think it's really wonderful that you're so in and I said this before we even met tonight you'll remember in Francine's office I think this is like super ambitious and wonderful um I I also think it's really important to do something for government week I know that that's an important thing to notify I'd like to see you shorten this okay I'd like I'd like to see you pick two of these things and do them really well is what I what I personally would like two two of these things and do them really well like maybe the spirit day and I was going to say combine the spirit day with the open house yeah maybe the spirit day as an open house and then maybe a breakfast with the staff on the Friday or whatever you know what I mean like I would like you to Pi two of them and do those to really well okay um and and and I think it's great thing and I and I applaud you for being willing to do this and for your Ambitions behind this I'm really grateful to you for um everything you do and I applaud your ambition of of thinking you could pull off five consecutive events and you know what I know you probably could Val but I'm gonna ask you to put I appreciate that I'm gonna ask you I'm gonna ask you to just is everybody okay with that everybody agree with that well maybe tone it down to two yes I think one day so on do that October 22nd like I agree I think you've got a lot on your plate and I think we should also have staff introduced staff also on Founders Day because Founders Day is when our town was became well not became Incorporated but when it was founded in 1917 so I think it's important for meet the staff there but maybe maybe on this day to make things easier on you like they had coffee with the mayor and stuff like that maybe coffee with sath okay something simple I agree with with Anita okay keep it simple pick two okay and do like two different days whether it's Tuesday Friday or whatever why are they doing two different days it says one day five five days of events I'm saying two days oh this is five days yeah just keep flipping the page yeah she's got five events I would say one day Robert says I agree with Robert one day I'll Pi I'll pick something Friday should be the day coffee breakfast ice cream costumes Halloween yeah trick or treat has anybody who lived in lockah hatchee groves with a 300t driveway ever had anyone come to their house for trick or treat that's awesome you know wouldn't that be fun you know as far as building trust with somebody look staff doesn't wear a tie you know he's wearing a clown suit or you know that was the intention for that day you know you could have staff station stes for sta this is what we do like you have it any kind of Carnival or anything like that this is what staff does meet this guy definitely up or whatever yeah Friday whatever you want to do or at four o00 happy hour [Laughter] margar Town Hall clo that has the drinks okay so no cocktailing so then I need I need a well I don't think um I need a motion to approve resolution 202 2475 with our amendments and giving Val car blanch to make it happen I'll make a motion 20 2475 and have the town clerk organize an open house for Friday for staff and second whatever else uh you want to do to bring ice cream bring Margaritas whatever stri is $25 okay ol SC a second yes I did beat them and they will all in favor oppos not oppos okay item number seven thank you Council you should have a separate sheet everybody that came only this yeah it's empty it's empty than for the separate sheet you got yeah Mr Gan good evening mayor council staff public all right so before you have the road drain and Emergency Management update for the last month or two um so this is just an update on everything we've done in public works this is not a completely inclusive list of every single task we have performed um it was this be a lot bigger um so I'm just going to briefly go over it uh currently we're in the middle of the fy2 24 Road Improvement program the notice of proceed has been given to the contractor and which they' have accepted and the first road has been paved which was 100 61st so far um we have not had a single resident making negative comment about anything we have done on 161st since we have paved it uh we have also gone out there and we have leveled the driveways to so that way there's no drop offs or anything like that to protect the road edges and our staff continues to reestablish the uh existing easement or existing drainage Swale that on the west side of the uh Road you got a Kudos from Mr Anderson I've gotten Kudos from probably at least nine residents on that road I talk about that too yeah because I've been um I was there Craig and I both were out there overseeing the project while they were doing the actual work there was some traffic issues initially but uh once they got moving that that pretty much went away um but yeah i' I had at least eight if not nine residents personally came up to me and thanked me said that it looks amazing it's a lot better than it used to be and um you know the road is straight as it was originally designed in 1970 whenever when it was originally uh create when that area was originally created um the next step is to move they're going to be doing Casey Gruber and East Citrus beginning supposed to be this Friday um weather permitting of course and then they have the rest of the paving project which should be done in the following weeks following that they'll be doing all the speed HPS um they have allow 30 days for the asphalt to cure before they can do the putting in the stop bars and all that stuff any the the other required striping that we're going to be doing on these roads um so expect you know don't expect that if anybody calls you and says you know they pav the road they never striped it we have to give it at least a minimum of 30 days before we put any striping down because of the thermoplastic striping that we use um continuing on we also continue to remediate the road drainage SES as part of the FY Road Improvement program um like I said we're doing 161st then we're going to be moving on um to Casey we got to do um minor stuff on Gruber most of the other roads are pretty much already done what is the discussion with Gruber and objecting it's one guy we went out and talked to him and he agreed to what we' already agreed to months ago oh so it's new it's moot yeah it's we went out and talked to him about it and he's I'm sure he doesn't still doesn't want it but you know after talking to the residents over there and we we I mean they came in here um back in May June I for out what month it was but they came in here and we you know we're going to put the trail on the one side so they can ride their horses um and everybody seemed to be happy it was just the one resident and we went and talked to him and you know while he's not overly thrilled he is pleased with our agreement um to we have installed almost 8,000 tons of Base Rock to reconfigure the road surfaces um that of the roads we are Paving we have put in additional 3,000 tons of Base Rock on KY 24th Court North at croad 12th Place North at F Road 25th place at Sea Road tangerine and citrus roads um and we've also done you know minor touchup here and there where we needed to our grading and mowing work continues throughout the town to the best of our ability we've you know again we've mowed all the swes um you've heard one of the residents earlier talking about fulam um we have removed over 100 non-native exotic trees from the five different roads where refurbishing including grber e Citrus six cord Global and Casey we have so far dedicated over 1,200 hours in removing other exotic vegetation pursue ensuring the roads have no debris overhanging them and they're free of independent impediments to the flow of rainwater um and that doesn't that that's not just the 1,200 hours isn't just the roads we're Paving it's also some of the other roads where we've gotten resident complaints or resident calls regarding uh overgrowth onto the roads you know we try as best as we can to evate it without encroaching onto the per uh the resident's private property but we are limited due to our uh easements um we've begun the process of reviewing the needs to prepairing the FY 25 Paving plant specifically A- road okachobee to collecting and collecting from A to B um we've evaluated the trees we need to remove