e e e e e e e good morning I'd like to call the meeting to order it is 9:01 um as you can tell I'm not Jesse Nelson I am the mayor protim we do that on a rotation basis so it's my lucky time so at this time I would like for you to stand for the invocation it will be given by Mr Mike Williams can you hear me can oh there we go okay um let us pray father just thank you uh for getting us getting all of us here together father just thank you for being with us and keeping us moving forward um I just pray that you continue to keep your hand on us and let us to make good decisions and and even if we you know disagree on things father just just stay with us help us get through them and uh help us just to make good in our community um I feel very blessed just to be part of this amazing community and everybody in this city um and I just and thank you Lord and just just stay with us and and uh help us have a great day and I ask all this in your amazing name in Jesus name we pray amen The Pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Mike we're all praying for a speedy recovery for you mayor Nelson is not here but I would like to ask for a motion to excuse his absence I'll make the motion to excuse mayor Nelson I'll second the motion has been made by commissioner perno seconded by commissioner commissioner peoples um would the city manager please call the RO commissioner perno yes commissioner peoples yes commissioner War yes mayor protim Vander yes the motion passed 40 at this time it is time for public commentary I noticed Mr Walker that you signed up to speak about a consent agenda is that correct so your opportunity is now good morning um ladies and gentlemen the consent agreement um I noticed it on the uh agenda and we're not allowed to discuss things that are on the agenda okay uh it goes to approval to you we don't have a chance to discuss it that's one thing I don't agree with um it is part of things that should be discussed especially dealing with the fact that as we get down to here there's the on the agenda residential paint program uh the residential paint program mentioned the pat flat 1911 flat 1911 was done in 1911 A and B it was negated 1944 never used again never used again because the Fuel Depot was there was taken over by the United States government they owned the property okay now we're getting ready to go back into the 1911 plot not been used are we bringing the 1911 plat back into effect for the Fuel Depot advised 1911 plot designed the he designed the property there without the lots and everything that's not what the Fuel Depot is going to do you know that though was a 1911 plot on the consent agreement which you agreed to which we couldn't discuss as Citizens going to be used for the 1911 plot it also mentions the CRA in the 1911 plat as being there it's not there the is not represented in there nor should it ever be be careful with that one so you've got a little concern coming up with your 1911 plat which hasn't been used for over 50 years and has not been done also it took you that 50 years to reannexation able to discuss the consent agreement we should when you have something on there that we can never discuss before and then you have to vote on it and you put it in the consent agreement to vote on it you vote on it we don't get a chance to say anything about it those are my concerns this week thank you for your time thank you Mr Walker Miss Parker morning everyone morning I'm going to talk about the proverbial elephant in the room as I said I would um someone sent to me um a signed copy of Chief ry's code of ethics and code of contact Miss Gainer I would appreciate if you would forward those things to the rest of the commission because they're pertinent to the situation at hand it is regardless whether he's on duty or off duty HR Director would like you to believe that because he was off duty it's irrelevant it's not he is held to a bigger standard than any other police officer because of his title he Has other infractions election interference 31,000 pages of text messages that include vulgar statements racist statements does that not relevant to any one of you sitting up there it does disgust me that this continues to be covered up it's being covered up what next what is he going to do next and another thing that needs to be brought up there doesn't need to be a consensus for something to be put on the agenda any one of you Commissioners and put something on the agenda and that's trying to be Bamboozled and I don't appreciate it it's never been like that before so I ask each of you to dig deep and look at his past Deeds that are a staining on this this count this this city they continue to be I went to the hearing that was done by zoom and again they're kicking it down the road ram and the defense attorney have both agreed for a 45 day renewal of looking at the information because they could not come to an agreement here here's here's a suggestion look at that video for 45 days and tell me is he guilty or not that you said to me when I spoke to you that something was going to happen a slap on the wrist keeping him in administrative duties is not something happening it's him continuing with his six- figure Salary thank you at this time it's uh time for commissioner reports I think I'll start