##VIDEO ID:EUsjDnQ4iMA## calling our uh pre-commission meeting to order at 802 a.m. good morning to everyone going to start off looking at our CRA agenda there any questions for B regarding CRA um I do okay I found it was interesting on um one section of the written portion it said uh I wish I could find the about the goals and objectives yes it said morals it had morals in there I just copied that straight from the plan that was um written in 2004 or 2003 I just thought that was interesting wording for government agency did anybody else think that was odd it just as some background information this is this is another report um back in April the Florida legislature um passed this um um this house bill um That Special Districts and cras are Special Districts um have to prepare um a report a new report each year that outlines the goals and objectives of the CRA and also the projects that we identify to work on for the year and then on on the last page you'll see the performance measures yeah you know did we really Lish our goal or um did we miss something um so so there will be another report in December of 2025 um that will look back at these projects and and then I'll I'll have to report if we met our goals and objectives or not yeah I compliment you on a report it's just plain I mean I'll try to keep it as simple as possible anything else for the uh C all right thank you again moving on to uh number nine discussion possible approval for the final Mage rate know we last meeting talked about 4.05 any other concerns regarding the final milit rate it's just exact exactly the same as what we go on last time right it's just kind of like the formal must have two meetings type deal any questions on that all right any surprises at the meeting coming up on the millage right that's why we're discussing it now I just want to make sure I yes no um B discussing discussion and possible approval to adopt the final general fund Enterprise fund budget for 2025 is everybody good with that uh regular meeting minutes again urge everyone to look over those are there any updates as you can see now that need to be made to those all right and then moving on to new business development order for medals Run subdivision any questions about that I have one question about it it's it's it's is it because it only has 28 sites that it's on Entry one way in one way out because of the because the land density that that could be applied I still don't understand why you have you're going to have a neighborhood with only one way in one way out again I think the if I'm not mistaken 50 yes sir code says 50 and it's uh multif family putting more traffic on 39 any more questions on that one and of course the flimmer plat goes along with that so there are any questions about that all right and then taking us to our animal codes um 13 any questions for staff or Amy or any comments on that one look good all right so it's just a update and compilation of all the comments that we've had about it that we've you know come to a consensus on over the time that we discussed it and then we'll continue working through our our codes and our ordinances we um start up again in October working through uh another chapter so I think we did good working through the animals and uh we'll pick our next one after that um right so that's our agenda for Tuesday I know couple of weeks or a few weeks ago we discussed a comprehensive plan in the UDC of course we had Dr um chap to come in for that you know we initially agreed to let staff make necessary updates to the comprehensive plan then allowing us time to to you know have more discussion about it to in order to meet the so that we can adequately discuss it and provide input to it so we can update it the last discussion we had couple of those discussions was Hey how do we want to get input from the public one of the things we talked about was a town hall another thing we talked about was surveys but we sort of came to a a standstill after our last discussion CU we really didn't come to a a consensus on whether or not we wanted to move forward with conducting the survey because we know it's think a $7,000 to get the software or the the company in order to to conduct that though it's not limited to that survey and so talking with city manager staff is needing direction from us how do we want to proceed do we want to worry about surveys or public input per se just continue to move forward or continue to get public input as we normally do from the meetings that we have uh meeting with individuals emails Etc as we address the comprehensive plan or do we want to start with the eodc and allow that to drive what we put into the comprehensive plan as we go back to it so there's a couple of ways to to tackle it of course and talking with Dr you know in hearing Kim the comprehensive plan is more the Visionary document that sort of guides where we want to go and how we want to do it and of course the ordc is more of our regulations as to how do we enact the vision that we've set forth through the comprehensive plan so um so we do got a we have to make a decision on how do we want to move forward and what is it that we're expecting staff to do to assist us in moving forward you have any thoughts Mr inder um yeah are we under a timeline for this is there any any right so we're um it's hard for all of us to agree I mean it's not we don't agree it just takes longer for everybody my thought is I know Pat's interested in one section of the comprehensive and Jamie's interested in another part is there any way we can split up responsibilities and then bring it back I'm actually more interested in the ulc I think the answers in our regulations versus the comprehensive plan see right and Jamie what do you feel I said what I said at the workshop I mean I read the fir you you just read the first couple sentences and you're like yeah A lot's changed since this has been done before um see that's my point and and I think that's what we're discussing