hold on John Eric so we're ready to go live I'll start okay thank you are are we recording it's live so we don't need to so no that's right um this is the uh April 9th 2024 um Regular uh SE commission meeting and I'm John Reynolds chairman of the Sewer Commission and Bill I should have asked you earlier do you have your flag uh yes I do okay if we could all um do the Pledge of Allegiance I'll start us out I pledge allegiance to the flag the flag the United States America to the it stands stands one nation nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay great okay in accordance with the requirements of the oper meeting law please be advised that this meeting of the Sewer Commission is being recorded and we'll be able found on the lunberg access YouTube channel after the meeting the following information is also provided for members of the public that would like to participate in the meeting remotely to participate remotely from a computer please use the link to join the public meeting webinar found on the posted agenda or from a telephone dial the toll-free number 888 475 4499 and enter the webinar number 871 1768 1305 if you have not registered with zoom you will be asked for your name and email address uh no participant ID is needed just press pound when asked okay I'll do a roll call here so we can see who's who's here um Mike KN present Brett Ramon here Mike Mackin present and present for myself and Dave McDonald is not uh with us tonight staff I call your name if you could Decay present uh Paula Bertram present Jane rley here and Bill Bernard here okay um do we have any public comment from the public uh if so I I will limit it to maximum maximum of three minutes okay see no one uh any public comment from the commission or staff um yes do do I have three minutes John or I don't know you're a man of a few words but important words usually yeah so um I I am uh gonna be resigning from the commission um I've got eight eight plus years into this um the last time around um IID said I'd go for another year ended up being a three-year term which I'm two years into so um I think the time has come for me to um I've been traveling more and doing much more so um it's my regrets that I I I will I'll continue into may I can come into may as needed and then um after that I'll do the best to try and uh find a substitute to get somebody in um I would like to thank everybody um it's been you know go through lots of people uh Dave McDonald in particular because he's the one that started all this uh probably 10 years ago um getting me to sign up way back then so um I'm gonna miss it all but um just letting you guys know so well Mike we're gonna miss you I'm sorry you're not gonna stay on it absolutely maybe you'll change your mind like Dave we'll try to talk you back into St there we go okay we get a couple of months um yeah Michael Missy thank service okay um any other announcements let's see see none we uh we can't go into the public hearing until 6:15 so maybe real quickly um we go to current business and if everyone had a chance to read the minutes from the March 12th um meeting we could vote to approve those if someone wanted to make a motion I'll make a moot to approve the MCH 12 minutes okay and I'll second that motion okay any further discussion on those no I let's take a vote here Mike n hi Brett Ramson hi Mike m mik Mack I'm sorry Mike uh and I long as you don't call me late for supper I'm fine there you go Mike okay the minutes are approved um have a couple more minutes here um maybe we could do the Q3 commitment Paula y so the third quarter commitment is $255,400 um but I would need a vote to approve tonight did everyone hear the amount okay so if someone wants to make an Mo a motion for the amount stated for the lumer store Bill ahead no not the lower lemster SE bill this is the third quarter commitment I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah does someone want to make a motion I'm make a motion to accept the third quarter commitment second okay any further discussion uh no vote Mike KN hi uh Brett Ramson I and Mike excuse me m hi and I for myself then was approved um gu we only have uh less than a minute here before the public hearing okay it's 6:15 and we're going to open the public hearing portion of the meeting and uh this is regarding the um in increasing connection charge and I'll just read what was posted in The lunberg Ledger the lunberg Sewer Commission will hold a public hearing on April 9th 2024 at 6:15 pm via Zoom regarding a change to the SE use regulation article 7 section four paragraph one to increase the minimum res residential connection charge from $2,250 to$ 3,9 00 and um as we all know this is a direct result of Lister increasing the connection fee in the new uh IMA [Music] so I think all the Commissioners know what it's for do we have anyone from the public out there paa you're M you're still muted Paula there you go okay um Mr champagne from the reboot is here um and I see an iPhone Brett I'm not sure if that's oh that's you um so no there's no one else here except Eric from the pack okay um any comments from any of the commissioners of Staff about this change I think I'm not so sure that's necessary Mr chairman we're uh you know we've gone over it and we know as Paula mentioned the increases from lemonster and uh this is going to be this is what needs to happen from my point of view right I I totally agree we have to do it this would go into effect 71 just right yeah no I I Echo what what Brett said that you know this is this is kind of out of our control so okay um well I guess we need to take a vote on that so someone wants to make a motion to increase the connection fee from 20 ,250 to $3,900 anyone would make that motion I'll make that motion to increase the connection SE charge from $2,250 to $3,900 as written okay anyone want to second that I'll second that okay um any further discussion