##VIDEO ID:cJhTxcvTs4c## electronic versions that are like I just want the highlights I just want this level of detail I you know and that would have been super customizable but I see we're going to be oh I see on air um um I don't seem to have permissions to access our SharePoint oh that's aw yeah we fired you earlier today [Music] s I don't know they'll change their mind okay yeah that's the admin well how did you get to I tried to sign into SharePoint oh and this is where it dumped oh okay um go back to the previous tab oh I already closed out of the signin page that's fine I'll I'll send you a direct log okay thank [Music] you uh Mr Allison we're going to get we're going to get started up here that's okay cuz Let's see we have on air and it is 601 all right either way yeah yes uh good evening everyone and Welcome to our November 25th 2024 meeting of the lunenberg planning board we haven't seen yall in about a month with Veterans Day um thank you for being here if you are at this meeting is recorded as always if you are watching at home and you want to participate you can either log in through the or call in through the zoom link and phone number listed on our agenda on the town website or you can uh Bop on down to beautiful town hall and we're in the upstairs meeting room as we always are if you're here and want to participate congratulations you're here um and I think that is everything we have to say at the Forefront to make sure the meeting is good and legal um I'll call us to order if there's anyone who wants to lead us in the pledge they're welcome to I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] all right um before we get going with business tonight uh because I know there's uh people in the room um I do want to make sure we're all aware that there are public hearings that are on the agenda for 791 lemonster Road 795 lemonster Road and 70 Kilburn Street all of which storm water management permits um those have been continued to our January 8th uh December 9th dece December 9th sorry right there we're not in December yet are we no not quite okay to our uh December 9th meeting so if you're here for that you can have your evening back and otherwise we will open for public comment seeing none and again if you uh if you are in the zoom chat feel free if you do want to comment use that hand raise feature to let Logan know that you want to speak seeing no general public comment I'll move us on we uh to chair director's reports thank you Mr chair and through you to the board person I want to not I wasn't here and I can't take any credit for it whatsoever but planning board was a successful a town meeting with their one zoning Initiative for the water district and that was a tremendous accomplishment and it failed before and spectacular fashion and and they uh you know took it out of the ashes and and resurrected the Phoenix so uh kudos to the board for that effort uh wish I could take this part in it but I look forward to Future efforts may may I hop on that quickly cuz I just want to throw out uh a a real big thank you to members of the Town who are at town meeting and voted a special town meeting and voted but I really want to call out the many members of town who have engaged in that process over the past few years to find a water supply Protection District bylaw that could be palatable to the town as a whole that was uh kind of a fine needle to thread and I was really impressed with the amount of public engagement we got that let us get to the place that was a good by law for everyone so there's credit kind of across the board in town on that one so thank you great um in terms of the permitting pipeline the upcoming applications you can expect before the board we' got a couple um storm water permits that are coming on the 9th in addition to the public hearings that will be continued so be busy on the storm water front we also have a couple of site plan review applications that we're expecting they're not big ones uh so that's on your uh um itinerary for December into January and of course we have um electric Cav and and horos so uh you know it's going to be a little bit busy this winter but manageable certainly and we'll get the peer reviews in line and so you can expect a lot of that information so you can deliberate appropriately uh one project that we did expect that was coming forward as an application was a Marshall Park project and that has been put on hold as you probably know we're not sure what the status of that is or when it's going to come back but it'll be that first phase you know rather limited site plan review storm water application probably sometime in the spring but they need concom approval as well so nothing imminent there um and uh final note is the uh master plan committee meeting coming up in the library 6:30 to 8 December 4th next Wednesday and this is going to be the final one fin input uh final public meeting to get public input as we generate some of the implementation items and conclude the master plan process so please show up please tell people about it it's very important this is the final shot things are going to get uh not not necessarily written in stone but you know codified so it's uh essential that all the effort the planning boards put into the master plan steering committee and so forth that that culminates in a really good um a turnout for that meeting December 4th in the library right in the main hallway that's next Wednesday 6:30 to 8 appreciate it we could see you there that's all I have uh piggybacking on the master plan I would remind us as well that the final survey is also still live the results from that survey will be used in part to inform the discussion at that public meeting uh it's not the case that if you're doing public meeting don't need to bother with a survey if you don't if you're doing the survey don't need to bother with public meeting the survey informs the discussion that then happens at public meeting so head on over to plan lunenberg dorg that is the website that has all of our Master planning info as we go and you can find the final survey there again uh plan lunenberg dorg take that survey sooner rather than later because the more respond we have enough respondents to function but I'll tell you our last survey was through the roof in response in number of responses and it would be great if we could keep that up plan ludenberg dorg take the survey come to the public meeting make sure your voice is included in the voices that get those opinions about the town codified uh because that's what that's the document we're going to use looking forward for Zing bylaws and everything else love it um I believe that's everything from me as well and now we are going to go on to approval not required plans as the dim store reminder anrs approval approval not required funny that the board has to vote on them but we're not voting to approve we are voting to endorse and say yes this is something that in fact does not need our approval if you think that's weird um many people agree with you welcome to Massachusetts and here we go our first one on our docket is 100 Townson Harbor Road [Music] uh good evening I'm turnning that a little bit more this way please yes please that's perfect thank you you need to good evening I'm Mark wheeler from toer land survey and we're presenting a plant 100 towns in Harbor Road it's owned by stepen S Stafford and Peter Stafford and what we're looking to do is create five Lots um three of them will be standard Lots two of lots one and four will be reduced Frontage Lots all the Lots meet the frontage zoning lot width requirement and Upland area requirement mhm all right and um I don't know if you have anything else to share before I know these are often not super complex but um and it just double check that they went through that they did go to the Board of Health and get whatever response the Board of Health needs to get and everything correct yes we got all them they've satisfied that Mr chair and through you to the board uh my recommendation is to endorse as proposed uh the plan is properly prepared what I look at what my concern is does it show what the statute requires for the board to endorse and then they must endorse but you know is it adequate Frontage under the statute um is it adequate access under the statute does it meet the criteria for approv when it does and the plan's properly prepared as well so I would recommend endorsement thank you um and again just as a note you will sometimes in in these hear us ask questions that well frankly we ask them in part to make sure that you or the applicant has answers to those questions um the result of those answers really isn't doesn't impact whether or not we approve it but the number of times PE um that people have come to us gotten anr done and then come back months later going oh we didn't realize we were kind of screwing ourselves up there um