of this meeting has been provided by the following means annual notice was sent to the Record newspaper Township Clerk posted in the library of town hall and board office set forthcoming schedule work meetings and public meetings of the board cool approval of the minutes for meting approval of the minutes meeting number 13 motion motion second second second roll call Mr Bate for Mr andrinopoulos for Miss pasamano four Mr pasamano for Mr pain Mr petronio for supposed to abstain that he can vot for minutes okay okay um Mr uh Dr Scardino uh Miss Stella is this for December 21st yes yes four Mr valano four motion carries presid report medium one can I get a motion for meeting one re motion for the reord minute approval of the minutes for I'll make I'll make a motion but I had them corrected because there was errors and they fix okay second second Mr pass they corrected roll call Mr aate Mr andrinopoulos four miss pasamano four Mr pasamano for Mr parda four Mr patrono for Dr Scardino Miss Stella for and Mr valano motion carries pres report we have a board president report yes I have something I'm glad to see there are some people here basically it's a new beginning a new era we need to be cooperative with each other we need to listen to the people that's out there and we will and if you have something to bring to us that we may not know we will get back to you in a timely fashion there's always going to be sometimes we're not going to agree to everything but we'll try to agree we'll try to make it best for the children of this Township in any way shape or form we need to do it also we're going to try to set up like a liaison committee between the PT a and US board members we're going to put some parents that want to get together with one or two board members and you if sometimes you you're afraid to speak on the mic or in front of people maybe we could have a meeting and you could speak with them they cannot make decisions those who are onor have to bring it back to the board for the board to make the decisions they are not allowed to tell you yes we're going to do this or no we can't it comes back to the board again I'm just bringing this out can it be happening I don't know we will discuss it as a as a whole uh that's pretty much all I have to say uh student report good even good evening everyone welcome to the Board of Education meeting tonight my name is niceta anesco and I am serving as the student representative let's jump right into the report asking around students agreed that the hallway seem dull and lifeless recently the hall always have been repainted to a white color before the paint job it was blue and gold to represent our school's colors personally it feels un unmotivating because how plain the walls are when the walls had color on them it seemed more inviting and comfortable to the students and any other visitors SLG guest in addition I believe there should be some updating done to both the boys and girls locker rooms I'm not sure when the rooms were last updated which probably means they should be updated soon even in the winter it gets really hot in there espe especially when all the people are crowded into one small room the bathrooms and the locker rooms also have very old walls and are extremely small the seating in the science lab seemed to be getting fixed after entering the classroom a couple of times I've noticed that the backings to the chairs are all screwed in every every morning they seem to be neatly organized and extra chairs are stacked in the corner lastly the class of 2024 is currently fundraising to pay for our senior year activities one major aspect that we are fundraising fundraising in for is the Caps and Gowns we are currently unable to pay for all the gowns and any additional events we have upcoming we are hopeful that our fundraiser will help us achieve our goals that is the end of my report thank you so much for listening have a great night thank [Applause] you thank you Nia she had mentioned a couple issues that need to be addressed what is the process to get that looked into so we'll we'll notate the recommendations and then we can do a walk through the facility and see what what we can address right now and what would be potentially be a long R project or something that would you know like we mentioned the locker rooms we've known um you know we'd like to revamp and redo the locker rooms um we've got an estimate for that in the past it's you know a substantial amount of money so um you know we have to just plan and look at our capital reserve to see if that's a you know a project that we want to tackle and so you know some little things we can look to improve um we have made improvements at the high school you know over the last you know two summers with painting and and so we'll look at those recommendations and those are projects typically that happen in the summer so right now is the time when we're developing our budget we can look at that we can look at what projects we can tackle in the high school maybe this summer and and and hope to uh make those repairs uh Mr last you mentioned the sinks and and the bathrooms weren't working and some of the B you look into that one yeah we could look into that state monor's report yes on tonight's agenda under the finance resolutions 1 and two the board is asked to approve the acceptance of the June 30th 2023 annual order and the corrective action plan earlier this evening Mr Jeffrey Bliss from Lurch Vincy and Bliss our audit firm presented the June 30th 20123 findings to the board the results show that the school district for the year uh 2022 23 the financials ended the year positive with no deficit the board and the administration must continue to review and control their expenditures so that their finances remain positive and the district does not go into a deficit for future years in addition Finance resolution two that has been approved by our auditor addresses the findings contained in the audit report I support the two resolutions and ask that the board approve them this evening also Finance resolution 16 requests approval for our auditor to do a financial Pro projection for the June 30th 2024 end ofe audit a projection that assists The District in estimating the final current year expenditures and prevents helps prevent a deficit from occurring I also support this resolution and ask that ask the board to approve the resolution I have also reviewed and discussed the other resolutions on tonight's agenda with Mr dorso and support his recommendations to the board that they be approved that concludes my report for this evening thank you very much uh superintendent report thank you good evening everyone I'd like to start