##VIDEO ID:cFbtEkWsYzY## good evening everyone um it is Wednesday October 16 2024 and this is the meeting of the school committee it is 6:30 p.m. in accordance with the requirements of the open meeting law please be advised that this meeting is being broadcast at a later date over the lunenberg public access channel the meeting will be the meeting will be broadcast at a later date through the local access cable channel and on the public access Facebook page and will be found on the lunberg access YouTube channel within 24 hours after the meeting the agenda lists all the topics which may be discussed at the meeting and are those reasonably anticipated by the chair votes may be taken as a result of these discussions not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the to the extent permitted by open meeting law the first item in the agenda is the Pledge of Allegiance please rise if you can I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you uh the next item in the agenda is public comment I'll open up to public comment from the public seeing none I'll open up to public comment from the committee Miss ashino um I just wanted to take a minute to thank Evan waters for his time on the finance committee his leadership was invaluable for putting together our override last spring he thinks outside the box he is careful about what he does and very committed and I wish to thank him very very much for the time he spent on the board M Bowski um I wanted to take a minute to thank our retiring police chief chief gamble um whose last day is on Friday and I guess Friday is going to be uh Chief gamble day in lindenberg um so I just wanted to take a minute and say thank you and appreciate all he did especially for the schools because he always put school safety and the safety of the kids as a priority that was appreciated so thank you all right next item in the agenda is the chair's report I have a few items uh on October 8th I uh had a followup with uh representative Scarsdale on the Chapter 70 funding there was a zoom with uh the 21 uh Regional Schools and uh other schools that were in hold harmless um so I I attended uh as well as uh Tom Gray from Finance was their representative um the the next step there there's a lot of information given uh about where a lot of the districts fell they gave a lot of examples uh I will forward the the presentation slides to the the superintendent who can uh give it to the members uh also an Excel document of a potential Bill uh for January so the next steps is really the January bills there was a specific Senate Bill mentioned Senate Bill 303 uh that would potentially help a lot of the districts um it was nice seeing that it wasn't just a transportation thing or just a Regional School uh bill but it was actually a bill to change the contribution rate by 5% um to make the state contribute more um so it would adjust it from 41 to 46% and it would uh not help the towns who are were already capped at the 82.5% um so more to come on that and I'll I'll forward that information to the superintendent who can disperse that information so you can take a look at it before we make any committee decisions um the finance uh committee appointing committee will be meeting uh next week to um appoint at least one person potentially um so try to get the uh finance committee a few more members there's still people looking for uh the finance committee is still looking for people who are interested in in joining so there's multiple seats available um I also wanted to congratulate uh Chief gaml as well on his retirement and thank him for uh his his service also to the schools and the the strong relationship with the schools and making sure that our children are safe uh I also want to congratulate interim Chief Tibido as well and I look forward to to having him work with the schools as well uh the north middlex superintendent reached out to me um talking uh potentially about sharing resources we have in the past done professional development with North Middle sex and he was looking for other opportunities to share resources so I gave him uh permission to talk to the superintendent and see if we can find ways to save both districts money in Sharing resources um and I even gave the example of facilities that sometimes it just doesn't work to share resources that it it's at least worth exploring and that will worth uh we'll explore those opportunities um also the homecoming parade is coming up this weekend um and I also got the the invite from Tatum um now that was all I had uh next up was the student Representatives report she's online all right next item of the agenda is review and approve minutes we have regular session minutes from September 18 2024 were there any questions comments or feedback look for a motion motion to approve the minutes of Wednesday September 18th 2024 second any discussion all right can we get a Ru call Vote Yes Mrs Bowski yes Mr beardmore yes Mrs arshambo yes Mr leightman I'm abstain and Mr schol and braini approval of the minutes Mr skull andb guys know if the audio is working too ask yeah can you hear me now can people on Zoom hear us bomberg participant appears to be muted that we appear to be muted no we're not no Tony says he can't hear us yeah we appear to be muted on the screen okay so he can't hear us here we go can you hear us now there we go Tony can you hear us now thank you you want me to do a motion again no so we we have a motion on the floor uh and we're going through the the motion is to approve the regular session minutes of September 18th 2024 there was also a second we're doing a roll call vote and it is up to you Mr skry all right say yes thank you all right next item on the agenda is to review and approve line item transfers warrants and donations we have several uh so first up uh we'll take the line item transfer this is a request coming from the high school uh requesting to transfer $11,100 from the office supply line to um the FED supply line um um this is to uh be able to um renew a subscription for software for the visit Department were there any questions comments from the committee what kind of software does the theed department use I'm just curious new LP curricul do you mind coming up to the microphone thanks right there's a new health curriculum uh a health PE curriculum um so it's how the software is supposed to help Institute the new standards so that's the reason any questions yeah just for clarification we did not adopt a new curriculum there are new state curriculum standards right and this is a resource for the to that there are new state curric ulum standards for fed health health and P yeah okay y could somebody send us some information on that at some point I was unaware of that I could send you link yeah send link Dr you able to get us that information sure thank you thank you right and donations we have two both to the athletic department so I'd invite our athletic director Mr Bigalow to the table I was going to say can we get a motion to approve the line item transfer I would move to approve the line item transfer as described second any discussion all right roll call vote Please Mr schol and brini yes Mrs brazowski yes Mr beardmore yes Mrs as yes and Mr yes all right yes think work um I have two donations the first uh is from the so Foundation um and they have requested that the year mark this money $1,200 uh something that will benefit all athletes and what we've gone with was a brush for the turf field to maintain it came in at 1100 and change and that's what we're looking to purchase with that donation what questions do the committee have comments good idea the second um is part of the T-Mobile contest that uh we entered which the grand prize was was for new turf fields upgraded Renovations all all sorts of bells and whistles but um unfortunately we did not win the grand prize however we were uh selected um 300 schools across the country were selected for a $5,000 uh Grant so we were selected for that we have a representative from T-Mobile coming and hopefully this doesn't spoil it too much but at the uh um the homecoming rally and presenting a check and I would invite anybody on the school committee if you would like to come and receive that and that' be wonderful one is it he's bringing like a big like giant giant $5,000 Friday right Friday yeah is it during the school during the school day last period so 130 was it yeah yeah yep I can try and go if you need I can't I can't make it after well yeah I figured I can try and go sound yeah if you want that'd be great okay motion to approve uh both donations thank you is there a second second any discussion thank you very much thank you I think this is a good job is impressive read what you wrote I'm just yeah I um I sent it in do we I think it was in the email it probably should have been right yeah she sent out an email it was probably c yeah yeah I think this is a great example of as if every department does this and we're looking to keep increasing the the funding for the schools is a great way to keep helping out the the students and student athletes as well so thank you all right uh I think we're ready for a roll call vote okay Mr school and BR yes Mrs bzowski yes Mr beore yes Mrs AR Shambo yes and Mr Lon yes thank you all right and that is all our line item transfers and donations yes and the warrants from October 1st to October 9th total $ 361,662 on the sideline at that game um last week the district safety team met and debriefed the event present at that meeting were our school administrators our athletic director both the police and fire chief um the police and fire lieutenants the school resource officers and fire captain it was determined at that meeting that the school department police department and fire department would do the following in collaboration so the fire department staff the school and coaching staff uh they are all being reminded that the gate closest to the bleacher side of the field is the only gate that can accommodate an ambulance and that gate needs to be kept clear and accessible at all times in a medical emergency uh we will be assigning some someone either the detail officer or School staff uh to be stationed at the gate uh in order to guide EMS Personnel we'll also be placing a sign on that gate um as an ambulance access so that there is no mistaking which gate is to be used and to alert those in attendance to keep that area clear and we'll make sure that all gates are unlocked prior to the start of the game uh the police department will be providing no parking horses that the school staff can put out for games to prevent parking in the areas of concern where we frequently have um people parking where they they should not be Park um the athletic director will have the buses for the visiting team park at the Turkey Hill Elementary School parking lot after the athletes are dropped off at the game field um the uh fire chief reports that while the illegal parking did not uh negatively impact patient care in the situation we all agreed that parking will be enforc moving forward as not to be an impediment in the future and we discussed um the protocol for uh reporting a medical emergency and uh both Chiefs uh AG agreed that the best route was to use a phone and and call 911 um it's important to note that the athletic department has two aeds there is always one on the sideline at the game it's also important to note um that we have a doctor and a trainer and a detail officer at the games and I can report that the coach is doing well um so again I would like to um thank the the members of the fire department and police department that attended that District safety team meeting um to debrief uh the incident so that we could um make some adjustments to ensure that moving forward um we can avoid any potential impediments to um quick response November 5th is a professional development day and we will be um collaborating with North Middle sex Regional School District uh on that particular day this day uh will be a conference day and it will be hosted by North Middle sex and um the day will include a Kino and our opportunities for our staff to select from a variety of breakout sessions at this point uh we already have 26 different breakout sessions that staff will be able to choose from and we're still adding the keynote speaker is uh Dr Erin nerino and her presentation is entitled bystander training uh Dr Nino in uh is currently in her 11th year teaching high school English language arts and a public Regional High School in the Northeast she earned her doctorate in curriculum and teaching from Boston University and was selected as a 2024 Massachusetts teacher of the year semi-finalist her keynote will focus on thinking through potential strategies for onlookers to use directly or indirectly to interrupt a situation involving harassment she works to empower student voices and will include former students in her keynote presentation the breakout sessions will be facilitated by outside con consultants and staff members from both school districts a key area of focus for this professional development day is around creating safe caring and inclusive learning environments however we will also have a range of offerings to ensure that we are meeting all staff members needs um I'd like to also uh make you all aware that Dr bethanne Cormier the assistant principal for Turkey Hill Elementary School finally started with us this week and we are thrilled to have her on board um so welcome Dr Cormier an update relative to the director of facilities and grounds position we conducted interviews last week and have made an offer and we are uh awaiting a response from that candidate uh follow up to the information that the chair provided um I will be having a meeting with the superintendent of North Middle sex um when we are on their campus on November 5th to talk about the potential for collaboration um an update relative to um the Turkey Hill Ada study proposals were due today at 2 pm we received seven proposals if any member of the school committee is interested in revie reviewing the bids and helping to make the selection of the firm that will conduct the study please send me an email and we'll coordinate times um the finance committee will be uh reviewing warrant articles at their meeting next week and the uh interim Town manager has um asked department heads to provide information relative to a variety of questions connected to uh different warrant articles um we have been asked to provide information relative to how we would spend the additional Chapter 70 monies that we are requesting um calendar reminders school committee meetings um next will be November 6 6:30 hybrid from town hall November 20th 6:30 hybrid from the Middle High School a reminder that special town meeting will be Tuesday November 12th at 700 p.m. at the Middle High School in the auditorium um and again for families um who are interested the uh warrant article will be voted at special town meeting uh that warrant article requesting the additional Chapter 70 money it's article two article two yeah um a reminder that the Middle High School parent teacher conference are coming up next week as well um there's an early release day on Tuesday October 22nd for the afternoon parent conferences and evening conferences will be held on Thursday evening um a reminder for families schools are closed on November 5th as that is the full day professional development day for all staff and we're all going to talk about homecoming because it's the best day all year um the float parade is this Saturday starting at noon uh we leave from the Turkey Hill Elementary School parking lot uh the Lions Club will be holding their cookout um immediately following the parade and the game against Clinton begins at 1:30 and then some other uh fun things that are going on in the community this time of year shrieks and weeks the Boys and Girls Club will be Friday October 18th 6:30 to 9:30 miles for Miles the road race will be Sunday October 20th the fund run starts at 9:00 a.m. and the 5K starts at 9:30 and all of these races will begin uh at the middle high school and the race um is being sponsored uh by the CrossCountry boosters and Trunk or Treat uh Saturday October 26 from 12: to 3: in the Middle School uh the middle high school parking lot and that is um hosted by The lunenberg Business Association and I too would like to um add my congratulations to Chief gaml uh on his retirement um I I will miss working with him very much um he's been a tremendous partner to the schools um we wouldn't have twoos in our schools without that partnership so um I'm very very grateful to him for the collaborative way in which we've worked for many years at this point and I wish him well in his next adventure thank you uh there's a lot there uh what questions comments does the do the committee members have I like how you said what not any um yeah Mr Bowski uh okay uh you said the gate for aanes will be kept clear in regards to football games going forward is it going to be just football games or all anything at the turfield anything at the turfield yeah we're going to mark that gate as an anyone's access how how are we going to keep it clean or how are we going to keep it clear if somebody parks there despite the signs the officer that's on detail should be uh enforcing the parking in that area so the police that they doing that okay um and you said the athletic department has two a 8s where are they kept um there's one that's always in the Fieldhouse um I'm not sure where the second one is kept it may also just be stored in the Fieldhouse um but we have two because sometimes there are multiple games going on on the campus at the same time there might be a competition on the grass fields as well as on the turf field um that's why we have two so that they can be uh located at each of the games okay I was very happy to hear it was right there y when it was yep and just as an aside um it may help to know that uh the trainer and the ad um periodically go through scenarios so that they sort of anticipate and try to plan for um how to address any situation that comes up so um I thank them for that work on an ongoing basis uh and my last question is who's the parade marshal for the homecoming parade Mr sry parade Marshall do not know the answer question nor do I I don't think it was announced I guess can't disclose sorry okay any other Mr beard bo