e good evening and welcome to tonight's meeting of the lunenberg select board today is Tuesday June 18th please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all in accordance with the requirements of the open meeting law please be advised that this meeting is being recorded and broadcast live over the lunenberg public access channel on Facebook live on the public access Facebook page and will be uploaded to the lunenberg access YouTube channel after the meeting the agenda lists all the topics which may be discussed at the meeting and are those reasonably anticipated by the chair votes may be taken as a result of these discussions not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by the open meeting law we're going to begin tonight with public comments are there any public comments from the board none are there any public comments from the public Christine come on up good evening my name is Christine folz 284 Lancaster Avenue and dear old lunenberg I'd like to invite you all to come and see and support the trayan auction which is a showing of local artist designs on trays the viewing of the auction exhibit is taking place now in the lunenberg Public Library's Wallace Community room the very room where the silent auction will commence on Saturday June 22nd which is this next Saturday from 4 to 6:00 p.m. please come and join the lunenberg cultural Council for refreshments and celebration the lunenberg cultural Council asked local artists to help create artwork for trbn auction so that we could find future artistic Pro we could fund future artistic programs to benefit School purposes along with those of all ages in our community 20 artists created artwork on 24 trays to help support this auction now we need your help come bid and help fund the arts for a bit of background the lunenberg cultural Council was granted arpa funds to bring artists from various disciplines to the lunenberg school district District these artists interact with students from all grade levels the programs have been a huge success in introducing practicing artist to our students which the lunenberg cultural Council hopes will spark appreciation and desire to learn more about the Arts in the students future the arpa funds will run out at the end of next year and the funding we receive from the state each year does not cover the costs of this type of program that we are now now providing to the schools therefore the Linberg cultural Council decided to create the silent auction to raise funds and help continue funding art so please come on Saturday help support the future art in lunenberg thank you thank you thank you are there any other public comments this evening come on up good evening my name name is Tim hman um i p played basketball on this uh on this floor um my brother and I own 93 acres of land uh uh which was part of our mom and dad's Homestead the land is located at the intersection of lemonster Road and kilborn Street and and runs all the way back to Massa par um that land is under a 61b uh restriction and uh we are selling two of the lots and conveying a third to my daughter our daughter my wife and my daughter um on May 15th our attorney sent a notice uh to the town under the statute um uh letting you all know of our intent to sell the land and to convert the third lot to our daughter's use uh my request is if you could all set a please set a hearing uh so that we could move this forward um um we um with respect to the two lots the statute requires us to you all to set a hearing with respect to the third lot I think the time within which you all had the opportunity to ask for a your own appraisal has passed and if you could just sign the notice of intent we could actually convey that land the um the 93 Acres with the 6 acre with the with the three lots we'll still have 88 acres that'll be under 61b thank you any any questions I don't but thank you for your public comment Mr hman but if anyone wants to say anything in response to that they can look at the town I would just asked the town manager I don't I haven't seen anything have we received anything we did it was sent to Town Council for review as per our policy okay and we just got back um something from town counc it was sent May 15th yeah okay but that's just the intent so we have days so just understand okay thank you I have to say scheduled for the July 19th meeting oh is that what you're expecting uh yes so our policy is um it has to get sent to Town Council to make sure it meets the requirements of Law and with the notification processes we wait for Town council's response in that to make sure the meeting the uh notice meets those requirements before moving forward we received comments back from the planning board and conservation if they have uh which they also all received the notice and um then a hearing date is scheduled so is it the expectation that the July 19th would be the hearing 9th July 9th great thank you I'm uh as a point of personal privilege I'm proud to say I was your Town Council for over 12 years uh in the 80s so it's good it's good to be home thank you all thank you Mr Helman are there any other public comments this evening Mr skolen biny Tony scullen Bry five Valley Road um I'm speaking here today as the chair of the architectural preservation District Commission on behalf of uh Richard McGrath uh I know there was some confusion at last week's meeting in terms of his appointments he did get appointed to the historical commission but he didn't get appointed to the architectural preservation District commission and I've talked to Richard and he says that uh you know he's more than willing to serve and and I can't tell you how much I appreciate the guidance and the wisdom and the experience that he brings to the table um you know we have made some changes in the architectural preservation District uh uh commission uh under my gu guidance and leadership as the chair but it's a reflection of people like Richard and Nathan Lockwood and um way MC uh Lloyd who have made this uh organization I think a better serving organization to the town of lunenberg so when you get to the appointments piece today I hope that you'll appoint Richard to the uh to his next term um you know we've had a vacancy for over a year it's very difficult to get people as you are well aware of to find volunteers to serve on these commissions and we got a guy here that's willing to serve he does a great job and I hope that you'll do that tonight that you will appoint him um you know he and I have had a little discussion about the architectural preservation District commission uh are there any questions that you might have about what we've been up to and what we've done Mr chair if you have questions you can ask yeah so I reached out to Mr McGrath and I uh explained to him that I was looking you know I think the appointment opport the appointment process is a good opportunity to kind of get those updates you know he what members are working on so I did reach out to him earlier today and I did advise him that I fully intended to support his reappointment tonight uh and that he and I could touch base on this I know that he said that he would be available on the nth and you know I told him I didn't think that he needed to you know come in at that point our appointments happen in June he's appointed till the end of June already and I don't think it would be reasonable for there to be an expiration in that time period so I agree with everything you're saying here tonight uh certainly my intention was not to provide a hardship on uh on anyone in particular I think my my question is you know as you guys look at what you guys are working on I know that you guys seem to be kind of going through what looks to be somewhat of a um kind of a a fresh eyes perspective so I just wanted to ask kind of are you guys looking to revise any rules and regulations and ter um they were effective May 9th and uh we've actually experienced our first uh smle under the new guidance and it went uh like clockwork and it actually makes it easier for the uh the town residents to use the architectural preservation bylaw to preserve their houses um we've received a second one uh second uh request for review and unfortunately that individual didn't look at the website and didn't realize that uh he had a shorter briefer way to get our review and a response and unfortunately it cost him $65 because he submitted his application for a certificate to alter which wasn't necessary under the revised guidelines that uh We've implemented effect of May 9th um one thing that I might mention is uh we are very concerned about both this building and Ritter Memorial Library in terms of um the work that was scheduled to be done you know there are two uh projects that have been um set forth for both of these projects the project for this building came in well over budget um and we've been uh querying Chris Ruth as to what the next step would be and there hasn't been a bid on Ritter Memorial Building um you know since we went through the uh the discussion at the September or the November uh 2022 uh town meeting and uh the whole discussion about Windows um but I'm pretty sure that the uh current amount of money authorized by the town for Ritter isn't going to be enough to get a successful bid and the end result is we now know that to be true for this building and nothing has moved forward with regards to a rebid or a reappropriation of money to make sure that we can get these repairs done and the rer I think is actually in more in more danger of of what we like to call in the business of uh you know demolition by neglect or by delay in fact we have an issue that we've been working with a property owner on Main Street uh whose building is starting to show some signs of deterioration and we have approached him we've been working with him to try and find vendors who could do the work on his building yet here has here are two Town buildings that are kind of suffering the same uh you know demolition by neglect and I really think it's critical that we get in particular the Ritter building moving forward you know get a get a revised estimate understand how much it's really going to cost to do this the do the work at the RO riter building you know those estimates were prepared well before Co and they were appropriated you know at the very beginning of Co and I can assure you based on what we saw for this building there's not enough money in that project uh the Appropriations to do Ritter so unless there's some movement forward we can't even go off for bid you know at the rder memorial building now there's a couple things over there that really trouble me as a person who's interested historic preservation we have uh Believe It or Not rubber lined wooden gutters on the on the Y rer riter building and um we also have uh storm windows which are in a very sad state of repair we have some windows that have no storm windows some windows that have half a storm window and while we've agreed that the windows are going to be replaced by the time um the wood where the windows will sit and is currently suffering you know de uh you know damage from you know water and and rain and other things you know affecting that wood that Wood's not getting replaced so when the new windows are actually being installed there may be more work required than what's currently in the statement of work you know so I really you know from my perspective as the architectural preservation District commission chair I really think that we need to take a look at both of these buildings and do it uh fairly quickly we've had a lot of discussion about both of these buildings at the architectural preservation commission meetings you know we went to a an overide vote so to speak from on the Windows associated with the Ritter building and it's time to get something done um I'm going to make one suggestion you know the town struggles to get tasks done and I think uh selectwoman M mentioned last week a number of items that need to be done and I think that one of the things I I that I I would like for the T to explore and I'm willing to work on this you know to do the research is that in my life previously we established what was called a job order contract and Comm uh select M uh Jeff you may have heard that term while you were in the Army uh Selman ell you may have heard that term job order contracts are where a time goes out or an organization goes out and it buys a level of services that's put into like a bid book and and the contractor now has a way of doing anything that you want them to do so for example you would write a task order to your job order contractor and he would come back with an estimate as to what those tasks were the Air Force the Army the Marines the Navy they have all used job order contracts to decide on how to deal with small but uh necessary construction work you know that's short of the massive military constru construction program work um I actually did I begun doing some research to see if chapter 30b would allow for a job order contract I don't know if that's the case it'll require more research you know certainly you know bidding for the federal government is always different than bidding for a local government like lunenberg but if you can grab some of those techniques and and apply them at the uh local level you can get things done like the Ritter building and the town hall project so with that I'll conclude my remarks thank you Mr chair um I would just encourage I think that you know the apdc typically a lot of people watch uh many people watch select board meetings I think it may be helpful uh for you to reach out to the chair and perhaps schedule a time to give kind of the Highlight updates of what the changes from previous were so that way the community can be aware and informed so that way they don't run into complications as they go forward I I will do that um but but also one of the other things that's on our to-do list and hopefully we'll approve the language we want to notify every property owner in the architectural preservation District that they live in an architecture preservation District you know there are a lot of people that don't know that you know and they've bought homes in the architecture preservation District so that's our major topic of discussion at our meeting in July is to get the language of that letter that notification done and then to distribute it to the 300 odd property owners that are in the architectural preservation District just to say you live here this is some of the requirements you know there's a a bylaw that governs how you modify your work we're here to help that process and here's our architectural preservation guidelines and refer to the our website as a place to look for that information and make this whole process easier to do so I completely agree with you we'll we'll get with you and and brief you on what we've been up to and uh and and and hopefully get the residents advised as well okay thank you very much all right thank you Mr school and Bry are there any announcements this evening any Communications from other boards sorry what yeah are you here for the request for the seven okay we're not there yet we'll get there though y this is the first time I've been to a all right no worries all right so we're going to move into our 7:15 appointment uh the public hearing for the application for an all alcohol General on premises license and automatic Amusement device license for Pal's golf Lounge LLC doing business as Blue Sky golf located at 5 Summer Street Unit 1 so I will invite the owners up if they are here uh to introduce themselves and tell us a little bit about the business they want to [Music] start hello I'm Justin McDonald Darren Ms 35 oh hold on one second I apologize so to the clerk I forgot about the the public hearing notice if you don't mind reading it sure the lunberg select board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday June 18th 2024 at 7:15 p.m. in town hall 17 Main Street second floor lunenberg Ma on the application submitted by Pal's golf Lounge LLC DBA Blue Sky golf for an all alcoholic beverages General on premises license and an automatic Amusement device license located at 5 Sumer Street Unit 1 lunenberg Massachusetts the premise is described as a 2,141 ft unit with basement with one entrance an exit containing a bar and seating area three golf simulator areas and storage all right I'm sorry about that go ahead worries um basically we're taking our business from Westminister and moving it to lunenberg um we're an indoor golf facility up there and um so much much better location all right so can you just tell us a little bit more about the business what's there basically we have we have three golf simulators up in West Min we we only have space for two in lunenberg so um we're just going to install the two there small bar small seating area um