it now I understand that's what we're discussing and I think when you read that you're like yeah this is definitely outdated needs to be updated and I think it's important to start with a comprehensive plan get that done because I've been asking about this for over a year now and uh that's my opinion I think we should start with a comprehensive plan and then go to the ulc well the point I'm trying to make is look how long it took us just to get through the animal portion that we're voting on um how many months and it's no one's fault I mean we're all you know we work and it depends on what issues are happening within the city as to how long it takes us to get through it that's that's the real answer yeah so I mean it takes time to do those things trying to get everybody's schedule and time is always an issue all right that's about two sentence you asked me so really a no answer I got you yeah all right Sam you have any thoughts on it did we ever do the Tyler notify to see if people even interested in doing a survey because we we put it out there but how do we count all of those answers coming in that was our our big thing I mean you could just say are you interested in building out a survey in the future yes or no and then if you got you only got like 200 responses you know it's not worth the money you know we want to put some type of we would want to put something on the website where they can select yes or no but the Tyler notify would be a link to that website okay um Tyler notify doesn't have the capability for them to make a selection but it can take them where they need to go to make that selection yeah that will work that way cuz I mean we don't really honestly we just want to count the yes's and if there's like you know there's how many people are C you only to get like a th000 responses of yes is it worth $7,000 to get such a small sample size I would say no but if we got an overwhelming response of like you know 8,000 people saying yeah we really want to have input into this and maybe we could consider it yeah well we took it out of the budget you guys told us want been okay so so no kind answers that yeah um are there particular areas of the OC menion that you want to look into Z so all right so I guess a happy medium is we can start on the comprehensive plan the big Visionary part of it and also look at Zone I think we can look at zoning at the same time but that a lot of our zoning is in the comprehensive plan probably needs to come out Amanda um we don't have zoning first of all um so when you get emails from people that talk about C1 C2 what they're talking about is County zoning uh our city got rid of zoning before I came here I don't know why we have a future land use map I mentioned to you a little while ago about the possibility of having zoning because right now all our commercial is lumped together in one thing so we don't have the option of saying you can't put that type of commercial there because in our code it allows for it the other thing that I wanted to mention when you're talking about the comp plan is um they will not give us an extension on the things that we have to do which are things that I'm approve for you are to do that no but what I wanted to say to you is I'm working on that now so some of the things that you're talking about as being outdated in the comp plan will be going away so I don't know if you want to I'm going to be bringing that to you like December January latest whether you want to wait and see how it is with all that gone to start working on it because I don't want you wasting your time on things that aren't going to be there anyway now were there particular areas for you commissioner ward in regards to the comp plan that you thought need to be um density the you got all the different densities do we want to look at changing that keep it the same because I know a lot of residents that's what they complain or concerns are is it's getting too dense and then uh with the different and this probably Falls more in the ulc but it is in the comp plan as far as the different types of uses for all the different Lan use codes which would change if we went to zoning right any other thoughts in regards to the discussion on the comprehensive plan ofc I'm a big fan of zoning so so out there I think uh that'll solve a lot of our problems I know it be big big overhead at first I think it'll pay for itself in the future I think just establishing a zoning map would be the you don't have to have a zoning department you know what I mean it gives it gives more clarity to to to development right and like we have overlays and stuff but it we could be more specific like you know what can be done on Florida Avenue versus 77 versus 390 versus you know we have the future uh use land map but the zoning we could be really specific and think that's a good thing I think some of what we do in the U OBC basically comp sort of correlates with what the CRA already says it you can't and can't do the C so once we so sometimes we're looking at the uod is really as we've discussed it over the past few years it's really been outside of the CRA because the C is like his own of his own zoning per se so the C is a of if I'm understanding in correctly a zonin itself which has the dues and don'ts in that as well yes ma'am the the CRA has um the future land use designations um so if I let's take low density residential so right now under residential we have low density medium density high density under low density residential all we have is that um you can go up to 4.99 units per acre and then we have our setbacks so in the CRA you've got low density you've got mixed juice you've got commercial you've got a range what most other people have when you have zoning um if you had low density residential you wouldn't just have that 4.99 dwelling units per acre you would have something like an art Within in the land use because we still have to have that you would have let's say for example an r10 R11 R12 and