seeing none we'll take a vote to accept it uh Mike null I Brett Ramon hi and Mike Mackin hi and I for myself the uh increase the motion for the increase is accepted okay uh next on the agenda was our appointment at 6:30 but I guess I have to close that public meeting yeah you have to I need a motion to close the uh the public uh hearing Mr chairman I'll make a motion to close the public hearing any seconds I will second that okay let's take a vote on closing the meeting uh Mike KN I Brett Ramson hi and Mike Mackin hi I for myself the public he is closed okay since we have a little time before um I I think that we can go ahead Mr chair it's not a public hearing and and the applicant or the prop the business owner is here I don't know if you want to um okay um I thought it would we'd have to wait until 6:30 in case anyone else wanted okay okay be part of of that discussion okay um I was chastised one time for starting one of these early okay so if we go back to and I I apologize to the owner but we we do have to wait until 6:30 um all right we did let's go back to current uh business we did the minutes we did the commitment [Music] um the next item is engineering services I don't know if any of you had a chance to read I think five five letters from uh five proposals from right PR Pierce um I I was a little shocked at how much each one of those were as I believe Paula and Bill were um that was quite sh 6, 60,000 results Select Quote HT TPS col. selectquote.com of under-19 can you help us with that quote life insurance $500,000 policy mon uh number two did it stop it's it was coming from iPhone 2 there there's a I see an iPhone with a two bracket right that was you that was coming that was me something on my computer I accident hit sorry guys okay um the good news is you're approved so what what Bill did Bill and I'll let you take over here he he sent a letter out to wrri pierce um about maybe a less expensive way they they could help us Bill if you want to elaborate on that yeah so I sent right Pierce two emails um one was for writing the specs for our manhole repair contract um I basically asked them if they could send us some canned um specs that they have um we would we work them and then we would have them review it and that should cut the cost way down um haven't we haven't heard back from them yet and then the other one was uh which one was the other one on the um pump Replacements I I don't know if they misunderstood us on the scope of work but they had way too much in there so again I asked them to to cut down that scope of work which should reduce the cost significantly I mean my my memory regarding the discussion of the pump Replacements was just help us come up with the cost to replace the pumps because uh CTE and and you and Paula were having a hard time coming up with prices well we actually got the prices but now we need the energy calculations okay so that's what we really need help with okay all right so I I I guess um we'll have right Pierce on the agenda for the next meeting okay um the next item was public notification for systems clogs uh it seems like we're getting more and more uh clogs which are basically um wipes not even flushable wipes don't really dissolve uh um and it's beginning to cost us a fair amount of money so I I talked with Paul and talked about maybe making a brief presentation at a select board meeting because I think the select board probably has the largest audience um not long Paula sent out that three-page presentation um just really need to make people aware of what they're throwing down the toilet is is costing them money so um I'd like to go ahead and do that if if the Selectmen will allow us unless any of you have any objections or any other suggestions so everyone's in agreement I should go ahead and pursue that I think it's a good idea I think get the word out no matter no matter which way there there are also a couple of um town Facebook pages and I think a graphic would be very easily you know that's that's a good P good point uh yeah so we did put it on the DPW page Bill posted it um I had done a simple graphic and we can maybe ask put that on our Our Town web page I also think we should put something on our on on the website so I can contact carara mcarthy and and have her put something on the page okay I think we need to come up with any any ideas to try to get it out there to our 900 plus rate payers that you know putting things these things into the sour system is costing them a lot more money it would talk to The ludenberg Ledger would you know just do it as a service or or whether we'd have to buy a that's too good ide Mike yeah I can check into that I also put together a Col I have been doing inserts in the bill before but they're typically black and white but this time to try to get more attention I made a color um I sent out one of those and I'll send that with the May bills to try to get people's attention Okay good um let's see Paul I guess do you want to start um with the SE system update sure so the you saw the updates from Matt um he gave a pretty in-depth I'm sorry not from um Matt from Robert in the package um he's still doing a really great job we're very lucky to have them um the clogs are more frequent um so hopefully getting it more in in the public eye will hopefully help with that uh we did install the spill um a couple weeks ago this is the float to tell us if the um system is being um if rainwater or groundwaters getting into the system we put it at the manhole by Stone Farm unfortunately it is not transmitting um we don't know whether it's just the signal or whether it's the antenna so they did send us a new antenna um Bill talk with Brian today and we're awaiting written instructions on how to obtain the information from the device manually so Bill myself and Robert are going to try to do that on Friday morning um and we'll install the additional antenna