there's about 100 22 total trees mainly exotic species have to be removed uh we we actually went out with the contractor today to review the the trees he's going to be giving us a price to to remove the ones we that the staff's not going to be removing um and we'll probably be bringing that forward to you next month with also a best interest contract for Keel uh Keel tree services we've also spoken to some of the interested parties to facilitate the um a meeting with the residents we have a meeting scheduled for the 23rd to begin um obtaining all the easements and going over any specific questions that residents may have we've also set survey Stakes out in there out on that those two roads showing where the back of the easement is going to be so that the residents can visualize where these easements are where the back of these easement are um as we've discussed past we've gotten rid of several pieces of equipment in order to one just get rid of some of the old stuff that we had laying around but also to be able to facilitate the purchase of new equipment we received $164,700 for the items that were all listed here the uh five ite the five vehicles that we've gotten rid of we are currently awaiting our dump truck which originally was promised for around Christmas time we are now should be getting it by next month uh once we get that we'll go out there do an inspection of it and then drive it back here so hopefully we'll have that next month and then we also that was $2,313 um and you know obviously the 1647 00 paid for that and then we purchased the 2024 syy which we've already taken delivery of that cost 6473 721 and um which was paid with the balance of the 1647 and 20,000 came from rentals and leases and by the purchase of the two items we were able to reduce our rentals and leases budget by 8,333 in this year's fy2 budget uh we also currently working on rehabilitating and clearing subdivisions drainage Wells throughout the town as I mentioned earlier there's 106 subdivision roads throughout the town many of these have poor or no drainage we're currently I'm personally currently assessing the condition of all these roads and comp of the task will report to the town manager of the conditions and the suggestions for remediation of of the the various roads the overwhelming majority of the residents concerns that we have received in the town have been residents who live on subdivision roads and many of the whose many residents have not maintained their swes um that that's the biggest problem we have have is the maintenance of swales um it's you know the residents should be taking care of their own swales and unfortunately they are not so we are at a crossovers where we need to decide who's going to maintain these SES the town manager and I have discussed this and we'll be bringing forth um discussions probably in November or December to how we're going to facilitate those and you guys can decide how we're going to do that um we are working with uh various parties also to resolve traffic issues throughout the town um the 20 2020 budget you guys included the lighted signs we wanted for the fire station and also to require to establish crosswalks on some of the roads on okoi Boulevard the lighted ones where you push the button the light little flash so people can safely theoretically safely cross okoi Boulevard um uh with minimal minimal disruption uh we're also working on Contin to either correct or replace various traffic control signs on OKO Boulevard uh we're starting with the legally required one stop sign speedelement sign signs those type and then we're going to be moving on to the uh notification signs like the road street signs we're going to you know be replacing all the street sign you know where the road signs are on um along OKO Boulevard and all the other roads and then we'll be working on the you know the the trail sign or the horse signs um the you know canals have the right or vehicles on the canal side have the RightWay th all those other type of signs um this is obviously you know due to budget and Staffing is going to be a long-term project there are literally hundreds of not probably thousands of I do have a question about so there is one sign in our town that I've been I don't know why it's up and it says no trespassing I think by order of the lockah haty Groves water district by law or something like that there is no law there is no statute there is nothing where is the sign it's on it's on every easement on the canals there's on eoad on where the horse trail is and actually the position of the signs if you are writing is kind of dangerous but it has no statute it has no law number and I'll look into it I don't know I'll get what you have to see if we can find yeah if you can send those to me because I I am unfamiliar with the signing which you speak of okay thank you they're all over to that's it all right go ahead okay um cameras yes so uh we're reviewing options for trail and LPR cameras throughout the town um you know we've discussed this in the past um I've obtained quotes from flock safety um one of the leading companies for LPR technology they are the only cameras in which the sheriff's office will work with or where their systems will work with um I've got the we've got the gonna interrupt you here I I keep hearing from people in town and getting emails that say that you're frivolously spending $20,000 we can put up simple cameras there's lots of other options available is that accurate well if you read if you read line four bullet point four the town does not have the staff available to purchase a large number trail cameras and review the footage from all of them the pom County Sheriff's Office will not integrate them into their systems and will not support the town in reviewing the footage so if we put up trail cams at a significantly less expense it would just be wasting our time because nobody could review the trail cam yeah we don't have the staff so we' have to hire somebody we'd have to hire somebody at 50 $60,000 a year to review videos of cameras the other on they interface correct and also I conversed because there's been conversations about other municipalities getting cameras from the Sheriff's Office on their dime I talked to both the Sheriff's Office and those towns the towns are paying for them Wellington paid for theirs L Lake paid for theirs Royal Palm is paying for theirs um if you want cameras outside of what the Sheriff's Office scope is like the sheriff's office is putting them down Southern Boulevard which the town will benefit from um it's on their plan and these are the cameras the Sheriff's Office uses okay um I know some sure you explored all the options because there's a lot of information out there and I want to make sure and I've talked to and I've actually worked with the Sheriff's Office and the Sheriff's Office does use trail cameras the detectives use trail cameras and the detectives review the video they're typically detectives on specific cases working on specific things and I've literally worked with the sheriff's office when I work for pomes County water utilities after they stole the copper off the top of our storage tanks they installed trail cameras and they installed them they came out and pulled the SD cards they reviewed all the footage themselves nobody else did um you know for us to do this we would have to find somebody to do it and as you guys are well aware we're already you know stretched thin with staff as it is and now to add this burden of grabbing all these SD cards and reviewing all the footage from all these cameras um I think is a little more than what the staff can actually do okay um anyway the the cost to implement is 20,000 that is for the first year which includes 4,100 for the installation and their recurring fee of $166,000 a year this is for six cameras which will be LPR C four LPR cameras and two pan tilt and zooms which the benefit of these is not only will the Sheriff's Office be able to integrate them into the real-time crime Center the town will be able to have access to these so we can R if we wanted to review them for a specific incident or something that got reported we would have that we can move these they're not going to be in a fixed location no they're fixed they are fixed yeah they'll be fixed and the information provided for them they're not just like regular