##VIDEO ID:W66AwWy7byA## call to order the meeting of the board of assessors today October 2 in the r building lower level in accordance with the requirements of the over meeting law be advised this meeting is being recorded the recording will be found at the lunber access YouTube channel after the meeting uh the meeting will be held in person here members of the public are welcome to attend this imperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance and our participation is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting will not be suspended nor terminated uh if the technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in this any specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly for reme participation from a computer please use the link I will read after you HT https col us02 w. zoom. usj 881 4266 3258 question mark password is capital O lowercase ba capital J lower B capital Q capital D lowercase BR R the number number one y capital J the number five lowercase n 28 uh lowercase i ZR uppercase D lowercase V uppercase CM o uux lowercase U Capital BTS those are all three capitals do one the meeting ID is 881 4266 325 and the pass code is 97211 from a telephone please dial the tollfree number 888 475 4499 and enter the webinar ID I just mentioned I'll read it again 881 4266 3258 pound sign if you've not registered for Zoom you we ask for a name and an email address no participant IDE is needed just press the pound sign and asked telephone users may use the star n to request to speak after joining the meeting computer and app users may use the raiseed hand feature to request to speak the agenda lists all topics which may be discussed at the meaning are those and are those reasonably anticipated by the chair votes may be taken as a result of these discussions not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by open meeting law I call us to order because we have a fairly large group and we have a lot of folks some folks potentially on Zoom we could all identify ourselves Sarah hammer Brian Leon chair John rabbit Linda McQuade Mary we have some guests but they don't have to induce themselves until they speak so I think we're okay there right yeah uh are there any Co opening comments from the board no mrman I do have some comments but I'd rather some of them may be addressed during the meeting so therefore I refer towards the end well we have comments at the end too yeah and uh and perhaps some of them go to when she when it's her turn that's all thank you and I have none uh any opening comments from the public No Hands raised I have one my name is Ron Coan I live at 232 Vine Street in Everett Massachusetts I'm past president of the mass assessors Association I am currently a member of the legislative Committee of the mass assesses Association and I am past president of middle sex and Essex County assesses Association here I to observe and potentially make some comments thank you very much any other public comment none uh should we skip through the status report and move right to the first order of business so we have some several guests uh the first order of business current business is to to discuss the potential change in roles and responsibilities of the assessor's office and the tax collector's office in preparing items for muness with the interim Town manager so perhaps you'd like to start you want come on up to the table please excuse just because you're not using our meetings introduce yourself my name is Teran zeni I am the interim Town Administrator I'm Ezekiel AWA I'm the finance director and the town account so thank you for having us this evening what we'd like to do uh is to have Izzy speak to the best management practice of separation of certain functions uh Council can speak to the statutes and I can speak to the uh time at which this would be triggered that sound like a good way to go and I'll ask a question now but I'm hoping that we can hold all questions until we're done or do you want us to ask questions as you go it it might be best if we went through a quick round of presentations and then my preference too but thank you okay uh absolutely so I'm to a board from the town it's been a little over seven months now um the I I found that it needs to be a segregation of Duties within Town Hall so between the treasury collector's Department in particular for this meeting and the assessor uh Department um so looking through the documents in the role and responsibilities of both department and their department heads um the treasur collector's department is in charge of the billing process however they need a commitment from the Assessor's Department in order to process the bills has to be a check and balances so I believe and it should be the the segregation that's where the line should be it's the report from the assessors they they create the commitment the upload to munit from the commitment that doesn't create the bill so they still processing the commitment once you up do the upload the treasurer's office in turn produces a report and the two um offices should balance to make sure there are any offsets any variables from there the treasurer's office takes it sends it off to the building company and produces the billing for the um for the and I think that I want to just drive what we see is the difference uh there's been a lot of talk about preparing the bill publishing the bill and so we see a distinction between the preparation of the data file which only the Assessor's Office has which is uploaded into the munus system and then the treasure collector taking it over from that point forward as Iz he said she prints a proof both sides look at it reconcile any differences and then the bills are printed and published and the obligation to print and publish the billing the the bills um is actually some of the statutes aren't quite as clear as we might all like them uh and what do will tell you is well wherever you place the money to print and publish the bills is who's responsible I mean that's the simplest term uh but I just want to you know that's kind of the dividing line as we see it uh is okay if we have a council speak feel free Adam yes Carter wants you to speak so so I I I've been I've been I'm presuming you can all hear me okay I've been sending messages so as to not interrupt that you're obviously not reading the screen because you're listening to whoever's speaking I can't hear virtually anything that anybody is saying I I I don't know who's in the room because I'm seeing the tops of three people's heads and I can't hear anything unless somebody gets Incredibly Close to the laptop and speaks very loudly so um I know somebody's been presenting for the past few minutes but I I I have my volume high as it goes and it's so muffled that even with a higher volume I I can't hear it so I don't know if it's an issue with the speaker system on your end or what it is but I apologize um Carter is there something you'd like me to address well uh Izzy was explaining the um not this that M segregation of Duties as he saw them and I was suggesting that where the issue lies is the difference between preparing a data file which only the assessors have access to and uploading that into the accounting software the treasure collector then prints a proof both sides review it reconcile it and then it is the treasure collector that has the responsibility to prepare print and mail out the bills I also noted that statutes aren as clear as we would like uh in fact d will tell you the responsibility to print and mail the bills can vary from town to town depending upon where the town puts the money for that function um I was hoping that you might speak to the statute uh and Charter as it impacts this issue um sure I can certainly do that I mean I think the reality I followed along uh the the the conversation the dialogue that's been had the emails that have been exchanged over over the past couple of weeks uh we did some independent research of our own I'll be cand and we found a lot of the same statutes a lot of the same legal guidance uh secondary sources DLS Publications and whatnot um that that others have found I mean there's only a certain body of certain certain body of law that addresses this issue and it's not all that broad the statutes themselves uh aren't specific as to and this is not unique to Municipal Finance or or tax collect the statutes aren't all that specific with regard to how the dayto day occurs the statutes are as they often are they higher level they discuss General Obligations Authority uh for completing tasks in in the larger scheme of things but don't don't get into the the particulars of the daytoday um how processing uh is done locally uh it's just not how it works it doesn't work in in in other Municipal contexts uh that way either um we found this reference uh I I I see it was cited to in some other correspondents to the 20 2022 ask DLS local tax collection uh guidance document the assessors commit the tax list and issue a warrant to collect the tax to The Collector after that the collector was responsible for sending proper notice of the local tax or excise due and then comes a language that seems to be uh somewhat somewhat U helpful the general laws did not specifically State who is responsible for producing the bills after a charter provision ordinance or bylaw setting forth the responsibility for preparing the tax bills the responsibility belongs to the collector or other department with funds budgeted for that purpose so again there's a there's there's a difference here afforded to the home rule authority of municipalities through the charter provision through their bylaws or other regulations uh to dictate how uh how the individual municipality is going to function as it relates to um preparing the tax bills or preparing the data file prior to the actual production and mailing of the tax bills um as left of the municipalities and in in in lunberg you're governed by a charter so I guess you have that Advantage many communities aren't and so there's no there's no governing document to look to uh your Charter is quite heavily places The Authority in the hands of the administration Town manager uh Provisions state that the town manager has uh complete authority to supervis direct and be responsible for the efficient coordination of all of the fiscal and financial business of the Town um talks about the director of Municipal Finance who of course is a town manager appointee who is responsible for the management of the day-to-day financial affairs so um again the authority is vested in the in the town manager to determine how the day-to-day functions within within Municipal governance and again that's not unique to to Municipal Finance same rules apply in other Municipal context if we're dealing with you know land use for example um the the rules are the same under under Lunen BG's Charter um but I I I think that you know car r I've spoken a bit and I think that you know the Nuance here even as it relates to those Provisions that I just read uh the Nuance here is we're not I don't think that the suggestion is that the assessor's office ought to be uh preparing and mailing the actual tax bills themselves I think the suggestion that has been put forward is that the data file would be created by the assessors and that the uh the tax collector would then perform that function of of actually creating the bills themselves and assuring that they can mail and that is that latter part is certainly consistent with uh my experience and in other municipalities and it sounds like is consistent with the guidance um that was provided by by Jim Crowley and by others at at at do can I ask question um is that yeah you finished for now okay I just have a clarifying question Adam are you saying that the production of the data file um comes from basically the warrant that we issue there's a data file and then it gets handed off to the tax collector is that what you're saying uh I'm saying that that level of specificity is not contained in any statute that I'm aware of it's not contained in any secondary guidance document that I'm aware of uh that is determined municipality by municipality I don't have a lot of personal experience with that because I don't get involved in in those details uh as Town Council and any of the communities that we represent and we represent over three dozen communities um but I I I know a bit about it and I know that it's not done the same way in every one of the communities that I represent and I don't have any history in lunberg I mean I have a lot of history in lunberg but not with this particular issue and so for the for the eight or nine years that we've been Town Council lenberg I I don't know what how it's historically been done um before you were um slated a comment here did you talk to other communities to see how they do it traditionally handing off the data is that a question to me yeah no okay thank you so what I if I can summarize just a bit I I heard that it's clear that the assessor's office is responsible for the commitment and warrant and handing that off to the collector is that correct yes so the format in which that is handed off today we send a file corre that is created by our camera system by by Vision so at that point I think our our steps are done there the the the in information that we got was at that point we will need to start setting up some potential uh counts and codes and we don't think that that is appropriate to the assessor's office so I think the the question is really where's that cut off and if we have to become experts within the assessor's office on all different kinds of yeah as aspects thank you for somebody spit that out for me of the of financial system uh it's it's sort of a we have a lot of other things to do and we don't have the time the resources to do all of that work so the question is really what is that cut off um you mentioned upload well we certainly already do uh here's here's the file and that file is accessible at that point and then have ADD it so anything beyond that nobody thought we were supposed to be actually sending the bills I don't think no nobody nobody interpreted it that far down the line but the question is really how far into munus our financial system should the Assessor office have to get