basically we attract people that want to better their golf game all right and who doesn't right so I'll just open it up to the board for questions if uh if they have any starting with selectman M key uh can you come back yeah sure selectman Alonzo uh so what is the Capa the seating capacity or occupancy of the building 49 okay and how long have you been in business in Westminster six seven years since 2018 any incidents n and what are the hours going to be I'm looking for that right now but I um we haven't really sat down to go over the hours yet because we've got quite a bit to do before we get to that point but um typically we open up 8 9:00 in the morning a normal normal day in the winter time we're done by 10:30 11:00 at night see I I don't know if that'll change here cuz you know population up there is really small way off the beaten path down here that could change we just haven't honestly we just haven't sat down and talked about it yet is do you propose or predict it'll be seven days a week uh in the winter time yes probably okay no more questions Mr chair all right select M more so the application is for three simulators but you only have the space to install two is that what no the application is for two I think I see three yeah I see three too it was three that was on the application uh we had we had talked about doing a pool table but we've taken that off so if that was included as a m yes it was included okay sorry all right selectman Jeff yeah um I have a couple several questions actually so I'm trying to get back to where your exhibits are so you provided in your um application let me just go to find it again here um and just to the booth we're getting a little bit of uh feedback in the room so when we look at your application um you have multiple exhibits and in our drive this is called uh the Pal's golf Lounge building plans and so I'm trying to to understand from which one we're looking at cuz part of this approval process is approving floor plan A B and C so you have ex exhibit a then you have uh kind of what looks like engineering plans on a fourth page that don't look anything like exhibit A and B so I'm just trying to get a better understanding of A and B would be um some plans that we had originally set forth to the to the plan uh build not building um land use so I just automatically submitted those in there but there is there should be an updated set of plans in the building if I just turn this around so those are this is listed as yeah that's not us that would be us but it's already changed all right so this which is exhibit B and then we have further down those those are the actual okay this one so the the what looks to be the engineered or construction drawings yeah I think the um after we got an architect in there we we looked at everything there's just no way to fit the three in so we reconfigured bathrooms were a little bit too small we wanted to have two that were adaa so we put a little bit bigger bathrooms in to accommodate them okay so part of this approval process is approving your floor plan it's also approving your hours so what are the hours I know you said you haven't gotten that far but in order for us to issue an alcohol license which is what you're asking for we have to put some times on it so what are the times that you're looking for uh what what would be the audable times off the top of my head I don't know how early you can serve if it's 8:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. but I think generally townwide most people have a license from about 11:00 a.m. or 10: a.m. until about 10: or 11:00 p.m. so it varies by business so just looking at the um hours of operations on this that we have for your um certificate here so your hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 12:45 a.m. Monday through Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 2: a.m. Thursday through Saturday and then noon to 12:45 a.m. on Sunday that's the maximum extent that's the maximum extent I think I just got those numbers off of the internet telling me what what hours that I could sell I see all all so is your intent to be like a full-fledged bar like open till 2: a.m. so our intent is to to teach people how to golf um the bar is is there for for people that would like a drink while they're doing this all right so we can assume that most people aren't going to be learning how to golf at 1: in the morning right correct so what is but I mean at the same time there are people that work second shift they come in if that's the only time that they have a lotted to do things that would be the reasoning for that I think what I'm trying to what I'm trying to get at is what are the hours that that you're looking for that you know if you want if you're functioning as a bar like till you know 145 I don't have a problem with that um but if you're functioning as a you know golf training area with alcohol as a side it's your business and maybe there are customers who come out at 1:00 a.m. in the morning who do that I would do this out uh as l if we could and then depending on the how many people come in how busy we actually are we could always scale back depending on how how much people are interested in golfing got it okay but I can tell you for the most part we were done by 11:00 at night yeah Westminster we and what is what is your just don't know I don't I don't know like the demographics have changed down here mhm and this is right on the Fitchburg lier line correct what is um what is your experience either both of you serving alcohol uh we're both tip certified we've both bartended we both work our business so and have you ever had any violations from the licensing Authority have you ever held a license from a licensing Authority no we worked under the um Westminster Golf and Country Club's license okay we were we were renting space from them working under their license so this is your first time is it is this your first time getting an alcohol license to yes okay okay thank you thank you I want to go back to selectman M so your current business in um Westminster does that Ser does that Sur it does so does that mean you have to be 21 or older to to go in and play and use a simulator uh no okay just just to be served at the bar yes that's what yeah I think that begs another question which is how do you identify who's of age who has a tab open who's not IDs so you ID 100% of the time absolutely all right so our alcohol policy requires you to have a written alcohol policy do you have a written alcohol policy we just follow the tips program that that is provided to us for our certificates which has you have to keep logs you have to do shift changes what happened during the shift change both people have to be talking to each other yeah do you have that as a written policy um we could write up the policy easy enough basically when I submitted my paperwork that was to be provided afterwards okay so at this time you don't have a written policy but you can prepare a written policy yeah all right so I would recommend that we continue the hearing to give them an opportunity to write their policy and also to um get your hours of operations uh settled if that's something that you guys want to do as well um how does the board feel about that I'm ready to vote tonight I'm fine with where they are okay I I think it should be contingent on that license being handed over to them should be contingent on their policy but I'm not going to hold up the license we would have absolutely had all of that done it's not there's a checklist mile long of things that you have to do before we can get to this point those were put on the back after you come in front of the board yeah I mean our alcohol policy i i i would support continuent I think your business model sounds great I have absolutely no conflict with your business whatsoever um you know I think that we typically uh want to review what your alcohol policy is there's many businesses in town that have them I'm sure that our office can provide you um one uh that you could kind of model off of sure they literally just probably copy and paste right off of surf safe I'm I'm I'm sure many of them do nonetheless that's exactly what we followed for the last six years so yeah so my my position is that you know our our rules as a licensing Authority is that we require uh for there to be a written alcohol policy for all for that policy to be inspectable by the board or our agents which means at any point in time the police can show up and look at that policy that it's posted in a public area or available at least to your staff uh and that failure to have that policy is a violation and it can then result so that's why for me I think that that policy is is the same as Tom I mean you still hold all the cards we don't have a license yet so whatever you want we'll do all right that's that's my position Mr chair I think I support the application I you know I think we should review the policy before we approve it um and contingent but you know all right so I'll ask the other members of the board Selman Mo I have no problem ising it with the contingencies that they provide those documents okay and select m m key is there any time are you under any time constraint uh we we're pushing to get open if that's what you mean how how how fast are you looking to get open with construction we're really trying to be open by August our busy time starts in October so we'd like to work out any kinks that we have before that time hits so it sounds like just um getting the paperwork in place crossing the te's dotting the eyes would be a couple weeks to do that our next meeting is a couple weeks probably drop it off Monday so you have meeting till July 9th so our next meeting would be on July 9th so we would basically continue this conversation during that meeting so building building department is contingent with us getting approval from you okay so I can't do anything in that building until I get approval from with the the alcohol license correct the building department construction Building Commissioner is asking us to not do anything until we get approval from the e a license and approval from Board of Health those those two things are contingent with him approving his is that typical I would assume our Building Commissioner knows the Building Commissioner rules I I'm not a Building Commissioner I think Brian's probably in his he probably in his rights to do those um yeah I mean if we then yeah I hate the P up construction we approve contingent on having this paperwork being completed and dropped off but so I mean let's talk about that contingency so who who provides that review that we would not provide as a licensing Authority a review of their alcohol policies that we would delegate that to someone else is that what's being no we could review would that be sufficient for the Building Commissioner if we in principle approve the license contingent on receiving the uh policy the requested yeah documentation you can hold the actual I mean you'll have to hold the actual license as well until it goes through abcc and gets the state approval so so you can make that they're going to have the you know have the paperwork between now and then I guess the question take the question I have is the exact question that select board member mki had which is will US approving the license but not handing over until we have the alcohol policy will that be sufficient for the Building Commissioner so they could go ahead with their plans that I can't answer that question without talking to the Building Commissioner it would be I mean I I can't believe it would put you in a in a a worst spot you'd be in the very worst it would be the same yeah but I mean I would think that he would approve it at that point it's not like we don't think we're going to get the policy all right well I mean there are there are other contingencies before before you hand over our license we have to give you documentation on insurance we have to give you like there's all sorts of more stuff we have insurance yeah I think we already have that's why they wait till you get approved by the board approved by the state then you need to provide those things and then you can physically hand over the license y I think they already had that these steps in place I don't know I'm sure it's been a long time since anybody's applied for legal license yeah if I mean Mr chair again I fully support the business no conflict with the business you know I I understand when you're trying to get things going it's always a connects to B which connects to C and you got to get a moving in order to get B and C moving you know I I think we try to do a good job of making our policies available to the public uh I know that our our office provides them to applicants absolutely and I and I don't think that the requirements that the that we as a licensing Authority impose are anywhere near as arduous as the as the requirements of abcc that for the most part we're looking for floor plan hours of operation and an alcohol policy I mean if I can kind of narrow it down that's kind of like the three main points um and and you provided three floor plans no alcohol policy and no hours of operation uh so I I'm just in the mindset that I think we might continue it but that's my position and uh you know and if we come back here in 3 weeks and and perhaps if the Building Commissioner watches this and sees the willingness of the board to move forward that he can take another look at what he's decided in terms of whether or not drywall and plumbing and everything else can move forward um in this in this process the checklist that you referred to was that from the town correct so when you when you go to the town and you reply um who was before Annie I'm not sure El who is it elain elain elain Ela Peterson elae yeah so she had a whole checklist written out um Justin stopped up to talk to an they went through the checklist and and physically she wrote down like yes we need yes we need after approval after approval but I'm assuming on that checklist wasn't a floor plan and operating hours and alcohol policy uh no I don't I don't know about operating hours but I do know that there I think there was a floor plan but like I said the three that we submitted were basically turned down right but they wanted they wanted an architect to do the plans mhm so the three that got submitted I believe they were in there just because L literally because of the um land use and change of use modification of use and all that that's what I had at the time so I just so Mr chair what what I would recommend is that we look at that checklist and if those things aren't on it that we put those on that mhm I think I think they are on there I'm what I'm saying is she highlighted what she wanted and then said after approval you're going to need these these these these so we know after approval I'm going to need liability insurance Al we have the insurance yeah but I need alcohol liability insurance I'm going to need yeah you only demonstrated workers C so yeah like all of these other things I'm going to have to provide to the town before they physically hand me the license and I think that's what she was getting at with with the rest of the things like you know you're going to need a b and c and basically it was after approval that's what she basically wrote so nothing's going on right now at the location construction wise uh we we started a little bit of like taken down the the drop ceiling and stuff like that I went over and what it was is I put the building permit in on Thursday it was a little bit late we did some construction over the weekend Brian emailed me back on Monday saying hey you got a few other steps you have to do before you can start this I went in and talked to him told him what we did he just said please just stop until we get these things done then you can continue so it is officially stopped until you get oh God yeah no we haven't done a thing okay so real quick a written alcohol policy is only submitted to us so if we wanted to make that contingent with approval we could um but the issue is hours of operations also have to be submitted to the state y okay so we do need to have that like clearly defined okay so with that information what do we want to do do we want to continue the public hearing or well if they don't have if you're saying it has to be part of the abcc then do we have a choice right then we can't we can't put it forward all right so it looks like we're going to have to continue this conversation at our next meeting on July 9th um so is there are you going to say something I was go ahead um I was just going to ask the town manager um you know I mean if someone's applying for like a commercial kitchen they have to build the commission before kitchen before they can get the permit for the kitchen and so it just strikes me and I I I don't