the R12 would mean that a buildable lock had to be at least 12,000 Square ft an R11 would be 11,000 square ft so you can get more specifics in there and the same with your commercial you can break your commercial into different designations so we do have the CR but within the CRA we don't have zoning we still just have the land use and now with the 19 or historic pla you have the designations as to what the lot size has to be for that only if it's low density residential we don't have any if it's mixed juice or commercial okay all right cool um anything else I know at the last prek mission meeting I brought up about um traffic safety policy and procedures I actually sent that email out to the other commission you guys have a chance to look at that and just want to know what your thoughts are on that we should probably review it update it at some point so it's more um straightforward said that we don't have to have conversations about what's you know go back and forth and it was done quite a while ago so it's in 2017 and it was really made for stock sign and hops there was nothing in there about the speed BMS which were always left to the city to do so I have been working on making some updates to to put something specifically in there about speed bumps because those are retractable speed humps are permanent and they require contractor work uh striping all of those things that's the reason those things will go to the commission that's the reason the stop sign will go to the commission uh but the the speed funs or something that you can put in and out and make a decision if you can traffic home an area for a particular time and then take them up so they're kind of a temporary to to get get people in the mindset of just slowing down okay so I am working on um updating that and we'll get that to you I've already added speed vs in there cuz that was not addressed and that's just something that always done themselves I had somebody who lives in M Highlands tell me yesterday that they're not speed bumps they're stop bumps is it the same one that came and complained about the speeding no this is a different resident I mean quiet yeah dry s a human you know I mean you looking at the data there's no kidding um it shows that there's a speeding problem there I think we all can agree on that reason I asked you guys to look at it is speeding problem on Indiana Avenue do you think the city did all the proper steps on this that's the question I really wanted to know I guess what is what what else did we want the city to do I mean they came and the staff brought it to us we discussed it they brought the updates back to us told us what their procedures would be so I don't I mean besides going and in some sense we could say hey they didn't go and ask the residents but the residents are the ones that actually came and complained about it they did they did and and when you read this the way I read it is the intent of it is to have the whoever's initiating the complaint be involved in the process to make sure that they get the Buy in from all the other residents in that area and of course that area be is defined by the traffic um common committe and commissioner work where there seems to be some um gray area is that only thing it dra addresses this in here is Street speed hunts there's a difference between speed hunts and speed fs and if we were going to put in a permanent something that would be a process exactly we would follow come to you guys um but something for traffic coming that could be temporary that would be something to help out um that neighborhood until you know we can probably get a handle on it um so that's the way the city differentiated the the two of them I've added that as I go through this committee as I go through this uh Traffic Safety speed hump so that there's that that really is on the um speed bumps are the onus of the city something that can be done qu you know fairly quickly especially if there is a highp speeding problem which there there was a very very I don't think we've ever got that type of um data back in a neighborhood before but if you want us to bring both the humps the bumps the stop stop signs to the commission you can do that but as long as I've been here the only ones that have been marked to the commission were stop signs ands so sorry uh I'd like to read the introduction to this and let me know what you think when I read the introduction traffic caling is a traffic management approach to slow vehicle speeds as they move through commercial and residential neighborhoods the benefit for pedestrian and bicyclist is that cars now drive at speed that are safer and more compatible the commission recognizes that properly placed and designed safety common Dev devices are an effective tool for reducing vehicle speeds and discouraging cut through traffic traffic common devices can be grouped within the following General categories bumps humps and other raised pavement areas yield signs reduced Street area where motor traffic is given priority street closures traffic diversion surface texture and visual devices parking treatments the city we utilize the US Department of Transportation manual uniform traffic devices and Florida Statutes chapter 3 16 is a guide to establish locations for Traffic common devices as noted the city has original jurisdiction over all Street and highways located within its boundaries and may use other means to justify a common device in the promotion of Public Safety in efforts to assist the commission and make a decision regarding a citizen request or commission request all requests will go through a Traffic Safety Committee consisting of the city manager city engineer Public Works director police chief and fire chief after committee review the information the city manager will make a determination and provide a recommendation to be considered by the commission the commission has the authority to accept the city manager's recommendation or reject it I don't have pumps BS