beautiful all right look at that I'm not doing the video I'll see if there's any of participants great all right kids ready try to rock and roll going to try to do this as a marathon the quickest meeting that you the town meeting ever no all said all right so it's uh well F what time 6:35 6:34 whatever it is we'll call the meeting to order uh the lunbo green committee uh basically this meeting is being recorded for Prosperity um those who are haven't been here can t tune in on Zoom if you don't have the zoom link if you're not on Zoom now I assume you're not going to be joining us but come join us next time okay so call the meeting to order um did anybody get a chance to look at the pending the minutes everybody okay AC pres okay with uh May our last meeting yeah May 6 all right minutes from May 6 okay do you want a second second all right all in favor any opposed hearing none meeting the minutes get approved great okay I'm going look for public comment any public comment for from the group any public comment from those out in the audience seeing none I'll move on to the next thing so let's talk about the spring Grant process okay so in the end what had happened is is that it turned out that um because the ROI on the pumps was so long that basically were told they were only one pump out of the three might get approved and that would have entailed like 50k so the thought was to instead of saying okay let's try to get 50k and if we do get 50k then we shut out for another year let's just wait and supposedly the town is getting projects together okay okay so that's why we didn't end up killing us and it wasn't even 50k it was 50k was going to be the money we got for the pump the police cruiser two classes just to get up to 50K it was it was not even worth it wasn't even worth thinking about type of thing crazy I a 93 HED North and I'm getting all these text messages and emails yeah I finally pulled off of Thorton and talk to Kelly I said Kelly what's going on yeah yeah and and that's what it was and I I don't know on this one this was an interesting one because the pumps were you know the we have a maintenance company for the sewer the pumps were recommended by that maintenance company however they're not not under the Unitil approval list of ones that they would have subsidized for so even Unitil wasn't going to subsidized anything for the pumps type of thing so I don't know whether they went ahead they go ahead with the pumps I haven't watched the Sewer Commission meetings whether they're going ahead or they're going to look into is there other brand style type of pump with suit same kind of characteristics that we can get that unit till we give us a rebate of anything yeah they they should switch correct and but what it was it was really everything was trying to fall into place too too much at the last minute and nobody really had the time to go ask unit till to go review these on the list if not recommend others then go back to the consultant and say blah blah blah and all that stuff okay the other the other thing that I got from Bill I think it was for somebody yeah that um because they already had vfds on them oh efficiency is already that trim the efficiency Improvement dramatically if they had not had the drives on gotcha it probably would have flown through with no problem okay okay that makes sense then yes okay so so we're skipping this round try to get the next round for the fall y okay I felt it know that basically Dave and I talked a little bit about it and felt it was you know made the most sense and since it was the last minute I wasn't about to try to say emergency meeting emergency meeting I just we can still pull in 5,000 into the fall round for a cruiser because they've got two of them left to purchase and right uh you know they may not even have actually it doesn't matter I think it depends on when they pay for it and so on that whether we can reimburse them or whatever correct it is when they pay for it yeah yeah the other thing is that it puts us in a better position if the school comes on board with the primary school phase 2 mini splits or they get delayed with phase one then that will give us a real good Energy savings and Ro overall and then some of these little projects like that same Pump Station or I asked to uh ohg Name Escapes Me uh Paula Paula yes yeah I asked Paula to you know take a look at the other small stations because they have a total of 10 stations oh yeah the small going for the first three right you know but you know take a look at those other stations and if there's a a possibility of getting 30 $40,000 we can tack those on to a pro a bigger project right and maximize the dollar amount in in fact it was the smallest one was the only one that Kelly felt might make it so Poss Poss the small ones it's seen as it's not as much money type of thing um I had a chance to while I was picking up my fresh key that I didn't need I had the chance to chat with Chris Ruth and um one of the things they're looking at is new windows for this building yeah okay because it's been determined this building you know around for a while exactly are they through whatever process around the architectural preservation yeah Bas that was all controversial at a well well they basically explain that the windows are not from the they're not from the original building they're not the period Windows right so it's right right so it became stupid so the only you know but they're talking about a hundred and something thousand dollar for Windows for this place and it's mainly because of things like this and then you have the you know these large ones that so the thought was okay do you take