as Mr Alonzo said I I'm not a Building Commissioner it strikes me as a little strange that they can't move forward with any part of their construction unless they have a liquor license I mean there's a lot of this that has nothing to do with alcohol um you know I I I guess what I'm asking is that there's you know it perhaps that's a conversation that the applicant can have with the Building Commissioner um again I've already made a note to that I would follow up personally on it okay thank you thank you all right so is there a motion to continue the public hearing I move to continue the public hearing to the uh 7:15 on July the 9th second any additional discussion those in favor say I I those oppos no all right so we will have to have you come back on the July 9th meeting um so if you can get your hours of operations defined so that we can send that to the state and also your written alcohol policy for us to review uh ahead of the meeting then we can go ahead the hours of operation that I submitted for the manager thing is that allowable are you talking about this one right here yeah um well they're not really your hours of operations they're just the total allowed right isn't that what you just put down well that's what I'm saying like if if there hours of operation we did kind of put them down yeah if that's allowable then that's allowable that's what we'll go with well I would recommend just clearly defining what you actually intend your hours of operations to be so we already voted to continue the public hearing so we'll be here July 9th and then we can have their actual hours then can I just add it it sounded like they wanted to have the hours because I don't know what the business is going to be like in this town so allowing the maximum possible hours with the option to to short the scale of back yeah that's I think that's yeah which I believe has been done before it's just it's allowable you can't you can't go beyond what you submit but you could certainly reduce so I don't I don't know what was submitted you just said 8 to 12:45 8:00 a.m. to 12:45 a.m. Monday to Wednesday and then Thursday to Saturday it's from 8 to 1:45 I believe and is that Sunday noon to 12:45 well that's what we could submit to the state since that was part of their application so I guess the answer is they did have hours of operation well if I may ask where in the application do we see this can can someone just point my attention there's a manager's part of the application which I gave to Annie yesterday I believe cuz usually we see these on one of the first pages and I haven't been able to find it in any of these paperwor yeah I don't even I I don't see it on your application I see it's 15 Pages [Music] here do you have your application with you to direct us to where it's at I'm going for aing yeah I'm wondering if it just didn't make it in our Drive that's the manager information so there's nothing on that one that's what you said you submitted it yeah I don't I'm not sure there's a lot of paperwork there um doesn't sound like anybody wants to do anything so we'll come back all right well thank you for coming in tonight y thank you all right so up next is our 7:35 p.m. appointment with the lunenberg Democratic Party Town committee for the request to raise the pride flag on June 23rd so I'll invite you to come up to uh speak to the request good evening my name is Scott Barney I live at 306 whum Road and we're asking your approval to Hoist the the pry flag or the progress flag on Sunday at 12:00 noon and for the town if you guys agreed to keep it up until sundown on Friday that next Friday are there any questions from the board who actually would be raising it would you that something that you guys would doing I could do it I have I I I was in the service myself I'm a US Army veteran and one of my tasks was to raise and lower the flag um on the bases that I was serving on so I can do it with your permission of course with all due respect to the US flag that's already flying is it your intent to have an event no just a gathering no event no speakers I did hear um through the grape vine that our state reps and our state senator might be present on that day okay they don't show up any places without talking yeah but we don't have a speaker for them just to clarify the dates would be June 23rd to June 29th that's correct and if you want me to lower the flag on Friday I could stop by after work on that Friday okay so up to you guys I fully support the request yeah this is Sunday the 30th on June 30th yeah so do you want it to be on the 29th or the 30th uh the 29th is fine that's a Friday I don't know if you know anybody will make plans on the weekend and stuff like that because the following week is the 4th of July 29th is a Saturday sir oh 29th is a Saturday okay good I could do it on the 29th I'm losing track you guys see the calendar I don't you guys have it in front of you I didn't want to be disrespectful and look at my phone while I'm talking to you so that's right the 23rd to the 29th would be great if we could do that all right well I don't have any questions is there a motion I move that we approve the request of the lunenberg Democratic Party Town committee to raise the pride flag on June 23rd to come down at the end of the day on June 29th very well and I will be on that property so if anybody sees me I'm not stealing anything second any additional discuss s uh it looks like a member behind him wants to talk oh we are flag the to yeah I already purch you want to just reiterate what he just said yep I purchased the 3x5 flag and it's going to be donated to the town and we would respectfully request the town to fight the last full week of June every year if possible uh I would discourage the town from accepting the donation of the flag and it has nothing you know I'm not opposed by any means right but I think that once we open the door to speech um such as things that we might like open the door to the speech that we don't don't like I get it and so I'd rather not get involved okay very good speech I'll take the flag back all right great so the motion was made in seconded is there any additional discussion those in favor say I I I those oppos no the motion passes hey thank you so much much have a good night thank you you too you too all right so our 7:45 appointment uh with the Sewer Commission chair for the presentation on sewer pump station clog issues was cancelled he wasn't able to come in tonight so we're going to move straight into interviews appointments reappointments and resignations so what first is the ratification of the Town manager's appointment of seasonal lifeguard Mason kefir so Mason is new to town his brother was recently appointed Cole kefir he does have his lifeguard certification and this would be the last lifeguard to be appointed for this season any questions for the town manager so it's a big family affair lots of lots of siblings being on this lifeguarding yeah I want to say I think we're fortunate as a community because I know a lot of communities struggle with get hiring seasonal life cards yep I move to R I'm sorry good you're accepting motion I am accepting motion I move to ratify the appointment of uh Mason kefir as a seasonal lifeguard second any additional discussion those in favor say I I I those oppose no the motion passes up next is the ratification of the Town manager's annual appointments uh so we still have to do the special police officers and Alternate Building Commissioner do you want to separate out the alternate Building Commissioner and then we can do that and then I can list through the names for the police officers certainly so um so the alternate Building Commissioner this is a new alternate Building Commissioner his name is William heslet he is currently the assistant Building Commissioner in the town of Westboro and um he has 20 years of professional construction and management experience this would only be in instances when the Building Commissioner is on vacation and inspections are needed to be um conducted so he lives locally in uh Shirley so he would be close by for that as well any questions or is there a motion I move to ratify the town manager's appointment let me get the name William heslet William heslet as the the um alternate Building Commissioner alternate Building Commissioner thank you second any additional discussion those in favor say I I those oppose no the motion passes all right so we'll move on to the special police officer appointments uh so there are two files right yes okay so I'm going to start off with the Shirley police officers um these will be appointed special police officers Chief Samuel Santiago Lieutenant Alfreda Cromwell Sergeant Robert romaly Sergeant Jesus ostolaza Sergeant Brandon bruan police officer Matthew uliano detective Emily Vincent and then police officers Oria roas Kevin kirchdorfer David Morrow Angela Vargas martinz Alan Rice Michael lupella and David hammock then let me switch over and then for Lancaster full-time officers Chief Everett Moody Sergeant Christine Dugen Sergeant Patrick Mortimer Sergeant Frederick hatstat detective Andrew Shaw and then officers Gary Henderson Jose mlti Eric Schmidt Connor Sullivan Adrien gooa and Nicholas hatstat is there a motion to ratify the appointments of special police officers that I just listed I move that we ratify the town manager's annual appointments of the special police officers from Shirley and Lancaster as red second any additional discussion all those in favor say I I I those oppose no the motion passes all right so now we're going to continue our select board annual appointments and I believe there's two that we're able to do tonight um so the first one is Richard McGrath for apdc and this is a term to expire in 2027 is that correct I move that we appoint Richard McGrath to the AR the apdc since I don't want to say the whole thing uh and term to expire as noted by the chair second any additional discussion those in favor say I I those oppos no the motion passes so we did also have um a volunteer request form for an a Lockwood who is going to replace one of the members whose term expired this year um it's up to us if we want to inter her interview her for that or if we're willing to appoint her tonight this is for the council and aging yes did she mention whether she wanted to be interviewed I mean I think everybody on this board I think most people I don't want to speak for the newest member but all of us know her so yes exactly um well she knew that we were going to discuss it tonight and she's not here so I think she's okay with us moving forward without her being interviewed and if the board's okay with it I am then I would make a motion that we appoint Anna luckwood to the Council on Aging term to EXP fire it's also 2027 June 30th 2027 second any additional discussion yes um I'm going to support this nomination with the understanding that Anna Lockwood has met with the Council of Aging that they are in agreement um that they are in support of her joining them and that she has the support of critical members of the um that she has the support of the chair of the Council of agent all right all those in favor say I I I those oppos no the motion passes all right so moving on to the town manager report I don't know came back in the room okay no you can go ahead for meeting events and other announcements town offices are closed tomorrow June 19th and observance of juneth the town beach opens up on June 24th and will close on August 25th hours operation will be Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Saturday to Sunday 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. swim lessons will be held on weekdays session one will be Monday June 24th and until July 5th with the exception of July 4th the holiday and session 2 will be Monday July 22nd until August 2nd for board committee and commission vacancies there is one vacancy on the agricultural commission one vacency in the architectural preservation District commission One vacency On The Board of Health which is a joint appointment with the Board of Health until the next annual Town election now there should be no vacan VES on the council in aging there are three vacancies on the cultural Council two associate vacancies on the green communities committee one member at large vacancy on the open space committee one vacancy on the Parks Commission which is a joint appointment with the Parks Commission until the next annual Town election five vacancies on the Personnel committee two vacancies on the Sewer Commission which is also a joint appointment with the Sewer Commission until the next annual Town election and anyone interested in any of these positions can locate the volunteer application form on the town website complete it and return it to the select board's office and if you have any questions on the roles and responsibilities you can contact our office at 978 582 4130 extension 144 for employment opportunities with the town there is a administrative assessing assistant position for 32 hours a week the assistant to the Sewer business manager which is 19 hours a week interim Town manager which is contractual land use director which is 40 hours a week network administrator 40 hours a week Public Safety desk clerk 40 hours a week and one seasonal Cemetery labor position and that those hours vary information on each of these positions can be found on the website under job opportunities Staffing updates since the it network administrator has left we have posted the position and we have increased our service level with suzar it to have one of their employees on site 5 days a week we will continue doing this until this position is filled the conservation department um regarding a backlog of applications recently the Conservation Commission chair sent me an update of all the outstanding Wetlands protection act decisions that needed to be issued by the conservation department to applicants as of June 5th was estimated they were 23 yet this is likely to increase as the Conservation Commission issues between two to three decisions per meeting under his new role as land use manager Brian gingis will begin or has begun working with conation Department to put together a complete list of all filings and their statuses and this is due back to him this Thursday he will then meet with the conservation administrator and administrative assistant to develop an action plan with hard deadlines to address the back Brian also directed the conservation department to begin using our online permitting software open goov to track all requests for determination of applicability filings starting June 17th and July 1st is their deadline for all notice of intent filings in open goov this includes entering any paper applications they receive the current conservation Administrative Assistant has been working nine additional hours a week Beyond her normal 10 hour in order to address the administrative backlog in that office The Building Department administrative assistant has also offered to assist in administrative work as time allows in her schedule I've asked for an update from Brian after his meeting with the conservation staff this Thursday and we'll share this with the board and ask Brian to communicate the update to the Conservation Commission chair DPW updates we had a construction k off meeting for the fla Hill Culvert project last Thursday and this was led by the gpw director and uh also present were our engineer representative from the fire department the conservation administrator and myself the bridge is expected to be closed starting in October when the water level in the lake is lowered and is estimated to be closed for 2 months this week PJ keing paved El Road from flat hill road to the gravel section and West Grotton Road the section of Road parallel to Route 225 the highway crew has been busy repairing Road defects using the new rotary Mower on a lot of roadsides around town cleaning catch basins sweeping roadways repairing Signs and More an update on the police department mental health co-response clinician the police department was notified this week that they they received a $26,000 Grant from the Department of Mental Health that will be used for personnel costs and equipment to hire a co-response mental health clinician that will be shared between the towns of Lancaster and lunenberg this is a 2-year Grant and will be an addition to the 40,000 that will come out of the opioid stabilization account towards the cost of the program many thanks to our Police Department especially officer Brad mcamera who was instrumental in submitting this grant request for proposals and invitation for bids on June 11th we received two bids for landscaping services for town properties the bids have been reviewed and a notice of award will be issued to Lake View Landscaping on June 12th we received one bid for the Hazardous