##VIDEO ID:JwDAKpIOQvY## and to the repblic which stand one nation under God indivisible andice all use this I can have a motion to approve the minutes oh roll call I'm sorry roll call roll call Mr Bate here Mr andrinopoulos here miss pasamano Mr pasamano Mr patronio here Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella here and Mr valano here you have Corum sir I just before I make a no motion I just want everybody here to know that's not my wife okay just so you know that okay adequate notice let me grab that one oh let me put on my specs okay adequate notice this meeting has been provided by the following means annual notice was sent to the record Township clerks posted in the lobby of town hall and board office set forthcoming schedules the work meetings and public meetings of the board okay now motion to approve the minutes second I got it now discussion on the the uh minutes yeah discussion on the minutes on the uh last month on the minutes on page 40 under new business there was a statement made op two I would like to have an amendment to it to statement to read that all board members were supported of Paul pasamano comments of the resignation of Mr parda we have a motion to amend second all in favor I I any against extensions motion carries now you need okay now we need a motion on the amended minutes make a motion to approve the amended minutes second seconds roll call Mr Abate for Mr andrinopoulos for Miss pasamano for Mr pasamano Mr petronio four Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella four and Mr valano all right motion carries uh minutes approved as amended okay as tonight we have our new gentleman here who is going to give us a students report and that's Drew banov so so before Drew speaks I just want to speak to that briefly so each year um the Board of Education uh works with the high school to um elect a student representative each Board of Education in New Jersey is required to have a student representative um so uh Drew is um at L first high school and he was elected by his peers to represent the student body to come to each board meeting each month to give us a report um he works with all the building principles each month to highlight activities and events um that are happening um in their building so uh thank you drew so much for being here and uh the stage is yours thank you for that um good evening to all and thank you for joining us here tonight before I begin my report I would first like to thank the board of education for allowing me to serve under this prestigious position my name is Drew bft I a senior and I was elected to this role by my peers I'm hopeful that my efforts may help to improve the high school and the lives of the student body and with that let's Diop right in loners high school has been conducting a spirit week for homecoming during the week of September 23rd including the annual homecoming dance on September 25th and the Revival of Pep rallies tickets for homecoming were sold at the high school all week for $7 and at the door for $10 the fall pep rally will be held on September nember 27th and will encourage students to support the current Sports and other fall activities lers High School's chapter of the National Honor Society held its first meeting of the school year for senior members on September 19th where they discussed future service opportunities and reviewed the requirements to maintain membership the induction ceremony rehearsal will be held on Monday November 25th with the actual ceremony being held the following day on November 26th the class of 20124 held their annual senior sunrise on September 20th where students gathered on the football field to celebrate the start of their last year in high school bagels and water were provided for the students near the entrance by the main office the peer group connection program consisting of 12 lur High School uh seniors had their first meeting during lunchtime on September 24th where they discussed the objectives of the first Outreach that will take place on October 2nd during periods 1 and 8 furthermore members of the peer group National Honor Society yearbook student government and future Business Leaders of America volunteer to attend back to school night on September 24th to direct parents around the school and advise them a potential opportunities at the high school level during the month of September the media center has been celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month since September 15th and band books week from September 22nd to September 28th our media center expert Miss Maru has taken the initiative to direct decorate the media center for both of these events and organize a ban booked trivia that took place on September 26th the World Language Honor Society organized a fundraiser to sell miniature pumpkins and mums with pumpkin selling for $350 and mums being sold for $8 the orders replaced by September 27th and the pickup date will be October 4th outside the LHS student entrance the clubs that have met or held interest meetings thus far the high school include the future Business Leaders of America on September 10th robotics Club on September 11th the True Crime Club on September 12th the table tennis club on September 16th Wonder Girls on September 19th the chess club on September 20th Animal Welfare Club on September 23rd the computer Club on September 25th the book club on the 26th and the law enforcement Club on the 26th as well furthermore the walking Club will have their first meeting of the year on September 30th looking ahead the PSATs are set to take place on October 23rd where students will once again be taking part in digital version of the exam members