cameras like you know you buy on eBay or something these um get to make the model the tag number of the vehicles take a picture of the vehicles um sends that information to the Sheriff's office so if they're stolen if there's some kind of issue with the vehicle or whatever that information gets into the sheriff's office which then in turn gets sent to uh the deputies in the area so if we have a vehicle that's stolen that's driving to the town it a report will be given to the the deputy that's in the town saying hey this vehicle just pass this camera okay thank you um continuing on we're still dealing with the same thing with with tires debris from illegal dumping working with Coastal on that we did hold two amnesty days on September 21st and 28th uh we sent Letters Out to the mailing addresses that the town had on fil based on information from the Property Appraiser's office um those were sent in August and the during the amnesty days we removed 41 tons of yard waste 18 tons of bulk waste and the cost the town for those amnesty days was $2,779 um Public Works continues to work with staff to compile the required information for the CIP bid so we're getting all the information everything documented so we can put The cber Replacements the 25 Paving plan the catch basins and swes and all the other items that you guys approved or will approve for the fy2 CIP plan um so myself who also serves as your mergency management director uh was we were required to activate our Emergency Operations plan dur on a limited scope uh based on Hurricane Helen uh we took protective measures to protect the assets of the town of both town hall and our Public Works complex that includes removing all the loose debris taking the flags down securing all the equipment um so nothing happened to them in the event of that storm were to turn was to turn and hit us um as we also coordinated with with our sanitation hauler because the amnesty days fell in between when you know when this hurricane came through so we didn't want to take the risk of residents having big piles of debris all over the town in anticipation of the pickup on Saturday so we arrange for Coastal will actually come out on the 26 and they did an extra sweep of the town to uh pick anything up U I also made contacts with the state of Florida with their Emergency Management as well as Palm Beach County and through their web EOC system um and kept them updated and apprise of our current status and situation and also uh reviewed any updates from them uh we also adjusted the canal levels anticipation of the elevated rain during the storm um during the months of September we have a we just recently purchased a we a new new weather station that gives us temperature humidity uh lightning strikes wind speed and obviously rain um during the month of September the public work facility received 11 12 in of rain in which 6.45 in of rain fell on the the weekending September 14th most of that 6 point I think five of that five and a half of that 6.45 inches fell on the Wednesday and Thursday of that week which is when we had all that torrential downpour here um we did receive it above average above average amount of rainfall and we actually myself and Craig drove around the town during that event so we could actually see where where the town was flooding because until we have a major rain event it's kind of hard to judge where the water's going to pool and where it's not so we have a better not 100% but we have a better understanding of exactly where in the town the water is is standing uh we have installed some new culbert pipes around the town on 161st on 34 Place North to Aid in the SW in in Swale drainage and to prevent Road failure um we also submitted the um Centerline mileage data report to the Florida Department of Transportation we' submitted that we have 32.598737 five miles of roads that we converted from unpaved to paved adds 0.007 miles to the to adjust for the recent audit that we just completed um so yeah have the 4265 miles includes what we're what we have done and what we're going to be doing over the next couple weeks with the paving um it also the section that you guys voted to remove from the uh gas tax math also is reflected in that mileage and that is all I have any questions comments do we have public on Richards presid yes mayor from Miss sui okay Cassie sui just had a comment about the expenditure of $20,000 for cameras um the it was sold to us as oh we have illegal dumpers in our town and people that dump illegal we will be able to catch them with these cameras because the sheriff's department monitors are at 24 hours a day for the illegal dump what was sent is legal illegal dumping the point is is when we know it you can go back and check the less expensive cameras and save us maybe 20,00 on tight budget years if we were flux flush with cash then I'd say absolutely fine but any of the stolen vehicles Royal Palm's getting them so they're going to catch them Southern's getting them and probably westlake's getting them I'm not sure but if we're not flush with cash I don't think a $20,000 expenditure for cameras at this point would be um acceptable um you don't need it monitor 24 hours because you go out and you find the illegal dumping and and the question is when you go back to these cameras you don't search by oh well we had a legal dumping this time and I just want to know any vehicle that passed um you have to have a specific information to feed into the computer just like with any computer program you can't just say I want to search for every vehicle that passed can you imagine how many entries would come through in the last two months or whatever but you can save on these you know personal cameras the sheriff's department uses people's private surveillance all the time you know next door apps and the the ring apps if you get a b a burglary in your house or something happened at my house I can give the copies I can send it into the sheriff's department when I file a crime so the same with us so just any expenditures of extra cash right now until we we get a little bit more flush with cash we need to tread carefully on that thanks I I have a question how are we going to get flush with cash that is my question I'm ready for that is it going to be next year or the year after or the year after because we're not going to raise taxes we have all this stuff to fix so I don't know when we're going to be flushed I'm confused okay did anybody else have any questions on Richards or comments and you don't need anything from us I believe that camera Mone AR even budgeted has it not yes it is budgeted it's in the budget but I think it's more than dumping I do I think it's more than dumping and also that stop by the way a lot of The Dumping has ceased since we cut the C cross cut through off by the way you know we still have a lot of yeah we pick up a lot of tires our inhouse stumping I don't know where you are now well I because I travel these roads all the time I it is quite a bit less than it used to be couches on the side of the roads and all that our biggest issue is Tires Tires and well that's local in my in my conversations with the with the realtime crime information center that the Palm Beach County Sheriff's office has they told me because the flock cameras hold at a minimum of 30 days of video that if we the where we are placing the cameras I know we've discussed not divulging the locations but where rep placing the cameras we will pick up probably 95% of the vehicles in and out of our town and what they would the way it was we talked to them about it is they record everything and if we tell them okay we've got we we just got these tires off the corner of fulam and 25th there was 20 of them um we found them at this time they weren't there the day before the sheriff's office will use their analysts that are paid for by the sheriff's office to review the video for the previous time because the way the cameras will be situated we'll be able to see the vehicle is coming nothing it'll come in we'll see the vehicles coming in and out and then with the third camera is a pan Tilton Zoom which will capture the all the the tops of all the vehicles yeah so if you see a vehicle drive by full of tires and then you see that vehicle same vehicle drive out of the Town empty and you know you had somebody dumped tires at whatever time