##VIDEO ID:-paEL_caMLk## to the flag of the United States ofer Mr Abate Mr andrinopoulos M Hagerty M pasamano here Mr pasamano here Mr patronio here Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella here and Mr Val here you have CL sirate noce of this meeting has provided by record newspap approval oh I'm sorry approval of minutes motion please second by Mr abate uh roll call Mr Bate Mr andrinopoulos M Hagerty for uh miss pasamano four Mr pasamano four Mr patronio Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella absent abstain and Mr Valvano motion carries student rep report good evening to all and thank you for joining us here tonight my name is Drew boft and this report tonight will cover the month of December that being being said let us Dive Right In lur High School Animal Welfare Club has partnered with the Humane Society of Bergen County for the month of December to help raise items for homeless animals from December 2nd To December 20th students have been allowed to donate items from a provided list to the main office alternatively students May purchase items off of an Amazon or chewy wish list which will be sent directly to the Humane Society similarly the World Language Honor Society has conducted their annual sock drive for the homeless from December 2nd To December 20th students may drop off new pairs of socks to 118 which will contribute to helping the homeless population stay warm throughout the holiday season FBLA Regional testing took place on December 4th with over 60 students testing in categories ranging from personal finance to help desk the results for the exam came back on December 20th at 800m and I'm happy to report that 13 students placed in the Northern Regional competitive events these stud students excelled in the respective categories including help desk intro to business communication intro to FBLA intro to marketing concepts Journal ISM Network design networking infrastructures and parliamentary procedure congrats to all who participated in the testing and especially to all who placed fairly Dickenson University hosted an in-person fastf event at lers High School on December 5th at 6m at this event seniors and their parents were guided through the process of filling out their fasta if students were unable to attend the event seniors were instead invited to attend the virtual fast event offered on Wednesday December 18th at 6 p.m. the annual lers High School winter concert took place on December 12th at 700 p.m. on the Middle School stage the evening included performances by the LHS band jazz band choir select choir and Corral in addition snacks and beverages were sold during intermission by members of the Linhurst Music Association congrats to all who performed the winter poetry slam is set to take place on December 20th during blocks four five and six in the media center the slam is led by journalism and English two honors teacher Miss pastor and English supervisor Miss Klein and will include 37 poets and four featured photograph ERS the LHS Student Government held the spirit week during the week of December 16th during the week students were encouraged to participate by following the various themes including candy cane day Rocking around the Christmas tree houille sansa's workshop and ugly sweater day Additionally the student government hosted a basket raffle with various gifts cards for fundraising this concludes my report I wish all in attendance a happy and healthy holiday and have a great night I have reviewed the financial reports for the month ending November 2024 and support tonight's resolution that certifies that there are sufficient funds available based on the November financials to meet the district's Financial Obligations for the remainder of the 2024 2025 school year I have also reviewed and discussed the resolutions on tonight's agenda with Mr deoro and support his recommendations to the board that they approve all of the resolutions on tonight's agenda in closing I want to wish the students staff residents and the board a healthy and a happy holiday season and a great new year that concludes my report for this evening I have just a couple things to say number one everybody always asks me this one question she is not my wife everybody always asks me that it's not my wife and second everything is seems to be going smoothly our Sports programs have started off the girls basketball track uh boys basketball everything went good looking for a great season this year I have confidence in them and if you're not doing nothing my girls eighth grade team Friday night 7 o'clock playing for the championship against Rutherford and I would not like to just hand it over to the superintendent thank you Mr pasamano good evening everyone uh just to piggy back off of U what Mr pasamano said we have some academic Awards but to continue with our Sports I'd also like to congratulate our girls volleyball team who won the state section title for the first time in school's history so congratulations to that team that was tremendous this evening we have some phenomenal student um achievements and um a teacher achievement as well but before um I call up those individuals I just wanted to point out on page eight of the agenda the board meeting dates are listed for the uh 25 uh year 2025 um there is a meeting a a time change I wanted to point out to everyone uh typically the meetings start at 7:30 but in January we're going to start um at 7 o'clock um so just if um people that routinely attend our meetings note that starting uh January 28th the meeting the public session will start at 7 pm um in addition to that uh before we get into the awards I wanted to thank um Mrs current uh Hagerty who um has been filling in for a vacant board seat for the past 3 months we had a board member resign and she graciously uh stepped up to fill um to fill that seat so she' been working with us tonight's her last meeting but I just wanted to publicly thank her for stepping in so thank you Mrs Hager January 2nd so our the First full meeting of the board is is January 28th but on January 2nd we have what we call the reorganization