at that time too um bill I don't know if you have anything else you want to add or no I don't think there's anything else to add to that okay I'd have to say the weather's cooperating for it anyways nothing else yeah um let's see PA next is the budget status yeah I just sent out where we are to date you guys um I'm sure have seen that our receipts are currently $963,000 32 we do have a substantial amount outstanding which is why I from the third quarter which is why I want to get the demands out um our expenditures to date are [Music] 1,750,000 Ms themselves was forecasted at $367,400 and the interest on those betterments was forecasted at $5,610 so you know if if those amounts come in where they should um will be okay any questions for Paulo on that okay um I guess we're close enough to 6:30 so our our 6:30 appointment is uh the reboot payment agreement uh plan in the non-compliance um Paul you want to just sort of give a summary sure um so we had signed as you guys all know we had signed a payment agreement with the reboot um and it was signed December 13 of 2023 and that agreement required payment of $600 per week and future bills to be paid in full before the due date um we received our last payment on February 20th of 24 um and the February bill was not paid in full as required um currently there's a balance due of $1 14,541 123 uh um to date since December 19th um $6,000 has been paid um so if basically that's where we are um I will say that the selectman had approved uh the liquor license with um a contingency um that they appear before the select board on May 21st at 710 for a licensed status review um to assure that they've been compliant with the sewer department agreement um and Heather requested that after this meeting I let her know what the decision of the commission is relative to the outstanding balance so that they can take action at their meeting on May 21st okay now uh Joshua champagne are you representing reboot yes I am my business partner and I are both here we're just on one computer because we're in the same room okay and the name name of your business partner just for the public record yeah absolutely Lawrence legoy okay any anything you'd like to offer regarding this yeah so um I had sent an email to Paula kind of going where we are on this um we are in an active 93a case against our landlords which essentially means that they did not meet the terms of their lease and this has kind of come about in several parts of this um as reviewing our lease that sewer was never part part of it therefore it shouldn't be part of our responsibilities this is something we found out in the end of February when we went to them and started to discuss how we have spent over $120,000 fixing a building that was repairs that we should not be responsible for to begin with and then them responding with hey here's a list of everything that you owe us plus the amount that included the sewer bill so from the notifications that they've sent us they said the sewer bill was already paid which is why we stopped payment because we assumed that they had already paid it and why would we be paying it and they be um the second thing that I guess you could say and I don't know whose fault this is whether it be ours whether it be yours whether it be theirs it's it's not part of our lease therefore why are we responsible for it I understand that we originally signed saying that we were responsible for it because we were under the understanding that that was the case but much like us from the beginning of this entire situation with them um it was the understanding that any of the repairs that we did to the building to make sure that it was livable because as you guys know this bu building a swap between business and business and business and nothing seems to be able to be sustainable there and it seems to us that it now is the landlords that seem to be the commonality in all of this um when everything's happening the way it's happening and we've spent all this money to repair this building we kind of buckled down and said okay if we need to sit this out and discuss this in front of a judge I guess it is where it is and then to find out that it wasn't even our responsibility to pay it the entire time and now we're getting charged from it from two different en enties who are saying that we have to have it paid um at this point we're an incredibly struggling restaurant just because it is hard to open a restaurant as I'm sure all of you have seen based on the amount of restaurants that have opened and closed in your town and at the end of the day we're trying to operate we're trying to operate within the reasons and within the law and within every local I guess you could say regulation we have um but we just keep hitting roadblock after roadblock and that's not necessarily your fault but it seems that this is just another roadblock that honestly at this point I don't know what to do forward um Mr chair if I could just say one thing sure um within the payment agreement one of the requirements was to provide a written statement from the landl that they were aware of this agreement and we never received that additionally in one of the emails that I responded to you everything that we have sent to Silver Lining investment gets returned because the address is not correct and I've used the address on the registry of deeds the address at the assess office and address online so if you could provide the contact information for the land owner that would be helpful because that way we can copy them on any correspondence um what contact information do you currently have for them Paula because funny enough we have the same exact challenges with notices we send them legally as well okay um I'm actually not here I'm not at work right now I'm at home so I don't have the actual address are you available tomorrow cuz I can swing back I would I I just have it written down