that's the first question so we'll we'll start with that one and does anybody have any feedback or any comments on that I ask to uh the setting up of the accounts uh annually that's the finance director's role that's not the ass's role so I just want to clarify that you're you're not expected to create accounts because I would have an issue with that on my end because that cause that causes a fraud R off for the town so if you have one person within the system with too much power you can set up y your own accounts you can um my concern you can have the data file you can take it and you can manipulate the file however you need you can upload the file and then you can send the bill so it's it's strategically we should separate it so the finance director sets up the accounts the commitment comes from the assessor so in order for the commitment to come from the assessor instead of handing over a file it should be uploaded into munus because within the system it creates a commitment book and the U treasure collector is unable to produce the billing without the commitment book so what the treasury collector does she takes the commitment book from the system cross references it with the Assessor's Department as a fraud control so from there the bills are if there are any edit set to be made what have you and then the bills go out and then at the other end when I do my reconciliation as a finance director I balance with both the assessor and The Collector good so you said something key in there um you we there needs to be an upload of that information into munus on some of the motor vehicle excise tax things the instructions that we got showed us how to set up an account that didn't yet exist necessarily we should not be doing that we should not have to be touching that so I think what you said sort of reinforces what I was thinking on that piece of the of the work okay um okay um car if I may that brings us to the timing oh not yet okay oh we're not there yet I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt you yet um so I want to make sure that we know what who's doing what with what file so we currently send you uh warrant and a commitment and it comes in a file how does that get into mutus it needs to be uploaded into un that's it's file upload see Rea first please Reena squee um I have worked now in five communities I have 30 years in the assessing exper experience and you know I've been in assess for 30 years um in all the communities I've been been in the all in mostly Vision communities what I have done was I work with vision we get the file ready I put in any changes lot splits new owners all that I get the file ready I work with Vision on it what vision and I do is basically um install the file on my system and then I turn that entire file over to the tax collector that's all I do is prepare it prepare the commitments and um turn it over I don't do anything in munice that was done by the text collector so I it's it's clear that we're we're really discussing something that's very narrow and that is who does the upload into munus and what kind of munus expertise would we have to have in order to do that upload uh did you want to speak Braun yeah could I Braun Cohan I have 30 years experience in the assessing field also um I've never as past president I've never seen any community that is doing what's being proposed in my 30 years uh I just wanted to clarify a little bit when you're talking about real estate and personal property okay the assessors once they finalize and the board of assessors votes to those values they then turn it over to the treasurer collector and I'm not sure exactly the in the town to issue to to balance then the assesses give them the warrant and at that point because they've got the file they've balanced it out motor vehicle excise is different the assessor's office gets the file from the RMV right so we do nothing with it other than basically pass it on pass it on right we do absolutely nothing with the RMV file other than commit a commitment right the uh the warrant I'm sorry which you signed it's a which we' signed we do all thank you we've done all those steps so it's really we're coming down to as I said a very narrow window of at what point does that handoff officially take place and you're suggesting that we should upload to munus as opposed to give you the file and let you upload to munus which is the financial system not the assess system system so go ahead I will say within the munus software if you go through the database the the part where you do the up it's under the assessor module okay I I will say that that's that's specifically labeled as part of the assessor both motor vehicle and property it's on the property is under the piece under the assessors the treasurer has their own SE gr treasure I believe it also has setting up the charge accounts under that too which is something that we wouldn't do well setting up the charge accounts it's on the other side on the G or tax share settings and all that that's that's under assessors too so it it gets muddy muddy it does it's okay Carter so I think we've had different experiences um Reena and the gentleman behind me have one set of experiences uh and I have a set of experiences over my way too many years at this point uh in which the model is exactly as I've described what it comes down to is what constitutes turning over the file the idea that you put it on a disc or you put it on thumb drive and you turn no it is the responsibility in my experience for the assessors to turn the file over if you will by uploading it into the system the treasurer then prints a proof Compares that with the assessor and they resolve any differences that appear and then the treasure takes the system over after that so I know you've been in several communities but we checked with one of the communities that you in and that was not the case which one was that boxboro and and I was there too and I did I the assessor there would disagree with me but that's okay also in boxboro and we spoke with the assessor I was the inter in boxor never did it and and I did contact the tax collector that I worked with because it had been some time since I was in boxb and he clarified to me no Linda you you literally gave me the file you sent it to me in email and then I did the rest so he and his name is Jony we worked together so I didn't do anything with the file other than right send it to him by email and then he did the rest in data and including both and you may not have had to be involved with any of that so you may not have known but that was what the process was that they were using underneath you I can only tell you what the assessor was working there now told me uh Ron if I may again uh in follow up to what your assessa just said Linda um the igrs and the law are also very explicit that it is permissible for an electronic file I just wanted to make sure everybody knew that because it sounded like true you know an electronic file on a CD or what is well CD I'm sh my agent uh real sorry so as long as we're not on ATX so an electronic uh they' change the law I believe it was four years ago to put electron that wording in there to make sure everybody that is permissible now so you could presumably put it into one drive and then link it put it into a flash drive walk over to him hand it to him that's right that is legal actually the last couple days we w't go reading that so so it doesn't need to get lost on a thumb drive it can just go right right oh when I was here as the interim not this past um billing period but the one prior to that I worked with vision we uploaded um the file to my system I emailed it to um my that's as far as I went I never touched hums so that actually brings up another comment that I wanted to make in we used to have we didn't have the model that we have today we had we have the principle assessor today in the past we did not we hired that out since we've adopted the principal assessor model not one not one of the assessors have have uploaded that file to Unice so it feels like this is a big change a lot more responsibility for this office that is already vastly understaffed um so I'm a little concerned about a the decision at all and B trying to implement that decision in a in a reasonable time um so and you know what is that going to cost us well it's not in her contract so we're going to have to renegotiate her contract so she puts that in the file I don't think that makes sense um but that's just me so you guys can any any feedback that you have on that I would be happy to happy to speak to the uh timing issue uh I came to a decision that to trigger this now when we're looking at the possibility of switching software also while we haven't yet been able to land that administrative Sy system uh was not a good use of anyone's time and so we have decided that we would trigger this after the long-term decision has been made as to what software it is going to be uh Vision uh no longer supports this current software after the spring of next year munus munus I'm sorry um apies and munice is pushing people towards the cloud so whether or not we upgrade and go to that system or we switch to another vendor Vadar is one possibility there's a few others but in this state it's primarily munis and Vader uh it makes the most sense to wait until that decision is made so we're training hopefully two people uh at the same time on the new software so this change won't happen for a while a while be measured in months or measured in weeks or measur in years uh probably measured in months okay I would say um something on the order of six plus or minus because a final decision has to be made if we go with another vendor we've got to get on their book they then schedule a training team and a deployment team to come in um so I I think we're looking at six plus or minus months before that occurs so that's kind of a relief being our current our current Staffing situation um I still have a concern and that is if you're going to make a change to the process that we've been using for the last several years I would really want to that decision to be made by our permanent uh Town manager whenever that person is hired so so implementing something like this on a temporary basis potentially temporary basis because they may reverse it uh it really doesn't make any sense to me so even if it is implemented in 6 months I would really want to postpone any decision on a change of process until we have a new town manager but that's just me it's not just you um I'm of that opinion as well I agree with that next yeah oh you want to go first you want to the and we we have a we got a line I guess I'm bothering first of all that we don't have any H charts that we could look at I really am saying hey where the interface where the where the files that we talked to where are the vulnerabilities we don't do that here we don't have a work breakdown structure meaning who does what and what is the timing this is this is using a this is a cluster if you know what I mean right and to cause a change in an environment like that you you're looking at a mega mess right so before we make any of those steps shouldn't we at least first document what we're doing and how we're doing it and what files we're talking to we should be documenting our current state before we shift this this is this is another catastrophe waiting and so I'm thinking if you can get that all done in 6 months if you can do the flows you can do the processing you can do the procedures and the and the current state procedures uh that would be great that gives you a half a chance of making a change it doesn't blow us up so that's my my part Tom you were next unless I wanted to comment no I don't know about you want to come closer so we make sure Pi you up so this is a unique position because I'm the Le but tomono 284 Lancaster Avenue so I'm also on the select board so along the Lea Zone I don't usually like to get involved in the meetings but this is a kind of a special case so um I just want to just point out some things that one of the questions I had but has already been answered which is okay they're looking for a process change clearly this isn't the first year we've ever sent out uh motor vehicle excise taxes so this has been done only probably 50 to 100 years ago so there must have been a w this was B done and then I think the chair indicated and other other people on at the table indicated how it was done so I will and then hearing uh the interim Town manager speak that this would be delayed by 6 months so that releves I think immediate pressure but there are few things I want to bring up that I think are important first of all I don't think it's a catastrophe I think it's a process change and I think all process changes especially those in involving elected boards have to be done in conjunction with those boards and they really although Authority may exist to make top- down decisions it is generally my opinion that those never go well uh so they always should be in conjunction with the boards and really put out into the future and I think that's what's already been discussed that needs to happen who how it's done uh as an IT person with professional and I put professional quotes It software because the last 10 months have had me consider otherwise um what we're talking about the handoff of a file I am assuming and just please by a simple yes or no I'm assuming what comes out of vision is a standard formatted file and if you did it next year with the same software it would come out presumably in the same format and if there are format changes you would know them well in advance and those fields get mapped into a database which also presumably has noted feels and the mapping is really just a simple you should drop it into a folder that folder should be a hot folder that gets processed and put into it that should be what we're discussing as some big process change to me is really a fact of modern software that should be eliminated like this discussion shouldn't be Happ because it should cost nobody anytime if the systems are set up right to do that once the file is generated it should be put in and there should be an ingestion process that it just looks at the file and unless there's format errors should easily go through and it should