with any number of that's why we ask about the Board of Health and everything just to make sure that way does it does it impact our vote no does it sometimes catch things and make applicants lives easier yes um okay great and this is um one property being car I never remember the technical terms for one one property being divided into five Lots okay I see one two three and you're using the two of them lots one and four are the reduced Frontage requirements correct yep okay I would turn to the board and ask if we have any questions or comments from the board here in none um I I look at the topos and everything to me the that seems pretty straightforward um I would look for a motion for the bo from the board if there are no comments or questions if people want another moment to review we can do that too just say so that's fine uh motion to endorse anr for 100 towns and Harbor Road I'll second moved and seconded um any other discussion all right all in favor I I great uh then that's approval from the well not approval endorsement from the board and I believe we're all set there prop Point sh passing it on down Logan will have the proper Implement I think in a second oh cuz this is the myar yeah it down it in the Box come this pick probably uh these have to be uh Sharpie I think I have a not so fine point Sharpie that's that's fine doesn't make my signature any worse typ of instruments but Sharpie is best than you all right it's not an endorsement of any product by the way I don't want what a question although Sharpie I'll tell you what if you do want an endorsement for me maybe my ethics could be waved for a big no um all right's going to put Sharpie out of um okay so that is it we're getting the myar for 100 hon Harbor and next up is um an an anr thank you you can grab the myar when we're done cuz he can just take it right yep and next up will be goodr Street and Reservoir Road I love an anrs they're not all that easy no they're not some of them can be very this one's an easy one amen take it away oh why did you do that I'll just make a note while we're waiting for the applicant to uh set up is that the applicant form itself is also important review by the board because sometimes that contains information about property owners that need consent to C over here to the plan that's being presented so um always take a look at that too was it with you we hit that that we hit that recently with a question was that right I I feel like we had that question recently sometimes it comes up that uh was this property owner affected by thisr uh are they aware of this and did they consent to it and that's an essential obviously wouldn't that be exciting if you could just carve off a couple acres in neighbor's property be like well they didn't show up all right uh for the record Chris with handing and Engineering here on behalf of John keing uh for the anr subdivision of a property uh located um along goodard Street and uh Reservoir Road uh currently the property is of significant size it's the intent to carve off a total of six Lots associated with the project or the development uh all Lots 1 through five will be your typical uh compliant residential lots uh that comply with the RB zoning District requirements for which they're located in uh and lot six would be um the remaining land of about 88 acres um that's kind of com in combination with the residential be and the office Industrial Park District so we are in full compliance with that um with that being said it's uh pretty much the just the uh anr if there's any questions I'll be more happy to answer them um what's the what's the size of lot one like acreage wise of lot one is I don't oh was that I see just over two acres okay two yeah I see that now okay RB 80,000 ft 100 ft of Frontage how much oh how much Frontage 100t of Frontage it does have 100t okay yeah most of the Lots sit around 200 give or take yeah uh question through the chair uh lot one uh where is the lot width of 229 ft get right in the front portion of the site and that's where the house is going to be that would be ideally where the house would be yes okay thank you I'm just switching I realized I haven't looked at the topos yet and I do want to take a um did the uh was this uh submitted to the Board of Health and the Board of Health gave gave their feedback yes yes we have that and Mr chair my recommendation once again would be because it's consistent yep with the statute that uh the board uh May endorse I'm not a big fan of seeing these sort of pork chop array Lots but nonetheless there's no Prohibition in lunenberg about that there are many towns but not here so the plan is properly prepared meets all the requirements there is adequate ACC assess and Frontage so I believe it's entitled to endorsement that's my recommendation um and I see I I haven't walked this lot so I'm just going to this area I'm was going to ask quickly I I see what looks like some steep Contours there but that's uh just being Point Blank That's That not a gully or anything or something that makes it truly a luer frontage correct nope so the frontage is effectively flat for a certain extent and then it does um okay far does go up it's all sand and gravel great so it's easy digging wonderful excuse me um another question uh are you has has it been thought that these five Lots might be connected to a single common driveway uh hasn't gone that far beyond my knowledge cuz that corner is bad already yeah okay be on the scope with the on though any other questions or comments from the board was that heading into a question from someone no okay not from me side question not all right all right um I would accept either a comment saying dude slow down I want to look at it some more otherwise I'd be looking for a motion uh motion to endorse anr for Goodrich Street and Reservoir Road Lots 1 to six right we second moved and seconded all right and that that that phrasing works for yeah that's okay great all in favor all in favor hi hi great thank you question oh sorry quick go ahead no this this is do we have while we're signing so we something we're doing um do we have a method of encouraging shared driveway I remember we talked about it and we worked on it last year I think or I came in while it was being worked on we do have a the new common by driveway bylaw we passed a year ago I want to say um my yeah I think it was a year ago um and that uh the that does not I think so it encourages common driveways six in that five it makes that uh we kind of expanded the availability of common driveways okay and frankly they are often the cheaper if you're if you're developing multiple lots a common driveway can be a cheaper way to go and I think there's an argument to be made that in long-term maintenance for owners that creates a just less driveway overall means you're spending less to maintain it our encouragement is just it'll make things easier cheaper for everybody yeah well okay I I I would I would counter that with the the sale ability uh the price I would think asking for a common driver versus an individual driver would also be less just just my thought so it would cost less to build but also would yeah probably and if we were going to get really into the weeds um I think you could say an argument that makes common driveways less appealing is that well then there's often going to be some kind of uh binding agreement condo AA type thing between the properties but the counter to that counter is we're seeing so many so much storm waterer management that requires though that codification anyway that um I don't know in many instances it may not change much for a multi uh lot dep okay good question Mr chair I I would mention that um just as a a distinction with the difference in this case is these sort of common driveways can never be publicly accepted or maintained yes the town that's important thing just as a general point of information anyone considering them sort of on your own as you say it's got to be an HOA Mutual maintenance but the town will not own and maintain that yeah that is different than a sub division uh where they're building roads and the and we have more stringent requirements for that because the town could in theory end up owning a subdivision Road where we can't a common driveway great love it let's move on to 32 no completely wrong ignore that let's say 70 Kilburn Street would be correct right no 32 Spring Street no I'm yeah no I uh in my notes I just I do Properties by address and don't codify which it is because it can build over time gotcha so I was looking at the wrong one no problem Greg Roy with dson Roy I'm representing the applicant this evening at 32 Spring Street with an anr plan uh to subdivide the property we are actually not proposing any new building buildable Lots we're creating uh what is known as parcel a if you have the plan in front of you apologize I didn't bring a a large plan um we're subdividing