the large ones and you make it into a smaller with a transom on top or something like that and just to look at it because it's not like these windows get opened anyhow right you don't need big operable Windows you just need yeah something so it's like just just to be a smaller Square on top well so in other words you can cut the height of the window down you'd have fixed glass for most instead of this big operable pane yeah you'd have a just a small smaller section that moves right and the oper would still be glass it still look like a window but it would be smaller in size right or it would it would be fixed it' just be a picture window kind of thing right so less moving Parts less exact much less expensive easier to operate less wear and tear maintenance wise so so if we do that or or incorporate into that project interior lighting that oh that's true that's so understand kind of this building got held off because of not you know that they were doing their building reuse nobody knew what was going to go on with this one and you know it's kind of the same symbol a story to town hall you know was like do you put lipstick on a on a pig to and then the next person's going to just tear it apart anyhow type of thing so now that this is definitely going to be here for a while um I don't see this I you know actually being part of the building reuse committee I'm still stuck on that I'm still I'm still involved with that um right um we haven't met in like probably four to six months right now because it's just nothing you was you looking at what's going on and there's no I don't think there's any um appetite for an increase to anybody is the is Turkey Hill a separate thing is that a separate committee investigating that correct so the Turkey Hill thing is to basically try to keep it alive for 10 years okay so presly the school committee has passed for that I believe correct correct so they're task with that because right there their thing is that it's not suit suitable and I still don't understand why but it's not suitable for the age group that's in there as I've always said well you put that age group in there right but I don't even care I'm looking at it going okay so if you tell me the water fountain's too high get rid of water fountains and put the bottle fillers right if you tell me the UR toilets are you know urinal are too high you could put lower urinal right or you know it's it's I'm trying to think of what well it could be the lead in the pipes could be the oven I don't think there's that much I don't think that big a problem Hill that's TCP that's got the lead pipe Le soer and stuff I mean we we get it as parents in District that there's like certain bubblers that are not available or something Hill I don't remember if it was Turkey Hill maybe it was definitely at the paos like was it just the okay Pao I would I I thought there was something that one of the active schools it wouldn't be the primary school that yeah the other side of the coin is that as long as they don't and and that's why they're doing this study to see what the building needs and this retir including Ada if you're careful with what you do and just keep the Key Systems functional for you can get that building the last 10 years without spending $20 million uh it does to get 10 years out of it you don't need a total renovation not not at all and what's the what's the 10y year thought that there would be a larger project down the road I'm not sure so so based on their ability it was the idea was that's when uh that's when there would be yes be some decision made on whether they wanted to you know that the population would have grown enough that we had to start thinking about another school something else the tricky part is the fact that our population has grown dramatically but our student population has dropped correct I what right because how many kids were you're graduating class uh I honestly don't remember but I do know you know comments all over the place that we've got the highest staff uh numbers with the lowest uh Str population we've ever we've had in a long time and and yeah and I think a lot of that though is unfortunately a state mandate yeah no and I get that yeah there there's a lot of reasons for the bodies being there to teach but but we're it's not like we're busting at the seams like they predicted we were going to be by now right right yeah and I mean I know my daughter's class is a bubble class that's yes larger in size to certainly classes ahead so I don't know if there's a wave coming or if it's yeah we had one five or six years ahead of that class yeah that was my daughter's class yeah okay same thing this bubble that teachers moved here moved here moved here yes yes yeah so I mean it's interesting so so that's so he's talking about that um he had somebody come through the uh Senior Center the senior center because of the way it's set up yes there could be some insulation things some weatherization things on there but nothing major stuff they wouldn't do like window replacement at Turkey Hill right they would do more like some sort of weather layer or something if they're going to try to weatherize that because window replacement project feels like you're starting to get expensive yeah and that especially if it's only 10 year right cuz the windows you're going to put in are going to be 30 40 and that may be the biggest piece of the problem I I can't I didn't tie the you know dollar amount one single project that might trigger ADA compliance right and that's where the problem is every project is so expensive yes yeah and you can't peace meal it to get around that either right so lots of change orders