##VIDEO ID:4imjbXm0mt4## okay we good we're in ladies and gentlemen welcome to the lunberg water district Commissioners meeting December 18th at 408 p.m. we'll start by saying the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America to the stands indivisible liberty and justice for all screw that oh we should have been clicking a pen to keep caes yeah we're going to review and sign some warrants here my got paid yeah Jesus yeah they do a lot of work though yeah it shows well supposedly that's still didn't it go up last year every year it kind of goes up a little bit it went up by 500 this year I think it went up by a th000 last year but I it's from my understanding we're still at the very low end of what we could be paying so yeah wellow yeah uh he'll be here next who's Bruce Walker well he does uh the pH probes okay yeah he rebuilt the chlorine meter and the pH meter at l number one we couldn't get accurate pH readings and we calibrated and stuff we just couldn't get it to work we repl the probes this actually actually there a backup prob in there too so we B two we'll have a Mr asaz look at those minutes when he has a chance also and we'll keep moving right along we'll discuss the purchase of a used loader we bought so yeah we found a nice nice loader and asham uh beat them down price 40,000 it's up 2009 uh nothing fancy not to beat up I think it's good enough for you know we don't use them a whole lot justad the trucks and stuff and uh I think it's a pretty well needed piece of Machinery put place that's great we expect to see that tomorrow tomorrow hopefully all right and that was purchased out of all the water Ms and equipment yeah okay can't wait to see it me too yeah I'm come in handy yep Yeah clean that hole up top um wait for John John I'll accept a motion to approve the meeting minutes of December 4 2024 still move all right he did it did it uh commissioner superintendent clerk treasure editions you got uh well we can just talk about our little site visit so uh and hopefully we all can chime in on this one so uh today at 1:00 we had a tour of the Townsen water treatment facility which also is the garage the new office and garage and uh it was a it's a very nice building uh had four pest uh GAC GR AC carbon filter uh towers and it had uh which I wasn't never aware of uh some new uh bag filters they call them it's a pref filter to before it gets to the P pass to keep those uh the past fil is cleaner longer longer term which to me is all great idea so it cost you some money but it saves you money in the long term I think the one takeaway just to add on to that was the the bag filters don't um there's no P in them it's just basically like an external vacuum filter you might say so when that gets uh full you can just like throw it in the dump so there's no hazardous materials in that which I thought yeah so it'll catch like a piece of any kind of sediment or something has a substance will will catch it so instead of the instead of the media catching which I was so so this system had four four capsules or whatever the towels whatever they call and uh so they operated on two of them so when when two of them are full and need to be replaced the resin the uh media then they switch to the next two and then they have the they bring in the truck and they had the whole setup with it you you discharge the media by piping which I thought did it so but it's it's done through the PIP right off the outside door Y and his estimated cost for the uh media was uh two estimate $200,000 and he thinks he was going to get years two years so so I don't think the the maintenance cost is that expensive and towns and P F was like very high one of them was 125 on one of the I mean they're blending but like you know on but compar that's why this plant's already up and built because they they failed the the uh old regular 70 yeah I mean the 20 yeah so they they they they on the fast track they had to do something so but uh you it was a good good for us to see I didn't think the building was was I thought it was going to be bigger you know I didn't I didn't I didn't see uh it seemed pretty tight though I mean everything was pretty tight it wasn't a whole lot of room between stuff but I'm not sure you need I clean enough to move around and fix I think the other thing too is that being their office shop in P facility we're really just looking at the P facility we didn't the other portions of that were nice but I mean not something we we need yeah did Ty and Bon talk to us about that bag system I uh nothing I've ever heard of but I mean Ty and Bon designed that so I would imagine that would probably be they would right probably probably just part of the natural the normal treatment plan slash you know I mean I don't know what that cost or is needed or what I just thought it was kind of neat i' never heard of it and I'd be interested in yeah but we want to go the best of the cheapest I mean that seems to be the cheapest cuz I don't like I say I don't remember them talking about uh using them bags to remove everything before the PE pass and then throwing the bags in the dumpster I think the bags I think we got I think the bags are nothing more than like putting a bag over your rir filter there you know you know just just you know a pre- filter type of thing yeah so yeah things I did notice that you guys probably the the very two very large sodium hydroxide tanks there was uh yeah so like keting wall has one not even as big as those although is wi not as tall PJ said think 2500 gallons yeah so I'm not sure what those were but they the two of them then they the big sodium hypoc chloride tank uh yeah to me so everybody knows I'm not a chlorine out in the system kind of guy because people don't like it so to me I would push just because you have to clate when you go through the the meteor and