##VIDEO ID:XhLypIo0zrY## sounds good all right um Opening Our storm water task force meeting for Thursday September 19th um the agenda lists all topics to be discussed at the meeting and are those reasonably anticipated by the chair votes may be taken as a result of these discussions and not all items listed May in fact be discussed and other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by the open meeting law I probably should check if there's anybody on Zoom before I go through the thing because like if nobody's there just one just us just us well whatever all right so call the order um open up for public comment we don't see any public so we'll move past that um we don't currently have any announcements unless anybody has something particular um all right then we will move on to board discussion um and really the only thing we've got is trying to get back on track with our Outreach presentation um we've been gone for a bit um okay where did we leave off with our Outreach presentation we had kind of you'd put together kind of a skeleton yeah yeah I put my thoughts on paper where everybody reviewed it and everybody know on board with it yeah and my feeling is Nick is that his name from um CI yeah yeah so he had put something together was very informative I thought he did a great job and I kind of had maybe kind of went do it independently and then kind of like maybe merge the two yeah that's kind of the frame of mind I I'm in um so is there anything next is there anything they add to it do anybody um the the only thing I can think of adding is if we go to the town people and say we would like to establish utility they're going to say what do you want to do with the money and at the moment it's kind of we have a budget for a bunch of really cool trucks and machinery and video cameras and stuff but the projects are going to be expensive do we know how much those are going to cost right at the moment it's like we think it's going to cost dep bends on the project and big going to do do we have the ability to project like what our first couple projects are going to be do we have an idea of like what the list looks like I have a few lined up yeah okay okay so we have something that we can give identified those and I think I had listed them in in the presentation okay okay somewhere on the capital plan already right somewhere in your your uh chapter 90 I got to put it on both yeah see where it fits okay I can get some money so my wife knows someone flat hell and she said that that was one of the problem areas did you find something in the drainage system we did on last yeah on Page Street yeah we found a drainage pipe that wasn't taking water anymore so we dug it up and there was a big hole in it so we replaced the section okay we actually camed it first and found the hole so did that that was from the utility pole it looks like it yeah yeah did that fix any problems that you identified well it really hasn't rain right we've been lucky so yeah my lawn's turning we also a little bit further down from there we put a couple of waterways to take the water off the road send them into where there's a little creek you know so hopefully that helps too we're planning to do some burm work on flath hill just before paage Street try to keep the water out of Mrs wh and house yeah yeah um what about the detention Bas that's yeah so the town gave what 125 I believe was money yeah so they hired pows here in town they went in they mucked it all out it looks amazing it's night and day really yeah Y and they replaced the drainage structure yep the the outflow structure so when they took that out they noticed the pipe going out was completely rotted so we replaced that too so it looks like water was kind of getting around that outlet structure getting into that drainage pipe so it wasn't working properly but now it should work properly okay so did it come in on budget CU I think the Tres were supposed to right 125 pretty much paid for I think the excavation and the trustees were paying for everything else the structure which detention Basin was in village of flat hill Oh like they're they're on their private yes oh so because we approved that at concom and then they got it paid for it's not bad we gave some well we committed last year kind of a mutual will chip in some arpa yeah they been end maintain yeah so yeah they do have so that was the pipe oh my God yeah well it's kind of wrinkled up but you can tell it's not a pipe anymore no was it from when plot Hill was built right oh wow and that was 2004 oh yeah this another situation where we have to wait for it to rain to see how the system improved yeah it will be impr the question is is it going to make a difference on the road right and people living down street Chris manard sent me photos of the pipe on P Tre when was dug up yeah and the utility pool that looks like was it so this is kind of when they started cleaning it out I don't know if you remember what it looked like you couldn't tell it was just it was just green like you couldn't even see bottom nothing it was all vegetation so you telling me the okay as I understand the utility was in the it was right next to I so looks like they Dr this the utility company puts in the utility pool right yeah and they just it looks like they drilled down must have felt that they hid something pulled it up moved over a couple feet look at what you hit years ago who knows I don't know when the the Dig Safe fail it just took time for the pipe to fill up and cause trouble okay oh I don't yeah so this is oh wa here that's what it looks like now that they finished right so the Rocks there that's the for Bay to try to the water comes into that first section the for Bay will stop the water and all the solids will