on a piece of paper it's the most recent address that our attorney provided for them and I bring back that tomorrow to you yeah or you can just email me the address that would be helpful yeah absolutely because I'm also not in my office um and that's kind of the challenge that we're running into it's every single time we tried to have a simple conversation with them to say hey here's what's going on what are we supposed to do about this this isn't part of our lease they're non-responsive until it comes to the worst statue and as you can see as you guys are sending notices over to them saying hey here's what's going on they're not responsive we just received notice from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for 50 Massachusetts out of LLC which has no bearing on us but was an entity that they used to run the bootlegger before and apparently there's a $250,000 amount owed to unemployment and so when someone came and knocked on our door and a constable handed that to us we said hey we're not the people you're looking for here all of our bills are paid through ADP all of our payroll taxes are paid right then and there it's not something that we like to get behind on it's the scariest thing out there in the world so do you have an email address or a phone number I do have both of those I can send those in an email to you currently okay thank you okay um and that's for the P bertrum at lunenberg is the one you'd like me to use Paul yes absolutely so I think this puts us in a little bit of a bind because that building is discharging sewage that has to be paid for and right now our all of our other customers are paying to treat that um I thought I knew what I was going to be saying tonight but I'm not really um sure where to go with this at this point any of you other Commissioners have any thoughts on this my only one thought process would be [Music] um that there will be a lean on the property meaning uh I assume eventually we will get paid for this now whether and I'm not sure whether we get paid with interest or whether we get paid with penalties but at some point in time you know whether it's the building changing ownership I I don't know but at some point in time you know I believe we protected on that that side of it but so the I did I did send um an email to Town Council to find out our options as far as placing a lean on the property and bottom line is it is through um the tax delinquency process um so in the event that someone's delinquent for the prior fiscal year um and we just completed this for anybody who was delinquent delinquent in fiscal 23 the boot the reboot is paid through fiscal 23 so they were not put into delinquency for taxes um if at the end of fiscal 24 which is the ends June 30th if this balance is outstanding then it would go on the tax bill um so if this balance is not paid and obviously it's going to grow if this balance is not paid by the end of June then it will go on the tax bill as a tax lean yeah and forgive if it's a too simple a question does is the are the taxes paid by the landlord sorry M myself um as of this time yes those are all paid by the landlord so that would mean that the landlord would have to make good on it okay um that my concern is the meantime that what's owed is going to to grow and grow and grow and end up being subsidized by all the other super customers Mr chairman we have another situation as well um the select board meeting coming up in May regarding this matter um there is a deal in place that isn't for whatever reason um being fulfilled so there's a very likelihood the liquor license will have an issue at that meeting if this isn't somehow resolved whether it's through the landlord uh the restaurant or some other means um so we have at the very least um a deadline to figure a whole lot of things out and get the I would imagine the resolving right uh answer would be to bring it to zero balance now I don't know where would what would happen during that meeting otherwise so I'm just curious about that yeah I I I'm not sure um the fact that okay if I assume that Josh what what you're saying I'm going to assume for a minute what you're saying is accurate and it's the landlord's responsibility um and we haven't had a lot of success communicating with them I'm just not sure where to go now we we do have two more meetings sewer meetings before we would have to offer an opinion to the select board about the liquor license so you know Joshua what what is it you think you can do on your end to get this uh sewer bill paid so I guess this is where it's like I'm caught between a rock and a hard place um because genuinely I understand your perspective completely I genuinely I do um our perspective is like we've already spent $180,000 on a building with a landlord who is refusing to reimburse us for any of this and then the whole him negotiating right with us with what should be paid and what shouldn't be paid has become an absolute battle and a half um I'm willing to pay something towards it but with the legal bills and everything else that we are starting to rack up against him obviously those are becoming quite costly so I will say Mr chairman the May bill um which will go out the first week of May is uh for $92.99 so that will be a bill that's due in May on top of the outstanding balance I can tell you right now um that if we were talking brass numbers right now that I could cut a check for two grand a Paula this upcoming Friday and I can guarantee those funds um and that's just I want to make it right by you guys I want to make it right by this situation um but genuinely I'm in the same boat you are it's I have someone that didn't live up to their side of this entire bargain um obviously you guys feel like I didn't live up to my entire bargain and I absolutely agree with you and things have changed in the middle here significantly which has caused this um but I'm kind of at