stuff correct uh to me I I would like to add just a minimal amount just to make sure that the water's disinfected when it leaves and if and it fall possible I would prefer to do a u like so you you wouldn't even detect anything no so I prefer I'm not sure if that'll fly but just say know I'm going to try for that anyway so even if we I'm going to do the UV light anyway and then uh then if you have to do any chlorine because UV light will kill any anything uh any organic matter it's destroy destroyed so when you add the chlorine it's uh less that you need to inject anyway because it has nothing to fight so no matter what it's it's a it's a good way method of treatment so but than that I was I was impressed it was a nice I was glad we went there and took a look at it it was nice to see how somebody else did it you know they did a lot of things there's a lot of infrastructure there that we wouldn't need I mean they built a new garage and even the area out back and all that other stuff is like but the uh but the actual treat the actual treatment plant itself I mean it's you know I mean it's I don't want to say it's pretty simple but it's four tanks and piping and I meant to ask him about the size of the building but I forgot we should find out about that just not the yeah yeah even the size of the garage in the in the building itself I know I know it was 40t tall y y that but and then the the the the nice thing was the principal forg this what did you say was 33% they already got eight and they're going to get more or something to that effect yeah yeah so they they principal forgiveness is a huge thing that we could yeah well we had some of that too but that's going down the road it's so any but it was it was a good thing interest we're not a public com this your first meeting I didn't go I wasn't a banker thank God yes um so yeah I thought it was we we were invited to the air plant I think that would be interesting to go to in air they you know they they they said there things that we need to do that they did that they don't recommend so uh yeah so I think because a was so one of the first ones that a lot of things have been learned and by the time we build our plant maybe we're going to say there a better way than town and we we don't know that exactly but no it is nice to kind of see some of these you're right there may be some featur that are on these really there there are costs that we don't need but likeing talking to him and I would like to talk to a l and other these places that are hopefully somewhat Apples to Apples of uh maintenance cost is another one you know we found out some information but this is this facility is really only four weeks old or at least you know it's very new so the actual numbers we can't grab quite yet but you know did you notice the um the wall behind the four tanks yeah yes is that uh serve a certain purpose hold the I think it was the uh the the chemical tanks oh you know like in case the light wall I mean look it was it wasn't a clear wall but it was a wasn't a cement block wall back side facing yeah I think it's to get the tanks in and out if they had to there's a big no no no no tanks way higher than that no that wall I know what you're talking it was like a think so yeah it was it looked like a garage door it doesn't open and close yeah you know what I'm say it almost like to let light in or something like it maybe it was to easily come down so they could I think they could get the if they had to service something in there it's it was a maybe some way maybe I'm sure you know yeah see when you when you put in a a tank chemical tank you have to contain it he's not talking about that I I know what you're talking about there was a wall structure on the back wall if you looked on the outside at the big building there was this it looked like a large garage door but it wasn't a garage door you know so like maybe that could be taken down versus busting out the blocks if you had to it was big enough to get one of those tanks you know is my assumption yeah yeah I thought was that was pretty good yeah it was a pretty good uh on the other side so if anybody wants they they they used to only have two service guys out they had a superintendent two service guys and now they have five five people and they have roughly 1500 yeah water yeah I think it's 15 16 we're at400 so they're slightly smaller than us but I guess the other thing with their facility is their Wells are Stones throw away they're they're close three them some some of right but the other ones that no don't what's uh what's the rate on the water you know we've compared it it's yeah I mean is it about the same or they weigh higher or lower what they charge their residents their rates yeah I it's similar I don't I think it is similar but I don't I I don't know I can go back I got old notes when we were trying to look at we were looking we adjusted our water rates I remember looking at there we look at all the surrounding towns and they're all yeah see and it's tough like because I talked to Fitchburg limits there a lot of the towns and they they're on the ready to raise their rates you know because we had a lot of comments that hey we're High than all these people so when I called all them all them we're right on the verge of raising our rates actually High than mberg so yeah so I think we're right line Townsen uh Townsen has always been cheaper than lunenberg uh I'm thinking about the amount of money that they've spent down there and yeah they're spending a ton more so I'm not sure they where's it coming from you know I mean I know they're getting it from the great from um the grants but still it's yeah they get some money tied up there but they had no guarantee so they must you know what I mean it's not like they built this and said oh let's hope for it because they knew they had