Materials clean up at the Woodruff property the bid came in at 185,000 and therefore exceeds the $100,000 appropriation available for this expense the first time we bid this project there were no bids the town will need to make a decision on whether or not additional funds will be appropriate at a future town meeting in order to rebid this project the facilities director assistant Town manager and I have completed the review for the library solar shade invitation for bids and this will be going out to bid on June 26 the facilities director assistant Town manager I met last week to review all the pending projects that are in different stages of developing the bid package for facilities there are a total of 12 projects that need to be put out to bid once the scope of work and specifications is finished and a full review of the ifb or RFP is done this does not include any additional ifb or rfps associated with the Marshall Park or any other Park the assistant Town manager works with the appropriate department or board on the bid package until it gets to the point where it is ready to for review then I do a a review and any further questions or amendments are worked out between myself the assistant Town manager and Department board until it reaches final form so this relates back to the public comment um I want to just um address part of that comment made tonight by um the member of the ABDC for the Ritter and the town hall project I have periodically updated the board on those projects and the status that um per the capital plan projects that for um this year and previous years are outstanding the town hall project was put out to but it and and did exceed our appropriation but it included the work structural work to the tower Clock Tower which was not part of the capital appropriation um so what the work that does need to get done um related to that appropriation and what was approved by the apdc was the roof and the chimneys so that's the part of the project that um was carved out in that the facilities director is working on finalizing that scope um so that is close to being at a point where um it will be would be reviewed by me for that that project um so I just want to clarify that because the part of the reason for that um we believe the excessive cost to that is all the structural work related to the the Clock Tower so it's um it could be possible that it will exceed our appropriation but we won't know that until we put that out to bed the Ritter project is both the Ada ramp and the windows and um in my conversations with the facilities director those would be bid um separately as separate projects and they are separate Capital um Appropriations within that uh year's Capital plan and um the facilities director has worked with um an architect on that and all the plans are done it's also in a stage where it's devel making sure the specifications are are complete for that project um to put out to bed so so how far away from are we from both of those projects I would say this building's um bid package is um is much closer than the the rder building project package but like I said there's uh 12 projects um that are in the works so it's uh and obviously with my impending departure that's going to slow no I'm asking you as a as somebody who's in the office of not that I'm asking you personally to finish these I'm just trying to get a handle because I think what Mr school and Bry said during public comment is true I mean we we talk about closing these envelopes and you that building it's not doing it any favors waiting and waiting and we really pushed the apdc to get the windows approved which we did now and so he's asking okay well you pushed us but we're not getting anywhere so sooner than later part of that process though was um that architect working with the facility instructor going to those PDC meetings to make to address their questions and develop those plans so that added time as well right okay an update on the trash and recycling contract last month the DPW director Bel Bernard our trash and recycling coordinator Jamie tol and I met with our Municipal manager from eel Harvey he brought forward a proposal that was less than previously discussed as as they purchased newer used trucks instead of brand new trucks that would have driven up their overhead costs we have reviewed the impact of this revised proposal on both the operating budget and the Enterprise which is the recycling portion and based on our historical tonnage the impact would exceed our appropriation due to this the assistant Town manager has advertised this for bids to be released on Monday and they will be due mid July in the meantime we will attempt to negotiate further with eel Harvey to see if we can come to a price that falls within our appropriation or get a further extension Beyond September 30th a carryover item from last week's report the fiscal 24 fourth quarter tax bills with exemptions a letter was sent out today to all property owners that had exemptions on their fiscal 24 fourth quarter tax bills to address the error in the total taxable value caused by SQL area error in the town's accounting software a copy of the Vision Property card with the correct total taxable value was included in the with the letter all other information in those tax bills including the payable amount was correct the ticket was submitted uh to munus our accounting software company to correct this error for future tax bills with exemptions and this would not um affect the preliminaries because those are in the the actuals fiscal 25 q1 and Q2 tax spilling update as discussed last week we began the tax bill process to create the fiscal 25 preliminary bills this past Friday with a member of the tax team from Tyler Technologies and as a backup had a second outside contractor not from Tyler scheduled to complete the process yesterday there were issues with the person on property file that caused errors during the process on Friday in the training environment but the outside contractor was able to work with Tyler to complete the process for the commitment in the live environment yesterday tickets were created with Tyler by our outside contractor yesterday and the process was documented as well the finance team and I agree that we should hire this outside contractor to work with the town to perform the preliminary work to prepare sewer utility bills and actual tax bills this upcoming fiscal year this will ensure that staff um is spending that is spending an incredible amount of time dealing with software issues and different support people at with different support people at Tyler is able to address their other duties that are falling behind due to the extraordinary time that has been spent on dealing with the current software company fiscal 25 grant Services process as discussed during the development of the fiscal 25 budget when the idea of appropriating funds for Grant Services was introduced and presented I recommended developing a process to allocate the $50,000 that was in this year's budget towards different departments boards and committees the intent is so that the funds are allocated proportionally amongst the requesters at last Tuesday Thursdays finance committee meeting Tiffany Taris offered to assist me in developing a process I spoke with Tiffany today and we are going to brainstorm through email and I've also reached out to my Association to see if any other community has an established process or experiences to share that would inform our process all right thank you are there any questions for the town manager I do about the conservation department and the backlog of applications is was this due to the con the conservation administrator uh an administrative assistant being vacant for so long or is this just they seeing an incredible increased workload of applications I mean why we why are they 23 have 23 applications backlogged I think it has to do this year's turnover in that office and um coming with the um newest conservation administrator coming into that situation with a already with a backlog okay do they have any idea how long it's going to to to be before they catch up and it's a normal cycle that's what I I think Brian um okay Brian will find out okay thank you [Music] welome any other questions all right thank you so moving on to Old business up first is a discussion on tax investigation report uh so it's my understanding that this will be ready for the July 9th meeting so we can uh move on so discussion on use of information Mr chair what does that mean ready it's in it's on our drive right yeah so I was under the impression that we would actually discuss it on July 9th and Selman jeffre is also isn't in the room right now cuz he was talking to those uh two gentlemen so I guess one question I have is is it Complete because there are some empty sections right I don't believe it is so um we can come back to that because after it's complete I think we're going to need a we that we can introduce it but obviously we're not going to know about it beforehand that read it so MH so all right all right I think I hear him coming so moving on to discussion on use of information Technologies resource policy so I went ahead and drafted an update to that policy based on our conversation last week uh so we can just go ahead and review it [Music] so under section three this would be subsection n a new section um termination of access to electronic communication devices uh so it reads access to electronic communication devices of the Town shall be terminated on the final day of employment or membership of a board committee or commission if an individual remains a member of any other boards committees or commissions their access will not be terminated in the case where no confidential records relating to the old position exist the email account for any employee that is no longer employed by the town shall be turned into a shared mailbox that can be accessed by the new employee assuming that position when deemed appropriate so the part about um the shared mailbox is something that the town manager recommended so obviously we don't have to vote on this tonight but this is just sort of an actual update to the policy based on the conversation that we had last week so I have one question is this um I know it relates to email but does it also cover Google Drive SharePoint access if you move from fincom to another board does it does it it doesn't look like it addresses that and my question is does it need to I kind of think yes yes well that that what I was going to point out too so I don't have any objection to the U the wording except for the first five words so well not even the access to when it talks about electronic communication device now I don't have I'd have to look back at yeah do we is it defined in the real policy what electronic communication device is that's a term that was used throughout the policy so that's what I went with um and to selectman M's question uh no it wouldn't just relate to email for that reason okay so electronic communication deves are a section okay so that okay so that's my only okay okay so that but does it cover instant shared like shared drives just add yeah that's what I would probably I the where's the definition of of the communication devices oh it starts further up it yeah so I think that electronic communication devices would have to be appended or amended to include any shared file Services MH cuz right now it looks like it it covers modes of communication only mhm which by the devices right yeah Mr L you're referring to section three y yep and in fact what what the chair wrote I would probably Define I would probably even remove devices from just all electronic communication I you would lose access to all your electronic communication associated with your position and that would probably be inclusive but we should probably put a list there too because this is devices right it makes it and not the the actual right and systems not the actual uh Communications themselves which is equally if not more important yeah okay other than that I mean I I also think that Just For What It's Worth again uh when we talk about if an individual remains a member of any other board committee their access will not be I mean that that's a I think that's problematic because we'd have to think about the it would just be easier because if if you if you're on the planning board and you stop being on the planning board but you are appointed to some other commission let's say you're elected to this body or anything else you shouldn't have access to your planning board stuff anymore I mean you should just have access to what your what your current responsibility and scope is I'll let the town manager speak too if she has any opinions on that so you're saying extracting all emails related to like if they're no longer in that board right they should be you know that that email should be archived uh presumably they went to the whole board but anyway they could be archived and made available to somebody to go through them I mean again if I'm if I'm on the planning board and I all of a sudden I'm On The Board of Health I shouldn't have access to planning or vice versa I mean you just shouldn't have access to that anymore does it make sense to separate out Volunteers versus employees because the access is very different yeah MH and and I I thought this policy was largely employee focused and that we had a different policy that was largely um board and commission Focus I hear what Mr lonzo's saying you know I I'm the only thing I'm thinking of is like Dave pasio who sits who used to sit on multiple boards and committees um and change them throughout the year um so we're we're looking then at the second sentence and how we can clarify this if an individual remains a member of any other the board's committee or commission um their access will not be terminated in a case where no confidential records doesn't make sense to delete this sentence in its entirety and and that to me it it kind of resolves the conflict mhm well I think the policy somebody mentioned I think maybe maybe select member more mentioned that it's really aimed at employees or maybe miss memy me mentioned it but I think that's what it is so I don't think we should intertwine the two so this should be about employees if that because that's why I got that's the impression I got from the original it polic the it policy so then that modification uh if it were to read access to electronic communication devices however we change that phraseology of the Town should be terminated on the final day of employment period the email account for any employee uh that is no longer employed by the town shall be turned into a shared mailbox that can be accessed by the new employee assuming that position when deemed appropriate yep does that clarify and resolve the concerns do except maybe still adding in something about you know the share points or the shared drives yeah so the electronic communication device we got to clarify that okay sorry separ otherwise if we end with employment delete everything up until the email account for any employee yeah you just delete the second sentence yes is is the rest of the document also clean with respect to only referring to employees I was just trying to look through that I think so that would that would be the only thing I'd say is check that um select me I'm sorry would you mind saying that again I didn't hear you the rest of the as long as the rest of the document is clean and only refers to employees as well and it doesn't intermingle you know I don't think it I don't think it mentions board committees or Comm missions anywhere yeah I don't remember I I just give it one last read through to make sure well I don't think we're vote I think according to the chair we're not voting on it tonight at least that's what I heard yes all right um this is good feedback is there anything else we wanted to talk about on this tonight but thank you for doing that I we're close and the reason why I added part for boards and commissions as well is because recently there was a similar issue with a volunteer maybe we need to discuss a separate policy or adding something to the policy specific about boards and committees I think it's just difficult to intertwine employees I felt that too when I was writing it didn't really feel right having it all there um so I just want to at least have it in a draft for us to discuss um so if it gets pulled out and put somewhere else you know obviously that works too all right is there any other discussion maybe we should even C entitle that the use of Information Technology resources policy we should probably put employee in front of it yeah so employee use of Information Technology resources policy that would once and for all clarify it yep no that's a good idea all right anything else all right so moving on to