parcel a out of the parent parcel parcel a houses the um septic system for the house across the street um so we're creating a parcel so it will not be conveyed with lot one that's shown on the plan so that we won't have an easement issue and that kind of thing so this is really just a cleanup um an issue where this this one of those situations which happens a lot on on a lake in a Lake Community where you have the septic system on the opposite side of the street is the house um we've done a reserve um there's an existing leeching field on parcel a we have also done the soil testing additional soil testing to prove a reserve leeching area on parcel a so uh so that we can document compliance with Title 5 prior to the subdivision we've also done a Title 5 inspection on that system and it does pass that's hot off the press that just came over to your Board of Health office uh today we just completed that I think yesterday and finished the paperwork on it today um and that uh those tasks We Believe met the statutory requirements of the um subdivision of property relative to Title 5 requirements we have also just for your point of Interest not that it matters to you but we have also soil tested on lot one and designed a septic system for lot one that has also been approved by the board of Feld so I think we're uh and I I believe that the uh you'll find that the parcel a is not to be a building lot uh lot one has the prerequisite Frontage in area uh pursuant to your bylaw yeah it looks like 125 is feet of Frontage correct um the house would have to sit quite a bit quite a bit back from the road to um uh to achieve the 175t lot width but that is available uh so I have a question that isn't that is just for my own edification and understanding um how the heck does it work when a Septa system runs under a public road oh like I mean the piping runs yeah under the road I'm not sure how this one works we didn't permit it uh but when we've done it in the past um it requires a couple things um it requires either a license from the board of select the select board or um an ment that's issued by town meeting I'm not sure which one this might have and uh it requires a Title Five variants because anytime you um you exit the facility which is the real property go onto someone else's property and then go on to that that requires a a variance from ttle 5 so I'm not sure how it was done all I know is it exists and we're just trying to uh to clean that up yeah and like I said this is purely because I look at no it's it's good question yeah no we've done it on on certain situations um one one particular time I remember we we went to the town meeting floor in Harvard to receive an easement um for uh to to put a private sewer in a public road which is sort of the permanent way of doing it and then more temporary way of doing it if you will is to get a um a license from the select board they can also authorize it by license but it's also a rescindable license so uh so anyway I'm not sure what happened here but great no thank you Mr chair than to your question uh generally speaking uh as part of either of these sort of scenarios uh the applicant has to prove that the largest Public Safety piece of equipment which usually is rated at 50,000 lb can pass over that without damaging yeah practic there practical issues too yeah yeah oh great thank you like I said just I see and go oh that makes sense I I wonder how that yeah works on these Lake communities we find all kinds of strange Arrangements you know think all kinds of all kinds of things so great I'll turn to the board do we have uh or what questions or comments do we have from seeing none um I would uh be open to a motion uh motion to endorse an anr for 32 Spring Street I will second moved and seconded all in favor I I great thank you you let's play pass the myar you said very impressive here okay okay I'm going to all right and that is being passed [Music] along and again uh I mentioned it earlier but for for those who might be tuning in now we have public hearings scheduled but they've requested continuance to December 9th 791 lemonster Road 795 lemonster Road and 70 Kilburn Street all three of those storm water permits have been continued to December 9th but we still have the public hearing for 494 electric AV for a site plan approval and storm water man [Music] [Applause] permit all righty uh for Chris Anderson handing and Engineering here behalf of um sorry several products going through my head tonight and D lber LC yeah yeah and this was continued from our last meeting correct so uh we wanted to come before the board tonight just to give the board an update of where we're stand um so as the board right remember we took testimony from various uh abutters and the board and everything like that we've taken those into consideration uh we haven't formally made any modifications to the site plan as of yet uh because we're still expecting to hear back from graves engineering the storm water engineering peer reviewer uh hopefully should be seeing that shortly um why we work with Graves engineering on a regular basis and we were meeting about another project and I just asked him where he's at with it so he said it's forthcoming so uh with that being said uh Jeff Vini the attorney for the projects also attendance to give an update on where we stand relative to the Pierce uh Street situation great thank you Mr jman so um we have not heard back from Town Council yet I had email communication to the planner um I actually called Town Council and I understand it's special town meeting season so he may be overwhelmed um so I will Circle back and try to get a hold of him again I don't know if you've heard from him yeah Mr chair through you to the board just an update on that matter and um the the other um items that were mentioned uh I did forward all the information the contact information and the information that the applicant provided to Town Council this is about three or four weeks ago so he's had it okay you know he has been busy but um he has everything he needs to review what the outstanding uh issues are to advise the board so um was he was going to reach out to attorney Pelini who prepared the opinion letter he has all of that information and knows the expectation and and the ask on the part of the board for guidance so it's pending okay and I'll I'll reach out to him tomorrow and see where we are um so I think we are you know sort of been a holding pattern on that a little bit gu I understand it's it's special Tom eating season so he's probably buried the applicant has you've done everything that you that's I just want make sure the board knows the other update I have is um National Grid did come out and did make some adjustments on the lighting it's not you know a complete solution it's more of a trial and era thing but they've actually been out and and and re repositioned yes reposition the lights I guess but again it's not probably the end product Okay so trying to move everything along best we can that's even more revolutionary that you got National Grid out that quick but so well done was was it me I'll take credit for that unel I'm sorry unel I said National GG because I that makes more sense okay um and just on um the status of the peer review I talked with him today he has been buried but um he's maybe 90 80 90% complete on that so you should be hearing from him shortly so you'll be able to respond to his comments I'm expecting within the week we'll have his comments and so uh we can consider a continuance pleasure of the board to the 9th but um we're fine we're fine with that that should be adequate time to turn it around great um I'm going to turn to the board for any comments or questions and then I'll turn to the public this is a public hearing um any comments or questions from the board at this time um and because of for people watching at Town um this is uh we're effectively discussing I I the uh the the big vacant lot next to Il Forno um just you know because we sit here and talk addresses all the time not as helpful for people tuning in who don't live that world comments or questions from the board after this now that we've had this update hearing none um public comment please good evening Dave McDonald 155 is Road it's good to see a full board tonight so this is good uh the reason why I'm here is a couple couple things and if you can indulge me for a second I just want to tell you what I do for a living I build retail stores across the country I deal with all kinds of building departments uh boards planning boards uh we design build um and what I see going on here and maybe you can help help us in the community I've been on a lot of boards in this town from the building DPW to the building reuse when it first came out um sewer commissioner for 8 years and I applaud you guys for giving back to the time to the town but the the reason why I'm here tonight