uh so I was the school committee member that raised concerns pertaining to the event uh at the game um and I want to thank the superintendent the administration the Safety Committee for thoroughly reviewing my email uh which I'd be glad to share with anybody uh but it's mostly uh uh synopsized in this document that the superintendent put together um I view this as a very good learning event and I think we're taking the right actions as a result of that um that being said I overheard concerns relating to this issue at the game the week before uh that involved members of our staff and I I just I I would like to ask that it be made clear um and we may need to even make a policy around this that there is if there is a legitimate safety concern that a member of the staff has that that concern can be escalated and elevated to whomever whenever and that they are empowered to take action um because I don't know that that was clearly understood in the week prior um again I'm not directing that but I'm asking that that be given some consideration um the the second question that I have that that wasn't clear to me and I had I had followed up in an email uh to you Dr Burnham yesterday um at last week's football game the area where the ambulance would come into the field was very clear uh and there were people out front somebody making sure the people weren't parking there but the upper entrance by the Fieldhouse that accesses the fire road that goes around this building was not clear um and people do tend to park there particularly people who are involved in fundraisers selling swag or working in The Snack Shack or that sort of thing um but that is an equal concern right if a if a spectator my elderly parents attend football games if a spectator were to be injured it would be the you know a similar scenario so I would ask that that that be given the same level of consideration that fire Road also needs to be uh kept clear of of vehicles agreed thank you very much can I make one more comment yes Mr um I did want to just point out it says here that the time from the first 911 call to the ambulance's arrival on the field was two and a half minutes so that is not true no well they they checked with dispatch I that that information came from the chief okay we we have video I mean we can go back and watch it but I I do not believe that to be true and I think that there was probably at least 5 minutes between when the ambulance arrived and when it wa made its way onto the field uh which is what led to my addressing these issues um so I I don't believe that the response time um is is accurately reflected here and and you know I mean frankly there was a lot of discussion in the crowd about the amount of time that this whole thing took um and these are high visibility events and fortunately um it was a good opportunity to learn and and everybody's okay um but but the it was certainly not my or I think most people in the crowd that night our observation that um that that that ambulance was available in rendering care in a amount of time that we have been led to believe that we can normally respond to emergencies on our property thank you sash I don't have anything so the only thing I was I was talking to Carol about too was the the finance committee's request um of how we're going to spend the Chapter 70 additional Chapter 70 funds so maybe this would be a good point because the superintendent brought it up that we could get out that discussion if they're looking for a specific line item and they are they are from the what did we indicate in the original letter that we made the request was there any specificity in that letter it wasn't to a line item but it was just that it would sent to the schools but I think it did actually did say administrative well let's see what it said um there was one comment from one finance committee member that stated that just because it's Chapter 70 funds doesn't mean it was meant for the school huh so I think we have to um provide some kind of justification justification and I will be at the meeting I don't mind giving the justification as directed by the chair as I don't speak for the committee so in light of ongoing hiring challenges faced by superintendent Burnham these additional funds through though though not extensive could significantly help in addressing pressing the needs within our school system ensuring that our schools have the necessary resources is crucial for maintaining the high standard of Education that our children deserve um we could just read that yeah it doesn't say a specific Administration or salaries or anything like that I'm confused the Chapter 70 money is supposed to go to school just but but but we passed our budget with the dollar amount and now that the Chapter 70 funds have adjusted this would be additional money towards our budget that had already been passed at a specific dollar amount that's that's what they'll argue that our budget has been yeah so we're now getting additional funds potentially getting additional funds on top of our budget how much is it 300$ 3,882 31,000 yeah so do we want it for the kids or just let the town figure out a way that they can spend it not on the students so we can also not give a reason we could read the letter again or we could also give a specific line item or area when do they need this buy the next the 24th of October next Thursday our next meeting okay so their next meeting if we want to specific we could talk about the the challenges with um hiring a facilities director that it is going to be challenging to hire at the same salary that inflation is affecting salaries that we also have paay contracts teacher contracts going through oh that's exactly what there was a a discussion at the finance committee meeting about an article that the town manager is submitting interim Town manager about um retaining employees and the need to do more for our employees so I think there is a fair amount of understanding that everybody's underpaid so um from listening to that conversation I think we probably would be okay with the statement regarding um the monies will be put we could say into our salary Reserve account so that we can um hire someone of good quality or we can spend it on our Paris or however you want to phrase it I would agree with that my thought is you in that line item of salary reserve and mentioned specifically that a portion of it will be going towards a facilities director even though I know they're not big fans of the facility director independent to the schools but butre what do you think Peter you know more about them I mean I I think that at a high level superintendent business director the vice chair who serves as the chair of the special budget committee have made the case in great detail that we have compensation gaps relative to to our competition in the market for for hiring and retaining employees um and I think that the facilities director is a good example of a scenario where we need to hire somebody who is an experienced and competent and confident manager and leader and part of that experience needs to come from the facilities and Building Trades Industries and the incumbent I believe the the published salary is about $110,000 for that position and anybody in their right mind who thinks that we are going to be able to hire what we're looking for for and what I believe we need for $110,000 if they believe that they shouldn't be making financial decisions in my view um and this has nothing to do with relative to what we pay anybody else for any other position I understand there are terrible inequities in the market relative to discipline and and and industries but we need to hire somebody who is extremely competent and and well experienced in that space and that is not an adequate salary to to attract somebody that of the level that we're looking for in my opinion Peter beard Moore's opinion um but you can certainly reflect that to the members of the committee or perhaps I can help you do that if you'd like um but but it's not just that position I mean this is a this is a pervasive issue that we are dealing with uh across the board um we ran into it I was part of the the ne negotiating team um with Laura for the pair of professionals um we are using part of the salary Reserve fund to fund that contract we have another unresolved contract at this point um we we need that money to hire and retain competent professionals so what I I can do also I can reach out to the chair of the finance committee and the interm Tom manager and then if you're present at the meeting I'm fine with you talking to car you want to speak to them yeah I I I can do that there's no reason for you to come out or Dr Bram to come out to answer that one question that's silly I can I can take care of it at the finance committee meeting thank you any other discussion I yes Mr I also have to comment and I I would if you've not watched the tape I don't know who the member was that made the comment around the Chapter 70 money um I think it's also it's new and different we've never done it before so I think it was a surprise to them they were like oh what's this why is it why are they asking for Chapter 70 but Chapter 70 money is a reflection of the needs of the school department it would not exist thank you without a school without without schools right I mean the purpose of Chapter 70 is to support education I I I don't have the the Mass General law sitting in front of me but I would venture to Guess that what I just said is a pretty good paraphrase of the first paragraph of that of that statute um so I don't know that that Sound Logic I would agree Mr scullen B so make the point that the idea that the money would be allocated to something different other than education seems to be a little bit of a slap in the face to the town lunber that last fall or last spring voted for an override because they understood that the school's budget was perilously thin so I think that you know we have to listen to the B of the voters that have already made it clear that the money that we get isn't enough and we're going to give us some extra in the form of the over so to the extent that we are here as elected officials representing the populace I think we are obligated to tell the finance committee and the rest of the down that that Chapter 70 money should go back to the schools because that's what the voters have clearly and definitively voed their opinion on by passing thank you any other discussion on this I would also any betters um I would also make the argument that the reason there was an increase in Chapter 70 funding was the state budget recognized an increase need in school costs and that is why there was a slight increase in the Chapter 70 money it it was in response to needs specifically for School departments and that's we have increased costs so the money was meant to go to the school department but I it's the will of the voters yeah I mean I I don't want to I don't want to belver this I could give you I could site chapter and verse of other examples where we wouldn't even consider taking you know what is effectively earmarked money and putting it someplace else right thank you next item in the agenda is president presentations do we have any presentations tonight no presentations so next item is new business action item assessment report so I would invite Dr bookis and um Miss Resnik and M Canton to the table so Dr Deborah uh bookus is our director of teaching and learning and Amy Resnik is our math specialist instructional coach and Lisa Canton is our new literacy specialist instructional coach all right so Kate um brings up our slides um say good evening and thank you for giving us this opportunity to share some of the highlights from the fall assessment Report with you um to start off you know mcast is the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and secondary education monitoring tool it's to monitor the system the school system um it's designed to tell us how well we're serving our students um what level of support the state can offer um as we serve our students and then to be able to communicate those results to the general public internally the data helps us identify any strengths and weaknesses we might have in our curriculum and in our instruction um and it also helps us find tuned um our curriculum with the Massachusetts Frameworks commonly referred to as the state standards um one of the things that move on to the next slide Kate things one of the things that um the department of Ed cautions us to do those is not to make too many um comparisons to other districts as there are variations excuse me for interrupting Dr Burnham could you share the slides on The Zo so I've been trying and I understand that they at Town Hall have made some adjusts to settings and I do not have permission to share my screen unfortunately they're in our F this afternoon yeah I just put the people on the zoom okay okay um because districts is we were just talking about have um different unique structures in place different Financial um resources and also um some different needs so on to the next line thanks Kate um your report goes into further detail about the accountability um system and about the different components that make up the accountability system so it also uh States the highlights um and the areas of improvement for all the schools and for the district this particular slide shows the two critical components um there's a normative component and a Criterion referenced component the normative component is a bit of that comparison to other like schools in the Commonwealth the Criterion referenced component tells us about our progress towards our Improvement Target Target and the department of Ed set Improvement targets for us every year um the indicators are in the upper right corner so those are the different um pieces that make up those indicators of the accountability system and then in the bottom right is the categorization of the schools that ultimately results from um the accountability system and you'll see the yellow arrow is where the lunenberg public schools is right now and that's making substantial progress towards our goals in your report slide key um also provides details about the universal screeners that are used here in lenberg public schools so Universal screeners are very quick assessments that capture a moment in time about how a student is doing um it might tell us a little bit about a student's achievement levels their assets or where they might need some additional support um and that support can vary by intensity like how often or by the size of the group as well well as on the duration how long a student might need some support so I'd like to liken Universal screeners to like going to the ey doctors and you know reading off the wall and there might be a red flag that's raised something that they notice that needs to be checked further so you might need to get some additional information you might need to look a little bit more closely um look further into doing some more assessments so Universal screeners are again those quick assessments that give us a preview of what we might need to look into um the report that you have also discusses the different types of data that's used in schools um the data that's in your report that was analyzed um all pertain to what we call satellite data um and we go to detail what satellite data is um but even within that category and you'll see in the left column the four that are highlighted not all satellite data um is the same so for example with mcast this year for grades K through 8 um the department of Elementary and secondary education did not release any of the questions so we don't actually get to see the questions that students were asked we know what standards they're aligned to but we don't get to see the question so it's a little bit harder to understand sort of what students were asked and how we can make adjustments um the same thing with the IRA assessment and because it's an Adaptive assessment every student gets different questions we don't see the questions that students get asked so there it's a much more General assessment in that way Dibbles on the other hand and that's why it's actually in both columns both in the satellite column and the map column um with Dibbles it's a one-on-one interview with the student we know the questions that we asked we can hear their responses see their responses take notes as they're responding to the questions so it gives us that little bit more information to make instructional decisions what I wanted you to see is that this chart provides a visual representation of all the different kinds of um data that Educators use in schools to make instructional decisions for our students and to support them um now we'll turn to mcass on the next slide and for ELA for English language arts the chart on the left shows that grades 3 6 7 and 10 the English language arts results were above the state average in grades four five and 8 they were about 3 to 4% below the state average the chart on the right shows the percentage of students meeting or exceeding Expectations by grad span and here in lunberg that's also by school um for the past five years compared to the state average these numbers represent different groups of students each year um 2021 is not considered a comparable year uh because the state created a modified assessment as we were coming out of covid and of course there was no State Testing in 2020 which is why there isn't a column there for 2020 across the Commonwealth the ELA results showed lower achievement in all grades um for this past year um grades 6 through eight and grade 10 10 for lunenberg are trending slightly higher than the state next slide for math again the chart on the left shows that in all grades um except for four and five the math results were above the state average for grades four and five they were right at State average um 40 and 46 the chart on the right shows the percentage again of students meeting or exceeding Expectations by grade span or school for the past five years compared to the state average great yeah it's not on just thank you thank you thanks for noticing phone hello um grades six through eight and 10 are well above the state average and grade three through five has been trending in an upward Direction such that we are now above State average cast year the next slide for science