L only things I have here pumps and other payment areas that's what I have now this is what's on the website it says approved October 2017 that's all I mean so sounds to me like it's a we need to update the policy get it is there's some confusion there because and and this is why I'm bringing it up is you know I'm sure plenty of people come up to commissioner perno and come up to the rest of you talking to us about it and what I want to say to them is the city followed all the policy and procedures that are set in place but when I read this I feel like I can't say that and reading this it sounds like any TR safety Comming device that we put up is supposed to come to us as a commission to to vote on it that's the way I read it that's why I was asking you guys to look at it and tell me what you think I guess if we put this in the same and that's traffic common device I know when we had the issue over in Public's parking lot uh traffic committee met I was on site there a couple times when they met but that wasn't an issue that was voted on by the commission that was something that traffic commission committee met about was initiated with citizen complaints so when citizens do respond to me and they and make citizens come and ask me and say well why did the committee do XYZ well you had citizens to complain about it so that initiated the complaint um but that wasn't something that was a a big change but it wasn't something that they had to bring to us in order for us to vote on it to change it so I do get people to say or ask questions about that particular thing my response is that's something that citizens initiated I do understand your point to um cuz when I met when I had the town hall you know out the stop signing some people stop some people don't constantly like have traffic jams that intersection it's bad um and so yeah cuz I I was at the Town Hall when we discussed the traffic committee so hey there it wasn't anything documented to say these are the procedures for that so I be a follow city manager disc what you're saying is right now it goes to the traffic committee and they they make the applicable action well the city manager makes the recommendation based on the feedback get from the traffic comic committee and then the way I read it is supposed to come to us and I guess the issue is that there there was nothing in there discussing speed humps or speed bumps to decide what who does what with the speed bumps because there was nothing in the policy discussing speed bumps prior to now or correct prior to what's being updated correct and I am updating that and I have added speed BMS in there would be very clear of the Poli poliy that I know since I've been city manager that's the way speed bumps are done if you want everything to come to the commission I'm absolutely I'm just looking at the policy I'm just saying if you guys want everything to come to the commission I'm I'm fine with that you know our whole goal was just protect the citizens I like the idea as far as you know whoever is initiating it you know has to get involved in the process I like that idea and then they have to get the Buy in of of the residents and I think they did that for a reason because when you look at what's going on in MO Highlands you got half the people saying this and half the people saying that you know um but definitely something needs to be done not disagreeing with that I'm just question the policy on it that's all so I will rewrite this and bring it to the commission for um anything else can I speak on this issue my grandson's you know that this is a big issue with right we yes ma'am if you send us an email or talk with us after the Mee thank you anything else um so I think some of you I don't know if everyone got the email from the guy that had water coming this house this weekend okay so just want to bring that up because um I think that's the main goal right now is yeah structural so what he's saying is true and I saw the pictures and you know this is a little bit unique because it's because of the water going into the sewage and the sewage coming up and and all that but uh maybe I don't know we need to get some type of I don't know as a commission or just us as Citizens help push the that just because you're not in a flood zone doesn't mean you can't flood that's very true like the flood zone just means you're legally obligated to have flood insurance that's literally all it means but uh with that being said um I do think that it would be since we had a rain event that obviously was a ton of rain at once I mean I saw a picture from a friend that they had a boat like just on the trailer that filled up with water like it was a lot of water it wasn't like a this the type of rain we get regularly that being said I think that um it would be a good idea to maybe have Chris uh life foot give an update on the projects that are being worked on like we've we do periodically I also do think it's important that since we just approved storm water that we create some type of goals and uh I know Chris has goals but to have like an official document of like with this money these are the goals this is how we're going to meet them and this is where we're at to meet those goals and I don't know every three every quarter or something give an update to everybody on the goals what the goals are and how they P met we we do have that and he was doing that every um and then there just not any updates but he can he will do a presentation the first meeting in October that tells of all the projects some of them are as you know are Grant driven um U particular one resident that I was talking to yesterday um that that is a um is in the hand of the DP and armed coordinate Engineers before we can move forward to get that permit uh that's about a $300 something th000 project and then once that happens and he was like oh okay I understand that but we're going to do something temporary for him but yes um he does have that and he will do that first