is knowing what's going on in the town we need to tighten up as a business owner in town they they take a lot of Burden from us yes they're here to make money but they're also here to help the community a lot of businesses in town we need po proas alos um they donate a lot little businesses they need our help they don't know construction I shouldn't say that PO does but most people don't know Construction they need to be helped and right now I see a lot of people just say you know what here you go go to the meeting and you got to there's going to be delayed but that's not the way to do business it's costing these business owners a lot of money which inail is going to cost us a lot of money because it's got to go somewhere so what I'm asking is and I know Mike Savage Jo had a policy where you go through a channel you know if you if Al horo want to Lodge their pocket lot before a shovel goes in the ground it should be all taken care of so here we have a little bit of confusion where it's lawyers are making money not the businesses that goes back to pay the taxes so what I'm asking for you guys is to look at the businesses and help them you know hold their hands sometimes they need help but trust me in the long run it'll be good and this town I've lived here for 22 years and I remember when Walmart opened up and everyone was in a panic but once Walmart opened up that changed the life of lunenberg cuz with Walmart comes everybody else including people from the outside so if you look at a restaurant business especially I build restaurants you know I do Macy's we do per Ellis's uh I do Starbucks um we do Bugaboo Creek when they a business but it's very tough to run a restaurant today in this in this business as you know I mean we had some good restaurants come and go I think we should try to inhere it help them and but follow the law I mean the law is the law and if they don't do it right that's I don't think anyone's asking for a help in hand I I think they're just looking for justice and move on with business so with that I just want to say Merry Christmas Happy Thanksgiving thank you guys thank you Mr M any other public comment good evening Michael lovewell 579 Reservoir Road I'm going to Echo Mr McDonald's comments about business um being a business owner in this town for 40 years um I've seen a lot of things come and go in this town I was part of the CVS project um I actually helped the town out and used that property as a staging area for the phase one sewer project that someday I'll tell you guys the whole story about that which isn't a really really good story for especially for a business owner but I am here and I'm not I'm here actually for Mr Muhammad cuz I want to see commercial development I think we need more commercial development in this town but it's it is hard I mean when you if you call an engineer in the local area and there's a couple I don't know if they're still here and they'll say hey what are you calling for I want to do business in lunberg oh tough place to do business um and it it is I I will tell you from other towns and areas lunenberg you know and I think you guys are trying to make it a simple a process to do things like that and I and I think that's really good and I think commercial is we need more commercial in this area I we do I mean it's it's crazy that there's some areas that could be developed and you know and and Mr Mohammad going to spend a lot of money to do that and I'm for that project I'm not for that I am for I'm here for some things that he needs to correct on the other side of that other building that I think I sent you videos and I hope you guys saw those videos but we can do that at the next meeting but um I just wanted to uh say the same thing that Dave McDonald said about the commercial business and stuff like in town thank you thank you thank you hi uh Ryan stobber piav I'd like to just revisit the um the whole debacle with the street I wonder if the lawyer could just revisit it explain if it wasn't adopted is that what I can give you my I mean if you're asking I can give you like what is what what is the intention like what does it prohibit and what will it allow if it is adopted not adopted like what's what's the advantage on both like what's the advantage of the town if it was adopted and we know it wasn't so what's what's that gain the Builder you know I will actually I will let the Builder speak I will let the applicants speak to what they see the advant I mean they're the ones who have found this and and again when I say believe I'm not trying to put down the position this is outside my under I'm not a lawyer um but they're going to have they have the argument that the town did not formally adopt it that basically the town started the process but didn't finish right um and my loose understanding is that because of this this lets them kind of use our parking bylaws in a way that is more amendable to their business desires and if I I mean that as a neutral statement I don't mean that like sometimes people say more amenable to business desires and that's like a loaded phrase I don't mean it that way do we know if there's any other roads in town that aren't adopted is could this lead like open up a can of worms like how do we do that like how did he find out and how come we couldn't or can we I I would I think we have a question from the public if you wish to respond if you want me to please I'd love it um thank you so we we do a what's called a title abstract and we go back and we chain the title back and the abstractor we hire has been doing this for 50 years and he wrote an opinion letter that piav was never formally taken which means there was no recording of the registry of deeds to solidify a town vote so it's a little bit of a legal anomaly and and just to your benefit sir I been doing this for 34 years there's been other towns that have had the same situation it was philipson I dealt with templon Templeton there's actually a street in gner that had the very same situation so it's not as if we want to take advantage and take control of the road I can tell you right now Mr Muhammad does not want to own the road but it's a mechanism for us to to basically conjoin these parcels and use the bylaw to create our parking so would it be a dead end no no it's not it's it's it's not a dead end it's it's a road that has not been properly taken is what it is well I'm saying if you combine the parking won't that be a dead end no we have no intention making that a dead end a as they have as per the plans they've submitted um I think to most people it would look like like on The Superficial level parking across the street right like here's a small Road and you can park here or our over flow lot across the street like when I go up to co Costco and nasua and uh I can't because it's the week before Thanksgiving and I'm a little behind on my shopping I got to go park on the other side of the road there that's it sure okay thanks thank now that you know my sh my shopping habits uh any other public comment or Mr McDonald please I don't want to keep getting up and down but I I and I do shop Costco by the way but there are some things that you want to do in a neighborhood and a good one is the Old Mill and Fitchburg I don't know if any of you guys have been there but they have pocket on one side pocket on the other one and this is not I mean I don't know if it's a matter of a private road or or what it is but again businesses should be taken care of if you can and it's just kind of funny you just said that and I don't know why we even here talking about this cuz to me it's kind of like a non-issue except for the ownership of the street thank you thank you I have a comment yeah that's a great point about the old m in Westminster actually I drive by there often I go there often they do have parking on both sides of the street I'm curious if we have any way to get information from the town of Westminster about how that happened so it is on 2 a mhm so it crosses both sides of 2A so I don't know how that well that would work I could answer part of that is I I don't know what westminster's bylaws are I don't know um when they've changed because the Old Mill has been there um long enough that it was my grandparents favorite restaurant and um God Rest their souls they're they're not here with us um but uh when we I don't even know I don't know if it is unique to when we redid the parking bylaw a good handful of years ago now but um the lunenberg par parking by law does require parking on the same lot as the business right except for the um Town Center District which is designed as more of a walkable downtown and so parking has to be AA paraphrasing parking has to be Avail there has to be enough parking within a quarter mile for the business like again paraphrasing it but um yeah and so part of the reason for that parking for our current parking bylaw I don't know if we