and day or you know it happened between here and X and Y they can go back and review the cameras and you and use the video to be able to capture but is this the same cameras with the gentleman that gave the presentation no that's a different thing well what happened to that I thought we were all good on that we are and we're good on this too oh we're getting that and this Andes apples and oranges those are two different systems I understand that and only for speeding this is and that's only for speeding in a school zone this is for vehicles entering Our Town Street rically and we we've already voted for it in the budget and it's it's kind of already a done deal he's just reporting on how he's moving forward with it so okay okay all right uh do I need to adjourn for the public hearing or do I need to just say you got Jeff next uh will he do well what number 20 2411 right which is a public hearing that just said do I need to adjourn for the public hearing or can we just roll into you're opening up the public hearing okay go ahead go Jeff approval of ordinance number 20241 on second reading an ordinance of the Town Council of the town of lockah Gro Florida adopting the annual update to the Capital Improvements element of the comprehensive plan consistent with chapter 163 Florida Statutes providing for conflict severability and an effective date uh the capital Improvement um program for the next five years is before you on second reading um we discussed this on not only uh the beginning of September and all throughout the budget process but also on September 18th at that time one of the things that occurred was that the council directed $150,000 from the budget go to what we are calling a community cost sharing program um there was $35,000 that we ended up allocating from the general fund and $115,000 from the road and drainage fund to cover that those funds were trans are going to be transferred to um the capital uh projects we're going to bring back uh for discussion and implementation details on that program um that is presently scheduled for the council's November um meeting and then we'll be in a position to implement it otherwise the capital Improvement plan uh is as you have previously seen it um I supplied you uh tonight with a schedule of where we are at with respect to the 24 um CIP and the proposed 25 as far as scheduling as Richard indicated the paving should be completed by the end of this month but then you got the speed humps and the striping so that the total completion of that project will be by mid December um the covert bridge on 12th Place North is scheduled for October 16th um there are two covert Bridges the big one on F and collecting and 24th and f um covert bridge that are part of the 24 plan uh we carrying over funds um with respect to those and putting that together with the three specific culbert bridges that you had are part of the 25 plan um and going out to bid on those uh we anticipate that that bid will be out in mid November uh and uh to you for award in January um and that the way we're currently talking about the bid going out that could be awarded as a whole to to one contractor or it may be um by the specific um Culvert Bridge so we might have multiple contractors out there and that's why uh it may be done uh the completion on it is going to be um up to those schedules and what we end up determining or you all end up determining in the bid award as the best course of action on that um we had uh money allocated in the 24 plan for southe citrus and tangerine um there was a com combination of $770,000 uh it was int to be uh for rock uh we're going to uh carry forward um those monies um and combine that uh hopefully with the $50,000 that du had um approved for drainage system projects on those roads and move forward with a project in that area um timetable is to be determined at this point in time the big project that we have coming up in 25 is the aoad and collecting Canal uh stabil Canal stabilization and Road Improvement project as we've discussed um there's going to be major work on the canal stabilization um there has been survey work that has been done and they they have identified 125 trees that need to be removed um we will be coming to you on your November um agenda with a contract with ke's Tree Service um to remove the majority of those trees some of them apparently can be done by the staff but the majority will be done by Keels um they will probably move forward and complete that uh tree removal process in the by the first of the year is what we think um around that same time um the December to January time frame your staff is going to be initiating the canal stabilization work um we have a meeting um scheduled uh notices are going out to the property owners with um proposed easements um the uh easement checklist um and meeting date of October 23rd from 4: to 6: PM um where they will be able to meet with staff here about the project um and hopefully sign easements uh if we for those who won't be reaching out to us in the next couple of weeks but we hope to to get a good bit of them handled and then we'll be able to get the uh focus on the uh remainder to the extent there are any um and uh we do have uh these other projects the the um 24 uh Paving projects will be done so people will be able to see the kind of work that um Richards folks have been able to accomplish with the the contractors um the work on the uh roadway and the canal stabilization is going to take a long time um and and staff is anticipating being done around June 1st um at the same time that that's going on we're going out to bid for the um Culvert and catch Basin project um a good bit of the focus of that culbert and catch Basin project will once again be on collecting canal and a um so we anticipate uh that that uh will be in a position to issue a notice to proceed um around June first um with the anticipation that they would begin Paving in July um we anticipate a contract award on the paving project to come to you in May so it is going to be an extensive project um there's multiple components to it um and that's the the time frame so that they would uh be done with that project in the September time period of next year and that once again includes the um the paving the speed humps Etc um but it's a it's a big long project um and as a part of that Paving uh project we also we anticipate that the Gap roads um will be part of that roadway bid uh to be awarded in that may time frame um and with the Culvert and catch Basin uh bid what we're uh gonna do is have it your big guy voice hopefully have it in a multi-year um situation in which we'll have pricing um not only for uh this year uh but coming years because Richard has identified many more um uh coverts and catch B that need to go in in the town uh as compared to what we're going to be able to afford next year um the remainder of the items uh are on a to be determined basis as far as the the time frame they include uh the pump house and gate workor um the Tangerine C Citrus and Southeast drainage work um the uh North Road Trail uh and any Canal stabilization aside from a and also the Public Works site plan uh which you all allocated 10 uh $10,000 to okay phis did you have a question or were you gonna make a motion I was going to make a motion you need to open up public hearing and hear from them before yeah do we have any public comments no okay Robert you have a question Yeah question on the budget for the tree removal is that lumped into the paving budget because I don't remember seeing a separate line item that's it's not a separate line item it's part of the canal stabilization well I remember there was 200,000 for Canal stabilization we're carrying over those those monies um from this year and so we're anticipating that it part part of of that will be are we bidding tree removal are we piggybacking or bidding well it's it's gonna it's proposed to be a best interest contract um with Keels uh because they have been the low bidder and the people that have come out here on all of our projects um and so if they're in line with their previous pricing we're going to propose it as a best interest uh to get it done um nobody nobody else has been really competitive and the way you have to do the the tree 100,000 somewhere in that range in the 50 50 to $75,000 range yeah um heard any more questions you're