literally take less than a half an hour and that's generous should take 15 minutes so that whatever we choose in the software going forward really needs to be done because then this becomes a mood Point as for the process itself being listed of course if anybody been following the board the select board meetings I have asked for that and I think that is in the process where we have standard operating procedures so that people aren't guessing uh I think it's been understood in the past and that history goes forward but as you lose people who were here a long time as Logan said in one of his you know talks public comment to the board when you lose that institutional knowledge as people who've been here for 40 years and 30 years leave then nobody knows what really they were doing because it wasn't written down because everyone just assumed that we knew what we were doing because they worked here so long and we need to change that I mean that is institutionally what needs to change and so I hope that going forward is really where we get to so that our standard operating procedures all these things happen every year on a certain calendar time every year it should be not a world of guess from anybody how we get from the beginning to the end of the process and if somebody new comes in it should be written so that everybody new knows it as well so those are my comments Mr chair thank you for letting me speak one one comment I'd like to thank the board for taking on the job description uh organization chart standard operation procedure process cuz that's absolutely crucial to be uh continue functioning in the 21st century thank we're getting to the 21 I think it's long overdue and you know without I mean again there were other things going on in the town over the years that had preempted it but now I think it is really risen to the highest priority so thank you Ron you were next yeah if I may on the comment that you just made sir about the formatting of the file both motor vehicle excise and real estate and personal property the format is dictated by the state so it it is take the file drop in anytime there's a problem with the file it's generally generally the munus system calling a spade is Spade okay uh that's just a clar so you understood that uh the question I would have is uh when is your budget process start well short we're nearly ready to start right so at best at best case you're looking at based on what you said this not taking place until fiscal 27 because you got to do the budget process then you got to award the contracts and everything so you're probably talking a year and a half away based on what you said Sarah um I think we're looking closer to 6 to n months because if we switch software munici will stop supporting our version in the spring March I believe uh so Our obligation our burden will be either to renew the munus somewhere in the early spring and stick with them or to run naked for a few months uh and to convert to a new software vendor uh at the end of this fiscal year I don't like to switch software in any part during the fiscal year um which is my point I've never seen that go well I think we're all in the court on that yeah yeah so I mean I think we're looking at 6 to 9 months here at this point you know six if we end up staying with munus because if we're going to stay with munus and go to the club there's no point in what I call running Running Bear they're not going to support it if we're going to have a new vendor come in and deploy their software in July then you got April May and June and you kind of cross your fingers and and hope for the best I ask a question who's deciding whether we St munist or not um we've been having uh user assessments with the staff okay know anybody who's a heavy user within the system so taking that feedback in conjuction with the town manager and then the select board because it's my understanding people have quit over how many years yes okay yes so we we are heavily um having the US users to we come back I I would just add if I may it's it's kind of what you said is not necessar inaccurate but I would add a very qualifying word they've quit because of our implementation and the poor upgrade of our Implement our implementation mun not munus itself there are other communities that use munus and it's going fine so it's what something happened here in the upgrade a year ago and or now a little more than a year ago and despite all of our calls to them they have not been able to correct it so thank you imagine that you have a of something from 2018 and the new one's issued in 2020 but you don't upload it and the new one's issued in 22 and you don't upload it my understanding is you were a number of uploads behind and try to Leap Frog but should have been a cons a sequential process you try to Leap Frog all that now In fairness to munus when it's working well in the hands of well-trained users there are many communities across this state that that like it um there are also many communities across the state that like Vader and there's some others the only thing I can guarantee you is that no matter what software system is somebody's not going to like something about it that I can guarantee you right now that has changed so we're running Windows XP just to be clear and also for for those people listening Mr chair I also wanted to be known that we did I shouldn't say we we needed to get on the latest version We the town of lunenberg had no hand in the upgrade itself that was all done by the developers of munis itself okay it was I believe it was their error that Leap Frog and didn't go through all the sequential upgrades that should have happened and by going from a really old one to the very new one that process that was missed in the middle did modifications that the end product did not catch and that's what caused the the database errors and the form errors that we've been seeing and it was done just before the bills went again not a great time to do I will say U from what I've heard from everybody uh who's heavy munus user when the upgrade happened there was no proper training as well so all the modules may have stayed the same the screens are all different you have to go through different task you have to go through different uh windows and nobody was show how to do what they needed to do which is uh unacceptable and we've should we switch or even if we upgrade units we've set aside what 10,000 yes to bring training teams in in addition to what might be involved in the package they offer us and one of the things we'll be looking at is going forward software resource policy that dictate that you cannot fall more more than one version behind that means you have to upgrade we cannot say no we're not doing it no we're not doing it no we're not doing it and all of a sudden years go by and you're way out of date even if the company is saying they're supporting it we should make sure that they're upgraded that also uh speaks to the argument uh some of the other software venders there are no longer server versions of those you must go to the cloud now for vision that cost you extra money and a lot of communities have chosen to save that money well the problem is that when it's in the the cloud if we ever find that cloud hopefully it's got a nice silver lining for us uh that responsibility is always theirs it's their job to keep all of those things updated when it's on our server right it's our responsibility so I think that whether we stay with mun we go to Vadar and I'm sure there's other systems out there they just happen to be the only two in this state that I know um I mean they're probably the primary they have the greatest Market penetration across the state um I suspect we'll be in the cloud no matter what happens so I will tell you that I actually visited the cloud it's south of of uh Phoenix it's about 45 Acres of servers uh at least one small corner of the cloud well hopefully the backup is not in North Carolina when you say that there's when you say there's no server version I will say from an IT perspective there's a t-shirt that I wanted to get all of my all of my employees that said the cloud is just someone else's server ex exist on the server R you have a car in a hot place requiring air condition you know everybody's talking the cloud and that's that's true all of our software be it V be it munus be it uh Vision be it they're all going to the cloud right so it's not and and I didn't didn't want anybody to think that they're just against the cloud no that they don't have a choice everybody's going there we're all up against right and for that reason we should all for those believe we should all pray because it makes it from again from a tech point of view it makes it super insecure yeah right right do we have anything more to address on this one we know that we won't be implementing anything for at least 3 to six months maybe six to nine months I'm thinking more of six to nine months and um as I had said I would hope that we wouldn't make a process change until we have a permanent uh person that will longterm be responsible for that decision uh I will give consideration to that sir you have every Authority I wanted to say you have every authority to make whatever changes you want to the administrative stuff and that's the only thing I can tell you is that even when I've been in in rooms either through inertia or my great wisdom so I think it's probably inertia no town has rolled back any of the changes that we've been implemented we try hard to not uh make long-term decision decisions that the culture of the incoming Town manager might change at the same time we have decisions we need to make you know we have a police chief to hire we can't just leave that hang right uh we have other things to get done and so um for instance in Grafton the minute I knew who the incoming ta was going to be I immediately started emailing to try to you know CCT his thought so I was bringing him into the process this is not going to happen overnight uh We've made arrangements for the uh preparation of the data files between now and when this change is made and I think that there's going to be quite a bit of lead time um that will help uh make this a little bit smoother we hired it out with arpa funds back in the in the well they call it spring whatever it was um okay well what I would say you know it's not a it's not a binary decision I I don't want to wait for the a permanent Town manager before we start I think Carter is certainly and and eie is certainly able to start the process and the dialogue with you and and the department to see what that would look like in preparation of now when the final decision actually gets made that is certainly up for discussion but there's no reason not to have right the discussions and have a process in place that somebody start may want to implement at that moment instead of starting from the scratch then so I just want to be clear I I ended up the interim in Templeton for four and a half years let's hope that's not the not because we don't like you let I understanding the group's working hard they've got community Paradigm I've worked with them um they got me out of grafted on time uh boxboro was delayed by a number of months so um I I think they got a great team in terms of the screening committee uh Bernie Lynch John petran uh very skilled recruiters I I think you're indecent I think you're in decent shape overall and I think having an interim Town manager is and I mean Carter's been excellent so far and it's Way Beyond back in the day when we lost the town manager where there was no interim Town manager and the select board resumed their role as prior town for 3 years okay it will not take us 3 years to get a town manager I promise you you have some incentive I don't know I can't I have to look at the dates I try not I probably blank out those three years after Bill uh yeah after there was an interim after Bill oh yeah there was a six-month there was a six-month appointment and then the person who was supposed to be the permanent resigned after 6 months I wish you could get this to which is a good advertisement for him but you know I think's very but he's probably one of the best in the states um does anybody have anything further on this subject the only thing I want to let you know is that the staff meets every two weeks the finance team meets every week uh we'll continue to keep you updated through your staff uh and this is not an imminent change and has been done with some forethought uh and we'll be done with careful thought as we move forward it's not going to serve this fell any to leave you know clean up on a 5 is one of the members of the school committee referred to it right right uh what is the expectation for how long the select board is going to take to put together the dve descriptions process flows whatever well we are not doing the actual work as you can probably IED that right so it has been handed down through the town manager's office to the department heads for them to work with their each department and they'll be responsible for working with the HR Director uh to you know work in conjunction with them to come up with all the job descriptions and the or chart so it'll be a concerted team effort and it needs to be because there's not going to be any one person who's going to know all the positions right the just so you know the board's goals were distributed to all department heads this morning they were asked now to craft their Department level goals that can help Drive the Fulfillment of the board's goals and uh you know the employees underneath them need to develop their goals that help Drive the success of the department head that helps Drive the success of the select board uh we also um have put together a team we had three staff members uh really quite gung-ho on this uh We've it's um Annie Aubrey um Samantha Tucker Logan oconnell is it know last yeah and uh we added Amy and we added a fourth member uh they've been given an hour each week to work on this um and it takes it takes a while it it takes a while it's you know you're looking frankly at a two to three year process to get through all this and then you have to drive that culture change through the people that are there I will say that I think for me we didn't talk about