first I'm usually last so this week I had several calls from citizens about um issues concerning the maintenance uh codes so whenever I get a call like that I always go and take a look at the situation um and that's why I keep bringing up the house numbers and uh because I've noticed that even um more frequently as I'm out and about um looking at these issues that citizens bring to me so if you do have any issues regarding uh maintenance in your neighborhood we have a code enforcement department and so I encourage you to um to follow through with the code Department um of course you can call me that's fine but if you want a a straight shot to the code enforcement I recommend that you make that telephone call um I think will go to um commissioner peoples now for his comments thank you well first I want to say uh thanks to Mike Williams for coming out and doing that that was really awesome to see him up here uh praying for us and and leading in the pledgees um it's been through a long journey of recovery and it's awesome to see that he's back able to do that it was um it was a joy and and and God is good I also wanted to mention that um I'll have coffee I have a coffee meet up this Saturday at 8: a.m. at Wild Root if anyone wants to come talk to me about any concerns or anything like that uh and then next uh Mr Walker which you're talking about the consent agenda one thing that um I I would suggest to anyone that's listening is one thing you can do is do exactly like Mr Walker did um put your name on the list to come up about the consent agenda public commentary is before the consent agenda so you can mention that and if you and then if you know we decide okay maybe this shouldn't be in the consent agenda we can pull it from the consent agenda and move it forward to to the business areas so um just a suggestion I'm not telling anyone what to do just that's the first thing that came to mind that if I was had a concern about a consent agend item that's what I would do so um yeah and with that that's my report I just want want to thank everybody on staff um do a great job and keep up the good work thanks commissioner perno thank you mayor proam um and thank you commissioner Peebles and Mike thank you for your invocation it was good to see you buddy um I think uh um if it's okay uh can I take a swing talking to Mr Walker um if it's okay with you was about about the 1911 plot or what he was what he was asking about because um I do I do believe you were talking about Mr Walker you were talking about the Fuel Depot correct that okay cuz the Fuel Depot was sold to a private entity correct so it's it has to be replatted basically and there needs to be a development agreement before a development order with the S that's why we're having all these meetings and stuff that's that's as far as I want to go with that it's that there's there there's a lock in a gate on that because it's it's private property um so we're we we've had several meetings with the marina Island LLC people so that's that's in development it won't it there will be a to my understanding there'll be a new plat for that area of of our city so it'll have to be replanted so to speak and re redeveloped at the time at the time that the development agreement is done so there'll be new there'll be new infrastructure there'll be all this so that's that's what I wanted to clarify more than more than anything now regarding the other part of the 1911 plant with the CRA is I I do believe if I'm not mistaken we're using that just as a geographical guideline nothing to do with with the plat itself it's just what how the plat was diagrammed back in 1911 and that's that's I think what Mr janky and the commission agreed on to expand the paint program uh beyond the current C into the into that area of the 1911 PL and and I thought we thought it was a great thing to expand that program to our citizens we voted on it and I think it was unanimous at that um that that we agreed on that so just wanted to just just make a clarification to you on that um aside from just a few things I worked on with some some citizens I I I got to attend U um two meetings um since our last meeting um uh one of them uh was the um um it was actually just a luncheon and it was last Thursday but it was the accumulation of all the work um in in a document uh presenting the document to the public U for the uh St Joe Bas in andreid Bay esary program which I've been a member of the policy board since it since its beginning and now um um I do believe every one of you I brought a copy of every one of these for all the Commissioners this is the comprehensive conservation management plan so this is what's being put out to the public um and and um um Miss Hodes you we we went to that lunch and uh we represented our city and and uh the um this is basically the program in a nutshell and it's available through their website um um I I I have uh I'm a little little behind on doing it but I just emailed the communications um the the June newsletter and the June newsletter would would have um would have everything in in it um it was it was emailed to me I encourage everybody to to um get involved with our sare program to protect and restore our Bays um that's very important uh the bays are the key to purifying keeping our water