are these outcomes of the energy assessment that was done so the energy assessments are still G on the I Chris wasn't too excited about the energy assessment he got it was me like uni Till's guy coming in saying oh oh okay so um the idea was like uh they talked about spray foam on the roof for the teen center for the uh Senior Center and things like that but there wasn't really like a major anything major um the other big one that he's talking about is that the library heat heat system the well the library system needing something and I talked to him maybe you know that to me would be a perfect one for Mini Splits yes you can argue can't you can't do the main hall but that changes the whole complexion of the system if I can do Mini Splits like you know those conference rooms that we sit in and then if all the main systems doing is the main hall that right a much easier lift load balancing all that stuff as well as like it's easier for them to meet you know to because think half the issue is that they nobody there has ever they keep switching people so nobody's the person that understands how to program that system because when John was here John Randa he went through with them and programmed it and then two years later we're hearing that the Heat's coming on and the you know the AC's coming on in the middle of the winter and things like it's like okay somebody pushed a button and did something so it's unfortunate but that's some of the things that and it go through okay so right now I'm looking at you know it's a matter we're looking at whether we need to do a round of weatherization stuff before we can do a mini split round or whether we can start going straight to it um The Hope is that like the primary school the library being of their age I we you know the weatherization is not going to be as critical as it would be for some of the other other things like a building like this the windows might be a nice project for a building like this because obviously that's huge Energy savings in this in this especially right in this building seems like it's going to be here for a while whereas the Turkey Hill thing I think is that'd be that'd be a harder cell because on for at least two more decades because they're already trying to stretch it for one decade so they'll spend the next decade trying to figure out what to do to talk about and that's your not that's not likely you'll land in a will renovate this to be a modern school that's going to last forever it's going to land in eventually that building is going to get torn down and replaced with something else or ConEd to Municipal right renovated and that's actually that's that was one of our thoughts when we were doing the building reuse thing was that um Turkey Hill is actually the perfect place for a you know Town Hall community center right because it's pretty much most of it is a a lot of it's Ada at least if it was the front the front office Town Hall you can get in the front and all that stuff okay maybe the second floor I might have trouble but if that's the team Center is on the second floor you know am I really worried I just need one little elevator for that for the one one I don't think the elevator has ever been used in the team Center by the way yeah and that was the thing when they they can't use the basement because it doesn't go to the basement so we couldn't do anything in the basement but anyway um so you know that would be a neat thing because you you think about it it already has a commercial kitchen already has a nice gymm you know already has all these things that would make an amazing Community Center you know thate yes yeah right you know you have buts the track and everything right exactly you know the kid the kids have a playground they have everything everything you can think of is right there except for parking we don't believe that in this town don't keep parking nobody drives nobody drives in linenberg okay all right so so that's so the idea you know as I said the spring process didn't go as well as planned just now it's going to be a push um I'll put I'll you know start we can start working on Eric and Chris and push for projects what the the Marshall Park project is like what's the timeline for that lately and would this kick in with things like LED light fixtures throughout the park or the light fixture thing outdoor lighting is off the list of um would only apply to probably replacement stuff not new anyway right so yeah okay but exterior lighting is off the table interior liting hey how preferably combin yeah Marshall Park I've there's no opportunities there really no I'm not sure where that's at at this point I hear different different start dates for different things exactly as long as they keep the cave right work on it yeah yeah yeah I think that's the coolest part about the whole part it's the cave okay have you seen it I have never been in yeah so sounds pretty cool I've never seen it right but I don't care if it's I don't care if it's a little 4x4 area it's it's still it's one of those cool things you don't you know somay when it's appropriate to release it oh okay okay oh you'll start an uproar in this time all right maybe they'll give tours during the was it Bicentennial coming up or whatever it is I'd like to have it I'd like to have it free rehabilitate it enough so that it's enterable by then yeah so you can't go in now no yeah you can it's just under the radar a little stop recording start recording no actually it's sealed off and you can't get in yeah so just just a quick get up speed um we didn't do a spring round the deal was is that um we passed off all the uh the three pumps and the informations