the discussion on the outdoor dining policy as well so I have a draft for this one as well if you go to the folder and the drive and then open up draft outdoor alcoholic beverage service area policy so that's the terminology I went because that's how it's defined by um the abcc so for definitions section 1.05 B outdoor alcoholic beverage service areas and this is all pretty much feedback that we received from department heads so I just compiled all of it and put it into um an actual policy here there's nothing else that I actually wrote here so a permanent outdoor alcoholic beverage service area shall consist of covered open air seating and does not include enclosed structures B the L licensing of outdoor alcoholic beverage service areas shall be exclusively granted to establishments that hold both a current and valid common Vic license and a general on premise alcohol license C crash protection and pedestrian protection shall be required by any establishment requesting an outdoor alcoholic beverage service area including but not limited to acceptable barriers that abide by height structure and material requirements and D outdoor heating elements in the service area shall be restricted to no more than two propane tanks per license and then separately for the application process applicant will be required to submit a completed application updated stamped plans a list of all abutters within a 20ft r radius and a check made to the town of lunenberg in the amount of the current fee for changes to existing licenses applic application shall list all heating sources tents and total capacity changes to the outdoor service area application will be submitted via opengov for approval from the building department Fire Department police department DPW and Board of Health a public hearing will be scheduled following the approval of the a mentioned departments and the applicant will be informed of the date time and location of the public hearing by the select board's office and following the approval of the select board the select board's office will submit the application along with the signed lla certification form to the abcc no fee is required for amendments made to the outdoor service area so this just puts all the feedback that we have so far into something that we can at least work with so Mr chair so I have a couple of questions so this has to do I mean you put this under alcoholic bedd service area but do I mean isn't it required that unless I'm misreading something that we have an outdoor dining policy first because we don't officially I don't believe have that right don't we we're but we're required to like right now people are doing it under the covid state laws that's what allowed it to begin with that expired in April right that's what I'm saying so so Mr Muhammad from Il Forno presided us with that letter so he's up in limbo because we don't have an outdoor policy and so I don't even know if he's using we should make it clear that until we establish one I mean at the very least because I don't want to impact negatively impact businesses I would that we would vote this board especially with a 3-we break coming up that we would vote to at least extend the existing ones that were in place until such time as we have permanent policy because otherwise what does he do is he allowed to serve out there he's put a lot of money and time to do this and now we can't even use it correct if I may um Mr Lonzo uh is spoton um I think that you I I I would hope that the chair entertain a motion to extend the existing policy until such a time that we have a permanent policy a permanent written policy because it you know we don't want to hurt our uh existing businesses but just as a comment uh on on what's written in section 1.05 uh as you've prepared it Mr chair um you know I'm I have some concerns uh specifically when it comes to uh C and D so you know crash protection is a little too vague for me me and what that means can be defined by who exactly um and those requirements can vary and and I I think if we're going to say crash protection um and pedestrian protection I I would prefer for those terms to be defined uh or not included uh or to make some reference to um to the satisfaction of you know Public Safety officers such as police department or the Building Commissioner but but I do think we want to Define that and then in D you know when we think about some larger areas I don't know the benefit of two propane tanks per license if you have an area that's you know 1,000 square ft Outdoors two propane tanks Aren't Enough um you know and and so I think this should be scaled and perhaps there should be feedback from The Building Commissioner and what they believe to be appropriate you propane tanks per square footage you know it might be no more than one per you know 300 Square ft um but I I I think that this may be a little bit too broad um and then generally you know comments in section 1.22 which um you briefly went through you know I understand the the intent here but I'm a little concerned um that we've that this may create a lot of process um for a business that's already thriving already doing well um you know we haven't had any issues to my awareness we did initially at on the Rocks um when they open up and some of the residential businesses or residential um some of the people who live near it were a little alarmed because it was a change but overwhelmingly we have had no complaints from any business that has created outdoor seating so I would hope that the process we Implement would be generally similar to the one that we implemented during the pandemic that's a lot looser easier uh and just a little less on the process side that's my opinion all right so is there a motion to extend the temporary policy yeah I would I mean we have what those policies were so I would make a motion that until such time that we Implement a separate lunenberg outdoor dining policy that for those establishments that already have established outdoor polic outdoor seating that have been approved that we continue under the under the regulations that were available at the time again until they're superseded by our own policy second any additional discussion those in favor say I I those oppose no the motion passes all right so moving on to review remaining arpa funding in committed funds Mr chair if I may before we move on uh what what are what are the kind of next steps because that you'd like for us to take here when it comes to or that we should take uh when it comes to these two sections do you want us to provide you with some feedback modifications save it for future meeting conversation what do you envision as the next steps here we can save it for a future meeting uh it was also um based on the conversations I had it would have been helpful to have a draft um to provide to the planning board to guide their discussions uh so was conversation I had with the town manager as well um and this is pretty much just off of the recommendations from the abcc about what we need to implement and that's all the feedback that we got from department heads for what a policy and application process should look like so okay thank you Mr chair MH all right so moving on to arpa um to the town manager do we have any updates on committed funds since the last time we've met no um so the only changes in the spreadsheet that you'll see um I've removed the 10,640 from that was part of the budget discussion for the school is that was in the override amount so that's um um back into the uncommitted total and the um boys and girls club the second payment for fiscal 24 was in today's warrant are there any questions about the committed funds no yeah so not on this but just on General arpa discussion after hearing some of the envelope issues with some of the buildings that was discussed during the speaker during public comment I think we should probably add those to the list of potential areas we can use arpa for as well yeah I'd also add to um pay for the help pay for the external consultant y Tyler I was going to cover that once we get into a discussion about the remaining too since we have to allocate it by the end of the year um but before we like put the request out I do want us to just have an initial conversation about things that we're prioritizing and what we want to set money aside for um so that was one that I wanted to bring up uh selectman M ke is uh setting aside funds for the contractor to help triage um the issues that we're having with munice um and another one that I also wanted to bring up as well was the solar panels the town dump I know this is something that we've talked about before and if it's something that we can bring across the Finish Line this year uh I definitely would advocate for that um personally I'm really viewing this money as an investment opportunity so two priorities that I'm looking for is a good return especially after the year that we had with the override and our budget um so I think that um that project is probably going to have the best return out of anything that we invest in um so I'll open it up to to other members of the board too there's anything that we want to sort of put money aside for so select M well I have a a question do we have any more clarification on what it means to be the money committed by the end of this year I haven't seen anything since that last um discussion that they were going to possibly change the definition to under contract for committed but that's what I would advise the board to take the more conservative approach cuz because I do have concerns we have now less than six months left in this calendar year and if we're going to if we're going to look for something to be under contract I think that has to be factor into some of the decisions too because I don't want to lose any of this money Mr chair if I through you to the town manager so if we were to go out to bid let's say on this building on the projects that we talked about earlier in your report or the Ritter and they came in over what we already have allocated if this board decided to put oper money to it we would we have to rebid or would that be sufficient to cover the bid that would have to be decided before the the bid was awarded because you need an appropriation available to right but I mean right so if we knew you open them you're like oh this is more than we have but if we committed them then we could award the bid presum right yes so it would be it could be happened quickly mhm okay is there any other discussion on arpa at this point yes um so you know I I I don't so solar panels let's talk I want to start there so I've talked with three different companies about what the process would be to get solar panels on the um old dump um the the bottom line here is because of the public procurement requirements that if we have one of these vendors and they've been extraordinarily helpful to me but if they come out and and very publicly uh advise us on a scope then they are ineligible for bidding when we go out to bid so in other words the company that helps you define the scope is not a company that's going to be awarded the contract and the companies I've been speaking to are all interested in getting awarded the contract and so what I would encourage is an allocation um based on what I've heard it's going to be 25 to 35,000 but I would encourage an allocation of 40 Grand to pursue a consultant um that could assist us with the solar panels on the um on the old dump my understanding is that there's a lot of models currently that would allow the town to partner with existing businesses that it basically would be no additional investment beyond the consultant um and that there are many models out there um that communities have been successful with where again with this partnership it's like a revenue sharing exercise there are nonprofits uh and for-profits that specialize in this Municipal space um to assist communities with doing stuff like this but the first step would be um again to procure them um the other thing is uh we are aware that uh imy mentioned I think we probably should get a dollar amount as a relates to um the support for the mun system over the next year um yeah it's I think that would be uh incredibly helpful for the board to get uh yeah so to the town manager do you want to speak to that so I would estimate um that it would be between 7 and 10,000 for that support for a contractor to come in this year for how long for this year for the whole year that's much cheaper than I expected we Reed 90,000 I know fiscal year but this is for specific um so like what just occurred this week um come in for the day so it was a a days worth of work to help with that process and uh given that's periodic throughout the year with actual tax spelling and Sewer utility building and demands um so it would be you know maybe a day half day here and there so do you anticipate only needing their help with you the sewer and the tax bills any other part of munus that you worry about um we're currently looking at Harpers for payroll services and um I think we'll the um accountant and working with the payroll coordinator and HR Director looking at other options as well and making sure um those can integrate with software that the police envir use as well um and looking at Employee Self-Service options um so getting away from that part of the issue that we've been having with munus for payroll um but 90% of our issues have been tax spilling issues MH so conservatively 15,000 if we were to think that this problem if we have someone under an agreement and that agreement can go until the end of 2026 that if we were to allocate 25 25 um if we were to no I was thinking 25 okay oh throughout duration yeah so we were to contract with soone until the end of calendar 26 to provide kind of technological Consulting Services would it be wise to kind of think in that Long Range View and then come up with a dollar amount for the entirety of that period assuming that there may be a software transition assuming that there may be other needs that this person could assist with I think um that's worth exploring and um the finance director did reach out to that contractor today but we haven't heard back yet so I can get more firm numbers going forward but that's just my off the back of an napkin estimate as as far as the solar panels on the dump you know I have nothing I mean I have solar panels on my house so they're I I totally for solar power I'm concerned that we've been hearing about this and we had the board has not been presented anything or any estimate and now we're looking at again this whole committed contracted in six months and we haven't even started the point of scoping or even putting out the project to bid so we're starting to get really behind the ball of getting to the point where we could do that cuz everything takes longer especially in a project of the sky longer than you think so I mean I just want to put up a cautionary flag if if we as we pursue that and also I'd love to know what the return is I mean so a return is okay but what is the return um so I just don't know enough about what is being proposed what the project is I just know it's you know been referenced several times y if I can add to that conversation we have we hire a consultant to do the monitoring of the cap landfill and if this is something uh Suman Jeff wants to is taking the lead on if you I can put you in contact with that person to discuss what the limitations are of that site that would be great MH because I know in the past we spent a lot of money cuz we were in violation of the EPA and the covering of that dump and it was an emergency order that we had to spend a lot of money at the time to do and at that point it was talked about potentially putting a solar panels now I realize solar technology has changed significantly but the puncturing of that cap was of prime concern and who was going to take liability in case you put a syst system on there and you punctured the cap and all of a sudden again you would be in violation of the EPA order so again I just that that came up then and I don't know what may have changed there but that's something we have to be very sensitive to the other thing that came up when um we just peripherally looked at this was that the substation would have to be upgraded for that area and that's very costly to do for sure y in addition to the the building projects we heard about in public comment tonight there was also um in the town manager report and I don't know if this is worth considering so I'll just throw it out there because I noticed it um the Hazardous Materials clean up at the Woodruff property came in 85,000 over what we estimated right did I get that right I don't know if that's worth to put on the list to think about well I had a question about that has it been determined that that is indeed hazardous material