money but they didn't know they had all of it so they're still probably making some kind of payment so I'm sure they had I'm sure they are plus like you said they were part of that early wave of Muses right yeah the fast tracks you that to the treatment in general time Bond's coming tomorrow at 11 o' uh they asked for a meeting I'm not sure what it inails maybe it's for the grant money for the I we trying to do that plan for implementation plan I'm not sure what they're up to so maybe talk about town they didn't want to give you heads up or anything just like hey can we me 11 they were good to meeting towns and they said K can we stop by and meet you at 11: I'm like yeah it's fine so I think it was just a check in like they knew we were going they were going to tomorrow in the area we'll swing in and see what's going on I don't think it was yeah they're going to charge us don't don't get him going I better get you for lunch um that's all I got I don't know I'm um we talked last time about um getting a price for serving around the 400t radius around hi Hills y um so I reached out to Haley Ward which was um Whitman and Bingham we've used them for a lot of our site work so I got a price from him to State The 400t Zone one well radius um basically it was I don't think it put an exact thing in here but it was he came in and he talked to us showed us a map and it was basically setting a couple of pins couple Flags visual flags and everything like that more so just Hands-On sight stuff um so his quote was1 1850 for them to come out and do that engineering okay the first thing I'm going to say is that's all right but I want permanent pins in there I don't want stakes in the ground that somebody is going to come down and pull out throw away it want a rebot driven in the ground yep so spot we talked about so there is there's three different ones there's only want to do it once there's a steak regular steak you put it in put your flag on people can easily rip it but we'll at least have a visual part there then there were the what were they 3 ft the Ste the steel pins three foot steel pins which he can actually get you know down in the ground Mar it so we'll see it but then if it gets covered you could still mow over it you can still do it we can easily find it like it looks like a big man yeah or there was the third one of the actual yeah so we didn't go that we went this this price included like I don't know half a dozen pins and then U you know three foot stakes in the ground yeah and then um we can find what a metal thing if we want yes and then Stakes around it with the flag so that that's were 12 or six six pin six five or six we we basic strategic yeah I mean it basically was the wells here he was going from Water's Edge to water okay I wasn't the going a water but okay yeah so he was doing like I got you in couple here couple here and then doing a couple Flags next to them and then a couple Flags in between because if some they wanted to pull it out of the ground they could but at least this way we had that okay and then we got a GPS unit we can actually beam up the exact line oh so we only need the metal detect we say it's it's right should do that right after they're in the ground maybe when they're there yeah okay all right yeah I even asked them if somehow we could upload their data from there yeah we just go back with our GIS type of thing okay so I don't know if this is just something you guys want to think about do I say we do it I mean it's a professional service yeah I'm all I'm all in favor do we need to vote on it I would I make a motion we have uh Alien Ward alien Ward yep uh survey the 400 ft around our well at Hickory Hills and um for 1,8 how much 1,850 1850 1,850 all those in favor all all right okay so I'll keep you guys posted on that okay um that's oh no I'm sorry one last thing um remember how we talked about um with the billing invo Cloud I was changing those structures I just got in I really was pushing them to have everything the the billing goes out January 1st I wanted everything to go into effect when the new bills came out where they just got me an email and said that they're getting held up working with the credit card companies whatever so it doesn't look like it's going to go through till the end of January so my initial thought was this kind of stinks because I don't I hate changing it mid cycle for people but he assures me that it will be done before the end of January which which I would say majority of anybody who's goes in on invoice cloud is will be February 1st they do the automatic PS so I I'm for me I think we should still roll with it um I don't think it's worth waiting another till the next quarter till April um as long as it doesn't mess up from your end it shouldn't it shouldn't mess anything up on my end I and I'm going to make sure as and I told them I said as as soon as you know the date that this can happen I'm I've already been working on the Facebook page I want to work on the website I want to get the word out to people that hey I mean it might be worth with the bills hey you know come the end of January just to give you a heads up the structure changing I don't know I I'm trying to do my best to let people know yeah regardless I'm sure people will have something to say but that got delayed a little bit but it's but it will go through sure I think we should press on with that that's I think so too because by April we'll have that quarter but then by July October those are the high ones and this is going to give those people those options to pay their bills above the $300 limit so yeah that's it any public comment this evening yes Dave Rogers 82 Highland Street Mr Rogers how can we help you didn't didn't want to disappoint you um the explain to me uh the rationale um for spending $40,000 for a loader I can do that if you'd