had the lot requirement previous to the current version or not but um I mean if I was speaking off the cuff I would identify our Park parking bylaw as on the more conservative side but the reason it is on the more kind of conservative side is when it wasn't so tight um we ended up with frankly some very dangerous situations regarding parking in town um where businesses were not building enough parking for their um for their business and that was leading to on street parking in some fairly dangerous areas um so that was kind of a safety response there um I I have more thoughts on ideas that could work but I kind of want to hold those till the next meeting once I can do a little research and flush out some more um what we could do to simplify for everyone's sake but at this point um yeah that's kind of that's where to my understanding the uh by owning the road it's one lot and therefore it can be on both sides and if I'm misstated please feel nope I'm spot on great I'm getting news that I'm spot on so one broken clocks twice a day I'll take it um myself being the Broken Clock uh great other public comment other comments or questions from the board and uh I don't know if the applicant wants to share anything else or if you're all set great okay in that case uh well I think we would need a motion to continue to uh December 9th uh continue the public hearing for 494 electric AV to December 9th at 6:05 p.m. so moved second moved and seconded all in favor I I great we'll continue to the ninth thank you thank you than thank you oh yep and again for those just tuning in now you'll see public hearings for 791 795 lemon to Road and 70 Kilburn Street those have been continued to December 9th already uh well they've requested to continue with do we need to do anything for that or no CU we're not opening them so we don't need to or reopening or anything so no uh there's no vote that's needed it they're just automatically continued consistent with the request to continue from the applicant great perfect then I'll move and wow no one from the public friends we're alone dangerous the exception of whoever's watching on Facebook some or YouTube or Public Access television I don't know if YouTube's live or not all right we next up would be our decisions uh we have a decision for 1260 Reservoir Road site plan approval Mr chair I think Logan's cobbled together a decision it's that's one just directly printed from what you had in the um the staff report yeah so um I think it's complete and um if you want to take a look at it before you sign it by all means do but I think it contains everything that we deliberated on a motion and voted for okay I don't I hit the back button I hate my life that folder okay there's nothing in our decisions folder so let me um I just got that cut from the other so let me throw it into there okay cool just rather than all of us trying to read the same physical copy so procedurally just for my benefit um I've been putting them in the staff report ah okay so it should be a standalone document it seems by the the way you prefer to do things I I think so I don't know do we have a preference I think if was in staff report that's f for me that's fine I don't know for all of us sure is it fine if it's just in the staff report PDF I need to be a standalone document at the end of the day like in my office at some point because it the there's a notice of decision that gets M out and whatnot but I mean that's actually no that's separate so what I'll do going forward is make sure if I don't hear any comments or suggestions or editorial requests for revisions I'll make a final document for Signature the day of the meeting and make sure I bring that so you have a clean copy right that you know is is ready for Signature wonderful the I think the staff report being a new document we don't I think we're adjusting our habits on how to review and what to look for where and everything so yeah it's it's all the pleasure of the board but um you can comment to me obviously individually if you see something and and you know I've gotten comments um so by all means that's the purpose of you know catching things or anything that you feel like you voted differently but um as of day of the meeting then I'll know you don't have any concerns and I can print it for Signature in this case this is a pretty straightforward yes it is decision with just the standard conditions and no discretionary conditions so I was just double-checking the times on it what number is that or or did I assume we gave some kind of construction time requirements or maybe we didn't it's part of our standard conditions I thought like when they hours rather yeah uh those are the standard conditions I'm aware of yeah and so then anything beyond that in a particular case you can make a case specific or obviously if it's next to a residential neighborhood you want to have more stringent hours I I'm just which number is the hours for our standard conditions is that I don't yeah I don't know off the top of my head but there's something hours of construction shall be limited to 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday 8: a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday with no construction On Any Sunday or state or federal holiday that's pretty standard yeah no what's where is that though I I believe you it's there I just what number is that or is that there's a page in here that has the old letter head it's still got Matthew Allison's chair and Eric torgenson is a member I was going to ask about that cuz even when you go down to the decisions voted on it yeah I see that here the uh oh it's on this the cover page yep is uh has old info on it the cover page I think because that has other mat the the other long-haired bearded Matt as chair so that is probably from couple years ago yeah so wherever I you know it's difficult for me to add it in the you know with the um platform I have so we'll just have to if you'd like I can um fix some of the scrier errors and that right now and probably why don't we do that yeah just cuz that does matter once we get in the pattern once I'm you know familiar with things then obviously I'll carry forward each decision with the current information then the stuff that gets adjusted is discretionary conditions you add yeah and stuff like that but I don't see the construction hours on this one I probably just missing it I I get that I just where did you get that from Logan the language itself um that you just read I got that from a uh draft decision that Richard Harris wrote back in August 26th and you'd think that something like this would be you know front and center on like the Plenty Wars web page but it's not um it's kind of goes back again to the lake well you don't have it anywhere else so it's got to be to be enforcable it's got to be in the decision that's a standard condition see I whever I got that those standard conditions if it doesn't include that yeah correct me if I'm wrong but our standard conditions do include construction hours correct yeah cuz that's always been like yellow cuz then we look at it and go oh wait we have to then make sure we add the correct hours so I think you may have gotten it from in I don't know H so you've approved it already yeah it's just that's simply I'm adding it so let's treat it as you know um a grammatical or or a Content yeah cuz part of our standard conditions whatever they going to be in there accurately so yeah does include work hours okay so maybe we should hold off and and just adjust that are you are you um clean that up now yeah you give Logan a second he can clean it up I I think I would want to really verify that these standard conditions match the ones that we've used otherwise Reon because we have we took about I want to say a year ago but in my mind everything's a year ago we sat down at one point and went through our standard conditions and revised them and kind of because they we we realized that there were some conditions we were pretty much always adding so we met we brought them into standard conditions I don't think I can't tell you where I got these but that's fine yeah yeah if they're not accurate I think they are according to you then they definitely need to be M brought up to date would it be better for us just to and would screw things up if we wait until the December 9th meeting to sign or I think that's fine I don't think there's any necessarily urgent matter here okay cuz that gives you the time to make sure that it does match and everything I've I think I've been in touch with the applicant a couple times and they they were asking like what the next steps and such were um so I don't know just how far it would push things out for them I'll talk to them and I'll just say it you know on our part we're just trying to make sure the proper land it doesn't serve anyone's interest to have an accurate information in the decision all right