good that's it thank you okay pH you want to make a i' like to make a motion to approve ordinance 2024 4-11 adopting the Capital Improvement element of the comprehensive plan consistent with chapter 163 l a statute on second reading second all in favor I oppose okay Hallelujah item number nine okay approval of ordinance number 20 24-12 on second reading an ordinance of the Town Council of the town of locki girls Florida amending chapter 2 Administration Article 2 Town Council by adding a new section to -20 election qualifying of the lockah hatche Groves code providing for the candidate qualifying period and providing for severability the repeal of laws and conflict codification and an effective date um if you would please where you you can go ahead page 92 we have a typo just where it says effective date sord shall be effective immediately upon approval at second reading period the rest of that sentence didn't belong there 92 which so section six effective date this ordinance shall be effective immediately upon approval at second reading period and then take out that part of the referendum that has nothing to do with the referendum that was a tyo upon second reading so page 92 section six it'll read this ordinance shall be effective immediately upon at upon approval at second reading period deleting the remaining of sentence and I know you had a question about the qualifying period it's the first um Tuesday starting in November starting at noon on November 12th ands noon on November 19th November 12th to November 19th correct that's what I said November 12th to the 19th you said yes yes noon 1112 to noon 11:19 okay can I discussion any questions can I have a motion to approve making a motion to approve ordinance 2024 -12 regarding election qualifying dates on second reading with the correction on page 92 motion by Phyllis seconded by Marge all in favor oppos passes five to zero move on to number 10 B approval of ordinance number 202 24-13 on second reading in ordinance of the Town Council of the town of lockah Groves Florida calling for a referendum of the qualified electors of the town of lahache groves to be held on March 11 2025 as to whether the town of lockah Hatchi grov Charter shall be amended in the following respect amend paragraph 5 of section 7 elections of the charter for the palmach County canvasing Board to be the town canvasing board for All Uniform Municipal elections for the town providing for notice and advertising of the referendum providing for referendum canvasing and providing for cability the repeal of laws in conflict codification and an effective date public comment no okay any questions or can I have a motion motion to approve ordinance 2024-the Town Charter On Second reading second second motion by Phil second and by large all in favor I oppos passes 5 to zero we're going back to number two everybody Laur you pulled it I did okay easy stuff who is Valiant management oh well that's when I was a consultant here she used to be okay I didn't make the connection Oaks so sorry all right my bad that's okay um who's Ferguson they Ferguson oh they're Parts yeah company they're plumbing supply company they provide the drainage culverts um and the other stuff that we use in public work okay and what did we buy from Amazon for $1,947 for Road materials and supplies what day was that I have the same question I'm glad where is that it's the last item it's on page 10 it's the last item in the list of items I would have to pull the individual things but I would I would assume I I mean you know our transits our um this you know the we bought the markers for the canals all that stuff most of it comes from Amazon because just they're cheaper I could get you the IND we'd have to go in the blackbot out to get you the the run on the on that particular next are you okay with knowing the yeah I mean I'm just I I mean I know we get lawn mow mower parts from Amazon so I'm just kind of curious and then what did we spend $1900 on for special events that was probably food oh okay yeah probably food um we ordered some paper plates and that type of stuff oh Chacha stuff yeah okay we can get the detail of all of it it's all there just funky numbers someone had me a little flums too I didn't couldn't see was on sending a big dump truck of roed rock but you never know I didn't they deliver anything okay can we now approve this number two comment oh I'm sorry go ahead Robert so how does this work fpnl we pay them every month and what happens when they hit 25,000 then does it get moved into the other sheet and say we've paid them over 25,000 I'm just trying to understand the value of the first one which was over 25,000 second one 10 to 25 and it's a cumulative total throughout the year so do they stay on there the 10 to 25 every report then once they've exceeded 25 they jump over to the other report that bom's up yeah everything that's over 25 has to be approved by Council so generally speaking the only reason that Palmdale ended up on over 25 is because we don't have a contract with them last year we had a piggyback they're no longer piggyback we're trying to come up with some way to get them to have a contract with us so that's that one okay that was my question when's the contract we bidding that right well we're looking on we're looking everywhere we can to ride somebody contract on these items that are between 10 and 25 um the reason that we do this reporting is um because it was recommended that we put this report on here as information only because that way you can actually see the cumulative effect shot end a year no we do it every quarter okay but now FPL that was a great question to ask about because FPL is not an option we don't have another Prov unless we wanted to go to solar and even then we might be using them so FPL doesn't really require procurement and we get build on a detailed bill you know that tells us wattage and all that other good stuff pump stations versus you know um buildings my opinion is this report brings up more questions than it has no answers you know and like I like Palm day oil you know 45,000 we budgeted 880,000 or whatever you know something that tells a better story than just a number there fpnl is going to keep coming up because we're going to keep spending more money so the 18's going to grow to whatever 20 25 30 throughout the months that'll start over yeah we're gonna start over today yeah yeah we start over today I just when I read it it just didn't quite understand the value of [Music] it the whole I think it was just part of what the Inspector General recommended right when they did their audit and everything wasn't that one of their recommendations um a long time ago yes it was because um there was a difference in two sections of the purchasing manual I think that's part of their transparency requirements but we fixed the purchasing manual and then we included this report in there so that there was a again transparency but the 25,000 I know it's something we already passed but we spent more than 25,000 on other vendors we did but you approved them before we spent it and Palmdale we didn't bring forward to council because we were buying it I think it was on like town of Palm Beach or something or sourcewell contract or something like that but they're no longer using that contract so we in the search for another contract to get on so when we approve this resolution we're actually approving that payment you are you are thank you you are ratifying it okay both make that want to make a motion to approve resolution 2024-25 ratifying the purchase of goods and services in excess of $25,000 for FY 2024 to direct staff to work with the town attorney to prepare and execute any agreements Andor other supporting documents second all in favor iOS passes five to zero okay ready for staff comments manator happy fiscal New Year where's our party hordes we should have party hordes I I'm going to have a party as soon as I get out of here so that's it Mr forvia any comments from you this evening none at all okay other than happy birthday Franc you could do the AO thank you she's finally 21 oh love have that Margarita that cosm that's right okay uh Richard you already had your comments you good oh yeah I'm good you want to hear more of Me Okay V never good echoing happy birthday all right Council comments phis I went first last time well I go by