we have a report from our environmental consultant um so it's not like it's leaking hazardous um liquids right into it's the materials themselves they Old Farm Equipment and that's considered hazardous right but it's not and right hazardous that it's hazardous like somebody because it's public land could get hurt on it right but I think the board has a copy we do have the cop disseminate that and if I remember it's expensive to clean up more so because of the tophy the steepness of the SL the stuff is buried half of it buried right it's very steep um it's in a ravine essentially all the materials so you have to have the right type of equipment to be able to access it and pull it out um and meet the requirements because it has a um order of conditions associated with it due to that because that cleanup of that area would be basically equivalent to close to not exactly but close to 30% of what we paid for the whole entire parcel just to get that material out so um do we have I don't think it's on here on the C I don't think it's on here um some of the other items that were that have come up in the past in public comment the tree survey I know counc and aging brought for uh parking lot do we have a list of those of things that weren't they were either cut from the budget not necessarily capital budget or is everything on here is like the tree survey on here no I just like to see a I I probably have at home a running list of uh things that were that were passed over for lack of a better term though the garage floor repairs was something else that came up DPW garage that was on the uh Capital yeah that's why I remembered it cuz I see it um right Mr PA has um brought up a number of projects that were submitted in the capital planning process that weren't funded I don't see the the tree survey was different that was on the DPW operating budget right right it was in his budget presentation I think yeah was there anything else in the department budget presentations that we should capture that would be arpa I would have to take another look from that lens I can only remember the K9 police K9 mhm yes everything else was like a position or extra hours which wouldn't be appropriate wasn't a k9 that's the Comfort dog expenses great we're not they weren't looking for another K9 they were looking for support for the comfort dog Pro program right correct right m i don't I remember $20,000 that's what in dog that's that's as far as I can remember I think we approved the K9 program yeah all right is there anything else we want to talk about ARA tonight no I just would like to have some kind of at least to make some decisions by some certain time because I'm getting really if you can't tell nervous that it's going to be December sooner than we think I was anticipating that we could have most of it allocated by the end of the summer so going into September does that give everyone enough time to get things under contract I think the answer we got last week was that it's about 6 weeks so we would have like a couple months by the end of the year but and if there's a rule change I mean there's going to be a public comment period a lot of communities are going to come out and say Hey you told us previously that we just had to have it committed so I mean you know even though you know again there can be a rule change there is a public process to do that by the federal government so I'm not I agree with the town manager that we should work to get as many things in a contract as possible um but I I think the political reality is you not much is coming out of Washington DC these days also things get more expensive with time yeah all right so let's move on to discussion on budget task force so we have the charge so do we want to go over the charge and then uh discuss whether or not we're going to vote tonight all right so I will go ahead and read it budget task force charge section section one General the budget task force shall be charged with recommending scenarios for a 3 to 5year sustainable fiscal plan for the town of lunberg a sustainable fiscal plan is defined as a financial forecast that uses realistic assumptions for revenue and expenditure growth that allow the town to provide services that meet residents expectations and meet ongoing expenditure obligations through regularly occurring revenues said fiscal plan shall consider as an example alternative Revenue sources overrides and exclusions under proposition 2 and A2 Cuts in service Contracting out of services as well as other measures said fiscal plan shall include both operational and capital budgets for the town the budget task force shall consult with pertinent departments as it formulates its plan the budget task force shall present its findings and recommendations to the select board finance committee and school committee no later than December 31st 2024 section two tasks and responsibilities collect data on revenue and expenditures historical Trends and project future estimates based on Trends and various assumptions benchmark Park Municipal and school performance programs expenditures and revenues with comparable municipalities examine potential Revenue sources overrides and exclusions under proposition 2 and a half as well as non-t tax and non- override Revenue sources in compliance with the town Financial policy including costs feasibility potential savings and other impacts of potential adoption and implementation cuts and service Contracting out of services as well as other measures evaluate strategies to properly staff Municipal and school operations while managing growth of personnel costs analyze Capital Project funding needs and impacts including long-term large capital projects include both operational and capital budgets in the fiscal plan recommendations assess the impact any increased taxes and fees we have on taxpayers and residents including the tax impact of debt exclusions related to large capital projects under consideration section three membership and meeting the select board does hereby establish the budget task force as a temporary working group consisting of seven members select board school committee representative finance committee representative Town manager school superintendent town finance director School director of administration and finance the select board shall reserve the right to continue the budget task force after its task is complete in order to adjust the plan due to changing circumstances the budget task force shall meet at a time and place mutually agreeable to its membership all duly appointed members shall have full voting power a quorum shall consist of four members the election of officers including a chair Vice chair and clerk shall be by a majority vote of the budget task force the recording of minutes and votes of all meetings as pres prescribed by open meeting law copies of the minutes shall be submitted to the town clerk as prescribed in the town bylaws and according to open meeting law so is there anything that we want to change how do we feel about this are we willing to create the task force tonight I think it would well especially given this no later than date I think it would be imperative to do it and I am for I mean I think the tasks and responsibilities are are provide the right the proper framework while being broad enough to include things you know they didn't delineate specific things but but umbrella items to discuss uh I think the membership is you know fine with me uh and I'd like to see it created yes Mr chair all right I'm seeing some nods anyone else want to voice their support for creating it SL M I think I have in the past multiple times I agree s Jeff um I think that we're going to have some complications here uh I don't know if we have the express authority to appoint members of the school committee uh to anything um I I think that we may want to take the approach of um of if we approve this or when we approve this tonight of also asking the school committee to also approve it um or you know approving the draft for them to because we need when you look at the charter the school committee has very specific responsibilities and duties that are different than ours um I I think that theyve expressed a um it seems as if from their meetings there's there's a little hesitance or uh maybe they're mixed in how I interpret their openness to this idea but I think that we may want to consider going about this in a way that we create draft language that we are in agreement with and then feed it through um the school committee for their agreement with it as well and feed it through the finance committee for their agreement with it as well because I mean we're hitting the school committee which has a very specific purpose finance committee which is a legislative committee um and and I don't want to exceed our Authority here uh and how we go about creating it so it seems as if the three of us need to agree to create it at the same time in order for it to happen so fincom did vote last week for a representative in the event that we do approve the formation of this task force um so they um Evan Waters was was voted as the uh representative from the finance committee I've spoken with a couple of members of the school committee starting in the early spring um one member did volunteer um to me at a school committee meeting when I followed up later I said you're still in he said yes um so there is in principal support they they discussed it a little bit at last week's school committee they did not want to vote formally um until there was a charge but I think in speaking to to um a few members there is General support the only other thing I would add is that um you know this is you know from what I heard in a previous meeting about the um the meeting schedule um or at least the the breath of this I'm a little concerned about the amount of staff um and I think they're critical to it but I would prefer that that the meetings occur during normal business hours and not into the evenings due to the burden that it will put on the town manager the school superintendent the finance director and the school director of administrative uh Administration and finance given all the other evening meetings that they already attend yeah I purposely didn't put a meeting schedule in there um because there are going to be people that everyone's got to weigh in it's got to work you know it's going to have to work for everyone um and there probably will be compromise involved by by many have we ever had a committee that we've appointed School staff like this before board um when we have building committees it's outlined by Charter who comprises them okay um but generally Mr Lonzo will be better answering this than me I've never seen us appoint require members of school committee to be on anything so I don't think we're appointing anybody we're creating a committee that has a slot for the school committee that and although it's not said here I guess if we wanted to add anything we could say one representative elected by that that body so but so the finance committee will choose the r representative and the you know the school commit the school committee will choose the own representative so we're not appointing them we're just creating a committee that has a slot open for them um and again the only one that's the only there aren't many ad hoc committees that get created in general um so no I can't think of one that had a school committee member that wasn't done by either building committee or by Charter like the town manager screening committee for instance so I hope that answers your question it does thank you yeah I mean I don't I don't I think we can go ahead and vote on a forming a task force if someone decid Ides not to appoint or no one on a particular committee steps up and wants to be a representative that's I think by adding something we can't control we have that already on many of our committees and I think at the end you have maybe amended to any future meeting so if we did vote on it and then say someone some committee was vehemently against being on it we could always amend it sure well they don't have to appoint a representative right I think it's important to get it moving forward as the dates are are quickly approaching all right I'm okay with that it sounds like a majority of the board is so has there been any consideration given all the comments we heard from the parents during the override to in uh create positions for the public I thought about it um in the interest interest of time and to get this going I thought to have it would be um faster I mean it's are all public meetings available for comment and so forth but um I've seen Westford had two members of the public on their committee and there's also a size um of the committee is a concern too um it gets too large it becomes unwieldy um so that that was a that was a decision I made so obviously you would be our person we appoint to this task force right second empy would you be interested in being on it I am interested but I would so since this should be up for anybody since was this is what you put together essentially I'm willing to defer to you with that decision I do think I would prefer there to be positions for members of the public on it but ultimately I don't feel too opinionated about it either way so Mr chair may we ask the town manager any for any questions or thoughts she has on this yeah sure um my only comment in this is more of a making sure it's clear a representative could be um someone they designate versus a member of the the board so I think that should be defined a little better um so say member instead of Representative right so a representative is um could be ConEd as they appoint anybody yes right versus a member so you would say so basically you would say you know one member of the select one one representative from the select board uh appointed by them appointed by the select board or a representative who is a member of the select board or um the language sorry go ahead we have language other get it then that's so the language that we have in the charter for the town manager screening committee is designate right so if we wanted to use that maybe that it's consistent with what we do elsewhere but right so it would be right well this is the way it would be typically written I think this would include both what you just said too it would be one representative of the select board or designate appointed by it you know so appointed and then it would say the same thing for the school committee and the same thing for the finance committee so it doesn't have to be somebody who's on those committees they could choose somebody outside to appoint to it if they wanted but they get the vote oh really that wasn't my intent well again do we want to do that I'm just saying if you want about that I I don't know why anybody with a task force of this you know uh importance I don't know why they would want to do that but I mean maybe they know somebody who's a wiiz you know fiscal calculation I have no idea maybe they have a lot of experience somewhere else they work in another town so that's up for grabs I I don't have any strong opinion one way or another about it how many meetings a month how you envision it like M how many meetings would do you envision a month what I've seen for some other towns was um twice a month keeping in mind it's summer there is no doubt this is very aggressive and and I I purposely said findings and and recommendations so it could be a snapshot it in all likelihood will not be a complete picture in that time frame I've I think it's really that's the the goal but this is very aggressive it's middle of June I don't even know when the school committee meets again and we don't meet again for 3 weeks and we don't weeks yeah it's either we at least form it and if people want to participate they can or we do nothing so it seems like we have most and we have the ability to amend it as as is written at the as as for more said that at the end we can amend it somebody comes up to us with a real complaint we can certainly amend it right if I can add some more comments um I think this is a good idea to put this into place this year especially with it change in um Town manager position leading into what could be another contentious budget year um up against Financial restraints so I think this is good move in that direction to address that and bring everyone to the table um in a different format and prior to the budget cycle um to align it with that with the start of the budget cycle so I think um overall I think it's a good move for planning for the town and this is will tie right into it's not going to take the place of the financial forecast that's in the charter that's outlined it's an addition to that it's using that as a tool for financial planning and um this budget task force can use that for different scenarios as