drop out but it goes the next section they go into that rock bed yeah difference right then it go to the next section where it can drain out okay so I go a drainage structure does that rock bed fill right is it going to go through that little hole Yeah right before it gets out it's not a very big hole no so that's going to slow it down right so this Pawn will fill up and then trickle through thatle that's the that's the point that's what it's supposed to do how it's supposed to work so it should work much better now but it's cleaned out and and it can hold more prop Outlet structure that was p Street pipe when they dug it up okay and that's obviously where they dug the hole that's what Chris manard sent me gotcha okay wow yes yeah this is one of the little waterways kind of cut in and that's right next to Chris mad's house yeah right before his house so the water should go in there and then down into the Little Creek that runs behind their house oh yeah of course right there right next to it yeah he all happy and then he he sent me a picture of the repaired pipe too so it looks it looks very nice yeah yeah intact there we go that's what we want that's the repair yeah yeah that's what he sent me yeah so he was happy I think yeah yeah you could see yeah that's exactly y you see what happened right yeah good so next rainstorm hopefully that area better how can it not be better it has it's a question of how much better yeah um so the AR that that's done right because because we need to get this money yeah that money spent yeah they just to get the the invoice so in good one project on excellent um as far as the presentation to is the mss4 certification what yeah so was that I don't remember if that I mean that's something the storm water utility should cover too right whatever needs to be done for that that's right what happened to the project so the school board denied it right the demo project yeah yeah they said we couldn't put it where we wanted to get P before we yeah so so what's the next step in that process we had a few other areas in mine so we'll have to go back and look at those and start again does it have to be somewhere like super public where everyone's going to see it is that the whole I mean that's the idea it's supposed to be demo right so we want people to see it it could be anywhere in town know but somewhere where people are gathering right yeah it makes more sense is there anywhere else that people gather where water also gathers like there's a lot of water yeah have to be Town property so yeah kind of limited is there enough room around the library how does it have to be yeah so we're looking at the back side of the library actually was one area okay actually walked through with Nick yeah we were kind of thinking in that area so okay is there a timeline like a deadline this has to be we pass I was to say wasn't it like July or June or something yeah but nobody's coming after there us so but we do need to move forward on it Nick's been hounding me for information so I'll get back to him and we'll get moving on that what else has to be done to be meet the MSS or ms4 whatever it ISS ms4 yeah um well this maintenance requirements uh cleaning catch spas and sweeping roads unfortunately we're not meeting those requirements just lack of man power or lack of funds to higher Ro we have the equipment we do if we had the bodies do we have the equipment we do okay can we have a list of the projects that aren't getting done as something to put on our presentation of like here's the kind of things that we're not able to keep up with I think some of that's already on there right John I believe so because if we're not compliant I mean nothing they could they could tomorrow come and say fine us yeah being fine Y and those can be substantial right yeah right exactly so that's one of our big selling points right why we need this so I watched the sh tell meeting when when they were trying to get their P that was their big selling point I think they use that too much and people didn't buy it so you know we have to have a better presentation or more thorough diverse presentation than just we're g to get fine was CI involved in that no they had a different Consulting it's also damage to roads safety I mean stuff that can cost more money don't fix people exactly I think um it's like what did Tony say the other at the meeting spend the nickel to save a dime sure exactly I to say that slowly because other say say it um okay so on our Outreach um I'm assuming we intend on having like an advertisement period um maybe we'll do some of our meetings from town hall if we have like an advertised pre uh uh public hearing um public hearing about uh all of this so we can start getting the temperature of what the town thinks and um kind of craft our presentation to better meet that um what how ready do you think the presentation that we have is to being something we can put forward there's something there sure okay get feedback sure yeah no of course um okay then may um should we how how far in advance do we need to advertise for a public hearing not like I'm assuming it's just sorry let me go back for a second advertising for a public hearing should we be doing that do we do we feel we are prepared to do that say like next meeting or the meeting after no I don't can we even call public hearing oh as I don't know if we have oh the but we probably can because I was wondering should we update like select board fincom conservation maybe and get feedback from them before going to the public sure yeah I think and have maybe Nick yeah um got to be nice if we could do it all at once but do we want to do this like go and give presentations to each of these boards I think presents something of what we're thinking