the order the F puts in here I don't make this order I know everybody gets cranky about it well I think why don't we just go ahead and have this discussion now because I cannot do a rotation because I have a template set that will be like permanent going forward so do you want to do it by seat number or do you want to do it by alphabetical order with your last name pick one no it it needs to rotate that's how we used to do it I'll go first every time oh perfect okay it's between Laura and Phil Laura wants to go first I couldn't care less okay there you go first go second Phill is third bear thank you very much appreciate you all right yeah who cares so well if you get cut off I'm excited to have our new work order in pering programs implemented because the ones we have now failed miserably and I don't understand why because we talked about the things we wanted to do before we got it and uh and neither of them came through so um really excited for that hopefully sooner than later um I see a lot of stuff out there that I'm not submitting for work orders and I guess I need to start because it's not getting done um and and I don't understand why staff is not reporting it you know when a greater operator is grading down a Canal bank and he can look across the canal and see an issue you know he should be reporting that issue because you can't see it when you're driving on the other side same the guys mowing the canals you see a different perspective when you're going down that west side of the Canal bank you can see things that are happening that a normal person driving on the traffic can and and maybe they're reporting it it's just things aren't getting fixed you know potholes things like that um I hope I know we have a lot of eyes out there moving throughout this town every day so I hope we get to a point where we get a better more efficient war program that makes it easier to uh document these things and then the permitting program the complete failure is feedback to the person that requested the permit is absolutely not there which I know I sat here and talked about that before we implemented that program that yes through each phase the person that provides their email as the person that wants to know what's happening with the permit be a contractor an owner Builder a engineer as soon as it hits another phase you know review comments or approve boom they're going to get an email they're get a notification and that doesn't happen and it's it's sad because when somebody requests a permit they don't want to be calling Town Hall every day you know feel like a pain in the rear hey is my permit ready hey have you heard anything on my permit and that's not fair to to the permit requestor or staff to to feel those calls or typically get the voicemail and wait for a call back so I hope you know the new program is is is at least on that aspect is an auto reply as soon soon as that plan viewer clicks review comments complete that there's some notification that goes out to the parties that that need to know it and uh that that is that is a very very basic thing I believe in in any permitting program today so looking forward to that I know the day is coming by the end of the year it's supposed to be by Thanksgiving and then and since we're not going to do the building and code during the you know specifically during government week what we discussed this morning is having a separate building en code um openhouse if you will to teach everybody how to use the software if they want to come in is it just going to be a okay this data is rolled out converted on this date or as people submit is it going to migrate into that program it's going to Mig great we're going to move everything from gov e to the new program they may submit it maybe in a they don't even know it they might not even Auto email from the new program all right looking forward to that because it's it it's an embarrassment when when somebody calls you and tells you that and then you get to experience it yourself and B of A head Shaker but other than that great everything's going great appreciate everybody's hard work so it's getting better and better I see I see weed eaters out there and uh it's part of the part of the business right I mean somebody's got to do it you know because that darn saw grass or whatever you call it it grows fast and appreciate everybody's hard work thank you thank you Robert Laura you are on that okay so just a pony off what Robert said um I do get the occasional call he help me get my status on my permit and my usual reply is well you know who are you working with and you know these folks they express frustration of not even getting a return acknowledgement that they're frustrated so who should I send them too is that an email to you Richard is that an email to Jack is that a well it depends what their issue is yeah it depends what their issue is I mean obviously um you can always send it to Jack Richard myself all three of us would always be get you there um but if it's just building that' be Jack if it's code go ahead and try Jack and if it's something to do with drainage or roads that would be Richard so a flood plane that'd be Richard I was going to say the these are specific permit questions okay so just have the person email youf Francine slj yeah that's good if it's generic okay yeah okay cop and copy permits at lock okay all right yeah okay well absolutely who it is that's who it is we would go to find out but if you call me I make sure or if you email me and I'm speaking for the three people that we just talked about we will always make sure there's a reconnect with the person okay good deal um has our town leaned any properties lately yes we lean properties every time that we record um violations with fines we go and record them very shortly after the magistrate orders so we have number of properties that are running fines that are leans on their property when does the lean get placed the day we get the orders if we can get over to the county that quickly but within a day or two of when we get the magistrate orders so somebody is issued a code violation that come before the magistrate is that when the lean starts no the way okay so got to be in the process it has to be it has to be found in violation and subject to fines and you can get found in violation and not have a fine you can be found in violation and have time to come into compliance and not get a fine so um let's just say if it was an FDA or something like that you have perhaps up to six months of moving your you know code violation forward you know with reason you know like you didn't your engineer didn't get it done and this kind of stuff but generally speaking you're not going to be getting a lean until you've exhausted every opportunity to come into compliance and we assess toine okay so it's not at the beginning of the process not at all got it all right that one was easy um last meeting I floundered through this because I was a dope and didn't pull it up flab Jacks is a benefit event for The Outsiders drill team and it will be at Red Barn on October the 19th 9:00 a.m. to 12: p.m. it's a tax Swap and a pancake breakfast event and it's a fundraiser for The Outsiders swab Jacks um it's a benefit for the Siders drill team but the event is called flab FL laab Jacks see all right last question this one's for Glenn when am I allowed to ask questions about what I hear at a developer meeting well certainly at the quasa judicial hearing you can then follow up with questions during that process okay so just for for example I went to the developer meeting last week I heard something that is confusing to me so right here and now is not the time to ask it no but you could ask staff I can ask staff you can ask staff and then you'll disclose that you had a conversation with staff okay all right cool that's it thank you hey phis okay I have three questions from a resident that I need answered my first question is does r Town P allow residential code the answer is yes as long as it it's for lawyers yeah a PUD does our town LOE Groves P ordinance allow res residential General it does I mean generally a PUD I have question I need to answer this question we do not have a residential PUD we have no the answer is no because we do not have a residential PUD we have a commercial mixed land use designation but mixed land use does that include