to Kelly to kind of review before submitting she said H not going to work maybe the the smallest pump might work so with that pump and the cruiser and two classes we were barely getting up to 50K and it just didn't make sense it didn't make sense to waste a year with you know with little with stuff that didn't make sense you know okay so now we're looking at the next next now looking at the fall so it's going to be interesting that one of the things they talked about quickly and and I hate to read but they're talking about Windows in this building makes a lot of sense and this building definitely I mean the half the storms don't work half the storms are broken uh cracked you have this wonderful piece here that I'm sure the single pain with the oh there is a storm window there okay yeah yeah is is there and so that that we're going to we talked about there could be some weather is ations there could be some other simple things but we don't we haven't heard from the school okay so that's kind of where we're at right now yeah yeah remember the pumps yes yeah they came out um it was basically they didn't have to change the drives yeah they already have the vfds that sufficient to do an upgrade right so we are going to ask them to look if they have more pumps those were the largest ones so they're going to look at the because that since she said the smallest one might get approved they have additional smaller ones yeah maybe even some smaller ones than that and even if it is a couple k k here a couple K there it'll pay off you know well anything can pay off okay so now it's a matter of getting the town to do some projects and put them together um a lot of the things we talked about the mini splits but the mini splits has to do weatherization first it depending on the age of the building so um does that include the um old primary school so that one we don't know I mean that's not that old right that that not that old right so we don't know and then we're gonna hope that that's one of the ones we can do however I do believe he should have more projects than that and we can go through I'll send the list the capital planning list again out to everybody just to take a look and think of things that we can try to push them push them on a little bit and even if it's three years down in the capital planning list if it makes sense it might make it rise it could rise up and get funding right right right and you know because right now I think that we basically wait till it falls apart then we talk about it um he did say Chris today said his biggest problem is with the police and fire station thing though that's just before just before the library years yeah yeah roughly the librar right 20 years 20 years so but it just was set up wrong they cut corners on stuff like they always do exactly exactly like the little thing like there's one heat there's one hot water system and meanwhile the the which is right near the fire trucks however they need to bring hot water in a certain amount of seconds to an inmate for their One inmate a month legally they have to be able to have water there so it's like okay do you put a instant yeah tank was there and give him give him 30 seconds of hot water and then it shuts off I mean you know right I mean what does he need what do you need it for I'll use the word he because youed more than she or is it thems okay FES okay oops watch I it's being recorded okay um I think the important thing to let all the department heads know is that if we have some little projects that we can you know vet during the next few months just to have them sitting on the sidewind even into the the next year the way this thing works with the ROI you you really need a big project that's going to really give you some big savings and the uh return on investment is going to be relatively quick once you have that you can tack on two or three little ones at a time their Piller to get you to the number exactly and and you still got the uh savings and and the RO overall because you know in general we we kind of think towards the big projects because we've got $225,000 I think 250 now oh 225 that's right went up to 225 went from two to 225 category for 250 but it's we're not eligible they need it big you need more people so we got to get more people in LG see how well that goes over yeah well I wanted about 500 more so we canver it to a city oh okay okay the last number I thought I saw that was supposedly official was 11,500 something like okay all right we can go to representative town meeting we only need 8,000 oh I don't know I kind of I've missed those six hour Town meetings a lot of fun in a leg brace all right yes exactly now you had that strategic location I did that was well well well done right right so we'll do a little email try to get to all I'll try to I'll get with Heather and try to get it to all the Departments and and out there just just to say we'll take you know any project count um with with this thing I think the only other thing we ought to start doing is walking back from the application deadline date in October and flag some key dates as to where where we need to be by a certain date right so that again we're not one week out fire drill to get it done one week out from the end and we still don't have data that we need all right so if I look at it and say I I'm just going to throw a number because actually we can kind of go through so if I say it's October 15th right y i is fig September 15th we'd want to have the projects lined up yeah because the the the final piece is if the data is all done we know what we're doing then that final piece doesn't take a lot of time but give yeah give