Technology and Engineering um it shows that each grade was above the state average for the percentage of students meeting and exceeding expectations um again the chart on the right the percentage of students meeting or exceeding Expectations by grade for the past five years compared to the state average at all grades in 2024 the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations is above the state average and very exciting to see grade five increase 15% from 2023 so another way of looking at um the results is to look at it by cohort so this slide shows the achievement by student cohort from 2019 to 2024 again there were no tests in 2020 the test in 2021 was modified and students are not tested in grade n right for ELA or for for math so for example if we follow the light green sheet students who were in fourth grade in 2019 did not take mcast in 2020 when they were in the fifth grade they took a modified version of mcast in 2021 when they were in sixth grade in 2022 they were in seventh grade in 20123 in eighth grade and this past year 2024 did not take a ncast test because they were in ninth grade and so you can do that for each one of the student grades for each of the years do you have this chart for science Technology and Engineering I don't have it for science technology engineering I could put one together it's a little bit trickier because of the different years they only take in fifth grade eighth grade and 10th grade um that it can show you a side by side that might be helpful um for math the same thing again the same things applied there were no tests in 2020 the test in 2021 again was modified students are not testing in grade nine for math um so another example would be to follow the dark blue shapes um students were in third grade in 2021 their very first mcast test was a modified mcast test they were in fourth grade in 2022 fifth grade in 2023 and sixth grade in 2024 the other thing yeah I'm sorry to interrupt you but I just want to I'm I'm making interpretations of what you're saying as you're saying it and questioning myself and dve myself crazy so I apologize for interrupting you a modified test in 2021 meaning 2021 in it of itself is an outlier yes not that that was continued in 22 23 and 24 exactly right it was modified it's not comparable to any of the other tests that came before or after okay but 2019 to 22 to 23 24 are all comparable tests yes okay thank you yeah thank you so another way another um actually element of mcast we look at is student growth percentile um so in English language arts this continues to be in the typical range um Lunenburg so the typical range is 40 to 60 um for student growth percentile and that's for all grade bands over the past four years um SGP and Mathematics continues to be in the typical range 40 to 60 for grade 10 for the past four years in grades 6 through 8 the mean growth has risen from 33 which that point was low growth to 56 so now in a high typical growth the same is true in grades 3 through 5 the mean growth has risen from 33 low growth to 56 High typical growth when you say risen from uh what year was so over the four years it was in 20 uh so the last four years the same four years we were looking at before earlier so 202 21 y um was 33 was low growth and is now at 56 high growth so over the last four years so the next page um the next slide for I ready um the percentage of students honor above grade level in the I assessments has been trending upwards in grades K2 the ELA went from 80 to 85% and the math has stayed about level so those the percentage of students on or above grade level in grades uh 3 through five uh Ela and math Rose to 72% from 67 and 62% respectively and in grades 6 through eight Ela and math both Rose to 62 and 63% um one of the things we've talked about as a district and it's important to note that eth grade is a very heavily tested grade um they take four mcast and last year um lunenberg was chosen to also participate in the nape assessment which is the national assessment of educational progress that's a lot of testing for students in a short period of time um and so they took the eighth grade I already um at the very end of all of that testing and we really as we explored the results did not really feel it was true indicator of the growth um that the students had made so this year we made some adjustments so their last testing period will be we moved it to February and that will be the last one for eth grade before all that other testing that will still give us some time to do some intervention um and to do some progress monitoring for students who need it but not to do another whole bad band of testing um for eth grade so some areas for improvement um things that we'll be looking at and working on um so some of this comes from the accountability some of this comes from the actual assessments um you're looking at Advanced coursework completion at the high school um chronic absenteeism at the high school for students um who are in the lowest performing category again really looking at that Ela achievement in grades 3 through eight for all students the growth is there but we need to continue to raise the bar on achievement um Literacy for K2 those foundational skills that hugely impact what happens in grades three and above um as a district we're looking to close the achievement gaps in mathematics and Ela for students with disabilities um we have our special Educators and our mtss Specialists and our coaches involved in courses um disc calula for mathematics which is around math disability and using the Wilson training program which is for discal um dyslexia and for reading difficulties our special Educators have been attending all the grade level meetings we call them plc's professional learning um commun communities thank you um at the grade level meeting so that our Educators can collaborate together to determine what's best for students and then as a district and building leaders we are going to be progress monitoring those groups of students to see their progress throughout the year to make sure that we're well aware of what's Happening um we have individual and small group mathematic challenges being created and have been created for students who may need that extra challenge as we see that our math is improving um we will continue to explore um the department of Ed is creating new science technology and engineering resources as well as exploring some other new programs as you read in your report um next year the science mcast for grades five and eight will be piloted and then the following year will be a brand new test so we need to make sure that we are giving our students the experiences they need um for that mcast test and then we will also continue to monitor of the achievement of our students who are learning English um before I close I just wanted to um comment on the Comprehensive Health and PE standards those were released by the department of Elementary and secondary Ed last year um we are part of there are five of us who are attending the leaders um Network that the department is um providing for district so that we can learn about the new standards so that we can spend some time this year unpacking them understanding them figuring out how they're aligned to what we have but we don't have so um hopefully when we have more information about it we'll be able to share that with you so just want to shout out and thank all of the Educators the staff school and District leaders who support our students and families every day and we are happy to take your feedback and answer questions you may have what questions to or comments do the committee members have Mr beard one go first um so in notably when we look at your cohort comparison and you just which is a really good way way of laying it out um but then when you look straight across at let's say grade 10 for ELA or math for that matter um you know it would appear of looking at real numbers that we still are dealing with a you know 15% covid loss in terms of real student performance if you look at 2019 to 2024 performance I understand it's good that we're above State average but we're still not where we were five years ago before I continue am I reading this correctly and is that true so yes the percentage of students meeting or seing expectations is 10% lower than it was in 2019 okay um has the state so th those are looking at our numbers does the state averages reflect a similar Gap yes between those and it has and this year was particularly um stagnant the results for the state okay um and we went up in ela at grade 10 year to year it's you know and I understand that there's this cohort mapping um but but dropped a little bit in math year to year um does the state have a get healthy plan like has the state said we are going to you know by year 2028 we're going to be back to where we were in 2019 or we only have these kids for 12 years so at what point we normal question for someone who's got kids right now who are in this well I mean they they set targets for themselves the same way they set targets for us and it's just a matter of you know are they making their targets in the same way the districts are and so I think there I've heard in the conference calls I've been on you know comparing to 2019 for covid the the implications of covid and how that has impacted teaching and learning how that's impacted students over the last few years and we when we're still looking at and they're talking about 2020 was a year we didn't have testing 2021 was a hybrid year it's a huge anomaly 2022 they still talk that that beginning of that year we were still impacted because the new strain came about and we had we were still distancing it was still hard to teach and remember teaching a new math program and it was a challenge because part of the program was having students turn and talk to each other that's hard to do when you're six you know you're six feet away um so 23 was really itself up the first real kind of back to normal school year to the extent we could have had and then last year was 2024 so yes I mean the public health folks talk all the time about how we're going to see this for years that it's going to take quite a bit of time for us to recover and get back to that um in terms of a grand plan I you know other than setting targets and all this work as hard as we can okay good answer um when I reviewed the the data that you shared um earlier and by the way thank you report was excellent and your presentation was great I I I really appreci appreciate it um I I it was quite notable with respect to students with disabilities that we're underperforming and I recognize that the school Improvement plans and the superintendent goals and are all seeking to address that um we've prided ourselves in recent years um largely in budgetary conversations about managing you know to to retain as many students and to limit our out out placements um mostly because out placements cost inordinate money and in when you move money in an out placement it sucks resources from everywhere else in the school department and and it's good Financial practice to try to limit those but I can't help but wondering if number one if if this presents any level of evidence that some of those students are being underserved as a result of that or number two we are artificially penalizing ourselves in our in our statistics as a result of that and and I I recognize the fact that these are probably not the right questions that somebody wants to be a proponent of Education in lunberg should be asking but I think these are critical questions that we just kind of have to come to grips with and ask ourselves if that's the reality and I'm curious if you have any thoughts on that I me I think that those are some good questions that we can take back as a leadership team and talk about um and you know I often think about as you mentioned the the financial benefits um and how important that is and then there's also the the student side and keeping students in their communities and how important that is and that I'm a huge believer in this I'm playing devil's advocate here but I hear you and so you know the tradeoff for that might be so much greater than any scores that you know come about because of that so I I think that's a question that we can bring back to the team and and and you know certainly getting to know lunenberg and want to consult with our director special and for car perspective too just as an aside to that um last year was the first year we made adjustments to scheduling um at the turkey hill and the primary school so that the um the grade level special educator could participate in all of the common planning time um because then they get time as well with the specialist in mapping out um the lessons that lay ahead for U the coming weeks um I I think over time that will be a benefit to us um to just to be sure that our specialed teachers while they are not responsible to teach the full curriculum they need to be really knowledgeable about the curriculum um and there are resources as part of the curriculum that we adopted um that can be utilized um by special Educators um and we need to continue to work with them so that they can optimally use what they have access to um additionally uh this year um we are asking our special ed teachers to um get some training in wion reading um not because we want all of our special ed teachers teaching the Wilson method um more so uh for the professional development the deepening of their expertise and understanding in different approaches for reading instruction so we have started to uh shift some Focus even last year um in this direction m brazowski um I had a few questions first of all um thank you very much for the color coding on that by cohart chart that made it incredibly uh easier run out colors yeah thank you we're familiar with the problem that was fantastic um and I do agree with Peter's point that the cohort if you follow the cohort it doesn't look terrible but if you follow across the rows it's concerning um like grade 10 in ela was 10% uh 10% lower grade 8 is 25% lower that's the eighth graders got hit pretty hard with Co um it it's concerning um I don't think we're doing better than we were in 2019 and that's that I I think sometimes we forget about the covid learning loss and how much it affected the students um so I had questions who administers a dibles assessment is it specialized teacher does it can it be any of the teachers and how much time is it taken do we give a Dibbles assessment to every single student try the DBL expert so first question about who screens literacy specialist so me the mtss team this year prior we talked about scoring and we listened to a student on online and we kind of scored as well we talked about that common scoring so that we were kind of all on the same page and so it really depends per grade so K to 2 and soon K to 3 will all be all students screened with our Universal screener and so in it depends on the how many subtests so in second grade you could potentially do three subtest it's a minute a piece so between kind of directions I would say anywhere from 3 to five minutes and then similar to kindergarten or in first grade there's five sub five subset tests and again a minute each including maybe 30 seconds of so it's a it is a quick moment in time but it gives us some real valuable information and then um similar to when we do dibles in third grade it will be the literacy specialist and the mtss specialist as well and it would be a similar process where we kind of look at making sure we have common scoring if we have questions how we're marking because a big part of that too is being able to look at the student and the things that they're doing their strengths that they have and if there was any misconceptions where they lie so kind of making sure that we all are marking the same so that whoever picks up the book can understand what the student was doing is it a onetime assessment or do we repeat it throughout the year it's three times a year okay yep so the beginning of the year winter and in the spring and each time the kind of expectations of how many words are read in a minute how many sounds they were able to do in a minute increase as the year goes on and one of the nice things as well is you can use this as a progress monitoring tool so beyond just the three times a year to say okay I'm noticing this one particular area with the student I really want to work and give some strong intervention in and being able to make sure is my intervention working you can do a quick one minute progress monitoring to say yes it is no it isn't let me try to adjust so it's kind of a really useful tool with multiple it's kind of why it was in that column a couple of times where it's giving us really important information but can also help identify instructional needs and progress um we are doing something right in science Technology and Engineering we are far above uh the state averages there what are we doing right there um what are we doing different um so again being really new um I think and I'm have Dr bur jump in um you have a stem teacher that is a specialist in your elementary school and I think that goes a long way in making sure that those standards are um they're taught by someone who has that background um that content area I think having it that time set aside for science you know even coming out of Co it was math and literacy it was math and literacy and you know social studies and science needs its time too and um that often times is where kids you know their imagination gets captured and they're doing Hands-On types of things and how important that is for Learning and so I think um that that contributes to the scores that we're seeing you're sitting in a science lab right now you might catch the scent of vineger yeah are there lessons from what we're doing with s that we can translate into Ela and math or is it we're just above the curve for the rest of the state when it comes to our St programming there are always instructional practices that can translate across all different discipline areas you know we have students working in small groups to solve problems um when we're giving them Choice choices about how to you know um with in whatever it is that they're doing because that increases their engagement so a lot of stem work a lot of steam work sometimes people incorporate the Arts um