well it's uh 7:31 on the 13th of June time for the architecture preservation district meeting um in accordance with the of meeting law uh we will be recording this meeting and it will be broadcasts over the lunenberg public access channel uh within 24 hours um if any anybody is uh joining us via Zoom you can uh ask to be heard by using the raise the hand feature this in Zoom software excuse me um the agenda has been published and we're going to add one item to the agenda based on a CTA that we received uh yesterday in fact we actually have I think the individual who that CTA effect with us so will uh get to him as quickly as we can um is there any public comment uh is there uh minutes for the 9 May meeting have you been able to generate those meeting minutes Nathan I know we I can yeah um why don't we uh you send us to us and we'll vote on those at the next meeting naan rather than hold things up here y um under the correspondence section uh there was no major corespondence I I get a monthly postcard from uh the National Heritage area that covers this area and they have a lot of different programs planned for May and it's not June so that postcard has been over overcome by events all right uh current business uh we had a determination of applicability that came to us uh about a week and a half AG go um I've emailed back and forth with the uh smitter of that request and we we'll get to that but I first want to talk about the CTA that we received um yesterday June 12th uh I believe our applicant is with us today and would you would you like to say a few words about your plan and you know what's what you've done with regards to the house so please identify yourself my name is blind I actually live next door to the um um proprietor of the application and uh I'm a general contractor okay and Les's house 920 isn't need some some repair his exterior siding is quite quite rotted um so he asked me to do so um as a a strong believer in maintaining the character of yes year it'll be all just Cedar bevel siding know nothing no vinyl no vinyl but um yeah just pull off the existing I highly doubt there's any house wrap behind it but house wrap and then reside um and then yeah last things is going to paint but I'll probably end up painting too but it'll be the primed uh Pebble red seater so um the wood trim well you mentioned it would be Pine is there um is it just basic wood shrim there's no details no no his house is pretty pretty basic as far as uh you know architectural detail it's just just one by is the siding going to be the same size yes yeah yeah reveal rough rough human out yeah just a pretty straightforward remediation do you know if there's any s right do be discovered RIS yeah I haven't you know gone Pokemon bring it's just been I think I included a photo you bits where his side is just completely completely gone so uh you know in order to keep from things getting worse me a bit in my butt from there okay little by little it's not does anybody have any specific questions other than Richards which I went by today the sighting is or the window trim is all play Jane stuff nothing tricky nothing danc [Music] um one note before we take a vote on the seat a uh we changed our rules a bit and uh I would recommend it and now you did use the most current form but I would recommend that if you have any future work you know with houses that are in your F preservation District this clearly would have fell into the category we have we have an interarm step now which we think will make this process kind quicker oh I love that yeah I know and so the the interarm step is you you uh you can see this in the architectural uh design guide guidelines that are on the our website where it says tell us briefly what you're going to do on a new form which we we created we call the determination of applicability okay and um what what we do with that form is we kind of look at and we say yeah this is a no-brainer you know this this work should proceed uh the one thing that it does do and and I'm actually going to ask the town clerk if they can refund refund you the $65 that was PID that be great um because because under the determination of applicability um you just say this is what we're going to do we review it we give you an answer no later than our next scheduled uh public meeting okay and uh and it doesn't cost $65 so get that answer now if it's complicated we would say um no we think there's more to this than what's been described we think you should submit a formal certificate okay of applicability um or the uh certificate to alter application okay and then the $65 would apply that was that was gonna I was you know in my own two cents I was going to bring that up because it was a lot of leg work that goes into that and it shouldn't mean there shouldn't be for simple tasks right you know and that's the reason why we created the inter room step of having the determination some applicability you could have that's a onepage form you could have you know filled it out taking a picture scanned It Whatever to get it back to us okay um now I do know that uh we haven't had a land use director but the uh select board on Tuesday night appointed Brian Gengras The Building Commissioner he is now the interim land use director Buu commissioner that just happened okay so um you would then have sent it to him and the tent Clerk and then it would have come to me okay um so I will I will see if the the city can or the town can refund you the $65 and uh if they can um they will if they can't for whatever reason s okay thank you for being coopertive all right so uh I'll entertain a motion to approve the motion to approve C any any other further discussions questions comments all those in favor say I okay you're can I have just as a I live on massav and I'm at 912 just for my own own understanding where do we lie with using um historic historically relevant materials so I understand preserving the character and the the the overall um concept of a historical home but say if I had mud cells that were rotted out where does the board lie in terms of using updated building materials like like PBC doesn't show right right so because I have some you know I have some rot