with um a report that we're required to do twice a year it's the student safety uh report if if you look at the agenda it's on page seven under Ed curriculum again we do this twice a year we have to report the number of um HIV investigations we do per building along with any discipline and code of conduct issues that occur in our building so um if you look on page seven you're going to see a chart that speaks to the number of instances in each building along with the number of alleged um hibs um along with that we're also required to report the number of training programs do um for both our faculty and then the and then the um the educational programs that are then implemented in the classroom and so um our guidance counselors work with uh Mrs Stevens our director of guidance um in order to do so so you'll see all of um all of those numbers and all of those programs on page seven um I would also like to point out on page nine um is the school calendar for the following school year the 2425 school year so um I know a lot of people like the plan um so we try to get that as soon as we can um if approved tonight by the board I will then post that on the district website so families can um see the district calendar for for the following school year uh finally I would like to end with a update on Washington School um I know our families are eager to get back in the building as am I um construction has now um begun we started right after the um the winter recess and so um I was there just the other day and they're making a tremendous amount of progress at Washington School the goal is to hopefully be there um for March 1st um I think it's a realistic goal um and I think if we don't make that date I think it would then extend to April 1st but we really are moving along um there was um one last thing we needed to take care of in Terms of Permitting and removal and I think I mentioned in Prior meetings there was aestus in The Source room of where that fire occurred and some deck work in and around the basement and so the asbest remediation started today um there were some permits and things that need to be filed with the state in order to do that work and so um we did that it's being done as an occupied abatement which allows the contractors to continue the work it was very important that we do the abatement in that manner so that did not disrupt the construction in the other two levels so the idea is by the time the abatement is done the contractors would have finished their work on the first two levels and ultimately then they can go into the basement to complete the work um and I'm trying to push them um as much as I possibly can to get that work done um we've paid a little bit extra in our insurance has all lot us to do that to extend um to extend the work into night shifts so we have shifts that are working in the morning and then they come in at night so that we could so we could get that work moving I'm doing everything in my power to get the students back uh to Washington school so um and and then I I did mention before any student does return to Washington School we're going to give families an opportunity to walk the building so they can take a look at the work um that was done um there's a chance that that one classroom may not be put back together it'll obviously be safe and clean um but some of the drywall and things might not be in the in the room where the fire occurred but again I want to get students back that was an ancillary room to begin with it wasn't really used all day long for instruction so if ultimately that work has to get done in the summer I'll okay with that as long as I could get the students back as quickly as possible so um I will continue to give updates on the progress and um that ends my report thank you public we heard on the with and agency I understand the importance of joining with somebody but I just don't know why bille surey I can answer that yeah so so the Belleville superintendent reached out to me um we're required by a lot of following to follow purchasing guidelines and with following purchasing guidelines we always have to ensure we're getting the B the best price of any product and so um the easiest way to do that is to go under State contract so a lot of vendors will apply through the state and they have to go through a process of getting their company certified and ensuring that they're giving school districts the lowest possible price so typically when we're buying any product we look or service we look to see that they're under State contract the second way to go about purchasing a good or service is um to enter into a co-op or have co-ops do that so in other words um school districts or areas will come together and they will work with vendors so that they submit pricing so that we get the best price so the so the Belleville superintendent reached out to me and said that he's creating his own co-op with a slew of vendors to ensure that local districts get the best price on goods and services so he asked me if I would be interested in doing so and I said yes so it's just a co-op that Beville is putting together on a variety of goods and services to ensure that we get the best price it's there's absolutely no financial obligation it's just literally um I gave it's a great question the board asked a similar question during the work session and I gave this example let's just say our microphones um were breaking and they were faulty we needed to buy new microphones in his Co-op he might have a technology company that sells microphones I can use that Co-op now to purchase the microphones if they have a good price I don't have toed to purchasing hey you guys want on this no no no no no no this is this is just if we need something and the vendor that they have already solicited and they have gone through that state bidding process so it's a lengthy process to get vendors to submit proposals and go through that they're a very large distri District who purchases more Goods than we do so for them it's worth it for them to manage their own purchasing agreement because they're always going to ensure they that they get the best price we typically Mr hman could speak to it we're already a member of three or four co-ops throughout the state and that again just allows us to look at those vendors if they offer a good price we don't have to go out to bid we can just purchase the good immediately and sometimes ISS there's no County cross right so basically correct yeah they're just yes exactly great no good question thank you board discussion and formal business agenda Finance go I make a motion to move forward Finance resolutions 1 through 18 to be adopted second I second call