I'll talk to him explain it and we'll have the right decision on the 9th okay and going forward are we comfy with that I have a question yeah is it possible that like other things that they can proceed with their at their own uh risk I mean we've already approved it yeah we've actually talked to them about that so that is yeah as long as they understand which they do they're proceeding without the proper filing okay one I I I had a similar wondering because I hate to hold them up but I want to make sure we we're doing our part correctly great all right so so that will get moved ahead to our next meeting um we have nothing under board discussions um like kind of slated for tonight in particular um AB budding Community notices is there anything Logan you wanted to bring to our attention in particular tonight um no not particularly um most of them were from Fitchburg and from one kind of bulk notice um there's some uh multif family conversions I think two separate ones happening to a cluster of units um there is a planned unit development um and then in townend um an age restricted residential development was given a variance by the zba and a UPS Store um was given the green light by their planning board oh UPS to on Townson that could be useful PUD and Fitchburg could have an impact on do you have the address there um yeah chance you get a chance and uh because the Pud is a big project and so there could be impacts if it's on Town Line border impacts to that could affect zero Townsen Street zero Townsen and fishburg yeah if it's not near our boorder I I wouldn't say it's an issue but it's pretty decently near it um it's just on the road from Smoke Stack okay yeah I mean it's what I can do is reach out to the Fitchberg planning office and just get a copy of the plans and know what the specific project is and I can advise you about whether we need to weigh in on their permitting process it's on the other side of the John Fitch from us it looks like that's yeah but I don't think that would provide much of an impact but uh I'm thinking more like right on the border across from a residential neighborhood in lunenberg but yeah those scenarios are the ones that concern me yeah I mean it's down the road from Smoke Stack but well down the road okay that I don't think that's a yeah an impact all right great uh committee reports master plan steering committee um we continue to have Quorum problems um we had a kind of informal meeting just to see where what the direction of everything is um and as you guys already mentioned uh town get together is happening next week December 4th um and hopefully from there we'll be able to start getting more regular meetings great um it is my it it is my understanding from other discussions that challenges with a master plan steering committee finding Quorum at this phase in the game is not uncommon sure for municipalities I mean it'd be better if we didn't have Quorum issues but I mean Adam warned us about it when we put together the board so yeah and that even smaller master plan steering committees have Quorum issues at this phase in the game because it's been going on for over a year now um all right if you think you're going to have a quorum for the event next Wednesday then you can post it and and that can serve as a master plan steering committee meeting to provide I will look into that that might be a good move done that before and then that sort of final input on the final draft right MH I'll email the rest of the team that sounds like a good idea though love it question about that so over and under they bit a contract right yep and so they had so many public meetings included in that did they not I'm sorry did so did they have a a a minimum maximum specific number of public meetings that they would be part of and is that going to impact that contract at all uh I do not remember the wording of the contract there I don't either um I I mean they're expecting this meeting and they have not expressed any to me they have not expressed any concerns while I've been coordinating um so same money less work I wouldn't complain about it either um this is to my understanding what we've been okay this is what uh and again for the sake of uh being complete uh we often say over under because they're the lead contractor but it is over under mcginness uh mechanist Associates and rkg yes um they they remain fantastically responsive and very good to work with and with steady forward momentum um just the Curiosity in these tough Municipal Financial Times yeah fair point they're pretty close to the final product the deliverable that'll lead to the final product I'd say 92 or 3% okay so yeah the contract should be fine although I will tell you I have not been able to get a copy of the contract in the planning office which is unusual but um I will keep trying and but I think we're within budget limits and everything's going to be fine thank you all right open space committee uh nothing to report all right Municipal Building design committee yeah so I we've had a few meetings we we we've expedited the meeting schedule uh in hopes to um contract with this arpa money that we're spending on that um and so I think my last report said that there were a a large number of responses there were over 20 responses to the RFP but there was technically only one uh ontime response so at first I was quite unhappy with the result uh and then even more unhappy to find that as long as they checked all the boxes and fit in all the the geometric shapes that we had asked for and that they provided that there was no way of not hiring them for this sure so one applicant and as long as they met all the boxes uh so that was an issue in my mind but um luckily well thankfully happily however it works out the um we had the interview with with the team and um I think it was was fairly unanimous of the mbdc membership that we were very happy with the um serendipitous one applicant so um again because of the expedited schedule that we've trying to to get this money expended uh or contracted the um we had a meeting tonight before this so I was on on that 5:30 to 6 I was on that and they were go over we were reviewing the space requirements that we had previously gotten I believe was the Georgio there was a previous contract and the building design um uh space analysis requirements for the different town offices um and it sounded like we were a little bit over on what we were shooting for over there but um it's certainly not the last meeting uh I just I just want to say that that it it did seem a resounding unan un unanimity uh for the members that we were pleased with the interview great it's so rare that it is so rare that people from different Avenues of town government can agree on something somewhat that's wonderful thank you Mr Allison um Capital planning committee that's me uh it's Capital planning season we we've heard at this point from all the parts of town government that submit Capital requests we've seen their kind of 10-year plans out to the future we were hoping for more unification in terms of presentation style and everything this year but I think there's new habits to be learned and that's not a uh instantaneous or one year thing we were hoping to have our first kind of go round of ranking in comparison completed by now but um the the way Veterans Day prevented things getting posted we lost a meeting in there so we're still on track and we'll be doing more of the fiveyear capital plan after the turn of the new year once we've submitted the current rankings Economic Development Committee uh nothing to report the meeting last week was rescheduled to December 19th okay stormw waterer task force um we continue to make progress we've got a goal to start advertising by spring meeting to have kind of just the outline so we can start talking to people about it um we're doing some investigating because what we're probably going to need after we've gotten this all set up if we can get this all set up is a storm Water Commission uh and we need to figure out how to set that up all how like the Sewer Commission is set up uh that is the next big thing that we're looking into um otherwise everything continues to progress um we're working with uh CI to get better information on how much this is going to cost people how much we're going to be charging businesses um all of that information so everything continues to move uh who is CI or what is CEI they are the engineering uh firm that we are working with for all of our kind of external information and everything of that nature great thank you massachusett Regional Planning Commission nothing to report massach joint Transportation Comm committee we did not have a meeting this month so nothing to report uh Town manager screening committee we uh have received uh the ad went out we received applications and uh we have chosen who the screening committee will interview and