pure keeping people coming here to visit um you know if our if um if our Bays go away um our our sea life goes away our sea grass goes away our our our way of uh our way of having um tourism um just in general the the quality of life will be will be affected so just saying that uh it's it's taken three years but it's getting out there and now they'll be uh there'll be more to come trust me there'll be more more public interaction the um the estare program hopefully is not going away I hope this helps build the esary program onto a national Estuary program will be funded by federal dollars with the EPA and uh I that's enough I'll say about that the second meeting I attended was uh um was through the U Transportation Planning organization I'm on the subcommittee of the transportation planning organization um at our last trans uh Transportation Planning organization meeting uh it was brought up to um rekindle so to speak or or look at the language that we put in in in in an item last year to try to create a Transit Authority for Bay County now that in itself was done last year with a consulting company um it was brought to the TBO it was voted on it was sent to the legislature the legislature did not act on the the um proposal for the transit authority in Bay count in Bay County as as it did the legislature just didn't get to it didn't do anything with it so one of the um members of the TPO brought up that the language about creating the membership for the authority only only only stated that it would be elected officials and he wanted it to be changed that each um City would elect a member it could be an elected official it could be a member of the community that's what the meeting was was about that was the agenda item other things were brought forth um I do believe there's going to be some rewarding of the of the uh of the document again it still has to be what what we voted on what we decided to vote on was just to say that that we would change the wording to say a member so each City can either elect put an elected official on the board or put a member of the community or member of their city on the board so that being said um so and that would mimic more like the um like the airport Authority and so forth and the Port Authority that we have now so that being said that was done uh now it goes to the County Commission and it goes to the next TPO meeting the next TPO meeting in in um at the end of the month in June um so um um with that um I'll just say thank you to everyone um all the citizens and and uh all of our city employees and um all of our First Responders so thank you commissioner War um I got a couple things here uh one um I'm sure a lot of people saw um on Facebook um someone trash in our park so someone apparently had some gender reveal thing and uh left food paper plates all kinds of garbage there and uh it's been taken care of but I would ask you if you do see that please contact the city and if it's after our is called lhen Police Department um I do appreciate people reaching out and uh being upset about cuz uh that shows that you're taking pride in our park so um I appreciate that um my next time uh event with the um time with the commissioner is on 22nd of June it'll be at Slim Chickens at 11:30 for anybody who' like to sit down and talk to me uh about whatever issues or questions you may have um and the last thing um Chief Ry situation um I think I've already expressed my feeling on that um honestly I think most people have it wrong I think everyone I shouldn't say everyone most people are concentrating on the criminal charge I'm not if you just take the Civil citations and all the actions prior to that this is that enough to terminate an employee and that was the question that I asked the HR attorney when we had the workshop here and his answer was I believe what you're getting to is conduct Unbecoming and in my mind I was like that's exactly right so I've had many discussions with city manager about it we disagree on it um obviously us on the commission we disagree on it I I don't get it I struggle with it every single day I understand we have differences but to me this is pretty black and white um I don't know what else to do about it but I do feel we're not doing the right thing and that's all I'll say about that thank you Miss Gainer um Kiki we questions about the warrant list thank you so we started back the employee we used to have an employee of a month and we kind of revamped things and uh decided the leadership team decided we would go with employee of the quarter and uh if some of you remember when we had the employee of the month we've had that supervisor come up and talk about that employee as to why they are an employee of the the month or the quarter and so um this time we're we're doing a catchup so we're going to have two employee uh recognitions of the quarter and I'm going to ask first um that Stephanie Nicholls comes up and uh introduces her employee of the quarter good morning everyone this is Jennifer winkl she's in our customer service department Jennifer has been with the city since uh the spring of last year she continuously leads by example in providing exemplary customer service to linh Haven residents she goes above and beyond when assisting residents with her inquiries ensures