##VIDEO ID:m4wK1DkaCDA## live anywhere so if I'm there with no car and all I have to do is wake up in the morning and around 10 o' decide to go down to the market for dinner that night we're on there maybe take a siesta or maybe I sit by the beach with the okay gentlemen I learned my it's 7 o' guys if you if you're ready at 7 o' we're going to start the hearing um I will tell you how the hearing will proceed but first I have to give you a notification uh that this hearing is being recorded in accordance with the requirements of the open meeting law please be advised that this meeting will be broadcast live through local access table on Facebook live on the public access Facebook page and will be able to be found on the lunenberg public access YouTube channel within 24 hours after the meeting to participate remotely from oh I don't have the zoom tonight sorry uh I'd like to introduce it to the board to my left is Lisa nomin the board secretary I'm Alfred grel James bakosi David black Patrick Callahan and Don G um the way the hearing will proceed is Lisa will read the application and any other submitted Communications the applicant will have the opportunity for comment ments on the application or submission of additional doc documents please come forward to the mic and give your name and address board members will have the opportunity to ask questions that they may have while yet the applicant is at the mic there will be a public comment period will please come forward to the mic give your name and address address all comments and questions to the board with that I would ask please this is is an application for a special permit Massachusetts General Law chapter 4A section 9 zoning board of appeals the name of the applicant is Susan car 570 lims the road the project description the project involves the removal of an existing attached garage single story structure and rebuilding the garage is a two-story structure with living space above the existing rear setback is 4' 7 in and the proposed setback is 4T 4 in from the rear lot line the applicable code of the lunberg bylaw section is 25 5-2 e2b and 28.3 b2d it's a single family residential property um the question and answers are as follows please describe how the proposed action will prevent conditions that are injurious or dangerous to Public Health unduly hazardous because of traffic congestions conditions danger of fire fire or explosion the reply the proposed use of the property is the same as the existing use a single family residents proposed action will not be injurious dangerous to the public health or unduly hazardous as it will not add additional traffic and does not constitute a new danger of fire or explosion B please describe any material adverse effects on the value of Landing land and buildings in the neighborhood or on the amenities of the neighborhood the response the project involves the renovation of of an existing structure which will be constructed in a similar location as the existing proposed addition will increase the living area of the house as it will add living space above the garage the structure is set back approximately 325 ft from the road as such we expect the proposed dwelling to have a positive effect on land values in the neighborhood please describe how the proposed use or activity will be operated with reasonable regard for order and sightline if an open use the reply the applicant has hired seven bazic Architects to design the proposed Renovations which will result in an aesthetically pleasing single family home which will fit in with the character of the neighborhood please describe how the proposed action will reduce an or prevent noise vibration dust odor heat or glare at the lot lines and amounts clearly detrimental to the normal use of adjacent properties the response as mentioned the proposed use will continue to be a single family residence the restored and updated structure will not produce noise vibration dust over heat or glare that would be detrimental to the adjacent properties the application is being made per special permit for dimensional variation personent to section 27.4 A1 and that is was submitted by Gregory Roy on November 5th and he has just added a cover letter which I will read quickly um actually this was the request for the zoning determination um to sum it up the the zoning enforcement officer recommended that a special permit for dimensional variation first section 28.3 b2d to reduce the rear setback from the already non-conforming setbacks to a more non-conforming rear setback and there is a um proposed plot plan from Dillis and Roy a list of abutters a copy of the plans of the property and I did receive a letter of support to whom it may concern I the UND assigned Marilyn a McMillan as the sole owner of Cherry Hill Farm property and sole AB butter of the Susan car property formally state that I support M Carr's petition for special permit for dimensional variation for relief from 25.2 e2b per 28.3 b2d sincerely Marilyn a McMillan that's all Mr chairman thank you re you're welcome okay I'm going to ask you you this is do you want us to read this in the record or would you just like to review it uh you don't need to read it that was a letter I submitted to the so Greg Roy D Roy civil Design Group I'm representing the applicant this evening I think things just kicked in uh I'm representing the applicants this morning um Mark and Susan and then the Builder um Doug story of two-story buildings is also with us today um wow hot mic um that letter uh Mr chair it was just the letter i submitted along with the request for the zoning determination uh so I don't think we need to read it it just summarized what Lisa said was the subject of our relief so I'll be very brief um we're we're here today asking you for a dimensional variation for about that much uh that much space about about 3 in and the