on my house that I'm going to start plugging away at so before I got you know ahead of myself I wanted to know where uh my constraints were as far as actual building materials because I'm dedicated to maintaining the Integrity of that house but I do feel that you know in the years today we have Superior Building Materials where we don't have to address things um or maintain things as as frequent as um you know P yeah our main mission is to preserve the the facade of the houses and the appearance of that um as a look traditionally okay um uh some materials aren't available anymore restoration and so we have been flexible in in things like that and if it doesn't show um you know just need to pass ADV by you can we pass that stuff okay all right I appreciate that we we have I think a common sense approach to Historic preservation okay and uh some sometimes folks don't necessarily see that being the case but I think overall you know with the ctas and now the determination of applicability form I think can make this a much easier process for people like yourself who say I like the historic character I want to maintain it to the greatest extent possible you know lower the maintenance increase the you know the robustness of maintaining maintainance and integrity because I feel like it can be a slippery slope with you know replac me Pine with wine and you know people after a while just kind of throw their hands up and say I'm done with this yeah we agree okay all right that's music to my ears as much as I love fine you know the building Sciences have come along way so okay yeah sorry that's I that was off agenda I just I figured while I had to here thanks for coming in absolutely for I will sign the form um I'll sign and then email it back to you you know through the appropriate chain it came to us awesome and then once again I'd say go take a look at the architectural guidelines and get talks about the interim step of having a determination of applicability form so awesome I'll definitely be using that in my house okay all right great thank you all righty um so the next item on current business was the is a review of the 61 Main Street determination of applicability um I think that uh if you've had a chance to take a look at the form and the pictures I think this is also a no-brainer that we should approve been proceeding with the work um so I'll entertain a motion for approval of 61 Main Street a I have a second oh I'll motion to approve second Richard for a second any any further discussion before we vote all right um all those in favor say I I okay so that's been approved and I'll sign and send that back and when I do both of these I'll uh carbon copy the the commission on that email all right um Nathan asked that we include uh preservation of the Brooks house on today's agenda so with that I'll turn the floor over to n yeah I think I can be pretty brief about this so you know uh I don't know how many years ago exactly but um you know the for for a few years the building reuse committee has been formed I'd say in the last few years they've made some seems like some decisions they want to move forward with one of which is the renovation and expansion of this building we're in here the riter which is I think in my personal opinion consistent with the aims of the architectural preservation district and the village District as a whole so I think that's fantastic um they're still I think figuring out what to do with paos you know in the last few years the town decided to take down the primary building for for for better for worse it's that's done um so I think there's an opportunity for us as sort of the um stewards of architectural preservation in the district regarding the Brooks house um I think this is a property that um I don't I think is not been prioritized I guess would be one way of putting it by the the building reuse committee and I think if left to its current course I think it's likely slated for the path of the primary school if there's no intervention you know like it'll it'll eventually be demolished so what I'd like to the idea I would like us to entertain forming proposal around is putting together a plan to preserve that structure through I think the most feasible means possible there's been a process about incorporating it into a scheme of public use that has not gone successfully I would like us to propose uh an appropriate private use that would preserve and renovate and bring the structure back to life that's I think that's a some pretty much a summary of so I think where we go from there is you know we we have if if if this if we are in agreement that that is a good course of action for us to do as the apdc or in a concert with a historic committee then we would you know probably notify the the building ruse committee the select board and the building ruse Committee of our intent to do that and then we can proceed with if you know after those conversations one possible path would be proceeding with developing a plan and by plan I don't mean an architectural plan necessarily but a plan for privatization that could be presented to the town at town meeting for example you know and uh if we have the support of the billing Committee of the select board that is the best scenario and of course even historic we can present it jointly as a as a plan and preserve the structure and if we're you know if not we can you know bring it up as a take it on our own to the town and have that conversation as a town I think it's a great idea me too you know um having participated in the uh Municipal Building design committee you know which Michael Ray Jeff has chaired the Brooks house has always been seeing it as kind of a throwaway you know it's like there's nothing no one really wants to use the building you know it's going to be difficult to change and adapt it and uh you know I think there there was an opportunity at one point in time to have sold the house to somebody to turn it back into a house you know and like the primary school could have been sold to the developer to turn into housing and I think that uh if we put together a plan I think that might be something that would change that dialogue reverse the notion that