time frame it will take time certainly and it'll take Beyond this fiscal year I do not wanted to go beyond much beyond that because I think it's within reach to do even with the people we have and there it's not like it's not like we we don't have 10,000 employees we have like 200 and something I think some of them have the similar roles like if you look at the police department a police officer the police officer that knocks up some people and you know there are obviously different ranks there that need to have different descriptions but we should be able to do it you know and and and it sounds like we have enough energy behind it so yes that's great thank you but as I said at the goals last night setting the goals is one thing making sure this progress is the real work so I one more please okay through you have your monthly Financial team meetings weekly oh you meetting every week now okay could we start seeing what's coming out of them I mean the state I we going to call it for once a month and they have a certain list of things that they would like to see reviewed can we get the minutes of that we maintain minutes of why not because we don't feel that we need to you have a long conversation about multiple issues don't you we do there's probably a half a dozen issues that we touch upon and you create agreements during that meeting there those meetings there's work assignments and so why wouldn't those be recorded why wouldn't become available to us the staff meetings aren't recorded they're not public meetings under thew I believe it's not what's that wrong oh I'm sorry it's the staff meetings are not binding they have the there's no open meeting like that but generally the organizations and and ourselves we're interested in what's happening within the the town meeting and what could be affecting us why wouldn't and for that matter general meeting prot call every place I've been if you have a meeting uh there's something that comes out of it whether it's assignments or you know completion schedules or events upcoming events why wouldn't we be seeing that I I just you have a staff representative at those uh meetings and we rely upon the staff we we rely upon the staff to bring things down to us and rely upon the staff to bring things up to us uh and um you know if if your staff uh uh I mean I have all the confidence given this discussion here tonight uh in L's ability to convey the things that are going on I was going to say that we have been hearing what's been happening she's been giving us a review but we don't know what's happening in the other parts of the organization that I'm I'm not sure she generally aware be public should be aware of the health of their town right and the activities within the town then I would welcome you I'll send you the link to the administrator's weekly report okay we'll take that it's not as expansive but I'm not going to change till the permanent Town that's but yeah we would like see what's happening inside from an organization at this point the best uh way is the link that I'll send you to the administrator's weekly reports it gives you a a broad brush overview okay thank you thank you yeah start I don't really think we want to go much further with that conversation but thank you very much for offering that anybody else have any other comment to make I'll as before we move on to the next or move back to the last item thank you all very much I this this was a really fruitful conversation I really appreciate you all taking the time making the effort and uh helping us clarify where we stand sure Mr chair I'm sorry um did you have a hand behind my back I didn't well before our interim manager card goes um there was some feedback we might be expecting on more articles oh oh yes U well you submitted initially I which um 41d and 17f you supplement that with 17 e we initially we gave you didn't we submitted we if you I went back and looked at the meeting because you commented on and there were four articles that we had approved sir if something happens at your meeting and it isn't communicated to our office we did not have it in time for war that would be a flaw so the discussions that I'd had even prior to the warrant where I believe it was 41d and 17f subsequently subsequently that was amended to add e which we've done we went ahead and did that e was in the first enf and 41d were in the first ones and we had a meeting on September 4th discussing them we specifically asked for 177e and 17f to be sent to Town Council to be reviewed to help us come up with the limits for 17d and we had a separate written article for 41d that was submitted and a and a as well well a we didn't need to do because 17f um come through 41 D 17 e and 17f are in the warrant as you requested timing setting aside they're there you asked for it we made that happen the summary explanation is as written by your um staff I I have some concerns about it I've shared those that was what's going what's going into the booklet what's going into the booklet is as presented thank you thank you if I might during the meeting we wrote we did 14 41A and based on it was 8% we went down to six it was by Design we did not know about the 2005 where they came in and the town approved 4% right we voted on the six we approved the six either we unvote that as a group or we consider the fact that 4% is pretty low right now when we established the 6% it was basically running about the average rate for [Music] mortgaging he didn't have any changes that's that's all I was bringing up because but that was in an email the only point I want to make is voting in your meeting does not constitute giving the office of the select board information right from my time from my time starting all conversations were about 41d and 17f subsequently I was asked to include 17 e which we did easy peasy yeah and and the summary of that article is being put into the booklet as written by your staff I have concerns over it I've shared those but I am using what your staff did we gave me put it in we did but we found that we Kathy made this attention we didn't put it in because Kathy Kath 4% changed to 4% and then the last meeting you said so that was not communicated even though we Cy KY find that before this was from the town Clark and this is the date this is September 5th okay we had voted we had said look we want 6% right when did Kathy wanted to reduce it from 8 to six 8 to six yeah and this this was actually you guys in 2005 or excuse me 2006 it was reduced from 8 to 4% so the only question two things that we we missed I think one was was did the 41A get communicated to Carter but You' gotten this note yeah so didn't communicate the 41A to him no because it wasn't did the 16 177e get communicated to Carter or not yes if that's the case then you must have missed it because you only gave us back the F and the only because e came after that now if you have a chance no no no no your initial communication was both all three of those then it got lost in a draft and that's okay f it so you know I I don't really think we need to argue about it for very long in any event just it's there and if you had a chance to watch the select board meeting last night we have a committee that was struggling a bit and the first thing we said is why we work with you yeah we redrafted that this morning and I have a this is great yeah you know so when have an issue just let us know what it is and we don't have to necessarily agree with you but it is always helpful if we can provide some input on the language to shape it in a way that we think is most favorable to getting it approved and we'll meet the test of Statute right so where we stand today I think we're all on the same page yeah we are in our committee need to figure out what page we should have been on because but we we will have that discuss okay my past experience has been exactly as you said car that basically in the past if we had some warning change the last minute after Adam we went and made the changes and that happened last year so but that's the point of it is we have to come back and look at because during our conversation Sarah we worried about the cash flow implications to the town yes but and now we're going down and we're saying wait wait you're addressing me so I'm going to address you not have you talk over me so um we had our 41A discussion I said that I wanted us to review things and discuss things and possibly revoke it um because we were missing one of our members um during that time over email there's a discussion about how we didn't actually need that because it was already by Statute and then We additionally found that it was already approved and at our last last meeting we discussed that and said that great we don't need to put a warrant through it it's it 4% we're done we're just doing 177e 17f and 41d that happened at the last meeting so I'm confused why we're still discussing this are you done yeah now I am okay thanks sorry okay so when we had our first meeting can I can I ask a question is there really need for all these folks to sit through publication of the Town that's where saying the warrant is open year round yes the select by Charter make a notice of it's open and it's closed but if you or any citizen out there has a 10 citizen petition they can turn it into the town court tomorrow it goes in a file and it's held until the next warrant is prepared right so if you have something like this get it done early don't be if you can avoid it don't be crashing up against waiting for this notice to come in and then you know saying did somebody hit the send button at 400 p.m. when the office closed at 5: and I just I just want to make sure you understand we're there for you year round on these kinds of I really appreciate that and and and understand that completely thank you very much have a good evening folks you're all welcome to stay thank you we nor finish at 10 or 10:30 so it's not being broadcast live so say goodbye to council thank you very much Mr chairman if I might finish uh can we take breath sure let's L my concern is the town will becom the bank and that's not the intention so that's a that's a item that we could talk about on the agenda is that what you're trying to talk about now you're trying to move on I was trying to get Carter involvment because he was he I believe was a keeper of the whole thing and I didn't understand that we can continue and we if we want to make modifications to go back to the original 6% there okay but we W able to get into this warrant because this warrant the warrant's still open we can make modifications up to the up until the last minute we can change things on the town floor absolutely not going to print it all has printer or something right that would cause headaches for the people at the meeting confusing and I thought well okay's item on current business is exemption warrant articles for ftown meeting so we can jump ahead so we're all set with that the we have the three warrant articles that we wanted we have the fourth warrant article that we're going to discuss now that was the the 41A okay okay so is that okay you all said it's fine thank you thank you Mr Rober I suspect you have something to say thank you sir thank you and what prompted me to think about the differences between the eight and the four and the six was a really good point that Sarah brought up during that meeting we had our first discussion with regard to the impact of the talent on the cash flow you Rec call Sarah we had that conversation and the issue was okay right now all the banks out there are playing with 6% if we offer folks the chance to get on board at 4% where we're going to be essentially undercutting the banks and I don't think we want to be I don't think we want them coming to us because they get a better rate and the town has to pick up the other 2% DS that was my thought and that's my concern and I'm thinking if we decided that we are going to stay for that stay up that 4% then we might want to have I believe we have to do another vote to say yes it's going to be 4% I think it was a casual conversation Maybe I'm Wrong Maybe I'm Wrong do we have a vote on May I on what on the 4% the six no you you voted no no you voted on the six versus 8 right we voted six subsequently we've discovered that it's at four now let me just feed a couple things back we are not competing with banks right we don't banks will not give out a loan at 6% so that somebody can forego their taxes which is a small percentage of what their home value is really small percentage so literally it's less than 1% it's about 1.4% at 1410 so banks are not we're not competing with anybody it's as far as cash flow is concerned there's there's no difference in the cash flow until we actually collect the money at the end of whatever period it is when the person sells for whatever reason dies estate sale whatever it is so we are not competing with X so it's not like we're competing with X we need to not we need to disab ourselves of that as a thought process um having said that are you making a motion that we opt to increase from 4% to 6% I'm asking for a discussion that so we'll discuss it if it's an open I would move that we basically consider maintaining the original 6% that we had voted to I'm open way it's not maintaining it's 6% from the current floor to you have to make a motion you're moving to increase the current rate that we charge from 4% to 6% 41A honestly I don't know because you think that'll sell better no it'll sell worse it'll sell worse the in was to keep people in their house as much as we possibly can so why would you want to increase that rate uh because I don't want maybe I should say this should did I hear a second second okay there no second then guess what m point it's a thank you we'll move on I think what happened was Cathy had come across us after and this whole thing has been just to find all these articles it's been a tremendous amount of work as I mentioned to you and I will mention to our select board member we found a problem with our zooming where residence a and residence b square footage is was reversed sometime about 19 years ago and we're still it's still on books yes has that been brought up I brought to someone's attention I brought it to the pl board I brought it to the land use director