yeah just our our basic kind of like skeleton I mean I know it's come up in the past because I think that this this task force has turned over quite a bit it goes back before you I think phis luck was on it and they started moving towards it and then it fell off and it's kind of done one of these right um it seems like the select board has opinions on how much is reasonable to put in a budget like this is right or I think fincom maybe would even be more equipped I just remember last Tom Jack R was trying to get something P for seniors and Tom wo kept saying shouldn't cost more than a cup of coffee oh that well that was that was the circuit breaker the tax relief for seniors yeah um so is this different or this is different because we are talking about taxing everybody that that senior tax program was we're going to relieve the burden on and very few people actually qualified for that you have to qualify for State circuit breaker but there there some people do so it helps some people this this is and and so that's very few people that it helps and it's distributed across everybody else in town this is going to hit everybody in town right it's an added fee does anybody have a gut sense for what the re what reasonable amount of this is not a good time to ask coming off of an override possibly heading towards another override yeah um Parks I think is going to bring an article forward at town meeting I mean there's a lot of people going like this right yeah which makes sense to me because inflation's been like pretty nasty but our town has been like two and a half% we're playing catchup but it just makes sense that everybody's going to be coming forward because otherwise the town count government shrinking just by virtual of inflation so I don't see big projects coming yeah and they're doing do diligence most I I think they're doing their jobs if they come forward and saying we want to do this we want to do that it's my opinion it's you are Charter so I think if I remember we were talking like $60 a year per household or something talking about maybe the big you know Walmart and with the big parking lot and contributing a lot of imp perable maybe a little higher right I don't know how to we'd have to I don't remember the numbers enough we'd have to really Sol go in there with a solid outline yeah and ask for feedback on specifics not just kind of this was yeah well he had a good budget the thing but there's a lot of equipment there it sort of like his wish list but you and he was willing to compromise he say if he doesn't get all the equipment but he just wanted to just put something out there on the table and give feedback um so just kind of of sort of need feedback honestly to tell people what we want to do cost and what's reasonabl yeah I think getting feedback on a specific plan is better than well we're kind of thinking this maybe that maybe what do you think you know multiple specifics but the projects are so vague it's hard to put a number on them that's the thing I'm if I were taxpayer and I heard it I would basically say how much is black to cost how much is West in the cost effect but he really can't commit to something unless he hires a civil engineer to do the design work and then right so you put a flatline budget in there so so it's reasonable I guess that's it kind of comes back to what's reasonable now like we have these line items that we really want to tackle it's like what's reasonable all these products is going forward that we really can't they're nebulous so to speak the presentation we got from CI did that I can't remember exactly did it have like mockups of what the kind of cost breakdowns were going to be like who's how much like a Walmart is paying versus how much I know we had on the resident side it was like $60 $70 something like that she had a couple different uh he showed like what a couple different towns did right using different models right yeah so is this something that we should have our own like here's we we've got our like expected goal we've got our our funding goal do we have yeah okay so he looks like he was doing a a million as a in revenue and then he did the the funding structures which was the one that was really complicated yeah was um trying to figure out how much imp permeable each house had having somebody come in and do survey and that sounds crazy and then um Ane Equitable runoff accounting which was kind of like in the middle and that was how was that structured oh wait here we go is in here are you looking for the yeah which side are you on um I'm on slide three page well yeah page three I'm me to throw this up on the screen no yeah we have like a am I on the the right thing I get up there oh yeah you have it I think that's it oh wait no that's John's I think that yeah so if you search CI you sent it out on um I just say six months ago you know what it's called I a hard copy but was called me do this you sent it to us on February 26 we shared it or you said it to me actually and that's what I had just joined I think that we had been leaning toward the kind of just a flat rate for most people and then looking at businesses and doing for like a tier system that's it yeah I think he gonna assess all the commercial property and established te for us right is that right didn't want 10 TRC recommend yeah yeah so the Chels for tier is on page four yeah so they got they 10 10 yeah that's too much how many over 300,000 would we have in Lunenburg as Walmart that warehouse is that warehouse over 10 over 300,000 parking lot's got to be yeah what's um what's the apartment complex by whing ar arve e yes they're huge it's so you I work with Nick on that see where he's at um where I was going with that is should we have like the basic drawing up