this is just going to be a candidate that that's going to get demolished you know one of the things that I keep saying um the U there was a discussion at the Tuesday night select board meeting about uh the old gas station project you know I participated I was invited to participate in kind of a brainstorming session for what the building could be used for and um they they made their the consultant made their proposal and said you know we think you could do this this and this but one of the things that I keep seeing uh mistakes not a mistake but an oversight being made is that everybody wants to still talk about having storm water retention you know they were saying youd have to create a storm water retention you know for the gas station site and you know the same same holds true for um the space that's next the space between the Brooks house and the library there's a storm water retention base in there and you could capture that by using um an underground storm water retention system which is relatively inexpensive you know and I think it it gives you back you know space for a yard space for a driveway or Park a parking lot you know yet you still maintain the storm water control and for some strange reason I haven't seen that discussion held in any of the meetings that I've been to that involve reuse of an existing structure here in lunberg gas station being the most recent you know the same goes for Brooks house but I think that uh there's still a lot of potential for the Brooks house I mean I I it's not it's not it's not lost guys yet and I think that a plan would be great for us to to create and then see if we can't sell it so you'll take that on Nathan kind of approach for that well I I I guess uh yeah I can take on I guess putting together an agenda for as far as or a plan yeah as we could get an outline then we can all discuss it and yeah come up with the okay that sounds great let's do that I agree all right um that that um property is architecturally significant in its style in this town so it's uh important in that way also yeah and it's not in bad condition it's not you know and I believe that has a sprinkler installation which is good for commercial uses it's got some infrastructure and and it actually does have pretty good parking already close by close well attached to the you know like the the site so yeah so that's great now this be a fun thing for us to to talk about do you think it would be good to get an opinion from the planning board too as to its significance in the village District um in creating business and uh activity in the town I think that's a i i me I think that's a a great idea like I think I think keep think about what boards we should be talking to and I think yeah so planning makes sense to add that mix as well because when we were when we were doing the work to create the village bylaw that's what we were talking about that building and uh and the other buildings in town that that could be utilized to create activity in town yeah I think totally and I think having a focused conversation about this one building which is in some ways pretty separable from the other larger plans that are going on I think we can have a really good constructive conversation with these committees and with the town was like it's basically like you know let's the I think at this point we can say the public reuse option does not seem to be an option so it's either there's going to be nothing you know basically nothing here there's going to be this structure here with a private use and you know to your point it is you know vibrant area like if it I think it would be having that be a lively area where there's people going in and out and what not would be a better service to the town than you know a blank space or more parking lot or sure or whatnot I don't know I think it'll be folks might have other thoughts to bring up but I think it's I think it's worth worth doing and uh yeah and I age I think you're I think the more inclusive we can be with the other boards and with the public in terms of having some hearings and getting some input I think uh I think it should be a good a good opportunity yeah I agree anybody wants to run a little coffee breakfast spot Place kill it would yeah all the high school kids on the yeah oh my gosh yeah seem like the the uh watch M superintendent house in Princeton which was the house where the superintendent lived now was a wonderful restaurant called the mside bakery and cafe yeah good so I mean that's the kind of re and of course looking at the pictures of the renovation work it was done at they hanging in the renovated mon Bakery Cafe it was probably about the same condition as the Brooks house maybe vacant for decades and decades once it went once the it went to the state it never utilized anymore right so it that's turned into I'm pretty sure a good news story for preservation of the facility yeah uh I think it must have now been almost 10 years ago Damon McQuade actually produced a design and renderings well conceptual design and renderings of what re some things that re could look like it was yeah was pretty very compelling okay well um it be nice to have him speak about it also yeah when presenting definitely now he he he feels very strongly about that okay um this is not on the agenda but I think it's relevant at the um Tuesday night select board meeting um Richard McGrath was supposed to be uh reappointed for another three-year term and in the confusion of the meeting you're also were to be reappointed for a threee ter on the historic commission there was a lot of question about who was staying who was leaving on the historic commission and the select board did eventually approve you Richard for a term on the historic commission however they failed to come back to um the SL this me the uh they didn't come back to re reappoint you to the architecture preservation District commission so I would highly recommend that you reach out to um Heather or perhaps directly with the new board chair Caesar uh and say Hey you know I want to be reappointed and that's my understanding that I got appointed to the reappointed to the historic commission but that there was an oversight