of this year's journalism program will once again attend redur University for the Garden State Scholastic press Association fall press day on October 28th at this event students will be able to attend workshops on various topics relating to journalism including podcasting photog graphy article writing or illustration this year lers High School's fall play Charlie in the Chocolate Factory will take place on November 14th and 15th at 7 p.m. this year's cast currently consists of 25 students ranging from freshmen to seniors with rehearsals already taking place after school I have no doubt that this year's production will be the greatest yet best of luck to them lastly auditions for this year's Lin her Scott Talon took place on September 23rd and 24th with 21 phenomenal acts slated to perform on October 16th in closing I would like to thank the community for their unwavering support of the lers high school students thank you all again for your time and this concludes my report for the month good [Applause] night thank you that was excellent I I only have a small report uh what that oh yeah I'm sorry I'm ahead of the game because I want to get this out but we got to go to the state monitors report thank you the district continues to work closely with our auditor to finalize our June 30th 2024 audit with which is in its final stages of completion preliminary indications are that the district will close the 2023 2024 school year with positive financials We Begin the 2425 school year financially sound and a District administration will be working hard to maintain that position throughout the year I have reviewed and discussed the resolutions on tonight's agenda with Mr dorso and support his recommendations to the board that they approve all the resolutions on tonight's agenda that concludes my report for this evening thanks you sir am I up now I'm up all right when you guys all go away to football games or volleyball wherever you play at another school people always watch my daughter's teachers up in Fort Lee and someone sent her a message about our last football game our band how respectful how courteous and how proud that we all and linard should be of those kids I don't know how many members in the band but again these parents said that they were the most respectful and courteous kids that they've ever seen come and play at their stadium and my hats off to the lur High School band and now I'll hand it over to our superintendent thank you Mr thank you Mr pasano um absolutely you know it's always great to highlight and recognize our students we have so many here tonight and it's great to hear that our students are representing um themselves outside of our Township in such a positive way um like I said we have a large you know number of students here tonight um for us as a board that's always the best part of our meeting is to highlight our student uh successes and um to U bring them here with their families to to Showcase um their talents and everything that they do throughout our community and really throughout the state and many times uh throughout uh the country so um before um I get to the student uh recognition uh portion I just want to go over a couple of things um the the district had a great opening of school uh Dr Morel and I the assistant superintendent were around to all the building it was great to see everyone um back in school and learning our teachers did a phenomenal job over the summer and at the start of the school year creating a learning environments for our students and it was great to see those smiling faces and the students back in school um I know the students say they don't like to come to school and and they hate it um but uh I could tell you I could see their smiles and their laughter and um I think they love it um and it was it was great to see um we've had successful back to school nights uh the last two weeks um they concluded uh this week and it was great again to see um the parents engaged in coming into our School building so um we're very proud of the work um that we do here and the at the August board meeting I should say I highlighted all the um improvements and upgrades the district made over the summer and um how the buildings were prepared for for the start of school so um if anyone wants to see that PowerPoint presentation it is um up online um under the board of education so um tonight we're actually going to highlight um some of the upgrades we did um and I'll get to that in a second um aside from from that um there's just a couple of things that I'm required to uh report on um each year one of them is our high school graduation rate something that we've been working uh really hard on the last couple of years um each year um our seniors have a variety of Pathways that they need to to graduate um which includes passing a certain assessments um or passing a state approved rubric so um our high school students work with their um with their teachers and their counselors to go through that process and um it has been a focus of ours the last couple of years um you know unfortunately a couple of years ago um we dipped into the 80s and um we've really been working hard to improve that so I'm happy to report um over the last three years we've steadily increased that number 2022 as I said our number dipped to 87.2% um in 23 um we raised that to 96.4 then at the end of last school year um we're up to 96.7% graduation rate and we're really proud of that and um that's a testament to the hard work that all of our high schoolers are doing with with their teachers and their counselors so um so thank you for that and congratulations um I also want to update the community on um a qac which is a a