of like here's what we expect everybody to be paying here's what we expect on the uh residential side the uh commercial side um before we start going to the other boards um and who do we talk to somebody about setting that up or is that something we do here is that something that would like be on your plate or is that somebody yeah so yeah that's I just WR Miss up not I'll talk to Nick about that yeah let's try to pin down numbers yeah because right now we're just kind of up in the air right so yeah I think we need something solid to go with when we go to the boards because they might say whoa that's way too much or yeah okay I can't imagine they'll say it's too little but yeah I might say that's too well when I was leaving um meeting T I think it was this week with Carter we're walking out to the parking lot and I mentioned I don't know how it came up with storm water you tell we were probably talking about all the things that are coming up at the budget and he laughed he said oh good luck yeah he said be here but he doesn't say if it's quarterly or annual is that 64 annual I that's annual that's that's my memory too he he said it takes a lot of Education yeah public education like a year a solid year that's what Nick's been telling us yeah so those two independent are saying the same thing if we were last year we were getting all that rain I think it might have been now we're in a drought so it's a harder sell right $60 annually kind of raises everybody's taxes by 1% assuming $500 per month per single family home that seems side well it's not a tax it's an invo it's a bill okay well all what you want so it's a one increase in 1% for the privilege of living in this beautiful Town that's all I'm saying so I my guts are telling me half a percent be maybe something we could sell 1% just seems like that I don't know that's something about the overhead that goes with implementing this putting it on the bill I mean the munus isues hopefully will be gone in a year one way or the other hopefully munus will be G maybe something one way or the other what's the what's the alternative to munus there's three or four of the that do the same thing okay I really like open go I don't know it's not the Sim not the same thing as munus but they can do the same yeah it's mun yeah so so you're G take the action to connect with Nick and find out if he's done his year just your work force I got the impression last time we met which I think was four months ago um could be well that's the last time I was in here anyway um my son had a beautiful wedding by the way just throw that oh congratulations um that he was kind of sort of bringing that the closure yeah he I think it discussion was PR was he going to recommend how many tiers he thought that we should do or yeah add my note that check do you think ni could be part of or give the presentation to the different committees he was open to that Ian he could do it remote yeah anytime we' had like a community event like this in Hickory Hills of you getting bring in subject matter expert or contractor it cares a l people so do we still think next town meeting is reasonable probably not I'm not feeling comfortable no I mean if we've got to go through the the process of like advertising this and we're looking at something like a year but then this is going to have to go at the end of that next fall St meeting is it that like a is fall town meeting a little bit harder I maybe we'll get lucky and next year it'll down for the whole time I mean annual town meeting it's in the spring it's usually that's the right time right yeah um how would it it's establishing a new utility and Enterprise fund well this spring what month is it in the spring may I mean we could 2026 yeah I mean we could yeah okay I mean there's just so much between we don't have a permanent Town manager yeah there's next fall how meting maybe but also advise on the public education Fe kind of a marketing campaign that goes with it I thought he saids he could it's like we can use social media to get information out the letter on website what else I don't know that's down the road all right here's roughly the trajectory I'm seeing at the moment we're going to start by pinning down the numbers with Nick then we take it to um fincom maybe select board whoever we think is a good fit um and then after that we start the process of advertising and having public meetings to discuss and adjust and do whatever will make this more palatable to the public what we could maybe think of doing and being ready to do is give an update at next in sure the tell meeting in May yeah just let everybody know this is what's coming start getting involved if you want to be heard on it yeah something yeah that's good oh um we have a new L use director did he start he started Chris Riley yeah he was on last night yeah he seems good did he just start Monday good so I met him today and first thing I said is we have a store and water a task force meeting tonight there's too short notice otherwise he would be here see that would be he very helpful in conservation last night he had some good I and he has storm water background he told me where so has he done this before in another I asked him he said no okay I don't know anything of his background like I haven't seen his CV yeah he's been at a couple of pounds I guess so so yeah when I heard slug board meetings yeah good yeah so that's that's a positive for us Chris Riley is that his name yeah he knew his native plants so do you think this we should go to conom for any advisement I I don't think that it would hurt um I don't know how much STM water background there is in conservation a rich BR has a lot of experience and all kinds of yeah stuff but I don't think going to anybody could