reappointing me to they they changed the subject and got overlooked yeah oh yeah yeah so I think we and that'll have to happen before our next meeting you can't participate as a voting member yeah they do meet uh next Tuesday on uh the 18th of July so they can take the vote then to get you reappointed so you'll have to contact them between now and all right um status of town hall and rid of repair projects there has been absolutely no no information shared as to what's schedul and um I'm extremely concerned by um the fact that I don't know whether you had heard this Nathan I mentioned this D Wayne before we get started but Heather Lemieux has resigned effective August 4th so my guess is that you know us we're seeing the consequences of there being a fair amount of churn and the town manager's office you know the facility manager reports to the time manager you know time manager is doing oversight of a staff that now knows that she's not going to be here six six or seven weeks so I think that um this might be an issue that we're going to have to bring before the select board because uh I think the longer this goes the more the higher the bills are going to become the other issue is that I'm not sure how they could do it but there is arpa money on the table that hasn't been completely obligated and I'm pretty sure that both Town Hall estimates as well as rter Memorial estimates are woefully uh under appropriated meaning that the money that the town approved at the various time meetings is not going to be adequate to do the uh the work so with your promotion I'd like to bring this to the select board to say you know we've been working with staff we we've not had a plan given to us we're fearful that the buildings may continue to deteriorate and you know this is in a sense what we all fear is demolition by neglect and I don't think that's the intent but that's that's the direction that we're headed here is that this work needs to be done to keep the building in good sign order so comments I mean we've been I think we've been fairly patient we've I written letters or written emails I've carvon copied Heather you know on the notes that I've sent to Chris Ruth but there been out action yeah I I agree should go M the long rate the cost of everything is just going to go up and up and up absolutely absolutely yeah I sorry if I apolog Clos which specific features are we talking about my my biggest concern is the roofing and and the windows and the rubber line gutter I mean we have a we have a very unique structure on this building where you have a rubber lined wood gutter which probably has lots of leaks in the Rubber and hence uh deteriorating the wooden Gutter and uh and then the only thing good about that is that you could hope that the gutters would fall off before the water would back up and really work its way into the masonary um on Town Hall uh you know what was appropriated was woful underfunded you know because the S1 was done in 2018 yeah so I guess if we're GNA go to if we're gonna go to the select board on this I mean like you know I'm not in principle against it that's our job whatever I think to ensure we have good quality communication do we have a a list of these specific items that I know like every one of the items that's in the plan you know that uh the set of drawings that Damon you know had shared with us you know all those items are critical in terms of uh exterior Integrity you know the Windows like for example we have some of the windows with storm windows in place and some don't okay and those which don't are suffering the greatest amount of damage not to the window itself but to the sill and the sides of the windows that are going to remain even with the replacement of the existing Windows me the contractor is required to take take that old window up put the new window back in and then restore the cill and the wood around the new window right so I guess to to make this conversation concrete with with select board because if I were on the select board right now and I'm on this board and I apologize I don't I would you know I think to make a decision to like make a commitment or whatever I want to say you know okay here's an itemized list not of all I don't want to see all Demon's plans I just want to see an itemized list of you know these windows here these windows here this gutter is whatever you know I don't know if we can give them like an estimated years to like serious failure when it starts causing serious damage I like you were just talking about the Sals or whatever and I don't think we have we have price estimates or do they are they well that's that's been one of the fundamental things we've asked for Nathan is that when uh when the town hall estimate came in like you know $100,000 or the quar million dollars that was appro rated I went back to uh Chris Ruth and said do you have a current estimate for um the Ritter building and he indicated to me by email that he was going to get a a revised estimate for Damon mcade and we're like six months past that commitment okay so just want the renovations the things that you're talking about that these are a small subset of that overall renovation plan or no they are they are they are the renovation plant these are this is not a small Subs oh you're talking about the entire well the that had expansion involved no no no no oh this was a different this is a okay yeah no oh you're just talking about an existing renovation plan that you're looking for them to yeah okay it's all necessary things it's you that's that need to be done to the was it shell because of they thought well we'll roll this into the expansion which isn't happening or no no the indication is is that I'm too busy do other things okay gotcha um okay yeah I think and I think we've approached we've approach the staff the right way I mean I think that from a from a budget standpoint when are you so your notion is what do you what are you looking to get from them like I here's here's what I'm looking is for the city or for the town to update the cost estimate so we know exactly how much is really going to be needed to do the work that's on on the draw today because the work that's on the drawings