comes at teaching and learning from a very different perspective and that is you know what's the problem we're trying to solve um and then trying experimenting you know that whole engineering cycle where you're trying something a prototype see if it works it doesn't work making adjustments um and again that teamwork and relying on somebody else and that communication that that plays in with that um and so sometimes you know Translating that into I can you know speak to how that works in math and Le how that works in literacy but a lot of those same skills those instructional practices and skills we want students to learn um can be transferred to other discipline areas do we have a box curriculum for stte I don't believe we do no okay um why do you think the state so across the board across the board this year State scores were lower for everyone what's why do I think yeah I haven't yeah for for literacy um you preschool and kindergarten are just so foundational in learning your letter sounds um and those are the students that were hugely disrupted during Co um it's hard to make up those gains um every year the discrepancy that widens um number sense and operations um learning counting um there are some recent research studies that actually say early liter early mathematical skills um numeracy skills are a greater predictor of third grade reading abilities than early literacy skills so you know you combine that loss um and those early grades um I think again we're going to see that impact for a while I think that a huge explanation for what's happening across the state okay uh do we we use access what is access oh access is the state assessment for how our multilingual students are English language students are learning so um and so I know this is focused on the mcast because um it's a presentation on the mcast what if we didn't focus on the mcast what would happen if we just ignored the scores entirely and just question three on the ballot two I'm getting they still have to take it they'd still have to take it we would still care about the results but what if we well that's a challenge is that they still have to take it but they know it doesn't count for anything yeah what if yeah so I think so it's interesting at being in education for a long time um you know we now have internal assessments we now have things like dibles and I ready and other assessments that internally we can use before before that mcast pretty much was the only standardized measure that we had um so you know we could continue to use internal measures to see how our students are progressing um the accountability piece is there because it needs to be there from the federal government um that's a big component of that that's an accountability system that's really what it was designed for um unfortunately doesn't help our teachers in the moment instructionally because it's many years in review um we often don't know the questions you know we're kind of shooting in the dark in some of those ways but um you know it does help us sometimes with curricular alignment to see you know are how are we doing According to some of the standards um but all in all we have we know the standards we have internal measures yeah I I'll leave it there thank you okay I just here I mean the question of are we penalizing our test scores by keeping students in District that's a I get what you're asking it's just the fact that asking it's not a question we should have to ask it's not and that's but there is Great Value to normalize data yeah and we have just we we are engaged in a data driven conversation which is exactly the kind of conversation that we need to be having and anything that undermines that data makes it harder for these people to do their jobs in my view Miss aseno um I just had a couple of thoughts um for people that don't know me I was a elementary school teacher for 35 years so this I'm very comfortable in all this stuff and I I see I see how this works and and the covid um Fallout is real and the struggle is real I have a daughter that works um in graduate school and she sees it in the kids that go past her what they lost from covid it's going to take a long time and I understand that um I I thank you for the work that you're doing pulling this apart I know how hard that is but the real hard work beyond that is when you take all these numbers and you put them in the classroom and you work with Susie on this and Johnny on that and you balance everybody and you give people what they need so I thank you for your work on that front because I I know what that hard work is and that's the reason for the numbers and in the Improvement plans that we'll talk about I see the emphasis on the um lower achieving kids and they'll grow it will take time but they will grow I they got hit by Co the same as everybody else and um you know it's going to take a lot of intervention using all these numbers figuring out which one needs which P piece of which pie and and it's very hard work and I thank you very much for the work you do and this is very well presented one thing if I could just make a comment you you raised the question of if we took mcass out and we looked at not that measure I think one thing that Lisa and I are really strengthening is the way that we are screening kids the data that we are collecting on the early literacy skills and early numeracy skills because we have a math screener as well and based on that screener it really Dives down deep into early numeracy skills like subitizing and Counting and number recognition so we're able to put interventions in place that are really drilled down very specifically for kids to f some of those gaps so I think as we're we're doing more and more of that that's going to be a bigger bang for our buck look at thank you Mr skull okay I I also want to thank you I uh would agree with a lot of what my colleague said um I appreciated the the data and the trends and also the color coordin with the cohorts that definitely helped a lot I think it's good to I think it's challenging to to decide what data you want to use because there's so much data but I think you did a really good job presenting it um and also on our end I think it it's good for us to know what resources you guys need um and that you let Dr Burnham know Dr Gilson know and and us know as we're going to be making the budget and we want to make sure you guys have the resources because we do care about increasing those scores thank you be sure too thank you very much I would just like to say thank you very much uh in particular to uh Amy Resnik for her work the math you we're seeing some some good growth uh in that area and I would say um I just repeat uh what Dr bookas already mentioned that largely uh across the state even math was flat they only saw a couple of grades that showed any game we we did better than that um and I I believe wholeheartedly that it's because of the work that Amy's been leading uh with the mtss team that we have in in both of our um uh lower grades um and just as a reminder I'm not shocked that our Ela is flat we did not have a literacy specialist all of last year um so I'm very excited to have uh Lisa Canton on the team to be here thank you all very much thank you all right moving on the next item of the agenda is the action item FY 25 School Improvement plans all right so we'll invite our principls uh Mr Sandry Mrs Squire and Mr [Music] so good evening everyone thank you for having me tonight to talk about uh middle school and the high school Improvement plans Tim santry I'm the principal of the middle high school I'd first like to start off by thanking the members of my school advisory councel for both the middle school and the high school um they were a major part of helping kind of develop these goals our our councils have been outstanding in terms of collaborative problem solving and um being great advisors to having the ear to the community on some you know issues or concerns that we can address in a school Improvement plan so I'd like to thank them um so we've been refining our plans based on the student data that we receive and a major piece of that data for the middle and the high school is that mcast data and the accountability reports so our school Improvement plan uh reflects those discussions and ideas and it has like a strong mix of successful strategies that we've had in the past and then Al also what the data is telling us so I believe uh we provided you copies of both the middle and the high school school Improvement plan so with your permission I would like to with broad Strokes talk about both of those at the same time the three goals that we have in both of the Improvement plans are similar and then I could ask any specific questions at the end is that okay sure thank you great uh so we have three measurable goals uh to improve our school and we've created these activities and practices that will support the achievement of these goals so our focus is um on student learning on chronic absenteeism and on parent and family engagement in both of our school Improvement band uh plans in the middle in the high school so our first uh goal was uh based upon the data that our students with disabilities aren't performing at the rate that gets them the meeting and exceeding expectations on mcast testing so we adopted the District student learning goal in order so that we could be consistent and aligned with all of the structures that we have in place in order to support student learning um our outcome if we are successful is to increase those students in those subgroups specifically those students with disabilities uh and increase in scores um in the meeting and an exceeding category and in the high school um an increase in scores and some classroom assessments and hopefully uh that we see increases in uh grades also um the second goal for both buildings is reducing that chronic absenteeism and we've talked about it we LED it was a perfect lead in that you know prior 2019 um um and then 2020 2021 that chronic absenteeism shot up um we have been successful at reducing um as an aggregate our our um chronic absenteeism but still some of our subgroups are lagging in that area and um you know working through the pandemic it was extremely difficult to enforce our our attendance policy if we were requiring students to stay out of school for 5 day period or even longer until they didn't show any symptoms so I think now we're in a place where we can put um our protocols in place Dr bookas actually shared some resources through the Department of Education around chronically absence students some of those internal and external export um supports that we can provide families in order to reduce that uh amount of chronic absenteeism so on goal number three is a family uh and Community engagement goal so anecdotally we have noticed that you know we are talking about the pandemic and the effect that's had on our school Community is that we've had a decrease in families um engaging in live activities at our building such as um parent teacher well not parent conferences but open house or athletic events or plays or um pep rallies or other activities that we've had in the past so we want to increase the amount of time where families can become engaged in activities at the school but also so that we can check to make sure families are engaged that can't be a part of those things at school so I think part um a big piece of goal number three in both of those School Improvement plans will be providing a survey to parents I want to get an idea of why um we had a decrease in people coming out to our school to engage in those different activities but I also want to make sure that they continue to feel engaged if they are a parent that has a second shift as a job and they can't come or we have families that don't have transportation that come to a a family activity I think I'll be able to provide you more information and then maybe have a better path forward uh I do want to try different Avenues of media in order to uh publicize the things that we have at school and see if that has uh a major impact on getting parents here so um that was a lot of talking those are the broad brushes that I apologize to my colleagues that I kind of just took that all but I would be glad to answer any questions about the middle and the high school plans what questions do the members have comments uh as a member of the high school advisory committee um I just want to thank you I think you uh have certainly taken many of my concerns and suggestions and ideas to Heart they're reflected um somewhat in this document um particularly the family engagement stuff and I'm I'm really hopeful that we can make some measurable imp improvements in those areas so thank you very much you're welcome Mr peski um I think that goal two and three are going to tie in to each other right as you get more community and family engagement sure and the direct the direct correlation between kids being absent and student learning is evident so the more we can get them in the programs and uh that we have in place to help students the better student learning we'll have um I haven't actually seen numbers on The Chronic absenteeism do you can can you share with us at some point do a second absolutely so on uh the Desy website under School profiles if you go on our accountability scores yeah that's only updated through uh yeah that's not updated for last year though it is oh it is MHM yep so we actually had a decrease in our aggregate in some of our um subgroups I believe Dr book has reported out on that um but there are our uh lowest performing students Still Remains um a number that we need to tackle can't teach them if they're not here that's exactly correct miss Ashen um I just want to comment as I commented at the meeting yesterday um the importance of the SRO in the attendance as as anecdotally I was speaking with him um with the officer mamera one day and he was explaining how impassioned he is about getting kids to school and um you know it takes a village so once again um I appreciate the work that you do with um officer mcnamer and um everyone else to get the kids to school thank you I appreciate that officer m has taken several trips to homes in order to coax students sometimes they start their day in officer M's office with Hank and that's a great way in order to make them feel comfortable and safe and then we move them back into class it's a great transition pce thank you Mr skull andini and I don't have anything I I think these are great goals I appreciate your your time thank you thank you I'll jump in I think think you're going to see a theme across all of our schools almost as if we actually talk to one another and work together um and I will take um your lead and go broad brushes and and open the questions afterwards do want to thank our school advisory Council for uh for their work and their input in uh designing and reviewing this I also want to thank uh our coaches and Dr bookas for their support Dr Burnham and um the faculty and staff at at Turkey Hill as as we're developing this it's through our conversations about the data and about what's happening in the class rooms uh and about our students that informs what we want to do and where we want to go um it was clear across uh across the district and in Turkey Hill in particular that our subgroup of students with disabilities needed to be an area of focus if we looked at our scores um in ela and Mathematics all of our subs groups scores kind of huddled around the same area both for growth and for scaled score and our students with disability score was was an outlier and and why is that most places I've been growth has been highest with the students with disabilities um partially because they have that much more to grow um and the efforts has been placed into into uh into helping them grow so our our first and second goal academic goals are around improving the performance of our students with disabilities the first goal is regards to reading the second goal is in regards to mathematics um and demonstrating that uh improved growth and improved performance if you you look at the uh the graph that's the third page in you see the little green dot and the little yellow dot the yellow dot is our non-disabled students the Green Dot is our disabled students and our goal is to bring those two dots closer together and further to the right and up as as we can um and in doing so we'll be working with our academic coaches and some of the work that they spoke about um but more particularly um in regards to our students with disabilities uh developing practices that involve small group instruction over whole group instruction during our intervention times we scheduled our day so that we now have two intervention times during um during the day one either FOC on mathematics or one to focus on on Ela or allowing the interventions to work with smaller groups because she or he have more time to bring students together um working on differentiated instruction within the classroom so that when regular uh classroom instruction is going on the teacher doing exactly what you said Mrs usen both giving Johnny what he needs giving Jane what she needs and pulling kids together based upon not what I remember from school the buzzards the bluebirds and the Eagles but we're working on this skill and this standard with these guys and tomorrow I may not be with that group because I've got it and someone else is coming into a group because they have another need so keeping that group flexible as we move forward as we're meeting the needs of um of everyone um we'll be providing some uh professional development uh at the beginning of this next calendar year on using the I data um in a different way rather than just using it as as Benchmark data and data to tell us okay this is the areas we need to focus with individual students or across our curriculum um using it to help us differentiate instruction there are ways to dig deeper into the information with ir radio that not only can tell us which kids would work best together but what skills these children need in order to get to where we want them to be so what we've been doing since be before Co but particularly since Co with those Co babies as we're trying to catch up is backfill the skills that they missed while trying to keep them up with the grade level skills that they need to get um and the excuse me the