those interviews are coming up um in the next next few weeks couple weeks I think if you need I can get the exact dates but um we'll have those interviews and afterwards the um screening committee will then pass on some number of applicants to the select board as finalist for the select board to then review um we have I am happy with the quality of our applic and uh yeah that that's pretty much where we are there how was the response did you get a lot of resumes well so no the reason I'm being thoughtful is our last meeting was executive session because there's stuff you can't talk about because that could like so I don't know off the top of my head if I can talk about num so forgive me on that one we had fewer applicants than I would have considered ideal but in my opinion I would say there was an acceptable number and an acceptable number at appropriate quality um so yeah that's I am of the belief that that we will end up with a qualified good candidate for the town in the long run I have another question on that yeah if you do yeah um there was something about a staffing agency involvement are these applications that you're interviewing given to you by the staffing agency yeah um uh Community Paradigm Associates are the ones we hired um frankly far cheaper than the competing firms and the work they do is kind anyone you talk to who has worked with them from the municip from the municipal employer perspective or the Municipal Employee perspective has very high things to say about them uh so they came and they collected info from this town manager screening committee they spoke to the select board they smoke spoke to department heads as well and got an idea of where is lunenberg now in terms of overall in terms also in terms of challenges we're facing they put that together into a position statement for the town that went out with our that was kind of part of our ad and the applicants then respond back to community Paradigm Associates so they submitted their resumés and everything to them as well as engaged in discussion with them uh and that kind of has the advantage that frankly people are more comfortable going to a middle person saying so what's going on here then they are expecting the town itself to answer frankly what I mean even if we would um I would like to think we would and so they collect the applicants they send all the applicants to us and ultimately the town manager screening committee then chooses from among those applicants with feedback from the uh from the from Community Paradigm associates they get feedback But ultimately it's our choice for who we're going to interview I don't know if that answers your question but I guess I guess I guess my question was was was a pointed question the um so the the town decided to hire a staffing agency to help write the request for applications and then to give you preliminary interviews and then you're still doing the interviews I don't I don't understand why the town is giving money to a staffing agency uh that that I can answer um my understanding of like what we talked about in committee and I can answer why I got there as the usual blah blah I can't speak for for a committee whatever but um the answer is because they do a better job than the town can of getting it in front of the people who are most likely to be qualified for and interested in the position they are also better at coordinating with those individuals to kind of basically to answer any concerns or questions frankly to make sure the applicants who are applying are likely to be a good fit and understand the idiosyncrasies of our town and um they then give very good feedback along the way in terms of oh well you might think you you might think this person is good or bad but here's a trait that might change your mind that you might not know notice and that kind of thing um I would say I I think we're paying I think the the total for that contract is 15 grand or so which I mean isn't a tiny amount of money but compared to the annual salary compared to the cost of getting it wrong is uh in my mind a wise inv investment we're hiring the effectively the CEO of the town and I think it's imperative we get someone who's qualified not just on paper but can be a good match for us good enough thank you you're welcome all right minutes approval we have minutes for September 9th meeting and sept M 23rd meeting and um if you haven't already reviewed them give it a look see and then if you're comfortable I would look for motions for example once comy the motion might be to approve the minutes for our September 9th and September 23rd 2024 meetings um are we doing them both as one cuz I was not here for the 9th meeting we can do them separately as well that's fine also you are you are allowed to vote okay for meetings you were not present for you may choose not to I often choose not to but you are legally allowed to vote okay so I mean if you've reviewed blah blah blah whatever you're Cy with but I'm fine for the motion as individuals as well um motion to approve uh minutes for the September 9th and September 23rd uh planning board meetings second moved and seconded does anyone wish more time all in favor I I I great minutes approved meeting schedule as a reminder planning board meetings happen at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall here in the upstairs meeting room unless otherwise noted our upcoming meetings include um I see December 9th and December 23rd hey friends I'm going to turn to us and be real that's my birthday I'm not coming say are we actually going to meet on December 23rd um is that Christmas Eve uh no it's Christmas Eve Eve yeah oh well you know how many EES of holiday are we going to avoid as many as possible as I mean well good answer I don't know if I I get I get it both I yeah yeah what's on the agenda like is it do we have yeah I mean I'll look at 494 I mean it's better not to have the meeting than to have it and then put a put the voting membership required for the permit at Jeopardy so we as long as we tell the applicant well we're going to continue to January just because practically speaking M we might not have the quorum to keep your decision um valid and also that that could be done on a um on a specific basis like if they got a special permit they need a vote certain voting Quantum like if the vot in Quantum is only three then we can't even hold a meeting unless we've got three members M unless one of them hadn't gone to a previous meeting so I see your point yeah good point I'm thinking of the one uh Mr Allison that you and I had a few years ago now where you and I were the only members present in a remote meeting um I think on like the 27th or something okay and so we planned a meeting and then sat there chatting going well oh well I can be available for that meeting but it is not I'd rather not be avail aailable for that meeting if we're heck bet on meeting I will be there cuz I get the importance but I I'd rather be spending time with my family on those days myself yeah you know two weeks later is not an unreasonable amount of time to continue to so at that point it'll be a month but u i I don't see anything in the pering pipeline that is going to require that 23rd 230 flat hill the um the village of that is one I I need to kind of go back and check the submission date on that but I I think even with that it it's what 60 I know it's 65 days for special perment and that was filed about 3 weeks ago I mean you can tentatively just cancel the meeting now and and we'll let you know if there's some statutory reason why it we've got a and then maybe we can move it up or something like that whatever pleasure of the board because it's about accommodating you and your your volunteers we want to do that but the 23rd doesn't seem like a a reasonable expectation of volunteer board so I don't think we need to what was that complete application um that was well they're chatting over there I just want to point out that if this is something that needs to be addressed in a timely manner for us that means we're going to we may want I would encourage us to be really on top of our town email in the coming couple weeks if that's the case uh because if we do need a meeting in that time frame then that was something we'd have to kind of coordinate by email comparatively rapidly and you're saying you think we might need a meeting around that time frame for an upcoming special permit it's not a special permit it would be a um a request for modification to a site plan approval okay this is flat Hills um village of flat Hills a village of flat Hills which a 25y old a 25-year-old special perit 25y old right yeah recent uh excitement about it there's all the fun stuff in the planned residential area bylaw which correct me if I'm wrong that's kind of a Lunenburg ism right like there aren't many other communities that have P that was a martinism yeah okay that's a name I've