today for Town Hall exceeded the uh engine or the ych estimate by over $100,000 okay so what they were that that wasn't performed yet that was just bid or that was bid I think late 2023 okay and you know my well I had my discussion by email with Chris to say you know what are you going to do and oh by the way this kind of is an indic because the estimate that was done for Town Hall was done by the same architect who did the estimate for this building and about and at about the same time 2018 because that's when it was prepared to go before annual the town's annual meeting for Appropriations it was actually a couple years they got approv that the are you ready for this 2020 so our goal is to get the uh is to get the estimate so this can be voted on a time meeting basically I I actually think that if we wait till time meeting it's going to be too late because the arpa funds have to be have to be obligated by the end of 20 2024 we won't have a special time meeting until probably November and then and then by that time it's too late to go out for bid and get a contract awarded in funds that's the reason why I think that this is it's like hey you know if you don't if you have money that's uncommitted from Mara okay and you have a deadline in fact Tom Tom Alonzo at the Tuesday night meeting when they were talking about the ARA he says if we miss spending every single one of those dollars say if there's a dollar left on the table that didn't get obligated he says that's that doesn't serve well doesn't serve the time well we need to spend all of that money so okay so and this is this is a prop SEL so either you say get an estimate fund it with arpa dollars if necessary if necessary well there's no other budget allocated is there a budget allocated for this well there the original appropriation was I think a quarter million roughly quart million dollars all this okay yeah I support support that but uh so basically the ask is that we need to you saying the building uh Chris Ruth needs to to get get the get someone to do the estimate basically yeah okay yeah okay [Music] um all right uh next item was um APD property under notification and then the brochure public Outreach what I want to do is share with you kind of a letter and um some discussion here I will email this we're not going to finalize this tonight but I thought this should springboard to some discussion and then I will one okay so my Letter's short and sweet um by the time you put the seal on it and maybe make a few edits uh we'll be at one page and basically what I'm saying is uh dear property owner um and and and I've used uh like I didn't go dear property owner I just said to the owners of property located within the lunenberg architectural preservation district and if you can think of I have no pride of authorship so if you all can think of a better way of getting somebody's salutation correct um I'm more than willing to listen to that but we have Property Owners of buildings that are in the district that you know don't reside in them or don't even reside in the town of lenberg you know so what I want to do is kind of make this a general a general addressment um so I want to let them know that this has been around since 2015 you know it's when the bylaw was approved and that uh it's to preserve the historic character of the area and um and then to kind of give them an attachment get attachments probably a more critical piece for your eyeballs if you want to you know minimize your time in reviewing my uh my letter my my text letter you know I want to say here here are some of the things that we we we discuss and you know what you know bring to their attention things that could be issues so the first thing I want to do is to say if you haven't read the bylaw um here's a section that says all these things are exempt and then to kind of go into some of the U the sticky points that we've had now since I've been on this commission um I've actually not dealt with any additions or free standing structures you know it's basically been Windows siding and trim um so I wanted to identify what I think could be you know you know contentious areas for people things that might actually turn into something that looks like a certificate to alter that we have to review and then give them a feel for the fact that U you know we're open to to doing things with a proper in or but you got to understand here are some of the key places there some of the key things that we want to preserve like for example um Nathan don't ever change your roof F cuz you have you you have slay on your roof you know but sometime someday in the future you know I don't know what the condition of your roof is right now but you know it's it's a key piece of the fabric the historic fabric of the lunenberg uh architecture preservation do spr you know so we want to let people know that you know some things you got are really critical and sometimes it's cheaper to repair them than it is to just strip them off and put down an asphalt roof at the same time if somebody's already seen that happen to their historic property like uh the woman that came to came to us and asked for input on our position on solar panels that lived in the booth of Burbank house um you know her roof was already you know reduced the asphalt Jingles that once once upon a time probably did have slate Once Upon a Time you know that would have been worthy of the discussion but it's long past uh it's long G so there sense of talking about that so my my idea of having an attachment to talk about some of these types of issues is just to give people a feel for what we say when we see a CTA for things like Windows for siding um so if you could take a few minutes and look at this and give it some close attention and make some recommendations or some suggestions please do so because what I want to do is uh finalize this so that in July we can send a letter out to everybody who lives who owns property in the architectural preservation District you know one of the things that um in my looking at the bylaw again and rather microscopic detail is that the bylaw says that we can create new architectural preservation districts anytime anytime that time wants to now