well your support Heather comforts me greatly so thank you I think the only thing I'd like to really firm up is do we want the representatives to be members of the committees or do we want to have the committee be able to appoint someone else think it makes the most sense for members of the committee to actually be on the task force but if we want to give them the power to appoint someone else because I think we should we should write the language again because we can amend it I think that we can say should we leave it I we should at least well we should we should say one representative appointed by it so okay they could come to us because that's that doesn't designate a member so if we said one representative appointed by it they could choose anybody they wanted and I so just by putting those three words appointed by it after each of those clarifies the whole thing I'm fine with that I mean I don't know why again if I was the finance committee or the school committee I'd want to give it to somebody else but if they want to yeah I'm not too opinionate on so all right other than those edits is there any anything that we want to change in the charge the only and I don't want to belabor this but the only other thing I I've not seen a committee put together or any kind of public body put together where the town manager the superintendent so four employees were actually voting members usually they're ex official for data cuz obviously that's who we're going to have to go to to get get the data but have them as voting members but of course if we don't do that then we have an even number of no we still have an odd number but then you only have three people so it's just an odd it's an oddity I don't I don't necessarily want to change it I just want to point it out that usually those positions aren't voting members of of the groups do you want to change it no no I just wanted to point it out that it's unusual but it is um did we actually I don't want to make it three member body because then then then we're almost almost relegated to make to add another two members so you know what let's keep it again I it I'd rather make it expedient that we get it started because again with that deadline it's going to be aggressive as you said I mean the votes I'm expecting are just on recommendations I mean there's no power right exactly no I I wanted to say that to I wanted to say that too like this board this task force doesn't have any Authority Beyond recommending and and presenting the data and explaining the data so obviously the town manager and the superintendent and the requisite bodies the whole financial department in the town uh will make their decisions of the budgets the way they see fit but at least this would give people a bigger picture yeah all right I think we've all made our decisions on this already so is there a motion I would move that we uh create the budget task force as written in the charge that was read with the Amendments uh that were suggested under the membership second any additional discussion those in favor say I I those oppose no all right the motion passes do we need to appoint our representative and we talked about what's going to be but can we do that as well we should yes we do um so I would nominate uh Renee Emy to be the town the select board's representative on the budget task force as just created second any additional discussion all those in favor say I I I those oppose no the motion passes all right so moving on to license agreement to enter and use Town property for shady Point Boat Launch so we got some feedback uh from their attorneys and Town Council also uh took a second pass at it so I will let the town manager give us an update on all the feedback that is new since the last time we uh reviewed it speaking of feedback we're getting a little feedback on stage uh to the booth um so in your drive is the revised agreement and the blue identifies the language from Shady points attorney so the second paragraph um including I identified in attached exhibit a plan as boat ramp and under section one licens premises U paragraph B that changing it to instead of um property to boat launch ramp as uh reference on that same exhibit the additional comments or let me just highlight um specifically Owen term and identific uh indemnification and there was a sentence in insurance or two sentences um that were also added by the other attorney Shady points attorney Town Council uh specifically called out the um section six and um for conduct of lcy that the town by agreeing to this section is essentially agreeing not to permit its invitees which would be its residents to conduct um operations or businesses on the licens premises and are we at a in a position to enforce that and monitor that no so correct um so that's was one of his comments Insurance um is that uh his main concern there is that we um we definitely want to see confer with our insurance company because this is committing us to keep the license premise insured with multiple types of policies and also to name Shady Point as an additional insured I mean so if I may comment on a COI you know when you're looking at the of insurance I mean this is basically just following the form um I I think that you know vehicle liability should be removed be in its entirety um you know and I think that c workers comp should be removed in its entirety that we maintain that already for the town but I don't think we need to do it for the specific premises and we don't plan on having any Town vehicles uh there but I think it's reasonable for us to carry uh comies of general liability insurance and the Commonwealth most insurance policies as I know you know are you know generally up to you know for stuff like this 2 million um and an umbrella of about five those aren't usually too costly of policies but do you have specific insurance recommendations I would like to confir with um Maya on this okay because this is a very unique situation with inviting residents onto private property that we have an agreement with and then we're liable for y okay and termination just that um I think we discussed this previously 24 hours to lengthen that to um a longer period of time like 14 days 30 days I mean if they're feeling a liability I'm sure they want it to be quick but what's reasonable from our view to communicate that the property is no longer accessible one to two weeks I would probably at Le yeah s days you know at the very least 7 days I was going to say seven days but if we feel like that's 14 is fine yeah to the point of the conduct um and I understand town council's point about us monitoring it but you know there's also nothing I mean we can give instructions under this and I guess we're not permitting it if somebody does it doesn't mean you're permitting it as long as we don't condone it and or we don't promote it you know I don't I don't see they're not saying we have to monitor everybody they're not saying that they're just saying you can't we don't permit it well if it's brought to our attention then we won't permit it I mean we don't permit people to shoplift that's why there's laws against it so you know the point is that I I think they just we have to be clear to our residents that you know if you're if somebody brings it to our attention that they're doing it maybe they they lose privileges or something I don't know how they're going to check that somebody is even from lunenberg but if they have some kind of checklist then they should they should probably ask for ID you know some kind of ID to show that and then we can they can have their own black list if they want I don't think that would be I I don't think that's a a huge obstacle to the agreement as far as I'm concerned I mean I also don't see it terribly likely I mean I think essentially he's pointing out we are the responsible party for inviting any private residents who aren't party a shady point there so um that if there's illegal activity or anything that's being conducted there then that we're agreeing to that we're the ly so our residents are operating under this license agreement through the town I I understand the point but I mean have we dis I mean have we discussed this point with them I me first of all they're the ones who offered the opportunity it it's not in the town's interest to get take any liability for doing this I mean they're the ones who offered hey you could use our property well again I can't people you know people's kids do things in stores and restaurants that they weren't supposed to do I mean you can't monitor people and you can't you know everybody doesn't have ankle bracelets you can find out exactly what they're doing 100% % of the day that this got to be known by the kind of license they're issuing and they're already allowing I mean people are using the boat launch now without without without us so I mean it should be if if anything the the conduct of license maybe maybe it's it shouldn't be saying that is any any invitees of the leny that are found in violation of this should be have a revoked privilege I mean they should I don't know if people if you pay to get an if you're a paid member of shady point so they have cards or they have something that identifies you as a paid member you know they should have some kind of membership that they can just revoke and you just can't get in anymore is it worth having Shady Point into our next meeting to discuss these points further than proba going back and forth well more more than more know all our processes and putting on additional administrative duties onto them when they're offering this is um to the town right no I I appreciate Adam bringing it up and I think it it it's certainly a topic of important discussion but I think having them here because they've been very amenable and maybe they'll maybe they can clarify at least in a recording of this meeting what they mean by that and what we they think we should be doing I understand they want to cover themselves I get that but you know they have to take advant like we're not starting a program that we have to again like you just said administer and devote and people to monitor that's not going to be helpful to anybody on both sides right yeah right all right so yeah we can invite them in to discuss with them in our next meeting okay and'll um try to get comments back from our insurance company by then as well generally though I I think the agreement is good uh I understand exactly what they're trying to do um you know they don't want someone to come on their property and then be liable and they seem to have protected themselves um you know and to Mr lonzo's point you know there's we can I think the language and condent of licy is okay um we're certainly not going to encourage youone to come there and do bad things so all right anything else we want to talk about about the agreement all right so moving on to review draft of board committee handbook so this is the handbook that uh the town manager wrote and we reviewed a couple months ago uh she's made some edits to it and uh there are also some points that she brought up that we might want to uh look into adding so I'll let uh the town manager talk about what she's added to it and what she thinks that we could add as well so since last time we discussed this I really just wanted to keep this on the board's radar as far as something I think would be useful for boarding committee members coming on board I've heard it from different people um as far as knowing what processes to follow who to contact UM different resources so since that less meaning um the links should be updated the I added a section on um well under oath of office with those office hours the town clerk is so people are aware of that town email account that everyone has assigned um that's appointed to a board or committee commission is assigned a town email account and that information is sent through the IT department on how to access that account well I know my I know my wife is a me new member of the lunenberg cultural Council has not received any indication that she has an account okay so who should she go to first to Annie an okay all right and I'm sure other members of of other committees may also be in this boat I don't know yeah separate discussion but we're going to be um looking at doing audit periodic audits of accounts which we tried to do but without a network administrator right now it's difficult the um next section that has a major date was the posting and scheduling of meetings the location of different meeting places cuz that's sometimes um a mystery as well of where to that board and committees can meet and um I think that was all the major updates but I think additional resources would be like for instance this week um we had request on letterhead or last week um there should be a sample letter head that they can adopt um where they can change the uh the chair can change the list of the members on that letter head um that one of the things that was talked about talking about email uh again are there you know if somebody wants to I'll just use my example as a chair of the capital planning committee is there a group email that we say that I can just have say Capital planning committee and then when it changes that group email group list changes so that I can just send it to one place because and I sure that's true of any board I mean when the membership changes if you have to keep adding everybody you forget and you like I accidentally chose was an old agenda that had an old member on it when I posted it they they send it back to me said well sorry to inform you I'm still no longer on the community so I mean it would be nice to get group emails that that people who have an internal email not not that's open to the public necessarily but group emails and I know you can do this in my Office 365 so that you just restrict them to people using them internally but it would make things so much easier yeah I believe to do it externally internally or to create like a distribution list it takes up a license to do that internal internally right yeah and actually if you create a SharePoint drive under a name it automatically assigns an email address to that right so like finance committee which would be nice y the other question is about these locations for meetings and this came up at the last master plan meeting which was that Smoke Stack roosters and somebody asked asked the question this isn't a town property is this an okay place to have a meeting and I was like hm they bring up a good point so uh I mean economic planning had a meeting offsite on a private property too MH so I'm just wondering if there because generally it's supposed to be a municipal property I thought yeah we have a BW that says that tell me I believe so too yeah so we we should probably remind people of that okay if it's just like a um not a posted meeting of a board like if it's just like a gathering event or a um Forum I think that would be different this these two well the two I just mentioned were actually well the one wasn't a meaning of the the economic development it was just an event hosted by them so that's really really that would be different but the master plan was an event by hosted by the master planning committee all right so is there anything else that we want to add to the handbook that we can think about right now my no however uh I do think that it's would be wise to float this around um to many other boards and committees and ask them for feedback or things that they think is missing that should be added and to allow that comment [Music] period yeah I think that would be good is it in here how to um book a room for a meeting book one of these locations yes well it says who to reach out to for each of the rooms that are available oh tell okay I'm also assuming that the remote participation policy will be formatted in the way that the rest of the cbook is because right now it's ignore the formatting I I basically just did and I want to um point out you had a earlier discussion tonight about the um it device it polic um at the very end of this is the electronic um so I didn't want to speak out of um turn if I was incorrect but when that policy was created it was segregated into employee and and boarding committee members so that is there specific to boarding committee members so it looks like it's word for word if I'm right I think it just yeah inserts boarding committee um Zoom so we should put a ter we should put a termination in here then that when somebody's no longer a member of a board committee or commission that all their access to their email so whatever the Lang be limited right whatever we choose we should put it in here too MH so whatever the chair wrote that we eventually approve for the employee one we should adopt it here as well all right anything else on the handbook for tonight all right so moving on to current business