come across in my archaeological digs um yeah so you and I can review that tomorrow morning yeah we'll take a look at it and let you know okay so you can tally just say scratch the 23rd we really think it's essential all right let's pull to scratch and and be on top of our town emails because if this is something that's time sensitive we may need to act either on that date or another date yeah I'll give you some alternative dates maybe earlier and then you can yep so you don't have to worry about that and if everybody's available and it's convenient great okay oh also just just FYI I but that residential development with two different property so I probably would want to recuse myself okay so it's still if that makes any difference yeah it's still valid okay we would just need unanimous decision it's a special permit super majority C that's fine yeah okay thank you right good to know thank you all right I'm going to move us on to public comment looks like we have couple members of the C public out there hey members of the public on Zoom if you want to have public comment raise your hand I think one of them is Logan's do anger yeah okay board comments or concerns uh more of a question um uh the stormw permit that was effectively denied for um Sunny Hill has the uh appeal period expired on that um yes and um I've been in contact with the applicant since I believe they are in the initial stages of bringing something back for that like a a a separate a new application new application okay very good thank you okay great all right any other board comment concerns were we going to have the NBTA communities act as a standing agenda it or no I seem to remember we had some kind of conversation where that where that'll be picking up yeah if I may shair through you to the board uh I plan on putting that on the agendas starting in January I wanted to get past town meeting and the water district issue but yes we will need to sort of deal with that upfront I think the master plan process should lead so that let's assume it's it should that concludes in like 3 or 4 months tops then you have a complete master plan to guide the NBTA zoning uh issues and we'll start with workshops and move from there for a fall town meeting does that give us enough time I think it does yeah okay assuming we're having a special town meeting in the fall which I understand you always do yes it should be sort of a special town meeting but that would you know come in in the fall uh before the deadline so you know we wouldn't be at risk there okay that would be the plan unless you want to accelerate it but I don't I don't think it should come before the adoption of the master plan cuz then you're kind of juming the master plan a little bit I'll I'll turn to the board for thoughts on that quick because I think I I think we have a choice there and neither one is perfect because we could move quicker accelerating means we don't have the master plan input but gives us more time to Pivot if things kind of go a skew presenting to the town and and uh Chris please correct me if I'm misspeaking that I think we should wrap the master plan up in the next three months yeah I'm just I think we got to just close that out and then there's time for workshops and vetting uh leading into May annual town meeting so doable so yeah that would be my recommendation on it just so the Tucks are in a row yeah I think I'd like us to have something for cuz if we can have something for May annual town meeting the advantages if the town hates it we can uh pivot and have a new plan for special town meeting in the fall if we wait till special town meeting in the fall and the town hates it I think that puts us under the gun I think doesn't it or am I wrong I don't I don't remember all the dates and what has to be when for this well that's a question of really being fully aware of what all the issues are EMB betting it and getting the community input and then have something that has a reasonable chance of passing M so what is that thing um it's well the town weather they have an appetite for the state's statutory requirements or no matter what you put before the all that sort of needs to evolve but um you know you've already had a presentation I know from the regional planning agency there were four good options there I have another one in mind that that that I'll be recommending so all of that can happen in about starting in about 3 months a couple months going into annual town meeting that's a little tight but it's doable cuz you know at this point it's it's Advanced enough where people understand you know what we're trying to achieve and what's required and what the options are so um yeah you want to do that that's doable I I'll I'll turn to the board do we want to try try to get it in if feasible for Spring Town Meeting sounds that sounds fast for me unless we were starting starting now I mean we can play it by year but there is also expected a Del a decision from the state supreme court and I think early February which could change the Dynamics quite a bit at that point um or not but so that's that's kind of a you know a benchmark if you will of then if you're reacting from that that's a real tight time frame to annual town meeting I mean we can put we can go we can take that go slower and get to special town meeting just means we have to have a real really button down everyone in town agrees case whatever we're doing um I can tell you that uh we're going to have about $20,000 in funding that I've arranged through the Mass Housing Partnership to engage uh the consultant to help us with this whole process you won't be doing this alone it'll be the regional planning agency or some other I'll give you several um options and you can pick it should be your call but um we will have those funds available for somebody to help us get everything lined up what happens fall town meeting special town meeting we say hey Town we've talked to you this looks like the best plan and town meeting [Music] goes and says no I mean what happens then nothing other than if you're out of compliance with the NBTA communities act you just wouldn't be eligible for that ever evolving Target of grants they do they do seem to keep changing that so it's not to say it's a a forever problem but it would be something that you would have to you would either accept the fact that you're no longer eligible for those competitive grants you know the grants themselves are not guaranteed to begin with yeah you would you could still then shoot for the next annual town meeting I think the deadline is June for all of those grants it's what's called a One-Stop application yeah you could still have get applications in assuming you got compliance in the next annual town meeting so it's not fatal I'm my bigger concern is less the lack of carot as the uh threat of stick that has come periodically because originally we looked at it and said well okay won't get the grants and that's when um the governor's office of at the time said oh no no you misunderstand the AG will take action and that gets one of the fundamental problems uh you know with with that that act is the you know the legislature passed a law which was very plainly written of three like three paragraphs and very simple and that you know an unelected board the you know executive office of livable communities you know theyve they've created the um essentially created regulations their guidelines and that that gets into the meat of what the the court case is about is that basically you know bureaucrats are the ones who have dictated to the towns what they have to do so again one of the issues they're trying to address through the state Supreme Judicial Court is with a proper you know procedures taken if they were to be in fact guidelin uh regulations they have to go through particular um you know path whether it's I think the small business survey there's certain things they had to go through which were not done because they're the guidelines so we I'm not hearing from the board is let's move forward before we have the master plan solidified is that correct that's correct I'm not saying that right I'm sorry i that's correct that I'm not saying that yes I'd rather have the master plan first all right getting a lot of nods there fine cool with it just I wanted to make sure that that was a all of this were conscious choices we're making great all right wonderful any other board comments concerns in that case I would look for a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second moved in seconded all in favor I I Bangarang everybody friends at home thank you for joining us uh I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and don't forget to attend the master plan uh don't forget to go to Loop plan lunenberg dorg take the survey on December 4th go to the meeting at the public library so your voice be heard there as well thank you have a good night