followup when needed and works closely with other departments to ensure prompt resolutions despite her busy day Jennifer still finds the time to offer help to anyone who needs it among many things her ambition and positive attitude earned her the title of Employee of the quarter and I'm very grateful to have Jennifer a part of our customer service [Applause] team yeah [Applause] next we have Chris Lightfoot and he is going to talk about Michael David Coleman so Mr Coleman um joined us back in February of 2023 and he was one of the unfortunate people that had worked at the paper mill for many many years and lost his job so we we welcomed uh David to our team he quickly learned the storm water pipe um crew and and what all that entailed and was a valuable asset to that and as we progressed um we had been talking about transferring over to the radio read meters and he heard us talk about it one day and he said you know I'd like to learn how to do that so we we got him going on that and this man has worked by himself for the past several months and we are up to around 2200 radio read meters um started with about 400 when he started and he's been going out you'll see him installing radio read meters um working to get them programmed and though the whole program is a challenge in itself for all of us to learn he has taken it by the horns and and just absolutely ran with it so we are lucky to have him on our team he is a valuable asset and he is working tirelessly to get the radio read program off the ground and get it going so thank you for being here and being part of us thank [Applause] you e [Applause] yes ma'am so one of the things that we want to remind every resident of is that we now have paper building when I came to the city almost a little bit over seven years ago it was one gentleman that would call us probably monthly and said when you're going to when are you going to get the where you can send us a PDF so we can see our our our bills on by email well we have that now so we're encouraging residents to sign up to receive your bills by email that truly saves the city money otherwise um we print off those uh you utility buildings and then come through the mail and most of you may throw them away particularly people who have autopay that that's another one because you know it's going to be taken out each month so please encourage people to sign up for um uh this building and uh you'll be able to receive it by uh email so congratulations to all of the the allstar teams that are getting ready to go to Mississippi uh this year we have six teams that are going I think last year was two or three so you can see that our all of our activities are growing um by Leaps and Bounds there is still time to purchase a banner for Hometown Heroes I must say that uh parks and ground has done a great job of putting those banners up where they uh are seen I see lots of people coming out taking photos of that and so those are just great things for our citizens that um I hope that we all appreciate commissioner work has already talked about um the reveal parties that go on within our city it it it is a problem because our our staff have they have a schedule that they do every day in terms of cleaning the city when when something's that bad they usually will take off and try to clean up our parts very quickly because so many people do use our parks and we want you to use our Parks we just want them to to stay clean and appreciate apprciate all of the citizens who called us or um just said what can we do to help you just ask people to clean up and I think that's the most important part of it uh we are going to be repairing the sun shades and so those are going to help uh why people are out playing in our our Parks um we start softball this week and or do we have a full house uh kickball started Thursday night and if you've not seen the adult kickball you you are in for a treat you need to go out and watch it it is is probably one of the most competitive Sports I've watched in a long time and that is out at King Griffin Park and so we have a lot of things that we're going to bring to the commission on next agenda because the commission did ask us anything that was uh had a development order agreement to to always try to put it on the second agenda so we're going to do that um and we will have lots to to bring to you let me just say thank you thank you to staff for doing an awesome job um and working tirelessly every day to serve the citizens of L Haven it is a pleasure and honor to do that that's my report the City attorney do you have a report oh okay um last night a judge in the southern district of Florida entered a temporary injunction against the commission on ethics um regarding the enforcement of Senate Bill 774 y'all that's the that's the bill that required the form six full Financial disclosure as opposed to the form one the opinions 33 pages I got it last night we're still reviewing it but later on this week you should expect some direction from me as to what you file and when regarding that disclosure and the date for that disclosure was July July 1st was is the date your form six was due um I don't know now if it'll you have a 60-day grace period That's automatically built into the law um I just don't know yet if my advice to