state um monitoring program that every District's required to go through every three years um we went through that last school year and it's not official yet we didn't get word from the state um but in August the state's required to pass um the scores of each district so um Dr moral and I sort of uh didn't cheat it's public information but we went on the uh State website and we viewed their board meeting and our district um was on that agenda um as uh approving or passing I should say um that visit so we get monitored in um four areas um instruction and program um actually five I should say instruction and program fiscal management governance operations and Personnel so we have a state team that comes in and they spend um a couple days in our districts and they evaluate Us in in all of those different areas they they pull Personnel files they pull um budgetary documents to ensure that we're following All State guidelines and statutes and then um they also evaluate our curriculum our Curriculum maps and then our test scores Factor um into that as well so um I'm proud to say um that this is the second time um over the last with those two and a half years ago we were monitored we passed and now back this time um it looks like we're going to pass as well so again that's just a testament to the hard work of all of our teachers and our administrators and of course most importantly our students working hard and improving um our test scores when we come back um for October Dr Morel is actually going to give a report and an overview of our state assessment scores um so I'm happy to report though that it looks like our District's going to pass our qac review so um congratulations to to our entire District um I'm going to move now down to um the lower level there because we're going to highlight um some students and I'm also going to speak to um and highlight another project we did over the summer so if you give me one second I'm just going to switch down there and pick up the program so thank you thank you so as I said each each summer um and each school year um as a board um we we budget for a variety of projects and we have to prioritize um our budget obviously based on the needs of the district but um um you know Safety and Security is always um one of the top priorities in our district and we've really made a commitment over the last couple of years to upgrade um the security systems in our district the swipe cart um access panels the security cameras um as a district I mentioned at the the last board meeting we just put um two more class three officers in our schools at Jefferson and roselt we now have a class three officer in our building um those are armed guard armed uh police officers we have an SRO um at the high school we have an SRO at the middle school and we're going to be adding another class three to our elementary um schools I think it's um you know a tremendous Testament to the district and also the commitment we have with our Police Department um but all those things are extremely costly um our security cameras at the high school um cost over $100,000 to upgrade and each each year we really try to upgrade each building and so um towards the end of last school year I got a call um from a company and you know at First Take I thought um it was maybe a marketing call or you know sometimes um they say uh when things are seem too good to be true they really are right but so I got a call from a company um called convergent and um we have a teacher in our district at Franklin School who teaches kindergarten and her father works for the company and apparently each year um the company picks a school district in the state and they give him a security upgrade and I got a call and I said really I said I don't know if I believe that but I will certainly take the meeting because it seems interestingly enough so sure enough the company came down and um this is a global um company that believes in giving back uh to the community and I certainly was you know presently surprised um that the company um donated all the cameras needed for a security upgrade at Franklin school but not only did they donate the cameras they donated the work and the wiring that goes into upgrading that building and so um you know it's been a goal of ours like I said to upgrade each building but with you know all of the maintenance required in our district um you know it's going to take some time to make those upgrades you know we have a state-ofthe-art system here we have a state-ofthe-art system at the high school and we've added cameras in some of the buildings um but for a company to come in and do that um for our district was just unbelievable and apparently when they came that day I didn't know they also uh painted some classrooms and they they made a lot of other upgrades which I did highlight um in the PowerPoint that I I presented at the last meeting but um you know that that upgrade would have probably cost the district's 50 or $60,000 and we really did get it for free um and it really means a lot to the board it lead means a lot to me it means a lot to the community because um we really do pride ourselves on security here in Linhurst and um I just really thought it was important that we recognize um and celebrate that company uh here tonight so um with us here tonight um we have Charlie Manon um who's a manager for the company whose daughter McKenzie teaches at Franklin school so Charlie please come up [Applause] so um I designed um with the board a couple years ago we have um these challenge coins um that we made so when when we recognize uh individuals we like to give those um to to the people um as just a token of our appreciation along