I brought it to uh Logan um and I I don't know if you've mentioned it to Carter I didn't really go into great deal detail with Carter because we're still researching it I brought within the last two weeks okay and I checked up in the office today and they haven't done anything but so we will follow up on that but there are things that have happened over the years like the 4% that we sort of lost track of until we went back and researched it so this this zoning thing is something else I think that no one noticed because it was an error but it's been an error it's been on that looks for time so um okay can I add I believe that has affected some of the citizens I don't know there's no way to know if it's affected anybody I know that's correct but we know examples of where people Subs property based on misinformation from or the correct information from the town but the wrong information then our bylaws I don't know I don't figure out so so my question to you was is there going is there a potential legal liability I don't know we won't know until we done more research anyway um it's okay if you want join the meeting you can no I I think she's going to leave so I don't blame you don't you have somebody to go pick up yeah somebody picked her [Music] up yes dear is the right answer thank you thank you both for your contribution in earlier discussion it was easy one to get through once we finally figured out where we were we're in a better place now and you have my EXA yeah we have copies of those those thank you very much so I think we have no more conversation about the exemption of Warrant articles for town I think we have no more discussion on the potential changes in rules and responsib we're going to go back to the Assessor's report thank you very much appreciate 27 before we may be forced to make a decision sooner than we want to that's right but you got all those other parts of the puzzle right I I I really think it's going to be physical 27 thank you thank you great seeing you all thanks again you're welcome I'll call you okay so it's us against you huh um anything particularly right to cover in your report um it's been busy as you know uh I have uh completed in munice I entered in all the hero act uh abatements for the Lo vehicle so these were for all the 22 e that are now qualify under the uh the hero act they they'll get back the F of vehicle there was 26 of them because some of them some of them actually got already if they got an abatement for the full amount I couldn't process that so I do have the commitment for all of those so that we can issue those jump in ahead of the signature thing and sign it now or you want to wait do um if you want to yeah we can do that let's do that since that's a subject you want to cover and I have these all right here that was a big one cuz I was trying to get that done Tom this is when it gets boring okay you you are welcome to stay you the Mets around do you guys have the ability to lock up um no we don't so still how are we going to do that if you put the key back and put it in my mailbox or something I'll drive it right up to your house wake you up hey Tom copy this if you want me regulations that get screwed up well that's as of the 19th so we got to go back and do some research before we go beyond that I'm going to make sure it's the right one well thank thank you okay so we can't make Tom stay for the rest of this Mee no I like making me look at Joe she's here too she can na there are two parts to the hero act though right uh I have it with me yeah the hero act's uh 178 okay adds two new local options that increase certain veteran mer mounts and changes on how you deter ility M vehicle that was the the two pieces is that what that was that's two EV tax exemption did you add those did that F in and changes to eligibility for motor vehicle exemption for ventur with service connected disability there were two parts to that yeah this is what you gave us yeah I gave you that last one yeah I'm just reading it because I was just taking care of the motor vehicle at this point what was that one it said they must be accepted by a city or town to apply to in that municipality requires a vote by Town Body Town body town meeting Town Council City Council subject to municipalities Charter no local option is needed for the change under General law 680 to go into effect so um it talks about how it would impact Clause 22 so I guess maybe we need to gr maybe we need to discuss this a little further before we sign that well no you sent this off this this this is already this is effective now because it's already been passed and it's not a local option and and this is not and it's not okay so this one's okay so let's finish this one now thank you for bring that to our attention but we probably don't have time to put this so this is this is these are all the um 22e veterans uh and that's the total 3600 you could sign out it just came out the the fifth it it was yeah publication it was just passed I had actually gone to a that conference in ch and that's when I found out about it and as was discussed with all the other assessors we were just going to Institute it because of it was passed and um I did bring that up in the last meeting you did yeah that's what we I read yeah um to call for a vote that we approve this okay commitment or abatements is it that commitment for okay okay sign this second dat can you believe it it yes so you just have one copy of this yeah I do have I do have just one copy of that yeah which section required the temp approve I couldn't option there's a word option there actually a duplicate then that way I have what you sign as you can see there's no loss of paper so much of it too much by the way I what you guys know I'm doing the ultimate sacrifice for this what's that it's his anniversary oh I'm sorry year anniversary Jane thank you so much for letting me do this I tell you it's going to cost me well you um you better take was going to cost you anyway for a nice dinner I know got a lot worse than that so do you want me to go through the bills and stuff first and then I've got several items to discuss so okay what's through the Bills signing the Bills sign the bills so this is um this is the um MLS um I have it because Sheil lost it so I've just been using my own MLS my my membership because annual membership it's it's a quarterly quarterly it's a quarterly yeah oh we did one of these we did already yeah y so we'll just did you get a schedule by the I'm going didn't finish the hero's piece I'm sorry keep going keep going we can do all we can yeah they they talk about the changing an exemption schedule do you have that schedule I don't the eligibility for the motor vehicle exemption that's the schedule I believe and then uh section 23 adds that new uh veteran property property property no property exception well that's where I think it gets into a vote that's needed I think we need to do a little more research on that to be I can we put that because I I a digital copy of this no well it might have come through the email I probably have it um I but maybe I can the digital might be just location ohid you just signed some stuff we have it I put it up here I'm sorry oh okay sending it back shovel it over Sarah we have this discussion with Iz we were supposed to discuss something tonight that I guess discuss that sorry I forgot about that one yeah that's the only bill that I have I have um oh really I don't have any I have abatements sign and I have a a release of chapter one Le and then the roll back tax and I also have the three settlements for the ATB cases that we discussed we can't but you can um and I also have a request to release 25,000 from the overlay which we have discussed we did it was actually requested an email I saw that email yeah yeah so I just need you to you want to do that let's do that as well do that we need to vote I think we'll sign all these on releasing 25,000 that leave us with from I just got this number from Izzy we currently have 305,000 309,000 excuse me $716 in the overlay account that do that account for it's 24 and 25 the abatements that we've given it um it does include that it would not include these three cases which total 5,000 okay so we're fine we're fine good okay make a motion motion transfer the 25,000 I think he said so first okay that's here a second yeah and then move the motion all in favor of transferring 2,000 and I was prepared for that question because I knew you were going to ask that you knew that by list 100 questions well I'm sure those 100 questions keep Hest um three to sign I did want to mention that I completed the growth is that part of yours status report or the signing of this stuff kind of status report which kind of change but well I just see to be the F 2025 I know we kind of got messed up so I'm trying to be conscious of the person is trying to do the minutes here from this okay so let's try to stay we'll stay all right our so I'll move this to the end do I have more okay this is um what vehicle and mun always Mak so many copies so just if you could just on the top do we have to initial any of the others or something no CU that's the whole and the system the whole system does all those papers we should have gotten a signature page so these I have signature pages for you sign the yeah thank you these are still M vehicle yeah okay do you want to um that's everything right now as far asement as far as what as far as the bance and bills do you want to do the release of the we have theat for the one we have the executive session on last I I have the three um H settlements sign you want to do that next let's let's okay sure um I have we've already agreed on them so I have the withdrawals from the attorney she's got she received the withdrawal the from Wilson we from SP the attorney I'm sorry I shouldn't have even said the attorney's name but oh you did that I did I'm sure that attorney has lots of other clients but this client Happ so these are the abatements of those three you're doing them separately all I'm doing them separately and the property card is attached we to each one initial these or sign uh right where it says Board of assessors those three lines lines read that and you have your glasses on I just remember from when we did the 40 or 50 of July probably for the day the next one your back so is this anything that's sign go behind just the reason I'm looking Mr chairman is that I have a CH had a chance to do and I know this is coming out but with regard to uh what's the expression I'm sorry executive sessions and materials that go through it I know we have abatements that go through these uh the actual material that we use in the discussions or anything Financial remains locked up even though other the record itself the final record does become available just there's just the abatement that gets put into the book and reason why everything else is private private stays private yeah this stuff but that's I went back and confirm that because there's other stuff that's floating around so that was good that we got that so we don't have any nothing pending hey which is a good thing which means we we did an okay job we did we work we work so well together as a team we don't have 400 more to go no our so the next item is the release of this chapter land place and roll back tax calculation it's a toal rollback tax do you know yes I thought did 16, 56181 and do we treat that as New Growth actually you did we actually talked about that earlier we did so this set and both what's the answer we don't know we don't know I have to check on that because I we don't know if they're split it would be new Parcels but it was so logic would say this was part of our tax base in whatever year it was and we can grow by 2 and 12% plus New Growth but if this is now a higher value than at what we're taxing at a higher value than we used to then I think it's to grow but we're not sure if it's counted as to verify that because if it is I don't know that's a good question if it's broken into New Lots it automatically is New Growth that was not in our basic it was not anywhere but if it converts from CH in value to I think it becomes an increase in value like it makes sense to me that would be grow but I think it's definitely something to check so that is a good to be sure I was the one to asked the question good job Mr chair I'm starting to understand you since we're on Gross do you want me to give you that never now can I roll into that and then sure okay so we've been working very hard um we have um $516,000 and 74 $516 and $74 of growth additional tax additional tax add tax 16,74 that's great for the down that's good you know by the way I was talking to Becky today about all 41A questions and she said to me to pass this along to you values and growth submitted when when is she going to see it okay and you did it yes well we have we haven't been able to submit it because we haven't got our interim back from Vision yet so we're waiting on that so this will be pending it's all done and what I'm thinking is is when we get that information back we get SP the la3 yeah we'll probably do it all the same time you I'm hoping yeah I don't have I'm not I'm just the messenger mov no that's she was there and she was doing the dishes at the same time so yeah they don't become a date unfortunately so that's so if we experien we we experienced this once before but the issue at that time was we were the only one that that company was working on yeah we're not now we're not yeah so we may be down a long line I know for a fact that they are spending a lot of time try trying to do stuff with lemon stir which is a bigger account yeah still so I will touch base on well tomorrow we have to be able to get things done we've been poking we've been pushing sending I know you have I saw them I have it's not for a la of believe me it makes me nervous because I don't like to do things at the last minute and I know I have by now so so this is this is late in my opinion I feel like it's late but I know you've you've been actually thinking about it for quite some time and sending notes about it I'll prepare it's it's that one is not you a few weeks guess she I can't even answer that because I'm being told that Mike Terell is looking at the commercial and he was getting residential