like all right so we currently have uh a backo here and then we have the old JCB backo which is let's just say a half a backo all right when generally speaking if we were to do a water main break uh we would be deploying the backo out to the site to dig load into to the truck and haul the Dirt away when we need to haul the dirt so then sometimes we need to haul sand dirt other back you need to either bring that backo back here or get the jcv over here to load the dump trucks in the back's at very limited reach as to what you can get into the truck all right where a loader which has about three to four times the size bucket that that has and has the higher capacity to dump makes it much faster to load it with the back hole right now you may even have to like go on the other side of the truck to dump it into cuz it's like barely getting over barely getting over so um I was very much in favor of getting a machine like that also in the fact that like so we just did this whole massav water main replacement there was a lot of there was a lot of material that that got moved around and the the backo the savings of just having that machine time wise is that was a contract bid I'm sorry no but it's even for that but there still fill here there's still there's still material to move they remove yeah so on the little back hose there was at least 14 buckets to fill the truck so I mean when you when you need to fill the truck you you were there for a long time and and like uh what he said you you can't usually got the dump truck you want to dump and drop the dirt in you couldn't you would drop it on the side and you're trying to push it over it it was very difficult the JCB uh it's it's old you know and and the bucket didn't hold so you lift it up to try and dump it and the Piston the the Hydraulics leaked so it would just drop back on the truck so you trying to lift it up now it's stalling so yeah so it's it's the point of where we needed to uh remove the JCB from the from the equation and we felt that you know without spending a whole lot of money this this was the the cheapest way to do it so basically it boil down to the the JCB is getting cycled that you know it needs to go it needs to go so it was either do we buy another back to replace it or do we get a loader and we felt that the loader would be the better replacement for that we doing the right thing John I was just going to ask you if you wanted to hear my opinion yes we are because I'm all in favor of starting to do our own water lines main lines the ones we can do not like the one on massab where you got a bore and and all that stuff but that way there we can get rid of these Engineers we can get rid of the prevailing wage and we can save a ton of money a ton just what we pay for engineering is what was the engineering down there on 2A I think it was 200,000 200 Grand just just for engineering for that that simple waterline and I mean you know anybody knows that you turn the water on and it go through the pipe how much engineering do you need about 200,000 $200,000 worth so you know I mean it's just getting out of control and then when you start paying these guys prevailing weight that's 40% of the cost of the bid 40% so you're going to save a ton of money all right good um talking about the the uh uh Engineers I'm sitting here listen to your talk and um I I haven't been to every meeting but I never heard uh any alternative uh for past uh in the neighborhood of2 200,000 bucks oh for for exchanging the media uh well just in this case like towns and they know the size of their their media Chambers so they know how much they they're going to need like in case of lunberg we don't know what size Chambers we're going we're going to have so we don't know those numbers until the plants actually designed so once the plants get design we're going to say okay you need you know this much uh media the the the the activated carbon uh filter media and then we can say okay well how much is that going to cost and then we can you know put put numbers together with it town and town in case they know that they know the size of their Chambers do you think it's just an arithmetic computation right nck yeah probably well and he said he kind of implied that it was his he they were at a certain percentage already what he say were at 19% so generally they thought a year two a year and a half and he say and our hope is to get two years so so that's what they're it wasn't a solid yes it's going to cost us $200,000 every two years it was the way things are going right now it's still very new but the way things are progressing we should get two years out of these filters and those two filters will cost us $200,000 so that's where he came up with that number they haven't changed it yet but that's what he was implying right that is not that's not a concrete number that's a that's a guess that's a guess of what it's going to cost yeah and unfortunately it is what it is you know well I'm I'm sure but my point is not once have I heard anybody from the engineering side of the house say you know this is an alternative and they're doing it in in Townson and you know uh because everybody was giving us a push back you know on the cost of of all of this stuff so um I was just you know concerned that we hadn't heard anything like this well see now that now that we've gone in Townson and we've got this little bit of information that we've picked up yeah we can bring this up to the engineers just like when we go to air they're the ones that designed it well I think also at the time too as you know if you let's say roll back a year for example when we were you know going through a lot of this even at that time people didn't know even at that point the exact cost of getting rid of x amount of tons or yards of P Fass you know yeah so it is still a very evolving