hurt well I know their your agendas are I mean you guys are still digging out right we are still digging out from things that happened between like November of 23 and maybe like March of 24 all the other stuff has seemed to kind of be moving along okay but as far as our agenda now we're actually done by like 9:30 or oh my God on Sund so that's amaz because they would go after 11 that's that's so that's been nice yeah that's good so J it will Chris Riley then attend these regularly it sounds like you well okay maybe via Zoom but that's okay fine yeah great and if if CI doesn't have any like ability to help with Outreach or any of that stuff there's also Ley whon and they they're at the conservation conferences a lot but they're really good at the Outreach stuff if we wanted to find someone else he might fill that Gap have you heard of them no horley Whitten horley Whitten h o r s l e y Whitten w t t n they're amazing that we mean setting up a contract with them and everything are they a civil engineering s yes okay so they're civil engineering but they're also you know they they focus on Outreach and like sustainability green storm water infrastructure all the the fun storm water stuff all these details so do we start really trying to put together the update for the different committees like the presentation nailing that down is that the yeah between CI and what you put together already i' be kind of nice if we kind of took Nick's in mind and then kind of saw there's because Nick could be like a baseline And if there's anything that is in mind that we should add to next time we should just make one presentation with all the best of the best on both of them it feels like wean them there's there's some I would like to think some I kind of didn't look at N I thought it was great and I actually bought a lot of material but I wanted to think about it independently sometimes something just kind of leavs you down the path you don't you miss stuff so you like to it's nice to think independently about a problem and kind of come back and circle back and and see what the other people are thinking so that that be our recommendation is to merge the two and come up with one make sense for the T and um somehow come up with justification for the money weing so maybe if you can't put numbers on it basically document the process or at least describe the process basically say we have to hire a civil engineer bring one a contract they usually want this much money and depending on the scope it's going to be at least 3,000 bucks to half million bucks do at least describe the process so people understand what it is how long it takes yeah and how much it could cost if depending on the scope of it staff included in your plan if I remember right oh definitely yeah yeah like an engineer typ somebody for billing and somebody for maintenance equipment operator may have had more but definitely I I remember three definitely but I might not I don't trust my memory any okay so if we want to give an updated at Springtown meeting we have to get before the whatever board we're going to go before before then sure and to get in front of fincom from I forget their calendar maybe February they start their part the pre the presentations budget presentations from all the Departments they actually have a calendar yeah of what Department's going on forget about getting on the agenda go there is once I enter budget season yeah yeah we're done so it could be you either go like April probably or December okay maybe might be able to squeeze in and January well let's target December for if we can and then if not we'll pick up whatever spot they'll give us is is there meetings in high demand or something I mean I guess possible get in talk to these guys during the budget P every department they have a schedule of like fire and DPW go and and library and whatever and school right schools probably gonna are they just going once this year I hope I don't know and then there's public hearings that have to be schedule too so their budget season is really mapped out now um I mean last year man they were like back-to-back nights they were every week they were they were long yeah they're volunteers with yeah I stood at the podium two and a half hours and suffered the next day for it and there they have one vacancy soon to have two I think yeah so I think I have but well we could get it from Evan the count he he went through dates one of a recent incom and put s on an agenda St popping oh income agenda yeah yeah I think probably s you probably did I think you're right not coming up well I'll see have good Monday night I can ask um and then I don't know if we want to go to select board that should be easier to get on I mean I don't want to distract them from budget from the budget stuff that's all because this isn't going on this year's FY 20 it won't be FY 26 bud so that's going to be enough sh around that how long are fcom meetings normally I was looking at an agenda in there it can be very long there's a lot of stuff on there um not even embarrassed to say I fell asleep watching out Zoom couple ago it can be it can be three hours you've been couple times they like to ask me a lot of questions so so we've got a rough map um which is good um does anybody think they have anything else regarding our Outreach or presentation or what we're going to be doing for the next trajectory for the next couple months all right do you think we can how long do you think we need to pull this together to pull a de together to go okay you think two meetings yeah so I'll do the merge okay then we can talk about the next meeting and if we want to you know tweak it or delter add more information we can do that maybe we can get Nick's buy off on it Tim do we need