meeting and that's when the new board members that recently won the election are sworn in so January 2 it's a very brief meeting um the new board members are sworn in and then the board elects um a president and a vice president um that meeting is at 6:30 on January 2nd and then again January 28th full board will then conduct a board meeting such as this um and that'll start again at 7 p.m. so um I now um would like to move into um some student recognition and then like I said we have um a teacher award as well so I would like to call up uh first Miss Elena wise who has choir Awards to present how about now okay thank you so much so um I'm here to represent our Corral and one of the accomplishments that we just achieved in this past year on October 29th um we sent uh a bunch of students to audition for the Bergen County honors choir um I get firsthand I'm I'm a judge in one of the rooms and I get firsthand to see what these kids have to go through and um I will tell you it's very rigorous I don't know how many of us would actually stand up to this challenge but they're in a room with two judges with their backs turned they have to sing a specific things that they've prepared some scales some solos um and then they have to do some tonal memory which is is very difficult for uh for many students this year I'm proud to say that we set a new record we've actually set a record in the last three years one time it was eight students that we qualified two years ago um last year it was 10 students no it was 12 students last year and this year we have qualified 14 students into the Bergen County honors choir so I'm very proud of them I'd like to introduce each of them um I'm going to go in great order here our first is ninth grader Lexis dembowski is she here she's the one that's not here okay um Serenity Mendoza she's in Alto I like to announce their voice Parts too Joseph Romeo oh stay up here we're going to take a big picture too Isabella Bartlett Alto another Alto Lea Santos tenner Joseph Brennan base Lucas Guerrero soprano Angelina Brennan soprano Gian Scardino soprano Natalie Leon Alto Nancy AA Alto summer Caffrey tenor ryano and tenor Drew boft as I said I'm very proud of them and um looking forward their concert is going to take place um in January um on January 12th Sunday January 12th um in paramis so it should be a really really prestigious concert windows windows thank you congratulations I'd also just like to take a moment to thank uh Sabrina Leon our supervisor of music as well as we have Laur vuno High School principal and Emily ringan uh vice principal supporting our students thank you for attending this evening at this time I would like to call up uh Lisa Klein um director of English language arts for additional Awards and Miss Pastor our director of the lighthouse hello everyone um we are going to start with Miss Pastor who is an English teacher and advisor of the lighthouse our very very um fantastic and well-received newspaper um and so we have many awards we always the students find out from the previous year in the fall so we always do this in December so that many of the students who have graduated are home for the holidays so we know that I've seen quite a few that came back from college to join us so that's very exciting yeah it's wonderful to see so many alumni faces here um so my name is Tanya pastor this is my 17 17th year advising the lighthouse um and it was a wonderful year for the Garden State Scholastic press Association newspaper contest it was actually the best that the lighthouse has ever performed um the lighthouse public is a monthly publication in print it also publishes online so almost every day you can go to the Lighthouse website at lighthouse. liners schools.net and check out new content some of it overlaps with what's in the print issue and some of it is exclusively online so every year the lighthouse finds out what awards it won for the previous year in October we go to a conference at Rucker University and that is where we uh receive the awards that we're celebrating tonight um this year we had our eighth consecutive year as first place distinguished journalism our first place print overall Excellence um and I want to recognize especially our editors and Chief from last year Camille Eckles and Emily Reid um they were the ones who really put in the labor to make this happen um we also received an honorable mention award for the online overall excellence and its web Masters Anastasia latris and Dana Trier who took the lead on this in addition to those major Awards we have 47 individual student awards and those are spread across 33 students um about half of whom have graduated and about half of whom are still at LHS um so we're going to be recognizing those students tonight but I also want to honor one more achievement um at the Garden State Scholastic press Association there is an event it's called a write-off contest teachers from every school and attendance can invite one student to participate um and I invited editor-in chief for this year one of our two editors and chief Zahara Chow to participate so what she did was she went to a hourlong session she took notes she collected information and then she went into another room and had less than an hour to write an article she was competing with about 25 students from across the state and she placed first so let's give her a round of applause um she continues the tradition from last year of Camille Eckles who won that first place award last year so the Record newspaper is going to um celebrate Zahara by sending her both a plaque and a $100 check so that should be coming early in the new year um and we're off to a great start for this year both with Zahara and Lexi Lorenzo leading the charge so let's give one more round of applause to the both of them all right and Miss Klein's goingon to help me me out with this so I'm going to call up um each of the students if there's anyone at the end who I haven't called up I know I have a few more um uh folders here um so the folders I'm handing out include all of the awards that these students won some students won one award