he somebody else working on that and then he's going to look at that and I did also send him an email regarding adjustments to look at and cost tables because we did find a couple of things okay when I was doing the SM gr I found that the apartments there was a error in the code and it Chang value but I was to override it so we we found some other things like as far as quality and things that need to be looked at so and our end on Visions end Vision end yeah so while he is looking at all that I say can you look into the other clost as well I saw that to you left to SL there guess thank you for including us on those emails it makes it easier for know what's going on in the report yeah oh I appreciate just about communication I occasionally get stuff that comes directly from Carter or some someone else I try to always remember to forward to you guys so you know what's going on uh there may be some time when I forget because I'm so excited by the men know but for the most part I'm fing on to you and then I get another response and it's just me and I go i i s this one too but uh if if we're going to work collaboratively we all need to collaborate yeah just I Know Jack you had a you mentioned about that hero act I just wanted to give you a copy of the letter that I I think last week did I know you were questioning that I only question one two and that's that's a brought it has the DAT to took effect which you're still here on matter so do we want to do the minutes and then we'll discuss this other issue here where which is the other issue the other issue is the don't don't say any address unless I can't it's it's this property where we did an administrative abatement and being let that's going to be a longer conversation let's get through the minutes okay that's what I thought all right so so that's a good point I sent the minutes from September 4th but I think too late for that's okay um but they're in your folder your they're in your email attached please look through them and let me know if there are any edits to be made to those so when we go back a little bit we had a meeting on August let me go back August 19th we had a meeting on August 19th I made some adjustments to what was sent to us by anyway umii I would like I kep going I I have troubles sorry Daniel um uh so I made some adjustments I don't know if there are any further adjustments to the minute to the minutes that I adjusted I didn't I didn't AUST August 19th if you want me to look for I can I didn't see any when I read it online okay oh I know I I know I had that in my head yeah okay uh and this gets back to the other piece um question Mar I just want to confirm L to you that he received the check the one that we signed on the uh 1 of July ear July oh good he received the check but he's mentioning that he said I don't think my property card changed the value didn't change he doesn't I have no idea I just okay he called me and I called him back I said tell me you get the check please go yeah just got that he but I think any changes in my proper so that's he looking onine why don't you have call the office and I can go through it uh so that's not a question of the minutes it's a question of that that brought brought you back to thinking about that so that's and and I just be defer in front end and one takes all place all these other people okay uh okay you said in said the executive sessions can I load this can I make this part of our policy with regard to sessions what because uh according to the law it says that if someone should request a copy of any of executive sessions we have 30 days to respond and and decide so I'm just going to say I'll throw that in as a as a policy I'm not sure understand what do you want to put in policy it's just that we would respond within 30 days to a request for public record yeah this a public records process right ask you something for from our files like the abatement request okay I want to I think my neighbor went and salled on me and I want to see those see those minutes I don't think we would want to release that because it includes names but we can certainly release other things that we've discussed and that that would be our policy that we won't release things that are confidential or if it's in the public meeting that's one thing if it's during the executive session we already have rules around the executive session so I don't think we need a policy around the executive session but correct me if I'm wrong I I I'm suggesting that we create a policy around at what point is something do we perceive to be confidential and what is our you know yeah we're going to respond to within 30 days if you request something we do it in 30 days that's all so I we have to respond in 30 days anyway so we don't need to make a policy about that and we have um rules and regulations from the D what can be released right already so I don't think we need a policy on that either you can revisit that but that that really isn't to do with the minutes then is it uh it's a policy that raised the question I'm just I'm just asking okay we have the overlay estimates now okay and oh yeah yeah okay you said in this meeting that Brian Leon States his website is late and should have been done 8 months ago no that's not what I said but I didn't it I said we started working on this 8 months ago correct that one yourself what would you like to say I said you started working on this months ago and it's gotten Chang the specifications expanded and like to change the wording so it says we started this8 months ago that's what I said states that this website is already late is we started eight months started is late due to expansive I'm okay that what you want I don't care you keep yeah much like you're doing right now you said kept expanding the thing until entertainment I've got a for coffee what you datting you at I'm looking at when do we start it should have been done what dat you looking at the 19th okay 19 okay no no okay uh let's see agenda outline propos okay uh has concerns on our values you get that okay that's done I'm happy with that provided that I'll take out the should have been done 8 months ago and I'll just put started 8 months ago started months I'll go that any other modifications to the minutes okay for the 19th of August I I didn't see any okay uh actually you can move and I can second because she wasn't there right yeah no i' move that we make the amendment as written I'll get that done yeah okay as amended as amended I'll second all in favor hi you sounded like my mother September 18th I not see anything to change there either be suggest the changes Mr rabbit reading my quick notes on La are you making these changes to these okay we got the thing from Danielle make a few changes send them out to the team and then since I already have the dock I'll just fix it okay and send them off to en okay P oh you want me add more stuff to your pile no just question she's bored there in the office with nothing to do that was great okay so what we know is this is reception before articles the town meeting a draft receiv from the town manag the board will request that doesn't really make this that make sense and he's C of saying he never received the request for the 41A so we'll go back and look at that part yeah for the minutes what would you like to change uh I would just take his receive by the town manager this what he's saying we're not going to change anything just take it out of there take what out of there yeah because the dra received by the interel was that whole yeah thing that we saw from Kathy and then y I know I know it's okay it's okay it's been confus the whole thing has been very just finding the information the fact that she she's the only one that can find it in the town that's scary no that's her job that's that's her job you would think to' be a directory did she just go to the directory she REM you know she has folders she has all she has a file cabinet full of folders and there all I think pretty good show she has to go back through every one of them and see she had to read a lot she yeah absolutely that's why we're I don't want that job no I don't want that J I don't like Kathy's welcome to it and I have to say the issue was more really in our office because yeah the fact that the information it was our office one before it became our office yes okay so let's just SE out that whole sentence what do you want to take out that a draft was received from the interim Town manager reference to the for 4 41A okay could I miss that one we'll take that one out anything else the what suggest s questions if the value is dropped in 2006 should we should be written or published in an article Brian will work on the document that was us talking about 17f yeah the 2000 we did that was that yeah it was 20066 y recorded session meeting is being made public she recorded at first you did repord it and then she back that's right it was the 41 so there something at least we cut it straight though I am glad and my file is like this no I remember well I remember when we first started talking about okay we can any one of us can move on this one motion to accept the minutes with modifications as proposed for September 18th 2024 second all in favor I I guess we'll push the September 4th to the next meeting good to inter problem no problem I'll have these into the clerk's office tomorrow great we have minutes for some executive sessions we can't really talk about the content but if there's anything you want to change on any of the three we can suggest those right now you want to start with the 610 so we all look at the same one so we aren working at Cross purposes we accept the minutes of 610 has a fix you have a fix s it's just grammar it's of signning yes yeah that was kind of than why we get sir uh it's easy I hear a motion that we accept the executive session minutes of 6 1024 second I guess I don't that's fine I didn't have that on there I only had August 19th and July July 29th on the agenda July 29th [Music] problem stuff good oh yeah we need those as amended to the abing yeah makes sense word to excuse me oh this one's below f four dur chance to file what is that four to file four yeah chance to file four oh I see what kind of a hanging I know position I just on that sentence really didn't have a chance to file during the EV I okay leave it okay without that Sarah made remove my carrot two corrections I she made three corrections I just uncorrected one of them at we accept these minutes as amended Amed amended yes I second all in favor uh Reena has them on the computer someplace we're going to have to make those changes on her computer as you can tell we're all looking at these for the first time so sorry sorry not that exciting the 19th is the one that's got me nervous but there's nothing I've seen that's wrong well we just we just we actually just signed the abatement itself right the U oh we had signed the vment that day we didn't sign anything today right on that one one from the 19th we we just signed that today we did okay yeah okay we discussed it but we didn't these are more notes rather than sentences so things like the land I don't want to say don't what we don't know don't know the property you want to change the the land site index oh yeah we can just the unnecessary words before that land side index I'll put to the word changes yeah problem okay and then down below yeah what's that it's just extraneous yeah you want to read this as amended which just like you know you're writing it out this will change doing three other things yeah oh yeah this is why I need an editor too you start writing some interrupts you forget what sentence you're I have no problem with that I would move that we accept those changes as made okay second second all in favor Mr follow on discuss quick note this is loaded policy St with regard to the 20% gr 20% change 5% commercial you'll make those suggestions at a f meeting I hope yes yes I'm just saying keep those in mind because this is a big one I don't think we ever we haven't documented that sort of policy in the past to maintain some consistency so I'm with you just bring in the policy stuff we'll have a discussion about it let me get past my uh from hell you she was very generous and very nice she knew how important it was but she's still looking at you like well you better take her off tomorrow night oh no we're going away for the weekend Mystic I supposed to be going up I I got told my daughter that we're not going up and meeting them up the Sunday River and for that matter her brother-in-law that we're going to see with the kids flying every so often I mean now it's she get the win so anyway we're going to move back to the agenda yes guys which has been all over the place tonight I just have one more item so is that still part of the stash report um sort or it's not included anywhere else is it it it is it is actually part of um the St the St anything else no no this is this is something new that was added which actually Izzy wanted to bring up tonight he didn't get to unfortunately left discuss it yeah yeah so I sent them away sorry Izzy they look this there was an administrative abatement made that we approved back in back in remember June or July um can I say what happened with it do I not need this abatement has already been approved in this closed so I believe we can talk about it public right here okay we don't have to talk about the the location the location well we don't have to can we say what happened with we can say what happened so this was a fire and um typically with that no we don't have to talk about the location it's a fire so what we did was if if it's more than if the building is destroyed more more than 50% just goes down land so we did the administrative batement because of that right as of the date of the fire as of the date of the fire and to do that the homeowner should have paid four months based on the date of the fire the home owner should paid four months on the building so I did an admitted bill after after that was done supposed to do a bill to recharge for months for the four months so take them back to zero and then charge for the four months well this so this is what happened so as far as we're concerned we have the valuation correct yeah okay in the assessor's office we have four months