supports and I will help us be able to do that in addition to the supports of our our coaches in getting those differentiated instruction that small group instruction um and those Center type activities uh in our classrooms together and we've be doing that for both uh English language arts and and for mathematics our third goal is focused on school environment and school Community um and Survey that was taken by our students uh in 22 and 23 we see that this sense of uh social emotional security and um using social media seem to be the most need of our students um so we're our plan is to address those our Behavior health study team has been revamped um so that teachers are able to I don't want to use the worder um present students to that team where our guidance counselor our social worker our school psychologist assistant principal and I meet and we can brainstorm what can we do to help this student function best at school um as if I'm concerned about um my emotional security what's going to happen when I get home uh is there going to be dinner on the table uh is Dad going to be mad when I get home is the kid sitting next to me going to turn around and yell at me you know I'm not able to focus on my learning kind of if they're not there they can't learn I might be there physically but I'm not totally there in my mind because my head is focused on something else helping our students uh address those is issues um our guidance counselors have been including in their work with students um a focus outside of the school even in third fourth and fifth grade the kids coming in and saying he's writing stuff about me on the internet what are you talking about in Roblox we're playing Roblox and he's putting in the profile you know I do this or he does that and and providing some direct instruction on how to deal with that involving parents and making sure parents are aware that that aspect of the program exists and maybe keeping a closer eye on what's Happening um will be helpful for everybody um in addition to the traditional friends groups Lunch Bunch and helping ease those um social issues uh together um we will plan to budget for 2 26 26 27 school year to um administer the uh School climate Center survey again so that we have another set of our data to compare the 22 23 numbers in to um to measure our growth um we've begun it already this school year uh oh I keep forgetting Joe's last name Joe Chia Christa was here for all of us to work on trauma informed instruction um kind of focusing on how to make school a place where I can feel safe comfortable and ready to learn um and I think one of the things that most of the teachers took out of that was that geez there's a lot of people that experience trauma once you figure out that the definition of how I react to something so Mr Linton and I could experience the same thing and it's extremely traumatic for me and he's he's fine I need something different than Mr Lenton needs and how can we provide that for our for our students so that when they come to school they're present they want to be here we're not having the fights in the morning about getting off the bus or getting up on the bus it's a place that they want to come to and and they're and they're ready to learn we'll also address it's not specific in here we will also address um attendance it's not chronic absentee isn't isn't as bad I don't want say bad in the right way it's different from the from the middle school high school than the elementary school because some of them are getting themselves up out ready to go to school there's an adult involved in our conversations about making sure kids get to school um but we see the same thing the students who are lowest performing um often have the worst attendance I think a piece of that goes along with our third goal if they're feeling out of place if they're feeling uncomfortable if they're feeling like their needs aren't being met if every day I came to school and Dr buron gave me stuff to do that I couldn't do I think twice about getting up and coming to school so we want to address those um as we move forward bring our scores to a place that's going to reflect our community any questions comments from the committee first of all well welcome thank you I don't think we've had the opportunity to meet face to face so glad to have you here you've obviously uh gotten up to speed very quickly so my thing glad to have you glad to have you I don't have any questions other than that thank you Mr skull and BR all right thank you oh can I ask one question yes Mr present uh you mentioned in here facilitate all fifth grade students attendance at Nature's Classroom we had uh talk more about that this year we had I'm not going to have the exact number in my head 10 to 12 that did not go um for various reasons um none of them were can't afford to so it was either parents made a decision about not wanting my child to spend that time away from home or um in discussions with us and their and their child their child wasn't ready for that U we did provide I don't want to say a comparable experience because you you can't at school but they had a Nature's Classroom Camp it wasn't they're here you're doing your reading your math book and your stuff they had hands-on experience in science we walked to the creek behind um the playground took water samples found the frogs that were living there observed those for a little while they took samples and put things under microscope made goop made Glue sang songs had some extra time outside I saw the pictures yeah we did the owl P again I saw the pictures which was nice that that got included with the photos of the students it was important um can you talk about how you would facilitate all fifth grade student attendance or is that part moving forward I think Consulting with parents talking about talking with parents about the experience the teachers that are going to be there with and we had some were able to go um and be successful because the parents chaperoned part of the time if not all of the time um making that an option available for some parents is it said can't do that because they've got to work they can't get the time um trying to make the parent feel comfortable um and trying to make the student feel comfortable I know we had a couple who didn't go because they weren't comfortable and there was no amount of us talking the parents talking the guidance counsel talking that was changing their mind um it's early in the year so it's the relationships aren't quite there yet with all the new teachers and new classmates and and new structures and things um I I think I'd be yeah I think I if we did this at the end of a school year uh we might have more kids feeling more comfortable to go because they've been with us they trust us they know us um but if you've never been away from home going away from home for a few days I think there's a lot of time I think it was a lot of students it was great first experience away from home but oh yeah yeah they had a great time oh they did oh they did um okay and um yeah so it also says create Bandon course program for fifth grade we've got the band course going Band program going and continuing I'm talking with um Mr Anthony now about adding course aspect to that okay I know yeah I went to a concert last year and they were Mr they're going to sing but you're going to make that's great oh yes okay uh and that was all my questions about that thank you Miss sire all right well you guys have heard a lot about number one and two from my colleague so I'm not going to but I want to thank we have I have to thank my instructional leadership team as well as my advisory Council because without both of them that is how we developed and came up with our school Improvement plan so this doesn't happen in a vacuum so there was a lot of thought that went into our School Improvement plan just like my colleagues one and two are focusing on our literacy and our math and looking at all the cohorts of students so while we're focusing on the discrepancy between students with disabilities and those without disabilities we also have to focus on our struggling students as well our elll Learners everyone that is a part of our school Community member so looking at that looking at our scores and then what do we have so preed 2 we do not have mcaps but we lay the foundation we do have Dibbles we do have I ready we do have the universal screener so we can really Target instruction and cohort students together with that explicit instruction on the skill deficits that they have and really Shore it up we just did a progress monitoring meeting and I'm really excited to say that in one of the cohorts four students are already in the green so green means they've have the skills now what we will do with that data is we're going to continue to progress monitor them for a couple more weeks if they continue to be successful and stay solidly in the green they can be released and do more instruction in a larger group so that small group instruction is really beneficial so looking at and really disaggregating the data to see where the skills are and how you can cohort students you know we want that path to proficiency and in order to do that we really have to find out what are the skill deficits that they have and how do we Shore them up so really working together we're looking at I can say that um my mtss and my special ed staff are doing a disc calcula training so in the area of math to really look and dive deeper on what can we do what tools can we add into their toolbx how can we really Shore up some of those small group instruction and get it really explicit for what students need we're doing the same with reading as well um my special ed staff are attending Wilson it's not for the younger kids Wilson usually starts at an older level so for us it's really those foundational skills looking at the dibles and really diving deep into the dibles to see where those the deficits are in reading and what can we do so that's really what we're looking at for right now for those two so I don't want to I know you've heard a lot of information from everybody about one and two but what I'm really excited about is number three so ours looks a little bit different it's still about the family um engagement but really working with we have some great training around trauma informed practices and culturally responsive practices so this first year of this goal is really that sense of belonging because if you don't have a sense of belonging that academic curricular rigor is not going to come so how do we have that sense of belonging we heard we have two SOS so in our building we have officer Monroe who has been fantastic making those connections with students um he couldn't come to open house but as Mr sandre was talking about how do we get families in what do we do what how can we engage families and I was really excited I know Mr Leon I believe was at our open house I was overwhelmed by the number of parents that we had at open house we did something a little different this year we thought outside the box so I'm new to the primary Mr Smith is new to the primary so we took some of our background and really created how can we get people in and that I'm hoping starts a building block for us of getting Volunteers in because if they're not involved at an early level it's really hard as they progress through the years to get them involved we also have to think about what's that sense of belonging what to get staff in so really looking at all of our Community Resources so how do we work with the police and fire department next week next week we have fire safety so we're going to have fire you may see fire trucks at our building which is very developmentally appropriate we have a little I was told there's this unit that is coming to the back of the building but kids will get to experience it and non-threatening we need to have the same for families as well so how can we start getting families in in staff because we we're asking staff to take a lot of risks and put themselves out there to continue to make academic gains with our students how do we build a sense of belonging so this first year surveying really finding out how do Staff feel how do the parents feel how do our Community Resources feel like do they feel welcome that they can come into our building um so really diving into that creating that welcoming environment um and that's all different Avenues whether it be IEP is 504s preschool is an introduction to your formative school years if you don't have good preschool experience it's hard to build on that so we have to do a little investigating to find out what's going to bring members into our community and become part of it how can we support families to become as Mr Sandry saying if you have a family member that's working a second shift it's hard to come to nighttime events so what are we doing during the day we have to do a deeper dive into that and I think that that's really important to Garner some information so our first year is really that investigating looking at the different um resources and then as part of that our buildings and our facilities taking a deeper look at it really doing walkthroughs I come from a district before that invited school committee members invited when I do a walkth through through my building with the fire department that school committee members are coming or there's a committee that we can form that can have parent volunteers so they can see the inner workings and what's going on in the school I think it just gives sometimes that ease of this is what's going on there's some information we can share with families you know when we talk about trainings and evacuations for Alice if we have that information we can't share because that is a Safety and Security for our students but we can walk them through our buildings and talk about fire exits and if there were a fire drill or this is what your child's going to experience because then they can bring in home and share it with their child at home so it's that partner back and forth so that's really goal number three is I know you've heard a lot about academics but I think this piece as well because if you don't have the Family Support it's really going to be hard to build upon that academic rigor at least in the formative years it's still early does anyone have any questions M pelski I don't do I love the sorry no I love it I love it I love the third goal especially um you guys are in a unique situation where you're the ones training the parents and I especially realized that last year when my youngest went to kindergarten I was thinking about the fact that Chrissy is just is in this situation of having to teach the parents how to interact with the school system and that's a hard job um does a good job um you got yeah it's basically you guys are training the parents how to interact with the school system because if you're if it's your oldest going or if you haven't done this before they go into the school and you introduce them to the school culture of lunberg that's really important um so I think your your front office staff also has a lot to do with that as the ones who are the first point of contact and then the main point of contact for a lot of things uh in the school system so I think that's a strength you might want to lean on uh especially you yeah so um this is great because I think it really acknowledges that unique role that you have as the intro to lunberg uh what it says evaluate PBIS lessons through student exit tickets um you do student exit tickets on the behavioral how does so we do a lesson every month okay um so at the beginning of the month there's a theme we work on it those little so there's leaves right now that have themes that will go up there was the puzzle pieces for September that's all part of our PB I but are kids really internalizing it or is it we're just saying this we have to have a measure to really check and see are they understanding just for like math and Ela we're we're checking in we're doing those exit tickets it could be an oral exit ticket just to ask a question to see what they're understanding it doesn't necessarily have to be like the the written but I we need to check and see are they internalizing it are they able to understand what we're asking of them and be there has to be some kind of measure and I don't think there's ever been anything in place we just teach this and then think it sticks what do the exit tickets look like is it is it just a conversation with it could be a conversation we could do like a smiley face a you know you put it in kid terms yeah thumbs up thumbs down um did did you understand it do you need to know more so we do thumbs up sideways thumbs down is a good indicator for kids um Mike and I will be doing check-ins as well because we want to know like okay did the kid really understand because if they don't understand them we need to change how we're teaching that lesson so we have kindness coming up kindness day is November 13th we'll be celebrating that at the primary school December we have giving there's a giving Tuesday I believe it's December 3rd so we're starting to bring in some of that PBIS and the character into all School assemblies thank you you're welcome Mr B um I'm thrilled to hear about all of the thinking and work that you're all doing in terms of family engagement Community Development um my my colleagues here and the superintendent and Mr sry know this is a very big thing for me um they joke I'm from here I talk about being from here I relay my experiences over 52 years of being from lunenberg um but I think that the community and family component is as important as all of the other attributes that we talk about when we talk about our schools and I think that it's a it's a component that we may have taken for granted in the past and we can't afford to do that and so I'm I'm really glad that that you're all bearing down and and acknowledging that there's opportunity for for improvement and um and and we really need to en encourage participation and engagement amongst all of our family and the broader Community as well you know Carol talked about at our last meeting we we know we're communicating through our newsletters to parents but the broader Community should know what we're doing as well they should know that there's a play next Tuesday or something you know and they're welcome