a loss as well um I'm willing to do that because that would cover that current bill that's coming out for that 900 um and whatever dollars Paulo just stated I apologize I didn't write the number down I was trying to concentrate and take notes at the same time um and that'll pay off a little bit of the back but obviously that's not significant by any means well that would be I think a start and um I mean what what addition eff you think you can put into getting a hold of your landlord to uh to get them to pay for this it's got to be a way to reach them even for us to reach landlord there's got to be a way to reach these people and that's the thing I absolutely agree with you but I can tell you right now the only thing he responds to me is is when I send him attorney notices and the only ones that I've actually caught him on is when we've had a constable physically serve him and they've caught him and physically have seen him at his place of business it's I can tell you an address that he's normally at which I'm going to send over to Paula um early tomorrow morning but it's not even listed as an office for him I just know he's sometimes there is may I ask who is he uh it's silver lining Investments is Lance Delano and I believe Shawn Morrison as well but that's another questionable aspect that we have going on with this situation so those are the folks that bought it from the original business I am not 100% positive but that's what I believe is the situation yes on the deed it is silver lining Investments and it gives a fitzburg address but everything to that Fitchburg address gets returned what is that Fitchburg address Paul I don't I don't have it here Josh it's at work not a problem because I know they so that's the other challenge we have another business that we've been very open about um they're also our land over there that we are in a almost million doll lawsuit against right now and it's the same exact situations we're having up here and I guarantee if you reached out to fitzburg they're probably having the same exact problems with them so so if I could say something here I I'd have to at least my opinion is the $2,000 is a is a is a great gesture and I think I would recommend going with it um and I mean I'm sure they realize you know definitely that if this doesn't get resolved by that San meeting the liquor license is going to go away so so this gives them time to work with the both parties and and get this straightened out and it's we're at least recouping some of the money and it's a it's a I mean if you follow what they've said they were sticking to the contract until this issue came up now they're offering you know to give the 2,000 so my opinion it's it's a step in the right direction and and and and they know they you know there there's no hiding the fact that if this doesn't get resolved by the time the license comes up or you know the selectman that that's you know unfortunately you know leaves us no choice so so that would be my opinion on this whole thing it gives them it it buys them some time is what it does I go ahead Mike no I I I agree with Mike on this um it's not a a full resolution um and we still do need a full resolution in the timely fashion that we before the next that next select meeting um but I think that it it seems like a good faith effort to at least mo mo move the you move was in the right direction um and and by some time so I agree with Mike on that okay and I I also agree um right and uh if I may say everybody um we understand the value of that liquor license in totality if you remember when we first started and I don't know obviously how many of you been on the board for a while or have seen us kind of when we opened up as lavala and then transitioned over um us not having that license for the first three weeks was detrimental and it was you guys submitted everything out the whole tax thing came around the state held it up and funny enough by the time we did get it the gentleman from the state that we were working with openly said he's like yeah I don't even know why they held it on you um but the amount of Revenue lost in those first three weeks was astronomical um having a restaurant of our capacity if you will with what we're trying to do is the concept of that American eats if you can't have someone that gets out of work stops by has dinner and a beer with their family it's almost off the table so we absolutely appreciate it and uh we appreciate your efforts to also work with us but understand that there has to be a resolution at the end of the tunnel for everybody right right all right so I think we're all an agreement that the $2,000 would go a long way um I don't know that we need to take a vote on what we I would recommend that you do Mr chair because I do need to let Heather know tomorrow what uh the decision is tonight so I would if you guys are going to continue it perhaps put it on both agendas moving forward the 29th and the 14th um for updates on the progress with the landlord um right okay mid I um so are you suggesting we take a vote well we've got to either avoid the current right we've either got to avoid the current payment agreement agement I think that has to happen because we're already in violation of the payment agreement um and if you want to accept a new proposal to accept a payment of $2,000 by um you know tomorrow April 10th and then what you want to do um as far as moving forward did we lose you John it looks like we did I think we're going to need to have him back this is too big a discussion no I agree he's gotta move out of his basement okay he's in the waiting room he's joining now needs more sunlight yeah while we're waiting for John I guess my one question would be and I just look unfortunately I don't have a copy of the original agreement um I know it was in the paperwork but um oh it's on there yeah is there um is there fines built into that agreement or so