but that's not a factor with with this proposal with the four units it's it's it doesn't well it is not the pee fast it's the material that comes out before the pee fast that you're talking about right the bags that you take I I I guess I was asleep I I thought I heard uh you guys say that that um this uh when you when you get rid of the stuff socalled it's it's not a hazardous waste it's not it's not a big thing you can just you know throw away that's the B I think we're talking about two separate things da just so you know uh Imagine The Silo that contains the P remediation material okay this bag is a small smaller uh vacuum fil it's like the size of that little yeah it's smaller it's just a small look like maybe a 55 gallon drum and there's literally I guess a bag in there with a filter and what that filter is doing is grabbing any sand any micro type of uh uh just physical stuff okay not chemical physical so by pulling it out there that little piece of sand doesn't get filtered out in our over here and our past revation clogging it up faster so anything it's literally just filtering out particles sandes it doesn't f so the past passes right through it takes out everything except the P fast so basically when now when the water enters into the past chamber it's pure pure water with bad chemicals in it that the past things can do it in other words if we didn't have this and like some sand some junk got by now it clogs it up here which is almost like unnecessary if we could have grabbed it here and make that last longer so maybe that's the oh it's probably my mistake because I you know but and thank you for the explanation now now simple math tells me that that's ,000 bucks a year sure right uh and and again when they're talking about all of this stuff that that was a position that nobody knew correct there's no way and how we could c cap you know say that this is that so I I guess maybe I'm just too sensitive uh about uh this because you know very frankly I was uh at the at the response that the the populace uh gave this this commission I mean I you know and um you know I just wanted to make sure that that that all of this stuff is it's defensible you know it's an alternative so if if that is the case and that's fine uh now um educate me again um would we have to theoretically uh put this kind of a progam uh in place with the the keing well socalled uh the Hickory Hills uh well so-called and any other uh well that that we need to you know uh work on are you talking about the the bag filter or um I think it would just be part of the treatment plan so so on all in towns and they didn't need any pre-treatment prior to to the P so the bag fil is a Cas was probably a good idea in our case uh certain Wells need iron and manges removal so it those are going through its own separate filters so maybe that wouldn't that would take the place of that I totally agree the heating well is the unknown one with the the hard water maybe that would have the bag built up sure uh the hard water seems to be the biggest the toughest thing the biggest hurdle uh right now uh because it's got a lot of side issues you know you know like the the brine the leftover the backwash the 8,000 gallons or whatever we don't know any of this stuff but it's the engine is like you know it's got some some serious concerns but we're going to the still G so we don't really know the exact information yet but uh it could be I don't want to like advertise this bag filter as like oh that's all you need it's just something else they had an additional too that I was like oh that's kind of neat that's going to pull out any little thing you know you still need P treatment you still need all that stuff it just may help uh give you a little more time with your M media in and you're right if you had iron and magines and hard water the filtering units to take that out might be already grabbing that and we never put one of these backs in yeah I just going to say we might not even need might I just happen to see be like that's a pretty cool IDE well obviously you know my uninformed uh background is is if we can save some money that's fine but that's not the key as so far as I'm concerned the key is to solve the problem okay and if we can solve the problem um with an alternative kind of a a program uh but something that we should listen to okay and and the thing that you know um concerns me is that our Engineers the same Engineers that worked in in town right didn't uh bring this to our attention and maybe it's because you can't do it you know well I I also want don't want to say that they didn't bring it to our attention because we would we have yet to see like the scope of what that treatment plant was fully going to be because well like the Hickory Hills well didn't happen you know what I'm saying I mean there was a pilot but we didn't sit there and go through like these intense DRS maybe it wasn't there or not I don't know yeah you know so I I I I completely understand what you're saying I just maybe going to throw a little Caution that maybe they did throw it in there and we just never saw it because yeah we never got to that point we never got to that point anyway so but it's also not really an alternative yeah it's still it's just one more step it it's a very very small minor step overall think it's a dangerous word to use as alternative it's not an alternative it's just an addition to and it's very small it could make a big impact by removing those small particles from the final stage of going through POS but that wasn't this isn't things are moving this isn't oh if you do this this is going to save you thousands I mean millions of dollars it's it was just a hey if we add this it's going to help extend the life of these filters so I don't think it was ever them not coming to us and saying that it was an alternate