us twice as long as we need which would be a month right so I'd say by September 15th we just kind of have to have a good feel for what projects we want to submit that type of thing okay so that would be f it only take a month to like get but that's having all the data so we have to know the project before that's I'm saying so by you know we'd have to have so I bu okay so let me say by prioritize the list a [Music] August I say by August 15 it's a list of possible projects not saying the data is in I'm saying to you that this is what things we would like to do from the differents and it gives us another month to get the data or at least vet the project I mean it's going to sneak up on us pretty F mid June here so okay so possible projects for August 15 September is finalized products and then you know by October 15 submit okay okay okay right so that'll give them a month to campaign between August and September to campaign to us to get their projects done boy that would be amazing if I actually had we actually had that huh no it'd be fun I I'm hope I'm I'm really looking forward to the town this way like I said that I think the windows is a great one here um and if you if you're doing that and can do LEDs here correct correct weatherization that can be done in this building and I'm wondering yeah definitely weatherization because who knows what's above this I hate I can't stance this ceilings yeah I got tiles falling and the other thing is at this point we don't know where the primary school Mini Sports What stages they're going to be at I'm assuming they're moving forward with the yes with the first phase that that must be happening this summer I would guess that's that's why they said they couldn't do it because you know they we wouldn't hear by the time they'd be able to do it they wanted to do it so I mean we would have heard yeah going it back a little bit if it got into the April round we would have known by right February March oh it is that long that's right but still it'll be interesting to see how that all falls in April we would have known by June that's what I was thinking right and as I mean school's getting out June 12th and if we know knew we had the the grant yeah then the project would have started shortly after that end whatever that's water under the bridge at this point yeah I think that project no wrong one it's no the problem is the gap okay mine the Gap okay I think that project's just too all over the place maybe for us to be able to plan around it yeah it was more of just it was too late they they you know they already had picked the contractor and wanted and were ping forward no matter what now they got the town vote so that's all they needed and that's not a can't submit for like reimbursement after the fact they have to be on board at the start correct correct you you have to have the funds approved the other thing too is that my understanding now I haven't fact checked this but I was told by one of the department heads that you have to use an approved contractor for Min split installation and things like that somebody that's on the state list or whatever in order to get the green Community funding or order to get in order to get the funding you because there is a there is a possibility we have a certified installer on staff now um we actually do so Chris has somebody who's a certified installing now yes we would they wouldn't they wouldn't uh my understanding is that they would not approve the funds if our person was going to correct but however and that's one of the interesting things so he was talking about that that you know yes I can go to you know a Mr Cool or some other brand and you know buy an inexpensive it might be not worth more worth it to do that than it is to actually go out and do the whole funding thing right because you know to if you look on the websites you can see like mini splits are not that expensive it's just the installers what you pay for it is what you pay to install it type of thing and it's so especially for the smaller projects like the library correct correct you you're putting 40 or 50 unit and then there's got to be a balance in the yes yeah more controls and okay all right all right so I will we'll look to put a notice out on that um that'll need to get out in July so there activity through July and we starts getting so U let me let me I'll look over this this is going to be uh probably next week I'll do a draft and send it out to you guys and this way if you have any comments or anything like that this way I'm looking before the end of June to have it out to everybody and all the Departments so this way they have plenty of time to look at it study it start thinking about this and things like that so it would be August 15th for the possible projects September 15th we're going to look to have to start finalizing the projects so that October 15th we would be able to submit okay all right right perfect and that way we're not having to move meeting dates and things like that I guess the other question and and I don't want to have it get in the way of what we just talked about yeah what's the feel with what's going to happen with Town Hall you know it's been made very clear over the past two decades that the town has no desire to give it up right um and I'm just wondering if there's any Merit maybe in the next round a year later if we still in this position a project do a project over there for weatherization LED lighting and and so on similar to this this is a is an a priority I'd see that as a b or c priority in a list of projects that we might do in the next two to three years correct correct I I I agree with you um because the