one in October first meeting in October okay one suggestion I have for making a plan is that we start creating a reserve I know that the storm water is for day-to-day operations but we do have one of the biggest things I've seen when talking to people whether that was two years ago walking around locking on doors or people just contacting me is there's a bunch of one-offs that um obviously cost money to fix so if do we have Reserve specifically for storm water for like oneoff situations like you know there's no way to guarantee that every ditch that was dug was dug properly that's impossible so there's going to be times where digs have ditches have been dug improperly where they're like this or you know there could be something blocking something that we were not aware of um those are things that those are things that we can do in house because we have the back truck so if that were to happen we can come in and suck out all of that anything that's impeding those pipes there um um of course this is the the you know do what the third or fourth year we've done storm water assessment um if you remember there was no money in storm water at all and so I think um as we get through these projects um and yet because there and there is a storm water uh plan just so you know the Comm commission approved that in 2019 and it's about like that and that's kind of what we went off of in terms of the storm water plan in but yes we can uh we do have just a little bit money when just like this resident on Vermont we're going to go in and fix that temporary until the entire project is permitted so there's some money there to do those small projects if possible yeah yeah we try not to let those projects linger something that we can do and then here's other challenge too there are just SE there are a few contractors who are expert in those areas they have so much work sometimes it it takes them um I don't know a month just to get to the project because they're usually under $35,000 that means you have to have three quotes um and uh we get those projects done but it just takes a little bit longer as opposed to a big project and people are bidding on and you can get it done quicker but yes we do right yeah can you tell us where the house is at the uh the one with the water came up Jersey 1409 Jersey yeah what is it Louisiana 1409 New Jersey New Jersey yeah and we are doing some survey and there as Chris to go on and do some survey there um to see what's going on in that area that has been a problem before has it never never you're absolutely right okay is there construction going on around there that could have block some it was just one um this person said that they had contacted us before but they are nowhere on our list I mean you guys probably seen the list that we were keeping and just about all those houses are all so this was our first time hearing them 1409 New Jersey I guess one more thing on the storm is I sent that um slideshow out so you guys could look at that and give me some feedback letre anything else is that um the um back flow um stuff I got a I got a 15-day notice am I like one of the Dead beats that hasn't got that done yet or is there a lot of people that are in the I think they're doing them in waves okay yeah because they hung something on my door Mr Clyde he goes out and he's he's he'll do them in waves when it's time for you to uh do that renewal I mean I got one yeah so yes I got one yesterday I said 15 days so I I obviously didn't regard the first one so it has to be inspected every two years why State the state that's a state requ reir yeah well trust me we're not pushing that but we tried pushing against it yeah it's I don't know you want my opinion I think it's all ridiculous because they say that you know if you get a low pressure that it could go through your sprinkler system which has valves in it and that and as there's chemicals there it could get into the water system and that and the chances of all that happening you know I yeah it's a stretch it is I do want to get a commission update to something mention about someone had not um received the bill for for years and months or whatever it was we do have a consumption report now now the the thing with that report it it just spits out everyone that has no consumption so it could be somebody's turned up their irrigation for the summer because they don't want to you use money um for their irrigation um but we have someone specifically assigned to go out and check those meters um to make sure that they are working and then there are many that are not when people get their first bill we don't back build them but when they get their first bill they call us and say okay I got a water bill and we say yes you did cuz you haven't been receiving one for the past couple of months and so we we do work through that list um I can tell you when I came on a city manager there were over 3,000 people on that list that was right after Hurricane Michael of course and so they W that list down I want to say Stephanie what to about 600 somewhere along in there and so we have someone specifically assigned to that I want you to know that that we have 600 people not paying the water well that's the report but we don't know if there's 600 people not paying it could be that for instance irrigation is on there as well yeah so it could be they just turn or it could be a vacant house that's it could be a vacant house those the kind of things but we have to check every single regardless yes and I do just want to clarify that they're receiving a bill they're they're paying their base rates they're just not paying that $3 and some change per thousand gallons and then as those meters get changed out that's when we get a call about the uh their bill being higher than normal um but that's just productivity showing so got a discounted right yeah yeah yeah but they're doing really good catching it up so so now they got yes anything else before we go all right see you Tuesday me and your