my guess is it would require a vote like to revise or to create a new architectural preservation District but it was identified in the 2015 di cool yeah and this kind of goes back to the discussion we've had about um you know expanding the preservation District to White so all right so that's that's your assignment um I want your comments thoughts suggestions um within two weeks because in two weeks I'm going to draft the final version and present it to you all for a vote and I'd like to have your thoughts for that and then uh at the July meeting we will finalize this now you know we've talked about doing a brochure and one of the things that um I'm apprehensive in doing a brochure is they're expensive and you know like if you put it on a sick glossy piece of paper you know an action create like a trifle or something along those lines that requires some artistic talent that I don't have you know to get that done um so if we still want to do the brochure we're probably going to have to hire somebody to come up with h with that unless want to view all you have the AR talents to do that I can write letters you know and I can I can put them on letterhead and I can get them ready to go I think if if we create we use some of our funds to just send them to like office Maxs to print them on with lots of paper yeah and then we'll just yeah have to fold them yeah we could do that but still I think to do a nice for short requires some I I learned my lesson I was working on another volunteer activity and it's like oh my God I I there's only I only have so so many skills laying out things and you making pretty pictures is not one of my skills I desperately needed Photoshop I taken a picture an auditorium that we want to Jazz up and I thought I could kind of manipulate the photo I can't I'm thought Photoshop you know so I actually call up a friend I said do you photoshop and he said yes I said this is what I wanted and my friend did that but I I was a one time buy he said that was more work than I thought it was going to be so if we're going to do it BR sure you know we'll have to hire somebody or find someone to do graphic design work for us yeah I mean I'm fine with that I guess the other alternative might be like a website or something you know and then you could put a QR code on I don't know is was this going to fold be in the broch well no I was that's GNA be a first standing pie okay now if we print brochures you know we if we had a brochure to print I I really want to get the letter out to people and maybe do maybe do the brochure um as a second action if we could get it done you know by the July meeting and here's one of the reasons why I want to do that even the town officials don't understand our process you know like you got you got that email from Lisa you know thinking that you're the chair of this this commission still and you know it's like yeah we we got an education process to get done here and there's nothing like a letter that says here's who we are this is where we this is where we reside every every month and this is where our rules are and if you want to do something this is kind of the discussion we're going to have about what you're going to do what you want to do and I think the sooner we get that out the better we are now you know the advantage of having a brochure like if we got brochures pened probably you know like the minimum run would to make sense would probably be maybe 500 to 4,000 maybe give some of those to the real estate agents and just real estate agents you'd have them at Town Hall Society the library yeah so um does anybody know graphic design artist that has Photoshop and might you know take three or four of our pictures and turn it turn it into something that looks like a nice brochure when you know I can ask somebody okay you know anybody uh I have to I'm sure I do like there's a application called canva that makes this stuff pretty easy yeah um so like I bet you wouldn't shot me through some high school kids or whatever they could do a pretty pretty decent job with it um have you used Cana I have actually it's remarkably Ian you have to have a certain facility you you have to certain base level I'm not a graphic designer though and I can with canva you can if you follow this you know kind of their lead you can kind of do stuff but doesn't look like you made it you you'd have fun with it you should get in there give it a try surprised I and my attempt to not have Photoshop I signed up for photor and what photor does it manipulates uh pictures it turns them into takes a picture turns it into a sketch you know that type of that's that type of translation and uh after messing around with it trying to get what I was looking for that's when I threw my hands up and said I need Photoshop and I don't have it so all right if within the next couple days if somebody says hey I know a graphic design artist I've taken several pictures of houses and you know there are more more pictures to be taken like we've taken cullins you know I would take a photo of the one burgundy colored house that's on the lower end of um the lemonster road yeah it's a gorgeous Place nicely done you know i' get down there and knock on their door and ask if I could take a photo use it in a brochure it's one of the prettiest houses that we have in town it's been nicely preserved you I I can do the photography work and I pretty good at that but not the lay out stuff yeah so you go into canva there's like they do have trifold templates and brochure templates yeah I would I I I would do it except I don't have time but that's another issue but yeah yeah I would rather find someone who even if we have to pay them I I say here because we actually do have money that's been unspent that's a mortal sin m and Grandma father my niece might be able to do it but she's on vacation till next one okay well I'd like to get it done sooner I just have one thing is um I'm not sure how I feel about keeping the existing widows in his existing widows yeah I wonder my spell are didn't where you at well because you spelled Widow correctly I know doors and windows where is it at it's under Windows uh the second sentence oh I see it I got it okay we'll