and uh we need to we need to take that extra effort and initiative uh cuz our our kids when they're my age will remember those people that were not faculty or staff or or Administration but took it and or maybe maybe members of those those groups as well but particularly the community members and the parents that took an extra interest in them as well uh and and those will have lifelong uh effects on their on their overall success Civic engagement Community engagement and how they rais their own kids in my opinion so thank you very much there chance of bringing back the first grade play haven't heard anything about first now you just be asking my teachers casualty it's adorable it's an exercise and Chaos it was adorable the stion B um I I've been sitting here and I'm I'm reflecting as everybody knows this is my last year on the board and I'm reflecting on what is in your school Improvement plans and how different they are from six years ago how far we have come we never would have heard the words differentiated instruction we never would have heard about teaching individual kids individual things we have come a really long way I you've done great work all of you it's great work thank you and Dr Burnham as well Mr skull and Bre I uh I would say I appreciate the collaboration I think uh just the collaboration on the goals I think working together you guys will be able to help each other out and learn so much from each other too so I think that's great um um I would also agree with my colleagues I think starting at the the younger grades too with the culture setting expectations uh trying not to overwhelm the parents too much finding that right balance I think it'll be good I know school supplies is always an issue at my house are always like oh it's the school supplies what are the school school supplies so I think just trying to find that right balance but I think culture is going to be really important because I think it also connects to those upper grades too as you set the right culture the attendance is going to be better and the other other schools as well so great work uh appreciate it thank you thank you thank you thank you guys so it was a action item for uh the fy2 school Improvement plans is there a motion I'll make a motion to accept the fy2 school Improvement plans second any discussion I think we're ready for a roll call vote Mr School Brin yes Mr Bowski yes Mr beardmore yes Mr yes and wa yes thank you everyone next item on the agenda is action item seal Grant had put this on the agenda um as we were uh aware of a new Grant uh however as we dug in a little bit more deeply uh we don't meet the criteria uh for this one so we'll be taking a pass on this one all right next item of the agenda is the PTO liaison I had put this on the agenda um Mr scull brini is the PTO liaison currently he also is on the budget task committee that meets also on the same days typically um so I wanted to open it up for potential action discussion on whether to either act on who the liaison is maybe make a uh a secondary liaison or just take no action to so I'll open it up the discussion first and we'll see if there's any action I also don't know how much how much time left is on the budget task committee too as well Mr skini if you want to speak to that yes so we have one we have I think we have either one meeting or two meetings after special town meeting but we'll be done by DEC if we can hold on until January I have no problem going back I found itting to that yeah are we interested as a committee on a backup for the PTO liaison just so we have someone there instead of staff I know staff was giving us updates how many meetings are left like do they is it once a month once a month so you're talking one meeting or two meetings yeah I I'll do one or two meetings while Tony's doing the other and then he has to take it back though okay any other any other discussion that'll feel nice after the uh budget task force thank you Carol I I don't know if we need an action on this one then are we good with that no I'm just I'm just sub somebody's going to have to tell me when the next meeting is yeah we can take take care of that it's it's definitely on my calendar my wife's always there okay I got to watch the kids so I can't do it all right next item of the agenda is the discussion superintendent goals so you'll see a lot of overlap um with the goals that I've brought forward for your discussion um to what you heard in the school Improvement plans um Liz if you can scroll please all right so there's some comparison data again um we're really focusing in on the uh students with disabilities subgroup and the gaps and um you know looking in particular areas where where we're falling behind the state average um you've got listed uh here the um the priority the focus uh priority uh indicators uh as identified by the department of Ed for administrators for the 24 25 school year so I've included those there so the first uh goal would be the student learning goal um you can see that it's connected to um the student learning goal particularly the one that Mr sry demonstrated early in their presentation the wording in his school Improvement plan that that goal has been written for teachers to choose to adopt um it was specifically written for teachers you might have seen that it referenced you know identifying students in your class or classes uh not to exceed seven students that you would really take on for the and focus and try to uh close some skill gaps knowledge gaps for those kiddos um taking that out the principles then the principal the assistant principal who evaluate those teachers they will compile the list of all the identified uh students of the teachers that they're evaluating and that larger group of students now becomes the cohort that the evaluators are also looking to try to support and move um they do that by connecting with teachers directly checking in on progress on individual students that are in their buildings classroom observations those kinds of things take that out a step further and that brings us to the goal um at the central office level where we will be engaging with principles and assistant principles and they will be presenting information and data on progress for students their large larger cohort of students um and again we'll work on uh ways that we can help uh move the needle for them if they need additional supports if they feel that teachers need additional supports from us um we'll focus some professional development um and we'll be uh providing updates for for families through a variety of means including some of our parent meetings newsletters those sorts of things the uh professional practice goal um you heard a little bit about that uh as well uh it's a theme for our full day professional development day in November it's the overarching uh area of the um the strategy for continuous Improvement um creating that safe caring and inclusive environment um so again here um we would be uh looking for Consultants who can provide workshops for staff um the keynote uh that we have on uh November 5th is is an example of that um we'll be looking to um attend any out of District work workshops I can't tell you what those are because they they will come along into the Inbox and when we see something that aligns with work that we're doing that's when we um make decisions around who should attend um this particular type of uh Workshop um looking to utilize very structured protocols to discuss articles um again as part of the district leadership team and then through modeling that with our district leadership principes can then take that and utilize the same model with their own building leadership teams or their faculty all right so District Improvement goal one um this connects back to the work of the budget task force um and it actually connects to um some of the things that uh the select board is focused on as well um around uh what can we do to make Lunenburg and in this case lunenberg Public Schools more specifically um a desirable employer um the place where people want to be able to get the job um and that's for all categories of our staff um not just teachers um so we need to do a little bit of research and try to understand um if there are any unique benefits that other districts might be offering to teachers uh explore what types of benefits uh the corporate world might offer to their employees um um have some surveys and focus group discussions with employees as to what types of um additional benefits might uh make lunenberg Public Schools more uh attractive um we would look to summarize any findings and present them to the committee in the fall so that if there were any ideas that the committee wanted to pursue that would have a budgetary impact um we would have time to build that into the budget um or if there was going to be some other type of impact we would have time to um uh publicize that information um additionally um we'd like to do some work at the central office level for for the key positions that we do have as you know the staff at the central office uh wear multiple hats so when there's uh somebody who's retiring or you know pursuing another opportunity and leaves the the role uh there's a lot to train and get up to speed um so we would like to do some work uh to uh create um a guide book if you will for all of the critical positions what are the roles and responsibilities and then get down into the details step by step what do you have to do to actually execute these things what access to different things do you need who else do you need to consult with as well as mapping out on a calendar these are the things that you need to be aware of you got to get done in in September these are things that come up in January can't miss the deadline that sort of a road map um and particularly for these key roles at central office wherever possible um we would try to have some overlap where the new h would have some uh days to work uh with the the employee who's exiting the district um when Fran mclusky our um special ed secretary retired we were able to do that she had already created her her binder that mapped out all of her roles and responsibilities um and we had uh several days where laoren Broden who is our new uh secretary in the special at office was able to work together side by side and walk through all of the things that were in that binder um so that she could see firsthand for herself how to do some some things but you learn something you don't do it for another six months you need that resource to go back to um so that's some some key work that we would like to get done at central office and then uh District Improvement goal two um we would like to gather together plans documenting the infrastructure needs of the district um largely those would be it and facility type needs um we would uh like to compile uh documents that would uh be archived in reside on the uh District website as well as in a hard copy at the uh central office and the superintendent's office um we think that these uh documents will be helpful for big picture of planning um I would just like to mention that um I had meetings with all members of U the school committee with the exception of Mr scho and bini to talk about um all of your ideas around areas that we might look to focus um some goals uh for the next year or two um and uh I I think we were able to incorporate much of uh what I heard from the different members no need to vote on any of this this evening if you have any thoughts or feedback tonight that's fine otherwise you know you can send me emails or um send me questions and we can bring this back at the next meeting so open up to the members with the questions comments uh that you have tonight and again as the superintendent stated you can also reach out to her after the meeting as well at a high level I I think this looks really good I think it reflects the individual conversation I had with you largely as well as some the initial conversation we had here um a month or so ago um my my only General comment is that on the on the uh Second District Improvement goal around facilities I I think that and and we adopted as a school committee go we adopted school committee we're about to it's on our list it's on the list um around um you know coming to resolution on is I'm not sure exactly what Brian's language was but something around resolving the plan for Turkey Hill and the track and field com complex I think that it's more incumbent upon you to just report the facts I think you have to be a partner in that leadership of helping us to determine what those are and how to go out and Corral those resources and bring those projects you know to some semblance of of decisiveness and completion um but that's the only comment that comes to mind right now I would just say that we don't have on here anything about moving your offices out of um TCP I was thinking the same thing connected if we're connecting the goals there that that might be something you want to put on there because I had the exact same Bo yeah that important you cannot stay there so think it also has to go ring a new landing spot for central office is important because all the plans for Turkey Hill and it will play plans for other buildings in town if the plan is to rehab the River Building and put you guys there then you know what are we going to do in the meantime I think that we' got thank you uh I would just say and I think this comes up a lot time A lot of times talking about goals whether it's teacher goals superintendent goals or even the the admin is set your goals to you're going to do for that year and I think you did that really well here it's like this is what we wanted to do it's a great goal that's aligned to what we actually want to do in the next year too so thank you thank you all for your input M puski um I really liked the mention of calendar mapping when it came to the job documentation I think that's very smart um especially considering the cyclical nature of a lot of jobs wi is this rolling in um so I I really like that um and the documentation of roles I think that's important especially um how vital some of those positions are um I wanted to ask about cross training especially for some of the secretarial roles in your office because some of those people are holders of very important information yep so um I've been trying to cross train for six years how is it um not well because it requires time because it requires time and because the people with these key roles are so out straight busy to to keep up with oh nope this needs to be done it needs to be ready for a school commit meeting oh we need to submit to the state by this deadline that it's really hard to carve out time for people to sit together and show each other how to do the different pieces um there is a little bit that's happening um but not in like a substantial enough way that oh if somebody we were notified tomorrow needed to be out for 6 weeks that's okay we've got it um this person knows how to do all of that we don't we don't have it to that level um but we do have um bits and pieces that people could tag in on um so I I would say that the best backup is this mapping out of all of the roles and responsibilities I can I can tell you that um we we've even attempted to plan for some of this training to happen during school vacation weeks when we're not being flooded with emails and phone calls all day long um and and inevitably something happens in the employees World outside of work that now takes that off the table because they can't be in the office they have to take care of something else that's popped up um but it it's it's still something that we we try to work on yeah I might add something in there about that as far as it's hard to do I know because of the time but some of those staff are they have very vital key roles and hold a lot of information and documentation is the first St though I mean you know we back to my comment about reflecting our conversation I I had brought up this whole you know Topic in terms of just sort of operational resilience ileny right and you know how do we get past the what seems like a lot of reaction when things go wrong and the unanticipated and inevitably happens that we should anticipate the unanticipated um I I think that this you know represents really sound thinking in terms of okay how can we take steps in that direction we can't we can't solve that problem in a year or two but but we can and we can take steps to be more resilient and um yep for dis for district Improvement go too uh would recommend adding pasos to that as well for moving you um i' would like to make it a stated goal um everywhere um where it says water testing results does that plan just for reporting the water retesting results or so those are some of the things that you know happen annually um and I think you know to have we do have that information posted on the website but that's a perfect example of a report that needs to be done and needs to be posted and made available so it should live where all of these other reports live on the website but no additional plan to do anything no we we have a plan in place where um we did our initial testing I think in 2018 um and the plan is to uh do samples uh 1/3 of all uh fixtures I guess is the best way to uh describe it onethird every year um with the thinking that by three years you you've gone through everything again um so um and and that is uh information that's part of uh what's documented so and um my other concern um under the professional practice goal the use of the word disruptor I love that yeah you like it yeah so so that's the phrase that we um actually learned from a consultant that we worked with all of last year that worked with the staff um taking this um mindset that you want to disrupt when you see harassment going on so this aggression the the training on yes uh election day yes so last year Dr waram came in three different times and was a keynote for the entire staff um she talked about several different things over those three visits but one of them was about microaggressions recognizing them and how um to come to disrupting that with a sense of curiosity you come to the situation with curiosity to understand but calling it out at the same time um so that's work that uh really staff need to get to practice over time so that it becomes sort of a natural thing that you do