Nick for the next meeting um I know where he's at with some of this stuff if he has some of it prepared maybe it would be good to bring him in talk about bit about the slide deck right let's let me find out where he's at so when he comes I'm some he bills us right yes yeah so yeah so is it we'll get our money's worth I mean he doesn't make sense to bring him in yeah like I said it depends on how much you got done if it's valuable for us then see see if he's got that TI I mean if he has material he can just send you and that's enough you to P together yeah or he could take what he gave us as a Baseline and apply a Delta for us and then send that out that whatever makes sense to him has he for example be nice to have puros tear structure and people are don't want to know how much money is going to come from Walmart how much money is going to come from commercial how much money is going to come from residential so we can begin to answer those kinds of questions is he see in your deck no oh get that back didn't you send it all to him like six months ago he came back with I think you're right d yeah an outline that's what we gave him an outline and he came back and made recommendations and I tailored my outline to his recommendations and that's what went that's what went my presentation so I'll definitely do that I'll merge the two and basically say we should you know update this app to us try to do our best projections and what whatever makes sense to compliment so is there is there going to be another ask for another override I don't know I would not be surprised common sense says it should because like I said we're slowly shrinking our local town government because inflation just kind of makes sense that they would say let's get back to normal you know even with a override town they were still cutting for the school budget they were still cutting School budg okay um so that seems like some pretty good updates we've got going on in a pretty good direction um moving on to the mystery of the missing meeting minutes um so none of the I guess for three years uh they don't have any meeting minutes oh that's before all yeah maybe not John though we're only going back to January January is what we're responsible for this yeah our first meeting was September 28th I was at so I found what I could okay they upload it look at the screen this is 22 sure there's only three of them minutes is on the right there boxes there's not many there 23 oh we didn't have many meetings and not much better 24 so we're doing better 23 was very quiet year um right July 18th I don't think I think that's one we had a we didn't have a quorum I one yeah so that one I don't know what February 22nd I couldn't find that one um I have that in my email from Danielle oh good um the only thing there's a minute you're not on it I'll send it is this the full name 12022 323 21 42122 this is really random times with a lot of space in between 91522 that one's up what were the other ones um 42122 that's up here 32321 these are probably the ones that are up there uh yep that one's up there so these are the ones that are up there probably yeah so what happened to the other ones I don't know is there a one drive somewhere kicking around that's what I'm I seem to recall we had Drive here's a bunch we have February that's agenda these are agendas yeah oops it doesn't seem like there's much happening in the SharePoint for storm water that's a we do have a one drive there's a hiccup in which I accidentally made a second one drive um so I just have to make sure that everything's in the right folder um so should we take find it at all one drives and bring that all into SharePoint uh potentially so that we have everything in one place because SharePoint I think would be better for shared stuff okay sounds good somebody just needs to point me where to because that'll be my so do you or four yeah do you use SharePoint or is that where you're looking now is then the storm water that I found a link for that because Adam Bernie sent that out yeah even before he left I that's where everything should be that's the one it's supposed to be I point oh oh no sorry I thought that was the one drive so I think that there's like people call one sometimes SharePoint one drive and one drive SharePoint so one drive is technically like your personal like okay what used to be like your own files and theno would be like what your shared Drive was yeah one drive is what the planning board uses okay or Google Drive uh no just the the one drive we use Google all right here a mess school I have to get a school email so I could access the Google Drive that was set up for the budget task force because it was set up by school yeah I had to get a school email just to get access to that and so the schools are still on Google Drive and so is selectboard but we pay for but you have a town email right I have a town email I've got a school email so your town email is backed by Microsoft 365 which means that we're paying for a license for you so are we double paying for licenses I I don't know that's they're trying to get everything that's on the list yeah the whole document organizing sharing yeah sharing with the public all of that yeah what does concom use we are mostly using SharePoint now but now we're moving toward open gov because everything can be stored in open gov and it's much more streamlined for us so I have then I feel like Danielle gets us the minutes like yeah so did she have all the old minutes or did she just start doing that I think I have the emails yeah yeah I found them I have we have all of the minutes since uh December 23 December 2023 um so we've got that January 18th February 22nd March 17th uh April 18th I seem to be missing a may I have a May 16th