of a building and one year of land okay so what was supposed to happen and I saw the homeowner I gave him a copy of this revised bill right he was supposed to receive a credit um from the tax collector and I was roed by the tax collector that I had to reverse this abatement the other day because it's not it's incorrect in their system so I should not have done the she said I shouldn't have done that which all kind of supports the reason why the assessor should be be separate it has to be separate so at the end of the day he should have paid 42273 for Landon building based on both mhm this so now she's requesting that we reverse that abatement so he can get he he would just be it would be adjusted in their system to $846 they have to pay so my issue was why can't you reconcile this in your Billing System because I don't handle the bills I've done what I've done what I had to do and I just don't I don't understand I actually I'm listening to this and I really don't understand how working in no and I I mean this is what we were supposed to do we did it and then there's some kind of they can't seem to process it yeah and she said that they can't adjust it on their end that I have to um I don't think we can resend an abatement I don't know if there's a vehicle for that although you said there there might be I I don't know I asked Becky and the only way that it could be done is if you vote to we send it except that that was what should have happened this is what should have happened so that that is what should have happened so I don't understand why they can't correct it on their end eie wanted to discuss it tonight but I didn't really throw him out but he sort of forgot so what's the time sensitivity of this well it's an $8 difference right yeah if if if you reverse this an eight but reverse the whole abatement reverse the whole thing why would we I understand how we do that she she requested that we're not supposed to do that when we need show inv abatement we can't we need to have him come back in and tell us why he needs to reverse invat because it doesn't make any sense to me no and I went in and discussed it because catch on that I had notes I had notes on this and because they asked her to do something that we typically wouldn't do as far as the administrative mment but okay we did it because because he was he was actually charged for a full year full year yeah so that's why we did the abatement and then you did the partial and then I did just on the building for the four months and I think the guy overpaid and there was a lot of back and forth about that so can we invite eie to our next meeting yes and we put this down this agenda items all by all by its mome yep because we do not understand why mun can't make the correction with the mut right because I don't think we can resend a DAT that doesn't make any sense there may be a vehicle I'm not aware of one yeah and all of our training we didn't see anything about it's not a mistake it's not this is how you were supposed to do it well what I did was when I put the abatement in in in munice if you don't have an area to is somebody paid anybody online still no no no okay so I posted it she had everything paid on that other bill so I had posted it against this one so now it's this big credit or so I don't know it's very confusing and I don't handle billing so this is why it makes it even more confusing because I I know assessing I know we did what we were supposed to do and now it's not on their end so you want back yeah okay I don't have the answer I don't I have a question or a suggestion or thought if um if I come in and E you and I have a working session on this would that help it would it would so if it's the yes pleasure of the board rather than this a primary interface and then the time on it it's I think they would like to get it resolved yeah I know I it makes to do that way and I don't see why this needs to be in a public meeting it's in yes yeah yeah that would be good because you're the chair and yeah I know numbers too you do okay um we'll set that up not this week because tomorrow's it right that would be good um and as you all know the admin did not accept the position so back to the drawing board again is going to see if she can possibly do something you know what we did last year at the end of the year with Reena oh yeah we're going to we we we're not not sure we we may try to do that again yeah I'm trying to be a little bit obuse um but anyway we may try to do the same process that we did last year so we can get R back into the office for some Peri of time it's just a busy time you got to be it's a and I have Denise but she's doing other things that have to get done all this stuff other crucial stuff we don't even have that in and it's just I I just feel feel like we have so much going on like some days some days it took me 3 days to get to to scan something last week and it it's just because finish one and then we wait we spun our Wheels how many hours on who's responsible for but that's okay it's semi- resolved sem and Linda that was a great respon Bri as well those are good responses all for that through thank you she she does all the research my concern is that you know I not follow the law I'm being told yeah is fuzzy yeah so there's law and then there's precedence right right right well precedence counts a lot right and I like the app point that who's get the budget to do it anyway we've addressed this can we we are I believe that's it for the status report that's it fabulous review a p Pro you know we did vouchers and payroll and all that stuff uh an update on neighborhood review you like last time said you wanted to focus in on just a couple areas yep so I have um a tool that I sent to you guys that I sent to the um members of that working group and highlights all of our residential areas the commercial ones the industry ones are on there but I grade them out because we're only looking at zero one 1 a one b um and then three four and five but we're FOC like I'm I'm pushing to focus on the zeros the ones up and then and then work to um the other ones and it's easy for us to visualize that because you can just click on each of the points and you can see it and you you can zoom in um we could potentially even do it by ourselves at this point but I would really love the community input there because it there's just a level of detail living in the community that um makes it much better to have so I sent everything out um I've requested a meeting on Wednesday because we don't have a meeting right um and then another a potential meeting on Tuesday the following week oh wow um see who gets back to me about times they're available and if we can't get the whole committee we'll work with what we have because it's a working group that is um and certainly um I'll come back with recommendations um and I have an Excel file I mean what I did was I took location data um that locator data that um you can get from Mass GIS and merged it with a join to our Visions data so that uh the parcels are mapped to all of our vision data and then it pops up as a um it comes up as a pop-up card and I just removed some of the fields that had personally identifying information of owners and stuff like that and then I sent that out to the working group so they can click on it and look at it that is actually beautiful things about JS is it's right there but our town um the municipal or monachus planning committee so we don't really have access to that um except by me do we need to make a budgetary request next year um I'm not sure because um having GIS like that um I I have some nonprofit connections to do that which make it inexpensive for me to do on a voluntary basis um but could be potentially more expensive for the town if they adopted the whole thing so could definitely um look at what that would cost and put that together for people um it certainly could cross over in a lot of other areas I me we can we can get demographic information from you know Earth sensus and things like that and um it's great for that that email that we got about climate planning um but I'm not sure the uh town is physically there yet for well for that a little bit of Investigation find out what the cost might be and then we can decide whether to move forward or not so in addition to your neighborhood thing thank you yeah just got recruited um maybe sometime the budg that's something that would be outside of the the down hall I'm assuming I'm going to keep we're always going to be updating our work we're always going to be changing there's always going to be this if I go to an outside contractor that would require to get changes made to what the website well I have no idea but I'm just saying that if I have access to internal resources that have a tendency to come and go and get not stop but any case they don't want you know they're not happy with they say go take a h right and uh if you were to say you know what I got a better idea let's just pick up our piece and go and have it done outside is there [Music] any well that's way off the subject we're talking about brought up the budget okay when when so I'm asking her to do some investigation please on on GIS what the cost might be if you'd like to do some investigation on having some outside help uh feel free to do that having said that I don't believe that the powers that be here in the community would allow two hands in the town site I agree I agree doesn't want to you know I'm say okay I have one question to Sarah on the G if I could something please if we find things during our inspections on while we're researching the maps do you want us to put them in a folder yeah cuz we do find things that we'd like to have reviewed so I can still fold in terms of science Index right the focus for her is the sign Index right now yeah and I know you found some other things around factors yeah that we've already started to ask Mike yeah Mike about yes um that's that's a different issue but it's one that is near and dear to your heart too and and some of our favorite guests in the past yeah also so those are the right questions to be asking thank you okay anything else on that at all we still war Arles or covered that okay I didn't okay we already talked about that right I think I'm starting my this week very personal L up I've talked to Becky P other questions with regard to the what's the subject 41 okay so we have discussed some 41A stuff but this is agenda item and I think there's more here so your point is you're you're starting an effort to do some kind of a marketing uh I'm going to prototype it test it up first I have an individual who will anticipate uh we will sit down with him we will go through the circuit breaker see if he qualifies first of all that's the big big piece I guess some clarifications with regard to what is considered income and it's basically everything everything everything possibly can and then we will go from there I have all sorts of forms in terms of application forms confirmation forms denial forms all that other stuff that's ready to go to make that piece of process work I will try this out with this individual we're sitting down this week and we said we just said we would and he'll come over the house and we'll let him try uh a site that basically it's the ARP site with regard to calculations on circuit breakers for the state of Massachusetts so all that fits really well and we'll come back to you and tell you how it goes I don't know all I know is that you know you you can earn up to a million 25,000 I mean sorry the house can be worth a milon 25,000 you can earn an excess of 109 uh but then it becomes a fun option of what do your taxes look like how much should you spend on your water bill does that meet the 10% of your income and if that's case bang the circuit goes off and then we get to say okay and as much as I do know right now they can take a portion of their or the whole thing if they want in terms of not pay it but they can never go and exceed more than 50% of the value of the home so there's a lot of room there in fact probably faster than the other a long time before you hit yeah so that that's what it looks like and I reviewed that with Becky yesterday she sent some more stuff back and that's how we needed to get that stuff back in so uh we're we're ready to start the Rood and see what happens great sounds like keep flooding away thank you that's all we can do Ah that's all we can do another question okay so uh the next article next thing is the website is that what we're going to talk about next I can make this fast where I can drag you through all the information that I've gotten pull together we talked about the tabs did you yeah in September the meeting on the 4th we talked about directly under agendas of minutes in that section that we would Place one in the first tab the motor vehicle abatement will the link directly on to the form residents we use two tax abatement forms so LS only to the forms that can be used in lber and Maps has that gone forward yeah all those are in in the S all those are in there got it today it's it's up and running you've added those tabs in the no I didn't a separate tab I mean they're in there in the link and I was attacking it via the three things I'm going to ask they're in there but we we we said we were going to put tabs okay um and uh just for the cuz the residents we've gotten a few phone calls they can't find can't find it I talk to a few other people I can clearly clarify that I also the reason why I'm coming to you and I think that's going to answer part of it is that I'm asking for three things that we be allowed to put in and uh I you know if I if you want I will show you how I arrived at the conclusion okay I went back so the first thing is these tabs yeah the tabs are going to be addressed be I'm going to show you how I'm going to try okay and I can make a special tab the FAQ section that loads it in but any the case okay going back it's not in the FAQ section we're going to agendas and minutes and then right under agendas and minutes there's the tab form motor vehicle abatement yeah tax abatement forms and Maps that's it that's for I can move I will move that up and I thought I was answering it this way but I'm going to do something else okay add on those add tabs well that