so we know that we want to um get to that place where we continue that work um with with Dr waram there were staff that really wanted to be able to continue with her as well okay uh and my other thing is just the um first goal is that focused on mcast school scores so there aren't any mcast scores at the um primary level y so we would be looking at other data um points which is why there's no specific at the district level there's no specific measure that we're talking about this this time this goal um it's it's going to be more dictated by by grade level so last two years we had a districtwide goal that could be written in a way that teachers could take the goal administrators at the building level could take the goal and the district level could take the goal the way the district goal was designed this year it needed to be the goal itself the phrasing of it needed to be tailored for the teacher level the building admin level and the central office level um but we we'll be looking for evidence that we're moving the needle um through a variety of uh measures most of which you know were articulated in the in the teacher role or in the um the school Improvement plans any other questions or comments again if you think of anything later too as Dr bam said you can reach out to her not taking any action can I just I'm a little I'm a little concerned about the district about the first goal because it focuses very on a narrow subset of students and narrow metrics we're talking about test scores and not like overall special education experience so we're letting the guide the the data Guide this work um the data that I've provided um and there are other ways that we've looked at data um that that's an area that the Gap is is significant in places and it needs to be focused on and when you think about um you know it's a small subset it's still a significant number of students in the in when you look at the whole District yeah it's 214 or 260 which one is was it um do numbers how many do we have on IP right now about 250 to 2 okay yeah Jessie said 261 but then somewhere else it said 214 and I couldn't figure out all depends on when Heidi runs reports for the October 1 versus June versus March that I just want to reassure you that does not mean that the work we had been doing trying to move more students to on grade level and fewer students in that tier three category with all the work that we have been doing for the last two years that work is still ongoing um it's just not a focused goal um we need to do work on this particular oh yeah area I know it's just last year in the budget discussion we spent a lot of time when discussing uh budget priorities in a tough budget season focusing on exactly what the district goals were so this is still meeting the needs of all students we're just looking to use this as a measure but it's also a student learning goal not the professional practice goal correct yeah right again we look at the data for all students all year long we are still doing the benchmarks we're still assessing all of that data teachers are still interpreting that data we're still doing interventions and flexible grouping so that work while it's not in a stated goal that work is still a priority focus and it is happening and it will continue to happen Okay other questions or comments again I'd like to thank each of you for your your time spent uh with me and my team at central office this summer uh sharing your thoughts around what the priority areas uh might look like for the next year or two um it was very helpful all right so we'll keep this on the agenda for uh next meeting uh next item on the agenda is old business the discussion on Power School New IEP implementation so you have uh an update from um Juliana hansum our director of special services I'd invite Juliana to come up in case you have any questions or comments relative to the new IEP implementation I drop the memo into the folder for you guys yes thank you it's been going as expected um with some in the road here and there but for the most part the staff has been amazing with taking on this new IEP um as well as Power School um change over with Frontline um you know we I put some things in place as far as I have a spreadsheet that I have an alarm on my phone that Kate's heard go off multiple time 3:00 and at 3:00 I check that spreadsheet every day to see if they've uploaded any new questions for power school sometimes I'll even check it during the school day so that I can get back back to them right away and try to find the answers for them but um they've got that resource and like I put here too I've also got a list serve group for the state of directors that were asking each other Power School questions for those of us who have because a lot of districts have transferred over to Power School um front lines lost a lot of business this year um because they didn't have things in place so it's kind of good that a lot of us jumped ship because we're all on the same boat and we're learning from each other um because power school doesn't have the greatest userfriendly professional development platform you would expect that they would have a lot of um videos online to be able to look at and it's just not it's not meshing well um but we're learning a lot of things together we we have had um we have had a couple of trainings that we've done online one was just yesterday um we're going to be doing some more and um I will say Loren in my office has been fantastic her and Emily both in my office they've like jumped right in um they they're looking for answers as well and helping staff um to meet them where they're needed um and with the new IEP too um even those it it's been a really good change over for the new IEP I think it's a really it's a much better document I think than the old IEP I think it's much more user friendly for people looking at it and being and even for staff to look at it and to understand what's needed for students it's got a lot more student voice voice in it um that we've talked about before uh so I'm very happy with how things are it's not perfect but we didn't expect it to be perfect um and and I think we we're in we're in the throws right now of just you know as it comes along we're working on it and we're moving forward with it uh the great thing is for parents um we've been able to change over to that digital signature so now parents will get that consent form via email they can sign it send it back which is a little scary because when you get when you send out a bunch of consents and then you get them all back at once that means that the school SES have to put it in gear for testing and the specialed staff have to put it in gear for testing then but that's okay it it it shows that it we're meeting it appears to be that we're meeting parents where it's most comfortable for them because they're signing things digitally and sending them back much faster than what we did um and even one um I will say this I we sent an IEP out and Loren was like this is typically a family we might have to send it again because usually with this family it's it's a couple of times that's F that same day we got it back digitally signed and I was like Merry Christmas this is fantastic because we want to be able to put services in place as soon as possible so so I think all in all it the the change over is been has been going as well as can be expected and I really want to thank the principles too for helping free up staff as needed for them to be able to work with me and and and to get you know come to the professional development too takes me weeks to put a stamp on an envelope but I can sign digitally in seconds it I mean we're even having the princi we should have been able to do this years ago but the fact that we're doing it now is great yep even the principles are signing the IEP so it's not the staff having to chase down the principles for that signature or or the IEPs to wait on the principal's desks for them to get to it at the end it's it's no we we comes up to the off central office we process it we we edit it as best we can and then we send it to the principals for their digital signature too so they can even do that as well that's awesome yeah I think it's it's been a great and the um interpretation to or to translation too we've been able to do through Power School that's not as seamless as I hope but I'm hoping that as we get better with it that we'll be able to continue to utilize Power School translation rather than having to send it out to an outside agency and have them translate and send it back and wait when you mean translate you mean literally translate language oh okay I thought it was an input thing okay how did you find um the length of the meetings have you found that is too early to tell or I I think it's still a little early to tell I can tell you um what what I the the the advice that I've given my staff because I actually had the first two district meetings of the year at the end of summer um for my outter District um students two of my outter District students and what I found is the outer District placements had draft IEPs and it went much faster with a draft IEP um rather than just talking about it um but for parents to actually have that draft IEP in front of them so I've talked to paal I've talked to Sher cordella who's our pel chair um I'm going to be bringing it up again next month at our our paal meeting in November again about how with parents um I've asked staff to try to do draft IEPs whenever they can and I've relayed my experiences on how that's beneficial but I also don't want parents to think that we're predetermining anything by drafting an we're just trying to put some information into it that we already know or that might be from the last for them to be able to see it and then move forward so I'm I'm going to continue to relay that information that it's really our intent isn't to predetermine parents still have a voice at that meeting we can still change things up but I think it really does help um lessen the length of that meeting um but I think I think um more involved meetings are still going to take that time I think it is going to take more time than than a normal meeting meeting did um but we're trying to put some things in place that we think might help other questions was the change over from Frontline to power school was it automated or did you have to manually input every IEP um we didn't have to manually input every we will have to manually input every ient what Frontline did for us what we were able to get from Frontline is we were able to download them as PDFs and then from there we were able to upload those p PDFs to to power school so now what staff has to do is they have to open up that old PDF open up make a new IEP and then they have to copy and paste with the relevant sections they're not there's not many relevant sections in the old IEP so they would have to do the new part anyways which is why we thought it was good to do the change this time to power school because they were going to have to rewrite the IEP anyways whether it was front line or power school um but yeah a lot of it was um I I know our it Department Emily and Jordan worked tirelessly on putting together the spreadsheets and all of the data fields at that power school asked for there was some some glitches on that um Loren spent one full day I said go work on just entering in the data that needs to get entered because we have enough students we're not Boston Public we're not Worcester so we have enough to where we had to hand denter in some data and I was able luren was able to do it for the 200 and something students because it was a small enough group not 20,000 it's not right right so as long as she was uninterrupted she was able to enter in it was like the disability information we weren't finding a way to transfer it over easily and finally I said peace out let's just enter it in manually the oldfashioned way um so there have been glitches on that we expected it there are some things that I wish power school could were like come on why can't you do it this way and they couldn't and so we we figured it out and we'll continue to figure it out as best we can and the demands on your time as far as the new IEP meetings have you guys been is it too much or is it it's it's no more than what what I would have expected okay and and I think as as the year moves along um you know if if I need to go to more meetings to help facil facilitate that I I will it is what it is but I I I can say the staff have been so overwhelmingly positive about this change over I didn't I mean I would like to say that I would expect it but I also I thought about you know when I was a teacher if I was going through all of this I'd be out of my mind and maybe they are and they're just not telling me which you know tell me if you're out there and you're here and you need help support I'm here to support them and Loren's there and Emily's there to support them too um but they've really been positive over overall and it's that's just so great because it really is the best thing I think for the students to be able to get on board with this new like I said the new I much more student voice in the new I okay any other questions or comments thank you this is just a discussion so no action needed next item of the agenda is the discussion on strategy for continuous Improvement so I did um review the status I guess of our um strategy and the action plans that were in place uh year ago uh with my leadership team looking for input and um we felt that uh the work that we needed to continue to do did still fall under this cultivating culture and climate umbrella and still fell within uh either priority one two or three um we had a conversation um uh late last spring um about the need to revisit the core values when I gave an update and I am happy to say um that we have been able to um partner with uh Dr warum to facilitate the work on the core values um so we've had conversations with her about what that process is going to look like um and it'll be a little bit organic as we move through the process um but um she was uh highly uh embraced by our staff uh when she came in uh those three days last year so I think she's a really great person um to facilitate the conversations particularly with Steph um so that's good news that we'll be able to focus all of our time on budget and not having members of the school committee trying to facilitate the conversations around core values like we talked about right may need to be the case L last spring so how how does that actually come to fruition like does that ultimately get reported out to us at some point or um I'll invite Dr bookas up to the table um um we've been back and forth with uh Dr warnham on on what this process can and may look like um initially we're going to start with the leadership um and then work our way out from from there but I'll let Dr waren Dr Fus talk about what Dr waren had to say um yes and we'll start with a small group it'll be our instruction leadership team she has some homework for us to do some thinking writing to do um she'll help us draft a statement together about um what the work means but that actually looks like what's important to us um and then be able to put some sort of action items to that so it's one thing to have a statement it's another thing to actually live and breathe it every day um so that we all become you know sort of comfortable with that language um and then we'll be able to broaden out the group a little bit so be able to invite other folks into the conversation um director of um facilities um director of Food Services other folks who are working um within with um us tangentially and then also them being able to bring in our staff being able to bring that work them back to the schools so it's one thing to what does it look like in our work but what does it look like in the schools what does it look like and how does it live and breathe in the classrooms making sure we're getting input from our staff and our Educators as well um then also Broad that out to school committee members other constituent groups families community members so it's something that lives and and breathe throughout the entire Community um but again starting small and then continuing to Branch out that way so we can all have a deeper understanding of the work thank you so I don't know if if um anyone has any other questions or concerns about what we've mapped out as our continued uh focused work for the next year uh in some cases you know ongoing for any questions comments Mr Bowski for the core values I think because those will inform so many decisions that the school committee makes it's my opinion that we probably should be more of a part of that you will be um just because I I have a feeling the core values are going to really come into play when it comes to making decisions budgetary policy and all of that but I am excited that that is on the agenda yeah I mean I think that if this is done in a way that follows best practices and involves the right people I think we're going to get some very reflective wellth thought out topics ideas proposals that'll be brought to us and we can discuss them to our heart's content at that time but I I'd prefer I'd prefer somebody else do the groundwork I guess is what I'm thinking at this point given the given the limitations of our time I would agree too and I think it's also having the experts in the field put that work in we're not we're not the feet on the ground yeah exactly you know and and we don't have the pulse just one reflection though that that I that did come to mind when you were talking about that is is that you have some core people that are new and and you know you when this finally kicks off you'll have at least three of your major leaders who have been around for you know six months or less and so I think that that that is important that you know it's a well balanced team that you know reflects as many you know folks who've been around a long time and kind of know are you know well well healed in the the history of why some things are the way they are you know as a way to project where we want to be yeah diversity will be key yeah so this is just a discussion item and I would assume similar to the other item you we bring it back the next meeting for approval if you have any thoughts or questions before then we can my way thank you