you would be to form to file the form one as a just in case by July 1 or wait and see what the what the judge is going to do next so it is just a temporary injection and not the final say but stay tuned thank you sorry if I asked a question so are you saying that form six might go away for us is that what you're saying May yes oh thank God i' I filled out most of that thing I'm going to tell you it was a pain in the neck and uh yeah it's there's a lot of stuff you got to put in there so it's not permanent yet it's just a temporary injunction but it does affect that July 1 deadline so I'm gonna read the whole thing and then get back to you but I did want to let you know that there's been a development there thank you but there is a 60-day extension there's a 60-day grace period yes ma' before the commission on ethics can impose any penalties thank you okay now we'll move on to the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the um 28 the meeting on the 28th and it also includes the uh uh residential paint program does the commission want to remove any of these items if not then we need a motion to approve the consent agenda I'd like to make a motion that we approve the consent agenda I'll second it so the motion to approve the consent agenda has been made by commissioner perno and seconded by commissioner pebs will the city manager please call the RO sure commissioner perno yes commissioner peoples yes commission War yes mayor portam Vander Griff yes it seems that we do not have any old business so we're going to move on to the new business and I would like to ask Miss Amanda Richards who's already up there um to explain uh the possible approval of this resolution thank you first let me read the resolution please um by title only resolution 20245 429 a resolution of the city of linh Haven Florida amending chapters 2 30 42 54 70 and 86 of the fee schedule in the pendix a of the Len Haven code of ordinances and providing an effective date thank you so periodically um we we being you the city do update the fees that we charge and these fees are within the fee schedule as a resolution sometimes there are fees that have been updated but have not been actually placed in this resolution this resolution once you've approved it get sent to uh municode and they place it on our website they they put the changes in the correct places in the ulc um or wherever else they need to go but they also make sure that it's a document that's updated on the website for people to look at uh the last fee schedule took place in May on May 9th 2023 and the city staff is proposing to amend the city's code of ordinances and it's appendix a to update that fee schedule so this fee schedule update reflects language changes classification changes and or new fees in chapters 230 42 54 70 and 86 the changes can be seen as stricken through in the document for the deleted text or as bold and double underline for the new text each department head submitted their own fee changes to the planning director myself who compiled the changes in the attached resolution number 20245 d429 this resolution will if adopted allow for changes to those chapters of the fee schedule um in appendix a of the Lin Haven code of ordinances so I just put this document together I I decide on my changes but I do not decide on the other Department's changes um so if you have questions they are all here to discuss why they changed their fees one thing that I do want to bring to your attention first though is beginning on um page 26 you might have noticed that some of the fees not just being they're not just um bold and double underlined but they actually had yellow highlights and the reason that those are like that is because those fees have actually been approved by you in the past it's just that because they weren't put into the fees schedule resolution they weren't updated in this document so you're not voting on those Fe Fe as new fees you have already done that thank you Commissioners do you have any questions uh I do I just was glancing at the recreation sponsorship cost and um I'm I don't know if it's because we have more people or facilities or what but our our season sponsorship for football went from $ 250 to 2500 is that for the is that for every is that previously was that just a one team sponsorship and now that's a whole seon so now it's for the entire league okay we basic off of participation that's kind of what I was thinking so yeah and and then there was one that went for spring and fall baseball so that's for both seasons went from 1,400 to 5,000 cor right so the 1400 would be for the entire Division and the 5,000 is for the entire league entire league okay yeah so we're basing off of this year's numbers so 700 to a th000 participants right and that's a lot more than we've had in the past correct right that's kind of what I figured but I just wanted because when somebody goes through and looks at it the the big the numbers that jump the biggest are going to Mo jump out to them so thank you I just wanted I had the same question so I'm glad you asked it Commissioners if you have a question if you could refer to the page number that would help us kind of keep keep up with you um yeah I have multiple questions that was one of my questions um there's two page numbers