residential it could that's where my confusion was you're right yes it could because you can have three uses on the property but if they did residential they would have to follow the five acre zoning per residence that exists in the rest of the town they a PUD is the vehicle with which you make separate rules it means that it would not necessarily be the same rules that are applied outside that PUD but Council would have to approve any Council would have to approve all of it and it is not a short process my second question are you ready for that okay if so which is so um because you're saying mixed use so it's a possibility that it could have residential if so what controls apply to residential in the Pud Cod it's really it's really application specific ask for anything they want it's really ultimately up to you yeah it's what it's what you approve P okay my third question can residential be removed from apud ordinance that depends on the application because if the application comes in and no I think they're talking about an ordinance prior to talking about not including mixed land use without residential yeah not you're prohibiting the possibility of residential in a PUD that's correct what you're asking yes um yes that's possible well I mean you can write it in but they can still apply for it that is correct yes you could pass itre pass that ordinance and then they could come in somebody somebody could come in and say well um I would like it to be reconsidered and you would go through the ordinance proc okay so being that this has been a very contentious re um residential um townwide concern is it possible that we can remove uh the planned unit development regarding residential townwide I I I guess you could the what I would throw back or have you all considered well I want to put this to bed so I'm looking for an answer to get something done here let me you haven't had the application have you it doesn't matter the residents are concerned about it does because the residents are concerned about an HOA PUD inv into our town respectfully they're they are inventing a problem that doesn't exist you haven't had the application come in so why are you worried about something that hasn't come before you RP applies to and you could deny properties with 200 feet along Southern Boulevard nobody's gonna buy commercial property and put in housing and we're not going to apartment housing so but even if we did say you can't have residential they can still apply for it they can they can apply for anything they want they can buy 20 acres on okobi bouard and apply for a PUD even though our PUD says it has to have 200 feet of footage on Southern Boulevard anybody can apply for anything at any time so Glenn can what would it take to just put the verbage excluding residential from our PUD ordinance if that's what you all want to do I mean well I'm asking a question of yeah you you would go through a process of amending an ordinance that your whole land use go through your well I imagine it would be a comp planex cost to put in something that is irrelevant it would be expensive give me give me a Bott how much it's gonna cost be more than that you'd have to have several meetings you'd have to have it written and grafted want to take out residential doesn't matter you'd still have to go through the same process and in addition to that you would also still not have protected the town because the next day or even while we're in the process of the readings that you're taking and out of mixed use I could walk in pretend I don't work here but I could walk in and say I want to do XYZ and I can make a comp plan text Amendment and as long as somebody can apply for something whether or not council is going to approve it you still have to go through the process so if we take it out it doesn't stop somebody from putting us through those Paces anyway so in the end the decision lies with whomever is sitting up here correct period correct correct okay moving on part reason PHS it was a question from a resident was if you don't have a rule for then it's wide open by having that rule on Southern I think it gives us a little bit of teeth and that's what I understood and this cannot happen on okobe no it cannot it cannot happen on North Road no can it happen on falso that is not true somebody can apply for a PUD on okobe Boulevard any time they want to even though we don't have a PUD on okach chubby Boulevard I if I was me who lives here at resident I can come in tomorrow and apply for a PUD at land on on on C Road and okobe Boulevard I can put my application I can spend my $10,000 and do my planning and put my application in it is the only way but the only way whatever the only way to protect us is to keep a council that will vote those things down anybody can apply for any anything they want at any time period period that's it okay moving on thank you for appeasing me with that uh gsquare what's up those people are not happy how you grading that with the big Diggy in the middle um and what are we doing about it and when is it getting completed first two are those people because nobody has called my office and said anything the people that live on their road because the only person the only person who's complaining is one guy who lives in I just want the answer to the question sorry and the people haven't given East that's it goes back the same well I'm just wondering we paved plenty of roads in this town without asking anyone on those roads for an easement so why can't we just pave our footprint those are why can't we just pave the footprint those those are what I refer to as the Gap roads they are um part of the 25 Paving plan um and we anticipate that being done uh next summer the question was why are we not Paving our footprint that we've maintained for years that is the question because your argument about Paving person was we can pave our footprint that we maintained we can I personally refuse to pave a road that's 12 feet wide and expect two-way traffic right well you either I understand that but right now it's not paved and even the section that is paved is wider than the section from fome to what where the paving stops from fome to where the paving stops is maybe 12 feet wide and what is secure for this problem we need to to obtain the easement so we can remove all the debris that is on the one side or fill the canal in that's why we're replacing the fome Culvert because the CT is fome but those rooms are scheduled to be paved at because we've reached our soet year period and we and we can just do it correct at the at Square in June yeah in June we will have reached the time frame and so then we just move forward and do it okay thank you for the answer that um number two FPL underground I was very happy to hear that you've reopened the conversation with them any movement on completing our project as I mentioned earlier this evening next week we're supposed to have a meeting with them we're still waiting for them to set it up obviously they're in Hurricane mode because while we were not affected here in Greater Palm Beach County FPL has most of their when they go into hurricane mode the entire company goes into hurricane mode not just the people in the affected area okay well while we were having part of the outer bands hitting us which they were um uh we had 29 residents continuously losing power I lost power at my house two nights ago 1,700 these people have been continuously losing power for many years okay so I'm just I do believe if the underground project continued that would cure that issue it would C part of it a lot of the problems in this town AR because I drove the entire I myself drove the entire town all the lettered roads looked at all the aerial on the major roads and other than a handful of places the lines were clear most of the problems are the subdivision roads the unmaintained uh stuff in people's yards is what's creating the problem and part of the problem with this is also the vegetation is not being cleared properly on people's private property well Aspen Aspen goes in private property all the time yeah and they're working their way through the town they started at 161st perhaps you can mention this should be a priority because they basically didn't have power for almost a day it just would flip on and go off and flip on and it's 29 residents the residents will