that's what you agreed to Fourth right yeah yeah I didn't I went back and looked at it but I didn't look it for that that part okay I screwed up so anyway I went back and I did look at the town of Plymouth and because they actually have a working program in there and I also compared their they by the way they have a very nice website they I looked at their site versus what our site is when the opening page is they got some information here and it's it's up when we first open up we break it out into the citizens piece Y and then the board of assessors and then there's another piece I'm going to recommend that we remove or move off into another section that's that's not the big the reality is our site is considerably larger than Fus because yeah we got I just it says Plymouth there too doesn't it and so anyway our stuff has those pieces bed and that's where the problem seems to be occurring because people aren't finding it easily and then uh we have the Assessor's information the the reason why this sits there and that sits there is when you and I all three of us go away this is where the repository of all those information is and we W nuts okay so we're looking for uh essentially a table of contents and I have an example and did I send that over you no I didn't send you but here I can give it to you right now a table of contents that would fit at the front end of this and it would be T open it up and then it hot links to different keys so I'm looking for that and also I'm looking and Plymouth came up with a a real neat technique it's called helpful terms and it's like and I would putting that the index and the helpful terms make those hot links I would like to be able to put the helpful terms into into that particular piece so uh so this is what the helpful terms look like so the helpful terms would say things like that form and then you H to get over and that's how I was going to try and hit that that's their stuff and then the other interesting part was they address frequently asked questions in a different format that we ever thought about and essentially I have another if you want I can see okay you see it's a terrible copy my parents R ank so anyway I'd be putting that material into the free FAQs and something very similar to that we we would come back and add our own uh and the other thing is that uh they also have an the for they have a 41d section in there already built which if we're going into 41d then we might more we're going to have to put something similar to that up there it'll be under all the exemptions yeah yeah under the exemptions but they have one we can put that up pretty quick and therefore we got that covered so when you go and introduce 41d to the town maybe it's up to you it's up to you so we got a living example right there so we're several months from needing that although at some point we'll need it yeah and that's if you going to talk to it and ask the town to vote for it you're only a couple months left so and then the 41A they also have a section I'm sorry this is 41d yeah and I'm going to ask them to vote for a couple months left we're going do that anyway it doesn't have anything to do with the website no be ready real quick are you GNA redesign the whole website that's currently there now no I don't want to go car kill me as it is she's going to not be happy with me but I need don't put anything more in there I have to have your approval to say yeah go ahead and put stuff we can change it but put it in there so the first step is to do what we have what we what you guys agreed to I wasn't here but I would have agreed to that too we need to do that now so and that's the first step if we once we get through that then we can figure out is there some better way to present this information um yeah we were going to take out the training modules right wasn't that not that okay I didn't hear that so something we said the front page needs to be an overview of the access's organization there's worry that the form section brings up every single form in Massachusetts the board wants to make the website straight forward the board agrees that under the first tab directly under agendas and minutes the following tabs would be placed M vehicle abatement with a link directly to only the form residents will use tax abatement forms with links to only the forms that can be used in lunberg and three all the maps so if we can do that yeah step and that's all you want me to do for now you can still do the research you've been doing and some of the design work but let's let's fix what we got because it doesn't work yeah very well and that's that's I I have permission to go and say we these things these things these yeah so bring along the minutes with you oh I'm not where sure if I say it they did it she would go along with it okay so basically this until you guys agree to the concept I'm not going to go work on this anymore I'm get really to be done but this is this uh 41d thing okay at some point we probably want to put something in that we probably want to do something 177e 17f so if you want to do some design work around research and design around those three three things I think that'd be really useful because as soon as this gets voted on the town meeting it'd be great if you could stick it up on the website must have a tab that says exemptions and then list I want to make a table at some point of right motor vehicle abatement tax abatement forms Maps yeah number four exemptions and the exemptions would be you know 1722 37 is it 30 37 pouth created a whole section called uh property tax exemptions but there should also be motorik vehicle exemptions here and I don't see it it should be it I make a motion that we add a fourth tab directly under agendas and to say exemptions just plain exemptions and let them go sort through well underneath when they go to click on exemptions then presumably we will have in of you put plus sign in there and it'll blow it out y blow yep would we like to I made a motion second a motion I'm I will okay call for a vote I I I um I was just going to say I just want to make sure we're clear on what the motion is and that's that's the extent of the motion continue to do the research especially on the three exemption do you have those that Plymouth has the the 41d and whatever you I don't even really know what number 42 I know 42 41 D I'm that real clear just a description at just T because for when we met in June you're going to take over all the exemptions I agree I agree and then have the people come in and well we wrot up not ready to I gave you guys four documents that I got from the legal department a do to and then we M it so I don't four documents yeah yeah before that we brought in and Sarah then said okay I think we can make this cleaner that was when we wrote the 41d September 4th okay stopped at the meeting and wrote the 41d and then I typed it up and said yeah yeah and you you did that it should be two I'd like it if it were two so okay so okay um you've done some research on 41d so you have this 23 41d if you want me to take over looking at 17 E and F I'll do that I thought we all set with all this research that we've submitted well no for the website oh well it should be what after it's so but we can be ready by doing some work ahead of time in parallel with some of the other work that's going on I know we have a lot of the work but but I can take a look at that so I'll do that so thank you give me all your information on 41d and I'll that was a plumouth you said this time yes yeah that's good and they probably have something similar I like it this one but all I know is when you go to the town and get the boat and that was reason why we had that notes subsection that said this is what it really means it needs it still needs to get simplified I think I think for 17f and 41d we put who's eligible the income and asset amounts for each standing for 41d the forms and then we're done yeah yeah it would be helpful to have the forms because they can in all the time and I have to print them out and we even though we mail them people still come in and we put on the website then not going to print them but that's okay we have 41 forms no no not yet tions they come in to fill up and we mail them we mail them to them I States come out if they I hav pulled everything out of there that section that has all basically the applications and all that and I don't I haven't seen a 41d yet but it pry show that I I still can't find is that a separate there's not a separate application for 41 D verus I'm sure it's the same application have to look at that we just apply different we apply different limits to it so I don't think they have to apply 41 D they apply for 41 and it's we we have adopted C and now we're adopting D so that whatever application they currently would do for a 41 they would do for a 41 I believe the same is probably true of a they don't have to apply for 17 E and 17 they probably have to put the same information in both so I think it's going to be one one application form the same application form as we're probably using for 17 C or D whatever it is I 171 yeah I think it does but I'm not looking at it right now and if they're not eligible for 41 they might be eligible for 17 you start with 41 then you do 17 yeah right had three a few years ago and you haven't had any last year two years ago we had three last year had n so they forgot to apply or they died moved the never shifted a little bit well right part of it is residency one of them is residency right so they could have moved so okay so thank you so send over what you've got what you found on Plymouth for 41d and then I'll for 17 andf I will I will I will and then maybe at some point get ahead of the curve instead of but that's well that was this is yeah okay uh anything else want I go home and just go uh I can go through my whole list if you want to keep chasing It is Well we now we' Sor is that website still no so we're going to open up for public comment and then we'll open up for board comments I'm just double checking to see if we have any public on Zoom I don't think we have public on I don't see anybody Joe wants to say something I want to go home there you go uh okay I'll open up a board comment let me start with Sarah I like that idea I have no comment thank you go ahead okay uh question we now have an hourly employee nope no no oh we don't no oh no I mentioned that before I sent you a note and she mentioned it earlier the meeting that the the applicant that's why after the offer was made I know I thought we had her so you she had a stack dat as soon as she got the stack dat she went no and so I got the issue with Carter zoom in meeting getting minutes of some sort a summary or he said he's going to send out his financial just start report take report his weekly report I don't think it's Financial just Financial good sir no it's it's your public comment I don't I don't have a comment know so I just think that okay we're getting some stream of information continue to open it up and I and I give all the information from the meetings I I pass it on right thank you for summarizing yeah I appreciate that that's my job as a citizen you're doing it that cash situation what does that cash flow look like what are we doing in terms of how the money is sitting where can we if my 418 does start to take off where's this where which pot are we going to reach into to that's an interesting question actually where does the 41A money come from I don't it doesn't come Department it doesn't come from overlay so beyond that no I know it doesn't come from overlay so I don't know where it comes from and sort of sort of don't care borrow it [Music] tonight and now I guess the town is going to be initiating some sort of a car or production response system well they're they have a lot of things to do before they get there yes yeah I think the intention is to get there financial institutions and so which will which will also apply to the assessor's office so we don't need to write one right we may need to contribute to it when they ask I agree I hope hopefully you're willing to do that right okay so the other thing is that we got to still have got to resolve is the relationship with the financial institutions and the town because we're we're going to be going to Banks and in some cases some people may have a responsibil responsibil director right and it falls outside of our responsibility it's up to them to resolve the issue with regard to the that relationship and stuff so I didn't talk about that because I got I haven't formulated enough well we're trying we may we may be pushing we're going to have at least one person we're going to try to see if they're eligible if we do you Financial director how you going to work that money let's see that process just ask him how he's going to work the money and let it and you know he's going to come to us next week about something else or next time about something else but but you could ask that question with that on too so that's now we're not meeting against till lember no 18 16 16 they said it was 16 you have that approved for we have we have the B room two weeks from today not not and I was shocked at that when I read it which going to be uh that we weren't going to have another meting this and then was went to the we never read that no whatever you read was wrong yeah I don't know what you I guess maybe um I should have uh included that at the upcoming it was already approved so we we actually discussed it at the last meeting that would be meeting we did this weekend I just had tenative meetings oh beyond that for November yes so I I'm sorry you should have included no no but these were additional right yeah so I didn't see anything else in the schedule so I said okay our our next meeting is the 16th of October has subsequent to that we will be meeting on November 6th yeah and then again on November 20th I don't know the location of November 6th yet because we can't get the botal okay okay that would be I'm assuming we would need to have that year again because of school Comm has I think that's we I'm going to leave that up to you I will find that out I to [Music] you com that was my comment anything else I will entertain a motion motion second it right all in favor we are adjourning at 9915 9:15 thank you