so page 30 is that one at the bot yes all right page 30 there's the inbu and Public Safety radio enhancement system what what is that fee for I I just don't know what it is I'm just trying to educate myself sorry good morning Commissioners I'm here on behalf of the fire station and the inspector who's on leave this is a brand new inspection requirement by Statute under the fire code um they're required now the sees required on Commercial properties to conduct an inspection of their BDA system which is the communication systems enlarged buildings Wi-Fi systems to ensure that emergency uh systems and alarms get to our fire station and our emergency response it is a new inspection requirement therefore the fire um station we've had to this past year they took that experience to help create a fee base on on the amount of time that it takes to conduct the inspection again this is not residential these are large commercial buildings so it is time uh and enhanced work thank you um under utilities it's got $600 for Road boore what is that I'm sorry 43 the the road BS or say you are establishing a new water service and the water main is on the east side of the road and your meter is going to be on the west side of the road we have to bore under the road to get that water service to you that's like for like probably usually like a new development or something a new home um for example if they were um Wisconsin Avenue where they're building a couple of new homes um the water main is on one side of the road and the house is on the other so you have to bore under the road there and that just covers the cost of that um and another one [Music] here the um there was one on um the cver it went from like 500 to 1500 and I now I can't find it it's on on page 27 Under 12 section 12 utility and storm water fees the the original the covert pipe replacement was for the first 30 ft it was 500 and we're asking to increase that to 1500 and the reasoning is we took the the work orders that we have now that we have a work order system we can track cost um I took the average of the the work orders of what it cost us to replace a covert and on average we're costing are spending about $1,700 um so I asked to increase that to ,500 and then each additional foot would be $40 instead of 20 and that's just to recuperate the cost of the pipe which has increased as well as our labor and fuel for the equipment so even with the 1500 it's still not enough to cover all of it we're we're still below the average but a good bit of them would cover the 1500 and then for the additional uh foot price of $40 we would make up that extra to cover the the larger ones so who installs it does the city our storm pipe crew does yes so is a substantial increase because of the the materials has increased so pipe of course has increased drastically over the years um but this price is still relatively cheap for us to install it versus a contractor um though a contractor is much more efficient and a lot of the jobs we have a contractor do we pass that cost onto the customer um but these smaller jobs like this we would do in house like a a 15 in 30ft covert that has to be replaced or installed we would do that now if it was a 30in um covert like on Vermont Avenue that there are multiple of those we would sub that out just because it's much larger than than what we typically handle so you said that it's ex did you say it was actually cheaper you said something about the rate cheap for us compared to the contractor on the smaller covers like 12 in 15in 18in it's cheaper for us to do it takes a little bit longer sometimes depending on the circumstances but the larger items 18 24 30 and on up that is much more efficient and cheaper for a contractor to do and prime example that I'm sure everyone saw the water main break on 19th in Maine last week so that was a 10inch line just something we're not really equipped to handle on an efficient basis so it's much easier cheaper and efficient for a contractor to to sub out and have them do it and much quicker than what we could handle in the house so we currently have a setup where we do all the storm water CTS not all we probably do about 90% in house but the bigger ones they pay is it you about utilize our push button contract that was approved back in 21 I believe or we'll get the three quotes um just depending on what the circumstances are okay so the $1500 or from that $500 $1,500 I don't know why I can't find it is that for all water covers or was that just a certain size that is for again a new 45 that's why I couldn't find it I knew I had it in here sorry new construction just like the what we just talked about with the new water service say you were installing a new a new driveway for a new home this would be what that covers or you're adding a driveway onto your backyard to access your a back gate or something that's what this cover costs or C covers and we do that right cor would that be cheaper for the contractor to do that in some instances it is yes and there are some contractors that have installed their own uh piping over on um Alabama Avenue I believe or Wyoming Avenue we recently had where when they came in to pay their impact fees and all their permits they initially paid for the the driveway permit and then they discovered it