fix that um the thing is in in uh first section c it says subject to time and size limits imposed by apdc is that the apdc or is that the village District by law you're thinking about oh there have temporary building conversation in the APD okay got yes it's in the like the mass size it's in both Village district and you know really it would be for an addition to no existing structure that we would get involved if it was a a freestanding structure on a vacant lot then the village District would get well this is tempor temporary building what is a temporary building like a trailer trailer or whatever yeah and that's in the APD this this is right out of the APD what I mean I cut and paste at it gotcha okay got it thanks then that's good okay um anything new on 50 Main Street we have we seen any movement uh is that the the church yeah I spoke with Rob Bowen uh this week um I went through a contract I talked to a contractor that I had experience working with and uh saw asked him if he could make any recommendations he had somebody who was interested in in looking at the job and so I think he has a couple options now and he's looking into those good good good made move to success and getting things fixed yeah okay anything else that needs to come before us a historical commission update okay well also I spoke with the owner at the corner voiding and uh Lancaster um is a gentleman and uh who bought a historic home in town and he's restoring he's interested in uh purchasing that home and restore it um and allowing her to uh continue to live there um I imagine rentree until she can get into El housing which she's been waiting for for over a decade um and uh she agreed uh she sounded didn't want somebody there's a lot of people that are trying to buy the house and flip it and uh she wants to make sure that the house is taken care of and preserved by someone that's going to take care of it properly um so she um agreed to talk to the gentleman about um buying it and preserving that house good so I I'm going to put them in contact and we'll see where that goes 763 Main Street the historical Commission has it under demo delay um the developer wanted to BU wants to build um I guess tow houses on the property he's the same developer that's um building them just down the street from there on right on Massa Corner um right across the street from the daycare M oh oh the old the former funeral home yeah oh so where is he what at 763 Main Street um he has has that that property the old funeral home so actually there the old funeral home that's that's I knew about that one but there's another property he no this is this is what we're talking about but the townhouses are building right across the street it's the same Builder I'm saying it's the same Builder that wants to build them on the property to tear the funeral home down and build them there also and he wants to build where else I'm oh on funeral home no the funeral home I know but what's this other location that's just down the street he's building some okay on a just a on a vacant lot a vacant lot next Old Farm House there before the guy former guy in of colleges house right so that's one and the same the guy that work last afteron yeah is the guy to gocha so Brian gingr the building inspector in in uh negotiated with the owner um and uh seems to have come to an agreement that he's going to uh parcel off 763 and sell it uh at a lesser cost um so that someone can buy it and Rehab it you're talking about the funeral home the funeral home then he's going to build the tow houses and property in front of that sounds like a good solution ran done some decent work on it but the uh the owner is in uh it's in demo delay and the the owner is supposed to supply us with a report um after 30 days from the Inception of demo delay and he hasn't done that so he's in violation of the by law president okay but uh but there's a chance it looks like that they will reparel this and then sell the other that's what I'm hearing yeah would be good is if we could get a you know uh so it's not going to do us any good to sell that other property if we don't get a deed restriction on it so that might be a good thing to get in the mix there so he Parcels it off that gets approved by the zba he builds the thing he sells the other properties say I we're going this and put up something else yeah the same person that wants to restore this house is interested in buying that restoring that also so yeah I would just if if you could would you mind talking do you understand what I'm saying about a de restriction I mean I think we should make that part of that deal like you get to get your thing you agree to a de restriction then then it good idea nothing owner it's just like you know don't you can't tell a right you can shoot the squirrels the rabbits you know you can cut the trees down the Dickinson's owned all the property along Northfield Road um and um the H I forget the house that's on the um Corner doctor owned that in the 1700s his daughter is the uh first one interred at North Cemetery um the house next to that there a small cottage kind of cool early 20th century Cottage um H it was called happy house because of happy Dickinson if I my my memory is correct used to entertain his female friends there but that's uh been undergoing demolition by neglect for uh you trying to drum up interest for the historic commission 15 years there's a lot ofes talk about the house um that's on the side of Northfield right yeah and it's got like a nice eyebrow window exactly you know and it's got a hole in the roof now oh that house is a that house is a gent for renovation yes um someone had mentioned to me that it was um the owner wanted to build um houses there so they were just letting it go until it can be torn down so what's the status now it's undergoing demolition by neglect the commission's going to write a letter um notifying that that's the case and and um yeah the current owner is not local they're in Massachusetts but they're not not it used to be the people live next door well last time I checked that property the address was some town in Massachusetts [Music] but um Mr laxo the vice chair of the commission has done quite