with her certificate and with him here is one of his associates Cara Harington I believe Cara's gonna say something briefly so mic is yours thank you Joe uh Charlie and I just wanted to come here and thank the lindur school district Joe James John Jennifer McKenzie and everyone that made this donation possible since 2002 we've had a thing called convergence social responsibility day and every Friday of the first June nope every June the first Friday 10,000 colleagues go out and give back to their communities and we created the Step Up program where we specifically give back to schools so this year we came out and we were able to give to Franklin Elementary School and I just wanted to say thank you for helping with these efforts and it was a great time we got to do the painting of the classrooms thank you Benjamin Moore for that donation um we got to do 20 camera installations and it was overall a great day and I'm really happy that we could give back to this community I grew up in map wood which is kind of that direction I think and it's really nice to get back so thank you guys so much for making that happen thank you so so yeah there was only one little caveat um which was you know that Friday was you know set in stone um for them because that's that's what their company does um the same day you know annually so we had to um come up with a plan so um thank you to Mrs Scardino and the teachers at Franklin because um since it was June um you know we talked and it made sense to have um their field day on that day and we prayed the weather would cooperate and it did and so um so all the students weren't in the building obviously with construction going on so um we had our field day that day the students were able to participate in their field day um while that upgrade happened so thank you so much again and thank you for being here tonight thank you uh so next I'm going to call up uh Maria mupus who's a middle school teacher um so um Miss mupus is going to speak to um a teen youth leader award that our district received and many of our students are being honored here tonight so I'm going to let her speak about the program and then we'll hand out some certificat hi everyone um so team is an organization that we started working with last year um this is the first group of students that uh worked on this project basically they are a organization that works with schools across New Jersey and um they teach students about social entrepreneurship and we partner up with a community in need across the different countries um our students we partner up with the loto nation in Pine Ridge reservation in North Dakota um which happens to be um the reservation in in our country that has the highest uh poverty rates so we identified uh or rather the students identified um ideas on what we could do to help them out um and I just want to really stress the fact that this was a completely student-driven project um they organized a donations drive for the Loco donation um we collected over a thousand items um um they really uh did all of the logistics um with planning the event making flyers even writing grants um so that we could get the money to run the event um packing counting um like again just everything that it takes to run a donation drive and um it was the most successful drive that they've had um middle schoolers run so because of that they received the youth leaders award uh from Team um so I'm just really proud of them as I said I really was almost not involved at all besides just communicating with the people from Team um and it really really was all all them so I'm really proud and they deserve a round of applause um okay so yeah um so the first one uh Anthony andonopoulos oh okay thank you Isel [Applause] Austine Maya [Applause] Baya Adriana bermudes Nicholas Brennan Sophia Campell Lucy car Carparelli John Bonas Caitlyn kareah Kellen deyer Ariana Christos there's a lot of them George Duran Olivia D dka sorry kareim elai Owen Ferguson Luca [Applause] Fernandez isai Fernandez Autumn Giglio Kiera Gilmore Sheila [Applause] G Joel havishi Maya hamy Madison Herman Juan [Applause] Hernandez Ryan cart cartano itz Emily casaya [Applause] BOS cot Leila Londo Sebastian Linsky Noah Noah mroy Juan [Applause] Medina Pamela [Applause] Nakamura Delina neelsen Chloe odonnell John [Music] odonnell Katarina patrino Caitlyn py Isabella po polo [Applause] Risha pru Jack quick Madison [Applause] quick Michael [Applause] Cano Ian Renta Leah Rodriguez janir [Music] s yeah jayen wed um before I pass the mic um just wanted to add one last thing um I also want to thank the community because obviously without the support of the parents the community it we wouldn't have had such a successful drive so really thank you so much thank you I want to thank Mrs mupus as well and and the Middle School administration I know um she said obviously it was very student L but um it takes a facilitator and it takes someone to motivate our students so thank you for your work and um thank you again to the students um at this time we're going to transition to the board agenda real portion of the meeting so um you're welcome to stay in here board business but if there was a moment where you wanted to um step out now would be that time um if you so choose to do so I would just ask um that our students so um you know the stairs where you sit sometimes for lunch and and have lessons so it's a great place to take a picture um I know Mrs Brennan would like to do that with all the students that received an award with Mrs mupus so um if you could if when you exit just go right to the stairs there to take a picture um congratulations thank you again and um have a good evening if