so honestly I I see no reason to void the agreement there's no fine built into the agreement um the agement was that the deor shall pay $600 per week beginning December 19th yeah the deor shall pay all future sewer quarterly bills in full by the due date the deor agrees that the outstanding balance shall be paid in full by May 28 2024 um so we don't have the $600 per week um there have been several weeks without payments and we do not have the sewer quarterly bills the February bill has not been paid in so both of those my hon my my honest opinion on that is leave the agreement in place especially there's no penalties and it's obvious to their for them in their best interest with whoever pays it to to to hold to the agreement and at that point in time then the decision would be made that's my there's no sense in canceling what's there it's in place um you know at not being met at the at the point but there's no penalties being paid so you know it's in the best interest to you know the best results of all of this is come that May 24th or whatever that date is is that this is squared away however it's squared away and we move forward other than that we you know we're forced to take action John is not able to rejoin tonight so John is not able to rejoin no no I just got a text from him okay um all right Brett Ramon Vice chair um I want to agree with Mike on this um with maybe a revision is there any way Paula that we can add to that agreement or we need to vote on that of course there's a there's a clause in the agreement that allows amendments which says the parties agree that any amendments made to this agreement must be in writing where they must be signed by both parties okay well that to me that seem sounds like then the way forward which is where you amend the agreement the check comes we sign the the the new agreement and move forward exactly don't we need wouldn't we need four of us to vote on that oh no you just need a majority oh I see okay all right well the way I see it everybody um we could continue this we could continue this I mean if if Mr champagne saying he'll bring in a check for $2,000 tomorrow we could continue it um and get an update at the end of the month I I I like that I was gonna say the best results here and then especially since right you know the chairman is you know not available right now I think it's important that he be a part of and keeps it simple along with what Mikael was saying keeps it straightforward and simple all right everybody uh well let's do that um uh we'll still have to have a vote on this correct no I don't think so if you just can basically you're going to continue the discussion till the end of the month and Mr champagne is going to make um a good faith effort to bring in a check tomorrow so be it that's great okay um let me I understand well um yes um gentlemen I think we're I assume you caught all that do you have any questions at the moment um at the moment no I appreciate your time yeah we um we're gonna move forward as status quo um and extend it like we talked about however um if you could stay in communication with Paula um and if this any knowledgeable if you're able to reach the landlords in any way um urge them to reach us somehow or help I um help Paula get into communication with them any way you can would be greatly appreciated absolutely um I'll reach out to our attorney Christopher bensy and see if he's found any other information on the best ways to contact them um because like I said I'm sure you guys are not the only ones in this boat as we are already there so I feel like if there's already two of us there's definitely at least a couple others to say the least um but I'll make sure I drop that information off when I drop off that check tomorrow to Paula and I'll give her the best information that I absolutely have on them okay great all right thank you very much thank you very much guys I appreciate it all right we'll talk soon all right then um well that's a interesting twist moving along let me bring I lost the agenda in front of me I'll bring it back up uh just a a quick question do we need to reopen or did we we we made a mo we moved into it wasn't a hearing it was just a um it was just an appointment so continue it to the end of the month okay or just add another appointment at the end of for an update but thank you for the question Mike uh moving along looks like we're moving into the uh current business back into current business we taking care of the minutes the third quarterly commitment um we discussed the Engineering Services of which we'll be having we'll be inviting rice right Pierce on here is that right on the next meeting we're just waiting for a response from them to to Bill Zs okay thank you Paula um and then we've got uh let's see the public notification we covered um we're all the way to the business manager report yep and we already did some of it we did the sewer system update in the budget um grease traps we have um two businesses that are currently late with their March reports which we due on April 2nd um we sent them emails on April 3D and um we on um they are kindred spirits and bad Larry's Kindred Spirits has been consistently late on their reports this year um and if you remember with bad Larry they were going to install a new grease trap on March 18th uh Mr Warick indicated that his plumber hadn't yet installed it so he was going to get a new plumber um so today I sent an email requesting the status of that installation and I copied the property owner um external grease traps oh I should have said this when they were here um they're overdue for their pumping of the in Interceptor um so I did send them an email today but when I see Joshua tomorrow I will bring that up as well um they should have they've actually missed two reports they should have pumped in June and they should have pumped again in December um so I will talk to Joshua