a bit of work over the years for the commission recently um uh done all pretty much all the work to get a town survey um from Mass in a grant for Mass historical commission to do a townwide survey of the kill bur houses of which yours is one um and he's written a number of articles for lunenberg Ledger he was uh instituted the um the uh restoration of the Arnold L Cemetery number of other things he's uh retiring this is his last month so he's not going to be reappointed um there was a lot of discussion at that Tuesday night select board meeting about him and what when his term expires yeah because uh at that same meeting J pasio said I want to be appointed at histor commission but only if there's a vacancy and that set off this big conversation about uh whether the vice chair term ends in 2025 or it does end in 2024 and no one seem to have the answer correctly now on the website his term ends according to the web page for the story commission his term ends in 24 your term ends in 24 and a woman's name is it Megan or Marine yeah Megan Megan her ter ends in 2024 too so um so hers is up this month also and she wasn't reappointed I don't believe so so so you have at least one vacancy guaranteed um you did get reappointed one vacancy guarantee and maybe two depending on how they handle dat passos's request to be appointed to the historic commission um if there is a vacancy so they didn't reappoint him they did not okay yeah they in fact they were going to and then it was decided they were not the uh commission's um storing Town markers that are uh in the possession of the Historical Society I think there's three of them um and they used to be the uh that's how business was done you found out where where you were going you had go market that said Pittsburgh this way surely that way um so they have three of them and we have the research that shows where they originally were so we're going to be uh restoring those this summer and putting them back in place um with the help of the DPW um good reach Street Cemetery we're going to be restoring existing stone wall that's there and the uh and the gravestones we're making a replica of Levi good riches gravestone which was desecrated and destroyed um that's almost complete um so we'll be doing that this summer and then in the fall the cemetery commission's going to provide Field Stone to to uh uh build a wall around the two sides that don't have a wall so that the cemetery plot would be completely um surrounded the Lich cemetery is um on hold because the uh Cemetery had become part of uh one of the houses in the development's property in um 1953 or so um so there's um and the mortgage company owns the property so you have to deal with them in order to get the eement to go through there um to finish that to my understanding um Tom white survey we're in the process of um finishing paperwork that's required from Mass historical commission and we're getting uh then we have to put out a request to hire a um consultant to do the survey uh Hometown here we have a Hometown Heroes banners program you've seen those in other towns where military people are arounded on banners um on Telephone posts in town that'll be coming before the APD when it's ready um there's uh still a lot of people that talk to the telephone company and uh the uh the uh Banner program uh managers and town manager to and select board to get approval to go forward with that so we're working on that we we blessed them didn't we we did yeah yeah we did oh we already passed that yeah you might not have been here for that but we did and uh so that that's it at the Historical commission um we may have some vacancies um we're seeking young blood and enthusiasm as them to um take over the Reigns from the uh Elders on the commission while the elders are still there to be able to teach them what they need to know thanks Richard that's a good report guys a good word thank you but but it also reminds me of the fact that I think there's way too many committees in lenberg that are all kind of pulling and tugging at the same issues you know like us and the historical commission ought to be one group you know and like the green committee ought to be kind of in partners with the open space committee and the conservation committee it just blows my mind and then you know we have vacancies because you have so many committees that need volunteers I think I'm going to add up this is going to be one of the things I'm going to work on because I think the time is open committee is to add the amount the amount of people you need to fill all these commits it's staggering what the amount of positions yeah it's staggering and uh I and I understand your wife is no longer part part of the Parks Commission which I think is a huge loss for the Parks Commission uh she's she's still going to be working on to help the parks thing I think it's you know they they'll she'll she'll be helping them out still okay so it's all really good all right um no other comments uh can we make a 11 July meeting that's not a date that [Music] works I'm going I'm going on a cruise actually taking a ferry to the aisle of scholes in Forth New Hampshire and this is an alpha project Alpha program you familiar with that Alpha is the adult learning for the hburg area sponsored by the hburg State University they they have a program where they're going to give us a tour of the aisle of schols unfortunately the and it was originally scheduled for us of the par on July 10th but we heard yesterday from them that the faery people made a mistake and that they didn't have a fairy available to take us so they moved the date tentatively to 11 July now I'll have to find out first I have to find out if that if they have enough people signed up that can make the adjusted date and then um I think I'll be back by 7:30 but if not that may come if not this fit in your backpack I'm just saying yeah look good in the woods yeah okay on the zoom calls while driving I got a kids message called my granddaughter while was driving my wife listen to Happ all right so um we have iphone 2 on on on the call with us any comments or questions from if not um looking for a motion toour motion to Second say ibody