here do okay you want me forwarded to yes please uh and so I'm not sure about that one uh I I know we've approved everything up through April okay done that's what I didn't know what we what we voted on what we approved yeah that's what I don't know we had uh a zoom meeting in which uh John and Bill weren't there so we decided not to um certify the minutes okay and those were the minutes for uh June 20th so I'm relatively certain everything before that we have done okay yeah so I got it up there now the share point for storm water yeah and you know the people that are on it listed so Tim Danny John you're all there yeah I can get into that you know what I missed out on yeah what happened with Matt see officially on oh yeah yes I finally got him to send an email saying he off so they've been announcing every right Carter announ yeah keep yes he keeps announcing yeah that there's an opening so wait who's announcing the Carter the insur town manager during his weekly report at selectboard okay but there's also um also has an opening he announed that oh cuz a bob yeah yeah that's been longer than that's been yeah and Personnel is there's no personel committee no Personnel committee none and what does does that help select Personnel for a town or what does the Personnel committee do yeah good question is that the reason they're gone um I heard of this committee so some of the people in town are in unions some of us are in they call the salary Administration plan right okay and what's their r with that so they they said it set the the wage rates place the prevailing positions right and what what step been great in The Matrix someone new hires you assume they're going to start It Whatever grade it is but step one anything over step one the Personnel committee has to approve so that's a reason why you're not stabing somebody at step on they might have a ton of experience or maybe you want to step four or something sure okay okay so so we need to get the minutes in here we should get anything s water related ha if you want if if some body knows where the rest of the stuff is I can help do a transfer sure so the the minutes once approved have to go up on the the website this is the town's website so I could send them it's the town clerk's office they post them okay so only February is missing and then today of course yeah oh they have the 202 24s okay yeah this 24 pretty good I think July 18 meeting we had to cancel I don't know that we've um what's what's the thing called where we go through the minutes and say yes this is correct uh approve yes we haven't approved the minutes for uh June 20th oh okay that's I didn't look at that I just threw them up sure yeah oh yeah they wouldn't have been CU yeah we didn't have a meeting in July yeah we could approve them now and I don't see why now everybody's got their emails um I think we went back and forth on comments right so oh that sounds correct I can't imagine that there's any problems with they now June 20th well no that's the meeting I wasn't at so I can't talk on that one I see the agenda the minutes up on no sorry June 20th was the meeting that uh the zoom meeting yeah I couldn't yeah these are the minutes yeah okay they're always from Danielle right yes why I don't even see them um where did I just find it in these minutes it says the minutes from 5:16 when not voted on either right there okay oh oops then that was the one that we were talking about because we were at the June 20th meeting and yes yes for that reason we didn't so we've got two sets of minutes that need approval hey this is doing a lot better than some other board's minutes did you see the the AI oh yeah thing yes I did stumbled on that today I've read minutes that were AI generated oh when you're looking something and then it shows no actual minutes written up by AI yeah like there like you're Googling something about Lunenburg and then it like brings you minutes no I mean like minutes that were pulled together by someone and submitted or review they were this is just I don't know who doing it but are you on Google or something yeah yeah that's what's Google's AI called it's called something yes thank you all right so I have May and June here um these minutes are nice and succinct and accurate um yeah you seen this is this yeah that's trying yes yeah no I've seen yeah yeah I was reading it one that I was in and I'm like I didn't say that that was somebody else it's not it's AI is not it's not good it's only going to get worse yeah it's supposed to be like doing the things that we don't want to do just all this it like added like a lot of Flowery language tons of adjectives and like four verbs in a it's like it made no like R it just made no sense it's like what um so since John and and Bill weren't at the June we sure make separate motions yeah okay um we'll start with the the May 16 516 um I'll make a motion to approve the minutes on May 16 2024 yeah can we get a second second all right all in favor I I I okay these were ones that you were at they were yes the 516 yeah the ones you okay good that's the 516 and then was not at you were not at the 620 so I'll make a motion to approve the minutes for June 20th 2024 second all in favor great all of our minutes are awesome these are already posted right yeah they're already posted let yeah wait was 620 the last time we met yes yeah okay um and we've already discussed the BMP demo um next meeting uh will be the 17th of October okay yeah I've already got in my calendar I'm good there we go excellent um all right unless anybody has anything else to add then I'll accept a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn all in favor cool good meeting so who would be in charge of taking Matt Proctor off of the storm water so that