the first thing on the agenda is discuss select board goals for fiscal year 2025 um I wasn't intending on actually talking too much about it tonight but just introducing it onto the agenda so that it's in people's minds and so that we can start brainstorming what we want to focus on this year um so I just put it on there for that reason so are we going to have a workshop at a future meeting that was my intention in July I was thinking that we could actually um come prepared with some things that we want to focus on and then really narrow down and create the goals for the year for the July 9th meeting or for later in July yeah we can put it on for July 9th I didn't pick a specific date but that might be a full meeting full meeting yeah all right then then no the meeting after that 16th yeah okay so we'll go with that all right review draft Financial policies I'm going to let Heather uh present this thank you so I've been repeating over the course of this year I had applied for a community compact Grant and received uh through division of local services that they would update and provide all new um Financial policies as for their template and best practices so that's what's in your drive I'm not looking for any action tonight just an introduction of these to the board The Next Step I would take would be to disseminate them to the finance committee and to any other boards impacted especially um there's an overlay policy to the board of Assessors for that one specifically and then for their feedback to the back to the selectboard on any of them are there any questions yeah this I saw this this is a pretty hefty document was it like 99 Pages mhm it's a I can't wait to see how it ends I kind of said that too earlier in the year it would be comprehensive right no no it's good it's good to have it all one place or exceeds what we currently have in place just not often that I see drafts that are this voluminous yeah definitely important but I do like about it is the references at the end of each policy referring back to where it gets the authority from uh Mass General law that's referenced so nice any questions for the Tawn manager at this point what is the so what is our are we going to do these in chapters I mean or we just going to sit down and just hammer out 9 9 Pages might be a goal for the year yeah when it's something of this size that is obviously very containerized we should be able to just say okay let's look at these next two chapters and we just chip away at it over time that way we know how to prepare for the meeting yeah I mean that makes the most sense to me all right anything else we want to talk about on this tonight all right so moving on to town manager fiscal year 24 vacation payout request uh so the town manager has two vacation days that uh she's requesting us to pay out for the end of the fiscal year anything else you want to say on that no I was unable pretty standard and pretty sensible yep I move to approve the town manager's request to payout uh to remaining vacation a for fy2 24 second any additional discussion all those in favor say I I those oppose no the motion passes thank you all right so moving on to minutes we do have minutes to review for can I ask a question sure on minutes for meetings that I'm not here I just don't take any action on I'm thisum you can abstain from the vote you don't have to if you the official nature you don't have to but it is customary that if you weren't there that it' be hard for you to approve them for accuracy which is what we do but there by by law you are allowed to vote on them okay thank you all right so everyone else have we reviewed the minutes I have I missed the meeting so I'm going to obstain okay do we want more time to review it or is was there a motion did you want more time to review it he no no I mean I was absent from the meeting so I mean it was from October oh I see so I would move that we approve the minutes of October 17 2023 and as an aside Mr chair before we have a second do we have any plan yeah well estimate for when we're going to be caught up no uh it is something that I intended to bring up at some point okay uh but I haven't yet so I've had a conversation um with the executive assistant about um having a goal of one a week one set of minutes a week because I think that's attainable um and I've asked uh someone else that does minutes for another committee uh Daniel Mah to assist with getting caught up as well so but she's also handling multiple other boards so but between those um two things that's what I was trying to address the the backlog there okay and not as a criticism to Annie but she has been um you know kind of working with planning and has been doing a lot more than just the executive function y I did so it is understandable yeah point that out in the last meeting like she has been taking on I'm just concerned that that if we're only back in October that if we do if she's goal is to do one a week that makes that that means we'll catch up one a month because every week we have a meeting except for one week so except for the next um two all right well we'll catch up three this time yeah just make it really long in the spring I think we had some extras in there a few months all right so was the motion seconded second any additional discussion those in favor say I I those opposed no motion passes any abion oh any exensions that's right okay so it's um three Z three Z and then two extensions all right warrants believe there are warrants when we do the warrants can we just clarify which ones are payroll versus accounts payable mhm so this is payroll in the amount of 1, 9,599 29 this is Accounts Payable in the amount of $682,500 this is all together and then this is Accounts Payable in the amount of $664,900 38 this is part of that didn't pass it no any action items um I had one uh if we could get an update on the flat hill detention Basin the stat you know they were going to do the cleanup that um that the board was sent correspondents on that that they've been there twice now the recent yes yeah I saw something from a resident asking for something recent my apologies then it was sent by the uh DPW director um so the company that was um through mccardy that was hired to do that they've been out twice to do it but it's been too wet and monkey to actually do the survey wow so they're waiting for dryer conditions okay after this week maybe it's yeah did you did I think I missed one any other action items all right committee reports um school committee met last week they reorganized Mr Leighton is now the chair Mr skolen br's Vice chair and Mr shabo is Clerk and storm water task force is meeting to Thursday who's the chair uh Brian okay fin met but I have not watched I was not there and I did not watch the recording yet I don't have any I don't have any I don't have any either all right so upcoming meetings we won't be meeting for the next three weeks so our first meeting in July is going to be on July 9th the second will be on July 16th and then the Third on July 23rd public comment are there any public comments from the town manager none tonight thank you are there any public comments from the public just good evening everybody John Bowen F uh 162 Highland Street in continuation from last week as I said from the arpa funding uh that there could be paid a consult firm for a review of the cemetery's needs that's only a $450 to $500 expense through the cemetery Association of Massachusetts uh Mr Daly and um your former Sheriff guy glotus from um uh Wester County uh happen to operate that facility and area um the consultation and development of a cemetery Corporation is only $3,500 and that's to get everything lined up with the state including the 501c 13 so we don't have a confusion C3 and c-13 are two different things there's no conflict of interest as pared by Nancy Fasco the cemetery needs three union workers to be able to operate that Cemetery because they need skilled and trained individuals to work it to accomplish the minimal needs but they need an annual Perpetual care budget of $350,000 which I already did the numbers and as it stands conservatively $750,000 okay of a budget needed for additional items Miss Moore last week you said something about appointments as Liaisons should be appointed to boards so not impro so that no impropriety can be inferred by a board member acting as a def fact member of any other board like no offense Mr Jeff had this conversation with you that it can appear that when you're assisting that it could look like you're a de facto member uh I'm confirming that in just that particular statement with some conversation we had with regard to some help that you've given to the cemetery commission uh I'm trying to be helpful here alazon is helpful okay um your helpfulness has been a little bit borderline however you know uh nobody's I'm not saying that you've done any impropriety and I think we've had that discussion um liaison of any boards uh at any time should be a non-biased member uh as in the manner of Mr Alonzo's approach to questioning things here on this board he acts he asks questions he does not sit there and give advice uh just to listen and to inquire that is alazon's behavior also I must stress that it be understood that Mr pio's involvement with the cemetery commission fixing pumps and doing other things is a biased individual from the finance committee if they choose to appoint him as a liaison okay he is involved with them on a weekly basis in communication with the DPW on a weekly basis as he has mentioned here and has independently worked for the cemetery commission as well um and if that any approval from the finance committee for AA on for that position should not be Mr pasos And I stress this board not to allow it that being said you made a discussion tonight um of which you said something about solar spending the cemetery's wall of which they got a proposal and present it to you was done with contractors who are interested in the bid you made it very clear here that these contractors want to bid a job you cannot have a consultant come in and then also be able to bid the job so just overall those are just a couple of things that I just wanted to mention just to uh follow up I just want you to be able to listen and find another approach tax money is not going to fix your Cemetery problem condemning uh DPW workers condemning the cemetery superintendent Todd hullman okay or Bill Bernard and how they're handling it is not the answer and that's the answer that you get from your Cemetery commission just read their upcoming minutes for this meeting okay that they're going to have I just want you to just keep in mind okay that you can't condemn people to get work done you have a collective bargaining agreement come up two more work is you'll have a perfect Cemetery but you also be paying an additional $180 to $200,000 in tax money to be able to hire that thank you very much for your time thank you Mr bow all right I see someone raising their hand on Zoom that is just a phone number starting with 978 I think they're still muted Mr jamman Mr Rock Mr yes Dave Rogers 82 Highland Street um first thing is uh I heard through the grap Vine and I I I don't know if it's true or not but some people were talking about the leaks on the roof of the pathes building specifically in the area where the the TV cameras are and the electronic equipment and if that's true uh then uh I hope that somebody's going to put the you like the the national flag of Florida the blue tops over them because when the when it starts the rain in October uh will be in deep doodoo okay uh the second thing I I have um is with regard to the um the uh can't even see my not oh yeah the the the budget task force I I really disagree uh with with uh the consensus uh that that you folks came up with uh and I offer this for your consideration uh it's very difficult to get people to to uh uh join committees and and here you're going to try and get seven people or five people or whatever um but all of this information that they would be formulating is a available to them with the existing committees that we have specifically the school committee the finance committee the the select board uh all they have to do any person is to go to those uh meetings and ask any questions uh that you want so I I I don't see the need for yet another uh committee but that's just my own personal perspective um the other troubling issue I have uh uh is that I understand that the uh person Personnel committee uh has re resigned in total and I I'd like to know uh if that's true and what the story is there um and that is all the notes I have thank you very much all right thank you Mr Rogers and I will respond to that last question uh yes the Personnel committee did resign um I don't know if you want to speak to exactly the reasons that they gave in their letters CU they don't recall really much information in them uh but yes um they did resign and we do need people to volunteer for the Personnel committee uh as soon as possible so that we can get that up and running Mr chair the the official reasons provided in those resignation letters as I recall uh was just personal matters um they were thankful for the time that they had but that they needed to focus on other things in their personal lives okay thank you all right are there any other public comments this evening on Zoom NOP all right so we are going to enter executive session sorry oh never mind are there any public comments from the board yes um I just want to clarify uh something that uh was said in public comments from the public so you know certainly I can't uh thoroughly explain all with public procurement in a comment um but there is a difference between going to a vendor and asking them for a scope versus going to a vendor and ask them for a cost estimate um for U budgeting purposes and so I would just differentiate that there is a difference uh and my understanding was that the um what was made reference to with the sewer Sewer Commission uh that they were not pursuing a scope as much as they were pursuing a cost um and that they had their own scope so just want to offer that clarification any other public comments from the board all right so we are going to enter into executive session um then then after that we will go back to open session we are discussing and potentially voting on extending the town manager's contract as it expires at the end of the month and we will need to extend it until her announced resignation of August 4th um so yes I will thank you very much do you want me to read the motion or do you want no I'll read the motion but I did have a question first regarding the broadcast are we going to go back on the broadcast when we come back to open session or are we just ending it now I guess it's up to the board and whether how long you think it's going to take and whether you want the booth to stay for that um the requirements of the laws just that when you come back and do session that anyone can enter the room and this been an open meeting if I may offer an opinion Mr chair the way that you posted this agenda with the amendment uh was that we would enter back into an open session and that we would it looks as though we're essentially going to announce the vote on the extended uh contract terms for the town manager and so with that I would assume that we would have the booth remain um and that we get muted uh and that we come back into executive okay so if that's possible then I definitely would prefer that as well all right so I will go ahead and make the motion now so I move to enter into executive session and to reopen open session after existing executive session pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 30 section 21A paragraph three to conduct contract negotiations with non-union Personnel second this will be a roll call vote selectman memy I selectman Alonzo I selectman Moore I selectman Jeff I and an i for myself all right we are in executive session e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right looks like we are back in Open Session so we are going to move on to vote on extension of contract for Town manager until August 4th 2024 is there a motion I move to uh extend the 2021 to 2024 employment agreement between the town of Lunenburg and the town manager heie until August the 4th 2024 second any additional discussion those in favor say I I I those oppose no the motion passes all right and and that's it for tonight so thank you all for tuning in motion I know I was just going to oh sorry sorry for interrupting you Mr chair um I just wanted to rec uh remind people at home that our next meeting is going to be on July 9th that's all um and with that is there a motion to adjourn so moved second any additional discussion all those in favor say I I those opposed no it is 9:54 p.m. and we are adjourned have a good night he