was much cheaper to do it themselves while they were there so we reimbursed them for the um the driveway stuff that they had already paid for would it would it be would it be better for us to change it where they could just private ties it out for a new construction absolutely we could require them just to install it from themselves from the get-go um now we would have to still have this fee just in case anyone wanted to add a you know a driveway in the back or anything like that but if it was a new construction home we could require them to do it initially from the from the beginning for when they're building a house so regardless whether they have someone else do it or not they still get to pay this $1,500 fee correct okay that's all I got I have a few things uh so uh in chapter two and chapter 38 um I believe there might be a typo because what page what page page 20 for chapter 2 is it the one at the bottom the uh false alarms is it this one here it's two page numbers do the one at the bottom that's in dark yeah yeah page page 20 so the bottom of page 20 there talks about the false alarms and then uh yeah that was a question I had two I think I wonder if one's commercial and one's residential or something other one's chapter 38 which is on page 35 35 yeah 35 um both of them are talking about false alarm responses and they have different prices so I don't know cuz chapter 38 up top just says offenses and then the other one's talking about uh police response so I don't know if we want to make sure that those line up with the same price or if that was intended to be something different I'm wondering if one's like residential one's commercial that's what I was thinking when I I saw the same thing I just can't find it now those numbers in parentheses like one of them is Page 20 and I didn't get the other page number 35 35 35 yeah listed twice on page 35 that's the one I was looking at listed on twice on page 35 and I'm I'm guessing that it one's commercial and one's residential I don't know to me it looks like uh the chapter 38 one is a fences okay yeah right it's the fences is that different than the one on page 20 false alarm responses I you say um what I I get back to my office I'll check the emails that were sent to me because I know that the police department sent me some changes and asked that I also make those changes in the fire department section so it is possible with all the different um versions and emails the that is something that I should have carried over to that second one the changes should have been carried over to the chapter 38 but weren't carried over so I can take a look at that when I go back to the office so so on page 20 that's false alarm responses that's going to be by PD they're going to respond to those those false alarms okay and then well if if you can just clarify if CJ I'll get with CJ because my page numbers are different from your page numbers m d are your are yours double printed or one-sided page two then that's the one you're looking at page two yes I'm looking at page two and I was looking that is PD they are the ones that respond to FAL okay they're the change that Police Department asks for exactly right and then chapter 38 does not say the same thing so I'm going to make sure that I'm going to look to see whether it should be saying the same thing as on page two and what what page is that mine I had it 35 for you or 17 yes yeah and so if you look at the top chapter 38 says offenses right so these are two totally different things here however the prices were the same and they may have done the fees were the same before the police department asked me to change these ones um and I do believe that they asked there were other ones that they asked to change and they wanted the same thing done in the fire department but I haven't got anybody here right now from the fire department um to speak to that so I will check that email and if it is supposed to be the same I'll change it does that need to come back to you [Music] again I I think so that's my opinion just to make sure verif ver make sure we got everything accurate so able Miss attorney what do you think you can you have a couple of options you can table it and it'll automatically come back to the next meeting um or you can approve it um on the condition that direct staff essentially to investigate whether 38.7 should be updated to match 30 60-1 PDS charge as well and if so to make the changes accordingly it's up to you you can take either route okay I make a motion to the table and have them bring it back with clarification on that is it possible if there are any other questions to do those now so there's anything else needs to be changed I can take care of it also can just send email if we're going to do that okay if we're going to make those changes yeah here's a motion on the floor didn't hear a second oh I'll second but there's a motion to table this agenda item and a second um will you call the role please do we have to ask public well I guess we will uh if public have any comments concerning this tabling Mr Walker taing correct that's the motion on the floor oh there are no comments so now city manager please call the role commission War yes commission peoples yes commission perno yes mayor protim vender yes meeting adjourned