reason for that I tried to blow up the uh the plan um if you can see on the right along the the um the property line the rear property line at 570 lmit the road um we're proposing to remove an existing portion of the house which is the garage we want to build that back in the same place with the exception that we want to move the front of the garage Bay about 6 ft further out into the driveway and because that rear wall of the of the house is skewed relative to the property line we're going from 4.7 ft existing to 4.4 ft proposed so that's really the um the reason why we're here today um the height uh we also in that letter I stipulated the height we're actually reducing the height uh because we're changing the ridge line um for the proposed um elevations if you will so the height is actually going to be reduced by about 4 in at that point so we don't we didn't have any issues relative to height relief because we're actually reducing the existing condition so really just here today asking you for that what amounts to about 3 in of of relief um the uh mcmillans who were kind enough to issue a letter are actually wrap around that on all three sides of the property it's the uh it's the uh Cherry Hill Farm if you will um and their house is nowhere near the uh it's all if you're familiar with it it's all uh uh cow pasture land in the back so there's no real structure anywhere nearby the uh the house um that's really it I did submit a full set of architecturals from uh Mr basic the architect uh so you have the floor plans existing and proposed as well as the elevations existing and proposed and I'm happy to answer any questions okay and I Ed the new online uh process I hope that went well I did the best I could I didn't hear anything to the contrary so it worked slick as far as I'm concerned it was it was excellent good good okay um when was the Cent garage garage that's going to be torn down when was that built that's a good question do we know when the garage was constructed approximately or approximately 1815 it's the back it's basically a a barn shed on the back of yeah you have to come up give your name and address introduce yourself and all that one Mark Mark Ward 570 Lemer Road the structure that we're redoing is essentially a shed on the back of the house house that was turned into a garage it passes for a garage but it's basically a uh a dilapidated wood building 1815 approximately that's when the house was built as best best guess okay so it was really the reason I'm asking is I'm familiar with the house I I grew up in lunberg oh and I knew the ma lived there and our Lance May right and so I just never recall the garage on the house itself they used to be on the other side of the driveway so that's why I was curious when it was uh yeah I think the previous owner put two garage doors on it but you can can't quite get a two cars into it and and get out so okay thank you um any other questions from the board I don't really have any I had none I'm just going to my only question is architectural wise but that's a I'll talk go right [Laughter] ahead okay so basically we're looking at an existing non-com that's correct the the uh setback should be 30 ft but it's been at 4.7 correct right along okay and you're you're adding a room to the top of the garage so you just add more floor space that's correct okay and you said there's no issue with the height that's correct we we specifically put it in the um uh put that those metrics in the form of intent just to make sure but we didn't the building inspector appears to have agreed that there's no issue with the height so okay sounds good but that much yeah that's it it's not not every day I can use one hand to request the relief okay any other comments or questions from the board I I just I guess the only question is is that we you know is the number of rooms the alteration in number of rooms requiring any any comment from the uh health inspector there weren't any online okay all right cool okay that is a real good advantage of this online system you get it kind of rolls through all the Departments that's nice yeah um I have to open it up to the public if anyone would like to speak favor or against whatever you'd like no comments nothing from the public with that I'll bring it back to the board if there's no more comments or questions I'd like a motion I make a motion that we approve the uh um variation the the special per variation for dimensional variation um rear setback I'll second okay we have a motion in a second I'll call for a vote I I I I and I okay so and with that I still have to read the uh post if I can find it okay I have to read this one more thing the special permit is granted with the contingency that petitioner complies with all licenses regulations statutes ordinances and any and all applicable local state federal boards agencies with jurisdiction over the premises the special permit is subject to periodic review by the permit granting Authority or the enforcement officer to ensure compliance with conditions noncompliance to such conditions may result in rication of the permit a copy of the board's decision shall be filed with the town clerk within 14 days any party agreed by the board decision May appeal to Superior Court 20 days after the decision is filed with the town clerk after certification by the town clerk that 20 days have elapsed since the decision was filed you should have it recorded in the regist of Deeds no special permit shall take effect until it has been recorded and the special permit shall lapse within two years unless substantial use or construction has commenced with that uh good luck with your new garage thank you thank you happy holidays everybody you holiday yeah yeah have a good holiday can do it easy can we make a motion to adjourn yes please I make a motion to adjourn second all in favor I all I thank you we got Gent