footprint the basic the exterior envelope of that place is not going to change you when we can't change if we're going to claim it's a start you can't change the outside of the building so yeah and hopefully hopefully the owner of the building for Pixel Tech will still continueous to let us use the handicap ramp the sound was smart if they know they're going to keep that building for eternity they should be buying that property exactly and give might even have four parking spaces yeah you know that should have happened years ago I know that'll I mean it'll probably come up for sale again soon right that's thing that never lasts very long that's rented right now I believe yeah so the LA office that moved out of there they just outgrew the space so it's leased right way back when the uh engineering firm moved out of there is when that should have been buled up by the before the convenience store the pilat studio oh yeah that's right there been a lot of things since then has yeah so including the post office when I was a little kid oh really well that was the post okay okay all right see there was a reason to come to the center of town then huh and a bank was it People's Bank or I don't remember the bank Part One banks every Town's got one of those cursed buildings that changes hands every three or four years yes exactly exactly all right so let's talk a little bit I'm going to keep going and outreach program to increase Community awareness how we do on the Facebook page we get any more um still views and I've been working on the next posts I did go to the police station today and I got them to take a picture with one of their hybrid cars oh okay I was post about that um and I wasn't sure if we still needed the um it was like a spreadsheet you're gonna send out but I'm okay with just oh shoot okay I don't know I can take a look at it and see if M it but then I'll drop something um today just this week you know even if you highlight one thing at a time it just keeps keeps the interest in looking at the information moving us for um I'm I'm waiting for the state to the only way I can say get their act together and and start getting these programs uh flushed out with the federal monies that are coming in um big announcement I got from the doe site forget what state I for some reason I have Main in my head but I'm not sure that's correct Big Splash news that they are the first in the country first state in the country to launch their uh Recovery Act uh rebate program for uh residents oh why aren't we doing that right the money's there all we got to do is apply for it and and develop the program oh more important things to do give it back to the people why would you want to do that you know so but one of these days that money's going to be flowing and that'll be you know additional information we can put out there for people yes um on a slightly different subject just so the information gets out there to anybody that listens to these meetings um it was announced at the board of selectman's meeting two weeks ago that uh the state has actually gotten funding for disaster relief funding for summer storms or fall storms whenever those storms were the floodings um it turns out that the Biden Administration overrode the decision by the Department of Homeland Security or whoever it was that had to decide whether it was uh worthy of disaster funds basically overrode the section based on for individual Property Owners to apply for release it has not made a decision yet on the municipality applications so that's where that came from and um it hasn't been formally announced that I know of in a newspaper or anything it was just the board of selectman meeting somebody shared the notice from Pittsburgh talking about the exact same thing and they plastered it on one of the is some f and they were they were like hardest well yeah see and that's what the last I heard that was still under review by the Biden administration because the the Administration has the final work right I thought that's what because they had guys coming to lemonster now to start the process so I thought that was finally approved at first they would denied okay and I think it was mainly you know depending on what you wanted to call it procedural first denial thing okay but but you got to be very careful and again I haven't been able to see any other press other than there were two facets in the last official notice I saw only one the residential applications has been overridden so that they can apply still may be sitting waiting but it's again it's one of those steps it's going to go from the federal government the state to the local government everybody's got to get involved right so the other note I wanted to give an update on the LED street lights would anyone like to take a guess of to as to what our April bill was for street lights all the electricity we used what was the old one oh you don't oh old one was in the thousands so no no old one would have been around let's see it was 70 so it figure around say 6,000 a month a month3 that's we got two three 400 six uh 187 $650 76 nice all right so right if you extrapolate that out you're talking about like like from 70 something, to7 basically I thought that I think that was a very successful yes yeah now can we can we get that retroactive to yes when we started it yes I know oh boy oh boy and that's that's public record information that we could put on the Facebook thing right is that worth it that's a good return definitely Outreach update so what I'll do is I'll try to actually get you two bills yeah uh you know what I'll say is okay it's not nighttime hours very long anymore is this with ail right