and some won five or six so I really want to congratulate all of them for their hard work so first we have graduate Lily Anderson next we have Nikki anesco next is Emma Bannon all the students so far have been graduates thank you next we have drew B boft Kiara Cardone Zahara Sophia Duran last year's editorinchief Camille Eckles Natalia Hernandez nicolina aona Franchesco inferna a graduate this year's editorinchief Alexander Lorenzo graduate Anastasia latris graduate Jude melroy Maurice mad keso mlad kesso is also a graduate Jason Olivera Autumn Ortiz Shelby Perez Bethany renero Kiara Rasen Rebecca rues Alex gansky Dana Trier and Reena tishuk thank you Dana is one of our graduates her mom is here to collect the award and here's Reena okay and if there's anybody else who um is receiving an award whose name I didn't call please come on up now okay thank you very much if you move down a little bit and then a group can go on stage I think we'll get everyone and I think there'll be plenty of room e congratulations again Lisa Klein's going to stay to present an award to one of our Educators in the district okay so I just um I have a really um special award that I would like to present tonight and I need my glasses so this award is for a high school English teacher uh Mr Tim Belmont um so in 2021 uh Tim Belmont was not only nominated for the high school teacher of the year but we also nominated him as exemplary secondary educator which he got that year from That's from the New Jersey Department of Education which is a quite an honor however this um last spring I received an email from the woman at the state her name is Nancy bassant and she's the um educator recognition program specialist she was so impressed and remembered his application from that year that she asked us to submit and update um we couldn't tell him his credentials because she wanted to nominate him for something else so we did that and um we were recently finally informed this fall that she nominated him for a national award and while unfortunately he didn't receive that award only two teachers from New Jersey were even sent along to get the award but she also wrote in the email to us she um specifically said I do not have any involvement in the selection process otherwise in my opinion he would have won a national award too as he is an exemplary educator so so he was awarded again for 2024 um another exemplary educator award and that's that's pretty that it really highlights his impression um on her and his dedication excellence and professionalism as a teacher in our district so it is my pleasure to present this award to Mr Tim Belmont thank you for the board members and I this is always you know the highlight of our meeting is just highlighting our students achievements as well um as our faculty um so thank you so much and congratulations again to everyone um at this time we are going to move um into our formal board business um I just like to mention that everyone is certainly welcome to attend um but sometimes I know people have prior engagement so um if you wanted to exit now would be the time I'll give you a few minutes to do so um but you're certainly welcome to stay should you choose to with that I'm going to just wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday and again congratulations to all our students and congratulations to Mr belma e e e pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee on finance recommends the following resolutions be moved forward for a roll call vote I make a motion to move forward Finance resolutions 1 through 10 to be adopted second roll call Mr B Mr andrinopoulos Miss Hagerty for M pasamano for Mr pasaman Mr petronia for Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella for and Mr Valvano four motion carries second roll call Mr Avante uh Mr andropoulos M Hagerty m pasamano for Mr pasamano for Mr patronio for Dr Scardino's absent Miss Stella and Mr valano for motion carries policies second I can't even get it out of my mouth R call Miss Mr andrinopoulos M Hagerty M pasamano Mr pasamano Mr petronia for Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella and Mr valano for motion carries personel second I beat you second Mr pasamano uh roll call Mr abat Mr andrinopoulos Miss Hagerty miss pasamano Mr pasamano Mr petronio four Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella for and Mr velano for motion carries I'd like to just bring something up I would just like to thank everyone here who nominated me elected me to be your president for this year I very thankful and I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year merry Christmas Happy New Year to you happy holid happy holidays goe go ahead new business to bring it to but the negotiations committee officially began negotiations teachers contract we will be meeting with them January 27th I yes you we'll keep you posted and and just a reminder again happy holidays I hope everyone has a great Break um first day back January 2nd is the reor what time on 6 o so so the so the reorg is um 6:30 the the negotiations meeting on the 27th is 5:00 P p.m they're coming in a little bit later but we're going to meet um with our attorney beforehand go over a few things and then um then their team will come in we're going to meet here in the middle school media center so that's it's really the first meeting um we came together as a board to meet with the attorney to just go over some of the wants and some of the things that we want to accomplish in the contract the first meeting on the 27th is really to establish ground rules and then the next meeting will be to exchange proposals so yeah that was part of yes I yeah so when we met the first time um with our attorney um it was Dennis and um um the associate uh Joe um Browski right did I say that right Jackie Bowski baldowski okay that was close um and so I've been keeping a a list of things in um that have come up in the contract over the past coule I don't know that this is public session discussion okay yeah I just want all right motion to adjourn second all in favor against extensions motion carries meeting adjourned 805