you're leaving if you stay um you could stay as well e e e I to be heard on agenda items onlyone we have none so we're going to move to our chairperson for finance pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee on finance recommends the following resolutions be moved forward for a roll call vote I make a motion to move forward Finance resolutions 1 through 18 to be adopted second roll call Mr Bate for Mr andropoulos for Miss pasamano for Mr pasamano for Mr petronio for Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella for and Mr valano for motion carries okay chairperson for education and curriculum suing to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee on education and curriculum recommends the following resolution be moved forward for a roll call vote I make a motion to move forward education and curriculum resolution one to be adopted there also a two oh one and one through two one and two you're second all right roll call Mr AB for Mr andropoulos for M Stella oh I'm sorry m pasamano for Mr pasamano Mr petronzio for Dr Scardino is absent uh Miss Stella for and Mr Valvano motion carries all right chairperson for policy rules and regulations pursuant to the recommendation of the superintendent of schools the committee of policies and rules and regulation recommends the following resolutions be move forward for a roll call vote I make a motion to move forward policies rules regulations resolutions one through three to be adopted roll call Mr Abate Mr andrinopoulos for Miss pasamano Mr pasamano Mr patronio Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella for and Mr valano for motion carries Personnel Personnel pursuant to the recommendation of superintendent of schools the committee of personnel recommends the following resolution Solutions be move forward for a roll call vote I make a motion to move forward Personnel resolutions A1 through M8 to be adopted second roll call Mr Abate for Mr andrinopoulos for Miss pasamano for Mr pasamano for Mr petronio Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella for and Mr valano motion carries new business new business I open make a motion open the floor for the uh vacant board seat second that no that's oh wait make a what are you doing they're doing the vacant Bo seat you made a motion I made the motion to do the vacant seat second yeah all right all in favor I I okay uh floor is open for the discussion on the vacant board seat no discussion no discussion make a motion to nominate Karin hagy for the open board seat second you gotta go swear roll call Mr abat for Mr andropoulos for Miss pasamano for Mr pasamano for Mr patrono for Dr sarino out Miss Stella for and Mr valano motion carries so so at this time I would like to call up um Mrs Karin hagri um to be sworn in [Applause] somebody gonna take a picture I just want to thank Mrs Hagerty for uh stepping up to fill our vacant board seat um I've worked with Mrs Hagerty on um other curriculum items um she's an educator so we're we're thankful to have her on the board um so thank you Mrs Hagerty can we SAR right now Robert you repeat after me please I current Hagerty I current Hagerty do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the United States and this state and in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I current hagr I current haity do solemly swear toly swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law prescribed by law for the office for for the office of member of a board of education of of Board of Education and that I am not disqualified and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 to rs1 1941 nor disqualify due to conviction of a crime nor disqualified to conviction of a crime or offense listed or offense listed in njs States njs 18a 18 12-1 121 and and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully and partially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of that office of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me thank you thank you again uh Mrs Hagerty um like I said um we're happy to have Mrs Hagerty join our board um Mrs Hagerty will be joining us um starting in October um hopefully she has uh some paperwork and clerical work to take care of but other than that um we are happy to have her and congratulations again [Applause] you're ready VP so I a motion to open the floor to discuss for vice president position I'd like to make a motion to put um Mr Michael valano in as the vice president well discussion make a motion to open the floor to discuss the vacant vice president position second and I second and I make a motion hold on we got to vote on that oh I'm sorry yeah second motion open yes all in favor open the floor now you can go do I'd like to make a motion to appoint Mr Michael valano was the vice president second thank you are there any other nominations yes I have a motion to close the floor yes motion make a motion to close second ntion for vice president all in favor I got all right motion the motion carries to close the floor now do I have a a motion to appoint Michael valano as vice president of the liners board motion second all right roll call Mr aate Mr andrinopoulos for Miss pasamano for Mr pasamano for Mr petronio for Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella for and Mr valano motion carries congratulations [Applause] Mr Mo your chair no public comments uh public on non agenda items none in the book hearing none move to close it Mo make a motion to adjourn make a second congratulations Miss Hagerty all favor conratulations roll thank you everyone for coming I just want to say that our next board eved meeting is H Tuesday uh October uh 29th okay thank you have a good evening