Mr for Mr and Miss Pas Mr Pas Mr P four Mr patronia in my opinion the agenda was not provided in a timely manner uh we have come to a resolution moving forward but on this resolution I abstain Dro Miss Stella for Mr Val for motions car education quick I make a motion to move forward education and curriculum resolutions 1 through six to be adopted second vot call Mr for Mr androp for Miss pasamano for Mr Paso Mr P for Mr patronio abstain Dr Scardino Miss Stella for Mr valano for motion carries policies and rules and regulation okay okay on this um agenda February 29 2024 will be the next Board of Education meeting at 5:45 public at 7:30 yeah so so the board so that there's dates listed under five under policies and rules and rags and number four um yes four and five oh four and five sorry and so um there were some conflicts with some board members and some other dates within the district so the board just thought it would be best to just approve the February meeting as we try to work through the through the schedule for everyone for the remainder of the year so we're going to approve the February 29th meeting I'm going to work on the dates to see if they're meable for everyone and then at the next meeting hopefully have the rest of this of the school Year's dates approved but again the the public will work session will start at 5:45 with the public session starting at 7:30 okay pursuant to the recommendations of the superintendent of schools the committee of policies and rules of Regulation recommends the following resolutions be moved forward for a roll call vote I make a motion to move forward policies and rules and regulations number one through five second second Mr P what you want roll call Mr aate for Mr andropoulos M pasamano Mr pasamano Mr Fara four Mr petronio obain Dr Scardino Miss Stella for and Mr valano for motion carries Personnel Michael would you take that for us please pursuant to the recommendations of the superintendent of schools the committee on Personnel recommends the following resolutions to be move forward to a roll call vote I make a motion to move forward Personnel resolutions a through n n second second Dominic thank you R call Mr abat for Mr andrinopoulos four miss pasamano four Mr pasamano Mr PDA four Mr patronio abstained Dr Scardino Miss Stella for and Mr valana for motion carries public hearing on agenda no any new business first new business okay new business go for it anybody have any new business does anyone have new business new business business public on non-agenda items public hearing now on non-agenda item Michelle good evening ask insurance that so for example uh last year my daughter got a j school at traffic field practice right she needs that Sur and all that and I guess I'm ask policies information about insurance currently B2200 surgery when we're told School insurance these are some that togy allur as well so what I want to ask is is responsibility Insurance when I have but I think what I'm asking is is there a way that you know this can be amended and also GE te EXP schar right there crew rowing next one's fcing there so much that happens the school district that the general public or even as parents don't know about and I think just be um a good way to advertise and to celebrate students in our schools and that even us as parents we have our neighbors we have our kids friends who are doing amazing things that we probably you know that's a good suggestion I know that um I know the high school I know the middle school here they send out a monthly newsletter in terms of the programs that are happening within the schools but I could certainly talk to the principles and maybe look to do something um you know a couple times a year from the district to send out just updates of programs and things I know we try to recognize students at board meetings you know frequently um but I do recognize that not everyone can make it to a board meeting and they might not be aware of that so I think it's a good suggestion to to put together something on a district level to promote our students because you're right you know there's a lot of great things our students are doing and the general public might might not know now um okay I could also look into so the crew so like you mentioned as you were saying that the co-op was sort of in my mind and then you said it so we do co-op with North Arlington um for wrestling we co-op with pamis I believe for hockey so those Partnerships do exist so I could certainly reach out to the athletic director and see you know and you know even just start with a general interest to see if students are wanting to pursue crew I think that would be the first step to see if we have students that would be willing to participate or wanting to participate in that program if we get interest I could certainly speak to him about what could potentially be the next steps and soe only students particip of are students what is theer that but that's okay that insurance yeah so so so the school Insurance um you know that school insurance comes out of the business office but I do remember um as a building principle that our insurance is a secondary insurance right and so we could certainly speak to our faculty about conveying that message and typically the way secondary insurance works is whatever your insurance doesn't cover then our insurance uh kicks in um you know like you said you emailed Mr himman our business office will be able to articulate that more clearly I'd really have to look into how you know our insurance is structured but I do know that it's a secondary insurance yeah okay okay you you're welcome thank you I do have uh one other matter that was brought up during executive session that the board does need to vote on uh this resolution uh be it resolved upon the recommendation of the superintendent the board hereby approves the long-term suspension of number one 97209 for the term of January 9th 9th 9th 2024 through June 30th 2025 can I get a motion please 2 uh 24 I'm sorry 2024 motion Dominic Abate second Michael V roll call uh Mr abat yes Mr andrinopoulos for Miss pasamano Mr pasamano abstained Mr PDA four Mr petronzio for Dr Scardino is absent Miss Stella for and Mr valano motion carries thank you it make a motion yeah make a motion I we're going to make a motion to return back to Executive session we will not return back here we'll dismiss from up there no action will be taken okay who's a motion second second all in favor I uh against abstentions motion carries thank you so much for coming everyone have a great evening and again our next Board of Ed meeting will be uary 29th work session 5:45 uh public session again at 7:30 thank you so much here