probably be better served by calling FPL themselves because I calling FP but I think a letter from the town or something from the town making possibly the areas that the folks have been losing electric for years would come from our town staff might be more effective the town staff has excuse me the town staff has made those calls this town staff has made those calls and we have gotten that power on when it is not in the middle of a storm there is absolutely no way that I or any of our staff or any of you is going to be able to call into FPL in the middle of storm no I'm talking about now that the storm is over maybe they I'm just saying paying not over there's 600,000 res FPL customers that have no power right now there I think the issue with this is yes they are well but I'm just asking to make this a priority I have that's all I'm asking I have been we've cleared one go down 160 first 161st you cannot find a tree near a power line 16 electric okay their trees are catching on fire I have video of it okay well these other people's stuff is gonna turn go on fire also all right um you do the best you can okay I'm very happy to see Southern lawn and garden finally freaking moving forward thank them not us it's been their situation nothing that we can do could make it move faster let keep that in motion because R pal built a whole freaking Plaza before these guys got anything cooking it's not on our side all right well let's keep them rolling let's try to keep them rolling because my lawn mower needs fixed and they need your money too I know that all right um meeting times I was very surprised when I came in before 6:30 that you had already started the meeting um from 6:00 to 6:30 is supposed to be people's comments resident comments correctly and and the problem is now everything has gone back to o' so a lot of the residents I don't think can get here at 6 o'clock as I have issues sometimes getting here at six o'clock but and I did text you that I was going to be late I mention so um you know if we're not going to make the meetings start at 6:30 then I would appreciate if I am a few minutes behind I I'm just asking for that courtesy to take a break or something I'm on my way I'm usually here by 3 minutes or four minutes after 6 but today was a very difficult day for me to um get away from my desk um well just to let you know the chronology we had them we had the the community input meeting we only had three was it three or four well that's what I'm saying people we had three well we had three or four comments and then we took a consensus and asked advice from Council of whether we could just roll into the meeting and the consensus of the four council members were here were to roll into the meeting I did mention at roll call you can ask Val that you had texted me that you would be late and you guys had absolutely nothing to discuss yourselves anyway um deorum on the deis we are repeatedly having to review deorum on the deas so I would appreciate because I have been very try I have been trying to be quiet when other people are speaking but it seems that that is not the case when I'm speaking so I would appreciate that I can have my thoughts through without being interrupted by another council member stay on subject that's part of there you right there there you stay on stay on topic okay there you go point of order well we did point of order while you were um mayor and that never seemed to work let's not get into a pissing match thank you so um that's I thought I could say that without being interrupted but apparently not so um with that said um that's all I'm going to say for now and thank you for the Pud clarification thank you all right guys I went to well I do want to say happy birthday Francine to oh I forgot about you sorry I totally forgot about you're still here go ahead go ahead I'm so sorry it's 10 o' I need to ex I make a motion no to extend I keep time let's just make a motion okay second it all in favor okay go ahead okay I read the letter um to the Palm Beach um Council and it was well receive so thank you uh thank you Mark thank you for doing that Mar okay um it's nice to see so many of the items listed on your um to-do list it it'll amaze me if we we get that many done I mean I don't know what our track record is from uh the past but it looks like a pretty daunting huh yeah yeah all right um I'm looking forward to going to the uh water League of cities uh meeting where we're going to discuss so what what type of legislative action we want uh to present um to uh you know to the Senators and the representatives to uh bring forward and hopefully uh get U passed so we'll we'll see how it goes Francine enjoy your birthday with your friends and your family thank you yeah it's always always great to have uh Gatherings and uh I I uh agree with you about southern law and I'm glad that they finally resolved their issues and and and got everything coming forward I was in there Faithfully you know cheering them on and telling them you know relaying messages so hopefully hopefully okay that's all that's it okay I'm so sorry Marge for getting blur eyed you know what happens to me at 10 o'clock that's my Witching Hour um yeah Francine I'm sorry you have to come in Fr me meeting tomorrow I know but make it really short and then oh it's at the end of the day but I'm leaving at 3:30 so catch me early truly once again not to belor the point but enjoy your day um so this last week I went to the literacy Coalition luncheon and got this adorable little butterfly which I would like to give to Francine for her birthday thank you the first one to give you a birthday present thank you so I will be reading this book pyper Chen sings at the lockah hugos elementary school on the 24th of October um but they have a contest you guys and I want to win this contest okay so there's this thing called read for the record 2024 um literacy pbc.org you can go on you can sign up I left extra copies of this book here so if you guys take the book to whatever other schools you want to or even to groups of children at daycares or whatever and go on there and log in Francine's going to create the the thingy the whatever so you can go on so you go on and log in you guys take books read to your grandkids there's extra copies of this in here F loners okay um so you go on you log in that we did this we might win for small municipality and that would be an awesome thing I'm a teacher would love to win this literacy thing also um there is an adult book also this is it they usually give out multiple copies it's called remarkably bright creatures it was a um New York Times bestseller I'm going to read it um and then whoever else wants to borrow it they only give us the one copy but I'll try to get it read this week um and then have it return it in here for people to borrow and read and again you got a sign in that you read it so everybody get reading between now October TW but between now and November 8th I think is the end of the campaign as many people can log on to that site and read these books with the kids read this book yourself log on there it is in the library yes okay okay get on there and read so we can be the literacy the small town literacy community of the Year wouldn't that be wonderful um and thank you staff for once again doing a great job really appreciate I I know it still took us till 10 o'clock I'm going to be quick here but I really appreciate the size of the last two agendas as opposed to the size of the first eight or 10 that I had in coming on Council you know when I when I first came on Council we were getting the 10-inch binders we're down to what two and a half I think and so that's a huge thing but you know more importantly I think this is like manageable you know um so I really appreciate it and I appreciate of course as always all the hard work and effort that went into making this happen if anybody wants to read Francine's got the extra copies of the book make it happen guys let's all get out there and read American Legion group to read to daycare center this one y okay Francine's got extra copies but do you want to take one I'll get another copy from her I was going to bring that to in my little but gonna sing Happy Birthday to Francine no I think we'll make a motion to adur I think favor if anybody wants the book The Adult Book it's um $20 donation to The Literacy coalition