but this was April so this was I mean I thought this was so basically what happened is there was some back and forth at first we had credits and things like that this was for the miswire a light that got installed that was never there there was a light that was there that never got you know so they had they argu yeah they argued about poll numbers anyway it was just not even worth but now it now this one is one of those bills I going to say oo this is an actual one of what's as long as we're comparing April to April something like that right the time of year doesn't necessarily matter right yeah might even work up better if we move forward I'm sorry um if we move forward looking at you know a summer month bill because like you say as long as we're looking month per month but now we have timers on them right yeah we do have daunted us dim down yeah we do the dim down at midnight also so that's that's a huge impact right there you know so that'll be a just equally as interesting I think and i' I've asked my neighbor who's a an officer in town if he noticed the DI and he didn't but I think he's good not might have been out on the roads after few times and yeah it was not impactfully noticeable yes you just glad there's a light or something right yeah that kind of thing so exactly no that was that's fine and I'll let me let me find out I'll see about some me but that would be neat to say to say look at this yeah people are definitely interested in that be good all right so we get that and then probably again say six months from now was just kind of keep that in the back of our mind give another update and we throw a graph like a full six month life life date kind of thing savings the date or something yeah yeah okay now that would be yes because then we'd be seeing the the Virgin curves there okay okay yes because I think well hold on I might even I don't think I have it I don't think I downloaded on this computer everything um my panel producing incredible the last few months neighbor all his trees so that was a big usually it's June or July before I get into the credit side all right I don't have it on this one like it's really great yeah okay so we got that so we'll do for the community outreach we'll get you a couple things for the Facebook page okay and let's see I'm going to look at this is uh all right we go for public comment again or any comments from the team and other things that we're missing here I call the library and they do have the energ met thing that you plug oh so oh okay okay so that would be neat to put up there just as a reminder that if you're looking to understand where you might be Phantom energy is or Phantom usages are yeah I'm going to go look at it because I have no idea what this thing is or what it really actually like does it plug into in between like the appliance so you you plug it into the wall and you plug your Appliance in is a kill one yeah okay so it's basically just a little meter that's just going to run it so you can see how much your refrigerator is using anything for you know 110 you can do I wasna say I've got a couple of them that have um I think there's four different readings load reading watt reading kilowatt cumulative reading and there's the fourth one I can't remember what it is and just select them yeah you can program there's some that you can program you put in your your electrical rate will'll tell you what the thing cost oh oh yeah that may be in there course I'm one of those instructions yeah okay all right now the next question for guys do we meet the week of you know the first the Monday of July are you going to call it July 4th and say well we'll go Spring right till August I hate to jump what are we expecting the fourth is the fourth is Thursday right right I'm just looking at us I don't know if going on and you know it's that wonderful long week for the kids since it's a Thursday the kids have what three days so they're out of school by then oh that's right they're out of school so you get out the 12th they've only got out the rest of this week and going till juneth no no what are we expecting to have by August 15th what was our August 15th be the a list of possible projects I don't suspect anything in July well they need to be generating them and if they don't then we got to be on them in July that's that's my concern so we'll know in by the August meeting whether they're actually doing anything but is that too late that's already getting behind the I understand it might be good to have a meeting in July to okay I mean I'm okay with it I just you know know I'm around and the fact is is like I say I have the zoom link so even if we decide that we don't get together to use the AC we can um you know just do it on Zoom okay yeah what's tentatively point a zoom meeting that would be July 1 no wait fourth is Thursday so second third 2 1st July 1 yeah so Monday July 1 most likely a zoom meeting well let's just plan out as a zoom meeting okay that way it's easy here this way if you if I see you with a my tie on the beach I you know I'll get my background set up now exactly exactly yes yes it's a bob meeting I'll have my fire pick blaz there you go perfect perfect anything to keep the mosquitoes away I understand okay all right excellent that's going to be everything I got tonight did I miss anything motions dismiss six 17 18 720 like 720 that's what I got oh I'm looking at 620 up there s 720 okay excellent got got the second all right all in favor any post hearing none call it beautiful all right I didn't quite have maybe meet the bracket but what can we say oh hold on we very consistently start at [Applause] 6:34 and the meeting late abs