all right next item in the agenda is the discussion on school committee goals so again still discussion I'm thinking maybe we could do an action item in the future but we were working on some drafts so in your folder you should have uh school committee goal draft one two and three so open up to discussion we can also read through them too for the public sake if we want so there was some edits if we want to go goal one uh there was the edit on action steps work collaboratively with staff unions through collective bargaining administrators parents students and community members as well as town Partners including select board Finance Community Town manager to create a fiscally responsible budget and support sustainability and long-term planning also we add the action step review and Revis fees including but not Lim to facility rentals Student Activities and Athletics any discussion on goal One Financial stabil sustainability and efficiency I think it's there I think we got it yeah yeah great all right moving on goal number two facilities and capital planning the objective develop a comprehensive plan that focuses on the maintenance as well as future needs of school buildings and athletic fields and ensuring safety and sustainability through Capital planning budgeting policy development and potential long-term project proposals that may involve long-term borrowing also under action steps we had develop a long-term facil plan that addresses the district's needs with special attention given to School administration offices turkey ill school and the turf field so those are just some of the edits I was going to read through the whole thing can we add the track or does turfield include fieldfield will include that the track okay just because in the budget part as far as the capital plan and what it was addressing it didn't include the turfield no I think that looks good any other discussion on go two I so so as I'm reading hold on Mr scull go ahead go ahead Mr skull we want to incorporate something about applying for grants for air conditioning is that too specific so I think the grants would be more of the administration I don't know if that makes sense Dr bur I think they're going to be the ones seeking out the grants that Mak sense and it's actually the green committee that submits the grant we're just providing them for the Green community stuff commun stuff yeah Mr bore I I I would like to pick up on uh Laura's note I I think we should uh add maybe the word complex to turf field because we are talking about the infrastructure around the field and potentially the track as well can't hurt yeah yeah turfield but otherwise I think you captured it yeah turfield complex we make that change any other discussion on goal two no I think it's good all right seeing none goal three very comprehensive uh we didn't have any changes on that one that was the transparent efficient and effective communication or maybe no this was the I said you this to put in the folder right so we haven't looked at this yet so this is uh I think some revisions the whole thing is a whole rewrite I guess or potential rewrite so uh goal three transparent efficient and effective communication objective to improve communication by reviewing and revising policies Andor protocols that enhance transparency efficiency and Effectiveness between the school committee superintendent and the public action steps policy and protocol review workshop and Revis communication policy icies and/or protocols focusing on increasing efficiency reducing misinformation fostering transparency Benchmark successful successful implementation of the new communication policies Andor protocols any discussion comments I think that's going to be a tall I mean I'm glad we're doing it yeah Landing that before the end of the school year is going to be it's going to be tough sliding but I think I think it's a ambitious goal that we should adopt I think it's something we can make progress on yeah we can get somewhere yeah and somewhere is better than nowhere exactly yeah good all right so we'll put this on an action item for uh next agenda then okay thank you next item on the agenda is reports so we just go down the line start here or start there start at the end I got nothing uh Capital planning committee met uh uh to hear a presentation from uh acting Chief Tibido uh he was Lieutenant Tibido at the time I believe he's acting Chief as of tomorrow I guess or Friday um but uh we met last week and heard the uh police department presentation and we will be meeting uh on Monday and Wednesday of next week school department is one of those two days Monday Monday um and uh the town manager uh screening committee uh met and adopted the uh Community profile and posting for the position which is now posted uh and applications are open they will be open I believe for a total of three or four weeks so more or less throughout the month of October uh closing in in early November and we are scheduled to begin interview in December uh and the high school advisory committee uh is meeting tomorrow okay um the Middle School advisory committee met yesterday and much of which you have already heard about mcast results and school Improvement plan there was quite a discussion about the Washington DC trip and the question of whether or not it is equitable and what to do about that problem because the cost of the trip has gone I I think what they're anticipating is like $1,400 and that's a lot of money and um so there was a lot of discussion about the need to do the trip for a lot of reasons but the need to perhaps start fundraising like when the kids were in the sixth grade or something you know to work towards that goal to find a way to make this more Equitable the PTO is willing to help out um there was some discussion about maybe changing the trip somebody suggested New York New York City I think that's going to be just as expensive so um there was a lot of discussion about it so um as we have discussed and and particularly Peter the equit equ equility in um in these kinds of projects that I was pleased to see that that topic was taken on by the school council um there was no decision but discussion um the parent teacher conference they were fooling around with trying to figure out a consensus on perhaps a different format um they they know that it's important to offer a zoom you know possibility as parents have trouble getting in and out but he said he didn't have any consensus on any other format at this time and that's what we talked about there um fincom I I watched the video today CU I was away and um so I didn't write it out nice like I normally do so my apologies um obviously everybody knows that um the chair has resigned um Chris manad was voted as the chair the new chair Jean Russell the vice chair Tom Gray the clerk um they are down people so anybody out there you want to play that game go to fincom learn all about the town um it's a great education I've never served on it but I've been there and I've learned a lot about the town so um if you're thinking about doing that do it um the next meeting will have a Parks presentation regarding their um their warrant article that they are planning on presenting to borrow $5 million for marsh Park so that's going to be the presentation their public hearing on the warrant articles will also be on the 24th um very quickly they asked for what will we use the additional money for so we talked about that that's fine um they're working on the Mt program and they reinforced that they will allow that to go to Emison if you need to go to Emison hospital it has been allowed um Article 4 is The Prudent investor rule which could make a huge difference in our school budgets so um that's important the article8 I just tried to do what had to do with us article8 um the ACT architectural preservation District commission was talking about what to do with the Brooks house and they said that discussion would have to move forward in consultation with the schools and others so um that's part of article eight article nine um has to do with the challenge of recruiting and retaining employees on the town side but I just notate that because obviously they are very serious about they have the same program problem that we do article 12 was the budget task force and the municipal building committee um we have to vote to allow them to report which I assume we will allow them to report um they said those would be brief reports but one never knows um Article 13 is the Marshal Park improvements um and Tom graay said the same thing you did about project 211 so oops Turn the Page no schools in the regional and whole Harless mix working with that though he did say that we were a whole Harless District which we are not yeah close but we're close so we're close enough and we every year we might be if they would have raised the floor we would be you know I mean it's one of those exactly exactly we're right on the edge can can I offer just a comment here of course um and and I I want to be careful because I to a certain extent it's not school committee business but it is a huge concern of mine is the the parks department article um they are seeking $5 million in regular borrowing and I've not gotten any of the financial analysis of this but 5 million dollar of regular borrowing is a lot of money in debt service that is going to draw from the budget which is going to draw from available funds to run programming like programming in schools that's number one but additionally to that we are capped in terms of our um by by fiscal policy that is set by the select board what our regular borrowing can be and I believe the cap is 4% of the total um uh Levy capacity of the town and I'm not even sure how that will affect that 4% but it certainly has me thinking if let's say next annual town meeting or not long thereafter we need to bring forth an article to deal with the track and field facility which we may be able to fund through a cell tower or some other uh type of Revenue Source we could easily run into a cap in our borrowing capacity um if if that particular article passes um um so I just want to raise that to the and I intend to um I intend to attend the hearing uh next Thursday and and let my concerns be heard on that um I I I think the story on this Marshall Park project has changed dramatically over the course of the last few years uh and this has come up rather suddenly so thank you Mr skull bre Joe any reports and we what happed because as representative from bcom I will say I'm sure watched any of them understand how incredibly helpful did a lot of work and presented information really understand adjust way especially on split Taxas talked about was um the presentation that we hope to be allowed to do to uh the special town meeting and to address Carol's point I will not go over five minutes I want to get this down to three minutes um the one of the issues that we looking at brought up last meeting had to do with ways to go through the process of reducing expenses uh on both sides of the Ledger by consolidating certain groups and certain functions within the town so we had a discussion about consolidating it between school and town consolidating um snow Ral and ground stuff between the school and the town but uh the idea basically was that some of these would be really difficult to uh put into place because like the it needs are so radically different um we did talk about the possibility of consolidating the St removable ground stuff and the conclusion was basically we can try it but it's unlikely to save money because of the school's unusual need for snow remov the town has a different because we have people getting in and out of the buildings essentially in the middle of the day it's not the same so um we also talked about um Brian we talked about your proposal for the high deductible health insurance plan and then there was a request for me to reach out to Barry foil who's on the PC which is the town's health insurance and Mary and I had had a discuss about what the PC does and what sort of cost savings measures we could eek out of uh the town in terms of how we um how we go about doing buyouts of people for Town insurance so somebody's on somebody's uh spouse or significant other has an alternate insurance policy how we could uh incentivize them to go into that insurance policy and this tied into something that Peter and Laura brought up about possibly consolidating the cost of insurance outside of each Department's budget um the PC Works across all of the town's departments and so they have a better handle on what the town's health insurance needs are than any one of the Departments especially outside the school department because those departments they'll have those line items in their budget um but that I got from Mary about the PDC was that they function differently than a lot of other towns and so it might be helpful because they are a finding as opposed to Advisory Group to listen to their suggestions instead of the ones that ultimately make the decision um and then the last thing was we just talked about uh points for the presentation and right now it is just over one page so is minutes but I promise thank you I forgot I did have one you have another one sorry goe um the Pascal met here in person for the support group so there's nothing to report but I do encourage uh parents so Pascal from um for this year every other year or every other month we'll do a meeting and then the in between months is going to do a parent support group um so I highly encourage people whose students are on an IEP or 504 to attend because a lot of valuable information was shared and it was very supportive so uh and the next one will be in December and the next Pascal meeting is in November thanks so uh the finance committee is at seven members out of their seven committee seven person committee um we did have someone fill out a a talent Bank form so that was exciting so the finance committee appointing committee will be meeting um Tuesday to hopefully appoint uh Miss Tanya do who's a a new lunenberg Resident who's interested in getting involved to oh she'll be ready for Thursday yeah next Thursday so there's going to be seven members no there'll be five potentially we'll see if we get after that one yeah so they're currently at four out of the seven yeah which you have to have four you need four just meting all have to be there no pressure yeah it's it's pretty big and then the uh for the lunberg mun Municipal Building design committee uh the bids are due on November 4th for the RFP and then uh we're meeting again that first and third Monday so we're meeting this coming Monday that's all I have and I can give you an update on PTO yeah thanks um they are uh at this point starting to look for sponsors for their special someone dance um they are uh in process of putting out their request for funds for teachers to ask um for funding for uh special projects um their swag sale uh ends on Friday so don't forget to get your lunenberg swag um and they worked on um a letter to the school committee from the PTO relative to the roles of the PTO versus the leaf organization so I expect there'll be something coming our way soon thank you uh next item of the agenda is public comment so open it up to public comment from the public not see all right seeing none I'll open up to public comment from the committee I forgot to say at the beginning of the meeting I wanted to say thank you to the fifth grade teachers and the staff um and all the teachers at Turkey Hill for Nature's Classroom that's a lot of work it's a terrifying Endeavor um to take so many students on a you know three nights away from home uh for a lot of them it was their first overnight ever and like it went well and they had a lot of fun so thank you and that is a great unber tradition and that is one that it takes a lot of effort a lot of organization a lot of work so thank you I just want to uh Echo the thanks to Chief gaml he's always been a pleasure to work with he and I have had a number of uh difficult conversations over the years about a number of different things and we've always had a great working and cordial relationship despite some difficult conversations and uh I personally am going to miss him and his uh sense of community and teamwork and uh dedication to all things lunberg including our schools for all the reasons that you outlined earlier uh he'll be sorely missed um and to Evan Waters um you know I you guys know I stepped down from the chair of the finance committee uh a little over two years ago to take this seat and Evan stepped up and he's done done a a stellar job and uh also will be uh solely missed in that capacity thank you I would also Echo I I talked about the chief already but um I didn't say anything about Evan so I do want to say that Evan uh Waters was a great supporter of the of the lunenberg public schools and with the override and uh uh just he did an amazing job um being the finance chair and also a supporter of the school so thank you any of the public comment Mr skull Reed I wanted my son is in nth grade for the first time hopefully the only time this year and he is participating CL and I just cannot get over how great of an experience is for all the kids from you know different social groups and different parts of the school to come together and work on float and it would not be possible without the teachers and others that donate their time and their beloved garages and barns to allow kids to do this I don't know what sort of class or field of knowledge it supports but having kids work together on a project and learn how to do stuff with tools and you know have a final result is just the best so I wanted to thank all the the parents and families that donated their time and all of the teachers that offer uh help as class advisers and uh go freshman thank you uh next item of the agenda is topics for future discussions anything else to add for future agendas feel free to reach out to me or Dr Burnham too if you have additional thoughts oh I thought we were G to put our communication stuff on that will be in the future agenda but not on this one yeah any other topics for future discussion otherwise motion to adjourn at 9:38 9:38 p.m. I will second that any discussion roll call vote Please Mr School green yes Mrs brazowski yes Mr beardmore yes Mrs a Shand yes and Mr Leon yes thank you everyone good night thank you