Source like you said it okay yeah so so the jury's still out on this thing right it was just something I saw that was like that's a pretty good idea yeah good well that's fine um I feel better okay um the other thing that I'd like to talk about real quickly is the um and you voted uh to do this with the with the uh um uh survey survey thank survey say Okay um and uh that that's fine I I personally um feel strongly about this thing and I and I personally would like to see the district move forward after they do this and and and uh you know claim uh the the area that we are right to and and and get the thing done properly okay and now that's going to be more money um but it the the uh easan uh clearly says that we can do it so uh this is is so far as I'm concerned this is the first stage um in um you know getting this thing to fruition because it's um you know for all the reasons that we know and I won't go into them this is something that should be done now you're going to be surprised about this but um in terms of of making some personal uh plans for further retirement etc etc and from a real estate standpoint uh uh we are my wife and I uh interested maybe in in buying uh something down uh at The Woodlands okay and um we're doing our due diligence in in that regard uh so um I just not that I have to notice or give notice to anybody but uh uh the couple of things that we have aren't even on the market but um so uh I I would I would have you know a vested interest in in knowing what's going on so I'll keep you posted about that say anything else sir no no no any other public comment no you did it got it all out y you got it all out all right real real quick real quick I said no the the radios how we doing on the radios you met engine and I know I know I yeah I I've tried with the guy the module communication uh it's stuck with the town something with the town the uh the fire chief said that the the arer money they they got they're refocused on all kinds of other things so and that's not typically how usually I'm a give me the price we go or no go or whatever it is you know so I can uh I can you know you guys tell me I mean I can get price from other people and I if you guys say that I have no problem saying hey you know callor get price from other people maybe they're more respond we don't need the fire and police to do this right you know it's our it's our tanks it's our intendance it's just I mean all we do is put three of it yeah you know we don't need I know we don't need it but it would be nice to have yeah oh yeah but I mean and but let's say we do it let's say we go with a different different company and we put in the the radios yeah then they come in then doesn't change a thing right you know it's it's they just add their stuff you know or or maybe they put a new cabinet whatever you know it's not I it's it's a doable thing you know so why should we do it uh well we just if it's just in cooperation if we do with the fireing police we can do it as a joint venture you know so we're not paying we're not paying our guy to go put this equipment in and then they pay their guy to put their equipment in and we're if we do it together we got one guy putting in all our equipment probably saving saving us you know a little a little bit of money to you know do it in in one process rather than because I've I've sat in on a bunch of those meetings and uh there's not a lot of money kicking around for doing extra things from the well I think in this case the money was already appropriated it was already appro it so why haven't they done it uh I guess it was something to do so the the the actual radio equip equipment is on the state bid so we don't need to go out to bid to purchase so we can go so we know roughly what it is so we we can just go buy the radio equipment but when you when the service to install the equipment uh has a fee and depending what that fee is now you're talking bidding you need to go out to bid to get that yeah and the guy who's supplying the radios yeah uh doesn't he I don't know how it works he's he's supplying radios but you're going to have some other guy bid to P put in His Radio so it's kind of kind of a tricky thing so that's good so that's kind of where it's like kind of getting held up that's what I thought if the water diss jumped into that maybe we could drop that number down so that you don't need to bid yep you know that's a that was kind of good well yeah nothing nothing I I don't blame you I'm I'm I'm thinking that they held up on that end too okay yeah and yeah the original plan was that by us jumping it we would actually help them it seems that this is a re curring thing I mean I remember you know doing jumping through hoops this District so that the you know the the police and the fire could could have what they needed and I mean we worked in a very Cooperative fashion so yeah we we fixed a lot of their radio we had problem Sor remember repeater problem yes yeah we we we we paid for a lot of that seems like you can't get anything done anymore oh John everything takes forever absolutely y they have meetings forever go to a meeting and you talk two hours and at the end of the two hours you don't know what the hell you said and nothing's been done well it see it seems like you guys didn't pick up on that at all delery to be I thought I laid it up pretty B but it seems like they don't have the guts to make a decision postponed post ponent months and months and months make a decision and go on with with the project but there there's legal procurement laws you know when you violate a procurement law you are personally liable you know so it's like an Ethics thing you know if you if you make a mistake it's I okay that's all I have thank you oh thank you sir did anything go once twice s of me do I hear motion to adj you certainly do a motion we adj