about that tomorrow apologies for missing that okay thank you um possible grant funding bill and I attended a meeting with the green communities chairman mat' Keef of Unitil and a couple representatives from the state grant program um the first step in this and Bill feel free to correct me if I say something wrong um first thing we need to do is determine if there's a significant Energy savings with the new pumps and the new vfds um so we did go through and C the run times which I sent to mattt O'Keefe I also sent it to Matt at right Pierce um and basically we need to fill out this chart of energy calculations and and it's something we're going to need help with so I asked Matt to give us a cost and just helping us with that um and he said he would take a look at it and get back to me um right now the estimated cost of the pumps and the vfds without Freight and Freight is going to be substantial is is approximately $25,000 um the maximum Grant award amount is $225,000 um so the key is whether or not we're going to see significant energy calculations with the upgrade so Bill I don't know if you want to add anything yeah the the most important thing is Energy savings so that's where we need right Pierce and that's where we're asking them to to help us with that um yeah there's not Energy savings doesn't sound like they would give us much money at all if any so we are still working on that um the last thing that I have is the demands and transfer to delinquent the transfer to delinquent which is what we just talked about when someone doesn't pay their prior fiscal year bill um it goes on their tax bill I it's been a very long process munice was not working um um we f after a couple of months of trying to get it to work we were finally able to to get it to work on on Friday the 5th um and $ 41,4 1914 was transferred to tax bills um demands we still can't do demands um and we have a very large percentage of our bills our Q3 bills that were not paid um we were not able to send demands on the third quarter bill um on the second quarter bills because munice was not working and that was a loss of about $4,500 for the commission um if we don't get the third quarter bills out um it's going to be a loss of $3,790 which is why I want to see if I can do them manually um basically using Excel and creating a Word document I don't know how it's going to go but I'm going to give it a shot um our delinquent rate is very very high um we sent 988 bills on in the third quarter and 379 of them have not been paid oh geez I'm so sorry Paula um so we appreciate your extra efforts well thank you thank you I don't I don't even know how to put in the words what's going on right there munice has been unbelievably frustrating and I think Bill can attest to that um yeah I that's what I was imagining I just I wish it was something I could say to make this better and I where do we go from here with that bill thoughts yeah yeah just yeah just uh let people know it's it's not the Sewer Commission it's not the sewer department that's it's it's munist this software we have and um Paula gives it 100% s every day eight hours a day pushing pushing pushing to get this fixed so it's tough we we're stuck I'm guessing it's small than 8 hours a day occasionally [Music] absolutely that's just an assumption I think about what you get done every day and I'm like how do you fit that into a there's no way so we greatly appreciate it well thank you so so um so is there um any comments or questions from any Commissioners uh that you have for Paula uh regarding her uh report on anything and are you completed Paula are you done just like to say I feel your pain Paula is anything it's been frustrating I get frustrated just hear about it and there any action to take that's the sad part yeah the worst part is you know try it in training and it works and then we try it in live and it doesn't work and then you have to try it again and again and every time you try it it's another hour another hour another hour um so it's been it's been very challenging um I will also say that the tax collector's office was having a lot of problems but according to the email I received today the tax file is finally generated so that's good news that's bad news to me well it's good news to her let me tell you I can only imagine lot more than 900 people and text to be text in town all right um is there any comment uh from the public no public in attendance except okay good and is is there um any public comment I mean any comment from the Commissioners or staff you're muted Michael you're muted I just want to thank Mike for his years of service for the to the commission and uh sorry to see him go uh enjoyed our absolutely thanks Mike back and forth um so uh thanks for the work thank you absolutely I would very missed Mike yes we're going to miss you and um you know you're always welcome back well it happened before you never know somehow or another right back in all right every time I try to get out so our upcoming uh scheduled Sewer Commission activities we've got um our April 30th regular meeting at 6 PM Zoom um there'll be um a May 4th town meeting at 6 PM no I'm sorry that's not at 6 PM that's at 9:00 am May 4th is the town meeting town meeting yeah it's 9:00 am yes well that's what I yeah so the town meeting on at 6 it says it here no and that's my typo apologies it's 9:00 a.m. oh okay um in any event um another regular meeting on May 14th and then on May 28th um and uh without further Ado does anybody want to um make a motion to close the meeting so moved all right anybody want to second that I'll second that that's awfully nice of you because other otherwise we'd have a very long meeting tonight um so let's take a a vote on that um Mike Mackin hi Mike n hi and I for myself and I want to thank everybody for being here and all your efforts this evening good night good night lunenberg good night everybody byebye